The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 10, 1867, Image 1
TERMS OF THE- GLOBE 11111=E=2! 121121TE1 thi - es mouths TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. , 3 do. One soars, (10 lines,)or less,s 75 $1 25 $1 60 Two squares 1 50 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 • 3 mouths. 6 months. 12 mouths. ..Me square, or less $4 00 go 00 $lO 00 two squares, .... .. 6 00 0 00 16 00. three squares, 8 00 12 00 0 0 00 Four squares, 10 00 15 00 0 5 00 Halt a column, 16 00 0 0 00 ...... .....30 00 Doe column, 20 00 35 00.... ...... 60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Doe yea - $5 00 Administrators' anti 'Executors' Notices, $2 50 Auditors' Notices. 2 00 }Wray, or other short Notices 1 50 Ten lines of nonpareil mho a swim Abon eight words constitute n line, so that any person can ca sily calculate a square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the number of blear Hone desired, wilLbe continued Mk forbid-IT' charged se. cording to these terms. Our twines for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc Are reasonably low. Anna as MsoNous.—The prettiest thing, the ~s weettat thing," and the most Of it for the least money. It fter comes the odor ofperspiration; softens and adds delicacy to the skin; is a delightful perfume; allays headache and inflammation, and is a necessary compAplon in the sick room, in the nursery, and upon tie tet sideboard. It .can be obtained everywhere et one dollar per bottle. - Saratoga Spring Trakr, sold by all Druggists. S. T.-1860..--X.—Tbe amount of Plantation Bittern cold in one year is something startling. They would till ilroadway six feet high, front the Park to 4th street.— Onrkee manufactory Is moor the institutions of N. York. St issold that Drake painted all the rocks in the eastern States with his cabalistic "S.T.-1000.—X," and then gut the old granny legislatorato pass a taw "preventing dis figuring the face of nature," which gives him a monopoly We do not know how this is, but we dd know the Planta. tion Bittern sell as no other article ever did. They aro used by all classes of the community, and aro death on Dyspepsia—certain: They era very invigorating when languid and weak, and a great appetizer. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. alrt lifting the kettle front the Ore I scalded myself very severely—one band almost to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. a e a. The Mexican Mustang Liniment relieved the pais almost Immediately. It heele rapidly, and loft very little scat - . CHAS. FOSTEN 420 Broad at., Phllada." This is merely s sample of what the Mustang Liniment will du. It is invaluable (nail cases of wounds, swellings, sprains, cuts, bruises, spavins, etc., either upon man or beast. Bowan, of counterfeits. • None Is genuine unless wrap• pod in fine steel plate engravings, bearing the signature of G. W. Westbrook, Chemist, and the pricale stamp of Druss 13.smizs A: Co., New York. Saratcga 4,ring frater, sold by all Druggists till Indio value a beautiful head of hair, and its preser wa ionifsont premature baldness and turning gray, will soot !Mkt...a Lyon's celebrated Kathairon. It makes the balr.rieh,soft and glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes tozzow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold ere- E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y. .Sarettoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggl.ts. VII= DID IT F-71.1 , 01111g lady, returning to her country al.. after asujourri of tyres , months In New York, woo Itardlrreeognixed by her friends. In place of a rustic, dlusliedface, she had a soft, ruby complexion, or almost marble smoothness; and instead of 22., she really appear ed but 17. Elie told them plaloly she used Hagan'. Mag cella Balm,.und would not be without it. Any lady can Improve her personal appearance very much by using this article. It can be ordered Many Druggist for only •conts. Saratva Spring "rater, sold by all Druggists llelmstrwrs inimitable ',lair Colminghas been steadi ly growing in favor for over twenty s . ears, It acts.upon the absorbents at the roots Of the s!slr, tend changes it to its original odor by degrees. Alt Instantaneous dyes deaden and injure the hair. Ilelmstreet's is not a dye, but is. certain in its results,;promotes its growth, and is a beautiful flair Dressing. Price 50 cents and $l,OO. Sold by all dealers. &nava Spring Water, sold by:all Druggists Thos's EXTRACT or Pose JAMAICA GINGER—for I,ldigea tioo. lianas', Heartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera Not bus, &c, when a warming, genial stimulant is required. lts careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere at 50 cents per bottle. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. julyll, 1860-eowly MAll the above artlolea for vale by JOUR READ and b. S. 3111TII, Dantinplon, Poona. 'gratuitous Ibbtrtisentents. (The following Carers arc published gratuitously. Mer chants and business men generally who advertise liberally in the co/unstis of Tat (hove for s ix mouths or longer, will hare their Cards inserted here during the continuance ,sl' adveHisentent. Otherwise, special Business Curds in serted at the usual rates] JOHNSTON & WATTSON, Merch ants, Main et., east of 'Washington ilotel,lluntingden GLAZIER & BRO., Retail Mar chants, Washington et., neat the jail, Huntingdon. DR. WM. BREWSTER, Huntingdon [Cures by Elietropatby.] BM. GREENE, Dealer in Music,mu .facia Instruments, Sewingllactilnoo, Huntingdon. DONNELL & KLINE, PHOTOG RAP HERS, Huntingdon, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Dealer In Books, St/Aim/to - 7 .ud Musical Insta, menu!, Huntingdon, Pa. kGREENBERG, . ildercbant Tailor, Huntingdon, Pa. JAMES SIMPSON, Iron Founder, Huntingdon, Pa. M'CATIAN & SON, proprietors of Juniata Steam Pearl Mill, Huntingdon. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, J . Plain and Ornamental 3farbla Bfanttractiirera. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamenal lgarkdo iftaairacturar. TAXIES HIGGENS, Manufactunir of el Furniture and Cabinet Ware, Iluntingdon, Pa. WISE, Manufacturer of Furni g„ Ore, &c., Huntingdon. Undertaking attended to WHARTON & MAGUIRE, Whole. u)• and retail dealers in foreign and domestic :11s4ware, Cutlery, Ac., Railroad street, Ilantiugdon. TAMES A. BROWN, ty Healer to Hardware, Cutlery, Cents, 011 e, aa., Heat ingdon, Pa. WM. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and Ehom,in the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. TOHN H. WESTBROOK, Dealer ib It) Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon. GEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, Ehoes, ulters, &c., Ilantiogdon. rJ YENTER, Dealer in Grneeries and zi.Prolialoos *tall kinds, Huntingdon, Pa. ROHM & MILLER, Dealers in Dry ocode, Quensware, Groceries, llntaingdon, WAT. MARCH & BRO. Dealers In Dry Goods, Queen:lmam, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, &e. rIUNNINGFIADI & CARMON, ‘.../ Merchants, Huntingdon, Pa. • TT ROMAN, ..11_1_ • Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Rate and Cape TA E. Dealer In Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queen. ware, 'rata and Cape, Bouta and ,Stioca, &c. Huntingdon Q E. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and Q S Retail 'Dealers In Dry Goods Groceries, Ilirdware, meusw are, and Proclaims of all ' kinds, II untiogdon. ENVELOPES— Illerh/PAI:IsT.INVA-I'"al° aC tar For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at Hun tingdon, Pa • av''‘‘' , -:+:i34 - -. 't , . - --- l-'•_:.-:YAAT: •=', l ' ' :;.- '• /'/ / / •;-',•-:: ,--- „ .- - -Ok'') V , .."-? ' Z . . , .- •,.', 1 :' 1 •-•.:',. .V . ', ..i:: ..4 • ‘:.• -•. - r•!... - ....--,....."-- • --:;• "'-'-.'''',..,...<;-:::::::;.....,.."-5.z.._N`•.:-..,7171.':..7:""...rlt:•&.;;;,..:::‘,..!„.....14177.::.Trir7.,7::._:1;1-:.:.1.;‘,5•.i.;.::47.-;:::..11,,,,, ..7:1---- 7-- - • '-.--- -,----- .--:.• - '•-".'., . - 7 . `` , : ,,- .::-!'.:,.-,.*;v:-.-....:-. ... , -_,::- , -- , .: 5-n-- ,-. .t.- , ,.• ..., --- - --.A. •••., --..k. ~ • '‘)..-k- . . ..,,_ . iA• :. '• 'Ns.4 I ii ... I .... . el' 4hitii.,Z,ilSCr.:;lsVf..o.Z-yei, ' r : . : 1 X: .?..&. .... . -... .. - •• , - -...... , B • * .. . .. , _ , ..'.. --'-'-.. '-''-''' % - t.',.,,,._ „ r. - - ' f-.-C N - - 1,..5.1.- 't4 ri.L.. r . ., . -..-- ,-- - - N ..,' : ...: f...... r i, - :...... '';`... I .........,...,.. .. • _,..........:._:_,____A,,.„,_•...f1;.:.•:., • ._ ,„...,...z.. k •...,,,, 07 ' ' 114%- - ' , P.,,, ...:, $2 CO . 1 GO WM. LEWIS, lIIIGII LINDSAY, Publishers VOL. XXII PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS TIR. R. R. WIESTLING most respect fully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office that of the late Dr. Snore. mcbl3-Iy. DR. A. B: BRUMBAT.JGII, Having permanently located et Huntingdon, offers his professional services to the community. Office, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Laden on Hill street. • ap10,1866 R. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his professionnl services to th• citizens of Huntingdon an vicinity - . Office on Hill street, ono doorenst of Reed's Drag Store p ALLISON MILLER, l ittiesso D E Y TI S T, Dos removed to the Brick Row opposite tie Court Homo, April 13, 1859. T E. GREENE, fl • DENTIST. 104 j .. Me* removed to opposite the Franklin Howe in the old bank building, Dill street, Huntingdon. April 10, 1866. EXCHANGE HOTEL. rrill?, subscribers having leased this .L Hotel, lately occupied by Mr.:llcNulty, are prepared to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall be made on our part to make all who stop with us feel at home. AULTZ & YEE, may 2,1866 Proprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, 36C - Liiii:tl3a ifs - U . .03a, 3'a. vr HAVE purchased and entirely k ren ovated the large stone and brick building opposite tho Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. Tho Car pets. Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first class, and I tllll safe in saying that 1. can offer ac commodations not exoelled in Central Pennsylvania. .6Eir - 1 refer to my patrons who have formerly known me white in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel and Jack son House. JOSEPH MORRISON. May 16, 1666—tf. EIW. THOMAS, . Teacher of Cornet Bands, lIIINTING DON, rA. Ironing had considerable experiota in teaching music ho promises to give entire satisfaction to Bands or Indi viduals, In town or cmintry, desiring his services. Any hands desiring music, or music arreng,d, will please Address hlm• Ja9-2m K. ALLEN LOV.ELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to all legal businessen trusted to hie care. Military and other claims of sol diers and their heirs against the State or Government collected without delay. OFFICE—In the Erich now, opposite the Court House jau.1.1.867 MILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT L e TV, lIONTINGDON, PA Prompt attention given to all legal business entrusted to his care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs ngninst the Government collected without delay. 6012'06 11 . ,2101URTRIE, A T T ORATE Y AT LAX Office on Hill street Prompt attention will ha Oren to tho prosecution of ho claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Co, rument. au22,1666 J. IV 3IATTERN. WILLIAM A. SIPE. LIA.TTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND LICENSED CLAD/ A GEIV TS, 'HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill street. Soldiers Claims against the Government for Back Pay Bounty, {Victims' and Invalids' Pensions attended to with great care and pioinotuees. JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BROWN, JOHN M. BAILEY The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, uuder which name they will hereafter coadact their practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAIV, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, mul all claims of soldiers and suldlers'. heirs against the Government, will be promptly proeccuted. - .Nlny 17, IS6.s—tf. L. W. BENEDICT. 1. SEWELL STEWART. P. W. LTTLE. I'HE firm of Benedict & Stewart has boeu changed to BENEDICT, STEWART & .TIYTLE, under which name they will hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA They will also give careful attention to the collection of military and other Claims against the State or Gov ernment. Office formerly occupied by J. Sewell Stewart, adjoin ng tb• Court Homo. feb6,1866 AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. 4ne- LL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and eione, can have their claims promptly collected by ap plying either in porn, or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1866 runt BARE, W. if. WOODS, r. num, W. e. ni'LLra rum JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, 3Elraxxxtirmigclemax, Pax,. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers k others. Inter est allowed ou Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the moat commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all point s. Persons depositing Gold nud Silver will receive the name in return with interest. Oct. 17, 1566-tf. ROBLEY & MARSH, MERCHANT TAILORS. Notice is hereby given that the undmigned hare form. ed a partneiehip in the above business' and will constant• ly keep ou hand the best mid most fashionable Goods in the market, comprising all kinds of Fancy Silk, Mixed Goods & Cassimers. Also, the best quality of BLACK OLOTHS AND DOESKINS. Both having had large experience In the Wellness will try to please all. Their room Is on Smith atreot, two doors below Main. IL ROBLEY, ' jalB.3in GEO. y. MARSH. MP' "CCDT.T N7VT.II.NT A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DigNNELL & Ir.L/NE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hitt Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS Huntingdon, Oct 4, 'Bb-tf. QOUIt PICKLES roady fqr tube table 1,31ty the doz., 34 doz., or 1 4 doz., for sole at LEM! h CD's Fun(ly firccery. HUNTINGDON, PA [For the Globe] WHY 1 Why did I give my heart away ? Gave It oo lightly, gave It oo gay, On that Joyous summer day, Why did Ito bog me to be his bride, And vow to bo over by my side, While life flowed on with its ebb and tide? Aug. 25,'65 'Why did ho gently smooth my brow, And look to Heaven and mako:the vow That I should over ho cherished ns nowt Anil e'on the day? ett,,.l Jf the shoe, Watching for barks that came—noverutore, Hearing nought bst tho wild wind's ceaseless roar Why, then, did a vision came o'er the sea, Of one alone in ngony, Alone in hopeless misery? Why, when Earth seemed bright and gay, Did a Tearful storm sweep over the day, And the ornate splendor pass away? Why was it but a presage of the storm, That came to me in my lift's bright morn, And left LOWS offering bleeding and lora! Why did he leave me to watch for the light That enin• as a weary, crushing blight, And Fettled down to dark, blank night ! Why were our loves so strangely crossed? Why by life's waves so pitilessly tossed? Why was Joy born—if bat to be lost ? Why was I strange and wierd and wild I At,, me! why was I Destiny's child/ A Destiny wicked, force and wild. Why are some hearts, from their natal hour, Crushed by a secret, unseen power; With a sombrod life as their only dower? Ah I why ? Aek the entitle who:vigils keep O'er the long, last dreamless sleep Of hopes, burled In Fate's dark deep. Who can know the mystery Of the heart's unwritten history Of u. life that's steeped im misery The Poor Musician and his Mate, One beautiful slimmer day there was a great festival in the large park at Vienna. This park is called by the people the Prater. It is full of lovely trees, splendid walks, and little rustic pleasure houses. At the time of which I am speaking there were people there, some young add some old, and many strangers too. And all those who were there enjoyed such a scene as they had probably never beheld before. Be that as it may, the Prater was al most covered with the crowds of peo ple. Among the number were organ grinders, beggars, and girls who play ed on harps. There stood an old mu sician. He had once been a soldier, but his pension was not enough to live on. Still he didn't like to beg; there fore on this particular festival day Le took his violin and played under the old tree in the park. He had a good faithful dog along with him which lay at his feet, and held an old hat in his mouth so that passers by might cast coins in it for the poor old man. On the day of the festival which I have now mentioned, the dog sat be fore hiM with the old hat. Many peo ple went by and heard the old musi cian playing, but they didn't throw much in. I wonder the people did not give him more, for ho was truly a pit, iable object. His face was covered with scars received in his country's battles, and he wore a long gray coat, such as he had kept ever since he had ' been in the army. He even had his old sword by his side, and would not consent to walk in the streets without carrying his trusty friend with him. He had only three fingers on his right hand, so he had So hold the bow of his violin with these. A bullet had taken off the two others, and almost at the same time a cannon ball had taken oft' his left leg. The last money he had, had been spent in buying new strings for his violin, and he was now playing with all his strength the old marches be had learned so often when a boy with his father..He looked sad enough as be saw the multitudes pass by in their strength and beauty, but when• ever they laughed it WllB like a dagger to'his soul, for he knew on that very evening he would go to bed supperless, hungry as he was, and lie on a straw couch in a little garret room. His old dog was better off, for ho often found a bone here and there to satisfy the cravings of hunger. It was late in the afternoon, his hopes were almost like the sun—they were both going down together. He placed his old violin down by his side, and leaned against an old tree. The tears streamed down his scarred cheeks. He thought that none of that giddy crowd saw him, but he was much mistaken. Not far off stood a gentleman in fine clothes who had a kind heart. He listened to the old musician, and when he saw that no one gave him anything, his heart was touched with sympathy. He finally went to the dog, and look ing into the hat saw only two little copper coins in it. He thou said to the old musician "My good friend, why don't you play longer 7" "Oh l• replied the old man, "my dear sir, I cannot; my poor old arm is so tired that I can't bold the bow; be sides I have had no dinner, and have little prospect of supper." The old man wiped his feeble hands. The kind gentleman with whom lie talked resolved to aid him as best he could. He then gave him a piece of gold and said : "PH pay you if you will loan mo your violin for one hour." "Oh," said the musician, "this piece of money is worth more than a dozen fiddles like mine." HUNTIZsi'GDON, PA "Never mind," said the gentleman ; "I only wunt to hire it one hour." "Very well, you can do what you will," said the owner. The gentleman took the fiddl.e and bow in - his hands and then said to the old man : "Now, my mate, you talce the mon ey, and I. will play. lam sure peoplo will give us something." Now, was not that a singular musi cal association ? They had just he- HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1867. OLobc. GM= -PERSEVERE.- come acquainted, and immediately en tered into an arrangement to work to gether for the public. The strange gentleman began to play. His mate looked at him with great wonder; he was so stirred that ho could hardly believe it was his old violin that Ruch beautiful sounds came froth. Every note was like a pearl. The first piece had not been finished before the people, observing the strange sight, and hear ing wonderful music, stopped a mo ment in curiosity. Every ono' saw that the fine looking gentleman was playing for the poor man, but none knew who he was. By and by the peoplo began to drop money into the hat, and the 'old dog seemed delighted to receive so many pieces of gold for his Master. The circle of bearers became larger and larger. Even the coachman of the splendid carriages begged the people inside to stop and hear the music. Still the money ine'reased. Gold, silver and copper were thrown into the hat by old and young. The 'old dog be gan to growl. What in the world could bo the matter? Ono gentleman as he dropped a large piece of money into the hat, bad struck him on the nose, and be came very near letting the hat and money fall. But it soon became so heavy he could not hold it any longer. "Empty your hat, old man," said the people, and we will fill it again for you." He pulled out an old handkerchief and wrapped the money in it, and put it in his violin bag. The stranger kept on playing, and the people cried out, "Bravo! bravo!" in great, joy. He played first one tune, and then another—even children seem ed carried away with rapture. At last, he played that splendid song, "God bless the Emperor Francis!" All hats and caps flew off their heads, for the people loved their Emperor. Tho song finally came to an end. The hour - was ended, and the musician handed back the violin to the old man. "Thank you," said ho. "May God bless you!" and ho disappeared in the crowd. "-Who is ho? Who is he ?" said the people. "Micro does lie come from ?" A certain person sitting in one of the coaches said. ' "I know him. It is Alexander Boucher the distinguished violinist. It is just like him.. He saw the old man needed help, and ho determined to help him in the best way ho could." The people then. gavn r .thr9O cheers for Boucher, and but more' moneY in the old luau's hat. When ho went home that evening he was richer than be had ever been before. When he went to his bed he folded his hands , and prayed God might bless good Boucher, so that when he should get to he an old man ho might have good friends. Now, I believe that there were two happy men that night in Vienna. Of *course, the poor old musician rejoiced now that ho was out of want; but of more value to him than all his money was the consolation that somebody had proved a friend to him. For it does us all good to know that we have friends, oven though they are of no farther advantage to us. There was another who was happy, and that was the good man Boucher. How could ho go to bed that night without thank ing God for putting it into his heart to be kind to the friendless, btarving sol dier? Next to the" benefit which our good deeds confer, is that which they confer on ourselves. Now, children, this is a big world. Look around you, and you will always find that you can do something to make this world of ours better, as well as ourselves happier. NOT 'rue GIFT, BUT THE MOTIVE.— The spirit in which our Lord receives gifts of his disciples, is well illustrated by the following anecdote: A poor Arab traveling in the desert met with a spring of clear, sweet,spark ling water. Accustomed as ho was to brackish wells, to his simple mind it appeared that such water as this was worthy of a monarch; and filling his leathern bottle from the spring he de termined to go- and present it to the calif himself. The poor man traveled a considera• ble distance before he,. reached the presence of his soverefgti and laid his humble offering at his feet. The calif did not despise the little gift brought to lain with so much trouble. He or dered some•of the water to be poured into a cup, drank it, and thanking the Arab with a smile, ordered be presented with a reward. The court iers around pressed forward, eager to taste of the wonderful water; but, to the surprise of all, the calif forbade them to touch a single drop. After the poor Arab had quitted the royal presence with a light and joyful heart, the calif turned to his courtiers and thus explained the motives of his conduct: "During the travels of the Arab," said ho, '•the water in his leathern bottle had becoineirapure and distasteful. 1. tit it was an offering of love, and as such I have received it with pleasure. But I well knew that had I suffered another to partake of it, he would not have concealed his dis gust; and therefore I forbade you to touch- thedraugbt lest the heart of the poor man should have been wounded." In such love will our Lord receive our poor gifts. jWhy 4re corn and potatoes like the idols of old? Because the former have ears and hoar not, and the latter eyes but see not. ym.Nothing se much destroys. our peace of mind as to hear another ex press an ihtention f 9 give us' a piece of his. ; Reading matter on every page What Buttons have Done. The Round Table tella us what But tons have done : "We must go back nearly forty years. Then all buttons used by Americans were imported. But a shrewd Yankee' lady, the young wife of a man in humble cir cumstances, was seized with the idea of manufacturing buttons at home and by hand. She picked some im ported buttons in pieces, and was satisfied that with wooden molds she could produce buttons that would find as good a market as the imported ones. Her idea was seconded by her husband, who was a thrifty farmer . in a country village in Western Massa chusetts. A few buttons were made and were sold. The same hand made more, and these found a ready mar ket.. Little by little, month after month, the idea grew until the persis-, tent had more than she could do her self, and laborers were employed to assist in the manufacture. The hus band, finding himself outdone, aban doned farming and devoted his emir : . glee to the new business. Machinery was dsvised to accelerate matters. factory was built. The enterprise grew with amazing proportions. Qth• er factories went up. A village clus tered around the •button ' enterprise. Wealth flowed in on the proprietor. Factories were built for making see penders, for making India rubber webbing, and factories for cotton spinning. With every year the pro ject grew apace until the proprietor could be named among the million aires. Out of the proceeds of the button manufacture a seminary was estab lished, which is doubtless at the head of schools for young men in this coun try. A church was built, and acci dentally burned. Another was built, and shared a similar fate. A third was built without delay, each being handsomer than its predecessor. A college was in trouble. The proceeds of buttons came to its relief and placed it upon enduring foundations—a col lege that has sent its men around . the world to do good and help civilize. A young ladies' Seminary was the next plan—the first of any account in this country. Agai❑ the button purse flew open, and the school that has been a model for at least halfa dozen others was firmly founded. And all this time very few outside of these villages knew who was doing it all. In fact, we know of no instance whore so much has been done by,an . individual with ont its being trutripetedl6 - the World. Nor have wo mentioned half of the benefactions which came from the but ton success. A college in the West was helped to a permanenc footing. A ladies' seminary in the Weet was al so kindly remembered. A college in Syria, having the grandest plan at its foundation, was generously aided. And all the time new buildings WM) being added to the institutions which he had chiefly established, and for which we had supplied the money. During the past season ho has com pleted a great factory at a cost of not fitr from half a million, and is now erecting a Splendid dormitory building in connection with the school which bears his name. This is in part what buttons have done and aro doing. Many persons will like to know the name of the "button prince—some few have already divined it-Ahe name of Samuel Williston, of Easthampton, Massachusetts. In all those years of noble deeds and ever increasing sue coss Mr. Williston has shunned publici ty, and we know he will feel no pleas ure at seeing -his name used in this way. He is now seventy years of ago, but still manages all his own affairs and executes details with wonderful energy. WHY WOMEN CANNOT ENTER MASON IC LODOES.—When King Solomon was still a young man ho had married his seventh wife. She was a - beautiful young Ammonites , with locks, as black as the raven's wing, and eyes as bright as the eagle's. It was be lieved that she was the favored ono among all the sultanas of the Great King; for his affections were not divi ded then as they afterwards became. She knew her power, and used it un sparingly. In addition to her other qualities, she was as inquisitive as ever Was a woman on this earth. Ono evening King Solomon atten ded lodge on some grand occasion, and stayed out somewhat late. When he returned home, be found the fair Am monitess in the dumps, and pouting just as the dear wives of Masons do sometimes now when their lords stay out late at the Lodge. ShO upbraided him with neglecting her, insinuated that he hadn't been to the Lodge as he pretended, and insisted that in future he should give proof that he went there by having herself initiated, so that she might go there and watch him. "Daughter of Ammon," replied the King, "thou bast behaved thyself as One of the foolish women, in presum ing to question thy lord and master. Thou art not so angry with me as thou pretendest to be; for the true reason of this behaviour is thy insatiable cu riosity, in which thou excellest Eye her self. Know then, that I here ordain that neither thou, nor any of thy in quisitive sex after thee, ever enter the portals of a Masonic Lodge; but I shall enjoin the Tyler Co pierce through MO his drawn sword any woman that shall attempt to enter s lodge; aye, even Theo, Queen of Israel though thou be." And that ordinance of this wisest of monarchs has continued in force until this day. We hope, now, that we have satisfi ed the curiosity of our fair readers as fully as did King Solomon that of his Queen.—Norfolk Journal. WHAT kitld Of a ship has two niates and no captain ? A courtship. TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. The Last Man in a Barber shop, We have seen many illustrations of misery, many, that move the hardest heart to pity; nothing can be more touching to an observer, nothing bet ter defines misery, than a man in a barber shop, with a dozen or so ahead of him, waiting to be shaved. It is impossible for any ono who has never experienced it, to know, how much nerve is required to pass successfully through this ordeal. Different na tures, of, course, experience different degrees of misery as they wait. ‘.'Thp poor but virtuous young man, strug gling with a moustache," [the fading hue of which has twoughtliiin again to the tonsorial artist,] , havinff an en gagemenk with "Susan"—who has told him, "anything but a feller as isn't on time"—can probably be pot doWn as the subjebt of most abject wretched ness arid despair, as he enters and looks around upon "lea miserablee who are ahead of him, the last of whom mingles with his misery kgrim satisfaction that some one comes after him. The young an would rather dye at orme than be'subjected to the sue•, pees(' he must endure. Talk of am-. bltion ;of fame, as elle beckons from afar to the midnigllt porer over vol umes filled with learning and wisdom, or to the warrior as he cuts his way with his sword and Hyades through seas of blood to her shining goal ! The scholar's ambition fades to insignifi cance, and the soldier'4l dream of glory vanishes before the mighty yearnings of the last man in the barber shop, waiting for his turn. No goal but the cushioned chair does be see, "so near and yet so far." There is music to bin in the bar bees low "next," as it lessens the dia. tanco between him and his ambition's goal; and when it finally appeals to him, ho exreriencos a joy that . the honied words of flattery fail to bring to him who has found fame. Enforce the Maine law, prohibit tilting hoops, make dry street crossings, &c., &e., and we will submit, but "deliver us, good Lord" from being the last man in a barber shop. Would Have His Way. I send you another . example of the misguided love of patents, and I think such cases could be Multiplied. SGMO years ago, I was dining with a gen tleman and lady, whose only child, a boy some four years old } } was seated at the table-with ae; her-became cla morous, and' must be waited on first. Pa tenerly inquired, "What will you take, dear ? Shall I give you some chicken ?" The child pouted, "No, I want some of that," pointing to anoth er dish. Ma said, "Oh, darling, that is not good for you." The little darl ing cried lustily, and persisted in hav ing that or nothing. S . o the lady gave her child that which she knew was bad for hien, remarking to me, in an repo• logetical tone, "he is so positivo we al- Ways let him have all he wants, for the sake ofpeace." I ventured to re mark, "I hope the peace thus obtain ed will be permanent; sometimes children who are suffered to have all they thitqc they want, beehme selfish and ungovernable!' The parents thought their child was not in any danger, for as he grow older pride would come to his aid, and he would act differently. Time rolled on; I watched the result, marked the growth of thoie seeds of misrule. They have hlossomed, and are bearing fruit. That child, not yet grown to manhodd, is .now, for the second or third time, in prison for tak ing that. which belonged to another. He wanted it, and would have it. "Poor child !" does ho not claim our pity zerA great wonder is the "Walled Lake," in Wright county, lowa. It is from two to three feet higher than the earth's surface around it, and enclosed by a wall ten feet high, fifteen feet wide at the bottom, and at the top five, made of stones weighing from three tons to one hundred pounds each. There is an abundance of stones in Wright county; out surrounding the lake, to the extent of five or ten miles, there are none. No one knows how or by whom the wall was built. Around the lake is a belt of oak woodland, half a mile in width. With -this exception the country is a rolling prairie. The trees, therefore, must have been placed there at the time of building the wall. In the spring of 181 there was a great storm, and the ice on the lake broke the wall in several places, and the far niers in tile vicinity were obliged to repair the damages to prevent inunda tion. The lake occupies a ground sur face of 2800 acres, depth of water as great as twenty-five feet. The water is clear and cold; soil sandy and loamy. It is singular that no one has been able to ascertain where the water comes from, and whore it goes, yet it always remains clear and fresh. TOOEL . THE HINT.-A little girl of three years, who had disobeyed hor parents, was ordered to go and sit on the bolter stairs, fbr punishment. The little thing obeyed, and after she had been seated there for some time, her father opened the door and asked her if she was not ashamed. The little girl, with tears in hor eyes and anger in her mouth, replied : "Yes." "What aro you ashamed of?" asked her father. am ashamed of nay pa," she replied. The hind hearted father appreciated the answer, and released her from iml prisonment. SNOOKS says the words "No. Cards" are affixed to marriage notices because the parties played all i their cards be fore marriage. This s a new theory, and hO generally Accepted. camiamam JOB PRINTING OFFICE. THE "GLOBE JOB OFFIelq": • h • moat complete of any in the C 0111147, and poi• mem the moat ample facilities for pyoraptlyeahentlnt in• the best style, every variety of Job Printing ; and? ils• • HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, °ARDS, BLANKS, LABELS, &o.; tfp., &p . . CALL AND EXAMINE OPECININN . 9f WORK, LBW'S , BOOK. STATIONKBY & 11111.519 KBOKK, NO. 40. gemptrante gopits. Some few years ago, at the close o£ a youth's temperance meeting, held on the west i eitie of the city, I went up to a group of young lads Mid' asked theM if they' would sign the pledge. Some of them consented; but one said, "Oh, no.. am not going to sign away my: liberty ; I am not going to be unsocial; I iuteud to enjoy life." We triedlo reason with the young lad, but in vain; ho said he was not going to 810 away! his liberty. We:parted; I did not see' Samos at the temperance Meeting again. Some short time after, a person called at My store, with a request that I would .go down to the Tombs to see boy : there. I went down with this friend,'and, on entering a cell, found a boy—for ha was only some sixteen years of age—. in deep distress. It was R--, who had told me at the temperance, meeting , that he would not sign away hisliberty;and there he was,foutid guilt of marger, and condemned to die. '*;. . The meeting was indeed Sad ono., With bitter tears, ho begged me to go to Albany and try to get a pardon.— "Oh f" says he, ".T. was drunk. I knoW nothing about it." With some com panions he had been drinking on Sat: urday evening, and, going along one of the streets on the west side of the city ; they had insqlted a man who, was go : , ingliomej with his wife, and on thq man remonstrating with them, they sot up,qn him and murdered him. By whose hand the fatal blow was struck James knew not; he remembered no:, thing : hp was drunk. He was, however, tho only one ap preileadecl. He was tried, found guil-: ty, and condemned. It was in vain, with others, we sought a pardon ;an example must be made, so many mur-, dors about that time had been Com mitted, and James must die. Ant( thus he would not sign away his liber : ty, as he called it, by signing the tem-, perance pledge, had his liberty out off , three weeks after, and soon after his life signed away, for indulging in ,t,hoset drinks we besought him to let alone.-- z , Youth's Temperance Banner. How LIQUORS ARE MAEE.—Pr. A. 4. Hays, State Assayer of Idassochusetts, has been heard before the License Committee at Boston. His testimony is reported in. the Boston papers: He explained the method of analyOlg il quors in his olAne. He then fit , e-teci that a largo-_ prop4rtioa of thfl wine sold is not made from 'the juipp of the grape. There are more impure spirits sold now than at any former periqCl within his knowledge. He could eabi ly toll whether wine bad, been enforced by brandy or not. The liquor 4 gen - 4; rally seld are manitfaeturecl. The seized liquors are generally worse than those which pan bp bought of the more respeptablo dealers. New liquors, oft} strictly spirituous kind, exert a poison: ous influence aside from the alcoholle element. This is the case with imma l turn wines, when norapeondpd from Immature liquors chosen for that pin.- pose. The use of liquor diminishes the vital forces and doubtless tends to the shortening life. The witness was ask ! ed if ho wished to say anything lyittl reference to the medical testimony von for the petitioners, to which he re plied that .p r . Clarke had explairied the whole subject physiologically in it beautiful manner. The statement that alcohol produces fat, or is a substitutq for it, has no sufficient chemical basis. It does not prevent the disintegration} of the tissues, but that is not a, liefiltby optic's. The community would be saved a great amount of misery ang4 prime if iileohol could be banished in all its forms, save enough, in the owl of wine, for medical purpoSes. . . A PApTION TO DRINKING YOUNG} MEN.—An old lady, resident of a neighboring place, kept a large family of turkeys, perhaps sixty. She, like a. great many other people,.thought groat deal of her turkeys, coasequent: . ly valued them very highly. Oploosite, her was a largo West India goods store. The man one day emptied his cask of pherries, intending to replace them with new.' This olelady, being economical, thought it a 'great pity to have all these cherries wasted ? 4114 hq . order to have them saved' .she would just drive over her turkeys and let them eat them. In the course of thq day the old lady thought she would look after thorn and see if they were in no mischief. She approached the yard, and lo ! in one corner lay her turkeys in ono huge pile, dead. Yes, they xvore stone dead. What was :to bq done? Surely the old 'matron could not lose the feathers. She must pick them. Sho called her dangbtar picked them, intendieg to pave them buried in the morning. Morning came and behold there were the turkeys stalking about the yard, featherleski eno u g h, as may be supposed, crying "quit, quit," feelh;g, no douht, fled that their drunken fit bad' been the means of losing their eoats. P,oot things! if they had said "quit" before they began they Would not have bean in this bad fix. We would `advise ali young men who are in the habit of drinking to jetty() off before they get picked, and to those who do net let e i v : cry young lady say "quit." 1 , Vf.1"/LT Cpppn.EN 0:11 , 1 terrii perance Band of Hope has just ner) formed in Buffalo, with nearly saq members. The children are all engag . ed iu bringing in new r eer F 4e. Ono little girl brought in eleven to take the pledge oue night; another brought her Arunken father four miles to sign ; and another brought her mother. One boy brought five; and all are active 'and earnest in the work. 'We hope mink_ other little ones in other places tvil follow their example. 131L . c, ITEADS,. rosT4st BALL 'rICKETS,.' PROGRAMMES, T was Drunk."