.1 buyers gesorally, is invited to tho fact that Iva or no' offering a BEITER AS3OTIT3IENT of HARDItVARE, CUTLERY, &C., thaw can he found elsewhere ia this pa• t of the State, at prick, to gait the time, Our clock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS 3,HfintS; &e„ Se., together with a largo Mock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and .211ininy Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and ('ross. Cut Saws, Enamelled; Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. QCoal- Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. , . An excellent assortment of Zia CuLtiory, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm -Impletnents, `Of 'the latest and mostimprovediatterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FON SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material fur their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Ifubs, Spokes, _Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soo -7 kets, Shafts, (Pe. Can be auppinal with ANVILS BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND NRTLE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS find hi our eatablishmeut a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS,. HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASII 7 UORDS, &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. M g etinClClLialr Can be aci‘orrnotiated with everything in their line front a Grail Separator to a Wbet•iitone. • 313xxi1clex*. Aro especially Invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising tho faxona Russell Reaper, Mower, , and Dropper, combined, Rimaell's 'First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Ecylhos t Etoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Ties, Among the anecialtlea of our lime s No desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusireright to sell which is vested in us. gond for acirculai and get full particulars of same, and satisfy 3 - ourself ofits superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all blue and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform &ales, - Grocers' and braggists' Scales, Rolling ILill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, flopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES, The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low! Best Norway nail, rod, bar no hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions G .BOXES, CAR IMAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low figures. P,."_s^ A crl h respectfully soPcited, feeling confl d•.nt that our owl K 1,511011 not fail to • 14 11 ',.iTON .I.', :11.1GUIll.L. Flap ti lietiou, l'iJruary IF6O JAS. A. BROWN Has removed to the splendid storeroona his nose MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Where lie offers at Wholesalo and Retail an humans. stock and endives variety of F01?EIG-N AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass4c TEN YEARS diligent attention to bnsiness in the Rardware trade in this place, hss given me an expert. once that enables mo to secure grea advantages for my customers in the selection of the best standard brands and reliable qualities of goods. Llavingjust returned from Now York and Philadelphia with a splendid stock, bought since the recent decline in gold, tam now offering great iuducomenie to buyers. Among my stock may be found WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foundrymen, And for all other kinds of Mechanics. Will find In my stock n groat variety of Farming Duple meets of the best quality, such as Scythes, Rakes, Forks, Shards, ,Spades, Hoes, Garden Trowds, Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Orson hooks, -Pruning Shears, Pruning Saws, Pruning Knives. Sc., 31,-ery farmer should see the famous iiARPOON - _-IAY -110R3 It is filo wonder of the ago; and one tried convinces the most skeptical that it is the best Hay Fork made,— I have the agency for tho solo of those forks for Hunting don and parts of Bedford and Fulton counties and can till orders for Forks, pallier and ropes at manufacturers • prices. , ...-.., . \ '"4:e. , -•‘• A j „,,,,... - 1 \ CC ,-, ' C=l 0 4 i t ' LL. ili f WI 1 ,•J Ce, l 4 e a r / Ad f 4:=l P Z el A 4• " ( . - to , e = -, F, ,Tt- - . 'I . ... 1) ` l'- .„:440.-7,y D-.-- ° ; 4 4 a, ',A 7••••. t; 1,- • 4=) w ia ?.••• F,4 ~.1. .t .' •:', ; :i "-- rz ''' FA :41.: :- . t CO , E ''' i4g .7 . t . :`,ii ~ 18 ' ....! A , 'a 41 C. 1 , 1 .54 ~ st lIPP tr ," Lai z. P. -.a ea ~. ri, V C—. 7 ~', -4 , a g's.i - F ,1 Xce. Z, - s' : Ei ii , s. t. ..- w ga zi 1.1 , Z t I have also the celebrated Curry Comics, Cards, &c., d:c. PALMER HORSE FORKS Which have given such goodsatiefaction for the last 3 years, and which I arn now selling at greatly reduced prices. FOR BUILDERS I bavo an endless naloitment of L 0 CKS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. Our best Inechao Ica say that thu DUNCANNON NAILS are the beet brought to this market. I bare the agency for the sale of these nails and spikes, nud DEALERS, BUILDERS, and others, can be supplied promptly in quantities from one pound to one hundred kegs, at manufacturers' prices. HARRISBURG STONEWARE, EARTHENWARE AND HOLLOW WARE, WOODEN PUMPS Tho merit of these pumps is shown by the fact that the demand far them is rapidly increasing everywhere. There is uo Iron in them to corrode and injure the water. They are light and convenient, so that every nun can put in bis own pump, the whole only costing him about one half tine price of other pumps. PUOIIII, mid wooden pipe to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or ders. Give depth from door to bottom of well. Thankful for the patronage I kayo hitherto received I shall continuo my endeavors to snit, accommodate and picas° all, and ropectfully eolicit a liberal tthare of public MEE JAMES A. BROWN. Huotiugdon, Hoy 16, 1E66. • lasTßop oti2)' 44? sTO3, AT REDUCED PRICES. FARMERS HINGES, SCREWS, PAINTS, GLASS, =II 401:Loct,1::. 11/JETJIC) SS'JVC:I)XLM. 1866_ Itz 41/4•• EAT, INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. M. GREENE has just opened is Music Store, one .1. or west of W Lewis' hook here In keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A a,it r. .0 A fIIILITS Piano Manufacturing Company's SON A HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and , NEEDHAM A CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Wes, States; Huila r and Violin Strings. BOOKS—Golden Chain, Guidon Showery Golden .talon Trio, &C., &C. Mu:llo.—M Is constantly receiving from Phil. all 1110 latest music, which persons at a distant., .can order, and have sent Omni by In ail. .iIIOVEII A BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA, b—tho only machine that, in addition In story , ewing, embroiders perfectly; sewing bilk and all binds and colors for Machin.. 3 buying Sowing Machines fully instructed in if them. Moos end Organs Warranted for lire years. wishing to buy any of the above articles am in call and examine mins before purchasing else• My_ prices aro Hui sumo as in Now York and phis. Ira of Instruments or Machines., sent promptly lication with any additional Information desired. B. M. OBEENE, Mill street,Huntingdou, Pa., Second door of Brown's Hardware building BROUGIIER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER, PATENTED DECEMBER 23, 1860 Everybody his own Broom Maker Thie bend Wrapper la c< tructod of Tin Zinc. with elidi band and bol In eonnectit with the mil bolt paseing tic the handle, Ind iug it sectlye. The article which we cz your attention very simple,lial and stroll. weighing bt SEVEN OUNCES. The formit community Lai long needed nrticlo of tit character; at. I to high price Brooms, logrth with the simpli Ity, durability, makes it morn duce& Ar.i..r.iVe otter borough, township, and family rights for sale on reasonablorterms, in the county of litintinkdon. For further particulars, call and see the subscribers, or address . THOS. G. STitICKLIM it SON, feb7,1866 Ituntingdon, Pa. SPECIAL NOTICE. To THE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Poshionablo Fellatio attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. ' ,The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chasto robes of whito, because they had fore time served to little tho deformities of that Prince ofttobels, the Devil. Can you err in following the exampleof Angels? Then having mado up your militia that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of retool acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, who wilt be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your Path, cry, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can here ho suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Cape, Queens ware and a general assortment of Urocerice, on ne rea sonablo terms as at any House in town. Store ou South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31,1805.. FRANCIS 11. WALLACE. undersignedNP ßßLEi2R P .Tle woutarespecttllyclllthonttentionofthizsn. of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental garble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Tasters Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &e., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work. manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call RIO ace, before you purchase elsewhere. Slaw on the orner of Montgomery' and Mifflin e's.. Huntingdon Pa. W3I. WILLIA3IS. Huntingdon, May 161556. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, L ADZE AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOLC, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL TIM DISTINCESSIIED OFFICERS AND CAPILIANB, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOON AND STATIONERY swim. BRADS, FOR TUE GREATEST VARIETY OF Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store. pat U R cuN S NING P BANI I ,t co4.nmEors,S ROUND N.LIJII AND SALINA SALT at CUNNINCILA3f r* CA li,3lOlsPS. rrIIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE ." BOXES fur Wagons of all sizes, for sale at the bard. Ivarc store of [fe14,12366] JAS. A. .1311011'N. ENVELOPES -6y tho Pax, pack, or lose quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. pER PUMERY and Fancy Soaps for Pale at LEWIS rE CO'S Family Grocery. D ARC II MENT DEED PAPER-- ruled, for Bak at LEWIS' BOOK STOKE. ----- CIALL at D. P. G WIN'S if you want VV goon (woos. \of ONTILLY TIME BOOKS, llw For ftldo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY sroplz SSI HE E S.—A choice lot of viLlack aml fancy Cau,lumrcs at CUNNINGHAM t CARMON'S. WILLOW and CEDAR WARE V V for sale at L 1 %Y & CO'S Family Grocery. Mill!: BEST EASTERN Ch EEsE mbrutiat 1 7 NNING If A CANSIONT. NE IV GOODS CONSTANTLY RE eeind At CUNNINGIJA)I.4; CATIMOTS. PROFESSIONAL A. BUSINESS CARDS TAIL. A. B: BRTJAIBAUGH . , Havlng'permsneutly located at Huntingdon, offers Lin profensional services to the community. OcWo, the same as that' lately occupied by Dr. Laden. on 11111 street. ap10,1866 lit. JOHN i'iIcOULLOOH, offers leis professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon ~,, vicinity. Once on Hill street, ono door east of Reed's Drag Store. Aug. _9,'23. T 1 ALLISON MILLER, DE?V-TIS2', Una remoyott to tbo Brkk Bow opposito tbo Court April 13, 1959. tE. GREENE, • t DENTIST. ()moo removed to opposite the Praelclin Moose in the old bank labling,lllll erect, Iluutlngton. April 10, laid. EXCHANGE HOTEL THE subscribers having leased this _L Hotel, lately occupied hy M -McNulty, nre preporcd to accommodate stramgers, traveler.?, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall bo made on onr part to MOW all who stop with us tool at boom. J. J. &J. D. P. 4,40; inity2,lB66 Proprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, 11 - tixxtizm.g;c3.c,xi, T HAVE purebased uncl entirely ren t ovated tho large stone and brick building, opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accoimnodation of the traveling public. The Car pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding aro all entirely now and first CIRSS, and I am safe to enying that I can offer ac commodations not excelled in Colltral PennsylVallia. .GS-1 refer to my patrons who have formerly known 1110 While in charge of the Broad Top City lintel nod Jack son Holm. ausnrit 310R1115.0N. tay 16, 1866-tf. K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIUNTINODON, PA. OFFICP--th the brick row, opposite the Court Timm, ntAy3.ltioo MILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT LA TV, HUNTINGDON, PA Prompt attention given to all legal Imainess entr e ated to hie care.. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' holm against the Government collected without delay. 5012'66 R McIitURTIZIE, ATTOILVEY AT LAW, office on Hill street. Lt.UNTINGpoN, PA. Prompt attention wilt Lo given to the prosecution of the claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs, against the Gov ernment. au22,lSCal B. 'MILTON SPEER. E. S. McM ORME SPEER & AIc3IUETRIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW; HUNTINGDON, SA. Office Hui same as formerly occupied by Mr. Spoor. Huntingdon, Aug. 1.4 401. J. W MATTERN.WILLIA3I A. S ire. MATTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND LICENSED CLAIM AGENTS, HUNTINGDON, 01ieo on Bill !street. I'oldiers Claims against tho Governruent:lor Back Pay Bounty, Widows' and Invalids' Pensions attended to with great care and promottiess. • my/ .1y JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BILOITIT, JOHN M, BAILEY Tho name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under which nnmo they will hereafter conduct their practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of Boltliors and soldiers' heirs against the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 180.5-If. A. W. BENEDICT. J. SMELL DEMME. P. AL LTTLE. THE firm of Benedict & Stewart has 1 been clinaged to BENEDICT, BTEWAB.T & LYTLE, under which name they will hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1111wrixopox, PA They:will also giro carefnl attention to tha collection of military and other Clanma against dm Stato or Gov. er»lnent. 0111 co l'ornlorly occupied by J. Sorrell Stewart, rutioin ng the Court Houso, fab6,1866 i_pOYER & GARNER, Dealers in Dry Goofs, Groceries, &c., Mark lesburg station. 1/V - 1 11, 1 1 a . lu l a I n T I T O ' : I tL E f il en l‘ ta l l S 3larblo Manufacturer. ANDREW JOHNSTON, agent for tlio Niagara Insurance Company, Huntingdon. GEO. SIIAERFER, dealer In Boots, Shoes, Guiters, &c., Huntingdon. Ti 'CA 11 N & SON, proprietors of Juniata Stanm Pearl 31i11,11uutinplon. WM. LEWIS & CO , Family Gro ceries, I'l'o,lBloo and Peed Store, Hunt., pa. WM. MARCH & BRO. Deniers in Dry Goods, Queenswnro, Ilsrdwaro, Boots, Shoes, is. CUNNINGHAM & CARRION, 31erchants, Huntingdon, Pa. WIIARTON & MAGUIRE, Whole. sale and retail dealers In foreign and domestic Uardware, Cutlery, &c., ItsMout street, Huntingdon. CHAS. 11. ANDERSON, Dealer in ail kinds of Lumber, &c., Huntingdon, P. TAMES A. BROWN, tj Dealer In Itardwaro, Cutlery•, Cnlnto, One, .48., Runt iugdon, Pa. TT RONAN, Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Rots and Cali; T 1 P. GWIN, • Dealer. In Dry Goods, -'Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, lists and Caps, Bouts and Shoes, he. Huntingdon: E. HENRY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Roods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and Proribions of all kinds, Huntingdon. hi. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and sa.es,ln Ots Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. TOHN H. WESTBROOK, Dealer in Dootb,Shoea, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon. ZYENTER, Dealer in Groceries and *Provisions of ull kinds, Huntingdon, Pn. DONNELL & KLINI, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Huntingdon, Po. 9111011IAS O.FriticKLER & SON, 15Innufacturersof 13rougber's patent Broom load or It rapper, Huntingdon. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, • Plain and Ornament:el Marble Manufacturers. AT GUTMAN CO., Dealers in neatly I.T_L •• made Clothing, Ituutlugdon, In. iiM. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,inu ,„ steal Instrument., Sowing3l achinee, Iluntingtlou. SE GARS.—Best quality of Sugars mll7 at CUNNING II a EI & CARMON'S. BILL POSTER. The undersigned offers his services to business men and others desiring circulars distributed or handbills posted. Ile can be seen at the (am office. Huntingdon, Aug. 16, 1865. - JOHN KOPLIN. PAPER ! PAPER !! PAPER !!! • Tracing Paper, Impreasion Paper, Drawing Pillar, Deed Paper, Til33UO Paper, &ilk Paper for Flowers, Pcrforoted Poor, Briatol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladirte Gilt Edged Letter anti Solo Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Pad. and Sheet:, For vale at Stationery and Mmic Store. VIJU SIC THE CYTHARA—The -- .00 Presbyterian Psalmodist—The nr Shawn—TheJubilee—lfunten's and llortioN enlarged and improved instructors—Weiland's New and Improved Method for the Guitar—Leland's Ace°, deon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe 's Viollo Instructors—Dellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur rowes' Piano. Forte Primer—do. Thoron•4l,Dase Primer— Howe's Drawing Ittmm Dances—The Churns Glee Bonk— Tnra's Harp, for sale nt LNtf F' POOK, ItUPIC ?TORE. Qt,4ilabtlpl)ia bbrrtiztilients. $1,500 PER YEAR.—We' want agents everywhere to sell our MORO- Van Sewing Machin.. 'Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted live years. 'Above salary or large commissions paid. Th. ONLY machines sold In the United States for less than Sdo, which are fatly lieeved by lime, Wheeler & Wilson, Grocer Baker, Singer dl Cb., and Bach4der. All other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or ester are liable to arrest, fine and impris onment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw Sr Clark, Biddeford, Maine; or Chicago, 111. de3o-ly TLIO3I.IS 31. KERR, Ocncral Partner. THOMAS M. KERR, WHOLESALE 'GROCER, NO. 113 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELCUIA Country produce sold on commission S . S. CAMPBELL & CO., Mallpfattvilla CONFECTIONERS, And Wholesnlo Denim in FOREIGN' FRUITS, NUTS, 84C., No. 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa Also manufacturers of all kinds ofkloinssos Candy Cocoanut work. . soltVenly 1866. PIIILADE4PIIIA 1866 WAIL PAPEaL .Ar FIT FALL fl TY-Ei ES. HOWELL & . 130U:RKE, IattIIPACTURPOS OP Paper Hangings & Window Shades, CORNER MCKIM 5; MARKET STS., PUILADA. N B—Always Iu atoro, a kirk() stock of LINEN AND OIL SHADES. ' aos.3in B ILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that ho has opened for their use his new and elegantly fitted up Billiard Room. It contains FOUR NEW TABLES OF SLURP'S MANUFACTURE, superior to any now in the city. Tido Billiard Room challenges comparison with any room in the Plato; west of Philadelphia. INVENTORS' OFFICES D'EPI.NBUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 'Walnut St., Philada Patents solicited Consultations on Engineering, Draughtlng and Sketches, Models and Machinery °fall kinds made and skillfully attended to. Special at tontine given to ItEJEC'PED CASES and INTIMFERENCES.— Anthenlic copies of all Documents from Patent °taco procured. N, B.—Savo yourselves MOMS trouble and traveling expenses, us tiler., IS no actual need for personal inter view with us. All business with these Ornate, can be transacted in writing. For further information direct no above with stamp enclosed, for Circular with references. Januaryl7, 1166-ly SPECIAL NOTICE. - -,','"Ct r - ( ZA6 : . The above little Casket is furnished with ono hundred at quality NEEDLES, numbers most needed for lady's u. They nro the best manufactured. Every lady multi send and procure one of those casket. This little abet is forwarded to ally address on receipt of 60 cents mall. Any one wishing to become agent will please ad for sample and circular. Price for sample, 60 cents. want 1000 agents more. The Great American Puzzle will be sent to any address receipt of 90 cunt, It containssix numbers. HILL, 259 Market street, Piffled.. u 22 6111 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. IIOPKI.N'§ "OWN MART !" New Fall Styles ! Are in every respect first class, and embrace a complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, and Children, of the newest styles, every length and sizes of waist. Our skirts, wherever known, aro more universally pop• ular than any others before the public. They retain their shape bettor, are lighter, more elastic, mom durable, and really cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs and fastenings aro warranted perfect. Every lady should try Omni 'They aro now being extensively sold by merchants, throughout the country, and at whole ealo and retail, at manufactory and sales Mom No. 628 Arch St., below 7th, Philada Ask for napkin's "OWN MAK liu—buy no other! CAUTION,—Novo genuine unions stamped on each K l'ad— , llopkin's !loop Skirt 31anufactory, N 0.6213 Arc St., Philadelphia." Also, constantly on hand full lino of Now York node Skirts, at very low prices. h 3019, NET CASIi .5-4 m AGENTS WANTED FOR TILE PICTORIAL BOOK OF Alletteg & Tants of tlioßotollion. Heroic, Patriotic, Romantic, Humorous and Treviceo There is a certain portion of the mar that will never go into the regular histories, nor be embodied in romance or poetry, which is a vary real part of it, and will, if pro. served, convey to succeeding generations a bettor idea of the spirit of tine conflict than many dry reports or care ful narratives of events, and this part may ho called the gossip, the fun, the pathos, of the war. These illustrate tine character or tire leaders, the humor of the soldiers, tine devotion of women, the bravery of mon, tine pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the service. Frum tine beginning of the war the author has boon engaged in collecting all the anecdotes connected with or Illustrative of it, and has grouped and clusified them under appropriate heads, and in a very attractive' form. The •olumo is proinsely illustrated - with over 300 en gravings by the first artists, which are really beautiful; worthy of examination no specimens of the art. Many of them are set into the body of the text, after the popu lar style of Lossing's Pictorial Field Hook of the Itevolu. lion. The book's contents luelude reminiscences of camp, picket, spy, bivouac, siege and hattledield adventures: thrilling feats of bravery, wit, drollery, comical and hll croes adventures; etc., etc. Amusement us well as instruction maybe found in ev cry page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, aro skillfully interwoven in this work of literary art. Tilts work sells itself. The people' are tired of dry de tails and partisan works, nod want something humorous, romantic and startling. Our agents are making from $lOO to $2OO per month, clear at all expenses. Send fur circulars, giving full particulars, and see our terms and proof of the above assertion. ' " N A TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 607 I.lirmi .t, Pllitadr,lphia A oen4t LADIES' FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA'S OLD ESTABLISRBD 3E 1 12..x• Mact,33. - utira,cst csx-y -718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. I bay° now In store of ly own fmportatlon and Innufnotore, ono of tbo A It 0 It S T end most .P.AIITIPUL selections of LADIES' and CHIL MEN'S WEAR, In the ity. Also, a flue anorb Int of Gent's Fur loves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose my goods at very tEASONABLE PRICES td I would therefore licit a call from my .riends of Huntingdon county and vicinity. RV - Remember the Name, Number and Street I - JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARClLStreet, above itb, South side, oca-lat PHILADELPHIA. trz- I HAVE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN PaIi,ADELPHIA. • FIN'S Patent IIAIR CRIMPERS! For Crimping and Waving. radios Hair. NO lIRAT 11EqUIRI;D IN USING THEM I Ask your storekfiepera for than. IT he does got hoop Mon, ...rite to the manufacturer B. DINS, Sixth et. and Columbia armuo, Plilladelplaa. se2B.ou EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, PHIL AMP Him now completed their improvement and are now of. on the best of terms • FULL STOCK OF FALL DRY GOODS. Fine stock of SHAWLS, Fine stock of SILKS, Fine stock of DRESS GOODS, Fine stock of WOOLENS, Fine stock of STAPLE GOODS, .Fine stock of FANCY GOODS, WILLLUICACR, Special Partner Etc. New and desirable geode daily received, and Sold at small advance wholesale. • ae26-6t MEI "1" SET • G MA Fully Llceitee . Pay from $5O to $2OO p. truted Olroulsts, aka. r.k, ACI-.MITTS S eptomber 19,1%65. ' 31:30C:1333E31XD15P • ELECTRIC' SOAP . • SAVES TIME, ,SATES MONEY, , SAVES LABOR, : . • • SAVES CLOTHES, •• • • • SAVES WOMEN, ANDZALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is need by cutting Into email shavings and dissolving in hot water, thou soak the clothes five to ten minutes, and a little hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordinary soap, and the most delicate fabric receive no injury, Re can refer to thousands of families who are using it, and :who could not be persuaded to do Without • - - - DOBBINS' • • ELECTRIC • SOAP Sold by all LEADING GROCERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. WHOLESALE OFFICE 107 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, • , Philadelphia. .15Z-For isle at LEWIS & Family Grocery. Oct. 15, '65-dm: .34. PENNSYLVANIA Rit IL ROAD TIME OF LIIATING OF TRAINS' SUMNER ARRANGEMENT. WESTWAiIIi - • EASTWARD rII ' e 7 4.^ .. it 1 • .13 % 51 >ll ,1 a. rt .4 1 V ,:..,11 1 STATIONS.' '4i ; " I i , I . . '' :G 4 .... ..- :• '.. g.; g , lii _ P.M.!P. U.( P.m./ A. M. . -P. M.I 6.611 .to 6 081 111 43 IN. r Hamilton, . 4 4 58 35 615 111 53 31t. Union,.., 49 ,25 I, 20 .....(12 05 . Mapleton 430 - 15 6 31 112 Ir, . Mill Creek", .. 425 05 650 5 16112 31 5 66,110ntlagdon, .5 09; 410 60 706 112 51 .....IPotorsbarg,... 13 50 30 715 1 1 011 113arreo 1 3 411 21. 722 113 0 23'SprlicoCreol, 13 30 10 735 135 111irming1ani, 315 .55 740 557 145 0 48Tyr0nr ' 424 305 46 759 200 'Tipton 253 33 8 04 2 OS Fostoria, 2 48 26 810 215 hell's 31111,1,.. 239 19 8306 25 2 40S 720 Altoona,. 3552 20 00 P.M.! P.M. P. M. A.M. P.m. P. M. .14 The PIIILADELPIIIA EXPligfiS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 35 P. M., and arrivo3 at Lluntlngdnn at 10 00 P.M. • • The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona nt 3 30 A. 31., and arrives nt Huntingdon at 4 54 A. 31. Tho DAY EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoonnat 830 3. M., and arrives at Huntingdon 9 43 3. sr. The PIIILADIMPIIIA EXIAMSS Westward, loaves truntiagdon at 7 00 A. 31., and +unfree nt Altoona nt 3 20 A. 21. The FAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon 'at 7 35 P. M., And arrives at Altoona At 8 60 P. M. The NEW TONIC EXPRESS Wedtwanl leaves Bunting. don nt 7 38 A. si.,and arrives at Altoona 8 500. IL July 30, 1333. J~UNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after Monday, NOI"R sth, 1806, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. NORTIIIPAItDTRAINS, A CC031310 15antess nxn .P. M. A. M. BIDINGB ,e 4 151L0 a lOilluntingdon, 1 4 351 8 30 3leConne'Wawa, 4 431 -8 38 Pleasant Grove,., 5 00 8 51 31arkleslng, 5 16 9.10 Coffee Run, 1 5 24 9 18 Hough & Ready,.. 5 36 9 30 Cove, 5 401 934 Fisher's Emma,. AR 6 o lan 9491,,, azt . i.r.13 Ciu ' ' 10 20 Rflidlesbnrg 10 28 Hopewell, 10 HP Piper's Run, • 11.18 Tatesville , ,11 31 Bloody Bun . . Anal 35 Mount Dallas, BUOUPS RUN BRANC 1 50 10 06 1 Sazton, 1 1 10 20 Coidmont 1 10,25 Crawford, lAR 10 86 Dudley, I :Broad Top City,..... Ifuotlugdon Nov 5, 1866. OLIV.E. ONE PRICE ONLY. 7 .4...kaig . Lvt,, READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JUNE 11, 1886. iIt.REAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE Vfi North and North-West for PISILSDELYEER., Raw- YORE, READING, PoTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ARIILAND, LISANON, ALLENTOWN, EARToNj EPIGRATA, LITIZ, LANCASTER, NUNS- DlO, Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows At 3 00, 8,10 and 9 05 A. M., and 210 and 9,15 P. M., connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania B.R,arriving at Ewe York. 5,03 anal 1010 A, DL, & 4.10, 5,20.10 45 P. M. Sleeping cars accompany the 3 00 a m and 915 p.m.traius without change. • Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsillle, Tamaqua, alinersvillo ' Ashland, Pins Orme, Allontown and Phila delphia at 810 A. M., and 2 10 and 410 P. M., stopping at Lebancn and principal way stations; tbo 4 10 p. m. train Making Councelions for Philadelphia and Columbla - only. O'er Pottsville, Schuylkill Ilaven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna lt.R., leave Harrisburg at 3 20 P M. lleturning, leave Nr.voYonst nL 7 & 0 A. M., 12 Noon, I P. M.; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. M., and 330 P.AI ; Way Pane anger train leaves Philadelphia nt 7 30 A. M. returning from Reading at 630 P. sr., stops at all stations: Pottsville at 8,45 A. It.. and 2 45 I',M.; Ashland 6 00 and 11,30. a m, and 1,05 P al; Tamaqua at 9.45 A DI.; and 1 and 355 P M. Loavo Pottsville for Harrisburg, via . Schuyikill and 'Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a M. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Enema at 0.00 A. If., and returns front PIIILADELVIIIA at 5,00 P.M. Colnmbia Itailror;d Trains leave Reading at 645 ant., 12 05 and 6 15-P. M. ) for Ephrata, LBW, Lancaster, Col umbia, &e. , On Sundays, leavo New York at S 00 P. M., Philadel phia, 8 a m and 315 P. al., the Sam train running only to Reading, Pottsville 8 A. 51., Tamaqua 7.30 A. 01., liar ri burg 9 05. A. M., nod Rending 133, 7 30 a.m., for, liar risburg.lo,s2a to., for New York, and 4.25 p.m. for Phil tulelphin. • COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, SCIIOOI,, and EXCURSIoN TIMEDIR at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggago checked through: 80 pounds Baggage allowed suet, Passenger. G. A. NICOLL% Reading, Juno 25, 1886. - General SuPe,inUndent SPECTACLES . MOZ= A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND ! A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIYED AT LEWIS' .8, 001 STORE. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CTS., and $l,OO . . Olt THE LADIES, A superior article of Note Paper 'and Envelopeii, suitable for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS" 13001 C & STATIONERY STORE. Q OUR PICKLES ready for the table, kiby the ,loz., 03 r 34 , ,10 . z. 0 f , 0rtv y t orocer 1 t r AC -] TS WANTED IMI tenlibry ghee. • ootb. For term, meg. •Ztrith ti.mp, either rr r— 110711ERS, 4 Chestnut St., Phan., _ 231 Samna BG Tol.do, O. EZMEEETIZEI 133•213 lea 11 34 1 19 11 11 10 55 10 39 10 .51 .10 19 10 15 As 10 00 I 350 335 3 25 zo =I 1866; ~ : 7 - THE . 186( ::,:wimsT4fip- 8g.§7.! _..sTocx, or _ -; WALL PAPER Ever Brought to HunMirgdon, • Is new ready for inspection and atxl( LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Mule ahrit. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLE ,LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bough, in Philadelphia'br Pittsburg. o u1t.:,5..t.: o.,ex Consists of upwards of 'One Hundred Different Style Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bud: Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &o. . , Cll 'thp,!!Gkbe""Bylidlng and, exarnice our stock and prices. •' 66 QUICK SALES AND Anybody in want of" ALBUMS • . . . ALBUMS AND. ANNUALS: . , INT Orli. vALIMALS AND ISTISAMI36 1 . 004 , Panay and Bohai! STATIONERY, - • MUSICAL 1- NSTRUAIENTE. • - • • • CHURCH MUSIC AND inettinerrow 100 n. SHEET MUSIC for the PlRni , Ctitar, Ae, at, POCEAT HOOKS, YOATMO?tKAAFA AND "Ma, ,• ' For Ladlee and Gentleness, GOLD PENS AND RENOIL4 AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For. Sunday and Common Rehoide, SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOKS OP ALL EINE% TOY ROOKS, ALPHABET DLOLIS, bp i • ALL KINDS OF BOOKS. Proper for,liell and Girl.. AMUSING GAMES • - Ear 'Young hike. • weppreo ENVELOPES AND 641011, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE/I, " • 'VISITING CARDS, 'CHECKER I3OARDE, mime:* 4604'' • . - SONO DIMES, • . 6 to 75 /tante: , . —BLANK. ROCKS, Memorandum Pooh ' SCHOOL BOOKS OY ALL RINDS, - Dratoini and Bleiliny Paper,: Brutal aired Chtiii Baal* • . • .WEITE BONNETBOARD; • . INDEJALZ, CARMIXF, HD, ALUBAJNOALACIA Arnold'a Hodgion'e and Harries:oak's : - • 'WRITING 'FLUID.' '• • Wrapping Paper.of Dlierent Slue and a.. ; • Ao. , • /4- • ' Ira SHOULD CALL Alt • LE • CarAP Noorri Srartinali lernlhriee Siena, In the "Globa!': Duiliing,--Illarket Square, . : where #ll,who went N. ". SAYE. MONEY, • • go to malte:theirpttrolhases, • AR 6 45 6 24 616 5 00 445 1 436 420 is 406 Lit 3 25 3 36 1.7 3 09 2 S I LI 2 30 • " I „isit. • • .77 , qv • • : 7 : 1 • • 30.0_.;7"14:1•!....17.- • 1.E1.7;:;=!• r PLANKS ! BLANKS I BLANKS! STABLE'S SALES; A'TTACR'T EZECIPTIONS, ATTACHMENTS,; •,. EXECUTIONS„ - • , ~ SUMMONS, . DEEDS, ' • SUBPCSNAS, • • :• • : MORTGAGES, , • ' ' (SCHOOL ORDERS, • JUDGMENT NOTES, .LEASES FOR ROUSES, :: • NATURALIZATION YU, COMMON BONDS, • JUDGMENT FON DS, WARRANTS, • . • PEE BILLS, , • • NOTES, with a waiver of the tan law. t . , .. ~ JUDGMENT NOTES, with a Waiver of this S SW Taw. • • ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. • MAR RIAG IiCERTIFICATES, for Jaitices of the Nees and Blinisters of the Gospel.- • ~. ~ • , . r .• • ~ , COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and • COMMITMENT;hs alas of Assault and Battery, and Affray,. - .. ..•• :-,„ : S.CIERR FACIAS, to recover amount elJadgmeat. • COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for. State, County, Saes; Borough and Tininsblp Taxes. • Printed on superior paper. and for tale at she Oita alf the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to arelonweatly, et short notice, and on good Paper. SATCHELS, • • . PORT-MONNAIES,. PURSES, . POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, • CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, '&O., Its., A Handsome assortment just received . At LEWIS'• Book Store. • WINDOW CURTAIN PAPER - 8; A LARGE ;STOOK , SPLI NDID ASSORTMENT. Whitloig Cuitain:Papeis, • JUST RkEIVED LEWIS' BOOK 4TPRE. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SAL A T LEWIS' TORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. ijAPER I PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, Foot/map and good meortment for eate by the ream, half ream, guts* of !sherd, at • 1,111919' NEVit BOOK & STATIONERY g'ORU. q AT ILE FOR S T.T. • PROFITS