The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 16, 1867, Image 1

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'29lnce months
I insertion
One square, (ID lines,)or
Two sqoares
Three squqrce,
3 month.. 6 months. 12 months.
Jn• riquare, or len $4 00 0 0 00 's.lo 00
rHO equarce . , 6 00 9 00 15 00
.. ..
three squares, 8 00 12 00 "0 00
Four squares, 10 00 15 00 ^5 00
Malta column, 15 00 20 00.-- ....30 00
.)ne colutop , 20 00 15 OD-- .... -60 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lilies,
On• year, $5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
Itstray, or other short Notices 1 50
Bli-Ten lines of nonpareil mete a square. About
elulit words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily eaten/ate a siznare in manuscript.
- Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid nod charged as
to these term,.
Our prince for the printing of Blanks, handbills, etc
ire reasonably low,.
A toilet delight. Superior to any cologne, used to
bathe the face and person, to render tho skin soft and
fresh,' to allay Inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
headache, ie. It Is manufactured from the rich southern
Magnolia, and is obtaining a patronage quite unpreceden
ted. It is a favorite with actresses and opera singers. It
is sold br A y dealers, at 51,00 in lord bottles, and by Do.
was Darnel= & Co., New 'Yolk, Wholesale Agents.
• Saratoga Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists.
S. T.-
Persona of sedentary habits troubled with weakness,
lassitude, palpitation of the heart. lack of appetite, dis
tress after eating. torpid foyer, constipation. Ac., deserve
To suffer if they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
BITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest,
Medical authorities, and are warranted to prodwe an im
mediate beneficial ellect. They are exceedi ugly agreeable,
perfectly pore, and tone supersede all other tonics w here
tt healthy, gentle stimulant la required.
They purify, strengthen and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to Change of water and diet.
They strengthen the system and e nliven the mind. . . _
They present minaraniic and it ravers.
They purify the brt:Atlt and oddity _ of the etonmeh.
They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation.
They core Laver Complaint and Nervous headache.
They make the week strong, the languid brilliant,
adtd are exhausted nature's great restorer. They aro
vompwevl of the celebrated Ctilisays Bark, wintergreen,
sassafras, roots and herbs. all preserved in perfectly pore
St. Croix rum. Ear particulars, see circulars and testi
raouials around each bottle.
Beware of impostors. Examine every bottle. See that
it has our private E S. stamp untuutilated over the cork
with plantation scene, and our siguatnre on a fine steel
plate side label. te. See that our bottle is not refilled
with spuriotts anti deleterious stuff. .C-V-Any permn
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
balk, is an Impostor. Any person imitating this bottle.
or selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal under the B. S.
Law, and will be so prosecuted by us. 'Cite demand fur
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladies, clergymen, mer
chants, the., lalncreilible. The simple trial of a bottle he
the evidence we present of their worth and superiority.
They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi
cians, hotels, saloons, stuatnboats and country stores.
Saratoga Spring Wider, sold by ell Druggist..
Hare you a hurt child or a lame horse t Use the Mex
ican Mustang Liniment.
For cute, sprains, burns swellings nod caked breasts,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a eel tain cure.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiffjoints. stings end bites,
Shen: is nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment.
For spavined horse; the poll evil, ingbone and sweetly,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment neveetitils.
For wind-galls, scratches, big.licad and splint, the
Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold.
Cats, bruises, sprains and swellings. are so common
nod certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this
Liniment's the best investmpa:the,t.citt be Mfale.
It is more certain than thp-thiet/r—it eaves time in
sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than the doctor, and
should never be dispensed with.L,
4 9n lifting the kettle front the fire, it tipped over nod
scalded my bends terribly. • • • Tho Mustang Lini
ment extracted the path, caused the sore to heal rapidly,
sad left very little scar.
CIIAS. FOSTER, .120 Broad street, Intifada.
Mr. S. Litcb. of Ilyde Park, Vt., writes : .11y horse was
considered worthless, (spasm,) but since the use of Ihn
Sliatang Liniment, I bare sold hint for $l5O. Your Lin.
iml.lst is doing wonders up here."
All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, sign
ed, Q. W Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private
U. 9 . stamp of Demos Barnes & Co., over the lop.
Look closely, and be not deceived by counterfeits.
Sold by ell Druggists at 25, 50 els, and $l,OO.
&reeky. .syiring Water, sold by all Druggists.
It is a most delightful Nair Dressing.
t eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald beads.
nit is jolt what Lyou'e liathalron will do. It ispret
ty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the car
load. and yet its almost incredible demand is daily Mena
sing, until there is hardly a country store that dose not
keep it, ore family that does not me it.•
E. TZIONAS LYON, Cberralet, N. Y.
Saratoga.4pring /Toter, sold by all Druggists,
Rho would not be beautiful? Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble purity and dis
iiragut appesrauco we 01p4.11, upon the stage and in the
city belle? It is no longer a secret. They use liagan's
Magnolia Wm. Its conduced use YaIOVC3 tan, freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from the face and hands, and
leaves the complexion smooth, transparent, blooming and
ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it mulleins no mate
rial injurious to the skin. Any Druggist will order it for
you, if not on hand, at 00 cents per bottle.
W. N. tIMIAN, Troy, N.l'. Chemist.
Demas Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents,N. Y
Sara Ugo Sping Water, cold by ull Druggists.
Dleitnstreet'e inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dye. All
- Instantaneous dyes aro composed of lunar cauttic ' and
more or leis destroy the vitality and beauty of the hair.
This is the original Hair Coloring, and Liae been growing
in tare[ over twenty years. it restores gray hair to its
original color 1 y gradual absorption, in a most reularka•
bin manner. It is also a beautilul hair dressing. told in
two sizes-40cents end sl—by all cloak's.
C. ILIANIzTIt Chemie,
Sara - 107 . a DpringL Water, told by all Druggists.
EXTRact or Pllll2 JAUAIca 6lNOE.ll—for
Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Headrche, Choleraliforbos,
'Flatulency, de.,. where a warming . stimulant is reqdrril.
Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap
and reliable - article for culinary purposes. Sold every
wbere,idt 60 cents per bottle. Ask for "Ltea'a" Pure En,
tract. Tube no other.
Saratoga Spring Voter, sold by ail Druggists.
J alyll, I.B66—sowly
vs„All the above articles It/r sale by 8. S. SMITH,
tingdpn, Panne.
All kinds oreonntry produeo taken in ex changefor
Goode at LClOB' Family..Grocary.
017 all klude, for onto whelesale and retail at Leith A
. C9'.B Emptily Grocery.
Washing and Toilet Soam—tho beit kiltda—f or salo at
LE,WIS gt CO'S r.u.tar CROUSE T.
,The . bot Floor, by thu Nrrol or smaller quautity for
,sato at totris' rainily Grocery.
F •
Note, Post, Coininereial, roolaoap and Plateap—a
good isaortment for aide by tho ream, half real, quiro or
cheer, at
$.7. CO
. 1 00
2 do. 3 do.
41 25 SI 60
2 00 3 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
Live fur something, be not idle—
Look about thee for employ;
Sit not down to useless dreaming--
Labor is the sweetest joy.
Folded hands are ever weary,
Selfish hearts are never gay;
Life for thee bath many duties—
Active be, then, while you may.
Scatter blessings in thY
Gentle words and cheering smiles,
Better are than gold and silver,
With their grief-dispelling wiles.
As the pleasant sunshine failed),
Ever on the grateful earth,
So let sympathy and kindness
Gladden well the darkened hearth
Hearts there are oppressed and weary;
Drop the tear of sympathy,
Whisper words of hope and comfort,
Give and thy reward shall be
Joy unto thy soul returning,
From this perfect fountain-head.
Freely as thou freely givest,
Shull the grateful light be shed.
Wasted, All Wasted,
An aged man lay upon his death-bed.
Around him were kind friends and
weeping relatives. The physician had
told them that ho could not survive
but a few hours: Ile seemed restless
rnd disquieted, and as he moved his
bead uneasily upon his pillow, be ex
claimed from time to time, "wasted, all
A friend, at length, kindly inquired
his meaning. Ile answered, "I mean
my life,"
All were surprised. Ile had been a
man who stood well in the world. lle
had never broken the laws; he had
been attentive to business; no ono had
ever doubted his integrity, and he was
known to be •a man of wealth. His
friends attributed the expressions he
used to the wanderings of a mind wea
kened by disease, and soothingly re:
ferred to the good deeds of his past
life. "Wherein," said they, "have you
failed in duty You have been,a con
sistent member of the church, and
have always paid your share to it;
your children have been trained in the
paths of industry and morality; you
have contributed your fair proportion
to. (quote of -charity and-rettstoicand
have been just in your dealings tow
ards your follow•men."
"And was this all," be exclaimed,
"that I should have lived for ? Is it
enough that I should have lived a life
which was respectable; enough that 1
have taken care of myself and family?
What, have I done for the sole purpose
of making the world happier and bet
ter? Nothing ! Nothing I"
"But," said his friends, "have you
not helped to build churches, and to
support preaching; and have you riot
always contributed to charitable orL
"Yes," said he, "I gave when others
gave; I gave what I was expected. to
give; I gave what I could not help
giving; I gave what was expected
from one of my position and means,—
perhaps hardly that. But what good
can I point to, now in this my dying
hour, that I have accomplished. What
good enterprise did I ever originate.
To what plan for the good of my fel
lows did I over give my active and en
' ergetic support? I might have been
a blessing to the world. A grateful
community might have mourned my
loss. Now—but 'for this I'etire net—
t I shall die and be forgotten. I deserve
1 -it. The world loses nothing by my
"I have seen vice increasing around
me, and have been too indolent and too
cowardly to do anything to counteract
it. I have seen the young exposed
from childhood to the allurements of
crime:and have done nothing to res
cue them. I knew that our city bad
its hundreds of orphan and destitute
children, and have done nothing to
provide them with a home. I have
seen our young men and boys driven
to the streets and haunts of vice for
amusement, because nothing better
was opened to them. Surely I might
have done something for the world
around me. It is too late now I My
life has been a failure ! I had one life,
only ono life, to live, and it has been
ment is madh of the skins of sheep and
lambs; though that kind which is used
for the head of drums is said to be
made of goat skins. Vellum is a finer,
smoother, white kind of parchment,
made DI the skins of youncalves.—
The mode of preparation is: t. Pirst take
off the hair or wool, then steep the
skin in lime, and afterwards stretch it
very firmly on a wooden frame. When
thus fixed, it is scraped with a Llunt
iron tool wetted, and rubbed with
chalk and pumice -stone; and these
scrapings and rubbings -are repeated
several times, on each side of the skin,
till it is fit for use. Parchment was
employed in very ancient times; and
it is curious that, from about the soy.
enth to the tenth century, it was beau
tiful, white, and good; but that in la
ter times a very inferior, dirty-looking
parchment came into use, which has
the appearance of being much older
than the now. The reason for this is
supposed to be that the is ters in theSe
!atter centuries used to prepare their
own parchment; w.hile at an earlier
data, it was a curious art, only possess
ed by the manufacturers. Parchment
was so rare and (tempi that great num
bers of the older manuscripts were
erased with pdmicp-stone, or the ink
subbed oat wits f eioiiio chemical sub
stance, in order that they might he
used again tor wriiing purposes.—. Hide
and Leather Interest.
[Correepourtencta the Sacramento Daily Valve.]
Letter from Donner Lake.
DONNER LAKE, Sept. 15, 1866.
Most of the readers of the Union are
probably aware of the origin of the
name of this beautiful mountain lake,
called after the Donner party who
crossed the Plains in 18-Pi, and, unable
to proceed to their destination on ac
count of the heavy snows, camped on
its shores. But 1. am sure all do not
know of their unparalleled sufferings,
and that only about, one-half their
number, out of A party of eighty, lived
to tell the tale of the dreadful winter
they passed on this spot. I will try to
give the outline, at least, of tho har
rowing story as I have gathered it
from various sources. Many of the
details I have had from the lips of one
of the survivors, whose recollection of
the horrible period of her existence—
twenty years ago—is as distinct and
vivid as though the; events were of
yesterday's occurrence.
The head of this party was George
Donner, a shrewd and intelligent wes
tern farmer, somewhat advanced in
years. It seems that a very large
number of emigrants started at the
same time from Independence, Missou
ri, and continued together until they
reached Fort Bridger, distant from In
dependence about 1,110 miles. Thom,
from some cause, the party agreed to
separate. One portion of the emi
grants—the largest number, I believe,
—succeeded by dint of perseverance
and well directed endeavors in opening
a now road through the dangerous and
and difficult mountain passes near Salt
Lake and reached the goal toward
which they were traveling—the gold
en land of California—in good season.
Their former comrades—now termed
the Reed and Donner party—did not
follow in their footsteps, but explored
for a part of the way no entirely differ
ent route and opened a new road thro'
the Desert Basin. Through making
these detours they unavoidably lost
considerable time, which doubtless they
thought was "made for slaves" and
consequently they did pot reach the
pass of the Sierra Nevada (snowy
mountains, and unfortunately for the
belated travelers no misnomer,) until
Very late in October. This delay upon
the road, caused by these explorations,
was fatal to the little band. Had they
reached the pass one month earlier, no
o hitt acles_ wuntcllluve_pruswnt A u L
serVeS; and, beyond a doubt, they
would have reached their destination
safely. But the fides, it seemed, had
decreed differently. This year it hap.
petted that the snow commenced fall
ing two or three weeks earlier than
usual, and when the loiterers reached
the toot of the pass they found the
snow already so deep as to render fu
ture progress impossible. I can well
imagine the feelings of the poor emi
grants when they beheld the cruel bar
rier so suddenly created. What gloom
and apprehension must have filled their
hearts, And' with what yearning,
wistful eyes must they have watched
for a change in the weather—a thaw,
however slight, that might melt the
pitiless snow and render their progress
practicable. But there was danger,
even death in delay. They must build
some shelter for themselves and fami
lies; for their helpless little ones who
too young and too innocent to know
or dread the approach of the most ter
rible foe to mankind—famine, relent
less and gaunt, who even now lurked
in the distance, and ere long would
show his hideous features boldly—were
no doubt delighted with the pure fea
thery snow and welcomed it
.as they
would a playmate. •
The heads of the party selected for,
as they fondly hoped, their temporary
stopping-place, a beautiful meadow ad
jacent to, as it N . vas then called, Truc
kee Lake—well wooded pines, firs, etc,
now unspeakably beautifu; when bend
ing beneath their burden of stainless
snow, and traversed by the winding
sinuous waters of a beautiful little
stream, the outlet'of the lake. Whilst
here this summer 1 have frequently
heard this stream called the Little
Truckee, and I now wish to correct
this error. The Little Truckee is the
outlet of Weber Lake, and is entirely
distinct from the outlet of Donner hike,
as any one - who will take the trouble
to visit the spot can testify. It is an
inexpressibly mournful sight to behold
at this clay the stumps of the trees
there felled by that ill-fitted band and
view the remains of the little encamp
ment. Their cabins were scattered
about at intervals fur a distance of
about eight miles, and now nothing
remains to indicate the tiro but a few
scattered loge and timbers of which
their houses were built. Although
preparations were being made to spend
the winter, if necessary, in their pres
ent quarters, they did not abandon the
hope of being able to cross the moun
taMs and reach the settlements, and a
day or two atter reaching the shores
of tile lake, four men of the party at
tempted to cross the "divide," as it
was called, but owing to the great
depth, as well as the softness of the
snow, they were obliged `to retrace
their steps with heavy hearts. Two
days after another attempt was made,
but proved as unsuccessful as the first.
This time Mrs. Reed, one of the ladies
of the party, and her fondly, ono Stan
ton, and a couple of Indians, joined in
the c:xpedition, but after spending one
day and night in fruitless endeavors,
abandoned the-idea and returned gloo
my and : disheartened, to their cheer
less cabins. Different parties of men
made niiinerous s attempts daring the
Alexi. two weeks; and at 0110, time actu
ally succeeded in crossing the summit;
but seeing no sign of human habitation,
not even the Cut of an Indian, being
short of provisions, and totally unac
quainted with the country, vainly than
perish in the mountains, as they surely
must if they stayed, they preferred to
return to their camp and there await
their fate. Now, to render .their con
dition more gloomy and appalling, if
possible, a violent snow storm, lasting
some days, came on, and when it ceas
ed the ground was covered to the
depth of eight feet. Whilst the storm
was raging furiously, two young men
(whose humanity should forever pre
serve their memory in the hearts of
their countrymen) started off to the
relief or another party of emigrants,
who, still hoping to cross the moun
tains, wore v'iihout food:and shelter.
Day after day passed by without the
return of the young men. Parties
were sent out in scare() of them, who'
shouted and hallooed, hoping for an
answer, "but the silence was unbroken
and the stilluess.gavo no token." They
were never soon again, and without
doubt perished in the storm. As .the
party to whose relief they were going
were never heard from, it was sup
posed that they, too, perished. Daily
and hourly the miseries of the unfor
tunate enligrantsincreased. The last
fall of snow added greatly to their die
tress, fur by far the largest number of
their cattle were buried in it, and al
ready starvation stared them - in the
Puce. The cold, too, was piercing, and
it was almost impossible to-obtain fire•
wood sufficient for the purpose of Cook
ing and warmth. The snow was so
deep and so soft that often with much
difficulty felling a tree, it would sink
deeply into the snow, and it was often
impossible to get et it.
Although they Strove bravely to
keep up their courage, dark forobod•
logs and apprehensions for the coming
days and -weeks filled their minds.
hope, however, did not succeed in
escaping from Pandora's box, and still
remained to warm the hearts of this
devoted little band, and they determin
ed to make one groat final effort to
roach the settlements. Knowing that
their stock of provisions would be ex
hausted lung before the beginning of
Spring—indeed, it was already so slen
der that daily each person's portion
was allotted to hint—the party who
prepared themselves for another at
tempt determined to be turned back
by no obstacles, but would reach the
settlements and send relief to those left
behind or perish in the undertaking.
This band of heroes was composed of
fifteen in all—eight mon, four brave
hearted, resolute women, and two In
dians. They started about the middle
ho able to reach their destination in
Len days, if they reached it atall, they
took from the slender store of provis
ions sufficient to last them only us
many days, and equipped with snow
shoes, staited forth on their.perilons
undertaking. They pushed resolutely
! on to the pass, succeeded in - crossing
it, and. rejoicing that so touch was ac
complished, pressed on with renewed
vigor. On the fourth day they lost
one member of their party,
but this
incident, while it saddened them, did
not destroy their courage. Unable to
move as rapidly as the rest, he was in
the habit of travelling slowly in their
rear, and al ways came up with them
alter they had camped for the night.
This evening, however, he did not join
them, and attera waiting him with anx
ious hearts until morning, they knew
ho had reached the end of his journey.
"His Winter past,
Fair Spring at last
Receives him on her flowery shore:
Moro pleasure's rose
Immortal blows
And sin and sorrow are no more."
Slowly and sadly they started again
upon their weary way, and, not deter--
led by the fast falling snow and pinch
ing Winter winds, they traveled about
eight miles and camped in a deep can
yon. Expecting each day to reach
some habitation, they hurried forward
with a courage and perseverance cer
tainly never surpassed. Each day
found their hopes blasted ; they were
still in the mountains, covered to the
depth of eight or ten feet with snow;
their store of provisions entirely ex
hausted. and rot even a fire to warm
their benumbed face and hands. The
storm had now increased to such fury
that they found it utterly impossible to
proceed any further; and with only
their blankets for shelter and covering,
they crouched down in a little circle
to await the conclusion of the storm.
Language fails , bore to give even an
idea of the intensity of their sufferings.
They remained in this feadel condi
tion, without food, fire or shelter, with
the pitiless storm beating down upon
their unprotected bodies, for the space
of two days. 1n the meantime, at in
tervals of a flaw hours, four of the par
ty died, not se much from starvation
as exposure to the weather. The
strength and courage of this little band
had now entirely given out, with two
or three exceptions. Eddy seems to
have been endowed with miraculous
courage and endurance, and it was
owing to his unfailing efforts that the
wretched party did not entirely de
On the third day, after persevering
for hours, be succeeded in getting fire
into a dry pine tree, which success
seems to have inspired the almost life
less group with a little hope. And
now, to maintain life in their wasted
frames, they were compelled to adopt
the revolting alternative of eating the
flesh of their dead comrades. Slowly
and with extreme reluctance they
wore forced to thiS extremity. They
remained stationary for two days, dur
ing which they took the flesh from the
dead bodies, dried the moat by the
fire, which they now sulpe,eded in keep. :
big up, and agaiu started on their
pathless journey. As they were to
tally unacquainted with the road, they
could not them themselves with the
hope that the travel of each day
brought thorn nearer to their haven.
Gloomily and sadly they pursued
their way .on the trackless fields of
V\ ,/ , /, ri,/,
snow, and the first of the month, New
Year's day, which they had hoped
would find them happily settled in
their now home in this far off land,
broke over them clear and cold, and
found them at the foot of a huge moun
tain, almost perpendicular. Two days
were occupied in ascending and cross
ing the mountain, and on the 3d of
January their food—the dried flesh of
their dead friends—entirely gave out
and they stayed the pangs of their
hunger with the leather strings of their
snow-shoes. They were now deserted
by the two Indians who •had, up to
this time borne them company. They,
more fastidious than the rest, had not
tasted of human flesh;; and now, rhat
oven that had given out, dreading that
their lives might be taken to furnish
food for the others, they noiselessly
stole away in the dead of the night.
The first day the little party, now nar
rowed down to only eight, followed in
the roar of the Indians, the way being
plainly marked by the blood from their
torn, frosted feet. While travelling
painfully, wearily along, they discov
ered—joyful sightfresh tracksoftleer
in the snow, rtud animated anew by
this disctivery they followed them for
hours and filially succeeded in killing
one at the base of another mountain.
That night six of the party encamped
on top of the mountain, the remaining
two; 'a man and his wife, not Able to
go so far, stopped for the night about
a mile in their rear. The next morn
ing they went back for their comrades
and found the poor devoted wife lying
by the side of her dead husband, trying
to impart some of her own warmth to
his lifeless remains. The first law of
nature is self-preservation; therefore
they stripped his bones of the little
flesh remaining upon them, and again
started upon their wretched wander
ings. During the next two days they
were only able to accomplish a couple
of miles, us one mountain after another
arose to intercept their progress. Their
provisions again giving out, they hail
ed as a godsend the sight of the two
Indians who had preceeded them. Ono
of them was already dead, and the oth
er just dying as they reached him.
After feasting heartily upon their was
ted bodies, they continued their travels,
which now, fortunately for the poor
famished wretches, were nearer to an
end than they were aware. Two more
days brought them to au Indian trail,
after following which for a day and a
half they encountered a small
- ,T.. - m - pF - ,thuro eyVre, nrrecto yurrui
ly and fed upon acorns, the only food
the poor natives bad. Determined,
while life lasted, to persevere in their
efforts to reach the abode of white
men and send back relief to their perish
ing friends upon the shores of the lake,
they started again after a rest.of one
day, and after traveling in a violent
rain storm—they were now beyond
the reach of snow—in twenty-four
hours they reached more Indians, with
whom they rested until the storm
ceased. Although completely used
up, they continued upon the road fur
three more days, when all but one of
the party gave out, their feet being in
' such a frightful condition that to hike
another step was an actual impossi
bility. This remaining one, Eddy,
I throughout all their sufferings and
trials the comforter of the rest, with
almost superhuman courage proceeded
alone on his errand of mercy, and gui
ded by two Indians finally reached the
settlement of Bear creek. The inhab
itants on hearing his touching tale of
the "danger he bad passed" during the
month that elapsed since leaving the
camp, with-one accord prepared pro
visions and sot out to the relief of
those yet behind. The little exhaus.
ted, famished party of seven were
brought on horses to Bear creek, and
then all that kindness and sympathy
could invent was done. to make up for
I the unparalleled hardships of the pre
. ceeding month.
And how feared it with those still
in camp Y Their sufferings were, it•
possible, more fearful than those just
recovered, for they were in active,
quiescent, while those that had gone
on had at least the relief of action.
The severity of the winter of 1846
was unequaled, and will forever be re
membered by those who wore fortu
nate enough to survive its horrors.
The snow fell almost incessantly, the
winds were piercing and raw, and
whenever it happened that there was a
clear day, it was so intensely cold that
it did not mend matters. The snow
increased in depth until it was actually
higher than the roofs of the cabins of
the unfortunate emigrants, and for
weeks they bad nothing to subsist up•
on but the hides of their cattle that
had perished in the first storms, Gee.
Donner and his family were camped,
neat• Prosser creek, about eight miles
from the majority of the campers, and
were even more poorly provided with
hides than the others. But. even
amidst these terrible trials and suffer
ings, several of the number kept their
journals regularly. Some of them are
still in existence, and it is indeed.
touching to read tha records of such
sufferings and to note through it all
the endurance and pious submission of
these sorely tried people. There was
no murmuring, no rebelling against
the Power that had seen fit to send
these terrible afflictions upon 1113 peo
ple ; since it was His will, they must
submit, even though their nearest and
dearest were perishing of want 14elbro
their oyes. First the oldest and fee
blest of the party closed their tired oyes
in death, then tender little children,
.Nvliso ytqipachs revolted against the
tough boiled bides, followed. Strong
men and women weakened and died
of utter starvation, and all were buried
in the snow, which; Ow as the eye could
reach, covered the earth to the depth
of from eight to thirteen lout. Those
that were still alive hoping, praying
earnestly that relief might come from
4 '`;
4 -
t a4 V . ''.l 4 • IP'.
it ,
. 4: , 4• 14.,. y.-•;
' ; ' 7 ' - ' 4 .ev /''' , .
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
beyond the mountains, after abstain
ing from nourishment until they, too,
wore nearly gone, reluctantly- coin
menced feeding on the dead bodies that
were so plenty around them . ; and as
time wore on without a change in
their fearful condition, almost all feel
ings of humanity were lost to them.
Those who but a few short weeks ago
sickened with horror at the bare idea
of eating human-flesh, now , devoured
it greedily, and with wild, hungry
oyes watched the weak, failing ones,
and eagerly calculated bow much time
would elapse before they, would_ afford
another meal. But I cannot linger on
a scene so painful and harrowing.
They had reached the very extremity
of suffering, and if, with a few excep 7
tions, they had lost all trace of hunian
ity and conducted themselies more
like wild beasts, surely none can blame
them. Not until the middle of Feb
ruary did relief reach these wretched
people. Parties of strong, men, with
a plentiful supply of provisions,started
from various places upon learning of
the sufferings of these people, but ow
ing to the fearful and dangerous con
ditions of the country over which
they were compelled to travel, did
not reach the camp until the greater
number Were past all help. All those
that survived, with the exception- of
three, that started away with those
that had come to their assistance, and
from the accounts of the relief party,
nothing more wild and ghastly, than
the appearance of the miserable sur
vivors can 'be imagined. The three
who remained behind were Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Donner and a person of the
name ofKeseberg. Donner was so ema
ciated and debilitated by the suffer
ings he had undergone thatit was im
possible for him to travel, and feeling
intuitively that he bad not many
weeks to live, earnestly' implored his
wife to leave him. His pleadings were
in vain. Throughout all her trials
his wife had retained her deep, unsel
fish love fur the chosen companion of
her life, and now she
—"would rather die with him
Shan live to gain the world beside."
At this day it is impossible to know
what induced Keseberg to remain.
"He was too weak," he said, "to travel
at present, and if they would leave suf,
!Went provisions, he preferred to wait
where ho was until Spring."
We have but meager accounts of the
time that elapsed between the depart
ure of the first relief party and the
arrival-4:4.1114x_ timpd, -Name_time. in.
April. Mrs. Donner was, without
doubt, constantly by the side of her
sinking husband, endeavoring by un
failing sympathy and tondernesS to
cheer his way to the grave, and Kese
berg, in his lonely cabin some miles re-
I moved from the Dormers, who can
judge of his occupations ?
When the second relief party arri--
ved at the spot, Kesoberg was the only
one living Of the three, and his appear
ance was more ghastly and revolting
than could be described. The floor of
his cabin was covered with skulls and
limbs of human bodies bt:ripped of
flesh, and in a kettle - suspended on a
blazing fire were different portions of
a human body, preparing for his even
ing repast. Whoa asked - about Mr.
and Mrs. Donner he replied that they
were both dead—that Donner died
some four or five days proceeding, and
Mrs. Donner only two days previous
Either from some confusion of his,
manner while making these State•
moats, or from the fresh and bloody
pieces of flesh strewn around his cabin,
he was suspected of having murdered
Mrs. Donner and accused of" it. lie
denied this emphatically, but admitted
that she died in his cabin. lie said
after her husband's death she came
over to his camp, and after resting a
few hours, attempted to return to her
own, where the dead body of her hus
was lying. However becoming I
bewildered, or from some other cause,
she returned and died there in the
course of the night. Although it was
generally believed that she fell a. vic
tim to Keseberg, 1 think it is a matter
of grave doubt. They then visited
the camp of her husband, and found,
as was represented, his body, carefully
laid out and wrapped in a sheet by his
faithful wife. Poor Mrs. Donner !
Gentle, refined and unused :to hard
ships of any kind, surely thine was a
cruel fate.
"Rest in pence, thou gentle spirit,
Throned above ;
Souls like thine with God inherit
Life and love 1"
(It is said that the same ,Keseberg
now resides. in the vicinity of .Sacra
Little else but a fow scattered logs
remain to point out the spot where,
these horrible sufferings took place.
The mutilated bodies, bones, etc., re•
maining there in the spring were care
fully collected and interred and the
Cabins burned to the ground. Notwith•
standing this, I was shown, only a few
days, ago, a arge sack nearly full of
human bones which wore said to have
been picked up on the spot eight or
ten years ago. A. large portion of
skull was shown me; which the person
exhibiting (the keeper of a publie
house a mile or two from the.east end
of the lake) claimed to be that of Goo.
Donner himself'. 100 that us it may,
the practiee of hoarding such relics and
exhibiting them; to the curious gaze of
passers-by is to be condemned. . Let
the bones of the wretched sufferers be
decently buried, and say of them and
each of the unfortunittes that perished
during that fear.Ml season, Requiescat
in pace.
vja„Some mischievous • wags, one
night, pulled down a turner's sign, and :
put it over' a lawyer's door; in • the
morning it read : "All sorts Or tiirning
and twisting done hero." Surely he
was A(turney.)
"Tit Social Lyre"—A female gossip
the most complete of lIPY to tddl mmatry, and pos
sesses the most qmplo facllltles for promptly
the best sty's, every rarfsty of sob PilTititA, Mich
NO. 28.
Shall I Sell My Little Farm?
Farmers and mechanics as well its
professional men, with comfortable
homes in the country, are constantly
tempted by the idea of making more
money, to abandon old friends, old as
sociations, and old habits - of life, and
seek to better their condition by. re-
moval to the cities and large towns,
Passing by, for the present, the sae,
rifice of home feelings and enjoyments
which every man of mature age ear:
renders whenever ha changes bis ac
customed home, we wilLnow look only
at the financial gide - c;f113& question;
and see what a man on any New Eng
land farm, great, or small, gives, tip
wheil he leaves it and goes to dwell in
the town or city. We are always
cBmplaining that we get nothing front
our farms, and we fancy if we could
only get somewhere where money is
more abundant, where wages are higti-.
er, whore there is more going on,,We
should have some -chance to be rich,
and live, more independently.
Perhaps there has.never been a tim e
when„ in this country, a farm, or even
a field or garden contributed so.niubli
to the independence of a family of
moderate means as in these times of
high prices. The reason is obvious.
It is because all we buy, whether rent,
or fuel, or provisions, costs more than
ever before, and all that we do by way
of labor, produces a greater value is
the crops we milk).
You say you get little or nothing
from your farm. Let us consider the
matter and see whether we do not un
derrate the profits, of the homestead,
In the first place, you get your rent,
an item of which farmers hardly think.
Go to any large town, and such a
house as will be as respectable for your
family there as your present one is
here, will cost you in rent some four
hundred dollars. It may, be newer
and.nicer than the old homestead, but
it will be no more comfortable or c 0 1)::
Wo•say nothing of its being in some,
narrow, noisy street, where you do not,
know your nearest neighbor, and:
where you must hire watchers in case,
of sickness. That belongs to the sen-.
timental side of the question, which,
to-day we leave out of sight. •
Next, your farm gives you fuel—,
you don't know bow much, for you
never had occasion to measure it. A
farmer's family of half a dozen persons
consumes yearly from ten to fifteen,
cords, of wood at least. ;Less fuel Would
suffice in the city, with a liberal oat-.
lay for furnaces, potent stoves and:
heaters; but with coal at ten dollars a;
ton, a ton being equivalent to about,
one cord of the best hard wood,,when
kindlings are paid for, another lien
died dollars would be about used up.
A cower two afford the farmer all
the butter and milk he can uselfor his,
family. A pound of butter a week . for:
ea c h member of the family is a fair es
timate, and at fay cents a pound we
have for our family of six, three dol
tars a week, or $l5O a year, and if we,
add only two wine quarts of. milk (
daily, at the city price of ten cents, We,
have $73 more.
A small patch supplies you _with po,
tatoes, of which you require .some
.thirty bushels, which will cost you at,
retail prices as many dollars, although
if you want to sell 'them at your farm
they will bring much less, there being
two or three profits between the 'pro-.
ducer and the city consumer.. ".
A very few trees supply your ap,
ples, worth four or five dollars a barrel
ifyou bury them. And any ordinarygar•
den gives the family vegetables fresh
in summer, which the city will not do
at any price. The small matters of
currants and raspberries, and straw
berries, the pears and grapes, all be-,
come large matters when paid for in,
money. The fowls that give abun
dance of eggs, and a supply of poultry.
for Thanksgiving and Christmas, seem
of little account, till reduced to a spa
eh) basis; and two or three porkers,
grow up with little cost, and in au
tumn are worth a. hundred dollars al
most before, we know it, tylia tbus,•our.
bills for pork and lard and freshMoqt,
are easily balanced .with the butcher.
In the country, everybody'. has a::
horse. We care little about driving,
perhaps, but the boys and girls, at .
least the boys,ought to learn to ride and
drive, and they do that and learn hoW•
to tend the horse and cow without g 0....
ing to an agricultural college. In the,
city or town, - only men of wealth can,
afford to keep horses, and hiring them
at stable prices is almost as expensive.
So r brother farmer, when you have ,
got into your hired house, with never
a wood-lot nor a garden, nor a potatii
patch, nor a cow, nor a hen, you may
also sot it down that you Carl have no,
horse; and if you, however prosperous
in money matters, do not sigh for the
flesh-pots of the old homestead, coma ,
and till us the other sids of tli story.
wide-awake minister, who,
found his congregation going; to sleep.
on Sunday before ho had fairly nom-,
menced, suddenly stopped and .eA.
claimed "Brethren, tlris is not, fair s
it isn't giving a man half a chance.
\Vait till I get along,= and then, if I
ain't worth listening to, go to sleep.;
but don't before I got emnenced i
give a man a chance." _
3 person .pointed out a maup•
with a profusion of rings on biS fingers
to a cooper. "Ab, master," said; tbiti a
artisan, !'it is a sure sign of . weaknose
when so Many hoops are used."
tippl4. called at a hotel and
askold.for a room with lour beds in
Lte sajd ho •usually retired so "gorio
that he could not fted.tho bed uuleil
there was one in each corner.
uo,,lSlany porsS)ns are in advance oB
their age, but an old maid generally
mall:Igoe to be abont ten years bobiql
.LABELS, &0., Fa, .10