Ely 61nbe, HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, July 31, 1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL. _Local Advertisements Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents :a line single insertion, counting seven words to a line To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa- Ter marked with a t before the name wilt understand that the Limo for 'which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise New Advertisements to this Issue Zit- Set opposite page. 'l4 The Lehigh University. Beyond the Mississippi. Betray. The Lamb Improved Family Knitting Machine AgricuturalSociety. - Brief Items. —The Cambria Freeman. has donned a new head, and been enlarged to a seven column paper. We are pleased -to note this evidence of success of a dive and lively paper. - -A man named Handlin attempted -to.break from the Hollidaysburg jail by setting fire. to his room. Tho -flames were discovered before making :much headway. —There Were about twenty-five em igrants from the "fader-land" stopped , off hereon Sunday last, with the in tention of making their homes and aeeking their fortunes amongst us. —The Methodist Church of this place is being repaired. A full set of window blinds are being made, which will add,to the beauty of the interior of tbe building. 2-11 r. Jas. F. Campbell, formerly cd itor of the Johnstown Democrat, to gether with F. S. Rock, of Greens burg, have purchased the office of the IfnioatoWn Genius of Liberty, for five thousand six`bundred and fifty dollars, * —Pic-nits aro the order of the day. The Lutheran Sunday School will hold ono on Thursday next, the German Reformed'Sunday School on Saturday next,•and Standing Stone Lodge, I. 0. of G. T. will hold one 'on Friday the 9th of August. —The wheel shop at Altoona, a frame building belonging to the Penn sylvania railroad company, caught fire about three-o'clock on Thursday morn= ing,- and was so much damaged as to make a new building requisite. The fire is supposed to have originated in the oil and waste used within the buil ding: The . damage to the tools and machinery was trifling. —A man named James Artheurs was killed on the Pennsylvania Rail road, at, Bell's Mills station. Blair -coubty, on Wednesday last Ile was carrying a bag across the track, when a freight train going cast came along,-, striking him, breaking some of his ribs and injuring him so severely about the bead as to cause his death almost instantly. —Maria Young, of Blair county, who was arrested on the charge of poi. soning her father, hhs been acquitted, It hashe.en found after a careful ex amination of the stomach of the de ceased and its contents, that there was no evidence of either mineral or vege table poison. This examination was conducted by Prof. R E. Rodgers, of Philadelphia. —The quantity of berries gathered this year is beyond precedent. Those whn avail themselves of the opportuni ty to pick them, (and they aro not a few,) come back fully rewarded for: their pains. The whortloberry or huckleberry crop also promises well, We wouldn't object if our friends in -town or country would sond us a bas ket or two, to put down with care. —We have an idea that there aro more events of local interest transpir iog, throughout our county, than we ever get to hear of, but which we look for correspondents to communicate to us:, kcal correspondents only knew in what esteem they aro held by edi tors of country newspapers, they would not be so backward in sending in tbe items. Will somebody try it. —The acknowledged organ of fash ionable society in our country, the IlontejOurnat, says' "the handsomest lady in America is Miss Emily Schon berg, of Philadelphia." There are a number of young damsels in Hunting don, front `sweet sixteen" upwards, ready to contest the ,palm of beauty with Miss Emily, orany other Phila- Olphia lass, and we would advise the editor 'of the Home'Journal to_givo our town a call_:bcfore-hecoming too cer tain. --The Boom Company of Williams port, Pa., aro at work upon alirnagnifi nent boom, the coat of which will be 100,000.:. It is 1000 feet long, with a slate of '6OO feet, and will be finished within tbieo months. 'A; A. Esq., late Supervisor on . the Pennsyl vania canal; is in - charge of this im provement. Cohill is a resident of this place, and judging from a spec imetqf a lock below town, the con struction of which he superintended, he is just the man to give satisfaction by neat and-good workmanship. —A. crazy man made his appearance on our streets ono day last 'week, and ,drew the attention of the public by ringing a bell. Ho went through town, and on reaching the bridge over Stone Creek, ho was surrounded by a crowd of mischievous boys, who tor mented him until he turned on and , threw a stone amongst them, which struck a son of Henry Honstein on the head, and inflicted a painful out. Boys should not torment either drunken or crazy men, or else they may rue the consequences. Camp Meeting for Manor Hill Circuit, will be held at the regular camp ground, at Care Hollow, com mencing August 23d. A boarding tent ;will he kept as usual. Members of the Church frnin neighboring charges de sirintr tenting ground, will address J. A. DeMoyer. at Manor 11111, P. 0. FRESH. vegetables received this morn g Est Lewie' Family Grocery. County Temperance Union. A call, signed by some of our promi nent citizens, has been issued, which earnestly invites all the churches, sem inaries, academies, and all the temper ance organizations to meet by dele gates in conrontion, in Huntingdon, on the 12th of .k ag.ust, (Alontfl.y,) at o'clock P. Ai ~for the purpose of term ing a Huntingdon County Temperafice Union, and to consult and devise plans for the promotion of the cause of tem perance in the said county. We hope to see a full representation from all the institutions named, and a good turn-out of the friends of temper ance generally, in order that the Union may be formed on a permanent basis, and the cause of temperance in this county may receive a now impetus, and be so organized as to overcome all opposition and demand and obtain that which is just and reasonable. EMIZE2II2I Some preliminary tuctisures have been taken with a view.,of adapting the Juniata to slackwater navigation. There is certainly nothing in the road to prevent this from being carried out, as the fall of water from the Newton Hamilton dam down is quite regular, and from thence to Huntingdon but little difficulty would be encountered. Such a change would soon create steam navigation, and present a sight few ever anticipated on the "Blue Juniata." It hag always appeared to us-that a channel for light draught beats—such as are used on the Ohio—could be made at a comparatively small expense, by retnovingrocks and stones for a breadth of 50 or kOO feet, as although in many places the rive• appears quite shallow to the eye, the real depth on the riffles is never less than from ono to two feet, as any one can test by an attempt at wading, and in most places much more. Afany boats on the Ohio draw only about 20 inches, so that navigation here is not so unfavorable as some imagine, for it is evident that if even a cha'nnel, such as wo speak of, were cleaned out, a flat bottom steamer could make its way from Duncan's Island to the old Aughwick Falls at the present stage of water without dif fi ea I ty.—lieu;istown Gitzette. Fatal Results of Intemperance. A man named Peter Batto died on 1 the Philadelphia express train bound west, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, when near Altoona, on Tuesday last. The deceased resided at Memphis,Ten nessec, and some time ago left home intending to take a trip to Europe. When ho arrived at Now York ho commenced drinking very bard, and was intoxicated for several days. lle wns arrested by the police and commit. ted to prison on Blackwell's Island for sixty days for vagrancy. Ws friends at i+lemphis, hearing of ids imprison. ment, sent a gentleman to New York for him, who succeeded in having him released. Shortly after his imprison ment the deceased took violently ill, and was quite bad when ho was releas ed. The gentleman who secured his release started with him on his return home to Memphis, and had reached as far as Altoona, Pa., when Batto died, as stated. The train arrived at Pitts burg, on Tuesday evening, where the body was embalmed, placed in a coffin, and taken on Wednesday morning to Memphis. A Foundling. On Friday, about the time of the do parture of the 1 o'clock P. M., train for Hagerstown, a child, apparently about three weeks old, was discovered in an outhouse attached to the Cum berland Valley Depot. Suspicion at once rested on two women who had come on the train from Greencastle in the morning, having with them a child, as being the parties who had thus in humanly deserted the child to the mer cies of the public, one of whom was on the train returning. The train having started it was signalled and stopped, when the woman was arrested. She at first denied all knowledge of the child, but finally acknowledged that it belonged to the other woman, who she said hafted from Huntingdon, Pa, and was at present stopping at a house up town. The reputed mother of the child was hunted up, and owned the child as hers, and it was handed over to her.— Chambersburg Repository. A Stipposed Counterfeiter Arrested On the morning of the 19th, the U. S. Detectives arrested at Altoona a man named Win. Johnston, proprietor of a livery stable in Altoona, but a resident of Hollidaysburg, charged with being extensively engaged in "shoving" coun terfeit money. The information was made before U.S. Commissioner M'Can dles, of Pitt burg, and the accused was removed to that city the samo'day for a he - aring. Johnston is well known, and is in independent circumstances. He has been suspected for some time of being engaged in passing counter feit postal currency, and has been tin der the surveillance of detectives In April last, ono of the officers introduced himself to Johnston, and, representing himselfaB a "shover," bought from him, as is alleged, one hundred dollars in counterfeit fifty-pent notes, Sufficient information was obtained against him I at the time to have warranted hisim mediate arrest, but it was deemed ad visable le allow him to run at large till the day above stated. ROVe §tegir?re Cau again be bad at Lewis' Book Store. Orders by mail shall receive prompt atteDton Painted Accidont On Tuesday morning last a young girl, named Amanda Dearmitt, living at Mr. Major's, corner of Church and Montgomery streets, was terribly scalded by the upsetting of a boiler of hot water, which she bad taken off the stove and placed on the top of the steps leading into the wash-house. Having occasion to pass the boiler, she stum bled over some obstacle near it and fell, her dress at the same time catch ing in the handle, which spilled the boiling contents over her back and shoulders the entire length. She suf_ fered terribly from the scald, but - wo understand is now rapidly getting bet ter. A Rascal. We understand ',bat a man repre senting himself as a drover played the smart'over MroLowis Smalley on Sat urday last a week. After being shown around the country and engaging cat. tle and sheep ho picked Mr. Smalley's pocket of $3O. Ho had previously bor rowed $5 and travelling expenses from Mr. Smalley, amounting in all to $43,- 75. The scamp left Mill Crook on the express train on Saturday night, since which time nothing has boon heard of the "drover" or Mr. Smalley's money. Dedication The dedication of the now Methodist Church, erected on the site of' what is generally known as the "Old Trough Creek Church," in Tod township, will take place on Saturday and Sunday next. Rev. Dr. Riley, of the East Baltimore Conference, and other emi nent speakers and divines'are expect ed to be, in, attendance. The public are cordially invited-to-attend. By order and in behalf of 'the Trus tees. JOHN WHITNEY, See. A Good Work Myron 'Weaver is now canvassing Walker, Union, Brady, Henderson and Porter townships, for the sale of an excellent book entitled "History of the Secret Service," by- Gen. L. C. Baker, of the Detective force. This book con tains a vast amount of information, to gether with many amusing incidents of the rebellion. Be surd and got a copy, when the agent calls. Late Arrival of New Goods Johnston & Watson has just receiv ed a largo stock of New Goods, such as Prints, Milsline, Alpacas, , DeLaines, Ste.,:&e. They are selling off their stock at greatly reduced prices, that they can make room for their fall stock. Give them a call. 'lt3 Just received at Lewis' Family Grocery, a fresh supply of Bologna Summer Sausage. Turnip Seed For swio by do pound or smaller quantity, at Lewis' Family Grocery. Teniperniaco In Congress "Ten minute Speeches" by Hons. Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson, B. Yates, Wm. B. Dodge, Hiram Price, Samuel McKee, F. B. Woodbridge, J. B. Grinnell, and J. W. Patterson, de livered at the first meotingof the Con gressional Temperance Society, Wash ington, D. C. With a list of Pledged members. New York; S. R. Wells, Publisher, 359 Broadway, New York. Price, 25 cents. "Ten Minute Speeches," or "Tern peranco in Congress," is beautifully printed on tinted paper, in large, clear letter, and is in every way worthy of the great occasion which called it forth. We would have a copy placed in the hands of every young man in the na tion. It would servo to fortify him in resisting temptation, which will sooner or later beset him. Walled in with the best resolutions. ho is still liable to fall. This concentrated and power ful appeal will help such a one to keep his resolutions, and must produce con viction in the heart of the skeptic, and hold the convert. Reader place a copy of "Temperance in Congress" in the hands of the one you love best. DDEAFNESS,BLINDNESSWnd TARIM treated with the utmost succors, by J. IbItACS, NI. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of I,ev,lou, Holland.) N... 619 Pins stroOt, Ghil.dolphia. T,Aitnool als from Lim most toliebln soul see jn that city it. d o en try can bereen at his ofllco. The 'wilco' faculty aro in vited to neeempany their patient., ret ho bas no secrets In hie p action. Artificial Eyes !tinged without Gain.— No charge fur examination. ntyB-lybin MARRIED, At the Franklin House, on the 18th inst., by Rev. R E. Wilson, Mr. LEwm D. HimEs, and Miss REBECCA J. Ron- LEY, all of Brady township. At the M E. Parsonage, on the same day, by the same, Mr. Wm. llATrim.o, of Portstown, and Miss MARTHA.SuiIt• RER, of Smithfield. July 4th, by Rev. R. M. Wallace, Mr. JAmws AnAms, of Indiana county, to,Miss JENNIE B. GUI:EN, of Birming ham. MARKETS. I=1:2 PHILADELPHIA, July 27, 1867 Suporlino Flour at 1,8,256,,9,25, extra at .T. 06110,50, fancy extra family $13,110017, and Pounsylvania family $1 . 20 11,95, and fancy brands $14,00017,C0 according to quality. 113 e flour $7,71. 'Plinio Wheat is Frarce hare. Choice red at $2,00082,10 uhito $2,90(33,00. Rye at $1,8581,70. Corn 1,00 to 418 Oats at 1,00. Bailey malt at $1,60. Oloverseed $10,2h012, acconling to finality; Timothy at S3,IP/C43,58; Flaxseed $3,00@3,05 per bushel. Prrnonmou, July 27 —Flour.—Thorp is n fair demand. Wa quote sales of spring n heat Flour at $11.60@12,25, winter Floor at $13914 Jitney at $17,00@18. Wheat, winter,s2,loo2,2o and No. 1 spring $2,25152,30, Corn from first hands at $l,Ol. Rye, $1,40 pet bushel. Oats 81.1@90e; Barley $1,00©1,10. Shoulders 10e; aides 1251 e; hams 2(021c herdl4Xe. Potatoes, $1,23. Clovorseed;sll,6o. Flaxseed $3, Timothy $3. _ Culeeao July 27.—Plaut firm; Sprint; oxtra $8010,50 Winter, $12,50("ey14,00. Sluing ilim!, is at :$1,7560,00 Corn &has. Onte, 07ctn. MEM Ninv 'roux, July 23.—G01d closed al $1;40. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. COILItECT.F.D WEEKLY lilt lIENItY & CO. rrnerraare TIMES, Superfine Flour /11/1410,00i Extra Flour 12,30, Family Flour 13,00 Apple butter Flaxseed 02,00 [tops 76 lb 40 (7 GO 1111,11, BllitAied ' - '0 Ilny -- i1 tou, 000 Lard 12% Largo Onions 7 ,1 bns 1.00 Xlixed Chop ^5O Onto +5O Potntoes 7 0 100 t,1,2.5 !Plaster per ton - 10.00 !Rags:El lb 11,yo 1 00 No Chop , t 1 cwt °,70 llyo Straw 11 hewn°. 10 Shorts 11 cal 1,75 iliouldur 1.1 Shies-- .................... ......14 rano.. 10 Cy 12 Timothy 3,00 Mike) A 73 01 1,50 'Wheat lied_ ._ ....... ....1 po )Whehr 15 bite 2,10 Wool? lb 40 MEM Batley , Butter But kwheat Buck% heat Me6l 4eu Bran 90 cut 1,75 Brobms Ildo7 1,0004,50 Beeswax. 31 4 6 30 Beans V, bus ^ 5 O Cledereeed 11 01 Itos 0,00 Chickens 05 Country Soap 10 Corn 95 Corn Ideal V cwt.— ...... 2, 20, Dried Apples Ohn ....... .2,00 Deed Cherries V quart. e at: Dried Poaches /110.,15 to 20 third Beef . eti. Ettit. 16 Jr/ there yt lb 90 . . ►TIRIAL LIST, AUGUST TERM, 1867. IMMEM P. Shoonberger's errs. vs Wilson &Lorenz'. John Snyder vs li. & 11.T.R. R. Co. Henry Strome et al TS Edwin Arnold of al. PI. Jennie Cols vs Iheno. Rodgers &Chambers . . Ruth Myers„ . . "cs Lewis Munn. . .. . J. I. SIMPSON, Prothonotary, Prothonotary'. Office, l . July 17,15167. S j)110 CLAM ATI. 0 N. —AVE - BRE A S , by • a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the :loth of April, A. D. 19G7; under the hands and seal of the lion. Oeorgo Taylor, President of tho Celia of Common Pleas, Oyor and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of tho 2-ttli Judicial District of Pennsylvania, comp°. fled of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the llens.'Anthony J. Beaver and David Clarkson, Ws associ ates, Judges of tile county of liiintingdon, justices us+ signed, appointed to bear, toy ancl,determino all and Ivory indictments made or taken fur Or concerning all orioles, u Welt by the laws of the State are mado capital, or (den ies of death, and other offences, crimes and tobalemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or palm iroted, for crimes aforesaid—l not commanded to make public proclamation throughout My whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Ternsiner,•of Common Pleas nod Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Coort'llouso in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th day) of 211.101161' next, unit those who wit/ prosecute the said prisoners, bo then and there to prosecute them as it shall he just, acid that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there in [hair proper persons, at 10 o'clock, n. in. of Said day, with their reeords-Inguieitione, examinations mid remembran ces, to do those things a Mel, to their olOces respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon,. the 19th of .Tuly, in the year of our Inrd one thousand eight hundred and Sixty-seven, and the 91st year of American Independence. JAB. V. BATIICIBST, Sheriff.. • virtue S HERIFF'S SALES—By ite of writs of Vend. Exp.Fl.fa and bee. Fa. directed to me, I will expo.. to public enle`or outcry, at the Court Holm, In the borough of Huntingdon. ON MONDAY, 12r0 DAY of AUG &Sr, A.D. 1807, at 2 o'clock, E. 31., the following described property to wit: - All that certain, lot, or part of a lot, of ground, fronting fifty feet on tho south side of Church atrect, In the borough of Huntingdon, noil oxteuding back in depth 100 feet, boing the northerti loaf of lot No. 201 in mild Lomond). °Azad, token in c'xoeution, and to he sold es the property of Marg iret Drotherllne and Jas. Saxton. Also—A. tract, piece, or parcel of land, situated in Cass township, Containing 202 acres. haring a largo stone Lowe, a log stable, a saw-mill and it distillery that eon erected, about 70 arras of which land are .eeated. and the balance well timbered, adjoining lands of John boaajr,o on the nest, .Toslina Greenland on the north, It. and J. Crotsley on the saw, and Peter Kauf man on the smith. There to a good appearance of iron ore upon this hind. Seined. token in execution, nod to bo sold as the propriety of William Welt, Or. Ar,so—A lot. of ground in Tod town. ship, Huntingdon county, containing about 3.4 acre, bounded on tin" broth and east by Plummer, Booth by pithllo road leveling Tram Broad Top City to Hunting don, and nest by propetty of Thomas Clark, with a ma stery frame house, with log back kitchen. awl a two story blacksmith shop thereon, or standing partly thereon. Seized, taken in execution, end to be sold at the property of Amos Clark. Also--About fifty acres of land, more or less, silents in West toWnstilp. bounded and described On follows : adjoining land/ of Miles Lowis on the south, hohort Music 9n the west, nud John Manit oil the east, with tu•o log t onics and log barn thereon. Seised, taken In execution. and to be sold as the property of Asbury Eu tog and Samuel Ito ing. ALSO—AII that certain piece of ground consisting of part of lots:tib. 8,0, and 10 in the recorded plan of ti n • barongh of Ilunti ngdon, al joining lots of Mrs. :11 Murray, and R. lt. Pot ukin on the rust, Allegheny st. on the south, `null street on the we,t, and an alley ten feet wide Oh irh iv appm tenant to the premises) adjoining th e same, and the southern part of which is eighty feet ft on: Hill cut yet, in the borough, having on Ills said tot a stone and brick duelling house, a brick stable and other Mus oveinents. t‘eit,9l, ftetelt in execution, Mel to be sold as the property ofJoseph Morrison. Also—Ail that 'certain lot of ground, &itimce in the t iliog , . of denim limc , Lincoln township, being 80 feet in front and 50 feet in rear and width, and 180 feet deep, the inside angle foi ming a line 130 feet long. and in the recorded plan of said village, made by J. Simplon Orbit, Rol., ileth May, 18.55, being lot N o . 8, has log thereon a new frame stole noose, blacksmith shop &c. Alzo, All that cQrtnin 'Ace, and parcel of land, in the villvge of Coffee Run, Lincoln townqup, being lots N 09.1 a and 4 in the plan of slidll/3th, by 3. Fimpson Africa, Esq., on the Jutll nod 31st digs of Slog, 1555, etch nt said 1010 Laing go fret in widthnod 100 foot in length, boidg adjacent to cud we,t of the Huntingdon and .Ihorid Top Mountain Ruth oad, adjoining, lot N 0.5 on the south. not on the west and north land of John I.teirer, having thereon a wagon xbod, corn-crab, de. I I tlyo, All that ret to in other lot of ground, In the village of Collect nun, Lincoln towndzip, li,lins lot N 0.5 in the plan of said town, mad° by 3. Simpson Africa. Esq., on the 30th Slay, 1556, lying on the sect side of the Lanai 'fop nail road, being On feet in width and extending back 116 feet to an nney 12 feet a lb, containing one foul tit of 00 acre, moro or lees, adjoining land 01 John Beaver on the north-we , d, lots No, 1,2, a and tone nu the east nod north, the 111ott1 Top 11M1ronit on the ea , t, and oilier lauds of :Imo Colin 00 the booth, having thereon a two story frame duelling home. haute stable, Also, All that certain piece and puc••l of MO, situate in fatiCoin tatrusliip, bounded and described as follows, to nit: 1h at a pod on the line of land formerly of Jobs thence sitang said line south 45% degrees e•tst 35 pet ches and S 1.1 o) of it perch t•t at stand heap, ensued by html of John llt , aver notch degrees west 41 1.100 perches to a peat at the Blom' Top Railroad, thence along the same being a curve of two degrees tito clot d thin ecru hears, r.Outh 22 degrees 10 minutes nest, and drt•tuca along said iallutel 53 lunches to a post, thence north it;!( degroplt nest 11 2t.-100, porches. to a `stmnp, thence n.,mh dieMs, West 25 Btr.loo porehos 10 the Ivaco of beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less, according, to the ittalt made by J. t•nnosen Africa, hot., 30th Slay, 1535, excepting lets Nos. 1, 2. 3,4, 5 and Shunt this description and - fueluded in other conveyan ce, to John Pill tun, alts Putter and Simon Coil 11. Seized, taken in execution, and to be Bold an the property of Simon Cohn. ALso—All the right, title and inter -o.t of tlefol.int in, to and out of all that part of Lot No. S in tho 'worded pl.tn of the borough of Huntingdon, which fronts on Allegheny street, extending in front on sold street flora tho western lino of tith lot of Thomas Fisher to the eastern line of the lots conveyed by J. it. Aloe:than to Joseph Morrison by deed dated Apia 5, 155.5, and extendinu hack from Allegheny street 80 foot totosltd 11111 street, 112ing the canto premises conveyed to Joseph Morrison by Mary . Murray by deed dated sth April, 1865, recorded in Ituntmgdon comity, In Book 'P, N 0.2, page •58. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro. petty of Jos, ph Morrison. • ALso—All depnilant's right, title, and tutored in a tract or parcel of land situate in Cass and Toil townships, nuntingdon county, bounded and described on follow, to Wit; °a the north by lands of James Hiller, east by land of James Hamilton. 0011111 by lands of Philip Ctirftnan,ived by land of Elias 'McLain, contalcing 403 acres and allowance, about twenty acres of which are cleared, having S. small plank house and stable thereon erected. Seized; taken to execution and to be sold ns the Pt operty of Wm. I'. Schell. ALso—Lot No, 126, "in the borough of Coalmont, fronting fifty feet on Scholl Street, and oaten. ding bank 150 feet. to no Alloy Adjoining, lot No. 125, 00 the cost, and Dolighei ty Street en tho woo., haring a two story plank houso and Ammo stablo thereon mooted. .used, taken to osecation and to be sold as the properly of Thomas it. Pagan. A Lso—A lot of ground in the village of Dudley, adjoining late of Orbison k Co., exit, by an al ley on the tooth by sheet, and west by lot of ;lames Brady, the said lot being 50 by 120 feat deep, having a logo too story plank house and frame stable, , and other neces&ny improvements thereon erected. Selma taken in execution and to ho sold as tho property of Thomas Marlin. NOTICE. TO PLIEIIIMP.II9.-11Alers at Sheriff's Sales will take notice Hatt Immediately upon the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids under WI and tacnty.tivo per cent. of all bids over that sun, must ho paid to tho Sheriff, or tho property mill be sot up again and sold to other ladders whewill comply with tho abovo trans. If court continues two weal:, deed acknowledged on Wednesday of second week. Ono week's court, property lsnarked down on Monday awl deed acknowledged on 01 folloning eatturd.ty. JAS. F. BATILURST, Sheriff. &MIFF'S OITICE. Ifuntingdon, .July 17, 1661. Filiovr HE 117=1 A. L. LEWIS, LW- LEUSTER'S NEW BUILDING, XX 1.1.33:01.731Xcic>21, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FORN & DOIESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SOOTS, SNOBS, HATS, CAPS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, QUEEINSWARD AND GROCERIES. REMEMBER ! This is tho Storo, Whore Goods are Sold CHEAP July 17, '67-tf. 13 ookii AND STATIONERY.— A good übsoetment of midcellanenu. and &boo lloolce—Fool.my, Lotter, Commercial and Note Yeller— , Main and ralicy Surdoptia--Red, Bloc and Mack Sake— Hooke; of et II mere= eizte--Pene,Poncila, Pnckut and Inktiands, 1111 d every other article venally bound in a Book and Stationery Store, can be bad at fair prima at LSWYS' BOOK. STATIONERY MUSIC PTORE. RUDOLPH'S VWEPIA OT mzallicha FANCY GOODS, Wholesale & 2E undersigned tiikofi the liberty of calling tin :Mont of the pul.lic in goioral in it., new and splendid ,aridly of LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS and SUN-SHADES Making weekly porebaioi from the New York and Philadelphia markets, I am prepared to offer to my lady friends of Huntingdon and vicinity, ono of tho nicest lines of Dress nod kineqne BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the very latest novelties out that is possible to bring together, and nt prices to meet the views of all classes. Ladles' and Gents' (Jouches) Rid Gloves ' black and medium shades, and any particular shade and sire furn ished nt the shortest notice; also, a very 'pretty anon mut of white and colored Berlin and Lieletliread Move; plain and fancy tops; black and colored Velvet Ribbon. first quality and cocoon, all widths. fic,{Thite Bross Hoods, Hoop Skirts, Dalmorals, Ladies, Hats, Sinidowns, Knitting Cotton, (rill colors,) German. bairn Wool. Zephyrs, Canes, Silk for lining bonnets, Bon net Ribbons, Gents' Linon and Paper CaSk, Collars and Shirt Fronts. no also special selection of black and fancy Ncek Ties, Broadway, Chantilly lions, and Napoleon Storks for the aged and a 800 assortment of Bugle Trim ming.. Hosiery with sue will claim special attention to select and otter the very host English and Gorman Regular Made floods and the Domestic and Lowor Glades, Child's fancy one half Hose, &c., with that endless variety of Small Wares to he found in n well stocked rioticn Store, of quality superior as o line, and at prices to meet all competition. A large stock of Boys' and dents' Hats and Caps of the latest styles and nil qualities at pi ices ranging front 23 eta, no Sam, {v.l'. RUDOLPH. Huntingdon, April 10, 1807. NEW LEATHER STORE. qinE undersigned would respectfully announce that, in connection with their TANNERY, they have Just opened a splendid assortment of EINE LEATHER, Consisting In part of " FRENCH-CALF SKIN, • KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, • UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general assortment of The trade is invited to call and examine our stock. Stole on 111 LL street, two doOrs west of the Presbyte rian chute!, The highest in ice paid for HIDES and BAtIK. C. IT. MILLER & SON. I un tiumlon, may l, 1567 , • SOlllatfillfg New ,t 2,) • GLAZIER & BRO. LTAvE just opened up on the corner ikur WASUINOTON anti SMITtt *areas, a new and 0631PLETI: ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, GROOT; I - M.li, Q UE ENS WARE, HATS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. Tho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity are hereby tendered a standing, invitation to call and examine our fitnek. Our aim will over be, that coo - nett, satisfaction, both ns regards goods and price.), be given to every var. clocter: - GLAZIER &Bee. • Ilan tit:plop, March '4,1567. Can't Be Beaten ! Good Stock & Low Prices JOHN-H. WESTBBOOI( neglectfully Deform the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hasjuit received from the citra NEW and splendid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c. all of which bete prepared to toll at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget the old annul in the Diamond. Old mato. mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, may 1, MT THE FLORENCE SEWING 141AC3IINES Aro non• In use and their yearly solos double all others to,tbitt The t iso and fAR of nnesberless machines, heralded as “superior to all otheis," has convinced the public that it is enter to boy n good artinlo of established reputation and hone rmponsibla parties, than to tNE their money in doubtfid experiment. These Machines have MORE IMPROVEMENTS, MAKE LESS NOISE, ore 310011 MORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE in operation than any Machine In the market. An MOM. 'nation solicited before malting kin:relies° elsewhere. Apply to DIANAII 1., BAKER. Pecand story of Water's now building. my9.Oies thilitingilon, Pa. REMOVAL. 1-I,OI3LEY & MARSH, MERCHANT TAILORS. Respectfully inform their old friends and the pahlie generally that they have removed to the loom adjoining the Post Mee on 11111 streot, where they have received a new stock of the moat faehionablo and serviceable DRESS GOODS, Which they at o prepared to make op to order in tho most ihnhicuable and substantial order. Cell and examine their assortment of goods for COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, Before purchasing olsewhet a. They are dotal mined to please everybody. 11. ROBLEY, nplO,lSO7 _ Cl.lO. F. MAUI!. TgailLrTO tit I J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in T.T 3EL IV I ULI T—T .IEIL 33 1 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 st., Huntingdon, fn the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures awl keeps all hinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. 4 Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins ovule ip any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has T'NEIF AND ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepated to attend Funerals itt any place In lowa or country. 'J. SI. WISE. Tdmiliogdon, Ilay P, 1566-1 t - SPECTACLES • e g*Baggr VW:A I I I Pi A. fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' . BOOK STORE. inE I}EST QUALITY OF FRESH. Z at cU AVDTGad.Yc CAR,VOy,S.' A f RP 3 TING OF ALL BINDS /at CaeirlVlNG*A.,ll" et‘ CAIOIOIIPS. WILLOW and CEDAR W A.RE for sale at 7,171:4 Family Grocery. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON Have receiver/I 10,000 DOLLARS WORM: NEW & FASHItIABLE GOLDS From the eastern markets, which they can, with profit, sell at lower figures than can be sold at any other house in the county. PRICES THE SAME AS BEFORE TOE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & aLevy THE BEST HEAVY MUSLINS Lower than they can be bought outfit& of Philadelphia THEIR STOCK IS IMMENSE, Consisting of everything that eye can fancy or bead wish Come and see their One assortment of CHOICE SYRUP, LOWEIt than Giver ban& also. ... EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At greatly reduced prim COME AND SEE OUR STOCK, and do not. pay high prices any longer Cunningham & Carmon. Iluntingdon, np24 NOTICE JO - As t, ToN & . \\ 7 1 , 11 , 5 m TAKE pleasure In announeiug to the citime of linutingden county antiviciutty that they have Just toturnal from tho EMit Will a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, whieh they have Just opened out (t their new etoro, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE WASEINOTON HOTEL Their stuck coniists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, II AT S AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEG ARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, - CEDAR - W ARE, (YOB ENS WARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, - HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c. They have a large stock of LADIES' DRESS G OODS, Consisting of SILKS, MOITAIRS, ALPACA,S, POPLINS, LUSTRES, °INGRAM, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DB LA INES, 4c„ dc., Ac. Also, a largo main taloa of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RV, TIOSIETLY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS Wu %ill Ertl WHOLESALE and RETAIL. A 1 1 goods Ilulivered to residences in town ;mil depots, free ot Giro tut trial before port tinning elowhero. JOEINSTON k WATTSON Iliinting(bm. April 8,1867 IVAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. MIN IN-FORMS THE PUBLIC `PRAT HE ITAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOOK of NEW GOODS THAT cAN'T eiIIgA.PNESS AND QUAIITY COME AND SEE 17 , 10ingdon, ap, DI, '67 NIOTOGRAPII ALBUMS AND . Nl/4.4 pORTIVOTS ob ALL Slit DpaIIII396IILD WIDER? AND CIVILIAN'', FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Canned Fruit mid Vegetal)los Abrase on hand at Lewis' Family Grocery ICt E~ I~XiC _ ` ~llCifiEs Ii utE: BEALE'S• Late Powell's Embrocatiiin, For all Diseases" Incident do CATTLE, and the lIUMAN FLEW Requiring the use of an External Application:- Tills dew Compound, epareflby a . praefical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues °reach ingredient that'entern into its com Position, is wavrarited to exceed Luythiing of the kind ever yet.eiteno( to the Public rei no external- applirailm fo-. tne die:oo4 for which is to rye , niniefided. We ore satinlied that it III{:( work. Ito own rood into the confidence of oil who use yt,, and those who tip it once will novel be without it, and' therefore wo rely on experience as the boot tee of its nso fulness. It In pronounced by Farriers, and all who have tried it to he the best application ever used. This Em brocation has neon put up tor over night years, and it is only through the Increasing demand nod urgent request of my friends and the Public that I sond it forth as OW grew] remedial agent for the Various diseases to whist[ that noble and usetul animal, the tiara,; in subject Many remedies have been offered • the Public under different forms, same of these are injurious, others at best* of little use, and Many wholly improper to answer the' urposes for which they are retommended.. 4. Judicious and really useful composition'. BM from; those objections, boa therefore long been desired by many gentlemen cam have valuable homes, and am unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pretended. Farrier. Their Wishes are et length fully gratified; by Dr. Beale being prevallea upon to allow thin valuable • Embrocation (which bas proved HO effiC6Cloll9 to the void. • ova diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the pub lic. „ This Embrocation was extensively used by the Govern ment dnring the war. Address all Orders to Or. EDIIIIND BEALE, GO2 South Second sttcot, Sa. For sale at Lewis' Boole Store, and by Store keepers, generally. may I,'o7—Sm. J., W. Bradley's Celebrated patent ; •2EElllptiQ .4-Lio The - wonderful Flexibility anal great comfort and plea, sure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt wll be experienced particularly in all crowded aasemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars. church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the shirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and canoe n,ently as a silk or muslin &ass, an invaluable quality In crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasut e. comfort, brid great :convenience of nearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt for a si nglo Day, will never afterwards willingly dis pense with theiruso. For children, misses and young la dies they are superior to all ethers. They will riot bond or break like the single spring but will preserve theft perfect and graceful shape when throe or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with couple and twisted thread, and the bottom rods aro not only double springs, but to leo (ur double) covered i preventing ,them freer wearing out when dragging down Stoops, stairs, Arc, The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all !adieu and is nalveraafty retanninnuksi by the Fashion Maga zines as the standard skillet' the fivildoisablo world. To enjoy the f,l lowing inestimable advantages to crin oline, vie: superior, ,quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility. durability, comfort end °coil omy, enquire for J. W. Drailley's Duplex Elliptic, or dou ble spring skirt, and ha sure you got thcrgenuino article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition be particular to notice that skirts offered as "Duplex" have the red ink stamp. vie : Walradley'e Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs' upon the waist band—none others are gentilno. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found In any other spring. • • , For sale fa all stores cohere first chum skirts are sold throughout the Dotted States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners oitho patent. {VESTS, BEADLE/ S CAItY, mayl-3m] 97 Chat:ahem and 79 it 81 Read° Ste., N. Y ETIGAL DR, WILLIAM BREWSTER 4 M'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. laFor the benefit of those proposing to dfidertalto Electrical treatment for diseases we give in the following list a few of the more prominent and most common complaints :net with in our pros-, lice, in all of which we are Moat suscessful. IN NEARLY ALL CASES OP CFMONIO DISEASE, ELECTRICI TY IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES BENEFICIAL, IP ritonexty APPLIED. These, therefore, afflicted I with complain to not here enumerated, need have noliesitation in nppbing,ond whetheronly Alan?, or a PERMANENT cult can be effected, they will 'receive replies accordingly. All communications free. 1 Epliepsy, Chorea, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Ileart,Lock-Jaw, etc. S Sore Throt,DyspepsiiLDiarrlioaa, Dysontery,l Obstinate Constipation, liemorrhohl4, or, ,Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections tine LWer and Spleen. '1 o Catarrh, Conga, Influenza, Asthma, (where not camel by organic disease of the heart,) 1 Bronchitli, Pledrisy, Itheumnfiem of the' 'Chest, Consumption to the early stageg, 1 4 Gravel, Diabetic. and Blaney 'Complain/v. 5 Ithoutuatism, Gout, Lumbago ' Stiff' Neck, . Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases. Cancers, Tu mors; ((hose last named always cured, witlr , out pain, or cutting, or pia -stars in any form) In a word, we propose to cure all curable ills- Mee. we hero no connection whatever with anYi other Electrical - office in this or any other county.' All letters address to W 3.1. BREWSTER, M. D., " IffcConnellstown, Pa. = CHEAP GROCERY STORE, z. - 3L 7 =M§T'Xia".7El-, BILL ST., IHUNTINGDON, PA. • 71111 - E undersigned offers for the In -1 spectlon and purchase of customers Marge and as , sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, &o. Be "feels setts. fled they caa be accomodated with ariything in his lino. Ills prices aro low ; and his stock fresh and good, lie keeps the beat of • • • SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, Atso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, , MOLASSES, OILS, _VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO T NS - of every kind A select stocliofDßY GOODS, togother.arlit QUENNZ WARE. and all other articles kept in n well regulated estnblishmont for sale at - ressonoble prices. - . IPE 11w store is on 11111 Street, nearly opposite the 'Dank, nod in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Cell and examine. Z. ILENTEII.. Iluntingdon, may 8,1807.:' THE PLACE TO.BUY NEW AND OEMAT (j9Qp.4 - FOR SPRING A. 117.0 - ;9({1 - 1[NER : WM. 111,0101 'e4 ,no. • Respectfully inform tho public generally that theg have jiiit received a large and splendid clock of rods et, their store In Huntingdon, coaeisting in part ac. • SILKS, . „ • DRY GOODS, DRESSGOODS, BOOTS &,' SHOES, •' lIATs, CM'S, TINWARE; LA.DI ES' FANCY HOOP Slt.lllTS,Bonmurs, BUTTONS, WOOD AN p WILLOW TV A It QUEENS W A.RE,• HARDWARE, - PROVISIONS, GROCERIES;- CRACKERS, NOTIONS, . TOBACCO, SEGARS,' . GLASS, NAILS; • • FISH,. SALT,` • Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTI.I„, And in fact everything that 'is tumidly kept lea (Intel." store, nil which ',yore bought low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for mash, or cowing produce. and request the public to give us a call before purchasing oleo , bore, feeling satisfied me cop Fery we% nor inducements to cash buyers. We reepectfully solicit the patronage cif, 011. and the public are cordially in% Red to examine - ern good": Fharything taken in explmage ter irper t li pgcept promi" an. ' - 11 - 11 ; 410011 fi BRO, nun I ingdon; np, 16, 3SGj p r 4;:pp l 4:;tt ;tEICIOZT,'Zi FOR EVERYBODY, OttEAPI3.B THAN ANY ()THAW KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store. and 810; ASSORTMENT: D. P. GWIN. Q.EGAIIS.—Best quality of Begarq Llnab7 nt A3l k OARMOS'.i. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS! L eves ip t ft,ltcal and other pYi two, NOW Otloans, PO, to RICO and Sugar .11poso 111olm;see, for role at Lewis Family (IrOLOC) DERFUMERY. and Fancy Soaps for salf, at LEWIS 'Family Grocery. PA It CT II ME NT DEED PAPEIY : ruled, tor oat° at BOOR zi"ro.b;f. ==3 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND or Double. Spring, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS t CAPS; &c:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers