on within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States. -In obedience to the obligation imposed upon the Exe cutive by the Constitution, to see that the laws are faithfully executed, all citizens were warned, by proclamation, against taking part in or aiding such unlawful proceedibgs, and the proper civil, military, and naval officers were directed to take all necessary measures for the enforcement of the laws. The expedition failed, but it has not been without its painful consequences.— Some of our citizens who, it was worn engaged in the expedition, were captured, and have been brought to trial, as for a capital offence, in the province of Canada. Judgment and sentence of death have been pronoun ced against some, while others have been acquitted. Fully believing in the maxim of government, that severity of civil punishment for misguided per sons who have engaged in revolution. ary attempts which have disastrously failed, is unsound and unwise, such re presentations have been made to the British Government, in behalf of the convicted persons, as, being sustained by an enlightened and humane judg ment, will, it is hoped, induce in their cases an exercise of clemency, and a judicious amnesty to all who wore en gaged in the movement. Counsel has been employed by the Government to defend citizens of the United States on trial for capital offences in Canada; and a discontinuance of the prosecu tions which were instituted i❑ the Courts of the United States against those who took part in the expedition, has been directed. I have regarded the expedition as not only political in its nature, but as also in a groat measure foreign from the United States in its causes, char acter, and objects. Tho attempt was understood to bo made in sympathy with an insurgent party in Ireland, and, by striking at a British province on this continent, was desizned to aid in obtaining redress for political griev ances which, it was assumed, the peo ple of Ireland had suffered at the hands of t4'4 British Government during a period of several centuries. The per sons engaged in it were chiefly natives of that country, some of whom had, while others had not, become citizens of the United States under our general laws of naturalization. Complaints of misgovernment in Ireland continually engage the attention of the British nation, and so great an agitation is now prevailing in Ireland that the Bri tish Government have deemed it nec essary to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in that country. These circum stances must necessarily modify the opinion which we might otherwise have entertained with regard to an exhibi tion expressly prohibited by our neu trality laws. So long as those laws re main upon our statute books, they should be faithfully executed, and if they operate harshly, unjustly or op. pressively, Congress alone can apply the remedy, by their modification or .repeal. Political or commercial interests of the United States are not unlikely to be affected in some degree by events which are transpiring in the eastern regions of Europe, and the time seems to have come when our Government ought to have a proper diplomatic re presentation in Greece. This Government has claimed for all persons not convicted, or accused, or suspected of crime, an absolute politi cal right of self-expatriation, and a choice of new national allegiance.— Most of the European States have dis sented from this principle, and have claimed a right to hold such of their subjects as have immigrated to and been naturalized in the United States, and afterwards returned on transient visits to their native countries, to the performance of military service in like manner as resident Subjects. Coin plaints arising from the claim in this respect made by foreign States, have heretofore been matters of controversy between the United States and some of the European Powers, and the irri tution consequent upon the failure to settle this question increased during the war in which Prussia, Italy, and Austria were recently engaged. While Great Britain has never acknowledged the right of expatriation, she has not practically insisted upon it. France has been equally forbearing; and Prus sia has proposed a compromise, which, although evincing increased liberality, has not been accepted by the United States. Peace is now prevailing eve rywhere in Europe, and the present seems to be a favorable time for an as sertion by Congress of the principle, so long maintained by the Executive Department, that naturalization by one State fully exempts the native born subject of any other State from the performance of military service Ander any foreign Government, so long as he does not voluntarily renounce its rights and benefits. In the performance of a duty im posed by the Constitution, I have thus submitted to the representatives of the States and the people such informa tion of our domestic and foreign of fairs as the public interests may re quire. Our Government is now under going its most trying ordeal, and my earnest prayer is that the peril may be successfully and finally passed with out impairing its original strength and symmetry. The interests of the nation are best to be promoted by the revival of fraternal relations, the complete ob literation of our past differences and the inauguration of all the pursuits of peace. Directing our efforts to the early accomplishment of these great ends, let us endeavor to preserve har mony between the co-ordinate depart ments of the Government, that each in its proper sphere may cordially co-op erate with tho other in securing the maintenance of the Constitution, the preservation of the Union and the per petuity of free institutions. [Signed] ANDREW JOHNSON. WASIIINGTON, December 2, 1866. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTALUNT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. - DA PER! PA PER ! ! Note, Post, Commercial, Fcelecap and Flatcap—a geed aavortmeat for daft by the ream, half ream, quire or bheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. \\HAITO\ f-AGUIRII, RAILROAD STRUET, • HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALEIIS I Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, G1)711PRI, -Vt;,, Tho attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyer!, generally, ig Invited to the fact that we aro 1107 f offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the Stale, at prices to suit the times. Our stock coloring all art ivies In this Eno of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Ac., Ac., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hal low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Pctcder Cans. An excellent assortment of M"Lita.e. _ Clutloi-y, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns ; CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACT URER,S' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find n general asaurtinent of material for their use consleting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Botts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. 3331C.L.A.C:I1r...erIMEI`JOJEIM Cast he supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE ANA MULE SHOES, _Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Rill foil in our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, coISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, • SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, GOAL PICKS AND SEO VELS. Can be nerontruodaterl with everything in their Hue from a Grain Separator to a Whet-atone. • Mail.clars; Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING ARDWARE, acid compare our prices Iritit others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundelrs First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, ltakes, Scythes, Hoes, Ray Forks, Trace nod Halter Chains, Breast Chafes, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, Among the specialties of oar blouse, me desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send for acircular and get full particulars of some, and satiety yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales anti sizes and descriptions, inclitding Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling 21111, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in Hal plow A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low! IJoit Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON•BOX ES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON. AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low figures 1:Z-A call is respectfully eoilciled , feeling confi dent that oar goods and price. will not to 'denim—C.4 WHARTON & 3IAGUIRE, Muting,lon, rcl:r.rry::7.lSCO. 1866 4 linTßoPozz2, inoWARE S 'Ma A HUNTINGDON, PA. . ~. JAS. A. BROWN Ilse removed to the splendid elorerown In his new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, lIILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNI. E2=1711 stock and °milt en rarity or FOR.ELILV .AND DOMESTIC' "ARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Ohs, Glass* AT REDUCED PRICES. TEN YffAltS diligent attention to timidness In the Hardware trade in this place, has given ma au expert,. once thatenables me to neeme gee:* advantages for toy cuntomers in the selection of the beet slumlord brawls and reliable qualities of goods. Haviughtst returned from Now York and Phihnlelphia with a splendid stock, bought tlilICO the recent decline in gold, I ant now offering groat inducements to buyers. Among my stock may be found WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foum&ymcm, And for all other kinds of Mechanics. F A RMERS Will foul In ray stock n great variety of Farthing, Imple mettle of the best quality, such Os Scythes, Rakes, Fork', Shards, Spades, Hoer, Gorden Tronqx, c.“ urn - , Moor, Gardena Hays., Grass Shears, Pruning &we, Pruning [Clams. Ax., do Every farmer should see the famous HARPOON __AY Yl/41'K It 15 tho wonder of tho ago; And one trial convinces tho most skeptical that it is the beat Hay Fork mode.— I have the agency for tho solo of theso forks fur Bunting. don and parts of Bedford and Fulton counties and can till orders for Forks, pullies and ropes . at manufacturers • prices. 4('''''.l _„ " ' .. - --. 4.4 • e 71.,.., - :4.9f&i,c, . , ) C, kliii \• \ L.L. in; 'l l le -. LEJ Id . -I, ce, 4 a i , ,`' ' ecz ',A ' 7 ' 1. \ - - • z i,,.... ~ • ( z 4 = E a . t =V6Ag- • T ; z. E b f ~., /lEI 2 1Z —I 1c..1,e6.•2..1 4 1 .c .: :f77 .1 ;;,1 o d z a a g-z 1 W4a4t , I havealso the celebrated IVA M:0)$1011aoalfcl Which bare given such goodsatletaction for tho last 3 years, and which I run non; selling at greatly reduced prices. FOR BUILDERS I Intro all endless nsiortment of _LOCKS, RINGES, SORE 117 S, PAINTS, GI, 138, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. Otn best mechanics say that the DUNCANNON NAILS are the beat brought to thin market. I hare the agency for the sale et these nails and spikee, and DEALERS, BUILDERS, and others, can Lo supplied promptly In quantities from one pound to 'one hundrai kegs, at manufacturer.' prices. HARRISBURG STONEWARE, EARTHENWARE AND HOLLOWWARE, =I C 713.40 ark WOODEN PUMPS ! Tho merit of these pumps is shown by the fact that the demand for thorn is rapidly increasing everywhere. There is no iron in them to corrode and Injure the water. They are light and convenient, so thnt every man ran put in his own pump, the whole only coding 111111abOnt one lea the price of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipe to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or. dere. Give depth from floor to bottom of well. Thankful fur the patronage I have hitherto received I shall continuo lay endeavors to suit, accommodate and p1,a90 all, and risi.ecil ally solicit a I ibtral Flare of public paronog, JAMES A. BROWN. Ihnutins;tl”El, Mlty 18C6 .€013C)301.3E -1. • M;1'; - ;40.$11;ti-AX.„___Ii T;7 - 21;f MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. M. GREEN has just opened ho m us k '.oore, 4/110 d Or //est of IV Leo is' Monk Store, where l c le. coustindly to, hand STEINWAY A S./NS' cod OA MILE'S Piano MonoUtot tiring Company's PIANOS, 'MASON A, HAWN ET OlttrANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM k CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, ptutest Guitar cod Violin Sidings. MUSIC COOKS-Golden Chaiu,Golden Shower, Golden Collor. Holden Trio, kc., he. sitEET MU is SlO.—lleconstantly receiving from Phil. A/telt/hid all the latest inosic, which persons 311 n distance wishintr.con order, and have sent then/ by moil. Also GI:OVEN P MAKER'S Colobrated SEWING MA ell INES—the only inechitte thut, in addition to every Idiot of FTWillg. embroidery perfectly; see log Silk and Cotton of all hinds and molars for tit:d/It, 18GO_ ji : o. 4 it .. \ 1,.. .• • •,.. ,:- Persons buying Z..seWilig Machined fully instructed in the Ilse of theta. .@ , oy -rhino, t;o1 Organ , IV:al.:mica for live yons. . , Thoso wishing to bay any or the above articles two in vited to call awl esainino mins before purrintsing else. wht•ro My prices ;no tho same on in New York and Vidindnlpida. Cironlorn of lostrnments nr Matins split prnmptly upon applicathn with any additional information d e ,ie e ,t, mu street, Huntingdon, Rol., se27 .S.von.l floor of Itrown'A Ilaininart: building P.ROUG HER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER. r-ITLNITD LrEMBER 26, 156.3. Everybody his own Broom Maker This bond IYroppor iy col strut:zed orTin Zinc, with elidit band and boll in con II ectio with tho cent: bolt passing Iht tho handlo, Ito! big it Velirt. The article which we your at tent ion Tory simple,lig and stroll wet h I al g SEVEN OUNCES. Tim fitrtnin community hay long needed fll article of till, character; on, 11te high pt ire r t0p.11,, with the timpli ity, durability, makes it morn ittleca. .trarlVe. olTer borough, township, and family rights for sale on nelson:lt/titer:us, in the county of II lin tingslem For further particular, call mid eve tint enbscribers, or address THOS. G. & EON, feb7,1566 Huntingdon, l'a. Fro TILE LAI)IES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles DOW so prevalent, or dress lees elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was capinred in Fashionable Female attire? One women is calla reflection wilt sorely servo to change your rosin resolve. Tine angels hail too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they bust fora finis served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Conn you err in following tine exampleof Angels 7 Then having made op your minds that you will continue to dress tastefolly regardless of rebel acts, do not forgot to e'dl at the store 01 the subscri• Per:, who foal ha happy al till notes to furnish you with such artfctor f di'sss as yon may desire. Urge your falls, era, bosh:nods, brothers, neighbor:, and children to visit the Casino Alin,. They Call hero be suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, queens wore and it general assortment of Groceries, 011 WI rea sonable terns, as at any Ilium Inn town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. inlay 31, 'JAGS. FRANCIS B. WALLACH. ~,,, r,// ~ t- oh ii,ill ,h 4 IVIE.A.IROBT-Oal "E".11-17LID , J. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER Haying entered into partnership, inform the public that they aro prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, as at kiw prices as any shop in the county. Orders from a instance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors east of the Lu• theme church febILIS y AuARwouRLE YARD. The undersignedltho1 yca Il the attentio n oftlm citizne 01 Entingdon and the adjtd nngco,,ne touioatrcof beautiful marble now on band. Ito in prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables nod Stones of every desired nice and form of Italian or Eastern 3farble, highly fintnhed, and carved .with appra prima devices. or plain, on only suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Erns, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and worle manship equal to any iu the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase eho•where. Shop on the oilier of Montgomery nod 31111141 we.. Huntingdon, Pa. W Si. WILLIAMS. limalngdon,May 161855. OIL CLOT 11 WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEYS FIXTURES', TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS ULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOKS AND STATIONERY.— A good assortment of ndscolloneous and Schoo Booka—Foolscap, Lotter. Commercial and Note Paper— Plain nod Fancy Eloelone3-Itul, Blue and Black Ir:s— -ill:oil: Books of unmet - ow sius—Pen,, Pencil,. Pucka and Dusk Inkstands, and every miler art ie!e usually found in A Book and Stationery Store, ran be had at lair prices ad LEWIS' BOOK, STATION CItY So MUSIC &rota:. LADY RECKONER JCIu A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars and cents, to which are added forme of Notes, Bilk Re ceipts, Petitions, /c., together with a set of wend tablet containing rate of interest from ono dollar to twelve 011111 f. and, by the singlo day, with a table of wages, and board by tho week and thy. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. BR _lD$, L'"S Pure and Superior Rio Cof fee In packers of one nomad. far snlo of LEII7S CU'.)•r:llnil)• Croerry. A LARGT.I VARIETY of articles too munermis to mention, for I.le at LEW IS & CO'S Fatally Grocery. Can and 11411 • PURE SPICES at CUNNINGHAM d; CAHMON'S. • -------- L - ROUND &ULM. AND SALIVA k_A SALT nt CUIVNLVG/LLif CA/OW-VS. DERFUMERY and Fancy Soaps for ftt .T WIS MS Fatuity 0 rccery. DAIt C I\l ENT DEED PAPER-- I) ruled, for rule at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. C J ALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. ATONTIILY TIME BOOKS, For sale at LI:7IFLS' BOOK AND STA NONE/2Y STOUT; rIA SS M. F.; ES.—A choice lot, of V/black and fancy engsilll , 2ll.S rtt CUNI. , ;IINR3IIAM & CARMON'S. WILLOW and CEDAR W ARE fur so,lo a LEWIS 3 CO'S Family Grocery. milli; TEST E AST.E 1? N CHEESE mh7 , 66,tt. • r NrimirtAm CARMON'S. XTEIV GOODS CONSTANTLY ItP ccivea at CUNNINGHAM & CAIIMON'S. (~21EGATZS,-----Best quality of Sugars ki,nb, CUNNINCULOI c cAnmows. CIARPE TING OF ALL KINDS CUNXLVG/f. I cAn.iroA-s. SPECIAL NOTICE. NEW FIRM PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS - FIR. A. B: Havinencranmently located at Huntingdon, offers his proredlional services to the community. tiro sumo o 4 that lately occupied Ily Dr. Luilen. on Hill fitreet. np10,1805 n il. JOIIN of his profescional services to tho citizens or Huntingdon mid vicinity. 011 ice on 11111 street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Ang. 28, '65. T) ALLISON MILLER, LtaCtttr DEYTIST, to the Erick Row opposite the Court Howie April 13,1550. T E. GREENE, <7;:.---7' ti • DENTI6T. Oflieo removed to opposito the Franklin "louse in the old bank building, hill street, Huntingdon. April 10, 1860. EXCHANGE HOTEL THE subscribors having leased this I Hotel, lately occupied by Mr. McNulty, are prepnred to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall be made on our part to make all who stop with us feel at home. .1. J. Jr. .1. D. PEE, may 2,11566 Proprietors. MORRISON 110118E 1 lEaDtxxitizigcicara, IHAVE purchased and entirely ron• vate,' the large stone and prick building oppo,liii the Pennsylvania Hui'mail Depot, and hove now opened it for the neconinsuilation of the sniveling 'l'hn Car rein, Furniture, Ileds and Bedding tire nit entirely new nod first elaac, stud I ant safe iIL saying that I con alter AC. not ezertled in Central Poincylvnrilii. /Fe, - 1 rent to soy 'donis who Noce formerly known no . while its charge of the Brood Top City not el Anil itoiik soli Ilonoo. JOSEPH .1101:111cM. May lii, 1666-11 K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIUNTINODON, PA OFFICg—In the brick row, oppodts the Court niny3.1.884 MILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Prompt attention given to all legal Imidnesa entramted to him cam. Cl:dins of imidierts and moldier? bet. nvainht Om Uovernment collected without delay. mel2'G6 p .1.1• ATTaILLVE Y . AT liilll 7 , 011ie° on 11111 street. ituynNaDON, PA Prompt attention will be given to tho prosecution of the claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Gov eminent, • m 122,18613 I= SPEER & AIcHURTRIE, A TTOR/ITE I'S AT LA ZY, IRINTINCIDON, PA. Office the Haw as formerly occupied by Mr. Spoor. Huntingdon, Ante. 1-Itn, J. M' MATTERM.. WILLIAM a. sICE. MATTEUN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AHD. LreEivsED CLAIM AGENTS, 11UNTINGDON, PA. °Mee on Hill street. Soldier, Claims against the Government for Bach Pay Bounty, Widows' and invalids' PC1144114 attended to Noll, grit ear, nod promptness. my29.ly $OllO SCOTT, SAMUEL T. Burr, JOIEN M. BAILEY The oamo of this firm has boon chang ed front SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under which name they will hereafter conduct their practice as TTOISNEI'S AT LA Ir, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiors and soldiers' helm againet the Government, will he promptly prosecuted. -Bay 17. 156,-.-tf. A. W. GESEDICT. J. NEWELL. STEWAST. P. 3f. LETLE. I `IIE firm of Benedict & Stewart has 1 been changed to .BENEDICT, STEWART ec LYTLE, antler which name they will hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .11uxv,NunoN, PA They will alQo give careful attention to the colleetku of military and other Claims against the State or Got , eminent. Office formerly occupied by .1. Powell Stewart, udjoin ni; the Court Ilouso. feb6,l6Uti BOYER & GARNER, Dealers in Dry Goads, Groceries, &c., Marldesburg station. M. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Murlblo Manufacturer. ANDREW JOIINSTO.T, agent for (10 Niagara Insturtnee Company, Huntingdon. SIIAEFFE4III, dealer in Boots, 1.31 - Ceitter.i, M'CAIIAN & SON, proprietors of Juniata Steam Pearl MIII , Huntingdon. WI. LEWIS .OCO , Family Gro ceries, Provision and Feed Store, hunt., Pa. Nvm. mArtau & BRO. Dealers iu Dry Goodri, Queonsware, Ilsrdware, Boots, Shoes, S.e. CUNNINGHAM. & CARMON, Merchants, Huntingdon, Pa. WIIARTON & MAG UIItL, Whole• sale nod retail dealers in foreign and domestic Ilurdware, Cutlery, .te., Railroad street, Huntingdon, rillAS. 11, ANDERSON, Dealer in I,Jidlkinds of Lumber, .Ic., Huntingdon, Pn. TAMES A. BROWN, PJ Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, ko., Hunt ingdon, PA. TT ROMAN, • 0 Dealor in Ready :gado Clothing, Hats and Cape, rio GWIN,. a Dealer In Dry Goods, Oratories. hardware, queens ware, lists and Capx, Boots and Shoes, kc. Huntingdon: E. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and S. Retail Dealers in Dry Condo, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and Provisions of kinds, Huntingdon. WI AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and Sio;e3,in tit, Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. TWIN 11. WESTBROOK, Dealer in hoot,, Shoes, llo.,icry, Confectionery, Huntingdon. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and 1-__,4. Provisions oral' kinde, Huntingdon, Pa. D ONNELL & KLINE, NIOTOURAPII 11118, Ilantingdon, r !lir° MAs G. STRICKLEP. LSON, 3lanufacturersof Itrinititer's patent Broom Head or raptor. Huntingdon. T M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, Plain owl 0111:1111.nital Marble Manufacturers. GLIT e 2l ti f . k. u N g ti CO.,Dealers ra in Beady , RM. GREENE, Dealer in INrusie,niu • Bleat Instilment+, tlowinglt ncbtnex. Huntingdon. 'BILL POSTER. The ninicrAigned ofihrs his services to business men mid others desiring circuit ist ribnted or hundbills posted. He Call be seer, nt the Owns °MCC. Huntingdon, Ang. llh ISd5. JOHN KOPLIN. AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS • CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. A LL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and PUll,lOlld, can hare their claims promrtly collected by ap plying either in verso./ or by letter to W. 11. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, ISOB. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. JAS. A. BROWN is Agent for the sale of our Nails and Spikes, at Huntingdon, Pa. It Is well known that tho Duncatmon Nails ate far superior in quality to any others offered In the Huntingdon market DEALERS, 11011.DDRS, and consumers generally will be supplied in quantities fgan one pound to one hundred kegs at:manufacturers' prices by sending their orders or don, calling a [ t his ne 0140n1 w nuninothDUNCA Hardware NON storlße, ON HunCOting- N. -DROWN B]J INIUSLINS Ticking, Limsey. Chocks, blenched and brown cnn. nliucr's Plaid, Wool . riMmeN. .4 a ., at • JTENity ti co's. • SLSOO YFIt Agents everywhere to cell o.rwimaz! ten $2O Sowing Machines. Three now kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five yearn. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY 111.111113 sold in the United States for lens than $4O, which are fully licensed by Home, Wheeler if Wilson, Grocer if Baker, Moyer et Co., and Bache., der. -.111 other cheap nutchinemro infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest. fine and impris onment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine; or Chicago, in. de3o-.ly Q S. CAMPBELL & CO., Inilfactfirilltr CONFECTIONERS, and NVholesale Dealers In FOREIGN FRUITS, RUTS, &C., No. 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. inanuthetzrers of all kinds of Molasses Candy and Cocoanut work. ET WVALb PAPEREO NEIV FALL STYLES. HOWELL & BOLOKE, Paper Hangings & Window Shades, con:m mum! & 31A 11/1 ET RTE., l'll/L,t DA. N 11—Alwayg Iu osioro,n hug,' xtr4l.: or LIN V.N . AND Oth 1411 A Lllll. ru,44:rn BIBIJIABBs ! BIBLIABBs I. I JOSEPH L. IOULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, Pospentfully informs the public that h0b...p..1,0 tor t rvir 11. k. his nr - o ana .logarilly Sited op Billiard Jivan. It contAios FOUIC NEW TA BLF::3 OF A lIP'S MANBVACTURX, superior to any now in the city. This Riliiort Ro, - .1” tompArison with nny room in the State, west of F'Lilndripiiia. INVENTORS' OFFICES. D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, (Awl Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Philada. Patents solicited Consultations on Enxineerinz, and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kinds inado nod skilifully atten.l..ll to. Special attention given to DEJECTED CASES and INTI4It Anthentic copies 01011 Documents from Prttont Office procur“l. N.B.—Savo yourselves nieleSs trouble and traveling expcnyers, no there I. no actual need for personal inter view with us. All Ml:duces with these Offices, can by transacted in writing,. For Dallier information direct rte above with stamp oa.flote.l, Air Circular with reffrencos. Januaryl7, ISUti-ly =I3 SPECIAL NOTICE. I ~ Y '._ .s ~ Pl-lJ A l ",e„~",`,H',.~~~'~n~'t'~` s icr~h7i The above Mlle Casket is furnished NI ith ono hundred Lest quality NMMULES. uumbars most needed for lady's use. They are the best manufactured. Every lady should mend and procure one of those casket. This little casket is forwarded to any address on receipt of 50 cents by mail. Any one wishing to become agent will please send for sample em! circular. Price for sample, 50 cents. I want 1000 agents more. The Orcat A merle in Puzzle will he sent to any address on receipt of ^: cents. It cold:llamas number, = 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. HOPEIN'S "OWN MAKE!" New Fall Styles Are in every respect/iv:4 clues. and embrace r, complete assortment for 1.a.E., 31isses, and Children, of the /20lITA styles, every length and sizes of waist. Our skirts, wh erever known, are inure 111 l iversally pop ular than any others before the public. They retain their shape better, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and really cheaper, than any other Hoop h irt in the market. The springs and thstonings are warranted perfect. Evory lady should try them! They are now being extensively sold by merchants, throughout the country, and at whole sale and retail, at manufactory and sales rosin Ho. 628 Arch St., below 7th, Philatlet. Ask for llopkin's "OWN MAKE"—buy no oilier! CAUTION,—None genuine unless stamped on each K Parl—"llopkin's Hoop Skirt 31.amf.ctory, Nu. G2B Are St., Philattelph Also, constantly on band full line of NOW Yerk Made nt very low prices. TEEMS, NET CASE. ONE MICE ONLY. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND X. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent Du plex Elliptic, or Double Spring, SKIRT. . . The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and plea sure to any lady wearing the Daplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars. church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, nu the skirt can be folded when in nee to occupy a small place ns easily and conve nhmtly as a silk or muslin dress, an invaleable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleanni e. comfort, and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dis pense with their use. For children, misses and young la dies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break liks the single spring but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary skins sill have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with rouble and twisted thread. end the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wegring out when dragging down stoops, stairs, 4c. The Duplex Elliptic hi a great lavorite with all ladies an d Le nuiv ei , a lly recommended by the Fashion Maga gi nes as the standard skirt of the fa,itionable World. To enjoy the C Vowing inestimable advantages in crin oline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and econ omy, enquire for J. IV. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or dou ble spring skirt, and lie sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against impositi in lie particular to notice that skirts offered as "Dmilex";have the red ink stamp, viz : 4.1 Y. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs' upon the waist band—none others aro genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit n pin being passed throagli the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility rind strength, and a combination not to be found in any other spring. For sale in all stores where first class skirts aro sold throughout the United Stiles and elsewhere. bythe solo OWIICfS or the patent. Manufactur,ed wt:sr, BRADLEY ft CAREY, oc2-1-.lm] tip Chambet a and PO 8 81 Betide Sts., N. Y COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHINU from mo In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they Coll iu the Wee, as I have a wholesale store in rhlladelphla. 11. ROMAN. THE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH MACKEREL at CUNNINGHAM CA HAMA'S. (aLN BARRELS AND .LOOKS.—A k_A largo tssortinorlt nt BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. A LL KINDS OF TOBACOO rehaetiale ar.4 retail. at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. Cll_lOlOE Tons, Coffee, Sugars and , : ,. 1 . 01.1,,eA, for eale at le , win . Family avarcery• 1866 PHILADELPHIA =1 . . renal If ILL, 250 Market street, l'hilatla „ • Altirm 'kr •IN r t tr, • DENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IVESTIVARD. . BASTIVA RD --- 1 ,'. 0 • ..1 a:. :FA", tam 1 g F ta m E1 . ..., ' ti :2 STLTIONB. ?!.itl W. 7V . O. "' ql '''' 'On ,' g.' i ?'I • 4 •• r i l i . g • roi. to P. 31.1 A. 31.1 P.M.I 4.11.1 5 151 111 43 IN. llnmlltim, ... 341 524 Ilr 5:1 Att. Onion,— ...... 337 5 31.....1 112 05 Mapleton, 3 29 539 112 35 11111 Creek,— ..... . 321 664 7 06;12 31 807 Huntingdon, 4 68 309 13 53 6 13 112 51 .....fl'ateratirg,......... 262 8 20 I 1 011 !Barren • 2 44 027 1 13 0 3513praceereuk, • 238 641 . 134 'Birmingham, 224 0 49 7 63 1 . 46 8 00 Tyiona,... ..... 4 14 2 16 10 07 7 00 2 00 Tipton, 2 08 7 05 2 08 Foatoria, - 2 01 7 10 2 15 Belle Mille,.. 1 67 •• 7258 25 2 401 730 Altoona,. 325140 9 35 ' I BAS; I Altoona at 3 46 A, awl al 11 A.M. DAY en Altoona atAlr 30 A. 6101 r The The y., The 40 No iT LINE Eastward teams irrives at Huntingdon at 5.1 EXPREBB Eastward leave krrives at Huntingdon 9 48 ST LINE Wtintvrard, dearer and arrives at Altoona at 8 1386. TIUNTINGDON & BROAD , TOP nAILROAD. On and after. .IHonday, NOY'R 5111, ISA Passenger Trains will arrlro and depart' as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NPRTIIWARD TRAINS. STATIONS Arr0:1110 Exruse Accomx•Exrust F 2131013 SIDINGS Lit 4 15iLS S 101fluntingdon, 4 35 0 30046Connollidown, 4 13 8 3310100 Ant Grove... 60) 8 6116farkleibutg, I 5 18 9 10 Coln, Run, 6 , 24 9 18 Rough& Ready,. 5 35 920 Core, 5 401 9 31 PiAlu'A Summit.. AR S 651g 1 : gigazton, 10 201RidiResUnt3 ' 10 23 Hopewell, 1 10 46:Piper's Rnn , 11 18rateRviill , 11 31 1110,xly Run', An:11 35 . ..M0unt Da11n5,.... = I te 10 05 / Saxton,. 10 20 Conlmont, 10 25 Crawford, An 10 35 Ond 1110 lid Top City,.....] if untingdon Nov 5, lOtN. OLIVES AYRIM, Rapt. r..._,„,..„,,,,,. w_,7,_( ...4„5.:2---,,,,,:-,;.:::-.0F,_.....„•.,,,,,w......„,... READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, : JUNE 11, 18e6. e !"I II.EAT TRUNK LINE RP..031 THE k _jr North sod North-West for PLIZIALTI.PaII, YonO, ItCAOINO, PoiTSCILLE, TAMAQUA, AIitiLaND,LXISINON, ALLENTOWS, EpuRATA, Ltnz, I,eafcL2rEß, GAM. ma, &C., Ac. Trains leave Ilarrisbnrg for Now York, as follows! At 3 00, 8,10 and 0 05 A. 31., and 210 and 9,15 P. M., connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania R.R,arriving nt New York 6,00 and 10 10A, IL, A 4.10:5,20.10 45 P. M, Sleeping care accompany the 3 OD a in atiti9 15 p. m.trains without change. Leavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, 31inersville ' Ashland, Pine Grove, Allontovrn and Phila delphia at 810 A. 31., and 210 and 410 0. M., stopping at Lebancri and ptincipal way stations; the 410 p. m. train tanking connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna H.R., leave Harrisburg at 391 PM- Returning. leave Nine -Yong at 7 5 9 A. M.,.12 Noon, P. riaNdolphk, at 8,15 A. 11. r ecnd , 3•30.P: H.; Way Pas senger train learns Philadelphia at Z3O A. At returning from Reading nt 030 Y. we, stops at all stationst.Pettsville at 8.45 A. w.. and 215 P. 131.; Ashland BOD and , /VD-a m, and 1,05 P 31; 'l'amnqme at 9.45 A 31., and '1 ond 8.55,1P11L Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, yin Schuylkill NA Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a m. • An Accommodation Plum:agar Train leaves RUDIMII at 6.00 A. M., and returns from PintADELunt4 at 6,00 P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6 40 uaiy 12 05 and 6 15 P. 31., for Ephrata, Lltlr. Lancaster, CA =lda, Sc. On Sundays, leave Nev York at S 00 P: Of., PfliThdbli pbia S a In nod 3 15 P. 31., am 8 a ru train running only to Heading, Pottsvillo 8 A. 11., Tamaqua 7.30 A. M., Ma ri burg 0 05 A. AI., and Ileadeng.l 33, 7 30 a. to, for. Har risburg. 10,52 a m o for Sun. Tools,. and 4.35 p.m. for Phil, adelphia. CuM3IUTATIOB, MILEAGE, SEASON, School., and nxcunatem TWEETS at reduced rates to and front all poinia. Baggage checked through 80 pounds Baggage laltmed. each P.m:tiger. G. A. NICOLL% Loading,. Juno 25, 1566. . General Soperinkndent THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, L ADIE AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN R UNTINQ DO N CAN NOW BE lIAD AT LEWIS' ROOM, STATIONERY AND MUSIO STORE.. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • AND SMALL PORTRAITS or ALL SH6 DlSSixacrimizt, ➢FFICIRI AN) FOR, SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !! I Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tice. Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper DrDWI Den:rd, lat enp Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Not• Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs mad Sheets, For onto at LEWIS! Book; Stationery end:dude &ere. hwy THE CYTHARA—Thor .P r a sbyt•rian Fradotediet—The • " 17 ' Shawn—TheJubliee—Hunterri and Bertini's enlarged and improved instructors—Wetland's' Nem and Ymprored Method for the Onltar—Leland's Ancor. loon, Violin and Pinto Instructors Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bar• rowee' Piano-Forte -Primer—do; Thorongh-BasePrimer— Howe'. Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Glee Bock— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORM. SPECTACLES. A fine and largo assortment always ork - hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT isigimiNg M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND, A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT LETVIS' BOOK STORE:- PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50*CTS., and 404 FOR THE GREATEST V:ifidEriljTY Handsome and Useful ArtieleN Call at LENVIS' Book Storo .FOR THE LADIES: A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, suitabla fur con fulenSal correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK rE STATIONEEY STORE: QOUR PICKLES ready for the table, by Um doz.,. 34 doz., V i t t o zo trgg i a ly t orocori. riIIIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE X BOXES for wagons of all'EliZeg t for sale at the hard• wilco store of [1e14,1660] JAS. A. BROWN. ' NVELOPES- .. U.4 By tho box, pack, or Icea quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. fIANNED PEACHES and Tomatoes rt . jiilixed Picklea,TemateciCatatip, Pepper'sauce, Lc., & fur cola nt Lards dr Co's Family Grocery, • $9O A.N QTEk 1 . 7 -4gc.cas•wayt tett for el: entirely t y ortieles,just out. Act dress 0. ,T. GARET, City Building, Biddeford, 10300. dee. 20, 1805.—1 y. .tintdon at M. s Ila 55 P. EIDIEI3 Alt 11 39 11 19 11 11 10 55 10 39 10 51 10 10 ID 15 5 45 5 24 6 16 6 00 4 45 4 36 424 Ls 4 05 ' AR 3 b S 3$ 3 Sr 20% azEi 2 34 ca 230 OEM 750 I 3U 25 3 20