The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 29, 1867, Image 1

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Per ILIIIIIIIII in Chill ea,
Six irionth,
three months..—.
TERMS or Anyrirrxtt3mc
One &pare, (101i9es,)or less.s 75 $1 25 •TI 50
Two squires 160 2 00 - 00
Three squires, 1 2 25 3 00 4 00
3 month.. 6 month.. 12 months.
ine.sinare, orienn.: - ...t ..... $4 00 $0 00 $lO 00
£WO eqoaron 600 • 900 lb 00
.Thtee cfuriris; - - - 8 - 00 12 00 -^0 00
'Font. nquaron, 10.00.,...,....10 00 .5 00
aalf a column 15 00 ` 20 00 '6 00
One column . ' .'
0.i.-20 00..-. ' 15 00.— .. : . ..60 . 00
Profennional and Bustonns Card, not met:ending nOn linen,
'O year ......,......, $5 .0O
Adrniniitratorn' and Ex - contort.' Noticen, - 12 bo
Audit are li'otless, ' 4
~ - 2'oo
Z., rar,or other nliblit nitre:pm-
.. 1 00
Hoes of botrmil malts a eqiinre. About
el~htrde catrerttlitan itne:nio that any person eau ea
sily a square in roanuer.x , pt. •
adrectiserurote not marked with the number of Inger
torts &aired, will be (*flannel' 411:forbid and charged nr
sording to thole tubas: , •
Our priers for Olt reciting. 6flllanks, Handbills, etc.
A toilet dellabt. Superior to any cologne, need to
laethe the face and person, to render the, skin toft and
fresh, to allay Inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
healache,,Ec. It is mannfactured from the rich southern
3lagoolia,and la obtaining a patronage Unite unpreceden
ted. It to a farmite with actreseis and opera plugerm. It
to sold by all denlira. at $l,OO in large bottles, read by Do
-tuna Barnts & Cs., New York, Wbolcsalo Agents.
4,lrate9a Siring Water, sold by ill Diugglata.
S. T.---1860---X.
Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weakness,
leecitede, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, die
tree. after eating, torpid fever, constipation. Le.. deserve
to sutler if th•y will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
BITTERS, which llig now recommended by the highest
medical outback/Wend are warranted to produce an im
mediate beneficial effect., They are exceedingly agreeable,
perfectly pore, and must supersede all ether tonics whore
a healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They parity, strengthen and Invigorate.
They creates, healthy appetite.
They are an antidote is change of water and diet.
They strengthen the system and enliven the wind,
Tbei preyLt miasmatic and intermittent foyers.
'rhey purify the breath end scidityof the stomach,
They care Dp.pCIAIR and Constipation.
They cure Lrer Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They make the week strong, the languid brilliant,
and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the celebrated CalPayst Bark, wintergreen,, roots and herbs, all preserved In perfectly pure
Et. Croix rum. For puticulara, gee circular. and testi-
ITlollin In around each bottle. .
Beware of impostore. Examine every bottle. Fee that
it has our private 11. B. stamp Unruntilated over the cork
with plantation acetic and our signature on a floe steel
plate eide label. d
d Eee that our bottle le not refilled
with spurious aneleterious stuff. sir Any person
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
bulk, is all Impostor: Any person imitating this bottle,
or selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantatien Bitters or not, lea criminal under tea D. E.
Lew, and will be co prosecuted' by sm. 'the demand for
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladles, clergymen, mer
chants, de., Is incredible. The simple trial of a bottle is
the evidence we p,eeent of their worth and emperiority.
Thor ore sold by all reepectable druggints.grocers, physi
cians, hotels, saloon., steamboats and country stores.
Saratoga Spring Wass, sold by all Druggists.
nave you a hurt child or a limo horse ? Use the Mex
ican Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burns. swellings and reared breast.,
the 3icsimin !Mustang Liniment is n certain cure.
For rltcuinist Ism, neuralgia, stiffjoiuts, stings end bites, le nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment.
For spavined horses, the poll evil, ringboue end sweetly,
Oho Mexican Mustang Liniment never tells.
For wind-galls, scratches, Lig.licad. and splint, the
_Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold.
Cuts, bruise, lil.lll/1 end swellings, are co common
and certain to occur in every family, that it bottle of this
Liniment is the best investment that can he wade. •
It is more certain than the doctor—it coves time lu
sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than the doctor, end
should never be dispensed with.
"In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over and
scalded my hands terribly. . s s The Mustang Lini
ment extracted the bale, canted the bonito heel rapidly,
and left very little scar.
CHAR. FOSTER,:I2O Broad street, Philoda.
Mr. S. Litch, of Ilydo writes t •9ly horse woo
considered worthless, (oparlo,) but slate the use of the
Minaang Liniment, I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin
iment is doing wonders up here."
MI genuine Is wrapped in steel plate engravings, sign
csl, G. IV Westbrook, Chemist, and :aro tins the private
U.S. stamp of Demos Barnes f, Co., over the lop.
Look dosdy, and be not deceired by counterfeits. - -
sold by all Druggists at 25, 50 cts, and $1,411.1.
Suratega ,S . pring Water, sold by all Druggists.
it , a mast delightful noir Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
It rashes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair turning gray and falling um
It restores hair upon prerniUrely bald beads.
This is,' net what Lyon's Kathairon will do. It ispret
-4-41. cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the
load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily inerea•
'dug, until there is hardly a couittry store that does not
;:erp it, or a family that does not use it.
E. TLIO3IA9 LYON, Chemist, N. Y.
Saratoga Spring Meer, sold by all Drugvists
Yfha would not he beautiful t Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble purity , and &s
-tingers appearance we observe npen tbo stage and in the
city belle/ It Is no longer a secret. They use ilegan's
Magnolia Balm. Its continued use removes tan, freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from the face and hands, and
leases the campleilou smooth, transparent, blooming and
ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, It commies no mate
rial injurioas to the skirt. Any Druggist will order it for
you, if not ou hind, at 50 cents per bottle.
W. E. EAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Chemist.
Demas Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents,N. Y
:31.1. - ga Spring Mfrs, sold by all Druggists.
Ilelnictrett's inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dyo. MI
instantaneous dyes aro composed of lunar caustic, and
more or less destroy the vitality nod beauty of the hair.
This is the original flair Coloring, and Into been growing
in tavern's.' twenty yearn. It restores gray hair to its
origirial color Ly . gradual absorption in a most remarka
ble manner. It Id UISO II beautiful hair dresslog. sold in
two sires—SO cents end sl—by all dealers.'
' • "•• •
Solicit accounts from Banks. nanlcors 1c others.
nllowctl on Depo,ita. Ail kind:, of Securities, bought
and .Itl for the usual 'couniii.ion. special attention
given to Government Securities. Collections made on
all points.
Persona depositing Gold and Silver will receive the
C.lllA3l6l'itliET, Chcwist, I .11110 in return with interest.
Oct. 17 1566-tf.
Saratoga Sprin.7 Water, mold by ,
nil Druggists.
ICI or runt Jetltlre atNarn—for
lion. Nayarit,. Heartburn, Sick Ileadrcha, Cholera Wants,
Viatokncy, /cc., where a warming stimulant is required,
ra verrful preparation and entire purity make It a cheap
and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every•
where, at 60 nettle per bottle. Ask for —LYON'S" Pura Lx,
tract. Take no other.
i B a rato 3 “ Spring Mier, avid by all Druggists,
A All the above articles for sale by 301:1S READ
f ed E. SMITH, Itnutingiluu Pears,
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42 CO
. 1 00
Jn R. R. R. WIESTLING most respect
/folly tenders Lis prnksaional services to the citizens
of Ilunthazdon and vicinity.
Office that of the Into Dr. Snare. mc111343-.
Haring Permanently located nt Huntingdon, offers
tun profemsionnl genices to the colt ttttt Inity.
Omen, the same or that lately occupied by Dr. Loden
on Hill threat. 0p10,1866
[)it. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his
prormionnl services to the citizens of Huntingdon
And siriotty. OShne on Hill street, one door east of ltetore
Drug Store. Aug. 2,3, '55.
Iles removed to the Brick Ron• opposite the Court liouio
Aprill3, 1859.
Mrs removed to opposite the Fronklin
Muse in the otil Lank bulling, Mil a tree t,'lluutlng.lon.
April 10, ISM
Tho undersigned respectfully inform tho citizens of
fluntingdon county and the traveling public generally
that they have lensed the Washington Mouse on the ror•
Der of Hill and Charles street, In the borough of Hun
tingdon, and aro prepared to accommodate all who may
favor them with a call. Will be pleased to receive a liber
al share of public patrOLifige. •
May 1, T.i—tf. •
TIM subscribers having leased this
uoto, lAtely occupied by Mr—McNulty, are prepqred
to accommodate stmugere, travelers, end citizens in good
style. Every effort shall be made on our part to make nit
who atop with u• feel at home. AULTZ & PEg,
t0ny2,160.; Proprietors.
smaiatixigoacmx, Pmt,.
IHAVE purchased and entirely ren
°fated the large clone and brick building opposite
the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it
for the accounnodation of the traveling public. Thu Car
pets, Furniture, Beds and Betiding are nil entirely new
and first class, and I net safe in saying that I can offer ac
commodations not excelled In Central Pennsylvania.
4rsi - -1 refer to toy patrons who have formerly known
me while in charge of the Broad Top City Ifotel and Jack
son House. • JOSEPH ItIORItMON.•
Lycomind Idlntnal Instance Company.
llnitmgdon, May 8, 1.867
° Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of
s' ! I 2TjeALT. ‘l3MMiti.
Next door to the Franklin Ironer, in the Diamond.
Country trade supplied. npli '67
wATCHMAK ER, Successor to Ceo. W. Swartz., L.
ai opened at hia old Fauna on [Fill street. op
posite Brown's hardware store, a stock WWI kinds
r o ;
of goods belonging to the trade.
Welch and ilock Repairing promptly attended ' !A
to by practical workmen. •
Huntingdon, April iO-Om
Prompt attention will he given to all legal business ell.
trusted to his care. Military and other claims of sot
diers and their heirs against tho State or Government
collected without delay.
the Brick How, opposite the Coast House
Prompt attention given to-all legal business entrusted
to 1)11 care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
the Government collected without delay. selT66
Office on Hill street. HUNTINGDON, PA.
prompt attention will be given to the prosecution of
the claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Gov
crassest. au22,1866
Olfico on Bill West.
Soldiers Claims against the Government for Pack Pay
Bounty, Widowa' and Invalids' rensionv attended to with
great care and promptness. tny29•ly
The name of this firm has bean chang
ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to
under which nnmo they will hereafter conduct their
practice as
PENSIONS, nn,l all claims ereolcliers and itoldiers' bark,
101.1 the Government, will be promptly prosecuted.
May 17, IS&'-tf.
ALL who may have any claims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and
Pensions, can have their claims promptly collected by ap
plying either in perm or by letter to
W. 11. WOODS,
Attorney at LaW,
11untingdon, Pa,
August 12, 18.63.
./7111.1 11APP, S. 11, WOODS, P. N. DM, R. P. WIAtIO ULM
JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers,
Plain and canvas sugar cured Hams—the best in mar
bet—whole or Sliced, for sale at
Lewis' Family Grocery.
It you want your card neatly printed on Covet
apes, call at
L/A SS I E RES.—A choice lot of
black and fancy Pnr,irocres nt
,[ aholoalc avil retail. at
Je:lling off et sreatly reduced prlro,, •
(c 61.trbt.
Do not trust him, gentle lady,
Though his voice ho low and sweet ;
Heed not him who kneels before you,
Gently pleading at your feet;
Now thy life is in its morning,
Cloud not this, thy happy lbt,
Listen to the Gipsy's warning,
Gentle lady, trust him nut.
Do not turn so coldly from mo,
I would only shield thy youth
From his stern_ond withe:;ag_po,-
I would only tell the truth ;
I would shield thee from all danger,
Save thee From the tempter's snare;
Lady, shun the dark eyed stranger,
I have warned you, now beware.
Lady, once there lived a maiden, •
Pure and-bright, and like thee fair,
But he wooed; he wooed and won her,
Filled her gentle heart with care;
Then he heeded not her pleading,
Nor cared he her life to save;
Soon she perished—now she's sleeping
In the cold and eilent grave.
Xecp tiny gold, I do sad wiels
Lady, I have prayed for this,
For the hour when I might foil him—
Rob bins of expected bliss.
Gentle lady, do not wonder
At my words, so cold and wild ;
Lady, in the green grave yonder
Lies the Gipsy's only child.
It was towards the elose of a March
day, a few years ago, as I sat in my
office musing over the different cases
spread out before me, when I was sud
denly startled to my feet by the en
trance of a man.
Not beeause a man is an uncommon
sight; but the appearance of this one
made me draw back with fear.
He was about three and thirty years
of age, with a long, narrow face, small
projecting eyes, large mouth, and nose
rather long and inclined to droop. at
the end: His Thee was as smooth as
an infant's, and the few mixed lochs
were brushed behind his ears, giving
him a look of the mildest character.
In size he was of the medium height,
legs not the straightest to be sure, yet
they matched well with the lean, bow
ed arms, which hung awkwardly by
his side.
After this personage had entered he
closed the door noiselessly behind him,
took off , his at and , placcd; it carefully
on the table. Then, turning and scan
ning the room for a moment, he ad
vanced toward me.
"Your name is —, is it not,
sir ?" said the stranger; and without
waiting a reply extended his hand.
"The same, sir," I replied, and un.
ceremoniously put forward my hand,
which was seized with a tight grip,
then loosened, and the stranger sat
himself down in front of me.
"Well, as you aro the gentleman I
desire to see, I trust that you aro at
leisnre to hear my errand to you ?"
I nodded my head for him to 'pro
ceed, for I could not speak. My tongue
seemed lifeless within my mouth, a nd
every moment the cold sweat oozed
out of every pore till I feared I would
fall out of the chair I satupon. Under
standing my sign, he proceeded as fel•
"My name is Walker—Albert, if you
please to have it—and for some 3-ears
I lived out West. But things of late
not going on the smoothest in that di
rection, I went down to mother's. I
found the old lady very sick, and as
there is no chance of her getting bet
ter, she wished me to call (having bean
recommended) and ask you to come
up and see how she wished to dispose
(Aber estate."
"She wishes a will," I managed to
"Yes—exactly, Come at once; a
carriage is waiting at the door which
will soon take us to-our destination."
I had some misgivings at first about
trusting myself with a stranger in such
a manner; but considering that I had
nothing to detain mo at my office, I.
yielded and soon seated myself in the
carriage with the stranger beside me.-
I had omitted to ask whore his mother
resided, and this accompanied with the
thought "I may be with a madman,"
who are so insidious in their doings,
awoke the most revolting imaginations
within me. My companion was loan
ing back against the seat, and from his
outward appearanco I concluded he
was courting sleep. I didn't then feel
at liberty to press my omitted ques
tion. Silently wo rode on, my com
panion in his old position,w bile I leaned
forward and endeavored to overcast
my fancies by admiring the pictu
resque scenery without.
It was just as the sun had sunk be
hind the Western horizon when wo
stopped in front of an old fashioned
cottage, partly hid by clustering vines
and standing back a little way from
the river bank. My companion was
aroused from his seeming stupor by
the halting of the carriagu, and when
the door was swung open by the coach
man he leaped lightly out, followed by
myself'. Up the stoop into the hall I
followed him, and here I discovered I
had forgot my papers. Without ex
pressing to those present my oversight,
descended the stops and leaned for
ward into the vehicle and recovered
my documents. In my endeavors to
bo speedy I dropped part of them on
the ground. I had just gathered them
and was about to rise, when a shadow
was thrown across my path. I turned
sli g htly, and in a sort of cage with
thick iron bars in front, I beheld t h e
torm of a woman. Calcthiog my eye
she, thrust her arm through the bars
and pressed into my hand a piece of
paper. I was about to give vent to, my
surprise, whey: seeing her fingers Press-
IN, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. 1867.
ed to her lips, I chocked myself, arose,
and strode into the house. It was ono
of those comfortable, old fashioned
houses where ranges, grates and dumb
Waiters aro held at a discount. A
bright fire burned briskly upon the
hearth. As I peeped through the crev•
ice of the door I could discern the fa.
voile black kettle swung above the
lively embers and humming its accus
tomed tune in the kitchen.
The hall ran through the middle of
the house, evidently made upon no
contracted principles,for it was exceed
ingly long and fully proportioned in
width. I was now sitting in the par
lor alone, for my companion had gone
In about ten minutes my companion
came in and invited me to partake of
a cup of tea ere I commenced my du
ties. The offer being accepted, we ad
journed to the dining room, sat down
to the repast, and conversed upon vari
ous matters pleasantly. The note I
had received bad almost been forgot
ten, when I put my band into my
pocket and crushed it between my fin
gers. A dizziness came over me for a
moment, and I conversed beneath a
cloud of insensibility; for the haggard
forth of the woman seemed to stand
before me pointing her bony finger at
Walker. Ile perceived the change
and, in an under tone, inquired if I was
ill. "No, only excited and nervous ;it
will pass away soon," I replied. -
Another cup of tea was offered and
accepted, and when I had drained the
contents I turned •.to my companion,
-who, with his elbow upon the table,
was eyeing me sharply, and inquired
if that, pointing to the servant, was
the only domestic around the place.
"No sir," he replied,. casting his eyes
from me to the floor. "I have one
more; she is attending to the wants of
Mother I A hollow voice seemed to
echo through the silent hall, and fancy
sketched grinning Death recording
"She's mine."
Having finished, my companion led
the way up the winding stairs, and
opened a small door a few feet from
the landing. I had followed on tip
too, for be had whispered that his
mother was vory sensitive to the least
noise, and of courso I had no motive to
prompt me bat a desire to follow his
In a few moments we had reached a
cecond door by means of a narrow pas
sage. When the door was opened I
found myself standing in a room, neat
ly but not extravagantly furnished.
year a large windoW stood a side
hoard profusely ornamented with nu
merous bottles, cups, glasses, decan
ters, and in fact all tho Auxiliaries per
taining to a sick room. A little fur
ther to the left was a large double bed
stead; and by the aid of the almost
exhausted candle, 1 could discern the
face of a woman.
My companion called her attention
to my presence, and when I had recog
nized the slight nod of her head, she
thanked one for my kindness in coming,
as she wished my services in executing
her will.
"I have a copy of the manner in
which I wish to dispose of my estate,
and I pray you," she added, "to follow
it exactly."
She then handed me a folded sheet of
paper, and I hastily glanced over the
con tents.
The whole estate, valued at many
thousand dollars, was to be divided
between her son Albert, and Alioo
Brower, her sister. Across the back
in a largo hand was the name "Mary
K. Walker."
I folded it up, and as I did so I as•
sured the woman of my, willingness to
follow her directions.
She turned a little in bed, and us she
did so I thought 1 saw massive black
hair beneath the white which was
combed carolully back from her fore
I choked down the suspicions which
were alive within me, and bent my
car to the woman us she spoke.
"1 bad a daughter, sir, three weeks
ago, but she is no more—she is dead—
I'll be with you, child I I'll soon come.
Yes,"she added, "I'll be with you soon!"
My companion beckoned me; and ri•
sing from ray chair I bid her good
night and left the room.
We descended the stairs without ex
changing words, and walked into the
parlor. Here my companion pointed
to a seat, drew up another to me and
said :
"You see bow the case stands, Mr.
and it behooves you to apply
your attention to this matter at once.
To-morrow, I trust, you can draw up
the paper, and before I bid you good
bye, you will have the satisfitetion of"
—here ho paused, as t if be had uncon
sciously gone too far; but, quickly re
covering himself, he added—"of seeing
all done for the comfort of mother."
Without replying to his remarks I
carelessly asked,—
"Ah, you intend for me to remain
hero all night, then ?"
"Certainly. You could never think
of getting to the city before daylight,
and besides, there is no train mild to•
Under the circumstances, I must
submit to his proposal, and being
weary I was , upon my request shown
to the room I was to occupy, situated
just above the apartment of the seem
ing invalid. •
I bade my companion good night,
closed the door, and then wheeled a
cushioned chair near the window and
sat down diffusing my thoughts
throughout the many channels of the
world's doings.
Thus I sat nodding at the even tick
of toy watch, or stretching myself to
aroiltie me from this inviting trance.
"Ali!' I exclamed, as the thought of
the singular woman in such a singu
lar place flashed across my mind ; and
I plunged my hand into my pochet, and
drew forth the document she had giv
en mu. Upon a coarse piece of paper,
in a cramped hand, were written a
few words, blotted as if the tears of
the writer. They read as follows :
"I am . a prisoner. For God's sake
rescue me—for the sake of my dead
There was no signature, and for a
moment a terrible thought arose in
my mind, and I was forced to rise to
shake off the spell that bound me—
walk, walk, until recollecting myself,
I paused at the window.
It was a beautiful night. The blue
canopy above Was studded with twink.
ling stars, and the moon was just rid
ing up the heavens in all her power
nod brightness. For a few moments
I contemplated the scenery without,
and then turned into the room.
The woman below haunted me. She
seemed to have written to me to re
lease her.
"I will ! I will !" I muttered, be•
tween my clenched teeth, as I pulled
off my boots, took them in my hand,
and swung the door open.
I listened—not a sound. Yes, feet
aro on the stairs, and a light reflects
the shadows of' two men upon the wall
beneath me. I stooped over the ban
nisters, and caught a fading glance of
Walker, ere the door was closed be
hind him. I paused upon the landing,
pondering whether to proceed or re
turn to'my room. A little hesitation,
and then determined upon the former.
With all the care I could command.
I began my descent. It was extreme
ly dark, and great judgment was re
quired to save me from a fall on those
winding stairs. In one hand I bold
my boots and with the other grasped
tightly the bannisters. Down, down.
A loud squeaking noise ,eot my feet
upon the third step. I paused before I
"No one has beard me," thought I,
as I stepped briskly down until I
had reached the bottom. I heard feet
upon the floor, and I slunk into a cor
ner, covered by a column.
The door opened, and Walker, with
a light held above his head, peeped
out, only for a moment, in breathless
anxiety, until all was again still. I
reached safely the main ball, after
forming no clue of the seeming inval
I could hear sharp talking, but I
had no time to listen. My mission was
below. Hero I was in the dark, not
knowing which way to turn with safe
ty. I could now bear the rattling of
glasses and the sound of voices abovo
me; but I had made a discovery, and
I pushed boldly forward toward a nar
row stream of light straight through
an opening over a door. I found it a
little open, and, pushing more, I peep ;
ed with caution within.
Thick heavy curtains hung to the
windows, and all was darkness; only
a smell hole in the outer edge of the
curtain admitted the light, which
shone-through the opening near the
doqr. I stepped softly across the
room, pulled back the curtains, admit
ted a stream of light, which as I mo-
ved,ob, heavens! fell upon the upturned
face of a corpse !
I uttered a suppressed cry, started
backwards, and my knees shook until
I was forced to lean on the window for
support. Regaining more courage, I
made a survey of the room and the
body now lying before me. The place
was neatly; furnished with a plain car
pet several chairs, sofas, tables, a book
case. and several small ornaments on
the mantel. Those constituted all, if
I add an old portrait hanging against
the wall, which resembled the corpse
upon which I turned my attention.
It was the lifeless form of a woman
of sixty•five, very small in size, laid
out to all appearances in the very ha
biliments she wore prior to her decease.
Her hair was of a silver gray.
I now raised the window to make
my exit.
I leaped upon the stops, and trod
safely to the balcony. Looking care
fully around I grasped the column
which supported it, and slid to the
ground. Ones there my heart beat
freer. I put on my boots. and then
sought out my client.
I found the prison, and in one cor
ner, shivering with the cold, sat the
woman. I could not forbear for a mo
ment to study the features as they
were revealed by the moon. She was
a woman of about twenty years, face
pale, and thick curls, falling promis
cuously' over her forehead. Yet with
all the marks of privation, want and
misery defined upon her, there was
yet a look which denoted one who had
seen better days.
Upon the door I made as much noise
as was consistent, till the inmate
awoke, and when she did, she flow to
the place where I was standing, cx
el•dming :
"I know you would come—l knew
it I"
"Hush, hush !" I repeated in a whis•
per. "Be quick. Your safety depends
upon it."
"Safety ?" eho replied.
"Your safety and with it freedom."
Her jot-black eyes sparkled at my
"Where is the entrance?" I asked.
"There is only one, and that is at
the foot of the cellar stairs."
I saw there was no hope in that di
rection ; so seizing a bar lying at hand
I with one desperate effort, wrenched
out the bolt, and the girl was free.
By chance I looked upward and saw
the flash of light, in the room I had
so recently occupied. There was no
time to be lost. I was missed, and
knowing search would follow my ab
senpo, I wrapped my coat around the
wornau and hurried up the road, lead•
lug her by the hand.
She told me Walker waa her brother,
"and yesterday, lie and my aunt Alice
(twitted me with saying that "the old
ll'oulan's dead, and you'll soon follow."
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance
I saw it all in an instant. "The vil
lain!" I muttered,and felt the woman's
hand grasp me tightly as the word fell
on her ear.
On we went till we arrived at a
neighbor's house. I aroused the in
mates, and then, telling our story, the
gentleman called up his sons, and
then I marched boldly back to the
house. Gaining admittance by moans
of a window, we rushed up stairs as
several people dashed out of. the room
"Catch him !" I cried, as Walker
fled down stairs in front of me, and
with one blow from the fist of one of
the sons the wretch and murderer was
laid out lifeless in the hall.
Up I mounted into the room, and
lo I behold the invalid—the dying wo
man standing in a corner, with a white
wig at her feet, and her own black
hanging in disorder round her shoal
dom. She, with Walker, and the do
mestics, wero seized•and in the morn
ing wore marched off to prison.
But now for the sad tale—now to
lay bare the diabolical plot, which en
compassed forgery, robbery, and swin
dling within its folds.
Walker made a confession to the
following effect : That his mother
had died the day previous to my corn
ing, and seeing that the %vitt which she
had made gave him but a pittance of
the estate, he destroyed it, and was de
termined to have ono of his own. So,
by his advice, his aunt answered the
mother's place in bed, and she was to
make the will, and leave it, as I have
related: Thou Mrs. Walker was to be
buried, and when his sister, whom it
was his intention to murder, was out
of the way, he could then show the
will, and he and the deceiving aunt
were to divide. Ho had shut his sis
ter up three weeks before his moth
er's death, and with all the coolnes
imaginable, ho said he presumed by
his reporting her drowned, he hasten
ed -her on the road taster than any
thing else.
The poor girl, corroborated that
part relating to herself; and when I
had given my evidence, a man step
ped forward and produced a warrant
for the arrest of Walker upon the
charge of murder.
murdered a man," replied the
officer, "some time ago, and then es.
eaped to this place. I have been on
his trail a long while, and yesterday
traelted him Core."
The aunt received a severe sen
tence—also, her domestics, accessor
ies to the act ; while Walker perished
as a criminal upon the gallows. The
woman, or Miss Rachel, as I should
term her, regained her estate, and
gained a victory over all they had
done for a will.
One of the deepest and darkest plots
man could conceive to defraud was
brought to light by an unsuccessful ef
fort to gain a will.
"Nay, peak no ill—a kindly word
Can never leave a sting behind;
And oh I to breathe each tale we hear,
Is far beneath a noble mind."
Slander makes its appearance in
various forms. It is indulged in by
both sexes, and no class is exempt
from the pernicious habit. Its com
monest form is that of tattling, which
is certainly the meanest, lowest, and
most detestable practice of which any
cynical libel on humanity could be
guilty. if there is the person more
despicable than another in the eyes of
man, it most emphatically is this de
based and cowardly scab of society.
In England, Charles Dickens says this
habit is confined to. a few old women
who are the fag-ends and refuse of de
cent society; but, alas, it bas become
frightfully common with the American
people. Go where you will, you will
find these fiends in human form. At
the tea-table is a common place for
them to enjoy an exchange of infor
mation. Hero they will unburden
themselves of the load they may have
gathered, and will receive a new car
go, which they will carry home, giro
proper shape, and then scatter broad.
cast. In the bands of these, a story
will undergo about as much change as
a snowball will by being rolled down
a hill. They pass it up, and roll it
down, and when they get through
with it, it is a perfect mountain I
If these . busybodies were to think
for a moment of the injury they do
many innocent members of society,
they might be more careful. But they
never think that titr ahead. It is
amusement for them to enlarge and
misrepresent trifles, and they always
find somebody ready to laugh and en
courage them.
This is wrong. We all should dis•
countenance everything of the kind,
and encourage more charitable con
versations. If you see a fault in a
neighbor, it is not your place to give
publicity to it, thereby lowering him
in the estimation of the public ; but,
rather, by example and kind words,
show him his error, and thereby possi
bly reform him.
"Mildly judge ye of each other,
Be to condemnation slow ;
The very bent havo pit their failings,
Something good the worst can show."
tt-Z•At a Sabbath school "concert,"
held in ono of the prettiest towns in
Western New York, a portion of the
exercises consisted in each scholar re
peating a verse of Scripture in which
should be found tho word lovo. When
it cave to the turn of Miss
beautiful young lady of eighteen, and
"in the market," she was unprepared
with an answer ; but before the exer
cise was concluded she remarked to
her teacher that she had found the
verso. It was
I love those who love tae„ and (hose
who seek 'ill() shrill find rim"
Flscelleni, girl, that
NO. 47,
TI-l_al OE ---- R1
(ho most comploto of no' in the country, and pm ,
the nlnst null& litelitties for ptemptly executing in
the best style, every variety of dot' Printing, meth as
LABELS, &C., &C., &C
Etnivrance Cr:Apits.
An Operatic Drank,
At the police court, one thorning
last week, Andrew A. Soarer replied
to the usual question of `Were. you
drunk 7" as follows :
"Hear me, nor may you hoar in
vain. I was drunk, with extenuating
circumstances. It was not owing to
drams, but to dramatic feelings.. I
went last night to the opera. lam sett- .
sitive, and it Operated on my nerVeS..
"When the • curtain rose the first
thing that I saw was a stone altar—
hilt it didn't altar. Soon two men
came in, The libretto ejahltthey come.
in to gas, and I dare' say that the t
did. I was not affected in the least,
until a young lady came upon the
stage, and knelt at the altar in groat
distress. That touched me. It Was a
"I saw Norma, too. She was trying
to keep peace in the family. The
Gauls were galled by the yoke of
Rome.; it egged them on to fight,
She would not let them. They must
stay at home and not go tp rpam.
"Then I wont to sleep, and when I
woke up again I saw Norma with a,
lamp in one hand and a dagger in tho
'other.. She was looking ferociously at
two children who wore asleep. With .
lifted dagger she approached the in
fants. I wondered what she wanted.
She is after an infant, Isighed.'
"It sheeked me horribly. The warm
tears came in my eyes so that I oould
not see, and my head became dizzy. It
remained so the rest of the ()Veiling..
That kept me from seeing wliat Nor
ma did. Thanks to_ libretto, I know
she did not kill the babes.
"As the opera went on, my nervous
excitement increased It affected my
eyes more than anything else. I saw:
two Normas—or to speak correctly, I
saw Norma and her ghost. They were .
exactly alike.
"At last Norma herself came to dia,
grace. She was tried by the dread-.
ful police eourtand found guilty. Them
her father took a crown from bor. He
didn't oven leave her the customary
shilling with *hich ono is cat off.
black vail was then flub g over her as
an emblem of vales of tears and sor
row she would have to travel throttgh,
Her funeral pyre was then visible.
"That allowed me conclusively that,
the low aro sometimes bettor off than
the high. It was New Year's and I
had only had a pie, while she bad a,
pyre, yet I was the happiest. But
then it was in pah her fitte: She was.
born and bred in Gaul.
"Then the curtain fell, and the ope-.
ra was over. But it had effected mo so,
that when I got in the open air I could
not walk correctly. In fact, I stagger
ed. I bad too much 'Norma.' A po,
]iceman came along, and seemed much
struck by my way of walking. I don't
know why ho should have been. It
isn't a very uncommon way Now
"le asked me whore I lived.
answered, 'hearing Norma.' He he-.
came angry, and told tag that he would
take mo to the tombs for being drunk
and calling him names.
"It is needless to say that ho kept
his word. That is why lam here. I
didn't want to come, for I knew you
would bo busy this'moroing. Tell me
I may go, and see how quickly I wilt
do it."
The Justice.—" You may go upon the,
payment of a fino of ton dollars, I
should like to give you leas, but a per
son who discovers a now method :,o(
becoming drunk is always finod ten,
who drink their ale and beer are very
fond of telling how much nufrinient
they derive from them ! Because they
aro manufactured from grain, many
have the idea that the concentrated
virtues of the grain are in the'drinks.
This is an entire fidlacy : Professor-
Liebig, one of the most eminent chem
ists in the world, assures us that 1,400
quarts of host Bavaria beer contain.
exactly the nourishment of a two-and
a-half-pound loaf of bread ! This boor
is very similar to the famous English
Allsepp's, and our more popular Ant
erican beer. The fact is, the nutritious
portion of :the grain is rotted before
beer can be made; and it thy ferment
ation of the beer has been complete,
Professor Lyon Fairplay , declares that
no nourishment whatever remains in
the fermented liquor; and, as the Eng-.
lish Alliance _News says, "No ebemist
now disputes these assertions; for, ex
cept in flavor and amount of alcohol,_
the chemical composition of kinds
of beer is alike, and brewers must
laugh to hear doctors advising porter
as more nourishing than beer, when
porter is nothing but beer colored by,
burnt malt; and often when hoer ”oes
wrong in the making, and is unsalable
as beer, it is converted into fine porter,
the mere coloring covering mipyr , de ! .
feats !"—The .Nation.
lisrrninattAvk.—lf all the wealth
now sunk in the bottomlCSß pit of in
temperance were, appropriated to tho,
purchase of libraries, philosophical, up-.
paratus, or cabinets of oat if ral bitory; :
if all the time, that, element of price-.
less value, which is now worse thak
lost in the various haunts of dissipa
tion, were devoted to the reading of
well selected books, to lyceum exereisg,
to music, or other social and refining
arts, it would give to society a new
moral and political sonsorium. Ilow
can any man witness without pain this
great deformity, where thwe should be
beauty and divine, grandeur.—lforace
iyo„, flirt resetribloo it dippor at
tacked to al - 13-'11111a: Everybody is at
liberty to drink from it, but no ono,
deciree to take, it away.