The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 20, 1867, Image 1

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31x smooths
Buie months
1 Insertion. t do. 3 do.
Sus square, (10 linesjor ;serf, 76. ..... ...$1 26 $1 60
Two squarer, 160 2 00 300
Three 0010nre0,.....4 60
3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
.$ 4 00 $6 00 .$lO 00
6 00 9 00 15 00
Int square, or leas
hire* pewee, 8 00 12 00-- ....... 00
Four iguana, 10 00 lb 00 25 00
nulls column, 15 00 20 00 .30 00
Ono en10t0n,...-.... 20 00 'l5 00.... ...... 80 00
Professional and Pollinate Cards oot ell:ceding six Unto,
Oo• year, 25 00
Adminiotrators' and Executors' Notices,
Auditors' Noticed,
Litre), or other short Notice.
- -
lines of nonpareil make • square. About
alubt words constitute a line, so that any pereon can ea.
eily calculate &equate, in manuscript.
Adeertlsemeuts not marked with the number of Inter.
lions deeired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms.
Our prices for the printing ef Blinks, Handbills, etc.
are reasonably law.
A toilet delight. Superior to any cologne, nsed to
bathe the face and person, to render the akin tort and
fresh, to allay Inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
headache, to It is manufactured from the rich southern
Magnolia, and Is obtaining a patronage quite unpreceden
ted. It is a favorite with actresses and opera singers. It
is sold by all deelers. at $l,OO in large bottles, and by Dee
anas Starnes k Ca., New York, Wholeside , Ageti.
• - 1,11 4 ,1 SlOria'gillruter,seg by all Druggist..
S. T.---1.860---X.
Persons of sedentary habit. troubled with weakness,
lassitude, pelpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, di.
tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation. de, deserve
to suffer if they wilt not try the celebrated PLANTATION
HITTERS, which us now recommended by the bitheat
medical authorities, and are warranted to produce an im•
mediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable,
perfectly pure, and mast supersede all other tonic. where
a healthy, gentle atimulaut is required.
They purify, strengthen and Invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote C. change of water and diet.
They etrengthen the system and enliven the mind.
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation.
They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant,
and are exhaneted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the celebrated Calisaya Reek, wintergreen,
sassnints, roots and herbs, all preserved in perfectly pure
St. Croix rum. For particulars, eve circulars and testi
monials mound each bottle.
-••• • • •
Beware of Impostors. Examine every bottle. See that
it has our prirate U. S. stamp tinmutilatod over the cork
plantation scene, and oar signature on a fine steel
plate aide label. yy gee that our bottle is not refilled
with spurious and deleterious stuff. .Q-Any person
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
bulk. le an impostor. Any person imitating this bottle,
or selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal under the U. S.
Lair, and will be so prosecuted by us. The demand for
Drake. Plantation Bitters, from ladle., clergymen, mer
chants, Ac., talucredibte. The simple trial of • bottle Is
the evidence we present of their worth and superiority.
They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi
tient, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores.
Spring Wider, sold by all Druggists.
nary you A hurt child ors lame horse i 17.5 the Mex
ican Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burn/ swellings and caked breasts,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a certain cure.
For rheumatisin, neuralgia, stiffjoirits, stings and bites,
there is nothing like the hlesican Stustang Liniment.
For spavined lionise, the poll evil, ringbone and weeny,
the Meskan 3lustang Liniment never rail.
For wind-galls, scratches big-head and splint, the
MeXiCIIII Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold.
Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common
and certain to occur In every family, that A botile of this
Liniment is the best investment that can be made.
It is mere certain than the doctor—it saves time in
sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than the doctor, and
should never be dispeneed with.
"In lilting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over end
scalded my hands terribly. • • • The Mustang Lied.
meet extracted the pain,caused the sore to heal rapidly,
and left very little scar.
CHAS. FOSTER, 420 Brood time, Philitda.
Mr. 8. Limb, of Hyde Pare, Vt., write. "My horse was
'considered worthless, (spavitt,) but since the use of the
Mustang Liniment. I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin
iment is doing wonders up here."
All genuine is 'cropped in steer plate engravinge, sign
ed, W Wesibroek, Chemist, and also has the private
U.B. stamp of Demos Borne. k Co., over the lop.
Look closely, and be not deceived by counterfeits.
Sold by all Druggists at 25, 50 eta, and 51,00.
Fyripp Rater, sold by all Druggists.
• It le a meet delightful Hair Dressing.
It 'medicates rend and dandruff.
It keep. the head cool and clean.
- It makes the hair rich, soft and glosey.
It prevents the hair turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald heads.
The is just u'hat Lyon's liathalren will do. It le pret
ty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally cold by the car
-I.d. and yet its almost jecredible demand is daily increa.
Cog; until there is hardly &country store that does not
keep it, or a family that does not use it. •
E. TEIOSIAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y.
Saratoga Spring Meer, sold by all Drugglets.
Who would not be beautiful? Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble purity and dlr.
Lingua appearance we observe upea the stage and in the
city bells? It Is no longer a secret. They use Iliagon's
Ilagnolie Salm. Its continued use removes tan, freckles,
pimple, roughness, from the face and !Ands, and
leaves Um complexion smooth,tronsparent s blooming and
rari.ding. Unlike many cosmetic., It contains no mate
riel injurious to the akin. - Any Druggist will order it for
you, it not on hand, at . lo cents per bottle.
W.E. EAGAN, Troy; N. T. cae.i.L -
Downs Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents,N. Y
Swa-ps Spring Mater, 1101 d by all Druggists.
fielmstreet's inimitable link Coloring is not a dye. All
Instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic ' and
more or less destroy the vitality and beauty of the halt.
Thla is the original Hair Coloring, and hoe been growing
in fever over twenty yearn. It restores gray hair to lie
original color t y gradual absorption, in a most remarka
ble manner. It is also a beautiful heir dressing. bold in
two aires-40cents end sl—.rby all dealers.
C. 11EISIETItger, Chemist,
gandoga gnring Wafer, sold by all,Arligg
Lros , B PITILSCT or Etas JAMAICA attiOsx—for Indigos.
aloe, Nausea, Heartburn, Ai& lleadreho, Cholera Morbno,
Flatulency, Ac., where a warming stimulant Is required.
Its careful prsparation'end entire purity make it a cheap
and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every
where,lat 50 mute per bolas. Ask for “Lcoseit" Pure Ex,
tract. 'Take no other..
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by 41 Bra Vests
jalylt, 18436-eowly
. the obero artloirr for role by E. B. 8311TH,
Froot.lordoof P•II#S,
1 00
...$2 50
.. 2 02
.- 1 60
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
f Huntin g don county from the 2 t day of January,
nob to the 2d day ofJanuary,lB66
Received from David Black, late Treasurer, $lOl4 13
County tax from the several Collectors as
1859. A. 8. Harrison, Huntingdon, $325 00
1800, Isaac Wolverton, Brady, 235 97
11 John B. Weaver. Hopewell, 00 00
1864, Levi Decker, Henderson. 3 62
Samuel Myron. Barrer.,
George W. Johnston, Carbon
John Donaldson, Hopewell,
Jacob N. Lutz, Shirley, 209 43
Levi Pheasant, Union, 91 65
James Maguire, Weal, 265 32
William Christy, Alexandria, 183 92
Adam iCarfel, Brady, 833 91
Joseph Gibboney, Barren, 1053 77
least Ashton, Cassville, 103 00
Joseph Stever, Cass,
Ass, Stevens,- Chip, -., v.... .
Caleb Kelley, Cromwell, ' • ' : 31 r.„,,,_
George W. Johnston, Carbon, . 1160 60 . •
James Edwards, Coalmont, 24 01
Benjamin Stitt, Dublin, 690 03
Geo. W. Mattern, Franklin, 1074 69
David Forme, Hopewell, 430 60
John Decker, Henderson, 258 80
John C. Miller, lluutiogdon, 877 49
Jackson Harman, Jackson, 978 64
A. B. Dean, Juniata, 82 10
Perry Moore, Morris, 785 42
John Leo, Penn, 347 69
R. A. Laird, Porter, 1595 10
George Leas, Shirloysburg, 160 13
IL C. Weaver, Shirley, 1099 44
William Catchall, Springfield, 11G 87
Jacob Elias, 'T0d,651 87
LOTlSmith,llnion, ' 400 74
Joseph P. Watson, Walker, 5.2 55
Jonathan Wilson, West, 1210 97
George Weston, Warriorsinark, 782 75
David Albright, Alexandria, .. 350 00
William Eckley, Barree, 710 00
Delete Ehy, Brady, 1149 00
D. J. Logan, Carbon, • 100 92
J IL Herbert, Coelmont, 213 16
All 9 Stever., Clay, 220 10
It. D. Heck, Cromwell, 427 00
J. R. Gosnoll,Cass, 501 00
Isaac Ashton, Cassville, " 87 00
Wm. Clyrnaus, Dublin, 215 27
Wm. Bice, Franklin, 1850 00
Jolla Nightvrine, Henderson, 411 495 00
.. .., "" .
DAT fd forme, Lapewell, 77 49
John C. 31iller, Iluntingdon, 1712 07
Samuel Smith, Jeri:eon. ' 637 00
Levi Ridenour, Juniata, • 168 69
James Piper, Morrie, 160 00
N. U. 31cDivitt, Oneida; 400 00
Sohn Lee, Penn, 1000 00
Menry Swoopo, Porter, : 060 00
John G. Stewart, Shirley, 112.5 85
George Leas, Shirleyeburg. 209 30
31orris Untehall, Springfield, 141 25
John Blair, Tell; 405 07
Jacob Elias, Tod, 340 15
Thomas Dean, Union, :Al 79
George W. Owens. 17arrlommark, 1741 16 .
James 31. Lloyd, Walker, 493 51
Stephen 3111Ier, West, 1335 65 3.5161 15
State tax from the screen' Collectors, 5978 12
Special tax from the several Collectors, 1185 22
Militia tax from the several Collectors, 551 08 7117 42
Taxon unseated land, State and County 599 84
Schad Too on unseated land, . 217 05
Read, do do do 203 06
Bounty, do do do 231 71 1654 66
From John A. Nosh. late Treasurer, 344 43
From Wm. o:Wagoner, Prothonotary,
fines and jury fees received by him, 109 30
Proceeds of Sale of lumber loft from Mt.
Union Bridge 54 00
Rent from OrmiTemplare, 12 00
Procrwds from sale of estray, 9 00
Redemption Motley, 54 30 603 03
Commonwealth pro4ecutlons paid to At.
tnemy general, rrothonotary, Bbor.
Mond witnesses, $,1480 62
Constables for making returns, and elec
tion fees, 568 67
Onsnd and trance° Jurors. Constables,
Court Crier and Tip Staves, 3011 85
Judges, Inspectors & Marks of elections, 1014 83
Asseetsers of the ...vent! townships, ~. 330 75
lnqulzitiona on din,/ bodies, 61 7 77
Premium on fox scalps and wild eats, 265 55
Road and bridge views, 480 SO
Road Damages, George 13erkstresser, 100 00
- '
. .
do Juhu Warfel, 50 00 630 60
Blank books and stationery fur public
offices,2o4 46
Fuel for Court house and jail, 422 30
Sheriff Johnston for boarding prisoners,
conveying convicts to penitentiary, 890 70
Sheriff liathuret for conveying couricts
to penitentiary, Ac., 491 20
W. C, Wagoner, fees as Brothunotary,
Clerk of 3: salons, Sc., 242 69
Cleaning Court house, 33 00
Washing for prieunerd in jail. 35 00
Medicine and attendance oil prisoners, 1 4 '25
Gas aud fixtures fur Court Boum, 138 75
['outage and election Wes, 49 25
Merchandise fur Court house andJall, 210 92
Repairs for do de do 210 81
Chaim for do do do 41 25
Janitor for Court house, 41 00 772 24
D. Wornelsdorf, indexing, docket, 31 00
rennallvania State Lunatic Hospital for
the. maintenance of D. Brotherline
and Cyrus Elder, 293 75
Bridges: Supervisors of Shirley twp.,
across Aughwick creek, 150 00
n across Crooked creek, opposite
Huntingdon, 405 97
at !lawn's, 592 5.8
at Meadow Gap, in full, 651 00
" across the Juniata river, at ML
Union, building piers and repai
ring abutments, 4108 10
For wood work of same, 5224 0 11130 30
Bonds paid off: Mrs. Read, 516 25
Enoch Dean, 314 00
Interest On county bonds:
Marshall Yocum, 12 00
Rudolph Brenneman, GO 00
T. R. Cremor, 60 00
Mrs. M. P. Read, IS 00
Joseph Parks, 2.1 41 1194 60
Agricultural Society, 104 00
Peter Swoope Oct Revenue Stamps, 29 00
Refunding orders to sundry Persons, 95 39
Road tax to the following perilous:
Brody to wnsnip, C.Dei wiler, 10 Gil
Hopei, ell do A. Brumbaugh, 20 62
Union du David Swoope, 22 03 .
• Tod do Andrew Houck, 11 32
School tax: Tod twp., Abram Elias, 33 70
Bounty too: Juniata twp., J. Thompson 24 00 214 78
Comml , eloners :
J. Householder, in full. 467 00
Jacob Hiller, 200 00
Adam Warfel, 125 00
Commissioners' clerk, 596 00
County auditors' pay, 66 00
Commissioners' expenses In going to
bridges, clews on road damages, Ac. 75 85
Jacob Stiller. expeneoe In going to Har
risburg to settle up the indebtedness
of the county to the State, S3O 1557 15
Juba A. Nash, late T nearer, this emnt
paid to the State ,Treasurer, which
was afterward charged to hint In the
county account of 1863, • 800 00
Jan A. Nash, Into treasurer, per tentage
allowed him by the Commissions.
and Auditors to make the percentage
received by him for the year 1863,
equal the percentage allowed to the
Tr.surers both before and since
that time, 144 49
Printing for the county:
Wm. Low's, 165 70
Neel, it McDivitt, 202 50
John & Beni. Lutz, • '3200
J. I. Steel, 2 50 405 70
Relief to soldiery' families, 649 00
County indebtedness to State paid by T.
W. 913t0n, =9B 36
James U.Catupbell, Esq., la full for eats
ary as Commissioner.' Attorney and
collecting money, 140 00
P. M. Lytle, salary (or 1866 t collecting 99 63
P. H. Lytle, auditing accounts of Profile.
notary, Register & Recorder, '2 yes., 10 00 249 63
Redemption money to sundry persons, ' 90 31.
Comm . ra and Clark for military services, 40 00
Insurance on Court bons:, • 405 00
Treasurer of Huntingdon co. poor hon., 7340 24
Co. Treasurer's commission on $03411 13
at 1% per cant., 1251 16
Balance in Treasurer's hands, 77711 69
$46220 99
In tortimony whereof we hero hereunto not our hands:
We the understzued Auditors of linutingdon County,
Pen nay iV1i111(1, elected and sworn according to law, report
that we met, 41d audit, settle and adjust, according to
the accounts of T. W. hlyton, Esq., Treasurer of the
county. and the orders of the Commissioners and receipt.
for the nine for and during the past year, and find a bal
ance remaining in the hands of T. W. Myton, Treasurer,
of seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars
and sisty-nine cents.
Given under our hands at the Commissioner,' office In
the borouhb of Huntingdon, the lath of January, 1661.
A. P. WITITIC, }Auditors.
/Wu' A. BUM%
3C3F , ' - StC>T7 - ViTALT\Tri•
On Rill Street, two doors west of
Lewis' Book Store.
Efuntingdon, Oct 4, 16-11.
_j . l)Te
02 93
126 30
407 0
$l6-ZO DO
ADAM - WAIWEI, }Cones.
, of thelluntlogdon County Alms House, from DIC.
'EMBER 6th, A. D. 1866, to DECEMBER 4tb, 1860, In
To am'nt drawn from Co. Treasury, on orders, $7211 83
a. G. TATE, Steward, for sundries detailed in his
account, other that orders, 193 45
FARS'. File F.
By F. D. Rutter, wages as farmer, No. 1, S2EB 67
Sundry perseue fur emithlng, 2 to 6, 85 60
wagon work ? 6 & 7, 11 00
" " harness, 8 & 9, 15 21
44 " harveseg,oth. work,to to 15, 55 50
sundries ' 16 & 17, 17 80
Philip States for 050 chestnu t rails, 18, 47 60
A. Price for putting up 100 panel fence, 10, 2.5 00
By sundry persons, 4852 tbs.pork, 1 to 0, 752 Si
do do 2168 lbs.bcsf, 7 to 11, 391 15
do do potatoes and flour, 12 k 13, 47 15
Myers k Har ris, butchers, moat, 14, 199 62
William B. Leas for merchandise, 1& 2, 214 01
Wm. 11. Brewster, do 3& 4, 104 45
0. Etnior & Son. do S& 0, no 46
It. 51. Cunningham & Co., do 7& 8. 106 90
Cunningham & Carmon, do 9 & 10, 179 49
D. Etnior, Jr., do 11 & 12, id 10
D.J. Dovor, do 13 & 14, 33 75
, _
Wm. A. Wrsiker, dols d le, 29 27
8. E, henry & Co., do 17, 49 05
J. Thomas, do blankets, 18, At 00
Sundry penman, - do 19 to 29, 138 80
By rellorniTordod 3 cases, kept entire year, Ito 3, 195 00
do do 6 eases, kept loss than a year,
average time 7 mos. 4to 8, 103 60
do do in numerous eases, temporary,
without regard to time, 9to 40, 352 85
Conte, shrouds and funeral expenses in sundry . .
cases, • 41 to 49, 62 10
Physicians' bills, in sundry cases 50 to 53, 66 00
A. Crowuover, supplying A. Bradley, 54 to 56, 108 80
Blind persona supplying Rebecca States, 57 to 69, 107 GO
Staid physician., on contract for townships, viz :
West, Porter, Shirley, Barra., Carbon, Crow.
well, Springfield, Dubin and Tel:, 60 to 60, 219 75
John Logan, Director, rand o. d. ex. eery 87 to 72 73 76
Henry Davis, do do do 73 to 70, 17 76
John thinner, do . do do 77 to 80, 68 45
Jack. Harman, do do du 81, 9 80
By sundry Justices el the Peace Issuing orders or
relief in sundry cases, Ito 1/, 14 35
Smut coustalAns & othorivrmov. paupers,/ to 18, 134 45
78 80
By sundry persons, pub. annual report, Ito 8, 95 00
do du hunber for weak house{ to 7 260 04
Levi A. Myers, carpenter work, Bto 10, 113 00
A. Yarns A Fon, mason work, 11, 24 41
D. Black, commission on $5531, 12, 55 31
Wm. Harris, one sewing machine, 13, 20 00
a. W. Garr ttson, note in book, 14, 96 SO
Centro co., Judgment on Swopo's docket, 15, 76 63
B. It. roust, Susan Barris' note, 10, 59 00
Columbia Co. In. Co. two assessments, 17 018, 38 00
Sundry persons, 38% tone coal, II to 23, 08 St
do tin ware, repairing, to. 22 .9 23, 45 85
do shoemaking, rep'r., 00. 24 to 27, 49 06
do coffins, 28 0: 29, 27 00
to house labor, sewing, 00.30 to 35, 71 52
do miscellanemts, 30 to 50, 109 24
lly Dry. 'hard and Mackey, attends'
John Lognn fur services ae Director,
Henry Davie, do do.
John Flenner, do . I
Jackson Harman, do do
11. Brewster, services as clerk, 1 year,
K. A. Lovell, du counsel, 1 year,
lly 0.0. TATE, for hie account, monthly state•
Total amount of expenditures
600 bushels of Wheat, 200 bus, Rya, 300 bus. Date, 1500
bus. Corn,- (eurly,) 100 bug. Turnips, 30 bus. Onions, 15
bus. Butts, 500 bus. Potatoes, (about 400 bue. of which rot
ted.) 4 bus. Soup Beans, 15 tons Ilay, 8 loads Corn Fod
der, (1 horses.) about :30(a) heads Cabbage, (out of which
erne made 4 barrels Sour Crout,) 3000 lbs. Pork, Broom
Corn suLllclent to make 3 dozou Brooms.
22 Coats, (men and boys.) 21 pM. a Pantaloons, 7 pairs
Drawers, 98 Shirts, 9 Vests, 58 Chemises, 78 Dresses,
nicks, 15 Skirts, 14 Children's Dresses. 25 Aprons, 14
Night Caps. 12 Stan Bonnets, 35 pairs Stockings and Socks,
10 pairs Mittens, 15 lied Comforts, 28 Sheets, 28 Pillow
Cases, 7 Bolsters, de. 10 tied Ticks, 21 Towels, 4 Shrouds,
5 bus. Dried Apples.
4 Work Horses, 0 Bilch Cows, 1 Large Breedlng Sow,
7 Stock Hogs, 2 Plantation Wagons, I :prlng two horse,
du. 1 Buggy, (nearly broke down.) 1 two horse Sleigh, 1
sot Bob Sled,,l Baud Cart, 5 sots florae Clearsand Bar
11CdS, 4 Corn P lows, 2 Double Shovel, do. 1 Single Shovel,
do. 1 three horse Cultivator, 1 flay Bake, 1-Thrashing
51achine and fist tires, 1 Wind 31111, 1 set patent Ilay Lad
ders, 1 Grain Drill, '2 Grain Cradles, 3 Mow Scythes, 350
bus. Wheat, 200 bus. Bye, 1200 bus. Corn, (ears) 200 hoe.
Out., 300 bus. Potatoes, (yet sound,) 00 bus. Onions, 3 bus.
Soup Beans, 10 bus. Beets, 50 bus. Turnips, 9 tons Hay,
8 loads Corn Fodder, (4 Horse, )about 10.0 Bends Cabbage,
3 barrow Sour Krsut, 350 lbs. Pork, 400 tbs. Bacon (old)
2000 lbs. Beef, 500 lbs. Hogs Lard.
. C4 O r i M2n l 4 . rinT 6'
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We, the undersigned, Auditors of the county of Hunt
ingdon, do hereby certify that see have examined the or
ders, vouchers, accounts, Ac., of the Directors of the Pour
of said county, nod find the same to be correct as above
stated; and we do it:miler find that un examining the Trea
surer's account ho has paid on Poor House orders since
last settlement, the 1,111111 of $7,113 75, of which amount
the sum of $lB3 62 was expended on accounts of the year
1885, malting total expenditures et 1868, (no far as paid.)
amount to the stun of $6,930 13—leaving balance out
standing fur year 1868, to wit, $3ll 20.
Witness one hands at Huntingdon, this 29th doy of Jan
uary, A. D., 1860 _ _
A. P. wurre, Auditors
NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Low.
JUDGMENT NOTES, will, • waiver of the $390 Lew.
MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace
nod Inufaters of the Gospel,
of Assault end Buttery, and Affray.
SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough and Townthip Taxes.
Printed on superior paper, and for solo at the ONG 41
the HUNTINGDON 01.01314.
BLANKS, of every deacription, printed to order, neon/
at short notice, and ou good Paper.
Notice IA hereby gloom that the undereigned have form:
al a partnership in the above business and will constant
ly keep on hand the but and moot fashionable Goods in
the market, comprising all hinds of
Fancy Silk, Mixed goods & Cassimers,
Alen, the beet quality of
Both baying had largo experience In tho boldness will
try to pleat,' all,
Their room to on Smith street, two door(' below Main.
G.SO. r. 3LARS7X,
ja. 0. TATE, Steward, la account with tho Hunting
don county Alms House, from December Bth, Ind, to De
cember 4, 1866, Inclusive
To amount drawn from Co. Truantry, on orders, $576 II
Cash received from Mifflin county Alms House,
kliesioger case, 12 40
Stephen Elliott, one cook stove,ls 00
A. W. Benedict, Elliott Robley case, 25 00
Cumberland co. alms house, keeping M. Welcome, 87 76
Wm. Smith for tel ow, 3 40
h. K. Moore, case of Catharine Kelly, 40 70
Wm. White, inmate, in pert of his penilon, 00 00
Story Brewster for tallow and lard, 0 08
Henry Brewster for 17% the butter, 5 25
Wm. B. Leas for li:., the nutter, S 7
Merchandise purchwied from 0. Etnier, private use, 7 00
$74 78
By oundry Expenditures [or use orhoutro, no per monthly
itutomunte, numbered from i 1.12.
Stalontnt X. 1 , for. ,Deeen4W.S.
By expanses going to Centre county, • 10 50
Penna,llallroad Co., frolglit on pork, , . : 223
Relief afforded four wayfaring pauperp, • 1 - 50
Traveling expenses, seeing after paupers, • 5 17
By Penna. Railroad for freight. ' 12 03
Peter 31yers, postage stamps, ke., 3 25
W. F. Harris, cash paid on beef, 5 00
8. IVareing for house labor, 4 00
Traveling expenses seeing after paupers, 3 07
Penna. Railroad, faro to Carlisle for M. 1{ Beanie, 3 75
Travelling Expeeses and Miscellaneous, 1 75
By expense, removing pau?or from Warriors:nark, 3 50
Going to glair Co., to seo after paupers, 7 60
Blair and Cambria count., to see after paupers, 12 60
Traveling expenses elsewhere, 4 80
Cash polo Miscellaneous, 6 91'
1180 97
Ay Penna. Railroad for freight, 4 15
Cash paid postage sumps, ,t 00
do do Roller to vayfor tog paopure, 1 50
do do TlatVeiling expenaes, a 00
do do BlSocellarooue, 3 30
Ely =oh paid John Jacobs, swap of bull fur cow, 10 00
do .to Penna. Railroad fur freight, 8 07
do do Travelling expenses, 3 80
do do Relief to wayfaring paupers, 1 00
do do Miscellaneous, 1 78
Ay cash paid Penna. Railroad for froight, &c. , 10 35
do du Lelia to wayfaring paupers, . 1 50
du do Provoking expenses to Blair county, 000
do do Miteellaneous, 2 97
do do •Trarulling expenses, sundry places, 2 00
By cash paid, Penna. Railroad for freight, 4 50
do do lteliul to sundry paupers, 2 10
do do Travelling rxpeuses, 3 15
do do Postage stamps &c., 1 42
do do, 095
' Statement No. 8, for Lay.
By cash pithl for Removing paupers,
do do Travelling expoters,
du du `ejundry portions for harvesting,
du do Miecullnueuttl,
SY,lernrnt 10. 9, fir August.
Ity cash poid I'ollll3. Railroad fur (Hight,
du du Tickets to Tyrunu,
du Jo Sundry persons fur labor,
du du Postage staucp4
du du Traveling •spouses, sundry places,
du du Slleeellitneutio,
nt physician, 144 00
10 months, 124 00
12 do 144 00
12 • do 144 60
2 do 17 20
00 00
20 00
Statement 2V0.10, for Septentbcr.
ennui:mid Wni.Tomktng, for tabor, ,
do du Travailing ezinnms,
do do Sundry pardons, Mlecellnueous,
663 So
$743.1 73
Stattnient M.ll,for OctoGer
lly cash paid Penna. Railroad for freight,
to du E. A, Myers, butchering,
do do Yvatage stamps,
do do Travelling expensos,
do du Sending [may pauper,
du do Iditicelieneuud,
cash paid fur Ticket to Philadelphia., for pauper, 6 76
do do F. I). nutter, fanner, 2 25
do do Fending away pauper, 1 00
do do Miacollaueoua, 3 75
By Salary aa Steward, 450 00
Allowan ato Mrs. Tate, as Matron, 50 00 S5OO 00
In Testimony of the correctness
and statement, wo do hereto sot uu
of December, A. D., MA
Due ut the settleme
your 160.
1857. W. Joins, Cromw'll
155'J. A. Harrison, liunt'u
Jeseee Cook, Carbon
JoLu 11. %Yea.
W. 11 Flenner, Ilentlersou
mno. Doualdaon, Hopewell
*Jacob it Lotg, Shirley
James Maguire, West
- 1865.
*Adam Warfel, Brady
..fosuph Glbboney Barren
WO , Kelley, Cromwell
*D. Albright, Alexandria
fWm. Balch Barret
Barlett' r,by, Brady
lanlel J. Logan. Carbon
J. 11. Herbert, Coalruout
Arm Stevette, Clay
It. D. Heck, Cromwell
—J: It. Gospel], Cass
' Isaac Ashton, Cohsville
• Win. Clymans, Dublin
Wm. Dice, Franklin
liightwhie, Henderson
• David louse, Hopewell
• .1110 C. Miller, Ilunting'it
• eamnel 1 4 tnith, Jackson
.omt Ridenour, Jauf atm
}James Piper. Morrie
G. McDivitt, Oneida
John Lop, Penn
lien ry Swoope, Porter
John U. Stewart, Sir irlry
Utio. Letts, Shirleysburg
M. Gumboil, Springfield
Jubu Blair, Tall
Thus Doan, Union
L R'. Owens, Wart l fornek
Jams, M. Lloyd, NValker .
`Slopben Miller, West
Slue° paid In full. f
Olven under the seal of
nary, 181:7.
THE undersigned would respectfully
annennce that, in connection with their TANNERY,
they have Just opened a splendid assortment of
..IPisacs MicNati:Le:a-,
Consisting In part of
Together with n general aseortrnent of FINDINGS.
The trade la invited to call and egaluine our stock,
Bora on BILL Watt, two doors west of the Prerbyte-
Ilan church.
The highest Intranet," for hide and bark.
C.ll. lIILLgIt Sc t3ON
Butitipgilou, Doc. 12-3 m
The undersigned baring now entered Into the
Alexandria Brewery. the pithlic are Informed
that he will be . prepared at all times to rill
orders on the shortest notice.
Tl.lOB. N. COLDgli.
Alexandria, Oct. 28. 18f18-tf.
104;.. For neat JOB PRINTING, call at
the "Chou JO Fitrairro Orneu," at Hun
tinglion t -Pa. •
Statement N.. 2 for January, 1866
Statement No. 3,fio /hbruary. 1866
&atoneKt X0.4,f0r Jtarch
Statement Xo. 5, for
Statement Al, 6, for May
Statement Nn.7, for June.
Statement No. 12, fur NorculLer.
$769 56
,f the above accoaot
hands this 4th day
!rectors of the Nor
Le And'
t uith
1$ 17 62
200 2.,
70 9U
97 23
70 40
/00 00 '
30 72
04 22
161 88
149 40
27 00
109 01
:33 89
142 18
• 10 64
1"q8 13
408 35
1740 81
OJ 13
594 54
322 15
112" i DJ
768 31
2200 D 3
2215 12
In part,
115111011011' °MC
1.9566 On
Since paii
[ho Conn
. .
. :
K .
, . .... : :
...., .
. . ...Y . . .
- .
....., ,
\ ~-.. *N
\r. • .„„
\-. ';',z',
~......4%.:::::.:.: . : . , ,_ , :t,........
Ele 610 hr.
"I have brought my daughter to you to be
taught everything."
Dear madam, I've called for the purpose
Of placing my daughter at school;
She's only thirteen, I assure you, •
And remarkably easy to rule.
I'd have her learn painting and music,
Gymnastics and dancing, pray do,
Philosophy, grammar and logic,
$769 56
You'll teach her to read, of course, too.
I wish her to learn every study;
Mathematics aro down on my plan,
But in figures she scarce has an inkling-
Pray instruct in those if you can.
I'd have her taught Spanish and Latin,
Including the language of France ;
Never mind her very bad English,
Teach her THAT when you have a good
On the harp she must be proficient,
And play the guitar very soon,
And sing the last opera music,
Even though she can't turn a right tune.
You must see that her manners are finished,
That she moves with a Hebe-like grace;
For though she is lame and one-sided,
That's nothing to do with the case.
Now, to you I resign this young jewel,
And my words I would have you obey;
In six months you return her, dear madam, -
Shining as bright as an unclouded day.
She's no aptness, I grant you, for learning,
And her memory oft seems to halt;
But remember, if she's not accomplished,
It will certainly all be your fault.
IFor the Globe.!
Vacant Seats Around the Fireside.
Who can witness the scenes of the
present without some sad reflections
of the past. Let us reflect. few a ino!
mont on the past. Take for instance
the happy, healthful family circle that
grew for years, blest with health and
prosperity, even until the greater part
had arrived to the years of maturity,
without a vacant scat at the comforta
ble fireside or a link broken in the
golden chain that binds the family cir
cle moro near and dear to each other.
Parents blest with health and happi
ness. Where are they now ? How
true, each pleasure bath its poison, too,
and every sweet a snare. But were
those seats occupied never to be made
vacant? Was this golden chain never
to be broken ? Were those plates
around the well filled table never to be
removed ? Ah I some of them have
beim removed with sorrow. When the
last link was added to this happy cir
cle, in steps the pale messenger and
nipped the lovely bud to the sorrow of
all the once -happily united family.
Then was the first link broken ; in a
little space of time, the eldest, a loved
brother, took upon • him the divine in
junction, "a man shall leave his father
and his mother and shall cleave unto
his wife." Then was another link
broken, a plate removed, and a seat
made vacant at the comfortable fire
side. 'Shortly after, another,' a loved
sister, bade farewell to home and gave
her affections with heart and hand to
one she loved, at the Matrimonial
Altar. Then was another link broken,
another plate removed, another seat
made vacant at the fireside. And ore
another year had elapsed, another lov
ed sister wasted to the Hymenial Altar.
Then 'was another link broken, another
plate removed, and another teat made
vacant at the fireside.
4 50
6 35
15 00
2 6;1
4 40
4 00
1 00
1 o.s
1 12
$l3 75
But there is still before us the saddest
of all our reflections. Who has not
mourned over the results of this cruel
rebellion ? Lot us look-at this chain,
and see it it has not been touched by
the iron heel of civil war. 'Let us trace
the stops of the beautiful and noble
youth of nineteen summers, as he takes
leave of his friends and starts obedient
to his country's call, unknown to all
at home, until they catch the first
glimpse of the military equipment that
clothes a beloved, and we may almost
say, a lost son and brother. But fol
low him still further as ho wends his
way onward and onward toward the
field of battle, and ere long he is at
tacked with disease,. consequent to,
camp life, and wo soon see him laid
upon one of the narrow beds in a NeW
York Hospital. Bat he recovers and
is forwarded on to duty. But ere long
the hand of disease is laid heavily upon
him and wo find him lying in ono of
the far off Virginia Hospitals, where
he continues to . e•row weaker and paler
until at last his dying request is compli
ed with and the sad news reaches his
far off home. Imagine the emotions of
that grief stricken mother as she lis
tens to his pleadings to see her. 0 !
what relief it would be to him•only to
see her long wished for face in these,
his dying moments; but when she
hears read from him, "Mother, conic
quickly," is there food or nourishment
that will taste sweet to her ? See that
almost heart broken mother start; with
his letter for bee guide and pilot; her
way straight onward until she reaches
the sad sight • of her destination, and
see how eager she hurries through the
streets until she reaches the Hospital
and asks for her son, and asks to be
shown into his ward; but they hesitate
to tell her the truth. She is shown into
the Chaplin's apartment, and there she
asks again for her son. Then it be.
comes his painful duty to communicate
to her the sad truth. Corporal —,
is no more ! See her almost sink be
neath her burden of grief; her son has
been laid beneath the clods of the val
ley before she reaches the abode of the
friendless. Here is another link bro.
ken in the golden chain, another plate
removed, and another seat made va
cant forever around the fireside. In a
few weeks the pale messenger visite
this house of Mourning again and lays
his icy,fingers on the head of this once
happy family and he is removed almost
sudden. And they are called to mourn
the less of a beloved husband and
father. Then was the last linh; broken,
the last seat made vacant around th tit
happy family cirole:
22 50
12 00
31 00
24 50
23 50
IA 50
24 00
19 GO
15 50
12 00
10 50
30 50
60 00
42 50
10 50
IR 50
I 00
38 50
10 50
5 00
39 00
20 50
6 00
10 20
42 50
15 50
40 50
TERNS, $2,00 a year in advance.
[For the Globe.l
Hints to Parents.
It is the desire of most parents that
their children should grow up to bo
useful mon and women, and it should
bo the desire of all. It should not only
be their desire, but it is their sacred
duty to train their children in such a
manner that they wilt be an ornament
to society. The wise man says,
up a child in the way he should go,
and when he grews 'old he will not
depart from it.
As we pass along the streets, of our
cities and towns, we cannot fail to ob
serve that profanity,is one/ of the great
est evils of which the YoungThre guilty.
I have heard, some little boys, that
could scarcely talk plain, using most
fearful Oaths when they would get an
gry with their playmates. And some
times when they are not angry, they
appear to take delight in using God's
name in vain. Why is it that such
wickedness prevails among the young
people. Who is to blame? why it is
their parents. ; If parents would train
their children as they should, such
wickedness would not prevail; yet it
is a lamentable fact that, parents know
less of the evil habits of their children
than-the community does.
I know that a great many children
have been the means of bringing their
parents in sorrow to the grave, and
simply because they were not trained
when young as they should have been.
It is iilso true that the companions a
child associates with have a great influ
ence in moulding his or her character
for after life. If their companions arc
vicious and indolent, I might say,
almost without exception, they will
walk in their companions' footsteps.
But it' children are brought up in the
way they should; they will not associ
ate with evil companions; they will con
sider it a disgrace to be found in their
company. "Just as the twig is bent,
the tree is inclined."
Vital Statistics of Mankind.
There are on the globe about 1,287 ; -
000.000 of human souls, of which
369,000,000 are of the Circassian
race ;
552,000,000 are of the Mongol race;
190,000,000 are of the Ethiopian
176,000,000 are,of the Malay race . ;
1,000,000 are of the Ande-American
There aro 3,648 languages spoken,
and 1,000 different religions.
The yearly mortality of the globe is
3,833,333 persons,
_Thtie, at the rate
of 91,554 per day, 3,730 per hour, 60
per minute; so each pulsation of our
heart marks the decease of some hu
man creature.
The average of human• life is 36
One-fourth of the population die at
or before the ago of 7 years—one half
at or before 17 years.
Among 10,000 persons, one arrives
at the age of 100 years, one in 500 who
attains the age of 100 years, ono in
500 who attains the age of 00, and one
in.loo lives to the age of 60.
• Married men live longer than single
ones. In 1,000 persons 62 marry, and
more marriages occur in June and De
cember than in any other month in
the year.' One eighth of the whole
population is military.
Professions exorcise great influence
on longevity.
In 1,000 individuals who arrive at
the age of 70 years, 42 are priests, or
ators or public speakers, 40 are agri
culturists, 33 are workmen, 32 soldiers
or military employees, 20 advocates or
engineers, 27 professors and 25 doctors-,
Those who devote their lives to the
prolonzation of that of others die the
There aro 335,000,000 Christians.
There are 5,000,000 Israelites.
There are 60,000,000 of the Asiatic
• There , are 100 , 000,000 Mahomme
There aro 100,000,000 Pagans.,
In the Christian churches :
180,000,000 profess the Roman Cath
olic faith.
75,000,000 profess the Greek faith,
80,000,000 profess the Protestant faith
BEAUTIFUL 'EXTRACTS. —S i x teen years
ago llev. John W. Maffet, then in his
prime delivered a'lecture which closed .
with:the following fine passage: "The
Phormix, a fabled bird of antiquity,
when it felt the advancing chills of
age, built its own funeral urn, and fired
his pyre by means which nature's in
stincts taught, All its plumage and
its form of beauty became ashes; but
then would rise the young--beautiful
from the urn of death and chamber of
decay would the fledgling come, with
its eyes turned towards the sun, and
essaying its darkvelvet, wings sprink
led with gold and fringed with silver.
on the balmy air; rising a little 'higher;
until at length, in the full confidence
of flight, it gives a cry ofjoy, andsoou
becomes a glittering speck on the bo
som of the mrial ocean. Lovely voy
ager of earth, bound on its heavenward
journey to the sun !i So rises the spirit
bird from the ruins of the body, the
funeral urn which its Maker built; the
death fires. So towers away to its
home in the puro elements of spiritu
ality, intellect Phoenix, to dip its proud
wings into the fountain of eternal bliss.
So shall dear, precious humanity' sur
vive from its ashes of the burning
world. So beautifully shall the un
changed soul soar within the disc of
oternity!s_ luminary, with .undszzled
eye and unseorched wings—the Phoenix
of immortality---taken to its rainbow
home, and cradled on the beating bos
om of eternal Jove."
learA little boy, ageing a drunhen
man proetrato before the door of a
groggery, opened the door, and put
ting in his head, skid to the proprietor:
"See here, sir, your sign hat! fallen,'.
rr.FIE it GLOBE- JOB-• OPPICE" iff
L the most complete of any In the country, and pos
sesses the,most ample facilities for promptly,executing In
the best etyle,evory 'satiety of Job Printing, leech
LABELS, &C., &C., &C
NO. 31.
burn Advertiser has the following ac
count of an affair, which happened a
few days ago in that "loveliest village
of the plain.' It states that a gentle
man from the Westwas recently mar
vied in that city, and retired to rest in
the bridal chamber of the Blancque
Hotel, in company with his blooming
bride, whose rosy cheeks, surpassing
the rich bloom of Pomana's choices ;
brilliant eyes vieing in sparkle with
the diamond's lustre ; teeth excelling
the. Orient pearl lips of cherry plump
ness and color;-trim builtlimbs, eclip
sing the statuesque proportions . of'
sculptures ; tresses of
more than IlYperion luxuriance and
gloasihess of texture; in short--whose
every grace, combined with full chest
ed healthiness and fascinating appear
ance generally, had won him rapidly
at the previous evening's ball, to the
subsequent calling in of - a clergyman
and the investment ' . of a 810 green
back in matrimony.
An alarm of fire aroused, the 'sleep ,
ing bridegroom in the small hours of
the morning, and. without disturbing
his fair partner, he ,bounced out to the
hall and found the alarm to be a false
one. Returning to his chamber he
turned on the gas, which—horrible
to relate--he discovered, as he sup
posed, the mortifying feet that he had
mistaken the room. Too much bewil
dered to collect his disturbed faculties,
his, eyes mechanically took, in a heter
ogenous display of horrors promiscu
ously strewn about the apartment, on
chairs, on tables and the floor, and sus
pended to the bed pests,.which caused
him to suspect that he had entered the
den of some practical anatomist ; for
upon the bed, clearly defined by the
light of the blazing gail, lay the shape
of an almost fleshless; skeleton, with
bare skull and only- one browless,laslf
less eye ; toothless, pale lipped mouth ;
wrinkled bro* and sunken cheek ;
sunken limbs and consumptive thor
About the premises lay fragments
of humanity, to all appearance here an
eye, freed from its socket, but glassy
and sparkling, there a row of grinning
snow white teeth, detached from the
jaws, but with the gums still adhering;
a mass of human hair, just as it might
have been scalped from the skull ; two
fragments of human limbs, constituting
what appeared to be the fleshy part,or
calf of the leg; also what seemed to
be a female bust, or chest, stilt moving
as in the act of respirationwhile in
it were , the inner_portions (apparently
artificial) of two human cheeks; a
saucer of rouge, hair dyes, seven bot
tles of cosmetics, pearl puwder, a stay
lace in six fragments, a box bearing
the label, "patent false calves;" an
other labelled Plum pers for the cheeks;"
still another "heavers;" a set of "pat
ent eyebrows and lashes" were group
ed about, and added to the light which
was breaking over the mystified bride,
groom s who upon approaching the bed
succeeded in tracing amid the bones,
and parchment there extended what
was left (after subtricting the media-.
cry) of his lately blooming bride.
Crowding the whole lot of traps and;
bones into a satchel, he rushed to
coroner and delivered up the debris,,
not even waiting to attend the inquest.
The next train West bore the horrified:
widower to his home,: where he is now
living under vows of eternal celibaoy.,
publican. of Meadsville thus speaks of an.
attorney in the town, who catechised;
a female witness on the stand. It with
apply to some in this locality; though
they are rare ; "It was not neceisary ,
to his case that be should torture the,
frail and friendless woman who appear-.
ed as the prosecutor. It was no evi—
dence of either legal ability, wit, or.
manliness for him to cateehise her in
the manner. he did. Her misfortune
is well known—she is under the ban of
society—but sbo is a woman ;.perhaps
more sinned against than sinning and.
it does not follow that the lawyer may
ignore the proprieties and decencies of
life in addressing her in a court ofjus
tice. It is not manly to wantonly
outrage the feelings of the meanest
criminal, and it is shameful to badger
a weak, unfortunate woman, beforo
crowd. We know this, is . a common.
habit, and the council in this case was
simply following the usages of a por-.
tion of the protession, but it is a - dis-.
graceful habit that should meet with
the severest censure. The power, of
the courts, as well as enlightened pub
lic opinion, should be bright to bear
against tho blackguardism and brow-.
boating so prevalent among a class of
attorneys, who seem to think that
their professional position carries with
it a license to say things .to witnesses
for which they ought to hays their
heads broken.
.Somebody says a baby laughibg
in its dreams is conversing with angels.
Perhaps so—hut we have seen them
crying in their waking hours as though
they were having a spat with. evil,
spirits. • • -
..A lady wished a seat in a crowd
ed hall. A handsome gentleman gave
her a chair. "You are a.jewel,' , she
said. "0, no, lam a jeweller, I have
just set the *vol."
married,BSA rnonster.says he once
had Most delightful dream, in which
he imagined he had an angel by, his
side, and on waking up found it was
only his wife.
go through my work," as the
needle eaid to the idle boy. "But not
till you aro hard pushed,' as' tbe
boy said to the needle.
taflifan and wif, likerb and
nominative, should always agree.
Mr'ilFacling matter on- evor ; y pege.