MIS OF TILE GLOBE Per samara In • Six; r'marttlax 2 E IZ • . . - ' ' TERNS OF ADVERTISING. 1 ineellion. 2 do. 3 do. One square, (10 linesjor kii.s 25.........51 25 .$1 50 TWo ignores 1 50 200 800 Three equares,..-' 2 26., 3 00 4 50 ' 3month. 0 months. 12 nionthe. lee equate, - or less,— ...... $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00 two eguare5,........,... ........ 6 00 9 00 16 00 Phree !operas . 800 12 00 20 00 four ignores, 10 00 li 00 25 00 Half a column, - 15 00 20 00 30 00 One column, - 20 00 15 00.... ...... 00 00 Professional and Busluese Cards not exceeding sly. lines One year $6 00 Administrator(' and Executors' Notices, ' $2 50 Authored Netkes, 2 00 Es tray, or other short Notices 1 50 Of4rTen lines of nonpareil make a square. About eight words constitute a line, So that any person can ea 'ally ealmilate • square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac sording to them terms. Our prices for the printing of Menke, Hendbills, etc. Jere also Increased. AGIIA DE MAGNOLIA A toilet 'delight. Superior to any cologne, used to bathe. the face and person to render the skin soft and fresh, to allay inflammation, to peal - nue clothing, for headache, LC. It is manufactured from the rich southern Magnolia, and is obtaining a patroungo quite unpreceden ted. It Ix a favorite with actresses and opera singers. It Isiah! by all dealers, at $l,OO in large bottles, and by Do. ant& flames & Co., New York, Wholesale Agents. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. S. T."-1860 --- .. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of. appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation, Lc., deserve to puller if they will not try tho celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS., which are new recommended by the highest medical authorities, and are warranted to produce an im mediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfealy pure, and must supersede all other tonics where n healthy, gentle stimulant is required. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They strengthen - the system and enliven.tite.mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermit tent fevers. • They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They mire Dyspepsia and Constipation. They care Laver Complaint and Nervous Headache. • They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhrtueted nature's great restorer. They aro composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, wintergreen, Samaras, roots end limbs, ell preserved in perfectly pore St. Croix rum. For particulars, see circulars .and teett menials around each bottle. Beware of impostors. Examine every bottle. See that it has our private U. S. stamp unmutilated over the cork with plantation scene, and our signature on a fine sleet junta aide label. ye,. See shot our bottle is not refilled 'with- spurious wail deleterious stuff. lit.V - Any person pratending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in .bulk, Is an Impostor. •Any person Imitating this bottle, or polling any other material therein, whether called Plantation Bitters or not, lea criminal under the U. S. Law, and will ho so prosecuted by us. Tho demand for Drakes. Plantation Bitter., from ladles, clergymen, mei , chants, Lc., is incredible. Tiro simple trial of n bottle Is the evidence we present' of their worth mid superiority. They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi .Cialle, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores. • • • - P. S. DRAKE & CO. • • Saratoga S'pring yflder, sold by all Druggists. Have you a hurt child or a lame horse L Use ilte,Mex kan Mustang Liniment. For cuts, sprains, burns. swellings and caked breasts, tho Mexican Mustang Liniment is a certain care. For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiffjoints, stings and bites, there is nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment. For spavined horses, the polleyil, ringbone and s weeny, -the Mexican Mustang Liniment never fails. For wind-galls, semeches, big-heed and splint, the .Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold. Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common and certain to occur iu every family, that n bottle of this liniment is the best investment that can he made. It is more certain than the doctor—it saves lime in -sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than the doctor, and should never ha dispensed with. "In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over and scalded my hands terribly. • • • The Mustang Lini ment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heel rapidly, and left very little scar. CUAS: FOSTER, 450 Broad street, Philada. Mr. S. Li tch, of Hyde Para, Vt., writes: ••My horse was .considered worthless, (spavin,) but All. the use of the .Mustang Liniment. I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin :imetit is doing wonders up here." All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, sign ed, 0. W. Westbrook, Chemist, and nice has the private 1.1.8. stamp of Delman Barnes & Co, over the lop. iced: doily, and be not deceived by Ogunterfeitt. Sold by all Druggists at 25, 60 cts, and $l,OO. Saratoga spring Water, sold by all Druggists. It in a moat aelightfol Hair Dressing,. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the halr turning gray and billing off. It restores hair upon prematurely bald lamda. 'This isjust what Lyon's Itathairon will do. It ispret ly—it is cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the car load, and yet its almost incredible demand in daily increa sing, until there is hardly a country atoms that does not 'keep It, or a family that dote not use It. F., THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y. Saratoga S pri ng Iroter, sold by all Drriggists. ME 16 would not bo beoutituli Who would not add to their beauty! What gives that marble purity and din litmus appearance wo observe upon the stage and in tho city belle? It Is no 'longer a secret. They use lingua's Magnolia Balm. Its cautioned use removes tau, freckles, pimples, and roughocas, from the faro stud Lods, and leaves thocompleabsti smooth, trnwparent, blooming and ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it contains 110 mate rial injurious to the akin. Any Druggist will order It for you, if not on hand, at 50 cents per bottle. • IV. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. T. Chemist. -Demist Barnes & 0o; Wholesale kgents,N. Y .S2rot,tra Spring Mier, sold by all Druggists. - ItehnstreeCti initnitablo Halt Coloring is not a dyo. All instantaneous dyes aro composed of lunar caustic, and .more or less destroy tho vitality and beauty of the hale. This is the original Hair Coloring, and has been growing in favor oven twenty years. It restores gray hair to its original color t y gradual absorption, in a most reumrka• bin manner. It is also a beautiful hair dressing. Poll in two sizes--50cerits end el—by all dealers. - C. IIEIMET.REET, Chemist, Saratoga Spring Water, sold by alliDrugglsts. yrION'S EXTRACT Or rum: JAMAICA ataahtt—for Indiges- Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Ileadrcho, Cholera %orbits, Flatulency, ac., where a warming stimulant Is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make It a cheap And reliable article for cannery purposes. Sold every where, at ✓a centa per bottle. Mk for "Liox'S' Pure E' tract- Take no other. Surataga Spring Vizier, call by nit Druggist. jaiyll, BES—enwlY All the above articles fur Palo by S. B. SMITH, figutlngdon, rowan, 01 :2 XCLIMEita MI Muds of Spices for sale at Lerrle Farnil v r aro• cery, Huntingdon, Pa. COUNTRY PRODUCE! All kinds of country product: , taken in exchango fur Goods at Lewis A Co'a Faintly Grocery, HAMS. HAMS. Plain and canvas sugar eared Ilams--the best In mar liet—wholo or sliced, for sale at Lewis & Co's Family Grocery MOLASSES AND SYRUPS! Levorjpg'. Beat 4ind other eyrupe, Now 0ri4141111, POllO Rico and Sugar Uoueo 3tolaseee, for ettto at I,owie 3 Co'e Family Grocery. BEST BLEACIIED .61 u S I I N alwaya on band at rr (C• C.IRMON'S. . . azas . ac :aaar .. , - ": -' ' A .. % -' 17.. .Z 1..- trl,`, 1?'..1 . , / ~/ ~ , • ~,,-/ , 1 1 ,—. - 1, 3' • . 7.::.w '7 Ni ~,..4.. .' --. .... v tt. , ~, • z: 1::: : , i . 7 4._ .. t tl '',, T,iit,..i. , 1 ;„5..._.: 14 . v : . .; 7 ' ... ~,..,.. ;:,,,, s , T , ..4 1 ,, 7 : ::: r .',.. .: 7;11 : .;„.1 1: 4 2 ' ,.. 2 , : .1. ::c .,-. .7 7 : ::,,,. ': : :::: 4 ; :,,, ,_ .. " . : ; : iv. ~..: l„7. ~ i: ~.vi; , 0 1,.. i :t., :. .1 7::: : ,.... ...1;1":. ' , ; ~; .. • ~, , :„.; .....,.- _T.__ -...Ei . 3,.... -- -z , ,, , ..4.4fkii.1v-4) ~---, -. "^:4 - 4'l-- - ;--..-..--- '1 " ~ ~. I ti. ~.. - -- - he mo , i.. .p i l-z, ':- ~'',-...", I : •,, , % a filo nor •-.--, -• ,::` , :'-' - --tq., 4 :,..4. A,,,, , „;14 , , , ,, , : . , - 4 ....~, ,- . ....P .. ~.. • k' 2 - ' • ' t, ). • A., 4...) , -,. • ,„.••„..:- - -,,,,, . •,--.. •,,,. x. , --,... .qty? , ~,- ~-..,,,.., 1 - ~f AA c r.7 l - D coia, . . "?A 1‘441r0-4". . , .$2 CO . 1 OD WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXII. Ely gliobt. HUNTINGDON, PA SMILE AND BE CONTENTED The world grows old and men grow cold To each while seeking treasure, And what with want and cure and toil, We scarce have time for pleasure. But never mind—that is a loss, Not much to be lamented, Life rolls on gaily if we will, But mile and be contented. If we aro poor, and would be rich, It will not be by pining, No! no! steady hearts and hbpefill minds, Are life's bright silver linings. There's no'er a man who dared to hope, Hath of his choice repented; The happiest souls on' earth are those, Who smile and are contented. When grief doth come and rack the heart, And fortune bids us sorrow, From hope we may a blessing reap, And consolation borrow. If thorns arise when roses bloom, It esnnot be prevented ; So make the best of life you can, Anil smile and be contented. WIT AND RUMOR. LADIES make love nowadays full 'tilt.' WHAT'S the latest and sweetest thing in bonnets? The ladies' faces, to be sure. SOME say the quickest way to de stroy weeds is to marry a widow. It's no doubt a delightful species of hus bandry. SOME cynical old bachelor says an oyster don't know much, but it has one advantage over a woman—it knows when to shut its mouth. The brute! A Morayshire farmer recently sent the following message to the "lady of his love:" "Tell her," ho said, "that win she doesna We me, I winna kill mysel, but I'll pine awa!" A golden rule for a young lady is to Converse always with your fethale friends as if a gentleman were of the party, and with young men, as if your female companions were present. "WILL you not venture upon one of these oranges?" said a lady to Liegh "Excuse me, madam," he replied, "I am afraid I should fall off." "WHAT time is it, Tom ?" "Just time to pay that ltttlo account you owe me." "0, indeed! Well, I didn't think it was half so late." A man came home drunk on a cold night and vomited in a basket contain ing goslings which his wife had placed before the fire„ upon seeing which he exclaimed, "My goodness, wife? when did I swallow them things." ONLY the other day a young lady asked' me: (lifhat is your favorite flower?" 'As film was a fashionable lady, I supposed, of course, she refer red to household matters, and inno cently; answered, "extra family." THE Philadelphia Bulletin gays the President hits an extraordinary faculty of putting saddles upon wrong horses. The Boston Post says this will not in• terfere with the Bullet as back as long as he doscn't saddle jackassea. SUPERLATIVES are dangerous things. A man once wrote to his wife : "My dearest Maria ;" and by return of post ho received the cold reply, "Permit :no to correct eithor your grammar or your morality; who are your other dear Maria's?" "Boy, did yon let off that gun?" ejac Mated an enraged schoolmaster. "Yes, sir." "Well, sir, what do you think I will do to you ?" "Why, let me off." "VEGETABLE pills!" exclaimed an old lady, "dont talk to me of such stuff. The best vegetable pill ever made is an apple dumpling. For destroying a gnawing of the stomach there's noth• ing like it." WHATEVER we may think of wo man's right to vote and legislate, there can be no disputing her right to bare arms, and the prettier, the better, and more irresistible. This is a right de scended from Mother Eve. THE presiding mistress at a board ing house "hoped the tea was good." 'Very good, indeed, madam," was the genera; reply; but Jones, between truth and politeness, observed, "that the tea was excellent, but the water was smoky." AN Irish woman applied to the Port land Relief Committee, when the fol lowing colloquy ensued : "How many children havo you ?" "Six." "How old is your youngest." "My youngest is dead and I've had an qther since." A dabbler in literati:re, strolling along the river's bank, chance to spy a ragged little urchin fishing and step ping up, thus addressed him: "Adolesenee, art thou endeavoring to entice the finny tribe to engulph in to their denticulate mouths a barbed hook, upon the extremity of which is affixed a dainty allurement ?" "No," said the the boy, "I'm fishin." "WELL, Torn," said a blacksmith to his apprentice, "you have been with me now three months, and gage seen all the different points in our trade. I wish to give you yolif choice of work for a while' • "Thank'ee, sir." "Woll, now, what part of tho busi ness do you liko the hest?" "Shuttin' up shop, itud goiu' to din ner sir," HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1866, SELLING A GRINDSTONE, Among Fred's numerous friends was Judge Newton, who resided in Ma honing county, this State. Fred al. ways made the Judge's home his home when he traveled that part of the coup• try. The Judge was a fine, jovial old fellow; fond of a joke and was always trying to get a joke upon Fred, when ho stayed with him. One day, some timo in the year 1839 Fred was passing through, and put up with him over night. In the morning ho was _determined to drive a trade with him of some kind, offering in his usual way to take anything for pay ment: "I'll tell you what I'll do," said the Judge, laughing, "I've got a first-rate grindstone out in the yard, if you'll take that I'll trade it out." "Very well," said Fred, "I'll take it, just as good pay 118 I want." They went out to the wagon, and the Judge turned out his grindstone, which Fred loaded in his wagon and start , ed, had not gong far before he saw a customer and stopped his team. "Good morning, Squire—want any thing in my line this morning." "Well I don't know, Fred," replied ho in a bantering tone, "got any grind slopes ?" "Yes, sir; got a first rate one; just come out and look at it." • Now it happened the man really did not want a grindstone; he was ac quainted with Fred and spoke in tho manner he did because ho had no idea Fred had ono. "I like the looks of that stone," said he, after examining it, "and as I want one very much, and you take anything for payment, I'll give you six cents a pound for it (four cents was the regu lar price) provided you will take such property as I turn out to you for'pay ment." "Certainly," said Fred, always do." "Very well. How much does the grindstone weigh ?" 'Just forty-cight pounds," said Fred, brit, proceeded to unload it. "Now come with me, Fred," said the old Squire, grinning, when this was finished, "and get your pay." Fred followed him to the stable. "There," said ho, pointiog to a bull calf, just six weeks old, which was standing in the stable, "there's a first rate calf, worth about three dollars, which I supposo will pay you for the stone." . "Very good, just as good pay as I want," said Fred, as ho unfastened his calf and led him to his wagon. "But stop a minute," said he, "I shall he back this way in about three weeks, and if you will keep him till then I will pay you what is right for it." "Oh, yes, I'll keep him for you," said the Squire, laughing, as Fred drove off, with the idea of having beat He supposed that Fred would nev er call for the calf, but ho did not know his man, and when ho called,tho Squire had nothing better than to giro up his property. He then traveled, and as it was now near night, Fred concluded to put up with the Judge. As he alighted at the gate he was met by a hearty shako of tho hand, and "how are you, Fred ? What did you do with your old grindstone ?" "1 sold it a day or two ago, at a good profit, I can tell you; I received six cents a pound for it: "Ah !" said the Judge, in surprise; "but what have you got, under there?" now for the first time noticing the calf. "0," said Fred, indifferently, "that's a calf I'm taking to Colonel Davis up our way; the Colonel made me prom ise to fetch him one, and he seems to set great value on. him; for my part I consider him nothing but a common calf,not worth more than three dollars. It might be as well to mention that this was about the time of the great excitement about imported stock, and that Colonel D. of whom Fred spoke, was a man known of ,Tudge Newton to be a heavy importer of foreign stock particularly of the Durham. Jungo Newton had often endeavored to procure some of the stock, but as it was then very scarce and bore a high price, he examined it a little more closely to purchase it. "It's ono of the regular Durhams, sure," said lie musing, "and a fine one at that; if you will part with him, I'll give you twenty-five dollars for him." "Couldn't part with him for no such money. Colonel Davis is to give me seventy-five as soon as I get home." c‘we!l you wont take him clear homo with you, and if you'll let me have him, I'll give you fifty dollars." "No, can't do it; I've disappointed the Colonel two or three times already and he wouldn't like it at all if I should disappoint him in this way again." "But, said the Judge, now becoming anxious, "you can tell him you have not, been over the mountains." "I don't know about it, Judge," said Fred, after a pause. "As you say it's some ways home, and will cost some thing to get him there ; and if you will give me seventy-five dollars I don't know but you may take him." The Judge was delighted with hie purchase and paid the money on the spot. As lhoy were taking the calf to the barn, Fred remarkod : "I say, Judge, I don't see what tiler() is about that eallthat makes him worth more money than any other. I believe I can got as many calves as I want fur three dollars.", "Perhaps you pan, ll answered the Judge, 0 41 a few years when they be come plenty." In the morning- when Prs4 was starting, he remnr4ed . , novo motion yln4 by° :thy !11.07,1 -PERSEVERE.- grindstones to sell you'll remember Ino !" "Thank you, I will," said the Judge not exactly Understanding what Fred was driving at. A few days after Fred was gono,tbe Squire of whom Fred had bought the calf was passing, when Judge Newton called him to toll him that ho had at last succeeded in obtaining some of the famed stock. The Squire expressed a desire to see it, and they proceeded to the barn. "Is that the ono ?" said ho. "Y es." "Who did you got it of ?" `'Of Fred Grishgehl ; I paid him seventy-five dollars fer it." The Squire burst out into, a loud laugh. "Why Judge," said he as soon as ho could speak, "I sold him that calf a short time ago for a grindstone ! The Judge was perfectly astonished. He thought of it a moment and then said : "Yes—l sold him that grindstone.— lle has beat me at my own game! He told me that calf was not worth more than three dollars ! Don't say any thing about this, and you may have the calf_and welcome." The Judge went back to the house muttering ' B-E-A-T Fred often called there after this, but Judge Newton never retorted to the subject, neither did ho over wish to dispose of any more grindstones. THANKSGIVING DAY. Proclamation of Governor Curtin, Twenty-ninth Day of November Ap pointed as a Day of Thanksgiving. In the _Yam and by the Authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF THE SAID COMMONWEALTH' A PROCLA NIATION IVhereas, It bath been the good and worthy custom of the Commonwealth to ect apart, annually, a day for the special acknowledgement of the good ness of the Almighty, and for express• lug, by Lho whole people, at ono time and with a common voice, the thanks and praise which throughout the year arc springing from the hearts of men; therefore, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do, by this my proclamation, recom mend that the good people of the Com monwealth observe 'lllmosday, the 29th day of November next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and do then assemble in their respective churches and places of worship, and make their humble thank offering to Almighty God for all kris blessings during the past year. For the abundant gathered fruits of the earth. For the thus far continuod'activity of industry ; For the general preservation of health; And especially for that, in His divino mercy, He bath stayed tho threatened pestilence. And, moreover, that they do beseech Him to continuo unto us all His bless ings, and to confirm the hearts of the people of these United States, that by the lawful force of their will, deeds of good justice, wisdom, and mercy may be done. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and of tho Commonwealth the ninety•first. By the Governor:— ELI SLIDER, Secretary of the Commonwealth Born in tho Woods, A Sad Slory.—The Pittsburg Repub lic says : A young girl, residing in Al legheny City,respectably connected,hut in indigent circumstances—ono of the toiling million—about a year ago be came acquainted with an attache of one. of our railroad companies. The ac quaintance ripened into intimacy and the usual result followed where confiding innocence becomes entangled in the meshes of designing villainy. The poor girl 101 l a victim to the arts of the seducer. Last week she realised the painful fact that she was soon to become a mother. The remorse of many months cumulated in a desperate resolve. She determined to leave her home, and intent on self-destruction, we judge, wandered to the hills in the neighborhood of Wood's Run : "To hide her shame from every eye To give repentance to her lover, And wring his bosom—to die." Ono day, the latter part of last week she was discovered in a secluded spot, on one of the hills near the locality named, suffering all the pains of child. birth. Providance,it would seem must have direeted the stopsof three humane ladies to the spot where the suffering girl lay; they foUnd her in the condition we have stated. With a womanly sym pathy they ministered to her wants by such menus as were at their command. The situation of the unfortunate one forbade her removal, and there under the shadow of the great oaks,she gave birth to a female child. As soon us it was possible she was removed, under the direction of these ladies,to a neigh boring house. It is doubtful if she stir, rives the exposure to which she was subjected, but the little waif thrown so inauspiciously on the broad ocean of humanity seems to have a stout hold on life, and to all appearances will sur vive. This is a "strange story," but we have IL 33 we give it, from the highest authority. NY° trust justice uLay yet overtake the author of the poor moth er's misfortunes, and if she recovers, rye knoiv that efforts will be made to mete out Lo him his just Lle.serts. OPINIONS OF THE ,PRESS. [Under this head we give opinions of lead ing journals, that our readers may see more than one side of a question.] [From filo Now York Ttmes.] The Democratic Party and the Elec tions. We trust the Democratic party is satisfied with the success of its "little game" in, the late elections. If it is, everybody else can well afford to be content. The extreme radicals, as us• nal, owe their power to the selfish and unscrupulous partizanship of the Dent ocratS; and the Union men can console themselves for whatever good results they have failed to secure, by the fact that the ascendancy of the Democratic party has at all events been averted. It was that ascendancy which the Democrats sought, and which the poo ple feared more than anything else. The Democratic leaders in Ol the States, and most notably in Pennsyl vania and NeW York—made tho res toration of their party to power the main aim of all their efforts. Thor held everything everywhere subordinate to this ono object. They supported President Johnson, partly perhaps because they agreed with him, but mainly to control the patronage and the power of his command for the attainment at this one end. They en• dorsed the Philadelphia Convention— partly because its positions and prin ciples defied their assaults—but main ly because they hoped to make it the stepping stone to party control in State and national affairs. They used both the Presidi3nt and the Convention, remorselessly and recklessly, for their own advantage, and they have been utterly and thoroughly overwhelmed with defeat. The reason of this result is palpable. The people distrust the patriotism and loyalty of the Democratic party, and will not trust the restoration of the Union and the reformation of oui• civil and political institutions to as hands. They see now more clearly than they could see before the war, that the in herent spirit and temper of that party wore always at war with the best in terests of the nation. The party-, as such, always allied itself with the worst elements and most perilous influ• entes of the national life. It was the ally of slavery-lot simply tolerant of its existence, but the active defender of its worst enormities and the open advocate of its ambition. ' Out of its devotiOn to slavery and its craving for the power which slavery carried with it, it, led the South into the Rebellion, and lacked nothing but the courage to follow it thither. Throughout the war, its sympathies, as a party, were with the Rebellion. It rejoiced in its success—it magni fied its merits and power, iL mourned its defeats, it predicted its triumph— it crippled and hampered the Govern- . meat it its struggle against it, it threw out of tho party as false and treacher ous those-men who sought to give vig or and success to the nation's arms, and it evinced in every way and by every means which can indicate the spirit and purpose of party action, the most determined and ingrained sym pathy with the Rebel movement. Such action in such a crisis makes an abid ing impression on the public mind. Neither in tile case of individuals nor of a party iv it soon forgotten. The people long for peace, for the restork tion of the Union, for the resumption of national prosperity and power; but they want all this on the basis of the Union principles vindicated and estab lished by the war. Whatever differences of opinion have existed in the Union party should have been settled within that party and by its members, President John son always declared that he so intend. ed; that he sought only to save the party Which carried the country through the war from falling into the hands of extreme men; and that ho had no thought or purpOse of throwing the power of the Government iuto the hands of the party which had opposed the war, and which was now ready to sacrifice its results to securing its own ascendancy. lithe President had ad hered to this purpose he could very easily have secured the result at which ho aimed. But he allowed the Demo crats to overrule or overbear bins. In stead of aiding and strengthening the national sentiment in the Union ranks, and thus checking and thwarting the Disunion element which sought to con trol it, he invoked the Democratic party to the rescue. lie recognized the nominations of that party every where as those for which ho sought support—as those which represented his policy and his Administratiou—as those whose success was demanded by the principles he deemed essential to the public good. And even after the Philadelphia Convention had laid down a platform thoroughly national in its principles, and upon the Which the Union could be restored in strict harmony with the results of the war and the principles on which the war has been carried to its triumphant close, he still permitted the Dimmer:ale party to seize upon it for its own advantage—to climb into pow er by its aid, to use it for the promoN Lien of its. own ends, and the re-estab lishinent in the national councils of its own inlpremany. The Democrats in the Albany Convention cared nothing for the Philadelphia Con von tion—no i for Pre.iident Johnson, nothing for the restoration of Lhe Union—nothing for the patriotic men who were strug gling for it, except as it could use them all to brinf., , the old Demcr oatic party, as it had been organized and control led ibn the past tiVo years, again into power, That was the object and aim of all their efforts. Everything else was of not the sligh test consequence ex- TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. cept as it could be made to aid in its attainment. Their action was friendly and vigorously partisan throughout. They hold their party organization, laid down their party platform, put a party ticket in the field, and aimed openly and avowedly at a party vic tory. And they made the President believe that the success of his princi ples depended on &lag tiom a party triumph and the offices .in his gift as essential thereto. The result is now visible, and is pre cisely what cairn and dispassionate ob servers know it would be. The direct effect of this policy was to unite the Union party—to consolidate all its strength agni rist the DeMocratic party; whose success was to be the death knell of its influence on national af fairs. No :man outside the ranks of tho Democratic organization had the slightest interest, personal or political, in its success. Indeed everything which Union men had deemed essen tial to the public goOd was directly threatened with utter overthrow by the renewed ascendancy of the Demo cratic party. The people would not tolerate such a result. They would not entrust the restoration of the Union to the party which had sympa thized with those who sought its over throw. Whatever their faults, those who had saved it were the most to be trusted in its redemption. And so they have continued the control of the nation's affairs in the hands of the Union Party. How that control is to be exercised—whether under the guid ance of calm and patriotic counsels, or by passion, and the ambition of reck less and unscrupulous men, it is fur the future to reveal. Ono result has been put beyond fur ther controversy by these, elections— the Democratic party will not be speed ily restored to power in national af fairs, It will not be allowed to control the destiny or to shape the policy of the country. The more it strives to seize the reins of authority, the more profound will be the popular distrust of its temper, and the more vigorously will its efforts be resisted. [From the New York Herald.] The Late Elections--The President, Congress, and the Political Parties of the Day, The emphasis with which the pow erful people of the mighty North have endorsed the Constitutional amend ment now before the States, will be understood by a glance at the Repub lican majorities, in round numbers, rolled up in the late September, Octo ber, and November elections, viz nas3achuse ttl 52,0001111 in ole.. Ohio • .I.,o3o,Miolligazi "Vermont 00(ii Mateo. MEM low I. liars . EMBEI =EMI BM Grand ziggreotto majority There is something positively arna zing in these unparalleled and: unbro ken majorities, and in this grand ag gregate of three hundred and sixty two thouatind. Wo dare say,.consid ering the ravages of 'the war in the South, that this aggregate Northern majority exceeds tbo whole popular vote which could now be east, under their existing election laws, by the whole ten Southern States excluded from Congress. Hero, too, we 'have the evidence, conclusive and overwhel ming, to the effect that this Constitu tional amendment to those ton States is the ultimatim of the North, and that to the and of President Johnson's term of office there is no prospect of any thing more favorable from Congress.— The issue has been fairly tried between the President and Congress,. and the verdict settled to the 4th of Mareh, 1809. The President, therefore, can do no thing and has nothing _to hope for in continuing to advocate his restoration policy against the plan of Congress. As a patriotic man and as a statesman of experience and sagacity, we expect him to yield the road to the amend meat and to let it take its course.— The recommendation to Congress of a bill or resolution binding the two hou ses to the admission of each of the ex cluded States on its ratification of the amendment, would probably not be amiss, although we regard the prece dent of Tennessee as substantially meeting this proposition. In. any event, it now remains for the excluded States, each for itself, to determine ei ther for the amendment and a restora tion to Congress and our national elec tions, or against the amendment, with the exclusion from the next Presiden cy and from Congress for an indefinite time to come. This is the simple al- ternative now before the South. Next, in this table of Republican maiorities,we have the final demolition of the Northern rump of the old explo ded National Democratic party. This party, but fbr its recent alliance with the Administration, and but fbr the moral and Material aid given it by the Administration, would have been too weak to have made a straggle in those late elections. In getting under the wing of President Johnson it was warmed, yea, galvanized, into a show of vigorous vitality; but with his fail gra to keep it on its legs, it must go into dissolution. Stimulated and ral lied for the moment by his powerful tonics and restoratives to a wonderful degree, the inevitable . reaction will,be speedy and fatal: The rump of the old Democratic party, in fact, hits gOnb the way of the old Whig party and the ald i'Lld9ral party, and its remains must be turned over to some new par ty organimatiun—not upon the dead issues of the past, but upon the tivin issues of this now epoch in our history. In the present or in the next Oini gross the controversy between the Ile• publican conservatives and the ex. NO. 21. 15,000 .30,000 .000 .17,000 .15,000 .71,00 10,000 . 2,000 it=l== ^3,000 I% ism In 15.0)0 ndinna azooo BEZMI =CZ= .302,000 PRINTING OFFICE f 4 C;LOBI JOB OFFICE" le 0,4 comptoo =0 arty in . the cdnatryi and pr.. met angdo facilitieu for pr - ptly uxeentiop iu ei eyetrUkilely of Job -Print ouch - SILL HEADS ATP' LL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &0., &C., ..tO CALL AND =ARNE epLCIMENS OF WORH, LEWIS' DOOIC, STATIONERY .4 MUSIC STORE. trome radical faction must come to a settlement. From all the lights and indications before us, this settlement will be thll casting out of the radical fanatics and the consolidation of the great party of the future in the union of all the sound conservative materials of the .country, North and South, Re, publican and Democratic,_ leaving the sectional ultra; North and South, out side the poor. Thus Wade Hampton and Parson Brownlow, Henry A. Wise arid Jack Hamilton, Ben. Butler and Fernando Wood,-"Old Thad Stevens" and James Brooks:will be free, if they choose, to form a joint stock combina tion with the woman's rights and spir-. itual circles, and all the other schools of demagogues, reformers and fanatics. We put Mr, Brooks (who has had bet ter luck than !'little Jack Rogers") in this category, because of his services to Stevens at the last session of Con gress, and because we suppose he will follow the same tactics hereafter. The into Democratic party is effect ually used up, and its elements must be.rocast in a •new form and with a now name; for the prestige of the old name has been changed by its war re cord into public contempt. The Re publican party, and the opposition party of the coming Presidential con:. test, remain still to be organized.— President Johnson, wisely co-operating with the conservative Republicans of Congress, in this view of the situation, may still wield a eontroling inflUenee in establishing the succeeding !party. Ireland and the Fenians. While, in this country a large num, ber of persons are talking about the em, ancipation of Ireland, forming Boole, ties in furtherance of. the object, and paying weekly, contributions, amount ing in the aggregate to a large sum, to promote it, the Irish people,' on the other side of the water, appear only. desirous of getting away from Irelattd. It wouldsecm . to indicate either. that they do not know much about the pro,. posed Irish Republic or that they have not much faith in it or hope Of its . success, The following extract from an Irish paper, presents a view of emigration which, although not new to us, yet far from being fitvorable to any aUclk change of Government in Ireland as, the Fenian leaders assure their trust ful followers of : The wholesale desertion of. Ireland by its people is saddening to any man who takes a thought of an an. cient land and of a race, who,when St. Patrick brought them christianity over the sea, "looked upon it, and loved it." The shamrock of the Apostle waves above the ruins of the Druid's the faith which it typoftes, bAs. Ivet‘ kept in unshrinking constancy,through centuries of violence and guile—but the living possessors of that priceless in heritance are leaving their native shores in swarms,. to spread or lose that faith, according to the lot of each in foreign lands. The greatlrish event which cannot be ignored, is the Irish emigration. However people may differ in their thoughts about.iti think of it they must. Xou eartnet pass it over. All Irishmen, 'worthy of OA name., look upon it with great rogret-.. enlightened Englishinen, taking im perial views of the matter, do not like it much. The . present Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Pima, gave it careful prominence in a recent, speech of his. He considered it a thing to be deplored, aud stopped by legislation in some way s if possible. There ore no doubt, some who view this national catastrophe with pleasure—some who would gladly see the Irish small tent, ant replaced by beasts for the market others by strangers from England or Scotland. Bet the most narrow min-, (led, and, we hope, tho, smallest class of thorn, is composed Of persons who .tejoico at Irish emigration, as R&M lug the chance of turning Ireland into, a Protestant country by putting Pro: testants into the deserted homes of• Catholics, and converting the farts when they cannot convert the man. This voluntary expatriation may prove that Ireland is badly governed, and that a Republic of the sight sort might ba.advantage to it, 'out it slog indicates that there is net real e4peeta, tion of it among the people there. . GEo. F. TRAIN ON WIIIBKEY.—GeO. F. Train withdraws from tho canvass as a candidate for Territorial delegate in Congress from Nebrmilca, - for the reasons which are thus sot forth: I am told ',to-day that -Money is wanted for carriages to being np the voters, and to scatter among the boor shops and groggeries. Any spare money I have I prefer to devote to education and Christian charities; Purchasing votes debases franchise and demoralizes the people. 1 bavO lectured too dim for the Irish Father Mathew societies to go back on them by treating the voters, No wife, no little ehilaren • shall have 'reason to complain of a drunken husband or fa ther on election day on my account, Whiskey is the curse of time. It is ru, icing our young men, and hurrying old men to the grave, IThd ant poor, high and low, alike, are being destroy ed under its blighting influence. When wo have fewer breweries, fewer dis- tilleries, anti more •sohools, the law courts and the jails will he less patron. ized, and the world the bettor for it. —.— Ii is related by a gentleman from Fredericksburg that a curious ro3iC of the war was recently picked up on thi) battle field of Ohaneellorsville and car ried to a junk dealer in that city,. Tho roll° consistS of a star formed by twg inuslict balls which collided its 00„yi were passing through the airwlth great velocity froni Opposite directions.— There seems to be nn ifouPtiqiii° "an being formed in till:; way, .tis, the 'lmre ; faced:we:trance of the bases of thq two bullets clearly indicates that they came iggelhec in this wady'. IN .=~~~.~ POSTERS,