The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 27, 1867, Image 2
. % 0 0 ft Q k.L.f--) A HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Feb, 27, 1867. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. 11., VA+ atom; iu wiiait a I,yal till zen nwil so wctl (I,;ain9(iczt.; ,Leothol to conotry as I , u ~ r - , !,, , ta;0i,v 1 , 1“:7 the ConstiLitic,n a t? ciowin- aa(l u:;;JE:: RECLIR DLL Or 1'_II:71" 1,1,11;s. .9, .1(3.11N57' .ViS.ll LA N 1 S, Hull AN AMMAD." A. P L) — John II. Sweatt, now in - prison in Washington, will be put upon trial in 'March fbr aidin in the assassina tion 61 President Lincoln. It will ho remembered that his nruthor was tried for the same offence, convicted and ME The U. S. Senate is busy consider ing the appointments of the President. Confirmations and rejections are made daily. The Assessor and Collector of this District, and P. M. of this place still hang fire. We should regret to hear of the rejection of any of the present occupants. They aro good officers and worthy men. BAnNum, the showman, has been nominated by the Republicans iu Con necticut, for a seat in Congress. It is supposed that as Barnumsueceeded so well in swindling the people as a show man he can swindle them as a Con gressman. Congress will soon 'play out" with slleb material as Barnum, Morrissey, Ashley,and others we might name. Reconstruction, A bill for the reconstruction of the Rebel States—passed by a huge ma jority of the Senate and House of Re presentatives—is now before the Pres dent, and it is expected that he will return it by Wednesday or Thursday of this week either with his approval or veto. It is the best measure that can be expected from the present or next Congress, and as such the people of all parties are anxious that he should approve it. True, it is not what the politicians of the "Democratic" party want—neither is it what the extreme Radicals, such as Stevens, Sumner k Co., want—neither is it what the reb els want— but it is the best they can have, and if all parties are wise they will accept the bill now in the hands of the President. The bill as it finally passed both Houses will be found in another column. A TEmrEnANen HOVEMENT.—There appears to be a grand strike to be made in favor of the temperance movement. The State Convention meets at Harris burg to-day, Tuesday, to which repre sentatives have been sent from every section in the Commonwealth. It is the general hope that some measures will be taken by that Convention that will be of a petmanent effect in abol ishing the evils of the liquor traffic to some extent. An organization of this nature has much to contend with, and we apprehend it gill take time for the people generally to become fully alive to the importance of removing the evils attending the great and growing incubus of intemperance. It is true that the temperance organizations are doing good, but their march at present is but slow compared to what is nec• essary to counteract the still more rap id strides of its opponent. If, by the means of this Convention, any measure can be adopted that will cheek Intern peranee, great good will thus be accomplished. Such is the strength of those who deal in liquor, and such the power which they oxm•t upon their victims, that temperance mon will have to contest the field inch by inch before they can break their ranks. W T e feel confident that the influence exerted by liquor•dcalers will eventually be weakened, while the reign of the indis criminate vender of the same must very shortly come to an end. All that is necessary is for the people to con• Sider the matter with an unbiassed mind, and reflect upon the ruin and havoc made by an apparently encour- aged traffic Whatever measures are deemed ex pedient, by the Convention, for the speed• removal of intemperance should reeeive the sympathy and support of good, temperate and ehristian men everywhere. AT the celebration of Washington's Birthday in Philadelphia, the main feature of the day was the presenta tion of the chair occupied by John Hancock while President of the Conti nental Congress, and also the (able upon which the Declaration of Inde pendence was signed. The object of this presentation is, that the table and chair may be deposited and preserved by the city corporation in indepen dence Hall. Louis W. Hall, speaker of the Senate, made the presentation speech. The Tennessee Sciutte ha 3 pass ed the bill conferring suffra . go upon negroes.• A motion to strike out the clatue preventing them from serving On juries or holding office was reject ed by :t tie vote. The bill having pre- Niously passed the House is now a unless reconsidered, and that event is not probable. Prcsidont it is thought, will i.l.llcw the bill prohibiting him from re ttri :toy 011(: from office without ;h e ~,)sentnull) Senate, to become a ix without a veto or approval. EDUCATION OF WOMEN -It is a grand mistaken notion entertained by some that a woman does not need as liberal an education as a man. We can often hear men lamenting the deficiency in education of women with whom they arc acquainted, and yet in the midst of their lamentations will argue that it is as it should be. They deem that her sphere is that entirely of the do mestic circle, and all the education she requires is that which Will fit her for the discharge of practical home duties. It is:enough, they consider, that she is educated to be a dutiful wife, a devo ted mother, and an economical house keeper. The husband, in such a situ ation, if possessing an education, rath er seeks the association of the learned thlin listen to tho.prattle of his wife; and the children are sent to school "to keep them out of mischief," the moth er failing to give that necessary co operation in the instruction of youth, which teachers feel so much. .lu~dlSc,T:;.lT~u firN It appears that custom has done much to prejudice men against the ed ucation of girls. As an instance, in many States there arc schools for boys, supported by appropriationsof thestate Legislatures, while there are no such provisions for thc girls of the Common wealth. This is a defect which should be remedied. It is altogether unfair that boys should have advantages in education, of which the girls are de prived. We notice that in the West, the proper step has been made. Mr. Childs of the Michigan State Legisla ture, has presented a bill to establish an institution of learning to be called the Michigan Female College. The College is to furnish the young women of that State with the means of ac quiring a thorough knowledge of the various branches of literature, science and art. How long will it be before Pennsylvania and her sister States shall follow the example so worthily set the whole country by Michigan. FEMALII SUFFRAGE.—The Philadel phia Evening Telegraph of the 20th says the exercise of the elective fran chise was practically illustrated on Tuesday, at the election for officers of tLo Mercantile Library. A poll was opened for female stockholders in the same room where the men voted, and the ladies cast, 156 votes, the business of voting on the part- of both sexes proceeding at the same, time without the slightest confusion or disorder, although the crowd in attendance was quite as large as that to be witnessed at many of the polls at a regular elec tion for the officers of government. The ladies walked up and deposited their ballots with as much sang-froid as though they had been accustomed to voting all their lives. As illustra ting how the thing might be done, this Voting at the Mercantile• Library elec tion is worthy of note. Bills with the following provisions are now before our Legislature and Ivo hope our member will "pitch in" and see that our county is included : Relating to the protection of deer and wild turkeys and the transporta tion of deer and venison. "This bill makes it unlawful for any railroad, express, or transportation company to transport any deer or ven ison taken or killed within the State, between January 1 and August 1, the penalty being $lOO for the offense. The penalty for killing any buck, doe, or fawn out of season, shall be $5O. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or kill wild turkeys, between January 1 and September 1, or to snare, gin, trap, or pen them at any time, under penalty of 810 for each of fense." "One inflicting a penalty of 8100 for any newspaper to publish any gift en terprise or scheme in the shape of lot teries to dispose of real estate, jewelry, greenbacks, or other things of value." FENIAN OUTBREAK IN IRELAND.—ln telligence from Ireland by the electric cable is to the effect that there has been a Fenian rising in the counties of Kerry and Cork. A hand of 800 is reported to have retreated to the hills near Killarney, but they have, it is said, been surrounded by National troops, and their chances of escape were thought to be small. The county of Kerry has been proclaimed in a state of siege, and Ireland is being fill ed with government troops. A dis patch dated the 16th, claims that the present rising has been totally sup• pressed. MURDER IN A COURT ROO 3I.—A Ger man named George. Ethic was arrested in Philadelphia on a charge of com-' 'pitting a rape on Louisa Leis, a little girl eleven years of ago. The accused was arrested and taken to Moyamens ing prison. On Wednesday lust the accused was to have been tried in the Quarter Sessions Court, in Philadel phia. The Bulletin says that at ten o'clock the prison van was driven up, as usual, to the Sixth street entrance of the Court House, and one or two prisoners had been taken into the Court room and placed iu the dock, and officer David Banks followed with Ellar in his charge. The Court room was crowded as usual. Mrs. Leis and her daughter oc cupied seats upon the south side of the room. Leis was seated on the end of a settee near the western entrance of the Court room. As officer Banks en tered the door with his prisoner, Leis arose, and drawing a revolver from an inside pocket of his coat, ho deliber ately fired at Ellar. The shot took effect in the region of the heart, and the prisoner falling back into the arms of Officer Kritzer, uttered the excla m•aionq "Oh lOhI Oh I" The woun ded, man was at once carried into the office of the Clerk of the Court, where he died in a minute or two. Important Bills. I=M Pen and Scissor Items. There are five female editors in lowa. To kus thinks their stock of yarns comes from a family sewing bobbin' party. An artesian well in Indiana throws up 200,000 gallons of writer daily. Temperance men now have an opportunity to boast. Three prorineea of Coehin China are to be annexed to France. It is not stated whether France fought for it or not. The area of Presidio, the largest comity in Texas, is equal to four States like Massachu setts. The new name for chronic constitutional? drunkenness is "Meltliontanio." Is that pronounced Melt•o-mnnin ? A letter writer from Naples says he 'drank in the whole sweep of the bay.' What a draught he must have had ! Down East papers tell of a hen that was buried D days in a snow drift, at Pittsfield, Mass., and wa+ elide when taken out. A poor woman living in Indiana recently sold her hair fin• one dollar• and fifty cents, M buy food for he• children. George W. Ellevy, the last man living whose father signed the Declaration of ILtde• penitence, died at Newport last week. The Qneen'e speech, transmitted recently over the cable, cost the American press i 0 '2.900 in gold, or $3,973 in currency. Rev. Mr. Beticher's novel is called tho Call of the Clergyman. It is a retmmerative call, as it nets him $25,000. Jokus thinks he could go deaf on that kind of a call. There arc f 33 bars, where wine, beer, and liquors are sold in Detroit, and 35 churches. What a ha' penny worth of the bread of life to this intolerable quantity of sack ! A man in Napoleon, Ark., said he would drink a gallon of ruin in one day or die. Ile drank and died. We have heard of men be ing killed with a smaller allowance. A party of thirty persons in Royalton, N. Y., were recently made very ill by eating cheese. It is supposed that the cheese was made in a brass kettle. Artemus Ward's complaint is "irritation of the mucous membrane." If this applies to a cold in the head then he has many snif fling sympathisers. The new Congregationalist Church at Chi cago has over its main entrance a fragment of what an eastern paper calls the "New England Blarney Stone," viz., the Plymouth Rock. The weather all over Europe has been un propitious lately, but particularly so at Rome where heavy rains have interfered with out door matters, and threatened an inundation of the Tiber. In Elgin, C. W., a few nights since, a woman heard a dog barking loudly at her door. She followed the animal for n quarter of a mile through the snow, and found her fa ther in a drift, dying of cold and exposure. Santa le, Mexico, is said to be so healthy apiece that people never die there of old age or whiskey. An'y community can be just as healthy, taking other diseases into considera. Bon, such as mania-potn, colic, fevers, etc. In the reign of henry VIII a small silver coin was struck called a dandy prat, 'which,' observes Bishop Fleetwood, 'Was the origin of the term dandy, applied to worthless and contemptible persons." A son of John C. Breckinridgo is clerk in a dry goods house in New York. He is said to be a youth of uncommon culture and abil ities. Does his father know he is with a Northern "roudsill?" In Washington county, Tennessee, twenty miles northeast of Jonesboro', is an ancient birch-tree, on the bark of which is still legi ble the following inscription: "1771—I). Boon killed a bar." An Eastern paper advocates seminaries for young ladies, where spinology, weavology, cookography and housekeeping can be taught —the graduates to receive the degree of F. F. W., or fit for wives. A dutchman might call them fast•footed wirgins. A St. Louis German gentleman recently displayed his parentalforethought and tender ness by dying and leaving one dollar to each of his children, and half a million to his wi dow. It is pretty certain that widow was a second wife, A New York paper says that recently a Connecticut farmer's wife, noted fir a keen eye to the finances, was told by her husband that the church had elected him deacon, whereupon she eagerly inquired, "How much money will you get by it?" "Do you know the prisoner, Mr. Wagings?" "Yes, to the bone." "What is his charm). ter 2" "Didn't know he had any 1" "Does he lire near you ?" "So near that he has only spent six shillings for firewood in eight years." Our exchanges a l l concur in the following advice to their patrons : "Never buy goods of those who don't advertise. They sell so little that they have to sell dear." It would be doing our advertisers injustice if we didn't say so too. Everybody should advertise. Judge Cady, who was strongly "anti-wo man's rights," used to address his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, as "My Dear Sir." She is doing de-sir-ving sir-vice to a sir-cle of sirs and sir-vants, by her sir-comlo. cation which, is sir-culating freely. That is a sir-tainty we ere willing to sir-tify to. Senator Yates, of Illinois, has been comer ted to temperance by the new Congressional organization. Senator Saulsbury, of Dela ware, is also a hopeful member of the society. This is the best "restoration plan" that Con gress could possibly adopt, and we hope the new society will be as permanent as the will of the people. There could be no more piti able or disgraceful sight than a drunken rep resentative of the people. There was a fire at Fairfax Court House, Virginia, the other week, which burned down five houses. It was successfully fought, in the absence of engines, with snow. A good story is told of a very old gentleman, a farmer of the neighborhood, who came in after the fire had died away, and asked the first man whom he met----" Are they gone ?" "Who gone?" "Why, the Yankees. I see they have been in again and burnt something." A person who saw it informs the editor of the Jamestown Joarnal of a singular accident which happened last week on the Atlantio Great Western Ritilroad, a few miles cast of here. A man was sitting with his feet rest ing on the sill of one of the windows, which was open, and white the train run over a truss bridge, both his feet were taken off.— Jukus thinks this a sensation story, behind which is concealed a rather good "goak," as such things happen often, but for the good of the Railroad Company, editors say nothing. The Reconstruction Bill, The following is a correct copy of the reconstruction bill as it passed both Houses and was sent to the President for approval. Whereas, No legal State govern- Incas or adequate protection for life or property now oxist, in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and Arkansas. And whereas, It is necessary that peace and good order should he enfor ced in said States and loyal and repub lican State governments be legally established: therefore B:: it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That said rebel States shall be divided into military districts, and made subject to the Military authority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed; and for that purpose Virginia shall consti tute the First district; North Carolina and South Carolina the Second district; Georgia, Alabama, and Florida the Third district; Mississippi and Ark-an sits the Fourth district, and Louisiana and Texas the Fifth district. Sze. 2. And belt further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the army not be low the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his du ties and enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of each officer as signed as aforesaid to protect all per sons in their rights of person and prop• erty : to suppress insurrection, disor der, and violence, and. to punish or cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and•criminals; and to this end he may atlow local civil tribunals to take jurisdiction of and to trroffenders; or when, in his judg• meat, it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have power to or ganize military commissions or tribe. nals for that purpose, and all interfer ence, under color of State authority, with the exercise of military authority under this act shall be null and void. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without unnecessary delay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted; and no sentence of any, mili tary commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person, shall be executed until it is approved by the officer in com mand of the district; and the laws and regulations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they conflict with its provisions; provided, that no sen. tence of death under the provisions of this act shall be carried into effect without the approval cf the President of the United States. Sac. 5. Be it further enacted, That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have fbrmed a con stitutional government, in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all respects, framed by a con vention of delegates elected by the male citizens of said State, twenty-one years old and upwards, of whatever race, color, or previous condition, who have been residents in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as may be dis franchised for participation in rebel lion or for felony at common law, and when such Constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shall be en joyed by all such persons as ba've the, qualifications herein stated for election of delegates; when such Constitution shall be adopted by a majority of the persons voting on the question of rati fication who are qualified as electors for delegates, and when such Constitu tion shall have been submitted to Con gress for examination and approval, and Congress shall have approved the same, and when said State, by a vote of its Legislature, elected under said Constitution, shall have adopted the amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed by the Thirty ninth Congress, and known as article 14; and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators arid Represen tatives shall be admitted . therefrom on their taking the oath prescribed by law ; and thereafter the preceding see- Lions of this act shall be in opWation in said State : Provided, That no per son excluded from the privilege of holding office by the said prol:osed amendment to the Constitution of the United States shall be eligible to Glee lion as a member of a convention to frame a constitution for any said rebel States, nor shall any such person vote fur a member of said convention. SEC. 6. And be it. further enacted, That until the people of said rebel States shall bo by law admitted to represen tation in the Congress of the United States, any civil government which may exist therein shall be deemed pro visional only, and in all respects sub. ject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control, or supersede the same, and in all elections to any office under such provisional government all per sons shall be entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of this act, and no person shall he eligi ble to any office under such provisional government who would be disqualified from holding office under the provis ions of the third article of said consti tutional amendment. The bill passed the House by a strict party vote, yeas 125, nays 41. It pass ed the Senate by a vote of 35 yeas to nays, Buckalew, Cowan, Davis, Hend ricks, Nesmith, Patterson, Saulsbury,7. FROM WASHINGTON. Speech of Reverdy Johnson on the Reoonstruotion Bill. Feb. 20.—The following is the speech of Hon Reverdy Johnson, Senator in Congress from Maryland, delivered in the Senate to-day, on the bill to pro vide for the More efficient government of the rebel States, which passed the Senate to-night : Mr. Johnson. Mr. President : I have felt a solicitude for the condition of the country, consequent upon the ex clusion of the Southern States from their right of representation in this body, that I Want words to express. ‘ l , The view that I have. entertained is that, in their present condition, they are entitled to be represented. But the Congress of the United States, from the termination of the rebellion to the present time, have taken a dif ferent view, and I have lost all hope of seeing them at any early date, if at any day with the consent of Congress, reinstated in their original condition. Besides, the interest, the vital in terest, which the people of the South necessarily have in the present state of things, the interest of the other ' States is almost as great. As long as it continues, more or less will the rep utation of the country suffer. I have been, therefore, from the first,ready to agree to any proposition which I be lieved would result in bringing the Southern States back, however much I. may be opposed to the conditions which might be exacted of them. Nothing can be worse that the state in which they are now placed. Deso lation around them, all rights denied them of a political character, and on the floor of the Senate, to say nothing of another branch of the Government, their character as men has been ex pressed in terms which have caused me nothing but the deepest regret. I know that they are not deserving of such aspersion. I think I know that the descendants of the men of the South who upon so many occasions battled on the field for the honor and glory of the country and contributed so much to the success of our civil government, cannot be such men as some of the members of Congress have designated them. I wish them to bo here in our midst to show by their presence that in all particulars, Moral and political, intellectual and Christian, they are our equals. The very battles which they have waged in seeking to destroy the Government exhibited deeds of valor of which Rome in her proudest days might have boasted. If I had my own way I would receive them at once in this chamber, with a heart full of conviction that they would be true to their duty to their country, and that they would promote its permanent interest. But I have not my way. I am obliged, therefore, to acquiesce in the decision of the majority of Congress, however erroneous or unjust 1 may be lieve that decision to be, provided I believe that it will end in a compara tively short time in restoring the South ern States to the brotherhood ofStates. I am unwilling that this Congress shall adjourn without the adoption of some measure that holds out a hope, however distant, that this may be the result of our deliberations, and believ ing that this will be done by the adop tion of the measure as it now stands before you, 1 shall now give it my vote, not because I approve of it in abstract or in the particular, but because I think I see in it a mode of rescuing the country from the perilous predicament in which it,'rS - -rrow -placed. Mr. President, if there be a feeling which should animate the heart of every American, it should be one of generosity, magnanimity, and charity for the men who, although they sought to break asunder the cords of the Uni on, are now looking with solicitude Co their being reinstated. . If there be a feeling which should animate every American citizen, it is that we should be, and at the earliest period, a people one and indivisible,de monstrutin,, to the world that however alarming the few last years may have been, and however they were calcula ted to cause the lovers of constitution al freedom to despond, the time has conic, or the time will speedily come, when the feelings consequent upon that effort will have subsided, and we shall be brought together again and be seen in tho undisturbed exercise of duties 'imposed upon us, and ex hibiting to the world a people great in war, and a people capable of being in the end, the war terminated, as great in peace. STARVATION IN SOUTH. CAROLINA .- A late letter to tho Baltimore Amer ican says: Owing to the devastation by the armies and the almost total failure of a crop, this section of our common country is in a state of star vation; and unless relief is afforded im mediately, many :human beings: must pass to a premature grave for the want of bread. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M - "CDUEIL. A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND ab,mt a mile distant from Huntingdon borough, and connecting by a short lane with the public road lending from said,borough op Stone Creek,cuntainin g over S 9 AGUES, about -10 thereof bring cleared ; having those on erected a good two story frame DWELLING II,JUSE and stable. For further particulars inquire of Huntingdon, Feb 27-If JSO. 11. GLAZIER. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED Till: Tit!is 111::,11:DY AT LAST DlsCuTilliED Upham's Fresh Meat Cure, Prepared front the formula of Prof. 'Penniman, of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases, Urunchitis, bpirepSia, Aura:mins, (loneral bshtlity, :nut all morbid conditions of tha oy,,tem dependent on deficiency of vital force. It Is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the inost skeptical of its virtue as 11.0 great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bottle, or six bottles fur $5. boot by express. Sold by S. U. UPII,IM, No. 25 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia. f27-: m And idi principal Druggists. Circulars bent I'm: WALL - lAPER, WINDOW SUIDES AND FIXTURES, =I Greatest variety al new styles ever brought is the county, RECEIy.ED AND TOR SALE ClisAs AT LEWIS' 110011 5T011.2. FEMALE' COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J Pieasantly.located on the Delatvai.eVC? Two and three-quarter hoar's ride by railroad from Now York, and one and a quarter from Philadelphia SUMMER SESSION COMMENCES MARCH 6th For Catalogues, containing terms, etc. : 'unreel Rev. JOAN 11. BRAKEI,Y, A. TI., Prest., feta i In DOOM AND SHOES, of every Va I : l6°V tkt CUNNINOHAM. & CARMON'S. cri (7.,,cn) CO 0 1 ) 0 C.D C.D tIJ ' 2 'n • Pj [1:11-3 C'" cc cr 'z'am' s24 1 2.1 tc: 4 -1 , 3 r t fL i ) 6 tfi Lai cf 2 H (-74 t7A }-a 0 (04, FOR SALE, RENT & WANTED. - _ "CLOSE" AGENCY. [Any person having real estate. personal property, etc. etc., for sale, or property for rent, or who may want to buy or rent a farm, dwelling, store room, shop, farm Pt.ek, etc., etc., can have his wants made known under this head at a small expense.] • FOR SALE. Two Beres aground in West lluntingdon, One lot of ground enot of Stone crock, adjoining lot of M. Thompson. A fresh milch cow for sale at a reasonable price. WANTED. • (N o: before the first of March. next, ) the LOAN Of SIX lIIINDBED Dol,l,Aroz, about the 2bth of May. ISGB, for which a govd 'lvzr cvnt. and a good security will be given. Enquire at this ugh, felvln A gentleman with a pnall family wishes to rent a tonal dwelling house in the borough of 1111,101.0. n. SPECIAL NOTICES PA.IEAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CA TARRH. treated with tilt! Wm.' , ifilee., by J. ts.CS, M. I)., Oculist stud A urist, (lbruorly of-Leyden, liolltitol) Nu. hi PIN E street, I'llll,OOA, Testituouiela front the lutist reliable sources in the city :mil century, eau 1,,. :teen at his toinCe. 'lllO medical fauulty ore invited to accompany illcir puients, as he hue nosecrets in his Pt - tteth: , All:1'HB:1AI, El ES inserted without (11111.— So charge fur exumihation. . Jub2llB6o-ly IRST NATIONAL STORE. p OHM & MILLER have just, reoeir - etc at their lICSV store another invoice of Jetthei an d uenttemen's of the very latest styles, which they aro now oftsrlng to the public at thu most reasonable rates. Their stock consists of Edllso, French and American Marinas. Paris aiM Alpaca Plaids, Furs, be !mines. Jaconet Barred, Cam bric, Bleached and Unbleached Muslims, Cloths, Cassi. mores, Satinets, Jeans, Shawls, Flannels, Calicoes, Hoods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Sitcm, Wood and Wit low•ware, Carpets oral Oil Cloths, Funnily Liroceries, mat the largest and Lest assortment of Q U B 11 ,7 STVA B E in "ye ancient borough. All thoFo doAirous of getting bargains will not fail to stop in and sue us at our New Stara south west earner of the Diamond, Fisher's:di' stand,) Huntingdon, in. EXECUTORS' NOTICE.— • • [Estate of John Russell, deed.] Letters testamentary upon tho will and testanumt of Joint Russell, late of Ilepemell - township, Huntingdon County, deceased. have been granted to the snbseribers. All persons k odebted nal requested to malts intmedtato payment, and those basing claims roillpresent them prop erly authenticated to tho Undersigned. . . Jan 16, 1567-Gt.. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE IL:stateofJolln N. Mower, deed...! Letters of administration upon the estate of John N. Mossor, deceased. lato of Josiah.. township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will make payment, and those having claims will present them for eettletneut. Pin. 23, 18G7-6t LUMBER-SOLD ON.COMISSION. S. E. HENRY & CO., Are receiving all 1;10119 of LUMBER, comprising all the different grades of • BOARDS, FRANIE STUFF, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, PLANK, WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, FENCING, BAILING, Which will be sold at pricy at the mill; with freight ad - ded. no 7 OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, =1 COFFEES, SUGARS AND TEAS. ALL TUE CHOICE KINDS FOR SALE At Lewis' Family Grocery, EVERYBODY IIIIIST• LIVE! CALL AT . LE WIS' FAMILY GROCERY The best of everything will be constantly. kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices possible. Quick sales . and mall p rofits. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Hand Some and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store. ItY FAMILY - Will find at Lewis' Family Grecery, ex,ry article usually kept in ➢rat class Oratory stores. Call for what you want. jEST BLEACHED MUSLIN alwayi on hood at CUVELYGILAM & CURMON' S. Caned Fruit and Vegetables Always on band at Lewis' Family Grocery A Lb KINDS OPCEACKERS iii_couniznitly on Laud qt C.); \IVI ft 1)1 IBM is.; • =MEE OUlt. Oby ,3 ! ; ; doz., 01 . !,.; duo., eal. at L 1: Id el/ . 9 Family Orocery DRESS GOODS, 11011 M k MILLER JOIIN lIUSSELL,• JACOB ItUS:itiLL, Execntora MARY M. 310SSIMI, Adininistratrix MUSLIN SHADES, TAIT, CORD AND 2'ASSALS AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE c~s,H:~~'to EST .11 E A L P U B L I•C S- A L E. Thu uodemlinn-d o.;;i enmn, to public min on the pre• mitee, at Eden itili.,n N township, Hunting don county, Pa:. on, :oda wcyt of . :3pruce Crock, - On Tuesday. the sth of 2lairch,lB67, The followieg theireble real estate. to •sit• - • • . A VII F 1:11 containing 2io acres, 15 acres of which are covered with most excellent Timber,. and the balance is In a good nude of cultivation. This tract enjoins 'Aids of thigh ,eedS, Abraham Weight, John no•Phorran, Daniel Shultz, and bold formerly owned by Joseph and James Dysart, 111111 11118 i hereon erected a • •• • CUT STONE.3IANSION HOUSE; • ; i ll: Stone Tenant house, :lank Rant 80 by GO foot, Blacksmith and Carpenter Shops, tind all necessary out- Laikings, and a large Orchard of choice fruit trees and a well otgood water ou she crest end of this tract: This Farm will be sold in one or two parts asMay bout snit purchasers. ALSO. A Farm adjoining the above, containing 95' acres, and having thereon a Frame 'HOUSE, Astable, and other outbuildings, and two never-failing springs of - vrae ter. This tract is bounded on the west side by the sylvania railroad and the Juniata river, and contains the best limestone to be found along sold road, thus matting It one of the most valuable Lime Sites in the State. Sale to t o'clock, P. M., when terms wilt be made known. • fe?.9.2L. ALEXANDER STEWART.. PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will expose to pub _i_ ne sal,' at Ills residence in WALKER township, about two miles from the borough of Huntingdon, On Tuesday, the 19th of March next, The folloiving property, to wit, . 1 1/5r% 6 head of work Horses, 3 colts, a .milch . . r,+l, Cows. fresh next spring, 5 Hogs. 1 . - . "tl yearlings, 6 Sheep, 1 four.horso we ' gou nearly new, 1 rocicaway buggy - . bull tongue and shafts, 1 reaper and mower, one cider mill, one wind mill, ono sled, plows, harrows, and firs sets of horse grars'nearly now, one-Set buggy harness, awl other articles in the farming line the numerous to bo mentioned. Also, Household and Hitelien Furniture, Such as chairs, tables, stoves, and a variety. of other aril cles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when duo attendance and a reasonable credit will be given. W3l. D. REED. Walker tp,, Feb 20 4t REAL ESTATE PIC-71131-iXtO MALT-00. ESTATE OF JOUR ANDERSON, DEC'D: \Vl re L l i e . ,,e b o e or s j o ol l , d . A a n t de r . u . b . l r i r c ale aAtTAlhtpa On Saturday, 111 arch 2, 1867-, Tho following described tracts of land situate in Penn nod Juniata townships, Huntingdon county, to wit: • • • No. 1. The Mansion Farm., contain ing SO acres, more or less, in Penn township, :odjoining lauds of Icier dpech. Win. Dowling and others. The im provements ore a. Log, Weather hoarded HOUSE, Log Born, wagon shed. corn crib, nod other outbuildings. There aro two good orchards on this . farm. No. Timber Itidge Farm 2:0 acres, SO aer, cleared and max cultivation tim rest well timbered with etiostnitt oak, - white oak and yellow pine, adjoining Linde of Polly Dowling and Richard Chid. The improvenients nro - a Log 11011: 4 0, Log Barn and other on:building , . there is is variety of fruit pees on this tract. • No. 3. Saw Mill Fario, containing 83 acres. more or less. 50 acres cl,ared, adjoining lands of !Leary Garner and othurs. A saw mill is on this tract. • No 4. The interest of the deceased. in tlie Dowling tract. con Suing 100 notes, 40 arms clear: ell, the balance wall tiinbared,adjoining lands of Wm. Doan. dnmua PitAS awl others • - tale to commence at one o'clock; P. 31. of said day = One-third of the purchase money to he paid on the COD• arlollooll of Fale:Ont . -third thereof in one year thereafter, with inietwit, and the balance at the death of the hidoW, with int •teet from coutirmatien of oath to be paid to the widow annually. ... • . P. F. TIISSEY, ANDERSON . , NIARTILA ANDERSON, Executors. ll= VALUOLE I; I:. Thu undersig,m,d PRIVATM SAE nrnluuhle I.h+m , tou• ihu m, coil iillpeouud and in a good neighbor• hood. TElt3ls one fOnr:11 on April lst. and residue in four egnid annual pep:lents. 11'51. DORRIS, Jn., Huntingdon, Brass Musical Instruments. FOR .SALE: 1 Silver E Hat Cornet, Brans Ella Cornet; 2 E fiat. Altos, 3 II Hot Tenor; 1 Baritone, 2 E tint Baste; 1 Bats. Drum. The above outfit for a Baud will ba sold at vary law nail ttwso desiring to poi chase should avail them, selves or 111 is iiippor tun ity, Apply to Hun tingilon,Jan I ti-tf E. W. TITOMAS, Roche,. of armlet Band. HOUSE ANb LOT H' S A Comfortable frame Dwelling house six rooms. located in . Washington street, Hun,. *el be sobd at pawn te sale. • For furtlier particulars call at MA.ROLI d: ORO'S store s Nuntingdou, Pa. W7UI7dI JLsCPHICIPY DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, HUNTINCDON, PA. BIFor the benefit of those proposing to undertake Electrical treatment for diseases wo giro in the X following list a few of the more prominent a n d most common complaints mat with in our 'prac • L lice, in all of which we era inset auzcesaftti. Ix NEARLY 'ALL CASES Or CHRONIC DISEASE, DLEOTRICL ETY 18 A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES BENEFICIAL, IP pr.bnaLY APPLIED. Those, therefore, afflicted! E with complaints not here enumerated, need bare no hesitation in applying,and whether only RELIEF, or a PERMANENT CORE can-be effected; they. will C Breceive replies accordingly. AU communications free. I Epilepsy, Chorea, St. Vitus"Danee, Paralysitt, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita• T tion of the Heart,Lock-Jaw, oto. 1 2 Sore Throat, Dyspepstn,Diarrlirea, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or 11 Piles, Bilious, flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. • 3 Catarrh, Cough,, Influenza, Asthma, (where I not canoed by organic disease of the heart,) i 0 „ Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Cheat, Consumption In the early stages. c . 4 Gravel, Diabetia, and Kipney Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Nick, Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases, Cancers, Tu mors; (those lavt named always cured with- A . out pain, or cutting. or pltwenrs in any form) 1 In a word, we propose to cure all curable die t nsus. We have no connection whatever with any ir other e i r I t l o lt t o le t r r s , ic, , d d r . c: t i o n this or any other county. 1 kiall> ' WM. IittOWSTER, M. D., y Huntingdon, Pa. E A MERICA N CO W-MILKING MACHINE:I 'LICE (1! LZATZLIT . sud - : EssETL IMPROVE, MOM= Every prudent Farmer ahpuld have sue, e3ceure your own territory Apply early at the office, EXCHANGE BUT (ZING, ilarrlaburg. Pa. MEM PETROLEUM V. NASBY'S LIFE OF ANDY JOHNSON! Including his stomping tour out west and his orashunl with i 3 comic illustratim,s. The groatest hit of the age, Free by mail for 24 cents. Comic JEFF DAVIS, illustra toil, 10 cents. Also scud Ten cents for samples of oar Hundred Dollar Prize l'nzles, Slagle Webs, Puzzle. Pic tures, Castb Croquet &c. 11 & CO., 109 Nassau at., N.Y. N 0 TIC E 1S REBEBY GIYEN IN that the partnership between Jung A. puxiat it. G A it:: ER was ditemlved ou the 25th data Janderii IW, by totaled content: All debts owing to the said pa, tuership, are to be received by the said John o.Boyer, and all demands ou the said partnership, to bo presented to the pm, for papncnt. ' JOHN G. BOYER, S. B. GARNER. - ;:= 4 ' The Store wilt be earth:don no usual under th mof S. B. Garner 4 Co. S. B. MR, Alarklesburg Statton, Reh. 6, 'AI. , .G&RNBR. TO THE _LADIES. • Thu best assortment of • . Just reesaved this day (rum Ness York and ter sale at thd cheap cosh store of Vlll. MARCH BRO. A splendid assortinentof - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS Just received this any from New York and for vale cheap at [may 71 WM. MAROII & Bito. W) EADY RECKONER A completo Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars 11 cents, to Which aro ridded fOrhas of. Notes, Bills, Ito, coirts, Petitionsi, Ac., together with a set of useful tables containing rate of interest from mil, dollar to twelve thous. 101 a, by the single day, with a table Of wages, !sod beard tr ST,":ttle. YOU 1T.:1.2 , ;T the BEST SYR UP, orzasimallAM k Cakalar, IZE