--- - - ------ --- -=-- ---- --- . Agricultural Meeting. - —.A...Aviv:slit -- n+^^` , • e) he OLubt. A meeting of the Agricultural So- I ,--, - ' cioty of Huntingdon County, was ~ . - - - -- ------ ---- held at the Court House, in Hunting- . 0_ HUNTINGDON, PA. don on the 15th day of January, 1867. • x .., House called to order by tho Prosi- .% r 1867. ..). Wednesday morning, Jan, 23, 1867, dent. E"-'"- save , , ` - ._`. 9 4.ek;''''' ~" '44)s\Lro - eiNeN _ The report of the delegates to the e . ..:‘,' s r ? L' - ',W.... " - 'itgers Cr';lA- 74 iii• - '' - - ,'.,:, `4 3 4.4."0''/ - - ---- /a' ,''''',... -- , ~. LOCAL. & PERSONAL. ---- ....—....„,,,,,,,,,, read, which on motion was ordered to himself," and he does it in a style k• -, ' ' ' JANUARY. MAY , JULY. 1 SEPTEMBER.I To Subscriberg. be placed upon the minutes and pub- truly sava.ye. Thn fnllnvvin , is n Int, • - I , 'BM INT PR 111211'22 6 , S 1171VTF 8 ~ i 6 11211 , 72 6.1 Those subscribers receiving a pa- lished. -- I 12345 (I '; 1., ~ . - 12 3 41 i:c .. 123 4 5 6 ,1234 5 6 7. 1 . per marked with a - before the name :'):C7 8 9 10 11112 IV 5618 9 10 iii !.< 78 9 10 ; 11 12 13 r , :99101112 13 11 '1:y1 13,16,17 18;19 ' ;12 13 11 ; 15 16,1713 ' ' ;11 15 , 16 17 , 13 19 20 1 - ' 13 16 17 13 19 29 21' ' will understand that the time for 20 2112 4 23121 23'26 1 ' !Is 20121!22,23121 1 5 121 1 22 23 21 25 26 27 ''' 22 23 21 23 26 27 29 (. - 1 27 28 29 , 30 , 31 ~ „ . :26 27 , 28 2930'31 - .. 1 i .23'29 30 31 ",. 29 30 ~ ~ .. -- ----- • - :r . N , — t„,„,,..... ---,..--- - - , : , '15 , :".:,,,-.=-,...-.-_- 7 - .11,_,L,-..N _ _ A MEAL AT A.LTOONA.--lest of our readers know that the passenger trains on the Pennsylvania railroad stop twen ty minutes at Altoona for breakfast, dinner or supper, as the case may be, andof course there is not much time at the table to read newspapers or to talk politics. On the contrary, every one considers it his first duty to "help himself," and he does it in a style truly savage. The following is a po etic (r. description, hurriedly written The Treasurer's report showing a on the under side of a dish on a recent balance of 5627.771 in his hands as au- occasion of that kind: With a bang and A dited by the proper committee was a batter, a clang and a clatter, the / read and adopted. dish and the spoon, in the dining sa whieh they subscribed is up. If. they Theo. a. Cramer, Esq., by request loon, are heard to resound from the wish the paper continued they trill then delivered an interesting, able and roof to the ground. The knife and the IC eloquent address on the subject of fork go to work on the pork, on the CC renew their subscription through the Agriculture. beef and the veal, the fish and the eel, mail or otherwise. tf. The ims9r4,l, officers of the Society on potatoes and bean's, tomatoes and —II •.• Local Advertisements. Esq., re-elected for the next ensuing saucer and cup. All the while men . F 8 Advertisements (puffs or notices)year. are bawling to the waiters, and calling - - published in local columns at ten cents William Lewis, Esq., offered the fol- for this and for that, for meats, lean 8 2 1 3 ' IVa lino single insertion, counting seven lowing: and fat, for eggs and for ham, for ,d 5 ,1 16, words to a lino. tf. Resolved, That hereafter no bills be chickens and lamb, for a small or a .2112223,' paid by the Treasurer of this Society big piece of fat roasted pig. Cursing 2 - n25 12713 r until they are approved by the Finance the waiter, as though '(wore his fault [ .A I:L.-L. Committee and so endorsed by thorn, that a castor, or plate, or the butter,or - --_-..u, ',,,," - gyrat, ,'' -•: Ji and then only on the order of the salt, an apple or peach, is just out of Vi 1 All hindo of School and Miscolloneoui 800k,,' . " ! V ; '''' Stotionery, Well Paper, Window Blinds, - violins 7 . President. The bills and orders to be reach. Not long does it last—this I MARCH. i Accordeons, Gold Pens, Wallets. Purses, Pocket 1 NOVEIIIBER. . kept on file by the Treasurer for safe noisy repast—for a thrilling scream of Books, Finley Soaps, Perfumery,'llairand Clothes I keeping and inspection by any person the savage steam engine is heard, call-Brushes, etc., etc. I . S 10T 16 TF S ' n • ii..l m i 13 • SIITIST F SI r o contributing to the funds of the Soci- ing out "aboard I" It must be so, and r 4 '- ---- - -1 e) Jusl'i"c . ',., E, ' .° ;lh. ° .',T)Td7,:,,,"ll k d r l: e n t ."o 1 4 1 L o d f , y " ' v I 1 2 , , my. we'll cheerfully go, for now we can ,ii 1,4 51 6 7 8 , r. 4 ,, ,i, REVENUE STAMPS. — CC.It JOB PRINTING ALL KINDS ", .. ~ •, .. ~ , • I ,' 3456 7 18 2 r I) Which was unanimously adopted. count on a ride through the mountain, ~" .) 10 1 1112113 1 11,11 I 6 r `t l .10,11 12 4 31141516' On motion of Win. P. Orbison, Esq., with stomachs that feel good after that 'r 1718.19 , 20;211 9 2 23! ' NeatlY"ecuted at the '.GLOBE" Office. . 1 - I 2 al 13 19 . 2212V2 i 23 __..„.___ the thankS of the Society were ten- meal. . 21 25 20 27'282130 21 25 , 26 24 b 29 , 30 dual • 4 to Thco. If. Greiner, Esq., fur - I 31 1- - •••• 1 6 ! - I I L I- 1 "GLOBE," 12 per ono= in advance. Complimentary •• his address and that he be requested . --,m..-- The Hrfutinrolon Band was at Har- 0, ,, , , .: --- - wa , -,... , u-,,,..............a.... — iTZ , - * P L\ • - ii to place a copy of the same at the dis• b 6 ._. . k % ,1 ) -- 4'' b.. posal of the Society for publication. risburg on the 15th and the Harrisburg 1 APRIL. 1- 1 11 AUGUST. 1 , . DECEMBER: f 4> Win. 9. Orbison, Esq., was on mo• Telegraph of the 10th, says: I • 1 ell Lion requested to deliver an address ~w,„ are under many obligations to . iS 31 T'IV TIP ' ! -! S 11. 1 11' T F 571 T i ll'lT'r S 1 his before the Society at its next meeting,'( , i p v , ,10 i 1 the members of tho Huntingdon Bind - \' 1,. I 213 4, 1 5 6 f i........ I 2 3 1 2 1 34 , 5 6 7 the in April next. for the delightful music at the resi- ( . 7 8 9i10,1W203! y, , .. ; i). l , 456 7 8 9 1 10 ,! 8 9,10i11112.13 A 4 t. i ing- The financial committee was instruc- ' 11,15,11117,1S•19,21f '0 ~ / 11'1211:1.11.15116i 17 'ls 1617118119i202C dance of the proprietor of the Tele .',by, ted to take into consideration the pro- graph. They were accompanied by . 211Vi23'21i252027! (); ' 281211130 -HI.. ..1 ri 1 .1 A 1.3119i26!21!22 ; 2321 22 ; 23 21 25i26.27 23 I . revs, piety of purchasing a piece of ground their worthy Representative,Mr. Whar- 1 ,27, 26•27!23 29130 31 1 25 , 39 31 ..1.. ... Aon for holding the annual Yaks, and ton. We learn that the band was but tIl v•I" 1 " ••I'' ""I a 1 ._ ~ , i 4.1_1 .. ~. Li_ 1 .1.......... H ~_ .._ ___ make report at next meeting. recently organized, yet they were ....,,, ,' ._, ~k f-, years Adjourned. equal to any of the oldest bands in the ~ , , ,, T.,1,,, , ,r4S , ) , i,,,:.; ~ -„,-..„,..."—,...--,.*---,-,-- ~,,,,,-.,7 . ,,,,,, 7lt sALE,”k-f5l pl(7:90 back GRAEFUS MILLER, P" S ' line of procession yesterday. Their in- ---..----.,"--A.,,- -,==;;;4 l / 4 h o Joux It. BAILEY, Secretary. struments aro of the hest class, and - gall' Profits. C'''''' _...., ~, — "ive le- --, —..... Joh.t... wo wish them all a long life of happi •,3,‘' Ev,Wa,,A , ..;... - - -- - - nese. kirlet Items. _Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage is to lec ture in Lewistown the 25th instant. —Tho Huntingdon . Band offer for sale the brass instruments which they recently had in use. See adv. —The Altoona Tribune is to appear next week in an enlarged and improv ed form. A needed reform. —A bear was killed two miles and a half above Lewistown, last week, weighing 100 lbs. clean meat. --Maj. B. L. Hewitt of Hollidays burg, has been appointed Chief Clerk of the State Department, at Harrisburg —There will - be a shooting match at Coffee Run on the 30th day of this month for two of the best beeves in the county. Marksmen, now for a string. —Mr. John Eby, of the firm of Eby, Morrison ck: Co., paper manufacturers, Spang'sat Mills, Blair county, died on the 26th att., of typhoid fever. —The man who in former years complained that winter had gone back on us, is this year like the boy who had nothing to say. —Mount Union has been incorpora ted into a borough. The Tina's looks for a city government at no distant day. The wish is father to the thought. —Everybody is complaining of the high price of eggs, and inquiries are made to the cause. A shrewd farmer asserts that the hens are on a strike, and refuse to shell out. Eggs-aetly. —The trains of the Broad Top .and Pennsylvania Railroads were detained on Thursday and Friday last on ac count of the heavy drift of snow in certain places. —Where is the man who loves to think of the "good old-fashioned win ters ?" The winter -of 1867 may fur nish him with a few hallowed recollec tions. —The drawing at: the Crosby Art Opera House in Chicago came off on Monday last. We would like to know who drew the biggest prize amongst the ticket holders in this place.. —We had another fall of snow on - Sunday last. The ground in sonic places is covered to the depth of two feet or more, and where it has drifted the loads are rendered impassable. —On Sunday evening a young man -named Thomas Brannon was severely burnt at Glamorgan Furnace in Lew istown, by accidentally falling upon a • bowlder of hot cinder. —The farmers along the creeks and rivers are fearful of the damages which will result from the breaking up of ice in the aping. The ice gets no chance to thaw, in consequence of the contin ual freezing weather. —A destructive fire occurred in Johnstown ou Sunday week' last, in which an entire block of houses, in the centre of the town, were destroyed.— The estimated loss amounts to about $lO,OOO, with an insurance of $1.3,000. —Captain A. M. Lloyd has been re .appointed D. D. Grand Master for the district composed of the counties of Blair, Huntingdon and Bedford, and D. D. G. H. P. for the district compos ed of the counties of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon and Mifflin. —lt is a finable offence for any per son to receive any scrap brass, lead or metal, from any minors or unknown or irresponsible parties. This is a wise enactment by the Legislature to pre vent youths from being guilty of the bad practice of stealing at a fire, etc. —We see that George M. Chileott, delegate elect from Colorado, has sued Governor CuMmings for $50,000 dam ages for withholding ;IN certificate of election. The Honorable George is a Huntingdon county man, and know ing his rights ho will dare to maintain —,kdvertisoments aro not expensive. The profitS of ono good sale will, in many cases, defray the expense for a wholeyear, and thus furnish the whole .community with the weekly informa tion as to where you are, whnt you are doing, what you have for sale, and the additions you have made to your stock. Advertise in the Globe. individual styling himself D. Ross Gordon, has been swindling the people of Hollidaysburg, where he had ;opened a "telegraphic institute." Ho left without paying his bills. It is supposed he formerly resided in Chain bersburg, as ho frequently inquired at .the printing offices for Cbamborsburg papers. —A point of law is raised by a ,neighboring cotemporary, whether it s a violation of the game law, to re itail venison after the first of January, the deer having been killed before that time. if it is not we think it should be, because if a man will stretch a law little he will stretch it more. —An observer of human nature, a lover of the matrimonial state, and withal a close reader of the columns of the Globe, ia•exceedingly gratified at the number of weddings there have been in this ,county for the past few weeks. Ile is not so sure but what he will hear a good account from Alother Huntingdon when the next census is taken in IS7O. .We live in hopes. man named John-H. Fritehcy, ,of Altoona, advertised a lost pocket, book, containing 8283 and a number of valuable papers. The finder return ed it through the post-oiliett, ufter ex tractin!, all the valuables. That fel low is brassy enough to steal his mo ther's apron and give her back the string, or, worse, to rob the printer of a year's subscription nod send back jibe last paper marked "refused." Among (ho great iron mahufacturing establishments for which Pennsylva nia is famous, is that of Johnstown, where a town of fifteen thousand in habitants has sprung up around the iron works. The iron is produced from the immediate neighborhood, the ore yielding about fifty per cent. of iron. About twelve hundred tons of railway iron aro manufactured every week, enough to lay twelve miles of track. $1,650,000 capital is invested in the business, and 3200 men and boys aro employed, the wages varying from $1,42 to $4 per day. A woolen mill is in operation near Johnstown which gives employment to the wives and daughters of the iron-workers. The railroad iron manufactured is sold for about thirty dollars per ton, and is mostly used for the Pacific-Railroad. A town whose inhabitants take an interest in manufactures is sure to pros per. The above item bears sufficient evidence in this particular. Johnstown without its great manufactures would have becen as dimunitive in numbers and standing as - Huntingdon. Instead it has a population of 15,000, all ow ing to the interest which its people feel in the manufacturing pursuits. Its men of capital are ready to invest their money in that which is profitable, and the, result is they afford labor to hun dreds and thousands,while they derive pecuniary benefit themselves and are rapidly augmenting the prosperity of the town in which they live. Lopping Olt The following extract from the min utes of a late meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn'a R R. Co., in dicates that there is to be a lopping off of "dead heads." Tho courtesy of a free pass has been so shamefully abus ed by unprincipled men, who loaned, and even hired their passes to others, that the officers of the company have found the system of free passes an in jury rather than a benefit to tho road, and they have determined to curtail it : President's Office, P. R. R. Co., 1 Philadelphia, Jan. 9, 1867 I At a stated meeting of the Board of Directors of this company, held this day, the following Preamble and Re solution wore adopted : Whereas, The free pass system has become a serious evil, by its extension, and the abuses arising in many cases from'improper use of the courtesies so extended : Therefore be it "Resolved, That this Company will decline to issue free passes, except for purely charitable purposes, and such others as in the opinion of the Presi dent may be absolutely required by the interests of the company—Further, that no officer of this company but the President, shall issue free passes except to employees when traveling on the business of the company, unless specially • authorized by the : Presi dent." Officers of the company will conform to the above. J. EDGAR TILOHPSON, President liuntinggou County \'To compile the following statements from the annual report of the Auditor General of this Commonwealth, for 1866, showing the amount of money paid in and received by this county during the past year: Tax on Real and Personal Estate X 10,252 LS Special tax uf otse-lialf mill on the dollar 2.02.3 09 Tax on write, wills, deeds, etc 1,072 56 Collateral inheritance tax 1,795 95 .. _ Tavern licenses... lletalers' licenses Billiard rem, etc., licenses 3 00 Eating house;beer lionso, etc., licenses 28 00 Patent medicine licenses 4 75 Distillery mud brewery licenses =I Pensions and gratuities COllllllOl, Schools Mercantile Appraiser.... 1333321 M Showing the valuation of Personal Estate in the several counties of this district, and taxable for State purpo ses; the assessment of tax thereon for the year 1866, etc.: Countivs. Valuation. Tar. .34 Mill Tax Blair $1.075,135 SO $9,049 39 $520 50 Cambria 960,999 80 2,510 25 474 13 Huntingdon 1,353,124 40 3,827 93 676,59 Mifflin; 1,099,980 40 3.054 40 539 65 —Court was crowded last }welt with criminal Uusiopp, The hand also serenaded Gee. Joo. W. Fisher. At the close of the sere nade he made an eloquent address,in which he paid a glowing tribute to the gallantryof the Huntingdon county volunteer troops, as exhibited on many a hard contested field, and closed by thanking them for the mark of their esteem which they had shown in thus calling upon him. He invited them to his rooms, where they were sub stantially treated." MO MEN KILLED.-A terrible ac cident occurred in the • mines of the Cambria Iron Co., on Saturday even ing last, by which two men, named Dunn and Hotchkins, were most in stantly killed, by the premature .ex plosion of a blast. A companion left the men tamping the blast, and pro ceeded toward the mouth of the mine. Hearing the explosion, he immediately returned and found both in the agon ies of death. Dunn spoke a few words, but Hotchkins, although living, was unable to speak. Both expired before they could be taken to their place of boarding. Dunn leaves a wife and five children . in England. Hotchkins was about 21 years of age, had been here but a short time, and leaves no family. The two men worn buried, in the Sandy Vale Cemetery, on Sunday. THE VERY LATEST and best chance for bargains. March k Bro. are selling off . their entire stock of goods at redu ced prices, with a view of closing busi ness by spring. Ladies and gentle men desirous of securing the best baF gains of the season wOuld do well to call and examine our stock at the ear liest opportunity. Just the Thing. Mr. Thos. Strickler has *used the right for this county to manufac ture and sell the "Union Wall Rack and Clothes Frame," a most conveni ent and handsome piece of furniture. Every good house keeper will have one s that's certain. Settlement of Accounts The 20th - is past. Those who knew they were indebted to us, and called and settled their accounts, have our thanks; and_those who did not favor us with a call will please do so soon. —ln demand, eggs and fresh butter, and good potatoes. —Too much of a good thing, tho snow. Less snow and more money would make the bells jingle more —The little girls and b.oys could have their pets about their yards if they would feed the little birds while the ground is covered. with snow. —Accommodating, farmers who fill their sleds with straw of hay, and leave them stand—our town cows aro always on hand. —Bro. Traugh is informed that our town'a . "dad" has still got his "pass." Can he say as much for his town's "dad." —Maj. Win. F. Johnston haft—with drawn from the firm of S. B. Henry & Co., in this place, and the now . tirm consists of the following accommoda• tin! , gentlemen ; —S. B. Henry, T. S. Johnston, and Christian Long. Call at the mammoth store and sae them. The Major, wo learn, will start a first class store in the spring. We hope success to each and all. A. T. Black of Bedford has been in our town disposing of rights to manufacture his patent sleighs or sleds. The sleds or sleighs with the improvements runs on wheels or run ners at the option of the driver. It can be run like a wagon over bridges or bare ground; does not push on the horses going down hill or slido to ono side on icy places. 23 7.1 122 65 Er] $16,356 23 $ 6,0 00 . 473 31 . 27 00 $ I,'Bo 31 Hay, Fadder.or Straw Wanted The cash will be paid for n load of two' of good hay, topped fodder, or straw, at this office. EITIZEIZEI A fine assortment of Cream and oth er Candies, etc., for parties, can be had at Lewis' Family Grocery. Liquid Slating for making or ro pairing Black Boards, fov sale at Lewis pooli s,t,o rc , tr. FEBRUARY. 1867 i:' 1 it) 1 , 18117 . 1 LEWIS' OCTOBER. 1 1 I g3ITWTI , S' ~ SNTIVTF 8, , ('' ? 1 - - - - -- 1 0 , Book, Statioury &1 1 1111SiC Store, I, .... 1 3i 5 ' i c 1 . 3 ii . 6 'i 8 9 ', c i '' 4 1 7 11' 8 ,)41 1 1' 0 1 1 1 1 S 1 4 - 110 11112 13 14 15 16 ',' AND i ,17 Iri2o ll l 22 23 ' 2021122.23121 25 26 , ,21 2-5 2612 ,IS .. .. JOB:PRINTINC OFFICE, . 9 .1128120 30 1 31 i !„ ....H. .. .., HUNTINGDON, PA. G ~_ JUNE. S SI T WITIF 8! • • • 1•1•• 2 1 i 1 lq i t 9 1 1011 12.13:11l? 101171 i lls 20 ; 21:2'', 2.121021,2,2525 , and Small Small Profits. - 43 6tVl-` r-f- HENRY HARPER, M . *.l'Zts2o ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Iles n largo steel: of FINE WATCRES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, nna SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for Holiday and Bridal Presents n0v13,1560-2m MARRIED, On January 3,1867, by Roy. J. T. Plowman, Mr. P. PARSON, of Cloarfiold county, to Miss lAttY J. BIOLER, of Hunt. Co. On the WI inst., Mr. R H. VANDE VANDER, of.llunt. CO., to Miss CLARA. B BARTLEBAUGII, of Blair Co. On the-Bth i nst. ,at his residenco.near Dry run, by Rev. Win. A. West, Mr. J. N. SMITH to Miss ANNA MILLS, both of Shade Gap, Hunt. Co. At the bride's residence, Jan. Bth., by the Rev. J. F. Brown, Mr. JESSE MCCLAIN, to Mrs. MARY McCLAIN, both of Tod twp., Huntingdon county. At the residence of David Brum baugh in Saxton, Bedford Co., by the same, Jan. 10th., Capt. J. H. ANDER SON, of Nebraska Territory, to Miss BECKIE, daughter of john Househol der, Esq, of Marklesburg, Hunt., Co. DIED, In Warriorsmark twp., Hunt. Co., Pa., January Bth, ELIZABETH BRAT, TON, aged 70 years, 9 months, and 12 days. At his residence in Barre° twp., on the Ist day of January, Mr. ThomAs HILLER, at the advanced age of 78 years. In this place, January 11th., Mrs. MARTHA Y. Main, aged 42 years, 4 months and 20 days. MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19, 1861 The following wero the priced in market this morning: Apples, 45 to 50c por half peck; butter, 55 to 60eper lb; chickens, 20 to 256 per lb; cranberries, 2i to 25e, per gnarl; cabling-, 8 to 11c per head; celery, 10 to 15c per bunch; docks, 160filfilb; eggs, 50c per doze . iggeese,ls;to 18c per lb; hominy, litc:per quart, lard, 10 to 20c per lb; potatoes, 25c per half peek; pumpkins, 15 to 20c each; onions', 10 to 12c per half peek; roast beef, 25 to 2de per IS; sirloin steaks, 25 to 50c per ;b; mutton, 11 to 2Oc per IS; pork 10 to 15c per Is; parsnip, 20c per half peck; rabbi , s, 130 c per pair; squirrels,',so to 40c per pair; sausages, 20 to 22c per IS; turnips, 12 to 100 per half peck; turkeys, 20 to 25c per lb. PrrrMann, Jam 12.-110'm-11m market is not quite as active WI it late hem' for some limo back. Wo can note sales 100 barrels spring wheat Flour at $12,25412 ; 10 nun winter wheat Flour at $13.25413,75. Going dow . u. The trans:wit - ma in Wheat ore light. No. 1 spring at $2,00, No. 2 at 52,4042,50, aunt mint rat $3. Tho Corn domana is light and market quiet. Ws, note sales 1 car ear corn on tho track at G9c, and 100 bush shelled at SOC. Barley Natant 90c. nuckwheat Fleur at $3 50? cwt. Fair thnuatia fir oats and from first hankie may be quo ted at 100, and from store at 52453 c. Now Yontu, Jan. 19—There is inactivity In the floor mar ket, the closeness of the money market and the rigors of tho season contributing in no small degree to the result, and prices of ;late and Western hare declined. no ro coipto are guile insignificant, while the local . mills aro not working tip to their lull capacity, yet the supplies from these sources 300 11111 y equal to tho home constung• lion, the export trade being restricted by the relatively lower prices rolingflin ttw principal foreign tinirlicts than here. The last thick, days mark the aulleit period In the wheat.market for several Weeks. Dices more declined and the receipts are very light. CIIII3ACO. 19.—Flour rmiet;spring extra $9,75(7410,25 Wheat is to lower; No. 1 at $2,13@2,15; No. 2, $1,8701,t10. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED {WEEKLY BY S. IL HENRY & CO =II Superfine Flour 11 01 ..$12.00 Flaxseed $2,25 extra Flour 13,25' lions 11 lb ....... ..... 40 ®6O Fondly Flour 13,50 dun,, smoked "0 Apple Butter 3,3 ga110n...1,25 flay *-0 tun 16,00 Barley 01$ Lard 14,1 Butter ......... ............ ...... 31. , Large Onions 11 bus 1 00 Buckwheat 1,00 Mixed Chop 2,00 Buckwboat Meal $0 cwt.. 3,75 mtg. ..... . ..... ..., Bran 11 cwt 1,25; Potatoes .1.1 bus. Brooms Ii doe I,OC($ 1,00 1 per ton Beeswax - - E 3 lb 401Ita, ii lb. Rya Ityo Chopll cwt........ ityo Straw vtl bundle Beans 15 bus 1(1 tiluverneed 'it 64 1D5..... ..8,50 Chickens "5 CODE Isl=l ihouldor... follow , holt lied Corn "A Corn Meal 43 cwt 0 ,00 Dried Apples rim ...... —2,25 Dried Cherries p quart....lo Dried Peaches - 01.b..10 to 21. Dried Beef 30 When White Wool Ih Eggs FeAt hors 61 lb FOR SALE, RENT & WANTED. "GLOBE," AGENCY. [Any person having real estate, personal property, etc. etc, for sale, or property far rent, or who may want to Loy or rent a lava, dwelling, store room, shop, farm stock, etc., etc., can hare his wants made known under this head at a small expense.] FOR SALE. Two acres of ground in West Huntingdon. One lot of ground Coot of Stone creek, adjoining lot of Thonip,on. "A &volt tacit cow for cola at a reasonablo price. WANTED. A grmlleman milk usmull family ividlie3 to tont 4 stunt Iltyolltog 1101160 ins tho Inrough of limutin4don, NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN LI UNTINGDON NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER. WM. MARCH& BRO Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just received n large and splendid stock of goods at their store in Huntingdon, ontsisting in part of • SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SEIOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WARE, LADIES' FANCY TRI NEC NGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNKrs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW TV A It B, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, l'OrfE4-4300, - SEGA:IIOj • ----- GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. Also ; CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is usually kept Inn first class store, all which were bought low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country Produce. and request the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewlserd, feeling satisfied we can offer supe rior inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, And the public are cordially invited to examine cur goads. Everything taken ift exchange fur goods except premi ers. Ifunting.lon, oct. 31,1366 CHEAP GROCERY STORE HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. rimiE undersigned offers for the in spection and porchaso of customers olarge and as sorted stock of Groceries Provishms, &e. Ile feels satis fied they cad be uccomolated with cmything in Ills lino. Ills pricos are low, and his stock fresh null gdod. Ile keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGA RS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &c Ar,so— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUE ENS WADE, nnd all other articles - kept in in well regulated establishment for solo nt reasonable prices. Arh - His store In on Hill street, nearly opposito the Dank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examin, YENTER. Huntingdon, cc. 31, 180: FM GEO. SHAEFFER Ilasjust returned from the cost wit! 1014461 SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a, Which ho offers to tho inspection of his cnstomors and the public generally. Bo will MI Into stock at tho most REASONABLE PRICES, rind those who purchase once will surely call again BOOTS kSIIOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING douo in tho modest and most expedi timer manner. Cull upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on Mill street, foss doors west of rho Diamond. my 2 TO THE LADIES. no best assortment of • TaMIPi'M COS ICMIZa"S, Just received this day from Now York and for sale at the cheap cash stow of Wilt. MARCH S BRO. A. splendid ossortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUT TONS Just received this day from New York And for solo cheap at [may7l WM. MANCII & 11110. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, .10,00 The Whitest,tht; most durablo and tin most economicu Try it! Itlamillictured only by ZIEGLER & Wholesale Drug, Paint ,t Glass Dealers, ao2l-ly No. 187 North Third st., Philada. DEADY RECKONER AA, A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollais and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitiom,together with a sot of useful tables containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous• aud, by the single day, with a table of wages, and beard by the week and day. For sale at . _ . ...10 @) 12 .4,00 @5 1.50 -5 COUNTRY DEALERS (MO buy CLOTHING from me in Huntiumlou nt WHOLESALE, ns cheap as they can in the Hies, as I have A wholetnio store in Philadelphia. IL HOMAN. BEST QUALITY OP FRESH MACE:EUIiI of UIJ4VN/NG/IA .1( 1 UN BARRELS - AND LOCKS. -A k_A large assortment nt BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE, RESS BUTTONS ,t TIIIIIIIIIINQS, the West Myles, Bolt Ribbon Bud Blielihis,llq. ieq, Sc., l at . • S. I . I.IEN,RY l CO. READ AND BE POSTED !' TO THE NEWLY 11ARBIED New • Furnitire, ez.C. 11 1 11 E undersigned would respectfully 1 announce that ho manufactiires and keens - constantly on hand a large nod splendid assortment of • • DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES. - - - - - - WASI/ AND CANDLE STANDS, Windsor and cane sent chairs. cupboards, gilt and rose• wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at priced that cannot fall to be sat idfactory. lie is also agent for the well known Bailey -At Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. • ' Tim public mre invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and dales room on Hill street, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's Enure. Hun ting,dou, Aug. I, 1860 1 0 41 30 "SAT fOr eto at. X) IS. WM, S. ENTRIKEN j~TOUL in D g _ en r e e r s l p ,t e n e d tf h t: 3 l I friendsr in f in dr p nl ar - ticnl he are that he has opened a store at COFFEE RIJN, - On tho Huntingdon it Broad Top Railroad, His stock consists of, =! 1. - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, the most general variety, selected with iho greatest care, and tomtit the taste of the most fastidious. 2. GENTLEMEN'S , WEAR, the very beet the market afforded; entire suits of any and every quality desired. 3. GROCERIES. In this depart ment he defies competstion. It consists of best Bio Coffee, Java, Imperial, Black and Green Team, Sugar, several qual ities. Nulasies, era" , variety, Salt, Fish and Tobacco, and every article usually kept in our larger stores. BOOTS, SHOES, B kLMORALS. QUEUNSIVAEN, CUT LERY, &O. These goods are all fresh from the market; all now and selected with the greatest core. The public patronage is respectfully solicited. We war• rant good measure and honest weight. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. 1931. S. ENTEUMEN Coils Hun, 0c31.3m 7 . , r;717-7 - CY L" - - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND DM. GREENE has just cipened Lie Music Store, one fit or west of W - Lowis' Donk Store, where he keeps constantly on hand. STEINWAY ,k SONS' and HAEULE'S - Piano Manufacturing ComPsnY's PIANOS. MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CA it II A ICT, NEEDHAM A: CO.S' ELODEONS; 0 niters, Violins, Fifes, Rules; Guitar.andlGoltri Strings. MUSIC 110 ONS-G olden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer, Holden Trio, Ac., SHEET MUSIC.—IIe is constantly receiving from adelichia all the latost music, which persons at a distance wishing. can order, and have sent then, by m ail. Also GROVER A. BAKER'S Celebrated PEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sewing Silk and Cotton of all hunts until colors for maxillas. Persooo buying Sewing Machines fully instructed in the use of them. niz- Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Thoso wishing to buy any of the above articles are in vited to call and eXatilillti mine boforo purchasing else• where My prices urn the samo as in New York and Ph iladelphia. Circulars of Instruments or - Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. M. ORBENB, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., se27 Second floor of Brown's 'Hardware building LUMBER SOLD ON COPIXISSION. Aro receiving, all I Inds of LUMBER, comprising nll the BOARDS, FRAME STUFF, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, PLANK, WORKED FLOORING, {FEATHER BOARDING, FENOING, RAILINQ, /4C Which will he sold a prices at the mill, with freight ad ded. not liviC)DnEX' I ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, and is prepared to purchase, or repair in the X best style, and expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to hint will be returned to the residence of the ownor no 00011 no repaired. Umbrellas mid parasols for repair can be left at Lewis' Book store. WM. FENTI3IAN. LEWIS' BOOR - STORE. .A.LL KINDS OF TOBACCO wholexalo and retail. at CUNNENCaIAM & CAIItION'S. VJANNED PEACHES and Tomatoes i zeal Pieklee, Tom atoe Catiop, Popper canoe, &0., & ryr Cle!! Grocery. b AND ALL IN WANT OF BUREAUS, 31 E DST BADS =I fiIE.W STORE SEWING MACHINES. S. E. HENRY & CO., different grades of Vhitabrlphia abinttistmeilts. E 1 .A , 13,1^1.3a WT /' - G MAC Fully. Llcengc.. Exe . o ithflory glTen. Pay from $34) to $ mntlit For terms, Mos trated Clroularo. $ , addre with rtatop, elthor °ln "' p noTNERS, e Agefitiii, 414 Chestnitt St., Pbila, • • . 221 Summit St.;Tolodo,0„ . November 29,1896-3 m. DR. LEON'S CELEBRATED PREPARATION TIIE;PERPECTION OF. tEDICALSCIkI,•C.g. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer. It is a positlio mini for Baldness. It restore s Grey hair to its original color. His a Tonic ' not a Dye, and acts ttpoo the secretions; It immediately arrests falling out of the hair. It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache, It radically cores Dandruff and Huintall.. It koope the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It is an elegant anti exquisitely fragrant Hair Dressing It restores ' cultivates and beautifies the hair. It makes berate hair Desna° and lustrous. Dr. Leon's Electric Heir Renewer has enJoyedn high' focal reputation for many years. Its wonderful restora tive and invigorating properties are well known to the Medical Faculty of Philadelphia. hieing fully satisfied of the merits of Leon's Electric heir Renewer we have procured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household ho oar laud shall have opportunity to reap its benefits. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY A most delicious and efficacious cars for the Various 111 o which Infants and Young Children are subject. lava'liable for Teething Children ! It softens the gums, abides innamtnation,invlgorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and fa a sure and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps and Windy Pains. A most excellent preparation for children of a restless and fretfui habit, and in all eases of Looseness, Griping. Vomiting, or other inward grief, It gives iraniediato ease. Used for more than half a century . in the private practice of one of the most eminent pkyaimaits of Philadelphia. In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, see would remark that we know it to be et Remedy of unrivaled excellence and that it has proved in thousands of cases, as we are resolved It shall in lions, a priceless boon. For sale by Druggists everywhere. SILVER'S WASH POWDER ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT! Address all ordure for anS of the above to ztuar.,Ercai SMITS, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia uol ly J. E. CALDIML &CO JEWELERS & ISILVER-SMITHS, 822 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA,. . • Aro opening a very full list of the productions of foreign industry and art, of their own selection In European cap including a great variety of articles of use auderae• ment, in BRONZE, ARONZE AND 01LT, GIL' AND CRYSTAL, CLII GLASS, DE COI?ATED LEATIIER AND PORCELAIN. •. BRIDAL, OPERA &PARTY FANA Of every variety and price. FREISCII MANTEL CLOCKS, - ..4SES, FIGURES and CANDELABIUS. WATCHES, • In great variety; anlall warranted. • DIAIiIONDS AND JEWELRY, • A largo and very choice selection. SILVER-WARE ) An increased line of Rich Artiolea for Bridal Gills and Tabla usa.. PLATED WARES, From the best English and American Manufacturer comprising altogether a collection attractive in beauty,. complete in detail, and moderate in price. n01.4.2nn SALISBURY, BRO. & CO., EXTENSIVE 2(ANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERX Gold Plata( ad hie holm Gold, P lated AND NICKEL • er•Mr_el73o3EL-WAVEL3I4 American, English and Swiss WATCHES, CASED DY OURSELVES, and every description of Fancy Goods & Yankee Notions, Especially adapted AND designed for &matrix and WEEI. ERN TRADE. Circulars and full descriptive Price Lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address SALISBURY, BELO. aSr. - SIDORRANCE STREET, 0et.31,-3m. • Providence,'R. L 3:o4co,l3Xtires* ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, • ••SA %TES MONEY; SAVES LABOR, SAVES CLOTHES, • SAVES WOMEN, AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It Is used by cutting into small shovinpsand dissolving in hot water, then soak the clothes live to ten minutest and a little band rubbing will motto them as clean ae hours of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, and tho moat delicate fabric receive no injury. Wo can refer to thousands of families. who are wing %tux , * who could not be persuaded to do witholtt DOBBINS' • • - ELECTRIC • SOAP, • Sold by all LEADING- GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. WHOLESALE OEFICE : 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, . Philadelphia. Ifinest Price Pali for Prime Tallow. Arty-For sale at Family firoCety, Oct.lsi DUR B LIBERTY 'SPRITE LEAD, j_ Preferred by 1111 practical Paintere I Try It f, aink you will lucre no other, Manufactured only by ZIEGLER, & SMITH, Wholesale Drug,Paint & Glass Dealers, No. 137 Nth. Third st., Philada. jan24-ly MEDICAL ELECTRICITY. Wonderful Scientific Discovery For the Treatment- of Acute:and Chronic Diseases, The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the afflicted females of. Tintdlngdon county, and the adjoining counties, that I have taken instraction in tha correct applicatiod of Electricity, and am now fully pros pared to operate successfully for the Cora Or parent:macre:. ted with the following named diseases, viz; General Debility, 'Neuralgia, .. Kidney Comphinta. I Nervous D i rases;, eases; . Liver Female Weakness, Spinal Affection, riles and Gravel, Costiveness, Bronchial Affection, Foul Stomach, .. Dyspepsia, . Illieumatiem,. . Headache, Diseases of tine Womb, Diabetes, Scrummed Menses, Goiter, or Big Neck. Female patients can receive treatment at my resldenea for any of the above•diseases with the wonderful disco.. ery of Electricity; which is without a parallel, and the very desideratum for the afflicted. Please give us a trial. It to a mild operation, producing no cheek or unpleasant sensation, and relieves where MnAßGAu:Metro as LEWIS no effect at all, RET , Newton Hamilton, Mifflin ce., Pg. o clo-3m (1110.1 C Tcas, Coff sugars and k_pfolaeses, for sale Re I,oWifi' PR.n,tty ckroccery, . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers