The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 17, 1867, Image 1

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Per annum in advance..................------$ 2 00
'Six months 1 00
Three months 50
1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do.]
Dna square, (10 linesjor leas.s 70 $1 20 $1
55 0 0
Two squares, 1 Bo 2 3 00
Three squares 2 26 3 00 4 50
3 mouths. S months. 12 months.
ins square, or less $4 00 $0 00 $lO 00
Piro squares, 0 00 9 00 15 00
L'hree squares, 8 00 12 OR.— ..... 20 00
Four squares, 10 00 15 00 25 00
Half a column, ....15 00 20 00. ...... ....20 00
Ono column 20 00 35 00.... 50 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One year a 5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
Estray, or other short Notices 1 60
.Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
richt words constitute a line, so that any person can ea.
ally calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will bo continued till forbid and charged or.
ording to these terms.
Our prices for the printing of Blanker, Bandbills, etc.
.re reasonably low. .
Roux ne iti•covetts.—The prettiest thing, the "sweetest
thing." and the most of it for the least money. It over
conies the odor of perspiration; soft( as and adds delicacy
to the skin; is &delightful perfume; allays headache and
inflammation, and is a necessary companion in the sick
room, iu the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It
eon be obtained everywhere at ono dollar per bottle.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists
S. T.-1860- -- X.
, Persons of eedeetary habits troubled with weakness,
lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis
tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation. &c, deserve
to suffer if they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
BITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest
kuedical authorities, and are warranted to produce an im
mediate benenciat <Afoot. They see exceedingly agreeable,
!perfectly pore, mad must supersede all other tonics where
u healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They purify, strengthen and invigorate.
They oreato a healthy Vesper.
They are an antidote to change of water and diet. •
They strengthen the system and enliven the toted,
Thei• preveilt tohovotticand Intermittent lovers.
They petrify thebrooth sod acidity of the stomach.
Thai Cuts Dyspepsia and Constipaion.
They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous neadarbe.
They tasks the orak strong, the languid brilliant,
and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the celebrated Calisa3 a Bark, wintergreen,
sassafras, roots and herbs, all preset veil In perfectly pure
Et. Croix rum. For purticntard, rue circulars and testi
monials around oath bettlu.
Beware of impostors. Examine every bottle. Pro that
it bus our private U. S. stamp unumtileted over the cork
with plantation scene, owl our signature on a line steel
plate elite label. yfA 800 that our bottle is not refilletl
with spurious and deleterious stuff. person
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
bulk, is au impostor. Any person imitating this bottle,
or selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, lea criminal under the U. S.
Law, and will be so prosecuted by us. Tho demand for
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladies, clergymen, mer
chants, te., Is incredible. Tile simple trial of a bottle is
the evidence we present of their 'worth and superiority.
They are sold by all reaper-table druggista.grocers, pity&
clans, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores.
&manila:Spring Water, sold by nil Druggists.
nave you a hurt child or a lame horse t Use the Mex
ican Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burns. swellings and caked breasts,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a certain cure.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, etlffjoints, stings and bites,
there is nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment:
For spavined horses, the poll evil, ringbone and 'weeny,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment never fails.
For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint, the
Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold.
Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common
and certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this
Liniment la the best Investment that can be made.
. . _
It is more certain than the doctor—it saves time in
melding fur the doctor—it is cheaper than the.docter, putt
should never be dispensed with.
"In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over and
scalded my hands terribly. * s . 1 . The Mustang Lini
ment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly,
and left very little scar.
CRAB. FOSTER, 420 Broad street, Philoda.
Mr. S. Liteli, of Hyde Park, Vt., writes: "My horse soot
considered worthless, (sporlo,) but since the use of the
Mustang Liniment. I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin
iment is doing wonders sip here."
All genuine is wrapped in steel photo engravings, sign
ed, 0. W lticsibrauk, Chemist and alto has the private
33. S. stamp of Demos Barnes & Co., over the lop.
Zeal Golly, and be not deceived by counterfeits.
Sold by all Druggists at 25, 50 cis, and $l,OO.
Barafcgo spring Wider, sold by all Draggle..
It is a most delightful Mir Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald heads.
'lbis fejustwhat Lyon's Kathairou will do. It is pret
ty—it ie cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the car
load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily increa
sing, until there is hardly a country store that does not
keep it, or a family that does not use it.
E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, it. Y.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists
Who n ould not ho beautiful? Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble purity and dis
tingue appearance sac obagrvo upon the stage and in the
city belle? It is no longer a secret. They use Ilagati's
Magnolia Balm. Its continued ueo removes tan, freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from the face and hands, and
leaves the complexion smooth, transparent, blooming and
ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it contains no mate
rial injurious to the skin. Any Druggist will order it for
you, if not on hand, at 60 cents per bottle.
W.ll. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Chemist.
Demas Barnes & (Jo., Wholesale Agents,N. Y
Saratoga, pring IraOr, sold by nil Druggists.
Heimstreet's inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dye. All
Instantancone dyes aro composed of lunar caustic; and
more or Imo destroy the vitality and beauty of tho hair.
This is the original Hair Coloring, and has been growing
in favor germ twenty years. It restores gray hair to its
original color by gradual absorption in a most remaricat
ble manner. It is also a beautiful ha ir dressing. Sold in
Iwo siges--.50 cents end sl—by all dealers.
Saratoga Spring Misr, sold by,all Druggists.
MONVAIAICT. Or PURE JAMAICA fliwofp—for Indigos.
lion, Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Ifeadrcho, Hholorahlorbue,
Flatulency, &a , where a warming stimulant le required.
Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap
and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every
where, at DO cents per bottle. Ask for "Lynx's" Pure EX,
tract. Take no other. •
SaratosatSpring Tata, sold by all Druggists.
Julylh 1866-eowly
sia.All the above artioles for solo by JOHN DEAD
lisd S. S. SMITH, Huntingdon, Fenno,
, 4
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R. R. R. NV lESTLING most respect
fully tenders hie professional eervices to the citizens
of luntingdon and vicinity.
01Ilea that of the lato Dr. Snare. =lll3-13*
ju Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offere
tits Professional services to the community.
Office, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Lillian
on Hill street. ap10,1860
ir\ R. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his
professional services to tho citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door east of Reed's
Drug Store. Aug, 28, '55.
A. .-"..-...
Itu removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Must.
April 13, 1859.
ejr •
Office removed to opposite the Franklin
Douse in the old bank building, NM street, fluntlngdon.
April ID,
The undersigned respectfully intbrat the effluent of
llontingdon county end the traveling public generally
that they have leased the Washington Mose on the cur
nor of Mill and Charles street, In the borough of Ilnn
tinders. and are prepared to accolneuniate nil who may
favor theta with a call. Will he pleated to receive a liber
al shire of public patronage.
3fay I t '137-tf.
9 1 11 E subscribers baying leased this
1 Hotel, lately occupied by Mr. UV airy, are prepared
to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens In good
style. Every effort shall be mad° on our pert to make all
Who stop uith us feel at home. MATZ .t FEE,
may2,l6eB Proprietors.
33luatim.sciola, 3E , Ert.
IHAVE purchased and entirely Am
°rated the largo atone and brick building opposito
the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it
for the accommodation of the traveling public. Tho Car
pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely now
and first class, end I am sato in saying that I can offer ac
commodations not excelled in Control Pennsylvania.
-5,43 - 1 refer to my patrons who hare Cermet ly known
mo while in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel awl Jack.
Alny 16, 1866-11.
LycomillE Mutual Insurance Company.
pautlngdou, May 8,1.881%111
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In All kind.' of
Wif - t3x.a `it'CM.AtT, , OD
Next door to the Franklin 'louse, in The Diamond.
Country trade. supplied.
WATCHMAKER, Successor to Geo. W. Swartz,
llas opened nt his old stand on 11111 street, op•
posit(' Brow I . :S Iliad ware store, a Stock of al} kindsTO
of goods belonging to the trado.
Watch and Clock Repairing promptly attended
to by lintel Ica' workmen.
Huntingdon, April 10.6nt
Prompt attention will ha given to all legal business on
trusted to his cam Military and other claims of sol
diers and their heirs against tho State or Government
collected . eithout delay.
OFFICE—Iu the Brick Row, opposite the Coot t House
Prompt attention given to all legal business entrusted
to his care. ClllllllB of soldiers and tddlers' heirs against
the Government collected without delay. ael2'66
Office on Ilia street
Prompt attention will bo given to the prosecution of
The claitus of sold tors and soldiers' heirs, against the Clov
ernment. au22,18613
Soldiers Claims against tho Government for Back Pay
Bounty, Widows' nod Invalids' Pensions nttenitod to with
great carp and promptness. tny29-ly
The name of this firm has been chang
ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to
under which name they will hereafter conduct their
cectice as
RWSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' hells
against tho Government, will be promptly prosecuted.
May 17, 11119-tr.
LL who may have any claims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Rack Pay and
'imrsone, can have their claims promptly collected by ap
plying either in perm, or by letter to
W. 11. WOODS,
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863.
JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers,
3EXltatxt.tlbia.g - cicm., 312.4%.
Solicit accounts; from Banks, Bankers & others. Inter
est allowed on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought
and sold for the usual commission. Special attention
given to Government Securities. Collections made on
Persons depositing Gold and Silver will reecho the
name in return with interest.
Oct. 17, .1.566-tl.
Plain and canvas sugar cured Hams—lbo beet in mar
ket—whole or allied, for sale at
Lewis' Family Grooery
Jur It you want your mil neatly printed on covet
open, call at
PASSIM E :I:ioif.t3 lot, of
black and fancy Casaitaataa at
ilLwholeanle end retail, nt
`_ Jeellmg o at greatly redneed pricen.
Leaf by leaf is summer creeping,
Flower by flower her glory reaping—
Harvest of the rolling spheres;
Cloud by cloud the sky is freighted,
And to every bud belated
They have ateep'd in dewy tears.
Day by day the flocks are keeping
Watch upon the silent hills,
And the noon breeze there is sleeping
To the cradle song of rills.
Beam by beam the sun is stealing
Into hearts of all the flowers,
And those crimson hearts revealing
Something that's akin in ours.
Bird and bee have spread the tidings
Meadoward in golden swarms,
And the season's first rude chidings
Wanton new in wealth of charms;
All things worship, e'en the flower
Folds at evo its crimson palms.
Month by month the moon's intrusion,
As a sceptre in the dark,
Moves in phantomlike collusion
All the vernal bloom to murk ;
And the azure areit'of hours
Measures out the Summer's dowers.
Night by night the sea of darkness,
Drifting shoreward to the sun,
Mark, the earth with &lent Natty
Bre the dusky round is run ;
And the eye beholds in waking
Now peefections just begun.
Pulse by pulse our life is fleeting
Where unclouded mornings beam—
Down the vale of years retreating
Like a white mist o'er a stream ;
Soon a grave•mist will be railing
All things in a long death-dream I
How be Came to be Married,
It may be funny, but I've done it.
I've got a rib and a baby. Shadows
departed—oyster stews and brandy
cocktails, cigar boxes, bootjacks, ab
sconding shirt buttons, whist and dem
ijohn. Shadows present--hoop skirts,
bandboxes, ribbons, garters, long stock
ings, juvenile dresses, tin trumpets,
little willow chair, cradles, bibs, sugar
teats, paregoric, hive syrup, rhubarb,
senna, salts, - squills, and doctor's bills.
I'll just tell you how I got caught.
I was always the most bashful fellow
you ever did see, and it was kinder in
my lino to be taken with the shakes
every time I saw a pretty girl ap
proaching me, and I would cross the
street any time rather than face one.
It was not because I didli't like the
critters, for if I were behind the fence
looking through a knot hole, I could
not look long enough. Yell, my sister
Lib gave a party one night, and I
started away from home, because I
was too bashful to face the music.
I hung around the house, whistling
"Old Dan Tucker," dancing to keep
my feet warm, watching the heads
bobbing up and down behind the win
dow curtain, and wishing tho thunder
ing party would break up, so I could
get to my room. I soon smoked a
bunch of cigars, and as it was getting
late and mighty uncomfortable, I con
cluded to shin up the door post.
No sooner said than dono, and I soon
found myself snug in bed.
"Now," says I, "lot her rip! Dance
till your wind gives out!" And cud•
dling down under the quilts, Morphe
us grabbed mo. I was dreaming of
soft-shell crabs and stewed tripe, and
having a good time, when somebody
knocked at the door and woke me up.
"Rap" again. I laid low. "Rap, rap,
rap!" Then I heard a whispering,
and knew there was a whole raft of
girls outside. Then Lib rings out :
"Jack, are you there?"
"Yes," says I.
Then came a roar of laughter.
"Lot us in," said sho.
"1 won't," said 1. "Can't you let a
fellow alone?"
"Are you in bed ?" says she.
"I am," said I.
"Get out," says she.
"I won't," said I.
Then came another laugh.
By thunder! I began to got riled
Office on Hill street.
"Get out you potticoated scare.
crows," cried 1. "Can't you got a beau
without hauling a fellow out of bed?
I won't go home with you—l won't,
so you may clear out."
Then throwing a boot at the door, I
felt better. But presently I heard a
still small voice, very much like Lib's
and it said :
"Jack, you'll have to get up for the
girl's things are there."
Oh, mercy what a pickle I Think of
Inc in bed, all covered up with muffs,
shawls, bonnets, nets, and cloaks, and
twenty girls outside the door waiting
to get in I If I had stopped to think, I
should have undoubtedly swooned upon
the spot. As it was I rolled out among
the, bonnet ware and ribbons in a hur
ry. Smash went the millinery in every
direction. I bad to dress in the • dark
—for there was a crack in the door,
and girls peep—and the way I fumbled
about was death on straw hats. The
critical moment came. I opened the
door and found myself right among
the women. "Qh, my leghorn !" cried
ono. "My dear, darling winter velvet!"
cried another, and they pitched in.
They pulled me this way and that,
boxed my ears, and ono bright little
piece—Sal, her name was—put her
arms right around my neck, and kissed
me right on the lips. Ullman nature
couldn't stand that, and I gave her as
good as she sent. It was the first time
I over got the taste, and it was power.
ful good. I believe I could have kiss
ed that girl from Julius Caesar to the
fourth of July.
"Jack," said she, "we are sorry to
disturb you, but won't you see' me
home ?"
"Yee, I will," said I.
And I wont home with her, and
somehow or other I became cured of
bashfulness, and Sally is now my
"rib," and the mother of m 7 baby.
Ely Cabe,
The Trial of Barrett .
On Monday July Ist, the trial of
Surratt was resumed.
The cross examination of Lewis J.
Weichman was continued, and several
now facts, principally in regard to
Mrs Surratt's connection with the con
spiracy, were brought out. Among
other things the witness stated that on
the morning after the assassination
Miss Anna Surratt said that the death
of Abraham Lincoln was "nothing
more than the death of a nigger in the
Dr McMillian, late surgeon of the
British steamship Peruvian, testified
that In Sep tvanbcr ' -12GG ; F4‘‘,..vatt sailed
from Montreal for Londonderry in
that ship, under the name of McCain".
Before ie ship sailed the prisoner
seemed to be afraid that detectives
were after him; but during the voyage
he boasted a great deal about some
deed that he had done, and which he
said would make witness stare if he
knew of it. Surratt said that ho had
received large 'sums of money fi.oin
Benjamin, the rebel Secretary of State;
and Beverly Tucker and Gen. Ripley
were on the tug which conveyed him
to the Peruvian. Surratt was disguis
ed when ho went on board of the
ship, but before reaching the other
side of the Atlantic ho became confi
dent of his safety, and made a number
of important revelations. Among oth
er things Surratt related that while
traveling, froM Richmond to Washing
with four or five other persons, he
an his companions shot several half
starved Union soldiers who wore en
deavoring to make their escape.
When within sight of the Irish coast
the prisoner said that he hoped to re
turn and serve Andrew Johnston as
Abraham Lincoln had been served.
On Tuesday Dr. McMillian was
again placed on the witness stand.
lie related various particulars in re
gard to Surratt's flight, which the
prisoner had told him while on board
the steamer. While in Canada he
(Surratt) was concealed from the de
tectives by agents of the Confederate
Government. Surratt, among other
things, stated that the original plan
was to abduct President Lincoln, but
that this was changed by Booth, who
wrote to him (Barna°, who was in
Canada, to come on to Washington, as
prompt action was required.
This witness was cross-examined at
considerable length, but the defence
did not succeed in shaking :Lily of his
Dr. McMillian's evidence is prof ably
the most iiripoetant that' bus beertgiv
en during the trial, and the prisoner's
counsel were very much disturbed by
After the adjournment of the Court
there was a fracas between the Judge
and the Messrs. Bradley, both of whom
threatened to commit an assault in re
venge for the remarks which the
Judge had made regarding the con
duct of the counsel towards the witnes
ses. There was considerable excite
ment., and a number of negroes, fear
ful that the prisoner would attempt to
escape, jumped ever the bar with a
view of proventino.
On Wednesday'llr. McMillian' was
cross-examined at considerable length,
but no new fitcts were elicited from
Charles IL M. Wood, a colored bar
ber, testified that he was acquainted
with Booth. On the morning of the
assassination, about 9 o'clock, Booth,
Surratt and McLaughlin came into his
shop and got shaved and' had their
hair trimmed. While there they tried
on various disguises of fldso hair.
This witness recognized Surratt as he
was being taken into the court-room
since the commencement of the trial,
and ho is possitive in regard to his
Thomas B. Rhodes testified that
about twelve o'clock on the day of the
assassination ho strolled into Ford's
Theatre to look at the building. While
there he entered the President's box,
and found a man who appeared to he
doing something to the door. This
person had a piece of wood in his hand
about eight feet long and two inches
wide. He said that the President
would be there in the evening, and he
was fixing the box so that no one
would disturb him. The witness re
cognized Surratt as the man ho met
in the box.
Several other witnesses were exam
ined on various points bearing on the
case, but nothing new developed. Thu
Court adjourned until Friday morn•
On Friday there was some discuss
ion on the part of the counsel as to
what almanac should he admitted as
evidence, to prove the hour of the
moon's rising on the night of the as
sassination, it being the intention of the
prosecution to show that there was a
lull moon which rose at 9 59 P. M. A
number of witnesses were examined,
who testified in regard to the move
ments of PaynoTtlarold, Atzorott and
others of the conspirators. Some of
thorn thought that Surratt resembled
a person whom they had seen in Wash
ington on the day of the assassination,
but where not able to positively iden
tify him.
On Saturday, Mr. J. u• Bradley, Jr.,
then opened the ease for the defence.
He said the attorneys for the defence
came to the trial of this case in full
confidenee of the innocence pf the pris
piton Ho reminded the jury that in
its moral aspect the crime was no
more heinous in the sight of the Judge
of all mankind than the murder of the
most obscure citizen. Mr. Bradley re:
calved at length the statements of
some of the intresses particularly
those of John M. Lloyd and Lewis J.
Weidman, the former ho styled a
"self proclaimed base, groveling drun
The defence would rove Chet John
Surratt was in Canada in 1865, and
went thence to Europe, and after - two
years ho is found in the Papal service.
It is claimed that he received 6200,000
from the Confederate Government,
and yet he is so poor that ho is compel
led to seek service as a private sol
dier , at the end of two years he is
lodged in the jail hero as one of the
assassination conspirators, and he is
shut out froM the world, and his tale
is known to no ono except his coun
sel. His tale is plain and simple, and
will be developed. He will be traced
front Richmond, in March, 1865, to
Montreal in April. It is conceded that
ho paid his bill at the hotel there on
April 12th; and we will show that he
was not near Washington, except
when brought back hero in the Swa
-I;ara, we will show where Surratt , was
on April I4th and April 15th and will
show that ho was not within four hun
dred mils of Washington.
It will be shown that ho went to a
certain town and registered his name,
John Harrison, and that he remained
there to attend a mission .be was en
trusted with, and was there on April
14th. It will be shown that the regiS
ter of that hotel has mysteriously dis
appeared. He will he followed back to
Montreal, when he arrived there on
April 18th. Facts and circumstances
will be shown to conclusively demon
strate that Surratt could not have got
to the places for the purpose of cover
ing up his tracks. It will bo shown,
that while Surratt was in Montreal,
after the assassination, he was not
allowed to rend a newspaper in his
place of concealment, and he was not
aware of his mother's peril until the
eve of her execution, and ho then
wanted to hasten to Washington to
give himself up, but was not permitted
to do so.
It will be shown that ho first heard
that ho was implicated in the assas
sination at' Albauy, and he then tim
ed back to Montreal. He did not flee
for fear, but because he know, as well
as we all know, that Justice dropped
her scales when she entered that
building at the foot of Pour and a hair
street. As to the handkerchief, of
which so much has been said, it will
be shown that it was not dropped by
Surratt, but by an officer of the Gov
ernment who was in pursuit, and who
curried the hankereheif with him for
a purpose. It, will be shown that the
Government knew that the offices
dropped tho handkerchief', but did not
choose to divulge it.
The defence would also show the
agreeMent between the conspirators
'dna signed by them and' upon which
neither the name of Mrs. Surratt nor
John Surratt appears.
This agreement will be produced as
it came direct from the chief conspira
tor, and contains the genuine signa
tar' 4, in which they pledge themsel
ves to commit this act of assassination
and upon that neither the name of
John Surratt appears, and alter these
things aro Pbown, the jury' cannot be
asked to say that the prisoner is guilty
of the charge preferred against him.
At the close of Mr. Bradley's re
marks the Court, at 12 30, took a re
cess until 10 o'clock on Monday morn-
Sing Away Your Grief.
We can sing our cares away • easier
than wo can reason them away. Sing
in the morning. The birds aro the ear
liest to sing, the birds aro more with
out care than anything else that I
know of. Sing at evening. Singing is
the last thing that robbing do. When
they have done their daily work;
when they have flown their last flight,
and picked up their lust morsel of food
and cleaned their bill on a napkin of a
bough, then, on a topmost twig, they
sing ono song of praise. I know they
sleep sweeter for• it. They dream mu
sic; for sometimes in the night they
break forth in singing, and stop end
dently after the first note, startled by
their ov t 'n yoiee. 0 that wo might
sing evening and morning, and lot song
touch song all the way through.
As I was returning from the country
the other evening, between sixandsev
en o'clock, bearing a basket of flowers,
I met a man that was apparently- the
tender of a mason. lie looked brick
and mortar all over I He had worked
all day, and bad the appearance of a
man that would not be afraid of work.
He was walking with a little stop, and
singing to himself as ho passed down
the street, though he had been work
ing the whole day and nearly the whole
week. Wore it not that my good
thoughts always come too late, I
should have given him a large assort
ment of my flowers. If he had not
been out of sight when the idea occur
red to me, I should have bailed him,
and said "Have you worked all day ?"
"Of course I have, 'he would have said
"And aro you singing ?" "Of course
I am." "Then take these flowers home
and give them to your wife, and toll
her what a blessing she has in you."
O that we could put songs under our
burdens ! 0 that wo could extract the
sense of sorrow by song ! Then these
things could not poison so much. Sing
in the house. Teach your children to sing
When troubles come, go at them with
songs. When griefs rise up, sing them
down. Lift the voice of song against
cares. Praise God by singing, that
will lift you above trials of every sort.
Attempt it, They sing in heaven,and
among God's people upon earth song
is the approrriato language of Christ
ians feeling.—Beecher.
NOTIfING like love and hunger to
drive a man mad or make him happy.
lilext ton feast upon a seventeen year
old pair of sweet lips under grape vines
by moonlight, isz foray upon a platter
of cold beans after fishing for suckers
all day. The one tills the poetic heart
and the other an empty stomach.
TERNS, $2,00 a year in advance.
guiprnte go Tics.
The Bridal Wine Cup,
"Pledge with wine—pledge with
wine," cried the young and thought
less Harvey Wood ; 'pledge with wine,'
ran through the bridal party.
The beautiful bride grew pale—the
decisive hour had come. She pressed
her white hands together,. and the
leaves of the wreath trembled on her
brow—her breath came quick* and
her heart beat wilder.
'Yes, Marion, lay aside your scru
ples for once,' said the judge, in a low
tone, going towards his daughter.
Pouring a brimming cup, they, held
it with tempting smiles toward Mar
She was very pale, though more
composed; and her hand shook not as
smiling back she gracefully accepted
the chrystal tempter and raised it to
her lips. But scarcely had she done
so when she gave forth a piercing ex
clamation of (Oh ! how terrible!'
o'What is it !' cried one and all.
'Wait,' she answerer, 'wait and I
will tell you. I see,' she added point
ing at the sparkling ruby liquid—'a
sight that beggars all description ; and
yet listen—l will paint it for you if I
can. It is a lovely spot; tall:moun
tains crowned with verdure rise in
awful sublimity around; a river runs'
through and bright flowers grow to
the water's edge. There is a thick,
warm mist, that the sun seeks vainly
to pierce. Trees wave to the airy mo
tion of the birds; but there a group of
Indians gather; they flit to and fro,
with something like sorrow on their
dark brows. And in their midst lies
a manly forni—but bis cheek how
his eyn wild with the fitful
fever. Ono friend stands beside him—
nay, kneels, for ho is pillowing that
poor head upon his breast.
"Genius in ruins—oh! the high holy
looking brow ! Look how ho throws
back the damp earls! see him clasp
his bands I Mark how ho clutches at
the form of his companion, imploring
to be saved. Oh! hear him call pite
ously his fhther's name—see him twine
his fingers together as he shrieks for'
his only sister—the twin of his soul—
weeping for him in his distant land.
See! his arms are lifted to heaven—
he prays now wildly, for mercy ! hot
fever rushes through his veins; the
friend beside him weeping; awestrick
en, the dark men move silently away,
and leave the living and the dying to
There was a hush. in the princely
pa . efiii?, broken only by what seemed a
smothered sob, from some manly bo
som. She spoke again :
'lt is evening now. The moon is
coming up, and its beams lay gently on
his forehead. He moves not; his oyes
aro sot in their sockets; dim aro their
sockets; dim are their piercing glan
ces; in vain his friend whispers the
name of father and sister—death is
there. Death ! and no soft hand, no
gentle voice to bless and soothe him.
His head sinks back, One convulsive
shudder! Ho is dead !'
A groan can through the assembly,
so vivid was her description, so un
earthly her look, she inspired her man
'Dead she repeated again, 'and
there they scoop a grave; and there,
without a shroud, they lay him down
in that damp, reeking earth—the only
son of a proud father, the only idoli
zed brother of a fond sister. And he
sleeps to day in that distant country,
with no stone to mark the spot. There
ho lies—my father's son ! my own
twin brother ! a victim to this deadly
poison. Father,' she exclaimed, while
the tears rained down her cheeks, 'fa
ther, shall I drink it now ?
The form of the old judge was con
vulsed with agony. In a smothered
voice, he faltered
'No, no, my child—no I'
She lifted the goblet and lotting it
fall, it dashed into a thousand pieces.
Then, turning to the company, said :
'Let no friend henceforth tempt me
to peril my soul for wino. Not firmer
are the everlasting hills than my re
solve, God helping me, never to touch
or taste the poison cup. And he to
whom I have given my hand—who
watched over my brother's dying form
in that solemn hour, and buried the
poor wanderer there by the river, in
that land of gold, will, I trust, sustain
mo in that resolve l'
His glistening eyes—his sad, sweet
smile was he answer.
Those who were present at that
wedding can never toga the impres•
sion so solemnly made. Many from
that hour renounced forever the social
die awrotched sinner; and I leave to
the world a worthloss. reputation, g.
wicked example, and a memory pnly
to fit to perish.
I leave to my parents sorrow and
bitternes of soul all the days of their
I leave to my brothers and sisters
shame, and grief, and reproach of their
I leave to my wife a widowed and
broken heart, and a li fp of lonely strug ,
gling, want and suffering.
I leave to my children a tainted
name, a ruined position ; a pitiful igno
rance, and the mortifying recollection
of a father who, by his life disgraced
humanity, and at his premature death
joined the groat company of those who
aro never to enter the kingdom of
a" A notorious toper used to mourn
about not having a regular pair of eyes
—one being black and the other light
hazel. ‘ is lucky for you," replied his
friend : "for if your eyes had been
matches your nose would have set them
on fire long ago."
the most complete of any in the country, and pos
sesses the most ample faclllthse for promptly ex/touting le
the Lest style, every variety of Job Printing, such its
NO. 1.
Anthony Beaver, farmer, Penn
Isaac Curfman, farmer, Tod
John M. Clarke, tailor, Shirleysburg
Jacob Devor, farmer, Shirley
Ash. Frakor, merchant, Shirleysburg
Samuel B. Garner, merchant, Penn
Samuel Grove, farmer, Brady ,
Benj. Graffius limier, Huntingdon"
Peter Gutshall, farmer, Springfield
Emanuel Herneane, farmer, Shirley
Moses Hamer, Sr., farmer, Walker '
George Heaton, merchant, Ceti!wont.
Adam Houpt, armer, Tod • -
William Hight, laborer, Jackson.
Philips Locke, farmer, Springfield
James Mitchell, farmer, Jackson.
Michael Miller, farmer, Springfield'
George Porter, gentleman, Franklin
John Peightal, farmer, Walker
B. L. Rorer, farmer, Clay
S. Silknitter, lumberman, Henderson.
Moses Swoope, farmer, Union
Robert-Speer, clerk, Porter
Hugh Seeds, farmer, Franklin
John Booher, farmer, Cromwell
Wm. Brown, lumberman, Henderson
IL Brewster, merchant, Shirleysburg
Allen H. Bauman,
tanner, Union
Robert Bingham, farmer, Shirley
David Black, carpenter, Huntingdon.
J. Peightal, gentleman, Warrioremark
William Benford, carpenter, Coalmont
Josiah Cadman, farmer, Case
Sterret Cummins, farmer, Jackson
Benj. Cross, carpenter, Alexaddria
William Olney, farmer, Shirley
Richard Colegate,
farmer, Shirley
Samuel Decker, farmer, Union
Joseph Digging, farmer, Carbon
Jacob Fouse, farmer, Walker
Stephen Gersuoh, farmer, Oneida
John Gutsliall, farmer, Springfield
Henry Glaziea, potter, Huntingdon
Gehrett,William saddler, Cassville
John Hewitt, farmer, Porter
David Woman, farmer; Morris
Samuel Hess, farmer, Oneida
Joeeph Heaton, merchant, Casevilla
David Isenberg, farmer, Henderson
Joseph Johnston, J. P„ West
John Lutz, Sr., gentleman, Shirleysbug
William McClure, farmer, West
James McKinn, laborer; Union
N. G. McDivitt, farmer, Oneida
Henry Myers, merchant, Shirleysburg
William P. Mehaffey, teacher, Brady
James McCall, farmer, Henderson
William V. Miller, laborer, Oneida
Jackson Norris, farmer, Penn
David Owen, merchant,. Morris
David Pollock, farmer, Tell.
Wash. Reynolds, farmer, li'ranklin
Levi Ridinour, farmer, junit4
William Smith, farmer, Cromwell
R. F. Scott, plasterer, Dublin
Mahlon Stryker, gentleman, West
David Thompson, farmer, Henderson
William Weaver, farmer; Hopewell
George Warfel, farmer, West
James Wright, farmer, Union
M. Weston, carpenter,Warriorsmark
Adolphus P. White, armer, Oneida
absence, distance, break off no genuine
relations. The love which the inter
position of a continent or an ocean Can
dim, which the separation of years can
alter, never was love. I had a friend
once, a woman, who was the friend of
my better nature—who taught me in,
spiration, taught me the value of
thought, made me 'believe the worth
of life, showed me the joy of growth
and progress—one whose soul was ea
large, so deep, so generous, that she
reigned like a queen among the high,
est intellects and hearts. She left the
earth ono stormy night, sixteen years
ago. But she is as near to me to-day
as she was then. The life I live, the
thoughts I think, the nets I perform,
are colored by influences which name
from her mind to mine. If sixteen
years can not separate souls, why
should sixteen hundred years stiparata
them ? When our friends leavo'rta fop
anothor world, they aro leas with lia
outwardly, but more with as inWardlyy.
We carry them with us in our hoayto...
girAn old minister enforeed'the
comity of difference of opinion by argn,
ment : "Now, if everybody had been
of my opinion, they would all have
wanted ray . old WOrnan."
,One of the
deacons who eat just behind, respond-.
ed : "Yes, and if everybody wasof my.
opinion, nobody would have her."
De„,"lf you ever marry," said a .10 7 .
man Consul to his son, "let it be one
who has sense enough to superintend
the setting of a meal of victuals, taste
enough to dross herself, pride enough
to wash before breakfast, and sense
enough to hold her tonguo when she,
has nothing to say."
Tha.."Aceording to Milton, Eire kept
silent in Eden tp hear her husapd talk,"
said a gentleman to a lady friend, and
then added in a melancholy tone,
"Alas, there have been no Eves since."
"Because there have been no husbands
worth listening to," was tho quick
ittim."Put, out your tongue a little
further," said a physician to a female
PRtient; "a little further, ma'am, if
you please—a little further
!‘liThy, doctor, do you think there is no
end to a woman's tongue ?" cried the
fair invalid.
nEn„,A. forty-day husband, on whom
the memory of the honeymoon already
seems to have become powerless, wautel
to know why his wife is like a small
pie. 114 you gips it up ? "Because,"
says the unfeeling wretch, "she is now
a little tart."
R t s. : ."Setting a man trap" ie the
tie given. to the picture of a pretty
young lady arranging her curie in
LABELS, &C., Lth., &O.