61olie. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 29, 1867. LOCAL iS:, PERSONAL Local A.dvertisernenis Advertisements (puffs or noticc2) published in local columns at ten cents a lino single insertion, counting seven words to a Eno Go Subscribcr■ Those subscribers receiving a pa- Tim. marked. with a j before the name will understand that the time for which tboy subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or -otherwise 'Neer Advertisements In this Issue IQ- See oppositt page. achitbeyA C& Consolidated Shows. 'Tod Towngliip Bounty Fund. Authorized War Chum Agency, W. H. {Pond. Huntingdon MM=!! —Newspaper fights aro the rage in this and adjoining counties. We're out. —Wo bear that John Brotherline, .editor of the Hollidaysburg Whig, has been appointed Register of Bankrupt cy for this district. —The Juniata was on a "high" on Sunday last. It was evidently show ing its contempt for the new liquor law. Lot it rage. —We are ready to thank any of our friends at Harrisburg for a copy of the General Laws of Pennsylvania when we get . them. Who'll send us one? —We have a letter from "Werdant Jeemes" which we will publish next week. It has been crowded out this week by advertisements. —Hon. George Taylor and Mr. Jr:o. IQ Lyon, of this county, have boon ap pointed on the Board of Managers of the State Temperance Society. —A gold enamelled finger ring was lost last week at the lower end of town, on Charles street. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this :office. —We direct the attention of our lm cal readers to a column on the fourth page, Which is of interest to antiquari ans who like to delve into ancient lite rary lore! —lndividuals who have been scan ning the signs of the weather in and about this locality, assert that we have not bad ono day this month without more or less rain. —There will be another Soldiers' Monument meeting held in the Court House on next Friday evening. The report of the Committee to draft a plan of organization. &c., will be read. Everybody is invited. —llobt. Drown, of the Clarion Dem ocrat, publishes over one column of an nouncements of candidates for politi cal preferment. Our columns are open to all who want "posish," and to the friends of those who don't. —A beauty : our new job stick.— 'We are to do all kinds of job printing expeditiously and in a neat and workmanlike manner. Send in your orders, and try us. Our facili ties surpass any other office in this neck of timber. —A Sabbath School Temperance So ciety hag been formed in Mifflin and Patterson boroughs, Juniata county. This is the proper way to educate the rising generation, and Huntingdon temperance advocates should not be behind. —The MountUnionites aro rejoicing .over the attachment of a passenger car to the Stock Freight east, which stops .at all stations between Huntingdon and Mifflin. The train leaves Hunt. ingdon at 4:25 P. M., and arrives at Mt. Union at 6:12 P. M. —Dr. R. A. Miller has purchased the property now occupied by Mr. Jas. Higgens, adjoining Yenter's store, for $l6OO. Ho intends building a brick upon the site, to commence in April next, perhaps sooner. —ln making 'mention of the ancient hook in possession of Col. Summers of this place, last week, the compositor made a serious mistake in the date.— It should have been 1583 instead of 0 '1853." The mistake was noticed before all the edition was printed. —Counterfeit ten dollar bills on the Third National Bank of Philadelphia, are in circulation. They are pretty well oxecuted. The little letter "e" is left out of the word "currency" on the edge of the upper right hand corner, near the figure 10, on the face of tho spurious note, —The • County Commissioners of Blair county have agreed to put a town clock on the Court House in Hol lidaysburg borough, if the citizens con tributo $l5O toward the project.— Haven't our Com's got the "stamps" to do likewise? Wo think our citi zens would go their backing. —The Johnstown Tribune and Eb ensburg Alleghenian, tho two Republi• can papers published in Cambria ,county, this district, have declared in Favor of Impartial Suffrage to all men —both white and black. Why don't, the Journal d• American raise the same standard, and thereby follow the dic tates of its party leaders? —Now that our Councilmen have ordered property-holders to make pavements in front of their lots, should they not oblige those who have pave, ments to reset the brick in such a way as to avoid the puddles a pedestrian meets with on a rainy day. Wo think the;ordinance should he made to apply as fair to one as the other, and we hope the borough authorities will so order it, as an accommodation to Lb° ladies, at least. Come One, Come All, And see the grand display at J. B. Sbontz's in Marklesburg. Quick salus and small profits must undoubtedly bo his motto. We Are Going To the Show, and will buy our goods at A. Z. Lewis' now Store, Hunting don. And will save enough money to get to see the ELEPHANT, and the BABIE for nothing. That's so. t Gold Pens.—A new stock of tbo best, just received at Lewis' nook Store. - The License Question Another effort was made by the temperance people of this place to de feat the keepers of eating houses from getting licenses. The cases were brought up on Saturday evening last. Air. Scott read the remonstrances and affidavits against five of them. Judge Taylor decided that in the face of the affidavits ho could not grant the licen ses, Ivlicn the cases were postponed until August Court for further hearing. —We learn that at a late hour on Saturday night, the licenses were all granted, but wo do not know upon what understanding. This is the see ond defeat of the Temperance people, but we have no hesitation in saying that they are determined to have the laws obeyed, notwithstanding. The new law which we publish to-day, is somewhat stringent in its provisions, and we shall doom it as much the fault of the temperance reformers as the li quor dealers, if there is not a strict compliance with its provisions. The new law is good enough as far as it goes, but it depends upon the efforts and vigilance of tho temperance mon and officers of the law to prevent any violations. Wo hope to see no further difficulty on the license question, and if person . ; will sell liquor,- lot them not violate the law, with the expectation that they will go unpunished, as we ere firm in the belief that the Court will not brook any violations in the fu ture, but will visit them with the pun ishment that they merit. We think the temperance people in our community have not lost anything by their efforts, and wo have no doubt that they will continuo as they . have commenced. The liquor venders may expect them to be on the alert, and should govern their actions according -Iy, then there will no difficulties. All the temperance people ask is that they sell without violating the law, and un til they do that they cannot expect to bo let alone. 'Tia all Indisputable Fact, That. B. Stlontz in Marklesburg sells goods 25 per cent. lower than any house in the county. His endless stock has only been opened four days, and numerous buyers testify to the cheapness of hii goods. Clothing can be bought lower from him, than at present retail stores in Philadelphia. le is the only man that sells sugar at 9 cts. per lb. "Seeing is believing," and that is the way to find out how low he really sells. Notice to the DeviP■ Pickets. One hundred and soventy•fivo young men of all shapes and sizes, from the tall, graceful dandy, with hair enough on his upper lip to stuff a barber's cushion, down to the little hunch back, freckle-faced, bow-logged, carrot head ed upstart. The object is to start a ga zing corps to be in -attendance at Church doors on each Sabbath, before the commencement of Divine Service, and at the close thereof, to stare at la dies as they enter and leave the Church, and make delicate and gentlemanly remarks upon their person and dress. All who wish to enter the above corps will appear at the different Church doors next Sunday morning, where they will be duly inspected, and their names, personal appearance and their vacuity of brains registered in a book for that purpose. We hope to see a full attendance of the class above referred to at the place mentioned, in conform ity with this notice. Tho corps is or dered to form in single lino at. their rendezvous, and keep a full "front face" until their names aro registered and they aro "sworn in." Now that their bravery is to be tested wo hope they will face the music without shrink ing or skulking. Daring Robbery On Friday morning last, between three and four o'clock, a safe' in the drug store of John Read, of this place, was blown open with powder, by bur. glars. The thieves entered the store by a back window, and finding the safe behind the counter, had drawn it out to the centre of the room, and placed powder in the key-hole. It is thought the safe exploded , about the time the trains were passing,the sound of which deadened the report. Money to the amount of about $lOO is thought to have been taken from it. The safe was completely bursted, which reveal ed the fact that it was a very unsafe affair at best, being bound with thin sheet iron, lined with boards, and fill ed in with clay of a common kind. The thieves have not boon arrested, and we would caution our people to beware of a repetition of each outrage, and ad vise them to leave as little money in their safes as possible. Another Show Coming Our show-liking people will be picas ed to learn that Whitbey & Co's 'Con solidated Show,ombracir,g circuses and Hanageries, will be here on Wednea. day next, the sth of Juno. This com bination comes highly recommended, and by reference to Advertisement in another column, it will be seen that there is much to attract the public. Tho baby elephant, only 18 months old and weighing 350 pounds, is a nov elty of itself, and is well worth the price of admission. It has a largo troupe of performers, and withal two good clowns. Be in timo to see the Grand Procession at 10 o'clock, in which will be seen a team of elephants, blooded circus horses, twin ponies, and the more than usual paraphernalia. ZWCano Fishing Rode for sale at :Lewis' Fancily Grocery. Moro About Gold There seems to be considerable ex citement manifested in this neighbor. hood, in consequence of gold having been discovered in the Blue Hills, situ ated in the lower end of Germany Val ley. The indications were first ob served by Mr. C. V. Trow, some time ago, on the property of Mr. Bornly. Since then, the same quartz has been discovered. elsewhere in the neighbor hood. The ores have been analyzed by three essayists in New York City, and each reports it to contain gold to the value of from thirteen to sixteen dollars a ton. We understand that parties are about leasing the lands on which the discoveries have boon made, and intend shortly to commence operations. That gold in small quantities exists in much of the rock in this section of country, has long been known ; but that it ex ists in sufficient quantity to make its extraction remunerative, as now ap pears to be the case, is somewhat start ling, and may mark a new era in our progress.—Mount Union Times. m_Peterson's Magazine for June, is an unusually fine number, even for this popular and elegant magazine. It has a beautiful steel engraving, "The Wild Flowers in the Wood;" a sphindid mam moth colored fashion plate, with five figures; a colored pattern for a tobac co-pouch; and about fifty wood engra vings of dresses, bonnets, collars and cuff's, children's fashions, baby's shoe, patterns in embroidery, smoking cap, &c., &c. The literary contents main tain the high character of "Peterson." That poWerful story, "The Long Jour ney," is finished. Mrs. Ann S. Ste phens' fascinating novelot, "Married by Mistake," is continued. A capital article on "The Laws of Croquet," is alone worth the price of the number. This is a time to subscribe, for a new volume begins with July, though back numbers from January may also bo had, if subscribers wish to commence with the first of the year. "Peterson's" is the cheapest of all the monthlies. To single subscribers it is but $2,00 a year. For $B,OO five copies aro sent, with an extra copy to the person getting up the club. Address C. J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut Si., Philadelphia. The Little Corporal for June, Contains Education, by Horace Gree ley ; Wishing for Wings, by Mrs. Bug bee; The Bear's Don, by Mrs.. Miller ; Childhood Dreams, by Luella Clark ; Science for Children, by Prof. Hooker, of Yale College; June, by Mrs. Miller, with Music by Geo. F. Root; A Lesson in the Woods; Welcome June; PrivaLo Queer's Knapsack, with Picture Stor ies, Puzzles, and other choice original articles. A now volume of this Popular Juve nile begins with the next number. All who subscribe before July Ist will re ceive the Juno Number free. The price of The Little Corporal is Ono Dollar a year. Sample copy, tell ing about beautiful Premiums, to Clubs, ten cents. Address ALFRED L. SEWELL, Publisher, Chicago, 11l Early Vegetables, Received from the eastern markets and for sale every Wednesday and Sat urday mornings at LEWIS' FAMILY GRO CERY. CHOICE POTATOES 300 bushels choice planting and eat ing potatoes,—Prince Alberts. Moni tors and Peach Blows,—from the east, for sale at LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY. Beautiful 217 VW St yl e of Wall Paper All who intend to do papering in the spring or summer should measure their rooms and select their paper early from the large and splendid stock just, received at Lewis' Book Store. - 1 - 1 EA FNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIM treated will, the utmost success, by J. ISA ACS. 6t. U.. OcAllst and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Llollenti,) N. 619 Pine. street, Phil..delpltia. To.ttmoni• RIR from the most reliable sources Mille city a..d c lin try can be eeen at his office. The MaiCRI faculty are In vited to accompany their pal feints, as be has no secrets in his pectice. Artificial Eyes inserted without 1011i11.- No charge for examination. myS-lybat MARRIED, In Altcona, on the 9th inst., by Rev Mr. Tweed, Mr. G. A. CHRISTY, of Gal litzin, Cambria county, to Miss CATHA RINK A DANS, of Huntingdon county. MARKETS. 11=2 PHILADELPHIA, Slay 25,1667. Superfine Flour at so,oo®lo, extra at slooll,so,:fancy extra family $1.141:,00, and Pennsylvania family $l7O 16,60, and fancy brands $14,10@1.7,60 according to quality Rya flour $8,50@8,75. Prime Wheat:is scarce here. Choice red at $3,0003,30 white $3,30041,60. Ilye at $1,7001,73. Corn 1,20 to 1,23 Oats at 75002 c. Barley malt at $1,60. Clorereerd $10,255(612, according to quality; Timothy at $3,25@3,58; Flaxseed $3,0003,05 per bushel. PIEI'BEIIEOII, May '2s.—Flour.—There is a fair demand. Wo quote sales of spring wheat Flour at $1.1,60014,75, winter Moor at $13014, fancy at $14,60015. Wheat, winter,s2,l7o,2,7B:und lie. 1 soling $2.8002,85, •Corn from first bands at $1,39. Rye, $1,72 per bushel. Oats 65@70c; ltar'ey $1,00 5 (0110. Shoulders 10c; sides 124 e; hams 15!40:.0c, Lard 121..1c. Potatoes, $1,20, Cloverbeed, 'lassoed $3, Timothy $3. Cusesao :Slay 25.—Flour firm; spring extra $112,50@14, Winter, $13,50016,60. Spring Wheat Is at $2,5702,0. Corn 1,01 Oats, 78cts. FINANCIAL. NEW Yon]; May 25.—G01d closed at $1,3734. HUNTINGDON" MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY lIF.NRY itz CO, WHOLE/14g PRICES. • Superfine Flour bl .412.00111 mm yr lb ....... ..... Extra Flour 11,50Illsim, sinolted Family Flour 15,00 . 11uy *ll ton Apple Butter ga110n...1,25 Lard Barley 1 00 Lnrge Onions 11 bus. Butter ......... ............ ...... 30 Mixed Chop Buckwheat 80 Oats Buckwheat Meal, 0 C1T1..3,50 Onions Seed 11 qt.... Bran 50 ort 1,50 Potatoes 11 bus Brooms tl d0e......3,00©4,50 Plaster per t0n...... ., Beeswax lb . 30 Bags Fl 1b Beans'la, bus 300 Bye Cloversord 11 01 Bye Chop 1-1 Chickens 25 Itye Straw V. bundle Country Soap 10 Shorts 5. cwt.. Corn $1,05 Shoulder Corn Meal 11 cwt..... ..... Sides Dried Apples Thu . o,olrellow Pried Cherries ;,.1 quart....l2 Timothy Dried Peaches to '23 Turkeys Dried Beef "5 , Wheat Red Eggs 151 Wheat White, Feathers?, lb 00 Wool II) Flaxseed $2,1,0 IVA L b PAPER, WINDOW SIIADES AND Greatest variety of veto stylev ncr brought to ths county, RFOT:IVED AND FOR SALE CrIEAT AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE. QTOLEN.—On the morning of the 32oth inst., from Dm stable at t nion Furnace, slorrin township, a SORREL HORAN:, with white mane and tail, ogbt hind foot white and rhigbone, left hind foot corked. The borne is between nix and seven years old , middling thin in flesh. $25 REWARD will be paid by the subscriber for thc, delivery of the horse to Won Furmice, and $5O for the eppreheurlon of the thief. JONA. W. WERTZ. Poet 0,31ce A,1t1r.., Spruce Creek, Moth:100n co.. Pa ?Toy 22, 1857.31 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. • By virtue ofnn order of the Orphans' Court of Mut ingdon county, the undersigned, Unardien of % the minor children ofJamee McMahon, late of West township, de ceased, will capme to Palk Sate, on (Ito premises, On Saturday, the Sth day of June, 1867, The interest of thin nail minors inn a certain Tract of Land situate in 11A1tItliE Towpath', In said county. con- Mining about LVEN ACRES, mid having thereon 121creeted a small two-stony HOUSE. The widow of said deceased will also, on the ~nnt , ,lay, by 'midi° vendee. dispose of her interott i n t h e „,, t d relate, and will join Baia Goat - Mau inn the execution of the ?emery:lMO of the same. '"" 1,—(2 ..b, on confirmation of sale. • JAMES Mlllllll4. myl.s-It G nal-titan. VOTICE.—AII persons having claim," against the Parsonage belonging to the First Regular Baptist Clinreli of Huntingdon, arc hert , by notified to present tiro came, in proper form, at the ollice of IC A. LOVELL, ou or before tha lat of.Jurie 1807. .IAMItB TERRY, N. D. CO11331:1, K. A. LOVELL, Ml[lollooll, May 0, 1807. Trustees. NORMAL SCHOOL, T the request ;F .D. F. Tussey, ..Esq , L i County Superintendent, and in connection with him, the subscriber will commence, on the 3d day of JUNE next, A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION haring spend tau renco.to the studies pursued in our Common Schools. The grand aim will be, by a Montle unfolding end ex planation of principles, to enable the Teachers to under stand what he bag to deal with--the Bindles of the school room, and the pupils committed to his charge. The price of Tuition will bo $l,OO per week. 45 Any further Information may be bed by calling upon or addressing either the County Superintendent or myself. CHARLES A. WYETII . 11untIngdon, May 22,1867.2 e. T o THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF 11UNTINODON COUNTY. tie:fru - 31EN t Application having been made by Boards of Directors of a majority of the school districts of said county, stating their desire to hearensa tiro Hillary of the County Superintendent thereof, you ere respecttully re quested to meet to convention nt the Court Ilonso in Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the3Oth tiny of MAY, 1867, nt 2 o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose above sta. ted, according to the terms of the etplitra eerticn of the supplement to tiro school law, approved the 801 day NI May, 1855. C. It. COBURN, myls-3t Dept. Supt. of Common Schools. FLOUR, FEED, .&C. WE have taken Juniata (formerly v v }MM'S) MILL, near Petersburg, and are prepar ed to furnish FLOUR, FEED AND GROUND PLASTER on 08 reasonable terms as it can be done for the times. 11. M. numun, Miller. Address, Shavers Creek I'. 0., Pa. myls.'2ln , 80X. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES Are now in use and their ynarly sales double all others cambia d. The rise and fAll of numberless machines, heralded na "superior to all slit. so," has convinced the public that it is safer to buy a good artielo of established r , putation and Irons r•opmioiblo panics, than to risk their money in doubtful experiment. Theme Machines hare MORE IMPROVEMENTS, MAKE I,Ez,S NOISE, are MUCII ?TORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE hi operation than hilly Machine in the market. An Comm. ination solicited before making n purchase elsewhere. - - J./JAN.III L. BA lc Kll, F.ccond story of Lthter's new building Huntingdon, Va. Apply to m) S 6m' Brass Musical Instruments FOR SALE. 1 Silver 11 flat Cornet, 2 Brats E flat Cornets, 2 E flat Altos, I IS flat Tonors, 1 Baritone, 2 11 tint Bastes, 1 Bass Drilln. Um above outfit for a Baud will ho sold at very low rates, and those desiring to purchase should avail them. eel yes orthis opportunit,y. Apply to E. W. THOMAS, HootingdonAtulf34( Teacher of Coma Band, 'itTlTEraTk.o GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. \V, opened o on Om nortlienat ...Tor the Diamond an entirely new stoat of the lateat ntyles of LADIES"FRIMMINGS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Which he offirs tr. the public at moderate prices. Ito Ines ul•o an as,rtulont of opting styles of DAM AND PAPS, 1100 P SKIRTS, NOTIONS, W. The ladi, nrP moat cordiallAinvlted to call and exam ine my stock of Trilniaings, collars, Coifs, °loves, &c. I solicit a share of laird ie patronage, suit will n9n every effort to moldy natisMction to those who may favor the with a call. W. P. ItUDOLI'LI. unnting,lon, April 10, 1107. REMOVAL, ROBLEY & MARSH. MERCHANT TAILORS. Itespectfnlly inform their old friends and tho pnl4le generally that they havc . removed to the room adjoining the Post (Mice on !fill street, where they have received n new stock of tho must fashionable mid serviceable DRESS GOODS, Which they are prepared to make up to order in tho most fashionable nod substantial order. Call and examino their assortment of goods fir COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, It afore parchaging elKewhere. They are determined to plea,e CrerjbOdy nplo 1507 IF° "VC 2611.3" NATAL I%TP A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PITOTOGRANY GALLERY On Ma Street, two doors west of Lewis! Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, '66-tf. PO - ilikAtz,..-9,:caciatmog :al al ~~ !~~~ {~^d__t MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. 40 et, CO ..10.00 ...„ 12% . „It Co ~, 2, . 8 . .....10,00 5 .......1,20 M. GREENE, has removed hint . Music Store, to thencond Poor of !Aster's build ing, where he keeps constantly on Mend STEINWAY & StINS' and GA EH I.E'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON k HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM & COS' MELODEONS; Unitas, Fifes, Mites; Guitar nod Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Oniden Chain,Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &c., ,Lo. SHEET MUSIC.—IIe is constantly receiving Iron, PhD ndelphla all the latest musk, which twrienns at n distance wishing. can order, and have sent them by m nil. Also (;ROVER k DAHER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kiwi of veering. embroiders perfectly• sewing Silk and Colton of ell 1(1101 and colors for iliaeitines. Perlows buying Sewing Machines folly instructed in the sine of them. r3Z- Pianos awl Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of the oboes articles are in• -died to coil nod examine mioo before purchnsiog else , whore My prices ore the same Os in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon nppliention with any additional information desired. It. M. (MENNE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. msyS,'67 Second floor of Mister's now brick budding to @ 12 75 (7.1 1.00 ..... ...a 15 pOOKS. AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of nilseellaneotts and Schou Booke—Poolecap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plato nod Fancy nitrelopes—Red, llluo and Black Inks— Blank hooka of numerous pencils, Pocket and Peek Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Slum rata be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A: MUSIC STORE. DARER ! PAPER ! J, Note, Post, Commercial, Foolnrap and Flatrap—a good nmsartment for Halo by the ream, half ream, quire iL sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOR k STATIONERY . STORK ..... CANDIES Of all hind,,, for sale whelp; No and retail at Lawla Coe Family Grocery. - DEST BLEACHED Al ESEIN joalways on hand at CUN,IWA T OHAM & C_ mire .r VERMICELLI., Barley, Rice, Horn y iny, MANS, nt ily 01,7ry. ( H - ASSIFICATION of - MERCHANTS .Ic., in Huntingdon county, by the Appralsor of 3fcr. cant He Taxes, for tho your 1667. CL 183. LIC E. P. Walker, 14 7 00 W. S. Walker, 14 7 00 J. 11. 0 refory, 14 700 W. 51. Phillips, 11 15 00 Wei. Moore, 14 10 00 J. J. 1: :Imam, 14 7 05 J. 11. Kennedy, 13 10 00 Itirutingllunl. James . OwelN. 11 7 001 Batt lot t x Sol fridga 12 12 50 Jno. It. Thuml).,.ll, 1 I 7 001 11,,,t0n (1r,.. 13 10 00iS. R. 3lvtoo S Dr 0.13 10 00 A. Crownover, 13 10 0U IV. IL liarper, 1./ 7 00 Cllssrate. li. (ircen, 1 3 1 0 j° 1:1 4 .7 Cl''. Ueiton, IlcutlelFon, Can, 11 7 00 I'. 11. At 01.1•14.4, 13 10 00 L. G. I. nu er, heed. 11 7 00 T. 71. I: .1. llcklainz 74 7 00 ['owelion Coal Co 10 20 001 A. A .1. J. Gleamon, 10 20 OU A. Ml. Willi:line, 14 7 00 Tool A Hugll,l, 12 12 LO, Matthew Dunn, 14 7 00 , Win. A. Orbison, 10 20 00 I). 14 10 00 1V:0.1:Town, 14 10 00 J. Iltiflky h llro. 14 7 00 1)4r• 11. C. S..m, (get 14 7 00' 14 7 001 .11. an O. & 3 Shocliberger 10 2.0 CO norlb,;Stevelsrt, 0014 7 00 .1. Q. Adm., 14 7 00 A.O. Ewing d Co., 11 15 00 Mope W. S. Milliken, 13 10 001 D. Winiver, 14 7 001 Hunt 7.. l'enter, .13 10 00 0.11. Walkor, 14 7 00 , 311, SP. Ilanigar, 14 0 00 W. P. Rudolph, 14 7 00 Jul., Leistor, 14 7 00 D. Africa, 14 7 00 Henry Roman, 12 12 501 !either & Sons, 10 20 001 11. Greenberg, 13 10 00 D. P. (lo in, 10 20 00 J. 11. Westbro3k, 14 7 00 Wm. Lowis, 14 7 00. Woo. Leoni9, 13 10 00 James A. Brown, 12 12 00 :March & Ilro., 11 16 00 Johnston & Watson 10 20 00 Ilrnry & Co.. 0 60 00 C. 11. 61111ar & Son, 14 7 00 Aaron Steward, 14 7 00 G. Sbanffer, 14 7 00 Rohm & 31iller, 12 12 50 A. L. Lon is, 12 12 60 M'BurneyAlCephorr 12 12 SOIJ. M. Smith & Sons 13 10 00 S. W. Nylon. 11 12 WM'. 11. Ilarpor, 14 7 00 Freedom Iron Co., SSO 00 11. Kooker, 14 700 Jfe.Connellstomi. Jon. M. Douglaw', 13 10 001.1u1n. Brewster, 14 700 States & Wani , 12 12 001 • Markle:burg. • 11. B. 13runitnlIgli, 13 10 00 John G. IloyPr. 14 700 J.B. shoutz, 13 10 001 S: B.Uardncr,s Co, 13 10 00 Monis. John Ikt Co. 13 10 001Isett Thompson, 11 15 00 Sam.S. Wareham, 11 7 00111 W. 1im11103,.1 C,.11 15 00 ../nit Creek. S. A.l lies S 13r0.71 7 00IDi 1T en!mush. During,o 25 00 Etulns& Solna, 0 25 00 • Nount Union. D. Etnire, '0 23 00; 8..1. Devor, 13 10 00 P. 31. 1.1.tr0. 123 001 F. D. Stevens, 14 700 A. llarshbergor, 13 10 09 F. 51'1.zinglklin& Son, 025 00 Saud...Friedley, , 14 7Ou D. 31. 11ring, 12 12 201.7er. Bauman, Orbisolia. Thos. OWtton, 12 12 (J 011). S. nalcor k. Co., 12 12 5) S. P. orr .5 Co., 14 7 001 S.& D. Hatfield, 11 15 0010. Dorsey Green, 12 12 50 Petersburg. Jus . Stevens, 14 7 001.11tR. C. Walker, 11 15 00 .1011o,ton Slewart,ll 15 00ICre9well Soo, 12 12 50 Springfield. D. Lod: r, 14 700 IWelglit Covert, 14 700 Me. 001000 y & CO., 14 7 00 I • Corm.NlPk Pro. 14 7 00:W.11. Brewster, 13 10 00 W. A. Fruker, 13 70 00:W.11. Long, 13 10 00 Elntro Son, 13 10 001 Jos. (1. McClure, 14 7 00' Kepner & Son, D. IL Morrieon, 13 10 001 My ten k Oburn, 14 7Troutwino, 14 7GO Mrs. Myton :on., 12 12 20i W,, iorsmark Miles %entrain', 13 10 001W.Yantrivs A: Co., 13 10 00 1). Bab°ltl, • 14 i 001Jercinitth 110, 14 700 BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES. Grofflns Miller, 6 25 00 J. It. Wearer, II 15 00 13eorao Nolte, 6 25 00 Jain F.clinel , ler, 6 20 00 John Z. Hooker, 02500 IL 11. roger, 025 00 Thomas Colder, 620 00 PATENT MEDICINES. E rtlrltA Selfridgo, 4 5 00;S, S. Smith. Joseph Johustoo, 4. 5 001 John Howl, Venanru or intoxicating liquors p 7 the quart or grunter quantities with or without inorchnnilleo. Win. 0. Kelley, Tool 3: Huglts, Wm. H. Harpor, A. V. Westbrook, 2. Tables, The above is the corrected assessment, after the op mats held nt Birmingham, on the 26th, nod at Hunting. don on the 29th of April, 1907, pursuant of notices given No other appeal will ho granted. 0 ED. W. OWENS, Mercantile Appraiser. NOT - ECK—By nn act of Assembly passed the till, day of April, 1862, it Ia made the duty of the County Treasurer to Rue out all lie...uses not lifted on or before the first tiny of July. Persons having licenses to lift, will save costs by calling and lifting the same previous to that time, ne those not lifted witidn 11,0 time prescribed by law, will positively be placed In the bends of n propur °Meer for collection. T. W. MYTO:si, Co. Tree. Huntingdon, May 8, '67—it. It. ROBLEY. OEO. r•. MARSII TELL PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS - FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WM. MARCH & BRO. Respectfully inform the public amorally that (boy have just received a largo a n d splendid stock of geode at their store In Huntingdon, cmsisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WAIrE, LADIES' FANCY TRIWIINGS, HOOP SKlRTS,BoNtsrwrs, BUTTONS, WOOD AN WILLOW WAIt B, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACK ERS,-NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, Also CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is usually kept in a first elms store, all wield, were bought low for cash and will sold ut correspondingly low prices for caste, or. country produce. and request the public to give us a call beftre purchasing elsewhere, feeling Satisfied we can offer supe rior Inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit rho patronage of all. null Cho public are cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi ses. Minting,lon, ap. 16, IRGT SPECTACLES . - k- A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS BOOK STOAT'. EVERYBODY MUST LIVE! CALL AT LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY. The best of everything will be constantly kept on hand and sold nt tins lowest prices possible. Quick sales and profits.mnli ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The undersigned haring now entered Into the ail i Alexandria Brewery, the public ore informed orders on the shortest a notice. TttOti. N. COLD.FII., Alexandria, Oct. '23. MBA f. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinan of country produce taken in exchange for Goods at Lewis' Family grocery-, IFYOU WANT the BEST SYRUP, er . o to CtiNNTN4(AM C.,1101W3. Alexandria 122 EM WM BEIM IL A bllm 14 7 00 14 7 00 (1, t:, BIM H. Denford, ,Dr. W. 13. Icoborts, 14 7 00 I.losepli M. Uncoil, 12 12 00 Itoakirt, Deo. & Co. 13 10 00 Goorgo Moors, ID 10 CO D..T. Logan, 14 7 00 Mortin, 14 7 OD (loud: 14 7 00 Cuok,Slioeri. 3 Co. 13 10 00 'Rouse S: 0 rissingor 12 12 30 James Cleo, 14 7 00 M. G. !Cooney, 14 7 00 11. A.llontar4t, 14 7 00 Laird& Cu, 14 7 00 well. J. T. Shirley S Bro. 14 1 00 n.gdon. lA. C. Clarke, A gt., 14 7 00 D. McCabe, 14 7 00 H. N. Greene, 12 12 50 Wallace k Clement, 14 7 00 li. Siren., 14 7 00 G. W. Ellin, . 12 12 70 W. K. 1101101, 14 7 00 J. C. Blair. 14 7 00 Con'ng'ma, Carmen 11 15 00 II 7 40 00 What . tom:Maguire, 10 20 00 N. B. Corbin, 14 7 00 llrin. Summers, 14 7 00 .0. S. Smith, 13 10 00 (W. Africa, 14 700 John llagry, 14 7 00 Wm. Long, 13 10 00 Stromlo & Iree, 13 10 00 Glazier & Bro., 13 10 00 Janice Iliggen. 14 7 00 P. 11. Akers ,11,:ilter 14 7 00 Fli=ZM 9 25 00 BM ,Shirl y bu g Idtt y Totvnthip MEI 4 5 00 a 10 .00 Cartlmola. V. 5 cot Carbon. $23 OUpluttilow Dunn, Jack3on. $25 COI DILLIARD SALOONS. $2 00 $4O 00 FISH, SALT, &c., &O. =I ZlPabtlpi2ilt abbertiuntents. AGENTS WANTED FOR • GENERAL L. C. BAKER'S, History of the SECRET SERVICE. This work Was announml Santo than a year ago, but owing to the attempts of the Government to suppress it, Its publieation was delayed. It will new be Issued. UN ALTERED and UNABRIDGED, UNDER the SUPERVI SION of GENERAL BAKER. These marvelous narra tives are all attested by the highest official authority. The MORALS of the National Capital are THOROUGH LY VENTILATED, and there are some STRANGE REV ELATIONS concerning BEADS OF DEPAItTMENTA, Members or Congress. FEMALE PARDON BRO- K.EItS, and distingnished military charaetern. Fend for Circulars and see our terms,and n full de scription of the work. Address:P. GAIIItETT .fk CO-, 702 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. May I,lm. BEAI_,E'S Late Powell's Embrocation, For all Diseases Incident to HORSES, CATTLE, and the HI/MAN FLESH, Requiring the use of an External Application. This new Compound, prepared by a practical Chemist havlnga lull knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into Its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the hind ever yet offered to the Public as an external application fur the diseases for which is is recd unmounted. Ire ore satisfied that it Will work its own rood into the confidence of all who use it, and those who try it once will never he without it, and therefore we rely on experien:e as the best test of its use. fulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who have tried It to be the host application ever used. This Em brocation has neon put up for over eight years, and it le only through the increasing demand and urgent request of any friends and the Public that I send it - forth as the grand remedial :vent for the various diseases to which that noble and maul animal, the horse, is subject Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forme, some of these are injurious, others at best of little use, and many wholly improphr to answer the urpmes for which they are recommended. - • • .. A judicious and rainy useful composition, free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen echo have valuable horses; and are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pretended Farriers. Their,wislies are nt length fully gratified, by Dr. Beale being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Embrocation (which has proved en efficacious to,the varj oue diseases) to be prepared and broiight out to the pnb it.. This Embrocation was extensively used by the Oovarn-• mcnt dnring the war. Address all Orders to Dr. EDMUND BEALE, £O2 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store, and by . Store keepers generally. may I, 'O7-om. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND 3. W. Bradley's .Celebrated Patent 301.1.1,1423-15 r. Me.l3.ll.l:Etiet or Double Bpiing, The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and plea. sure to any Italy securing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will Lc experienced particularly In all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars. church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy n sunlit place as easily and courts n`ently as a suit or muslin dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline, not Masai In any single springakirt. A lady having enjoyed the please o. comfort, and groat convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day, will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. For children, misses and young la dies they are superior to all others. . They will not bend or break like the single spring but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape whim three or four ordinary skirts will have heen thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with cobble and twisted thread. and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, dc. The Duplex Elliptic is a gient lavorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Mugs. cities no the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the f 'lowing inestimable advantages in crin oline, viz: superior. quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and econ omy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or dou ble spring shirt, and ho sure you got the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition ho particular to notice that skirts offered as "Duplex" have the rod Ink stamp, via : 'J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs' upon tiro waist band—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to ho fossil in any other spring. For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States - and elsewhere. . _ . • •. . ,7•ltinufaclured by tho sole owners One patent. NY SSTS, IMADUY & CARY, Innyl..3ln) 97 Ch embme and 79 391 Reads Ste., N. Y _E'DICAL DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, M'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. laFor the bonefitof those proposing to undertake Electrical treatment for diieases we give in the following list a few of tlio more prominent and most common complaints met with in our prat, ' lice, in oil of which we are most suzcessful. Its • NEARLY ALL CASES OF CHRONIC DISEASE, ELECTIMCD ETY IS A Stine REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES BENEFICIAL, IF PROPerLY APPLIED. Those, therefore, afflicted with complaints not hero enumerated, need have no heeitation in applying,ond whether only namar, or a PERMANENT Cone can he effected, they will receive replies accordingly. All commuutcationc I free. 1 Epilepsy, Chorea, St. Titus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Lock-Jaw, otc. .2 sore Throat, Dyspopsia,Diarrlima, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (whore not enemy' by °roil& disease of the heart,) Bronchitis, Pleurisy ? Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption in the early stages, 4 Gravel, Diabetis. and Kipney Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago ' Sti ff Neck, Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases, Cancers, To' more; (those last named always cured with out pain, or cutting, or. plasters in any form) In a word, vie proposo to cure all curable din -o.lfie9. We have no connection whatever with any other Electrical office in this or any other county, All letters address to WM. BREWSTER, AL D., DlcConnellstown, Pa. MB CHEAP GROCERY STORE. "37M.1%1 -1 30.1EML, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. • THE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers a largo and as sorted stock of Groceries, Provisions, &o. He 'feels salts• fled they ca , be accomodatcd with anything in his lino. Ills prima are low, nod his stock frosh aud tie loops the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT,. TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, - '. • JUTS & CAPS, &e A rso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, • And NOTIO NS of every kind A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS WARE, and all other articles kept in a well regulated establielt meat for sale at reasonable prices. At - 0 - Ills store is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Bank. and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call aid examine. Z; YENTEIIt. Matti ugdon, may 8,1867 lAINIBER SOLD ON COMMISSION. S. E. IIEN RY CO., Ara receiving all I< hid, of I,UMBEI, compricing all the different grades of BOABDS p1A.6111 STUFF, au' NT AND LAP SIIINGI,ES, PLASTERING LATII, pI,A SR, WORKED FLOORING, IV FATHER BOARDING, • FENCING, • RAILING, &0., Nvill he soh] nt prices at the mill, with height a tied. nu 7 TO THE LADIES. - The best assortment of 1 4 1 II TIC SKIRTS, Just received this day from New York and for sale at the cheap cosh store of WM. MARCH A IMO. A splendid assortment of LADI DIZP:SS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS Jost rereisa thin .lay irons New WYork M nn A B d forOIT onto cPerip M. & of [sony72 T AILORS WANTED. WANTED LITMEDIATELY, 2 FIRST-CLASS TAILORS. IMSIIM!! ROBLEY" & MARSH, .3 ler ch ant Tailors, Huntingdon, tenon Iva. I r xvand LLOW OE DAR WI ARE y T fur sal,' 4t LE IV S Fantily:GracerY. FISH. FISH. Bent AJACKEItIM nod HERRING for tale retail a T.twis Fanti!y oroecr,y. VLIARTOI\ &MAGUIRE, BILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Dornestk HARD ARE, cream, AG,, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, RUItIjERS : ,• and buyers generally, S 3 Invited to the fast that tci aril • now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C.,, than oan be found elsewhere in this pert of the State, at prices to wait the Mime. Our etocircomprieee all articled' in this Rae of business, embracing a general assortment' of TOOLS and MATERIALS sued by CARPENTERS,' BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS' JOINERS, Al„ At., together with a large stook of Iron, Steel, Hails, 'Splices, Railroad Mut- Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope; Chains, Grindstones, Circular, 11111 and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excollent assortment of 3P.11.3a0 C3utloi y, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, MB - ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA dc SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved pattern; CONSTANTLY ON BAND AND FOR SALE AT JUNO - FAG TUR . ERS' PRICES', CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general emeortment of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Atoneable Irons, Pal tent and enamelled. eother,. Whips, Tongues, Sop. • kets, aap, (se, 3 ESXJALC: 3 g3IEVNICIM'MCGII Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & tool CARPENTERS Wilt bad is our establishment a superior stock or PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, -HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &0., &CI MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AND 3110V.HLS. F 11 2%X*3=1.E35•13 Can be accommodated with everything intheir itna from a Grain Separator to a. Whet-stone. 131.1iLic1.45z-ms Are especially invited to call and oxen:dna our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compere our prices with others, Agricultural Implements, Comprising the (amour; Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, RundeWe Pirat Premium HORSE . PITOLIEOII4, 'Sakai!, gicpbes, Noes, Urty Forlu, Trace and Halter Chains. /mash Chains, 00W Ties, • Curry Combs, Cards, &0., &a, A. Among the specialties of our Howe, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, Tha exelasiveright to sell which is rested In us. Baud fbr aelreular and get full particulars of same, and matey yourself ofits superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all aim and doscriptlops, ipcluding, Tea and Counter ScalCs, Platform Scales, • Grocers' and bruggists' Scales,, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans.. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Sca/04 FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS 4 CASH PRIC::S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, • ver of io thts A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES, ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, Om keg. Very low I Dept Norway nail, rod, bar on hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sized and descriptions, WA.GON , BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE, Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very taw figures? trh— A call is respectftilly solicited, fooling confi dent that our gooli owl prices will not fall to *WHARTON & MAGUIRr, Ilpnciagdon. May 7, 1667.