Ze Obbt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Sept. 11, 1867. WM. LEWIS, EDITORS HUGH LINDSAY, 1 rfa.The Lancaster County Republi can Delegate Convention motlast wook, but instead of patting in nomination a county ticket, adopted the Crawford County system and ordered an election'. This change in the strong-hold ,of the Republican party, shows that tho masses of tho party aro determined to defeat tho corruptiOnists and place in office mon only who aro worthy of sup port. • Tho situation at Washington is still of exciting interest. Grant was obliged to acquiesce to the "superior force" of the President's logic, as did Stanton before him: The President is master of the situation, until Congress meets in November. Tho Radical jour nals are berating their members round ly for not meeting the question square ly and depriving A. J. of the power he is now using . They regret that Con gress adjourned, and they lament still more that that body adjourned without getting rid of the greatest obstacle in the way of their plan of reconstruction. Does it not look exceedingly farcical that Congress convened to make three supplementary laws to the original re construction act, just on the President's account, and then adjourned without accomplishing what they sought? No vember next will develop some happy scenes in' and about Washington. SkirThoßadical journals assert that it is not the intention of the leaders of their party to force negro suffrage on the Northern States. If they do not, it will be because they see no use in running the risk of losing their party prestige, whiZh is not the case in the South, where the white men co a great extent aro disfranchised and all ne groes over twenty-one aro enfranchis ed without regard to - qualifications. If negro suffrage is forced on the North it will bo no greater infringement of the Constitution than has already been committed toward the South. The ease stands thus: If the Radicals think they can strengthen their party by giving Northern negroes a vote, they will do it in spite of everything, but if they do not, then they will not. It is not so much their love for the darkoy that induces them to give him a vote as it is their desire to use his vote for their own purposes. Had not the no grecs of Tennessee voted as they did, how soon would they have been dis franchised. The California Election. The election in California took place last week. , The Democratic party elected the governor, State officers, two of the three Congressmen, and a majority of the; flogislature, thus secur ing the election of a United States Senator. This is a victory for the Democrats,--brought about principally by the bad conduct of the Republican leaders. The Republican regular con vention was controlled by , the corrup tionists and they put in nomination for Governer'a corrupt man. The honest masses of the party nominated a sec ond candidate, determined that defeat would be more honorable to the.party than success with a corrupt man and corrupt party leaders. The Democrats contend they could have succeeded even should the Republicans have had but one candidate. The falling off on the RepubliCan vote was large, thou sands not going to the election and oth ers possibly voting the Democratic ticket. There might be, a change in other States—the masses of the people more honest than partisan, get tired of being controlled hy'corrupt party leaders. Republican Senatorial Conference. ' The Republican conferees of this dis trict met at Lewistown on Friday last. We give the - proceedings of the Confer once in another column. .The confer ence was well attended by the friends of the several candidates, and "outsi ders." Mr. Hall's friends were tho most numerous, from the district and from Harrisburg, hut the pins were put up against him and they could'nt be knocked down. Mr. McVitty of this county appe'ared to have the inside track . from the commencement of the struggle. All were very favorably im pressed with the man. He is a gentle man, and go far as wo know a perfect ly honest man, with abilities to make a useful Senator. Mr. McYitty is a tan ner, carrying .on the business exten sively in Clay township. Mr. J. K. Robison, the other successful candi date, is a -farmer in Juniata county. -He was in the service during the war, and has the reputation of being a per fectly honest man. Both partics have now their candi dates in the field—two only can bo elected, and as the district is a very close ono, the candidates and their friends will have to be busy. Mr. Mc- Intyre of Perry, and Mr. Shngert of Centre, they Democratic candidates, are both good men and will' work to succeed. m.l4istaken—the prominent gen tleman who insists that Col. John J. Patterson of Mifflin county has been nominated for the House oI Represen tatives and also for the State Senate way-In a late issue the Philadelphia Press asks the question, "Was the war right ?" We thought it was during its continuance and still think that the principles which we of the North eon., tended for, were - right,' and for that reason we, in the.beginning of the re bellion linked ourself with the great Union party and endorsed it until the close. Its platform was our platform; its candidates were our candidates, from the President and Vice President down. But the war over, the Union party suddenly transformed itself into the Republican party; the loaders ap peared to have other objects in view than the restoration of the Union, the most important of which objects was and is to-day the building up of their party in the Southern States. The more rabid of the loaders, not satisfied with seeing slavery so successfully and happily abolished, aro seeking now to elevate the slaves them Selves to such a standard that the white man shall be their inferior, politically. This policy we do not and can not endorse. We were satisfied to see the slaves freed, but 'we aro not 'satisfied to see thorn made politically the peers of the white man. If this had been made the avow ed object /if the War we could not have adV'oCated it, nor do we believe that appeals or entreaties nor yet conscrip tion could have filled the Union ranks. In that aspect wo would have consid ered the war wrong, for then it would have been a war of political partisans —the ono for, and the other against the negro. To expect a reconstruction of the Union by building up a Certain party is folly. The same spirit which united the Union party during the war must prevail in the ranks of the dominant party of today. So long as its leaders look to their own aggrandizement—so long as they look to the success of their party by disfranchising their opponents and enfranchising the negro whom they can induce to vote for them by the ob ject of reward, just so long will that party meet with a steady and increas ing opposition. The Union can only be reconstructed by throwing aside all jealousies, all animosities, all rivalries, and all sectionalisms. Who can ex pect a reconstruction that will be final where the opinions of the people aro .checked from free expression by the military; and how can the wants of a people be made known where all the avenues through which they might be made known, are hushed and held in subjection ? A war can only be considered right when the principles for which it was fought aro practically enforced. If the principles of our recent struggle were to enforce negro supremacy and keep those who fought for the South in subjection, then we are right. in doing so now, but if such wore not the prin ciples, then we are wrong. The war could not have been fought upon any such principles, and is it not wrong to insult the memories of our fallen he roes, who died "for the Union," by car rying out such a policy We cannot believe that our living soldiers will agree that they fought for, the negro to rule, but the events that have trans pired during the last two years, while under the domination of radical moo, point too plainly to this painful con clusion. Had the negro been left out of the reconstruction question, and bad the Radicals not been permitted to govern the Union party, all would have been well, but so long as they aro allowed to rule, we can have noth ing but discord. , The war principles were right, but the Radical principles are wrong, and we have tried them long enough to experience that such is the fact. ZED-Ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin arrived in Now York on Saturday last,' from a tour in Europe. His health is greatly improved by the relaxation from the busy scenes and anxious care he underwent while in office. On the 17th inst., he is expected to deliver the address at the dedication of the An tie. tam National Cemetery. Ate' The reform (?) Legislature of last winter is a stumbling block in the way of many progressive politicians. um. The election in Vermont last week resulted as usual, in favor of tho Republicans by a largo majority. The Emperor - Napoleon, well known to be a good artillerist, has invented a now - field gun. Its power is so great that a single discharge is expected to destroy a battalion. Workmen are busily engaged in manufacturing this weapon. They are locked up day and night, and never allowed to leave the premises, whereof his Majesty himself keeps the key ; and the secret is notto be divulged until European complica tions render prompt action necessary. It is said that children are decreas ing among the Southern colored .popu lation. Nomadic habits and uncertain modes" of existence render babies bur densome. Marital obligations are not clearly appreciated, and the whole bur den of maintaining offspring is impos ed upon women least capable of die. charging the task. The consequence is, that infants die of neglect. aerln a recent fight with Indians on the Republican river three whites were killed,and ono hundred fifty reds. After the fight was over, the savages sent in a flag of trues, with the following mes sage : "Tell your offieers wo do not want peace; we are for war; we shall keep on fighting." They then charged on r troops again. The Indians are supplied with near ly all the modern appliances of civiliz ed e re,ri l fe, even to tho use of field glasses. AMNESTY. Proclamation by the- President WASHINGTON, September 8. By the President of the United Staten of Amqrioa. A PROOLAiMATION WHERE" In ;the month of July, Anno Domini 1861', theitwo Houses of Congress, with extraordinary unanimi ty, solemnly declared that the war then existing was not waged on the part of the Government in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrow or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the States, but to defend and maintain the supremaoy of the Constitution, and to preserve' the Union with all the digni ty, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired, and that as soon as these objects should be accomplished the war ought to cease; and, whereas, the President of the United States, on the Bth day of December, A. D. 1863, %and on the 26th day of March, A. D., 1864, did, with objects of suppressing the then existing robellion,of inducing all persons to return to their loyalty, and of restoring the authority of the United States, issue proclamations of fering amnesty and pardon to all per sons who had directly or indirectly participated in the then existing rebel lion, except as in those proclamations was specified and reserved; and, whereas, the President of the United States did, on the 29th day of Mav, A. D. 1864, issue a further proclamation with the same objects beihre mention ed, and to the end that the authority of the Government of the United States might be restored, and that peace, or der and freedom might be established, and the President did,'hy the said last proclamation, proclaim and declare that he thereby granted to all persons who had directly or indirectly partici pated in the then existing rebellion, except as therein excepted, amnesty and pardon, with the restoration of all rights of property except us to slaves, and except in certain eases where le gal proceedings had been instituted, but upon condition that such persons should take and subscribe an oa'h therein prescribed, which oath should be registered for permanent preserva tion ; and, whereas, in and by said last mentioned proclamation of the 29th day of May, A. D. 1865, fourteen ex tensive clauses of persons therein spe cially described, were altogether ex cepted and excluded from the benefits thereof; and, whereas, the President of the United States did, on the 2d day of April, A. D. 1866, issue a proclama tion declaring that the insurrection was at an end and was thenceforth to be so regarded; and, whereas, there now exists no orgsnized armed resis tance of misguided citizens or others to the authority of the United States in the States of Georgia, South Caroli na, 'Virginia, North Carolina, Tennes see, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida and Texas, and the laws can be sustained and enforced therein by the proper civil authority, State or Federal, and the people of said States are well and loyally dis posed, and have conformed, and if per mitted to do so, will conform in their legislation to the condition of affairs growing out of the amendment to the Constitution of the United States pro hibiting slavery within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States; and, whereas, there no longer exists any reasonable ground to apprehend with in the States which were involved . in the late rebellion a renewal thereof, or any unlawful resistance by the people of said States to the Constitution and laws of the United States; and whereas, as large standing armies, military oecu pation, martial law, military tribunals, and the suspension of the privilege of the writofhabeas corpus,and the right of trial of jury,' are in time of peace dan-. gerous to public liberty, incompatible with tho'individual rights of the cit izen, contrary to the genius and spir it of our free institutions, and exhaus tive ,of the national, resources, and ought not, therefore, to be sanctioned or allowed to except in cases of actual necessity for repelling invasion or sup- - pressing insurrection or rebellion ; and, whereas, a retaliatory or . vindictive policy, attended by unnecessary dis qualifications, pains, penalties, confis cations and disfranchisement, now• as always could only tend to binder re conciliation among the people and Na tional restoration, while it must seri ously embarrass, obstruct and repress the popular energies and National in dustry and, enterprise ; and, whereas, for these reasons it is now deemed es. sential to the public welfare and to the more perfect restoration of Constitu tional law and order that the said last mentioned proclamation, so as afore said issued on the 29th day_ of May, A. D. 1865, should be modified, and that the full• and beneficent pardon conce ded thereby ehould be opened and fur ther extended to a large number of persons who by its aforesaid exceptions have been hitherto excluded from exe cutive clemency; . Now, therefore, bo it known, that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the Uni ted States, do hereby proclaim and de clare that the full pardon described in the said proclamation of the 29th day of May, A. D. 1865 1. shall henceforth be I opened and extended to all persons who, directly or indirectly, participa ted in the late rebellion, with the res toration of all privileges, immunities and rights of property except as to property with regard to slaves, and except in eases of legal proceedings under the laws of the United States, but upon this condition, nevertheless, that each person who shall seek to avail himself of this proclama tion shall take and subscribe to the following oath, and shall cause the same to be registered for permanent preservation, in the same manner and with the same effect with the oath proscribed in the said proclamation of the 29th day of May, 1865, namely : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) in .the presence of Almgbty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, pro tect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the Stases thereunder, and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support'all laws and proclamations that have been made during-the late rebel lion with reference to the emancipation of slaves, so help me God." ' The following persons and no oth ers are excluded from the benOfits of • this proclamation, and of the said proc lamation of the 29th day of May, A. D. 1363, namely First, The chief or pretended chief executive officers, including the Presi dent, Vico President and all heads of departments of the pretended Confed erate or rebel government, and all who were agents thereof in foreign States and countrieg, and all who bad or pre tended to hold in the service of the said pretended Confederate • Govern ment a military rank or title above the grade of brigadier general, and naval rank," or title above that of captain, and all who wore or pretended to be Governors of States while maintaining, abetting or submitting to and acquies cing in the rebellion. Second, All persons who, in any way, treated otherwise than as lawful priso ners of war, persons who, in any capa city, were employed or engaged in tho military or naval service of the United States. Third, All persons who, at the time they may seek to obtain the benefits of this proclamation, are actually in civil, military or naval confinement or custody, or legally held to bail, either before or after conviction, and all per sons who were engage t directly or in• directly in the assassination of the late President of the United States, or in any plot of conspiracy in any manner therewith connected. In testimony whereof, I have signed these presents with my hand, and havo caused the seal of the United States to be thereunto affixed. • Done at the city of Washington, [SEAL] this 7th day of September, one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: \Yuman U SEWARD, Secretary of State. Proclamation by the President, 'WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, By the Constitution of the United States the executive power is vested in aPresident of the LTnitedStates of America, who is bound by a solemn oath faithfully to execute the office of President, and to the best of his ability to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and is by the same instrument made Corn• mander-in-Chiof of the army and navy of the United States, and is required to take care that the laws be faithfully executed; and whereas, by the same Constitution, it is provided that the said Constitution and tho laws of the United States tibia shall be made in phrsuance thereof shall be the supremo law of the land, and thejudges in every State shall be bound thereby; and whereas, in and by the same Constitu tion, the judicial power of the United States 'vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as Con• gross may from time to time ordain and establish, and the aforesaid judi cial power is declared to extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the Constitution, the laws of the Uni ted States, and the treaties which shall be made under their authority ; and whereas, all 'officers civil and military are bound by, oath &at they will sup port and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and do mestic, and will bear true faith and al: legiance to the same • and whereas, all officers oftho army and navy of the Un ited States, in accepting their commis• sions under the laws of Congress and the rules and articles of war, incur an obligation to observe, obey, and follow such directions as they shall from time to time receive from the President or the goneral,or other superior officers set over them,according to the rules and dis ciplino of war; and whereas, it is pro vided by law that whenever, by rea son of unlawful obstructions, combina= lions, or assemblages of persons, or re bellion against the Government of the United States, it shall become imprac ticable, in the judgment of the Presi dent of the United States, to enforce, by the ordinary course of judicial pro ceedings, the laws of the United States within any State or Territory, the Ex ecutive in that case is authorized and required to secure their faithful execu tion by the employMent of the land and naval forces; and whereas, impedi ments and obstructions, serious in their character, have recently been interposed in the States of North Caro• lina and South Carolina, hindering and' preventing, for a time, a priaper en forcement 'ther& of the laws of the United States and of the judgments and decrees of the lawful courts thereof, in disregard of the - command of the rea-' sonablo and well founded apprehen sions exist that such ill-advised pro ceedings may be again attempted there or elseivhere— Now, therefore, 1 Andrew Johnson, President of the United .States, do hereby warn all persons against ob structing or interfering; 'in any man ner whatsoever, with the faithful exe cution of the Constitution and the laws, and command all officers of .the Gov ernMent, civil and military, to render due submission and obedience to the said litivs and to the judgments and de crees of the,courts of the United States, and to give all the aid in their power necessary to the prompt enforcement and execution of such laws, decrees, judgments and processei. And I hereby enjoin upon the offi cers of the army and -navy to assist and sustain the courts and other civil authorities of the United States in a faithful administration of the laws thereof, and in the judments, decrees, mandates, and processes of the courts 'of the United States; and I call upon all good and well disposed citizens of the United States to remember that upon the said- Constitution and laws, and upon the judgments, decrees, and processes of the courts, made in accor dance with the same, depend the pro tection.of the lives, liberty, and happi ness of the people ; and 1 exhort them everywhere to testify their devotion to their country, their - pride in its prosperity and greatness, and their determination to uphold its free insti• tutions by a hearty eo operation in the efforts of the Government to sustain the authority of the law, to maintain the supremacy of the Federal Consti tution, and to preserve unimpaired the integrity of the National Union. In testimony whereof 1 have caused the seal to be affixed to these pres ents, and sign the same with my hand. 'Done at the pity of Washing ton, the third day of September, in the year' ono thousand eight bun grad and sixty-seven. ANDREW JOHNSON. WM. H. SEWAHD, Secretary of State. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS D'heISSOLUTION OP PARTNER SHIP. firm of ROHM & mum has this day boon die solved by mutual consent. The books and accounts wit be settled by G. A. MILLER, at the old stand. All per sons indebted to said firm will pleaso call and settlo. eoptll-it ROHM & MILLER. TYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA, /re offering • NEW STOCK of DRY G-00 - ns FORUM FALL SALES OF 186'7. SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STAPLE DRY. GOODS. N. E.--Job lota of Goode received daily. [eoll-6t W. M. TIMMS. I O. K. ESSINGTON HOLMES & ESSINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OP SUPERIOR REFINED CAST•STEEL Double Mils, Pole, Broad and Peeling AXES and Broad lIATCLIET, of various patterns, manufastured from best reflood Cast Stool. ALSO, GRIM HOES, MATTOCKS, RAILROAD AND MINERS' PICKS. Orders solicited. Orders solicited. Milesburg, Centre Co., Penna septl.l4m IMPORTANT to LOT-OWNERS rJ fIE following lot-owners not having 1_ complied with the ordinance lately passed and issued by the Burgesses and Town Council, are hereby notified Rl:dunks!' the material is upon the ground by tho 18th Inst., the work will be awarded by contract: East side of Montgomery street, from Hill to Mifflin.— Lot owned by A. P. Wilson, (occupied by G. J Fleming.) From Montgomery to Charles street.—Wm. Dorris, Benj. Graffue, John Scott, James or Joseph Saxton, (occupied by Eelarla Thonms,) Wm. Lewis. Dr. J. 11. Dorsey, J. A. Brown, Dr. 11. B. Neff, Mre. John C Anderson, lot of R. Stitt, deceased,(orcupied by John F. Miller.) Joe. Bricker, Thos. C. Fisher, A. S. Harrison and N. C. Decker. Mifflin street—H. S.lYharton, half pavement, John 11. Westbrook, half pavement, two lota of Jos. Saxton and Margaret Brotherllno, half pavements, lot of Mrs. David Snyder, David Miller, School Mouse lot, David Dunn. Church street, I, om Charles to Rath.—Daniel Montgom ery, James Murphy, 11. 8.• Wharton, John Planner, Fred crick Miller, David Strickler Brunette, Patrick Roi ly, Nathan Williams, Jacob 'S. Africa, James Saxton, N. B. church, Andrew McCoy, Mary Ann Lewis, two lots of O. 11, chinch, Myers, Andrew McCoy, throe lots. Moore street.—Nlins Bartol and floury Snare, Mary Couch, Jennie McMurtrie, two lots,Wm.Mollturtrio. PROPOSALS will ho received for the paving of the ahoy° sidewalks up to WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEP TEMDER 1811,, at the Castilian Garden, E. C. SUMMERS, Chief Burgess. HENRY GLAZIER, Aaslstant Burgesses. GRAFFITS MILLER, aelL2i LANGSTIZOTII'S Patent 'BEE-HIVE. TEE undersigned having purchased L the exclusive right to manufacture and ett:l L. L. LANGSTROTH'S PATENT MOVABLE COMB BEE HIVE, and to toll individual and township rights to Huntingdon county, 01l persons:wishlng to purchase Hives or individ ual or township rights, cnn do so by making application to them or either of them. The Rights to sell Lang atroth's Original Patent expired on tho fifth day of October, 1866; at which timo it was extended for seven yeate, and all porsons having purchased tights under the original patent aro hereby notified thatlthey cannot law fully make or sell hives slim the extension. This Hive tins been in use for some time in several parts of the county and has glean general satisfaction.— The undersigned would respectfully refer all persons wishing to examine the hives, to the following persons who have thorn in use. viz; Thomas Fisher, John Bead, It W. Miller Daniel Wontoladorf. • Applications for individual or township rights should he made personally or by letter to the undersigned at Cove Station I'. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa. JOHN T. SHIRLEY, JAMES C. SHIRLEY, septit-lm JAOKtiON ENYEART. Ilan HATA THE COMMONWEALTH. R 0 C LAMATION.-NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER Bth, 1867 Pursuant to on act of tho General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act rein. ting to the elections of this Comtnonwealth," approved tho second day of July, 3830, I, JAMES P. BATH URST, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, Pennsyvlania. do het shy wake known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will bo hold in tho sold county of Huntingdon, .on the 2.t1 Tuesday after the find Monday of October, (being the Sits day of OCTOBER) at which time State, District and County Officers will bo elected, to wit: Ono person to fill the office of Supremo Judge of the commonu ealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon. Blair, Centre, Juniata and Mifflin, In the Senate of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. • Two persona to represent the comities of ITuntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin, in the House of Representatives of tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Ono person to fill the office of Ti easurer of Huntingdon county. One person to fill the office of County, Commissioner of Huntingdon county. Two persons to fill ties office ofJury Commissioner of Huntingdon county. one person to fill the office o f Director of the Poor of Huntingdon county. Two persons to nil the office of Auditor of Huntingdon county. In pursnanco of said act, I also hereby make known and giro notice, that the places of bolding the aforosaid spe cial election in the several election districts within the sold county of Huntingdon, are as follows, to wit: let men ict, composed of the township of Hendorson, at the Union School House. 211 diets lot. composed of Dublin township. at Meseta 11111 School Houser, near Joseph Nelson's, in said township. 3d district, composed of so much of Warrioramark town ship, as is not Included in tho loth district, at the school house adjoining the town of Warrioremark. 4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell, at Rough and Ready Furnace. sth district, composed of the township of Berme at the house of James Livingston , in the town of Ssulseurg, in said township. 6th district, composed of the borough of Shirleynburn., and all that part of the township of Shirley not included within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter men tioned and described, at tho house of David Fraker, dec'd, In Shirleysburg. 7th district, composed of Porter and part of Walker town ship, and so much of West township as is included in thin following boundaries, to wit Beginning at tho south-west corner of Tobias Caufnutn's Farm on the bank of the Little Juniata river. to the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence inn northwesterly direction to tho most southerly part of the Rum owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees - west to Rio top of Tuesey's mountain to into' , sect the line 51 Trinkiln township, thence along the said lint to Little Bluisha river, thence down tho same to the place of beginning, at the public school house opposite the llama Roforined Church, in the borough of Alexandria. ' Sill district, composed of the township of Franklin, at the lions° of Ow. W. Slattern, in said township. - Mt district, composed of Tell township, at the Union school house, near the Union Meeting house, In said twp. 10111 district, composed of Springfield township, at tho school, house, near lingh Madden's. in said township. llth district. composed of Union township, at the school house, near Ezekiel Corbin's, in said township. 1211, district, composed of Brady township, at the Contra school house, In said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at public school house No. 2, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West township sot included in Ills and 2011, districts, at the public school house on tho farm now owned by Miles Lewis, (formerly or by James Eunis,) in said township. • 15th district, composed of Walker township, at' tho house of Bonjamin Magalty, in M'Connellstowo. 16th district, composed of the township of Tod, at the Green school house, in said toss nship. Fith district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of Wm. D. Rankin, Warm Springs. 18th district, composed of Cromwell township, at the house now occupied by David Endre, in Orldsonia. 14th district, composed of the borough of Birmingham, with the several tracts of laud near to And attached to the same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M.Owens, Joint K. McCaban, Andrew Robeson, John Gonsimer and Wm. Gensimer, end the Una of land now owned by George and John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, situato to the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house in said borough. 20th district, composed of the township of. Cass, at the public school house in Ca.seville, in said township. 21st district, composed of the township of Jackson, at the public house of Edward Littler, at illcAleavy's Fort, In said township. Old dist: tot, composed of the township of Clay, at tho public school house in Scottsville. 231 dish id, composed of the township of Penn, at the public school house to 11arklesburg, in said township. 24th disttict, composed and created as follows, to wit:— That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, lying and being within the following described boun daries'namely: beginning at tile intersection of Union and Shirleya township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township line for the distance of three miles from said river; thence eastwardly, by a straight line, to the point where the main from Eby 's mill to Germany valloy, crosses the summit of Sandy ridge; thence :torn:nattily along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the placo of beginning, shall Ito:rafter form a separate election district; that the qualified voters of said election district shall hereafter hold their general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, in said district. 25th district,composed of the borough of Huntingdon, at the Court house to said borough. Those parts of Walk er and Porter townships, beginning at the souther:44ond of the bridge across the Juniata river at tho foot of Mont gomery street, thence by the Juniata township line to the line of the Walker election district, thence by the same to the corner of,Porter township at the Woodcock Volloy road near Rees school house, thonco by the line between Walker and Porter townships, to tho summit of the War rior.ridge, thence along said ridge to the Juniata river BO as to include the dwelling-house at Whittaker's, now Fish er's old mill, and thence down said river to the place of beginning, be annexed to the Huntingdon Borough elec tion district, and that tim Inhabitants thereof shall and may vote at all general elections. 28th district, composed of the-borough of Petersburg and that part of West township, west and north of a line between Henderson and West townships, at or near the Warm Springs, to the Franklin township lino on the top of Tossers mountain, so as to Include In the new district the houses of David Waidsmitg, Jacob Lthiganecker, Thos. Hamer, James Yorteroind John Wall, at, the school-house In the borough of Petersburg. - 27th district, composed olliduniata township, at the house Of John Peightal, ou.the lands of Henry Isenberg. 28th district, composed , of Carbon township, recently erected out of a part of the NI ritory of Tod township, to wit : commencing. at a Chestnut Oak, on the summit Ter race mountain, at the7lopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches. ton stone heap on the Nester Summit of Broad Top mountain; thence north sixty-seven degrees, east three hundred and twelve porches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two degrees, east seven hundred and seventy-two porches, ton Chestnut Oak ; thence south fourteen degrees, east throe hundred and fifty one perches, to a Chestnut at the east and of Henry S. Ureen's land ; thence south thirty-one and a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-four perches, to a Chestnut Oak on the summit of a spur of Broad Top, on the western side of John Terrors form; sends, sixty five degrees, cast nine hundred and thirty-four perches, to a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the Broad Top City Hotel, kept by C. Allmond, in said township. , 20th district, composed of the borough of CoAlmont, at the public school house in said borough, 30th district, composed of Lincoln township, beginning at a pine on the summit of Tussey mountain on the line between Blair and Huntingdon counties, theme by the division line south. tiftpright dogma east seven hund red and ninety•eight perchos tea black oak in middle o township; thence fovty-two and one half degrees east• eight hundred and two perches to a pine on summit of Terrace; thence by line of Tod township to corner of Penn township; thence by the lines of the ton nehip of Penn to the summit of 'Nary mountain; thence along said sum mit with lino of Blair county to place of beginning, at Coffee Hun School Hence. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid not lam directed, that cry person, excepting Justices of the pence, WllO shall hold any officaor appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of • this State, or of any city or emended district, whether n commission .' officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive orjudichtry department of this State, or of the United Itates, or of any city or incorpce rated district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or com mon council of any city, Commissioners of any incorpora ted district, is by taw Incapable of holding or exercising at - tho same time, the ofileo or appointment of judgo, in spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no4uspector or Judge, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then vo ted for." Also, thnt In the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other purposes," approved Apritl6th, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th - Section "shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia or borough omcer from serving as judge, or inspector or clef k of any general or special election in this Commonm In accordance with tie provision of the Bth section of an net entitled "A further supplement to the election Laws pf this Commonwealth." I publish the following: WnEnsss, By the net of the Congress of Um United States, entitled "an act to amend the several acts hereto , fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces, and for other purposba," and approved March 3d, 1865, nll persons who have deserted the milita ry or naval service of the United States, road who have not been discharged 'or relieved from the penalty or disability therein provided, are deemed and taken to have volunta rily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof; And whereas, Persons not Cif IZOILIa of the United States aro not, under the Constitution and lawn of Pennsylvania qualified electors of this Commonwealth- SECTION 1. Be it enacted. Let: ~ That in all elections here after to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw ful for the Judge or Inspectors ninny such election to re ceive any ballet or ballots from any person or' persons embraced in tine provisions and subject to the disability Imposed by said act of Congross,approved March 3d, 1865, and it shall be unlawful for any such peison to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. ; SEC. 2. That irony such jfidge iltiill6pectors of election, or any ono of them shall metro or,consent to receive any such unlawful ballot or ballots front nay such disqualified person, he or they so offending MIMI be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quar ter sessions of this commonwealth; ho 'shall for each of fence, be sentenced. to pay a fine of not lees than one hun dred dollars. and to undergo an imprisonment Is the jail of the proper county for not leis than sixty days. i I Sec. 1. That if any person deprived of citizenship, end disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, vote, or tandiir to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person Co offending shell he deemed guilty of a aisle. manor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall for each offence ho punished In like manner as is provided In the preceding section of this act In C. 1190 of officers of election receiving any such unlawful ballot or ballots. SECTION 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or ads Me any person or persons, deprived of citizenship or disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officers of Any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwmtllll, or shall persuade, or advise, any such officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, And dimnalified as aforesaid, such present FO offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner is provided in filo second section of this net in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot er ballots. Particular attention is directed to the first section of the Act of Assembly, pasted the 30th slay of Mai cli A. D,, 1800, entitled "An Act regulating the manner of Voting at all Elections, in the sea oral counties of this Common wealth," “That thoqualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and. special elections, aro hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shell embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for and be labelled outside "judiciary ;" one ticket sh all embrace all tho names'of State /Wipers voted tor, nod be labelled "Stater" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of Senator, weather. and weatherer& Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, if voted for, and labelled "county ;" one ticket shall embrate the names of nil town ship officers voted for, and ho labelled "township ;" ono ticket shall embrace the nom as of all bo'rough officers voted for, and be labelled "b• rough;" and each class shall be cloposited in separate ballot boxes: Pursuant to the provisions contained in the With section of the net Aforesaid, the judges of do Aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their lespective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one of the judges from each district at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of election, being for the present year on Friday, the 12th of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said judges. And in pursuance of the act of Assserably approved the twentyfitth day of August, 1864, said Judges shall adjourn to meet on the third Friday after the elec tion for the purp ore of counting the Soldiers' Vote. Also, that w here a judge by sickness or unavoidable ace( deUt, is unable to attend said Meeting nfjudges, then the certificate or returni aforesaid shall be taken in charge by one of the ininectom or clerics of the election of said dis trict, and shall do and perform the duties required of said judge unable to attend. • Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without intvrruption or adjournment un til seven o'elk, in , the evening, solicit the palls shall be closed." GIVEN under my band, at Huntingdon, the 10th day of Sept.,•A. D. 7867, and of the independence of the -Uni ted Stater, the ninety-first. JAMBS P. BATHURST, Sheriff-, Sttomyr's Omer Huntingdon, Sept. 10, ',67.5 STATE FAIR. rrHE PENNA. STATE FAIR WILL I be held at. PITTSBURG, upon the groundeof the Iron City Park. . SEPTEMBER 24tb,2 - 6111,_26tb, and 27th, 1867. For the Exhibition of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, dm., Agricultural Imptemente, lllachinery, luxentione, Farm Ptoducte, Fruits, Flowers. Ifousebold Goods, &c. PREMIUMS OVER $lO,OOO COTIPETITION OPEN TO AL4. Pomo of the Premiums In the nbstract,nro ns follows_ . . CATTLE—Fonemx Isfronsxn.--10 premiums from $5O to $2O; all other grades of Cattle 60, from $3O to $lO, 42, from $lO to $3 ; best herd, Le , not less than 15 head, $5O; 2,1 best, $25; best 15 yolte of oxen, premium to be paid Am/cultural @a:My of the Couuty sanding them, $lOO - bast $5O. HORSES.—Rest imported, 0 premiums from $5O to $2O —thorough Mods, 10, from $3O to slo—Speed, 1 of $lOO, 1 or $75, 4 of sso. - MATCILED 110100E3.-1 of $50,1 of $3O ; best draught, gelding, niaTsingle horses 12, from $3O to $lO. STAL LIONS and MAJtES, 15. from $25 to $lO. JACKS and' MULES, 7, from $25 to $10; best mule team of four $3O, 2d-host $l5. SiIItEP AND INCIOL:—For diffiront breeds 123 premi ums from $5O to_ls. SWINE 15, from $25 to $5. POUL TRY, best collectionlls, and no premium less than $2. For. Agricultural Implements, Steam Engine, Scales, Lc., but few premium, ore offered: The Judges however may make complimentary notice, of i tho particular flier- Re of each machinb exhlbitOd. For Leather and its manufacture, flour and indtan meal, gratu'and seeds, iegetables, traits, grapes, cider, flowers and 'designs, needle work,"embrcidery, Ac., bread, - cakes, - Ste , preserves, jellies, and air tight fruits and vegetables, mercantile cli‘pliys, La, Liberal premiums era offered ranging $lO to $l. STEAM I'LO7l'.-.4he lloydricle ethain pEnv will be ox• hibited and operated 'during the Fair. EXCURSION TIoKETS will ho issued by nearly all the railroads, and all goods exhibited and unsold will be. returned freight free. For particulars, or premium lists, address A. B, LONG AKER, Secretary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Single Admission Tickets, 25 Cents. sol-St A. BOYD HAMILTON, President. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. HOPKINS i.'Ows MAKE." After more thanfive years experience and experiment ing in.the manufacture of STRIuTLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, we offer our justly celebrated goods to merchants and the publia in full confidence of their su periority over all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt and recommend themselves in every respect. Deal ers in Hoop Skirts should make a note of this fact. Ev ery lady who has not given them a trial should do so without further delay. Our assortment embraces every style, length and ales for Ladies, Misses nod Children. Also, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkin's Own Slake," and be not deceived.— See that the totter' 11" is woven on the Tapes between each Hoop, and that they are stamped "W. T. HOPKINS, MANUFACTURER, 6SS ARCH STREET, PIIILAD'A," upon each tape. No others are genuine, Also. constantly on hand a full lino of good New York and Eastern made skirts at very low prices, Wholesale and Retail. at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Revertant, NO, OSS ARCH STREET, PHILAD'A. WM.. T. 110PKINS. ' ang29,sm rIIHE BEST QUALITY OE FRESH J IkfacKKß EL at CUNNINGII,I4I C44?AINVS. PIT B E S •1 C E s at el:N=1111AM A CARMON'S, to4UDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed kuditor attribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Margaret Brotherline, be will attend to/tilt:E tats of hie appointment at the office of Scott, Br a & Bailey, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of SEPTEMBHR. 1867, at one o'clock. P. 31., of said day, et which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims, or he debarred from coming in on said fund. SAM'L. T. BROWN. • aug2B-udAiditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. (Estate of Isaac Borland, dec'd ) The 'undersigned being appointed by the Orphans' Court of4llnotingdon county, to distribute the balance In' the hands of Thomas Fisher as survlving administrator' with the will annexed of Isaac Dorland deed., and as• Trustee appointed by said Court to sell too real estate of said deceased, will attend to the ditties of his appointment at lite office in Huntingdon, on TUTIRSDAY, the 12th day of SEPTEMBER, 1887, at 10 o'clock, A. 21., when and ‘vhere all persons interested are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fuud. ' . W2l. P. ORBDON, au2B Auditor. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS.. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on hand. • Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dog . Frames, furnished at manufac•preen' price,. Grain and country product gen.rally bought at market' rates. ' WAGONER & BRO., nug2S-tf Philipsburg, Centre co., Pa. i3RIDGES TO BUILD. PROPOSALS will be received up to one o'clock en the 6th SEPTEMBER, by the County Commissioners, at their office, for the rebuilding of the Pier and tho repair. ing of the Abutments of the Bridge across RayStown Branch at or near ; and also For bonding abutments of a bridge across the canal opposite the bridge across the Juniata river at Montgcv mery'e Hollow. _ Specifioatlons and plan to be seen at the CLlMMilgeioll ere Office. By ordor of the Comtnisoioners. EZIMIXE2I VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale a Valuable Farm situate in WEST township, near Shaver's Crook. The Farm contains 234 ACRES . of good Limestone Land, 150 acres of. which are cleared nod In a good slate of cultlmtlen ; the balance being tim berland. THE IMPROTMENTS muudst of a. largo two-story STONE HOUSE, two Bank ,p-- Berne, Spring House, Carriage House, and other outbuildings. There are two good ORCHARDS on.tho,premltine, ono old and the 'other young, just beginning to bear. A number of never failing streams of water rya through the land, and pass by the house. • This Is a desirable property, with good surroundings, and conronient to churches, schools and market. -It will , be sold at a reasonable figure. aug2l•6t+ BOOK AGENTS . WANTED , TO SOLICIT:OREM TOO • DEW ILLUSTRATED BIBLE DICTIONARY. (Complete in One Poium4.) This Dictionary embodies the iesults of the most recent" study, research and investigation, of about sixtyftve of he most eminent and advanced biblical Ncholara now' living. Clergymen of all the denominations approve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in tho English • language, and oneivbich . ought to be in the hands °reve— ry Bible reader In the land.. In circulating this - Work; Agents will find a pleasant and prolitablotmployment.; The numerous obJectiora which are usually encountered in selling ordinary works 'will not exist with this. But, on the contrary; encooragenfonFand friendly aid will atteud the Agent, making hie labors agreeable, tisa. ful and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, Farmers; Students, and all others who possess energy, are wanted to oasis( in canvassing every town and conty in the country, to whom the most lib oral indbcoMhts will ho offered. For particulars, apply to, or addreas B PARMUE Damnßs, • . 722 Sansom street, Philadelphia, Pa. aug2t•6t DAINTS FOR FARMERS AND j_ OTIIERS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now :manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint In use: two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will las Clo or 15 years ; it Is ofa light brown or beautiful chocolate calor, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab. olive, or cream, to salt the taste of the. consumer. It is valuable for Itonsea,.barns, fencee, car— riage and ear matters, pails and wooden-wore, agricultur al Implements, canal boats, vessels and ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roots, (It being fire and water Proof), floor oil cloths, (one manufacturer lowing used 0000 bbls. the past year,) and as a - paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adh. siveness. Price $6 per W. of 300 lbs., which will supply' o farmer for years to come. Warranted In all cases as above. Bond fora circular which gives full particulars.— Nono genuine unless branded in a trade mark Omftona Minoral Paint. Address DANI L BIDWELL, 254 Pearl street, New York. IZUDOLPiI'S Ir 2 E 21 2. OD Tn2lllllOE FANGHOODS Wholesale & Retail. rpnii undersigned takes the liberty of calling the attention of the public In general to his. now and splendid variety of LADIES' AND GENTS' FITRNISHING GOODS, CAP'S, UMBRELLAS and SUN-SHADE& Making weekly purchases from the New York and Philadelphsa markets, lam prepared to offer to nay lady friends of Huntingdon and vicinity, ono of the nioest. lines of Dress and torque BUTTONS, & -TRIMMINGS of the vary latest novelties out that is possible to bring together, and at prices to meet the views of all classes. Ladies' and Gent.. (bonnie's) Hid Gloves. black and medinin shades, end any particular shade and size furn ished at the shortest notice; also, a very pretty assort ment of white and colored Berlin and Lialethread Gloves, plain and fitncy tops; black and colored Yelvet Ribbon. Brat quality and common, all widths. ' White Dress Goods, ,Hoofi Skirts, Balmoral! , Ladies, Hats, Sundowns, Knitting Cotton, Dill colors,) German town Wool. Zephyrs, Canes, Silk for lining bonnets, Bon net Ribbons, Cents' Linen and Paper _Cuffs, Collar. and- Shirt Fronts, as also special selection of black and fancy Neck Ties, Broadway, Chantilly Bowe, and Napoleon. Stocks for the aged and u line assortment of Bugle Trim ming. Hosiery with me will claim special attention to select and oiler the very best English nail German Regular Made Goode and the Ddmestic and Lower Grades, Ohild'a fancy one half Hose, Ac., with that endless variety of Small Wares to be found in a well stocked Notion Store, of quality superior as a line, and at prices to meat all competition A large stock of 13oys' and Gents' Hats and Caps of the latest styles and all qualities at prices ranging from 25 'chi. so PM. -- W. P. RUDOLPH. Huntingdon, April 10, 1807.- - Someting New if 2” • GLAZIER & i 3 R 0 . HAVE just opened up on the corner of WASHINGTON and SMITH, streets, a new end, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS„: , . GROCERIES, - = .QUEENSWARE, -" • HATS, ••• SHOES, ETC., ETC. Tho citizonm of Huntingdon and vicinity ere hereby tendered n strOnlinginvltation to call and examine our stock. Our elm will over bo, that complete satisfaction, bothns regards goods and prices, be given to every put , cleaver. GLAZIER A BRO. Huntingdon, March 27, 1867. NEW . LEATHER STORE. TcitieJtayerionondectlvonouwlitdh their TANNERY,, uIIy THE E nou ll ne n e they have Just opened a splendid assortment of • FINE LEATHER, Consisting in part of • ' FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, • MOROCCO, LININGS; • BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, • SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general assortment of - TUDIEEIU9 The trade!, Invited to call end examine our stock, Store on LULL gtroot, two floors wyst of the Preabyte, Him church. • The iiiglieet print> paid fey Ip2aES and BARK., O. IL MILLER & SON.. Boutin don, may 1,186 T GitOtIND ALUM. AND. SALINA SALT at.. CUNIVINGILA It E CA 1,010111" PERFUMERY and Fan eySOnps for late at -I,EWIS Family GEOS.GE WILSON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers