The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 28, 1866, Image 1

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* . elr annum in advance.
.six months
Three m0nti5..1...........
.1 insertion, ' 2 do. 3 do.
'Jos square, (10 lines,)or less.s 75 $1 25 $1 60
Two squares 1 60 2 00 3 00
Three squares, 2 25 ..... ..- 3 00 4 60
3 months. S menthe. 12 months.
sne square, or liesk:-. ... ... ft 00 , $6 Oil:. $lO 00
two squares, . 6 00 9 00 15 00
three squares, 6 00... . ......12 00 20 00
Veer squareis,....- 10 00 15 00 '25 00
Half a column, 15 00 20 00 80 00
One column 20 00 no 00.... ..... .00 00
, Profenelonal and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One year, $.5 00
Aslmlnlstratore' and Executor. , Notices $2 60
Anditone Notices, 2 00
Eetray, or other short Notices 1 50
421 - Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily colonists a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of sneer.
lions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged act
'lording to these terms.
Ocr prices for the printing of Blanks, Eloodhllis, etc.
are rliseosisbly low.
!LO VA Ti MtGli3m.—The prettiest thing, Ilia "sweetest
thing•' and the most of It for the least money. It over
comas the odor ofperspiration; softens and adds delicacy
to the skin; Is a delightful perfume; allays headache and
inflammation, and la a necessary companion in the sick
room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It
can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle.
_Saratoga Spring Water, told by nll Druggists
S. T.—lSM—X.—The amount of Plantation Bittern
sold in one year is something startling. They would fill
Broadway da feet high, from the Park to 4th street.—
Drake's manufactory le one of the institutions of If. York.
It Is said that Drake painted all the rocks iu the eastern-
States with his asbalistic . 'S.T.-11360.--X," and then got
the old granny legislators to pass a law "preventing dis
figuring the face Multiuse," which gives him a monopoly
We do not know how this la, hot we do know the Planta
tion Bitters sell es no other article ever did. They are
- need by all classes of the community, and are death on
Dyspepsia—certain. They are very invigorating when
languid and weak, and a great appetiser.
Saratoga Spring Water, cold by all Druggists.
"In lifting the kettle from the fire i scalded myself very
severely—one hand almost to a cast. The torture wee
unbearable. • e •- The Mexican Mustang Liniment
relieved the pair. almost Immediately. It healo rapidly,
and left very little scar.
Chas. FOICTER, 420 Broad at., Philada."
This is merely a sample of what the Diestang Liniment
will do. It is invaluable in all eases of wounds, swellings,
sprains, cuts, bruises. sprains, etc., either upon man or
Beware of counterfeits. None is genuine unless wrap
ped in fine steel plate engraving.; bearing the signature
of C. W. Westbrosk, Chemist, and the private stamp of
Does BARNES 4t. Co., New York.
Saratega :pring Water, sold by all Druggists.
. -
All who 'able a leantiful head of hair, and its presor
oa from premature baldness and turning gray, will
nut fail to use Lyou's celebrated Kathairon. It makes the
Lair rich, Bolt and glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes
the hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve
rywhere. E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y.
Saratoga Sio-iNg Nato-, sold by all Druggists.
WRAT Inn IT T—A young lady, returning to her country
home after a sojourn of a few months In New York, seas
hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a rustic,
flushed face, she had a soft, ruby complexion, of almost
marble smoothness; and instead of 22, she really appear.
ed but 17: She told them plainly else used !legatee Mag.
nolia Balm, and mould not he without it. Any lady can
improve Ler personal appearance very mach by using
this article: It can ho ordered of any Druggist for only
ED cents.
Sarattga Spring :7uLtr, sold by all Druggists
Yliinistreet s s inhuhallbs Hair Coloring has been steadi
ly growing in favor for over twenty years. It acts upon
the absorbents at the roots of the hair, and changes it to
Its ot iginol color by degrees. All instantaneous dyes
'deaden end Injure the 'hair. Ileimstreet's is not a dye,
but is certain in its results, promotes its growth, and is a
beautiful Ibilz Dressing. Price EA cents and $l,OO. Fuld
Sty all dealers.
'Saratoga 6pring Water, sold by allprugglats.
'Hon. Nanaeii, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera tilot bus,
.Ic., where a warming. genial stimulant is required. Its
careful preparation and entire; purity make it a client) and
reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere
at 50 caul. per bottle.
Sareoga Spring Water, sold by ail Druggists.
S alyll, 1866-eowly
the above articles for sale by S. S. SMITH,
Huntingdon, Penna.
Internal ad EVental Medicine,
Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux in one day,
C' Headache and Barache In three minutes.
Jiair. Toothache in one minute.
AB. Neuralgia in five minutes,
4051- Sprains in twenty minutes,
AFir Eore Throat In ten minute.,
AZie• Cholic and Cramp In fivs minutes,
Itheumatiern in one day,
ios_ Fain In the Back or Side in ten minutes,
In.. Died Coughs or Colds in ono day,
Fever and Ague in one day. -
11.3_ Cures Deafness, Asthma, Plies,
Bronchitis Affection., Dyspepsia,
1.13.. Inflammation of the Siduey., Erysipelas,-
• vs_ Liver Complaint and Palp:teflon of the Heart. *
Keep it in • your Families—Sickness
conies when least expected.
I propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache
and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of
all the circulating fluids in the homer, system; than can
be effected by and other, or all other methods of medical
cdin the same space of limo. •
T MS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into use, for
,the fact that I cure, tree of charge, all these cora
_plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do eo. As
aeon as It Is applied it almost miraculously kills the pain.
Ido not ask you to buy before you ate 'certain of Its dn.
ciency. "Tyrl hare no ache or pain, it is warranted to do
.011 it purports oaths label.
I do not propos° to cure every disease—only a class
named by my diret s ,\lls. My linimentoperates on chem
ical and electric pnacipies, and is therefore. applinble,
to the cure or natural restorative °Fall organic derange
ment arising from an improper circulation of tho nerve
:vital fluids.
Prof. 3. 11. MeEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di
rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other
swellings in incredible Ilea time, without any Possible
idanyerfront its use under any possible circumstances.
This IS an internal and external medicine—composed of
roots, herbs and barks, such as our forefathers used.—
There is a bountiful snpply on earth to cumuli complaints
If we only know what they were.
This has been a great study with the Medical Faculty
(or many years, to find out the blade best adopted to the
above complaints—bow to put them together, and what
proportions to me, • • J. 11. MeENTYRE,
Proprietor, Rending. Pa.
Tor sale at Lewis' Book Store
unntingdoe, Pa.. gept. 6, 1865.
For alt diseases arieing from one comm. viz: Fever and
Avis; Dyspepsia. Catarrh In the fiend, Weak and disor
dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, kick Headache, Oid.
illness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Aliments,
Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains. Pains in the Buck or
Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of
the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, gravel,
'Worms, &c., Sc: - Sold at 25 cents per b 0;.
Tbi.infnllible medicine is warranted to expel worms in
all twee and may be given to cnildren we] ages, as they
are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless..
SHP— Can bi had at Lewis' Book store. Huntingdon, Pa,
Q E. HENRY Sc CO. have the lar-
Li•gcst stock of Ladies Shawls, Hoods. Saksguel, Bal.
mural and hoop Ski: to, Ladles Coats, Sacks and Circulars
aiw. 3 , on hand at
ing - Parlor Stores, and all kind, of Hollow waro;.at
no7 • S. E. HENRY ♦ CO.
_j_ of Huntingdon will allow a reasonable rate of inter
est en money left on &polite for throo mouth. or longer.
sel.9-3m • 0. W. GARR PITTEION Curlier.,
t 2 CO
. 1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
'he lJtotre.
(For the Globe..(
To the Memory of a SiBter,
Can it be, our darling Mary,
That thy gentle spirit's fled ;
Gone from earth, aye, and forever,
Numbered with the holy dead I
Cold, my sister, thou art lying
In thy narrow bed to-day,
And the chilling winds are sighing
O'er thy grave a funeral lay.
Soon the snows of early winter
Will o'er thy tomb a mantle spread ;
White and pure (like thee, Mary,)
They will fall upon thy head.
When the Spring shall come, Mary,
And the flowers begin to grow,
We'll not forget thee then, darling,
To thy resting place we'll go.
With the choicest flowers, Mary,
We'll bedeck thy simple mound;
And the birds for thee, Mary,
Shall make their sweetest sounds.
Then fare thee well, dear Mary,
Though on earth we meet no more—
But 'tia joy to think, sister,
We'll meet upon the other shore.
Nov. 19, 180. MCCARDLE
Looking Under the Bed.
It is the habit of many persons to
take a look under the bed before retir
ing for the night. Mrs. Evergreen, my
beloved wife, indulges, if indulgence it
can be called, in this peculiar practice.
Ido not object to it the least so long
as she does not enforce the perform
ance upon myself, but when, as is
sometimes the case, she forgets it until
she has put out the light and enscon
ced herselfunder the comforter, then
it is hard that I, who am not troubled
with nervous apprehensiveness, should
have to get out in the cold and do it
for her. I have often remarked to Mrs.
Evergreen, when I have seen her pry
ing under the bed, that it was a silly
habit, and that the sooner she gave it
up the better. To this gentle admoni
tion my better half invariably rejoins :
"La, .6vergreen ! What harm does
it do ? It's a kind of mitl44ction to
know thtit nobody's nuclei. there. And
then I don't think of such a horrible
thing after I'm in bed."
"fthink, my dear, you mightjust as
well pursue your investigation fur
ther and look into the bureau drawers
and the clothes basket I"
"Evergreen," she will rejoin, "don't
mention the idea, or I shall certainly
do so. Come to think of it,a man could
very easily get into the clothes bass
km !"
"Certainly he could, my dear, quite
as easily as Falstaff. You should cer
tainly include the clothes basket, and
by-the-by, there's the chimney; who !,
not look up that as well t"
"Now, Evergreen, you're laughing
at me. But I can't leave off the habit,
and I never will. It's a comfort for me
to know that there's nothing wrong
about it. and I don't see why you
should deprive me of it."
So under the bed goes the candle,
and no signs of humanity being dis
covered. Mrs. Evergreen is able to re
pose in•peaco. But as already obser
ved, this precautionary act is some
times forgotten, and I am myself obli
ged to rise, light the lamp, and report.
I've done it rather more frequently of
late than is agreeable, and have inti
mated as much to Mrs. E. She says :
"Very well, Evergreen, I'll do it
But this procedure is almost equally
as bad, for she invariably lets the cold
in on me both in getting out and get
ting in. If it were not for increasing
this mental idiosoynoersy on the part of
Mrs. Evergreen, by giving her some
good reason to apprehend danger, I
should relate to her what .I am about
to lay before the reader. In this narra
tion, therefore, I ask the public most
particularly to bear in mind that Mrs.
Evergreen is of a sensitive naturo,rath
er apprehensive and slightly supersti
tious, and that what I have to say,
must under no circumstances, bo told
again. If for two-and-twenty years
(that is the period of our wedded life,
and happy years they have been)—if, I
say, I have for this long period re
frained from imparting the matter to
the beloved sharer of my joys and par
taker of my sorrows, surely the public
(which, as wo know, always does keep
a secret) will keep mine.
All young men, I suppose, have love
affairs before they eventually fix their
affections on the ono who is to bless
their lot in life. I know that I had,
and I don't regret it. Regret it ? far
from it. Mrs. Evergreen ie not pres
ent, and therefore I have no hesitation
in saying that if I had my life to live
over again I'd like to go through with
the same sentimental experience, par
ticularly if it was to be succeeded by
again leading to the hymenial altar
the present Mrs. Evergreen.
I was not bad-looking when I was in
my twenties. 1 think I may go furth
er, and confidentially say that "Gus
Evergreen" was a decided favorite
among the girls of Oaks Ville, and I re
ally believe that I could have had any
of them "for the asking." As I before
remarked, Mrs. Evergreen is not preg
ent, and I indulge my thoughts some
what more freely than would other.
wise be the case. Idon't think that I car
ed particularly for any of the Oaksville
girls, however and I might have kept
my heart, whole this day if it had not
been for the circumstances which I am
about to relate.
Fred Evans, who had been my chum
at school, came to make me a visit at,
Oaksvillo for "a day or two," as he
said, when ho came ; but ho made it a
week or two easily enough after I'd
taken him about a little among the
"young ladies." When that time had
expired Fred said he really must go,as
ho didn't know what his father and
mother would think of his long, ab
sence; but it ended in his relieving
their anxiety by a letter and sending
for his trunks. I knew how the matter
was perfectly well, and that Belle
Bronson had bewitched him out of his
five senses. Fred used to put it on to
the "country air and the quiet which
was benefiting his health. &c.," but it
was no use trying- to deceive me, and I
told him so. Then Ile owned up frank
ly, and I promised to help him all I
could, if ho required any help in the
prosecution of his suit. I never thought
Belle a flirt, or that she would willing
ly distress any human being ; but she
had way of looking into one's eyes as
it to captivate them for her mere per
sonal amusement.
At any rate she had a larger share
of beaux than the other girls, hut all
their attentions came to nothing. I
feared it might be so with Fred Evans
and warned him accordingly, but Fred
said he'd "have her if he tried all his
life;" that "without her, life was
naught to him ;" that "she was the
only living being who had over awak
ened a real emotion in his breast," &c.,
&c. After that I said no more, but
closely observed the lovers, and soon
came to the conclusion that Fred was
by no means disagreeable to her.
Things went on in this way without
any definite results until Fred received
a sudden summons home on account of
his mother's illness. When he came
back to renew his visit he insisted up
on staying at the Oaksvillo Hotel rath
er than wear out his welcome at our
house, and finding remonstrances un
availing, there he wont. The landlord
(honest old Downsbury—l wonder if
ho yet lives) gave Fred, at my sugges
tion, his best bed room, "No 20"—I
am particular in mentioning the num
ber. "Ho shall have No. 20," said
Downsbury. "Any friend of yours,
Master Augustus, shall have the best
I have to give as long's I'm landlord."
It was a pleasant room, looking out
on the distant hills and the beautiful
winding branch of the Black water ;
but what cared Fred for scenery ? He
was in the hands of tho blind g od, and
could not Bee even as far as :113 nose,
except in the direction of Belle's • cot
tage. I used GO go over to - Fred's room
and smoke my cigar, while
.ho, poor
wretch, expatiated on his sufferings,
doubts, and solicitudes. Did she love
him ? that was the question which dis
turbed every moment of his existence,
and to which, with the closest reason
ing, he could not bring himself a satis
factory reply. Sometimes he thought
a word or a sign settled the point be
yond a doubt in his favor, and at oth
ers he faucied ho read a coolness and
indifference in her eyes. In this condi
tion of uncertainty he dared not to
press the question lest a hasty stop
might bring him to grief.
At Fred's earnest solicitation I pro
mised to sound Belle as to her senti
monts, if a favorable opportunity pre
sented itself, or at any rate to let her
know, in an indirect way, that Fred
was languishing in distress on her ac
count, and thus give her no excuse
for unnecessarily- prolonging his mis
ery. It so happened, however, that
my services were not called into re
quisition. Belle Bronson, because of
the sudden arrival at, her house of some
country cousins, was obliged to give
up her room—and to occupy for a sin
, gle night a room at the hotel. We
would cheerfully have offered her
guests accomodations at our house,but
we were in the same predicament. An
agricultural fair in the village bad
brought many strangers to the
and our guests were so numerous that
I had given up my room to two of
them, and bad intended asking Fred
Evans to let two pass • the night with
For this purpose I wont to the hotel
at a late hour, and proceeded at once
to Fred's room, but to my surprise
found DO one there. I did not even
notice that the trunk was gone, or
suspect the fact, which afterwards be
came apparent, that "to oblige some
lady guest for this night only," as the
landlord expressed it, Fred had con
sented to give up "No. 20" and occupy
a small room in the rear of the build
ing. The gas being turned up, I took
a book to await his return, and hearing
at last what appeared to be steps ap
proaching the room, And supposing it
to be Fred, in a momentary impulse to
play a joke on him, I slipped tinder the
bed, a largo and high one, intending to
imitate a cat (of which animal I know
he had a detestation) as soon as he en
tered the room. The door opened,
and I was on the point of indulging in
my ventriloquical faculty by giving a
long-drawn nueow, when from my hid
ing place I beheld Bello Bronson take
possession of the apartment:
My astonishment was so great, anti
the sense of mortification so intense,
that I did not, as I should have done,
make myself immediately known to
her. Thus the opportunity for dis
covery and explanation was 105t.9
dared not move a hair, but hoped sin
cerely that some excuse might take
her out of the room for a moment, and
so facilitate my escape. Sho, how
ever, locked the door, removed the key,
and, as I know by the sound. prepared
to retire. Finally .sho kneeled down
beside the bed, and clasping her hands
and bowing her head (so fearfully near
to mine that I could hear the soft
words in my very ear), sho offered up
her evening praYes in a manner so full
of feeling, and with such sweet accents
of womanly tenderness and devotion,
that I felt as if she was an angel bend
ing over the vilest of mortals. That
prayer wont to my heart; but one por
tion went through it and held it. cap.
tive. Never »ball I forget my feelings
of surprise and deep emotion when I
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hoard her utter thosowords: "Bless my
dear mother, sisters, and friends; bless
all around me, and, 0 God bless him I
love, Augustus Evergreen, and shower
down thy mercies over him. Amen."
"Ah, Augustus," said my divinity to
herself, as she rose from her devotion
al attitude, "if you but knew that I
named your very name in my prayers,
you would be less indifferent to me!"
If I breathed short before, after this
my breath seemed to desert me en
tirely, and I verily thought that the
beating of my heart would betray me.
Belle, pure as an angel to mo then,
and white as a snow flake, proceeded
to turn off the g'as and get into bed. I
felt her soft pressure over my head,
and shrunk closer and closer to the
hard floor upon which I was extended.
What thoughts rushed through my
brain ! above me lay a young unso
phisticated girl wholly unconscious
that the one she loved lay so closely to
her, and who had for the first time
been made aware of her interest in
him, by hearing words which she sup
posed went only to Heaven I I knew
then that the night must pass away,
and the morning come, and that Belle
must first leave the apartment before
I could venture to change even my
Belle had lain perfectly motionless
for several minutes and was, I flattered
myself, losing herself in sleep, when
suddenly she exclaimed to herself,
"There—l haven't looked under the
bed." A horror ran through me; all
is lost; what should Ido ? Belle, rose
And I heard her feeling for the matches.
She struck_ ono _and was moving to
ward the gas-light, when the lucifer
wont out, leaving all darkness again.
Blessed relief; but how brief! Again
I heard her feeling fbr the matches and
trying to light one after another, as
they Wiled to ignite; then an "Oh dear,
there are no morel" escaped from her
lips. "Safe 1 safe 1" whispered my soul
to me, and I thanked God in silence
for my deliverance. Bel!e groped
back to the bud, but did not immedi
ately get in; she stooped and lifted
the curtains which hung around the
bottom and cautiously passed her arm
under and around us far as it could
reach. I almost felt her fingers graze
my face as I held myself fearfully and
silently back against the wall, too far,
just too far for her reach. Apparently
satisfied that no danger was near her,
she lay down in the bed again, and 1
counted her respiration° till she was
lost in slumber.
As for myself,- sloop was utterly out
of the question. I never was so wide
awake in my life. How I lay upon
that hard carpet and thought the night
out!—thought of her, and her love for
me, thought of myself and my love fur
her. Yes, I was convinced from that
moment that the hand of destiny was
in it, and that a benign and all-wise
Providence had seen fit in this extra
ordinary way to open my eyes to the
path of happiness and peace.
With the morning light fresh fears
came upon me lest my unconscious
room-mato might yet peer beneath the
bed for robbers before she left the
room, but my fears were groundless.
She rose and. dressed expeditiously,
for she was to join her cousins at au
early breakfast, and she had overslept
herself. When at last she took the
key, unlocked the door and departed,
I no time in slipping out of my
shameful place of concealment and
escaping from the hotel. On the stairs,
I met Fred coming out of his room,
who exclaimed :
"Why, what's the matter with you,
old fellow! You look like the last
days of an ill-spent li(u• And your
coat, too—why it's all over feathers
and dust. Where have you been?"
"Why, I slept out last night; that's
all. Our house is tall, and so I had to
find quarters elsewhere. I'm just go
ing home to dress."
"I should say so decidedly. I see it
all, old fellow ! You've been on a lark,
and bad to put up in the watch house;
come now, own up and tell us all about
"No lark at all, Fred; nothing of the
kind, I assure you."
"Well, if not a lark, what kind of a
bird was it ? From the looks of the
feathers I should say it was a goose."
"You're the goose, Fred. B ut seri.
ously, I've a word to say to you of a
most important, nature. Be a man,
Prod, and make up your mind to hear
something excessively disagreeable. It
must be told you sooner or later, and
I may as well tell it now."
"Good Heavens, Gus! how earnest
you look at me; you don't mean to say
that—that anything has happened to
Belle Bronson'"
"Don't mention her name again,
Fred, or think of her any more, Ihr
she'll never be anything to you. 1
have it from one who knows all about
it, that she has long been attached to
somebody else, and that somebody
else means to marry her. There's no
mistake abmt it; 80 bear up and try
your lurk elsewhere."
But Fred Evans was not to be dis
couraged by mere hearsay. That very
day ho went to see Belle, determined
to know his fate from her own lips.
Soon after he left Oakville, and I did
not see him for several years, when,
meeting him in town one day, I insis
ted on bringing home with me and
presenting him to his old flame, Belle
Bronson—the present Mrs. Evergreen.
"Ali, Gus !" said lie, after dinner,
when my wife and the little Evergreens
had left us to ourselves—"Ab Gus, you
served me a shabby trick when you
allowed mo to lose my heart to the
girl you were all along intending to
marry yourself—a -very shabby trick,
ono of which I never suspected your ,
So I had to tell him (in Strict confi
dence, of course, as I tell you, reader,)
all about the bedroom affair at the
Oakville Hotel, and the love that grew
out of it.,
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Popular Fallacies.
The following is from Hall's Journal
of Health: That warm air must be
impure, and that, consequently, it is
hurtful,to sleep in a comparatively
warm room. A warm one is as easily
ventilated as-a cool ono. The warm
air of a close vehicle is less injmtious,
be it ever so foul from crowding, than
to ride and sit still and feel uncomfor
tably cold for an hour. The worst
that can happen from a crowded con
veyance is a fainting spell; while, from
sitting even less than an hour in a still,
chilly atmosphere, has induced attacks
of pneumonia, that is, inflammation of
the lungs, which often prove fatal in
three or four days. It is always posi
tively injurious to sleep in a close room
where water freezes, because such a
degree of cold causes the negatively
poisonous carbonic acid gas of a sleep
ing room to settle near the floor, whore
it is breathed and rebreathed by the
sleeper, and is capable of producing
typhoid feVerii in a few hours. Renee
there is no advantage, and always dan•
ger, especially to weak persons, in
sleeping in an atmosphere cooler than
the freezing point.
That it is necessary to Om proper
and efficient ventilation of a room,
even in warm weather, that a window
or door should be left open; this is al
ways hazardous to the sick and conva
lescont. Quite as safe a plan of venti
lation, and as efficient, is to keep a
lamp or a small fire burning in the fro
, place. This creates a draft, and car
ries bad and gases up the chimney.
That out-door exercise before break- I
fast is healthful. It is never so. And
from the very nature of things, is
hurtful, especially to persons of poor
. health; although the very vigorous
may practice it with impunity. In
winter the body is easily chilled thro'
and through unless the stomach has
been fortified with agood warm break ,
fast, and in warm weather miasmatic
and malarious gases and emanations
act upon the empty and weak stomach
in a way to vitiate the circulation and
induce foyer and ague, diarrhoea,
dysentery. Entire families, who have
arranged to cat breakfast before leav
ing the house, and to take supper be
fore sundown, have: had a complete
exemption from fever and ague, while
the whole community around them
was suffering from it, from having no
, lecied these precautions.
That whatever lessens a cough, is
"good" for it, and, if pet severed in, will
cure it. On the contrary, all coughs
are soonest cured by promoting and
increasing thorn; because nature en
deavors by the cough to help bring up
the phleg,rn and yellow matter which
is in the lungs, as the lungs cannot
heal while that matter is there. And
as it cannot be *got rid of without
coughing, the more coughing there is,
the sooner it is got rid of—the sooner
are the lungs cleared out for the fuller
and freer reception of pure air, which
is their natural food. The only reme
dies which can do any good in coughs
aro such as loosen the phlegm, and
thus less cough is required to bring it
up. These remedies are warmth, out
door exercise, and anything which
slightly nauseates.
Proclamation of Governor Curtin.
Twenty-ninth Day of November Ap
pointed as a Day of Thanksgiving.
In the Name and by the Authority of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Whereas, It bath been the good and
worthy custom of the Commonwealth
to set apart, annually, a day for the
special acknowledgement of the good
ness of the Almighty, and for express
ing, by the whole people, at one time
and with a common voice, the thanks
and praise which throughout the year
are springing from the hearts of men;
I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
do, by this my proclamation, recom
mend that the good people of the Com
monwealth observe Thursday, the 20th
day of November next, as a day of
thanksgiving and prayer, and do then
assemble in their respective churches
and places of worship, and make their
humble thank offering to Almighty
God fur all his blessings during the
past year.
For the abundant gathered fruits of
tho earth.
For the thits far continued activity
of industry ;
For the general preservation of health;
And especially for that, in Ills divine
mercy, He bath stayed the threatened
And, moreover, that they do beseech
Him to continuo unto us all His bless-
ings, and to confirm the hearts of the
people of these United States, that by
the lawful force of their will, deeds of
good justice, wisdom, and mercy may
be done.
Given under my hand and the groat
seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this
twenty-ninth day of October,
in the
year of our Lord, one thcusand eight
hundred and sixty six, and of the
Commonweiilth the ninety first.
By the Governor :
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
rEß_During a case in which the
boundaries of a certain piece of land
were to be ascertained, the counsel of
one part said,"We lie on this side, may
it please the court." The counsel of
the other part said ; "We lie on this."
The Judge stood up and Paid, "If you
lie on both sides, whom will you have
me to believe ?"
soul swill stiller 4unger
c 3
a ir'
1 4/
)T' / l''4"
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
Capital Ghost Story.
That apparitions do not always wan
der without sufficient cause, is proved
by the well attested fact which we give
below :
Last Tuesday fortnight, as Mrs.—;
a lady of rather literary taste and stu
dious habit, sat reading in the- draw
ing room, the clock on the mantle-piece
struck twelve; as the last stroke rever
berated through the apartments the
door was flung wide open ! in the act
of raising her head to repel the intru
sion (tinning for) of. her servant, her
eye rested on the form of her late hus=.
band She screamed and fell senseless
on the carpet 1 This brought up such
members of the family as had not re
tired to rest; restoratives were admin
istered, and when Mrs. —, had re
gained her suspended facultiee, and
being a woman of strong mind and
highly cultivated intellect, she felt dis
posed to consider the whole distress
she had undergone as thoreault of cer
tain associations between the melan
°holy tale she had been pursuing and
her late logs, operating on a partially
deranged nervous system. She how
eVer, considered it advisable that her
maid servant should repose in her
chamber, lest any return of what she
considered a nervous affection should
distress herself and alarm the family.
Last Tuesday night, feelid,g stronger
and in better spirits than she had been
for several months past, Mrs. dis
pensed with the presence of her atten
dant, retiring alone to her chamber,
went to bed a little befbre ton o'clock.
Exactly as the clock struck twelve she
was awakened from sleep, and dis•
tinctly beheld the apparition she had
before aeon, advancing from the table,
on which stood her night lamp,
till it
stood opposite to and drew aside the
curtains of her bed. She describes her
very blood retreating with icy chill
ness to her heart trem every vein.
The countenance of her beloved in life
wore not its benevolent aspect; the
eyes once beaming with affection, were
now filled with stern regard on the
trembling, halfdissolved being, who,
with the courage of description, thus
adjured him, "Charles! dear Charles
why are you come again '?»
"Jessie," slowly and solemnly aspi
rated the shadowy form, waving in his
hand a small roll of writing paper,
"Jessie, pay my newspaper accounts and
let me rest in peace I"
MOZART'S REQUIEM.—Those of you
who have learned to play on the piano,
may know that Mozart composed some
of the most beautiful pieces,but did you
ever hoar of his last? For weeks he
had been engaged in its composition; at
length every note was harmonious,and
the gratitfied musician sank back on
his cushion in a sweet reverie. The
light footstep of his daughter enter
ing the room aroused him.
"Emilie," be called, "sit down and
play for mo my requiem; it is my own
"0, do not say that, my father." an
swered the affectionate girl, while the
quick tears sprang to her eyes at the
thought of lossing her beloved father:"
"Play, my child," ho repeated, "and
sing the hymn your mother used to
love so well."
Emilie sat down to the instrument,
and began a sad prelude ; tho father
lay with closed eyes, listening. 'Soon
the heavenly music filled the soul of
the young girl with holy aspirations,
and the faith and hope expressed in
the hymn seemed all her Own j• the
heavy weight of •sadness gradually
disappeared, and she sang -like an
angel. When the piece was finished,
she sat for a moment in silence, and
then turned to meet her father's ac
customed glance of sympathy. , His
eyes were closed,and looking intently,
she perceived that ho lay motionless.
With a cry of terror, she sprang to his
side, and there she fell senseless; :for
the first glance told that her father
was dead. She had sung his soul to
heaven.—Caildr•an's Friend.
While we are growing very sensible
indeed in the matter of dress, as far as
boots, Balmoral skirts, warm stockings
and high necks, we are degenerating
in some other matters quite as impor
tant. The corset is now a necessary
part of a woman's wardrobe; and, alas!
when a woman does begin to wear
corsets, she will wear them too. small,
and will tug at the laces till her breath
becomes short, and feels it necessary
to retrain from anything like it com
fortable meal. We say nothing against
a well shaped corset worn loose, but
there lies the difficulty. A loose cor
set injures the appearance of the figure
instead of improving it, and people
wear corsets that they may have small
waists. All we can say is, do not
squeeze, whatever you do; you may
have small waists, but you are expos
ing yourself to a dozen misfortunes
which are worse than a large waist.—
First, you'll
.surely have dyspepsia,
and grow yellow and cross and unhap
py ; secondly, your hands will grow
red; thirdly, your nose ; fourthly, you
w 11 be unable to walk a mile at once;
fifthly, dinner:will he a misery; sixth
ly, yo ‘ ji i r shoulder blades will increase
in size. and altitude; seventhly, your
eyes will grow weak;' eig - lithly, you
will break at thirty or thereabout., rind
be a sickly old woman from that time
fbrth. If' these truths do not frighten
Women from tight corsets, perhaps the
information that gentlemen generally
do not admire what dressmakers call
a "pretty figure" so much as a natural
ono, may Lave some influence.
glfyou see a man go into a tav ,
ern, it is ft SUM sign he is out Of spirits,
and likeiy to be
J. the most complete of any in tho country, and pos
sesses the mos t , ample facilities for promptly executing in
the beet style, every variety of Joh Vrintlng, 011114
. LABELS, &C., &C., &a
NO. 22.
1e !True System of Farming.
Trying to do too much is a common
error into which the farmer often falls.
His great eagerness in striving to bo
rich is doubtless the cause of this er
ror. He is ambitious, and forms plans
on a larger scale, and often, perhaps;
without counting the cost.:Ho buys
a largo farm, and wants to be called a
"large farmer," and often without un
derstanding or considering the true el
ements that constitute a real farmer.
Ho fancies the greatness of that pro
fession, as is too often the common es.
thnato, to be in proportion to the num
ber of acres, not to say cultivated, but
embraced within the boundaries of his
A large farm does not necessarily
make a man rich, contented:orl happy,
but, on the contrary, the reverse, un
less well tilled, when his labor is .re
warded by fair success in the various
departments in Which ho is engaged.
To realize a full benefit of his profes
sion, a farmer must adopt. a thorough
system of culture. Success.always de
pends upon the manner in which ho
prepares his ground, plants his' "seeds,
and rears his stock. ' Neither of these
departments will take care of them
selves. The soil may be rich, but it
needs culture. His seeds may be
sown, but it should be in due time, and
always on soil well prepared and Oa
suitable quality for the production of
tho crops required; and his stock must
be constantly cared for. The farmer's
better judgment must bo constantly
exercised in keeping up this system of
reciprocal benefits.
The very corner stone of the whole
system of farming is to do what'yoti
do 'thoroughly. Nature will not be
cheated, and never gives full returns
to the half-way work - that is practiced
by many farmers. If the. land has
been worn, the extent of that ekhhue=
tion and the requirements 'Must first
be considered; and when ascertained,
the full measure of those requirements
must be given to bring out good re
And 'with the labor—two men eau.:
not suitably till one hundred acres of
land, when the labor of two men, and
perhaps, four might be profitably em-
ployed on seventy-five acres. This is
the great error in farming. Two men
strive to do what four can hardly de',
and thus hundreds of acres are but
half tilled and produce but half crops.
The land is run over till worn out, and
made to sustain year after year the
unnatural tax, till its energies are ex
hausted, and will remain so till the
first elements of its powers are return
ed. This is especially the case in ma
ny of the Western and Southern States.
The great boast of the West is largo
farms and large fields of grain; plow,
sow and roap, is the business of the
western farmers; drawing out the very
life of the soil and sending it away in
the heavy exports that are constantly
going onward, and returning but very
little to the soil to make itproductive.
The light that is being spread abroad
on this subject is beginning to correct
this practice to some extent. When
tillers of the soil understand their true
interests, they will cultivate no more
land than they can do well. Fifty
acres of land for tillage, brought to a
high state Of'cultivation; pay better
than ond•hundred run . over in the way
that many do. F. T. G.
--Phila. Home Weekly.
TrtEHon •TRAD - E.Hcigs declined
50c in Cincinnati on the 15th, and.
were dull .at the decline. Some .fair
average lots sold at $0 50(06 75; most
of the sales made are to slaughterers,
who aro careful to dispose of' tho pie
ces before' buying the • hogs, so little
confidence do they feel in the future of
the market. The packers have lost
money during the last two years when
they had an outlet for the hog product
througt the,foreign and army demand.
Now. they Will have neither unless pri
ces should come down to a point which
will give a margin for shipment to
Liverpool, and that point would be
about $6 50 net for hogs hero. There
will be the Southern demand but. it
would not he safe to calculate on an
increase over this year . from that
source, while the increase of hogs Wilt
be nearly fifty: per cont.. Whether
farmers will sell their hogs on this ba
sis remains to be seen. But how can
they do better? The meat is in the
country, no matter whether it is pack
ed at home or at the packing centers,
and if they do not accept present or
lower prices for their hogs, they may
have to sell their moat at relatively
lower rates. We want to see the far
mers got all that their hogs are worth,
but we think they have their views too
Some one who has been taking notes
in the poultry lino gives the Mlowing
directions for selecting fowls that aro
young and tender: A, young turkey
has a smooth leg and a soft bill, and if
fresh the eyes will be bright and the
feet moist. Old turkeys have scaly,
stiff feet. Young chickens have a ten
der skin, smooth logs, and the breast
bone yields readily to the pressure of
the finger . The best are those that
have yelow legs. The feet and logs
of old fowls look as if they had seen
hard service in the world. Young
ducks feel tender under the wing, and
the web of the foot is transparent. The
best are thick and hard on the breast.
Young geese have yellow bills, and tho
feet are yellow and stipple.' The skin
may be easily broken by the head of a
pin ; the breast is plump and the fat
white: An old goose is unfit for the
human stomach.
The number of emigrants landed. in
NeW York last week, was 0,113, mak
ing a total of 212,75'2 landed slime San.
list, against 168,338, arrived in ;:i:ehr,
respoutting pt r:o in 1865.