Eije Cobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Dec, 19, 1866. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. " I know of no mode in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and trNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION REGARDLESS OF PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT ISOMEAND ABROAD." A. DouaLAs SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. We are anxious that all indebted to us for subscription to Globe, adverti sing, printing, books, stationery, etc., etc., should make payment immediate ly, or not later than the 20th of Janu ary next. The first of the year is a good time to square up, and wo would feel extremely happy on the first day of the now year if we could then say that all indebted to us now had gave us a friendly call. We desire to-keep square with the world and "at peace with man kind," but to do so wo must have our own. We will expect those knowing themselves indebted to give this call their immediate attention All persons having claims against us will present them for settlement. The Old Year. The old year is rapidly passing away, and we feel thankful that the Globe, although it has passed through a rough political storm, is still in a healthy condition. During a part of the past year our political course was such as to sour the feelings of many personal and political friends, but we had no idea of being swallowed up by; the old "Democratic organization" or driving Union or Republican office-holders,to the support of what they denounce as "Copperhead" organs and "Copper head" principles. Wo shall stand by what we believe and know to be Union principles; ingrates and mere seekers after office can enjoy their rights.— There are other interests than that of office-seeking in which the people, irre spective of party, aro interested. The rebellion teas not crushed in a day, neither was it crushed by the patriot ism of men of one party only. There .can be no permanent prosperity, per manent happiness, or permanent Gov ernment, but by cultivating and adhe ring to liberal Union sentiments. The independent and free people of the county have our thanks for their con tinued patronage. Why Should Women not Vote ? The question of giving the right to vote to women is now fairly before the country. It is being favored by some of the most distinguished gentlem3n in the United States Senate. We are strongly inclined to favor female suf lrage. One thing is certain, better men would be elected to office if wo men could have a vote. They would be down on any man who should at tempt to make himself popular by "treating all hands," unless the treat should be a silk dress, a barrel of flour, or something of the kind. The Lager Beer candidates would be nowhere. Senator Wade on Female Suffrage, The following letter was read at the recent meeting of the American Equal Rights Association : SEITERSON, Ohio, Nov. 1800. Susan B. Anthony Secretary American Equal Eights Association MADAM :—Yours of the oth inst., is received, and I desire to say in reply, that I am now and ever have been the advocate of equal and impartial suf frage to all citizens of the United States who have arrived at the age of twenty-one years, who are of sound mind, and who have 'not disqualified themselves by the commission of any offence, without any distinction on ac count of race, color or sex. Every argument that ever has been or ever can be adduced to prove that males should have the right to vote applies with equal if not greater force to prove that females should possess the same right; and were I a citizen of your State, I should labor with whatever ability I possess to engraft these prin ciples in its constitution. Yours very Respectfully, B. F. WADE Theodore Tilton on.Woinan's Rights, OHIO, December 4,186 G Susan B: Anthony—Myl Friend : I cannot be at the meeting. lam like a partridge ; I am wandering over the prairies. But were I at,Cooper Insti tute, I would claim the ballot for wo men as.for men. It is said that wo men don't want their political, rights. This may be true of some women. But the one woman whose rights I am most bound to respect is an American citizen, who wants the American citi zen's Callot. While dth'el.' men; the're= fore, may have reasons for indifference towards wornan's right of suffrage, not only sound principle but gentlenninly courtesy make it my duty to break my ballot in twain, like my daily loaf, !Inc! share it equally with my wife. •-• lam yours truly, Tam:moan TILTON, Lancaster has had another earth quake. The Express of Monday even ing says :—At about eleven o'clock last night a sound resembling that pro duced by thunder or a wagon passing slowly over a bridge, was heard in this city. If thunder, it must have been from i cloudless sky, as not a speck besides the stars was visible in the heavens at the time. The phenom enon was diffen,nt, from that experi enced here last year, as no quivering of buildings and other objects accom panie,l the report. FROM WASHINGTON. In the U. S. Senate on the 11th, Senators Anthony, Cowan, Wilson, Wade and Yates, advocates female suf frage. Mr. Wade declared that ne groes would vote in every State in the Union before the 4th of March 1869. Mr. Yates contended that the people had spoken at the late election and de clared in favor of negro suffrage. On the 12th a vote was taken in the Senate on Cowan'ti amendment to give the women a right to vote, and it was voted down by a vote of 37 to O. Thaddeus Stevens said in the House on the 11th, that ho did not believe Jeff. Davis could be tried for treason, not that he had been guilty of treason. His offence was that of a belligerent, not of a traitor. Mr. Stevens' propo. sition that every man appointed by the President and rejected by the Senate shall ho disqualified for holding any office for a year was voted down by an almost unanimous vote. ' -STEPHEN Mr, Rodgers, Democrat; of No ‘l , Jer• soy, is strong in the faith. In conclu ding a speech in the House on the 12th, he used the following language: "God Almighty in eternity will write in let ters of gold, upon the front of the altar of Christianity, the name of Andrew Johnson as the ono pure patriot of these troublous times." This was re ceived with shouts of laughter on the radical side of the House. The bill giving the negroes the right of suffrage in the District of Columbia, passed the Senate on the 13th by a vote of 32 to 13. The section confer ring suffrage is as follows : Six. 1. That from and after the pas sage of this act each and every male person, excepting paupers and persons under guardianship, of the age of twen ty-one years and upwards, who has not been convicted of any infamous crime or offense, and excepting per sons who may have voluntarily given aid and comfort to 'the rebels in the late rebellion, and who shall have been born or naturalized in the United States, and who shall have resided in the said District for the period of ono year, and in the ward or district in which ho may offer to vote three months nest preceding any election therein, shall be entitled to the elective franchise, and shall be deemed an elec tor, and entitled to vote at .any elec tion in said district without any dis tinction on account, of color or race. The politicians at Washington are busy manufacturing a United States Senator to take the place of Mr. Cow an. Mr. Forney's chances being slim, declines in favor of Mr. Stevens. It will take a heavy pressure to defeat Mr. Cameron—he's got the "ding- bats." A long list of appointments wora sent into the Senate on Thursday by the President, for confirmation.- Mr. Wilson, °flown, lias reported to the 'louse of Representatives, from the Committee on the Judiciary, a bill which provides that "until the law making power of the United States shall have declared the several portions of the United States heretofore repre sented in Congress as the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Ar kansas, Loosiana, and Texas are re• stored to their political relations to the Union they shall not be entitled to . representation - in - the electoral college for the choice of President and Vice President of the United States, and that no electoral vote shall be received or counted from them, except as each may hereafter be so declared restored to its political relations to the Union and entitled to,representation in Con gress." Three or four i mportan I propositions for the reconstruction of the Southern States are now before Congress. Mr. Spalding proposes only to exact the ratification of the pending Amendment with evidence superadded that. the forms of local Government are "not inconsistent with the Constitution of tho United States." The chance to ec turn on those conditions is offered,and the purpose of Congress in affording it is to be declared. The inference is, that the South may not be restored ; the sole certainty being that it cannot escape the jurisdiction of the Federal Government or the obligations it im poses, nor evade the penalties insepar able from exclusion. Mr. Stevens, on the contrary, asserts that the Southern States are States no more—that they ceased to be such, as members of the Union, when their citizens rebelled against Union au thority—that they are destitulz of properly organized Governments, and that the United States, having subdued the rebellion, is called upon to provide for the organization of local civil au thority. The resolutions of Mr. Summer af firm "the jurisdiction of Congress over the whole subject." They further de. dare the illegality of the existing Governments in rebel States, tho ab sence of all rights on their part to representation in Congress or to vote on constitutional amendments, and "the duty of Congress to proceed with the work of reconstruction" on a cer tain indicated principle. Mr. Julian has introduced a bill pro viding for civil government for the districts lately in revolt against the United States. The bill provides for temporary Territorial Govern meats for all the late rebel States except Tennessee ; suffrage being given to all males without respect to color ; . and all who have borne arms against the United States, or held civil or military office under the Confederacy, to be in oligiblemithor to hold office or to vote. The bill was referred to the Committee .on Reconstruction.. - About thirty Senators and .Repre sentatives met at the Capitol on Thursday night and organized a Con gressional prayer-meeting. The District suffrage bill passed the Rouse on Friday as it came froM the Senate, by a vote of 117 to 4G. All the Democrats and eight Republicans voting against it. The President will veto the bill, but it will he passed over his head by a two third vote and be. come a law. The passage of the suffrage bill is al ready beginning to !stir up a commo tion amoung the local politicians. The average vote for Mayor of Washington during the war amounted to 6,000, with an overwhelming Democrtie ma jority. The addition of quite as many vote:; hum the newly-enfranchised blacks, when the bill becomes a law, all of which it is believed will Mr some time be cast for the Republican ticket, gives now hope to the minority. Al: though the next municipal election does not occur until Juno, 1867, it is quite likely that the canvass will be immediately commenced. A petition fifty-two feet long, con taining the names of nearly all the prominent citizens of New Mexico, has been forwarded to Washington, pray ing for an increase of the military force in that Territory, as being abso lutely necessary to protect the lives and property of the people against the Indians. Several Senators and members have considered the propriety of urging in the Joint Committee on Reconstruc tion, the reporting ofa joint resolution deå as the sense ofCongress that the Constitutional Amendment is the finality of the basis of restoration, and that in the event of its ratification no other terms will be demanded by this Congress of the Southern Statcs. It is urged that this be done to relieve the doubts in the premises set, forth in the Southern Legislatures, where the ratification of the Amendment has just been refused. The opposition to this proceeding is based on thcground that the amendment speaks for itself as the basis of a settlement, and that the faith of Congress is pledged to stand by it. A declaratory resolution of the the character referred to, is al ready belbre the House part of the Re construction Committee. [From the Chicago Republican, Dec. 4.1 John 11, Surratt. The cable dispel eh from ik tr. Hale, the U. S. consul at Alexandria, Egypt, to the State Department at Washing ton, announcing the arrest of John 11. Surratt,one of the assassins of P residen t Lincoln, recalls with painful vividness the crime in which he was a principal actor, and adds a new instance to the many which the history of crime furn ished of the almost unerring certainty with which justice seeks out the crim inal. Young Surratt is the son of Mrs. Mary E. Surratt, who was found guil ty by a military commission o,f having been engaged in the conspiracy that resulted in the murder of President Lincoln, for which she was hung at Washington on the 7th of July, 1865, at the same time with the conspirators Payne, Atzeroth and Harold. it was at the house of the woman, as shown by the testimony before thecommission, and the confession of Atzeroth, that the most of the details of the assassin ation were arranged, and next to J. Wilkes Booth, the principal assassin, Surratt appears to have been the most active spirit engaged in the conspiracy. Ho was the familiar friend and com panion of Booth for weeks before the assassination, meeting him frequently at the house of Mrs. Surratt, and hold ing protracted secret interviews with him in his own room. Ono of the plans of the assassins was to abduct. President Lincoln while riding out, but this failing, Surratt made a sudden visit to Montreal, It was also in evidence before the . cont. mission which tried the conspirators, that, within, a few weeks previous to the assassination, he had made a trip to Richmond. While there. lie claim ed to•have Mut Interviews FrithDavis and Benjamin, and on his return was confident in his declaration that the rebel capital would not be evacuated. The fact of his visit to Richmond was one of the circumstances which went to connect Davis and other rebel leaders with the assassination conspi• racy. He was present in Washington the day before the murder of the Presi dent, and is believed to have borne an important part of the atrocious affair, but was never seen in the city again. Conscious of his guilt, lie fled from the scene of his crime, as is believed leav ing - Washington early on the morning of the 15th of April, going by way of Phila. and Now - York to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he was delayed a day in consequence of the failare the train to connect From Springfield he went by rail to Burlington, Vt., where takiwg his sap per, ho dropped his handkerchief with his name marked upon it, but the fact was known too late to effect his arrest. Arriving at St. Albans, he is reported to have left the train, proceeding on foot to Canada, making his way, finally, partly on foot and partly by rail to Montreal. Here ho was secreted for some time by rebel sympathizers, but was reported at the time to have been seen near a monastery, where be dis appeared. Since that time nothing has been known of his whereabouts until a few days ago a European dispatch announ ced that he had boon discovered ser ving as a private soldier in the Papal army. He was arrested, but, succeed ing in making his escape, ha next ap pears upon the scone in Egypt. The filet that an order had been soot to have him conveyed to the United States by ono of our war vessels now in European waters, indicates that ho is safe in the hands of United States officers. It is not improbable that his capture and trial may lead to new and startling developments of facts connec ted with the assassination conspiracy. Inauguration of Gen. Geary. A committee of the boys in blue of Harrisburg have issued an eloquent address to the boys in blue of Pennsyl vania, inviting them to be present at the Inauguration of the Governor elect of Pennsylvania, Maj. Gen. John W. Geary. After reciting the victories won in the field, the address concludes as follows : "It is therefore fitting that we as semble ourselves together at the State Capital . at the time above specified,and ratify by our presence the political victory we have lately won, and make stronger and brighter those links which bind us together in the circle of a sacred companionship. "All those organizations or associ ations which may see fit and proper to attend on the occasion specified will please correspond with the committee at as early a date as convenient. LANE S. HART, Ronzwr A. McCoy, 0. B. SIMMONS. I= A fine assortment of the best Perfu mery and Toilet f;our:, just received and for sale at Lewis' Book Store and Femilo Grocery. Pen and Scissor Items. A Southern paper styles Congress es a "Grand Phantasmagora of Giastecuteses." A complete sot of American coins will be sent to the Paris exposition. Everyhody will he glad to learn there is some coin in exist ence. When will we have "good old times?" The man who followed'his own coffin to the grave, and then sued -fiir his life insurance, has been tried at Antwerp for forgery, and condemned to •be put into a coffin with his head off. This must be a joke. A private letter received here states that the only surviving descendant of Christopher Columbus is shortly .to visit America. IN will surely see more sights than Christopher did. We hope his stay - will he pleasant. Bombay and Calcutta, on opposite sides of the peninsula of Hindoostan, are connected by a railway one thousand miles long, and which is traversed by trains in about four days. Two merclumts of Boston have disappeared leaving liabilities behind them to the amount of 1175,000, and assets to the amount of nine pair of boots and a hoop skirt. They might as well made as much use of the skirt as a certain fugitive named Jeff Davis did. A nicely dressed man went into a gam bling saloon in Brenham, Texas, and lost all his money, then his coat, his vest and panta loons, his boots, stockings, and shirt, nntil he finally left the house stark naked. He ought to have been completely "skinned." The Young Men's Christian Association, of Brooklyn, has 3,000 members, a library and rending room, and gives a course of lec tures. It also supplements the churches, and does much of their neglected work. We would like to see such an association here. A good story is told of a clergyman not for from Titusville, who has lately invested con siderably in oil. In giving out his text one morning, he said it would brifound in the last chapter of Acta, the last verse, and the last half of the verse, and one-third of the oil! There are in the United States 30,000 miles of railway, which cost ti 1,380,000,000. In Europe there are 30,000 miles, which cost $3,500,000,000. The length of the European telegraph wires is 00,000 miles, whilst in. the United States there are 00,000 miles. During the month of November, sixty-six emigrant vessels of all classes arrived at New York from Europe, bringing 3,144 cabin and 17,803 steerage passengers, making a total of 21,007 souls. On the voyage there were IS births and 221 deaths. The Detroit Advertiser states that quite a large number of the fashionable ladies of that city "make their own shoes," but the editor laments that this is done because it is fash ion, not economy." This is, in our opinion, the best road for fashiongo take to make it self commendable, and'we hope it success. An indignant mother;found' her hopeful daughters in a low T4ace 'of amusement in Chicago the other night, and, taking each by the hair of the head; led' them nut of the house to the great astonishment of the spec tators. What father has the same amount of contag,e. Wonder if the ladies' beaux witnessed the leading out feat? The Methodist centenary contributions continue to flow into the treasury in liberal volume. Last week, according to the Metho dist, the sums reported reached half a million for the week. Six Boltimoro churches con tributed over 40,000. In Detroit, $20,000; in Columbus, Ohio, one church, $17,550. A merchant of Philadelphia, who dined for many years on a herring and a cracker, recently died, leaving several thousand dol lars. We have heard of men trying to live on "herring soup" but we clever could be lieve it. Snell a diet may be good for dys peptics, but as for us give us ye smoking din ners with plenty of gravy. The colored "citizens" of Indiana hare re solved "that we demand that all words and clauses which mark distinction between men, on account of color, lie stricken out of statute books.'' If they had sent their demazela to - their friends in Congress they would have , told them there was no necessity for being so importunate, as all that is being attended to. The. Tennessee House of Representatives have voted against a bill, 33 against 26, pro viding fur the organization and maintenance of free common schools in the State. There are 7:3,000 adult whites in Tennessee who cannot read or write. We think a knowledge of the latter fact, of itself, should have con vinced the fogicst of the, legislators to vote for the measure. No less than two thousand men are dig ging at the newly discovered mines at Pino Alto, in New Mexico, and arc said to be well paid. A lucky fellow dug up one chunk va lued at over two hundred dollars, and the rush to the mines from lower New Mexico was great. How prone man is to rush after that which glitters, but how often is he de ceived. "Never be critical upon the ladies," was the maxim of an old Irish peer•, remarkable for his homage to the sex ; "the only way in the world that a true gentleman ever will at tempt to look at the faults,of a pretty woman is to shut his eyes." This may be true ; but how is a poor fellow going to "go it blind" when he embraces some fair lady form? A young and pretty lady traveling from Louisville to Nashville the other day, was ob served to have a piece of court plaster on her lip. When the cars emerged from one of the tunnels into the light it was discovered cling ing to the lips of a young man who occupied the seat with her. They both looked as in -IWeent as if they "hadn't been doin' nothin." At a newspaper ofidm in Sydney, Australia, is a tablet informing visitors that the editor cannot be spoken to unless paid for his time. Persons desiring an audience are invited to buy a ticket of admission at the door of the waiting room—one hour costing ten shillings; half an hour, six shillings ; fifteen minutes, three shillings. This would be considered pomposity or tyranny if adopted in America. The correspondent of the New York Trib une says: "Schenck's bill, to repeal the bill of the last session of Congress increasing the pay of members, was referred. An amend ment to make members refund all the in creased compensation already received crea ted loud laughter." Such a proposition was an extremely good joke',. but the members "can't see it" to give their money back. There is n frightful mystery and rapidity about the hog-killing process in Chicago.— The animal is introduced from the top of the building, where all the pens are located, to which he is driven up an inclined plane.— When ho goes forth it is only in barrels to feed the hungry. The road which the ani mal passes through is various and ingenious. One of these establishments despatches 1500 hogs per day. • It is estimated there are at present about 1,250,000 Free and Accepted Masons scatter ed upon the face of the globe. Of this num ber some 150,000 are in England, 100,000 in Scotland, and 50,000 are in Ireland. There are about 500,000 on,the continent of Europe, 400,000 in the United States, and 50,000 in other ports of the world. In England there are two or three thousand persons initiated every year. The Parisian hair dressers recently held their annual ball and laid down the future? fashion as to the hair. The rage for false hair shows no abatement, and ladies' heads are still to ho loaded down with some one else's tresses. The front hair is drawn brick and lifted up from the forehead in puff: a nd rolls, the beck hair spread out into an enor mous lump end tied up. We have no com ment to make about the ladies' fashions, be cause some like it and others don't. There has been formed in Paris a much needed Humane Society for the protection of infants. It is calculated that 15,000 chil dren die every year in the neighborhood of Paris for want of proper care, and 100,000 in the whole of Prance. This is in a great part due to the habit of putting children out to nurse where they are neglected or al,used.— Why is it that some metiers have such a cold love for their own offspring? They seem to forget that the soul of the little cherub is im mortal, and that its early training will tell fur it= future weal or wec, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTUNTINGDON GAS COMPANY. A On MONDAY, the 7th day of JANUARY, 1567, Gm nun nalelection of Managers of the Huntingdon Gas Company will b., hold at On:office of the company bttween unt, turd tintr o'clock, P. M. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary CZ= A-11)1INISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— [Esh]e of Aillllll Cokhall, dee:rl.] ilea ter.; of A.llllllli,Rallllll epee the canto of Allaillll CUISIIIIii. late of I , pringlield township.llunting.lon county deed. having been granted to the underaigned,:dlpertions having claims against Ilio eatato are requested to present them to tho moterMitned, end all person, indebted will make immediate ntyntent. Int. CUTSIIALL, j ineel9-lit Administrator. - - • hi Notice k herein given that the I , llh - wring named persons have filed their petition; with tho Clerk of the Court or Quarter Sesiioni. praying- the tail Conit to grant them livens.: to keep illll., or taverns in their respeetivo berougha. WWll:liar-I mud villages it the county of Hun tingdon, and that said petitions will he presented to the said Court on Monday, the 11th day 11.1 A N UAItY next for conahleration, &e., when and where all persons inter o+ted can attend if they think proper, viz: L. MIII, Cidiee Nun. Valentine Brown. Hunting:6cm. Adam 7j,gblr, .Nlarkksbmg. J. It. SI3IPSON, Clerl tio;rtlon, December 19, 1566. pTALUAI3I E PROPERTY AND DES/ MIBLE BUSIWESS STAND The undersigned. Expentorfi of the will of John McCa llan, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deconacil, will taur at public sale on tho promisee, ut 10 o'clock. a. Os., On Thursday, the 3d of January, 1867, All that eartain messnago and lot (or lets) of ground, ot, the taut!, tvert corner of fill and Montgomery streets in the hotels:tit of HUN lINGD9N, having thereon eructed A LARGE BRICK HOUSE, occupied 111 a store room and dwelling by Cunningham Elides, and Pour Offices or Shops, and Stables, Sec The abovo property will be ofTerea as a whole, or sera rate,lis may emu best, to suit purelia.ivrs. Business mea as well as others wishing to buy real es tato, will bear In mind that this is the best, most valua his and ilcsirable busine . s: gaud la the borough of II ant . . Norx.-11 the 111)0N, prop,rty is not sold, it will he ren ted by public outcry, for one or moro yeare, to tho high est and beet bidder, at 3 o'clock, p. to.. on tho 3d of Joint try next. • JOHN K. 3IcCA ILAN, . _ JOHN CfU Exec'ro of John Mcenhan I NTER-1 IR IS CTE, ORIG INALITY, DION COMBINED AT CL EASONS' TAU% ma:l2 cytia. ait Go"- , BARNET, Huntingdon Co. GREAT COST SALE Com men ring Wednesday, December 19, 1866, and closing January. 19,1867. We must havo money within that time and have udop ted We novel and attractive plan to dispose of our IMMENSE STOCK Of Fall and Winter Goods, only for CAM, AT ACTUAL COST. We will soli standard sheeting Mullins a yard wide at 20 cents, best American Prints 20 cents, DeLainee 20 eta. Miner's Flannels 45 cents, Gold Medal Spool ';',otton, 200 yards, only 3 cents, best spool cotton, 7 cents. skirt braid 8 centc, white cotton hose 16 cents, wool hose 40, chewing tobacco 80 cents, smoking tobacco 40 cents, Sttgar 10 eta, Tea 75 cent, best Green Coffee 30 cents, paper Coffee 15 cents. and other goods in proportion. . I•lutbrace the golden opportunity and 50CUte Bargains Never Before Equalled. Orcrcoats at $ 7, price last year $l2. Do 10, do do 15 Do 10, do do IS Do 24, do do 40 Men's 110M:4,1,75, do do 3,50 Do 2,50, do do 5.00 Do 3.50, do do 7.00 Ladies' Shoes front 51,25 to 3,50. Dress Coats, Pants and Vests, at a corres landing re dm:titan. Ladies' Cloaks down one half. Hardware, house hold Furniture, 3ttivea, ke.,1,111.41 ono-third. The goods were recently purchased at greatly rerlnc.l prices. awl tire non; olktred at what they a inally co•t tit New York. Thp-1: member thr Role cmillnuos only ono month. nod rein bo com itmed strictly on the cash print iple. dol9 (~..'I I IEIU. &VS SALES.—By virtue of k write of Vona. Mop m. to too direc . .td, wilfexpo.te to public solo or outcry. at the 0..11100,0, in Die borough of Iluntiowlen, ON ZION DAY, I..trn DAY or .1 AN UA itY, 10G, 0111 o'clock, P. 31., thu following described property to grit: A lot of ground in the village of ndpoluing Joseph ',lemon nu tho South. John S. Gherigtt un tho North, Nicholas ...orbit( East, and Main street oa the West, containing about one-It:dr acre, and having a two story brick front lions, and tramp stable thereon. Seised and taken in execution, and to bu sold us the property of lieorga Hite. All th i n cortain tract, piece, parcel of land situated in Tod town iltip Hun thigilon county, Paa adjoining lands of Thomas Anderson, .Lance h,itru• kin, EliZ.hutil liilian, David Sliontz and itonjainin Baker, 011 n 11011 , 4,1 31111 thirty-LWO a..., and allow• ranee having a two story Plank Musa, and Log Barn erected th,ttUll. Seizud and taken in execution, and to sold as thy properly of Anitualas David. All the right, title and interest of the debt, of in and too certain tract of unimproved land sit 'lilted ill CArboll Urp., tying and 1.647 on the public read leading' Moto /Tea I Top City to Tub Mill Cap, ad j,,,itting talon of John McClain 011 . :1110 8...11t11; mid doubt east, loon of Michael .1. Martin, on the North mint North eant, and limn or A; li. Itolierti and R. D. ‘1"00(13, containing meventy.two aeros, more or le.. A Ito on • other certain piece or parcel of unimproved land situated in Carbon hop., adjoining lands of the Broad Top Improving Company, on the Pontiff and West, by the same on rho East and :South, lauds formerly of Isaac Cook on the North east, and by public road leading front la road Top City. to Eagle Fo n udcv, on t h e West and North East, containing eis and a half acres, mons or less. Seized and tal,sit in execution, awl to bo sold as the prop• erty of John Hamilton. NOTICE TO PUECIIASENS.—nithIerS at Sheriff's Sales Will take notice that immediately up di the property being knocked down, tiny per rent. of all bids under $lOO, and twenty-live per cent. of all bids over that sun, must bo paid to the slietilf, or the property will bo set op again and :eld to other bidders who will comply with the abovo terms. licourt confirmes two weeks deed acknowledged on IVednesdAy of second week. Ono week's court, property knocked down on 3londay and deed uckncwledged on dm following JAS. F. BATIIURST, Sluff. or FICE, t Ilulingdon, Dec NEW LEATHER STORE. rpnE undersigned would respectfully announco that, in connection with their TANNERY, they have just opened a splendid aseortinent oC mbtla.tar, Consisting in put of • FRENCH CALF-SKIN, KIP, MORROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLv,, urrEn, HARNESS, SKIRTING, Ac., Together with a general assortment of FINDINGS. The trade is invited to call and examine our stock. Store on HILL, street, two doors Villa of tho Preshyto- Han churalt. no highest prico paid for hide and bark. C. If. M1L4,1111, .b SON . Huntingdon, Doc. 12-3 m REST HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. JAMES SIMPSON / • Ma-c)ack M -1 / 4 :3.l.l.3acitear, lIUNTINCiDON, PA., Manufacturer of all kinds of work iu his line, among which the • PARMER Will find Threshing Machines, Plows, Sled soles, Bottles, Ac. The BLACK SMITII Will find Round Mandrils, hollow Anvils, block and rol ler Tire benders, Tire Irons, sled and sleigh soles, Wagon boxes, Ac. Tho MILL-OWNER • • Can have all kinds of Machinery. The BUILDER Can have door and window sills and Lintels. sash weights cellar window grates, all sizes, porch stands, armor for rain spouts, chimney caps, pavement castings, for coal and wood cellars, heaters for warming privete dwellings and public buildings, doors and frames for bake ovens, iron railing for verandahs, porticoes, balconies, and foll ow, of till kinds. Particular attention pill to fencing grave lots. Every body can barn tLroabiug mochi no, plow and stove repairs 111111 ell Linda of iron and brass castings. dol:!•llal • JAMES SI3IPSON. Dissolution of Partnership. The partmrship heretofore existing between the un dersigned in the TANNING lIUSIN COO, under thus firm IMMO of Ilaunutu Bros. is this day dissolved by mutual conent. lalslnesq will be continued b y A.II.BAU MA'S, who will settle the husine of the late . nrm.. A. H. BAUMAN, 11. 31. 11A1131AN. Mapleton, Nov. 23. 1513C,31. Dissolution. of Partnership. Thn copartnership in,retuforc eninting under tho firm of Won. Co.; was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1.511, inst. The bout; ILccounti will he 3ettlollry,Win. 1..,6 is, who will pay all claims against, and colloct toll moneys duo the lino. tOM. LEWIS 4: CO. MIMMES The will lin continued by the undersign stock of choice G ROO ECU ES, mid other articles for fondly nee, Icept constantly on Ihrintl for the accommoda tion of all who may favor him with their patronage. share ~f ptdrmi,m N0w.20,l St;C-A LEWIS. , 1 :- k---? : ( 1 N. 4 ---Y, k -- - - ti NOW IS THE TIME Tl3O BUY EAT CUTTPS AND STUFFERS, C10N7"M. 5 , Coal Buckets, Hot Air Robstors for cciiillo, &c., k1444Ati.0 . 141, Of the Best New York Styles, New Patent Lanterns, LAMPS and OIL, THE GREAT "f, AMPION" €IMPROVED (.r, gn ETAS WIINGES, PATENT LONE HOLDERS, For Teamsters and Carriage DRIVERS, &c., &cog &c•,,&c• For any or all CO TO JAS. 9 L BROWN'S NEW DIETROPOLITAN I\RI\\IIE HUNTINGDON, PA„ ./k3LJIMEL IDUBLIC SALE _L OF VALUABLE -REAL ESTATE: The undersigned, acting on behalf of the hairs or John I. Stonebraker, deeemed, will oller at public Bale, on the weinises, in FRANKLIN township, On Ft'iday, the 28t1i of December, 1866, at one o'clock, P. M., the following real estate: Tho Homestead Tract, containing TI acres. situated on Spruce Greek. at Colerain Forges, three miles from sta tion on Pen n'a Railroad, having good turnpike thereto.— Erected thereon is a largo two-story DWELLING HOUSE, . fronts 1 . .5x.36 feet, L's 18 feet, ono hero . 3.4x22 feet, one Potter Situp, with kilo owl all needssary appurtenance fur manufacturing earthenware. This land is of good quality, adapted to farming purposes, and, has on it on orchard of about 8S young trees, grafted fruit. In addi tion ito these, there are about 1...0 choice plum, pear, cherry, apricot, and peach trees. nod a number of grape sloes, all of the best quality of fruit. ALSO, a tract of limiter land, containing 10 acres, situ ated one-fourth of a mile from t h e shore property, he tween Spruce Creek and Tussey Mountain. All the above mentioned property many Of OCCOSB. For further particulars inquire of tho undersigned, nt Altoona, or of IVsn. Bice, at present occupying the prem ise's. Tama made known on day of vale. . del2 - J. M. STONEBRASER ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF YALUABLII virtue of a 'Arnica order of tho Orphans' Court of Iluothipion county, there will ho exposed to public sale on the premises, On Thursday, _December 27, 1866, at 1 o'clock, P. M., all that certain LIMESTONE FARM situated in Barre° township, Huntingdon co., Pa., adjoin ing lands ofJ2llll. Ewing, William liennen's helm, Sam't Silk nitter, and others, containing 250 ACRES and 20. perches, nett measure, abunt 120 acres of which ure clear-• ed and in a good stab) of cultivation, the balance being: sect! timbered with chestnut, chestnut oak, and walnut: Tina improvements are a two story and a half DIVIsLL. LINO 11011 SE, Isavltsg, eight rooms and a collar, a largo frame Bank Tarn, with corn crib and Wagon Sited attached, smoke house, spring _ 1_ house. and a never foiling spring of good water within two rods of the Dwelling house, and a stream of running water in the Barnyard. This desirable farm is situated within nine miles of the Penna. railroad at Pe tersburg,, and witliinoneihalf mile of Ufa schools, church es, and post calico at Manor Bill, and in the best wheat gross tog portion of Shaver's Creek Valley. The crop in the ground reserved, and possession will bogieon on the Ist of April, 1567. The property will be sold entire or in separate parcels as may best suit purchasers. ' • TERMS OF SALE.--Oue third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale. and the residue in two equal annual payments with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. WILLIAM STEWART, Adm'r do bon non cum test. an. of Wm. Stewart, dead • dell.2t HOUSE AND LOT E' o R, S 1.1 A Comfortable frame Dwelling house jeL with six rooms. lomiterl in Washington street, Hun tingdon, will be Hold at private sale. For further particulars call at MARCH & BRO'I3 store, Huntingdon, Pa. do.TZtf • TS hereby given in accordance with! the 18111 section of the act of Assembly approved the -18111 day of JJiy, It. D. 1303, that the stock (or so much' thereof as is sufficient to pay all assessments together with the costs of advertising and sale) of such of .the stockholders of the Porter Island Oil Company as have not paid the 3d and 4th assessments or either of them, will be sold by public outcry, at the JACKSON ROUSH in the borough of Huntingdon, Pa., on the 26th day of DEM:3I3PM, A. D. 1600,01 ten o'clock, a, ni. The amount of the 3d assessment is five cents per share and the amount of the 4th assessment is three 302-431 cents per share. SicK.IVILLIAILSON, Huntingdon, Dec 5-31 • - Treasurer. ELEIOCAM. rpnE undersigned offers at private sale, the following properties: now occupied by William glen - art, on Allegheny street, in the borough of HUNTINGDON. 'forum:. Ono-fourth. iu hand and residue in three equal annual payments with interest. in WA LKIlt township, part of Um "Reynolds Farm" containing, 33 acre+, h avitga fine young orchard thereon. Terms made known on application to WILLIAM DORRIS, JR. Illintingdon, Dec 24t OTS FOR. SALE —Thesubscribers lots in tin, town of Grantsville, or Mar l:IR...lEll-g station, which they will ,cll at low price, front $:.1.1 to $lOO. All who doiirc a good healthy location to build would do wall to call upon them soon at their store, .and SHAM, for thentsclvra lots at low priers. Grantsville.myl6. BOYER b. GARNER. •"•` ' UDVI , S NOL I ICE. • fEstato of :lames Ciarkc , deconied.l Ino under.igned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Ihtntiugdon county, to INtribute the balance in the hand; of John Thompson, administrator of the estate nrJalll,, Clarke. lie of the bormigh of Birmingham. de co:Lied. will attend to the MlAes of his appointment at the °Pico of Benedict: - Stewart Lytle, in the borough of II untingdon, odWEDNESDAY, the f.'d day of JANUA ItY -1867, when and where all persons Interested are required to be present, or be forever debarred from comity , in up-- on maid fund. P. :11. droll - Auditor-. Adeed.] • llr tat l. o l, ' S f F N um O ne ri . e m E y . q. Thu undersigned having been appo ' inted . Auditor, to distribute the balance in the hands or David Barrickaud A. B. Cunningham, administrators of Samuel D, Myton, deceased; all persons interested in said fund will take no tice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at. the office of Scott, Brown A Bailey, on THURSDAY, • the 20th day of DECEMBER, 1860, at 1 o'clock, it M., of said day. T, BROWN, n 023 Auditor. /V IMITOR ' S NOTICE. [Estate of Simon Gratz, deceased.] • The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund in the hands of Simon Gratz, executor of the last will of Si -- mon Gratz. late.of tho borough of Orbisoida, deceased; all. persons interested in said bond will talto-untiCo that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at tho of co of Soon, Brown E Bailey; on FRIDAY, thu 21st day of DECEMBER, 1866, nt ono o'clock. P. M., of said day. • SAM'L. T. BROWN, no2B . Auditor. A. UDITOR'S NOTICE. • • The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund nrisibg frosn the Sheriff'S sale of the rearestato of Benjamin V. :Autos and Rebecca :states his wife, to and among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notico tha the will attend nt his- office in Huntingdon, on SAT URDAY, the 22d day of DEOIOIIIOI4 uezt, A. D., 11106, at 1 o'clock, p. so. for the purpOse of making said distribu tion, when andsvhete nil persons baring cinims upon said fultd are required to present the same or be debarred from coming In for any share ofsatd fund. no'-'S TIIEO. IL CREMER . Auditor. ExEcUTOIIS' NOTICE.- [Estate of Thorn. Wilson, dee'd.] otters testamentary, on the estate of Thomas Wilson, late of Theme township, Huntingdon co., dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thane having claims, to .present them duly authenti cated for settlement. n0r2143t First National Store. ROHM & MILLER, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND ARE NOW OPENING AT THEIR INT4eW ehtiC:tarlar of the above DAY CDIOOB, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Wood and Willow-ware, Boots and Shoes, &O. CALL AND SEE THEM AT THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF THE DIAMOND; OPPOSITE LEWIS' BOOR STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA. December 5,1806 C •: UNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds or country prodno taken In exchangefor Goods at Lewis' Vamity Grocery. put FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Huntingdon will allow skiessonahlo rate of inter-. eat on money loft on deposit° for three months or Howl': I:. G Rh ETTEOI , I, Cashier.: MLE3a,2. [Egateqf 117/tiant ,S'lelnart., deceased.] INTE^OI 3 XCJM A HOUSE AND LOT A TRACT OF LAND LSE T. WILSON. JJCSSE P. WILSON A GREAT VARIETY OF HATS AND CAPS, (FISITERS' OLD STAND,)