The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 11, 1867, Image 3
#rle Coin. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Sept. 11,1867, LOCAL Sc PERSONAL. Local Advertisements. Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents xi line single insertion, counting seven words to a line. tf. ITo Sabscribers .Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name `will understand that the time for 'which they subscribed is up. If they Irish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the nail or otherwise Wen. Advertisements in this Issue. titile. See opposite page. — c.dt Dissolution of Partnerstdp, Rohm & Miller. Eyre & Leaden, Dry Hoods, Philadelphia. Holmes & Essington, Ages, Milesbarg, Pa, Imporiont to lot owners. langst roth's Patent Dee litre. Premium List and Awarding Committees for the Pair. Election Proclamation. IMEMI=EI --Blair county holds no Fair this year.: The people are all coming to Huntingdon. :---Juniata county will bold its annu al Fair at Perrysville, on the 9th, 10th and 11th of October. . —A change of schedule has been made on the Broad Top railroad. See schedule in another column. —Mr. Jackson White has our thanks for a large present of honey in the comb. We hope his bees may never tiro. - —As we are to be a judge of poultry at the next fair, we plant to see a large display, especially of the mixed or cross breeds, the most profitable stock. —On Tuesday last Miss Sarah Stu art living with Mr. Olmes, in Gaysport, Blair .eounty, burst a blood vessel and fell over dead whilst - milking the cow. —A man named William Finney, residing in Harrisburg, had to pay thirty-five dollars and cost of prosecu tion, for shooting a. dog in the street. —On Tuesday last, George, a son of Mr. Udall Lewis, of Ithis place, was kicked on the arm by a colt, in a field below town. No bones were broken. —Blair county has now 1307011 news papees. What an appreciative com munity they must have. Singular to state all but three know no politics. —The barn of Cpl. Sohn McDowell, deceased, in Armagh township, Mifflin county, was struck by lightning on Wednesday, and, with nearly all its .bontents consumed. —Arrangements are making to have -.several star games of base ball during the Fair. Some of the best clubs from .a distance will be on hand. The prize is a set of balls and bats. • —The hill on Washington street - near Muddy run, has been leveled; -thereby inoreasing travel on said street, and enhancing its . prospects for the future. It lathe central street. --Eyre & Landell, 4th & Arch Sts., Philadelphia, are now- offering a large stock Of Fall Goods to purchasers. This is an old establishment and reli able Dry Goods Rouse I Read adv. —Our town gallabts aro practising for the prize to be given at the tourna ment.- We think it will be an unfair show unless some of our country Ivan .hoes contend for the victor's crown. —The hack-men, we think, are do ing a flourishing business running to and from the colored camp meeting— There are plenty of conveyances, of al l shapes, styles and sizes, but unfortu nately a very poor road to travel on -Lot owners who have failed to come up to the requirements of the borough ordinance in-regard to paving, will find something interesting and of advantage to them, in our advertising columns to-day. —The Mifflin County Poor House Farm was sold on Wednesday last, to Alexander Morrison and David Weiler, both - of-Union township, for 5125.20 per acre. The farm embraces' 204 .acres and 19 perches. —Burehinell's planing mill is a busi ness place. It is the place to drive away the idea of dull times. The work turned out is perfect—couldn't :be otherwise, for the mill is said to be one of the hest in the State—perhaps the best is many reppects. —Judge Pearson, of the Dauphin -county court, has decided that the mere placing of a fish basket and dam in the river is a violation of the law, and a failure to remove such obstruo• lions, would render their owner liable to prosecution, and subject him to pen alties imposed by the law. —We have received the first number of the Tyrone Bulletin, published by M. H. Jolly. It is a neat "table orna ment," gotten up in good workman, 'like Style, and promises to be of use in promoting the business interests of that community. We hope its Jolly editor may moot with success. Altoona, on Satur 4ay, to deide - the question for or •against the purchase of steam fire ap paratus, was a failure, and now the subject is dropped, until, as the Tribune intimates, "we have another conflagra tion, after which we shall expect a few spasmodic throes in favor of fire appa .ratus, and—that's all." Lang& troth's Boa Bare, We ask attention to advertisement of Langstroth's Patent Bee five, in another column. Several aro in use in this neighborhood and aro said to be decidedly the best in use. Everybody, especially every farmer, could have bees and make money morn easily than with anything else. We advise those who keep or want to keep bees •to secure aright to use the patent hive. The Premium Ltst. The premium list for the Fair will hafonnd in to-day's Globe. Tt is heavy. WeNdvise everybo4y to read it, and OPP ietermioe to take some of the premiu m. Thn ground selepted . for the Pair., the large geld of Gen. Wil son, °' Stole Creek, in the lower'end ,of the tiwn. The committee is already pt,tll3g alo e ground; Republican Senatorial Conference. On motion the Conference organi zed by the election of Hon. John Scott, of Huntingdon, as Chairman,. A B. Hutchison, of Centre, and H. H. Bech tel, of Juniata, were chosen Seeretar- The following Conferees wero pros: ent ; Blair county—A. S.. Morrow, B. L. Hewitt, Wm. M. Lloyd. Centre county—A. R. Barlow, J. B. Ettele, A. B. Hutehison. _Huntingdon county—Hon. John Scott, Wm. B. Leas,'S. Alfred Shade. • Juniata county—J. J. Patterson, F. M. Mickey, H. H. Bechtel. • Mifflin county—J. M. Brown, M. Buoy, A. Troxel. Perry county—Samuel Roath, Lan gleom Wistar; Samuel L upfer. The following resolutions were pre sented, and after the delegates had presented the names of the various candidates, were adopted: Revolved, That this Conference representing the Republicans of this District, heartily en dorse the Platform adopted by our State Ju dicial Convention, at Williamsport. Resolved, That the industrial interests of this Senatorial District, demand the passage of a free Railroad Law and the regulation by law of local freights on all the Railroads in the State on the pro rata per mile through basis, with a just percentage added for short distances, and in such manner as to prevent all discrimination as between individuals, or individuals and companies either in freight or passage. ' Resolved, That the Nominees of this Con ference are hereby'required to 'pledge them selves if elected, to use their iufluence and votes to secure the passage of laws in accor dance with the above resolutions. All the candidates named, having pledged themselves to support the above resolutions, the Conference pro. ceeded to ballot viva voce for a candi date for Senator. On tho first ballot. Samuol DicVitty. 4 L. W. Hall. • D. W. Woods J. K. Robison William P. Wilson, . Thirty-five ballots having boon had with results, varying in the case of each candidate from ono vote to six, the thirty-sixth resulted as follows : MoVitty. 10 Hall. 5 Woods. 3 Samuel McVitty, having a majority of all the votes cast, was declared the nominee by the unanimous vote of the Conference. Thirty-seventh ballot Hall. Woods. Robison. Col. John K. Robison boing declar ed duly nominated, tho nomination was made unanimous. On motion the Conference adjourn ed sine die. JOHN SCOTT, Pres't A. B HurcrusoN, I Seep. H. H. BECHTEL, =2 Tho Huntingdon county Agricultur al Fair will be held in Huntingdon, on the 2d, Bd, and 4th of October, prox. The grounds aro being placed in good condition and ovary arrangement con ducive to the convenience• and com fort of exhibitors have been made. The list of prizes is to be quite liberal and farmers, gardeners' and *Weal turista will do well to be represented. That excellent monthly, the American Agriculturist, thus addresses its read ers "Save time to attend the Fairs; and be sure to take or send something to help the show. Have it in the best pos sible order, and don't expect so confi dently to get the prize as to be made uncomfortable if you lose it. It is no shame to be beaten, but it would be shameful for a poor article to take a prize over a better one. Therefore, re joice that something more excellent than your's could be raised and that raiser brought it. A good part of your reward should be in having contribu• ted to make a fine show. A man sel dom gains credit to himself by declar ing openly that things he has, at home, are much better than those exhibited. Such statements, If made, should be said privately and generally in self condemnation for not having brought the articles. The unsuccessful compe titor seldom gains more than unenvia ble notoriety by openly impugning the motives . of judges. "EVery one is happy to receive pri zes, and the hope that ho may, is a great indUcerdent to present articles in competition. The honor and credit should count for much, the money for very little, and really the unselfish mo tive of contributing to make a fine show, should be the chief indueement to ex ert one's self to the fair. An exhibi tor going to the fair With these feelings will not leave his wagon loads of fruit, vegetables and dairy products outside, while he searches through the exhibi tion tables to find out if he will be mor ally certain of the prizes, before ho de cides to exhibit. There is nothing criminal in this, but it is certainly not honorable and commendable. Colored Campmeetilig. The camp meeting of the colored M. E. church is still in progress, and meet ing with some success. The tents are pitched about a mile from town, near McCallan's grove. Many persons were present from a distance, and we understood that Lewistown, Tyrone and Bellefonte were represented. On Sunday lust, as is customary, the crowd of visitors was greatest, and the hack• men wore kept busy, and the horses busier. The order during the day was pretty good, but during the evening iL could have been better, if some of the white spectators had observed the rules, or used a little common sense.— The meeting will close op' ThUrsday, wo believe. vs,.,A. 33. Cunningham having bought one-half of the First National Store of Rohm & Miller, the firm is desirous of closing the goods out regardless of cost, until the County Fair, (Oct. 2d,) Vben they will sell the remainder at auction. 3t. Roam & CurzmnisAu. eiiirThe Trop B. B. club played the Social of this plane yesterday and beat them, the score standing; Social, 25; Iron, 45. rit is said that an active ,effort is being made to induco be President to pardon 159Hien; Johnston, the counter feiter. H UNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after TRURSDAY, REPT.I2vH,IBGI, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart aa follows UP TRAINS. STATIONS ACCONN.I MAIL Accoanr. Mom AND P. M. A. M. A. AL P. 31. i SIDINGS. I • is 6 60 is 8 00111untingdon, en 9 41 an 4 47 0 12 8 20 MeConnellstown 9 18 • 4 28 6 22 8 32 Pleasant Grove, 9 08 4 18 6 41 8 48, Marklesburg, 8 48 4 03 7 00 9 03 Coffee Run, 8 33 3 48 710 911 Rough& Ready,...... 823 341 725 922 Cove, 808 319 7 301 928 Fisher's Summit 803 326 AR 7 48ISii 9 431,,• ax , cm AR 7 45 in 3 10 LE. 9 60 1' " , AR 3 00 10 101111ddiesburg ............ 2 41 10 18 llopewoll, . 2 33 10 31 Piper's Run, 2 18 10 62 Tatesville 1 49 11 05 Bloody Run, 1 57 Alt 11 16 Mount Dallas, I in 1 30 suours DUN BRAN IS 7 SOILS 10 00 1 8axton 1 8 051 10 15 Conlmont , •8 10 .10 SO Crawford, an 8 201 as 10 90 Dudley, I broad Top City,..... Iluntingdon Sept 9, 1867. .1011 N Ofir The cheapest and best article out. Call at Lewis' Book Store and see a perpetual time piece for one dol lar. Agents wiinted to spit at retail, who will be furnished with the article at the lowest wholesale prices. Another Homo Recommendation Mrs. Mary Reed, (residing on Kerr's' farm,) says she has had the Florence Sewing Machine in use for two years, —it never-once getting out of order— and she would not part with it on any consideration. 2t. Dianah L. Baker, Agent, Liester's New Building, Huntingdon, Pa. WANTED. ' • 500 Agents to canvass fora work entitled "Nojoque," written by !Linton It. Helper, author of the "Impending Crisis of the South." The object of the au- thor to this work is to show the groat distinction be. twecn the white and black races. Ile denounces negro political and social equality, and says ho can no longer Oct with a party that would willingly- destroy tho great line of distinction between time white and black races which Clod himself has established. Every person should secure a cony of this work. ALSO, 500 Agents wanted to circulate the "Youth's History of the War." the only history from a Democratic standpoint. Thcso desiring agencies should address E.W. MILLER, Huntingdon P. 0, Pa., Or call on Mr. Martin Plouner, at tho sauna place. August 7, 'di—tf. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIIII treated with tho utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M.D., Oculist and /twist, (formerly of Leyden, Ilellund,) No. 806 A Hell street. Phit.delphia. Tostimoni ale from the most reliable sources in the city ai.d c en try can be seen at lets office. Tho medical faculty aro in vited to accompany their patients, as ho hits nu secrets In his p notice. Artificial Eyes Inserted without pain.— lid charge for examination. myB-lybin MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's par ents, on the 20th ult., by Rev. J. M. Steck, Mr. PHILIP FULTZ, of Allonville, to Miss MARY MUSSER, of Brady twp , Huntingdon County, Pa. At the Washington House on the 4th inst , by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. Tilos. S. CLOSSON, to Miss LOUISA C. NEW. HOUSE, both of Tyrone City. On the 2d inst., at the Franklin House, by the same, Mr. PORTERTIENDERSON, of Barre() twp., to Miss Di B. DOYLE, of Shirleysburg. MARKETS. =2 PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7, 1867 Superfine Flour at$7,OOQT,5O, extra at $444,0,75, fancy extra family $14,00®15, and Pannsylianla family sl2© 11,25, and fancy brands $14,00017,00 according to quality. Rye flour $7,75. Prime Wheat is scam hare. Choice new at $2,20®2,75 white $2,27©3,00. Eye at $1,40@1,50. Corn 1,22 to 1,21 Oats at 07c. Batley malt at $1,61). Cleveland $10,25(a)12, according . to quality; Timothy at $3,25Q3,58; FlaxseeXs3,oo(a2,os per bushel. PITTSBURGH, Sept.? —Flour.—There is a fair demand. Wo quota sales of spring cheat Flour at $10,00©10,23, winter Flour at $11p11.25 fancy at $14,00(15.. Wheat, winters2,2o@2,2s and No. 1 spring $2,2502,30, Corn from fitatilillidS tasl4s. Rye, $1,15 per bushel. Oats 36(g)58e; Barley 90©51,10. Shoulders 14%r; sides 16%e; hams 210220, Lard 144 e. Cloverseed, $11,50. Flaxseed $2,40, Timothy $2,23, 01181.00 Sept. 7.—Flout firm; spring extra sB@lo,oo. Winter, $12,50@14,00. Spring Wheat is at $1,70@)1,72. Corn 1,02. Oats, 48ets. FINANCIAL. NEW Tons, Sept. 7.—00hl closed a 151,4 2X. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. ' CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY &CO WHOLES ME PRICES. 'Eggs 15 ,Peotherol3 lb 00 Flaxseed $2,25 Hops "f ib 40 0 60 Ham, smoked 0 5 Ilnyll ton 8 00 hard 12% ' Large Onions 7 EI bus ,80 Mixed Chop , 2,25 Oats 60 Potatoes 7il bus "5 Plaster per ton 10,00 Rugs 'il lb 5 Nye 100 Itye Chop 7EI cwt 2 25 , Rye Straw 'tl bundle. 16 Shona TEI ewc 1,50 Shoulder 15 Sides 17 tallow 10 0 12 'Timothy - 3,00 Turkeys 76 0 1,50 Woolss lb 40 Superfine Flour, 00 50! Extra blear, old. 10,50 Faintly - Flour 11,00 Red Wheat, 01d..... ...... 2,00 White Wheat, old 2 e 0 Applo Butter 11 ga110n...1,25 Bark per cord 5,60 Barley 1 00 Butter 20. Buckwheat 801 Buckwheat Meal "f0rt..3,50 Bran 11 cwt 1,25 Broomall doz 3,0034,00 , Beeswax , t 1 lb 30 Beans 9 bus 2,25 Cluvereeed 14 64 lbs 7,00 Chick - one ^5 Country Soap 10 oOrn 1 00 Corn Meal ?Cwt.... ....... 2,20 Dried Apples Via ...... —2.00 Drted Cherries IA quart.... 1.2 Dried Peachest.'el 1b..16 to 20 Dried Beef 28 UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAD" AGENCY UTINTINGDpN, PA SOLDIER ,N HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The act of Congreas approved March 2, 1867, gives to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, at the rate of twentydloo coots por day, to be paid in the follow ing order; Int. To the widow, if tpunarrjed ; 2d. To the children; 3d. To the parents, to both Jointly if they are living, if either In dead, to the sgrvivor ; 4th, To (Ito bro. therdand deters. The act of February 28. 1867, provides for the refund ing of the $3OO Commutation Money, whore tho same per son won again drafted, and was required to enter tho ser vico or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. Tho act of March 2,1861, also makoa provisions for the payment of tho - $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers as Iwo accidentally lost tholr dischar gcs All persons hiving any claims strider any of the above, montioued Acts, or any other kind of damns against the United States or State governments, ban have thorn promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned. In formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge, Authorized Army and Nary Trh.r-Claint Agent, may 29,1867 ' lIUNTINCIDON, Iluntingdon CO., PR THE LAMB IMPROVED FAMILY KNITTING IIIACHINE. Please call and sod this valuable Machine, and the work which It produces. Manilinen with ell the opim. trounces, for eale nt the low price of $65, and warranted as represented. CALL AND SEE IT. —Room, on WASIIINGTON Street, (opposite tis "DILORIt" Printing office.) HUNTING DUN, Pa. An assortment of Knit Goods on hand, for sale, and made to order on short notice, Such as Ladies,' Misses', and Children's Stockings, Dents' Wooten and Cotton Socks also, Scarfs, Afghans, Pulse Warmore, Caps, Tidye, dc. D The LAMB KNITTING stachine Is very Minnie, and finishes its work; capable of producing more than a dozen different stitches; it is unlike any other Machine of the kind In the market; it Will do the work of twenty women and Is suitable fur Institutes as well as families. It Is complete in every particular, and without a wheel 3E%A.11.1%01.311113EL:Eii And their LADIES ehould nee this :Medlin. in operation, no REMEMEES the piece and do not fall to nee It. WASHINGTON STREET, (Opposite the , GLOBE' 01114:e.) HUNTINGDON, Pen.n'a,, S. M. LONOWSLG, Agt J1y31.67•tf WALL PAPER, WINDOW Sit kMIS AND FIXTURES, THE LUALEIr BIOCIL Greatest variety of new styles! ever brought to the county, RECEIVED AND TON BALE MALT AT LEWIS' BOOR BTOBIL LIST OF PREM: COMMITTHES for tiou of the Huntingdon cot ho held at Huntingdon, on DOWN TRAINS CLASS I—HORS, Beat stallion, $l5 00 second best, 10 third best, _6 beet 3 year old, second beet, third best, beet 2 •ear old second best, 4 third beet, • 3 best yearling, . 6 seconkbeet, 4 third boot, 8- Veargehling, - 10 . second beet, 7 third boat, ' 4 CLASS 2—CO, Best draught stallion $lO 00 second beet, 7 third best, 6 best 3 year old, 7 second boat; , 8 third best, - 6 -, boat 2 year old. • second best, 4 third best, 3 41 best yearling, -. 4- , I second beet; 3 third best, 2 beet brood mare, 8 second best third best, 6 - best 3 year old do., . second beat, 4 - third beet, S beet 2 year old do., 5 • second best, 4 , ' third best, , bdst yearling do., 4 • second best, 3 third boat, 2 beet colt 6 months old or under, 4 second beet, 3 third best, 2 451 en 3 00 301 245 20 2 36 15 Le 2 30 CIE 1011 .I'KILLIPS, Supt The Committee respectfially recommend that no vixen be allowed to enter any liorati or mare for more than one premium or he allowed to change from one to another oleos, and that all stock of clams No. 1 ho charged nn en trance fee of One Dollar on each head, excepting two year bld and nude, Anil all stock of the above classes must o en tared on or before 120 clock of the second day. Awannuto COMMITZE.—W. P. Wilma, Robert Wilson, Charles C. Mil, David McGarloy, Moidecai Henry, John Q. Adams, II; X. Blair, • CLASS 2—N. annoy 110alf. I Zest boll, $lO 00 sccoud beet, 6 third best. 4 beet case, second best, third beet best heifer, socond best, third best, best calf, second best, third best, I.I.OZIMIT Bast bull, second best, third best, best con, second best, third best, boot heifer, second beat, thhd best, beat calf, second best, third best, AnAIMING COMMITTES.—S Morrison, David Rupert, Da antler M.Oake, Michael Stai Best boar, $5 00 second best, 3 third best, 2 best sow, second best, 2 best litter of pigs, 3 second best, 2 AWARDING COMMITTRE —Joi Samuel Eby, John Zentmye , Orbison, Benjamin Isenber: CLASS 4 Beat long wool buck, $5 00 second best, 3 boot southdown, 6 second best, 3 best tnelloo, 5 second boat, 3 ARMING COMMITTEE.—John Iloyntt, Lewis Stever, David Hare, ()cargo Syriac, William Wray, Jacob F. Hoe. vor. Enamel Neal. CLASS G—PLOWING. "-- For the best plowing, 23 00 second bust, 3 00 third hest, 2 00 ANYARDISO Co3ollTire.—Jol Elliott Robley, Thotnas Doniol K 3 por, Elleba Show CLOS 6—AORICULT Best plow, $5 00 second boat, 3 third best, 2 best sabsoil plow, 3 second best, 2 best doubleellovol p10v,2 second beet, 1 best corn cultivator, 2 • aecaud best, 1 beat bill plow, 5 mond beet, 2 bret wlnd•tuill, • second beet, beet grain drill, second bast, best cornplanter, second brat, 2 best mower and reaper,lo second best, 5 AWARDING COMMITTER.—Li ilton, Job Slack, Job Plyns son, Isaac 0. Cloduch. CLASS 7—GRAIN, SEE Best bus. white wheat,S2 00 best buckwheat, $1 00 second best, 1 00 second beet, 60 third best, 60 best cloverseed, 1 00 beet bus. red wboat, 200 second beet, 60 second beet, 1 00 beet timothy coed. 1 00 third heel. 60 second best, 60 best bushel of'rye, 1 00 beet barrel white wheat emend best, SO flour, 200 beet bus. yellow cern, 1 00 second beet, . 1 00 second best, 60 beet barrel red wheat best white corn, 100 flour, 200 second best, best sweat corn, second best, best pop corn, second best, boat oats, second best, best barley, second best, AR/LADING Comarrea.—Gleorgo McLaughlin, Edward Teett, Robert Mcßurney, Samuel P. Foster, Newton Mad. den, Wm. B. Leas, Richard Ashman. CLA; 8 S—MECIIANIOAL IMPLEMENTS AND UM' Bost 2 horse carriage, $2 00 beet buggy, 1 00 beet set single harness, 2 00 beet sot feral harness, 2 00 1 host saddle and bridle, 1 00 1 best pair of boots, 1 00 best pair , of chaos, 001 best side solo loather, 1 00] best kip and calf akin, 1 001 beet side harness and upper leather, 1 00 beet lot cabinet ware, 2 001 best and greatest rade ty tin-ware, ICO AWARDING —Wi Wm. Chase, Anthony ➢earn Wilson, George W. Germain CL ASS 0, NO Best and largest variety . of apples, labeled, not " lees than IS .1 each, 33 00 second host, 2 00 third host. 1 001 bast ten varieties apples labeled, not legs than 3 of each, 2 00 second beet; 1 00 third best. 60 best assorted basket or dish of apples, 1 00 second best. " 60 beet dozen fall Apples labelled, 1 00 second beet, 60 .I—FRUITS. best der.: winter apples labeled, 1 00 second best, 60 best and greatest variety of peaches, not lose than S each labelled, 1 00 second beet, 1 CO best assorted basket or I dish of peaches, 1 00 second best, • 60 beet basket or dish of quinces 1 00 second best, 60 third beat, 26 best collection of plows 6 or each labeled, 1 00 second best, 50 AWARDING COII3IITTRE . Dr. Jan. McCulloCh Jacob Por ter, Levi Pheasant, John Yen Devander, lames Huey, Jackson White, John 51cConibe. CLASS 0, Ne. 2—FRUITS. Rost and largest variety, second best, $1 oo of peace, labeled, and' third best, '6O not less than 3 each $3 00 best basket or dish of second best, 200 native grapes,labeled,l 00 third beet, 100 - second best, 50 beet basket or diets of third beet, 25 pears, 1 00 best basket or dial for second beet, 60 eign grapes, labeled, best dozen fall pears, la- grown In open air, 100 bided, 1 OD second best, 50 second best, 60 best and largest variety best dozen winter pears grapes grown under labeled, 100 glass, labeled, 200 second best, SO second boat, 1 00 I boat and largest celiac- best basket or dish of thin of grapes growq gem, 6:g., 1 00 in open air, labeled, 200 second beet, 50 AWARDING CoMNITTEI.—Hon. George Taylor, Henry Grans, Reuben J. Massey, Y. A. Prater, W. Hoyt • at, Dr. J. A. Shade, Simeon Wright. W. 11. 1913.01)9, CLASS 10, NO. I—VEGIBTABLES. Best and largest collet:- best spotted Mercers, $1 00 lion of potatooS, ten of second best, 60 each, labeled, ' $2 00 third best, 25 second beet, 000 boat white Mercers, 100 third best, 50 second beet 50 beet peck 'early pototoea third best 25 named and labeled, 1 00 best Peach Blows, 1 00 second bosh 60 second best, 60 Oda d beat, . 25 third boot, 25 past peck tato potatoes, best Prince Alberts, 100 stoned and labeled, 100 second best, 50 second best, 60 third beat,' 25 third best, 20 boat Stoxicon, 1 00 boat flarrison potatoes 100 second best, 59 second be $0 third boat, 25 third best, 25 boat ppeco White, 1 00 bast early CioodrisP, 100 second booty $0 second best, 60 third best. .' 25 third' beat, 25 best Carnet Chile, 1 00 best Monitor, 1 00 oecend best, 60 second best, 60 third beet, 25 third best, • 25 boat'otbor variety, 1 00 beet pinkoyed rusaceat 1 00 impend beat, 50 second best, 60 befit sweet potatoes, 100 third beat,' 26 second bast, 50 * Awonanto Commess.—Andrewfl. Neff, John R. Cloo nan, Richard Chlicote, John Rhodes, Spedrickt 01.nney, I..eyi Wright, Steward Foster CLASS 1o; NO. 2 Brat rote bags, 50 second bast, 25 boat sugar beet, 50 aecoud best, 25 bestl:peppera, 50 second beat, 25 best tobamo, 50 6....0nd Sept, 26 MIMS & AWARD . the Ninth Annual Exhlbt• runty Agricultural Society to Octpber 2d, Oil and 4th, 1867. ,EB—BRED STOOK. Best brood mare, $lO 00 second best, 7 third best, 6 best 3 year old, 8 second last, 6 third best, 4 best 2 year old, 0 second beet, 4 third best, 3 I best colt 6 months old . . . . . or under, second best, 4 thiabeat, ' 8 MON B'l'ooK. best draught hortio or more, $0 00 second best, -4 third best,,3 best rid'g horse or . mareD second best, ' 4 s third best, 3. best ritudiy horse or I • mere,. . 8 second best, 6 third best, 4 best pair matches, • 10• second best, 8 third best„ 0 beet pair inules, 8 ' eecoud best, 0 • ' third best, • 4 beet trot'g bores or maroB ' second best, 0 third best, 4 Wet racking, horse or • mil ie, - • b second best, 4 third best, 2 best walking horse or mare, 0 second best, 4 - third beat, 2 EniME3 EITEEI IBest bull, second best, third best, best cow, second best, third best, bolt heifer, second best, third best, best calf, second best, third best, common'. Best work oxen, second best, third best, best bull, second best, third best, best cow, second best, 4 third best, 2 best heifer 4 second beet 3 third best best calf 3 second pest 2 third best 1 $lO 00 amuel Hatfield, Richard a id Stewart, [ColeralnJ Alex Isaac M. NaIT. CLASS 3-lINS lbost cheater white, $2 00 second best, 2 best berkshlro, 3 second host, 2 It S. TRW, Samuel Myton , John Ifightwino, Thos.}• 9.11139 P. boat long wool owe $5 00 second best, 3 best soutbdown, is second best, 3 best merino, 6 second best, 9 'beetled common ehoop, 5 hn 111 orly, Mlbert Horning , efokill, Hugh Cunningham, akor. E=l beat straw and kdder $4 00 2 cutter, second but, best band cora shelter, 4 C:=22l/ Last clover huller, 3 noond beet, 4 beet hay & grain rake, 5 second beet, 3 beet cider Mill, 4 best sorghum nail and „ evaporator, Deet 4 horse threshing , machine, 10 best 2 horse do., 6 best harrow, 2 Second beet, boat wagon lifter, second beet, ihird beat, 50 vingston Robb, David gam ton, Mr. Amos, Hoary Ilud- DS, FLOUR AND MEAL socedd best, 1 .00 beet barrel tye flour, 100 best 00 fbs. corn meal, - yellow, 1 66 • eat 60 the. corn meal, wlllte, 1 00 .rot 50 lbc. buckwheat meal, 1 00 mond best, 50 60 25 1 00 60 1 00 6 beak and greateat'varlety stoneware and earth- en ware, 1 00 beat washing machine, 50 boat churn, 1 00 best moat Teasel, 1,00 boat specimen of marble work, 2 OD i beet cook atom 1 00 beet pair horse shoes 50 best corebroom, 50 best rake, 60 beat shaking fork, 60 second beat, ' 25 il lints Dorria, Jahn Laporte, .r, Samuel ?Jenny, James 'TE61]5T.6.13LE5. third beet, 25 beet mangot wertzel, 60 eecond beet 25 beet water melon, 50 second beet, 25 best egg plant, 50 .eocond but, - 25 beet tarnipe, be boat parsnips, best carrots, be °alone, soiond boat, 25 boat tomato., 1 00 second best, 60 third best, 25 beat and greatest retie- second best, 25 best celery. 50 second best, '25 best cafillflower, 50 second best, 20 best pumpkins, CO ty of tomatoes, 1 00 best muskmelon, 60 second best, 25 , best berme, 50 25 Ff 25 10 25 1 'OO second heat. beat pie pumpkin, second best, best squashes, ascend beet, beet cabbage, second but, 26 best pees, tO second best, '25 best full or winter let- titcp, aecond best, second best. 50 AWAODINO CoSIMITTEZ-13. Is Berge., George Slaws, (. Miss Prudence Jackson, Mrs Mrs. Mary Shoemaker. CLASS n But and largest variety of pure bred fowls, $2 00 second beet, . 1 00 best pair or trio Pang bole, 1 00 second best, 50 best pair or trio of Co chin China, 1 00 P. Foust, Daniel Piper, Lew • fatrady,) James Henderson, .T. P. Doe, bliss Sue Hoff, EMI/ beat black spanish, $1 00 second best, 00 lbest pair or trio of Po- - lands, 1 00 " second best, beat Java fowls, second beat, • 50 beet mixed breed, 1 00 second beet, 501 best Bramaputras, 1 00 second best, 50 best Dort:tags, 1 00 second best, 50 best spangled hamburg,l 00 second best, 50 best game, 1 00 second best, 60 !MADDING COMAIITTEE.—WI ver, D. S. Baker, Abram Hat C. Fisher, David Neff. LADIES' D.EI CLASS 12—BRED Best immemado bread, $1 00, . • second best, bast turkeys, 'second beat. 00 boat guinea fowls, 1 00 second boat, 50 beet ducks, 1 00 second beat, 50 beat gam, 1 00 second Wyk 60 Illiam Lenge, J. White She. rnish, Calvin Jones, Thomas MEE= AD, OAKES, kC. bent homemade bread, 31 00 second beat, 60 beat roli of butter, 2 00 second beet; 1 00 third best, 50 Open to competition for second best, 60 best rollofbutter, 2 00 second beet, 1 00 third bast, 60 Open to competition for , . . I married ladies. I boat pearl cake, 100 second beat, 60 beat gold cako, 100 mond beet, 50 bast elloorcalto, 100 unmarried ladies. beet bakers' bread, 1 00 second beet, best pound cake, second beet, best sponge cake, eecond beet, best ginger cake, second beat, best sugar cake, be e j e rm n b d l e best, , eecona best, best rusk, second boat, best biscuit, flacons' beet, 60 boot fruit cake, 1 00 second best, 50 best Jelly cake, 1 00 aecon+beet, - .50 best lady cake, .1 00 eecend best, 501 best pie, 1 00 second best, 60 third best, - 25 best custard, 1 00 second beet, 50 AW/lIIMXO CODIMiTEN.—R. C. Fisher, Mre. R. B. Myton Jobe T. Whittaker, Miss Mc - - wand best, Reduced one•half. . Deuce Petrlkin, Mise Leal° n, Mrs. Mordecai Henry, Mrs. :Burney, Mrs. J. Boblits. ISE. HONEY, &O. b best grope wino, home I made, • sloo second best, 60 bast entrant wino, 1 00 second beat, 50 best blackberry wino, 1 00 ' second best; 50 best strawberry wino, 1 00 CLASS 12—C1LE 2' Bost cheese, $1 00 second best, 50 best honey, 2 00 ISOCOTA best, 1 00 third best, 50 best hem cured by exhibitor end cooked Ivbele, 2 001 second best, 1 00 bast bard soap, 1 00 , . second best, 50 beet other home rondo Iwine, 1 00 second best, 60 beet domestic cordial, 1 00 ascend beet, 60 second Lost. best tallow candles, 1 00 ercond best. best dried beef, second best, Arrsnema Comarrm,.—Darid flair, Mies Mary Grbleof• Mre. Ada Snare, Miss Bello Clarkson, Miss Ellen Psalter , Miss EHRA Henderson, Gem go W. Johnston. CLASS 14-PRESERVES, JELLIES AND JAMS Best, Breseised straw berries, best apple jelly, LB eecond beet, socond bist, beet rinespples, second best, best quinces, 25 bast currant Jelly, 50 second beet. 26 beet quince jelly, 60 /mond Loeb, second best,. 25 best raspberry jelly, 50 best peaches, 50 second beet, 25 second boat, 25 beet blackberry jelly, 50 best plums, 50 second best, 25 Recent best, 25 best grape jelly, 50 beet pears, 60 second boot, 2', second best, 25 best elderberry Jam, 50 best crabapples, 60 second best, 25 second best, 25 best raspberry jam, 60 best cite:ries, 50 second best, 25 second bestp, 25 best dewberry jam, 50 best tomatoes, 50 second best, 25 second best, 25 best:blackberry jam, 50 second beet, 25 :bard It. Bryan, Mies Julia , Miss Mary L. Myton, Sire Itonebraker, Miss Ellen W. AWARDING CO3I3IVITER.—RI Glazier. Miss Ellto Amiens° George Eby, Mrs. John M. Ha ailton. , TTER AND PICKLES GLASS 15—SUGAR, B Best 'domestic sugar, $1 00 , second best, 60 best maple molasses, 100 second best, 60 best sorghum molasses, 0 00 secolurbest, 50 third beet, 25 best [amine butter, 100 second best, 50 best grape butter, 1 00 second boot, 60 bent apple butter, 1 00 second best, 00 best pear butter, 1 00 second bast, 60 beet quince bettor, second bast. 50 best mixed pickles, 1 00 second best, 60 beat cucumber, 60 second bast, 25 best pepper, 50 second best, 26 best tomato°, 60 second best,' 26 best cantelope, 60 second best, 23 best tomato catsup, 1 00 second bent, 60 best cider vinegar, 1 00 second best, 50 P. White, Miss Jane McCur se. Abram Graff us, bliss An' •ctt, Mrs. Abner Anderson. Avrnatxa COllllllll6.—A. loch, Mrs. Isaao Otenkirk, Ms ale 'Wilson, Miss Liezio Auy CLASS 16—DoMESTI Best woolen carpet not loss than ten yards each, $2 00 second best, 1 00 best rag carpet not loss than ton yards, 2 00 second beet, 1 00 best flannel not less than FE= best table cover, $1 00 second beet, 60 best pair woolen stock ings, 100 Second bast, best woolen seeks, second best, ' 50 i beat pair linen knit stockings, 1 00 second best, 50 best pair worsted stock ings, 1 OD I second bent, 50 best pair of cotton stock ings, 1 00 second beet, 60 best woolen gloves, SO 1 best woolen mittens, 50 tobert Fleming, Mrs. James ntthew ireatley, Miss Emily , Mrs. Sohn K. Ramey. F' .. . ten yards, 2 00 second best, 1 00 best bearth rug. 1 00 second bent, 50 beat coverlet, 1 00 second best, 50 best patchwork quilt, 1 00 second best, 50 best counterpane, 1 00 . second beat, 60 AWARDING COMNITNSE.—RI Dickey, Mrs. John Bars, Mat Chilcota, Miss Sarah A. Les, CLASS 17—LINEN AND 1 TDI ANC!' WORK BIANUFAC -163. -,. bestworked cushion and ' back, $2 00 second best, 1 00 bast marked reception chair, 2 00 second beet, 1 00 beat ottoman cover, 200 second beet, 1 00 !bent lamp stand mat,. 1 00 second best, 60 lboat flower vase mat, 100 second best, 60 Seat 6 yards homemade linen, $2 00 second beat, 1 00 bast 6 yards itnen dia per, 2 00 second best. 1 00 best 6 yards towcleth, 2 00 second beat, 1 00 best homemade shirt, 1 00 second beat, 00 best pound oflinen sew. lug thread, 1 00 second best, 60 AWARDING COII3IITTEE---Dr. J. 11. Wintrode, Mrs. Peter Sharer, Mrs. li. Coyle, biro. R. 0. Morahan, Mee Eliza Croswell, Eire. B. L. Nall, John R. Thompson. CLASS 18—BONNETA, 113113ROIDEItY, best embroidered lady's skirt, , ii,l. 00 second best, 60 best embroidered pocket handkerchief, 1 00 second beet, 60 best embroidered slip pers, silk, 1 00 second beet, 60 best embroidered slip pers, worsted, 50 Ibeet crotchet ehowl, 100 r. 13. Thompson, Mrs. J. A. t, Mrs. P. 4. Akers, Mts. W. If, Mrs. White of West. Seat bonnet, $2 00 I second best, 1 00 !networked child's dross, muslin, J 2 00 I second beet, 1 00 beetworked chtld'e dress, worsted, 2 00 1 second beet, 1 00 beet embroidery ou mus lin, 1 001 second post, 50 best crotchet tidy, 1 0011 AWATIDING COMNITTEIS,—Dr. Ifordger, Mies Eunice Africa, Buchanan, Mrs. Rudolph Net ELMORE, Ica. best specimen of dry pressed flowers, $1 00 second best, 50 best specimen of wax fruits, 2 00 second beet, 1 00 best hair flowers, 2 00 MASS 19—SH Boit ocean shell and nom work, $3 00 second beet, 1 00 best bead work, 1 00 second beet, 00 beet leather workrorna mental, 1 00 second best, best seed flowers, second beet, second bid, 40 beet wax vase, 1 00 second beat, 60 best vase wax flowsre, 2 00 second best, 1 00 AWARDING COMMITTM—S. Miles Green, MISS M. Cress well, Mies M. It. Brewster, Mrs. K. A. Lovell, Mrs. Mine A, Crosswell, Mice Joneirea Oreeo low), Mra. J. G. Boyer. CLASS 20-FLORAL DEPARTMENT. (best collection gerani um, $1 00 second beet, 60 best colloption papnes, 1 00 second boat, 60 best collodion phloxes, 1 OD second best, 50 beet collection asters, IOD second best, 50 beet collection of crysan then; 1 00 second bed, 50 boat collection of roses, 1 00 second best, 60 ! best banging basket growing plants, 1 00 second best, 50 best hanging basket of cut flowers, 1 00 second beat. 60 best collection of pot. .. Best floral design, $2 00 second best, 1 00 best table sae. of cat flowers. 50 second best, 25 best saes of growing flowers, 60 second best, 26 best sass of dried flow ers, 50 oecood best, 22 bees round hand bonnet, 50 second best, 25 best' flat boquot, 50 second host. 25, best collection dahlias, 2 00 , second best, 1 00 1 beat collection rerbenne,l 001 socond best, 50 best collection petuntte, 1 00 aecond beet, 50 plAnts, uecead best, AWARDING CONVITTEE—John SCOtt, Mrs. Jae. Bricker Mrs . .. Tames Shively, Mrs. Jamep Oaks, Mrs, 11 A. Green, Miss Mary Owin, Miss Kato Stewart. CLASS 21—PAISITIPM. best celorral grayon drawing, $1 00 second beet. 60 best India Ink draw ing, 100 second beet, 50 best pb.inting in water colork, 1 00 second beet. 50 best specimen of marina drawing, 1 00 second bast, . 60 best oriental painting_ Best oil painting fruit qr portrait, $1 00 second best, 50 best oil painting on glass, 1 00 second best. 50 best landscape, ,oil 1 00 second best, • 50 best landscape from na ture, 1 00 second best, 50 beat lithograph, all 1 00 second best, 50 grocino or Italia)), 100 necoud bong, 60 Lest pery or pencp drag• tog, 1 00 second boat, 50 AWARDING Comturrse.—Prof I. G. Grier, Mre. W. Woods, Mrs. Samuel Neal, Mre. Doctor Drown, Mrs. B, N. Wilson, Mrs. B. it. rtetr, Mrs. Hugh Jackson. premium of a riding whip will be awarded for the kest boreentan ship performed by n gentleman. 4 , VAODING CO3l/1177..—J0hn S. Miller, Chairman; Dr. R. A. Miller, Aeberry Stewart, Aeberry Oaks, Dr. SY: P. 31eNito. AWARDING CODIMITTYII ON DISCRETIONARY PREMIUM. — Lewis Bootle. John X. Mote Daniel Wont°Wort, Rich ard Silverthern, Robert Gooehorn, James Entrikln, Ilam vel Wigton, James Clayton, Loyl Egano. To the peat Bean Ball Club, a set of Balla mid Bate of best quality. Clubs from other counties entitled to tom peke. Conmetlng clubs to adept their 0511Buies and ap point their awarding committee. THOMAS BMA Chief Marahlet. • W. F. CONNINGFIALf, 1 ,Assistants. 41. L. litrwro, • - STEVENS HOUSE, 21. 23/ . 25. & 27 BROADWAY, N, Y, OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN The. STS VI:NS 110 UM s well and widely known to the travelling public. The Solution is especially suitable to merchants and business men- ; It is in close proximity to the business past of the city—is on the highway of South ern and Western travel-4md adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. STEVENS HOUSES has liberal accommodations fur over 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain. meld of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well vont. lated—provided wills gas and Water—the attend ance is prompt and respectful—end the table is gener ously provided with every delicacy of the season—at mod erate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, wo are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CEASE & CO. Aug. 14, '67-6m. PROPRIETORS. By Cani t Railroad. We are now receiving by,Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and western cities,' DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every desOription, CARPETS,OIL-CLOTIIS, FLOUR,. FEED, 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 7 21 1 1)4 1::YV - 1..i_C:)>X3L, Of all kinds 44 CI)/16.1.A. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top oal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. LUMBER. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. • • Nails and Bar ron, at manu facturers' prices. EEO GREAT OPENING OF SPRING AND SUAIIifER GOODS, limo nikAAiimix Breordii al JOSEPH MARCH & BRO., COFFEE RUN, PENN'A m The subscribers have received a now and complete IL9 sorted stock of a r lff G 0 01-I C D , ll:minding a large and carted assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and fashions. Also GROCERIES, QU.P.ENSWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, rtsn, SALT, BACON, and alLother articles usually kept inn well conducted store, ill of which are offered ns cheap us at any oilier CB tabliAltment in this section of country. Country Produce taken in exchange for• goods Thankful for former patronage, no hereby extend nn invitation to our Trough Creek friends and the public generally for a renewal of the same, promising by a close attention to business and the wants of customers, tp fully merit it. jrlfl JOS. UARCII & BRO. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON HAVE EARFETIicii kti Urk) OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SUOR AS, ALL WOOL INGRAIN, VENITIAN,, COTTAGE, ST-AIR S HEMP, RAG ~&e. 9. • Huntingdon, ,Tuly 3,1867. JUNIATA STEAM' PEARL MILL, TIUNTINGDPIsT, PA., • IS NOW IN OWIPLETE REMINING ORDER FOR TiIEMANUFACTURE OF FLOUR. 46 The patronage of tho town and "country to respectfully solicited. GRAIN, of every dosoription, Bought at this mill. McOAITAN rh SW. Iluutingdon, May 8,1868 Can't Be • Beaten ! Good' Stock & Low Prices • • , , 1 JOHN H. WESTBROOIC Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho basjust received from the city a Now 6nd splendid stock Of • GROCERIES, . CONFECTIONERIES BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, liosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet .Sacks, Trunks, &e., &c., &c., all of which Ito is prepared to 101 l at greatly reduced prices. Don't forgot the old stand in the Minuend. Old mita more and the public generally aro invited to call. Huntingdon, may 1, 1807 REMOVAL. 13,0BLEY & MARST - L MERCHANT TAILORS: Respectfully inform their old friends and the public generally thrq., they have removed to the room adjoining the Post Oillco on frill street, whore they have reesited a now stock of the most fashionable and serviceable DRESS GOODS, Which they are prepared to make up to order in the most fashionable and substantial order. Call and examine their assortment of goods for COATS, VESTS AND RANTS, Before purchasing elsewhere. They arlaidetermined to please everybody. ' • IL Itilli.Ll3Y. apIO,IBCT HENRY & ,CO., Huntingdon, Pa LEM MI 11EAD 1 4114.RTERS F 914 NEW GOODS,. D.. P. OWIN INFORMS -THE PUBLIC - THAT ILE HAS . JUST OPENED • A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS. • TIM.I I , • CAN'T BE SEAT IN• CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, 1 , COME AND SEE. p. P. GVlirpi. Huntingdon, ap. 16, '67. SEAL' E'S Late Powell's Embrocation', For all Diseases incident to HORSES, . CATTLE, and the HUMAN FLESH, Requiring the use of ari External Applioatibti: This new Compound, prepared by a practical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each Ingredient that enters into Its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind mer jet offered to the Public as an external npplication for the it:Ceases for which is is recommended. 3Fe are satisfied tti, It will work Its own reed into the confidence of all who me*, and those who try,ll once will never he nithoubit, sad therefore we rely on experience as the best test Mita use fulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who bats tried it to be the best application ever used. This Em brocation has been put up for over eight years,, and,itia. only through the increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public, that I send it forth as the grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noble and mobil the horse, is subject Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these ale injurious, others at best of little me, and many wholly imprOper to answer the purposes for which they aro recommended. A judicious and really useful composition, free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing, and pretended Farriers. Their wishes are at length fully gratified, by Pr. Beale being prevailed upon. to allow this valuable Embrocation (which has proved so efficacious to the vari ous diseases) to be prepared unit brought out to the pub lic. This _Embrocation was extensively need by the Govern ment during the war, Address all Orders to Dr. EDMUND BEALE, 602 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store, and by Store keepers generally. may 7,'07-6m. LEXICAL BY DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER M'CONNELLpTOWN; PA. • For the benefi rot those proposing , to under take Electrical treatment for diseases we give in the following list a few of the more prominent awl most common complaints mot within our prac • tico, in all of which we are most successful, IN NEARLY ALL CASES or CHRONIC DEEM; ELECTRICI TY IS A SURE REMEDY, AND ALL CASES BENEFICIAL, lir .PRopERLY APPLIED. TllO4O, therefore, afflicted with complaints not here enumerated, need have no hesitation in applying,andwhetheronlyazusr, Or a PERMANENT CURE Can be effected, they will receive replies accordingly. Alt communications free. 1 Epilepsy, Chorea, St, Vltus , Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita• tion of the Heart,Lock,law, etc. 2 Sore Throat, Dyspopela,Dlarrhcea, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthenciwhere not caused by organfe dingo of the aim) Bronchitis,' Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption to the early stages. .`" • ••••• ". • • ' 4 GravOl, Inabetis, and KlN:ley Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Diseases, Hip Inseam, Cancers, Tu mors; (those last named always cured 'with out pain, occulting, or plasters in any form) Ina word, we propose to cure all curable die- We hive no connection whatever with any, other Electrical office in this or any other county. All lettere address to Wiit. BREWSTER, If. D., McConnelletown, Pa. = CHEAP GROCERY ,STORE. • HILL ST., HUNTINGDON I HE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers alarge and as. sorted stock of Groceries, Provifilansacc.' lie feels satin. fled they coo be accomodated with anything In his lino. His pricos are low, and his stock fresh had good. lie koops the,best of SUGAR, COFFEE, • TEAS, SPICES, SALT, • TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ,• ' • HATS & CAPS, o. ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS,' SIDES, - MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR; • FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of. every kind, A. select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS. WARE, and all other articles kept in a volt regulated establishment for sale at reasonable prices. roy- Ilts store is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Dank, and in tho room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine.' - • Z. VENTER, Huntingdon, may 8, 1.1307 THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. MARCH & BRO. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have Just received a large and splendid stock of goods set their store in Huntingdon, consisting in part of ' SILKS, ' DRY GOODS, • DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, - LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,Bortrns,HUTTONS, WOOD AN D. WILLOW tWAR .E, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH; SALT, &c.. ; &O. Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, Awl fact everything that is usually kept inn first ciass store, all which were bought low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. end -request the public; to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer ewe. tier inducements to cash buyers. - - , - We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, and the public are cordially invited to examine cur, goods, • Everything taken in exchange for goods except prom!. Val. :WARM .kilfto. Huntingdon, up. 16,1867. • vgmmargam • J. M.' WISE, Manufacturer and Dpaler in ir_T Da' TT IR- 3 M Respectfully invite., the attention of tho public to hie Maud on UM at., Lliantingdou, In the rear of CleorgeW Swart.' Watch and Jewelry atore, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prism Per, eons wishing to purchase, Bill do well to glee 4tm a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. 4Z. Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has a r#llll NEW . AND ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepalcd to attend ittherala et 49y Place in tome or country. J. N. WM. Huntingdon, May 9, ISatletf SPECTACLES . - A. fine and large assortment always on hand A'T'L.ETVIS' BOOK STORE', QEGARS,-Best quality of Sogiii at 9.9g91,1t