titlt 051,0bt. ghoughts for the,ifittrnter. Rotation of Crops. The importance of a rotation of crops is indeed a subject of vast mo ment to the agz iculturist. Do Dondolle has advanced the theory and has sup ported it by strong argunient, that of the nutriment which all plants receive and digest, they exude an inconsuma able or unnutritive portion by their roots, and that this excrementitious matter unfits or poisons the soil for a second crop of the samo_kind until it is either consumed or neutralized by cultivation ; this very matter, how over,proving nutritious to othor or dif ferent kinds of plants. From this ho argues that ono crop of grain should not bo succeeded by another of the same description, wheat after wheat, oats after oats, &e., &c.; nor, reasoning from analogy, ought wheat to follows oats, as they aro too nearly allied in their natures, and aro supposed to feed on the same pabulum, both also coveting the same descrip tion of soil—that which is cool and rather heavy. The above fact will account for the fact that the clover crop often fails when sown for a long succession upon the same soil. Fibrous rooted plants are always best followed by tap root ed ones—plants raised for their tops or grain may be best succeeded by those cultivated for their roots, and the re verse. From attention to these facts arises the incalculably profitable sys. tem of "turnip husbandry" in England, by which they aro enabled to raise crops of grain of the finest quality in almost if not quite doublo the quanti ty, and at the same time carrying for ward the improvoment of the soil to an almost indefinite extent, to which may be added the`means of supporting double the amount of stock by intro ducing the different varieties of roots, green orops for soiling forming a link in a system by which the farmer is en abled to pay, in rent, tithes and taxes which in almost every other country would be found insupportable. It is a change of crops we want and not a rest for the land, and I sincerely believe that we should be relieved from one-half the evils which now assail us in the shape of blight, smut, rust, mil dew, rot and a dozen others, whose names would then bo forgotten— a healthy crop being mostly proof against this host of pestilence. And such a crop usually springs from a well culti vated soil, not however made rich by the immediate application of largo quantities of rich manuro, for valuable as these may be in forcing on green crops to bo mown for hay or fodder, I am convinced that they aro of injury to tho produotion of all kinds of grain.. Nor are these remarks alone applica ble to the farm or farm crop, but also quite as applicable tp the gardon,w here a careful attention to tho rules of ro tation will greatly increase the crops both in quantity and quality, as I have proven in my own caso.— Ger. Tele graph. re 9.,. An exchange says that the best gardeners in France are in the habit of cutting off the stem of the tomato plants down to the first cluster of flow. ere that appear thereupon. This im pels the sap into the two buds next below the cluster, which soon push otrongly, and produce another cluster of flowers each. When these aro visi ble the branch to which they belong is also topped down to their level; and this done five times successively. By this is means the plants become stout dwraf bushes not over eighteen inches high. In order to prevent them from falling over, sticks or strings aro placed horizontally along the rows do as to keep the plants erect. In addition to this all the laterals that have no flow er; and, after topping, all laterals whatsoever, are nipped off. In this way the ripe sap is directed into the fruit, which acquires a beauty, size and excellence unattainable by other moans It will be well for our friends to try this simple and rational method the present season. FACTS IN FRUIT CULTURE—Dr. Trimble, of Newark, - who has paid great attention to fruit culture, gives the following as his views,the result of many years experience : 1. That the most successful way to conquer the curenlio is to gather the fruit as it falls and food it to stock or destroy it, as it is by this ' fallen fruit that the cureurlio propagates its spe cies. 2. That the fruit of the apple tree can bo protected from the apple tree moth by wrapping around each tree two or three times a ropo made of straw. The moths will harbor in this rope and can then be destroyed. 3. That the only way to kill the peach tree borer is to cut him out with a knife, not once only in a season, but to follow him up every two weeks until exterminated. After the first "going over" of an orchard this will bo little or no trouble, as each tree can be at. tended to in two minutes. lfi'i' Mr. L. Morton informs tho Ru ral American that when his cows trouble him by holding their milk, ho roaches his hand up and places the ends of his fingers on the back bone, forward of the hips, and presses down hard for a minute or so, and they will always give down. N BARTON &MAGUIRI', RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL =1 Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, 6137VML. t,C.4 The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyer, generally, la Invited to tho fact that we are nor, offering, a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock tempi ises all articles iu this line of business, embracing , general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Ac., &c., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Cipeular, Mill and CrosssCut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of Fiza.et , du ti®rp, Compriairig KNIVES; FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SM . ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED IVARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most imp•ovod patterns, CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will Mal a general assortment of material for their use consisting In part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeatker, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, hafts, &c. =italr43l[4.l;tlrtz=likvi itiV4l4l:ll-A Cart lie supplied m Ith ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS Will find iu our establidumut a supotior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CIIISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, MOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH:CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. .M II 49b3L'ICICLOX•OS Can be accommodated with everything in their lino from a Grata Separator to a IPhet•etone. 131,mi1c2.4EIrle; Arc especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and cornrow our pricos with other. Agricultural Implements, Comprising tho famous Russel( • Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Boudoirs First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Pt pikes, floes, Ilay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Cow• Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, ac., Among tho spocialtice or our House, ma desire to cull attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, Tho exclusive right to soil which is vested In us. Send foe acircular and got full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales or all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans.. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place AGREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OP NAILS AND BRADS, By the lmg. Very low I Bon Norway nnil, roil, bar an hoop II on. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON%BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, Dy the barrel or gallon, at very low tigurea. gr. A call Is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not fail to WHARTON & IVIAOUIRE. fluntindon, May 7, 1567. WHAT WAS wANI .J.I D OPEN and READY FOR BUSINESS H. GREENBERG, 51 - IMgrinTlV 11 4 L11Cti0L, Ileslieetfully I :IPA ins the public that Ito lips pinned a nese sine in Fisher A Son's Nose Building, in the Dia mond in Huntingdon, nhei cull hinds of READY-MADE CLOTHING, PIECE GOODS, Hats, Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, etc., Can be found to suit all nho may favor him with their patronage. Ills Piece Goods are of the best quality owl will bo MADE UP 10 onnEtt in tho most firshionable and r best make and style. All goods can be bought al fil A Oils establishment from 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper IN than at any other place. All desiring a good suit of clothing at a fur price should call and examine goods and prices. All goods leaving his establishment will be warrautod to bo what may be repicsented. 11. GREENBERG, Huntingdon, Nov. 21,1566. MeLchant Tailor. MITSSIC, ISUCCIO2ELM'. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING DIACIIINES. 21. GREENE has removed his • Music Store, to tho second floor of Lelster's m hero he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A: SONS' and OAEIILE'S Piano Manufhcturing Company's PIANOS, MASON A. HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAItHART, NF.IfOILAIi.I CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Ftutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden ',honor, Golden Censer, Golden Trio, Ac., de. SHEET MUSIC.—IIe is constantly receiving from Phil adelphia all the latest music, which persona at a distanco midhing, can order, and have sent them by m nil. Ales GIROVEIt to BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CIIINES—tho only machine that, in addition to every kind of sowing, embroideis perfectly; sowing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for mai-lanes. Persolis buying Solving Machines fully Instructed In the use of them. Air Pianos and Organs Warranted fur five years. Time wishing to buy any of the abase articles ere in vited to call and examine, urine beforo nun :basing 01813- Nihon, Sly paces are the Came as In Note York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon opplication with any additional informotion desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., Second floor of Leister's now brick building mayB '67 JUNIATA . STEAM PEARL MILL, lIUNTINGDON, PA., IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR THE 3IANUFACTURB OF FLOUR. The patroungo of the town and country Ic respectfully solicited. GRAIN, of every description, Bought at this mill. IttcOAHAN & SON. Huntingdon, May 2,1866 DEIT_TiaTarMINIT4-31Z0001 4 4iT t+J kr=. tzi MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. O. BEAVER IL a e l y •l m e lggV, t l lt t o o 8 . 1 1 1:p .1 : 1 1g' r ci. 1 the public that Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, at an low priCcs as any shop in tho county. Orders from it distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors cast of the Lo. thoran church n1;141867 t‘IARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of tho citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful nimble now on hand. Re is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every cloaked him) and form of Italian or .Bustern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Am., will Ito furnished to order. . - - - W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work =whip equal to any In Oho country, nt it fair price. Call and 800, beforo you mehaso elsewhere. Shop on tho ornor of Montgomery and Mifflin Ma. Ituntingdon, Pa. Wit. WILLIAMS. Unntingdon,Mny 161555. PAPER ! PAPER 11 PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper, Impreeelon Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, TIMM Paper, Silk Paper for Flowery, Perforoted Paper, Batted Board, ►at Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt FAged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plaits and Fancy Note Paper, Whitt. and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheet; For rate at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. MU el THE OYTHARA.—The It Presbyterian Psalmodist—The ‘r=' Shawn—TheJuldlee—llunton's and 13ertint's enlarged and improved instructors—Welland'a New and Dorms ed Method for tho Gnitar—Leland's Accor deon, Ylolln and Pluto Instructors—Winner's and Ytolin Insiructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur. roues' Piano-Porto Primer—do. Thorough-Das. Prilner— Itowe's Drawing Room Dances—Tho Chorus Glee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONDRY & MUSIC STORE. 3E 3 M All kinds of Spices for rule at Leah,' Famay Groctry lion ingdou, 1867. 1867_ .14 VIETROPO.O 4'l)* HARRAH, STOH, HUNTINGDON, IPA. NJ\ 1 4 , n 2ll O 'S 3).7 DE.ILER IN IP t‘ C:: %I 1 :14\ WM' - ‘• A lARDI Huntingdon, PENN'A. er, 4 . 16. • t roi N. at JAS. A. BROWN Now located in the splendid storeroom lu his uow MAMMOTH . BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., lIUNTINGDON, PENNA. Offore at WHOLESALE and RETAIL an hunionto stock and ondlesa,vartoty of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Mass*, AT REDUCED PRICES. ELEVEN YEARS diligent attention to business in the Hardware trado In this place, has given me an turps'''. once thatlenablee me to secure gloat advantages for my customers in the selection of the best standard brands and reliable qualities of goods. Buying for cask direct front the manufacturers, and be ing in almost daily receipt of goals, bought since tho de cline In prices, I can offer raro advantages to buyers. I,lg stock embraces a general assortment of TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foundrymen And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS Will find hero a supiarior stock of N~ 31s ez3tacil LOCKS, BOLTS, SCREWS, BIN GES, FINISHING NAILS, Glass and Putty, Oil and Paints Colors of all Muds, Paint Ihusbos,Varuishes, &c 'ass cut to any bizo. CARPENTERS wilt find a well selected stock of Disston's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisels and Plan.,lSt.] spar., Angers, Auger Bits, !Gauges, Saw sets, Braces, Hatchets, Oil atones, BORING MACHINES, with two cranks and tbroo au gera to each. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I limo a flue variety of entualed, Tinned and Plain HOLLOW-WARE, Pans, Skillets, Dust Pans, Scrub Brushes,' Halo Irons. Brass Kettles, Bath Iron Tea Kettles, Knives 1111 d Forks, Coal Buckets and shovels, To., and Table Spoons. Brlttannin and SILVER-PLATED WARE,TnbIe Castors Dross Stair Rods, end a splendid stock of Harrisburg STONEWARE, including crocks with lids as largo as six gallons. Also, Ow Champion cog wild. Clothes Wringer With a late improvement. This is uow tho very beet and most desirable Wringer in tho market. Having tho agency for this place I can sell them strictly nt the man ufacturer's prtcos. All warrautotl. BIACKSMITIIS Will be supplied with Horse shoes, Horse nails, Stocks and Dies, Nora ay Brill Rods, Rasps, Files, Iron and Steel Anvils, Buttresses, Vices, llenows, and other tools in their line CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will find a supply of Carriage Oil Cloth, Carriage and Firo Bolts, Trimmings, Seat sticks, Drop black coach Varnish, Feiloes, Spokes and Rubs, Dash and enameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, Spoke Augers, Sleigh Runners, Fenders, and oilier materials. FINE CUTLERY, Comprising Table Knives and Forks of best American and English styles and qualities, Carvers' Butcher knives, Razors, Shears and Scissors, Pruning Knises, Pruning Shane, and the largest rarletlyof styles of POCKET KNIVES To be found In central Penns)lvania, Including Woe teuholm's famous IXL cutlery. SHOEMAKERS As heretofore will find koro tho best assortment of Tools, and Findings in their line ottrade, consisting of Hammers, Pincers, Lasts, Pegs, Awls, Measuring Sticks and straps Eyelets Shoo Thread, Forepart and shank Irons, Wax, Bristles, Burnishers, Welt Rath., Steel and Iron Shoo Nall; Shelling sages, etc., Round head nails, eto.i - - SADDLERS & HARNESS•MAKERS Aro also provided for. Saddle Trees of the best Pitts burg make, Birthing, Straining, and Bain web, Stirrups, Hams, Pad Trees, and a fall variety of Silver, Brass and Japanned Harness Mountings, &c., FARIAERS_ And others trill ipo that my stock comprises ninny too fat nrticles In their line, such ns Scythes, Rakes ' Spades, Pointing ones, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Grindstones, Wove wire, Garden Hakes, 'Luse homes, DISSTON'S MILL SAWS, Trace Chains, Halter chains, Circular, Croia-cut, Wood Curry combs, Muse ()rushes I and Meat Sawn, Wagon Jacks, frost Augers, Shovel Moulds, Mann's axes Trowels, Sc. Also, two or three kinds of tha hest HORSE HAY FORKS. Made in the "United States and by which ra lead of hay can be taken from the wagon to the mow in about five minutes. These forks savainbor, hay and money, and no thrifty former can afford to do without one. The EXCILSIOR FORK has been extensively used and gives great salt faction.— I warrant all the forks I sell. CORK LAMPS &LANTERNS COFFIN LACES and all Trimmings for Cabinet-tankers CHEAP WOODEN PUMPS. The merit of these pumps is shown by the fact that the demand for them is rapidly increasing everywhere. There is no iron in them to corrode and injure the water. They are light and convenient, so that every man can put in his own pump, the whole only costing him about one half the price of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipe to matt them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or. ders. Otto depth Item floor to bottom of well. Terra Cotta DRAIN PIPE, Hot' Mr REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOK STOVES, of any pattern desired. JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forget the SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. no..tio s dun, April 10, 1867. DOWN! DOWN!! • • DOWN !! ! The prices of the same quality afGoods aro CYNATM at the FIRST NATIONAL STORE, Than any other House in town. .Gar Give us a call awl ho convinced. Husbands, come and hring your wives, _ For they're the comfort of your lives, And lot your Judges be your eyes— AT OUR CILEAP STORE. The only Place to Get Good CALICOES for Ten Cents a Yard. 50 Packages Fresh MACEEREI,just received. ROHM & MULLER. Huntingdon, olnU. 1867. 1867. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED AT - 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and made in the best workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, Matins, don, Fa. Huntingdon op. 16,'67. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY 3.IARBIED AND ALL IN WANT 1)1? New Furniture, &c. THE undersigned would respectfully announce that Ito manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a la7ge and splundid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor anti corm sent chairs. cupboards, gilt and ram. wood moulding for mirror and picturo frames, and a sat i sty of at titles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to ho satisfactory. Ito is also agenz for the well known Bailey & Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tho public aro incited to call awl (amino iris stock beta e purchasing elsewhero. Wm): nod sales room on TIM street, near Smith, ono door west of Yenta's store. JAMES lIIGGINS. Hu tingdon, Aug. 1, ISM PROF.. H I M'ENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY, • SIIE INMAN COMPOUND lateraal and Extoraal Mediciae, ISM, CURE R3' Platt.lca, Bloody Vila in ono day, Oar. Headache and Earache in three minutes. Toothache In one minute. AQi - Neuralgia in tiro minutes, .tyz- Sprains in twenty minutes, fl Sore Throat in ten minutes, Al - Cholie, and Cramp in five minutes, .&"7".c.,- Rheumatism in olio day, txts„... Pain In the Duck or Side In ton minutes, . fßsb Dal Coughs or Colds in ono day, t.. 1 Fever and Agno in one day. IM. Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles, 1M- bronchitis Affections, D 3 spepsla, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, tkL Liver Complaint nod Palpitation of the Dena Keep it in your Families—Sickness comes when least expected. I propose to check, and effectually dissipate morn ache and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the circulating fluids in the human system, than can be effected by any oilier, or all other methods of medical id iu the same space of time. TIIIB POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into eso, fur the fact that I cure, tree of charge, all these com plaints whenever there is an oppei malty to do eo. As Boon as it is applied it lamest miraculously kills the pain. do not ask you to buy before you are certain of its OW ciency. If you have no ache or pain, it is warranted to do all It purports on the label. do not pt opose to cure ercry disease—only a class named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, and is, therefore. appliable, to the earn or natural restmative of all organic derange ment arising from nn improver circulation of am not ro vital fluids. Prof. J. If. McEutyro's INDIAN COMPOUND acts ll tectly on tho slim bents, reducing glandular and other es elli ll gs in incredible short time, without any possible danger from its use under any pomble circumstances. This to on internal and external medicine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, such as our forefathers used.— Moro Is a bountiful supply on earth to carotin complaints if we only know what they were. This has been a great study n ith tho Medical 'Faculty for many years, to tied out the hinds best adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what proportions to use. .1. IL McENTYRE, Proprietor, Reading, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store Ii antingdon, Pa., Sept. 6,1865. MOENTYSZ S DANOELION PILLS, For all discloses arising from one cause, viz.: Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Bead, Weak and disor dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back al. Side, Nervous D •hility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity IT the Blood, Blotches or _Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Warms, &c. Sold at 25 cents per box. mcnNTyßE's INDIAN VEGETABLE try fwaliu Thisinfalliblo medicine is warranted to expel worms in all cases and may be given to cnildren email ages, os they are purely vegetable and perfectly herruleso. g Can be had at Lewis' Book stole, Iluntingdon, Pa PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE PATENT APPLIED FOR Hitherto there has been nothing introduced in way of a Marriage Cm R&M° that MIS excited any interest or at traction; but the originators of the PHOTOGRAPH MAR RIAGE CERTIFICATE claim that they have gotten up something that will be most heartily welcomed by all persons nowmarried and all those who contemplate mar riage. Size and Plan of the Marriage Sertifioate The size of the Certificate Is 19 by 14 inches. It con tains a beautiful figure representing the union of two bonito. Above the figure is written in beautifully orna mented Herman Text the words '•Photograph Marriage Cm tlficate." There are three apaces in the figure: on the Space in the center the Certificate proper is written. The words, "two hearts in one" form an nu eh over the Certifi cate proper, and immediately under the arch there is a beautiful figure lepresenting the Joining of hands, and where the centre space collies ton point there is a picture of two beautitul turtle doves. On the space to the left there is a place for the photograph of the gentleman and under it we lime the words, "To the Husband," in orna mental text, under which we have selections of Sea ipture pAssages addressed to the husband. On the loft side of the engraving wellave a place for the Photograph of the wife. Immediately under which wo have the words, "To the Wife," in ornamental text, under which are appro priate passages of Scripture addressed to the wife. Over the space for the photograph of gentleman tee Lave writ ten in Old English characters, the following appropriate passage of Scripture: ".4 is not good that the man should he alone," °laborer the space for the photograph °film lady, we have tho corresponding words: "1 will make him an help meet for 111111." At the lower exten sion of the figure of the hoots, we have the hearts bound together or encircled in part by these words: "What therefore God Lath joined together let no man put asun der." The Certificate is so constructed that cold photo graphs of both bride and In ',legroom can ho inserted without the toast possible difficulty. Indeed everything connected with it is so elegant, attractive and desirable that many single persons seeing the Certificate have boon no mach ',loosed with its appearance, that they purghased on sight ono of these beautiful parlor ornaments. A specimen copy of the Photograph Marriage Certificate will be carefully put up and sent by 1111411 free, on receipt of the retail mica, which is ONE DOLLAR. ta, The exclusive agent for Huntingdon county Is W. IL MILLER, Orbisonia, Huntingdon co., Pa. Address the above, or call at W. LEWIS' BOOS f 9 ORE Huntingdon, Pa. nlcltlJ Jet Qohilabcfplizt Nitatisontnts. B. J. WILLIAMS &SONS. N 0.16 North Sixth Street s • MANUFACTURERS OF WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES. Blinds repaired; Shades Lettered; Trimmings and Pictures; Plain Shades or all Kinds; Planta Tassels; Colds; Nell Pulls, etc. ayril F OR BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST! NO GAS!! NO DAMPERS!! I= J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner 13th & Filbert streets, PIIILADELPHIA,,,,FA., 8010 Manufacturers of thu Celebrated WROUGH.T.IB,ON, AIR-TIGIIT GAS-fiONSIBTING •HEATE 11, I= For ease of managemont without any danZpers, Simplicity, and Economy, this I - Leah:Dam nn su perior In this country, They aro ail guatautced to give satisfaction. Estimates made free of charge. Cooking Ranges, Latrobe Heaters, Slate Mantles, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, Registers, Ventilators,dv, &c Send fur ono of our Illustrated Pamphlets. (apto.ly SILVER'S WASH POWDER I Sri YES TIME, LABOR, 'MONEY Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT Address all orders to the Manufacturers ZIEGLER & SMITH, Chemists and Irlao!male Druggists, N 0.131 Nth. Third Strad, Phibid:a. mc1120.17 GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. blethers, aro you oppressed with anxiety for your ltttlo ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broth n by their cries? Do you awaku in tho morning eMed and up. proliensivo? If so, procure at Otto n bottle of Dr. Leon's In Remedy and you will hare no more Si miry hours of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Has stood the test of years. Thousands of nurses and tuolhets bear w•itaess that it never fails to glee relh.f if used to semon. 3t tie a mild, yet sure and openly cure for Colic, Cramps and Windy Pai., cud is Invaluable lot all complaints incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout the United Statos. Ad dress all °trims to ZIEGLER C SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS, N 0.187 Nth. Third Sttoot, Philad'a mll2O-ly 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ours OWN MAKI' Embracing every now and desirable size, style and sham, of plain and trail Hoop Skirts,-2, 214, 214. 2%. 3, 3 1 ,4, 311, 3X, and 4 )ands, round every length and size Waist ; in every respect fired quality, and especially mlap• ted to meet the smuts of first clam m 1,1.11061 l'ultionable trade. "Oen OWN Mike" of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more alas. tic, mom durable and really cheaper 'bon any other make of either Single or Double Spring Skill In the Amer. icon mall:et. They are Warranted in users respect. and wheiever intioduced give universal satisfaction. They a to non being extensively, sold by tetailea tl, and every la dy should try them. Ask for "Itopkin'a Own Make," and see that each - Skirt is stamped T. HOPKIN'S, MANUFACTURER, 628 ARCH STREET, FM LAVA." No °thole are genuine.— A catalogue containing style, size, and retail prices, sent to any address. A uniform and liberal discount allossed todealem. (ham by mail or others iso, promptly and carefully filled. Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactoly and Sales-rooms, NO. 623 ARCH STREET, PHILAD'A.- Skirts made to ender, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET OASIS. ONE PRICE ONLY. WM. T.I.IOP.KINS I=l S. - CAXIPBELL & CO., ki. Yaimfactilriliff CONFECTIONERS, and Wholesale DenlErn in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &C., _A r o. 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. ..? (To A co l l n , l t al :r u o f. lf. t , twors of all lamb; of 31.0,;NtiCyandy BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS ! ! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully inforuth the public that ho has opened far their use his new and elegatitly fitted up Billiard Boom. It contains FOUR NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S 3IANUFACTURE, superior to any now In the city. This Billiard Boom challenges comparison with any room in the State, nest of Philadelphia. No more Bald Heads ! Ho more-Gray Locks! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all uho have used it the very best preparation for the flair. It is a positive cure for Bald ness, medicates Dandruff and Ilitmors, stops the hair from falling out, and speedily restores - Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life end coloring matter. Thin, deed, faded or gray hair will always bo brought backly a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality end color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Heir Dressing it has no equal.— The sales are enormous and his a universal favorite with old and young of both gexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the Dulled States. Ad diess ail orders to ZEIGLER 8c SMITH, meh2o.ly SOLE PROPRIE7ORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia: FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes suitable for confidential correspondence, for 6.11,3 at LEWIS' BOOK lk STATIONERY STORK FLOUR ! FLOUR ! The boot Flour, by the barrel or smeller quantity for sale at Low's' 'Family Grocery. CALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS, DOOTS AND SHOES, of eVery va Ajriety at OUNNINOWINI .4; CARMON'S. NTE W GOODS CONSTANTLY 'RE .11 calved at CUNNINGHAM IiCARMON'S. TRijn and Superior Rip Clef 4 fee In r:Acltagesof oue pound, for bale at ' LEDUS Pevilly (Worry. COUNTRY PRODUCE All kinds of country product) taken in excllanzo for Molls at Lewis' Fatitily Giocery. Ml= RIFI. 1: PENNSYL TIME VANIA RA IL ROAD. , OF LEAVINO OF TRAINS Ll? ARA' AR GEMENT. EASTWARD P.I SUMM IVEST WARD. STATIONH. P.M.I A. M. p. sr.! A.M. 1 A. 81.1 A.M.I 7.51 '- 5 041 12 13 N.Hamilton, ... 915 511 12 23 31t. Union,. ' 006 ...: .• 5 00 ..... 12 34 31apleton BET 5 29 12 44 31ill Creek,... S 49 544 7 00 1 00 3 23, Huntingdon, 9 48 ' 83410 56 6 03 1 20 !Petersburg,— , ...... I 8 16 613 1 301 - !Barre°,l I 8 081 520 138 I.9prueeCreek, 8 01. 6 34 1 56 ' Birmingham, 7 47 643 7 47 210 4 013,Tyrono, 902 -7 38 10 OT 654 222 " '77pton, ' ' 727 7 00 2 28 Fostoria, 7 22 7 06 2 34 Bell's Hills,- 7 18 :.....: 725. 815 3 051 4 35 A1t00na,...... - 8 30 700 6 . 35 P.M.! A. Y. P. M. A.M. The A. h[. Th 10 The 7 90 Ail ST LINE Eastward leaves arrives it! Uuutingdoa at dr INNATI Exraess Eastward 1 and arrives at thmtlegdon t ST' Westward, leave, and arrives at Altoona at 8 1567. 'I P • PAM , and 0 CINCI I'. M. r o PAS ' . • 4, , EN frair, ,7 . * 41 • READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, APRIL 8,1807. . tIREAT TIiUNI T,INL If.ROM THIS ' ... A North nod NorthlVe9t for PEILASELPLIIA, Now YORK, HEARIN°, POTTSVILLE, TAX/OWL, ASHLAND, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPIIIIITA, LISLE, LANCASTER, OMR." DIA, &C., &C. Traina louvo Ilarriaburg for Now York, as'follorra: 00,13,10 and 9 35 A. 51., nod 210 and 9,00 P. 51., conneot--• Ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania 13.1t,arriving ; at New York 5,00 mad 10 10A, 51., £1.40, 5,20,10 25 P. M Sleeping core accompany thud 09 a mand9 00p. ar.ttaina , without cling!. • Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, TanuiquiqJ 31ineravillc, Ashland, Pine Grove, Adiluntown• and Phila. - delphla at 8 10 A. 31., dad 210 and 410 v•mt, etbpping.atl Lehaucn and principal wayistationsi7 the 4'10 , 11. 1 0r0 Mita making Connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only' For Pottsville, Schuylkilllliiven add Auburn, 11A Schdy4- MS and Susquehanna R.ll, leave Harrisburg at 3 20 P Returning,leavo Nrsr-Yontt at 8 A.'111:, 12 Noon, 5 & 8: P.M ; Plilladulphia at 8,15 A. 31., and 3 30, P. 51; Way Pas_ monger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. returning from Reading at 0 30 0.51., btops'at 11l stationer-Pottsville at 8,43 A. 01.. cud 2 45 P. M. Aohland G 00 antlill,7l a m, and 1,05 P 51; Tamaqua at 8.45 A M., and 1 and 0'55 P 31. Leavo Pottsville for Ihuriebarg, via Schap/51lb and Smiquelianna Railroad at 7,00 a tn. An Accommodat 4011 Passenger Train leaved ReAnttea at 7.30 A. NI., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 0,05 P. 51 Palmitin Accommodation Train: Loaves Pottstown at 0,20 a. m., returning loaves Philadelphia at 0,30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Reading, at 7 00 A 31., and 610 P. 31., fur Ephrata , Lancaster, Col umbia, Ac. On Sundais, leave Now York at 860 P. M., Philcidol phia, 8 a in and 315 P. M., tho 8 a m train rianniag only to Reading; Perthvillo 8 A. M., Ilurrl Lurg,9 35 D Reading 1 20, 7.20 a. as., for Harrisburg, '1122 a m for . New York, and 4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. ' • , COMMUTATION, MILEIDE, SEASON, SCHOOL, mod • Exelmeroi, TICKETS to and from all points at reduced rates. Thiggagn checked through ; 80 pounds Baggage allowed , each Passenger. Beading. April 8, 1887. ConeraGiLpNerii9l2/1. HUN TINGD ON & 1111.0 AD : TOP RAILROAD. On and nftor MONDAY, MAY Cru, ISO; rmeengor Trains will allies nod depart as follows: - " ' SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTHWARD TRAINS.- STATIONS MO, EXPRF-9.4 ' P. 31. I A. /V. 1 SIDINGS Le 715 R 05 8 17 880 LE 6 00 1 6 2a 6 3J Hun t Ing,fon; McCouuallatou•n, Plensrtut Grove,— Marklesburg, I 849 Caren RUM, ' 818 . 1 857 Rough& ltrally 810 9 0J Glyn, 7 59 910 Fisher's Summit 1 T 55 'AM 9 301 I, ,Ln 0 40} Snxt "; ILB AR._ 7 .40 730 10 001Rhilliniburg 1 710 10 08111ouelvoll 1 702 10 21 , Piper's Ituu . :1:1 10 441'atetnlle , 10 55 Bloody Run 6 14 40 10 59 31ount Dalian ' ILE 6 101 0110UP'S RUN ItRANCII. tit 7 al LE 7 42 804 S 1 , 8 2 =EI . . , . . . .. t}: 7 50 , LE 0 50 1 5axton , 5 05; 10 05( Conlmola , ' 8 10, 10 10 Cr., ford, tat. 8 20, Ault) 20 1) 8610)', I !Mood Top City,..... Huntingdon 31ny 6, 1567. amp; 3 e5'0.0,1c,1 , BLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! CONSTABLE'S SALES, • ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPCENAS. !GOMM AGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. • JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOIL HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WEB, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, NEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. • JUDGMENT NOTES, witiva waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OP ACREEMENT, with Teacher.. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace end Ministers of the Gespel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Ae,mit and Battery, nud Affray. ICIER IL NACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Town4tip Taxes. Printed an superior paper, and, for male SiUR. one. of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS. of ovary description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED • AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. TT. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IttINTINGDON, PENNA. ' ' OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADE% GILT GOLD SHADES, .SEADES, BAILEY 'S,FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSAL lILL ASSOILT3IENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORK EADY RECKONER • • ' - - A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars auV cents, to uhlek aro added forms of Notes, Bills, Re. oeipts Petitions, to., together with a set of maul tables containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by tho single day, with a table of wages, and beard by tho week nod day. For sale at . LEWIS , .800 X ,STORE. • • CANNED PEts..CIIES and Tomatoes 3liictl Pickles, ToMatoo Catsup, Popper since, &c., for solo at Lowls,Pumily Grocery. grCOUNTRY DEALERS- • can • buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in thw Gies, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. H. ROMAN. BEST` BLEACHED MUSLIN always on band nt CUNNING CARMON'S. SOUR PICKLES ready for the table. by the doz.,doz, or ?/.I,' doz., for sato at Lewis' Family Grocery. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For role et LEIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, •• •, • OV VARIOUS sun, for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONBIeI r STOOP • . (111016. E Tes, Coffee, &gars- an di ‘_) 31614.1E8e5 ; fur bale at: Leo le Family Grorcerx. ro h.= X. ry 0 x>; ts el M:; m Altoona at 3 25. Al A.M. !Nivea Altoona at 0t523£ M. 95 Huntingdon at 51 I'. 11. MEM MEE Alt g 19 8 9 8 1 8 33 AR 445. 4 24 I 410 400. 346. 3 36. 3 20. La 3 Ob. AR 2 65 2 35 2 32 2 03• lAR 7 35iAn 3 00• 7 13j 245. 715 235. ,LE 7 OD LO 2 30. PS, Supt EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers