il,e 6lobt. PA Wednesday morning, July 24, 1867. LOCAL, S.; PERSONAL. Local Ativertlsoutonta Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ton cents a lino single insertion, counting seven words to a lino. If. To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper• continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise rm. The new M. E Church at Green wood Furnace, Jackson township, will bo dedicated to the worship of God, on Sunday, September lst. Rev. J. Mc- Kendree Raley, D. D., of Danville, PA., will preach the sermon. 4 .- e- Thomas and John M'Caltan," eons of J. IC M'Calutn, of this place, were both in jured by colts at Birmingham, ono day last week. John was thrown from his horse and kicked on the head, and badly injured. Tom was in a sulky, and his horse running into the woods, upset the vehicle, and injured Turn by the fall. Both are doing well. Ile-A Camp Meeting for Manor Hill Circuit, will be hold at the regular camp ground, at Care Hollow, com mencing August 22r1. A boarding tont gill be kept as usual. Members of the Church from neighboring charges de siring tenting ground, will address J. A. Delloyer, at Manor Hill, P. 0. 2t. Concert at Altoona The CussvilleSoldiers' Orphan Schorl under the charge of Rev. Prof. A. L Gass, will give a Concert at Altoona, on the evening of July 24th, and at Hollidaysburg on the 25th. The vaca tion commences on the 20th, and tho , children will go to see their friends for a few weeks. The school numbers 95 boys and SO girls, and is in a very pros perous condition. The school will pass Huntingdon on the Emigrant train on Wednesday the 24th. [We are requested to publish the following from the Bellefonte CENTRAL Ness.] Messes. EDITORS occurs to me that the time has coins for the cmsideration by the Republicans of Centro county of the ques tion of aeleeting a candidate for Senator in this District. Blair and Perry having had one term it is fair to presume that two of the remaining four counties can successfully claim the candidates. There is no good reason why Centro county should not be one of the two. At tide time her Railroad interests, distinct to some extent from most of the District, de mand a Representative in the Senate. The Republicans of this District expect the nomi nation of new men, and desire it. The inter ests of the people of this county demand the election of Senators from men who have never been at Harrisburg/is Legislators, and whose reputation for integrity is beyond suspicion. The other counties all have candidates al ready in the.field and will no doubt, press strongly the claims of their selected represen tatives for a nomination its the Senatorial conference. There never was a time when our prospect of securing a Senator was bettor than at this timo, No candidate has come forward, however, as yet. I therefore pro pose the name of WiLtaan P. WzbsoN, of Bellefonte, as one on whom we can all unite, and a man who will servo us well in the Sen ate of Pennsylvania. He has liv - ed his whole life in this counts, and his character is well known to every cit izen of it. No man will presume to doubt his integrity, his republicanism, or his ability. lle has been a faithful worker, and deserves consideration at tha hands of Repuhreans. lie ChM not be purchased by any considera tion to betray the msn or principles he repre sents, and he represents the true interests of this county and District on every local and political question. I hopethe Republicans of the county will unite in his support,and se cure his nomination. A CITIZEN OF TIALFMOON llnutlngdont and Broad Top Railroad. The following higLly complimentary notice of this road has been handed us, says the Bedford Inquirer, by a gentle man whose fine discrimination in mat ters of this kind is not to b• question ed. Wo sometimes hear of some ner vous old creature who prefers thirty miles of slow coaches to this rents, (whose.easo is to bo pitied) but in gen eral the•persons who try this read find it, as it, is, perfectly safe and entisfae tory. The compliment is well deser ved : MESSII.V3: EDITORS :—llave you tray- I ,eled over the R. & B. T. M. R, late- ly ? If you have you no doubt obser ved a very great improvement. With in a few weeks I have gone over it six times and with as much comfort as could be expected on a short road. When you leave Mt. Dallas you can rely upon arriving at Huntingdon at the promised time “sharp" and so vice versa. In other words the trains both ways are run according to the schedule, and when that is done travelers are satisfied even though the speed is not 40 great as that of the lightning line on the Pennsylvania Central. There are now no annoying delays at the different stations. The trains stop to Jet off and take on passengers, but there is no waste of time What has to be done is done promptly, and you Feel thatall the employees aro attend ing to their business like men deter mined to do their duty. The mails aro brought into Bedford regularly and passengers by the evening train arrive_ at Mt. Dallas in time to get a good night's rest. This gratifying state of affairs is attributable, I am informed, to the energy and businese capacity of Mr. Mailing, the present superinten dent, a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, who is certainly "the right men in the right place." In going over the "trestle work," I noticed that it had been renewed and repaired in the most thorough manner. The work was done under the direction of Mr, Fulton, the Chief Engineer of the company, who does skilfully and well whatsoever he undertakes. A TRAYELYa. .110Eir Choice dried beef, sugar cured and country hams, shoulder and flitch, for Pale at Lewis' Family Grocery, MARKETS. I= ratt..nrr.ror4, .7u13. 22, /867 911ml - filo Flour al r:lrant $9310.50, fancy extra family .$13,00f..17, and l'effu . 4ylvanl.t family $1240 11,25:and fancy Iff.ffuhfil-1.00a11,00 ACC , Othog to quality. Ryo flour $7,75. !'rime Wheat in Fels co I. -.., Choice rl.l at $2,00@2,50 white ;2,J0G3,00. t.,o ut rat 1 , 70. C..: a 1,0)4, t.. 1,18 Oats at 1,00. Bark.) .0 flt m , Cloverseed ;10.2.1 • I.! . ~1.1 n,; to qulltt c; Thu thy at .t' ; ,0i per bash. I. VITTSbeRGII, ./1113 I , lll . .— There 1. a rth Wa quota sales of opt :I , :t flour at $12.2. u tvr Flour at laney at V.7,00CL3:1.8. Wheat, winter42,2'5@ . 2.30 and O. I Alit Z2,N02,05, Col n from first hantisltt i,OO. Rye, ,01,23 per bushel. Oots 67@ne:Iltailey $1,0061,10. Shouldeo, 1.214', ; barns 2Ce - .21c, Lord 1434 c. Potatoes, $1,25. Cioverieed. 211 , 50. I , lllxseed $2, Timothy ;3. _ - 01164 , 10 22.—Float 11101; =pang extra ge10,75 winter, $12,506E.14,00. Sin lag Wheat t $1,91@2,33 Corn 85cts. Onta, SScta. MEM NEW Ton; dull• 22.—C01d closed at $1,3r.).34 HUNTINGDON MARKETS Col - ERECTED WEEKLY I Y ITENItY A: CO, .E PEICE9. Flamed ;Hops VIA limn. smoked Hay tott Lard latgu Oudot, 11 bus, Mixed Chop Oats Potatoes lila, Plaster par t0n....... hugs '6 lb Ilya It) e chop 'l,l rut..... . Rye :,41.1w ' E A beadle Shot WEI co t... 3boabler ....... Sides Callow Timothy Turitoyc ; Whey t tted `Wltelr. White. , WOOlllll, Iruottna Superfine Flour 11 bl .$lO.OO Extra r /our 12,50, Family Flour 13,00 Apple Butter , 6 ga110n...1,25 1 Barley 100 Butter 151 Buckwheat SO, Buckwheat 31eal It en 1..3,110 Bran ls. cut I 75 Breams 11 d0t...., 3 0064, - 0 Beeswax - 6 11 30 B.llll+ 13 il4 1 00. CioVerneed r GI 16........1300 CiliCkoll9.. ................. ..... 25 Country Soap 10 Corn 115 Coin Meal 16 en 1..... ..... "2,2 . Dried Apples (71111........:_.00 Dried Cherries 11 hum L. , Dried Peaches V 1b..1b Dried Beef Eggs 15 Fe tillers V, lb ra I VALI; PAPE it, WINDOW SII IDJ S AND FIXTURES, Tilt I.IIIOESI STOCK Orratest wriety gl7luu stlltes ever brought 1* Mu county. RECFIWED ANA FOR 35LE CIIEAP AT LEWIS' BOOK STORY:. TRIAL LIST, AUGUST TERM, 1807 E=Elll3 P. ShooniAltger's errs. vs Wilson k Lorenz, John Snvim- es 11. k O. T. H. It Co. Henry Strouße et al vs Edwin Arnold of ill. N. Jennie 0 din vs Ile-s. Itotlgets A.Cltsinbors, Ruth My. re IS Lewis J. It, SAMPSON, Prothonotary Prolhonotnri °nice, 1 . July IT, ItT. f DROCI,A - MI'L`TON.---IVITEREAS, by n precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 2oth of April, A. B. 1807. tinder the band, and seal of the Ilon. George Taylor, Pre,ident of the Corn t of Common Piens, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 21h Jtalicial District of Carthy It an kr, comp.. sett of Ilisntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; tail the 11009. Anthony J. Beaver and Baird CI a :rya], Itii-assoei ales, Judges of the courtly of Huntingdon, justices as. signed, appointed to hoer, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all orioles. which by the Into of the State are made capital, or felon ice of death, and other orlimet.., crimes and misdemeanors, which Late lawn or shall her eat ter be committed or perpe trated, for cl Imes afitresaid—l am commanded to make public a oclanation tharahout toy or hole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common fleas and Quarter Session,. will he held at the Court house in the 1,010.01 of flinititiplon, on the aerond Monday (mud 1211, of Alai UST In at. nod those tr Ito will provecute the Pahl Prkofter s, bo then and there to prosecute them as it Omit be just. and that all Jri-been of the Peace, Coroner rind Constables within said comity, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock. a. tn. or said day, With their reeOraa, ingnisit inns, examilert ions and remembran ces, to tin those things which to their calicos respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 10111 of July, in the year of our Lord one thowiartit eight hundred and sixty.scren, and the Mat your of Anus icon Independence. JAS. V, lINTRUISST. Sheriff.. oIYERIFF'S SALES.—By virtno of omits of Vend. Exp. Fr. Fa and Ler. Va. Jit scud to mo, I out expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court Home. in the Nu ongb of Iliintinplon. ON MONDAY, 12ru DAY of AUG ES P, A.D. 18G7, nt 2 Weltiek, I'. M., the following clew:area property to : All that curtain lot, or part of It lot, of ground, fronting fifty root on the south side of Church street, in the borough of Iluntingslon, and extending back in depth too feet. being the northern half of lot No, 201 in said burs. gh. belied, When in exeention, and to he sold as the property of Mat garot Dort herl ino and Jae. :Faston. ALSO—A tract, piece, or parcel of land, situated in Cass township, coot:004 202 acres, havmg a I tree mono house, a log strdEr, a saw-mill and n4timtalet y thereon erected, about 70 acres of NI h lett land ate cleared. and the b ammo null timbered, adjoining 1 mac of John t-arage on the e eqt, Joshua Oreenitunl on the north, It. and J. Orondey on the test, owl Peter Cant. man on the south. Thole is a Komi appearance of itOn ore upon this land. Soloed, taken in execution, and to be sold no tine property of William Weaver.—A lot of ground in Tod town. oa r . Huntingdon county, containing about 1,4 afro, bounded ou the north and east by - Plummer, south by public toad !ending (tom Blood Top City to Hunting don, and west by property of Thomas Clink, with a two. story frame bongo, with log back lo trite n, nu 1 a two story blacksmith shop fitments, or standing partly then on. Seized, Liken in execution, and to be sold on the property of Amos Clark, ALso—A bout fifty acres of land, more or less, situato In West township, bounded and described as follows : adjoining lands of Miles Lewis on oho south, Robert Moore on the west, end John Aunt on the east, with two log houses and log barn thereon. Soloed, taken In eXecritintl, a nd to Ito sold as the property or Mbui y Ewing and Samuel En ing. Also—All that certain piece ofground consisting of pa, t of 1 do No. 8,9, and 10 in the recorded plan of the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining, lota of Alm Murray, and It. li. Petrikin on the, ast,Alleghony et. on the south, hit Street on the west. and an alley ten feet wide (which is appurtenant to the promisee) adjoining the saw, and the southern port of ot !ado is eighty foot front Hilt street, in the cold borough, having on oho s.dd lot a stone and brick tlosTlling house a brisk stable and other futprorementi. :Yeized, ;alien in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Morrison. ALSO—An that certain lot of ground, situate Ito the villago of Coffee lien, Lincoln township, being 88 feet in front and 50 feet in rear and width, and 100 feet deep, the ice ido angle forming a lino 130 foot long, and in the molded plan of said oiling°, mule by .1. Simpson Africa, Esq., 30th May, 1815, being lot No. 8, homing thereon a new fratno store house, blacksmith shop, Le. Also, All that certain piece and parcel of land, in tiro vitiage of Coffee Run, I.tocoln township, being lots tips. 1 . 2, 3 and 4 in the plan of .361 Tillage, made by J. Simpson Africa, Esq.. on the 20th and 31et dart of Ittay,lBss, each of said lots being GO feet in width and 100 feet in length. bebig adjacent to at d went of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, adjoining lot N 0.5 on the south. and on the wost and moth land of John Dearer, haring thereon a wagon shod, ecrn-erib, ofAll that certain actor lot of ground, in the s illago of Caine Hun, Lincoln ton itship, being lot \0.5 in the plan of said town, made by J. Chanson Africa, Esq., on the 30th Slay, 1553, lying on the welt side of the Broad Top Railroad, helm; CO foot lit width and extendieg back 115 feet to an alloy 12 feet nide, containing ouc fourth of an acre, more or less, adjoining land of John Beaver on the north-went, lots Nos. 1,2, 3 and four on the cost and north, the Broad Top Railroad on the east, and other lands of Simon Cohn on the Louth, }ming thereon a two story frame dwelling house. frame stable, km Also, All that certain piece mid pat eel of land, situate lu Lincoln township, bounded and doselibell as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the line of land formerly of John IlageY, thence along caul line south 43% degrees east 35 perches and A 1-100 of n perch to II stone heap, thence by laud of John Bearer north 56;6 degrees west 42 1-100 porches to n'poit at the Broad Top Railroad, thence along the same being a enrvo of two degrees the chord of the acro bears, south 22 degtees 10 minutes nest, end distance along said reflood 51 perches to a post, thence north 70;4 degrees west 11 20-100 perches to a stump, thence south WV, degrees, west 20 80.100 perches to Om place of beginning, containing 20 acres, mot e or less, according to the draft made by J. Simpson Africa, hsq., 30th May, 1855, excepting lots Nos. 1,2, 3,4, ft and S hum this description and included fa other conveyan ces to John Fulton, Shin Poste, and Simon Cohn. Seised, taken in execution, awl to be sold no the property of Simon Cobs.—All the right, title end inter act of defendant in, to nod out of all that port Of Lot No. 8 In the rounded plan of Om borough of Huntingdon, which front. en Allegheny rti not, Wending in front on maid street from t/to erecters line of the let of Thomas fisher to tho eastern line of the lots conveyed by it. McCaltan to Joseph Monition by deed dated April 0, 1865, and oxtendinz back from Allegheny eh cot SO feet toward Hill street, hying the name premises convoyed to Tossph Morrison by Mary Murray by deed dated fith April, 1805, recorded In Huntingdon connty,:in hook T, No, 2, pogo 66 1 . Seized, taken in execute:lo,nm% to be sold as the pro, 'wily of Jo=eph Morrisotl•—All defendant's right, title, and interest In n tract or parcel of land Ritual° In OM nod Tod townships, flontingdon county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the aertli by lands of James .0111ler, east by load of James Hamilton. south by lands of Philip Coffman, wad by land of Elias illeLain, contaluing 403 acres and allow/ moo, about twenty acres of which aro clearod, hissing n small plank house and stablo th e r eo n erected. Seized, taboo in execution and to be cold as the property of Tem. P. Schell. Arso—Lot No. 12U, in the borough pr Coalmout, fronting fifty feet on Schell street, and exten ding back 150 foot. to an alley Adjoining lot No. 125, no the east, and Dooglierly street on the ues tinning a two story plank house and frame 0101110 thereon erected. Seized. taken in execution and to Lc sold as time pt nperty of Iliomas U. Eagan.—A lot of ground in the village of Dudley, adjoining lots of Orbison & Co., cast, by an al ley on the south by sheet, and west by lot of .lames Dandy, the amid lot being 50 by 120 feet deep. having largo two story plank ionise and frame stablo. l and other accessory bnpt ovements thereon elected. Seized, taken in exception end to be sold ns the,properly of Themes NOTICE 70 FLI:(11/ajk.rtif-131.1dets at Sheriff's Sales will Ni s° notice that immediately upeu the p, (sporty being knocked <P.m v, tiny per ten ( . pf all bids under $lOO, and I wenty-tire per cont. of all Wit oler that situ, MUSE he raid to Ihe Sheriff, or the property will be set lip again and sold to othet bidders who trill comply with tho above terms. If court continues two weeks deed acknowledged on Wednemlny of s econd week. One week's court, property knocked down on Monday and deed aelition lodged on tin following Saturday JAS. F, BATHURST, Sheriff. Saran's's OFFICE, Huntingdon, July 17, 1861.1 T AST NOTICE. I All accounts on tho books or Dr. J. D. LUDBN, dee'd, not closed either by pay moat or note before the lot of September next. a - 111, after that date be put in proem of collection. Books are at the office of Scott, Drown and Bailey, with whom settlements can be made July 17, 'G -73 t prnimum LIST. At the last meeting et tuo Agricultural Socials', It. Milton Spier. David Blair, John S. Miller, Wm. it. Lens and David More, were appointed a committee tome pore a PREMIUM LIST for the next Fair, to be submit ted to the Society at its next meeting. We (wet egneatod to state that the Committee will meet at the °Oleo Of Mr. Speer, on THURSDAY, the •Is[h hat., and they cordially invite stoggeetions from all patties interested in booing full and fair Premium List. July 17,1561. 11%,; t fOTIGE TS ITE RE BY GIVEN that I have this day porchused the following pro perty of Henry Bumpy titer, t 3 wlt: One cow and calf. two hogs, all the grain in the ground. and all the house hold and hitchon furniture belonging, to said Munn* nor. All of the above described property I am leaving in the possession of the said Usury itnnigartster, and all persons ate hereby cautioned from inter Poring or med. Ming whit the same, July 3, 1857-3tll c.2,G0 40 CO . 12 6,00 ••••• /1!1 1 00 i 0 .... 10,00 A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ..L [Estate of Matthias Sayler, 1.1e0.1.1 Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed to bear and decide upon the exceptions fired to tho neronnt of Hoses Omen land, administrator of Matthias Saylor, dec'd., and rce port distribution of the balonen in Om hands of tho ac countant. wilt attend to the duties of Iris appointment at his ottico in the 'minuet, of Ifuntingdon, on W bl/NES DAT. tho 201, illy Of .lUtit, nest, nt I 0 o'clock, A. M. It. PRUDE PETIII.KIN, .Tune2G. Auditor. 4 4L UDITOR'S NOTICE. . 2 P:qate of Bonj un iu Finart. nloo'nl.l The nind,rsigned Auditor, appointed to dldrilnnto the bat:once in the•lnands of Carotin° C. Finn and W iliam Innbanlc, Bunters of Benjamin Figert, deed., will at. tend to the duties of his nnvineintment, at the °nice of Speer R McMurtrie, on FI41)1Y, the Inth day of .1111 X, ISOT, et 10 o'clock - , A M., whet and where all parties In• ten ecnent will present their claims, or be rum er debarred from conning inn for a Am e ors ad fond.. 11111 no 7J©l;O Huntingdon, June 19, Heit FUN FOR THE MlLLiolv '.. , f --- '47 0 71k,i,,71;.... B I G i f v A ,k si , 4,-;‘_ . .‘ , ..,y ~,A Jialu , *...: w -s - - , ; , 0 0 , L10 , fp• r;.--0,-,:.---4. ,-------r,,, '-.---': 4, :-=. .&.• "-,-,---- k = ii -- ,,.,,,„ 7 . / A. L. LEWIS, LEISTER'S NEW BUILDING, I-X - i_laat iia. a cl4c)33_, Mie a, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DOESTIC Dlly GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, RATS, CAPS, CARREITINGS, OIL CLOTHS, QIIHENSV7ARE AND GROCERIES REMEMBER! This is the Store, Where Goods are Sold CHEAP. July 17, '67-tf. By Canal & Railroad. We are now receiving by Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and western cities, - DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every description, CARPETS, OIL-CLOT S; FLOUR, FEED, 3;:tr.c,01cri.4.1.(D0r1., Of all kinds 40 Ckeikar-M. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top Coal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. LUM ER. • Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. Nails and Bar ron, at maim facturers' prices. HENRY & CO, MEI CUNNINGHAM & CARMON HAVE CAIIPETINgS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SITU AS, ALCWOOT, INGRAIN ? VENITIAN, COTTAGE, STAIR, HEMP , RAG S &c. il,micqpion;July 3,1367. TJ. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT _TJETUS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD DIMES, MUSLIN SNA9II§, .13.41 LE Y'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CARD AN.P .r4ss4r,,s ASSORTM ENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE W ILLOW rui,d CEDAR WARE MIMS Fain ily Grocery. ECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of HENDERSON township Election District Bounty Muil for 1864. DR. To amount of tax levied, Amount of tax received, Money due trom Collectors. Money on Laude, CR. By enlisting 10 men at the rate of $2,25 each, • $2210 00 Expenses for reereiting, 01 00 Interest on money borrowed, 246 19 $2561 19 Amount unpaid, $B5O 00. We, the Auditors of Henderson township, do certify lint we have examined the above Bounty account, and find it to he coerce•) D. THOMPSON, JOHN A. SHULTZ Henderson Township, June 19. Auditors. JOHN SCOTT. Administrator VnETILI @IP Nszniorn FANCY GOODS,3holesalo & THE undersigned takes the liberty of calling the attention of tho public In general folds new and eplendid variety or MIEMM FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS and SUN-SHADES 3fuking weekly porelittieß torn the Soo• York and Phillool4lln makets, I am promwod to offer to my lady friend, of Itmllmelien atul (diary, one of the nleeet lines of Pros and Sumo:. BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the vsry latest novelties out that is possible to bring together, and nt pikes to meet the views of all classes. Ladles nod Gents' (lativites) kid Gloves. black and medium shades, and any particular shado and sloe furn ished at the shut test notice; also, a very patty assort. want of ',title and colored Berlin and Llelethr , ail gloves, plain and fancy tops; black and colored 'Velvet Ribbon. first gustily Mitt CWIOIIOI4 all, widths. - SWlllte Dress goods, Hoop Skirts, Ilalmorals, 'Ladles, tints, Sunda, ns, Knitting gotten, (all co(ors,) German• town Wool. Zephyt 9, Canes, Silk for lining bonnets, -Bon net Ribbons, (tents . Linen and Paper Curls, Collars and toil t Fronts, ns also special selection of black and fancy Neck Ties, 1n oniN ay, Chantilly Bons, and Napoleon Stocks fin the aged and a fine assortment of Bugle Trim ming. Hosiery with me Britt claim special attention to select and otter the very host English and Gorman Regular Made goods and the Domestic and Lower Guides, Child's fancy one half Ito-o, Rc., with that endless variety of Small Wm es to be found in a well stocked Sefton stare, of qunlity supctior as a line, and at prices to meet all I competition. A largo stock of Boys' and Gents' flats and Cops of the latest st)les and nil qualities nt prices ranging from 25 etc. *0 $B.OO. W. P. BUDOLPH. Huntingdon, Apt 11 10, 1267. IL :SIIINOX SPEW:, Auditor. NEW LEATHER STORE. THE undersigned would respectfully they I l t i ti l s i • r' e n ,ru c s c t o l p 'a e t O,Tl a c° sP; r ol ' ir ni w s ' Ar h tni i rti7 . cTf A:s I IT, FINE LEATHER, Consisting in part or PRENCII CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER: HARNESS, SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general ,alsortment of HEM The trade is ins ilea to call awl examine our stock, :lore on 111 Id. street, two demo west of the L'reshyte rhtn ehut ch. • The hisheolPt lee pall for 1110E5 unit BAIR% C. 11. MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, may 1, 1507 Something New 1 " GLAZIER & BRO. 'HAVE just, opened up on the corner of WASHINGTON and SMITH streets, n new and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAITE, HATS, SHOES, ETC:, ETC. The citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity are hereby tendered a standing invitation to cull and examine our stock. Our nine wal over be, that complete pstisfaction, both as regards goods and prices, be given to every par chasm'. ULMER k BRO. Hun Higdon, March :17,1807. CM UNITED STATER Authorized WAR CLAPI AGENCY Tho art of Congress approved Marsh 2, INT, gives to Heirs of Soldiers o he died prisoners of tear, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the limo tin soldier was 90 held a prisoner, at the rate of to on tysilve cents per day, to be paid in the fellows Ing order: !kn. To the odd .Iw, if unmarried ; Ti the children ; 011. To the parents, to both Jointly it' they are lit MA, if either ;s dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bro• therson , l sinters. The act of February 25, 1857, prorides for the refund tau of the $lOO COlnumtation Money. Whore lien setae per 0011 MRS again drafted, and o o required to inter the aor vice or feint:ill a ealretitete. The net of March 2, ISOL also makes prortsions fur tho IN meat of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY, to such soldiers as have accidentally lost their diseltar gev Huntingdon, Pa All persons haring any claims titular any of the above niontletual Acts, nr any other kind of claim against the United Slates or State Oorernmants, can howl limn promptly collected, by addressing the nr.dersignad. Ia formation mid advice cheerfully Oren to soldiers or that• friends, nee of charge. W. W. WOODS, Authorised Army and Navy Intr•Clnint Agent, tnny29,lBo7Nanox, Huntingdon ea., Pa. RUDOLPII'S LADIES' AND GENTS' lITJNTINGDON, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION % DISCHARGED SOLDIERS rst REAT OPENING 01? SERM T G AND SUMMER GQODS AT TIIN NEW STORE JOSEPH MARCH & BRO., COFFEE RUN, PRNN'A The .nligeriliers have received a now and complete as -801 led ntock of OEff OOOOGfI Including a largo and rolled assortment of LADIES DICESS GOODS, of tho latest styles and Illshions. Also GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAVS, FISH, SALT, B WON nial ell ether ai lieles usually IcePt inn well rot blob c. all o f which are ono] pd as Chen, no at any other al tablinliment in this beaten or country, Country Produce token In exchange for goods. Thanlsla rot rotator patrol - 04M tea hereby extend on invitation to our Trough Creek friends and the public generally for a renewal of the Caine, Dronthing by a close attention to bandy-egg and the create of postomon, to fully tnerit it, .1,19 JOG. MARCIrk BRO. FISEI. FISI - I, Kest MACKEREL nod HERRING for nolo ratan Lewin Family Cit ATERMICITL,M, Barley, Rice, Horn V iny,Beacs, &c, Le \TO ,. ramify Grocery, BOOKS AND STATIORM , Y, , A good assortment of mlscelleneone and Soboo ooka—Foolecap, Letter, Comnieroial and Note Paper— Plain and Pettey Envolopea—Red, Niue anti Black Irika— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pone, Pencils, Pocket and D:ek Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Seek - and Stationery Store, can be bad at fair prices al ].EMS' BOOK, STATIONERY it MUSIC STONE. Can't Be Beaten Good Stook & Low Prices I JOHN-11. WE'STBROOK. Respectfully into% ms the citizens of limiting - don amt rolelolty that he Inijit.d recall el from the City a NEW and splendid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SITOES, - HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, tCc. , &c., &c. all of which hems prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally aro invited to call. Huntingdon, may 1,186 T $2501 19 $l7ll 19 700 co 140 40 FLOUR, FEED, &C. -\ - ,v E have taken Juniata (formerly KNIT'S) MILL, near Petersburg, and are prepar ed to furnish FLOUR, FEED AND GROUND PLASTER on as reasonable terms no it can be done for the time,. It. M. BUTLER, Add rose. Sharers Creek P. 0., Pa. mylfe2in* JNO. ORE::SWELL..t. SON. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES Aro now in use and their yearly sales double all others combin.ol. Ton rise and fall or ntnnberlosi ineg, heralded as "superior to all otlwrs," In convinced tho public that it is safer to bap a good at tide of established rrpntntion and from rrspondblo portion, than to I ink flair money in doubtful experiment, . . These Machinei lava MORE IMPROVEMEN'r S, HARE LESS NOISE ale MECH. 310 RE SPEEDY and SIMPLE In operation than any Machine In the Market. An exam ination Solicited before molding a purchaao ideen hero. Apply to DIANAII L, lIAIC Ell, Second story of Leieter's nen building myS.Cm* Huntingdon, Pa. Brass Musical Instruments FOR SALE. 1 Silver E flat Cornet, 2 Brass B flat Cornets, 2 ll flat Altos, 3 B flat Tenors, 1 II tritons, 2 B flat Basses, 1 lbws Brunt. Tho above outfit for a Band will he sold at very low rates, and those desiring to purchase should avail them selves of this opportunity. _ Apply to B. W. TUOMAS, Teacher of arna Bands. ROBLEY &I MARSH, MERCHANT TAILORS. Respectfully inform their old blends and the pubti , generally that they have removed to the loom adJoinia, the Pest 011ie° on Hill street, where they have received I now stock of the moat fit4hionahle and serviceable DRESS GOODS, IVllich they aro prepared to wake up to order In th: nriat hoddoimblo and substantial order. C.Ol stud examine their tur , ortment of gouda for COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, %foto parelan4ing elseodaore. They are determineh t Idea.. everybody. aplo 1307 X3E' "32 - CYO' WAL - WX" GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS CALL AT DONNELL & ECLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors West of Lewis' Book Stbre. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. lituttingdon, Oct 4, '64-tf, TO THE LADIES. 'rho host im,ortinent of MIA - 1,2.1=1"1.0 SI<IRTS, Just received this day font New Tuck and for shin at the cheap cash store of 'WM. MA UCH & 11110. A splendid nesortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS dust received this day front Now York and for solo cheap at Don)7 W 31, 51 A lICII BihO. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER. Tile undersigned hating now entered into the rAttl Alexandria . brewery, the public are iniorniod o tl r lt r l . to oi T t iLl e bLp r r t e e nc o d tie n o l . nll times to fill TIIOS. 'N. COLDER.. Alexandria, 0et,23.1806-tt. trio THE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dross loss elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured In Fashionable Female attire? One moment's calm reflection will sorely servo to change your lash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure inmate robes of n bite, because they had fora Clots served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err In following the exatnpleof Angels t- Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call al the sloes of the subscri bers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge you fath, ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the satire More. They can hero be suited In good articles of Roots, Shoes, Clothing, Jtaterial, nets, Caps, Queens ware and a general assortment of a rocel les, on ns rea sonable jerms as at any Hume in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Ifuntlngdon, Pa. may 31, 1565 VgIEaSVME 4 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 3E -1 IV X riC 4 T_T Respectfully Invites the attention of tho Public to hie Blond on Hill at., -Huntingdon, in tho rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jonelry store, where lie manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furnitiiro at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase. will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attendod to proillptly and 'chili gas reasonable. Also, lJndertalting carried on, nod Coffins made in any atylo desired, nt abort rotten. t'lo subscriber has a NE IV NV Jf EGANr HEARSE, and Is prepated to attend Funerals at any place In town or country. J. 51.,W15E. Huntingdon, May 0, 18134-tf SPECTACLES . ►' A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LETVIAS' BOOK STORE. UMBER SOLD ON COMMISSION. Aro receislng all kinds of LUMBER, comprising nil dirlerimt grades of BOARDS, FRAME BTUPP, JOINT AND LAP BERMES, pusnitma LATH, PLANK, WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, FENCING, RAILING, kc:, Which w ill he nolciat prices at tho mill, with freight loa ded. no 7 EVERYBODY lUST LIVE! CALL AT . RA:Auur cf.u.gaußY, The host of everything. Trill be constantly kept on heap And sold at the lowest prices possible. quick sales and mall prate. TIIE BEST dUALITY OF FRESII MACKEREL a cuxxLvalram 2 41?..V0Y3: REMOVAL U. ROBLEY, OEO. F. MAESIT SPECIAL NOTICE. FRANCIS M WALLACE, S. E. HENRY & CO., CUNNINGHAM & CARIVLON Slave roceired 10,000 DOLLARS WORTIi NEW & FASHIONABLE GNUS From the eastern markets, which they can, with profit, Bell at lower figures than can ho sold at any other boas° in the county. PRICES SAME AS BEFORE TIIE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & aLevy THE BEST HEAVY MUSLINS Lower than they can he bought outside of Philadelphia MEM STOCK IS IMMENSE, Consisting of everything that eye can fancy or heart wish Como and see their fino assortment of 'CI-I'OlOE SYRUP, LOWER thou ever before [deo EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At greatly reduced prices. COME AND SEE OUR STOOP, and do not pay high prlers Any longer Cunningham & Carmon. Huntingdon, W 4 NOTICE. d ,r_ Jl-ISTE &WATTS TAKE pleasure in announcing to the 1 cif izool of linntingdon county and vicinity that they have Just returned from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they have just opened out at their now store, ONE POOH EAST OF THE WASHINGTON HOTEL =9 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AN]) CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ROCERIES, ' • FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUI'T'S, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE, QUE ENSNARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN FISH, - SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, lIAIIS,•SIIOULDERS; SIDES, &c. They have a large Rtoa of a. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, UOIIAIRS, AT,PACAR, POPLINS LUSTRE% 4111NGUA.119, ntlitINQS, -MAWS, DI LA INES, &v., arc., &c. Also, n large assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS. EMBROIDI RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &e. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS We pill sell WHOLESALE and RETAIL All (tondo dolivered to resldonces in town and depots ; Pee or (Amigo. MVO ui it trial before purchasing elsewhere I= Mint ingtlol!. Apt II 8, 1567 READ QUARTERS • FOR • NEW. GOODS. D. P. OWN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT lIE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDIL STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN, ap. 16, '67. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALL :gm prsTiNGIIMED CVRERS ANi CIVILIAN ii'Oß SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Calmed Fruit all Voutaillos AlwarN on band of arerery. V,hitabetAiit A4intlig,titents, Late Powell's Embrocation, For all Diseases Incident to HORSES, CATTLE, and the HUMAN FLESH Requiring the use of an External• Application.. This now Compound. prepared by n practice! Chemist hßriugri 101 l iniowledge or alt the medical shines of ouch' ingredient that enters into its composition,ls NO:rranted w to o'eed anything of the hind ever yet offered tb the Poblie as an extol nal application for the discooea for Which is Is ri.esimnentled. We are satletled that it. work its nwn rood into the confidence of all nllO use ft. and those who try it OTICP will never be %Minna it, and detectors we rely on experience no the best test cf its use fulness. It is prononnced by Farriers, and all mho have . tried it to be the best npplication ever mod. This Elul Lineation hag been put up for oceeeight years, and it to only through the increasing demand and argent request of My friends and the Public that I' forth as tha grand remedial agent for the various diheaseelo that liable and no animal, Ono horse, is etth.fect - Many remedies have been offered to the Public ender . . different forms, 00100 of these are ipinrions. others at best of little use, and many wholly Immense to answer the r urposes for which they are recommended. - • A judicious and teally useful composition, free from those objections, has Dwaine long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable hems, find are nntrllling to trust them to the care of designing and pretended Farriers. Their wishes are nt length lolly gratified. by Dr. Beale being prevailed upon to allow this vaMoblo Embrocation (which-has peeved so efficacious to the vari ous diseases) to be prepared And brought out to the pub )lo. This Embrocation was cctensively used by the Govern ment dnring the war. Address alt Orders to Dr. EDMUND DF,ALE, 602 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Va. For Palo et Leiria' Book Store, and by Store keepers generally-. may 1, 'OD-6m. LATEST FASII}ONS DIOIAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated' Patent , or • Double Spring., .lI I e The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and plea.' sure to any lady swearing tho Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particulatly in all eroWildil nesembrieg, operas, carriages, railroad cart. church pews, arm chairs,- for promenade and house dress, as the shirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place ns basily - and corm'. nbnitly as a silk or muslin dress, nn invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any single sPring'sklrt. • A lady haring enjoyed the please; e. comfort, and great convenience of wonting the duplex elliptic-steel . spring akin fur n single day, will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. For Childl CH, misses and young la dles they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like th 6 single spring' but will preserve their perfect end graceful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown 'aside an useless. The hoops are covered with cookie ,mid twitted thread. and the bottom roils ere not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them front wearing out when drugging down stoops, stairs, &c. ' The Duplex Elliptic is u great lamas with all ladles and is unixersally recommended by the Fasbion 'Maga zines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the f Bowing inestimable advantages in grin. cline, viz; superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish slope and finish, fiexihility, durability, comfort and econ omy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or don. hie spring skirt, and he sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition be particular —to notice that skirts offered as "Duplex" havo the red ink stamp, viz : 'J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs' upon the waist hand—none others are &nein°. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, %hick is-the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to ho found in any other, spring. For sale In nil stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United Stales and elsewhere.. _ Ntionfieturcd by the sole owners ortho potent. , WEST'S, BRADLEY S: CARY, mayl-3nt} 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Ronde Ste., N. Y _VADICAL ELECTRICITY BY - DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, NPCONNELLSTOWN, PA. For the benefiCof those proposing lo undertalte glectriral treatment for diseases me give In the following list a few of the morn prominent and most common complaints met with in our prae• lice, in all of which too are most simeessfol. IN OP.ORLO ALL wore OP DEMME DISEASE, ELEOTRWI -17 IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL CUES lIENEFICIALI IF PIIOPEILS AI.PLIIID. Those, therefore, Minded With COMlNnhati not here entnnerated, need have I no liesitAtion in applyingund whether only Ruler, or n PUMA:VEST cone can ho effected, they wilt receive replies accordingly. All communications free. ' 1 lipilepy. Chorea, St. Titus , Dance, Paralysis, • Hysteria , Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Heart, IncWan', etc. Sore Throat, Dyspepoia,Dlarrhcea, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, HemorrhoidI t or Film, link/11r, Flatulent. min Painter's Colic, and ell nitections of the Liver and Spleen 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where not caused by organic disease of the hearb) Bronel , iti , t, incur/ B Y, :Rheumatism of the Chest Consumption in the early stages. 4 Gravel, Dlisbetis, and Itipmfy ClMnpainti. 111 o Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Pi'eck, Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases, Dmeeeo, In nters; (those last homed always cured with out pain, orcatting, or plasters In nay form)l In a word, an propose to ewe all made die-, leases. Wo hero no connection whatever with any other Electrical office in this or nny other county. All totters address to IVM. BRBILSTER. IT no McConnellstown, Pn. EMI CHEAP GROCERY ' STORE. -sz - 3mka-xi.3maEt, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offera for the in spection and pnrchaso of customers alarge and an. sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, kn. Ito feels satin. fled they can he necomodated with anything in hie line. Ills picas aro low, and his stock flesh and good. Ile. keeps the best of ' SUGA.R, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO SEGARS,- BOOTS AND 8110 ES, , JIATS & CAPS, &e: - ALSO JIAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CIIEESE, FLOUR RICE 'And NOTIONS of overy,kind. A retort aloe]; of DRY °ODDS, together with QURENS• WARR, and oil other articles kept in n ,roll regulated cstabliduncut for sato at reasonable prices, ' 1/70- His store is on Hill street, nearly oppostto the /SAW:, 1111 d in the loom formerly occupied by D. (hoes. Call and examine. 7,. YENTER. lltintingdon, may 8,1807 THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR STRING ANP SUMATE. WK. BURCH & BRO.. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just received n largo and splendid stock of goods at their elm o in Huntingdon, consisting- in inert of SILKS, DRY GOODS,- DRESS GOODS, • • , BOOTS & SHOES; - HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, 'LADIES' FANCY TRIIIitIINGS, • HOOP SE:lRTS,Bormsrs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW_ TY.A It B, QE) EENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES„ CRACKERS, NOTIONS,, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT,. i?zo„ &O, Also, CARPETS - and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is usually kept in a firstelage store, all which were Vaught low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, nut request the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer wipe, Igor inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, and the public are cordially invited to examine cur goods, - Everything taken is exchange for goods except prom/. 80S. ITunting,don, np. 16, 1867 40.-OO3EAD 3P.701\778 FOE EVERYBODY, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at _Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. QEGARS.—Best quality or Sogara kjint.7 nt CUNNING 11.1 M & 0.4.11310N,5. MOLASSES AND gYRUPS! LeveriDtex Befit a 11 other syrups, Now Orloaos, Porto Sic° 4n.1 Sugar House Molassei, for eatecat repels tanail7 G t ory PERFUMERY and Fancy Soaps for sale at LEWIS fatuity Grocery.. DARCHMENT DEED PAPER & rut rl, for Fate at . . . LATI'lr 1100 K prOja, =I WU, MAIICII A uRo,
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