Inc 61obt. HUNTINGDON, PA LOCAL ANTIQUITIES, It is sometimes very interesting,says the Holliclaysburg Standard, to peruse old papers, published a halt century or more ago, before the discovery of steam, electricity, and railroads; and more especially when the papers were prin ted in our county, from, which we eon glean facts that give us sonic idea as to how our grand fa thers and great grand fathers "lived and moved and had their being" in days long gone by. We are indebted to our esteemed friend and fellow citizen, James MeCaban, Esq., for full files of his father's paper, pub lished in Iluntingdon—ye ancient bor ough—in 1802. There was no canal then—no railroad—we would say, "no nothing." All this country was then ono vast wilderness. We propose to give extracts from this paper from time to time, as space and time will permit, which will bo of much interest to our readers and especially the old settlers. The paper id called The 11UNTINGDO.N . GAZETTE. And weekly Advertiser. IIU NT IN OrD ON (Pennsy(vania):— PTINTED BY JOHN CAIIAIV,W ASH INGTON STREET; opposite to GUINN'S Alloy, PRICE—SINGLE, SIX CENTS. Two DOLLARS PER ANNUM. The first page of each number of the paper gives the proceedings in full of the Legislature, which assembled the❑ in Lancaster city. Then follows: MIN U TES, OF THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE 'HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES, OF THE UNITED STATES The first thing we notice in those "minutes" is the bill passed Jan. 21st, 1802, by a vote of 77 yeas to 12 nays, "fixing the military establishment of the United States." It provides that the army shall consist of "3,000 men ; and consist of 1 Brigadier General, 1 sdjutantand inferior,S military agents, 2 surgeons, 25 surgeons mates, 1 regi ment of artillerists of 20 companies, 2 regiments of infantry of 10 companies cash." This "army" would have been regarded during the late rebellion as an exceedingly small brigade. Mr. Swope lost a Horse, and offers the very tempting reward of $l6 for horse and thief or $8 for horse alone:— SIXTEEN DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN, on the night of the 22d in stant, out of the pasture of the subscri ber,a BRIGHT BAY HORSE, between fourteen and fifteen hands high, rising seven years old, trots and paces, has neither brand nor Saddle mark but has a small lump about the middle of his back nearly the size of a plumb; he had on a pair of ofd shoes before black - main nod tail and never was docked. Who ever takes up said Horse and thief, so as the thief be brought to punishment, and the owner - get his Horse again shall have the above reward, and for the Horse only Eight dollars and all reason able charges, paid by the Subscriber, (if brought home) living in Hunting don County Shirley township, on the road that reads from Shirley to Hun tingdon. JOHN SWOPE. Shirley Township, 27th October Mr. Patton has a steer which ho is anxious to got rid of, owing to a scar- ity of bay : a stray Steer TAKEN up about the first of No vember last, supposed to be about two years old last spring Ho is brindle and Tf bite, tbo owner is desired to come and prove property, pay charges and take him away, as the subscriber is scarce of Hay. JOSEPH PATTON. Huntingdon, 25th Jan. 1802. The County Commissioners think it advisable to make some improvemertts to the Court House : CARPENTERS are invited to enter into a contract to erect a large Porch and Stairs in front of the Court House ; on Saturday 13th March instant, the work tc be completed on or before the 3d Monday in April next. The plan, or description may be seen in our Office, on application to either of uet, JOHN CADWALLADER, lI BENJAMIN PATTON, COM'rS. JObEPII PATTON, Method of hunting up lost or miss- log relations:— INFORMATION WANTED -IF a certain William Morris, from Fintons, in the county of Tyrone, Ire land, who some time time ago resided in Northumberland county, near Sun bury, Pennsylvania, bo now living, it is requested by his Sister Ann M'Kir.- ney, and family, lately.come into this Country, that he will immediately write them the place of his present abode • directing his Letter to Alexan der n tire, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Any information from any of his for. mor Acquaintances will bo thankfully received. kV" The Printers of Newspapers are requested to insert the above Advertise ment. William dc, Andrew Forbes, SONS of Andrew- Forbes, who came with him from Ireland, aro informed, that their Father lives in Lancaster County, near the Gap mines; that be is in sickness and distress,and wishes to see them. Any person who will in form them of this Adverisement or give information to the old Man, where his Sons may be found, will con fer an act of charity and benevolence. Feb. 17, 1802. r. - .Z" . ft is hoped that all benevolent Prin t ers zoWlt publish this Advertisement. According to the Statement of the Commissioners the receipts of Hun tin,r,lon County forlBol were $2,552 40, the Expenditures for the same year were 5'. 191 70. WAR BETWEEN FRANCE AND PRUSSIA. THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON CALLS A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. 200,000 Prussians in Arms ! CUNNINGHAM & CARIVION =I 10,000 RS WORTH . NEW & FASHIONABLE GOdDS Filial Ilu• east,u nookets, ollich they Call, Willi praiii, Sell at leher figures than can he 'sold at auy other house ill the comas. PRICES THE SANE AS DEPORE THE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & a Levy THE BEST 11.EAXY MUSLIMS Loom il . lllll tlioy ran 1.0 eut,Olr of THEIR STOCK IS IMMENSE, Con•istiug of everything ey nut ftney or heart =I CHOICE SYRUP, 111=1 EVERY KIND OF SUGAR A I grcally rcditeed prices COME AN 7) SEE OUR STOCK, and 4h, not pay high priers any longer. Cunningham & Cannon. Huntingdon, nr02.1 t -;-< ri LP- 4 >-03 C 2 .--3 ® ),j, 111 rn "i tc- 0 >< 2 72 . r 1 - I a • L ms ,„, .:! =v im ' :::. › w -Jci - c.-- i = • t/i l --- e 4=l ti 0 cz) cl to 0 P 0Q txi NO: ICE ~: ON It WATTSB ENS I AKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they ye Just returned Irons Hut East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they hove just opened out at their now store, ONE DOOR EAST OF TIIE WASHINGTON HOTEL Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEG-ARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE, (RYE ENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c. They have a large atm% of LADIES! DRESS GOODS, Coo isting of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, LUSTRES, GINWIAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, 3c , S,c., Ako, a largo as ortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS We.tvill . dell WHOLESALE [mil RETAIL. All goods delivered to residences in town and depots, ('CO of chargo. Ciro US a trial I,fore purchn,iir; el,r‘thert, 1111= =ll IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS. T, BURCHINELL & 00'S NEW PLANING MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA ITAVING erected a First Class MILL 11 We are now prcparea to furnish all Itiudd of BUILDING MATERIALS Of DRY LUMBER, at moderate prices, rn AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, NVHATIIER. BOARDING, MUM=MHZEI =II ALL RI SUS OF BLINOS AND SHUTTERS, BRACKETS AND SCROLLS, ~ovell to user, WOOL/ NIOUI.DINGS of evvry Ih,Cripti(lll, 'TURNING, NEWEL POSTS, BALUSTERS, Ac eituatod on the line of the Peonsylvanin Railroad and Canal, it is convenient for shipping to any port of the State. Thn Neainr partner bring n practical Architect and !Milder will tarnish Naos, Specifications and Detail Drawings for all kinds of Ihtiltliotts. 4,4-Orders (or work ti. , licited nail promptly IBM. Ilantiagrium Mord, Gam AT . \ l\ AS WANTIT OPEN and READY FOR BUSINESS H. GREENBERG, Enmiimiv V2RIC)T.L Itoipertfuliy I nforins the publio that he has °tumid a new store in Fisher & Son's Nose Building, In the Dia mond in Huntingdon, where nil kinds of READY-MADE CLOTHING, PIECE GOODS, Hats, Umbra Has, Trawling Bags, ctn., eau ho found to suit all who may favor him with their patronage. Ilk Piero Goods are of the Loot quality and will Lo 1.1AIO: UP TO 0111O:lt in the noot fnlhienable nod best tualte and style. All goods oto ho bought at Ya St this otablishmest from 11) to 20 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. All desiring a good Suit of clothing at n fair prico should call nod examine goods nod prices. All goods Irani ng his establishment will ho warranted to ho what may ho represented. 11.01U:1:N111OG, Merchant 'Tailor. Huntingdon, Nov. 21,1566 1 " --- I:it,, IM -7- - —,) ..,, ' 1:* 4 . 7 22k0 , . 3 ;;,, :- — a :',..Z ' . s!e.---,..existati x m .1 3 > 0 - -<1 m • 1-1 _ • ; ; Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED Also, Conned Peaches, Tomatoes, Peas and Corm Sidead Lobster, Oysters, Chow show, Worcestershire linUce, 1 torso itailish, Pepper sauce, Cat sop, Olive Oil, , and All kinds of Syrups, such us N lrawbvrry, phioupple, bluchborry, CALL AND SEE. WEST HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, JAMES SIMPSON, Irc;pia 35 1 '4::) ma, cl•a3r, HUNTINGDON, PA., 6 ,. .J,._..„. , ,„„,,i,.,, llinnollicturer of all lambi of work in hi.l line, among which the FARMER Will find Threshing Machines : Novi, Sled aolca, ISettlo o. Tho 6'ill feud ilonnd Mandrils, hollow Ain ile , LIDO: and rol. ler Tiro Itonders, Tire irons, sled and sleigh soles, Wagon boxes, dc. Thu Con bow, all kind lof AlachinQry. The BUILDEI R. Can have door and window sills mnl Lintels, sash weights cellar window grates, all sizes, porch stolid 0, armor for min spouts. chimney caps, pavement castings, for coat and wood collars, heaters ter warming privato dwellings and public buildings, doors and frames for bake ovens, iron railing for verandahs, porticoes, balconies, and foa ms of all kinds. Particular attention paid .to (slicing grave lots. Every body can have threshing machine, plow• and stove repairs and all kinds of iron and !MRS'S castings. MEM JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA., IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF FLOUR The patronage of the town and country la rempectfolli GRAIN, of every description, Bought nt 1.1113 mill. Huntingdon, May 2, IS6II 1 - 1 - CTIV - MIAT - r. t4z ,ve.A7,l'f4lK t ' E- 1 tplyd,i4 i rti , ) ~: O,Mi Py.' '' ‘ , s l k ) , r - i 7, ,/, it .4,.. , 4 ,. .: 6 t,, , , I'l h ' l II; '4( L (1 11 if tj fA" 1 ' r 41 .1 ' . rti I VI P ilit ' i t i W'4ll ' .: 1 ' .) , i ?..:,..'. ''; -7. • z-, - .),... , 241‘ - i !•• rak' i; ,,'---- ::_,t =-- j f IN ki I_ 4 , , 1 1 ,1 V • i ." - V1 , , , ,i t. 2 Qll,O ' , , • '. , ,k.5 ~.. *, ... ... 'A e l ' 1 t.... j ° l i l i:lF'r l P :'.- ' 4 = -, : - '-'': \ . : :::!;j0 - '721:::k. 2 IliVlI.l3l_,E YAII,D, J. ➢L GREEN & F. O. BELIVER Having entered into partnei , hin, Inform the public that thug arc: prepared to estento nll stylvs of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such os MONUMENTS, 11PM/31:ONES, also Building, Work, nt n, low prices no any si.op in the county. Orders roan a oli,tance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN td root, a few doors east. of Om In- Merlin church t 0.7101,1867 NTARBLE YARD. The undersigned I would r,spectdnily enll the attention oftho eitizen3 01 Huntingdon nod tiro adjoining counties to thu stock of Leant lint marble now 01111111111. ITO is prepared to fornio, at thu shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones or .!co o , ~izo umd form of Italinn or Eastern Marble, highly finished, nod carved with appro priate devices, or plain, no Ivy 111111'. Building Marble, Door and Window Qitle, Lc., will be furnished to order. \V. IV. illodg, himself to furnish material and work equal - tonship any in till) country, at a fair price. Call and lee, before you purelmo elsowliero, Shop on tin orwir of Montgomery arid lii.. ir1111(111141b111 Pit. NV3I. 11' Ilmitingdon,May 161655. T OVE'S Pure and Superior Rio Cof jive iu pak11,,,;,:i of IMP for >uln sit • LEIIIS Family lirucr ry. A LARGE VARIETY of articles too immer.lo to mention, lor sale at LEIS IS Family 0 roccry. Call and sco. U E I :a ROUND NEUM. AND SAUNA va SA I,l' nt CU N iNGHA , 0 A",S. ' ',- ,:- 0 . ~11- : ili, : 7 - ': ,' kr, ,;, , ,,'. 4 )i s3 ' - I':, -- ;iti,& . . -.-,:' 1: -' ! j — ' Tr.: - '.1 , ,0L , -- - -'"-- a' ,-- ..—,,,' 1: - ) N . _ e. < 2 7: kr,T) -.N. ~''n t :' , 17` -11 11 .‘;4 _ =ID ES= IS \OW MEE 3IcCAHAN S SON O t-4 it .14 SP ICES lIA 11:110Y:4. 1867. 1867_ 1 , 4 T an OP 04 1 , ) , 4 , -0- 4 • .1 AIDWAIE STORE, HUNTINGDON, ;PA. \l s s.:t, ! 'a! JAS. A. BROWN Now locAted in the splendid storeroom in his new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL Sl'., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. OITUrd nt WHOLESALII and REPAII. nu Immense eteck and crull,si variety of FOREIGN AND . DONESTIC HARDWAJP'E I CUTLERY, Paints, Oils,. Giass,&e, AT REDUCED PRICES; ELEVEN YEARS diligent attention to business in the Hardware trade in this place, hai given me an expert. once that:enables me to secure great ad vantages for my em,tomers iu the selection of the beat slumlord brands and rel iable qualities of goods. Buying for cash direct from the mannfacturerd, and be ing in almo-t daily receipt of goods, bought sineo tbe de cline in prices,'l can offer rare advantages to buyers. Ply stock embraces a general ns,,ortnient of TOOLS AND MA'rERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmaliers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foit»arymen, And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS Will lied hero a mapvrior stock of rtaarl. LOCKS, P, O.blS, SWIE [PS, IVAILS, Grass and Putty, Oil and Paints. Colors of all Paint Ilru rhea, Sx 'oet out to lily size CARPENTERS Ivin- find a waselecte,t stock of Disston's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisels told Planes, (Steel minaret, A ogres, A liger hits, Itnittes, :ate sets, It, sees, Ilttiebet,, 101 l stones, Files. BORING MACHINES, with two cranks snit threo an gers to each. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS 1/al'O a fine varioty of enameled, Tinned and Plain 1101.1.0W-WAIfIE, Pans. Skillets. no,t. Paw , . &Till. Itrits!tea, 11'a Irnus. Bross Kettlon, Rath Bricks. Inn Tea Nem o , ICnlres nu l l Forks, Coal Thickets and allovelm, To., and 'Cabin Spoons. Brit Nook) and othvEic-rr,ATED WA It E,Tablo Castors Brags Stair Rods, and a ,plciolid stock of Harrisburg STONEtVARE, including crocks with lido as largo as six sw. 1. ..p....r.w... _---_,-. - - .• [l - 1..10.0 -, ", ' ........ .L - 7',;... - - - ',:. I ~ ;, i t, H lfi. ---H i'' I 6 . •:1,.,1.• GEN , AGENT, ..11 ' '' ' . . no NESTER. M1.1: . : , ': .'!, 9 ~ H 7' 9 ~~ ~fi~. i ~~l~_7: pri;„r~r~ QM= Chola coE Clotho ‘Vith a latolinprov,tnint. Titi.a is now filo very hest and most ilosiVablo Wringer in tho inarlict. Having the agency fur this place 1 can aeti them strictly at the m un• ufactureea prieCA. All warranted. BLACKSMETIIS • win b iupplic,l with !Fors° shoes, liras,: nails, Stocks and Dies, Norway Nall Rods, Itays, Iron nod Steel Anvils, Buttress., Viers, Bellows, and slicer tools in their lino CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will find a supply of Carriage Oil Cloth, Carriage and Fire Bolts, - Trimmings, Seat sticks, Drop black roach Varnish, Fulloes, Spokex and Hubs, Dash lllliienameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, Spoke Augurs, Sleigh Runners, Fowlers, awl other materials. Z=MM:BI Comprising Table Aches and Forks of best Ainerican and English styles and quali ties, Carron.' Butcher knives, Razors, Shears and Scissors, Pruning KlikrEl, Fronting Shears, and the largest varlet iy of styles of POCKET KNIVES To be tonna In central rennnylvanla, including Won tenholnes famous Ix!, cutlery. SHOE HA KERS As lieretofuro will illol hero the best nssortment of Tools and Findings in their line of trade, COndlitiug of 'fawners, rincors, Lasts, Pegs, Awls, Measuring Sticks and steal, Eyelots Shoe Thread, Forepart MO :AMA Iron,, Wax, Irislice, Burnishers, Welt Knives, :Asel and iron Ethos Nails, Stielllng flanges, eta., Hound head nailm, etc.; SADDLERS & HARNESS MAKERS Aro also provided for. Saddle Trees of the boot rata burg Straining, and Rein Web, Stirropq, Ilannis, Pad Treeii, and a full variety of Silver, Ilrais and Japanned Ilarnesii Munittingi, .te.! FAMERS And others will coo that my stock comptkes loony me hd articles in their lino, such an Scythes, Halms, Spades, Pointing ncr,, Shovels, forts, Hoes, OCilltiltelleH, Wore wire, Darden hakes, II I,:e Kamen. DI SSTON'S MILT, SAWS, Trace Challis,Halter chaint, Circular. Cross-cut, wood Curry conau., nurse bruthes; 3leat Saw.r, Wog.. Jack 4, I Dolt Augers, Shovel Moulds, Mann's exact Trowels, Se. Alto, two or three kindi oral° best HORSE HAY FORKS. Matto iu tho Linked Stat.moml by which a load of boy can he token from tho wagon to Om mow in about flvo minutes. These fcrits gave labor, bay and money, owl no thrifty farmer can :tffor,l to .1, without one. The EXCELSIOR FORK lots be,9l, , ty give 4 groat satisfaction.— I warrant. all Ito forks I MI. COAL& LAMPS&LANTERNS corm LACES and all Trunmiirzs for Cabinet-makers CHEAP WOODEN PUMPS. The merit of the,o pump Ft Amen by the fret that the den. ml for th , in iv rapidly I twica,ing everywhere. There it no iron in them Inn cm rode and injitre the water. They are light and tativenimit, so that every man can put in bti own pump, the whole only coating, him alma one half the price of other pump!, rillllllA, and wooden pipe to snit them, promptly vhipp,d by railroad on receipt of or d.,. (lice depth front floor to bottom of well. Terracotta DRAIN PIPE, Hot Air lIMISTIHIS for COOK of any pattern degirvtl. ;lAMBS A. BROWN. Don't fofgot thoN OP THE PADLOOK thuaino, u, enril 13, N , 7. RE AD QUARTERS NEW GOODS. D. P. CVVIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC 0 SPLENDII '.1700K of NEW GOOD* CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY 4 llnnting.lnn, np. 16, •6i 1867. 1867. CLOTHING. H. ROIVIAri. SPRING AND SUMMER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE For (lentlymen'a Clothing of the best material, and mad , in the beet Workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, oppasito tbn Franklin llonse in Market Squat°, Hunting don, Pa. Huntingdon op. 16, '67. READ AND BE POSTEDA TO THE NE IT'L Y. dRTtIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Frlfilltilie THE undersigned would respectfully that bm man.thetur., and !mops constantly on hand a largo and splendid atiort men t of DINING AND BREAKFAST TA.BLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and rano seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rese moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ty of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. Ito is also agent for the well known Dailey di Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public ate invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. • Work and salc, room on liill street, near Smith, one door scat of Yenter'e store. JAMES HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 18136 PROF.. 11. M'ENTTRE'S GREAT REXIEDT, THE PAU CONOUth Illtonal and 'Extoml Medicille, • Dlarrlura, Bloody Flux In one any, 04- Dearlache and Earacho in three minutes. • Toothache, in ono nil:lnto. • Neuralgia iu tiro minutes, Sprains In twenty minutes, 073- Sara Throat in ten minitteg, • Choke and Cramp In firs minutes, • OTC Panniminism in ona day, Pain in the Back or Shin In ton minutes, oa.. Bad Coughs or Colds In ono day, r.S. Fever and Agno in ono day. no. Cures Deafttera, Asthma, Piles, Bronchitis Affections , Dyspepsia, ca Inflammation of tlto ICidneys, Erysipelas, • Livei. Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Keep in your Families—,Sickness comes when least expected. I propnYo to check, and effectually dissipate more echo and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equil ibritim of all the circulating fluids in the human eystem, than can bo effected by any other, or nil other methods of medical nil in tiro same space of time. THIS POPUI,AIt REMEDY is hist corning into use, for [lto Let th a I core, tree of charge, all these coin• plaints whenever there is an oppitrtunity to do so. AB goon as It Is applied It Mutest minicalon4ly kills the pain. I do out ask you to buy before you are certain of its ern. ciecey. Upon barn an ache or pain, it is warranted to do all it purports on the label. I do not propose to cure every disease—only a class named by my directions. My liniment op" rates on chem ical and electric printiplcs, and is, therefore. appliable, to the cure or natural restm afire of all organic del-lingo ment arising from nu improper circulation of the terra vital fluids. Prof..l. 11. MeEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di rectly on the absorbmits, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible short time, without any p.sible danger front as use under any possible circumstances. This is :in internal and external medicine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, such as our forefathers used.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to muesli complaints if WO only know idiot they were. This has been a great study with the Medical Faculty for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the above complaints-110w to put them together, and What proportions to 000, it. 11. /kIetINTYRR, Propriotor, Reading, Pa. For sale at Lewis' nook Store. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 6, 1165. McENTTRE'S DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arleing front one cause, viz: Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Catarrh Its tho Head, Weak and distr. dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Old. diners of the Head, Wish ens IS Sight, Windy Ailments, Itheurnatbon, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Bock or Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Ernptions of the Body,' Gravel, Worms, &e., &c. Sold at 23 cents per box. MCENTYSE'S INDIAN VEGETABLE rI ThiAnfallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in ali cosec and nay be given to mtildren of nil ages, as they nre purely ve;;etable and perfectly harmless. Con be had at Lewis' Boole store, llnntingdon, Pa PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Hitherto there has boon nothing introduced In way of a :Marriage Certificate that has excited any interest or at traction; but the originators of PHOTOGItAPII MAR- It I All k CERTIFICATE claim that they have gotten up something that will ho most heartily welcomed by alt persons new married and all those who contemplate mar riage. Sin and Plan of the Marriage Certificate. The size of tho Certificate in Ip by 14 Inches. It Con- Was a bootitiful again representing the onion of two hearts. Abu, the figure is written in beautifully orna mented German Text the words "Photograph Marriage Certificate.' There are three spaces in the figure: on the space in the emit, the Certificate proper in written. Thu words, "two hearts in 0110" (oral an arch over the Certill- Cate proper, and immediately vender the arch there to a beautiful ligurw: representing the Joining of hands, owl where the can tru Vat, Collies to a pint there is a picture of tw, beautiful tootle doves. On the spaco to the loft there fan place for the photograph of the gentleman and under it WO have the words, '•To the Husband," in orna mental text, under which WC have eclecticns lifFcripture passag, addressed to the husband. On the loft side of the engraving woe haven place for the Photograph of the ! nuill,diately under which we have the words. •'l's the Wife," in ornament:it text, under which are appro. pi ste p n ,agei of :Scripture addressed to the wife. Over the spa, for the photograph of gentleman we have writ ten in Old characters, the following appropriate ' • passage of ficripture: '•lt to not good that the man should be alone," and over the space for the photograph of the holy, woo have the corresponding words: "1 will foal. hint an help meet for hint." At the lower eaten- ! shot of the figure of the hearts, we have the hearts bound together or encircled in part by these weeds: "{Chet therefore (foil Inuit joined together let as 0r.,, pot 0.111- der." The Certificate is so constructed that card photo graphs of both brido and bridegroom ran be inierted without the least possible difficulty. Indeed everything connected with it is so elegant, attractive and desirable that many single flerllollS seeing the Cart ifi - fato Lava been sumach plea'ed with its appearance, that they purchased On sight nun of thew beautiful parlorornamoots. - A specipmcopy of the Photograph Marriage Certificate will IA carefully put op and sent by mail fore, on receipt of the retail price, which is ONE DOLLAR. tw - n The exelitelvo agent for Huntingdon comity Is W. H. MILLER, Orbisonia, Huntingdon co., Pa. Attli - Con the above, or call at IV. LEWIS' BOOK SToltE Hunt inE,lOl, Pa. mchl3.3to THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED THAT CAN'T BE BEAT COMI AND SEE, D. P. GWIN, 1311 CLOTHING JUST, ItITEIYED 11. ROMAN'S I=l = 11ilabelpi2ia 5. bbtrtistmaits. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED TUB TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. Upham's Fresh Meat Cure, Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trou , seatt. of Paris, cures Censmapt ion. Luna Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Mara:mins, General Debility, and all morbid conditions of tha system dependent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, tool it single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue at the great healing remedy of tha age. Si a bottle, or six bottles fur $.3. Sent by express. Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 23 South EIGHTH Street, fe27-out Philadelphia. Alta all principal Druggists. Circulars sent free. B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS. • N 0.16 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURERS OF • WINDOW BLINDS AND • SHADES. Blinds repaired; Shades LetteredL Trimmings and Fixtures ; Plain Shades of all liitalr Picture Tassels; Cords; Bell fulls, etc. npril 24,-2in.. -17( Olt BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST! NO GAS!! NO DAMPERS!! I=MEM! J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner 13th & Filbert streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Sole Mauateturers or the Celebrated WHO UGHT-MON, AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING II EA TER, I= For case of management without any dampers, Dura bility, Simplicity, and Economy, this neater has no su periorinthiscountryy. They aro ail gurtranteod to give satisfaction. Estimates made freo of chargo. Cooking Ranges, Latrobe Beaters, Slate Alantles, _Low _Down Grates, Portable Heaters, BrgiSters, Ventilators, &c., &c Sena for ond of our 11l wstra tod Pamphlets. 1:ap: 0-1 y SILVER'S - WASH POWDER ! SA VES TJJLE, LABOR, MaiNTRY. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. -- SOLD rxmmvIIERE. Tra IT! Address all ortkra to the Maunfacturers ZI EG LE R E SMITH, Chcaists and Whaesals Druggists; No. 137 Nth. Third Street, Philad'a. GOOD NEWS FON MOTHERS. Mothers, ore you oppressed with anxiety for your littlo ones? Are your slumber, MO hearts brolivn by their cries? Do you ;make in OM Morning untorreshad and ap prehensive? If so, procure at onto ft bottle of Pr, Leon's Infaut lienmely and you will hone no more weary hours of watching null anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, 11. Stood the test of years. Thammands of nurses and morliershear witness that it never fails to give r lief il• used in mmeason. It is 0 mild. yet moire and speedy cure fn• Comic, Cramp, and whole Pains, and is Inv:doable or all complaints incident to Teething. :sold hr Drug•,;ists throughout the United States. Ad ,dress alt ord., to ZIEGLER SMITH. SOLE PRO P.MTOBS. N 0.187 Nth. Third Street, Phi EIZZI 628. I - 100P SKIRTS. 628. NEW SPRING STYLES, "OUR OWN MAKE" Embracing every new and desirable size, style and shape of plain and trail Mop Skiits,—.2, 234, 2%. 3, 334, 314. and 4 yards, round every length and ,rize Wit ;in .eery re sect fleet quality, and especially adap• ted to meet the wants of first class and moat fashitihable traoo. "OUR own Wang" or Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more alas tic, more thimble and really cheaper than any other make of tither Single or Double Spring; Skirt in the Amer. lean niarket. They are Warranted in every respect. and wherever introduced give universal satisfaction. They ore now bring extensivelp sold by retailers, and every la dy should try upset. Ask fur "llopkitea Own Make," and see that.each Skirt is stamped “W. T. MANUFACTtiItEIIt, 628 ARCH STREET. PUILAD'A." No others are genuine A catalogue containing style, glee, and retail pikes, sent to any address. A uniform and liberal discount allowed todmlers. Orders by mail or otherWiso, promptly and carefully filled. Wholesale and Iletail ; at Manufactory audSole, , rooms, NO. 628 ARCM STIIMET, /Fir Shirts made to order, altered and repaired. MILS, NE.T CAME. ONIS PRICE. ONLY. WM. T. HOP.KINS MEM A Comfort, Ttlersing and Relief at 5Ct. f.F.1".5 "third Rubber Tram" Establish. meut,13.17 Chestnut t.treer; Philadeiphin. This Tr.! , mats tho most dillicult Run •••=', tares, frees the 'cord from all pressure, DOI, or rusts, (the fine steel spring being coated with rubber,) breaks, limbers or becomes filthy, used in bathing, fitted to form, no strapping, made any power required, cleanest lightest, easiest and best. Sent by mail or express. Sold by all Druggists. Pamphlets free. Inelil3.3m • S. CAMPBELL & CO., IllaufactuillE CONFECTIONERS, and WitalesaloDealess in . FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &C., No. 303 /ace Street, •Philadelphia,Pa., .o , 4—Also man unct nrers of all kinds of Molasses Candy and Cocoanut work. selS' BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that he line op.•uod for their use hits new and elegantly fitted up Billiard Boons. It contains YOUR NEW TABLES OF SUARFS 3IANUFACTURE, superior to any no•w in tim city. This Boom cliallen,,,s comparison wills any room in tha t , tato, west. or PlAladalphia. No more. Bald heads! No more Gray Lochs! Dn. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is iirenenneeil by all who hare used it this very best limp:nation far the (lair. It is a positive core for Bald ness. eradicates Dandruff nod limners,stops the hair front out, and speedily resturtA Gray Leeks to their original hue and Itixoriance. It operates on the secretions and fills tho glands with new lint and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be toriolght back by a few at.plications, bi Its youthful ahundaliesi, vitality arid color. - It makes the hair roll, g 1 058Y 2 fragrant, pleas/Int to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to rimmin in any desired position. As a flair Dressing it tree no equal.— The till, Ore Amor:wow:lna it is a universal ritVorito with old and young of hods Sexes. :add by Druggists throughout the United Slates. Ad dress nil orders to ZEIGLER & SMITH, inch'2o-ly SOLE PROPRIE'ORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia. \TP , w GOODS CONSTANTLY RE, t:eived at CUNNINOHAM &CARMON'B, t r -Wpg • rgo. v)s PENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. T WA RD. EASTWARD Pl-4 ^on 71.?" I W hi STATIONS. ". 17 p. .4 P. 31.1 A. 31.1 P. 31.1 A. N. A. 31.1 A. ILI 7. BI 6 041 121 131 N.Hamiltea,, •..... 915 • 611 112 231 Mt. Union,. 5 20, —.112 a ol ..... Mapleton 6 2,4 12 411 Mitt Creek..... • 8 49 5 41; 7 'PI 1 00 1 323 1111111 ingdon, 9 48: S3BlO sa 6 031 .".....I 1 29 ; jPetyrsburg,... 18 16 ' 613 1 1301 [Barre°, ' 1 8 081 620 133 ...... •,,SpriiceCre,h, • 801 • 6 31 1 59 1119.1ninghaut, 7 47 1 43 7 47 2 10 4 06iTyrone 9 02 7 33 10 07 654 ..... 222 Tipton, 727 700 224 • FOstoria. 722 7 06, ...... 2 34 11011's Mille,- 7 18 7 251 R 15 3 051 4 351Altoaan„ ... „ 8 30 7 00 935 I'.'•l. I A. 51. P. 51. A. 31.1 A.M. A.M. 9.11 ranm Eastward leaves arriveB at Ila tiogdon at 4 mess Eiistvard :lad arrives at Wantinglton 'T UN E Westward, leave: and arrives at Altoona at 8 1367. READING RAIL ROADS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT/ APRIL 8, 18C7. • • R EAT TRUNK LINE FROM . TI I VI North and - North-West for PRILADrIPMA, Nap YORK, HEADING, POTTSVILLE. TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, LEBANO*,' ALLENTOWN, EASToN, EPHRATA, Lieu, LANCASTER, COLON- . 1110, kc., &c. Trains leave Harrisbur for New York. as foB.3owa At. 300. 8,10 and 9 35 A. 31.,and 2 10 rind 9,00 P. M., connect , tag with similar trains on the Pennsylvania R.Ft,arriving at Now York 5,00 and 10 10.0, OL, & 4.40, 5,20.10 25 P. 31 Sleeping earn accompany the 300 a m and 9 00 p.m.tralue without change. Leave Harrisburg 'for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersvilio, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 8 10 A. 31., and 2 10 and .4 10 P. M., stopping at Lelemen and principal way stationer, the 4 10 p. tn. train making connections for Philadelphia and Colombia only. Poi Pottsville, Schuylkill Havanna,' Auburn, via Schuyl kill nod Susquehanna R.R., leave Harrisburg nt 3 20 P M, Returning, leave New-Pone at 9 A. 31., 12 Noon, 5 & 8 P. 31; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. M., and 330 P. 3i3 Way Pat. Banger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30. A. !I. retnrning from Reading at 030 P. a., stops at all stations; Pottsville. at 8.45 A. 3r.. and 2 45 P. M.; Ashland 600 nnd 11,30 a m, and 1,05 I' 11; Tamaqua at 9.45 A M., and 1 and 8 55 P M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, - via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a m. An Accommodation Passenger Train loaves READING at 7.30 A. NI., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 5,00 P. kt Pottsville Accommodation Train: Loaves Pottstown at. 0,20 a.m., roturnlng leaves Philadelphia at 6,30 p. m.. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A. 31., and 6 15 P. 31., for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Col umbia, kn. On Sundays, leave New York at 800 P. M., Pbiladel pldn, Be, Be,m and 315 P. N., the 8 a DI train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8 A. 51., Harr' burg,9 35 a in, and lietoltug 120, 7. 0.0 n. m., for Harrisburg, 1132 a m for Now York, HO 4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. •, MiutAns, Sktsos, &mom, and ENXIMEISK TICKETS to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through: 80 pounds Baggage allowed earl, Nose:lgor.. 0. 0. Rending.. April 8, 1867. NICSLLB, Gown/ Superintemelms. 1. NTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, MAY GTII, 1987, Passivetpg Trains Will arrive and depart as full:va: SOUTHWARD TRAZIY9I ..NCOLTIIWARDTRAI:Or. ~, STATIONS MAIL Eariiss P. M. A. Af. .. I SIDINGS._ LL 6 001L6 7 4 51/luntingdon, lAR9IOAR 4 45 6 171 8 05 1 3 1cConnelletown 849 . 424 6 251 8 17 1 Pleasant Grove, 841 416 6 301 8 3313Iarkfasbur3, ......... . 833 '4'oo 654 849 &free Run, 818 345 702 - 8 571 Rough St Ready, 810 335 714 9 011 C0,, , 7.59 3.54 7 181 9 13 ,Fislier'n8ulnuilt ,I 755 'S 20 AR 7 33 1 14 9 301., , INn 740 1.9 308 LN 7 431 LE 9 401.. ,00 , ILI 7 30 AN 2 03 01 10 00 1111ddleabarg 1 710 235 12( 10 00111opowell 7 021 227 24 10 24f Piper's Run 646 - 209 40 10 44/Tate/grille 626 147 53 10 55 Bloody Rue, 6 14, 134 AR 27 AR 10 52 3,4 , 011 Dalla• ILN 6 101LN 130 I 8110UP'S RUN BRANCH. ...JAR 7 3915. 3 00 I 7 151 245 . 7 05, 236 as 7 00ILR 230 LE 7 50 1 1,c 9 Z , o l l. 7 axton, S 031 10 051Conlmont. R W 10.10 Crawford, AR S 20; MI 10 211 Iludle• _ l f Drond Top Ciry, Ifuntingdon May d. 0057. .1911 N ~.~ I t ' x~„~:~i1ZF. 1 ~ ~.~.. •ti~~F.., )L ANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS! • CI IN Sl' Attl ES SALES, • ATTACITT EXHCBTIONS, ATTACIIMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, IDEEDS. E SUNPNAS. • • 3TORTG AGES, SOWS It. ORDERS. JUDGMENT-NOV:B. LT.:ASKS POll HOUSES, I NATURALIZATION WKS, ,'OMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEN BILLS, • NOTES. with a waiver of - the $3OO Law. JUDO3IENT NOTES. with a waiver:of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AG R EEM.ENT, with Teachers. MA It Itl AO Y. CERTIFICATES, for Justices of tke Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. CO3T PLA INT. WA It RA NT. and COMMITMBNT, in cum of Assault and Battery, nod Affray. CI ERE FACIAS. to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, &hoed, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed oil superior paper. and for sale at the 01Boe of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS. of every description, printed to ardor, neatly at shOrL notice, and un good Paper. SPECIAL NOTICE. Fro THE LADIES,--Do you really j_ intend to cease wearing the beatitiful styles how. so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the -rebel . RH. Davis, was Captured In Fashionable Female attire? one moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. Tho angels had too much good souse to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they Mal for n time served to bide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following 'ha' exampleof Angola? Then having made up your minds that you will continua to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forge! to Dill at the store of the subscri bers, who will he happy at an times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath, cis, husbands, brotherJ, neighbors and children to visit the sates store. They eau hero be suited In good articles of Boots, noes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens. ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as roe. senablo terms as at any Haase In town. Stein on South- east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31,-1965. - FRANCIS WALLACE. ram,oltvg J. M. WISE • • Manufacturer and Dealer in T_T 301.. DT ne tr 3Z/t • Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to hitt stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear of HoorgeFf • Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where lie menufactum and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per, eons wishing to purchase, will do well to give biez t‘ cult. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly andcharges; reasonable. trii - Alto. Undertaking carried en, and Collins made igy any style desired, at short notice. The subeeriber 'pleat • ca.a•M:-.• , "'"i /FE /V AND ELEGANT. HEARSE, and is impaled to attend lacerate at any piece In town or country. U. WISE. Huntingdon, 31ny 9, 1866-tf . Us s• REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEIVIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MIIk,IN SHADES, BAIL E Y'S URFA TAPE, CORD AND TA S.SAL Cl.l. }lt e 4 LEWIS' BOOK STORE iIANNED YPNC S'tud Tomatoes Umix.:ll rick lea, Tom atoe Catmp, tql;p'er eau., 4c., k. tqr di k lu ut 'Family; Grocery.. ::, I al i P I Altoona M 3 25. I A.M. naves Altoona 53 t 523 P 51. a linntingdou at 55 P.M. 12311EEM 1213111 PITIE MEM