The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 16, 1867, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Jan, 16, 1867,
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
"I know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to
his country as by sustaining Me Flog Me
Constitution and the Union, under all circum-
A. Pouat.As
We are anxious that all indebted to
us for subscription to Globe, adverti
sing, printing, books, stationery, etc.,
LW., should make payment immediate
ly, or not later than the 20th of Janu
ary next. The first of the year is a
good time to square up, and wo would
feel extremely happy on the first day of
the new year if we could then say that
all indebted to us now had gave us a
friendly call. Wo desire to keep square
with the world and "at peace with man
kind," but to do so wo must have our
own. We will expect those knowing
themselves indebted to give this call
their immediate attention..
All persons having claims against us
will present them for settlement.
The United States Senator Question,
The Journal & American's announce-
Meet last week that Gov. Curtin had
withdrawn from the Senatorial contest.,
was slightly previous. It was only a
trick of his enemies. lie continued a
candidate to the end of the contest,
thereby keeping his white washed
friends in very deep water.
Where is "The Soldiers' Friend" now?
The people are with him still, but the
politicians—the honast Representatives
of their will—have gone back on him
and them. The father of the soldiers'
orphans is cast aside as readily as the
old clothes off the back of a successful
gambler. Curtin is not the only "Sol
diers Friend" who has received a dou
ble dose of ingratitude.
The first fruits of the great Republi
can victory in Pennsylvania: "Simon
points up I" Curtin, "The Soldiers'
Friend," Stevens, the "Great Common
er," nine-tenths of the Republican
press, and forty-nine fiftieths of the
party, point down.
• A consultation meeting of all Sena
tors and Members opposed to the elec
tion of Simon Cameron, was held at
the State Capital Hotel in Harrisburg,
on Thursday afternoon last, previous
to tbe caucus meeting held in the
evening. Gov. Curtin, Thad. Stevens,
Hon. J. K. Moorhead, Ilion. Galusha
Grow, Wm. B. Mann, Hon. A. K. Mc-
Clure,Gen. Hartranft, Hon. Jacob Hoff.
man of Berks, Hon. A. E. Roberts, 0.
J. Dickey, Major Lemuel Todd and L.
Kauffman, of Cumberland; Dr. Joseph
Gibbons and J. M. Willis Geist, of
Lancaster; John W. Forney, Major G.
M. Lauman, Gen. Collis, and other rep.
resentatives from many sections of the
State were also present.
The meeting was organized at three
o'clock, by the appointment of lion.
T. J. Bighorn, Senator from Allegheny,
as chairman; and L. M. Lee, ono of the
Philadelphia members, Secretary.
Mr. Bighorn explained that the ob
ject of the mooting was to enable them
to hear suggestions as to the best
means to preserve, intact, the organi
zation of the Union party of the State,
and to do no violence to the popular
sentiment. For that purpose the three
gentlemen named for Senator, Messrs.
Stevens, Grow and Curtin, had been
invited, and the meeting was now pre
pared for any suggestions that might
be presented.
Gen. Fisher, Senator from Lancas
ter, was the first to speak. He said
there was no doubt as to the unanimity
of sentiment upon one question. He
believed that the election of Simon
Cameron to the Senate of the United
States at this time would be, the great
est disaster that could happen to the
Republican party.
Ho did not believe a Senator could
be elected without going into joint con
vention. He believed there were
enough good friends of the Union par
ty in the Senate to prevent au election
there, and the question was whether
there was a Sufficient number belong
ing to the House that would stand
The list ofyeas and nays of the mem
bers of the Legislature being called, it
appeared that the following gentle
men opposed to the election of Came
ron answered to their names : Messrs.
Bigbam, Billingfelt, Browne of Law.
relico, Fisher, Royer, Taylor, White,
Adair, Allen, Armstrong, Chase, Col
ville, Davis, Day, Espy, Ewing, Galla
gher, Gordon, Lee; Leech, Pennypack
er, Peters, Quay, Richards, loath,
Steaey, Stehman, Wilson and Wingard.
Thaddeus Stevens was the next
Speaker. "He had not intended to
take part in this canvass, but many of
his friends insisted upon his coining
here, urging that his presence might
possibly prevent a great calamity. He
did not disguise the fact that there
were two gentlemen who had more
votes to operate with than he could
expect to have in this convention.
When the election was over, he took
oAsion to count, with an intimate
friecid of one of the prominent candi
digs (he meant General Crmeron him
-80.. and nineteen votes were all that
he claimed. Goy. Curtin had a much
larger number than that. Hr. Grow
and himself had a few each, and yet
be was told Madame Rumor says that
these nineteen votes have been very
proliric, and that the number for Gem
Cameron now is whatever he chooses
to put it. [Laughter.] Gov. Curtin's
number, he feared, bad not been much
increased, but had been diminished.
[Laughter.] In conclusion, Mr. Ste
vens said he should continuo to be a
candidate under all circumstances, lest
a worse man should get the votes of
his friends."
Gov. Curtin said "he had reluctant
ly allowed his name to be mentioned
as a candidate for this high office, and
had subsequently made a vigorous
fight, and determined not to witLdraw
from the field. There were some gen
tlemen who desired to vote for him if
the caucus meets ; and there are others
who might do as they please in regard
to the [natter and settle their accounts
with their constituency at home."
Col. Lemuel Todd said "he had no
hesitancy in saying that the election
of Simon Cameron would be the worst
calamity that could befall the State.
It would be a dishonor, not only to the
State, but to every member• of the Re
publican party. The disease requires
a radical remedy, and it is for the men
who are faithful to Republican princi•
pies to set their• faces against this cor
.elfort of' Simon CamerCht and
strike at the very roots of it. Better
ten thousand tames that, no election
should he made than that he should
disgrace us. The true plan is for the
people hero from the dinrent sections
of the State to avow their sentiments
on this subject, so that our representa
tives may know what the feeling is,
and act upon. it. If the people are in
favor of it they may have tbo chance
of expressing the wish if the election is
postponed. The true policy of those
who aro opposed to Cameron is to force
the election before the House and de
feat him at all hazards."-
Col. John W. Forney said, "while
he appreciated the modesty which ac
tuated those who were not members
of the Legislature, and deferred to the
good taste of leaving this subject to
be disposed of by themselves, yet, as
ono of their constituents, ho believed
it his duty to state that no infliction
would give to the great Union orgard
zatiorf a more fatal, if not mortal,
wound than that which is now threat
ened. Ile belonged to what is called
The fourth estate in American politics,
an humble member of the Radical
Union press, accustomed to take the
responsibility, and have been literally
on the picket lino since the beginning
of the rebellion. (Applause.) As such
he had learned as well the danger and
the value of a bold example in a crisis
like this. We are poor, frail mor.—
here to-day and gone to-morrow. Tho
discharge of a great dirty makes us,
when it is well discharged, immortal ;
and, as so gloriously stated by the dis
tinguished gentleman, Mr. Thaddeus
Stevens, the other day, at the close of
his remarkable speech, in which he
unconsciously delineated himself :
"This is a crisis that mon may become
immortal, but cowards always crayon."
There is not a Republican man or wo
man in Pennsylvania whose heart to
day is net throbbing with indignation
over this spectacle, and yet we aro
hesitating as to the discharge of a
plain, patent, public duty. I think,
frankly that those gentlemen who aro
to deliberate to-night, and vote for Si
mon Cameron in known violation of
the wishes of their constituents, aro
simply signing their own death war
rant. Thorn is not one of them who
will not be tott-Iced by the prtypierarAl
if then., is an independent tongue and
and pen in the State every ono of
them willibo followed from now -on r u t til
they are called to answer at the bar
of public opinion." [Cheers.]
lion E. Billing:elt, Senator from
Lancaster county, said, "his position
on this question was so well known
that he doomed it scarcely necessary
to say a word in defence of it. In this
as in many other eases, truth, like
murder, will out. We might just as well
face the music now as at any other
time, for we shall have to meet our
constituents and settle the account.
Ile said a great crime was to be per
petrated to night. The high office of
U. S. Senator was to be bartered
away for gain. here was not a gen
tleman in the room (if there was he
would call upoa him to step for
ward) who did not believe this. There
was not a Senator present who did
not feel satisfied from the bottom of
his heart that this office would be bar
tered and sold to night . It was their
duty, it' they felt they could not con
sistently unite in this offer, and aid in
this clime about to be perpetrated
upon the Republican party of Penn
sylvania, to refrain from attending
the caucus. Ile was sure that there
was not a member of the Republican
paTty of Pennsylvania who would not
receive the commendation of his con
stituents fur such action. Nine out of
every ten intelligent citizens will en
dorse their action if they remain out
of the caucus ; and he, for one should
riot become a party to a 'movement
that would bring dishonor and dis
grace, not only upon the members of
the Legislature, but upon their con
stituents and the great Republican
party of Pennsylvania, by giving his
voice or lending his presence to a bo
dy of men who are going to assemble
to night, to set at defiance the best
and holiest wishes of that great par
After which r.ll persons present re
tired except the members of the Legis
tare, and what they said or agreed up.
on was not made public.
HAntusnun6Jan.lo.—The Senatorial
caucus organized at eight o'clock, in
the hall of the House.
Senator Bigham moved to adjourn
the nomination to Monday evening.
Lost by a vote of fifty-four to twenty-.
A ballot was then taken on the nom
ination of Senator, when Cameron re
ceived forty-six votes; Curtin, twenty•
three; Stevens, sdven ; Grow, five; ab
sent, from Lancaster, 2—total, S 3. The
following is the vote :
Brown,...ll.ereer,) Coleman, Connell,
Cowles, Grahain, Rains, Landon, Bar
ton, BROWN, (Juniata) Cameron,
Chadwick, Bo Haven, DonehOugh,
Freeborn, Gbegan, Harbison. I loffman,
Humphrey, Kennedy, Kerns, Ki
Kinney, MeCantata:, McKee, Lowry,
MeConaughy, Ridgway, Stazman,
Worthington, Hall, (Speaker,) Mann,
Marks, Meehling,, Melly, Seiler, Sharp
less, Shuman, Stambaugh, Sab ers ,
Waddell, \Yeller, Whann; Woodward,
Worrell, Wright, Glass, (Speaker.) ,
Adair, Allen, Chase, Colville, Davis,
Day, Espey, WIIA.RTON, Ewing,
Gallagher, Gordon, Leo, McCreary,
foyer, Taylor, Wingard, White, Pen
nypaetcer, Peters, Pillow, Quay, Wal
lace, Watt.
Bighatn, Armstrong, Wilson, Bich
arcs, Roath, Stacey, &oilman.
Brown, of Lawrence, Shoemaker,
Leech, Webb, Mc['burin.
On the announcement of tho above
vote, Cameron's nomination was made
unanimous on motion of M. S. Quay,
of Beaver.
The Democriitic Senators and MT
rescntatives held a caucus on Wed
negday and after the withdrawal of
several names, unanimously agreed to
support Hon. Edgar Cowan for U. S.
Senator, in apposition to the Republi•
can candidate.
Cameron, Geary & Co,
Mr. F. B. Penniman, editor of the
. .
old Pittsburgh Gazette, a strong Re
publican organ, writing from Harris
burg on Wednesday last, says :
*General Geary has fully identified
himself with Cameron. So far, all his
appointments have been made with
the view of detaching support from
Curtin and transferring it to Cam
eron. Whatever appointments ho has
to make of pecuniary value, aro all
pledged to promMe the same end.
This course on the part of the ineom-•
ing Governor excites conflicting com
me,nts, according to the Senatorial
predilections of the individuals talking-
There are low threats of reprisals
at the elections next autumn, and
abundant predictions that Geary's
administration will be in the minority
in the next Legislature, How far
these dolorous prophesies result from
a definite forecasting of the future,
and how far from the bitterness of
present disappointment, it would be
idle to specula e.
General Cameron's friends aro exul
tant over his anticipated election. In
their elation they more than intimate
that a persistent Wert will be made
to secure the General the Presidential
nomination in 1863. This will inter
fere with General • Geary's ambition,
which aims at nothing less than the
Vice Presidential nomination, and
gives sign that it will seek the higher
tit4l,.. The passage of the bills ad
mitting Colorado and Nebraska into
tho Union, with the provision that
within said States there shall be no
abridgement or denial of the exercise
of the elective franchise or of any other
right, to any person on account of col
or or race, and the passsage of the Dis
trict suffrage bill, pretty thoroughly
commits the Republican party to the
primijile of universal suffrage.
The above extract, is from the Pitts
burgh Contme•cial, a Republican jour
nal. Tho truth of its comment can
be readily seen ; and yet wo are told
by men too incredulous to think of
the future by the present, that such
things will never be. Such a future
we believe inevitable, if Congress can
pass such bills with impunity-, or for
the mere purpose of calling forth a
Presidential veto. The idea of uni
versal sutfrage is gradmilly — TtiSittg—tr:
hideousness under the gentle smooth.
ings that a few far-seeing minds in
Congress see fit to give it. The un
happy difficulty in which the Repub
lic is now involved may be increased
tenfold, but all we have to say is, if
we aro going to have the worst, let
the people know it, so that they can
make the best out:of it.
TOE Two PICTURES.—Edgar Cowan,
elected by the Republican party,now
is the nominee of the Democratic
party. Simon Camoron,—who does
not recollect the statement of Boyer,
in 1863, the Manear, Lebo and Wagon
seller transaction, the Indian specu
lation, the Scotch ale and straw hat
purchases, the resolution of censure on
record in Washington, Wm. D. Kelley's
letter, and who can rend the Republi
can press to day and say amen to the
election of Simon ? We would not ad
vise the election of Cowan, under the
circumstances, neither could we vote
for Simon if he should receive fifty
caucus nominations. Sticking to such
politics is not our politics.
Col. McClure publishes one of the
best Republican papers in the State—
ho is a whole team, end is recognized
as one of the most able party men in
the State. But ho is not a Cameron
man—hear bow ho talks. In his last
paper, speaking of Cameron ho says :--
"He never won a position but by
fraud, and never left one but with dis
honor." That's rough. But McClure is
not afraid to speak out in plain Eng
A French newspaper offers to give
annually £4O as a wedding portion to
the 'poorest and most Virtuous girl!"
indicated by its subscribers, and also
to give td a month to such as give the
best solution of a riddle. -How will
the fact be found out?
A funny sight, but true--to see all
the old Democratic politicians at liar.
risburg electioneering for Simon. Si•
mon is expected to have an influence
with the President, that's all there is
in it, and that's what's the matter.
Why was Gov. Curtin defeated for
U. S. Senator? Because Simon Came
err-on with his ,Situon-pare'•how come
you so." The Curtain dropped, Ste
vens staved in, and Grow grew loss.
Hon. Thad. Stevens bas openly as
serted that the nomination of Cameron
will be the certain defeat of the lie.
publican party at the next State elec
tion. llis rooms arc constantly crowd
ed with visitors.
ze—ln the test oath ease, the major
ity of the Supreme Court has decided
that the test oath is unconstitutional;
also that Congress has no constitu
tional power to limit or abrjdge the
pardoning power of the President,
EtTirThe, announcement in Europe of
the commencement of proceedings
looking to the impeachment of trio
President, has had the tendency great
ly- to 'weaken the confidence of Euro.
pean capitalists in our securities.
I,Ppecial Dospatch to the Pittsburgh Commercial.]
Particulars of the Arrest of Surratt.
WasnINGToN, Sanuar . y 8, 1867
The following is Cons'ul General
Hale's letter in full, relative to the ar
rest of Surratt. It is dated Alaxan
drib, Egypt, and addressed to Secre
tary Seward. None of its contents
have been published :
Agency and Consulate General of the
United States of America,
Alexandria, Egypt, Nov. 26, 1866%
Sut have the honor to report
that in consequence of a telegram re
ceived via Constantinople from Mr.
King, United States Minister at Home,
and of several letters received from
Mr. Winthrop, United States Consul
at Malta, the Mediterranean wire bo
ing unfortunately broken between
Malta and this place, I have this day
arrested ut, man calling himself Wal
ters dressed in the uniform of a Zon•
ace, who arrived at Alexandria on the
23d inst., in the steamship Tripoli,
from Naples, and who is believed to
be John Harrison Surratt, one of the
conspirators for the assassination of
President Linboln. The telegram and
some of the letters having been delay
ed in transmission,'l was fortvato rn
finding 'the man still in quarantine
among tke.third class . passongeft, of
whom thane JS' whatever.
It was early to. distinguish him among
seventy-eight, of th , ese by his Zouave
uniform, and scarcely less easy by his
almost unmistakable American type of
I said at once to him-: "You are the
man I want. Yon are an American."
He said, "Yes, sir, I am." I said, "you
doubtless know why I want you ?
What is your name ?" He replied
promptly—" Walters," I said, "I be
lieve your true name is Surratt," and
in arresting him mentioned my official
position as United ' States Consul
General. The director of quarantine
speedily arranged a sufficient, escort of'
soldiers, by whom the prisoner was
conducted to a mile place within the
quarantine walls. AlthoUgh the walk
occupied several minutes, tho prisoner
close at my side made no remark what
ever, displaying neither surprise nor
Arrived at the place prepared, I
gave him the usual magisterial cau
tion, that be was not obliged to say
anything, and that anything ho said
would be at once taken in writing.
Ho said : "I have nothing say. I
want nothing but what is right.!' He
declared ho had neither passport, nor
baggage, nor money, except six francs.
the companions confirm his state
ments in this respect. They say he
came to Naples, a deserter from the
Papal army at Rome. I find that be
had no papers and no clothes but those
he is wearing. The appearance of the
prisoner answers very well the de
scription given of Surratt by the wit
ness Welchmann, at page 11 of Pit
man's report officially sent to me by
the Government, arid is accurately
portrayed in the likeness of Surratt
in the frontispiece of the same volume.
Mr. Ring and Mr. Winthrop speak in
confident terms of the identity of the
Zinan Walters with Surratt, and after
seeing the mart I have not a shadow
According to the well established
public law of this place, as the prison
er avowed himself - an American and
submitted without objection to 'arrest
by me on my statement that I acted
for the United States, and especially
as he has no paper to suggest even a
prima facia claim for belonging to any
other jurisdiction, there is no other
authority which can rightfully inter
fere hero with his present custody, and
I have good reason for saying that no
attempt at interference will be set on
foot by any authority whatever pre
tension he may make. The prisoner's
quarantine will expire on the 29th.
He will then be received into the
prison of the local Government, which
gives me every assistance.
A letter from Leavenworth of the
4th says from all accounts the troops
so horribly massacred by the Indians
were en route to Fort Laramie for
escort duty, and after marching, a sal
ficient distancefrom Fort Phil, Kearney
to prevent the successful escape of any
of the party, the Indians, who had
been notified of their departure by
squaws and spies at that post, followed
the command, and while they were
peacefully reposing from the fatigues
of the march, surprised them just be
fore daylight and butchered the whole
The quality of wool is tested by tit.
king a lock from the sheep's back, and
placing it oh a surface representing an
inch in length. If the spirits count
from thirty to thirty-three in that
space the wool is equal to the finest
"Electoral" or Saxony wool. The sta
ple is inferior accordingly as it takes a
lesser number to fill up the same space.
On Friday John Shaffner, an old cif
izen of Fort Dodge, lowa, was killed
by the accidental discharge of a pistol.
lie vas talking in. relation to a snieido
whieh was committed in St. Louis
some time ago, and taking up a loaded
revolver to show how the act had been
performed, the pistol was discharged.
The number of lumber yards now
iu Chicago is 107, against SO at this
time last year; and the estimated
amount, of lumber now piled up in the
yards is 150,000.000 feet, against 134,-
000,000 at the same time last year.
A 'Yankee girl, who wished to hire
herself out, was asked if she had any
followers or sweethearts. After a lit
tle hesitation sho replied : "Well, now,
can't exactly say. _Reckon more a sor
ter yes than a sorter no."
Baron Adolphe Charles do Poths•
child, who presided over tho Naples
branch of this great banking house,
has retiredfrom business with the snug
little fortune of $10,000,000.
A man traveled ono hundred and
fifty miles in a skiff with a basket of
vegetables to exhibit at the fair re
cently held at Now Orleans.
A writer in the :how York Citizen
advocates the nomination of Gen.
Cameron as President and Speaker
Colfax as Vico President.
Surratt is being brought 10 this
country by the steamer Swatara, and
will be hero by the last of January.
Corn cobs soaked in oil is a new ar
ticlo of trade in Newark. The cobs
aro used for kindling fires.
STEER--Catno to .the resi
ki donee of tho subscriber, in Juniata town
ship, in the early port of September last, a pale s
red STHEIt, with a fear whito sputa over his bo-i,
dy. The point of both ears aro split. Supposed to no
about two years old. The owner to requested to come
forward, proro property, pay charges and tako him awa3;
otherwise ho will ho disposed of according to law.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Hunt
ingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Compa
ny will ho held at their dike, No. 258 South Third street,
Philadelphia, on TUESD•Y, FEBRUARY 6th, UR, at 11
o'clock, A. M., when an election will ha held for a Presi
dent and Twetro Diructors to terra for the ellellling year.
jalo.3t Secretary.
, Brass Musical Instruments
1 Silver E flat Cornet, 2 Brass E flat Cornets, 2 E fiat
Altos, S B flat Tenors, 1 Baritone, 2 E flat Basne4, 1 Bass
The above outfit for a Band will be sold at very low
rates, and those desiring to purchase should avail them
selves or this opportunity.
Apply to E. W. THOMAS,
Iluntingdon,Jant6df Teacher of Cornet Bands:
[Estale of John Russell, doe',l,]
Letters testa:nen tory upon the 'will and testament of
John-Russell, late of licpewell township, Huntingdon
County, deceased, have been granted fo the Subscribers.
All persons indebted are requested to make Immediate
"n1111:111, [Ma those having claims will present them prop
qy authenticated to the undersigned.
Jan la, 1567-6 t..
N —The co-partnership existing tinder the
mine or S. E. 11 V,NItY & CO: is this thy dissulteil by mu
ad If. Johnston Noticing. The bushiest
the into Jim will ho settled by S. Henry.
Iluntingdon, Jan. 7, 1867
The undersigned bavo this day formed n co.partnerehip
infer the firm Millie of HENRI" k CO., and.will continue
to bintinces heretofore carried on by S. E. Henry b. Cu.
SANIL. IS. 116811 X;
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, HOT. cIIItISTIAN LOMI.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have form
ed a perlm•rsbip in the above hushiees mid will constant•
iy keep ou band the best and most fashionable Goods In
the market, comprising all kinds of
Fancy Silk, Mixed Goods & Cassimers.
Also, the beet quality of •
Both having had large experience in the bungle., will
y to piens° all.
Their room Is on•Smilh street, two doors below Main.
For the benefit of those proposing to undertake E .
Electrical treatment for dileases wo give in the
following list no few of the more prominent an 1
most common complaints mot with in our pron.
Lice, in all of which we aro most mmeessful. IN b
IF PROPERLY APPLIED. Thom, therefore, afflicted,
cousin complaints not here enumerated, need have
DO iIICAI tat iOll ill tipplying,and whrther only SELIEF.
OC a PERMANENT CURB can be effected, they will.
receive replies accordingly. All communications
1 Eprepsy, Chorea, St. Titus' Dance, Parnlyniti,
Neuralgia, Ilysterla; Nervousness, Falpita• T
Lion of the heart, Loelt.Jaw, etc.
2 Sore Throat. Dyspopsia.Diarrlnces. Dysentery, •
01,31D1,10 Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or II
Piles, Dillon% Flatulent, andAba'se'sher's Colic,
and all aliVetlone of the Liver and Spleen.
5 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where I -
not caused by organic disease of the heart,)
Drelmbitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the,
Chest, Consmoption in the early stages. 1
4 (travel, Wallet bi, and Elpney Complaints. C
5 Itheumatimns, Gont,. Lumbago Stiff Neck,
Spinal Diseases, flip Inseams. Cancers, To
more ; (those last named al wive cured with- I
0111 pain, or cutting. or pla.ders in any form)
In a word, we propose to cure all curable die.
rat cr VI mrrt mry
other Electrical office in this or any other county.
Atl letters address to
W3l. BREWSTER, 3f. D,,
jAld Iltuttingtion,
. • -
DECEMBTft 1, 1828.
1.3 - North and North-West for PIIII,ADELPHIA, NETT-
MA, &e., Sc.
leave Harrisburg fur Now York, as follows t At
3 00, ~10 and a 35 A. )1., and 210 and 9,00 P. M., con nuct
itt,a .Thailar trains on tho Pennsylvania 11.11,nrrIving
at New Yark 0,00 and 10 10A, 31. '
& 4.40, 5.20.10 25 P. M.
Sleeping cars accompany the 300 m aml9 00 p,m.tralus
withnnt change.
Learn Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua,
Miveroville, Ashland, Vino (kora, Allentown and Phila
delphia at 8 10 A. 31., and 2 10 and 4 10 P. lit, ' stopping at
Lebant n and pi way stations; the 4 10 p. In. train
matting connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only.
For Vottsvillo, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl
kill and Susquehanna 11.11,, leave Harrisburg nt 3 20 P M.
Returning, leovo New-Yong at 0.0.',01.,
12 Noon, 5.&
P. 31; 01111ailillpliiii lit 8,15 A. , 11. ' and 0 30 P. 01; Wiry PM.
10.11grr train leaves Philadelph ia at 730 A,. 11. returning
from Reading at 1130 P. IL, stops at till stations: Pottsville
at 0.45 A. St.. and 2 45 P. 01.; Ashland 0 00 WO 11,30 a in,
and 1,05 P 51; Tamaqua at 0.45 A 01., and 1 and 8 55 P M.
Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and
SusMiehanna Railroad at 7,00 n tu.
An Accommodation Passenger Train loose., ltaaniaa at
8,30 A. 31., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 4,30 P. If
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7 08 A
01., and 0 15 P. M., for Ephrata, LitN, Lancast: r, Col.'
umbia, &c.
On duialays, leave NOW York at 8 00 P. M., Philadel•
plata, S a in and 3 15 P. H., the 8 a In train running only
to heading; Pottsvillo 8 A. M., Ilarri burg,9 35 a m, and
Reading 120, 730 it. for Harrisburg, 11 22 a m for
Now York, and 4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia.
TICKETS at reduced rates to and From nll points.
ILlKEtitga checked through: SO pounds liaggiip allowed
each Passenger.
vle •al tperiatend,nt.
Reading, ,lan. 1, 1867
On an,
d after Thureday, January 10, 1907, Saseenger
411 arrive and depart 143 follows:
Accomme; Ever rea I _ Ancols); j PIeRESS
.1.2. 7 501 Huntingdon,
8 10 McComlell.oown
8 18 Pleasant Grove,..
8 31 Marklesburg ,
8 54 Coffee Run
Li 4 04
4 41
4 34
6 00
5 1
9 02 Rough Sc newly,
0 14 CON . ;
9 18 Fisher's Sunimit
LE 0 9 3319axt00
5 30
(a 515
to oalSlidtlinhur g
10 11111upewell....
Pt!,Lr'it Hun
rm • %in._
10 23
10 5J
bloody bun,..
\ (unlit Dalt
11 11
'tall 1'
/Ls 9 .15I.Faxton
10 00 Coalmont
10 01 Cranford, 10 15 Dudley,
Broad Top
pouting lon Jan. 10, 1861. JOHN
A regular meeting of tho -Huntingdon Con ray
Agricultorol Society will be held in the Court lime° on
Tuelday evening of the coining January court, 16th hist.
The annual election of onicere will ho hold at that time
nod other busioesB of importance nttondel to,
An Agricultural amerces will bo doliverod by I'. 11.
By order of the Society. It.
Jul - Secretary, ,
Teacher of Cornet Bands,
had considerable experbt'ace in teaching inn do
ho prOttltlei to give entire satiifaction to Bands or indi•
vidnals, in town or emintry, desiring his services.
Any hinds d esiring music, or• inioio arranged, still
please addruas him. ja9.2nl
jDOTS SHOES, of ovory Va•
air For plain, fanny and ornamen
tal printing, call at the 'Globe" Office.
ITERIIICELLI, I.3nricy, Rice, Hom
my, Beano, nt Lewis' i'ntnity Grocery.
V A rml-Mankels, &c.,at lIMMY di CO.
Pl . ,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Ifuntingdon, and
viclnity,that he . has opened a teem at the Franklin house,
where lie offers for sale SPECTACLES! of every variety,
and quality.
A new invention of Spectacles. for distant or close read
ing, with gold, silver, steel and tortolii& - shell frames. and
a new , and Improved assortment of Peilfocal and Parabola
ground flint Glasses of Ills own manufacture. Ile would
particularly call the attention of the public to his Specta
cles for N oAlt SIG lITED PERSON s, and for perm,no who
have been operated upon for the Cataract of the Eye, and
to hia now kind of Glasses and Conservers of the sight,
made of the best flint and azure Glasses. Good Glwisea
may be known by their shape, exact centre. sharp and
highly polished Surface. The Qualities aro to be found in
a high degree in his Glasses.
So universally proved to be flir superior to any other glim,
NIFYING AND OPERA GLASSES, with different Powers,
together with every variety of articles in the Optical lino
not mentioned. •
OPTIC kL and other Instruments and'Glasses carefully
repaired at short notice. Ho can always select Glasses to
snit the vision of the person, as he sees them, upon the
first trial. Ile will remain in this pluses during the first
week of Januar) , Court, and those in want of the above
articles will please give him a call.
He will, if rennirod, go to any respectable house where
his services may be fwantcd.
46) - s•The very best Bye.. Water and the best Hunting
Glasses always Oar sale.
First - -National Store..
T) OHM & MILLER have just receiv
ed at 'their now store another invoico of Ladies and
Oentlernon's - •
or the very latest styles, which they ate now offering to
the public at the most reasouable rates. Their stock
consists of Silks, French and American Merinos.' Paris
and Alyea Plaids. Furs, Del.nines, Jaconet 'tarred, Cant.
brie, Bleached and unbleached Mullins, Cloths, Coast.
mores, Satinets, Jeans, Shawls, Runnels, Calicoes ; floods,
Hats and Cops, netts and Shots, Wood and Willow•ware,
Carpets amt Oil Little., Family Groceries, and the largest
rind best assortment of QUEENSWA RN anciedt
All thoeo desirous of getting bargains will not fail to
stop in and see us at stir Now Store south west corner of
the Diamond, (Fisher's old stand) Huntingdon. Pa.
jot: - ROHM ,k•
Mammo-th St , c•re,
BARNET, Huntingdon Co.
Corn men ring Wednesday, December 19, 1866, and closing
January 19, 1867.
We moat have money within that time and hare adop
ted this novel and attractive plan to dispose of our _
of Full and Winter Goods, only for GASH
We will soil standard sheeting Muslim, a Yard aids at
20 cents, best American Prints 20 realm, DeLallie's 20 cts,
Miner's Flannels 45 cents, Gold Medal Spool '.!otton. 200
yards, only 3 cents, best spool cotton, 7 cents, Skirt braid
8 cents, white cotton nose 16 cents, wool hero 40, chewing,
tobacco BO cents, out skin , ' tobacco 4r: cents, :.ingar car,
Tea 75 cents. best Cl recur Coffee 30 cents, pope. - Colfax 15
cents. and other goods in proportion' •
Einbl.ace toe golden opportunity and secure
Bargains Never Before Equalled.
Overcoats at s 7, price tut year .$l2.
no 10, do do 15
Do 12, do do Di
Do - do do 40 -
Mon's f100t5,1,75 do do 350
Do • 2,00 , ' it,, do 5.00 •
Do 3,50, du du 7.00
Ladies' Oboes from .5.1.25 to 2,50.
Dress Coats, Pants and Vests, at a comes outing ro
MC, - ~ ..DgoLenialo_titviLene hair, hardware, home,
livid Furniture, Steers, &c., reduced one-third.
The gouda main, recently purchased at greatly redneed
prices. and are now offend at what they a Wally cost is
Now Tort:.
4G. , P - Itemembor the sato continues only one month. and
will bo continued strictly on tho cash principle. del9
Xx•4:l•3a 3Ficaoia.33.clc3r,
Man nilictnrSr of nil kinds of mark In hVA line, among
which the
Will find Threshing 3laehinea, Plows, Plod solos, fettles,
Will find Round Mandrils, hollow Anvil., block and rol
ler Tiro benders, Tire irons, sled and sleigh soles, IVagou
boxes, &c. The
Can have all kinds of Machincry. Tho
Can have door and window sills awl Lintels. sash welgbts
cellar window grates, all .07.t13, parch stunts, armor for
rain !VOWS, chimney caps, pavement coatings. fur coat
and mod cellars, heaters for warmiwz private dwellings
and public buildings. doore . nod frames for bake ovens,
iron railing for verandahs, porticoes, balconies, and fen
ces of oil kiwis. . .
. .
Particular attontion paid to tea clog gums lots. Every
body can have thrashing maChi no, plow and stove repairs
and all kinds sif iron and brass castings. .
MBE undersigned would respectfully
_L announce that, in connection With their TANNE RY,
they have just opened a splendid assortment of • •
35 -1 13ao Loort.tli.oary
Consisting in put of
Together with a general assortment of FINDINGS.
The trade is invited to call nod examine our .cock,
Store on RILL street, two doors ivust of thu l'restiste
rian church.
The higheet pricepaid for hide and bark.
Alultthplon;lloc. 1241 m
_Li The ' fax Collectors of ilop6iell, f'onit and Carbon
townships, in Huntingdon county. mud of Liberty town-
Bedford county, having tax claims against itobect
Hare Powol or Poweiton Coal and Iron Company,
present the same. to 1101. SI. CHASM, immediately. for
payment, at Powciton, Huntingdon county, Pa., Jan-dt
AR 445
4 4
4 00
3 45
An 11 22
11 02
10 5
10 38
10 2 ,
10 14 1
10 02
0 58
Aj Catse to my premises In 'Walker twp., about • the
last of October last a Boar, supposed to be about a year
tint, with three black spots. The owner i 9 requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges sad take him
away. enteralse he will be disposed of accordion to law.
'W.. D. it O.
3 '0
LX 3 05
it 2 55
2 35
2 27
.k.. 3 Came to the rmillence of Win. Morgan. to Hope
well twg., Huntingdon county. on' December 18t1i, .I.Bati.
a dark sorrel! mare,' supPos9.l to be six or seven years old.
The owner is retiumted to COl4lO and prove property. pay
charges ate; takeiter away, or she will be disposed of ac
cording to law. 1ee.31.6C. 11 , WAl..1101(0,1N.
1 34
LP 1 30
Mil B
l Art 3 00
9 151 2'45
9 UV 2 35
Ls 0 00 LE 2 30
The undersigned having now entered into the
:P\tt Alexandria Brewery. the public are informed
K that Witt tee preperml et tell Cleave till
orders on the shortest notice.
niuxandria, Oct. 23.•1866—tf. • .
It you want four card neatly printea on envel
opes, call 'it
jjaiwar on loind nt •
At Lewis' :Family Grocery.
Plain . and canvas angat cured Ilains—tile best in mar
Rot—whole or sliced, for sale at •
Lewis' Family Grocery
The beat always for sato at
~oW ~@i i ~~ ~!
On. Thursday the 17th of January, 1867,
At ten o'clock A M, I will positively offer at public mils
situated on 11111 street, between Marles' cud Fttinklin
Alter which the following lot of Valuable
Household and Kitchen Furuiture,
Consisting of three complete finites of handseniemarble
top walnut BEDROOM FURNITURE, one elegant walnut
green roppid covered PARLOR SUITE, ono hair cloth
covered walnut SITTING-ROOM SUITE, aMt . oak and
walnut DINING-ROOM FU ItnITUREt- two Pooch plate
pier MIRRORS; three new. I.lruseels and two. Ingrain.
CARPETS. elegant Brltssels BMW Carpeting. Oil Cloths,
Matting, itovet, Qiiensivare, Glassware, &n,
Ihintingdou, Jack. 1,186 T
Valuable Farm Stock, &c., &c.
The subscriber will offer at Public Eala'lu PORTER
On Thursday, 31st of January, 1867,
12 6 head of Iforses, 2 two yoar old Mite, r
head of Cows, - and I Bull, 'Aldernay stock, 3
breeding sows and.! boar. I two bores card•
age, wagons, cart, plows and barrows, Cultists. ,
tore, threshing machine, mower and reaper,boraa rake,
grain drill, chopping tail!, Podgier and . Straw. ,Cottors,
Platform Scales, and a large number of other Articles too. ,
numerous to meMinn.
tido lo committee nt 10 o'clock on same day - when
terms will be made known. ,
Porte• tp., Jan 9
•• •
F'01 7 2., s_L O I.I.IM.
,% Comfortable frame Dwelling bonne
/3_ with six rooms. located In Washington street ,
tingdon, will be sold at private sale.
Per further particulars call at nAami - & BitO'S
. lluntiugdon, Pa. dolltf
• - R
urs FO SALE.-The subscribers
Lihave Homo lots in the town of Graotsville, or ital..
klesburg station, which they will i€ 1 1: at tow price, from
VI/ to $lOO. All who desire a good healthy location to
Wild would do well to call upon them soon at their store,
and secure for themselves lots at low urines. .. • - •
Groutavilloonyl6.. • • • . • BOYER & GARNER.
FIERIFF'S SALES.—By .virtue of
sundry write of Ft F. Von. Ex., to me. directed, I
will expose to public sale or outcry, futile Court House, In,
the borough ottluntiugdon, ON aLONDIVZ, 14.= DAY__
of JAN UAItY. 1801, ut 2 o'cloCk, E. AL, the. following,:
described property to lilt: „ -
..• .
A. lot of ground• in, the:. village . of•
fl..o,,viii..lllljollln g Jopephileat pn on the South, .John,
S. Glieriett on the North. Nicholas Corbin Ease, and Main,
street on the West, containing,about one-half acre, and.
having a tiro story brick front house, and frame ambit.
therml: Seized and taboo in .execution, and to be soldi•
as the property of Ocoige tlile.
AU that certain 'tract piece; parcel'
of lard. situated In Tod townthip Huntingdon county,
Pa., ailjoirdo; hinds of. Thomm Anderson, James Entre.
kin, Elizabeth Gillian, David Siloam and. BK4;1311111 Baker,
containing one limited and thirty•two acres, and Allow•
once having a two story Plank House. and Log Darn
erected thereon. Seized and token In execution; audio
sold as tho property of Aintindas David.. , .•
• ' •
ALSO—The ono undivided half part of a tract .oilend;•
situate is Henderson township, in the .county of Hunt
ingdon, on Stone creek ridge,adjoining lands . of Wm. Sin
knyts heirs, (now . A.thel Corb i n.) lands of Andrew Becker,
lands in the name of Alexander Henry; and ethers,- cott
hinting one hundred and sixty Viv- acres more or less,
surveyed in the-name _of John McClellan, about eight or
ten acres cleared thereon; the' residue beim timber land,
no buildings thereon. :Mixed, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Jameit'Steel. •
All the right, title and interest of the
debt, of in and to it certain tract of unimproved land sit
uated in Carbon top., lying and being on the Public
road lending from Broad lop City to Tub Mill Gap, ad
jAning lands of John McCiniu on Ahe South, and South
east, lands of Michael J. Martin, on the North and North
ettst, and lands of A. S.& E. Roberts and it. D. Woods,
containing seventy-two acres, more 'or has.
Also on. oilier certain piece or parcel of unimproved
laud situated in Carbon twp., adjoining lands of_ the
Brand Top Improving Company, on the South Mid West,
by the same Oh LllO Knst kind South: lands. formerly of
Cook an the North east, and by public marl binding
from Broad - fop City, to Eagle Foundry, - on the West midi,
North Rost. con taining six and a half non.; more or less.
Seized Itod token hiexecittion; and to be sold as the prop
erty of John Itaintllon. • •
NOTICE TO PURCllA44R9:—Bitiderli nt.Sliorills Soles will
take notico that immediately opal tho property being
knocked down, fifty per cunt. of all bids under $lOO, rind
twenty-I - Ivo per cent. of all bide over that sun, tenet bo
paid to the Sheriff, or the . propMiy will be set op again
and sold to other bidfts, . ku„ . will comply with the above
tor .lTe s t;urt Co ' ntinnes tiCo eJe deed, acknowledged 'on
Wednesday of second w'eufff.2ono weeks coda. Proneity ,
knocked dOwn on Monday-and deed acituoivled,d on tho
following thtturday.
Sumtier's Oence, tl,
frislitingdon, Pee ID , 1.668.
Iyi.:GISTER'S NOTIQE.--Notice is
lk, hereby given, to all - persons interested, that the
lowing 001001 persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Unice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts.
will 'he presented for confirmation and allowance at an.
Orphans' Cotirt, to be held at Huntingdon, In and for the
county of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 14th day of
January next, (1867,) to wit:
1, Account of Benjamin F. Baker, administrator of
Isaiah Baker, Into of Tod township, dee'd.
2 The administration account of Elliott Ramsey, admin
istrator of Eliza Donaldson, Into of Springfield township,
3 Account ofJohn W. 31nttern. ndrabiletrator of
Corneline Decker, late of the borough of Huntingdon, de
4 Administration ncount of John M. Bailey, adminis
trator of James °Blom, lota of Un:on township, deceased.
5 Account of Thrums Bell. executor of Alozander Bell,
late or Barren township, dreamed.
6 Account of Andrew Sliarrer. guardian of Eliza J.
L.slr.l. late Eliza J. laced, ono of the donwhters of James
Bead. deed., who has now arrived at, tho ago Of twenty
one years., .
7 Acc.aint of Joseph Forrest, adminlstrntor of Samuel
Coon. late of liirree 'township, deceased. • • •
8 Too account — ot Br. U. Miller, . guardian of Amanda
Smith,. Laura etnith, J6llllO Smith, James Smith, 'Wm.:
Smith, udder children of Wm. B. Smith, deed.
9 Tho account of John Oaks, guardiiiii of Alma M.
Smith. Emoin Om th and John N. Smith, minor children
of Wm. h, Smith, deceased. • •
10 Account of GeOrge Jackson, gnardion of James-Kel
ly, a minor G , 012 of Patrick Kelly, who has now arrived ut
his majority. . • • • •
11 Administration account of Alexander Stair, admin
istrator of Win. Wilson, deceased.
12 Atm:mitt of Joseph McCracken and llonry Wilson,
executors of tho last will and testament of Charles Green,
.13 Account of E. P. Waikar, administrator of James
Kelly. deed.
14 The acconnt or Wm. Kass, guardian of Amelia Mad
den, now Cook, Richard, Enoch, and Wealthy Madden,,
minor children of Richard Madden, need.
16 Account of Caleb Wakefield, administrator of John•
[loadings, dreamed.
10 The partial 'account of Thane Cook, executor or
henry Miller. late of rod tp., deceased.
17 Adminlitration iv-count of Mosee Greenland, admin.'.
Istrator of MI/tilling Ss) lor, &ceased. ' -
• IS account of Dania:llin F. Glasgow, executor of ?dory
°Money, dee'd.
. Register's Office,l
Ucc..1.9, f
11§4 - 01"ICE is hereby_gi.yen all -per-.
sons 'interested that the renewing . Inventorlei 'of
.toe goods and Chattels set to widows, under .the'Provis
kinS of the act of lath of April, 1851, have been filed in
the offleu of the Clerk of the Orpheus' Court of Hailing
don county and will be presented fur dappriwal by the
Court" on Wednesday the Inth of January, (18,T):
I. The Inventory and approlserneut of this goods and
chatritt.,l Well were ofJonalhan Morgan, set apart to his.
2.. The Inventory and oppraiseinent of the goods and
chat tell taken - by the widow of CalebGreenhihd, Into of
Case hap., deceased. :
. 3. 'filo litveutory - and appraisement or the goOds and!
chattels which wore of Counsel Barr, lateofJackson tarp.,
decco , cd,.set apart to hls widow nutty. Parr. • '
4. The inventory and appruieeinoent of the goods snd
chattels which Wore of Jolla Sitncb, deceased, Okapi by..
his widow Elizabeth dhucb. - •
• 5. The inventory and .oPPreisetnent of the goods and
chattels , bleb were of. Cltri!.tian Price, deceased, set
apart to his widow
.Elizabeth Price...
6. The Inventory - and appraleement of-thegeode and
chattels, which were ofJolnt Andsrsott, deceased,set apart
.to his widow Martha Anderson.
Doc. 19, 1866
Notice is hereby given that the following named,
persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of the
Court of. Quarter Sessions. praying awash! Court to grant
them license-to keep inns or taverns in their; respective
boroughs, townships and villages in the county.. of Hon,
tingdon, and that said petitions. will be presented, to the
said -Court on Monday, tho. I.lth day of JANUARY next
for considerntion..&c., when- and .where all persons lister.
sated can attend if they think proper, yin: •
Thomas L. hall, Coffee !inn. •
Valentine Huntingdon
Adam Ziegler, .11arklesburg.
To sell by the quart.
:Matthew Dunn, Dudley.
J. It. SIMPSON, Clerk
lluntlugdon December 19,.1868,:
[gatate of Abram Cutshall, deed.]
Letters of Administration upon the estate of Abaam
Cutsball, late of gpringlield townsiiip,Eluntlngdon county
deed, having been granted to the undersigned, all persona,
having claims against tho estate are requested to present
them to the noderOgned, and all persons indebted will
matte Immediate payment. Wit. GOTSIIALL, • '
' Iteclo-6t ' ,Admintekrater.
La.. [Estate of Thomas Wilson, 'deed.] '
Letters testamootary, on the estate of Themes Wilson,
Into of Barre° township, Huntingdon - eo., deo'd:, hayipg
been granted to the undersigned, all
.persons tudebted
to the estate nro requested to make itimuldtati payment, -
atiti these having to - present thorn duly authentl
oiled for settlement
log Parloißtoves, and 01l kinds of hollow Wire, at'
001 S; E. MUM& 001