411 c Cobt. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Jan. 30, 1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL To Subneribers Those subscribers receiving a pa -per marked with a 1- before the name :will understand that the time for - which they subscribed is up. If they - wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or other wis 3 Zonal Advertisements Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents a, lino single insertion, counting seven words to a lino. tf. I=l —Petty larcenies are becoming fre quent in Mifflin county. —Miss Matti° Buoy, of Lewistown, slipped and fell at her father's door step and broke her left arm. —The locomotive Juniata exploded nn Broad Top oa Monday last. Wo did not learn particulars. —Levi GrimEley, of Conetnaugh borough, Cambria counts fell between two trucks and was badly smashed. —Preaching in the Episcopal Church, by Rev. Mr. Childs, of Philadelphia, on next Sunday, morning and afternoon. —Read the columns on tlio fourth -page of this paper, and continuo look ing for Something on that page in the fu trim —The editor of the Mt. Union Times says although printing that paper is not profitable, "we can stand it, and will do so." barkeeper was sentenced to pay 820 and the costs of prosecution for .selling liquor without license. See .court proceedings. —A Baptist revival has been in pro gress fur some time past at the Centre Union school house, on the Ridges, a short distance from town. —The skatingiever here, as iu our sitter New York, does not run as high .1113 heretofore. Reason—there is no good ice to go it "high" on. —A number of Mifflin county far mers have bought real estate in the genandoah Valley West Virginia, And intend moving there in the spring. —We had a fall of sleet on Friday -night last, which made locomotion anything but safe and agreeable. No broken limbs to chronicle, fortunately. —The Methodist revival still contin ues. The progress during last week was very favorable—there being as high as fifteen penitents in ono evening• —Maj. Ben. L. limit has declined the position of Chief Clark in the State Department, tendered him by Colonel Jordan, Secretary of the Common wealth. —The Ebensburg Alleghanian, which, has been suspended for the last three months, has again been revived by J. Todd Hutchinson, Esq. Success to the enterprising journalist. —TheJohnstown Democrat says the Ebensburg and Crosson Railroad will not probably be opened before we have a thaw. Mails and passengers between Cresson and Ebensburg are carried on sleighs. —The Pennsylvania State Agricul tural Society have determined to hold their next exhibition on the 24th, 25th and 26th of September. The place of exhibition has not yet been fixed upon. Huntingdon can propose. —The Methodist Sabbath School children of this place raised nearly $2O missionary money on Sunday last. A regular missionary meeting is held on the fourth Sunday of every month. It is expected that $3O will be raised on the last Sunday of February. —"Tilting" hoops could not have been the order of tho day any more than "tilting" sleighs were during the last few weeks, iu this neighborhood. Any one who has not experienced the excitement of an "upset" cannot tell how easy it is for ono to make great mistakes. —Now that the snow- has drifted, ladies aro advised not to ride in a sleigh along the fences, as protruding limbs of trees aro apt to knock off a net or waterfall. Tho roads at this time, in this neighborhood, are just in a condition to give the impudent limbs a chance. —A few days ago Miss Catharine Mince., of Washington county, swat lowed a pin which she was holding in her mouth. The pin, going down fore most, stuck in the throat. After con siderable trouble, the Doctor succeed ed in pushing the pin downward into the stomach. —A new regimen for pulmonary consumptiv has been diseovered. Read the article on the first page .of this is sue- it is a eirnple - remedy, but nev ertheless it has been found to be effect ual in many eases. Nothing will be lost by giving it a trial, and consurnp• ,Lives are advised to try it, —The Ladies' Fair for the benefit of the Soldiers' Monument Fund, in Altoona, closed on Monday night of last weal - . It was a grand success. The entire receipts of the Fair will foot up in the neighborhood of $4,000, which amount, added to that already on hand, will give about $5OOO for the erection of the Monument. —We had the extreme fortune of trapping three rats in our cellar in the course of one afternoon last week—two inside of half an hour: The way it was done was to starve them a couple of days, and then sot a common wire trap with an enticing piece of cheese for bait. The "varmints" are now not quite so numerous, by three at least. —The editor of the Juniata Demo crat, in noticing a sleighing party of which he (lucky printer) was ono says: "The spirits of the party were buoy ant." Who over hoard of buoyant spirits ? Further on he says : "A con siderable change had came over the spirit of the weather." Now, without being critical, which spirit' are we to judge was the most buoyant of the two? We have enjoyed "some" sleigh rides, and recently too, but wo never encount ered a weather-spirit, nor would we want to. Anyhow, wo think it would be too cold for him or her (which?.) to be out in mid-winter, Court Proceedings The following cases wore tried at Court the week before last: Commonwealth vs Hannah Mildoon. Indictment, larceny. District Attor ney entered a nolle proscqui. Nicholas Shank was charged with assault and battery. Recognizance forfeited. Richard Burns, indicted for selling liquor without license, was found guil ty, and fined $2O and costs. Thomas Kelly and Win. Smith were charged with nuisance. Pound guilty. Anthoily Mclntire, Philip Mclntire, James Frew, et al, charged first with riot and secondly with assault and bat tery. True bill in first count, not true in second. Continued. Daniel Flenner and John Givin were found guilty of a charge of nuisance. Jacob Lynn charged first with in cestuous fornication and bastardy and secondly, fornication and bastardy.— . True bill. Not taken. Bridget Donnelly was indicted first with keeping a tippling house, and se cond with selling liquor on Sunday.— True bill. Not taken. Jacob Dorman was indicted for lar ceny, but not a true bill. William J. Henry was•chargcd first with larceny, and secondly with re ceiving stolen property. Continued. Bridget Donnelly was charged with selling liquor to minors, but not being a true bill the county pays the costs. Bridget was also indicted for sellingli quor to drunkards, but tho bill was bound not true, and county served to the costs. Foster Henry and Joel Everhart, indicted first with felonious assault and battery, second with aggravated assault, and third with assault and battery, were found guilty on the sec ond and third counts, and not guilty on the first. Sentenced to pay a fine of 81 each and cost, and undergo an imprisonment in the Western Peniten tiary at hard labor for 13 months. Nancy Albright indicted first for larceny, and second with receiving stolen goods. Found not guilty. D. P. Jones, charged first with felo nious assault, second, attempted felo nious assault, and third, assault and battery. Acquitted on the ground of insanity. The Court committed Jones to safe custody and treatment in the State Lunatic Hospital. Gotleib Bohner and Christopher Heckst, charged with larceny. Noble prosequi entered for Christopher, and Gotleib found not guilty. Gotlieb was again brought up for larceny, and was this time found guil ty and sentenced to a fine of $1 and the costs, together with imprisonment for two years and ono month in the Western Penitentiary. Samuel Sankey, et al, were charged with assault. The bill was not true, and the prosecutor pays the costs. Alex. Everhart and Michael Kuhn were charged with larceny, and plead guilty. Sentenced to six months im prisonment in the county jail. John Knode was indietcd for larceny but not a true bill. Henry Lindsey was charged and convicted of assault and battery. Sen tence postponed until February 25th. Catharine Houck, Robert Houck, et al, were indicted for assault and battery. Not a true bill as to Mrs. Matson. Found g uilty , but sentence deferred until February 25th. Jacob Fermi., charged first with larceny, and second with receiving sto• len property. Continued. Charles Hitter plead guilty to a charge of larceny, and submits to a fine of $1 and the costs, and imprison ment for 13 months in the penitentiary. Jacob Smith was charged first with larceny, and second with receiving stolen property. Continued James Bricker was indicted first for fraudulent making any written instru ment, and second, obtaining the signa ture of any ono to any written instru ment. Continued. For Everybody If there are any of our readers who fail to read the advertisements that from time to time appear in the Globe, we will assure them that they miss much that is of use to them, pecuni arily as well as mentally. Are you in need of a house or farm, read the ad vertisements. Do you wish to know where the cheapest goods are sold, look at the advertisements. Have you a desire to make money by speculating, road the advertisements. Do you wish to know who is settling up accounts with everybody, read the advertise ments. If there is anything you want to know, just advertise and you will soon hear from somebody, who takes delight in reading the advertisements in a newspaper. We generally find it to be the ease that those who read the advertisements aro the ones who ad vertise the most, simply because they see and acknowledge its usefulness. Importance of Stamping Roactpts E. A. Rollins; Commissioner, in a letter to A. P. Slonaker, Collector of Internal Revenue of the First District of Pennsylvania, says :—ln answer to your letter of December 20th, asking who is required to stamp a re ceipt, I have to say that any person who issues an nnstamped receipt, with the intent to evade the provisions of the law, becomes liable to the penalty of $5O in the law prOvided, and that the receipt so issued shall be deemed invalid, and of no effect. In relation to the other question aske d you, I would state that it is not believed to be incumbent upon this office to decide who shall pay for the stamp to ,be placed upon a receipt. Who Won't be There A Festival and Grand Supper will be given at Alexandria on Wednesday and Thursday nights, February 6th and 7th, 1867—the proceeds to be ap plied to paying the debt on and im proving the Alexandria Union Come• tery. Refreshments such as Oysters, Ice Cream, &c., will ho served both nights. A grand supper will be given on Thursday night. All lovers of good cheer and fun are respectfully in vited. Koury dr. Co., Have just returned from the east, where they have completed t4it..stocli. of goods. Give there a call, THE LITEST FASMONS.—Since the invention and successful introduction of the Celebrated Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Hoop Skirt, by Mr. J. W. Bradley, of New York, the ladies throughout the country have given up the idea of discarding the fashion of wearing hoop skirts on account of the peculiar• and graceful manner in which the Duplex Skirts adapt themselves to every exigency and emergency. So generally acceptable have these Skirts become that the ladies regard them as a.special favorite, in view of the su perior Flexibility, Lightness and Du rability CoMbined in their Manufac ture. They also consider them a far more Economical and Comfortable Hoop Skirt than ever has or can he made for all Crowded Assemblies, for Promenade or House Dress. Any k dy after wearing one of these Skirts will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. Long experience in the Manufacture of Hoop Skirts, has proven to the proprietors of this invention, that Single.springs will al. ways retain that stiff, unyielding and Uungling.style which has ever charac• tensed them, whereas the Double Spring Hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will Co found Free from these objce tions. Notwithstanding the ability of the Manufacturers, Messrs. Wcsts, Bradley and Cary, to turn out over six thousand Skirts per day from their Large Manufactories in New York, they feel obliged to request all mer• chants ordering the Duplex Elliptic Skirts, to send their orders a few days before they are wanted, if possible, for they are most constantly oversold some days ahead. Colored Woman's Deviltry.: The Johnstown Tribune says : On Wednesday afternoon last, during the brief absence from her residence of Mrs. George Stotler, of the Fifth ward, a coloredservant woman in the family, named Mrs. Emily Howard, who bad been left in charge of the two youngest children, conveyed to the house of a colored neighbor several articles of Mrs. Statler's wearing apparel, inclu ding a crape shawl and silk dress, and thee poured coal oil upon the best bed in the house and set fire to it ! She al so fired a lot of clothing hanging against the wall of the room. Having done this she raised an alarm of "fire." The neighbors rushed in, but not in time to prevent the feather bed, clothing, carpet, blinds, Mr. Statler's best cloth suit, a number of dresses, of value, several oil paintings, and other articles from being consumed. Had the alarm been delayed a few minutes, the whole house, which is partly occu pied by Alexander Kennedy, would have been burnt, with probably, Mr. Statler's two little children. Mr. Stot ler informs us that Mrs. Howard, who hails from Pittsburgh, has been in his employ for some time, and was regar ded by him and wife as a faithful do• mestic. Hence the confidence reposed in her. The Lawyer In the School Room This remarkable little book, by M. MeN. Walsh, A. 31., L. I. 8., (a New York lawyer), is full of useful and re liable information for-everybody, but especially for teachers, school officers, parents, ministers, editors and mem bers of the legal profession. The first chapter, "Of Schools and Govern ments," is a succinct explanation of the different plans adopted by govern ments, ancient and modern for the dif fusion of knowledge among the people. This Chapter . , in some respects, is ex ceedingly suggestive, and not unwor thy the attention of our most intelli gent and experienced statesmen. It is not imaginative or speculative, but a plain, matter-of-fact statement,which, in spite of its plainness, has, to a mind capable of appreciating the subject, all the charm of romance. This chapter alone is worth many times the price of the book. For sale at Lewis' Book Store, price $l.OO. Criminals. The four convicts, Foster Henry, Joel Everhart, Charles Ritter, and Gotleib Bohner, sentenced -at last Court, were taken to their new quar ters in Allegheny city by the Sheriff on Monday morning. It is needless to say the county paid their traveling expenses. Gotleib goes to stay two years and ono month, the rest for one year and ono mouth. D. F. Jones, who was a dreadful man to make assaults on the , spur of the moment, was cleared on account of in sanity. Ho will be taken to the State Lunatic Asylam at Harrisburg, where ho will remain at the expense of the county until ho becomes sane enough not to moles:; his neighbor. Alex. Everhart and Michael Kuhn are lodged in jail for six mouths, for picking up things which they thought was of more use to them than the owner. The county will board them so long as the jail holds them. Quite n Mistake. Wo published a local last week, pre pared by a gentleman who misunder stood March & Bro., that they intend. ed to close business in the spring. This was a great mistake. They wished to be understood as desirous of selling off their winter stock at great bargains to make room for new goods in the spring. —A correspondent of the lit. Union Times gives an account of the doings at Matilda Furnace, near that place, within the last nino.months. He says "7328 cords of wood have been cut; 1808 tans of ore have been mined, 1133 tons of which was Fossil ore, and 675 tons Hematite; 405 tons of limestone have been quarried. Out of these raw materials, with a few tons of coke, we have made 750 tons of Pig Iron." Ho adds that "in that short time over 200, 000 bushels of charcoal have been con sumed. If the wood from which we made this coal was all in one rank, four feet high, it would reach over eleven miles." —A neighboring cotemporary says : 'Marriage and death notices aro pub lished ftee, though it is asually the cus tom to accompany the foi:mor with a dollar, either gold or greenback, or with it pound cake, or at least Lo allow the printer-man to kiss the bride." It wouldn't be difficult to tell which al ter native the "printer-loan" prefers, EMIEEME We aro prepared to print sale bills on short notice and reasonable terms. Blank notes and revenue stamps al ways oh hand. The Rush for Everything Good, Continues daily at Lewis' Family Grocery. supplies received al most daily. Quick. sales and fin - mil profits. Vor Partien. A fine assortment of Cream and oth er Candies, etc., for parties, can be had at Lewis Family Grocery. fa — Liquid Slating for making or re pairing Black Boards, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tf. tErOne complete set Pelton's Out lino Mops, in good condition, for sale cheep at Lewis' Book Store. HENRY HARPER, L. 520 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. (:"I MN ft largo stock - of FINE IVA T r ims, FINE OLD JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER:WARE, nnil SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for holiday and Bridal Presents n0v13,18011-.2m MARRIED, On the 13th inst., by Roy. J. W. Love. at the Parsonage in Alexandria, Mr. 1-1 :say ll.Entrour, of Huntingdon, to Miss MARY J. WEsTrinootc, of Wil liainsburg, Blair county, Pa. DIED, On the 11th inst., near Alexandria, liowAtto WESLEY, son of Samuel V. Isenberg and wife, aged 4 months, and 14 days. MARICETS. J6ll. 26,1861. I= Cloverseed 300 bushels goodluality sold nt $5,:15@3,50 Timothy ranges from $3,5060. Flaxseed is taken on ar rival at $2,b5p2,05 par bushel. The Floor market continues very dull. S . all sales at $R40.75 per 1,1,1 for superb no. 39@;10.50 for extras, $11.50 0.13 for northwest extra fmily, Pennsylvania and Ohio do at $1 . 2.07;14. ltye Flour at 37,25. Very little good Wheat hare. Choice red at $2,70(03,70 and white at $3653.35. 'lye at $1.35041:37. Corn 07c to $1 according to dryneror. Oats at 57@5Sc. Leather.—Slaughter to 11w Rough at 2S(OlOc per lh for light, and 4 . 5ta;40e for heavy. Slimghter Solo at 30 - 442 c fur light rroglitg,'aiel 43A1Se per lb Ike hoary. Perrsigmn, Jan. 211.-11mm-1110 market Is quiet.— Sales of 100 barrels spring wheat Floor at $12.25012,00, winter Flour at $13.506015, and fancy at $16017. 'rho tratoavtions in Wheat arc light. No. 1 spring at 02,00, No. 2at $2,4:62,50, and winter at $3. The Coot demand is light and market quiet. Via note sales 1 car ear corn on tho track at tile, and 370 bosh shelled nt 75c. eellg at 9,e. mick wheat Floor at $2 373,4 V 1 cwt. Rye at the depot $1,20 per bushel. Poor demand for cola and from first hands may be quo ted at dOe, u d front slurs at 50m. ===E lAv hogsat $6,6067 lort Cienco, Jar.. 10.-1 quiet; spring extra $10@10,50 k firmer, at No. 1 at .52,13q,2.5U; No. 2. $1,87g2,00 Corn dull at Oats JPyi. Livo Iloga, staady at $5.75g6,05; dr,Ns2d fiogs at $.3,7;€7,75. FINANCIAL. NrAv Yana, Jan 21—Gold clasod at $1,34%. HUNTINGDON MARKETS E=l =I Superfine Flour - Ell/1412.60 Flitxgrect $2,25 EstrA Hour 13;25 Hops Fl iA ....... ..... 40 (!), 60 Foully Flour 13,5 u 11551, smoked 16 Am,lu Batter", , ? 0011011...1.,./5 too 10,00 uric 6uttcr Lbard 144' ug«. 0111011311bUd 161 Buckwheat I,OOM ixed Chop. Buckwheat Meal V. cwt..:1,75 Data . • Walt `e, clVt 1 "5 , Potatoes V lois 90 Brooms V I. 3,0C@4,50 Plaster per ton 10,00 Beeswax V. lb 30 Rugs 0 lb - 4 13enns V b. 0 50 Rye 1 10 epreenieed V 0-1. MS 0,50 Ityo Chop V en - I . 2,00 Chick.•n• "M 3yo Straw 7 bun'alo S • AO Shorts "flovt .75 Shoulder Colllit:3 So tp Corn.. ..... . . . .. Corn Mont Si cwt..... ...... .I,OJ Sides \ .15 Dried Apples' im ...... - L'a .2,25 Dow 10 @l2 Deed Chorrio.e 111 quart...JO Timothy 4.00 Dried Peaches 76 lb-18 to 25 Torkeys 75 @ 1.50 Dried Beef 20 , 1 Y heat 11et1...... 0 75 Eggs '5 Wheat White 2,00 Feathers rtl lb 00 Wool n) lb 55 SPECIAL NOTICES EATNESS, BLINDNESS & CA TARRH, treated with the utmost success. by J. SAACS, 31. I)., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, So. 519 PINE street, PIMA RA. Testimonials from the mast reliable sources In the city and country, can bo seen at his °Mee. The medical faculty aro Invited to accompany Rath . patients, as Ito lots no secrets in iris practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— So charge t'or examination. nth:2118664y • FOR SALE, RENT & WANTED. "GLOBE" AGENCY. [Any person having real estate, personal property, etc. etc., for sale, or property for rent, or who may snout to buy or runt a farm, dwelling, store room, shop, farm stock, etc., etc., can hare his wants made knowtt nndor this head at a small espouse.] FOR SALE. Two acres of ground in West Huntingdon. One lot of ground east of Stone creek, adjoining lot of M. Thomron. A frock lunch Case for sale at n r easonable price. WANTED. A gentleman with a small foully wishes to rent a smal duelling house in the borough of Huntingdon. NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN 11 UNTIN GDON NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER WM. MARCH & BRO. Respectfully inform the Iliadic generally that they have juqt received n large and splendid stock of goods at their store in Huntingdon, c minting in part of SILKS, PRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, TEATS, CA I'S, TIN WARE, LADI ES' FANCY TRINIMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW IV A It E, QC 14', ENS W ARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH - , SALT, Also CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is loinally tcrpt in it first Oa. Hose, lilt which w,rt, tonight low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low 'wires for cash, or country produce. and rrgnc.+t the public to give us a cull lief,ire linrchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer sups rior inillitionnintn to cash buyer, Ite ri,pectfully xolieit Ifie patronage of all, and the public ore cordially invited to examine cur goods, Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi- =1 Ituntingdon, oct. 31,1866 CHEA.P GROCERY STORE, mraonvioopt., HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. riIIIE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers a large and as sorted stuck of (traceries, Provislans, ke. Ito feels satis fied they can be accuniedated with anything in his lino. Ilia prices are low, and Lis stuck fresh and good. Ho keeps the best of SUG All, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &c ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, (ALS, VINEGAR, FISH, CIIEF 4 SE, FLOVR, RICE, And NOTIONS of ovory kind sel,t stock of DRY GOODS., to,;‘,ther with QU OEN?, WA lb 11, and all other articles kept In a well regulated establishment fo r sale at reasonable prices. 4Z- Hitt store is on 11111 street, nearly opposite the funk, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and C.lllllll, Z. YENTEIt. nun lintplou . , 00.31,150 , NEW STORE WM. S. ENTRIKEN WOULD respectfully inform . the v public in general, and his hienilt in particular, that he has opened a store at COFFEE RUN, On ow mintin g *. s; Broad Top Railroad. Ilia stock consists of, 1. LADIES' .DItESS GOODS, do most general variety, selected with ilia greatest care, and to suit the taste of the most fl.tidium. 2. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR; the rory bo-t the market Winded ; entire of any and every - quality 3. GROCERIES. In this depart ment to defies compatsl inn. it consiAs of best Btu Coffin Java, Imperial, Black and Green Teas, Sugar, several TIM. ities. Molasses, every variety, Salt, Fish and Tobacco, and every arliclo usually kept in our larger stares. BOOTS, SUOES, BIDIORALS. QUEENSWARU CUT EERY, 'Titan gaols are flit fresh from the market; MI now and selected with the greatest eare. The jai hIIR patronage k sal iei tud. AV° war rant piail measure anti hones( weight. Prod ace of all taken in exeli urge for goads at thin highest market prie..e. IVA. 6. Cafka lieu, mal.gia MET_ .3DIC ..So r iLiC)Xl.3o. ‘3. •A NY , f' oc-R ,11 : 6 * ^.-572 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. ip M. GREENE has . just Opened • his Music Store, one .1. or west or Iti Lewis' Book Storo, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY SONS' and GA EIILE'S Piano Mannraet n ring Company's PIANOS, MASON HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAR HAUT, NEEDHAM CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fires, Fillies; 'Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer, Golden Trio, Ac., Kr. SHEET MUSIC.—Ito is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphis all dm latest music, which persons at It distance wishing. can order, and have rent them by mail. Also GROVER A BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sowing, embroiders perfectly; sewing Sill, and Cotton of all hinds and colors for machines. . . Persons buying Sowing Marlines fully instructed In the use Of them. .4`.;,) Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of tho above articles are in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else. where My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. 11. 31. OREENII, 11111 street, Ilditingdon, Pa.. se2T Second floor of Brown's Ifardn aro building PROF. . H. M'ENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY, THE INDIAN COMPORD Intcnial EXiellglicille, IMESEEM VC,' Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux In ono day, • - Headache and Earache iu three Nllnittos. Az- Toothache in ono minute. • Neuralgia in five minutes, .RZ - Sprains in twenty minutes, Soro Throat in ton minutes, 41r- Cholic and Cramp in live minutes, • Rheumatism in ono day, ua,„ Pain in the Back or Side in ten minsten, Xia.. Dad Coughs or Colds In ono day, ta. Favor and Ague in ono day, Cures Doafm,e, Asthma, Mies, • Bronchitis Affctions, Dyspepsia, us,„ Inflanunation of the Ridnoys, Erysipelas, n:2„ Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Mart. Keep it in your Families—Sickness comes when least expected. I propose to chetic, and effectually • dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the circulating fluids in the looms system, than can be effected by any other, or all other methods of medical aid in the same space of time. THIS POPULAR IlllMEDYfhst coming into use, fur the fact that I cure, tree of charge, all these com plaints whenever there is no opportunity to do to. As soon as it is applied it :littlest miraculously kills the pain. I do not ask you to Imp before you ore certain of its rib. cleacy. If you have an echoer pain, it i 5 warranted to do all it purports on the label. I do not propose to cure every diseaso—only a class named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, and 15; therefore. appliable, to the cure or natural restorative of all organic derange nwnt arising front an improper circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prof. J. 11. McEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND sets di rectly on the nbsorbonti, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible short time, without any powible day ycr from its use under any prssiblo circumstances. This is an internal and external medicine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, sit ch as our forst:ahem used.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to cure all complaints if we only know what they woro. This has been a great study with the Medical Faculty for many years, to find out the hinds boil adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what Proportions to use. .1.11. NicII:ITICRE, Proprietor, Reading, Pa For sale at Lewis' Book Store. llnntingdon, Pa., apt. t, 1905. McENTYRE'S DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arising from one cause, viz: Dover and Ague. Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, Weak and tear doted Stomach, midi as Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid diness of the fiend, 'Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, itheninatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Back or Side, Nervous Debility, LONI'lleS9 of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worm., Do., Do. Sold at 23 cents per box. MoENTYRE'S TiVDIAN VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! Thisinrallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in all cases and may be given to cuildren of all ages, as they ore purely vegetable and perfectly barmles9. Can be bad at Lewis' Book store, Huntingdon, Pa WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Pap6rs, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS ❑LI. ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NETTIE Y _MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furrfiture T HE undersigned would respectfully annonneu that ha manufactures and Seers constantly on hand a la7ge and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TA ISLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASII ASS CANDLE STANDS, Windsor and cane Rent chairs * cupboards, gilt and rose. wood moulding for mirror nod picturo (routes, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory: Ito is also agent for the well known Bailey AI Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public aro invited to call and oxamino his stock before pn rchasing elsewhere. Work and sales room on Hill street, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's store. JAMES HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug. I, 1860 ALL KINDS ON TOBACCO .. Lt . whole%ale at,l ictail. at CUNN [INGHAM & CARMON'S, CIANNED PEACIIES and Tomatoes jmix,,d Pickles, Tomatou Catsup, Popper sauce, 4., & for solo at Loomis & Co's Family Grocery. Abb crlisounts. • :23'0 MAC • Es. v. territory given. t t•• pe ...atl. For terms,l2tos. Ul nada.... with stamp, either Y a 'El:11()Tf1E8ti, r. '1 Ageiitti, ; a Chestnut Bt., Phila., t • . 221 Summit St., Toledo,O. . November 2S, 18 Gam, DR. LEON'S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS. THE I'l 1,! 11 C 1701% OX.VEIIICAL SCIENCE Dr. Loon's Elßctflc Hair Rumor. It is a positive cure for Baldness. It restores Gray Hair to its ori,ginal color. It is avronic, not a bye, and acts upon the secretiOnS. It immediately arrests falling out of tho hair: Italleviatcs Neuralgia and Headache. It radically cures Dandruffand (honors. 11 keeps the scalp healthy, cleats and cool. It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant [lair Dressing It restores, cultivates awl beautifies the hair. It makes harsh hair flexible and lustrous. Dr. Lenn • a Electric Hair Renewer has enjoyeira high local reputation for many year, Its wonderful reatorg. live and invigorating propel ie4 are well .known to the Medical Faculty of Philadelphia. Being fully satisfied of the merits of Leon's Electric Hair Renewer we have procured exclusive ownership and nro determined that every huniehold in our laud Om II hare opportunity to reap Ito benefits. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY A most delicious and ellleAciou3 cure for the various Ills to which Infants nisi Young. Children are subject. Invaluable for Teething Children 1 It softens the gurus, nhateS inflammation,invigorntes the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, mid is a sore and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps and Windy Pains. A most excellent preparation for children of n restless and fretful habit, and in all 11.141:51 of Looseness, Griping. Vbmili ng, or other inward grief, it gives immediate ease. Used for more than half acclaim). in the private practice of one of the most eminent ',Lydda. of Philadelphia. In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, we would remark that we know it to ho a Remedy of mirivalsd oxcollonco and that it has proved in thousands of cases, as we are resolved it shall in mil lions, a priceless boon. For sale by Druggists everywhere. ,SILVER'S WASH POWDER ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon dayt a Festival. • I=l Address all orders for arty of the above to ZEIGLER & SMITE, nol4-ly SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia J. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS & SILVER-SMITHS, 822 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, Are opening a very full list of the productions of foreign industry and or!, of their own selection in European cap itals, including a great variety of articles of use audorna ment, in BRONZE, BRONZE AND GILT, GILT AND CRYSTAL, Cll7 GLASS, DE CORATED LEATHER, AND PORCELAIN. BRIDAL, OPERA & PARTY FANS, Of every variety and price. FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS, ASIA FIGURES and CANDELABRAS. • WATCHES, In groat variety; and all warranted. DIAAIONDS AND JEWELRY, A largo andmry choice selection. • SILVER-WARE, An increased line of Rich Articles for Bridal Gifts and Table use. PLATED WARES, Front the best English and American Manufacturers, comprising altogether a collection attractive in beauty, complete in detail, and moderate in price. n014.2m SALISBURY, BRO. & CO., EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS IZ3II Gold, Plati ali Oroide Jowolryr, SOLID AND NICKEL "lENTALIELM, American, English and Swiss WATCHES, CASED BY OURSELVES, and every description of Fancy Goods & Yankee Notions, Especially adapted AND designed for SOUTOERN and IVEsx ERR TRADE. Circulars and full descriptive Price Lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address SALISBURY, BERL & CO, 61 DORRANCE STRELT, Providence, E. I. M~ ~Z•~ ~=~r~=~~* ~~ IF=S ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, • SA VES MONEY, SAVES LABOR, SAVES-CLOTHES, SAVES WOMEN, AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used by cutting into small shavingsand ills/301'ring in hot seater, then soak the clothes five to ten minutes, and a little hand rubbing will mako them as chain as hours of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabric rcceiro no injury. Wa can refer to thousands of families who are using it, end who could not bp persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, Sold by all LEADING GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. WHOLESALE OEFICE 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Philadelphia. iliEliest Price Paid for Prime Tallow, AVlrl'or sale at LEIYIS' Family Grocery. Oct. Ili, 'O5-Cm.2.p 1)1111E LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Prehmred by all practical l'ainteri,l Try it I and you will have no other. Manufactured only by' ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 NM. Third st., Philada. jan24-11 TO THE LADIES I= SKIRTS, Just received this day from Now York awl for solo at tho cheap cash Blom of \VAL MARCH & 11110. A splendid assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . r ANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS dant received thin day from NOW York nod for role cheap at [mayil WM. MARCH A BRO. A A LADY RECKONER AA, A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which aro added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with a set of useful tables containing rate of interest from ono dollar to twelve thons• and, by the einglo day, with a table of wages, and board by the week. and day. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. COUNTRY DEALERS can - • buy CLOTHING from mu In Huntingdou at IYHOLESALE as cheap as they mu in an. Itius~ au I hays a wholenalo Aoro I 4 rbiladelphia. H. ROMAN. rjUN 13AR1LELS AND LOCKS.-A A large asiurtnieut at I!AILDWAILE STORE. HEAD QUARTERS • 101 i NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS 4 t . THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P.-GWIN, oc. 51. '61., • 1867. 1867. CLOTHING: • H. ROIVIAN. • NEW OLOTIIING FOR FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED A 7 H. R 0 M IV g CHEAP GLOWING SVORE:. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, Mairittuls In the best workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite tee Franklin House' in Market Egaarti, iNoittet t don, Pa. Huntingdon Oct. SI, 'M. GREAT ENTHUSIASM f lIIGB. PRICES SURRENDER 1 ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. I JOHN H. WESTBROOK - Respectfully informs the citizens of Iluntingdon and vicinity that ho has just received from the city a New and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &e., &c., &c. all of which he is prepared to sell at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONNEOTIONERINS have also been ro, ceived. Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old Cush. mers and the public generally aro invited to call.. Iluntingdon, oct. 31, 1666. • 'LI - qp..llaavomE J. M. -WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in . T_T iNkT wiLl' MT Mt. 31:1 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to tit stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear offieorgo W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sona wishing to purchase, will.do well to give him a call, Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charged reasonable. .Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. Tho subscriber has a NEU" AND ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepated to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. J. AL WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 18136-tf i pti GEO. SHAEFFER ''llas.pist returned from the east with a SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, cfia, Which ho offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. 110 will sell his stock a the me.) REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call avdp. BOOTS Sc SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and. REPAIRING done In the neatest and most. Sapcill tiousonanncr. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a few doors west of the Diamond. my 2 • - 711" - ' ••• . . . L iirs- --- ••:;';',57,.- , L, .1,, ....,_. -?&.,;,. W„ . '• !: 6• A''-' .` 1 1 ,1 --OM'N . __-Z 1 km [ II Wi' _.....,..),' Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED Also, Caused Peaches, Tomatoes, Peas . and Corn Also, Spiced Lobster, Oysters, Chow chow, Worcestershire. sauce, French Mustard, Horse Mlish, Pepper Sallee, Cub, sup, Olive Oil, &c., be, and All kinds of Syrups., uch as strawberry, pineapple,. blackberry, ,te. CALL AND SEF, COUNTRY PRODUCE. All MO of country produco taken In ex chAngobr Goods at Lewis' Family Grocery.. CHOICE CANDIES Of all kinds, for solo wholosalo and retail at Co's Family Grocery. SOAPS AND CANDLES. WaBWog and Toilet Soaps—tlio best kiude—for sale at LEWIS ews FAH' br GR 00.6 R FLOUR FLOUR I The bast Flour, by Um burro' or smaller quantity fu.k , sale nt Lewis' Family Grocery. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, WO, Commorcial, Fool/map and ➢latcap—o, gdott tuie4tmout for silo by tiro roam, bait roam, quire (4- shalt, up LEWIS' NEW BODE te. STATIoNIIRT STORE. TTJSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! . J. j v It you imut your card ueatly prtut4 4 1 4 o .vok. °pea, call at LEIFIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STEOR. HANS, HANTS, Plain and canvas sugar cured Hums—dbo best in mac kat—whole or sliced, for sale at Lewis' Family Grocery VERMICELLI., Barley, Mee, Ilo&- V in y, Beaus, &c., at Lewis' Family (Irma:Dr. ROWN & BLEAChEII MUSLINS, j Ticking, Limon, Cheeks, bleached and brown can ton Flautte:e, minor's Plaid, Wool Flanueli &c., &c. at, d. li. HENRY & QEARS.—Best -quality of Sogar4 L . - J G' ulia ;It CUNNING LiAt