The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 12, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Dec, 12, 1866.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
I know of no mode in tohicle a loyal citi
ieen may , so 'melt rteoionstrate his devotion to
his country as by sustaining the Flag : the
-pvii.g,u4ooapd the Union, under all circuin
- .
We give the President's Message in
full , to-day. While the President is
respectful. towards Congress, ho re
males firth in the opiniuns expressed
a year ago, with this difference: then
he was determined to fight his battle
with Congress.within the lines of the
party that elected him—now ho rec
ognizes the old leaders through whose
influence the once great Democratic
party Wits disgraced and made power
lOW-a his — cenfidential adviSers and
friends. In such company he of course
must go under. The Reeds, the Woods
es, the Biglers, the Vallandighams, the
Porters, the Morrisseye, all in sympa•
thY with the rebels when our country
was in danger of being destroyed, can
not save him. They have not yet re
lented of
. their sins against their God
and their country—and the people
will not ho influenced to give them
power, although- thousands and hun
dreds of thousands of voters under
their - influence Were as loyal and true
to their country during the war as
men of any other party.
The decisions by the people at the
late elections were in favor of sustain
ing Congress as against the President's
policy. Those decisions aro law, and
the people must obey. If Congress
does- not abuse its power the whole
country will soon be prosperous and
The whole country is now watching
elegely the proceedings of Congress.
The first week's work is more of a con
fuSed. Mass 'than an indication that any
certain line of policy will be pursued.
Two much work has been cut out in a
short time to expect close fits. Too
many members are anxious to be heard
—to do something. Ono thing looks
possible, that every appointment made
by the President, (unless to fill a va
cancy) will be rejected by the Senate.
AsAfliee is an important item in poli
tics, the appointments of the President
will most likely receive the early atten
tion of . o ,ln9:ressmen. We
_ivo in oth-
propositions of members, and will en
deavor to keep our reifdeg - tform-.0.—„,
in as brief space as possible, in the
important business of the session. A
largo-number of members and Sena
tors will of course have to "blow off"
before a vote on important questions
can be taken, so that weeks may pass
away before we can know the results
of contests.
It Means Something.
At a large and enthusiastic mooting
of the National Union Johnson Club
of tho Fifteenth Ward, Phila., Friday
evening last, the following sentiments,
amongoihers,were unanimously adopt•
od : -
"Whon the majority in Congress
deSeited the principles upon which
they were elected, and which caused
the unhappy difference between them
and the President, we, the National
Union men of the Fifteenth Ward, de
termined to sustain President Johnson;
but, in doinr , ° so; we did not agree to
become the tools of the Democratic
party and assist to restore it to pow
er. Yet, in nearly every State in the
Union the National Union men were
simply used by the Democratic party
to place the reins of government in
their hands. Hero, in Philadelphia,
the claims of the original friends of
President, Johnson are ignored, and
the worst class of Democrats placed in
position." "
Observing the arrival of Thad. Stevens
at Washitigton,on the 22d ult., and
his announcement tho numerous
friends who called upon him, that "ho
was rather conservative last winter,
but that ho intended to - be a radical
hereafter," - called the Astrologer's atten
tion to his Horoscope. Mr. Stevens
speaks truly ; ho will be, radical ; his
stars show it; ho will bo the blind and
reckless leader of the blind, regard
less of the vagmires in the patli ho
treads, or attempts to lead his country,
If Thaddeuls•Stevens - is alive in - 1869,
ho will not bo in Congress: Dien 1868
will tell against him, let be
President. He-liad-better make his
will when hols-irtlifftright mitld ;that
will. - not 7bn . .whoa-he - dies: •So say
the stars which ruled at :his birth
.Bat while helives 'Co travel- the earth
thore . will bb.".47cObtinued ruffling of
the political waters of his eountry,and
those who happen to bo his political
associates and . leagued together in op
position to a civilized reunion of States
will fall with hint, in the fall of 1868,
and sumo orthem before.
.111562'0 . fil 6017. TROMAB
.N. 6. 325, North 10th St., PhHa
BOLD. 1 3 nDICTION.= 11 , 0 sea that
Prof. Hague, the Astrologist, predicts
the release ofJeff. Davis, and has fixed
upon the day that ha will get his walk
ing papers,the 14th of February, 1867.
The men who had charge of the fall
ing star's, appear to have missed a fig
ure. We shall See now how near
Hague .will come in his calculation.
heading matteron every page
Pen and Scissor Items.
A woman's first duty—To take care of her
baby. It is man's right to help her.
There are buried in the United States 341-
670 Union soldiers in 41 national cemeteries.
A Jewish house, built two centuries before
Christ, has been excavated entire in Syria.
It is said that the Michigan Democracy will
pronounce in favor of universal suffrage
throughout the Union.
The Prince of Wales has completed his
twenty-fifth year. A slanderous cotemporary
adds, it is the only thing complete about him.
A Mr. Bates, of Kentucky, 20 years of age,
is seven feet eleven inches high, and still
growing. lle is the "baby" of 11 children.
A Frenchman has invented a something lie
calls port huniere, which he says will enable
the blind to see while using it. Can't see it.
The quantity of paper used every year in
England represents a weight of two hundred
and twenty millions of pounds.
Amusernent for young ladies on a wet af
ternoon—Knitting their eyebrows. This
employment might have been universal with
them here on Saturday last. .
Mr. Josh Billings remarks, and ha ought to
know: "It's dreadful easy to be a fool. A
man may be ono and not know it." Does
this hit anybody
A steel corset Paved the life of a lady in
Louisville who was accidentally shot by her
eon. That's the first instance where we have
heard that they prolonged life.
11. W. Beecher is mortified that the rob-
bars who irttely ransacked his house stole
none of his sermons. Those are treasures
which thieves do not break through and steal.
The inventor of the rebel torpedo rams pro
poses to tell the Government all about those
destructive contrivances. He ought to tell
how many soldiers were killed by them.
New York has some thirty men of great
wealth who are liberal patronizers of the
beautiful in art. It is not said how many
admire the beautiful in nature.
Now York hag 1000 book-keepers, 6000
merchants, 3500 laundresses, 1600 lawyers,
300,000 laboring men, and 100,000 school
children. Doctors aro not mentioned.
horse thieves, robbers and murderers in
fest the frontiers of Missouri, Kansas and Ne
braska, but detectives are here at work, and
it is expected they will pick them all up.
In New York, recently, an elderly gentle
man of sixty was united to a sweet damsel of
sixteen. Both "moved in the highest circles."
Can anybody toll who was the biggest fool?
Several of the most wealthy capitalists of
Paris are prepared to invest their money in
an ocean cable between Franco and the Uni
ted States. Let us have .the cable.
Brigham Young complains that the Gen
tiles are trying to bring Salt Lake City to the
level of San Francisco, Boston and New York.
What a pity Salt Lake city is improving l
A young lady of taleut and beauty, Miss
Bessie Bisbee, took a prominent part in the
late Woman's Rights' Convention at Albany.
She is going to be a busy bee in that sphere.
The Coast of Maine, according to a state
ment made by ono of the engineers of the
Coast Survey, when its indentations aro fol
lowed, is longer than the Atlantic Cable.
Under the Ohio State liquor law, the seller
of liquor is responsible fur damages done by
the party to whom he soils. A liquor vender
last week had to pavSoo damages to a young
man who had been beaten by a drunken crew
Revenge must be sweet to some people, for
a New York lady has just announced that
she "shall take the full contents of the law,"
upon certain parties who have been slander
ing her. We hope she will make a full dose.
The New Orleans Bulletin, edited by col
ored men, advocates the election of General
Butler as the next candidate for President.—
This is the "you-tickle-me, I'll-tickle-you" po
licy. General B isn't President yet.
A man who had won a fat turkey at a raf
fle, and whose wife was very inquisitive about
the method of obtaining the turkey, satisfied
her at last by the remark that the "Shakers"
— rit: ongtrs W - 00 - 1111tifftYpin C.
No man is born into the world whes . px . ,*.
_Ls .. not brouritAi Let
no man deceive himself with the idea that he
is created for anything ignoble.
What a glorious world this would be, if all
its inhabitants could say with Shakspeare's
shepherd, "Sir, I ant a true laborer; I earn
what I wear ; envy no man's happiness ; owe
no man hate ; glad of other men's go-ad ; and
content with my farm."
An improvementin the plan of smelting iron
has been made in the foundry of the Philadel
phia Navy Yard. By this improvement,
where it occupied bef tre three hours in smelt
ing a few hundred pounds, it is now accom
plished in ono hour.
The question of Sunday travel has for some
time past been agitating the people of Geor
gia and the lower house of the legislature of
that State has just passed a bill prohibiting
railroad trains and steamboats Irons running
on the first day of the week.
The San Francisco Bulletin states that the
catch of codfish on the banks on the northwest
coast this season not only demonstrated that
California can supply their own market, but
can become exporters of the article to less
favored localities.
A clergyman, located somewhere in the
benighted region called "Down East," asked
n woman whom ho had baptized, no she was
coming out of the water, "how she felt in her
mind ?" and was considerably surprised to
hear her answer warmly, "Bully."
Mobile savings bank collapsed the other
day because the depositors withdrew the
funds to attend a circus. That's worse than
a young man spending all his savings on his
"dear." Sich is life, that fools and their
money are soon parted.
The Paris physicians report many serious
cases of disease caused by steady work with
sewing machines, and in other cities the at
tention of the physions has been called to the
unhealthiness of this employment. IC any
aro troubled with this species of "stitch" we
advise them to not work so hard and steady.
Seven thousand dollars in gold and silver
were recoutly found by an old hunter, buried
in a keg, near the Mississippi river, below
Wolf Island. The treasure is supposed to
have belonged to some rebel who was killed
during the war. Lucky hunter that.
Two parties of forty mon each in Gorham,
N. 11., devoted two days to slaughtering all
the game they could find. The match resul
ted in one side counting 7424, the other 6442,
all whole game, besides 1,125 ears and tails,
that did not count. One bear and one lynx
were shot. Such is barbarity.
Anthracite coal in New York, last Nov•
ember, sold for $10,75 per full ton. This
November it sells fur $5. This is a hint to
home dealers. By the way,isn't it queer that
when things rise our traders know it imme
diately, but when they fall they don't want
their customers to hear of it.
Representative Bingham, of Ohio, emphat
ieillY denies the truth of n paragraph exten
sively published that ho was preparing arti
cles against the President, on the ground of
complicity in the assassination of the late
President Lincoln. He says he never had
such an idea,and therefore never so intimated
The Masonic, jewels belonging to St. John's
Lodge, at Newark, N. J., were stolen last
week. These jewels hove a historic value.—
They were used by Gen. John L. Cummings,
who was Master of the Lodge before the rev
olution. They were also loaned during the
war to the Army Lodge, at Morristown, pre
sided over by Washington, and were used on
the initiation of Lafayette.
Isaac Taylor emigrated from England to
Cleveland at an early age. He commenced
by blacking boots, get a small farm in Mich
igan, engaged in the Wisconsin lumber trade
and became rich. From his own experience
of orphanhood, he formed the determination
to found an orphan asylum. This his widow
has just done. The endowment is nearly
5150,0,00. The asylum is to be situated at
Raeino. He is another Stephen Cirar, ---
Wmo4l that we had more like
WASHINGTON, DEc. 3, 1860.
The Senate and House were ealled
to order at 1.2:
The President's message was receiv
ed and road.
[The spirit and feeling of Senators
and members can be judged by the fol.
lowing bills and resolutions offered :]
Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, presented a
bill to prevent .the illegal appointment
of officers of the United, States, as fol
Be it enacted by the Senate and house
of Representatives of the United. States,
in Congress assembled :
SEC,TioN 1. That no money shall be
paid from the Treasury of the United
States to any person who, having been
nominated for any office and been re•
jeoted by the Senate, and subsequent
ly appointed to that office by the Pres
ident, for salary, fees, perquisites, or
expenses accruing after the close of
the session of Ihe Senate during which
his nomination was rejected j and if
any person shall appoint, or sign, or
prepare such appointment or commis•
sion, or if any person so rejected and
reappointed shall hold or exercise the
functions of the office from which he
was rejected by the Senate, after the
close of the session of the Senate at
which be was rejected, or if any acs
counting or disbursing officer shall al
low pay to any person so rejected any
salary, fees, perquisites or expenses,
accruing after the close of the session
of the Senate at which he was rejected,
he ehall,be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined not exceeding ten thous
and dollars, or at the discretion of the
court shall bo imprisoned not more
than five years.
Sac. 2. That it shall be the duty of
all courts of the United States having
jurisdiction of criminal offences to give
this act specially in charge to "rand
juries organized in such courts.
The above was ordered to lie upon
the table until the committees are ap
Mr. Eliot asked leave to introduce
bill to repeal the thirteenth section of
the act of July 17, ISO 2, which section
authorizes the President to 'extend by
proclamation to persons who may have
participated in the rebellion pardon
and amnesty, with such exceptions at
such times and on such conditions, as
ho might deem expedient for the pub
lic welfare. The bill was introduced,
read three times, and passed—yeas 111,
nays 29.
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, intro
duced a bill to regulate removals from
office. The first suction provides that
in all instances of appointinents to of
fice by the President, by and with ad
vice and consent of, the Senate, the
power of removal shall be exercised
only in concurrence with the Senate.
In case of disability or misconduct of
officers occurring during the recess of
the Senate, it shall bo lawful for the
President to suspend the disabled or
defaulting officer, and to designate
some other person to perform the du
ties of the office until the Senate shall
have an opportunity of acting. The
President is to make a report of his
action within ten days after the meet-
ing of the Senate, and in case of the
refusal of the So•
- BUM rinspens , on, snspenrled of#tcer
sho pjj„......vuo resume the possession
Hot Ins official functions as though the
same had not, been interrupted. Every
person so nominated to the Senate arid
not confirmed, shall be incapable of
holding any office under the United
States for the term of three years af
ter such rejection, unless two-thirds of
the Senate relieve him from such
disability. The bill was read twice and
made the order of the day for Friday.
Mr. Wentworth, of Illinois, offered
the following:
Resolved, In response to that portion
of the President's message that re
lates to those communities which
claimed to be the Confederate States
ofAmerica, that this House finds in
the many acts of disloyalty which
have transpired in those communities
since its adjournment, as well as in the
recent elections in the loyal States,
additional reasons for insisting on the
adoption of the pending constitutional
amendment before it will consider the
propriety of giving them Congression
al representation.
Mr. Ancona, of Pen nsyl van ia, moved
to lay the resolution on the table.
Lost—yeas 32, nays 119.
Mr. Broomall, of Pennsylvania, of
fered the following :
Resolved, That the Committee on
Territories be instructed to inquire in
to the expediency:of reporting a bill pro
viding territorial governments for the
several districts of country within the
jurisdiction of the United States for
merly occupied by the once existing
States of Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mis
sissippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkan
sas and Texas, and giying to all adult
male inhabitants born within the limits
of the United States, or duly naturali
zed and not participants in the late re
bellion full, equal political right in such
territorial governments. Adopted—
yeas 11:17, nays 37.
Mr. Driggs, of Michigan, offered a
resolution calling on the Postmaster
General for information in regard to
the removal and appointment of post
masters, etc., since tho adjournment
of last session. Laid over ono day un
der the rule.
Mr. Myers, of Pennsylvania, offered
a resolution calling on the President
for like information in reference to all
officers whose appointments the Senate
is required to confirm-,which was refer
red to the same committee.
Dec 4.—The Universal Suffrage As
sociation of Louisiana, said to consist
of thirteen men, has sent a delegation
hero with a series of resolutions ad
dressed to Congress, in which they ask
the impeachment and removal of An
drew Johnson, the abolishment of the
present State government of 12mtisiana,
and the establishment of a loyal Ter
ritorial government, with a military or
provisional government therein. They
also ask Congress to provide for a
State government therein on the basis
of universal suffrage, and also to estab
lisp universal suf6ago throughout the
United States.
Doe. s.—The Timis() had a two hours
session to day, most of which was oc
cupied by Mr. Williams, of Pittsburg,
in a speech on a bill reported by him
from the Judiciary Committee last sea
sion, to regulate the tenure of office.
Ho claimed that Congress could regu
late the entire question of removals
and appointments, and that by the leg
islation provided by his bill, no rem°.
val from office could be made without
the consent of the Senate. llis remarks
towards the- close were severe on the
President. A number of amendments
were offered to perfect the bill, and it
was then postponed until to morrow.
The indications are : that it will pass by
a very large majority.
In the Senate there was a debate on
the bill, passed hy' i the House on Mon
day, repeating Oa amnesty power of
the President. It came up on a mo
tion to refer to the Judiciary Commit
tee. .Mr. Chandler repeated his accu
sations against the President, and re
asserted that pardons were sold on the
streets by women of doubtful reputa-
Con. Mr. Dixon assumed tho champi
onship of the President, denied these
charges, and asked Mr. Chandler for
his proofs. Mr. Chandler replied that
his authority was the Judge of, ono of
the courts before whom testimony to
the effect lie had stated had been ad
duced. Ho referred undoubtedly. to
the trial of Lafayette C. Baker, ex-de
tective of the War Department, who
was arraigned last summer by Mrs.
Cobb on a charge of false imprisou
inept. The bill was finally referred.
Mr. Sumner introduced his resolu
tions on reconstruction, of which ho
gave notice yesterday, and they were
ordered to be printed. They declare
that all proceedings with a view to re
construction originating in Executive
power are in the nature of usurpation;
that this usurpation becomes especially
offensive when it sots aside the funda
mental truths of our institutions; that
it is shocking to common sense, when
it undertakes to derive now govern
ments from that hostile population
which has just boon engaged in armed
rebellion, and that all Governments
having such origin are necessarily ille
gal and void; and it is the duty of
Congress to proceed with the, work of
reconstruction, and, to this end it must
assume jurisdiction of the States lately
in rebellion, except-so far as that jur
isdiction may have boon already re
nounced, and it must reetwnize only
the loyal and valid "Legislatures" as
entitled to representation in Congress
or to a voice in the adoption of consti
tutional amendments.
Senator Wade called up his joint res
olution of lust session, proposing to
amend the Constitution of last session,
by prohibiting,.„clection of Presir
dent or Vice ;Presidifnt of the United
States. He made brief and very
temperate speech ,ori the subject, not
alluding directly to the present Execu
tive, but taking . the ground that all
Presidents bad o late used their pat
ronage to secure re-election. The res
olution was referred to the Judiciary
Dec. s.—The Republican caucus. to
night was attended by nearly every
member of the party from both Houses.
The first business in order was tho re
port of the Committee appointed at
the last caucus, to recommend certain
measures for the consideration of the
The Committee recommended first,
the appointment of a special commit
tee of three to go to New Orleans to
i 2.IM-Vi 2 :, t t t PA l e ( WA AY!
tod with great applause and unanimity.
Next came the recommendation for
the Committee of three to investigate
the circumstances attending the mur
der• of three citizens of .11.aiue in South
Carolina. This looks foggy as report
ed by the Committee, but it was un
derstood to have reference to some
cause which when brought fully to
light will implicate the President in
some way. It was agreed to without
dissent or inquiry, consequently our
special caucus correspondent could not
get at the particular• points in the
It was recommended that the Com
mittee on military affairs inquire into
the truth of the allegations that men
who were on tho Pension roll of the
United. States army andinavy in 186 Q,
and who went into the rebel army and
fought through the war, have been re
instated by order of the President or
his agents and subordinates, on the
pension rolls of the United States since
the close of the war. (Great applause.]
It was agreed to pass a bill exclu
ding from the Electoral College. in
1868 all States not at that time repre
sented in Congress. This was received
with manifestations of great enthusi
asm, and the applause it drew forth
lasted several minutes.
The recommendation was for atom-,
mitten of three to investigate what
truth there was in the report that the
President bad restored lands forfeited
by Act of Congress.
And lastly, it was agreed to pass a
bill that no name should bo placed on
the roll of the Fortieth Congress of
any State not represented in the pres
ent Congress. This drew forth more
applause than ever.
Thus ended the real business of the
caucus. •
Few persons appreciate the value of
liberal and extensive advertising. Yet it
is ono of the most powerful aids to the
business man that can be conceived.
For the benefit of those who can't see
it, when the Use, of advertising is dis
cussed, we give the following instance
of its value : "The man who invented
"Drake's Plantation Bitters," and in
vented the cabalistic sign—"S. T.-
1860—X"---for them, and datibed it all
over the world, has made an inde
pendent fortune. Lately he sold out
his right in the invention (after having
made as mueh money as he needed,)
for $70,000. After the sale, ho was
to communicate the significance of the
wonderful and world renowned hiero
glyphics : "S. T.-ISGO—X." 7 -Started
Trade—lS6o--..X dollars't4ital. And
this is the fact. lie started in business
in 1800, with a capital of only ten dol
lars ; and by dint of constant and per•
sistent, and magnanimous advertising,
he has amassed .a princely fortune in
side of a half dozen years."
BEV-German anTEnglish Almanacs
for 1867, for sale at Lewis' Book
Store. tf.
Diorleo for 1.813
A fine assortment received and fm
sale at Lewis' Book Storo, tr.
IP 0 R S A I_,
Comfortable frame Dwelling house
1.1 with nix rooms. located in Washington street Hun
tingdon, trill be sold at private sale.
For further particulars call at MARCH & BRO'S store,
Runt' ogdou, l's.
Ika"<cotica! , .
THE undersigned, having purchased
11 the interest of Thomas Simpson, has become solo
proprietor of the Foundry in West Huntingdon. In en.
tering upon the second year of business of thia establish
ment, with increamil fncilitiux for tho manufacture of all
Idiots of work in his line, he hopes still to merit and re
ceive a share of public patronage.
rEntato of James Clarke, leconsetLi
Lne undereigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, to diltributo the balance in
the hands of Jelin Thompson, administrator of the estate
of JamesOlarke. late of the borough of Birmingham. de
reared. will Attend to the duties of his appointment at the
OM.] of Benedict. Stewart k Lytle, in the borough of
Huntingdon, on:WEDNESDAY, the 24 day ofJANUAItY
ISG7, when and where all persons interested are required
to be present, or ho forever debarred from coming in up
on said fund. I'. M. LYTLE, •
decl2 Auditor.
TIIE undersigned would respectfully
announce that, in connection with their TANNERY,
they have just opened a splendid assortment of
3F 1 113. 0 Me oeztlioax , ,,
Consisting in part of
Together with a general assiatinent ofFINDINGS.
The trade is Invited to call and examine our stock.
Store on WILL street, two doors west of the •Presbyte
ria it church 4
The highest price paid for hide and bark.
Huntingdon, Dec. 12.3 m
3E3r<CoXI 10<c•ILI.X:LcaeX•,
Non niacturer of all kinds or work In 1114 line,. among
which the
Will find Thrashing Machines, Plows, Slid soles, Jiottle
Will find Round Mandrils, hollow Anvils, block and co
lar Tiro benders, Tire irons, clod mul sleigh girl., Wago
hexes, Ac. The
Can linen all kiwis •t Machinery. Tho
Can have door and window sills and Lintels, sash weight.
collar window grates, ill sizes, porch stand 0, armor fo
rain spouts, chimney ceps, pavement castings, for coo
and wood cellars, beaters for warming privato
and public buildings, doors and frames for bake oven •
iroll riffling fur verandahs, porticoes, balconies, and fe.
euil Or ell Itiuda.
Particular attention paid to touring grave lots. Every
body can hero threshing machine, plow and stove repairs
and all kinds of iron and brass castings. . . .
Tho undornigned, acting on behalf of the heirs of John
IL Stonehraker, drcertiod, will offer at public solo, on
promises, in FRANKLIN township,
On Friday, the 28th of Deeember,.lB66,
at ono o'clock, F. M., the following real °sista:
'llia Homestead Tract, containing 24 acres. situatod ou
Spruce Creek, at Celorain Forges, nivel, miles from eta
thin on Ronnie Railroad, having good turnpike thereto.—
Eiectod thcreon is V. largo two-story.
fronts 35x36 feet, Ms 18 Act, ono barn 3.1,02 feet, one
Potter :Imp, with kiln and all necossary appurtenance
for nmuttfacturing eartheuwere. This land is of good
quality, adapted to farming purposes, and has on it an
orchard of about 80 young trees, grafted fruit. In midi
rto these, there are about lon choice plum, pear,
cherry, apricot, and peach trees, and a 'madam of grape
vines, nil of Cho ben quality of fruit.
;ti ALSO, a tract of thither land, containing 10 acres, situ
ated mm•fonrth of a unto from the above property, be
tween Spruce emelt and Mercy Mountain.
All the alms° mentioned property easy of access.
For further particnlars inquire of the undersigned, at
Altoona, or of Wm. Bice, at presort occupying the prem
Terms made known on tiny oDicire,,u.c,,,,vta;
Real .112oi3ta,to
[Estate of 1{ Mans Stewart, deceased.]
lip virtu° of a plurias order of the Orphans' Court o
Iluntingdon county, Otero trill be exposed to public sal
on tho
On Thursday, December 27, 1866,
nt 1 o'clock, P. M., all Um' certain
situated in Barret, township, Huntingdon co., Pa.. adjoin
ing lands of.lames Ewing, William Morten's heirs, Snail
Silo - litter, and others, containing 200 ACRES and 20
perches. nett measure, about 120 acres of which are clear
ed and iu n good state of cultivation, the balance being
well timbered with chestnut, chestnut oak. and walnut.
'rho improvements are a two story and a half DWELL.
LINO ROUSE, having eight rooms and a cellar,
aa largo frame Bank Barn, with corn crib and
Wagon Shed attached, smoke house, spring
house, and a never failing spring of good water
wMinti two rode of the Dwelling house, and a stream of
rimming water In the Barnyard. This desirable farm Is
situated within nine miles of the Penna. railroad at Pe
tersburg, awl within one•ltalf mile of the schools, church.
en, and post °Rico at Manor 11111, and in the best wheat
growing portion of Shaver's Creek Valley. The crop in
the ground reserved, and possession Will be given on the
let of April. 1867. The property will be sold entire or in
separato parcels 119 may beat suit purchasers.
TiOtSS OF SALE.—One third of the purchase money
to ho paid on confirmation of sale. and the residue In two
equal annual payments with interest, to be secured by
the bond and mortgage•of the purchaser.
Athu'r de bolt non cum test. an. of Wnt. Stewart, deed
ALLARGE 6 up. Catalogue, teaching
bow to remore ran, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches,
Moth Patches, Sallownem Eruptions and all Impurities
of the skin. flow to force Whiskers. restore, curl and
beautify the hair: room the ago, cure Drunkenness, Nor.
soul Debility, and other useful and valuable informa
tion, EVeryholiV Bend for it. Address BERGER, SIIUTTS
& CO., Chemists, 2.13 River Street, Troy; Nato York.
Dec. 4, '66.-Ir°.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing between the un
dersigned in the TANNING 13T1SIN MS, under the firm
name 01 Darman Bros. is this day dissolved mutual
coilsent. •
The bminesi rill ha continued by A. 11. BAUMAN, who
Will settle the buvinesi of the tote firm.
Mapleton, Nov. 28. 15.66-3 t
Dissolution of Partnership.
The copartnerBhip heretnforo existing. under the firm
of Wm. Lewis k Co.. was (lissolvod by mutual consent on
the Path inst. The book accounts will be settled by Win.
Leulg, who will pay all claims agaiutt, and collect all
monoya due the nem. WIS. LEWIS tc. CO.
Iluntlog.lou, Nov. 20, 186 G.
Tho business will ho continued by tho undersign . el—
A foil stock of choice GROWS niES, and other articles for
family use, kept constantly on hand far the accommoda
tion of all w h o may favor Wirt with their patronage. A
share of patronage solicited.
Nov2U,ISll64t WM. LEWIS. .
• ` 3 - . 7 "" --
F rally License, . Excl . o terrltoy given,
I!) f i ,arV'"22Pgnthllrrm.ll!e,Lir;ll3.?,tAiitlrp,Cllet
°Mg' PA I BOTHERS, •'lAl ! nts •4 Chestnut
221 Summit Rt., Tolcdo,O.
• . .A.G-MSTTS
November 2h, 156G.31n,
.Zl..g;(33ratea li7 T.1%/iteel
And best selling Subscription Books Pub-
We are the most extensive pabliehers in the United
States. (having six houses,) and therefore can afford to
sell books cheaper and pay agents a mere liberal com
mission than any other company.
Our books do not pass through the bands of General
Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do.) tlwre
fore see aro enabled to give our canvassers the extra per
cent. which is usually ttllowed to general agents. Expert
enced 1,111,1.01 will sea the advantages of dealing chb
rectly.with the pllbliSher,
Our series elllbraCei the most popular works on all std.
jects of inwortance, and is selling rapidly both North and
Old agents, mid all others, who want! the best paying
agencies, will please send for circulars and see our terms,
and compare thou, and the character of our works with
those of other publishers. Address,
• Philadelphia, Pa.,:lloston,.Massa., Cincinnati ; Ohio,
no2S-Ifi Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Va.
pt Itnntingdon will allow a reasonahlo rate of Inter
est on money 1.11 lirpoAito for Hiroo months or longer.
Felt") H. W. 01.111RE'll . :;01 , I, CAI kr..
N.._- ..
. ' e...... ,01,
....--L-_, 71, -1,,..1, - 1.• 7'o
i' A
* ...'
« 4
....,..,. „„_...,,,ii 0 ~.„, ~
-.,,tv.„.,.7,.; . .:,... 7..i 1 / 4
. „_;.., 1 :ll .-- . - k- - --v 7))
--- wt--).-I=-,-
..`'T"C:I9"V - IMR; S ,
Coal Buckets,
Hot Air Ro[istors for Ceilings,&c
Of the Best New York Styles,
New Patent Lanterns,
For .TeareAers and Carriage
&c., &e., &c., &c.
For any or all
of the above
~ ease
TS hereby given in •accordance with
the 18th section of -the act of Assembly approved the'
18th day of July. A. D. 1803, that the stock (or so much
thereof es is sufficient to pay all assessments together
With the costs of advertising and sale) of such of . the
stockholders of the Porter Island Ott Company as hove•
not paid the 3d and 4th assessments or either of them,
will be eold by public outcry, at the JACKSON HOUSE
in the borough of Huntingdon, Pa., on the 26th day of
DECEHNER, A. D. 1866, at ten o'clock. e. m. •
Tho amount of the 3,1 assessment is five cents per share
and the amount of the 4th assessment la three 302431
cents par share. W. SicK.WILLIAIISON,
Huntingdon, Dec 6.3l Tremor°,
. .
39 - Nc:lam 30 .
THE undert4ig,necl offers at private
enlo, no following properties •
nowOccupled by William Stowed. on Allegheny Atreet,
in tho borough of lIUNTINGDON. Terms: Ono-fourth
In hand and residue :hi throe equal Tonnal paymonts with
inherent: -
„ .
In WALISTtit titrivihtp, part of MO . . "Ihryin;lita Farm"
containing 83 acres, having.. fill.) young orchard thereon.
Terms made known on application to .
Huntingdon, Deo 2.At
, •
• •
A LOG HOUSE, - 13: stories; a:frame
blacksmith shop. and fournereir ofground, in Jack
son towifshlp. Within two Miles of bfoiluvy'S.yort,
bo sold at privito Wu; n I
em s a good 'orchard of all
kinds of fruit, good well of water, alibi(' and 'Milos oat
buildings on" tho premises. • • •
Application to be made to SAltift TIIPIIPSON on the
T OTS FOR SKLE:--:The kibiteribers
JUltavo some lots in the town of- Grantsville, or Mar.
klesburg station, which they will fall at low prim), ft/mil
po to $lOO. All i4lni dosire.a.good healthy locatiou to
build would do well to call upon them soon at their aim,
and seen re f,r theinseires lots at low prices.
Gruuteville,roylii. • • • • BOYER k GATINSR.
[Bilbao of Samuel Fong, deed.)
he undersigned Auditor elipointed to distribute the
balance on the adminhdration account Or JacoliFonat.
administrator of Samuel.Foust, Into of.Shirloy township,
deceased, will attend at the office. or Scott. itrolVp .t Bal.
ley. on FitIDA the 14th day of DECISIUSHR, 1865, at 2
o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of making said distribu•
tion. when null whore all persons' nosing • Claims' upon
said fond wilt present them or ho debarred from calming
in for a share of said fund. . ,
11 (Estato of Samuel Di kljton, , dec'd.] •
The undentigned having been appointed Auditor. to.
distribmo the baloney in tho hands or David Ritrlck and
A. B. etinniuglinnt, administrators of Saifiliel D. Blyton;
decensc'd; all persons interested In tinid fund will lake no
tice thitt•ke will attend to' the dutiiii 6f hislipp6intment
at the Wilco of Scutt, Brown 4k• Bailey,on TUB IiSDAY,
the 20th day of DkCII3IIIDIt, 1806, nt 1 o'clock, P. 31., or
said day.' • • • • BAWL. T. BROWN,
no2B • • Molitor,
[listate'of Simon Grata; demised]
The undersigned. Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of iluntingdon county, to distribute tho 'fund ist
the handl of Simon Orate, executor of Oaten will of Si—
mon firatz, 'aloof tho borough of Orblsonle, deemed; all
peroons interested in said bond will take nonce OM he
will attend todho duties of his ekinintniont at the office
of Scott, Brown k. Ilnileh . ou FRIDAY, tho blot day of
DECEMBER, - 11360, et one o'clock. P.M., o't said day.
no's Auditor,
The undersigned Auditor 'appointed bye the .Court of
Compton Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the
fund arising from the solo of the real estate of
Benjamin F. States and Rebecca states bin wifo, to and,
among thosoJagally entitled thereto, hershygiess notice
the the will attend at his ogles in Huntingdon, on SAT,
UItDAY, tho 22d day of DECB3l3l3l,rnort; A . . D 41868, at
1 o'clock, p. m.,for the. purpose of making said.ffstribu.
lion. when an whew all persons baring clainte upon said
fund aro minima to present the enmo orbe.dobarrod from
cooling in for any share of said fund.
no2S THEO.H. CREMEH Auditor.
r "b [ U gs r t i t:Pe of I\ m T a ° ,ll r i l lo CE d . e — c'd.i
.et tors testamentary, on the estate of Thomas Wilson,
late of Barren township,. Huntingdon no., dec'd., having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
to the estate ate requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims, to present them duly authenti
cated fur settlement. •
loßal Store.
Wood and Willow-ware,
Boots and Shoes, &o.
December 5, 180
WE. "ir3O.I I •TriMMEW.,
THE unciersiomed offers for the .in
ennction and pnrchaso of custoihers alargo and as.
sorted stock of Grocorfos, Provisions, 4:c: He feels sall.
lied they can bo accomodated with anything in his lino.
Ills pricos aro low, arid his stock fresh and good. He
keeps the best of .
HATS & CAPS, &o:
And NO T.I 0 NS of overt kind..
A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUERNS
WARE, and all othor articles kept in ; a well regulated
establishment for sale at reasonable prices. "
Ills. Store to on 11111 stroot, nearly opposite the.
Dank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove.
Call and examine. ' • Z. YENTER.
oc. 31, 1866 - ; .
13tv.,AND, - :,x - "nsiFD-t
„51 : 0*....- . .,Fii..0 - 4 ; q6.,: . i.0.c: .
THE undersigned would respectfully
j_ announce. that he manufactures and keeps constantly
,n bends le,ge and splendid assortment of
- -
Windsor and cane seat chairs, cupboards, at and rota•
wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a 'rad
ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to
bu satlitactory.
Ile 1,1 alm agent for the .well known Dailey A Decamp
patent spring Bed Bottom.
Tho public aro invited to 'call and examine his stock,
before 'maiming elsewhere. . .
Work and sale,. 'rootu on Hill street, near . Smith, one.
door weat of Venter'keture. • • , •
Huntingdon, Aug.l,lSo6
JOHN BARE, '& . CO., . Bankers,'
33C - txxitliawclcare., Pnn..
Solicit account' from [tanks. Ibutkers h °them Inter
t allosved on Deposits. All kinds of :Securities, bought
and siald for the usual commission. Special attention
given to Gorenteletlt Securities. Collections made on .
all pilots.
Persons depositing Gold mid Savor will receleo_lhsh
some in return with Interest.
Oct, 17, ISUG-tf.
_ . .; • Auditor