fEly Cork HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Aprillo, 1867. LOCAL &:, PERSONAL = To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subseription through the mail or otherwise. . tf. Local Advertisements Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at t..k cents a line single insertion, counting seven 'words to a lino. tf Neve Advert,. is in this Issue See opposite page. e Repaired. 50 per month. Agents Wanted. Dartlison & Co. Sleeting of G. A. It. on Wednesday, 10t1h inst. Gas-consuming treater, J. Reynolds & son; Hardware, Cutlery, Sc., Jas. A. Brown, Huntingdon Ladles' Trimmings, &c., W. P. Rudolph, Aaron Steward, Watchnialier, Merchant Tailors, Robley & 'Marsh, Main et., " - Watches and Jewelry, Henry Harper, Plalada. Perm lownslOpHouatyEmul. ,Pasture Lots for sale in Stapleton. MUT= —Special attention of purchasers is invited to card of Henry Harper in this issue. Watches, Jewelry, &c. —Mr. Rudolph IlleMurtrie has pur chased the tobacco store of Mr. D. R. Kooken —Mr. Aaron Steward has bought the Watch and Jewelry Emporium of Mr. Geo. W. Swartz. See adv. —Rev. Mr. Wilson, the new pastor of the M. E. Church, delivered his in troductory sermon on Sunday last. —The Altoona Tribune has entered upon its twelfth year, and the Juniata Republican upon its second. —The coal miners in Cambria coun ty are on a "strike," and as - a conse quence are creating some disturbance. —Altoona is to Uecome a city before long, having applied again for a city charter. —Fishermen will recollect that it is illegal to fish with seines, nets, and other likg„taokle. —Read the advertisement of Jas. A. Brown, and see what you want in the hardware line. —Now is the time to hunt up'the caterpillars' eggs on the twigs of apple trees, and destroy them. —We call attention to the advertise ment of Robley & Marsh, merchant tailors They have a fine assortment of goods on hand to make up to order. —Wharton & Maguire will, in a few days, remove their Hardware estab lishment to Loister's DOW building on Main street, where a full stock of all articles in their line may be found. —Business men, now is the time to advertise your wares and merchandise. Make a note of this fact, and don't let the spring pass without, giving adver tising a fair trial. —The Hollidaysburg Standard has a female subscriber who has taken that pape'r for seventeen years, inva riably paying for it in advance. Sho ought to get to heaven. —8.31. Greene has removed his mu sic store to the second floor of Leister's new building. Dr. J. E. Greene, den tal surgeon , has also removed to the same building. ‘--The liquor sellers of Hollidays burg and • Lewistown. have "gone un der." No report from Huntingdon, but we think such a change will be lasting when it does come. —The members of the Social Base Ball Club are requested to meet at the tobacco store, formerly of D. H. Look er, on Wednesday evening at half-past seven. Object—reorganization. —Charles W. Ashcom has been ap pointed and confirmed as Collector of Internal Revenue for the district com posed of Bedford, Fulton, Franklin and Adams counties. Glad of it. A de serving man. —Those of our subscribers who see a mark thus j before their names, should recollect that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the pa per continued, they will please forward their address and money. —The new store of Glazier •& Bro. .on Washington street is a neat one.— By the bye, all our stores are gradual.- assuming a city-like appearance, which indicates that fogyism has had its day in Old Huntingdon. —The County Commissioners have postponed the reception of proposals for repairing the bridge this side of Alin Creek, until Saturday, the 20th inst. Builders will see advertisement in this issue, —The new Assistant Burgess and three new Councilmen took their seats in the honorable' body on Friday eve ning last, with Mr- E. C. Suinmers as Chief Burgess. Chief Burgess James Saxton, Councilmen James Port, I. Steei:nnd Writ. Loyis; retire. —A valuable cow belonging to Mr. W. I. Steel was run over by the cars a . sbort distance below town one day last week, and mangled so badly as to be shot to end her sufferings. This is the second cow he has had killed by the cars. —The new supplement to the com mon school law, now pending before the Legislature of this State, contains a provision, which was adopted by the House by a vote of 45 yeas to 35 nays, that prohibits county superintendents from granting certificates to teachers who aro in the habit of using intoxica• ting drinks as a beverage. Right. —Our Democratic exchanges all have their roosters crowing and can nons booming over the Connecticut election. Our Republican exchanges, not to be Outdone even in this, aro do ing likewise over the Rhode Island election. Johns thinks this makes things square until October net. —Myers of the Bedford Gazette, who was rejected by the Senate as Collect or of Internal Revenue, wishes to be noticed by Anna Dickinson as one of the "rejected stones," the next time she lectures. Send her your present address and occupation. You may be sure she will reject your offers. A*.,"•ltead new 4dvertisernente Itnilrond Aieldent The Cincinnati Express train duo hero on Sunday afternoon, while pass ing around a curve, about a mile east of Turtle Creek ; in Allegheny county, ran into a cross tic and rail which had been securely placed on the track, and threw the baggage and express cars, and two passenger coaches down a bank, completely demolishing them. Martin Bratton, ono of the brakesmen was discovered tightly wedged between the two passenger coaches, and injured internally, it is thought beyond re covery. Robert Kerr, engineer, was injured severely on the head and side, and Mr. Wilhelm, the baggage master, was injured slightly on the shoulder. Fortunately none of the passengers were seriously injured. A man named Patrick Monaghan was discovered hi ding behind a fence, who was found to be one of the authors of the mishap. He is represented to be a crazy indi vidual, and has been committed to the county jail several times for :Vagrancy. He is now in the Allegheny prison. The damage to the track has been re paired; and the trains run as usual. Dar" Do you know why Johnston & Watson sell Goods Cheap—Because they bought thorn Cheap. Children out at Night The practice of allowing boys to spend their evenings in the streets, says an exchange, is ono Of the most ruinous, dangerous and mischievous things possible. Nothing so speedily marks their downward course. They acquire ; under cover of the night, an unhealthy state of mind, vulgar and profane • language, obscene practices and criminal sentiments, with a law• less and riotous bearing that is shock ing to contemplate. It is in the by ways after nightfall, that boys goner. ally acquire the education and the ca pacity for becoming rowdy, dissolute, criminal men. Parents, do you be lieve it? Will yop keep your children at home nights, and see that their home is made pleasant and profitable ? And if this is true of the boys, which no ono can deny, how much more necessary is it -that girls should be kept at home after dark. Nothing good comes of their gadding about when they should be at home,enjoying the social influence of the family circle, and thus fitting themselves for future usefulness, and becoming ornaments to society. Another fresh arrival of Goods at Johnston . & Wattson's Cheap Store. Postionst ers Attentions Postmasters who take the liberty of loaning Globes we send to our sub scribers, will take notice that the De partment will be notified of their con duct, and a change had if possible. We are tired hearing our subscribers com plain of the frequent loss of their pa. pets, after they are received at their proper post offices. Men too Radical or too Democratic to support an inde pendent paper should at least be hon est enough not to appropriate to their own use that which is not their own. Ate' Johnston & Wattson sell Alas lins, Calicoes, Gingham, &c., &c., cheap er than any other store in the county. Our Post Office Again Ton days ago Mr. F. 13. Wallace was nominated by the President, but the Senate made short work of him—he was rejected. On Friday last the Pres ident nominated Mr. John S. Miller for the position—he too will be reject. ed or Simon will go behind his pledges to his few friends here. Mr. Ash. Mil ler is still acting P. M. with Mr. "Ike" Hildebrand as Chief Clerk, and a better cannot be put in th . e office. Hope he may stay there. If you want to buy Carpets, Oil-cloths,Window Blinds,Queensware, Cedar ware, &e., go to tho Cheap Storo of Johnston & Wattson. Court Nock. The April sessions hare commenced: There is much business to bo attended to, although little of a criminal char acter. As this is the term that our country friends and patrons attend the best, we invite those indebted to call at our office and square accounts 'between them and us," and also extend an invi tation to those who want the Globe to come and subscribe. =I Our young friend J. Chalmers Blair who keeps the Book Store on Rail road street near the Broad Top depot, will be pleased to receive the calls of old and new customers to examine his large and well selected stock of Books, Stationery, &e. Also, beautiful styles of Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures always OD hand. Give him a call. 1 Pennsylvania Canal The Pennsylvanialroad Compa• ny have sold the main line of the Penasylvania Canal, from Celtimbia to Hollidaysburg, to the Pennsylvania Canal Co, - , and hereafter all hills will be made out against the latter compa ny, and communications sent to the proper officers thereof. Thos. T. Wier man is Chief Engineer, Oleo at Har. ri6burg. =! A. L. Lewis, Liester's new building, is in the field with a large and well se lected stock of spring Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groce ries, Queerisware, &p. A call from the public is solicited. Hear prices and judge for yourselves, whether they aro cheap and olgood quality, etc. It MAGIC Improssioi:Bappr for mp,lo at Lewis' Book Store. IVanted, Mon from town and country, to call at the Franklin Hotpl, Huntingdon, and see the .Patent Atmospheric Butter :Taker. Churns every day from sweet milk in five minutes. Any one, by in, vesting a few dollars, can make from $25 to ,';5O a day. It costs only 30 cents and sells for $3. Counts rights for sale by J. TimmAs, .Agent,-lluntingdon, Pa. lIL Carrot Weaving Valentine Gemrote respectfully in• forms the people of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he is prepared to weave Carpets in the best workmanlike man ner. His stand is on Moore street, nearly opposite Miller's Brewery.— He invites the patronage of his former customers and others. St* EEEK" A . young son of Mr. Joseph Car men, of this place, swallowed some eroton oil, ono day last week, which resulted in giving him some intense suffering. Dr. Neff alleviated his pain by an antidote, and he has re covered. MEM Shawl found on Saturday last on top of Tussoy's mountain. The owner can have it by calling at Lewis' Book Store, and paying for this notice. Seeond-h n d Frame Work of two houses for sale. Apply at Broad Top Railroad office, Huntingdon, Pa. April 3 tf :—Fresh and choice Flower Gar den Seeds for sale at Lewis' .Book Store and Family Grocery. MARRIED, On the 4th inst., by Rev. G. W. Zahn izer Mr. PHILIP FRANKLIN,tO Miss HAit RIET i\IURI{EhLS, both of this place. At the residence of Mr. Sohn Mans berger, near Mmidensville,llu ntingdon County, on the 31st of March, by the Rev. Wm. P. Win bigler, Mr. BENJAMIN MANSBEROER ! to MISS LANINA ANDER soz,r,of the same vicinity. DIED, At his residonco in Norton towns Lip, Kankakeo county, 111., on the 26th ult., Mr. Joni CoLEsTocK, fOrnierly of this place, in the 69th year of his age. MARKETS. El= Superfine Floar at $0,50(810, extra at jr9(5110,50, fancy extra family tirP2Oyrl3,2e, ant Pennsylvania fluidly raid fancy brands $14,b0i&17,L0 according toq o aff Ey . Rye flour i',7,25nr.7,35. - ' Primo Wheat iS Fcarce harp. Choke red at $3,00©3,25 while $3,200.3,25. Bye at $1,2e1,50. Corti 1,14 to 1,11 Oats at s+©73c. Barley malt at $1,50. $10.256.1.'2. according to.quality; Timothy at $3,.25@;3,00; Flaxseed stLuti(ailoos per bushel. PVITSIWRUII, :30.—Flour.—Thero is n i fair demand. Wo quote sales Of F 1 ,1114; a heat Flour iit i t,13,50&13 , 75, winter Flour at fancy at s:o.soetil7. Wheat, 3vinter.i:Latte.:3.lo nod No.l iipring $.2.706,2,75. Corn from first Ilan& at TOO. Rye. $1,15 per bushel.. Oats, IfiilesC.c; Barley $1,00k1,15. Shoulders toe; sides 12t4c; nures 15Wii)16e, Lard 12‘: . ;0. Cloverseed, ::11,511, Flaxseed $3,-Tlinothy CUIVAGO. ::0-I , lpor lino; spring extra sio,an,oo Whiter, $13.5iiiii,16,60. Sp: ing What is at sl,SihlLiiii. Corn 1,03!:5e. Oats, 54!,_a I= Nrw Tons, April G.—Geld closed al $1,33. HUNTINGDON 141ARICETS. CultltlluTED WEEKLY fly HENRY& CO I= Superfine Flour la bl ..$.12.00 Hops 11 lb ....... ..... 40 G. co Extra H lour 12.75i11ani, smoked 14 Family Flour 13,00 'llay 'tl tau 10,00 Apple Butter 13 ini110n...1,25 Lard 1 . 2.1 Barley 1 00 Large Onions 11 bus 1 00 111,E11,110p Butter Bucl.Mie t Muck„„,„:“ meal v . ewt..3,50 , 11c31113 cwt 160 llroomb.V ,137 3,0001,%0 Beeswax 11 lb 3) Beans V bit. Cloversced ji 14 lbs.. —lO,OO Chickens Coo:te) . Soap 10 Onions Seed qt Potatoes 7 6 bu 5......... Plaster per ...... Rags V, lb Ityo N . ° Chop ql cwt....... Rye Straw E 1 bandit, Shorts a cwt 3houl.lor ..... Sides , low 'naafily 'torlieys Wheat 1ied..... Wheat Idle Wool ' , "O lb Corn Corn nea til ew ....... Dried Apples Phu ....... —2,05 Dried Cherries 11 quart....l2 Dried Beaches It 1b..18 to 25 Dried Beef llgga ''o l Feathers IL ID anal Flaxseed $2,251 WALL PAPER, WINDOW SII IDES AND FIXTWI ES, I= Greatest variety off ew styles ' ever brought to the county, RECEIVED AND FOR SOLE CLICAP AT LEWIS' BOOE STORE. SPECIAL NOTICES. IIEA.FNESS, BLINDNESS & CA -7 TARIM, treated with the utmost SOCCOSSI. by .1. lOAACS, M. li., Oculist and Anrist, (formerly of ',plot, Ilo!hunt) No. 15 PINE street, 1 . 1111. A l)A. Testimonial! from the most reliable sources in the city and country, can bp seen at his office. The medical faculty aro invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in bin practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— No rheyue for eyaminatiOn. 1n L2llSGd.ly 'SHIRLEYSBURO ACADEMY, A. SMOOT. FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, - - TEE midersigned gives notice that he will open the I above Institution on TUESDAY, the Stir of APRIL, and continul a term of cloven weelts. This Institution is situated in Shirleysbnrg, Hunting don county, Pa., 7 miles from Mount Union, a station oil tho Penxsylvaida Central Railroad. Shlrleymburg is a quiet anti exceedingly healthy town. Its inhabitants are moral and religious. nail there are few temptations to vice. idleness or dissipation. The course of instruction embraces everything that is included in u thorough practical und accomplished educa• tion of both sexes. For circular and information address W. A.. HUNTER, Principal, Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa., until A Aril Ist; after which at Shirloysburg. Pa. ndai-tf LOCAN ACADEMY, BELL'S MILLS, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. EVERY way a hest class Institution, affording the hest facilitle.i to thus.: preparing, for College, businree or teaching. Whole expense for Summer term of 5 - months $ll5 50. NO EXTRA CIIAIIO Next terra begins May 6th. `'rent for a circular. lie . , 01111 LAWSON, Principal, 516.0.-3m.* Antistowu, Pa. y • Sonietrug New l.(2)) • GLAZIER & BRO. ' LEAVE just opened up tho corner ii_of WASHINGTON and SMITII styes Is, a new and • COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or DRY GOODS, DRESS GODES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE HATS, SHOES ETC., ETC. The citizens.of lltintingdon oral vicinity are hereby tendered tt ntonding ineitatipti to MI and examine one Stock. Our aim gill ei or be, that' complete satisfaction, boll, as regards goods and prices; be given to every pur chaser. GLAZIER & 11110. Huntirgdan,slarch 27, 1507. A LL KINDS OF r.V Q 3 A C C 0 / - 3 L whole.la 112 , d retail, at! CUNNINGHAM. pARMON'S. e4.A.3ExM. 4 a. i k VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND rib nit a mile distant from lin+,lingdun borough. and connecting by a Anil lane with the poblio road leading frnto said,lioronglnup Stone Creek,containing over 09 Alin alinut A 9 thrireof being cleared: having there. on ...tell gent tiro stery D'A l 1111,1 Nit 11001 SE and stable. For Further pat Genial', inrjoire of Feb 27-tf JNI). 11. orAziER. Brass Musical Instruments FOP, SALE. Silver 1: flat Cornet, ll it Corioits, 2 E flat Alto;, I II llot Toners, I lkixilimo, 2 E tlikt Itivisvii, I ti tan Droni. The above outfit for n liaml will lie 0014 at very low rate,, and tboce molt to poiclooie nl,ould avail them svlves of This opportunity. Apply to E. W. IIIONIAS, of Cornet Bantle. :'-OVERNMENT . PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE :;. "/' 4PITKIN &CO. r.. 0110 new and srounl•band Tr.A3LILAIISESS 10,000 IMIDLES and COLLARS. 3.1/00 SA DDLES, all styles—s2,ao to ;IS. • 300 Four Ilurao Govarnmout WAGONS. W A COI' EltS, all tires. now and worn 5.000 BLANK ET - S HORSE COVERS Also, 0 large stock of Reins, Lead 1,I111!1, Whips, 13ug gy and Andsulaneo Harness. Portable Forges, Chains, Swing - 1,4re.. Lead Ilars ; etc, etc. Wheel 11001 harness, little worn, all oak tanned leath er and serviceable, cleaned' and oiled $5 pet. horse or mule, including bridle. Lead do., $4. Wagon bridles $l, cob tars, $1 to $1; extra hair lined artillery vase do., $l,lO to 3 14.ultle Reins, 1,7510 $215. Lrnd Lines, $1 Halters, 6to $l2 per dozen. Officals' new Baddles, $18; will, pla ted bit Bridle, $2l; good as ace, $l2, With sl4' valise addles tar boys, 00. NV‘tvoki Cover,,tolt,lo to tit ntty Wagott, to•avy linen. to vi; suportor cotton duck, Gto $4. 12 oz. dock, io $l2 1,000 he:Tit:o tents, new and good no none, 12 oz. duel:, 14 feet square, 30 to $4O. Moors' A tent, 7 foot squire, from 5 to $l. 10.000 BAGS, from 12 oz. Dock, first quality, 2 bughol, .2,!,!,1m5. Sl2; 2 h.., $ll, per dozen ; second quality, $7,50, $5,60 not $0,50. 4'n Small orders Soot by Express. C. 0. D. . .. - ... . PITKIN & CO • - , No. 337 & 339 Nth FRONT St.. PHILAIYA, Pa. No. 5, Pall:. Place, NNW YORK, . . . N0..1511, NINTH Strout, WASHINGTON, D. 0. rElcu.list scot on applicotiutt. mchl3-2m QUERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of kj writs of Yenditioni Exponas. to no directed, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House. in tin borough of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY, Bni DAY of APRIL, A. D, 867, at . 2 o'clock, P. M., Hio following described property to wit; About tive - aeres of land situate in Joel:sou toWnmhip, Huntingdon-county, Pa., bounded on the nottb by Randall Itiekett; east by Elli 4 Musser Eoath by' homas Watson; nod nest by John Duff; with fraine dwelling house, blacksmith shop, and old sow mill thereon. Seized. taken in execution, and to be 14old as the property of bnumcl YOCUM. the right, title and inter est of defendant in a I root or panel of land rituals in Cass and Tod townships, Huntingdon county, bounded and described as follows, viz: On 11,0 north by lands of James Miller, east by lands ofJames Hamilton, south by lands of Philip Curfnian ' west by Elias MoLain, contain ing four hundred and three acres and allowance, about twenty acres of which is ideated, having a small plank house and stable thereon erected. Seized, taken in exe cution, and to be sold as the property of Wm. P. Schell, NOTICE TO Pubcrisres.—ltirlders at Sheriffs Soles will take notice that immediately upon tlio property being knocked down, fifty per cont. of nil bids tinder $lOO, and twenty-live per cent. of all bide over tbst sun, must ho paid to the: Thera, or the property will be set tip again and sold to other bidders who 'WWI comply with the above terms. If °mut continno two weoltti deed neknowledged - on Wednesday of second week.. One week's court. property knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on the folhuring eaturdity SucniFeN Orrice., Ihrotingtlon, JIcL 19, 1867. N-1:' - -TICE-9 i, i ~~~\. 0 .1.0,( 0 4 1J i ...10 C 70 3 1.50 ...... S 0 EAST TAEIE pleasure in announcing to the 1 fitiZP. of Huntingdon county nod vicinity that they have just returned Crum the ltratt with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, which thoy have just opened out at their mew store, ONE DOOR EAST OF WASIITSCITON UOTEI, Their Bioci condlits of mix GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS,: BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, • FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HAIL WARE, CEDAR -WARE, QU E ENSW AB E, OIL CLOVIS, OILS, PAINTS, &C., DRUGS; , ARPETs, CAR pET CIIATN, FISH, SALr, , CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &;% &c. They Ip:cc I. large fitncli of LADIES' DRESS q OODS, Confuting of SILK'S, MOIL IRS, ALP ACA POPLINS, LUST It 175, OK MID AMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DUL:LAMES, Ac 7, ,te., ' Al, O , 4 rgo ns on inept of I ESS EM 111101 DE I: V, lIOSIIiII , 6LOVES, 1111TTONS, &c. A RJ, LINE (Ib' WHITE (I001)8 =EI All gnnilB d01iv0i . ...1 to rniiiilinii•es in limn and drpnln GiV.! 116 it I Hid bor.), 'hint ingclon. Apt it IF i ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER 'rho undid,igneil having now entered into the 1 1,.; IT t ‘ ll l :; ' l ‘ l ' l ' . 'h n i.: lll - i.i . ;;:; ' .l . ii i ii i-' : ' ,l l Tt bi !i ' il u t r iLi l .9 'n t ' o nfi li . l ' l , h 01.11.1, 0111110 ,horil,t !loth . , `A...St . * . Ttlid3. E. COLDER. „ . Alexandria, ISlit;-rl. I)3IINISTIL\ TOR'S . Mircnon, do-2.41.] Lett,. of Anlin:ni , ttation upon tho estnto of Daniel For urn; inte 0 . 'Carbon toa trzliip, Huntingdon county, dre roo haying been 14.0101 to lire inaludigaed, all persons has log the estilln ale requested to present fliom to Itoand all port.cmi ilpiebted will make i udn,alialss F:5)1110151. • SA 31'1, FOll EM _,50 , • 4datinlateator. CIUNNINGIIAN. S. CARAION ARE tT 01 greatly latlnc.td pi ires. • =I N &'\/ ATTSO = FIRST NATIONAL STORE OM S, MILLER have just meek , - edd at their new storoanother invoice of Ladios and tteutlemen's• • , DRESS GOODS, of the very latest styles, which they aro now offering to the public at the most ressonablo rates. Their stock consists of Silks, French and,American Merinos, Paris and Alpaca Plaids, Furs, DuLaines, Jaconot Barred, Cam bric, Bleached and unbleached Muffins, ClOths, COO mares, Satinets, Jeans, Shawls, Flannels, Calicoes, Hoods, Hats and Caps, Boots nun Shoes, yfood and Willow-ware, Carpets and 011 Cloths, Family Croreries, and the largest and Lent as,ortmunt of Q .E E.NSW A E in "ye ancient borough. All these desirous of getting bargains will not fail to stop In and see us at OM' NOW Stare 801101 west corner o f the Diamond, Fisher's old stand.) Huntingdon, Pa. Ja2. ROHM & MILLER. C - D t= "z_l C ngi "*" E :71 ' E I (...o.) Adk ›.< M o „ rri • z b C=D • IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS. T,.BURCHINELL & 00'S NEW PLANING 'KILL, HUNTINGDON, PA. IIA VING erected a First Class MILL, We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS Of DRY LUMBER, at moderate prices, Wain; AND YELLOW PINE FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, - DOORS AND SASH. ALL KINDS OF BLINDS AND SHUTTERS, BRACKETS AND SCROLLS, sawed to order, WOOD MOULDINGS of every de,cription, TURNING, NEWEL POSTS, sAmismts, Being situated on tlio lino of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal, It It convenient fur shipping tunny part or 11,0 Stale. Tho senior portlier being a practical Architect and Builder will furniA Plans, Specifications and Detail Dravin 6, for all kinds of Buildings. Oil-Orders for work solicited and promptly filled. Huntingdon, March C-3nt • ND P ia crt Pj ..":1 III4!-3 C_'' ‘. _,__ 4 l • ~., . 121 (:::) ( - :• (2) L' tri it tii W `Zg ,.„., ... i•sv rc...7.) ).-I.›. 1-3 (7). .... cp t'''i Oatmeal!" ill - k r - - eial tt -1 -.. - Ix. •••--+ ,---,--,,, .- • k -- A o Pe 0. _ --., p ,.. -,:..:.1 rei.(.. , ) Mtmi e!"''-d %.-? 0 . e'''' ' 6l.••••.a. i-g tt Cr 2 4';-- i IW •••-....> td Fp . ,,.. .._,.- 0 t ~ .1 il 1-- - j -4 El 3 R e V:= cil _ . • F" . ' n s'i •12, • b l i - ''' '..:.?. • 1 6.1 j H ‘_ • ~.... 0 0) H 0 . *1 -e2; 5...0 ‘V 14 ill 0(1 REWARD! epi)ki J. HARRY TY PER DROWNED. The aiIOVO Reward will be paid for the recovory or the body of J. Harry 'ryper, who woo ttccidenlally drowned in Ole llny,down liranelott Hopewell, lictlfot•tl cennty, en the (nth of February hot. Any info motion oldie finding of the body cvvri be left With the undersign...L.or Lloyd Co., at Itopewell, Mr. Eichilberger at r"axten,.l. 'l'. );Itirley et Cove Station, or Globe 01110 t , is Itoptsl the good peoph/ :llutig the Ilrattch will aid tit rcCoVvtittLt . the hotly. 31arch I. 1507 IVICC:0144110 - 1 7 ' ECONOMY IS MONEY - SAVED! The subscriber it permanently located in Huntingdon , z .,,, 5 < and it prcparcil to purchase. or repair in the ) 1 , bout style, nail eNpeilitiously, broken e t , UMBRELLAS ANL. P.-I /LISOL,S'. / 4 \ MI art ieles hitt . ..leg to him 1111 l be returned to the residence of the eivner m5'00011114 repaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at Levis ' iiool, 01000. Illay7,ltit;Oif tI.%I:FENTIMAN. Cant Fruit ad Vogotable3 Always no lutrO at Lewis' Fanaqy Grocery EAT)Y ItECKONER j_k, A conwlete.rocket Ready lieclioncr, in &Alai'o and vents, to which ore alliletl f o ot of NMI'S, Dills, Ito. ceipte, Petltinnn, &e.,logether wifh• a" net of 'tsefol tables folitaining rate of inlfrent (fowl one dollar to twelve thotoo and, by the single day, with a table et wages, rind beard by the week !mil day. li'44 hale 'at LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. FLOUR I FLOUR Tho best Floor, by the: barral or smaller rotaotity for •ate at Lewho Family Grocery. 1867 EYRE &LANDELL, FO CT RTH S: ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPEN isq FO IC 'ERG SPRING OP 1161, 3 cases select shades of SILKS, Fashionable PLAID SILKS, BISMARCK, the new color Silk, Best BLACK SILKS in town, PLAID INDIA SlLKS,yerfect, New Spring DRESS GOODS, New Style Spring CUINTZES, ORGANDIES ot.newest styles, Steel-colored. POPLINS, for suits. N. B. STAPLE Housekeeping GOODS, Fresh Stock CLOTHS, CAS SDIRRES, and TWEEDS for youths. P. 5.-31Eltel IA N T. 3 in search of scarce and desirable goods will find It to their interest to call and examine MEM SILVER'S 'WASH POWDER ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, 111011 TE 7. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT! MIIIII!ErEi!I nichr2o 1 y CONSUMPTION CAN DE CURED TII E TRUE. REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. Upham's fresh Meat Ctire,. Prepared from the formula,of Prof. Trousseau, of Paris, cores Consumption, 'rating Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia; Marasnins, Ceneral Debility, and all morbid conditions of tha system dependent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue as the great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Seat by express. Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 25 South I:IC[1M Street. fe27.-3m . Philadelphia. And all principal Druggists. Circulars scot free. • GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, ore you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries? Do you awake in the mourning unrefreshed and ap preltensive? Hen, procure at once a bottle of Dr, Leon's Infant Jiemedy and you will bare no MOM weary hours : of watching and anxiety. • DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY,„ Has stood the test or years.. Thousands of nurses rind mothers bear witness that it never fails to giro relief if osed in season. It is n mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps sod Windy Paints, 111111 is luvaloable for all complaints incident to Teething, Sold by Drog,iists thronghout -the 'United States. Ad dress all orders to ' I'd ZIEGLER & - SOLE PROPRIETORS, mhaLly No. 137 Nth. Third Street, Flaunt. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ott OwN MAKE" Embracing every new and desirable size, style and shape of plain and trail Hoop Shirts,-2, 2!4,, 2,'4 2 94. 3 , 3%, 3%, 3%, and .1 yards, round every length and size Waist; in every respect flret quality, nod especially adap• tell to meet the wants of lira class and most fashionable trade, • "Oun own MARE"of.lloop Skirts, aro lighter, moro elas tic, more durable and really cheaper. than any other make of either Single or Double Spring, Skirt in the Amer ican market. They nra Warranted in every respect. and wherever introduced giro universal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by retailers, and every la dy should try them. Ask fbr "liopkin'a Own Make," and see that each Skirt It stamped "W. T. 110PKIN'S, MANUFACTURER, 028 ARCO STRUT, PUILAWA." • No others are genuine.— A catalogue containing style, size, and retail prices, sent to any address. A uniform and liberal discount allowed to dealers. Orders by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Winder:de and Retail, at Manufactory and Salcs.rooms, NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PIMLAVA. 4:S• Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASM: ONE TRICE ONLY. =1 ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, SA VES MONEY, SAVES LAI3OR, SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES WOMEN, AND ALL GROCERS SELL • IT. - It is used by cutting into sum]] shavings and dissolving in hot water, then soak the clothes live to ten minutes, and a little hand rubbing trill make them as clean as bourn of hard machine rubbing would do,' with ordinary cony, and the most delicate fabric receive no injury. We con refer to thousands of families who aro using it, and who could not be permaded to du 71nm t DOBBINS' SOAP, Sold by all LEADING GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. WETOLESALB OFFICE 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Philadelphia. likllost Price Pail for Prioto Tallow. .-IFor .4111.3 nt LEWIS' Family Grocery Oct. 15, VEDICAL DA. WILLIAM BREWSTER ! HUNTINGDON, PA, For I lie henellt of tho:se proposing to upilertako lilectrh•al treatment for ilheiases we giro in the I following' list n. few of the more prominent au I ino,t common complaints met with in stir MUG -I I tier., in all of Which we are' most tatzecasful. NEAPLE ALL CASES OF CIIROSIC DISEASE, ELECFRICI ITE IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALI. CASES BENEFICIAL, IF PROPERLF APPLIED. TIIO2O, therefore, alnictedi with complaints not hero enumerated, nerd hare no hesitation in applying,and whether only ra t. IEY, or A I . .LRIISIANENT CtIBE can he • etTheted, they will receive replies accordingly. All communicationS free. 1 EpPepsy, Chorea, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia,, Hysteria, Nervoushasii, Potpie:, lion • pf the Heart, Lock-Jaw, etc. • 2 Sore Throat, Dyspeiila,Di . arrhtna, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoid:, or Piles, Bilious. Flotnlent, eel Puititar'd (Attie, and all affuntions of tht; Liver and SpNun 3 llitaerh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where not caused by erg:1111c dbause of the heartd Pleurisy, 1111eumatisin of the Chest, Consumption In the early stages. (kayo], Diabetis, and liipney Complaints. 5 Itheumatbnp, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Nick-, DiieaFes,llip Diseases, Cancels, mors i (those lair named always cured with- ' oat pain, or Cutting, or plasters In any form), In a worth we propose to cure all, curable dis eases. Wo have no connect ion whtiterer with any other Electrical °thee ill Minor ally Other C 011111)% All 'letters tohlrekis ' MI EWSTER, M. D., jalti .11autingdon, Pa. READ AND• BE POSTED•I TO .21 7 E117. Y I= ,NOVI Furniture, TIIE undersigned would respoetfully timt marmiaolure, and keeps conenntly on howl la - ge Aplontlid . as6ortment of DI N I ND ANDIII. I tI:I .I , Kl' TA DI, ES, BURP:AUL+, Iq:D.STEA NY ASII. AM) CANDIX STANDA IViti.lsor :1114.1143 neat chairs. cupboards, gill and lose. wood mconiding for mirror iuul Orlin - it frames, nail n rnri oty of nrticies ❑ut mentioned, at Efices 11101 vamot foil 4, bn miti•factory. . lie is tilso august for tho well known Dailey & pecarup patonc spring - .Bed - llottom, The public are invited to call and trtunino his stock before purchasing eltiewherc. Work awl salon room on llill street, near Smith, one door scent of Xenter's store. • Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 18 mid canvas How tntred hest in mar ket—wholo or xlired, for sale at 7.ewis' Family Grocery. . SPPING n 11274 t ZIEGLER & SMITH, ("hoists and Whotesate Druggists, No. 137 Nth. Third Street, Philad'a w Jl. T.IIOPKINS iz.c>37.3EliZqe•' VLECTRIC AND AI.(. IN WA NT OF JAMES HIGGINS HAMS. HAMS, NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN HUNTINGDQN.. NEW Goons: 1 7 012 FALL AND WINTER WIVL 'MARCH &BRO. Respectfully Inform the public generally that they have just received a large and spletulld stock of 'gooda their Store in Huntingdon, onalsting in part Of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS: GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNN.Ers, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW TV A R QUEENS WARE, .HARDWARE, PROVISIONS,' GROCERIES I CRACKERS, NOTIONS, • TOBACCO, SEGARS,. . GLASS, NAILS, ISIT, SAL; • &c., ke. Also, CA RPETS OIL-CLOTH, Aim% in fact everything that Is usually kept In a 1111.06ws store, all which were bought low for cash end will sold at correspondingly low pricesfor cash, or country produce. end request the public to give ns a call before purchasing elseu hero, feeling satisfied we can offer siva. rior inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, and thet public are cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promis ace. . . W5l. MAROLI4BRO. Huntingdon, act. 31, 1880. 1867 1867. . 1867 a CLOTHING. ROMAN. • NBYW CLOTHING NOR FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVE?. At • H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE: For entlomen's Clothing or the bestmaterial, and 131.8.114 In tho boot workmanlike manner, call at H. R 0 31 A N ' S, opposite ton Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting. don, Pa. Huntingdon Oct. 31, '66. DEAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS; D. P. °mow . INFORBIS• THE PUBLIO THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A. SPLENDID STOCK of NEW COON THAT CAN'T'LE"I3E4If IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, COME AND SEE. • D. F. GPM . . oc. ta '66., (+I3,EA.T .NTII.USIA.SI4 1.11011 PRICES S RE.4 I I).EIi I . THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. la JOHN H. WESTBROOK 54 Respectfully informec-the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hasjuit received from the city a NEW and splendid stuck of BOOTS & sllogs, HATS k , OAPS, Ifosiery, Shoe .hlindings, Garpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. nil of Which ho Is prepared to sell at reduced prim. A lot'of choice CONVEOTIORRIR3 bait!, also been re, ceived. Itod't forget the old stand in the Dimond. Old custrt mere and the public generally gre lovlted to call. Huntingllon, Oct. ,Ha lyggEqi 3l ntralla J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in .15 .2 eJ Md..11:7" '.O 7Ft. Respectfally invites the attention of the Public to big stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear 01 George Wit Swartz' Vint:attend diosadiy store, where be mantifecturse and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced pripps. Per: eons wishing to purchase, will' do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly andel:tarps reasonable. OR- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Comas made hi any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber lme a NE IV AND ELEGANT HEAARB, and is wpm ed to attend Funerals at any , placa in fawn or country. J. H. WISE. Huntingdon, May 0, 1806-tf fgli _GEO. SHAEFFER . ..//osjost returned from the east with .06144 SYI t ENDID STOCK Q T 43, 4 3/TO Ns, GAITER'S, et , Which he offers to the nispectinn or his• customers and the public generally, lie will colt his stock at the moot BEASONA131:1?, PP,IOES, and those who *purchase once will surely call nolo. .• A • 'BOOTS % SHOES MARE TO ORDER, and REPAIRINU done ju the neatest awl meat (mpg!. lions manner. •,; • •. • - • • Call upon Mr. F,cloteffer at his chop on 11111. street. a few doors Irvin - of the Diamonq. ' • reyi N EW MOT AN,T) SHOE STORE WM. AFRICA . Informs tho public that ho has. Just opened at his old stand iu tbo Dhow:old, - . •. • . . • • A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND suogs, For Ladies, Gentlemep and 9131.1drsq- An of which ho will sell at fair prices. Quick sales an 4 viten. priglts. Call /mg e4niaine my stock. • fit lecturing and Repairing Roue Ri order as usual. 3.1.1, OIL CI i OTII WINDOW SHADES % GILT GOLD SLIADE,S, *IISLIp' SIADES, BAIL E Y'S FIXTURES T4PE, CORD AND PAS ~411,1 Ul.l / ASS IINT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE • • • • . ~,,--. COUNTRY. DEATARS . eaq j. ~, . - • buy CLOTIELINO from mein Ifuntinidtin at ities, no I have l K i n f rorO S A j oto 3 ; ' ,3 ' i b o f iqinctoVni C :. fff il.' °? . . .. . . . ' ft. 110M*V. _ fi',G tis.—,-Bost quaiity Qf . Swar§ klint.7 at CUNSINGIII.I .;;.CARDION'A. . COUNTRY PR ODUCE, All kbele of country produce taken in exchange for Go . olb at Ldwis' Family Cln eeiy. . rraOM.AS G. ST.I.IIG.KLE.It& SON, mnur.tpre, aof Brougher' pfaeitl3rJom Hoed or Lappor, ll.untiu BOYER & GARNER, Dealers in Dry Goode. Groceries, &c., MarichlburF stat!oF.