61tibt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Jan. 16, 1867. LOCAL & PERSONAL To Subscribers -Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name Will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise Local Advertisements Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ton cents a lino single insertion, counting seven words to a line. tf. arlef Items. —Beyond suspicion—the 'character of the weather. - -a chance for the Good Tomplars -the tight money market. - -The Methodist revival still contin. •ttes with some evidence of success. —The Presbyterians of this place held their annual week of prayer last week. '—The Gas Company of this place paid a revenue of 8144 08 to the Com monwealth, for 1806. —There is an Equal Rights League in the borough of Johnstown. Wou• der if women are admitted. —Theauditors have met to audit the accounts of the county. The statement will soon be published. —Ten cents will be paid at this of fice for a full copy of the Chicago Weekly Times, of week Letore last. —The Huntingdon Silver Band will go to Harrisburg to-day, to be present at the inauguration ceremonies of Gen. Geary, the Governor elect. —Many of our citizens are going to the inauguration of Governor Geary. Hope they will have a good time, and learn what it is to he a Governor. —Farmers and merchants will find the weekly report of the markets pub lished in the Globe of material benefit to them Always look for the changes in the Globe columns. —A caution to carpenters and oth ers—do not leave any combustible ma terial such as shavings, etc., near your stoves, as terrible accidents occur from this specie 01 carelessness. —lf it is true that "all is n9t, gold that glitters," is it not also true that noble objects sometimes flicker awhile in the fancy only to tickle it, and then . ---411qippear ? Vide town ball, market house, etc. . —The nail factory of B. Johnson 5; Co., in Hollidaysburg, which was de stroyed by fire some weeks ago, has been rebuilt, and is again in operation. About o❑e hundred men are employed in the mill. —Not a few persons, who were good enough to work at the fire on Friday last, got a-plentiful supply of cough, cold and pain for their trouble, and we were among the number. We, there fore, know how to sympathise. —Wild game appears to he unusual ly plenty this year, in this and neigh boring counties. Eight panthers have !An killed in Centre county. Wild cats and turkeys are the most numer ous in this section. —We had another heavy fall of snow on Saturday night, which has made sleighing in tenfold 'better condition. Who will be the first to be upset in a drift 7 Upsets are pleasant—indeed they is, when you don't get hurt. —This year there are five Sundays in March, June, September and Decem ber. This is something unusual. The ministers will thus have four extra -days to prepare the minds of the un converted for the acceptance of gospel truths. —We had a visit from our friend Rev. Theo. L. Flood, who is now in charge at Seabrook, New Hampshire. He looks well, and if we may judge from his effort on Sunday evening last in the H. E. Church, preaching is his forte. Success to him. —Mathias Bowser,.a soldier of the war of 1812, died at his residence in Greenfield township, Blair county, on the 2d inst., at the advanced ago of 77 years, 6 months and 18 days. He was a native of Bedford cou , !ty, born in Bedford township, near Bedford. —Nicholas Riley, convicted of the murder of James R. CrawfOrd, at Gays port, Blair county, on the 16th of Oc tober last, and who was sentenced to six years imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Curtin. Riley is now at home. —Mr. Common, editor of the lloni tor, met with an accident to his press on Saturday last, by which ono of the supports of the platen gave way to too much pressure. lie fears he will have to get. another machine. Accidents will happen to printers as well as other men. However, we hope the break can be effectually repaired. —The Pennsylvania Reserve Asso. elation extend an invitation to any ,who may at any time belonged to the Reserves, to join this association. All .who desire to participate in a banquet on the 30th of )lay next will address John H. Taggart, Box 652, Philadel phia,.- giving name, rank, company and regiment. Here's a chance, ye braves. —lf we were not deceived wo be lieve that there Was an effort made to ,establish a Reading Room in this place a short time ago. Why it failed, or why the Association has not been or ganized, we cannot tell. If that has fizzled like that Town Hall we can on ly attribute it to the lack of money or zeal,,or want of confidence in our peo ple, or the dread of striking while the iron was hot. —The -worth of onr two antedelavi an (B. C.) fire engines was fully tested at the recent fire. Now, is there any property-holder who will hesitate giv ing a dollar or two to help getting a couple of us.eful.suction engines? \V bat will the borough do in this matter?— We think our citizens, rich and poor, aro willing to submit to a tax in order to get good apparatu', and we hope the matter will be brougkt, ,f;efore the Council at its nest meeting. There is danger in delay. BM On Friday last about twelve o'clock, noon, the carriage-shop belonging to Mengel & Gahegan; situated on Wash ington street, near Bath, took fire in the basement story, and almost in stantly the frame fabric was in flames, the fire having communicated to the paints, varnishes and oils with which the room was stored. Indeed, so rap• idly did the fire spread that it *as im possible, at the time it was discovered, to save any of the property. The pro prietors were both at dinner, and reach ed the shop in time to see the flames spreading with increasing rapidity and fury. The engines were early on the ground, but unfortunately they were useless for a time, as both were frozen from having been left standing with snow or water in them. The Juniata, the smallest engine, was the first to he put in working order, and then not until the adjoining dwelling house of Mr. J. E. Greene had caught from the flames, which lashed with un quenchable fury over and around it. Fortunately, almost all the furniture, etc., in the dwelling, was removed ho fore it caught. The other houses ad joining the Cotiflaraiiou,— . l,l3b brick of' Dr.. Snare, and the frame of Mr. Murray,—were saved through the ex ertions of our citizens; but it was with the greatest difficulty that a black smith shop to the rear was prevented from catching. It is the beittf that if' the, large engine—the Phoenix—had bee:6 in fit condition, the dwelling house of Mr. Greene would have been protected, but it, was not until the whole building was in flames that it commenced to play at all. The unfortunate men lost heavily. Mr. Mengel lost in the neighborhood of $1800; ho had also some lumber, window frames, etc., for a now house, destroyed, besides a sleigh, carriages, and tools. Mr. Greene's loss is about the same. The house cost him $l5OO, which he had recently paid for, and was about having it insured ; he and wife lost some valuable clothing. Neither of the parties had insured their property, and they have accord ingly met with almost a total loss; but ,we are pleased to note that the proverbial liberality of ; our citizens is being extended to them, who, all being in limited Circumstances, aro in need of the same. It is not positively known how the fire Originated, but it is thought that some shavings in the shop had taken film from the stove. Huntingdon Cornet Band Wu are pleased to state that the above worthy institution has received the silver instruments, for which sub scriptions were collected a few weeks ago. The band is now prepared to vie with the best in the State, and under their, efficient leader, Prof. E. W. Thom : as, it will not be long, we think, before they will become as good as any. The instruments they have received are beautiful, and the music they dis course is exquisite, owing, of course, to the skillful manner in which they are fingered. Our citizens can rejoice with us that we have such a good Band in our midst so well equipped, and we trust all will co-operate in securing their Services wherever possible. We renew our congratulations to the Band, and hope they will continue to flour ish their trumpets for many years to come. Broad Top Rallroad The Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad is 44 miles in length, extending from _Huntingdon to Mount Dallas. At Huntingdon it connects with the Pennsylvania Rail road. The guago of the road is 4 feet inches. It has 11 miles of siding and 14i, miles of branch road, viz i Stomps Run 91 ; Six mile Run, ; and Sandy Run, 1 mile. The weight of rail per yard on main track is from 45 to 60 lbs. The equipment of the road consists of 16 locomotives, 2 first class passenger, 4 baggage, mail and ex press, 3 freight, and 126 coal cars. The amount of capital stock author ized by law is $BOO,OOO ; preferred $300,000; and by merger of the Bed ford Railroad, $250,000 additional. The amount of stock subscribed is 12,- 352 shares common, and 3,81 prefer red. Par value of stock, $5O. State Convention of County Superinten. dents. A body of intellectual "gents" called County Superintendents, net in sol emn conclave at Harrisburg, and after sundry sessions, during which grave and deliberate counsels prevailed, it was resolved that when they adjourn ed. they would proceed to the Mam moth Store of Henry & Co., and put , chase a supply of Dry Goods, Oil Cloths, Shawls, Coats, Circulars, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,Hard ware, Queens ware, Groceries, Iron,. Nails, Salt, Flour, Feed, &c. P. S. The largest assortment of La dies Furs in town. Another Chance We are requested to state that Glea son's Great Cost Sale will be continu ed until the ISth of next February, as about $30,000 worth of the most sub stantial, attractive and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Grocer ies, &c., remain unsold, and wilt be positively closed out at lass than actual cost. Sco the incredibly low prices in last week's paper. Hay, Fogger or Straw Wanted. The cash will bo paid Tor a load or two of good hay, topped f0440r, or straw, at VI:11,1(0m Spotted Fever We learn that this disease is pre vailing to a considerable extent - in the valley along the Raystown Branch, in this county. Three or four deaths have" occurred from it. Its victims seldom recover, and their sufferiags are of short endurance. It is supposed to be contagious, bvt of this we are not assured. Lost. On the 31st of December, on the lee s , on the Canal near the bridge at Cun ningham's Store, a small round. gold breast pin, with a pearl in the centre. The finder will be rewarded by leav ing it with Dr. D. P. Miller. 11* lEZEM=I=I Reduced to one week, by the use of the Family Knitting Machine, now in operation on Waehington St., opposite the Globe office. Its worth cannot he told on paper, therefoie call and see it. MARRIED, On' New Year's day at Shade Gap, by Rev. J. A. Price, Capt. D. R. P. NEELY and Miss LIZZIE MINNICK. On the 20th of Dee. 1866, by Rev. S. A. Holman, Mr. JAMES J. [(Amon., of Duncausville, to Miss MARTIIA S. GARLAND, of Spruce Creek.. At the bride's home, on the Nth ult., by Rev. B. 11. Hunt, Capt. Jowl A. laylNusToN,_of Huntingdon Co. ' and .M Miss AuY L. STATLEIt of Sehellsburg. On Doc. 27th, 1866, by Rev. George Elliott, JOIIN M. FLEMING, of Mifflin county, to Miss E. J. IttinY,-of Hun tingdon county. On Jun. Ist, '67, at the Parsonage of Evan. Lulli. Church, in Williamsburg, by the Rev. S. McHenry, Mr. JAMES A. YINGLEsIG, of Yellow Springs, to Mrs. ELIZA J. GREEN, of Shaver's Crock, Huntingdon County, Pa. On January 3d, at the residence of Mrs. Catharine Blair, in Altoona, by Rev. A. F. Shanafolt, Mr. JAMES HOUSE MAN to MISS REBECCA ENTYEAR. both of Alexandria, Huntingdon county Pa. On January 3d, 1867, by Rey. W. Downs, JAMES L. HoFFmAN, of Hun tingdon, to Miss MsttoAarr E of Derry township, Mifflin county, Pa. December 20th , 1866, by Rev. Theo. bait Funs°, A. Enwnans to Miss ELI ZA LYNN, both of Lincoln Township, Huntingdon county Pa. January 10th, 1867. by the same, at the bride's fathers, Mr. CHRISTIAN B. SUONTZ, to Miss DONNELSON, both of Lincoln Township, Huntingdon county Pa. On the 10th inst., by Rev. James C. Clark, at Huntingdon, Mr. JOHN B. YOUNG, to Miss MATILDA KENSINGER, both of Bedford county Pa. At the residoneo of bride's parents, on Wednesday, Jan. oth., by Ilev. Mr. Clark, Mr. JANES B. WILSON, of Hun tingdon Furnace, to Miss JENNIE KEIF ER, of Rural Choice. We extend our congratulations to the above happy couple. Their re mernbrance of the printer is acknowl edged, and may they enjoy all the blessings which this life affords, 'mini monialky ; may their coffers be always full, and may they have many joys to make their journey cheerful and con tented. On the 20th ult., at. Alexandria, by Rev. S. Moore, Capt. GEORGE WILSON, to Miss MARY T. WALLACE, all of the place above mentioned. We aro pleased to note that our young "typo" friend has embraced the favored opportunity and got a good °•take" in a handsome bride. lie has gone west to publish a journal. May he have success, 'and learn through experience that the wife of his choice is the companion of his joys and trials. A long and happy life to 'each of you, and may you make favorable "impres sions" amongst friends in your new home. DIED, At Saxton, Bedford county, MARY M. WEAVER, wifo of Ferdinand E. Weaver, formerly of Williamsburg, aged 31 .years, 11 months and 26 days. In Juniata twp., on Saturday the 12th inst., after a short illness, JOAN N. MossEtt, aged 47 years, 9 mouths and 9 days. In this place on Sunday night last, Mrs. AMELIA WALLACE., wife of Francis B. Wallace, aged years. MARKETS. PIIILADELPHIA,3IIII. 12, 1567 Prime cloverseed Is scarce and wanted. We pole new at $96V3,10 ra bushel, Timothy ranges from $3,25 , 52,75 and Flaxseed at 52 Ss@3. There woe nn demand for Flour, except from the home C 0.11111019, With purchased Wily 1511011101 to supply their immediate tennis. Sales of 500 including superfine. at bbl.. extras at $9O - 00.70. common and Choice Northwestern extra foully at 511.50003.50, Penn sylvania and Ohio do at $12,11@1.1.23, and fancy brands at $14X0( 7 2.17, accordine to qtmlity. , Rya Flour sells at 57 30 per 1.1,1. There is very Intl^ Wheat ofT , rif ' rr and the demand IS entirely confined t.l pt inn, lots whichemufnand firm pri ces. Fates of l'erinsy/ mania rod urn quoted at $2.8603,10; and No. 2 spring at $2.05: white ranges front $3.2003,40. Rye is It..fd at $1.40 per bo..lfel for Pennsylvania, Corn W/1.9 less active. hit we continue ye , fterday's figures; 3010 bushels good yellow at $101,03. and 2500 bushels white at $1,03. 1500 Ln.hcls U.os at 69.41A1c. ' PITTSIWRGIU, n.l2.—Flour.—'l'he market la acrtia. Dote ester pity glad sprin t a lie it Flour at $11.25012; find winter tx bunt Floor at $13.0:414. 'lie tran , t+rtras in Wh.•.‘; NU 1 'eprinl at 02.1 , 0, No. 2als 2. and tout rat s:t. The Corn deaf:tad f.f light .1114 nioket quiet Wo note bales 1 car ear corn on fhe rr. eft at irc and 1 car at Barley ocl l a fir 05c ltyo at $1 22041 20. Fair demand for oars [lOlll first hands may ha quo ted at bar, mad tr Io store at 51051 c. Under large rocuipts the hay at trket is drooping. floe car oil the flack bold at $2 per ton. and offer Inge were made at $lO. From country vragou the qU011111 . 61110 Tim othr from 527021. . • euld at from 6.3.1,1:9734c. Singly they a c id at 7 1 A(i - il`le. We !lute sales of iza bushel , Peach Blow Pe tatoes nt $1 per lin-hel;76 bushels Buckeyes at $1,05, and Su bbls Neshannws nt $2,26 per bbl. Unisano. Jan. !S.—Flour quiet;spring wheat $10.37602 Wheat 2 or 7e lower; No. I $1.1.5@i3.25; No,. 2. 51,3a(41,nt. Corn at. 79%e. o.its, No. I. 4lj4c. and No. 2at 7"c. Ityt Is qtdet at Sec. Barl , y Ile. Lard. M,4 - 6,19A'. Dressed 11-ge are [lroner. clostibt at sl,lls@tl 00. Tha week now. closing has been nu Relive one for peckers and dialers In hugs. Moro hogs have been rec4i , eil dining the last six days than tbr any COrr , sl ,,, b rig p`riel in nearly two pstra. and should the weather cold roads continue good the receipts next week doubtless bong:lln large. FINANCIAL. Ntw Yonx, Jan 12.--Gold closed at $1,31. HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY MC O. E. HENRY Sc CO Superfine Flour 11 bl F1ax5eed........, bxtra dour 13,25'110ps le 1b...... Family Flour 13,50 iliuu, molted Apple Butter le ga110u...1,25 Ilny 'e ton... i.ard I2A Large Onions 14 b. I,uu Mis.ed Chop aOO iints 80 Potatoes 11 b. 80 Plaster per ion— 10,00 lt4gs 'f 11) ... .. Barley flutter ......... ............ ...... 30 ItuckwheAt 100 Ducks,'liont 51.1 11 cwt.. 3,75 14 - an 11 cwt 1"5 Broome doz ...... 3,OC@ 400 Deeovitx 33115 30 Rye Rye C b op .tyo Straw bundle Shorts?, cwt.. 3h0u1der........ Stahel rullew Timothy Turkeys Wheat Red..... Wheal Whit., Wool-61D 1.301113 "J 0 (dove rsced Ibs 800 Chickens 20 Cowl try Soip lo' Corn 75 Coin 61eal "0 cwt........... 2,0 ; Dried Apples ....... Dried Cherries "ts qoart. Dried Pooches ‘0 15..10 to 20 Dried Beef Nun Feathers 196 90 1867. 1867. -••''-'l -' 4 - C --- , --aa- ' - . 1 . -:-' l ';' - , • 1 ~; i &. - . e 4 ,-; ' 1 tFL7,4 BE HAPPY WHILE YOU MAY WITH YOUR MERRY Bells and Sleigh!! For all Kinds of SitARTI 1311118 ROUND AND OPEN, LOOSE AND STRAPPED IN EVERY STYLE, SLEIGH RUNNERS, SOLES, SHAFTS, FENDERS AND WILLOW SLEIGH BODIES, CO TO JAS. A. BROWN'S NEW METROPOLITAN HARDWAH 'STORE, Hill st., Huntingdon, Pa. Where he also Offers at Reduced Pri- °es a Splendid Assortment of NEW YORK SKATES, Coal Buckets, Hot Air Registers for Collillgs, &c., New Patent Lanterns, LAMPS and OIL, PAINTS & VARNISHES, PATENT LINE HOLDERS, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, And an endless Variety of Goods in the HARDWARE line DON'T FORGET THE METROPOLITAN ! 40 €0 top 12 ..:......4.02 is to) 1.60 ........2,60 NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN HUNTINGDON. NEW GOODS • FOR FALL AND WINTER. WM. MARCH & BRO. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have Just received a largo and splendid stock of goods at their store In Huntingdon, consisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE,. LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW IV A3l .E, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. • Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And In fact everything that Is usually kept inn first etas.] store, all which were bought low for cash and will • sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, end request the public to giro us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer supe rior inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, and tho public nro cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything taken its exchange fur goods except premi ses. WM. MARCH & BRO. Huntingdon, oct. 31, 1566. OPEN and READY FOR BUSINESS H. GREENBERG, `it'2lll,ol2o Respectfully I nforms the public that ho has opened new store in Fisher & Son's New Building, in tho Dia mond in Huntingdon, where all kinds of READY-MADE CLOTHING PIECE GOODS, Hats,lJlllllrellaS, Traveling Bags, etc Can ho found to suit nil who may favor him with their patronage. His Piece floods are of the hest quality rind will ba MADE UP 170 ORDER in the moat fashionable and best make and style. All goods can be bought an this establishment from 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper than at any other place. All desiring a good suit of clothing at n fair price should call examine goods end prices. All goods leari ng his establishment will he warranted to be what may ho represented. 11. GREENBERO, Huntingdon, Nor. 21, 1936. " Merchant Tailor. READ AND BE POSTED I TO THE NEWLY MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Fllfilitiffe , c. THE undersiffned woefid respectfully 1 annonnco that he manufactures and keeps constantly on band i, la7ge and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST T I 'ILES BUREAUS, Is E De:TEAS. WASII AND CANDLE STANDS, Windsor and cane seat emirs. clipboards, gilt and rose• wood moulding for mirror awl picture frames, and n vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to be satisfactory. Ito is also agent for the well known Batley & Decamp piltent spring Hid Bottom. Thu public are invited to call and oxamino his stock but; ire purchasing elsowhmo. Work nod sale. rooni-ow 11111 street, near Smith, one door west of Ten store. JAMES HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug. I, 1665 • NEW STORE '('en ma - ma C:10 31:11 WM. S. ENTRIKEN \vplLpiesp respectfully inform the .iehgen:rd h is in p articu l ar, that he tilts opened a store at COFFEE RUN, On the Iltding,biu & Broad Top Railroad. His stock consists of, 1. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, the most general variety. selected with the greatest care, and to suit the taste of the most fastidious. 2. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, the very ba,t the market afforded; entire Wits of any And every quality desired. 3. GROCERIES. In this depart ment he defies competsiim. Tt consists of best Eta Cellos, a Ilya. Imperial, Black and Green Teas Sugar. several q nal :llolaases, every variety, Salt, Fish and Tobacco, and every solids usually kept is our larger stores. BOOTS, SHOES, B ILHOitALS. QUEENSWARE ; CUT LERY, &C. These goods MT all fresh from the market; all new and selected with tho greatest care. The public patronage is reepectfully solicited. We war rant good etc:mire and honest weight. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. Wit. S. ENTREKEN Coffee Run, oe:31-3m Choice GROCERIES JUST RG lso, ,toes, Peas and Corn Canned Poncho% Tom. Spiced Lobster. Oysters, Chow rh ow, Worcestershire bailee, French Mustard, horse lindlah , Pepper sauce, Cat sup, Olive Oil, &c., &e and An kinds of Syrups, such ns strawberry•, pineapple, blackberry, ,te CALL AND SEE LUMBER SOLD ON COMMISSION. S. E HENRY & CO., Ara receiving all k lurk of LUMBER, cornprlling all the different grades of BOARDS, • FRAM: STUFF. JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATII, PLANK, WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, FENUINO. RAILING, Ac., Ac., Ac Which mill ho sold at prices at the mill, with freight ad ded. . 1107 IVICIo.DIM32 - I ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, )(and is prepared to purchase, or repair to fill, Lest style, and expeditiously, broken UiII3IIELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to him WM be returned to His residence of the owner an soon on rep Aired. Hilahrollas and parasols for repair oar bo left at Lewis' Book store. may2,lB66tf FENTIM AN. ger. For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at lipn tingdon, 'a. s,ll6ndistments. A.C.1=17 . 1'3 "Ar , T.A.M.T.I.ED. "- ~... ..-. Tr, , l , ii.A. - wriiv,ril" -, iii o Ee in . w 0 !? ,SEJ ' 4 (3 1 - MAC NES- .1 t 3 0 , rnuy Lteencie Fze re territory givon. OC ~! r.ty rooot Soo to $2OO psi: conih, For terms, Illus. , IA ! Crated (11,c.11^m, ,St , cid ~ with stamp, either ;? b ( cq ' '''''' PA t , 111)THERS, t, • q Agents, , ,, 0 {9 ::: cl 4. Chestnut Bt c ..Philri., • . „f,,.,. , ~ .0 - 42.11 Summit St, Tolodo,O. ' , 71 - .: 1,. •''' .F...O•I•TTS W.4 , 4. - zrs - ..13z). ' , November 28, 3.868-3 m. DR. LEON'S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS. TEE PER FECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer. It is n positive cure for Daldnels. It restores Gray Hair to Its original color. It la a Tonic, not a Dye, and nets upon the serrations. It immediately' arrests falling out of the hair. It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache. . It radically cures Dandruff and Humors. It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It Is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Dressing It restores, cultivates and beautifies the hair. It makes harsh hale flexible and lustrous. Dr. Lcon`a Electric Ilair 'Renewer has enjoyed:a high local reputation for many years. Its wonderful restore. tivo and invigorating properties aro well known to the Medical Faculty of Pliiiadelpida. Being fully.satisfied of the merits of Leon's Electric Hair Renewer we have procured exclusive ownership and aro determined that every hotviohold in our laud shall have opportunity to reap Its bentrlts. DR. LEON'S XNFANT.REMEDY A moat delicious and efficacious curo (dr the various ills to which lufants and Yoa ug Children aro subject. - Invaluable for Teething Chi'then I It softens the mints, abates infinnimation, Invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and Is a Mire and swiftly cure for Colic, Cramps and. Windy Pains. A meat excellent Preparation for children of a restless and fretful habit ' and in all eases of Looseness, Griping, Vomiting, or other inward grief, It gives immediate ease. Used for more than half a century in the private practice of one of tho most eminent physicians of Philadelphia. • In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, wo would remark that we (mow it to be n Remedy of unrivaled excellence and that it has proved in thousands of cases, as see are resolved it shall in mil lions, n priceless boon. For solo by Drugglets overywhero: SILVER'S WASH POWDER ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT! Address all ordure fur any of the above to ZEIGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St, Philadelphia nol4-1y S. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS & SILVER-SMITHS, 822 CHESTNUT ST., • PIIILADELPIIII, Are opening a very full list of the productions of foreign industry and art, of their 05011 selection in Europe. cap itals, Including a groat variety . of articles of use andorua , meat, u BRONZE, BRONZE AND GILT, GILT AND CRY,SMIL, CUT GLASS, DE CORATED LEATHER AND • . _ PORCELAIN. - BRIDAL, OPERA & PARTY FANS, Of every variety and price. FRENCH MA NTEL CLOCKS ,ISES, FIGURES and CANDELABRAS. WATCHES, In great variety; and all warranted. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY, . A large and very choice selection. SILVER-WARE, An Increased line of Rich Articles for Bridal Oifta and Table use. PLATED WARES, Front the beet English and American ManufactUrers, comprb.ing altogether a collection attractive lu beauty, complete in detail, and moderate in price. n014.2m SALISBURY, BRO. & CO., EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS —OF— (ToId, Plated alld Oreille Jewelry, 'SOLID AND NICKEL American, English and Swiss WATCHES, CASED BY OURSELVES, and every description Of Fancy Goods & Yankee - Notions, Especially adapted sae designed for Sournaas and Wan ., TRADE. Circulars and fall descriptive Price Lists sent fret. Agents wan ted'every where. Address SALISBIikY, BRO. do CO., . 51 DORRANCE STREET, 0ct.31,-Sra. Providence. B. I. 31:)C3.3E53E818T0 ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY, SAVES LABOR, SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES WOMEN, AND ALL GROCERS snra. It Is used by cutting into small shavings and dissolving in hot water, then soak the clothes floe to ten minutes, and a little hand robbing will make them as clean av hours of hard machine robbing would do, with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabric receive no Injury. We eon refer to thoapands of families who aro using it, and Who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' • ELECTRIC SOAP, Sold by all LEADING GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. WHOLESALE OEFICE 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Philadelphia. Highest Price Paid for Prime Tallow. girrOr 6016 at LEWIS' family Grooeiy Oct. 15, '65-6m.2p . puRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Preferred by all practical Paintere: To' It I and you will bare no otli .r.. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drng,Paint & Glass Dealers, N 0.137 ,Nth. Third st., Philada. jaw2l-1 3 , . MEDICAL ELECTRICITY. Wonderful Scientific Discovery For the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the afflicted females of Iftsutingdon county, and the adjoining counties, that I have taken instruction in the correct application of Ifleetrieity, and am now fully pre pared to operate successfully. for the cure of persons affec ted with the following named 131,0.09, viz: General Debility, - 'Neuralgia, Kidney Contplaints. I Nervous Diseases; • Liver " 'Female Weakness, Spinal Affection, Piles and Gravel, Costiveness, Bronchial Affedion, Foul Stomach, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, headache, Diseases of the Womb, Diabetes, Suppressed Menses, Goiter, or Big Neck. Female patients can receive treatment ht my resident for any of the above diseases soi,), the sy,ndlerful discoid. cry of Electricity; w hick is without a parallel, and ,the very desideratum for the afflicted. Please give us a trial. It is a mild operation, producing no shock or unpleasant sensation. end relieves where nmileir 0 IMs no effect nt all, M A 110 A it ET LEWD Id, Newton Hamilton, Mifflin co., pa. O elG-Bnl vCHOICE Teas, Coffee, Sugars and 3rop.os, for rale at Lewis' Family Grorcery. IIEAD QUARTERS YOB NEW CIoODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC; THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED • A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, COME AND SEE. • D. P. GWIN, oc. SI '66., 1867. 1867. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. HHYI OLOTIIINGI Bois FALL .AND JUST REVIIITED a! - 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the beet materiel,and made in the heat workmanlike manner, call at N. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin Home in Market Square, Ha atop. don, Pa, Huntingdon Oct. 51, . IVICIETSMC).SS9E°C=O3E3.33I. - • ...-:',7"..-7.-7=7;1-'7A, ~ .z.:.,•:-..1,4•;.5‘,.:-1:-.,?,--:,-;i::::r--":1'::41, _5 46 . 7.-- ... -; ' 6 1;t1:•? ,, ..n,, ,- ..- - ,,' :.-',,,,,' ~..4 Tv. -ki;A v. - - . . li • -..V i• - A ~.. SEWING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND - 11Dt M. GREENE has just opened e his Music Store, one di or west of W Lewis' BooSt Store, where he keeps conCtantly on hand STEINWAY & SONS' nod GAIMILE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAR lIART, NEEIMIA3I & .CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins. Fifes, Stoles; Guitar nod Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &c., &c. SHEET MUSIC.—Ho is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphia all the latest music, which personi at n distance , wishing. can order, and hare sent them by mail Also GROVER & BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING CIIINES—the only machine that, in addition to Crory hind of sewing, embiolders perfectly; sowing Silk end- Cotton of (till:lnds and colors for machines. Persona buying Sewing Machines fully instructed ire the use of them. : 133" Pianos and Organs 'Warranted for flveyetin3 Those wishing to buy any, of the above articles are in , vited to call end examine mine before purchasing elm , wbero My prices are GEM same as in New York midi Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, seat promptly' upon application with any additional information desired: B. M. GREENE, • • • 11111 street, Huntingdon, uPa., ee27 Second floor of Brown's Ilardwarelmilding GREAT ENTHUSIASM HIGH PRICES SURRENDER II THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST.. JOAN IL WESTBROOK le/t Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has Just received from tho city a Dint and splendid stock of • BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & GAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks,: . • . Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which he is prepared to roll at reduced prices A lot of choico CONFECTIONERIES have Also boon re• ceire.l. Dou't forgot tho old "stand in tho Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally are invited.to call, . lion tiugdoa, Oct. 81 . , 1860. IPTIMEIMM J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in • irj 3EL 1441 - 9 'CT FL 13 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to Ms stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear niGeorge W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where' be manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced, prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and chargca reasonable. . At:ir- Mao, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made to any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has a 63 811-. NE IP AND ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepated to attend Fnnerals at - any place in town OF country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 0, 18116-tf WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS t A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Window Curtain Papers . ,. JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOWSHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALR DLL ASSORTSIM AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOKS AND- STATIONERY.L- A. good 'assortment of. miscellaneous and Schoo Books—Foolecap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopea--Ited, Blna and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous elm—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE,- READY REOKONER . A complete rocket Ready. Reckoner, he doltars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes Bills, Re. coipte, Petitions, &c., together with a iet of useful tables containing rats of interest from one dollar to twelve thou& and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and beard ley the meek and day. For sale at zEirts , BOOS STORE. COUNTRY DEALERS can - ; buy CLOTHING from me lu Huntingdon at, WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the Wes, as I have a wholesale store In Philadelphla. ROMAN. THE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH MACKEREL at CLINAEVGILLIf d CARMOA'S, fIUN BASWELS AND LOCKS.-A VA largo assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. A 'LI/ KINDS OF TOBA O. Q . IlLwbolesale ned rotall, at CLINNINGHANI °AMON'S. cJ.ANIcIED PEA.Q.LIES and Tomatoes Mixed Pick TomatooCetoup, Pepper sauce, ice., for sole nt Co'd Notolly Q E. HENRY & CO: have .the lar -1.,:y • gest, stook of Ladies Shawl, floods, Sontagues, Bah moral and Hoop Skirts, Ladles Coats, Sacks and CircultuA SEGARS.-13ost quality of Sogars '111)7 at CUNNINaII 131 & CAMION'S. L'ARPETINC 4 OF ALL KINDS at cov.A - moripts fiAremozy. sk•