TERMS OF TILE GLOBE. Per M11)1,11/ 3n•ndrance Six months three months ' = I imprtion Ono xquare, (10 lirlea,)or $ 75.... Two iiNttart Three stpares :.nmrtlix• 6 monthx. 12 months. :6 00 $lO 00 0 to 'plum. Or WY,. . . .... . . Ton spuds~ ' 6 00 0 00 15 00 Torte squares 8 00 12 00 ' , O 00 Four Near,. 10 00 15 00 05 00 Mars roluron, 15 00 0 0 00 ..... —.430 00 Ono column 0 0 00 15 00,— ..... 60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, On year $5 00 Administrators' and Executors , Notices, $2 50 Auditors' Ni," ° , 2 00 *stray or other abort Notices - - i $0 ':p3-Ten lines of nonpareil make a eguare. About -niebt words constitute a line, so that any person can ea calcidnte I:saguaro in manuscript. Advertisements; not marked with the number of loser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. Ow prim, for the printing of Blanks, natolbilla, ate are reasonably low. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS TAR; t. It W,IESTLING mom respect.- foily tendon his professional services to the citizens of II untinplnn.nna,lcinity. 0111. that,Cthe-litto Dr. Snare, TAR. 'A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located nt Huntingdon, offers hie profee.totial services to the community. Ot le°. the same 114 that lately occupied by Dr. Luden on Hill strO4. - ap10.1860 vicinity. JOHN McCULLOOII, offers 'his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon anvicinity. Offlee on 11111 etteet, one door east of Reed's Drug Store.- • - - Avg. 24 '65- 1 - 4 ALLISON MILLER, 1 , 1 16 : a DE YTIS T, line remora to fits Brick Itow oppoelte am Court norm April 14,1869. - . J. GRRNE, • DENTIST. Wiles removed to Ulster's New Building, MB street. Ilemtlneett. July 31,1667. EXCHANGE HOTEL, rpm . subscribers having leased this J. Hotel, lately occupied by 31r.:11cNulty, aro prepared to accommodate strangers, trarelors, and citizen' , in good staler Every effort 0,011 be made on our port to make all ho stop with us feel at home. AULTZ & Ma) 2,/etid Proprietors. WASHINGTON HOTEL. The nwlereigned respectfully Informs the citizens of itnntingilen county and the traoolina public generslty that he has leased the Wwhlngton Howe on the cor ner of hill cud Charles greet, fu the borough of !tun tlngclen. and he is prepared to accommodate all alio may foyer him with a call. Will be pleased to receive a fiber -al shore of public patronage. 411115111:1113 LETTERMAN. July 31,W—if. MORRISON_ HOUSE, IHAVE purchased and entirely reu ii the largo stone and brick building opposite the Peons., Dania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car reto, Finuituro, Bede and Bedding are all entirely new and Brst Clacs, and I inn cafe in saying that can oiler ac commodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. l refer to my patrons who - have formerly known me while iu charge of the Broad Top City DMA and duck- Son Hence. JOSEPH MORRUON. May Id, IS6C—tf. A C_ CLARKE, AID NT, Wholesale and Detail Dealer in all Mods of ~..inc[3a.gl l'OBA&t00 DIUNTINGDON, PA, Next door to the Franklin llouse,in the Diamond. Onintry trade supplied. aplTUi EO. W. SWARTZ, •-- AMERICAN WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, I, t. •.' =am Ac., lc.. opposite J. A. Brown's 81ernmoth Iferdware Moro. ire Watches pettily repaired and warrauted. llentinplon, Sept 18.1567 Sot WATCHES AND JEWELRY, A ARON STEWARD, Successor to (ion. NV.Swartz, Lae opened at loin old stand on Iliti area, oli• posit° Bronx's hardware store, a stock of all kinda E• of goods belonging to tho trade. Watch and Clock Repairing promptly attended' 4 '• to by practical trotkraen. ilitatingdon, April 10-Gm MILTON S. LYTT,E, ATTORNEY AT La TV, lIUNTINODON, PA Prompt attention given to all legal hnainose entrusted to Ida care.. Claims of soldiers and solditra' heirs againht the Government collec44l without de:ay. sel2'6o K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - HUNTISHDON, PA. Prompt attention will ho given to all legal businossen -trusted le his care. Mitftary and other claims of sot. Zion; and their heirs against the State or Oovorunteut collertral without delay. • OF.VICS—In the Brick Row, opposite the Court House jan.1.12037 R MoIiIIRTRIE, ATTORNEY AT Lit TV, office Prompt attention will be given to the prosecution or the ctaimi of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, agehiet thollor ernment. au22,1866 JOliz SCOTT, BAXIIEL T. MICR, JOIIN M. 11).112,1 The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & 111101rN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BATLEY, tinder which name they will hereafter conduct their practice ee ATTORITLTS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against 7 1 st l llloOßvernment, will be promptly prosecuted. ACEPICY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLA3IIIS,DOONTY, SACS PAY AND PENSIONS. ALL' who may; have any claims a gnilat the Government for Bount:r, Back Pay and na can have thel: claims promptly collected by ap plying either lu perima or by letter to 1 . W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Hu,ntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1868. JiIIN BO; R. IT. WOW, P. X. BAR; R. P. Jectuanum 40)-)N BARE, & 'CO., Bankers, HlaxLtiack.gcicorL, Solicit accounts frintif fkinirs; Dankert h others,. Inter ;At allowed on Deposits. MI kinds of Securities, bought nod sold forJhotuanal commission.. Special attention 'Oven to Go . f . !tstnent 'Securities, Collections made on points.. Persona ...depositing Gold and Silver will receive the same in return with Interest. Oct : l7, 1666—tr. NEW BOOT'AND SHOE STORE. IV M. AFRICA. ]nfarm e opened at Zordu b .::;VlVn b i: has just 41ig Huntingdon, $.l Flue Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladles; Gentlerrien and Children. All of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick Wet and man prufia. Pall and examine iny stook. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, May I, 1007. fli GEO. SHAEFFER Una just returned from tie east with a "."—' SPLENDID STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C. 'Which he offers to the inspection of hte maternare and the public generally. Ile will sell hie gee& at tho moat REASO,NABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done In the 'natant end meet ogled Lions manner. • Call upon lkfr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, few doors west of the Diamond. mpg C 2 00 ,100 2 do. 3 do .1 .£ 12 25 tl 50 wig. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL XXIII, Orattutotts Nberitscinents. [The following Cards are pullished gratuitously. Mer chants and Int tilleSS seen generally who asiscrtiss laheralty in the colnmus of Tar Wunelia. sir months or longer, wall hare their Oirds inserted here during the continuance of flair it'll erase/neat. Otherwise, special allittedd Cards in serted 01 the usual rates] , inehl3 1 y DR. lo W wM. [Cures b 13REWSTER, McCouncils- y Ellctrupatloy.] BM. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,mu: ii•ttaa Instruments, Sou fug Machin., Ifuntingdon. N. LEWIS, Dealer in Hanka, Station ,— -Id Musical Merit manta, Huntingdon, Pa. WP. RUDOLPH, Dealer ni Ladies 4, and Gents` Furnishing 900d,t, Huntingdon. 1115 - ()BLEY & MARSH, Itlerchnnt Tat'dm, Huntingdon, Po Tr GREENBERG, 31ere1lant Tailor, Iftintlagelop, Pa et 11. MILLER & SON", Dealers in all j • kinds of Fine Leather, Findings, &c., Huntingdon. Af'CAll lig . & SON, proprietors of . 1_ Juniata Steam Pearl Mill, Huntingdon. TM. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, Plain and Ot n...mental Marble Manuf.teturars. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental 3f161a Stanufacturer. JAMES HIGG-ENS. Manufacturer of Furniture and Cabinet Ware, Unntingdou, Pa. JIT WISE, Manufacturer of Furni _tura, &c., Hrintinplon. Undertaking attended to IATIIARTON & MAGUIRE, 'Whole. de and retail dealers In forolga and domestic Ilanlaare t Cutlery, &c., Rnilrold streot, Huntingdon. TAMES A. BROWN, tP Dealer in Rortleenre, Cutlery, Paints, Oita, as., Hunt ingtion, PA. VM. AFRICA; Dealer in Boots and shoes,in the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. TOXIN 11. WESTBROOK , Dealer in CI Boot', Shoee,Hoolory, Confectionery, Huntingdon. fIEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, V 1 sheen, Gutters, ke., Huntigdon. AL. LEWIS, Wholenale and retail . Merchant, Leiitor's Ne.• Building, Huntingdon. TOIINSTON WATTSON, Morell o ants, Nluiu st., oast of Washington "foto!, Iluntlogrlen fILAZIER & BRO , Retail Mer v jg chants, Washington et., near the jail, Ituntingllon. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and Li. Pro?'Miens of all Janda, Huntingdon, ra. WM. MARCH & BRO. Deniers in Dry Goods, Queensmare, Itsldunie, Boots, Shoes, Sc. CUNNINGHAM & CAR,MON, Merchants, Huntingdon, Pa. T ROMAN, e t Dealer in Rendy Made Clothing, Hots and Cops, I - 1 P. GWEN', I.]. Dealer in Dry Goods,Groceries,llardtraro, Queens Mare, Huts and Capi, Boots and Shoos, &c. Huntingdon QE. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and . Retail Denten+ in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queonsivare, and Provhions of all kinds, Huntingdon. ! For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "Gcone Jun PRINTMI OFUCU t " at Hun tingdon, ECONOMY IS IS MONEY SAVED ! The subscriber is permanently located In flnntingdon, and is prepared repurchase, or repair In the '