Etje .HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Sept. 25,1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL 'Mooed Advertisements. Advertisements (puffs or notices) 'published in local columns at ten cents a line single insertion, counting seven words to a line. tf: 'To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa- Ter marked with a t before the name - will understand that the time fur - which they.subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will ^renew their subscription through the mitil or attioiwise New Advertisements in this lean° •:, Sce . oppatae page. "TM Notice to Lumbermen, Miners and others. The Radical candidate for Senator. Brief Item* —Preaching in the Ep;scopal Church, orinbxt Sunday morning and afternoon. z—A. telegraph line is now being erected between Tyrone and Lock Maven. —Charley Artley, a son of Mr. Daniel _Artley,tfell off a bridge sad was severe • Ry injured, but ho is now ,recovering. • —We 'have xecei‘Ved from k.r. Ja mes "Terry, this borough, a basket of the liargest tomatoes we over saw, for Isirlich he has our thanks. They will boar off the palm, we think, at the fair. —S. M. Aultz, proprietor of the City Hotel, Tyrone, accidentally fell through an open hatchway in the Bank, at that place, on Thursday last, and islocated his right shoulder. —All the fairs of the neighboring -counties of Bedford, Centre, Clearfield, And Indiana, aro to be held on the 2d, :3d and 4th of October. Huntingdon - heath° same da3:s. • —TIM Brethren of Veranda Lodge I. 0. of 0. F. No 532, Altoona, visited Juniata Lodge in this place on Friday evening last. They had a general good time and returned home in the morning. ' —lf politicians and office-seekers want the use of our columns they can be accommodated upon the same terms -as other persons who want to make money. Our advertising rates can be Sound in another part of our paper. —EVery day (Sunday excepted) for •two weeks past, from twenty to fifty, (more or loss) squirrels, have been brought to town by hunters fond of tho sport. They aro numerous this year, and the squirrel hunting fever runs high. —As everybody will be in town next week we hope those indebted to us will give us a call. Those who are square or in advance upon our books we will also be pleased to see, and wo hopo they may have a pleasant time gener ally during the Fair. --The Fair grounds are being hand somely fixed up for an extensive exhi bition, and we predict a Brand success. Everybody talks of bringing something ,for exhibition—the right talk, and wo 'lope they will not fail to be on hand iin good time on the first day. - •—golly, of the Tyrone Bulletin, says in his last: "We once went down the Susquehanna on a raft, and we think we Cftn steer clear of shoals and stags political." He should re• member that ho has a more gossamer like vessel to steer than a huge and cumbrous raft on which he "went down" (how ?) the Susquehanna. —The candidates for office will be in town during the Fair, and we sup pose they will want to be seen by all the voters. •We • propose that they have themselves entered and properly labelled, and answer no questions; or .if..they, prefer to make pledges, to make only such as they intend honest ly to adhere to: .—We have received a"photo"of "Our Rome on the Hillside," a water cure Institution, pleasantly located at Dan ville,- Livingstone county, N. Y. This is ono of the largest institutions of the kind it, and has met with good success in the treatment of the sick. Rev. James C. Jackson, M. D., is the Piincipal. --Our guardian-like city dailies will no doubt be gratified to I earn that there is'no diminution of the zeal of the gal lant knights of the Tourney to make the affair at the Fair a grand success. Their remarks have only tended to re doubled activity, for which we feel thankful. May those dear editors be here to see. , —The Republicans Tropose to bold mass meetings at Cassville on the 24th, at Petersburg on the 25th, at MeAal vy's Fort on the 26th, at Orbisonia on the 27th and at Huntingdon Furnace en the 28th, to commence at 1 P. M.., each day. The_Democrats, we under. stand, do not intend to hold any pub lic meetings. ' - —The Tournament which came off in this place last week has been rather roughly attacked by some old fogy in Ihe Philadelphia Inquirer. Whether Ate a Southern amusement or not, we want Co see it repeated. The par ties engaged in the amusement are quite as loyal and respectable as the editors of the Inquirer or any of its patrons. New Good. It would be well for the farmers to call at Cunningham & Curmon's before disposing of their marketing as they give a shade higher for all kinds of marketing than any other House in te:wO,iard at the same time,. they sell all kinds of goods lower than any oil . or establishment in the County. They pave just returned from the East with a very large stock of fall and winter :goods which is, by odds, the best selec tion we have seen this season. Far mers, when you come, call and see their stock 'of Muslim', Calicos, Dress Goods, Sugars, Coffees and especially their choice Syrups. All of which 'you can ~.get in exchange for_marketing. /far Boarding wanted for a gentle man, wife and three children. Address Tips 514, Pittsburg, Pa. ? P. 9. * Musical• We advise any of our friends attend. ing the Fair next week, who want a good Piano or Cabinet Organ to call at the Music Store of B. M. Greene, and see and hear the very fine Piano of Steinway & Sons, and Cabinet Or gans of Mason & Hamlin's, he has on hand. These instruments each took the first premium over all their com petitors at the Paris Exposition this summer, and no ono should fail to hear them. A very fine performer will be at Mr. Greene's Store during the Fair, and will take pleasure in showing the instruments. The truly. celebrated family Sewing Machines of Grover & Baker can also be seen there. These are the only Sowing Machines that both sew and embroider perfectly, Don't fail to call at Mr. Greene's Store, second floor of Liestor's New Build• ing, just over Wharton & Maguire's Hardware Store. MrThe grading and bridging of the Tyrono and Clearfield Railroad, north of Philipsburg, will be completed by the first of January next. Messrs. P. dc T. Collins, who are the contractors; deserve credit for the energy they . have displayed in putting this impor tant work through. They have about three hundred and fifty hands employ ed. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany have the rails delivered at Philips burg for the laying of the track. The sills are being rapidly got out, and the track laying will cothrhonee on the first "of:Novembcr. By the first-of January it is expected that the cars will bo run ning to Woodlands. This now road will add vastly to the value of real estate in the neighborhood of Philips burg, open a new and extensive lum ber and coal district to the market, and give a great impetus to the business of this section of the State. Species Port Grope Whir The mildcharacter and superior ton ic properties of the "Port Grape Wino over those formerly used by physicians have deservedly created for it-a place in our sick rooms and hospitals. Gov ernment now uses it. The Sanitary and Christian commissions use it; and Mr. Speer in producing so excel lent a native wine is a benefactor in MR line. His business is now very ex tensive, and what with drawing off and bottling, packing and box-making, quite a force is engaged. To the remotest part of the country his cases are sent, and by means of his medicinal and Sacramental Port Grape Wino, the name of Alfred Speer has become 'everywhere a familiar house hold word.—Paterson Guardian. Our druggists have some of this wino. Waste Nothing If you are a business man, waste not even the newspapers in which you ad vertise; hut, after you and your family have done with them, send them to your friends and acquaintances, and to merchants scattered abroad. You will find it to your interest by so doing. Like bread cast upon the waters, after a while the attention thus confer red upon others shall return to you fourfold in substantial business benefits. Nowspapors aro, par excellence, the great advertising _ mediums .of the world. Other modos of advertising, doubtless, do good, more or less; but the newspaper,exceeds all others com biped in efficiency and results. Gone East Our friend Wm. March is now in the East buying a large stock of goods foi• the fall trade, and expects to have them on his shelves at the opening of the county Fair, when he will be ready to soli them a trifle cheaper than any oth er horse in town. Ile will purchase goods especially adapted to the wants of his lady customers, and respectfully asks their patronage. Wait for March's stock, if you want bargains. Old cus tomers will consider their beavers tip pod fur past patronage, and their country friends aro cordially invited to call. The Bee Hive Langstroth's Patent Bee-Hive will be on exhibition at our County Fair and all persons desirous of purchasing borough or township rights will have an opportunity of doing so at that time. The live is certainly the best in use. From 35 to*4o pounds of honey have been taken from a single hive Oat swarmed in June. Don't forget to in quire for tho'Langstroth's. Beo-Hire when you come to the Fair, and if you are wise you, will secure a right to use it. 2t. Special Notice to our Friends and Pat rons. Before purchasing elsewhere, ,call and examine the Wal! Paper, at Blair's Book Store, on Railread_Street. The stock consists of new and beautiful patterns brought on especially for the fall trade. A full supply of Oil &paper Window Shades on hand. N. B. You will find the prices of pa per considerably reduced. 2t. Mammoth Celebration. A Union Celebration will bo bold in Oakland Grove, at Marklesburk, Penn township, on Friday, Sept. 27th, 1867. Three large Sabbath Schools will be represented, and the occasion is full of promise to all lovers of that Glorious fleavenborn Intitution, the Sabbath School. The public is cordially invited to attend. Ita.,The largest, best selected, and cheapest stock of first quality goods ever brought to Huptingdon, will ar• rive from Now York at the fine rooms of Fisher & Sons this week. Persons wishing to select from the best stock between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will please call. 'The Mite society of the 111. E. Church, Huntingdon, will have a table on the Fair ground during the Fair, at which they will furnish Dinner and Supper. Oysters served in the beet style at all hours of the day. The pa tronage of the public is respectfully so- Tribute of Respect. The following resolutions were unanimous ly adopted by Saxton Lodge, No. 275, 1.0. of G. T., Sept. 16, 1867. Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God in the dispensation of his Providence, to re move from the world our worthy brother Wet. 11. RUSSELL, and to remind us by his death of the uncertainty of life, and that we who re main are but "dust and ashes," it is solemnly Resolved, By Saxton Lodge, No. 275, I. 0. of G. T., of which the deceased was a ropect ed member, that with reverence And fear we acknowledge the operation of the Divine Ru ler of life and death in this instance of im mortality, which affects so closely our frater nity find ourselves. Re.,olved, That the family of the deceased have our deep and unfeigned sympathy in this their bereavement, and that the comfor table assurance be - giver. them of the devout trust we entertain,-that their loss is hie gain ; ;Resolved, That as a token of respect to the memory of our departed brother, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these revolutions be presented to the fancily of the deceased, and also published in the Monthly Circular, and the Huntingdon, and Bedford County papers.. Wee. W. GEMIART, S. S. FLIICK; Com. E. EICIIELBERGER, At a special meeting of Standing Stone Lodge, No. 85, I. 0. of G. T., held Sept. 13th, a committee of three (3) was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the Lodge, relative to the death of Brother Wu. 11. RUSSELL. The following were sub mitted 'and adopted: WusaxAs, In the Providence of God, our Brother WM. 11. RUSSELL, a member of Sax ton Lodge, No. 275, LO. of G. T., and resi dent of this borough, has been stricken down in the prima of manhood, and called to that "bourne from whence no traveller returns ;" AND WHEREAS, Our community has bean bereft of a neighborly citizen, and wo of a worthy brother, social companion and exem plary christion; Therefore, be it Resolved, That we mourn the death of our beloved Brother, and deeply sympathize with the family and friends of the deceased, and with Saxton Lodge, No. 275, in their bereave ment, but rejoice with them in the assurance that he died in the hope of a blessed immor tality. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and to Saxton Lodge. Resolved, That these resolutions ho pub- HARI in the county papers. COMMITTEE. Ifuntingdon, Sept. 13, 1867. IMEE=IM Glazier & Bro have just received and arc opening a now supply of goods, fall and winter Dress Goods, of almost every description. Poplins, all colors, different shades, Merinoes, Bismarck French Merinoes, Wool Plaids, Wool Delaines, Alpacas, Lustres, Mohairs, .Cc, &c. Remember the place, Wash ing Street, near the jail. 130_11.. B. Cunningham having bought one-half of the First National Store of Rohm & Miller, the firm is desirous of closing the goods out regardless of cost, until the County Fair, (Oct. 2d,) when they will soli the remainder at auction. 3t. Ronm & CUNNINGRA3I. Speees wince Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native. vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. WALLPAPER, WINDOW SI! %DES AND FIXTURES, THE LIEOEET STOCK pin Greatest variety Of new styles ever brought to the county, RECEIVED ADD FOR SALE CHEAP AT LEWIS' BOOK STORM WANTED. 500 Agents to canvass fora work entitled “Nojontte," written by intiton It. !Solon, author of the "Impending Crisis of the South." The object of the nu. thor in this work is to show the great distinction be tweon the white and black races. Ito denounces negro political and social ciplitlitv. and says he con no longer act with .. party that world willingly destroy the great lino of distinction botweon the white and black races 'n Welt Cod himself has established. Every person should secure it cony of this work. ALSO, 500 Agents wanted to circulate the "Youth's History of the War." iho only history trots Is Democratic standpoint. Those desiring agencies should address E. W. HILL Pit, Huntingdon P. 0., Pa, Or call on 31r. Martin Pioneer, at the same place. August 7, '67—tr. _DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH .treated with the utmost success, by J. AACS, It. D.. Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of 'tertian, llollund,) N... 805 AllOt! street Phil ( dolphin. Testimoni als from the most reliable sources in the city at d c en try can be seen nt his office. The medical focally are in • cited to accompany their pntinnts, as ho hat no secrets iu his pi actice. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain.— No charge for °sande:dime. myS•lyln MARRIED, January 15, 1867, at the M. B. Par. soilage by Rev. J. A. Price, Dr. E. J. GIITAINE and Miss NANNIE 14. MILLER, both of Huntingdon. Doctor, you have played a very nice game, and played it well; and we hope all your future efforts will be crowned with the same success. May your only punishment for keeping the public in ignorance of such a happy event be a longer life of happiness and prosperity. • DIED, In this borough, September 17th ROBERT C SKEES, aged 1 year, 1 month and 17 days. One sweet Gower bee drooped and faded, One sweet infant voice line fled, ' Ono lair brow the grave has shaded; Our dour Rubble now Is dead. But we feel no thought of sadness, Yor our Bobbie is happy now l Be has knelt hi he.set-jolt gladness, {There the blessed angels buw. Ile has gone to Heaven before us, But he turns and waves his hand— Pointing to the glories o'er us, In that happy Spirit laud. Qone but not forgotten, At Shade Gap, Sept. Bth, 1867, of Diptheria and Croup, GEORGE STEELH, son of George and E. A. Sipes, aged two years, seven months and 26 days. It was early In the autumn When Steely was called to go, In answer ton summons That was eervod on him below 'Tuns death that Barred that eummone ; Took him to his cold embrace ; And no ono on this earth Can MI our liteely'a place. Oh I Oh I unwelcome death Thou hest taken from ue Otte Which we were loathe to ewe, As he was our only eon. God grant no grace and patience To submit unto thy will , For and! must be, dear Father, The scripturea to fulfill. Oh, 'mint a Fed= proplisp, Our dearcat Saviour rondo— That he would gather little children Into hie Meet abode. Now help us, Heavenly parent, To live for they alone; That we may be united With Steely at thy throne. MARKETS. ISTIOLEI3ALS; MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21, 1867 Superfine Flour at 57,60(g8,26 extra at 18©9,50, fancy extra family $10©11,75, and Pennsylvania family 311 ® 12,10, and fancy brands sl3,oool4,ollaceording to.quality. Rye flour MTh. Primo Wheat is scarce hero. Choice now at $2,2502,40 white $2,27®3,00. Rye at $1,40©1,50. Corn 1,35 to 1,40 Oats at 22c. Barley molt ott $1.50. Cloverseed $0,50@9,25 according to quality; Timothy at $2,75@3,00; Flaxseed $2.75@2,80 per bushel. 1' TTOUUROII, Sept. 21 —Flour.—Thera is a fair demand. We quote salvo of spring wheat Flour nt $10,00©10,50, winter Flour at $11.230 - 511.00 fancy at $13,00a14. Wheat. Uint 2,2 ® 2,25 and No. 1 apt fug $2,25(312,30, Corn from fit at hands at $1,25. Ilye, $1,25 per bushel. Outs 58601 c; Parley 1,11611,20. Shoulders 16. 1 ,4; aides 17;15n; hams 23(.4:23 aral4'.iic. Cmtuato Sept. 21.—Flutit firm: tpring extrA 0,t0pt0,60. Whiter, $12,50@14,00. Pining 11 heat is at $1,9361,00. Corn 1,00. Oats, 54cts. FINANCIAL, NEW Yong, Sept. 21.—Cold closed at 51,43%. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED 'WEEKLY .1117 HENRY k CO. WITOLESALE PRICES, Superfine 'Floor, 50,10 Extra Fleur, old. 10,60, Family Flour 11,00 Red Wheat, old-- ...... 2,00 White Wheat, old 220 Apple Butter "el gallon-1,05 Bark per cord 5 611 Barley 1.00, Butter ....... ............. ...... .20. Buckwheat .5,01 Buckwheat Meal's cwt. 3.60 Bran Ca owl 1 '0 Broome t',-3 dee 3,0c@1,10 , Beeswax 10 11, ^3; Boang re bus 2.0 C I Cloverseed %AU 1b5......7,00 I Chickens ^5. Country Soap 10' Corn 1,10 Corn Meal ...... 2,2 t Dried Apples Vim 1,60 Decd Chet ries gust t..-12 Dried Beaches lit 1b..15 to 20 Dried Beef. Eggs 15 Fusiliers 11 lb 9U Flaxseed $2.23 [lops 1 1 lb ....... .... .40 @ 60 Ilan, smoked ~25 Hay 'il ton 10.00 Lard 1:41 Large Onions V bus ,75 Mixed Chop . 00 Oats 50 Potatoes 'll bus 75 Plaster per ton... 10,00 Rags "a lb 5 Ryo 1 00 Rye Chop ii cwt . .00 Rye Straw "a bundle. 15 Shorts 11 cwt 1 50 Shoulder 18 Sides 20 Callow 10 @ 12 Timothy 3.00 Turkeys 75 @ 1.50 Wooly, lb 40 STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &CI, A NY of the above articles can be had ,L_Lby addressing the sobscriber. Stores of all kinds ani sizes to suit the wants oral'. We c t 1 the attention of the public to the AUTOCRAT COOKING STOVE, stove beyond competition. It is a pretty pot torn, gond baker, with largo oven, and snitablo for either coal or stood. Slot ea furnished at lilundry prices. Any person wishing to purchase store without cooking uton,lito : can do so, an .I the prices of all the articles will bo deducted. All stoves warrant ed. Samples can bo seen nt Mr. Iltighe's store, Shill C: cote, or at the residence of the subscribor. All parlor stoves furnished at low pikes. Stoves do livered at any null °ail station. Airy Pale, Ilunti p ai CI V o it t c Pa. QM .LANGSTROTH'S Patent BEE-1-lIVE. q IIIE undersigned haring purchased 010 exclusive right to manufacture and son L. L. L.kNOSTIZOTH'S ' PATENT MOVABLE COMB BEE HIVE, and to sell Indic Meat end township rights in Huntingdon county, all persons wish Mg to purchase Hives or Individ ual or township rights, can do so by making application to them or either of them. The Rights to sell Long stroth's Original Patent expited on tho fifth day of October, 18tin ; nt which time it was extended for se• en years, and all persons haring pm chased rights under the original patent aro hereby notified that ;they cannot law fully make or sell hives since the extension. This Hive has been in use for some time in several parts of the county and has given general satisfaction.— The undersigned • would respectfully refer nll persons wishing to examine the liters, to the following persons 'ellollnee them in use. TliollillB Plotter, John Head, II W. Miller, Dowel Womelsdurf. Appllentionv for ludiridn Lo undo personally or by le. Coro 611111011 P. 0., llunlingth or township rights should tier to the undersigned at on county, Pa. JOHN T. SHIRLEY, JAMES C. SHIMMY, JACKSON ENYEART eepttt•lm _ RUDORPET.'S v gap In ay T' FANCY GOODS Wholesale & Retail. r[IIE undersigned takes the liberty of calling the attention of the public in general to his now and splendid variety of - LADIES' AND GENTS' -. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS and SUN-SHADES. Malting weekly purchases from the New Yolk end Pliiledelphsa markets.] am prepared to Mier to my Indy friends of Huntingdon and vicinityrone of the nicest lines of Dress and Sacque BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the very latest novelties out that is possible to bring together, and at in tees to meet tho views (Wall classes. Ladies' and Gents' pull We) Kid Gloves. black and medium shades, and any particular shade :old 617.0 furn ished at the shortest notice; also, a very pretty as-oi t. stout of white and celorod Berlin and Lislethread Gloves, plain and fancy tops; black and colored 'Velvet Ribbon. first quality and common, all widths. White Dress Goods, Hoop Skirts, Ilnlmorals, Ladies, Hats, Sundowns, Knitting Cotton, (all colors,) German town Wool. Zeplsi rs. Canes, Silk for lining bonnets, Bon net Ribbons, Gents' Lunen and Paper Culls. Collars and Shirt Fronts. as :tle special selection of black and fancy Neck Ties, ilioadway, Chantilly Bows, and Napoleon Stocks far the agent and a fine asserttucnt of Bugle Trim ming. Hosiery with me will claim special attention to select end Wier tine very best English and German Regular Made Goods and the Domestic awl Lower Grades. Child's fancy one half Hose, Sc., with that endless variety of Small Wares to be found In n well stocked Notion Store. of quality superior as a line, and at prices to meet all competition A low stock of Boys' and Gents' Hots and Caps of the Iciest styles awl all qn tittles at prices ranging tram 21 cis. no $s.W. W. P. RUDOLPH. Huntingdon, Apt 11 10, ISO 7. U'DICAL -11LITTRICITY DR, WILLIAM BREIVSTER I M'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. VIFor the benefit of those proposingdo undertake Electrical treatment for diseases we give In the following list n lbw of the more prominent nn I most common complaints met with In our prac tice. in all of which Ova aro most auxessful. IN NEARLY ALI:CASES OF CHRONIC DISEASE, KLECTRICI-' ETY IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL COOLS nENEISOIAL, IF PROPS. LY APPLIED. 1 . 11080, therefore, lIMIEted with complaints not here enumerated, need hove inn hesitation in applyingaind whether only RELIEF. or a FE:two:ENT cony Can be effected, they will I receive replies ascot diugly. All communications . I flee. 1 Epi'ep.y, Chorea, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Heart.Lock-Jaw, etc. 2 Sore Throat, 11) spepsia,Diarrhota, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoid+, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic. and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. , 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (a here nut cauwd by organic disease of the heart,)' Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption In the eat Iy stages. 4 Gravel, Dinbetts. and Kipney complaints. ft Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, . Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases. Cancers, Tu mors; (those last saluted always clued with out pain, or cutting. or pla.i , irs in hay form) In a word, we propose to cure all curable dis eases. Wo have no connection whatever with any other Electrical taco in Miser any other county All letters address to W3l. BREWSTER, M. D., IffeConuellsto wit, Pa. I= THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS POI? SPRING AND SUMMER WM, MARCH & BR®. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have Just received a large and splendid stock of goods at their store in Huntingdon, consisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WARE, LADIES' FANCY, TRLILIIINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNETs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW W A R E, Ql.l LENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And lu fact everything that le usually kept in a Outclass store, all which Were bought low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country Invoinct. and request the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling Battened we can offer nepo tism inducements to cash buyer,. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all. and the public are cordially Invited to examine cur goads. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi ses. WM. MARCH &BRO. Huotingdon, ap. 16,1867 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering ant Shingling Lath, constantly on hand Worked Flooring, Sash,DOora, Door and Win. dow From., furniphed nD Manufacturera! pi.ces. Grain and country _product gen - Tally Wolk t at market rates. WAGONER to BRO., ang2S-tf PhilipHburg, Coon, co., Pa. VALUABLE FA:11,111 FOP SA. 1..1,1. The under.tigaed otror3 at private Salo a Tahrtble Farm situate in WEST township, near navel's Creek. The Farm contain, • 214 ICRri of genii Limestone Land, Ico acres of which aro cleared and Inn good mint° of eult/ention ; tho bnlance being tini her land. TILE IMPRIIVENENTS con,itt of a r la , rg! two-story STONE HOUSE, two Book oT n tbuigng i e g . There a?e two good OIICItAIIDS 'i ) ,'.'„t h loen!,:trnelonfl„Tioole*.oul. -T i n t = b o e i r lie r f 3 9 "Ing, felling Weems of wa . et run through the lend, o ntiu7p v n e e r s . by the !lonia. .. , • TIII4 is 0 desirable property witli good surroundings, and convenient to churches, schools and market. it will be sold at a reasonable figure. nue.l.Gt. OEOTI.OII WILFON. BOOK AGENTS WANTED ; ID SOLICIT ORDERS jolt A NEW ILLUSTRATED BIBLE DICTIONARY. (CbTigett in One Votuntc.) This Dictionary embodies 'the results of the met recent study, research and'investigation ' of about sixty-tiro of the most eminent Heil advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all the denominations approve it, and regard it ns tlw best node of its kind in the English langnage, and one which ought to be in the hands of eve ry Bible reader in the land. In circulating thin Wong, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually encountered In selling ordinary works ss ill not exist with this. But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid mill attend the Agent, malting hie labors agreeable, use. fel and lucrative. Ladie%, retired Clergymen. School Teachers, Farmers, Students, and all others who possess energy, are wanted to ossiii in minvaseing every town and county in the country, to whom the moot lib eral Inducements will be offered. For particulars, Opply to. or address PARMELEE BROTTIERS. aug27Rt. 722 &mom street, Philadelphia, Pa DAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTILEES.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Co. era now manufacturing the Beat, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use: two coats well put on, mixed with porn Linseed Oil, hill lest 10 or 15 years ; It is of a light brown or bean tiff,' chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive, or cream, to suit the taste of tho consumer. It is valuable for helms, barns, fences, car ringo and car makers, pails and wooden-ware, agricultur al implements, canal bolts, vessels and ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roofs, (it being flea nnd•water proof), floor oil cloths, (ono manufacturer Dating used 5000 bids. the past year,) and RS n paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body. durability. elasticity, and adhe siveness. Prico $0 por bid. of .300 lbs., which stilt supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send far a circular which gives full particulars.— None genuine unless Mandell Ina trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address • DANIEL, BIDWELL, sal-0111 ' - 254 Pearl street, New York. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON Have received 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH NEW & FASHIONABLE GOODS From the eastern markets. which they can, with profit, sell at lower figures then can be wild at any other 1101140 io the enmity. PRIM TILE SASH: AS BIIFORE THE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & aLevy THE BEST HEAVY MUSLINS Lower than they can be bought outside of Philadelphia THEIR STOCK IS IMMENSE, Consisting of everything that eye ran fancy or heart wish Come awl see their fine neiortment of 'CHOICE SYRUP, LOWER than ever before also EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At greatly reduced prices CO 1E AND SEE OUR STOCK, and do not ply high Prices nny longer Cunningham & Carmon. Huntingdon, ap:H 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. IV T: 110 P INS 'OwNr MARE." . After more than fire years espn•ienee and experiment ing in the manufacture of efli I TLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, wo offer nor justly telebritted goods to merchants and the public in full confidence of their so. pet Rutty over all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal to them, ns they give more satisffictlon than any other Skirt and recommend themselves in every respect. Deal ers in noon Skirts should make a note of this fact. Ev ery holy who has not given them a trial should do so without further delay. Oar assortment embraces every style, length and size for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also, Skirts made to order altered and repaired. Ask for '‘llopkin'a Own Make," nod ho not deceived.— Sec that the letter' II" is woven on the Tapes between each poop, and that they are stamped'•W. IIOPKINS, MANUFACTURER, 623 ARCH STRELT, - .PIIILAD'A," upon each tape. No others aro genuine. - Also. constantly on bandit full line of good Now York and Eastern made Skirts at very low prices, Wholesale and Retail at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt 3fanufactory and Emporium, NO. 628 ARCII STREET, PIIILAD'A. \VM. T. B.OPKINS. aug23-snl NEW LEATHER STORE: TBE,,undi inat , ersigned would respectfully a wco e e T c . t i r . tr s i o tl r t tni t they have Just opened FINE . LEATHER, Consisting in part of FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, • UPPER, • lIA'RNESS, . SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general assortment of ffitiropum. The trade Is invited to call itot 'examine our stock, Store on HILL street, two doors west of the Presbyter Has church. The highest price pea for 111.DE9 and LOX. C. 11. MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, may`1,1367 PAPER I PAPER!! PAPER !I! 'fleeing Paper, • Impresalou Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tirane Paper, 888 Paper for Blowers, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, tat Cap Paper, Poolecap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladiee' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and 24na10 Store. PERFUMERY and FanoySoaps for sato at LEWIS Family Grocery. • rrHE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH I_ MACKEREL at CUNNINGHAM t CARMOIV'S. ALL KINDS OF CRACKERS cons. nutty on band at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. STEVENS HOUSE, 21. 23. 25. & 27 BROADWAY, N. Y. OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN The STE VIINS I fOCSTI is well and widely known to the travelling public. Tho location is especially suitable to inert bents and business moil; it id in close proximity to the I.te,iness pal t of the cut—is on the highway of South ern and Western travel—awl adjacent to all theprincipol Rath oad and Steamboat &pats. TIES: STEVENS HOUSE luta liberal necomtuodations for over 900 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern bnproventent for the coinfolt and entertain. most of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and Bell vent lated—provided mitt. gas and water—the attend ance it prompt and respectful—and the table is gener ously provided with every delicacy of tho season—at mod erate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasura of our Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. Aug. 14, '97-13m. Pnoomwross. By Cana' & Railroad. We are now receiving by Ca nal and Railroad from the - east ern and western cities, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every description, 'CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, FLOUR, FEED, 1220 Irc Ti~i®lA, Of all kinds sOCI)/a,:1-6. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top Coal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. LUMBER. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. Nails and Bar ron, at manu facturers' prices. HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa OE GREAT OPINING SPREATC# AND SMUMER GOODS, AT THE JOSEPH MARCH & EROS, COFFEE! RIIN, PENITA Tim subsci Men; have leaelved a new and complete as sorted stodc of Emu Mounding a large and vat led assortment of LADIES DRESS tIOODS, of the latest styles and fashions. Also GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE: READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. FISH, SALT, BACON, and all ether nrticles usually kept in a well conducted store, all of u blab are offered ns cheap as at any other es tablishment in this secti m of country. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods Thankful for fm mer patronage, we hereby extend an incitation to our Trough Creek friends and the public generally for a renewal of the eamo, promising by a close attention to business and the unfits of customers, to fully merit It. J. 19 J 0.3. & ItitO. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON HAVE CARPETING'S! OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, 5001! AS, ALL WOOL INGRAIN, VENITIAN 9 COTTAGE, STAIR, HEMP , RAG, &c. Iluntfugdou, July 3, 1867. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA., IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR THE SIANUFACTURE OF FLOUR Tho patronage of tho town and country to respectfully MEM GRAIN, of every description, Bought at this mill Huntingdon, May 2, 1860 Can't Be Beaten Good Stock & Low Prices I JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hosiust received from the city a ligur and splendid stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpct Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which ho Is prepared to eell at. greatly redgeed prjces. Don't forgot the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and tho public generally are invited to cell. Huntingdon, may I, 180 REMOVAL. ROBLEY & MARSH, NIERCHANT TAILORS. Respectfully inform their old friends and the public generally that they have removed to the room adjoining the Poet °Moo on 11111 etreot, whore they have received a new stack of thedneet fashionable and serviceable DRESS GOODS, Vhicb thoy aro prepared to make np to order in tho moat faldlionabla Und Bubatmitiul ortior. "Call and °gamine their assortment of goods for COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, Before purelinslog elsewhere. They are determined to please everybody. H. ROBLEY, riplo,lB6T ORO. F. HARSH. Something New GLAZIER & 'BRO. HAVE just opened up on the'eoin . er of WASIIINOTON and .9311TH struts, n' ntitv nod DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HATS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. The citizons of Huntingdon and Icinity ore hereby tendered a standing haltation to call and examine our stock. Our aim will over he, that complete satisfaction, both as regards goods and prices, be given to every pin chaser. GLAZIER. & BltO. Huntingdon, March 27,1267. UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIM AGENCY SOLDIERN FIBIRB, ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approved March 2, 1867, gives td' Hairs ofSoldlers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-lve coats per day, to he paid In the follow ing order: let. To the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To the children ; Id. To the parents, to both jointly if they are living, if either Is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bro. there and sisters. The net of February 28, 1867. provides for the reran& ing of the SOD Commutation Money, where the sumo per son nun again drafted, and was required to enter the eor• vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The ort of March 2,1827, also makes provisions for the payment of tho _ $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldlors as havo accidentally lost their Medlar gee All persons having any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the• United States or State Governments, can have them promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned. In.. formation and advice cheerfully given. to soldiers or theta friends, free of charge. W. 11. WOODS, Authorized Army and Xauy War-Claim. Agent,. may 29,1307 Iluzin?moor, Runtingdon co., Pa THE LAMB IMPROVED FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. Please call and see this 'minable Machine, and the work which It produces. Machines with all the appur, tenances, for solo at tho low price of $O5, and warranted • as represented. CALL AND SEE IT. —Room, on WASHINGTON Street, (opposite the' "GLOBE" Printing oilico,) HUNTINGDON, Pa. _ An assortment of Knit Goods on hand, for sale, and* made to order on short notice, Such as Ladies,' Misses', and Children's Stockings, Gents' Woolen and Cotton,Socks. also, Scarfs, Afghans, Pulse Warmers, Caps, Tidys, &g. fr• The LAMB KNITTING 'Machine is very simplo, sad' finishes its work; capable of producing more- than a' dozen different stitches; It is unlike any other Machine of, the kind In else market; it will do the work of twenty women and is suitable for institutor as well as families. It is complete to every particular, and without a wheel M'agLIRLMIEDEILEG And their LADIES ehould see this Muhl - nein operation, so REMEMBER the place and do not fail to see R. WASHINGTON STREET, (Opposite the •GLOBE" Of HUNTINGDON, Penn'a. jlv3l-c;-ii A. LLEWIS, LETSTER'* STEW BUILDING, Mramatirtgcic:mm, Pa.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN & DIESTIG DR Y G OBS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS CARPETING% OIL CLOTHS, QUEENSWARII REMEMBER! This is the Store, Where Goode are Sold CHEAP. July 17, '67-tf. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. z. 7ZIEIIO7 I I I .M3EiL, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in, spection and purchase of customers alarie and as. sorted stock of GroCeries, Provisions, &c. Ito feels sat's.. fled thoy coos be aCCOrriodated with anything in his 1110. Ille pricos nro low, sod tai 810Cli fresh and good, 1 15 keeps the best of SUGAR,, COFFEE, • TEAS, SPICES, SALT, • TOBACCO & SBGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &43: ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR.IIICE, And NO TIO NS of every kind, A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUERNS: WARE, and all other articles kept in a tvellregtdated establlshmerit for sale at reasonable prices. Aar- His store is on Hill, street, nearly opposite the Beak, and In the room formerly ocoupied by D. Grove. Call end examine. Z. "IfEZITP, Huntingdon, may 8,1887 Totanaugalek 1 EB=22 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer hi T_7'..lNT X 111 TY 3EIL. Respectfully Invites the attention of the Public to bia stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in tbo rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where'll° manufacturer and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per-. sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give htm a cell. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and chews reasonable. .t hr- Also, Undertaking carried on, gild CORO Riau it . any style desired, at short notice. Thu mil/scriber has a I.llKENsiww... NEW AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerals at any place to town or country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 1866-tf SPECTACLES. A. fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS BOOK STORE. APER ! PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—q good assortmont for salo by tho roam, half ream, quire or shoot, et LEWIS' BOOK t STATIONERY STORE. Camel Fruit alld Voietates Always on hand at Lewis' Family Grocery VNVE LOPES uI fly the box, pack, or leas quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER rSTORE QEGARS.—Best quality of Segura nt67 wt CUNNING EIAM CARMQN'a, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT'OF HUNTINGDON, PA S. M. LONGWELL;Age AND GROCEtrEIS ~,~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers