61,Gbe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Oct. 16, 1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Local Adverttsemorats. Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents line single insertion, counting seven 'words to a line. tf "To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. =I —The Methodist church at Lewis town is being enlarged. —A patent has been taken out for •tanning catfish skins. • —The Lutheran festival last week was a success, about ono hundred dol- Jars ,being, made. —P,averpents are being laid in front 'of LIM Biipitistt Mfhodist dhd German Reformed churches in this place. This is a Aleeided Improvement. —George Allen, near Lewistown, has an old English bible, bearing date A. D. 1635, which would make its age 232 years —Mr James Cunningham, of this place, conductor of the local freight, had his right hand badly injured in couplir.g cars at Tyrone last week. —The Wallingford (Conn.) commu nity make all our rat traps, and be tween July 20 and Sept. 20, shipped 74.620 to market. —A veteran of the war of 1812, named William Truax, died at his resi dence in Fulton county, on the 12th of September, in the 87th year of his ago. —We learn that our young friend Ike Hildebrand has been appointed ,clerk in a post-office car on the Penna. :railroad. Ike is just the fellow for the '•posfsh." —That was a very enthusiastic De mocrat who on the night of the elec tion rejoiced so exceedingly over the news from Philadelphia'as to jump up and-kiss four or five of the bystanders. —"Unanimous: Everybody who at tended the Huntingdon fair from this bailiwick, in the opinion that it was no 'great .shakes." Hollidaysburg Standard.—Bro. Traugh, you have no -room to talk, unless you had a fair of your own. —Mr. William Barr, of Kishacoquil las valley, met with an accident while attempting to cross the railroad near Lewistown, in a wa;•on, last week.— The locomotive struck the wagon, breaking it ar 3 d most of its contents.— Mr. B. was cut about the head. —Agricultural fairs: the farmers' daughters. At least wo thought so, not many days ago. It's no use say ing the fitrnitrs' daughterg are not good looking, for they are, (at least they aro about hero,) and what is bet ter, they are all in favor of the Union —to a man. —A call has been issued to the pas tors and brethren of the Christian chur ches in Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and Western Virginia to send delega• tions of the pastor and three laymen to meet in convention at Pittsburgh on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, ()etcher 22d, 23d and 24th next. .—The following appears in the last - Hollidaysburg Standard: "Making up tin - after the election, paper 4 - )trt - of be fore the election exchanges, is decided. 13- up-hill work." It requires so much precision and articulation to make even the above extract intelligible, that we think the truth has been told. Martin Gates, of Duneans villa, Blair county, was severely woun ded in the chest, during the late war. Ire came home and got well. The other day, ho extracted a largo brass button ;from .tho wound. The button, whfch'Wei flattened. had been driven into his bOdy .by the bullet, and had remained there fully three years. --:-The lengthening evenings, the giving hp out door amusements, and the necessities of the weather, will shortly compel us, whether ready or not. to torn to the inevitable pursuits that pertain to winter. To the culti vated mind, there is a pleasure in scanning the contents of tho county paper, which should be rind at every fireside. , —A liidy named Miss Maggie Young has been appointed Post Mistress at Prankstown, Blair county. Who says women wouldn't vote and hold office, if they had a fair chance. And won't the young men circulate around that 'ere• post office. We think the day is coming when we will have all post mis tresses and no masters, and why should It not come? --Trough, of the Standard, speaking of the election, in his last issue, says: 'Should. our hopes bo realized—and we•have strong faith that they will— ‘Woxilt, our old rooster 'get up and dust' .and shake the cob webs out of his tho ,rax, and wake the echoes with his shouts of victory You bet!" Know• dog what he does by this time, wo ex pect to see all the above and a little more too. • —We learn that a young man of Alexandria, this co., named Winfield Baker, is gathering up snakes, and ta ming thorn, and has now four or five .of the different species. His success in taming the slimy varmints is said to be, wonderful. We confess be has more courage than we have to capture Ahem, let alone taming and fondling them. We hope to hear of no deaths from snake bites, in that place. —Our exchanges are cautioning vet erans throughout the country against parties representing themselves to be sent from Washington, with instrue lions to soldiers and claim agents for the collection of additional bounties, and also stating that tho soldiers of . 1861 are entitled to ono hundred and sixty acres of land. The object of these parties appears to bo to obtain the dates, number of regiment and offi cers'Agnatures as they appear upon discharge papers; with these dates rOriCd applications for pay would pro balily be Made out. • I= There aro items of local interest transpiring throughout the county every week, which we would be glad to chronicle, if we had the facts. We therefore ask our fi lends to note down such items as they think would inter est them wore tipsy away from home, and send them to us. No matter about chirography, orthography, punctua tion, or anything else of minor import tance ; "printers can read most any thing," and make up some kind of a story if they only have the ground- work in the rough. We want the names of the writers, also, as a guarantee of the truthfulness of the occurrence— not for publication. We make this re quest in earnest, and hope it will not be in vain. COUNTY VOTE BY MAJORITIES The following 18 tho Tato of Huntingdon County for Supremo Judge compared with the vote for Governor 1867 Townships. Cleary. Clymer. Williams, Shorewood Barret., ... 35 30 Brady, ... 4 birmlnghom, 22 ... Cues, 71 ... Cromwell, 61 86 Carbon, 102 60 Clay, Conlmont, ... 1 Dublin, 96 ... Franklin, 58 43 Henderson, 6 10 Huntingdon, , 57 ... 47 Hopewell, ll 23 Jackson, 35 ... 8 ... Juniata, Lincoln, 61 ... Alnpleton, Morris, Mount Union, 1 ...8 Mt. 8 ... fi Mt. Union district, ... ... Oneida, Penn, 34 ... Porter. 105 ... 151 ... Petersburg, 2 , ... ... Springfield, 63 ... fill Shirley, 3133 .. 'fell, ... . 52 Ted, 61 Union, 40 ... 37 ... Walker. Warrioisturtrk, 91... 77 'West, 10 Total majorities, 1138 297 903 247 ttigx..Tho Tuscarawas Advocate says : As an illustration to the advantages resulting from manufactures, wo need only look to our neighboring town of Canton. Not many years ago Canton was ono of the dullest and least pro gressive towns in Ohio. Instead of in creasing in wealth and population, it was retrograding, as no ono thought it worth whilo to locate there, and the young and energetic were leaving for more progressing localities. Finally. ono man, a Mr. Ball, having invented an improvement in mowing machines proposed that the citizens of Canton should loan him $lO,OOO, to manufac ture them at that place. They did it, and that one factory was the nucleus around which the following have gath eted: Two immense agricultural im plement manufactories, one of plows exclusively, ono of stoves and hollow ware, one of paper and mower knives, one of saddlery hardware, two of fur niture, ono of horse rdkcs, one of farm wagons, ono of cultivators, one of wrought iron bridges, one of soap, be sides a large number of others more or less extensivo. An example Hunting. don would do well to follow. Thu Port Grope In Near Jerse) The following cannot fail to satisfy any skeptical persons about Speer's wine being purely a grape juice wine : PASSAIC, Oct. 23d, 1565. This is to certify that I have been a resident of Passaic fbr the past twelve years, during which time I have known Mr. Alfred Speer, and been thoroughly posted in the inanufacture by lihn of his celebrated wines, and can testify to the fact derived from a personal know ledge that his excellent Port Grape Wine is made entirely from the Oporto Grape, which be extensively cultivates in vineyards in sight of my resideneo. The Port Grape vine is a variety of of his own raising, cultivated exelusiv ly by himself, and is a superior grape. C. M. K. P U LISON, U. S. Deputy Collector Int. Rev. Our druggists have some of this wine, direct from Mr. Spoor. 4e-Maj. Johnston of the firm of Johnston & Wattson, has just returned from the eastern cities with a largo stock of goods. The Major says goods are very low, and will sell Calicoes at Sto 17 cts. Muslin Sto 13 cts. All Wool Flannel as low as 30 cis. Per sons who wish to buy cheap now can do so by giving theabovo firm a 41.1. Astonhating How it is that A. L. Lewis in Leistors new building, Huntingdon, can sell goods so oheap. Ile is selling fine Do- Laines at 12f cis. and Manchester and Pacific Detain es at only 25 cents per yard. Speees Winos Are the puro juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. MARRIED, Tuesday the Ist inst., by Rev. J. A. in the Church of the congre gation, at, Stonevalley, Rev. Joux M. ADAIR, pastor of said congregation, to Miss Burn CUM?SINS, both of McAla• vet's fort,Huntingdon county, Pa. On the 9th inst., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. CURISTOPUER DEAIII, to Miss BARBARA GEISLER, both of Huntingdon county Pennsylvania., On the 24th ult., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. R Lane, Mr. SE'r❑. MYERS to Miss KATE SPANO OLE, both of Bill valley, liunt.'co. Pa. At tho M. E. Parsonage, on the 13th inst., by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. PoTra H. LIGITTET, of nenderson twp., and Miss - BARBARA A. GREAZER, of Blair County. DIED, At Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, on the 19th of September, of yellow fe ver, WILLIAM H. DIEFFENBA cu . , aged about 29 years. Mr. Dieffenbach was well known to many of the citizens of this place. Ho was a soldier in the war for the Union and being captured served eighteen months in different prison pens of the South. He again enlisted as a private in the regular army in October 1866, and has been at New Orleans until that fatal destroyer, yellow fever,mado him a victim. Peace to his ashes. A Little Viva We already hoar of Republican can didates in .this place for all the promi nent offices to be filled by election next fall. This is certainly fixing up "the ' • slate" in time. W*•gtivP 1 TOWNSHIPS Barren, Birmingham, Brady, Carbon, Coalmont, Cromwell, Clay, Cass. Dublin, Franklin, Henderson, Hopewell, Huntingdon, Jackson, Juniata, Lincoln, Morris, Mt. Union, Mapleton, Mt. Union district, Oneida, Penn, Petersburg, Porter, Shirley, Springfield, Tell, - Tod, Union, Walker, Warriarstuark, Wrest, TOTA LE', The Election in this Count) We publish a table of official returns of this county. The full vote of the county this'year is, Republican 3009, Anti-Radical 2258. Last year the veto stood Republican 3287, And-Radical 2368. There is a falling off from the vote of last year—the Republican fall off is 278 ; the Anti Radical fall off 110. We know of many Republicans whp if they had gone to the polls would have voted against the Radicals. The regular increase vote in the county re mained at home. Wharton's majority in this district, 161; Miller's majority 250. NONE but perfectly correct machines are allowed to be sent from the manu factory of Fairbank'§ Standard Scales. This principle scrupulously observed has given these instruments the world wide celebrity, and enabled them to triumph over all others in amount of sales and at the Great Paris Exposi tion, where they have received the highest premiums. Cooking Stove for Sole. A second hand No. 6 Cooking Stove for sale. Inquire at this office. WANTED. 500 Agents to canvass for n work entitled , Sojoque," written by Hinton It. Helper, nether of the "Impending Crisis of the South." Tito object of the Mb. thor In this work Pi t4l -1" w the great dlstinction be tween the o hit. and block raees. Ile denounces negro political and social equably, and says he can no longer net otth a party that IN ould willingly destroy the greet line of distinction between the white and black races which Ood himself has established. Every person should secure a cone of this work. ALSO, 500 Agents wanted to cirentote the "Youth's History of the \Von. the only history from n Democratic standpoint. Those desiring agencies should address E. W. MILLER, Huntingdon P. 0., Or call on Mr. Martin Simmer, at the same place. August 7, '67—tf. TEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRII treated with the almost PUCCOBR, by J. ISA ACB, M. 1).. Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Iloliand,) N... SO5 ARCH street Phil alelphia. Testimoni ale from the Most reliable swum!. in the city am] c sul try can beaten at his office. The medical faculty ore in vited to accompany their patients, as lie has no secrets in his p notice. Artificial Eyes inserted a ithout pain.— No (Margo for examination. niyB-lybin ItiIARKETS. I= PIIILADELPIIIA, 0ct.14. 1867 Elipet futo Flour at $7,50®3,50 extra nt p5,50cu0, fancy exua family $10,05g12 ' and Penne3lvatud family $1 :too 13,50, and fancy brands $13,00014,00 according to quality. Rye none $0,75. Pi hoe Wheat is scares hero. Choico new at $2.25@2,40 NOIR° $2,2703,00. Ityu Ot $1,50@1,70. Corn 1,40 to 1,50 Oats at 77c. Barley malt at $1,50. Clorel seed $0,00e03,25 according,to quality; Timothy of $2,t%5®2,73; Flaxseed $2.30(§2.33 per bushel. Oct. 14 —}lour.—Thor o is a fair demand. Wo quote ealei of spring w heat Flour at $10.00010,25, winter Flour at $11,5U5 12.00 (Imo) , at $10,00014. Wheat. winter.sl4:o2.4o and No. 1 spring f2.60@2,70, Corn from first bands:at $1,32. 113 e. $1,55 pet bushel natL 65 ®.,7e4 Barley 1.16@51,20. khoulders 153( L e; sides 1932 2 e; hams 2:3(0)24e, Lard ClueAaa Oct. B.—Flout firm; ipriug extra 8,27@10,45. Winter, 1L42,50014,00. Spring IN ltc.lt in at $1,9,02,01.1. Corp I,li. 0:113, SSCIS. FINANCIAL. NEW Yon, Oct 11.—Gold closed nt51,44.34 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. COIIItITTCD WEEKLY BY 11EliItY & CO ECM I% ',MBA!. Superfine Flour. 0 .9,501 Mon Flour, old 10.50, Faintly Flour 11,00 Red Wheat, ...... 2,00 White Wlioat, old 0 0 Apple Butter 11. at per cord 5,50 Barley 100 Butter ...... .............. ....... 25, Buckubeat „. 80 1 Buck. heat Mogi cwt.. 3,50 Bran cwt... 1,25 Brooms "ti due 3,000k100. BeesM, al( lb 30 Beans it bus ^ 01 Clovereeed.ll 0.1. lbs.. —.7,00: Chickens 25 Country Soap 10 1 Corn Can , EA ...... 2.2. Dried Apples Vb. ...... —1,50 Dried Cherries 11 quart. -.12 Dried Penh. 1115.15 to 20 Dried Beef "S Kggs 113 Fattluistl lh 110 Flaxsued $2.2, lisps 11 lb ....... ..... 40 g 60 Ilani. smoked 25 nay "t 1 ton 10,00 Lard 12 1 ,4 Large Onions 11 bus ,75 Slixod Chop 2.00 Oats 50 Potatoes Iti bus 75 Plaster per t 00... 10,00 , flags - LA lb ....„ .... „„ ..........5 I Rya 1 00 ' Rye Chop 1.1 cwt '2 00 Ilya Straw 11 bundle. ..„..15 Shorts 'p, cwt....„ . 1,50 Shouldur ..„..,. ...... .., ...... 18 Sides..., "0 Callow 10 (4) 12 1 Timothy...., 3.00 TnticElys..•., ...... ~..75 67.), 1.50 Wool i 1 lb Is WALL PAPER, WINDOW Sif tpDS AND FlxToßlis, =I Greatest. variety of new elytes ever brought to the county, RECEIVED AND POll SOLE CHEAT , AT LEWIS' BOOK STORM READ AND RE POSTED ! TO TRW NETIrLY 31ARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF • New Furniture 61 , c, rpm] undersigned would respectfully MlllllOlll.O that ho manufactures and keeps constantly on hand i licgo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TA ISLES. • UUREAUS, 3IEDSTEADS, WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor am! caps seat elpilta, cupboards, gilt and toss. wood moulding for mirror and plan ro frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot foil to ho satisfactory. Ho to Rise agent for the well known Bailey .1 Decamp patent spripg Dail Bottom. The ruble ate invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wolk and sales room on Hull street, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's store. . . JAMES HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 1866 XIPZ/".' For plain, fancy and ornamen tal priTiting, call at the "Globe" Office. C:01i1" Toar SUPREMEI JUDGE. Eiral EMMI ,-. 1 4 cz ) o,g o' --1 r , I = ~%.• . 1 f . !, i &. g i a s n a,.., _ , bi ll P • 1 99 1291 97 97 130 41 20 37 38 20 103 93 103 103 94 51 120 55 55 120 17 18 21 19 15 161 75 166 158' 72 109 57 114 110 55 107 50 106 105 51 86 66 88 86 67 142 99 1 141 141 101 54' 64 50 51 63 19 42 19 19 42 285 238 288 287 233 138 130 133 137 131 48 23 47 48 24 74 1.1 64 71 18 87 60 87 87 60 46 54 46 44 53 39 841 301 371 40 42 37 1 42 421 37 66 10 60 62, 15 1141 681 114 1141 68 901 71 781 78 84 2471 SO 247 248 861 137) 104 137 138 105 901 32 92 90 33 30 118 36, 37 HS 85 40 86 85 39 88 51 85 881 52 64 81, 1 55 60 83 158 81/ 158 158 81 86 961 89 1 87 1 95 3009 22581 2969 2980 2285 2263 CUNNINGHAM & CARMON 'LATH CARMINGS 0 U EVERY bESCRIftION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SUCH AS, ALL Won VENITIAN, • COTTAGE, STAIR, HEMP , RAG &c. • rimw, undersigned would respectfully 1 announce that, in connection With their TANNERY', they hare jest oponed a Pplo nil aisortment of FINE LEATHER, Comiscing in Dort of INCA CAT.F SKIN, _, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HAIINESS, SKIRTING, &C., Togothor mith n goaoral a. , nortment or .1 1 .1@U The trade is in, Dot to roll and examine tow 'tuck, Store on HILL. street, Iwo doors west of tint Ptesltyte lon elonelt. The Ity,lott price Paid for HIDES and DARK. 0. 11. MILLER & SON. /111 t u pion, may 1, 151,7 A. L LEWIS, LEISTER'S NEW BUILDING, MiLlifitliagcicloil., Pa,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FEIGN & DOIESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. RATS, CAPS, CARPIJTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, QIITEENSWARE AND GROCERIES REMEMBER ! This is the Store, Where Goods are Sold-CHEAP. July 17, '67-tf. HAT AAS AANT - ±',D I OPEN and READY FOR BUSINESS H. GREENBERG, mwßolial - Bv va El lon, Revectfully l nfnrms the nubile that he has opt nod a new stet ein Son's Nets Building, In the Dia mond in Huntingdon, %Otero all kind, of READY-MADE CLOTHING, I'l ECE GOODS, Hats, Umbrellas, Travelin etc,, Can be found to suit all who may fayar him With their patronage. His Piece Goode are of the boat quality and will he :‘IADIf. UP f 0 ORDER in tlle most fabhionablo and best enkol and style. All goods cart Ito Imught. at A thin estAhliblonent from 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper!! It than pt any other place. 411 doeiring a good Pelt of Clothing at a fair price Gould call and examine goods and prices. All goods leaving hit establishment vitt be warranted cc, ha v. bad may be represented. ' H. GREENBERG, Huntingdon, Nor 1860. Ines:chant. Tador. . _ 11-T.WriI'ir...O7F"JMICIMIIIALie. 371 - 1-1301 COUNTY IJURY REPRESENTATIVES. I TREAS'R. Commrs'm COMNIIS'R. —NI f.---'" --- - -- . i- --- '-----s, ,------'----, Pr 1 t_i 1 5 c,' PJ j 2 _-;.). I g 2 1 P. .. ay ;F . -A agi '., -.5 glg -1 a g ti -- S 3 - :1 72 ° ri I el- CI ' U 5 w o p 1 ;, i •• p,, • -= . -w Pil ' P I *.l -.' 1 °II • ll 1301 93 90 138 129 98' 128 99 128 97 128 20 38 38 22 20 38 -20 38 20 38 20 94 105 102 94 88 103 94 103 94 103 94 1201 63 54 122 111 55 120 55 120 55 120 121 17 20 17 141 20 14 20 14 20 14, 75' 140 158 93 77 175 60 158 :. 77 1 158 78 51 108 110 57 56 115 .51 94 -72 1 109 .57 52 107 95 GO 49 107 .51 91 66 106 51 65 66 83 86 69 85 67 81 71 85 67 101, 142 142 101 98 141 101 142 100 , 1 142 100 641 51 47 67 61 28 •- 80' 48 66 51 63 42 ' 19 19 42 42 19 ; 421 19 42 19 42 235 294 268 253 217 287 -234 292 ' 228 290 224 135 138 132 138 127 138 130 •172 - 92 137 -131 23 .48 48 23 23 -48 23 ,48 23 49 .22 11 61 70 14 17 73 10 ', 72 10 1' 67 9 60j 80 :87 68 57 87 60 87 00 1 87 60. 541 39 44 61 54 44 55 44 54 1 41 55 3511 36, 37 36 33 37 34 37 3411 37 33 371 361 1 41 42 37 42 36 42 37 1 42 37 _1 1:3 66, 61 10 10 65 9 64 12' 64 -12 6811 1151 114. 67 67, 114 681 114 68 1 114 68, 841 901 741 83 681 81 8911 80 811 SO 81 85 2431 242 94 86 ' 248 85 24 7 861 247 86 103 138, 1391 103. 141, 140 102 138 1041 138 1 103 30 861 901 37 32 90 32 89 33', SS 31 117 2 , 1 351 122 127, 36 118 1 35, 119 36 118 36 86 85 1 401 381 85 40 1 67 58 85 40, 51 88 88 53 49' 88 50 83 55 88 , 51d 83; 67 54, 83 77 66 79, , 66, 79 66, 78 1 811 1561' 157 82 , 81 157 811 1571 81 15ZI B.IH 95, 83 87 9/1, 941 87 95 87 95 , 87 95 1 I—-.....-. 1 2923129111240512212112997 2255 ;296912279112986 22521 CIO NEW CUNNINGHAM & CARMON llnve received 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH NEW & FASHIONABLE GOLDS From the eastern markets. which tinny can, in all malt, sell nt lower figures than can to sold nt any other honio In [to con [ay. PRICES Tllll SA3III AS lIEFOIIII TUE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & aLevy TILE BEST HEAVY NIUSLINS Lower than thoy can be bought oublblo of rhibutelphin THEIR STOCK IS IMMENSE, Consisting of eTer3 thing that eye can fancy or heart w1:11 Conic nhiltiee their fine nesortnient of 'CHOICE SYRUP, LOWER than ever Leforo I‘Lo. EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At greatly reduced prices COME AND SEE OUR STOCK, and do not pay high pi l.'s any 1011gOr Cunningham & Carman. Huntingdon, np24 Can't Be Beaten ! Good Stock & Low Prices I JOHN IL WESTBROOK Respectfully influnts the eitisens of fitintingdon and hint lie hasjuit lecoiYed from the city a NEw and splendid stock or GROCERIES, CONFETIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Ti'lMhS, &C., &c., &C., cfc. all of which( he is prepared to tell at greatly reduced pi ices. Don't forgot the old Maud in the Diamond. Old cushy mere null the public generally aru invited to call. fluntingdon, may I, tSfT REMOVAL, ROBLEY MARSH, IVIERcHANT TAILORS. Respectfully inform their old friends and rho public geneiolly that they hare removed to the room adjoining the Post 011ie° on Hill knot, where they have r”ceived now shock of iho most serviceable DRESS GOODS, Which they nro preparul to moire op to older in the Most fiishioniiiiio Mot ngbtGiii int order. Odt and cxamioo their nosorintent of ,gooils for COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, notbropmem.kin g osovholo. They are determined to please everybody, oplo 18L7 U. ROBLEY. GEO. F. MAIMIL By Canal a Railroad. We are now receiving by Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and western cities, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every description, . CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, FLOUR, FEED, 'l= 2 3rc:" . ‘7l.4a.i.c::>ari, Of all kinds. 40 C)..ilLI_A. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top Coal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. LUMBER. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. Nails and Bar ron, at ina,nn, facturers' prices, HENRY & CO., je2G Huntingdon, Pa DarSebool 'Books of all kinds for sale Lewis' Book Store. tf. 1E187.. DIRECTOR OF Poon. AUDITORS -,... CD 0 0 1 0 C/1 o t;" =ii E Iffli IRE 129 31 94 120 15 FM IBEM MEI 2977 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. II 0 P K , I N S "Owx MAKE." After mu, p tL MAT yen,: exprrient , nod expel linen!' ins in the manufacture of WrItI,TIX FIRST QUALITY 111/0P SitlgTe, we offer our justly :tolohnited goods to merchant. and the puling hi full confidence of their :m -yrrh» it 3 over all others Ito' the Amei icon market, and thy are so acknowledged by all Who 100.0 . or &al to them. no they give Mar. filltidrACtioll than tiny other klrt and recommend rhemselveti in evei y respect. Deal er, in Hoop Skirts should make q note of this filet. Ev• ery lady who 1,14 not given thou n trial should do so without further delay. Our a.sortment embraces every stele, length and size for Ladino. :dhow., and oltildrert. Also, l:kirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Weakish's Own Make," and be not deceived.— See that the letter .1.1" is woven 011 the Tapes between etch 1100 p, and that they are staining "W. T. 110 P KIES, MANUFACTURER, 6 . 23 Altoll STREET, PIIILAD'A," upon each lane. No others are genuine. Also. constantly on handa full lino Of good New York and Eastern made Skirts at very low prices, Wholesale and Retail at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manntitetery and Emporium, NO. 625 ARCH STREET, PRIT,AVA. _ WM_ T. 110PK1NS: all STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23.25. & 27 BROADWAY, N. Y. OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN. ON TEM EUROPEAN PLAN. The S I'EVENS HOUSE is wetland widely known to the It...idling . public. The location is especially suitable to fnet chants and business men; it is in c/oso proximity to the bminess part of the city—is on the highway of South ern anti Western travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steanihoat depots. TILE eTWVENb 110USI: hos liberal accommodations fur over 300 pests—it is well fill nished. and possesses evely modern implovrmrnt for the comfort and entm tam moot of its inmates. The loon. ere spacious and well vent lated—provided with gas and water—the at tend mice is prompt and respectful—and tho table is goner ousl,y provided alit, errry del intcy Orthe season—.d mod erate rates. The rooms Inning locen relui I tithed and remodeled, a e aro °unlit, to offer extra Mollifies fur the comf,rt and pleasure of or Guests. 111E0. K. CHASE Se CO. Aug. 14,'67-Gm. Pnorairien2- g_) AINTS FOR FARE M S ND aritEns.—The Ocarina )lltteral Paint Co. are now otanufnetuting the Best, 0110.111.5 t and most Durable Paint in tn., Coats nett pot On. MIX.] ith pure I.insqed Oil, will last 11l or 15 year+ ; it 1.1 Ma light brown 01 be.totititl elmrolate color. and can be chang...l to green, lead. stone, drab. olive, or Cream, to suit the taste of the cowman,. It is valuable for Itow.eg. hat ns, fences, car nage and car :rakers, palls and wooden-ware. agrieultun al implements, e.ot tl bats, vessels and shipi' bottoms, eanias. metal rind shingle roof., (it being time (Old water proof). floor oil cloths, ( a maul one mnnfaetnrer having howl IMO. the past putt.) and ns a paint for any purpose is augury : v.l.d for body, durability. elasticity, and adhe- Shilte,s. Price $1; per bbl. or:100 lbs.. 0 Welt n ill supply a firmer for years to route. IVOlTalltell in all C 1 1 . 3 ,4 as above. Send for a cil ruler n hick gives Nil illlrlicalars. Notte gettione unless blended in n trade mark Oraften Mineral hiirit. Add ess DANT eel not 25 , 1 Peat I street, Nen Torte. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, lIUNTINOON, PA., Is NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF FLOUR Tiro pntroungr of tho town and country to resprotinfly MEM GRAIN, of every description, Bought at this mill Huntingdon, May 2, ISlin mafel7 - 15T-rig , 76l ,45 L LCLE J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 35"" 'LT JEL MT I wr ST3EI. Respectfully ire Res the attention of the Public to Ids stand on trill et., Huntingdon, in the rear of QemgoW Swatts' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufActures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per hens wishing to pinch.; will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. 4V' Also. Undertaking carried on, and Coffins to ado in any style desired. at short notice. The subscriber hoe a ND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepmcd to at teal Funerals at any place In town or country. J. M. tV 1&:. Huntingdon, May 9, 1806—tr TO TIIE LADIES. Tho Lest assortmentof Jolt reeeirtd this day front New York and for silo at the cheap cash stole of 101. 31Altell A 11110. A splendid nesortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIIVIMiNGS AND BUTTONS Just recoired this day front New York owl for sale Cheap at [rn.ty7 ] AlAltell A: 110. fIGrC).-T—OCO FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAPER, THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. SPECTAGLEs. A tine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. FLOUR FLOUR Tho beg Flour, by tho torril o r smaller iimutlily hie sale at Lewis' Family Grocery. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All hinds or country produce taken in exchange for Goods at Lewis' Family Grocery. IE YOU WANT the BEST SYRUP, go to IININQUA3I{t CARMOVS. At P • Ult,rl CUNNTNGIV M k CAIIMON'S. TREPIA , OP PM - ME 1051• FANCY GOODS - Tiolosale & THE undersigned takes the liberty of calling the attention of the public in general to his new and splendid variety of FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS wad SCAN SHADES 129 20 94 120 15 77 55 51 75 100 62 42 225 131 23 10 60 57 34 37 11 68 • 80 SG 104 32 118 40 51 78 81 95 Making weekly nurcha.es Loin the Now Yolk and Philatielpliva mai heti, I ant prepet ed to oilhi• lo toy Indy friendq of Huntingdon hnd vicinity, one of the nicest lines of Dress and Sitcfnio BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the very latest novelties ont that IS possible to bring together, and at prices to meet the views of all classes. Ladies' and Gent,' (Jawrin'e) Kid Gloves: black and mediate shades, and any particular shade and size turn felled at the shortest notice; also, a very pretty assort ment of white and colored Berlin and Llsletliread Gloves, plain and fancy tops; black Set colored 'Velvet Ribbon. first quality and common, all widths: 'While Dress 'Goode, Hoop Skirts, 'Dalmorals, Hats, Siindowns, Knitting Cotton, (all colors,) German town Wobl. Kepi') rs, Cones, Silk for lining bonnets, Bun. net Ribbons, Gents' Linen and Paper Cuffs, Collars and Shirt Fronts, as also special selection of black and fancy Neck Ties, Broadway, Chantilly Bows, and Napoleon Stocks for the aged and a fine assortment of Bogle UM.' ming. , Hosiery with roe will claim special attention to select and offer the very host &WWII and German Regular Made Goods and the Domestic and Lower Grades, Child's' fancy oneltalf lloso, &c., with that endless variety el' Small Wanes to be found in a well stocked Notion Store,. of quality superior no a linoond at prices to meet all' competition. A large stock of Boys' and Gents' Hats and Cops of the latest styles and all qualities nut prices ranging from 25 cis. so sB.oot W. P. RUDOLPH. Huntingdon, April 10, 1601. LADIES''FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA'S OLDESTALISH.Fp iVimitira,otdr3r 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, 2260 .057 - 1 HAVE• NO PARTNER, NOD CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. Patent BEHIVE• undersigned having purchased IL the exclusive right to manufacture and tell MOVABLE COMB BEE HIVE;i and to sell individual and township' rightcr, in Ifolitingdon county, all persons n ishing to pot clwe lilies of' tndieid uxl or township rights, can do so by titaklrt . g "application to them or either of them. The Rights to sell Lazg strotlo9 Original Patent expired on 11,0111 th tiny of October. 1800; nt which tine it was extended for sac= years, and oil persong having pincluPted rights under the original patent are hereby notified tlintlthey cannot lawn bully matzo or sell hives since tho extension, Thi4 live has been In ova for ovate time in several parts of the county and tans given general satisfaction.— The undetsigned would rtspectfully refer all- persons Al isiting to examine the mince, to the lotion lug pet sons who hill a them in ace. •ir.: T1.11:15 Fi,her, John noel, If W. Miller, Dott!el Wpm. lad nrf. Aggiiention4 for indivit ual or teen nship rights should be made perqonally or by letter to tin • nude , ,si:;ord qt Cove Station P. 0., Huntingdon minty. Pa. 'JOHN T. SW PIXY, .IASINAi C. SIIIIMBY, JACK:ION KNYKA RT. eptll.lnl SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females and Wealdy Persons. Used by bumlreds of Congregntions fur Church of sbill purposes. TINEYARD3--Los Angeles, California, and Passaic, New Jersey, " • SPBEIIqi+ORT GRAPE WINE, Four Years Old. This Justly celebrated mail e . ,Wine is made from the. Juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other native wino. Being the pure Juice tithe grape produced under 31r. Speer's (Jaya personal supervision, tie purity and genuineness are guaranteed. - TIM young est child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use It to advantage. It is particular ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker seg. It is in ev ery re , pect A WIN TO RE RELIED ON. Invalids use Speet's Port limps Wino; Females Use Speer's Port 0 lupe Wine; Weakly Persons Find a Benefit by its Use; Specie Wings in ilostitak eao Wacerred to other 'Mites.; Principal Office, " A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, oppoqte City Hall Park, N. It., Sold by JOHN REED,Druggist, Huntingdon. son; E= AN IMPROVEMENT IN LIGHT; We take pleasure in putting before the public a LAMP for burning fat, lard or tallow, which is superior to any of the kind over introduced. It differs from all others, as it does not require the fat to be melted before lighting. It heats the fist by a copper pipe, whtch con• ducts the he:Au:vier the fat and melts it immediately. 'thousands of tits lamps have been sold and no com plaints kayo been mode. All Lamps %minuted to give, general satisfaction, or: the motley refunded. , A rare opportunity is armed to any person or persona that flay ish to engage 'n the business. flnotingdon; and Mifflin counties will be sold lit townships s,c {anon, able terms to suit purchasers. A sample 'WAR., will Fa, nu warded to any parson on receipt of retail pries, $1,50,, and fore anted at my expon., Will either sell territory or pay agelps by the slay or piece. Agents are making from $1 to, 4;,:15 per day, for they sell very fast. They are what every person needs. All letters will receive prompt attention. Address or call on D. WALKER, Airy Dale, Ifuntingdon county, Pa.. ttil-Latup may be seen at the Franklin Rome in Hunt ingdon ; Mi. Hughes' Store, Mill Creek, and at the hotels in Caesville. selB-tf EYRE & L;ANDELL, Fourth and Arch Streets, Aro alibiing it NEW STOCK of DIRI - Y . GOODS 1867_ SIIA.WLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS; N. 11.—.10b lot 3 of Goods t cceived dally STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &C, A NY of the above articles can be had l_by afliiregsiog the sololerilieT.—litors of all kinds, an 4 sizes to salt the a awl of all. =9 AUTOCRAT COOKING STOVEL astove lryetol competition. It h a pretty pet (ern, good bakor, with largo 00 en, and idntablo for either coal or wood. Stoves fat oishisl nt foundry prices. Any per•on flog to purelmo a store Taloa cooking uto nails ran do NO, nut thu priced of all tho iitlicles 0 ill be dadurrod. All star., warrnn Sninplos rnu 1.0 SCPII - at 31r liiigho's store, Mill eel:, or at t lin reunion . ur 1i,.• not., iher. All patloi stoves fru•uwhod at low prto.s. Roy sde liyeruil at nig railroad station MEI ALL KINDS 0 CItA C K tt ns autly On mud at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'', RUDOLP lI'S LADIES.AND P . IIILADELPHIA. awe now in stare of wn Importation and factnre,•bne of the. l(}SB T and moat TTIEITT. selections or MEM ,ARIES' acid CMG 'I% WEAR, in the 'Also, a fine assort of Gent's Etr , s and Collars. in enabled to dlepose ygooda'at 'very LSONABLE PRICES would therefore , a call from my 03 of Huntingdon ty abd vicinity.% 7 , sr and Street I, ; IN NAMARA, s 7th, Eolith side, PHILADELPHIA. LANGSTROTH'S 11 PHILADELPHIA, FOR TOO FALL SALES OF STAPbE DR}. GOODS . 1) IV ILK. hir Dolo, Iluntinclion county, Pa [Evil et