RIMS & AWARD iLo Ninth Annnal nay Agricultural Society to )ctober t!d, Sd and 4th, ISGT. T IST OF "M EM, CoMmtrruEs ton of t r Itintlngdon beheld at Huntingdon, on Ot 0-13 RED STOCK. Rest brood mnro, $lO 00 second best, 't third bost, 6: best 3 year old, 8 sPeOllti best, 6 third best, 4 beet 2 year old, 6 second best, 4 third beet, 3 best colt 6 months old or urter, 0 second best, 4 third best, 3 CLASS 1-1101tS1 Best etanlon, $l5 00 ottli st, IMO brit, Lest 3 3 ear old, second best, third 'nevi, bud. 2 3 ear old str.mst thir,! twit, tw.,l 3 earl ing, Lest, third bv,t 3 , 0 . 411wg. Ft,7oryii hest, thin! boat, CLASS 2—OOllllOX STOCK. host draught stallion SIO CO beat drought home or wood best, 7 mare, $6 00 third best, 5 occond best, 4 loot 3 year old, 7 third host, .7 second bcot, 6 best rlit'g here° or mare. Mild besi, S second hest, 4 beit 3,ronr old. 0 thin] best, 3 second best, 4 best family horse or third boat, 8 mare, 8 beort yearling, 4 wand best, 6 second best, S third best, 4 third boot, 2 Last pair matehes, 10 beet brood mare, 8 second best, 8 second boot 6 third best, 0 third best, 5 hest pair moles, 8 Lett 3 year old do., C mooed best, 6 second best, 4 third best, 4 lined best, 8 beet trot'g horse or mareS Lest 2 3000 old do , 5 second boot, 6 second beet, 4 third best, 4 third best, 8 host racking borne or boot yearling do., 4 mato, 6 second best, a second hest, 4 third beat, 2 third hest, 2 best colt 6 totnathei old best oralkilig horn or or MMer, 4 Mere, 13 second belt, 8 second best, 4 third best, 2 third heat, 2 The Committee resiwctfelly recommend that no person bo allowed to miter any horse or mare for more than ono premium or he allowed to t hange from one to another close, and that all stock of class No. I be charged an en trance Ice of One Boller on each head, excepting too year old ned under. And nit stock of the above animas must ho entered.on or before 12o'olock of the second day. A:WARM:4,I CONIIITITS.—A. P. Wilson,' Robert Wilton, Charles 0. Ash, David MeGarvoy, Mordecai Lionry, John Q. Adams, B. N. Blair. CLASS 2—NEAT STOOK. meg MAN. DEVON. Beat Mall, $lO 00 Beet ball, $lO 00 second beet, 0 second beet, 8 third beet. 4 third best, 6 beet cow, 8' best cow, 8 . second best, 0 , second beat, 0 Third beat, 4 third beet, 4 boat heifer, 6 boat heifer, 0 second beat, 4 second best, 4 third beet, 8 third boat, 2 best calf, 4 boat calf, 4 second beet, 8 second best, 3 third best, 1 third boat, 2 itnasera. COMMON. Beet boll, 8 00 Boat work oxen, 8 00 second beat, 0 , second beat, 6 third beat, 4 third beat, 4 beat cow, 0 best bull, a second beat, 4 second beat, 4 third best, 2 third beet, 2 best heifer, 6 best cow, a second best, 4 second boat, 4 third beat, 8 third boat, 2 begt. calf, 3 best heifer - 4 second beat, 2 Second beat 8 third beat, 1 third beat 2 boat calf a second boat 2 third best I AWAIIDINO Co nlinEr..—garnnol Ilatflold, Richard a Atorrioten, David Rupert, David Stewart, [Coterra . ' Alex ander M. Oaks, Michael Stair, Dane 31. Neff. CLASS 3-11008 $5 0010 eat chester white, $2 00 I second boat, 2 East boar, tid bea Emma best, _ ----- .- thin) beet, 2 I best berkshire beet ems', 4 Second bee% second best, 2 best litter of pigs, 8 second best, 2 Atrittnr:ta 00Bsn1szo.—Jobn S, Isett, Samuel Hyton Samuel Eby, John Zentmyor, John EiglaVoluo, Thos. E Orbison, Benjamin Isenberg. MAPS 4—SHEEP. Zest long wool buck: $5 00 best long wool owe pOO second best, 3 /second beet, 8 best southdown, 5 best southdown, 6 second beet, 3 second best, a best merino, 5 best merino, 5 socund best, 3 second best, 3 tbost lot common sheep, 5 AKAR➢t\6 CONLltivcr.--John Rusk; Lewis Stever, David Um, George ONViZIO,IIiam Wray, Jacob F. Roo ver, Samuel Neal. CLASS 6—PLOWING. lFor the best plowing, $5 00 second best, 8 00 third best, 2 00 ktrdaDrlta Coconuts.—John blieriy, Gilbert Horning, Elliott Robley, Thomas Ileiskiii, Gush Cunniogiums, Daniol hyper, Elisba Ehoomaker. CL&SS 0--AGRICULTURAL ViIPLESIENTS. Best plow, $5 00 best straw and fodder becood best, 3 cutter, $4 00 third beet, 2 second best, 2 best subsoil plow, • a best band corn shelter, 4 second best, 2 second best, 2 twat double shovel p10w,2 hest clover hillier, B second best, 1 second best, 4 best corn cultivator, 2 best bay 0 grain rake, 5 second best, 1 second beet, 3 beet bill plow, (5 best cider mill, 4 second best, 2 best sorghum mill and best wind-mill, 6 evaporator, 8 second boat, I best 4 horse threshing beet grain drill, 0 machine, 10 second best, B beet 2 horse do., f. beat coruplanter, ft , beat harrow, 2 Second best, 2 second beat, 1 beet mower and roapor,lo best wagon lifter, 2 second best, 0 second best, 1 third best, 60 AVIRDINO COMMITTEI.--tivingetori 'Robb, David Ham Moo, Job Slack, Job Plympton, 3lr. Amos, Floury (Rol sou, Isaac C. Gorsuch. CLASS 7-61FLAIN,8EEDS, FLOUR AND MEAL. host bus. white whest,S2 00 best buckwheat, $1 00 second best, 100 second best, 50 third best, 60 boat clovorseed, 1 00 best bus. mid wheat, 200 second best, 60 eeeopd best, 1 00 beet timothy seed, 1 00 third beet, 00 second beet, 60 best busbel of rye, 1.00 best barrel white wheat second best, 60 flour,2 00 best bus. yellow corn, 100 second best, 100 second beet, 60 beet barrel red wheat boat w bito sore, 100 dour, 200 aocond best, 60 second beat, I DO beat sweat corn, 100 beat barrel rya flour, 100 Wood best, 50 boat 50 tbs. corn meal, best pop earn, R. yellow, 100 second bout, 26 best 50 lbs. corn meal, boat oats, 1 50) white,l 00 second boot, 50 best 50 tbs. bnokkheat beet barley, 100 meal, 100 second best, be emend best, 60 AWARDING Cosiurrrts.--Goorge McLaughlin, Edward lee% Robert Mcßurney, Samuel P. roster, Newton Mid den, Wra.ll. Imes, Richard Ashman. CLASS S-3180ELINIGAL IMPLEMENTS AND UTEN- be and greatt st;Tariety I stoutwarowlearth• Beet 2 laorso earrings, S 2 00 beet buggy, 1 00 best set single harness, 2 90 beet let farm harness, 2 00 test saddle sad bridle, I 00 best pair of boots, 1 00 best pair of shoes, 50 best side sole leather, 1 00 best kip nod e.alf skin, 1 001 beet side beefless and tipper leather, 1 00 best lot cabinet wore, 2 00 boot and greatest varie ty of tin-ware, 1 00 Stlinnitsci COMMIE —Wi Wm. Chase, Anthony Beare Wilson, George W. Cornelia CLASS 9, NO. Best and largest variety of apples, labeled, not loss than Sof each, 51 00 second best, 2 OD third best. 1. 00 best f on 'varieties apples /libeled, not loss than 2 of each, 200 second best, 1 001 third best. 50 best assorted basket or dish of apples, 1 00 second best, 50 bast Solon fall apples labelled, 1 09 secollabettt, • 50 . . . . .... en ware, 1 00 best washing machine, 60 beet churn, 1 00 best moat vessel, 1,00 best specimen of marble work, 2 00 Ibmitcook stove, 1 00 beat pair horse shoes 50 best cornbroom, 50 best rake, 60 best shaking fork, 60 Bewail best, 2 1 5 illiam Dorris, John Laporte, r, Samuel ItteVitty, Tames a. .I—FM7/TB. best doz. winter apples labeled, 1 00 second boat, 00 beat and grenteat variety of beaches, not loss than 3 each labelled, 2 00 second beat, 1 00 beat assorted baskot or dish of peaches, 1 00 second best, 50 best basket or dish of quinces, 1 00 second best, 50 third best, 25 best collection of plume oof each labeled, 100 second boat, 50 Awamdtta C0MM1111.6.---Dr. Ins. McCulloch, Jacob Per ter, Levi Pheasant, John Van Devander, James Huey, Jackson White, John McCombs. CLASS 0, NO. 2—FIMITS. Bost and largest variety second best, $1 00 of pears, lauded, and third best, 50 not less than 3 each $3 00 best basket or dish of second beet, 200 native grapes,laboled,l 00 third best, 1 00 second best, 50 best tiasket or dish of third boot, 25 pears, 1 00 Lest basket or dish for second beat, 50 sign grapes, labeled, best dozen fall pears, la- grown in open air, 100 boded, 1 00 second hest, 50 second boot, 50 beat and largest variety best dozen winter pears grapes grown under labeled, 100 glass, labeled, 200 second best, 50 second best, 1 00 best and largest cellec. beet basket or dish of . tion of grapes grown same, lc., 1 00 ta.open air, labeled, 200 second best, 50, Awasomo Comiumrs.--11on. George Taylor, Belay Graff. Reuben .1. Massey, W . A. Fraker, Dr,(l. IV. Hew. itt,Dr;J. A. :Mind°, Simeon 'Wright. CLASS 10, NO. 1--VEGETABLES. Best and largest collet- best spotted Mercers, $1 00 Non of potatoes, too of second best, 60 sub, labeled, g 2 00 third best. 25 6eCoucl best, aOO best white Mercers, 100 fhird best, 50 second beet 60 best peck early potatoes third best 25 named mad labeled, 1 00 boot Peach Blows, 1 0 0 second best, GO second boot, 10 third best, 25 third boat, 25 best peck late potatoes, best Prince Alberts, 1 DP) named nod labeled, 100 second best, • 60 second best, 60 third best, 25 third beat, 25 best 31exieno, 1 00 best Harrison potatoes 1 00 second beet, 60 second best, 60 third best, 25 third best, 25 best Cusco 'White, 1 00 best early Goodrich, 100 second tot, 60 second beat, 50 - third best. 25 third best, . Si, best Garnet tthils, 100 hest Molittor, 1 00 secant best, 60 ,cvtiti hoot, 50 third best, 25 thirst boot. 2:, best other variety, 1 00 Lest pinktyed rurticoat 1 00 second best, 60 second best, 50 best sweet potatoes, 100 third best, 25, second host, t e t AWARDING Centnrecc.—Andretv G. Neff, John It. Gas null, lliclaud Claileme, John Modes, Shetirick Clancy, Levi {Fright, Steward Foster. CLASS 10, O. 2-YEGETABLES Beat men bagn, 501 third beet, 26 second beat, 25 beet mange' wertzel, 50 best eager beet, 50 second boat _25 eetaawl beet, 25 best water melon, 5O best:peppers, 50 second best, 25 errand best, 25 best egg gloat, 56 ta et tobacco, 501_ second test, 15 2! hoot tdrbill, coud beet, second hest, 23 bent tomatoes, 1 00 I Second best, 10 third best, 25 I best and gresteet rode . ty of tomatoes, 100 best maeltroelon, 60 • second beet, 25 I bent benne, 60 necOnd best, 25 beet pats, - 50 second bast. 25 beet fall or Atha. r let ; once, 60 t second boot, 25 best paraffins. hest cat rote, Lest onions, second beet, best celery. second best, befit cauliflower, eaciand best, best pumpkins, second best, Lest pis pomplciti, second best, beet squashes, second Lest, best Cabbage, second best, An AVMS!: COMOIITTEE:4/. R. Purist, Daniel Piper, Lor is tiergana, fleorge Hawn. (of Brady.) James Henderson, Ni.,, Prudence ;Wiesen, Mrs. T. P. Love, Miss One NOT, Sloe. Mary Shoemaker. . CLASS lI—POULTRY. Beat and largest variety I best black spanish, $1 00 of pore bred fowls, $2 00 second best. 10 second best, 1 00 best pair or trio of Pe best pair or trio Shang- lends, 1 00 lints, 10 0 second best, . 50 second best, 50 best Jaya fowls 1 00 best pair or trio of Co. second best. 50 chin Chins, 1 00 beet mixed breed, 1 00 Wand boat 00 second best, 50 best Itramaputras, 1 00 best turkeys, 1 Oil second best, 50 second best, 50 best Dorkings, 1 00 best guinea fowls, 1 OD second best, - - 50 second best, 60 best spangled hamburg,l 00 best decks, 1 00 second beat, 60 second best, 60 I best game. 1 00 best geese, 1 00 BliC0:1411,013e, 50 second beet, 50 AWARDING Costorrinc.—William Lenie, J. White Sba ver, D. S. Baker, Abram Varnish, Calvin Jones, Thomas C. Fisher, David Neff. I LADIES' DEPARTM ENT. I CLASS 12—BREAD, CANES, AC. . Best homemade broad, $1 OW best homemade bread, $1 00 second best, 50 second beat, 60 best relief butter, 2 00 best roll of butter, 2 00 second best, 1 00 second best, 1 00 third beat, . 50 third best, 60 Open to competition for Open to competition for unmarried ladies. married ladies, best bakers' bread, 1 00 boat pearl cake, 1 00 second best, 50 second host, 50 best pound cake, 1 00 best gold cake, 1 00 second best, 50 second beat, 60 beat sponge cake, 1 00 beet kaiser cake 1 00 second best, 60 soma best', 60 best fruit cake, 100 best ginger calm, 1 00 second beet, .50. second boat, 50 bestj oily cake, 1 011tbest sugar cake, 1 004 second best, 501 second best, 60 best lady cake, 1 05 beet Jumbles, 1 00 second best, 60 second best, 00 best pie, 1 00 best cask, 1 00 second beet, 50 second best, 50 third beat, 25 best biscuit, 1 01 boat custard, 1 00 second best, 50 second boat, 60 Reduced one•half. AWARDING COMMITTER.—Tt. 13rueo Pottikith Mist Lettlo 0, Fieher, Mrs. it. B. Myton, Sire. Mordecai Henry, Mrs. John T. Whittaker, Miss Mcltnrney, Mrs, J. &Wife. CLASS 13—CIIESSE. HONEY, &O. Bost cheese, $1 00 best grape nine, home weed best, 50 made, $1 CO beet honey, 2 00 second best, 50 second beet, 100 best entrant nine, -1 00 third best, 00 second best, 50 boat ham cured by best blackberry nine, 100 exhibitor and cooked second beat,. 50 whole, 2 00 best strawberry wino, 1 00 second best, 1 001 second best, 50 best bard seas, 1 oos best other limo tondo second boat. 61 Wine, 100 boat tallow candles, 1 00 coronet best, 60 second best. Oiliest domestic cordial, 100 beat dried beet, 1 00 second boat, 60 second beet, 60 AWARDING COMMITTEL—DG idre, Ada Snare, Sties Belle I Moo Eliert Hondo son, Ceorc CLASSIA—PUBsPAVVEI Beat preserved straw berries, second bent, best pineapples, eoeond best, .. best gob:moo, second best, best peaches, second beat, bast plums, second beat, bast pears, second beat, best crabapples, second beat, best cherries, second best, boat tomatoes, second best, vld l lair, Mies Mary Orbkon tarlatan, Mies Elton Frakor 0, W. Johnston. = . _ - . - beet apple jelly, 50 Second beet, 25 best currant jelly, 65 second best, 26 best splines jelly, 50 second best, 25 best raspberry jelly, 50 second best, 25 best blackberry Jelly, 50 second beet, 25 best grape jolly, 50 ascend best, 2, best elderborry"jmn, 50 second best, 25 best raspberry jam, 50 second best, 25 best dewberry jam, 50 second best, 25 best blackberry jam, 50 second beat, 25 chard It. Bryan, Miss Julia I Miss Story S. sfiton, MrsBtonebreker, itonebraker, Mrs Ellen W. AWARDING CIGIUDITEIR—ni ai.ler. Miss Ellis Asviersot George Eby, Mrs. John IL ; Et= ITER AND PICK Gio CLASS 15—SUGAR, 11 Best domestic sugar, $1 00 second best, WI best maple molasses, 100 second best, hi) best sorghum molasses, 1 00 second best, 10 third best. 25 boat tomato° butter, 1 001 second best, 00 best grape butter, 1 00 1 second best, 10 beet apple butter, 1 00 1 secant best, 001 best pear butter, 1 00 second best, 10 best quince butter, $l. 00 second best, 60 best niived pickles, 100 second best, 60 best cucumber, . 60 —..., second best, - 25 best pepper, GO second best, 25 best tomato°, 50 second best, „ 25 best cantolope, 50 second best, 20 best tomato cMoop, 1 <lO second best, 50 best cider vinegar, I GO second beet, 60 .P. White, Mire Jane MCCIII. :IS. Abram OWN.% Miss All rett, lira. Abner Anderson. IC MANUFACTURE& best table corer, $1 00 second best, 50 beat pair woolen stock ings, I 00 second best, 65 best woolen socks, 1 OD second beat, 50 best pair linen knit stockings, second best, GO best pair worsted etock l - . 00 in-ls• 1 00 second beat, 00 best pair of cotton stack. lag,, beam,' beat, 60 Lest woolen glares, 100 50 beet woolen Mittens, 60 .obert Fleming, Mrs. James Inhew Hostig, Miss 'Emily , Mrs. Jobs K. Barney. I I AlSAnvllla Contirrr.r..—A A. loch, Mrs. Isaac Otenkirk, Alt ale Wilson, Miss 'Lizzie Iloy CLASS 10—DOMES221 1 Best woolen carpet not less than ten yards each, $ l OO second best, 1 00 beat rag carpet not less than ten yards, 2 00 second beat, 1 00 best flannel not less than tee yards, 2 00 second best, 1 00 best hearth rUg, 1 00 second beat, 60 best coscrlet, 1 601 second best, 501 best patchwork unlit, 1 00 Second best, 60 best counterpane, 1 00 mood best, 60 AAVAIMING Doman nne—Di Dicker, 3lre, John Dem Met Chilcute, Mies Smell A. Loo, CLASS li—LINEN AND 1 'ABBY WORK 31,11`.4111rAC. IBS, bestworked cushion and bock, $2 00 second best, 1 00 best walked reception chair, 2 00 second best, 1 00 best ottoman cover, 2 00 second best, 1 00 beat lamp stand mat, 1 00 ) second beat, 0 60 !best Bower vase mat, 1 00 amend beat, 50 so.t 6 yards honernado linen, $2 00 second beet, 1 00 best 6 yards htten dia per, 200 , second best. 1 00, ben 6 yards towetotb, 2 001 second best, 1 00 best bomantade shirt, 100 second best, 50 best pound of linen aew•• fug thread, • 100 ' second boat, 50 AWARDING COMMITTER—Dr. J. M. Wintro , la Mrs. Voter Shover, Mrs . 11. Coyle, Mrs. IL 0. Marshal?, Miss Eliza Ctesswell, Mrs. B. L. Nell, John lb Thompson. CLASS 1.8-110NNET2, EMBROIDERY, dc. Bost bonnet, $2 00i beet .subroblered lady et second best, 100 skirt, $l. 00 bestworked child's dress, second best, 10 muslin, 2 00 best embreldered pocket second best, 100 handket chief, 100 bestworked child's dross ' second bast, 60 worsted, 2 00 best embroidered slip. second best, 100 pas, silk, 100 best embroidery on mos. second beat, 60 lin,. 1 00 best embroidered slip. second host, 60 pore, worsted, 60 best crotchet tidy, 100 best crotchet shawl, 100 . 8; Thompson, Mrs• T. A , Mrs. P. 13. Akers, Mrs. W IT, Mrs.lThlto of West. AVARDINQ COMMII7BI2.—D Ifunigur, Miss Eunice /ark Buchanan, Mu. Rudolph N, CLASS 10—SIIELLW01111, Au. Best ocean shell and I second best, 1 00 moss work, $2 00 best specimen of dry second best, 1. 00 pressed flowers, $1 00 beat Seed cork, 2 00 second best, 50 second best, 50 best specimen of wax best leather work, orna- fruits, 2 00 mental, 1 00 second best, 1 00 second beat, 50 best hair flowers, 2 00 best wax vase, 1 001 second best, 1 00 second best. 60 best seed flowers, 2 00 best vase wax flowers, 2 0111 second best, 100 Awsunum aosfurrtnx.—S. Mlles Green, Miss 11. Cress woll, Miss M. It. Brewster, Mrs. K. A. Lovell, Mrs. Was A. Ceeeswell, Mies Joraiten Greenland, dire. J.G.lfoyer. CLASS 20—SLOB AL DEPARTMENT. Best flora design, $2 fatibeet. collection vino!. second best, 1 00 um, $lOO best. WIN vase of cut lec second best, 60 flowers. 68 best collection panties, 1 00 second best, 25 1. second hest, 50 beat 'Vase of - growing ibest collection phloxes, 100 flowers, 60 second best, - 50 second beet, 25 best collection osiers, 100 best vaso of dried face- • second bast, 50 era s 50 best collection oferysan. second best, 25 them, 1. 00 bees round hand baptist, 60 second best, - 50 second best, 25 best collection of roses, 1 00 best flat boqust, 60 second best, 60 second best, 251 best bunging basket best. collectiomilabliss, 200 growing plants, 1. 00 second best, 1 00 second best, 50 best collection verbenns,l 00 best hanging basket of second best, 60 cut flowers, 100 best collection petunas, 1 00 second best. 50 second best, 50 best collo2tion of pot plants, , 200 second lied, 1 00 AShILIMNO COSIZITTEF.—John Scott, Mrs. Jas. Bricker Mrs. James Shively, Sirs. James Oaks, Mrs, B A. Green, Miss Mary Owls, bliss Rate Stewart. CLASS 21-1 Best oil painting fruit Or portrait, VI 00 second beet, 50 beet Oil painting on glees, 1.00 second best. 50 beet landscape, oil 1 00 second best, 50 beat landscape flow na tore, 1 00 second beet, _ 50 best lithograph, oil 1 00 aecend best, Al best 1:00 or pencil draw ing, 1 00 second best, 5 O Atronnum Comm:Tue.—Prof L. O. Oyler, Mrs, W.... Woods, dire. Samuel Neal, Mra. Dotter Brown, Mrs. It. R. Wilson, We, D, K. Nett, lire. MO Jackson, A premium of $8 will be awarded fur the best horserro manabip; second best, $5; third boat, $3. A premium of a riding whip will ho afforded for the list horsemanship performed by a gentleman. AwArantia COSvirrve.—John S. Miller, Chairman; Dr, It. A. Miller, &berry Stewart, Asherry Oaks, Dr. W: P. McNito. _ PAINTING. best colored crayon drawing, ill 00 second Wt. b 0 ' best India Ink draw -1 tug, 100 l second beet, 50 ' best painting in water colors, 1 00 second best, 10 I beat specimen of marina drawing, 1 00 second bast, 10 l best oriental painting 1 tieedan or italian, 100 second best, 00 AWARD . UM COMNIMH DISCISETIONARY Lewis Knoda, John K. Moto,Daniel NomeMori, Rich ard Stivarthorn, Robert Comttorti, James Katt'llan, Sam. not Wigton, Amos Clayton, Lent Evans. To the Lest Base Bull Club, a sot of Valle and Bats of beet quality. Clubs from other counties entitled to com pote. Computing clubs to mlopt their own Rules nod op. point their awarding committee. Tnomnscuvoihrshall. IV. F. Cernallolum L HITyI.I7, EMI= WHARTON 81 MAGIIIII', HILL STREET, HUNTINCOON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL PI:ALF:RS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, 611% 5 Mt, tra& Tho attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, la Invited to tbo feet that we are new offering a BETTER ASSORTMeNT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can ho found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises MI articles In thin ilne of business, emin acing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, &c., AL, tolsother with a largo stock or Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Sates, Enamelled, Finished and Plain //al low Ware. Coal Oil Lantps and _Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An eXcenent assortment or Fib a au.tlex*7', Comprising CNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA .AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS • ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA &SILVER PLATED WARE Nisch°ld, llortimdtural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, OONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR sum A T MANUFACTURERS' PRICE'S. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find rk general assortment of material for awls neo consisting In part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Botts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enameitedLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &o. 3E3T—si.Z9Anisrs..l%/JOCTI-ISS Can tie supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE A.ND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Stee CARPENTERS find in our esidtalishanadit n inaperior god: of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, • HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, /JOLTS, PULLEYS, SASII-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FllBll, (.:OAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. ]E'armarrs Can bo accommodated with everything in their lino from a Orafn lepazator to a Whet-atone. 131.xlicicm'es Aro especially Invited to call and examine nor stmls. of BUILDING HARDWARE, and Compri) Our prictm nith otLern, Agricultural Implements, Cemprieng the fiL.IIOU9 ittl.Boll Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Howlers Me Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Unkes, Saythoe, Hors, Hay Forks ' Trim and Hotter ebabms, breast Cotir 1 . 108, Curry Combs, Ones, do, dm„ Among the spricialtlea of our House, we dosire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The ezolnslieriglit to sell which in vested in us. gond foe astroulnr and get full particulars of Barn; and satisfy yourself alto superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all R 17.138 aud descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, ROpper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISIIED AT MANUFACTCIIMS' CASII PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this Owe A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By Ma keg, 1 4 ery low! 11,st Norway unit, rod, bar au hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WADON , BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, at IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, .135 the barrel or gallon, at very low Ilona AM" A call le relireCtrlMY Boliclted, feeling contl• Snit Ont. our Goode and prices will not ilia to plenlo.-631 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE Iluntiagdarn, May 7, 1967. NOTICE. jolNslioN&wArsol . TcAct,..E, pleasure4)ll antglo a j a r ! tny n a n o d tt , n l c c , i t , T t t h o m the /lava Put retatued trout the Beet with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they Love Jut opened out nt Mar new store, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE WASIIINGTOII 11.0 TIM Their stock conliets of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO. SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CRAIN, FISh, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c. They Imo a largo etoelCof LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cocctstic,,, of SILICS, NOW ALPACA A PO PUSS, LUSTRES, a INC HAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DC LAI NES, &c., Lc., &c. Also, a large as 6ortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, 1131131101 DE RY, lIOSIBRY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS We Is ill sell WHOLESALE and RETAIL All goods delivered te, residenees lu Own and depots : free of charge. aNO us n trial bents pnreliaeing elsewhere, JOHNSTON & ITATTZON. lluntlngtlon. April 81807. wf - AT VAS WAND OPEN and READY FOR BUSINESS EL GREENBERG, TdkrIIILEIABIr 42U1OUL Respectfully informs the public that he has opened a now atm° in 'Fisher d Son's New Building, In the Dia mond in Huntingdon, uliero all kinds of READY-MADE CLOTHING, PIECE GOODS, Rats Umbrellas Traveliag Bags etc Can ho found to suit all who may facer hint with thew patronage. His piece floods are of the best quality and hill I e 114.01:1:11' 20 OHMIC In the most fashionable and best make and style. All goods can be bought at 0 1 this establishment from 10 to 20 per cent. Cheaper 1 than at any other place. Ali desiring a good suit of clothing at a fair price should call and examine goods and prices. All goods 'cll.' ng Lis establishment mil he warranted to be is hat ran Lo represented . II CIRFIeNRI 110, Huntingdon, Nov 21,1820 Merchant Tailor . IV/TS/BIC , .€llllCrrit.lo., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. " BM. GREENE bas removed his 'innate Store, to the second floor of Leister's where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY SONS' and GAIIIILIVS Piano Aleut:tincturing, Company's PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS mad CARIIART, NEEDHAM & COS' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Motes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &e., &e. SHEET MUM - C.—Ho is constantly receiving from Mil. adelphfa all the latest music, which persons at a distancs wishing. can order, and have sent them by mail. Also GROVER h BAHRIVS Celebrated SEWING MA CIILNES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sowing, embroiders perfectly; sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sewing Machines fully instructed In the use of them. • • • • • .. 483- pianos *and Organs Warranted for floe years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are in vited to call and examine mho before purchasing else• it here My prices aro the same 83 in New York and Philarlelpttia. Cirrulare of Instruments or Maehillea, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. 31. 011.P.ESk, gm street, fluntingdon, P 3., mayB:67 Second floor of Mister's new brick building XXICTIG'X'XiItrr.I:DC ,I %I" 1E MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER lbw/rig entered Into partnership, Inform the public that they are prorat ed to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, lIPADSTONES, also Building Not k, at a low prima Ira any chop in the county. Orders from n diatom° promptly attended to. Shop on I'iIIFFBIN atreet, a fery tioord coat of the 1.0 thei on church nt r 116,1867 AfArtBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens ol fluntingdon and tho adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marldo now on hand. Do is prepared to furnish at the shortost notice, 31onomontal Marble, Tomb, Tables autl Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro.. into doPices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window SHIN Ac., will be furnished to order. 111. pledges himself to furnish material and merle monthly equal to any in the country, at n falr price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on the otner of i%lootguirtery and Malin a e.. Huntingdon. Ea. WM. WILLIAMS. Runtingdea, May 161955. 1 1867. 867. .$ •V' 4 4, -000- HA.9.DWAR7I, I STORE, HUNTINGDON ) PA. ,5*........_ •• /,, : 4, 4114 . 0 9 P‘•-; ; .?,..BRo t p, a, c:7 DEALER. TN 4 ; q 04-1.... .. Huntingdon, / o f ".•-• ~._.... pr.:CN'A. ..,,,, e It.. . '• •.,; 4 , . JAS. A. BROWN Now located In tho aplondld storeroom In his new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDINa, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Mid nt WHOLESALE and RETAIL art Itanienso stock and endless varitty of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints / Oils / Glass* i l l T REDUCED PRICES. imnymN yISAIt.9 diligent attention to business to the hardware trade in this One; is given me an export. once that:enables me to secure great ad vantages for my customels ha the gelociton of the health:Ward brands and retiatic qualities of goods. Buying for Coal direct from the manufacturers, and be log in almost daily receipt of goods, bought since the de cline in prices, I eau offer rare advantages to buyers. 313- stock embraces a general assortment of TOOLS AND IIATERIA.LS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, &ateliers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, li'ou»drymen, And all other kinds of Mechanics. B UILDERS ',cm and hi., a 'superior stock of Zonstil .151,xxcl. LOCKS, BOLTS, SORE WS, IHN . CIES, FINISHING NAILS; Glass aid Putty, Oil arid Paints Mora of an t. Brushes, Varnishes, Sc. l 3 ;gas cut to any Cik.RPITNTERS ,Silt tecct,i stock of Disston's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisels owl ['lamp!,lSO°, sconces, Augers, Auger Bite, 'Ganges, Saw sets, Itatcht.ts, }Oilstones, Fltes. BORING .11011.1NES, will, two cranks and three an gers to met.. FOR 11.0USEKEEPERS I lino n line satiety of enameled, Tinned and Plain 1101.1,01WW,1.1tE, Pans, Skillets, Bost Pans, Sernb Brushes, lions. liens Kenton, Bath Bricks. Iron Ten Kettles, Knives and Fonts, Coal Buckets nod shovels, Tea and Table Spoons. Brittnnnin and SILYBR-PLATED WAllll,Table Canons Braes Stair Boils, stud it splendid stock of Harrisburg STONEWARE, Including crocks With lids no large as nix gallons. Also, the Challtpion cod TlyBgl Clam lirinor, With ft late Improvement. This is now the very best oral most desirable Wringer In the market. Having Cho agency for this pines Iran tell them strictly at the man ufacturer's prices. All warranted. El - ACK:SMITHS win NI supplied with . (Corse shoes, torso nails, stocks and Dios, Norway Nall Rode, Hasps, Flies, Iron and Steel Anvils, Battrocees, Vices, Bellows, and otlior tools to their lino CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will Lod a supply of Carriage 011 Cloth, Carriage and Fire 'Bolts, Trimmings, Seat sticks, Drop black coach 'Varnish, Balloon, Spokes and Hulk', Dash and onninolod Lonthor, Shaft*, Tongue% Spoke Angara, Sleigh Bunuero,lronders, rind other materials. =MMMI Comm Icing Table Knives and ForkB of beat Aznerion and English styles and finalities . , Carrera' Dutcher knives, Razors, Shears Scissor., Pruning KuWas, and Pruning Shears, and the largest varlotly of styles of POCKET KNIVES To be found in nontral rennoslvania, including Woo fenbolm'a famous In cutlery. SITOEM.AKERS As heretofore will find twit the boot nosnytment of Toole and Findings In Moir lino of trado, consisting of Efurarners, Pincers, Lasts, Pegs, Ands, Ittee,cring., Sttetta nod straps Eyelets, Shoo Tbleall, Forepart and cheek Irons, Wax, Bristles, lluroishele, Welt Knives, Steel and iron Shoo Nails, .'itching Gauges, etc., • Round head nails, dc.i SADDLERS & HARNESS-MAKERS Aro also provided for. Enddlo Trees of filo best Nils. burn notko, Girdling, Straining, nod Rein Rel.!, Stlrtopi, lames, Pad Taro, and a foil v.vrioty of Bilver, Drau sod 3npannoil Harness Mountings, &0., &a. FARMERS And others will 800 that my stock comprfaes many n•o fel articles in their Ms, such SO Scythes, Bakes, Spades, Pointing axes, Shovels, Forks, 1101,t, Grindstones; Wove wire, Oarden flakes, !form halves, DI SSTON'S MILT. SAWS, Trace Chains, Ilalter,elmins, Circular. Crass,cut, Wood Curry combs, Horse bresileil and Meat SOWS, Wagon Jacks, 'Post Augers, Shovel Moulds, Mann's rocas] Trowels, ac.. Also, two or three klOds alba beat HORSE HAY FORKS. !Sado in too Untied States and by which 7n load of bay eau he taker from the wagon to the mow in about five minutes. TheSo fucks save.labor, hay and money, and no thrifty farmer ado afford to do without ono. no EXC,'ELSIOR FORK has been eatensfrely used and gives great satisfaction.— I warrant all the forks I sell. . CORK LAMPS&LANTERNS COFFIN LACES and all Trimmings for Cabinet-makers CHEAP WOODEN' PUMPS. The merit of tltese pumps Is shown by the feet that the demand for them to tepidly Increasing everywhere. There is no iron in them to corrode and injure the water. They are light and convenient, so that every wan can put in his own pump, tho whole only costing him about one half the price at other pumps. rumps, and wooden pipe to snit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of dem. Glee depth from floor to bottom of well. Terra Cotta DRAIN PIPE, nor Air REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOK STOVES, of any pattern JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forgot the SIGN OT THE I' A,DLOON. IluntinVon, April 10, lECT: Tibilabdpidia ,)btriistnitnt,s. FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST! NO 0,12!! NO DAMPF,I?S!! =MU J. .REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner 13th & Filbert streets; PHILADELPHIA, I'A., Solo Manufacturers of tho Celebrate WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING H E A T E WITH PATENT DUST-SCREEN For ease of management without any damper", burn- Way, Simplicity, And Economy, this heater has no en. parlor in this conittry. 'Titornrooii gunranteal to giro satisfaction. Eatimatos mode Poo dollars°. Coding Ranges, Latrobe Beaters, Slate Mantles, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, • Registers, Ventilators, (te Saud for ono otour Illustratod rampbiota. fripl.6.ly SILVER'S WWI POWDER SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONE Y. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD .10T1t Pt - rum:. Mr IT! Address all orders to tho Manufacturcra ZIEGLER & SAIITII, chonigs and IV7totasate Druggists, nich2.o.lY N 0.137 Nth. Third Street, Plillad'a. GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS Mothers, aro 3 on oppressed with anxiety (or your little once? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries? lon you nwalio in tho morning itnrefrodied am? ap prehensive? Moo, proeuro At once A bathe of Dr, 1,1 , 021'8 Infant Remedy and you will ham no-more weary boors of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY', Has stood the test of years. Thousands or nurses and mothers hear witness that it sorer fills to give r• lier if used in mason. It iv a mild, yet aura and speedy core for Colic, Cramps and Windy l'ains, and is invaluable tor all complain to incident to Teething. - Sold by Druggists throughout the United Status. Ad• dress all orders to SOLE PROPRIETOR M. No. 137 Nth. Third Stroot, mli2o•ly Q, S. CAUIPBELL & CO .) Igaufacturillg -CONFECTIONERS, and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &C., i.Vo. 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. AZNAIqo manufacturers of nil kinds of MolaSsea Candy arid Cocoanut work. ' seleGu-ly BILLIARDS 1 BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, . Respectfully informs the public that he hos opened for their use his new and elegantly fitted up Billiard Boom. It contalos FOUR NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S MANUFACTURE, superior to any now in the city. Tide Billiard item challenges compartsen wit!? nny room in the State, nest of Philadelphia. No more Bald Heads ! .2V9 more Gray rocks DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER Is pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation for the flair. It is n positive more fur Bold ness, eradicates Dandinff mod Humors, steps tho hair from falling out, and speedily restores ()ray Locks to their original hoe and luxuriance. It operates on tho Iterations and fills the glands with now life imst coloring tnattor. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few ai•Plicatione, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes tho hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and Intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dressing it has no equal.— The solos aro enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and yonng of both sexes. holdby Druggists throughout the United Stakes. Ad dress all ordos to ZtIG.L.ER & SOLE PEOPRIETORS.' 137 Nth. Third St, Philadelphia nichakly BEALE'S Late Powell's Embrocation, For all Diseases Inoldent to 110RWES, CATTLE, and the HUMAN FLESH, Requiring the use of an External Application. This now Compound, prepared by a prAtical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medienl virtues of eneh ingredient that enters into its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind over yet offered to the Public as an external application for,the diseases for Which is is reusnimended. We are sritlitfled tint it will Work its own road into the confidence of ell whet use it, and those who try it once will never be wlllsont It, and therefore WO rely on experience es the best test of its use fulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who hare tried it to be the heat application esor used. This Tun twee/Atoll him been put .up for over eight years, and it, to only through the increasing demand and urgent request of my blends and the Public that I send It forth as the grand remedial agent for the Serials diseases to which that noble and useful animal, the home, in subJect Many remedies hare been offered to the Public under different forme, some of these ace injurious, others at beet of little use, and many wholly improper to answer the urpesea for which they are recommended. A indiction and really useful composition, free from those objections, hoe therefore long boon desired by many gentlemen at he data valuable heroes, and aro unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and, pretended Farriers. Theta wishes aro laughs fully iretllled, by Pr. Peale bting pretalled upon to allow Ole valuable Fonbreention (which hes proved Co vilialCIOUS to the Vari ous diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the pub lic. This Dinbrecation wan extensively used by the Govern ment dnring the veer. AILISCIBS nit Orders to ' Dr. EDMUND MAYA. gouth Second ;trot, Pitileriulptdo, Sor ease at Lewis' Book Store, end by Store keepers geoornlly. mny 1, '6i-6m, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALL Mt DUITINDUISIIED Arriocas AND MILIAN'', FOR SALE AT LNITIS' BOON AND STATIONNNY STOKE FOR. TILE LADIES. A superior article, uf Note Paper and Enrelopee suitabla for confidential correspondence. for ealo at .L.EIVIS , DOOR 6 STATIONERY STORE. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! The boat Plour, by the barrel or smaller quantity fur ado at Leah' Family Grocery. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds of country produce taken in exAange for Goods at Leath' Family Grocery. Z 1? YOU WANT the BEST SYRUP, so to ctis:imoniat &,emtmovs..4 ; = Z4g. PENNSYLVANIA -R TICS} OF LF,VTI6 OF SUMMER ARRANO A WESTWARD. tg yi.z. rtj =-"-, 19) '''4i: s kriatis. Hamilton, SIE. Union,... Mapleton,..... Mill Creek,... truntit Petersburg,. Ilarree,.. ..... Spru eC wh o Tyrone, Tipten,......, Fostoria, Beira M 4 Bb j .W. 8 In fi The A. M., The 4 70 Vie 7 40 P r LIME 13n. irri yes at .116 exert 'stens mil arrives at LINE Nle sad arrives ul 1674 and Ai Overt. . M. at FAST . U., at 28, 18( twat,' leaves Altoona at ittinplap at 4 41 A. sr: , '9 Eastward leaves Altoot t Itunanzdan at 623 natward, leaves Huntingd, t Altoona at 861 P. M. • HUNTINGDON - & -BROAD TOP HAIL:ROAD. On and after THURSDAY, SEPS.I2rtI,ISGT, Passenger Trains will nrriro and depart.as Mors : MAIN 9, DOWN TRAIN#. ' ACCOSIN.I , Man P.M. I A. -M. A.M. P.M.. axalirgi. EMI 60 Le 0 00illontingffon, 0 12 8 20 MeConnoßatown ..... , 0 22 8 72Pleasant Grove, 6 41 6 48 Markkaburg, - 1 7 00 9 03 Coffee Run, ' 7 10 0 11 Rene! & 22ewi5,...... 7 25 0 22 Cove, T 301 0 26 Vieher'e Summit..... An I 4sl4n 0 431„,,,, 0n , .. iLE 9 50j • , --- -.. . 10 10111.1ddleaborg 10 18 llopewell, 10 34Piper's Ilan, /0 62 Tote/grille 11 oa Moody Run, AR Ii 15 noun/ Dates, EltOUP'B RUN 1111.ANCLI. • LR 7 , o !ts 10 00 1 3a:ton Its 7 4514 s aOO 8 05! 10 15COolttiont 1 7 201 2cs 8 10; 10 20 Crawfo 1 720 • 235 tso ti 20,42 10 30 Dudley r , d, ,tat 7 15Its 2SO 1 ' illrond Top e1ty,.....1 ' ItuotingOon Sept 9, 1807.• • Joris mitua' d*,rq,k1R.:,41 4 , 410 (WV READING - RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, APRIL 8, 1867. • p REAP TRUNK LINE•RROM THE North and Nortit-West for PilnADELPItta, NNW Vona, READINa. PoTTSTILLE,TAMEMa, AeftLAND, LERINON, ALLENTOWN, HASToN, EPIMATA, LANOasTER, Count& Ac.' Truing leave fiarristairg for New York, as follows At 3 00.8,10 rind 9 35 A. 51-, and 210 and 9,001'. M., constant log with trains on the Pennsylvania 11 1 1,arrIvint4 at New York 5,00 and 10 10A, M., sb 430, 5,20.10 25 P. M. Stooping CBlB accompany 11103 00 a m and 9 00 p. mArains without Change. Lame llarrisburg for Rending:, Pottsville,' Tamaqua, Mittersville, Ashland, Pine Grove. Allentown and Phila. dolphin at 8 10 A. 51., and 210 and 4 10 P. M., 'gapping at helaintn and to iticipal way etatione; tho 4 10 p. tn. train malting connections for Philadelphia nud Columbia. only. For Potts% illo, Schuylkill Ilaven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Stpaptehmtna 1t.12., leave Ifarrisburg at 3 20 P 51- itaturniug, leave NEW.YonIC nt 0 A. 51.,12 Noon, 5 dis P. 51; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. M., nod 3 30 P. Id; Way PR.. Fenger train hmvai Philadelphia at 7 30 A. of. returning from Reading at 0 30 p. ar,, situps at all stationat Pottsville at 8,45 A. 11.. and 2 45 I'. 514 Aldiland 0 OD and 11,30 a na, and 1,03 I' Tarnaqua at 9.45 A M., and 1 And 8.55 PM. Lonna Pottsvillo for Ifarriebnrg, Via Schuylkill and Sustinellatma Railroad at 7,00 a m. An Accommodation Pa9aonnor Train leant' READING at 7.30 A. 51., and return, fl ont I'IMMILVIIIA at 5,00 P. M Pottsville Acooninsodelian Train; Loaves Pottstown at 9,20 a, m., t °turning leaves Philadelphlapt 9,30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 100 A M., and 0 15 P. M., for Rphrata, Litla, Larteastor, Col umbia, .to. On Sundays. lonic New York at S 00 P. M., yhlladil• Odd, 8a In owl al5 P. 12 2 tho $a In train running only to heading. Pottx,illo S A. M., burg,o 35 a m, and Howling 120, 7 20 n, In., for Marrisburg, 11'2 2 a m for New York, owl 4.05 p.m, for Yhandolphin.- CoMMTATIOX, yiyt Bent, SnAtltnt, SCROOL, STA EXCURSION TICUTS 10 Mill froffl oil points at, MUM ratan. lla.lgo chocked through : 80 pounds lloggago allowed e a „ ch lholsongor. G. A. NICOLL% Rending, April 9, 'SOT. Conerai Superiniend,:ne 1867. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN• MEI CLOTHING SPRING AND SEULMER, JUST RE.ftlYral H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING sraeli. Per a entlernen's Clothing of the beat material, and moat in the beet workmanlike manner, call at 11. ROMAN' oppoalts the, FrankMo House to Market Slipire, Huatinek don, Pa. Hun tingdos hp. 10,'07. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE IVETVI, Y MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT ny New Furniture, Ix. THE undersigned, would respectfully Ruin:mace that ho mantas' tures and keeps constantly on hand a large mut splendid assortment of MUM AND IIitfIARFAST TAMA _ „ . MM=l EtEmca . _ . WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cone seat chnire.,cupbearde, gilt mid rose wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articlea not mentioned, at prices that'eaunot fell to bo satisfactory. Ito is also agent for tho well known BalloY A Dectimp potent opting Bed Bottom. The public aro incited to call and acanthi° his stuck before purchasing elsewhere.' Work and sides room on.lllll street, near Smirk° one door west of Ycnter'a store. Ituntingdon, Ang.l, 1866 SPECIAL NOTICE. To . THE LADIES.:-:—Po you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly ,because' the rebel Jell Davis, wan oapillred ip Fiishionable Female attire? One moment's calm reflection Will Surely scree to Change your rash resolver. The angels had too ranch good sense to lay aside tbelr'buro chaste reties of white, because they had for a time served to hide flUideformitip!of tl Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in followlug.t4, caempleof Angels! - Thouheilog made up your mindst that yule will cautious to dress tastefully regardless et rebel acts,,.do O r a forget to cal oftii store of 'the IsubsMs. hers, who will be happy at estl:tirkei to futnieh gois' eoitli such articles of dress as yea may desire. Ilrge , Yorif NO, ers, husbands, brothersoseiglibore and children to visit s the same stoic. They can here be suited In goodArticloot of poets, Shore, Clothing. Material, Ifßts, Caps, ,Quevnit wsro and o 'gimeral ossortibmt" Of Uroceries, en im Neu- Venable ternii as at any house in town. :Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, • any 31, 1885. :FRANCIS D. WALLACE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. _THOMAS N. COLDER. - - The undersigned haitoelilOW entered into the orders on the shortest. notice. alt Umea to • , TUGS. N. COLDER. Atexaudria, Oct. "3. 19813-tt EVERYBODY MUST 'LIVE! CALL AT LEWIS' PAI)I4"LY ,qI2OCERY. The best of everything will be contently )iept on bent% and soul et the lowest prices possible. Quick sales said - „ malt PiVa tB. CHOPOE.-CANDIES, Of all - kinttEroi sale'velublestile and refill '46 7 Lo""iile it. Co'syamilyOrocery. ~ , ' " fIROICE Teas, Coffee, Stiees - fititt Vplolama, for Bale at 'Mute Faupiff.Ortmeetp. L ROAD.- "MAINS . ZASTITARD - - - 11 .1 4, Eel IMM 03 MEI 22113 = A 941 38 0/5 . 4-25 908 418 8 48 4 os . 8 33 3 4EI. 823 341 08, 3 12 , 8 031 All 7 45 88 3 10 493 00 - 241 233 818 - 1 49 1 Ica 470 PE, Rapt 1867.- T6ISEB 111001118
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers