Cht 6lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, April 3, 1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL vo Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. tf. I= Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents a line single insertion,-counting seven words to a line. if. New Advertisements in this Issue. Sealed Proposals, Oarrettmon, Huntingdon Report of First National Bank, Notice, New Store, Johnston L Wattson, " -a' Set opp6sile page."-ti4l. =1 The Monitor office has been re moved to Hill street, a few doors cast of the First National Bat*. The Lewistown Gazette is appris ed that a law has passed the Legisla• tore taxing dogs, for the use of public schools. A bull aged Si years, was killed in Mifflin county the other day which weighed 1790 lbs. That's a bully weight, we consider. The new license law, which we published last week, goes into effect when temperance people choose to enforce it. —Horse-bills printed in the best style at the Globe office. For partic: ulars see bills, or call at our office and examine specimens. Now is the time to select your Wall Paper. Call at Lewis' Book Store, where you can select from a large assortment of the newest styles. Wo neglected last week to notice the find improvement in the first :Na tional Bank. Gentlemen of taste had something to do with it. Works beautifully —the Patent Atmospheric Butter Maker, now on exhibition by Capt. J. Thomas, at the Franklin Hotel. —Some scamps entered the smoke house of Dr. Neff on Friday night last and helped themselves to a full supply of provisions. They need scotching. —A gentleman who has taken the trouble to count, says there are forty two stores in the borough of Hunting don. This speaks well for a popula tion of three thousand. Mr. John Westbrook has remov ed his store opposite tho National Bank to the room in the Diamond, where he will be happy to receive calls from old end new customers. The Falcir of Vishnu, not yet forgotten by our people, advertises for a partner. .11 - c intends to enlarge his entertainment. Quite necessary, we feu vat iety's sake: • - —A man named Cornelius Feeley used a knife rather feelingly on three persons in a beer house in Lewistown, and as a consequence was put in jail, And it is hoped he will feel what the law is. Dr. Brumbaugh has removed from his former residence on Mont gomery street to the brick on Wash ington street, a few doors east of the Catholic Church. His office is still on Hill !S (Feet. —The Presbyterian Church of this place is to be enlarged for the accom modation of the congregation, by the erection of side galleries. Proposals kill be received by G. W. Garretson. Sec advertisement. —Those persons who have moved or intend moying should not forget to call at LeWili 4 Book Storc,and purchase their Wall Paper, Window Shades,&c. A house with rooms neatly papered "is a thing of beauty and a joy forever." —As Court commences next week, those of our country patrons who. are in arrears for subscription, etc., will have a good opportunity for squaring up accounts with us. Our books are open for the reception of new subscri bers. —The aiiiings in this place were as numerous as in former years. Those of our town subscribers who have changed their residence will no tify the carrier or call at out: office. Those who desire to take the paper will do likewise. Twelve quarts of chimney soot ln a hogshead of water is said to be a valuable liquid manure to improve the growth of flowers, garden vegeta bles or root crops. We thought that some good use would eventually be made out of this formerly castaway nothingness. Theophilus Cisney died at his residence in Hill Valley, Shirley town ship, on are 20th ult., •:.t the ripe old age of 104 y4ars. Mr. Cisney was born near Shippensburg, Pa., in 1763, He removed to Huntingdon county in 1793, where ho has been ever since.— was able to manage the affairs of his farm until he reached the age of 94. —The family of John Young, con• taining seven members, residing near Altoona, were all poisoned recently by eating a lot of , buscuit, in which thro' mistake the oldest daughter had used tartar emetic. The physician thinks there was also some arsenic in the cakes. The family is recovering. —Township Auditors are required by law to audit the bounty aceunt,-; of every district, prepare a condensed statement of these finances, and pub lish the same, at the cost of the dis trict, for three successive weeks, in two papers. A penalty of fifty dollars is imposed on eaph Auditor who fails to comply. Gen. Win. D., the former sassa, fras merchant, has now engaged ex tensively in the bone business. .1./s his industry he has collected about three toes of bones, and received the pay for them. Upon seeing him reg ularly going his dully rounds behind his wheelbarrow, we have,thotight of the proverb: "Seest thou a Mao dill= gent in his business; he shall stand before kings, and not before mean Inca;" and we have wondered whether Fortune was not smiling upon poor, neglected Billy. The Borough Election The election on Monday for Burgess, Council and Constable was well at• tended to—the - voters turning out more generally than usual at such elections. Some three hundred and nine votes were polled. The contest was a mixed one— with some it was go your party blind—with others bull or no bull— with others town-hall or no town hall, etc., etc. Two tickets were run—for constable Levi Westbrook and Wm. 11. Ring were upon both—Mr. King was re-elected. The tickets were as fol lows, with the vote for each : Burgess. Burgess. T. 11. Cromer, 13'2:Grains Miller, 180 Council. Council. W. Cunningham, 149 Frank lieffright, 179 Daniel Artley, 1761 D. I'. Gain, 136 N. B. Corbin, 1441 A. A. Coital, 144 Constable. Constable. William King, 2161Lovi Westbrook, 91 Lamentuble Occurrence On Saturday afternoon last, while a little girl named Jennie Murphy, aged about nino years, was engaged in throwing down hay from the mow of her mother's stable, somewhere in the neighborhood of Lilly's Station, thie county, the roof of the structure sud denly gave way in consequelme of tha heavy weight of snow upon it, and falling in, buried the unfortunate child in the ruins. The noise of the acci dent attracted tho little girl's mother to the spot, who had the unspealiple anguish to find her daughter, though still living, suffering most intense tor ture. Unable herself to rescue her child, the distracted mother hastened with all speed to a neighbor's house, but only to find the occupants absent. flurrying onward in her search for asshstance she secured the aid of other neighbors, some two miles distant from the scone of the accident, but when they arrived upon the spot it was too late—the poor child's life was extinct. —Cambria Freeman. Good nerve The prices of goods, but especially dry goods and groceries have rapidly declined during the last two weeks.— Should the decline be permanent, and we hope it will be, many folks can af- ford to make purchases which they have been postponing for months. If they wish to know where and from whom they can purchase to the best advantage, let them go to Johnston & Wattson's, who have received a largo stock of all kinds of goods, and aro selling them at very low prices. Go and see them. A. Hint to Lads and Lasses A ,want has long been felt in this community of some store for young ladies and gentlemen to get just what they wanted in the trimming and fur nishing line. We are pleased to state that this want is now supplied by our young and genial friend W. P. Rudolph, who has opened a Ladies' Trimming and Gent's Furnishing Store, on the North Cast corner of the Diamond.— He also has a complete assortment of Hats and Caps. Go to his store and see the latest styles. Advertisement next lyeek. AVanted, Men from town and country, to call at the Franklin Hotel, Huntingdon, and see the Patent Atmospheric Butter- Maher. Churns every day from sweet milk in five minutes. Any one, by in vesting a few dollars, can make from $25 to $5O a day. It costs only 30 cents and sells for $3. County rights for sate by J. Tuolus, Agent, Huntingdon, Pa. 31 The first of April has come, and brought with it its usual migrations, and many are thrown out of homes, who still have a desire to stay with us. Tlibse who built temporary dwelling houses last year aro not troubled, and we suggest that those who aro now homeless do the samo. There should be at least fifty new houses every spring, to meet the demands of our in creasing population. Would'nt a build ing association "pay ?" Carpet Weaving Valentine Getnrote respectfully in. forms the people of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he is prepared to weave Carpets in the best workmanlike man ner. his stand is on Moore street, nearly opposite Miller's Brewery.— He invites the patronage of his former customers and others. 81.* Another Big Opening 0. D. Lewis will open out on Mon day next, his store in Leister's now building. Our friend John McLaugh lin, the accommodating clerk, will al ways he at his post, ready to furnish goods of the best style, and at reason able prices. The stock consists of Dry. Goods, Groceries, etc., etc. 1M3=123 The Post-Office was removed yester day from the Broad Top corner to the room nearly opposite Lewis' Book and Stationery Store. Ash. Miller is still Postmaster, notwithstanding the re moval: The post office is now in a good location for the community at large 5 we - do not say this through any jesting spirit. Religion. There will be services in the Episco pal Church of this place on Friday evening, also on Sabbath morning and evening next. There will be preaching in the Ger man licforriled Church on Sunday morning next. =1 Dr. William lirewster has removed to McConnellstown. Ws town pa tients will still receive calls. r".. Justices' and Constables' Pee Bills for eolo at Lewis' Book Sl.oro:' LeLnlizlng Almost everybody has an idea of his own how a local newspaper should be conducted, but however they may dif fer on other items, they almos invaria bly coincide in one opinion—that a newspaper should be mostly made up of local items. They do not seem to think that a local editor is not omni present: nor that the proprietor can afford to keep a "local" on every street corner; nor that either of them cannot be poking his nose into other people's business all the time, asking questions for which ho feels ho should be rebuk ed. To effect the grand result desired by everybody in a local paper, each member of the community should be under obligation to contribute his mite of news, with the understanding that every other inombor du the same. Thus an editor would be merely a scribe, and the printer the multiplier of the records made. re- A gentleman reports to us,that a few days ago he discovered a very valuable deposit of galena or lead ore, in Middle Woodberry township, Bed ford county, some four miles from the town of Woodberry. A party visited a cave in that neighborhood, and in ono of the ehiambets some mineral sub stance seemed to fill the crevices of the rock, and upon examining it, it was found to be a load vein. Subse quent searches disclose the fact, that the surrounding rock contains some excellent veins of this mineral. The owner of the land whose name we be lieve is Wagner, ratifies to allow par ties to attempt its development. He has been offered a good price for his land or for leases, but refuses either to sell or lease.—llollidaysburgh Leader. Beautiful New St.ylee of Wall Paper. All who intend to do papering in the spring or summer should measure their rooms and select their paper early from 'he large and splendid stock just received at Lewis' Book Store. Window Shndes Splendid Gilt and Oil Shades, and Gilt, Satin, Plain anti Pattern Paper Shades, just received and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. nel. Second-hand Frame Work of two houses for sale. Apply at Broad Top Railroad office, Thuitingdon, Pa. April 3 tf Buckwheat Flour and Corn Meal, For sale at Lewis' Family Grocer 3 MARRIED, In Altoona, on the 28th ult., by Rev. J. S. McMurray, gr. E. W. THOMAS. of Huntingdon, to Miss EVA W. Wittoarr, of Petersburg, Hunt. co. The above happy couple will please receive the thanks of the printers for their handsome present, and also their best wishes. The musical Professor is lucky in getting a fair help-Meet, and we hope he will find the pleasures 'of married life exceed his most sanguine expectations, and may the music of a happy and prosperous family ring melodiously in his cars. Having mar ried (W)right; we trust his course will be ever right, upward and onward. L- - DIED, At Shirleysburg, March 30th., WEN mot K., infant son of P. 11. Lano,aged 11 months. MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Melt. 30, 1801. The following were the prices in market this morning: Apples, 00 to 11.5 c per half perk; butter. -10 to 65c per lb; chickens, 23 to 25c per lb; cranberries, 20 to 22c per quart; catbug•. 5 to SO per head; celery, S to 15c per bunch; ducks, 23012515; eggs, Sac per dozen; geese, 18 to 20c per lb; hominy, 18c per quart, lard, 18 to 20c per lb; pmators, 250 per half peck; puddings. 16 to 13 rents ; onions, 15 to 20c per 'WI peck; roast beef 20 to 25c per 113 sirloin storks, 25 to 35e per lb; mutton, 9 to 16c per It.; pork 16 to Ito Poe lb; parsnips, 20c per hell peel; sausage:l,2oo22c per lb; turnips, 15 to lire pee half peck; turkeys, 23 to 25c per lb. I=2 Sone:fine Flour of $5,25 (y,O, extra at Z26:1110,50, fancy extra family $125513,25 ' nn.l Pennsylvania foully 1 . 2(0 13,25, and fancy brandssl4,soC4ll7,so aecoilling to Quality. Rya flour ,V 1.2567,35. Pi hue Wheat is scarce trove. Choice ref at $3,05@ , 1, 23 white $3.20@:3,215. Rye nt $1,45031,52. Corn 410 to 1,12 Oats at 536565e..11ar1ey malt at $1,50. Cloyerseed $10.2 11, accordiuLtto quality; Timothy nt s3,l:3,Cre; Flaxseed $3,00g3,10 per likudirl. Paxeam an, Mdl.'3o.—Flour.—hero ie Si fair demand. We quote sales or spriqg cheat Flour et $13,00©11.1,50, winter Flour At $lO-kl5, fancy at $:6,50@117. • winter.s3,tlo(P,lll and No.l aping 32.54EV2.90. COM from first hands at 75e. nye, lit,C) per bushel. Oats, 53(a.)55e; Barley $1,00641,10. Sl!oulderl 10r.; side s 1'2 1 4‘; li nionl6%"glec, Lanl - 1.3013!..r. Cloymeed, $'3,0U®9,3 , J, Flaxseed $3, Timothy $3. 30—Floor dull; spring extra $10.©13,00 Winter. $13,50416,CQ. Epriny 1111,nt is at $1,,55U2,55. Corn 93340. ()Mr, 400 EMEMEII 'Nv Yonn, Itch SO.—Oolti clokre. - at HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED IVEEKLY HENRY . k CO WUJLEBALE PRICES. Superfine 'Fleur it 1,1 . 2,bb Ext. eleur Family Flour 18,00' Apple Butter 70 Bark) 8utter......... ............ ...... 35 lluekwheat Buck wheat 31.1 V. ewt..3.501 lint u cwt Brom,. .1.,z 3,0064011 Beeswax 00 lb Beaus It bus Cloverneed tA Chickens CallUtry Soap. Corn. • Hops 111 b ...... . ..... 40 @ GO fl am, smoked 14 tinyll ton 19,0 u feud 1'23,..". Large Onions 11 bus I,uo I Nixed Chop ', 00 Pats 65 Onions •: , • , • , 1 't , qt . 8 ,l'otot , ,s ?, Ims SO 'Phtst , .. p, to,. . 10,09 In m, ,J 11, • 4 Ity;,.. 115 I ltyo Chop Ce. cut ",30 I:yr Sims 1; bilin/10. 10 ShOrts 7 o Cot .1,;.0 ihoulder 'lO .21de5....... .................. ...12) , rol low 10 or! . . 1:1 Timothy •• 00 Torkeye 75 (; 1.50 t Wheat it0t1....•. ...... ::: ... 2.70 Wlteat Whit° "85 1 Wool It lb 45 Corn nest V. cwt..... ...... 2,0,, Dried Apples V ...... —2,05 Dried Cherries quttrt. Dried Ees,hos I:tlb..lS to 25 Dried Deer Eggs Festhers "tt, lb ttu Elm:seed $2,25 WALL PA PE It, WINDOW till 41/113 AND FixTuILE6, ("mat," variety of woo stylr crcr brought to Um county. REcx,,, , Ep AND FOR SALE 077 887 %T LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SPECIAL NOTICES D EAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CA . TAHITI!, treated with the utmost oneness, by J. IodACS, M. D., Oculist and Anil st, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No 519 l'lNEstreet, i 11 itllA. Testimimials front the moot relialile sources in the city nod country, earl , oroo at) isoLioa. :fine medical faculty are invited to itcrompauy their liatitbts. us ILO has 00 secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL LY 1 , ".:3 inserted withadt pain.— No charge for examination. "X.T OTICE TO STOUKELOLDIMS ( - )1 TIIE - N - 1:1V GRENADA k BROAp TOD . OIL Co. The Animal :klteting of the St,,chhohle'rg will be link] at the onion of tho Company in Nov Grenada, on SATUR DAY. the Ott (lay of A PHIL. proximo. tin• the purpose of electing the following Nine Directors, Ono Trni,nr or : and ono Secretory. _ . REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is givoi, to all 11.2060110 intel,tcd, that tho lowing named persons Lava settled their accounts in (ho Register's (Mice, at lin ntiugdon, and that the said accounts will lie presented for confirmation and allutvanco at sa Orphans' Court, to ho held at Ilontingdon, in and for Iho comity of Huntingdon, on Monday, tho 9th day of APRIL, nt•ot, (1017.) to stir 1 Tlio first :ma iti.f.otilit of (I....tigti It. Moffitt:tiff, acting Ex..eattir of Ow I.tst te.tattivitt 01.101.11 orbin, !afoot . Jititiittet Thst acvoillit .folitt T. Stryker, nil- Itliffillraltir of l'etvr Stlykve, late of l'orlk.r 8 Account or Andr,,, Switlt, nolinini4trator td• berry Mio,,tl.t, of toWlishiv. dove:lied. 4 Adotioistemion 110,1111 t or alaumel atliolnk. rattle or Andrew Gilleland, late or '.lrotowelt tI. tleceasel. 5 Allnt'lliAration zovoool of Coo tlioa 0. Figael and nufb:lllk, eXeelltol, of lionjnwin Figatt, lattt of Mania town.hip, doe,ated. Atlolini,tration account of TIIOIII,II It. Orbison, minislrotor or John A. llrige4, Into of Union town chip, deee,eoll. 7 Partial administration account of David Mark, nil ill istrator of Armstrong IViltungliby, latu of [Lsting dun h,,rongh, tivocas.ed. 8 Adm ini-tratiOn account of John admink. trator of Jonathan 1,. Ihnrof, late of Jiichson town. bin, deceased. 9 Trask., account of John Reed and George Wilson, trustees apjo to makes.. to of the real estate of Wm. Reed, late of West township, deceased, who died intestate. 10 Guardianship itecount of .folm Long, eitardiati of Samuel McKinstry, late of 11 The account of Peter :urk and Wm.tipeck, trustees to sell th-• real estate of Martin Speck. deceased. 12 Partial administration aureola of Wm. Stewart, roliainiritrator de boots non cant testa tum annexed of Wm. Flewart, ilecM.. late of 11,, lee township. la Final amillot of Jacob Hoover; administrator of lilizalietli Garner, lute of Venn 14 Administration account of Michael 11. ➢lcfrrath, ad ministrator of John 31ctlintli, late of Carbon township, deceased. 15 A tvount of Samuel t; Millor.executor of the last will and testanma of Georgo W. Horton, lota of Carbon h.q.., deceased. 10 Administration account of David Barrie*, °seen for of the eslato of Jane Stewart, late of Ilarree tp., deceasod. 17 Administration account of James M. Lloyd, execu tor of the last will nod testament of Henry Lloyd, late of Walker township, &erased. IS Administration account of Ailiun Frapo, one of the administrators of Beajamin FOllBO, late of Hopewell Imp., 19 Administration account of Nlichatil Fiedler. admin• ist rotor of John Irwin, late of Jiwkson township, dot:eased. 20 The tirst and partial itcconnt of Samuel Fink, ern,- utor of the last will and testament of Jacob Pink, late or In on town: rip, tlereased• 21 he goardianship account of Georga guaadiau of Nettie Hampton, of Brady township. JOIIN 11. SMUCIZIIII, Register's liegister. Hunt.. 310h.10, NOTICE is hereby given to all per eons interested that the following Inventories of Ilm goods and Clintteli Nut In widows• under the provis ion:4.f the net of lath of April, 1551, have been filed in the entre of the Clerk of the Orphaus' Conrt of Hunting don County and will ho pro,nted for "approval by th e Court" on Wednesday tie, %bib of APhili, (1800 : 1. The Inventory, alai appraisement of the goods and chattels which worn of Janies Stinson, set apart to his widow, C:rth;vixo Stinson. 2. The Inventory and appraisentent of the goods and chattels of 'llionms deceased, taken by his widow Mary Wilson. :3. The 101entiory and eppraicetnent of the goods and cloattols whicio were of John N. Moser Lac of Juniata 1 1 4 , deceived, talons by ins widow Mary 31. Masser. 4. The inventory and apprai,enient of the goods end chattels which were ofJ bits Russell, deceased, taken by his widow 511,11111.11 RII,OII. • 5. Tiu inventory and apprairement of the Foods and chattels 0 hich were of Abram tiutchall, deceased, taken by his widow Mary A. (intcludl. IS. The Inventory and appraisoment of the goods and chattolii, which were of .101 in McHugh, deceased, taken by his widow Ellen Melhigh. 7 The Inventory and appraisement of tho goods and Ontario which were of Daniel Reader, th teased. takon by his widow Elizabeth Reader. 0. The Inventory and appraisernent, of the goody and chattels which were of Samuel litmlge, deceased, set apart to his 'widow Edith Bur.iget. 7. The Inventory and appraisement of the goods arid chattels which were of Tholll3l 3hillur l deceased, late of Barre° tit., taken by his widow Sarah Miller. 316. 13, 1567 SHIRLEYSBURG ACADEMY A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE m.derNignod give:, notice that he will open the abovajnstitittion or TUESDAY, (Ito Uth of APR 11,, and continnl a term et eleven weeks. This Institution is situated in Shirleyslittrg', Hunting don county, Va., 7 miles from Mount Union, a station on the l'envsylvania Central Itailrnad. ' Shirleysburg is a quiet mid oxceedingly healthy town. It+ inhabitants aro voral and religion+. mid theca are few tenirtationo to ice. idleness or disiftiation. The COUP. of instruction embraces .everything that in included in a thorough practical and accomplished educa tion of both sexes. For circul..r and information addres3 W. 1. HUNTER, Principal, Shade Hap, Huntingdon county, Va., until April Ist; after which at Sliirle3sburg. Pa. LOGAN ACADEMY, BELL'S MILLS, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. EVERY way a first doss Institution, affording the brat faeilitka to those preparing for College, bujness ur teaching. IV huh, ~ e rns,3 far Ennuntr tern. of 5 tr , 0!160..i.115 NO EN.TRA CIIAROVS. -15 et Next term begins May Gtb. Feld for a circular. hter. MIR LAWSON, Principal, Mch.6.-301.". intistown, Pa. TAVERN LICENSE . ..S.— The following persons have tiled in the office of the Clerk of dm Conrt of quarter tic,sions of Huntingdon county, their petitions for lieeil'es to keel , In" or Tar. ern, said comity and which will be presented to the Judgo of said Court on thus:tr.:awl Monday of April next, for allowance: John Kurtz, Ale.ltotria. Martin Mwtra, Barnet. James Gleason, tt Win. 11. Cornell, tt George W. Moore. Birmingham. Charles K. Horton, Broad Tnp city. Philip Pheasant, Cassoilln. Jotill H. Herbal t, etatiniont. Daniel .1. Logan, CooltatoWn. Jesse E. Marsh. Green Tree. .1. D. Fee .1 A. M. Aullz, Iluutingdo n. Jotopli Morrison, henry Limner, George Thomas, Christ Snell Valentine Drown, George Long, Jame, Fleming, Augustus Letterman, .noun S. Weston, Mapleton. • Levi Dell. Jacob Oilintugh, Marklesburg. Thomas Mel larvey, Mitt Creek. Win. Drown, 5. 11r3 son Shaver, Mount Union. :lames C. . David W. Jones, McAlavey'a Furt. John Dean. NlcConnellstown. Abraham Carntbere, Grbisonia. W. S. Thompson, Lewis Ilelfright. Petersburg. Abraham Grairitis, Jabal Hallman, Saulsburg. Win. 31cOuwan, Shade Onp. Perry Harris, Shirleynburg. H. F. Haslett, Spruce Creek. Alexander Seeds, ." SainnelStelTey,Steffeysillo. Jacob Staloy. Jr., Warm Slirbag. James Chamberlain, Warriorentarli. I Chamberlain, Walerstrect. Witham Bell, Wilsonlowm J. R. SI 3IPSQN, died lion liolplon, March 20, 1567. LIMBER SOLD ON COMMON S. R. - 111 4 .;NRY & CO., Are receiving all, kinds of LUMBlilt, rompri,ing Oil the different grain, of BOARDS • FR AIVI E STUFF, JOINT AND LAP Sill NG LES, PLASTERING LATH, PLANK, iI'ORK ED FLOORING, EATHER:IIOARDING, • FENCING,. HAILING, AG., Ac, ho .Itl at prices at lho 13 . 011;4111i fi'eiglit aft deft. • not TO THE' LADIES S Is': 3: P.. , S , .Just rreeiccd tlibi day from NeiV York 11111 i for !..ale at the cheap C, l Clore of 1/M. MARCH & 1,'P.0, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND . BUTTONS lost . vc,ivetl this day front New York and for sale chvar at [may7l Wll. 3IAhCR St 1 0 10. HATIS. l'!aia and ratrrim rag. 0111,1 !rains—lb,: Lust iu nrir 1,0—,1101e pr ,lice.l, for Nair at Lewis' Family Grocery. OHO CE CANDIES Or all Kinds, for tntio wlvoleeale and retail at Let tc: Co's Fondly Cirr?sery. SOAPS AND CANDLES. .:w.thin g and Tuna Soaps—thr bet kinds—for sate nt L 6 1118 tr CG'S PAN/ r GROCER r. D EADY RECKONER A, A complete rocket Ready . Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to whieli are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re cella, Pei Mons, Is., together with a set of useful tables e vale of interest from one dollar to twelve thous. and. by the single day - , with a table of wit:cos, and board by the week and day. • For sale at LEWIS' ROOK STORR. CI UN NI NGHA M 1. CARNION Al E j,olling off at greatly rolmsed lkice u LL KINDS OF TOBACCO 11,101010,1i0 .111 retail. at CUNNINGHAM Sr, CARMON'S. TALL at p. P. GW'IN'S if you want j anot> 000 ls. • T. R. A So•rotary JOHN E. SMOCK tilt, Itegiiiter EM=l A splendid ..Fortim.lit of FIRST NATIONAL STORE. D °Tim & M LLLER have just recciv rd thvir new rstore :tooth, „r :DRESS GOODS, EIM Ty latest ntyles, which Ili, y are now olf.wing to MEM lic at the mwit reasostal.lo rate MEM or Sill,, 1. 7 1,101 awl A worican Neria,,,, Saris MEE Dol.ain,.4..laconel Barred: Cain 311t,linA, Clot Ln. Oxisi atinuti, .lo.ltlA,l3ltawli, Flannels, II Cap, liailtS IVOO.I 11 • itbw aNgr., ME awl Oil Ihrgest ME Q E A' 8 R E ill "ye onekla borough MBE of golfing li:ll.g:tiny will not fail to 118 lit our New Slew 011101 wo6t corner of MIMI ITlantinvi., Pa 11 1 Relic = :2=-- C ----1 ----4 =-- l 1 L-J ==- i---J. _., L.--1 1 r) at = = ,-i c.--m 1---3 < ) L---J . Fl- .Fl-7- -- - lii':i k fi t 4 ; 1 ,1 ,;frii- \ t I , ==-4 = \ • st, ".; )"w . -ow ULU mot— rn L= l bd 0 m azd C772C:=3 C 2 ° rd t77J 171 f c Vl'`''. ,W 4 ~~i ~111 t Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED Also, Cannt,l readleq, Ton ttn,,, Pen 3 and Corn ME Spiced Lobster, Oysters, Chow chow, Worcestershire sauce, French Mustard, Horse Radish, Pepper ammo, Cat sup, Olive Oil, .te., , and All kinds of Syrups, as st rawborry, pinpapple, blackberry ; S:c CALL AND SEE. C:D e ( Z:j I F y e 2 p-;, ) cv . t , El I I c 7) ts - i 7. _ rii JO 'l5 r © 0 m cr cry). F t kr l -1 2 )---i -;` - - - i ( 7 ) C y:,-,?i OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADBS, BAILEY 'S .E'Ll-TUI?L'AS; TAPE, CURD AND SA LS I= AT LEWIS' BOOK norm COUNTItY - DEAL NRS cnu cLoi utho from wain liontingilon at WHOLE:WA: as thiiy can iu the linvii n wi i ninialo iitorn in —Best quality of Segars CM17,10. EG A RS.- -"EriW7 '4llilabetAia. bbatiscmcntz. (17' 1667 SPRING. EYRE & LANDELL, leo UR rir & A RCII STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPENING FOR THE SPIIMO OF 1867, 3 CaSCS SOICeh shades of SILKS, Fashionable PLAID SILKS, BISMARCK, the new color Silk, Best BLACK SILKS in town, PLAID INDIA SILKS, rrfeet, New Spring DRESS GOODS, New Style Spring CHINTZI4;S, ORGANDIES of newest styles, Steol-colored for suits. N. .B. STAPLE _Housekeeping GOODS, Fresh Stock CLOTHS, CAS SIM ERES, nod TWEEDS for youths. P. S.—MERCIIANTS in scal'ell of searro and ilecirablo (too& will find it to their interest to call and examine eon stock. m1,27-41t • SILVER'S WASII POWDER ! I= iS.,IVEB TIME, LABOR, MONEY. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVBILYIVIIERE. TRY IT I Athlroaa all orderd to the 51anufactorera mch2o-ly CONSUMPTION CANBE CURED TILE TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. Upham's Fresh Meat Cure, Prepared front the formula of Prof. Trowseau. of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Mammas, (lateral Debility, and all morbid conditions of tha system dependent on deficiency - of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue as tho great heeling remedy of the ago. $1 a bottle, or sin bottles for $5. Sent by express. Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 25 Soot!, DIG lITII St root, fe27-3in Philadelphia. And all principal Druggists. Circulars sent free. GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, are you oppressed Nvith anxiety fur your little oes? Arc your slumbers and hearts broken by their Orion? n Do you awake in the morning unrefreshed and ap. prehensive? If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Itemetly.and you will taco no more weary hours of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Has stood the test of years. Thousands of nurses and mothers bear Witness that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps and Wie,ly rains, and is invaluable for all complaints incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Ad dress all orders to mh2o•ly 628. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ourc Ow:4* MAKE" Embracing every new and desirable alto, style and alutpc or plot. and trail (loop 2!„i", 3, 3!,4, and 4 yards, wand every length and size Waist; in every respect fleet quality, and especially adap• ted to moot the wants of first class arid most fashionable trdde, "Oun OWN MAKE" of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elas tic, more (Unable and really cheaper than any other make of either Single. or Double Spring Skirt in the Amer. ican market. They are Warranted hi every respect. and wherever introduced give universal satisfaction. They are now Laing extensively sold by retailers, and every la dy should try them. Ask for "napkin's Own Make,"and gee that each Skirt is stamped 'W. T. 110 PK IN'S, MANUFACTURER, 623 A IiCIL STREET, PIIILAD'A." No others are genuine A catalogue containing style, size, and retail prices, sent to any address. A uniform and Mend discount allowed to dealers. Orders by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory and :ides-rooms, NO, W 213 A RCil STREET, 40 - Skirts made to order, altered and fepairel. TERMS, NET CA SI t. ONE, PRICE ONLY. WThl. T. HOPKINS. No more Bald Mauls! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who have used it the very best prr natation for tho Hair. It is a positive cure for held. nese, eradicates flandralf and ilillllol,l, stops the hair frotn fldiiug ant, awl speedily restores (dray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates ou tho secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead. faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and miler, It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable lucks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. A. a flair Dressing it. has 110 equal.— Tho sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. Enid by Druggists throughout the United States. Ad dress all orders to 111 ell a 4) ELECTRIC SOAP. SAVES TIME, SA VES MONEY, SAVES LABOR, SAVES CLOIIIIE.3, SAVES WOMEN, AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It ie 11801 by onting/intr, slmdl nhavingsamt dissolving in hot water, limn soak - the clothes five to tell minutes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of hard machine robbing , would do, With ordinary soap, and tire most delicate fabric receive rue tinitcy. We can refer to thourands of families who are rising it, nail who coatd ant be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' • e mmm ( )uto=z4 *=,a22l SOAP, Sold by all LEA DI Ara- OitOOl;ftS TIIIiOUGhIO UT 17 FIE .STAT.E. WHOLESALE OEFIGE 107 souTll FIFTH. STREET, Philadelphia. l'l n = .ssmolf kr,lni == I=='3''''--41-----'l'l Iligost P1h!o PM fop Prim Tallow, ..t - )" . 1.'111 . SlllO ut LEW/S . J 4 y Orncory Oct. 15, '65-1511.2.p ILEDIAL DR, WILLIAM BREWSTER, HUNTINCDON, PA. I , or the benefit of llioac proposing In ”adorialnt E for diSeaseN We give in the few 01 the mart, prominent awl 1110,1 C1)111111.111 I11(.1 with in our prat, lice, in allw sire itivli (co re most till2CeSarill. L AT.I. O.4SEA TV is A SIMI rESEnt , AND IN ALL vAsrs lv PlD.plibl.V APPLIED. Thor , :, liwrect.Eo.:lllliett , diE With complaints nut have anotnevale.l, nemd have nobia.i lotion in applyiugonal whether only or ft lIIIIIMANENT vin:toil. they Will C -eceive la plies neeortlingly. Al! conanunicatiene 1 . 1 ea. 1 Ilitre St. Vitus' ltance, Paralysk, ilystt•ria, I.,t•vtausiiess, Palpita tion cf tllu Iloart,Let•, etc. 2 Son:Throat. DyspFpsin.l harrlima, Dysentery, Obstinate Cmdstipation, Ilemorrltoids, or Pilos, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, 111 i alt IllreetiOlNol the Liver and Spleen. Caterrh, Cdugli, Influenza, Asthma, !where nod I.ild organic disease or the hear!,) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, illteumatistit of the Coostamidion in the early stages. 4 tlotrel, Diabetis. and 14itiney Complaints. 5 itht.umatis., taunt, Lumbago: Stilt Nick,' Spinal Diseases, flip Disortes. ('oncors, 'Pm llon'S I (these last Imineil al wmYs enrol with out yam, °codling, or pla-ters in any total) I In it wool, we inor,se to cure all mumble dis ases. (Ye have no connection whaler, with any tri,tl ollice in tins, any tabor cemity. All letters tottlic, to • 11')1. 11. jahl • Illlntlioniont CallOA affil %tablu limmna IN,ay , liaiaatl.otvi.'l,,,,n,ly ZIEGLER & SMITH, = No. 137 Nth. Third Street, Philad'a ZIEGI,EII, 4 SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 13 Nth. Third Street, l'ltilad'u HOOP SKIRTS. 628. No more Gray Locks ! ZEIGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia 3CS. CEI33EVI.MT.€•P ELECTRIC; NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN HUNTINGDON. NEW GOODS. FOR FALL AND - WINTER. WM. MARCH & BRO. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just received a large and splendid etoelt of good Olt their more in Huntingdon, consisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, • DRESS GOODS,. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TAINIMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW TV A R QU EENSWARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES,. CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, • GLASS, NAILS, I'lBll, SALT, &c., &c. Also ; CARPETS and. OIL-CLOTH,. And in fact everything that in usually kept lira first clue store, all which were bought low for cash and. will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, and request the public to give us a call before purehacing elsewhere, feeling satislitid No can offer awe rior inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, nod the public are cordially invited to examine cm goods. Everything hilted in cr..change for goods except promi ses. • WM. MAMA d ftRO, Huntingdon ? oct.'.ll, 1865. ME 1867. • 1867. CLOTHING. • H. ROMAN. NEW OLOTHINQ FOR FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED AT ROMAN' CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and madg iu the best workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite tun Franklin House to Market Square, Hontink don, Pa. Huntingdon Oct. 31,'66. HEn QUAIITERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWiN INKopis THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED 4 SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS! THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN, • OC. WEST HUNTINGDON 'FOUNDRY, JAMES SIMPSON, aroma. 3P.cibtaci.cor., HUNTINGDON, PA., Manufacturer of all kinds of work in his line, among whitit the FARMER Will lind Threshing Machines, Plows, Died soles, 'Fettle &c. The BLACKSMITH Will find Round ,Mandrils, hollow Anvils, block and rol ler Tiro benders, Tire irons, sled and sleigh solos, Wagon boxes, Ac. Tito MILL-OWNER Cau have Mil:hal:tor Machinery. The BUILDER Can have door and window sills and Lintels, sash welgbla cellar window grates, all sizes, porch stands, - armor for rain spouts, chiamoy caps, pavement castings, for coal and wood cellars, heaters for warming private dwellings mid public buildings, doors and frames for bake ovens, iron railing for verandahs, porticoes, balconies, and fen, cos of all kinds. Particular attention paid to fencing grave lots. Evory 7 hotly ran' hays threshing machine, plow and stove repairs and all Muds of Lot, mad brass castings. :lAMBS SIMPSON. • GREAT ENTHUSIASM I lIIGII PRICES SUBBEN_DER ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST, JOHN H. WESTBROOK Vit Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdem oh vicinity that he has just received from the city a REIT an 4 splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Ilosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks t Trunks, tbe d7e, (De &C. all of which he is prepared to tell at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONFECTIONERIES have also been re, coived. Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old mists. morn mat the public generally nre invited to call. Huntingdon, oct. 31, 1866. • 51 - 9;,'6 - T=l li79,sTrialsFt 5) 5 j 1r ) w vj.1 . 3 1,UA V.l ‘s•st J. M. WISE : Manufacturer and Dealer in 31F Xi It TNT I "30 T.T IR Respectfully invites the attention of the Publle hit stand on - lull . 11untiugdon,.in the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and smveley store, ivhsib he manufacture 3 and keeps ell hinds of ',urmitnre at rtluced prices. For, son s wishing to purchase, will do will to givo him a call. Repairing of kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonstblo. OW - Also, Cndertak ing rstrried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. The sUbscriber has a (stard - t ,,, NEJE ND ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepmed to attend Funerals at any place in town _ or COlll, ry. J. WISE. Hun t ingdon, May 0,1866—1 f pfil GEO. SHAEFFER .. iftwjwit refereed front the east with e.4411q SPLENDII) STPCIti BOOTS, SHOES', GAEPE/W t.C. 0, i Which Int ram to the inspection of his customers and the public goner/01y. Ile wilt otL his'atock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and thoso who linrchaso once will surely call again BOOTS Sz SIIOES MADE TO ORDEII and REPAIRING done in tho neatest and mo.stexpedt tioni 11141111er. Call upon Mr. I.hra.fivr at his shop on MR street, few doors west of the Diamond. Lny2 N EE BOOT AID SHOE STORE AVM. AFRICA. • t ho Lns gnl, G atro tl Fine Assortment of nil kith Of BOOTS AND SHOES , For Ladies, Gentlemen and Chlldrn4. oil of which ho will 6011 at fair prices. quick secs adtj .• • mid/ itrfi/il4. 101 l and QX.LatliTtC` lay steel:. Mallawluring and lit:lathing done to order Be; usual. llimlingtloo,Aiwil 10, ISOB ' COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds or country prolnce taken in exclanno tor, et VainitY