TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per 11D1111111 ll] advance months nitro- months TERMS OF ADVERTISING . , 1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do.) Oue sq,usre, (10 liuoVor lene..f 7 6 $1 25 $1 50 Two squaree 1 50 2 00 t 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. .00 00$1.1 00 $lO 00 . 0 00 9 00 15 00 . 8 00 12 00 ' 7 O 00 ,10 00 15 00 20 00 .15 00 ^ 0 00 ...... ....30 00 .20 00 05 00.... .... .00 00 Oa* equare,' or lees Two 5quare5,...... ... Three equaroe, Your 5quare5...,..... 11 If colem, Ono column Pronasional and nnaineze Cords not exceeding nix line% eanT year T ti 00 Aduiluistrotora' and Executors' Notice; Auditor.' Notice., 3:Orly, or other short Notice, ft - Z -Ten lines of nonpareil make a tenure: About words contditnto a line, so that any person cats ca •sily calculate ampere in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. Our priers for the printing of Blaukn, Hailliiiitr, eta. .ace reasonably low. - PROPE.SSIONAL 4t, ItUSINESS CARDS J)R. - R. R. NV lESTLING most respect fully tenders his professional tervices to the cititeus of Ilantinadon and vicinity. 011 Ice that of the late Dr. Snare. DR. A. B: BRUMBAUGII, Having permanently located at Ilantingdon, olDen lug profe,ionnl servicee to tiicummunity. (Mice, the same no that lately occupied by Dr. Luden on 11111 ?treat. - _ stpIO,ISAG offers Ilia 1) 11 p;ur j oas ° 16 1 1T1 scr l y l ie C eft e t i3 n t i ec 4 Ptiz e en i s i' Of liuiiUngdon - Office cm Orooi. one door east of .M. , ed'a Drug Store, Ang.2S, '56. 11) ALLISON MILLER., DE VTIST, Has removed to tho hoick Row opposite the Coort House. April 13,1359. T . ( . 1-11,EENE, - Dr.:Trier. 0 0000 ty • Office removed to Leiden; Now Buildine nill street. lintitiugdon. July 51,1867. EXCHANGE HOTEL. 111" n subscribers having. leased this Hotel, Moly occupied by Ntr,:lioNulty, aro prepared to :iccommedato strangers, travelers, and citizen', in good style. Every effort shall be made on our part to make all ono stop with no feel at home. A MT A: FEE, .anay2;lB6o Proprietors. WASHINGTON HOTEL, The undersigned revectfolly ininans the citirene of 'lluntingdon county and the traveling public genie ally that he has leased the Washington Ilomo on the cor ner of Hill and Charles street, In the borough of flun tingdon. and he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Will be pleased to rrceire a libel , shale of public patronage. AUGUdTUS LETTERMAN. July SI, f. MORRISON HOUSE, 3X - Itaixtiza.&-clc=.3a, 3E 2 .n. HAVE purchased and entirely ren i_. °rated the largo stone and brick building opposite the Penns3hania Railroad Depot. and have now opened It for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car pets. Furniture, Reds and Bedding ate all entirely new and first class, and I ban safe in saying that I can oiler ac- ContlllodatiollS stet excelled in Central Pennsylvania. irird refer to my patrons who have formerly known T. While in charge of the Broad Top City Motel and Jack son House. JOSEPIL awitinsoN. Nay to, 140-tr. B ZIEGLER, AGENT OF THE lycoming I ntaal Insnranco Company. U.,. ling Mity q t 1507 3m A. C. CLARKE, AGENT, - Wholesale and Retail beater in all kinds of at ) l l. 2.Wel VIDNITAOP HUNTINGDON, PA Wexi door to the Franklin Ilouve, in the Diamond. 'Chunlry trade supplied. npl7'6l WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ARON STEWARD, A.TCIIMAKEIt, ..uccessor to Goo. W. Swart., Hto! opened at his old stand on Ilill street, op- Invite Itrown's Itartionre store, n stock °fall kinds ofgoods beloot.riog to the trade. Watch v o l 11.1: Repairlnj promptly ettontlctl to 1,3 practical trot kitten. Huntingdon, April 10-13 In MILTON S. LYTLF), ATTORNEY AT iTIATV, IIEr t NTING DON, PA. Prompt attention given to nil • teg,ll husinefes entrusted to hia taro. Claim, of ooldims and soldiers' heirs ngAin,t. the Gosersinient collected without delay. sel4'o6 K. ALLEN LOVELL, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention mill be girrn to all legal Imams en t mimed to hi, care. Military and oilier claims of soh .tiers and their heirs against the Slate or Goveratucut collected mithout delay. OFFICE-1n the Grid; Raw, opposite the Conti Rouse jan.1.1367 MURTREE, R. ATTOBNEY AT LA TT; ranks on Hill street. HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to the preveention of the claims of soldiers and soldiers• heirs, against the nment. au22,1666 MAIN SCOTT. 8.11.110 EL T. DROWN, .TOBN M. RAI= The named this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, runler which name they will hereafter conduct their practice as ATTORNEYS . ..AT LA IV, HUNTINGDON, l'A. PICNSIONS, and all claims Meoliliers and soldiers' heirs Against the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 150.7.—tf. AGENCY, .1 - 'OR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND FBNSIONS. LL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Dark Pay and . 1 . 13t , 10113 can bore their claims promptly colirctell by itri• Ping either in Per s4.l or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, iluntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. 1311 X nkur, W. D. 'WOODS, P, IS. DARE, ly, p, DI immtrypi JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, :T=T - 12.31atiliagC1C)33., .3E 9 sa. Solicit accounts from Banks, 'Bankers & others. inter ,,st allowed on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission. Special attention 'given to government Securities. Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Cold stud Silver will reccivo the same in return with interest. Oct, 11, iS6G-tf. Oratuitaus -binttistincitts. [The following Ctirds are published gratuitously. Mer chants and business men generally who adrerlise GGeraly the eoluning of T i ts Gums for six months or longer, will bate their Cards inserted here doting the continuance of their adralisement. Otherwise, :paid Business Cards la sts led at the usual rates) T ,R.Nv-iki..B RENY ST ER, Huntingdon (curt, tlictropathy.] .1J -13 31. GREENE, Dealer in 31usie,mu Elea' Inatrutnente, tiotring'H 'Huntingdon DONNELL & KLINE, I'HOTOGRAPHERS, Huntingdon, Pa IVA'. LEWIS, renter In Books, Stationer' Pna 'Musical inntru Uuutingdou, Pa. GRIENBERG, • neretAnt Huntingdon, A i r'CAIIAN Sr, SON, proprietors of 3nuiata Sitar., Pearl Mill, limiting,lei!, T di. GREENIII & 0. EVA.VER, Main .4 OrtioarotktAl "St;mattaarer's. WM. 'WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. TAMES HIGGENS, .Manufacturer of Fornitare and Cabinet Ware, Iluntlagdo», Pa. sl' CO 1 00 ' ' ',.. ' ;' ''' '''''..i..... Z ':. . N. : ' ,, , N ., -,' , ': • - • fW ~. . , •-- 7,41-4,..... - --N,. . . .... , ~ . . . ._ . , . (.. •- - • . . • . . .. .: - ...i....„1/4„.,.....4„..; -- -....... - 4 , - -----,1,..4 $2 50 2 00 50 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL. XXIII. T M. WISE, Manufacturer of Furni _ ture, Huntingdon. Undertoking attended to WHA RTON & MAGUIRE, Whole- Bale and retail dealer, in foreign and domestic Hard nom Cutlery, Se., "Milroy) street, Huntingdon. mclilS-13 TAILS A. BROWN, it) Dealer ill Iturthvare, Cutlery, Paint., Oil,, &a., Ilaut ingclon, Pa. M. AFRICA, Deabir in Boots and Shoes, in the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. JOIIN 11. IVESTBROOIi, Dealer in Boots, .Loo;, Holory, Confectioner), noutiliga.,.. GEO. SLIAEFFER, denier in boots., Shoes, °niters, Am., Huntingdon. A L. LIM'S, Wholosaio and rotail zik_. Merchant, Loi.r tern Non. Building, linntingdon. JOHNSTON WATTSON, Merel)- : 3laln it, east of \Yantdrigion'lloleOluntingdot fILAZIER & IMO , Rotail iior vl chants, 11"folliugton at., near the Jail, Huntingdon. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and Au.Provlsions of nll Muds, Iluntingdon, P. D 011111 & MILLER, Deniers in Dry Qtlecuswure, Grocerlee, nun:indult. Cit Lcalel ß n Drs' G a:; .1 13 4 R QPtee . uswaro, Ihrdworo, Boots, Shoes, Le. • CUNNINGHAiII & CARALON, Nlerchunts, fluntinclon, ROMAN, • Denlot in Itnady :kindn Clothing, Hain nod Capp, T 1 P. GWIN, j. Dealer in Cry Coals, Orate, ins , If ardware, Queens stars, Huts Caps, Boots and Slanxi, kc. Cunt ingtion E. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pry Goods, Proccrieq, Hardware, Queenswaro, nod Provisions of all kinds, Huntin g don. ENVELOPES ay the box , pack, or lens q uantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. AZ' For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLone Jon PuiNTnic OFFICE," at Hun tingdon, Pa NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 1131. AFRICA Lamina tho public that he has Jut opened at his old stand In the Manumit, Hun tlagilen, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and sotrill profits. flatland examine my Mock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, May 1, ISO 7. FM GEO. SHAEFFER m--.u.s J ust returned from the rust win) 0,202 SPLENDID STOCK OF BOUTS, SHOES, GAITERS,