u\_-.IITON 81MAGUIR_?,, RAILROAD ATREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL =I Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, pArt, - 011 — r A i 73) it), - 0 1) II 1 1.4.i-3A q-Z•Vc. The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and bnyers generally, is invited to the fact that we ere now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit tho times. Our stock comprises all articles In this line of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIAL° used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, In., Lc., together with a large stock of iron, Steel, Hails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross- Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low JVttre. ' • Ooal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans Au excellent assortment of Clixtlewp, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON FUND AND FOR SALE AT X.A.NUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON IVIAKERS Wilt flint a general asAortmont of material-for their 1130 consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Aims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. .7BL ilvE ..roe mac se, Can be eupplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Wilt find i❑ our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, .SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, • • CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASII-CORDS, &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS A.LVD SHOVELS. FittinxLers Can be accommodated with everything in their line from a Grain geparator to a Whet-atone. 231.312c/Lorsi Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. " Agricultural Implements, Comprising the fa.nous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Bundell's Birgit Premium HORSE PITCI/rOIIE, Rakes, Scstheu, Rees, flay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, ltrraat Chains, Cow Ties,. Curry Combo, Cards, &c., &c, &c Among the epecialties of our nous°, we desire to call attentiou to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which Is vested in us. Scud for szirnAlar aa I i;Jt fall particulars of sumo, and staled) yourself of ite superior qualities. SCALES. &ales of all sizes and descriptions, Including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port- able, Hopper, 31iners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales; FURNISIIED AT MANUFACTURERS' pAsu PRICES The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVS. ALL SIZES OF RAILS AND BRADS, • By the keg. Very low I Ben Norway nal!, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of an sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRB Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, Dy the betrrol cr gallon, at very low figure* 4T-A call is rovoctfully toVcited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will pot fail to ij`[LIKTO\ & AIAGUIRE fV...,,Rry 27, 1807. 1867. ff n't"r_ ' l '. *- 4;( f!C- Vr t / e . ,•; . 1 %,,,_ ,' 4 1, BE HAPPY WHILE YOU MAY WITH YOUR MERRY Bells and Sleigh!! For all Kinds of S 1 Eit,l4-Btubt ROUND AND OPEN, LOOSE AND STRAPPED 1N EVERY STYLE, SLEIGH RUNNERS, SOLES, SHAFTS, FENDERS AND WILLOW SLEIGH BODIES, CO TO JAS. A. BROWN'S NEW METROPOLITAN HARDWAR - ii STORE, Hill st. Huntingdon, Pa. Where he also Offers at Reduoed Pii- oes a Splendid Assortment of NEW YORK SKATES, Coal Buckets, lot Air Rogistors for Collings, &c. New Patent Lanterns, LAMPS and OIL, PA,INTS & VARNISEIES, PATENT LINE HOLDERS, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, And an endless Variety of Goods in the 114RDIVARE line pirokiiistotwoitoo;43l 'METROPOLITAN ! UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIII AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA W. H. WOODS; AUTHORIZED GOVERNM'T AGENT, And Attorneyfor Soldiers and their 711 ends. Its will prosecute and collect, wiilt unrivalled susses, Soldiers' Claims and DlteA of all kinds. Also, nay °the, kind of Claim against the Cc.yeroment, before any of the Departments. 401-learlcsivs DeTewv 2 $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY I ! NEW BOUNTY LAW PASSED ! Attention, Discharged Soldiers I The Act of Congress approved July 29,1806. gives $lOO additional bounty to all soldiers who enlisted for three years and were discharged by reason of expiration of service, or who were discharged for wounds received in battle and who have not received more than $lOO bounty for such service. An additional bounty of $lOO is also al lowed to the nearest relative of soldiers who enlisted for a term of three years and who died or were killed in the service, to be paid in the following order : First, to the widow; second, to the children ; third; to the foliar, and fourth, to the mother. Soldiers' Widows By applying to W. 11. Woods, of Iluntingdeu, Minting don county, Pa., you can have your pensions Inercased two dollar., in month or each and every child you have, and when the widow has married or died, the children urn entitled to the increase. To all ',h., }lava brought home the bodies of their friends who died or wore killed In flue service of the United States, there is a certain amount of compensation allowed you fur the expenses Incurrrd in bringing horno the bo. dies of your friends, wh,ch you can obtain by making ap plication to me. Invalid Soldiers, Attention Tho act of Congress. approved June 6, 1060, gives addi tional pensions to the following clans of persons: - Soldiers who bare lost both eyes or both hoods, $25 per month; onto have lost both feet $2O per month; who have lost ono hand or one foot, or totally ilidabled in the same, $1.5 per month. • Persons who have been deprived of their pensions In consequence of being in the civil service of the United States Uovernment, can be restored to the pension roll by applying to me. bathers and mothers who were in wtole er In part de pendent upon their sons for support are entitled to a pen sion. Also brothers and Meters insider sixteen years of ago Atl discharged soldiers who did not recn, o transporta tion to their places of enlistment when discharged, are entitled to receive ft; and also all who were held as prfeo ners of war, and did not receive Commutation of rations when released or discharged, aro entitled to it. Officers who were in the service on the 3d of March, 186.5, and wore discharged after the sth of April, 1565, by applying to me can receive three mouths extra pay. Soldiers of 1812 I All soldiers, or soldiers' widows, of the war of 1812, who have served two months, or been wounded or disabled In such service, If in necessitous circurus , ances, arc eon tied to on annuity of $4O. Local Bounty All veteran soldiers who gave their credit to districts In the State of Pennsylvania, and who received no local bounty, are entitled to receive three hundred dollars. • All persons having any of the above mentioned claims, or any other kind of claim against the United States or Slate Governments, will please address no, giving full particulars, enclosing a ntanip for return posing°, and they will receives prompt reply. W. It, WOODS, Azaliari.wd Ar•nty and Nary Ilh,.Claim Agent. aug13,1866 Ilcotinonon, IVEXT IBM <0 M. °l' CY3EiLM., .41 ...... L . ce•—• 4 :7•1 4 '145/POPU • , 'r • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. poM. GREENE has just opened . life undo Store, one .1. nr west of W Leiria' Book tore, where ho keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY & SINS' and OAEIILE'S Piano Ylanutimturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET OROANS and CA Itll A ItT, NEEDHAM & CO.s' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strintss. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &c., &c. MUSIC.—tle in constantly receiving from Phil• adelphia all -the latest ornate, which persons at u distance wishing. can order, mat have Brat them by in ail. Also G ROYER & BAK EIPS Celebrated SEWING MA.• CHINES.--the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing. embroiders perfecily • sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for 11111CclitICR. Persons buying Sowing Machines fully instructed In the use of them. : £ Pinnoe and Organs Warranted for five years. :Those wishing to buy any of the above articles ate cited to call and P.l.Mitll.l mine before purchasing el,e- WhOr42 My prices lire the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information dearred. 11. M. OBEENE, 11111 street, Huntingdon, Ps., ee27 Second floor of Brown's Hoak, are building BROUGIIER'S,PATENT EXCELSIOR. BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER, PATENTED DECE3IBER 26, 1666 Everybody his own Broom Maker Thic bead Wrapper is on structed of Tin Zinc. with elirlit bend and bolt in connectio with the cent bolt paseing Qu the handle, Itol Jug it fiecurc. The article which we el your attention very eimple,ligl and stron welg hing In SEVEN OUNCE,. The tannin community hat long needed at article of tint character; an the high price c Broome, togetln with the slmplh Ity, durability, makes it more ducal 41.42 - Wo oiler borough, townahip, and family rights for solo on reasonablo!terms, in the county of it untingdon. For further particulars, call and ace tho subscribers, or address THOS. `4III.ICKLIOt & FON, feb7,1866 Huntingdon, to. SPECIAL NOTICE. To THE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles 1101 V so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Darla, wan captured in Fashionable Female attire? One moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rush redolre. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they hod fora time served to hide the deformities of that prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the examploof Angela? Then having made up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rabolacts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your falls, era, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero ho suited in good articles of Boots. Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any House in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1315. FRANCIS 13. WALLACE. ,e l t ; , A my ß , D ,ii . tb. T .t i te te ntio u n n o d f e th r o s c iff i t z t e e ,, d . INT A w It o u L r e s E p of Huntingdon end the le - Veining counties to the stork at beautiful marble now on hand. lie is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monuments! Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired dizo and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly tiniehed, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, ae may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Billet, &e., will be furnished to order.. . . . . W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work ronnehip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purclme elsewhere. Shop on the ornor of 31ontgoinery and Mifflin we.. Huntingdon Pa. Will. W1L1.1.1118, lfuntlugdon,Mity 161155. 114'vE'S Pure arid Superior Rio Col.' fee In packages of one pound,•for sal° at LEWIS d CO'S Family Grocery. LARGE VARIETY of articles too nitinerona to mention, for solo at LEWIS l CO'S anal) , Grocery. OW and eao. pURE'SP ICES at CUNNINGHAM at CAItMON'S. eI . ROUND <D' AND SALINA Nj SALT ut CUNNIMMAM CAIWO.A"S. DERFUMEIZY and FancySoans for .ale at LEWIS CO'S Family nrocery. PARCHMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for solo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. iiTL NV GOODS CONSTANTLY DE ear.' nt CUNNINGHAM S;CAHMON'B. CBANNED PEACHES and Tomatoee Mixed Pickles, Tualatin CaMity, Pepper ammo, Lc., & for ealo ut Lo vin & eti'ti Family ()merry. - VERMICELLI, Barley, Mice, Horn y, yiny, itT,"nt LOIOY . Family Grocery. gumor NifilYolll. Ile - The Rev. Zeb Twitchell was the most noted Methodist preacher in Ver mont for shrewd and laughable say ings. In the pulpit he maintained a suitable gravity of manner and expres sion, and out of the pulpit ho over flowed with fun. Occasionally, he would, if emergency seemed to re quire, say something queer in a Ser mon, for the sake of arousing the flag ging attention of his hearers. Seeing that his audience was getting asleep, he paused in big discourse and discuss ed as follows : ".Brethren, you haven't the least idea of the sufferings of our missiona ries in the now settlements, on account of the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes in some of these regions aro enormous. A great many of thorn weigh a pound, and they will get on the logs and bark when the missionaries are going along. By this time all ears and eyes were open, and lie proceeded to finish his discourse. The next day one of his hearers call ed him to account fbr telling lies in the pulpit. "Them never was a mosquito that weighed a pound," he said. "But I didn't say ono of them would weigh a,pound. I said a great many, and I think a million of them would " "But you said they barked at the missionaries." "No, no, brpther, I said they would got on the logs and bark." n.A gentleman who recently put up at a log tavern in Wisconsin, was awakened by a young man who com menced a serenade thus: "Oh, Sally Rice, I've called you twice, And yet you and snore I I pray you walk And see your Jake, And Cope to him the door; or the window, I don't care much which, for It makes Lot little difference To either you or I Big pig, little pig, Root hog, or die." .C'"What's the matter, Uncle Jer ry ?" said Mr. —, as old Jeremiah R. was passing by, growling most fu rionSly. "Matter," said the old man, stopping short; "why, hero I've been lugging water all the morning for Dr. G's wile to wash with, and what d'ye suppose I got for it ?" "Why, I suppose about ten cents," answered Mr. —. "Ten cents 1 She told me the doctor would pull a tooth for me some of these days." lat•"W bat are you doing there,Jane? "Why, pa, I am going to dye doll's dress red ?" 'But what have you got to dye it with?" "Beer." "Who on earth told you that beer would color red ?" "Why, ma said that it was beer that made your nose look so red, and I thought—" "Hero, Susan, take this child." gentleman ono day asked a little girl—an only child—how many sisters she had, and was told, "Three or four." Her mother asked Mary, when they were alone, what had in dUced her to tell such an untruth.— "Why, mamma," cried Mary, "I didn't want him to think you were so poor that you hadn't but ono child.— Wouldn't he, thought we were drefful poor ?" -ry,"Saminy, Sammy, my son, don't stand there scratching your head— stir your stumps or you will make no progress in life." •‘Why, father," re plied the hopeful, "I've heard you say that the only way to get along in this world was to scratch a head !" ke - The lady who did not think it respectable to bring her children up to work, has lately heard from her two s ms. One of them is a bar-keeper on a flat-boat, and the other is steward of a brick-yard. lirlt was said, in the olden times, that the body was more than raiment; but now the raiment is a great deal more than the body in value, and full five times as much in circumference. L.An Irishman, on hearing of t friend having a stonocoffin made for hitliself, exclaimed : "By my Bowl and that's a good idee. Shure and a stone coffin 'ud last a man a life time." AO - Never look at girls. They can't bear it; they regard it as an insult.— They wear their feathers, furbelows, frills and fixens, merely to gratify their mammas, that's all. ‘Vestern editor, puffing an express company, says: "Anything in trusted to its care will go through straight." How about a pig's tail ? fl--"Oharles, dear, now that we are married, you know, we must have no secret. So; do, like a dove, hand me that bottle of hair dye; you will find it in my dressing CAIRO." m,Suhjects for conundrums being nearly exhausted, ono desperate joker has gone back to our first parents, and inquires, 'Why was Eve not afraid of the measles? Because she'd Adam. rus„."Sal;" said one girl to another, "I am so glad I have no beau now !" "Why so ?" asked the other. "Oh, because I can eat as many Onions as I please." iTho saying "that there is more pleasure in giving than receiving" is made by some to apply to kicks, med icine, advice and counterfeit money. Ea - A German writer says : 'Thieves are so scarce in this country that the authorities are often compelled to offer rewards for them.' last case of jealousy is that of a lady who discarded her lover, a sea captain, because he hugged the shore. m.A. man makoth a wry face ovor a gill of vinegar; but he taketh down a quart of rye whiskey without a twist of his 11060. g&'-The difference between perseve rance and obstinacy—the first is" a strong will ; the second, a strong won't. 11-o,,,,What sort of a throat is the best for a singer to roach the high notos with ? A soar throat. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offore his protessional services to the community. the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Loden on Hill street. ' ap10,1866 DR. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizenn of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. D ALLISON MILLER, It • DE?VTIST, Has removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House April 13,1859. T E. GIfEENE, DENTIST. e . ) Office removed to oppocito the Franklin Homo In the old hank building, Hill street, Huntingdon. April 10, 1800. EXCHANGE HOTEL. • rfillfil subscribers havin g leased this .1. Hotel. lately occupied by Mr. McNulty, aro prepared to accommodate strangers, travulars, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall bo outdo on our part to make all who stop with u,s feel at home. AIJLTZ S FEE, _ may2,lBb6 Proprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, 3E-3Etuatlorigclicoia, JItAITE purchased and entirely ren orated the largo stone and brick building opposito the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. and hare now opened it for the accommodation of the treading public. Tho Car. pots. Furnituro, Beds and Bedding are ell entirely new and first class, and I ant safe in raying tlist I can offer no. commOdotions not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. 42,1 refer to any patrons who lowa formerly known me while In charge of tho Broad Top City hotel and Jach . son lions°. JOSEPH MORRISON. May 16, 1860-tf. EW. THOMAS, Teacher of Cornet Bands, 11UNTINUDON, PA. Daring bad considerable experienco in teaching music he promises to give entire sati.lactlon to Bands or indi viduals, iu town or cAmtry, desiring his services. Any bands desiring .music, or music arraingtd, will please address him. Ja9.2.nn K. ALLEN LOVELL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, • HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to all legal buOnessen trusted to bin care. Military and other claims of sot. dicta and their heirs against the State or Government collected without delay. OFFICE—In the Brick Itow, opposite the Colas Ilooce jan.1.1867 AT ILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIUNTI.NCIDON, PA Trompt attention given to all legal businest, entrusted to Ids care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' hell, against the. Government collected without delay. sel2T.6 MeIIfURTRIE, .11). _ _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ma on 11111 strect. HUNTINGDON, PA Prompt attention will be given to the prosecution o the claims or soldiers and soldiers' heirs, &gains t .the Doe ernment• nu 22,1866 J. W MATIERN. {MEGAN A. SIPE MATTERN & SIRE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LICENSED CLAIN AGENTS, HUN TINGLON, PA. Soldiers Claims against Gm Government for Back Pay Bounty, Widows' and Invalids' Pensions attended to with great care and promotuess. uly29-ly JOUN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. UEOWN, JOAN M. DAILEY Tho name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, .BROWN & BAXLEY, under which mune they will hereafter conduct their practice us ATTOIME.I'S AT LAig lIUNTINGDON, I'A. and all claims oreoldiers sad soldiers' heirs against the Government, ,ill be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1867-tf. A. W. BENEDICT. S. SEWELL STEWART. P. M. LYTLE. 1 1 11 E firm of Benedict & Stewart bas I been changed to BENEDICT, STEWART & LYTLE, under which name they will hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA They will also give careful attention to the collection or military awl other Claims against the State or Co, ertionatt. Ciao formerly occupied by T. Sowoll Stewart, adjoin ug tho Court Roos°. f0h6,1566 AGENCY, •FOR• COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. ALL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pen:aims ' can Imre their claims promptly collected by ap plying either in perst,“ or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. J.)IIN BARE, W. It. Woood, P. M. DARE, W. P. M'LAIKILIL}N JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, I. Solicit sec mots from Banks. Bankers others. Inter est allowed on Deposits. kinds of Securities, bouglat and sold for the ininul commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all point s. Persons depositing Gold nod Sliver will receive the same in return with interest. • Oct. 17, Itinti-tf. LUMBER. LUMBER. LUMBER. THE undersigned has just received and in now ready to supply the public with ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL Till DIFFERENT GRADES, From millings up to tho clear stuff, • Front 9 months to 2 years dry! Aim, PLASTERIe LATH, JOINT AND L P SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AND PLANE. woic ICED FLOORING, WEATIIEIt-DOAItDING, DOORS, IVINDOWTRAMES, SASHES, &u at reasonable prices. Now is no time to buy, before the Spring rush, as Lumber is itimuly advancing, and dry lumber is a scarce article, Clll5. 11. 4.NHENSON, Huntingdon, Fob. 27, 1576 JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA., GEM IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR TILE 51ANUFACTORE OF FLOOR. The patronage at the town and country to respectfully MEM GRAIN', of every description, Bought at this mill Huntingdon, May 2, 18 M NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA. llnforms tho public that ho Las just opened at Ills old stand la the Diamond, Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOS, For Ladiep, Gentlemen and Children. All of which he will sell at (air prices. Quick sake and small prryits. roi and oxami no my stock. Manufacturing nod Repairing uono to order as usual. Huntingdou,April 10, ISOO. B LANK BOOKS, OP VARIOIII3 sine, for vale at ZNWIS' BOOK AND STATIONDRY STO.R.p `intliztments. TVIN'S Patent HAIR CRIMPERS! For Crimping and Waving" Ladies Hair 1 , :o HEAT REQUIRED IN USING THEM! Ask your storekeepers for them. If he delis not keep them. writato the manufacturer E. MINS, Sixth st. and Columbia avenue, Philadelphia. se26.Em THOMAS M. KERR, General Partner THOMAS M. KERR, WHOLESALE GROCER, NO. 143 MARKET STREET, Country produce sold on commission S . S. CAMPBELL & CO., Itufacturing CONFECTIONERS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &C., No. 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa 4-.-Also manufacturers of all kluds of Molastesramly nud Cocoanut work. solS'l36.ly BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs Ile public that 1,0 has opened for their li - se Mammy and elegantly fitted op Billiard Room. It contains FOUR NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S MANUFACTURE, superior to soy now in the city. 'this }MINH ROOM challenges comparison with any room in the State, west of Philadelphia. "OPPOSITE TILE BUTTONWOOD TREE." - AV- HERTZLER & GWON, (Successors to John .Ilertzler,) 1M I'OR'PERS AND DEALERS IN • Vrtir IDS AND I_l Q, T_T 0 P., S, NO. 821 MARKET ST., PHILAD'A. ARRYII ERTZLEIL GEO. A. GUION. 0c314u1. Mislll,Ell'S HERB BITTERS YOB SALE SPECIAL NOTICE. The obeys little Casket is furnished with one hundred ,best quality NEEDI,II.9, numbers most needed for lady's WIC, They aro the hest manufactured. Every lady should send and proems one of those casket. This little casket is forwarded to any address on receipt of 50 cent, by mail. Any one wishing to become agent will pleas( send for sample and cir. 'flat, Price for sample, 50 cents I want 1000 agents more. The Great American Pnwsle will be sent to any address on receipt of 2u cents. It contains sht munbers. PHILIP HILL, 450 Market street, Philada. (Moo on Hill street 1251121 euoT.. 11. ai'rrvrrei^s .131:EAT.ItEME/W, INDIAN CONPOUND Internal ad External Blogicino, 4Fir - Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux in ono day, Alai -. Headache and Earache in three minutes. air - Toothache in one minute. ./Qr. Neuralgia iu live minutea, AV" Sprains in twenty minutes, Are,- Sore Throat in ten minutes, .Mr• Cbolic and Cramp in fire minutes, • Rheamathan in 0110 day, 1::&3 Data in the Back or Side in ten minutes, le— Bad Coughs or Colds in one day, IM. Fever and Ague In one day. Cores Deafness, Asthma, Piles, vm. Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia, . ux Inflammation of the. Kidneys, Erysipelas, Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart.. Keep it in your Families—Sickness • Conies when least expected. I propose to check, and effectually slkilpate mere echo . and pain. and to 11.01110 bill more perfect equilibrium of all the circulating now:, in human system, than can be effected by au) other, or all other methods of medical . aid in the same space of time. THIS POPULAR It EMEDY in fast coming into . uso, for tho feet th at, I core, tree of charge, all these com plaints whenever [ilk'« is all opportunity; to - do so.' As soon as it is applki it lamest mir.coloosly kills the pain. du not ask you to but before yon are certain of its edi• Cleary. If you have nu acheor puin, it Is warranted tads all it purports on tito Label. I do not propose to Cure every dbiease—only a class named by my direct inns. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles. and lu. thereibro'appliabie, to 60 core or natural rest°. advt. of ail organic derange. ment arising front improper circulation of the nerve Vital fluids. • Prof. J. 11. INlclintyre's INDIAN COMPOUND : acts di rectly on the absorbente, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible, short time, tuithlut any po , sdde danger from its use gorier any pensibie circumstances. This in an internal and external medicino—composed of route, herbs and bards. such as our forefathers used.— Thera is a bountiful supply on earth to cure all complaints if we only know what they were. This has been n great annuity with the Medical Faculty for many years, to tied out the kinds bent adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what proportions to use. J. 11. )IcIINTYRE, Proprietor, hendhig, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store Iluntingdou,.Pu., Sept. 6, 1565. MCENTYRE'S bANDELION 7 For all di3eases arising from one cause, viz: Fenr and agile. Dyspepsia. Catarrh in the. Head, Weak and dia.- doted Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Ileadache, Gid diness of the Dead, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments. Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains In the Back or Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worms, Se., Sc. Sold at 25 cents per Va. DIcENTYRE'S INDIAN VEGETABLE • WORM DESTROYER ! Thlsinfalliblo medicine is warranted to expel worms in all rases and may be given to cnitdren of all ages, no they ore purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. 4.24._ Can be had at Lewis' Cook store. Huntingdon, Pa BOOKS AND STATIONERY. A good assortment of miscellaneous and Schoo Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopcs—Red, Blue add Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous siacs—Pens, Panetta, Pocket and Desk Inkstaiiils, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can he had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & )WSW STORE. SPECTACLES. A. fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS" BOOK STORE. AIcOMIAN .1: 80N rEILIE BEST QUALITY OF F4ESH MACKERt L. at cux.yhygg,l4l4"c4itholyz. iIHOICE Teas, Coffee, Sugars and V./Molasses, tor pale at LCITie Pauluy erercery. (MALL st D. P. (TWIN'S if you want Goon 00008. MONTIBLY or eaIe ,, TIMB BOOKS, LEIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. CASSIMERE S.—A choice lot of black and fancy Canaimerce nt CU NNINGILIAI & CARNION'S. VrTILLOW and CEDAR WARE i for sale at LEWIS Si CO'S Family Grocery. TIRE BEST EASTERN CHEESE mll7'o6a CUNNINGHAM & CAIIMON'S. 1.7.1.,:q CARE, Special Partner B=EI CEM =I =I E. will", _:.zi:.,34,16,,iii.:F,01.1n, VANIA RP IL - ROAD: OF LEAVING OF TRAINS „ DENNSY I j_ TIM WINTE WESTWARD. ARRAIVatittEIi:TY: STATIONS. MC N. Hamilton, Mt. Union,— i Mapleton,..:.. Mill Crook,:.. Huntingdon, let reburg,.. 'Bar ea 0 35 7 2,01 7 501 8 05 401 9 02, 9 20 , 9 28 9 40' 1 19 05 Spruce Crag., Birmingham, ,Tyrone, 'Tinton, Fostoria, Bell's Mills, Altoona,. FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at S 45, , and arrives at Huntingdon at 5 II A. M:.. ' • '5 ' DAY EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 840 and arrives at Huntingdon 9 48 A. N. CINCINNATI EXPRESS Eastword leaves Altoona at. M. and arrive at Huntingdon at 4 513 P -IL ItALTINORE EXPRESS WenTlVard leaves HUD Cingdon i A 31. and arrives at Altoona at 730 A 3L *t -7- FAST LINE 'Westward, leaves . Huntingdon at '. It., and arrives at Altoona at 8 55 P. M.- " . 24, 1366. MEE T 40' Dec - - READING RAIL ROAD; WINTER AIURANGE4ENT, DECEUBTR 1, 1866 . . , . . JtI,REAT TRUNK LINE FROM . Tilt North and North-West for PuitAncirrite, -NEW YORK, HEADING, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, LEIENON,' ALLENTOWN, EASToN, EpHRATA, Linz, LANCASTER, Coinm• DIE, Au, &C. Tin". leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows t At 3 OD, 8,10 and 9 35 A. 31., and 210 and 0,00 P: Of., connect ing with similar tratha on the Penneylvaniall.lLarriving nt Now York 8,00 antl.lo 10A, 11.; & 4.40, 6,20.10 25 P. 51 Sleeping cars accompany the 3 00 a m and° 00 p.lit.tralne without change. . Leave Harrisburg for Readink,".Pottaville, Tamaqua, Mineraville ' Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 810 A. 31., and 210 and 410 P. 31., Itopplut at Lebniun awl mincipal way stations; the 4 10 p.m. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Aubitin, vlASchayl kill and Susquehanna 11.11., leave Harrisburg at 320 P 61. Retnrning, beam Nair -Yong nt 9 A. 11.,12 Noon, 5 & P. 11; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. ?if., and 330. P. al: . Way Pass banger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. H. returnint, from Reading at 030 P. at., stops at all eh:alone: Pottevilla at 8,45 A. M., and 2 45 P. 31.; Ashland .000 and:ll,3o . a and 1,05 P 3.1; Tamagni,. at 8.45 A 31., and 1 and 8.65 P M. Leave . Pottsville for Harrisburg, pia Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 . m.. . An Accommodation Passenger Train letivis Rasmus at 6.30 A. M., and return,. from PHILADELPHIA. at 4,30 Pr DI ' Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 700 A H., and 0 15 P. IL, for Ephrata, Litit, Lancaiiter,'Col unibia, On Sundays, leave Noir York at 8 00 P. M., Philadol plan, 8 a m and 310 P. M., tho 8 a m.train running only. to Reading; Pottsville 8 A. M., Hurd burg,o 35 a m, and Reading 120, 7 30 a. m„ for Harrisburg, 1122 a in . for Now York, and:4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. COMMUTATION; MILEAOE, alma, Senoox., and Excuifileir TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all points:: Baggage cheeltnti through : 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. . G.A. nn Reading, Tan. 1, 1887. General Supointendnnl, MI NTINGDON & BROAD TOP . • RAILROAD. - d after l'hureday,:Jannary 10, 1867, Passenger 111 arrive and depart as follows : WARD TRAINS.. NORTIIWARD TRAINS. On an Trains NV I SOUTH 122323 Accovmo 3=ll SIDINGS 4 434 4 50 I LC- 924 LE. 7 501EluniTeritlon, 8 10 MeConnallslown,.. 8 18 Pleasant Ur.° • 831 11nrklesbuzg,. 8 04Coffee Run, I 9 02 Rough& Ready,.... 9 14 Cove ' 1 0 18 Fieber's Summit—. lAR 0 331, ,„„ ce 9 431""' 10 031 li id illesbu rg ...... .... 10 11111opOwell . .10 29 Piper's Run, 10 59 Tateseille, ' /1 11 Bloody RIM, AR 11 15 3.100nt Dallas. .. 81101.19'S RUN BRAN 5 00 AA 5 5 Li. / 9 . '45 Zaxton • ' 1 10 00Coalinont, 10 05 Crawford, I • Art 10 15 Dudley, i 'Broad Top City,.... Huntingdon Jan. 10, 1681. JOHN SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, • POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., &e., A handsome assortment joist received At LEWIS' Book Store. k)• REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE LEIVIS'• BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR L ADZE AND GENTLEMEN, E VER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' DOOR, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND ' SMALL PORTRAITS OF - 1457/NOMMED (MIMS AND CIPILLIBII, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1300 K AND STATIONERY STORE. pAREIt t _PA 1 3- 14 R ! PAPtIR Tracing Paper, . - • Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, • Deed Papor, Tissue Paper,. Silk Paper for Flowori, Perforated Paper, Pflaol.lloarch lat Cap Paper, Foolscap. Paper, Letter Paper, 'Commercial Note Paper, Wm.' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Pap.r Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs 'and Shecti. For iele atIEWIS' LIOOIF, EtagPßPry and Music Siore.'•- . t, ;THE CYTHARA----Th4 Presbyter[ an Paalmodist-7113 t 7. Shawn—TheJuhilee,,liunten'e and Bertinl'e enlarged and improved instructors,Welland'a New and Improved Method for the dulter—Leland'e Accor deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winuer'e and Violin Instructors—Belittles Melodeon Instructor—Bor. roves' Piano-k:orte Primer—do, Thorough-Baes'Pritrier— , . Hewe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Oleo Book Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. T 4 lo_ll, THE LAWNS. ll A superior article of • Nete Paper and Envelopes, eujtapla 111;613=7:Palell'ica,r1fR7i sol o a t • sWOV I 'X 4 ; S 3O An kinds of Spices for sale at Lewis' Family Grocery Huntingdon, Fn. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS! Lovorlng's Beet and other. ay raps, Now-Orleans, Porto, Rice ta! Sugar House. Mamma, for sale utLourla Fatally 1=122 TiVElxvo e Meat. Mince Meat, a prime article ready for use, for sale by the pound at Lewis' Family Grocery. CHEESE. CHEESE. no best ulwoys for solo at Lr.lv - Is' FAMILY Gaoczrcl• EASTWARD t. Ir 4 r s q g, - P 110 55 CM 9.3& P. II AcmiwiExpiimm A. M. ED AR 11 22 11 02, 10 64' 10 38' 10.2`2 10 14 10 02, 9 58, An 4t 45 424 4 16 4 00 3.46 3 30 3 2Q I xx S OS An 2 51 2 35 2 27 2 09 amm MEM , l ut 301.0. 300 9 151 245 905 235 ,LO. 9 0011.3 2 30 Supt