TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum ity advance Plx months 2hreo months TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 insertion One square, (10 lineejor less.s 75..,. Two squares, Three squares, S months. 6 mouths. 12 months. Jne square, or less $4 00 40 00 810 00 'lwo squares 6 00 9 00 15 00 Phree squares, 8 00 12 00 "0 00 Pour squares, 10 00 li 00 "5 00 Half a column, 15 00 0 5 OD "0 00 Pao column, 20 00 "5 00.... ..... .50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, _Oa e year, 85 00 Administrators' nod Executors' Notice 8^ 50 Auditors' Notices 2 00 Estray, or other short Not icos 1 60 • • - - - * 4 - o"Ten lines of nonpareil neko a equaro. About . eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea sily calculate a square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with tho number of lover tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac warding to these terms. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, liandbills, etc. art reasonably low. lianD Da Mtamett.t.—The prettiest thing, the "molest thing 2' and the most of It for the least money. It over comes tho odor ofperspiration; softens and adds delicacy to the skin; Is a delightful perfume; allays headache and inflammation, and to a necessary companion in the sick room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle. Saratoga Spring Water, sohil by all Druggists. S. T.—MO.—X.—Tim amount of Plantation Bitters cold in one year is something startling. They would fill Broadway nix feet high, from the Park to 4th street.— _Drake's manufactory in our of the institntions of N. York. It is add that Brake painted all the rocks in tho eastern States with his cabalistic 1 , 5.T.--Isno.—X," and thee got tho old granny legislators at pass a low "preventing dis. figuring the face of nature " , 'which gives him a monopoly We do not know bow this!i, but we do know the Planta tion Bitters sell as no other article ever did. They are used by ail classes of the:community, and are death on Dyspepshi—certain. Thee nes very invigorating when Intignid end weak, and a 4rcat appetizer. .grrativa Spring llitfaiwold by all Druggists. "In lifting the kettle from the ilro T vea - i4ed mytelf eery SOTeltly—olte hand almo9t ton crisp. Tlip torture was unbearable. • • • The Mexican Multang Liniment relieved the pair. tinted immediately. It Neale rapidly. And loft very little rear. = This is mete!) a .ample of what the Mobbing Liuimret gill de. It is invaluable in all canes of Wounds, ati ening«, Sprain, cuts, bruis,e, el,ins, etc., either upun mail or brag. flewaro of counterfoils. Nono is grant., e unless wrop• ped in tine steel plate engravings, bearing tin, signature of O. W. Westhroek, Chemist, and the pricate stamp of Dams flan is Si CO., New York. Borrtfrga Wafer, sold by nil Druggis!s. All who value a bca offal head of hair, and Its preset , . Ira ion from premature baldness and taming gray, will not fail tome Lyon's celebrated Kathairon. dl makes the hair rich, soft nad glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes 'she hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve rywhere. E. T/IrollAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y. ,Saratoga .'},ring Water, sold by al/ Dr liggists. WDAT DID It I—A young lady, returning tuber country home after a sojourn of a few months In New Fork, was recoi.nized by her trieudi. It, place of a rustic, 11,i,bed face, she had a soft, ruby complexion, of almost nnorldo smoothness; end instead of 22, she really appear ed but 17. iThe told them plainly The used lingua's Mag nolia Balm, and would not Ice without it. Any lady can improve her porThnnl appearance very much by using this article. It can be ordered of any DrUggist for only L.O cents. SLlrat pa Sprit/ Mtn . , e chi by alt Druggists Ileimstrcet's inimitable [lair Coloring has born steadi ly grew ing in favor for over twenty years, It acts upon the absorbents at the roots of the hair, and changes it to its originhl color by degrees. All instantaneous dyes dration an.l injure the hair. Ileimstreet's flat a dye, tint is rerininin its results, promotes its growth, and 1a a brantilul Ilair Dressing. Price Et cents and . sl,oo. Sold all dealers. Saratoga Eprir/g Water, sold by en Druggists laves EATakCi eF PORE .7.11.1k1CA Gma en—for I•nligee• Nausea, heartburn, Sick Head ache, Cholera Moi bus, ae., where a warming. genial stimulant is required. Its careful preparation nail entire purity make it a cheap and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere at 50 cents per bottle. • Saratva AS'pring Meer, sold by nil DruggiAti. A.All the Above Articles for sale by S. S. s33lrir. Iluntin6-dou, Penna. Oratuitou . berlis cincnts. Cltrds are published gratuitously. Nor. chants and business men generally who advertise liberally in she column, of Tns 01-one for sir months or longer, tad! have (heir Cards inserted here during the amanitas.' of their advertisement. Otherwise, sj , ecial Business Cards in serted at the usual rates ] DR. W3l. BREWSTER, Huutinedon [Cures by Elietropathy.l - D M. GREENE, Dealer in Music,mu j.sizat Inst.rannts, DONNELL & KLINE, riIOTOORAPHERS, Huntingdon, Pa LEWIS, Denltr in Books, Station , — f,nd tv sutnts, linntingdun, Pa. t HOMAS G. S'rll.l./21i.LER & SON, Manufacturers or Brougher's patent Broom Head or rapper, Huntingdon. TT GREENI3ERG, j_ 31,cbant Tailor, Ilur tingilln. Pu MES SIIIPSON, iron Founder, Huntingdon. Po. M'CAIIAN & SON, proprietors of 151_ Junintsstitom Pearl Mill, Huntingdon. CHAS. H. ANDERSON, Dealer in an kinds of Lumber, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. T M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, tl Plain and Ornamental Marble Manatcturers. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Groamenta) Marble Manufacturer. Jr fOIES lllGGENS..Nanolactorer Furniture And CaLunt {Tare, liuntinplon, rA T M. WISE, 3lnnufaettirerof Furni p tore, Lc., Huntin g don. Undertakin g attended to Wl_l A .RTON & MAGUIItF, Whole sale and retail dealers in foreign and domestic ardware, Cutlery, &c., Railroad street, Huntingdon. TAMES A. BROWN, Tbra), in Hardwura, Cutlvry, l'alnts, Oils, Le., Iluet - 1,,g4i0n, Pa. ANTI I D ( • Diamond. de r r i d n , B p oots and TORN IL WESTBROOK, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon. EO. SHAEFFER, dealer iu Boots, Shots, Ouiters, kc., Huntingdon. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and _j.Provisions of all kindg, IluotinOon, Pn OIIM S MILLER, Dealers in Dry j_lLGeods, Qneenswure, Groceries, Hanzingdon. TOYER GARNER, Dealers in Dry I_,PGoods, Grose:lee, da, Maristesburg station. WM. LEWIS A; CO , Gro cericp, ProrfEion and Iced Store, Hunt., Pa. WM. MARCII & BRO. Dealers in Dry Good., Queenswero, .11mrchvare, Boots, Shoes, &o. OURNINGEIAM & CARMON, Mercbuts, Huntindon, Dealer in Toady M.d. Clothing, Mae and Caps, TA P. GNVIN, If. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hate and Caps, Poole and &now, Huntingdon SE. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and . Total Dealers in Dry Goods, Grocerles, Hardware, rwars. Ker; Grail Yfrds. FLlntlr:Fflnr. fr , CO 1 00 2 do. 3 do. .$1 25 $l. GO 2 00 3 00 00 4 50 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL, XXII. T) ECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES I_ll,of Iluutingaon county from thc2,l day of January, lbub, to Om 2a day of .Tanury, 180 : Received from Darla Black, Into Treaiurer, $1678 73 County tai front the several Collectors es follows: 1550. A. S. Harrison, Huntingdon, $325 05 isalte 'Wolverton, Brody, 235 67 John 11. Wearer, Hopewell, 450 00 1864, Lori Decker, Henderson, 3 C 2 1564. Samuel Myton. Ilarree, 92 93 George W. Johnston, Carbon 126 30 John Donaldson, Hopewell, 407 02 Jacob N. Lutz, Sbirlty, 299 43 Levi Pheasant, Union, 91 65 James 31,tanire, West, 265 32 1803. William ChriAty, Alexandria, 183 92 Adam IYarfel, Brady, • JosepirGibboney, Ilarree, Isaac Ashton, C,assvillo, , .. Joinplt Stover, mass, • 235 70 Asa Stevens, Clay, 375 22 Caleb Kelley, Cromwell, 31i 25 George W. Johnston, Carbon, 850 . CO James Edwards, Coalmola, 24.01 Benjamin Stitt, Dublin, 590 03 Geo. W. ll%Horn, Franklin, 1074 69 David rouse, Hopewell, 430 GO John Decker, Henderson, 250 80 John C.:Miler, Huntingdon, 8:7 40 Jackson Harman, Jachou, 978 50 A. D. Don, Juniata, .02 16 Parry Moore, Morris, 785 42 John Lee, Penn, 837 GO It. A. Laird, Porter, 1005 10 George 1a... Shirleysburg. 150 13 11. C. Weaver, Shirley, 1090 44 William Cetehalt, Springfield, 110 87 Jacob Prigs, Tod, '651 57 I.cvi Sutitb,Union, 400 74 Joscpb P. Watson, Walker, Jonathan 11'il5an, West, 1210 97 61:01 . 0 Weston, Warriorsmark, 782 75 1500. David Albricbt, Alexandria, 350 00 . .. NVilliow Eel:ley. Barret), Mulct+ Eby, Brady, =E=M If. 11,1+,1. Co ilmOnt, 213 15 nom= It. D. Heck, Cro Gosnt,ll,Cass, Is.tac Ashton, Cassville, =1 . . Wm. Moo. Ft anklin. 1850 00 .lohn Night wine, Henderson, 40540 Dor LI Fon so, Hopewell, 77 49 John C. Stiller, Huntingdon, 1712 07 Samuel :Fnith, Jsekson. 037 00 Levi Ridenour, Juniata, James Viper. Morrie, N. G. McDivitt, Oneida; im Lee, Penn, Henry Swoopo. Porter, SOO 00 JO/121 0. El.,wart. 61.tirloy, 1145 S 5 George Lens, Sblrioysburg, 202 00 Morris Ontsbnil, Sprmgrit.lil, 141 25 John flair, Tell, Jacob £li, , Tad, 'Thomas Dean, Union, :111 79 George W. Owens, Warriormark, 1741 16 James M. Lloyd. Walker, 403 31 Stephen Miller, West, 1345 13 35161 15 State tax from the several Collectors, 6078 12 Special tax front the several Collecters,llBs 22 Militia tax from the several Collectors, 854 05 7117 49 Tax on unseated land, State and County 809 04 School Tax on unseated land, 217 05 lt,el, do do do 203 06 Donn ty, da de do 231 71 1634 66 Prom John A. Naelklate Treasurer, 341 43 From Win. C. Wagoner, Prothonotary, Moat and jury fees received by him, 109 39 Proceeds of silo of lumbar left front Mt. Union ➢ridge, Rent from Goolrfeniplars Proceeds front FlllO of cst.ray, 5 00 Redemption Motley, 04 30 GOO 03 EXPENDITURES. Conmouweslth prosecetions paid to At torney General, Prothonotary, Slier• ill and witnesses, $1450 62 Constables for making returns. owl elec tion fees, 561 67 Grand and traverse ddrora, Constables, Court Crier and Tip Staves, _ . 11031 74 dodges, Inspectors A clerks of elections, 1014 53 Assessors of the several townships, 13:1 75 Inquisitions nil thud bodies. Premium on fox t.calps told wildcats, . . Road and bridge views, ISO SO . Road Damages, George Berl:Are:33er, 160 00 • do John Warfel, 50 00 630 Oil Munk books and stationery f or p u blic offing, 204 46 Fuel for Court house and jail, 432 30 Sheriff Johnston for boarding Pristor ,, , conveying convicts to penitentiary, 093 70 Sheriff Bathurst for conveying convicts to penitentiary, Ste, 491 20 W. C, tfogoner, fees ns ProthontitarY. Clerk of S.. colons, Ac., 242 69 Cleaning Court house, 83 00 • Washing tar prisoners in jail, 35 00 Medicine and attendance on prisoners, 14 25 Gas and fixtures for Court house, 136 75 Postage nod ilsctiou laws, 49 25 Mori...lib° for Court house and jail, 210 93 Repairs for do du do 210 SI Chairs for do do do 41 25 Janitor for Court house, 41 00 772 24 D. Woinls9orf, indexing docket, 21 00 Pennsylvania State Lunatic llospilal for the maintenance of D. Brotherlino and Cyrus Eider, .293 75 Bridges: Supervisors of Shirley twp., across Aughwirk creek, 150 00 0 across Crooked creek, opposite Huntingdon, 405 97 at Dawn's,s92 :8 • at Meadow Gap, in full, 655 00 across the Juniata river, at Mt. Union. building piers and repai• ring abutments, 4100 10 For wood work of safer, 0,224 65 11136 30 Bonds paid off: Mrs. Read, 546 25 Enoch Dean, 344 00 In tertot on county bowls: Marshall Yocum, 42 00 Endolph Bran arman. 60 09 T. 11. Cromer, 60 00 Mrs. M. P. Read, IS 00 Joseph Parks, 31 41 1191 66 Agricultural Society, 100 00 Peter Stroopc for Iturenuo Stamps, 20 00 Refunding adore to sundry persons, 95 39 . Itonl tax to the following persons: Brady to wit s nip, C. Detest I cr, 30 60 Dolton ell do A. Brumbaugh, 20 62 Union do David Swoope, 22 OS Tod do Andrew Houck, II 32 School tax: Tod twp., Abram Elias, 31 70 Bounty tnx : Juniata two., J. Thompson 24 00 216 78 Cons mi•sioners : J. Ilonrebolder, in full, 467 00 Jacob Miller. 200 00 Adam Warfel, 125 00 Connnksionere'clerk, 505 00 COMIty auditors' pay, 50 00 Counnirsioner 8' expenses in going to bridges. vievrs on road damages, &e. 76 55 Jacob Stiller, expenaea in going to liar- . . rideurg to settle up the indebtedness of the comity to the elate, 530 1057 15 John A. Need, late Treasuxer, this anent paid to the State Treasurer, which wet afterward charged to him in the couuty account of 1563, 200 00 Jun A. Nadi, late treasurer, per centago allowed him by the Commissioners and Auditors to make the percentage reci ired by him for the year 150; equal the percentage allowed to the Trviteurers both before an I educe that time, 111 43 • Printing for the county: Wm. Louis, 165 70 A McDivitt, 202 20 John eh Benj. Lutz, 32 CO .1. I. Steel. 2 70 405 70 Iteli,-0 to soldiers' fan:idle% 019 00 County intlebte.lurse to State p. 04 by T. W. 51y ion, - 2.395 30 Juin, D. Campbell. 0003., in full for bliiß ilry ns Comm it,t,itiliers' Attorney and collecting money, • 140 00 F. 31. Lytle, 6:dory too 1866 collecting 99 63 P. M Lytle. auditing :tecoullt4 of Protho notary. Ilegister i:l,•oriler. 2 yre., 10 00 2 fo 61 Redeintnitlil 111.1.7 to ptindry vereonA, 14 31 Coluttits and (leek for military 40 00 tusurauc,,on Court hone 403 00 Treasur . er of Huntingdon co. poor hotter. 7310 21 Co. Treasurer'et conunieeion tin 553111 13 at 11 , ; for cont., 1231 14 Balance in Treas,i,r's !muds, 7719 09 $16220 99 In te , timny whereof era have hereunto act our hands: We the undersigned A editors of Huntingdon County, V,llllSykallia. elected and toorn according, to tow, report that we met, dhl audit, nettle and 11,1,111 , t, aCCOI , IIII7, to the accounts of T. Ir. Alp., Cog., Tr.•n.orer of the county. and the orders of tho Commissioners and MCOlpiS (00 the samofor and during the past year, and hod a bal ance remaining In the hands of T. IV. Itlyten. Treasurer, of seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixty-nine cents. Given melee our hands at the Cormnisioners' office in the borough of Huntingdon, the 10th of January, 1007. LIVINGSTON Itollll,l A. P. WHITE, Auditors. LIZNItY A. MARK, 30E 1 '7"C:OILT NASTALIVirr A GOOD PiIOTOGRAPII LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On 11111 Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS Il',.nticgdo,t, Ott 4. 'tz—'J . ,1. 4 :& 1 '.1 , ,1tii-t. ( a....,: ifi . : , —,, -,-- ....v: -,, RECEIPTS 833 91 1053 77 if " 00 710 00 1140 00 MEM EOM REIM 501 00 ST 00 DM 1 )3 59 150 03 00 00 000 00 dO5 07 810 la 04 09 12 00 '4. b 20 00 61 77 21, 55 JACO]:, ADAM WARFEL, }Com's ADAM FOUSE, • gsk. . HUNTINGDON, PA„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY PI 1867, IPECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES IL, of the 'Huntingdon County Alms Douse, from DE -0101131(1t. fitly A.l). 1863, to 1)1;CE311A It 4th, 1806, In clusive: RECEIPTS D To anOnt drawn from CO. Treasury. on orders, $7 . 24,1 ES G. G. TAW.: ' Steward, for sundries detailed In his account, other thou orders, 193 .15 EXPENDITURES FAnm. File F. By P. 1). Butter, ways as filmier, No. 1, $253 57 Sundry persons for sznithing, 2to 5, 55 50 wagon work, 6& 7, 11 00 it harness, S& 9, 15 21 harreseg,otlt. work,lo to 15, 55 50 • . .. - sundries, 1 0 .t.: 17, 17 10 Philip States for 000 7hestunt ,ails, . 18, 47 50 A. Price .7 , r putting tlp 100 panll fence, * 10, 25 00 I=l By sundry persons, 4882 ibs.pork, do do TiuS lbs.bent. • • • • dodo potatoes nod flour, 12 Sc 13, 4i 16 Myers 3: Slur ris, butcbere, moot, 14, 196 62 I= WiMont B. Leas fur tuerchandise, 1 52, 214 01 Win. 11. Browder, do 35 4, 141 46 0. Ettder S lon. du 50 0, 110 46 It. 31. Cllllllillgilfllll S. Co., du 70 0, 166 00 Cuttningluttu 5 Cannon, du 0 5.10, 179 49 0. litnior, Jr., do 11 0 12, 76 10 11. J. 1.4,v0r, do 13 .6 14, 33 75 Wm. A. Fraker, do 15 .6 10, 29 27 S. 1-. Henry .6. Co., du 17, 49 03 2. Thomas, do blaultets. 11, 54 00 Sundry pet sons, du 13 to 29, 133 19 OUT DOOR OPKItATIONS. Filo 0. D relief a fforded 3 codes, hil*t entire year,l to 3, 103 00 do du 5 caste, Sept less than n year, average time 7 mos. 4to 8, 103 50 do do In numerous cane, temporary, without regard to time, 9to 40, 352 85 Collins, shrouds and funeral espouses in sundry cases, 41 to 417, 62 10 Physicians' bills. in sundry cases, 50 to 53, 63 06 A. Crowoover, supplying A. Bradley, 54 to 56, 168 80 Solid persons aupplying Rebecca States, 57 to 50, 107 GO Sand physicians, on contract for townships, viz : West, Porter, Shirley, Dance, Carbon, Crom well, Springfield, Dubin and Tell, GO to 60, 210 73 John Logan, Director, sum] n. d. ex. sore G 7 to 72 73 75 floury Davis, do do do 53 to 76, 77 75 John Flenner, do do do 77 to 80, 66 40 Jack. Harman, do do do 81, 080 lit MOVALS% Filen. nutniry ,Itn,t ices nf Ito NAro issuing orders of relief in sundry enst , s, Ito 0, 14 :15 Stund eignitablos uthors,remov.litunters,7 to IS, 04 .18 70 SO liIISCELLANEOUS AND INCIDENTAL. File I. By sundly rerSODP, pub. annual report, Ito 3, 05 00 -do do lumber for wash bousel to 7 ;100 C 4 Levi A. Myers, carpenter week, , ti to 10, 113 03 A. Yarns A con. maser. work, 11. 21 44 P. Mark, .M 11055101, an $5531, 12, 55 31 Olin. Harris, Otto sewing inaehine, 13, 20 00 G. P . . Garr Peon, note in bank, l-t, 00 SO Centre Co., judgment On SuMpo's docket, 10, 70 53 11. It. Foust. Onsan Harris' note,. 16. 50 04 Columbia Co. In. Co. two assessments, 17 01.1. 3.4 .0 b:undry persons : 93 , ,i.4 ham (balk 19 to 23. Ds SI do tin 1,01,. repairing, Se. 22 0 23, 45 55 do • shoemaking, rap. r.. Se. 21 ta li, 40 00 do collies. 23 .0 29, '27 00 410 . homey labor, FelVilig, ,(e.30 to ::5, 71 5-2 d o iniseellaue.nie, 84 to 50, 100 21 =1 fly Drs. Baird and Nlocicoy. at tendon tph ysicioo, 144 00 .14.1 in Loon for services us Ohre tor. 10 wont In+, 124 00 henry Davis. do do 12 do 141 00 John Fie:llller, th, Jo 12 do 144 00 Jackson Harmon, do do 2 do 17 111 IL IlrewAtcr. service, al clerk, I your, 70 00 K. A. Lovell, do counsel, I year, 241 CO - - • 13y G. G. TATE, for Lie accrunt, monthly elolc• menta, 7C9 (.0 Total amount of mmemlitorca PRODUCTS OF FAITH Z.OO bit... Awls of .t boat. 200 bus. Eye, 30( bus. Oats, 150(.1 bog. Corn, (otoly.) lOU bug. 3 urnips. 30 bus. Onions, 15 bus. Mots, bOO bus. Potatoes, (about 400 bus. of ‘vhiolt rot ted.) 4 bus. Soup Ikons. 15 6-118 Hay, S brads Caro Fod der, (I borsos.) about 3000 Prods Cnblotor. (out of wilier] was ntodo 4 barrels Sour Crout.) 2000 Rt. Pork, Brown Corn sufficient to wake 3 dozen Brooms. E =I 22 Coale. (men and boys.) 21 pi , s Pantaloons, 7 p - irs Drawers, OS Shirts, 9 Vests. 58 Chemises, 78 Dresses, IS .kids, 14 Children's Dresses, 25 Aprons, CI Night Cops.l2 Zinn Bonnets, 35 prime Stockings sod Seeks. 10 pairs Mittens, 15 Bed Con9Ortr, 20 ;Sheets, 20 Pillow• 7 Bolsters, do. 10 lied Ticks, 21 Turrets, 4 Shrouds, 5 b.. Dried Apples. I= 4 Work llorsos, 9 Mulch COWS, 1 Urge Breeding Sow, 7 Stock Ilogs, 2 Plantation Wagons, 1 :Fling two itorse, do. I Buggy, (nearly broko dot.) 1 two bora° r:high. 1 set Bob Sleds, 1 Band Cart, 5 solo Horse Clears and liar 110SS, 4 Corn Plows, 2 Doublt : h ovel, do. 1 Single Shovel. do. 1 three horse Cultivator, 1 hay Enke, 1 Thrashing Machine and fixtures, I Wind Mill, 1 sot patent Ilay Lad ders. 1 Grain Mill, 2 Crain Ciadit,, 3 Mow Scythe., 330 hue. Wheal, 200 bus. !lye, 1200 hoe. Corn. (ears.) 2 1 0 bus. Oats, 300 has. rotators. (yet round.) 20 lam :50011 Itenlifl, 10 101, Been., 20 bus. Titrilitti, 0 tOU, S loads Corn Fodder. (4 Horse, )about 10 dl llrt 1, Cabbage. 3 barren Sour Kraut, 3500 tbs. Perk, 400 the. Bacon (old) 20001 N. Beef, 000 lbs. !logs Lard. MONTHLY TABLE, fiIIOWING rue ADMIsSIONS, DISCRAROES, &C., DURING YEAR g •-•;: Elm - 1 ; v :! I , the underdgmed, Anditor3 In, do hereby certify that we Voucher!, nocount,, ,(c,, of tl d county, Auld lind the Santo Ise ugdo dere. of s =EM==ll • . anuttottill lie ltas paid oil P ettletnent. tlitt mint or $l,llB an or sl'3 132 teas making total expeaditurea ut to the tutu of sti,3l'.o 13 tog; fur year 18711, to wit. $3l t II ILI U aton I Witm,Hs our hands at Ranting , ' °au, A. 1).. lf,f6 . LI VI NG STUN ROBB, ) • A. P. AVIIITE. II KNItY A. MARK, ) 3LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! cossTAnws sAT,Es,:ArrACIET EXECUTIoss. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, = SUBL(ENAS. • MoRTO AG ES. KHOO!. ORDERS. JUDOM ENT NOTES. LEA :1.;13 FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION' WKS. 'OM MON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, IVA ft RANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of (ho i:ijO Low. JUDGMENT NOTES. ODII a wairrr of the ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Tetaln,4l MA !MIMI It CERTIFICATES, far JuNtiCoMartho and Ministero of tho Gosp,l.• . . COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMI',NT, in onite of Assault and Battery, awl AlTra, r , CIERE FACIAS, to recover atrioilut of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township:Panes. Printed on 'quinine paper. nod fir sale al the Olino. of the lIUNTINGDOISI GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on goad Paper. ROI3LEY ,S; MARSH, MERCHANT TAILORS. Notice is hereby given that the undonligned have form: ed n partLimhip in the above huF,inese and will constant • Is keep on hand the beet and most fdeliloualdo Goode in the market, oonivoieing, nll kind, Of Fancy Silk, Mixed Goods & Cassimers. Alec, tho hoot quality of BLAOK CLOTHS AND DOESKINS Both baring had largo experience in the butiness will try to please all. noir room in on Emlth atreet,.t wo doors below Maio. RODLF.Y. .eft F. I,IRSH lIMEMI Q T D W A RD'S STATEAIENT.- a. G. TAPE, htetturd, lu account with the hunting. don county Altos House, from December Ctb,1565, to De cember 4, 1806, inclusive: To amount lrawit front Co. Treasury, on orders, $576 11 Cash received front Mifflin county Aisle House, Missinger ea..., 12 40 Stephen Elliott, one cook stove, 15 00 A. W. Benedict, Elliott Robley case, 25 00 Cumberland co. alms house, keeping M. Welcome, 37 75 Wm. Smith for LA one, 3 40 L. K. Moore, case of Catharine Kelly, 46 70 Wm. White, instate, in part of his pension, 30 00 Mary Brewster for tallow to u t hunt, 008 Henry Brewster for 1734 Ihs butter, 5 25 Win. B. Leas fdr 1 , ,,,; lhs butter,ST Met Cilaillii., purchased from . Etnler, private 1100, 7 00 411 's By sundry Expenditures for use oflo tso, ac per monthly statements, numbered front 1 to 12. , Slaamene e. 1, for December, 1565. MEI Ity expenses going lo Centre county, 10 50 renna.ltailroad Co., freight on pork, 2 23 Relief four wayfaring paupers, 1 50 Traveling expenses, seeing alter paupers, 5 17 1 to 6, 752 87 7to 11, 29115 MEI Ily Penna. Railroad for freight, 12 93 Peter lyers, postago.stamps, .te., ' 323 IV. F. Harris, rash paid on beef, 5 00 B. Warning for house labor, 4 00 Traveling expenses seeing after Paupers, 3 1 ..7 Penna. Railroad, fare to Cavilslo for $l. IViluOtne, 370 Travelling Expenses and 3liseellaneous, 1 75 Ily expense, removing pauper from Warriorentarlf, 3 50 lining to Itlair Co., to see after paupers, 7 50 Blair a n d Cambria counties to soe Otto: paupers, 12 50 Traveling oxpenstis elsewhere, 4 SO Cash pill MistAlaneino, 5 01 ECM By Penna. Railroad for freight, 4 11 Cash paid postage Btatap., .3. UV do do Beller to waylat log paoperA, 1 50 do do Travelling expeu,es, 3 00 do do Mi..,llaneuul, 3 50 By ;ash 1,111,130bn .lacob3, swap of bull for row, 10 00 do do I.,wut. Railuuad for froi.,lld, 11 57 do do Travelling expons,s, 3 50 do do Ilona' to wayfaring paupers, . 100 do do 311,..c..,11 allele., 1 75 MBE By cool, pail Poona. Haill mid for freight, Ste.' 10 n 5 do do Iteliel to wayfaring paupers, 1 fiU do do Travetting expenrer to Blair county, 000 do do :NH rellaneous, 2 WI do do Travelling expenses, honilry platter, 200 fly caili paid. Penna. It:111,01cl fur froight, 4 fin du cto Itelki to hooch) , pinning, 2 10 IJO tlo Travelling txpino.es, 3 15 do do Postage idiiiiiiin Sio,l 42 do do ;liicedono99l, 6 95 By cash ptid Co' Itentovtug pmtp2rs, 4 30 do do Tr.o Il fog expenevs. U 115 do do 1-ofidry p-rzluos. fur Itarroaillg, 13 09 do do ,11,7v11,:woni, 2 03 EMI By .1,11 paid I.'enua. Rid:road for freight, 4 40 do to Tickets 1,1) . r0nt., 4 4,1 (lo 41 , :Olodry per,onai fur labor, .4 00 do do l'or logo ati11111,5,: 1 00 do do Trovoilins oxpetaica, molry placoo, 11 03 do dO 31i,ceilitucod3, 11! ca-1t Wit. Ton.l;io q, for labor, 100 do do T var.:lll6g. V.,IPCIMS. 4 70 do do Suindry per6ons, Uhicellattoom, 6 71 EOM Enzi My rash paid Penna. Itaiiroad far freight, 8 US do do ti. A, Myers, Iturrhering, 1 Cu do do l't ylagi, ,131111,5, 1 00 do 00 TritVelliug eXpetWes, 3 90 do tla &aiding ray pallrer, LU do do UlliCeltittieoo4, 2 00 Statement 111,12, fur I\l,rember. Jly cm.ll paid for Ticket to Philadelphia, for p: do 110 F. D. blotter, forottbr, do do "coding away otop,r, do do bllibeethuttotia, flylaty ae Steward, Al own,; o to 31re. Tote, as Matron, s7titi 511 In Tistininny of the correctness of tiro above account and ontonent, we do In.roto set our panda this Ith clay of December, A. UTSTANDING BA Due nt the settlement with year 18GO. course - cons NAmts. TWP. Im,, Cromw'll 1559. A. Ilarrison, Hunt)] Joe Foe Cook, COrban John IL Weaver, 11011011 1362. 153 a.. A,btou, C.tssville W. 11 FlOllllOl . , 11121.1121,011 =MI 1861. Jno. Donaldson, Ilopowell *Jacob CI. Linz, Sld rizy Peig Janice Maguire, licst MEM 1111 (I,KI 11101U0 It I I P 165. %Varfel, Brody *.)unapt Cibboney Barre° Caleh lirdlry, Ctomw,ll I= IMIS 11). Albright, Alexandria Echley, Barrce - 1 - Ballets hhy, Br“dy Daniel ,T. Logan. Carbon • Berbart, Coalmant }At. SteN,ll9, Clay f It. D. hack, Cromwell Uoanell, CM9 tDriae Ashton, Cassvilla Cismang, Dublin tWil, Inca, Franklin Nightwino, Benda,. , David Pon,,, 11. Tao,' I fino C. Millar, flunting'n .tualisan Levi Itidanour, Juniata • -paws PiDer• Norrio aS. G. McDivitt, Oneida John Lao, Penn fllenry Swoop. Porter :SD, art. : 4 hirlay. LeaS, 011idayshorg t'l It ntetnJt, S',riii6Tield add, Blair, Tell .I.laeob Elias, Tod f• Mari Doan, Tinian O. W. Owen,. Warriorm'ic t.dainns 31. Lloyd, Walker t:iteplien Miller, West =1 MEW =EI ft SEEM MEC of the county of flout , hove txmined the or to Directors of tho Poor to be correct 00 above t on exemining the Tree 'oor lions,. orders since ; 75, of which omount oil ;wenn', to of the yeAr of 1800, (so far 00 filth.) -leaving bithinco 1 .20. • 6inec in full. Given tindcr the s,al of nary, 1567. Altesf : 11. 'W. MILLER, Clerl MEI NEW LEATHER STORE. undersigned would respectfully 1. nu.. n ., that, iu connection wlth their TANNERY, they have just opened a splendid aisortanent of COIISIStiIIg In part of FRENCH CALF.SKIZsT, KIP, NORROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLI:, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, ,tc., Together with a general wortinotit of FINDING.. The trails is invited to call tout examine our Mock. store on HILL street, two doers west of the Prembyte rian church. The highest price paid for hide and bark. C. 11. MILLED S SAN Huntingdon, Dec.. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER 'Cho undersigned baring Weer entered into llie Alexandria I;rewery, tln that do will tin prejairsdpaT Informed orders on' the ellortcat n . ntice. nrw ' to till 11-I°S. N. COLDER. Alexitudrta, Oct. 23'. 18titi-tf. gir For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTINC OFI frii:," at Hun tingdan, -PERSEVERE.- ,57atcnient 80. 2 ,fur January, 1866 .Sidement !.o. 3, for Rbruary,lBC4 Rahnient I,fur Murch Rec.lava Xo. 5, fur Apra Statement No. G, for .Ifay ,S . talcnient 7, .for Jane Sl.et , :nifte X.,. 8, fur July Mat , :niod .1 - o. 9, fin• A leg sl StdtemeNt Jb. 10, for S,ptember St itentont No.ll, fur Ocilbcr A 00 :0 00 = IN FLENNEII, 1i8)N HARMAN, 'rectur4 of the Poor he Awl T trr 17 C- BEM ME 07 23 79 40: 200 25 70 00 100 00 o 02 30 • 2 61 22 161 86 11 10 27 OJ I ii 9 0 :IS SO IS MEI • 10 61 23 1 - 18 '1 1740 81 1,1 .S 6 109/ 42 200 4 103 91 509 7 0 -031 20 103 51 9,0 91 ',151 41 1:151 01 j • _3 sn 1553 5'J 100 1)1 .113 13 _033 "8 4309 071 110 (7 3161 1765 ,J 12 0 ) IP- 13 33 62 2JI 113 00 1' 591 54 322 15 11, J 9 0.9 81 )0 OS 2515 44 n pm t i ',knot ItSS U 1 iti ! • Como con 'I lM 11 10110 L. 3F 1 13:21.C) Cialt3bLeLlC, ,-, 4 * .4 4 a l' . ' A• , ..‘'t • f..-.:4: • , ..,• N, • .' %v % - t.. .-,t-.: , i,..i.n. "• Lam'j4,, . . • V , " 0 ,, , ,,,. ~k. , / es fk: (61c 61obe. HUNTINGDON, PA. I For the Globe.] My boyhood days are past and gone, Those pleasant days to me ; E'en now fond memory calls them back, Those hours of joy and glee. Then all was happiness supreme, - And no rude care opprest; Each boyish grief was soon forget-- Peace reigned within my breast. ESE But now I've grown to man's estate— How 'tis so I cannot tell; On fleeting wings the years have tied— Some joys have flown as well. EEEI Yet all my life I have been blest, By friends both near and dear ; But there was one beyond . the rest, Who dried my every tear. Each care toiler I would confide— Each joy and sorrow, too, And every secret of my heart, My sister MARY knew. ME But she has passed from earth away, Gone to that brighter clime, Where all is pence and joy and loco, Far from the things of time. Mil Though earthly friends withdraw the tiea Which bind us here below, A Friend remains above the skies, Who never change can know. :Co Him we can our troubles bear, He'll gladly hear our cry ; And when this careworn life is past, He'll take us up on high. Jan. 30, 1807. JAS. E. MCCARDLE THE LOST SUNSHINE, HMI BY MARY 0. VAUGHAN I did not live in the sunshine when I was young. My first remembrance is that of working gnome-like in the great black cellar of a huge manufac turing establishment. I could not have been more than five or six years of age, and I bad neither father nor Moth er nor home then. A shelter and a heap of rags in the back garret of a tumble-down old building,frowned upon by the blank wall of the hictory, rep resented all I knew of home. A bent and blear-eyed, smelling horribly of snuff and gin, supplied the only sem blance I ever experienced of parental love and care. • $2- b. EOM ERE She threw me rags to wear, and gave me coarse food to eat, and always took from me my scanty wages. 1 never had a penny allowed me, though I cat , - clod ninny - Lo the dram-shop, bringing thence, in return, the fiery poison that changed my guardian, for the time be ing, to a fiend.. It was not until several years later, that my employments changed, that I was transferred to the sales-room of the factory, and made to act as the errand-boy and."eserybody's servant" of the establishment. I• was taught then how to find my way about the city streets, and first learned that there Were mmes different from mine. =I EISE MEI ttli or 676 One trite aphorism-1 knew not how trite—had been dropped in my ear. 1 know not how nor where, but some WIC had repeated in my hearing that, "Knowledge is power." To me the words came like an inspiration. They solved the riddle of my life, To know was to do. Not knowing I was power less,f)r I could not even unseal the gates of Opportunity, and my desires must be like curbless steeds, as likely dash ing along the road to ruin as on that which leads to safely. Then 1 began to study from books and from DICD. I listened to every con versation that went on in my hearing, from which even a stray item of infor mation might be gleaned. And SO the years wore on, and I was no longer a child. My guardian was dead. Some lingering feeling of grat itude, that she had stood between me and utter hoincleszaleas, a ft)rgoffulness of the years of solitary sunring which had made me old in my childhood, of the blows,the starvation, the dwarfing, mental and spiritual, as well as bodily, that I had undergone at her hands, made me, in this hour of parting, bring forth the little hoard so patiently accu mulated from chance gifts and earn ings, for quite another purpose, and provide with it the decent funeral which was all that remained to be done for her. On her death bed she thanked me for kindness which conscience told her was ill-deserved ; and I then learned that no blood of hers ran in my veins. 31y parents had been very, very poor, but honest and true—two young things who, loving well, had dared their fate and been worsted in the struggle of life; dying in their youth and leaving me to uric who had been at least kind to them; and would have been kind to me, had not the fatal itppetito absorbed and triumphed over all the better im pulses of her bcting. 1 was alone now, with every year adding to my strength and knowledge. Steady industry in a place like mine never goes unrewarded. Each year saw me advanced to positions of more trust and more emolument. MEI lEEE ES tore, f ME ~ tO .1. 00 OEM 15 78 OM .1 CI • ) 78 50 61,0 _l 00 1.) 00 r 0 I°oo 10 00 t 12 50 to .0 Is CO 7 00 tl 00 , 00 , 00 6 00 10 . 1 4: 60 60Is au . En EEM ME [Tun, 111 I I. U S 1 tinic c 131101 At twenty the management of a large part of my employer's business Was entrusted to me, and before the close of the year I began to travel in the interest of the factory. I had now a large salary, besides commission on all sales which it was the part of my sagacity, enterprise and business tal ent, to i n Crease. position noW %y:s excellent, my prospects truly flatterilig, 1 watt fiu louver littlo Tim, but Mr. Courtney, and e very one connected with the Uuai• ness treatpd me wit great respect and courtesy. *fore I had reached my twenty third year I had crossed the Atlantic four times, and the entire European business was entrusted to me. On my twenty-third birthday I was admitted TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. MEMORIES a junior partner of the firm, with a large ir.terest. I now stood nearly upon a level with the man who had given me the pittance that kept me above starvation when a child, in re turn for such childish services as I could perform in that dark cellar, now unvisited for years. I was introduced to his friends, in vited to his house and theirs. Foreign travel, thought and observation bad polished me. I was timid still in the society of ladies, for I had spent my life afar from saloons and drawing rooms, and lacked the power of adapt ing myself to them, simply for lack of use. I could hold my own with men, and compel respect. fJy temperament was testhetic, and refined, but develop ment and habit had all been toward the practical walks of life. I knew much, and could use my knowledge. But I had no knowledge of women, and had rarely conversed with them since I had left behind me the class I bad known when 1 was a work man. But, a self-respecting man will win his way. I might be a little awkward in externals, a little stiff and silent, but .I could talk well when roused, and I had a history. I soon became a fa vorite—l might almost say the fashion —and was a welcome habitue of homes like those I had watched as a starving child, and resolved then to enter some day on an equality with dwellers there. I need not linger hero. Having con- ' quered a social position of.the best, and a business position not likely to be low ered in my hands, I felt that I could choose my fate, so far as man is the master of his destiny. I meant to marry some day, and my wife must be from the class to which 1 DOW be longed. And yet I lingered long. Se verely imetical as had been my life ; I yet shrank from assuming a relation so intimate and sacred from motives no higher than those which led to mere business engagements. Many awakened my admiration, but none touched my heart. And the vis ion of a Leine, cherished since my childhood, seemed ever to recede and elude my grasp. -I was approaching thirty when I met my fate. On one of my homeward voyages across the Atlantic, I had for fellow passengers an old gentleman and his daughter, a lovely girl of twenty. That they were poor was evident, but not more so than the re finement and high breeding that shone in every act: Tho old man had all the pride of his class, and looked down upon trade and tradespeople with a calm contempt that was simply ludi crous in a citizen of democratic Amer ica. Ills daughter belonged to anoth er age, and saw that what a man is, and not what he has, what the gifts of God, and not the accidents of fortune, have made him, arc the tests of nobil ity. She was pleased to meet my at tentions with civility from the first, and finally to manifest her gratitude, when, during the long and stormy voyage, the old man faded gradually away, till few believed ho would ever look again upon the land of his birth. He did, however. His dying oyes saw the green hill once more, but his feet were never planted upon his na tive soil. He died as the stately ship Caine up the bay, arid Miriam bore only a lifeless corpse to the shore. 1 did not lose sight of her, and I found that she was singularly friend less, There was blood, but not wealth, in her family, and her high-born con nections troubled themselves very little about her. But when I came to her in her loneliness and affliction, gratitude grew apace, and soon bore the sweet flowers of affection. Six mouths from the close of that eventful voyage Miriam Lisle was my wife, and the ideal home had been attained. I was happy; but happiness palls upon the sense with custom. My life had long been in business and activity. In a little time my home was left to my wifb, and though regarded as a pleasant refuge, it did not satisfy me. I must be out in the world, amid its whirl and bustle. And thus—in spite of the fruition of every hope and plan, though a loved wife, and child as beau tiful as ever blessed the fondest heart, were mine, and my home was all I ever craved or dreamed of—my life has been passed. The chains of habit were too strong for me ; so I clung to the world and worldly things. • I loved my wife ; but neglect and cold indifference poisoned the springs of her life, and in her early prime she faded from the home she made beauti• fUI. i know not how 1 loved her till I• missed her presence, and the aching void in my heart told ine she was gone forever. 1 resolved then to devote my self to May ; but the power. of habit was too strong for me, and the desire of money getting, and of being a king on the mart, was abo-.7e all others. So my child grew up with her retinue of teachers and servants, more lovely and neglected amidst the splendor that surrounded her than even her mother had been. She made the sunshine or the splen did dwelling I called home. Only her prelice drew me to it ; but even to her I was only the cold, world wetly man. I should doubt now that I possessed a heart, were there not such a heayy pain there as I sit alone and Child: of i\lay, my sweet child, done to death by my cruelty. IL is not strange that she - loved ear ly and with all the repressed wealth of her heart—She who had lived alone all her life since Chi Mimed, scarcely knowiug'a caress, with none of the warm sympathies and affections of lime around her. But she did not choOsc'as would have chosen. I haul known poverty; and now I had great wealth, and I said, "riches shall wed will have no paupers in my farn ly." JOB PRINTING OFFICE, T"" GLOBE JOB. OFFICE" is the most cam plate of any in tho country, and pos. emu; tho most ample facilities for promptly executing in. tin but style, every variety of Job Printing, ouch lIAND BILLS, • CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., &O CALL AND raintniz erE(I32SN6 or Rofts, NO. 32. LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONER:I" SG MUSIC STORE May went from me pale and silent when I said this. IleWris worthy- 7 —a great soul, with high aspirations which my wealth, now so useless,should have made renowned successes; and she lov, ed him. But my will had been her law always. She offered no resistance,but Calmly laid down her love and with it her life. They said she died of a fe ver. But I know that it was when love was denied that the sunshine faded out of my home. Now it is desolate, for Miriam is not and May is not. In all the world I have but my wealth and my dreary home, and I-wonld give it all,, coun ting it sacrifice, to go hack to the very foot of the ascent so wearily. climbed, if I could.bring back my lov ed ones and restore the sunshine to, my dwelling and tomy heart. ', Franklin as a Bookseller. Tho following story, told of drank• lie's mode of treating the animal called in thosedays "lounger," and in these "loafer," is worth putting into practice occasionally even in this age and gen.! eration : One fine summer morning when Franklin was busy preparing his news paper for the press, a lounger stepped. into the store and spent an hour on more in looking over the books, eto., and finally taking one in his hand, asked the shop boy its price. "One dollar," was the answer, "One dollar !" said the lOunger "can't you take less than that ?" "No, indeed—one dollar is the price." Another hour nearly pasSed, when the lounger said : "Is Mr, Franklin at home ?" "Yes; he is in the printing office." , "I want to see him," said the loung, er. Tho - shop boy immediately informed I . r. Franklin that a gentleman was waiting to see him. F.ranklin was soon behind the counter, when the lounger, with book in hand addressed him thus: "Mr. Franklin, what is the lowest, you can take for this book 2" "One dollar and a quarter," was the quick answer. "One dollar and a quarter ! your clerk asked me only a dollar'- 'True," said Franklin, "and T c0u41.) have bettor afforded to take a dollar then than to have been takeir.out of the office." The lounger seemed surprised, and wishing to end the parley of his OVill making, said : "Come, Mr. Franklin, toll me what is the lowest you can take for it ?" "One dollar and a half." "A dollar and a• half 1 Why, you ; offered it yourself for b, flollar and a quarter." "Yes," answered Franklin, "and I had better have taken that price then, than a dollar and a half how." The lounger paid down the money and went about his business (if he had ant,) and Franklin returned into thel printing office. Au ..xamp le for Married Men, A number of years ago, Charles and Clara S 'were married in the city of Nov York. Charles wqs Wealth c . and in good business—very con - Arta-. ble circumstances for a' young man, which tended, of course, to develop his naturally liberal disposition: Feeling thus happy and' indepen : dent of the world's frowns, he proposki to his youthful bride, during the honey moon, to give her five thousand dol lars fur every "scion of his house" which should be engrafted upon tho family tree—an arrangement, as may be supposed, to lyhich the lovely Clara made not the slightest ehjection.` Time passed on, Charles faithfully perfbrming his agreement, and mcf. king no inquiricsats to the disposition of his money by his better half, until they had been married ten years; for tune, which had smiled with constan cy, suddenly turned her back, and left him apparently high and dry among the breakers of Wall street. Whon tho crisis had arrived, he, went home with a heavy lioalft to flounce tho sad news to his wife, 'thlit he was an irretrievably ruined man--: that his property had all gone to sat isfy, his creditors, 'and nothing was, left: "Not exactly so bad as that, my dear," said Clara. "Wait a "miaute,and see what I've been doing„ Thus saying, she ran - up stairs, an 4 soon returned with a deed ih her own name, of one-half of an eidgaMt Wok of houses in the neighborhood worth' thirty thousand dollars. "You see I have been industrioas,q continued she, "and have laid up some thing lot' a rainy day. rf you: had: been half as smart as your brothpr, vi 4 might have had the whole, llock by this time." 17.,a.A. Western editor asks 'the fol lowing question : "En fellow. liar noU ing When ho gets tilarriednd the gat has nothing, is her things hizzen or his things horn?" Ain't she hizzen, or Li ho hero, we' would like to know. ".113 , German friend, how long have you been married ?" f!Ve/, di i 8 a ting'vet I seldoni don't like Co say. about, but von I does, it seems so long as never vas." sentimental young man thus feelingly expresses himself. "Even as -nature benevolently guards the rose with flwirns, so does she endow women with pins." Anyting bite, sonny T? West Hartford coW_ oat four pounds of tohapco and died. We know hundreds of calves who chew thous. ands of Founds and Jiro. „ liii, c ,L i ncy Stone, in a lecture in :13 . ap.„ gor reeer,tls, said : "We hear of hen pecked hnsbancls, but nothing . at . .about rooster-pecked POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAM MI