The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 14, 1866, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Nov, liilB6e
W. Lewis, EAor acid Ptw&tor.
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Mi.
".1 . know of no mode in which •
nit may so poll demonstrate his eao e.'
iris country as by sustaining the Flag, the
Constitution and the. Union, under all dream
The State Elections.--Congress.
The results of elections in the sever
al States last week give the Republi- '
cans complete control of
morethan a two-third vote. It will'
be useless therefore for the President
to object to any measnre Congress may
agree upon. Whatever the character
of a bill may be it can and most likely
would be passed over his veto. Con
gress must take tho responsibility of
managing the affairs of our Govern,
anent, and whatever errors ono com
mitted, Congress and not the Presi
dent will be held responsible for. Of
the eleven States that voted on Tues
day last, nine gave the following Re
publican majorities
New York,.
Maryland gavo a Democratic or
Conservative majority of 5000. Dela
ware gave 1000 majority in the same
. The Maryland election was held un
der the old boafd of election officers.
The now Comniissioners having been
detained iu jail until after the election,
they did not succeed in ro organizing
new boards—still the election resulted
in-their favor.
A GLEAM or SENSE:7—MM are jour
nals in some of the Southern States
that occasionally have lucid intervals,
and we are inclined to think the ablest
of them aro published in New Orleans.
The Commercial there, for instance, is
doing its best to stop political agita
tion, and tellS its readers, the South
has enough to think about and do, for
years to come, in rebuilding, on the
new basis, its social fabric, which the
war has so completely shattered.
While indorsing the idea that "the
prosperity and development of power
in the country were the results of six
ty years of Southern statesmanship,"
it makes this confession : "But we
have made indifferent local statesmen,
and, as politics was the medium of our
ruin, let us try and got along without
it." It further recommends those
who folloWed Lee and Johnston in war
to profit by their example in peace.
"Keeping our eyes on these two lead
ers," it says, "and shutting our ears to
the noisy demagogues who offend us
with their incoherent and inflammato
ry words, we shall soon have a gener
ation which will win back to the South
a fortune' greater than that she has
lost." The North by giving an car
to such advice might also be greatly
benefitted. If the North is ruined it
will be because the people giro com
plete control of their interests into
the hands of desperate and unprinci
pled politicians. Everything must
now bend to the will of the office seek
ers and the masses of people cannot
ee•that they aro as prOsperous ar.d
happy as they were before the war
when there was less political excite
We havo said it, and we repeat,
that until the bitter prejudices of the
people and the ambition of the politi
cal leaders /re effectually obliterated,
wo cannot have a united country and
a harmonious people. We might as
well have two kings as to havo the
two antagonistic political parties of the
present day. No man is a true man
who at this time seeks the perpetua
tion of his party for the gratification
of personal ends, when his country is
divided. If a man cannot check his
ambition and endeavor to restore har
mony, be bad better stand back and
leave the positions for men who would
rather insure the general welfare than
their own personal gains.
tnza,,Toxas and Georgia have refused
to ratify the Constitutional Amend
ment. • This merely indicates the sen
timent of all the Southern States. The
next grave question that presents it
self for solution is, What will be done
with them? Can they be forced to
swallow bitter pills; in other words
can they be forced to accept conditions
which they do not like ? If we know
the spirit of the Southern people, and
we only judge from the manifestations
during the rebellion, we think we will
bare more .serious time than we an
ticipate, It is vi:ry. difficult to teach
a haughty pop to be bumble by
using the rod and Ei,ubborn audacity.
THE RIGIIT SPlRlT.—Already the
more conservative Reptiblican press
are preaching moderation. They feel
that the gross abuse of the President
by mans' leading men of their party
must injure the character of their coun
iry their parry.
blJell: y lal Lid
tiou of Ca:: Ada to the United z3tates
has lust been orgfitilzd at Toronto.
Thißaltimore Difficulty.
inmissioners and the Sheriff
: • •3r Governor Swann were
jail on Thursday morning
. a .s, and were taken be
re Gout tEseir cases were ar
gued Saturday even
' hen itVaB7•o - xpected the Judge.
, I zive his decision on Monday.
no disturbances in B.
titu - nre o ortance during the eke.
tion. The presence of 'General Grant
and the military, no:dopht,'had seMe
thing to de in preserving order. Four
of the five members of Congress aro
Conservatives or Democrats. The
Legislature is anti-Radical and will
elect Gov. Swann to the U. S. Senate.
Proclamation of Governer Curtin.
Twenty-ninth Day of Ndvernber Ap
pointed as a Day of Thanksgiving..
In the Name and by .the Authority of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Whereas, It bath been the good and
worthy custom of the Commonwealth
to set apart, annually, a day , for the
special acknowledgement of tho good
ness of the Almighty, and for express
ing, by the whole people, at one time
and with a common voice, the thanks
and praise which throughout the year
are springing from the hearts of men ;
I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor : of
the ComMonwealth of PenhSylvania,
do, by this my proclamation, recom
mend that the good people of the'Qorri
monwealth observe Thursday, the'29th
day of November next, as a day of
thanksgiving and prayer, and de then
assemble in their respective churches
and places of worship, and make their
humble thank offering. to Almighty
God for all His blessings during the
past year. •
For the abundanegathered fruits of
the earth.
For the thus far continued activity
of industry ; • , -
For the general preservation of health;
And especially for that, in His divine
mercy, He hath stayed the threatened
eAnd, moreover; that they do beseech
Him to continue unto us all His bless
ings, and to confirm the hearts of the
people of these United States, that by
the laWful force of their will, deeds of
good justice, wisdom, and mercy may
be done.
Given under my band and the great
seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this
twenty-ninth day of October, in the
year of our Lord, ono thousand eight
hundred and sixty six, and of the
Commonwealth the ninety-first.
By the Governor :
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
risburg correspondent of the Chain.
bersburg Repository says :
"There is still much speculation as
to Gen. Geary's cabinet.. It is not
probable that Mr. Meredith will want
to continue in the Attorney General's
office, and the name of Hon. John Scott,
of Huntingdon, is now freely spoken
of. He is ono of the first lawyers of
the State, and his unspotted integrity
and untiring industry would make
him a most acceptable and useful offi
cer. Col. Jordon is also urged for one
of the cabinet positions with some
warmth by his friends."
The President and the Elections.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.—A good deal
of speculation is indulged in here as to
the feelings and opinions of the Presi
dent with regard to the result of the
elections of Tuesday. Those who have
visited Mr. Johnson this evening
find him in very good spirits, and not
at all disturbed by the political aspect.
Many suppose that in view of the re
sults of yesterday's voting the Presi
dent has some intention of recommend.
ing the Southern Sttaes to adopt the
proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion; but those who look for such ae.
Lion on the part of the Executive will
be disappointed.
Mr. Johnson does not regard it as his
duty to make any recommendation on
this subject whatever. He will leave
the matter in the hands of the South
ern people, to be disposed of by them
without interference or suggestion
from him. If the constitutional pant
her of States shall adopt the amend
ment, Mr. Johnson will bow to the will
of the people thus lawfully expressed.
! Should the amendment fail, the Presi•
dent may suggest for adoption, the two
amondmerts to the Constitution as to
taxation and representation heretofore
set forth in these despatches.—New
York Times.
Republicans and Democrats
will virtually maintain the relative
positions in the next Congress that
they did in the last, though whatever
gains the late elections have afforded
accrue to the former. During the fall
there have been Representatives cho
sen in nineteen States, of whom one
hundred and twenty-five are Radical
mcn and thirty-seven Johnsoui
ans and Democrats. This is the latest
manifestation of public sentiment and
Tun Washington Republican of Fri
day casts charges that Secretary Stan
ton withheld from the President an
important dispatch from Gen. Baird,
sent two days previous to the New
Orleans riot, and alleges that if the
President had received the dispatch
the riot would not have occurred.
Tin: Radicals of Massachusetts at
their lute election elected two negros
to seats in the Legislature. This is
progressive Radicalism, and will be
followed in other States as soon as the
people can be educated to believe in
political negro equality.
,P, The Legislature of the State of
Texas having, by a vote of seventy to
five,rejected the Constitutional Amend
ment, has placed itself outside of argu
ment on that question.
General Rosec,aus lit purchased
3,000 feet of minicg territory in Cali-
[Under this head we give opinions of lead
ing journals, that our readers may see more
than ono side of a question.]
[From the Pittsburg Repjapc.]
The Na t ion's Peril.
There is much in the condition o
out• national affairs, at the present
to excite the concern of every
;;-:• it.fu friendtt a liqpublican goy
. •• bn • reached that point
in our his oty',when the wisdom, pru
dence :Me - sagacity of her purest and
most enlightened statesmen will he
called into requisition in order to con•
served and perpetuate the institutions
bequeathed to us by our fathers. A
most terrible ordeal has been passed.
The excitement, passion and acerbity
of feeling incident to our oft-recurring
elections have now given place to the
peace and quiet which follow the storm
and tempest. The result in the hotly
contested canvass in the various States
will not change the relative position of
parties in the National Council. There
aro new men and fresh elements intro
' duced ; but whether they will control
or modify the action of the former rad
ical ()engross remains for the future to
disclose, The greatest peril of the na
tion is the extreme fealty to party. It
would seem that partisan loyalty is
paramount to every other considera
tion. The Constitution, the Union,
the prosperity of the country, aro held
in light estimation by men who aspire
to place and position, not for the good
they may do, but fur the plunder and
emoluments which can be thus secured.
It is to be hoped now that the elec
tions are over, that moderation and
wisdom Will be allowed to assert their
Supremacy, so that the work of recon
structing the Union, on a constitution
al basis, may 'be consummated ;- that
peace, confraternity, and national uni
ty May bless the land.
In a few weeks Congress will assem
ble. We would fondly Lope that com
ing directly from the people, they will
aim to legislate for the good of tho
whole country. A renewal of tho fac
tious opposition to President Johnson
is to be deplored. There is uo need of
the re enactment of the follies of the
last Session. There is scope sufficient
to employ all the wisdom and abilities
of the members by devising measures
of rtilief in calm deliberation and whole
some legislation. Lot thopast be for
gotten, if not forgiven: Let a spirit of
conciliatiOn influence our Representa
tives, and joy and gladness will fill the
Frinn the ritlindelphin Evening Tolegraph.rj
Now Let the Tempest Cease.
The fight is ended. The contest has
been a bitter ono. Each party has done
its best to win. The people have de
cided in favor of Congress. Now let
both parties accept the decision in
good faith. Let all the acrimonious
spirit of partisanship be laid aside Lot
us so act as becomes servants of the
popular will. The good of the country
demands this result. The continuation
of excitement will only be productive
of evil. The decision is final, irre
vocable, and all further oppoidtion is
factious and unpatriotic. The New
York Times, in a sensible editorial this
morning, says :
"Now that the fall elections are over
and the verdict of the people has been
rendered upon the great issues of the
hour, wo trust that the acquiescence
of all parties in the result, and the ob
literation of all the acrimonious feel
ing engendered during the contest—
which Europeans credit us with at the
close of our political campaigns, will
be even more complete than upon any
previous occasion of like character.
The canvass in some localities at least,
has been exceedingly hot and angry,
and in more than ono part of the coun
try, we have had threats of disturbance
on a largo scale. There has boon a
great deal of very violent language,
and there haVe been very atrocious
charges and counter Charge's, while
partisans of the more ultra stamp have
tried to rouse and inflame the baser
feelings of the basest portions of the
community. There is nothing now to
be gained Ly continuing this sort of
thing, so, for the timo being, we shall
I have an end of it.
"A good many people, and not a few
newspapers, will feel ashamed, or
ought to feel ashamed,at the part they
have played. While there is now op
portunity for them to repent and per
form penance, there will also be an op
portunity for the allayment of those
passions which they have attempted
to work up.
"Intelligent foreign observers have
frequently predicted the breakitig
down of popular institutions in this
country, from the intense excitement
induced and the deep passions aroused
by our oft.recurring elections. There
aro certain characteristics of our re
cent elections that have a more dan
gerous and threatening appearance
than anything in our previous experi
ence. There have not only been
threatenings of a resort of violence in
many quarters,but actual preparations
fur it, not merely in Maryland, but in
several of the Western States. Our es
cape from outbreaks has certainly been
a narrow ono, and must be attributed
to the influence of that conservative
u:ood sense which has so often asserted
itself in time of peril, and which has
heretofore saved us from so many dan
gers. IL is to that influence we must
look for s afety in the future, in times
when passion threatens to overthrow
[Front the New York Times.]
One thing to be steadily kept in
view by the party which has been vic
torious i❑ this eleetion is their• respon
sibility for the good government of the
country. They do not stand in tho po
sition of an ordinary legislative major
ity. In all that appertains to nation
al affairs, their will is supreme. They
eon override the votes of theli;xectitive
in nearly every one of the Northern
Slates. They have equally shown their
power in Congress to give effect to
great measures of national concern,de
spite the President's constitutional
right of dissent. They enjoy, to-day,
and are likely to enjoy in the next
Congress, a power of control over all
that belongs to the government of the
country, to which there is neither
cheek nor limit, to soy nothing of pre
cedat. It is scarcely possible to meas
ure the scope of, the authority now
vested in the Legislative branch ()Me
Government. The temporary deposit
of supremo power in that branch may
beta nocessity'growing out of the insur
rection ; and regarded in that light,
the exercise of such power will not be
held to be intolerable by loyal men.
But those who brive the greatest dread
of the dominance of sectionalism, let it
come from what quarter it may, most
sincerely pray that compromise ground
may ho speedily- found,, so that the
function "cif government may be per
formed as, they wore before the insur
rectionary epoch, and that each de
partment of the Administration may
repossess its constitutional force.
Until that result is obtained, there
surely rests upon the Legislative nt,
jorities in the Suites recently heard
from a heavy responsibility to use their
power with the utmost discretion. Ho
must be a very confident man who
will affirm that the anxieties and dif
ficulties which affect our Government
centre alone upon the question of ad
mitting or refusing to admit certain
States upon their individual conformi
ty to given Congressional enactments.
Outside of; and beyond all that bears
directly upon restoration, are issues of
a far reaching character, involving the
maintenance of the national. influenee,
the national credit and the national
dignity abroad. It can hardly be wise
to put forward strong pretensions to a
potential authority in the concerns of
other communities, until we show that
we have compassed a solution of the
difficulties which have so long best
What they Say.
The New York TVorld, (Democrat)
has a long article on 'elections headed
"What of the future ?" of which the
subjoined is the gist : These unfortu
nate elections deprive President John
son of what ought to have been the
chief glory of his administration : the
pacification of the country after the
late bloody contest. It is idle to ask
whether, by greater promptitude in
breaking with the Radicals, he might
not have averted this mortification .
Ho must now take the situation as ho
finds it, and make the best of it. Pow
erless during the residue oi his term,
on all contested questions of domestic
politics, his only chance of acquiring
prestige: is in connection with our
foreign. relations. They aro less sub
ject to the control of Congress. The
steps he is understood to he taking to
resuscitate and maintain the Monroe
doctrine, will be warmly approved by
the country. It would be futile for
him to contend longer with the radi.
eale in respect to the South, and he.
will best consult the dignity of his of
fice by letting his action cease with
his responsibility. Against Congress
there was no appeal but to the people;
and the passions of the war have not
yet sufficiently subsided to permit
them to judge with candor. The rati
fication of the amendment is not a
question for him - but for the States.
He may hereafter stand aloof from
that subject without any loss of digni
ty or of consistency. Against the Un
constitutional exclusion of Southern
States from Congress it was his duty
to remonstrate, but ,:lhaving appealed
to the peopld in vain, why should he
sharpen acrimony by further opposi
tion ? The elections, by virtually de
priving him of his veto, have relieved
him from all responsibility for the ae•
Lion of Congress. While, therefore,he
holds fast to his oft-repeated views, ho
will serve no good purpose by an ani
mated and aggressive presentation of
them. A candid co-operation with Con
gress on neutral questions, and a dig
nified abstinence from pushing a con
troversy in which he is poWerless, is
I the course. which President Johnson
will doubtless think it wise to adept.
The New York Times, (Conserva
tive,) reasons in this wise : From the
verdict of Tuesday there is no appeal.
Tile judgment rendered by four States
a month ago was held up as ono like
ly to be reversed. The argument has
been heard, and nine States have dis
posed of the polUt,gin issue finally;;and
with no chance: of .i-versal. There is
no further room for doubt or equivo
cation ; the country indorses the ac
tion of Congress; upholds the Constitu
tional Amendment as the basis of com
promise, and explicitly declares the
Democratic party unworthy of its con
Upon the result the New York ?s•i •
bane (Radical,) says : Hero then, is the'
reply of the loyal, and still advancing
North to the challenge of the Presi
dent in syllables as plain as the baud
writing on the wall ; that ono hun
dred and twenty six radical Congress
man are elected out of a whole repre
sentation of 162. We recapitulate as
follows, showing a fatal policy is
weighed in the balance and found
wanting. Mr. Johnson committed his
political foes to ruin ; the North re
sponds with radical majorities in nine
teen States. Not an inch of ground
has been yielded by the loyal vote,and
in view of whatever good work may
remain to be done; the North is resolv
ed to maintain its standing army of
loyal majorities.
IMMIGRATION.-At the single port of
New York - the arrivals thus far count
up 200,000, with a promise of reaching
250,000 before January. This quarter
of a million is, moreover, increased by
considerable arrivals at Boston and
Vidladelpida, and by seine at Bal
timore, Richmond, Charleston, New
Orleans aud TCXO.B, to say nothing of
what comes across the line from Cana
da. Important as this is in itself, it is
made more important from the fact
that it is only an indication of what
we have reason to heliavo it will be in
the year following.
A forthcoming exhibition of wet
nurses is announced in the Paris pa
pers. The points to be considered will
be the amount :Mid quality of the milk,
:the age and ternperament of the nurs
es, the kinds of food used by them,
etc. Experiments will be made to de
monstaate to what degree Malt liquors
or spirituous liquors, partaken by the
nurse, impregnate the milk ; also,
whether a passionate and fretful tem
per orthe nurse' is conveyed to the
nursing child. The exhibition will bo
very curious affair.
It is said that agents or Lilo Penn•
sylvania railroad are ill England for
the purpose of purchasing stealners to
run betwcen Philadelphia Liver
Speech of Governor Swann,
BALTIMORB, Nov. 7.—There is uni
versal joy among the conservatives at
the complete triumph they have gain•
ed at the election; in spite of the efforts
of the radical party. Ono sees noth
ing but shaking of hands and congrat
ulations on all Bides. The radicals aro
quite crestfallen. As Governor Swann
was proceeding along Baltimore street
a little after 10 o'clock this morning, a
large crowd collected around him, and,
with loud cheers, accompanied him to
the Exchange. The Governor entered
the office of the - Internal Revenue Do
partmont, and the crowd, which soon
tilled up the space between the Ex
change: and the Post Oflice, clamored
loudly for a speech, cheering lustily
for the Governor and groaning for
Mayor Chfipman and Judge Bond.
After repeated calls the Governor as
cended the staircase amid enthusiastic
cheers, and addressed the crowd in the
following terms:— - • •
In - coaling here this morning I did
not expect to be followed by so large
a crowd of my follow-citizens: For
the last two weeks I have boon strug
gling in the interests of peace and of
the Constitution to secure the people
of Baltitnere their just rights. It be.
came my duty, in pursuing the course
I had marked out for myself, to re
move the Commissioners of Police.
(Loud cheers.) I have the right to
do so under the Constitution and laws
of your State. - I stand by that right.
I do not mean to secede from the posi
tion I have taken. (Cries of "We'll
keep you there.") Tho result of the
election has verified all I have said. I
have been charged with appointing reg
istrars for the purpose of restoring the
right of suffrage to those lately in arms
against the State and country: Our
opponents have appointed the judges
in the election to sit as a board of con-
trol, and we have beaten them by our
votes at the ballot:bOx. yesterday, with
themselves as judges of the election.
They have been the registrars, and no
gentleman appointed by - me had any
control. They have endorsed the loy
alty of every man who has presented
himself. I have been struggling in the
interest of peace to keep the military
out of your streets, and prevent blood
shed. We have net them in their own
house, and beaten them with their
own weapons. Now, gentlemen. I will
say tgyou that the city of Baltimore,
and the conservatives, who constitute
three-fourths of the population, have
covered themselves with glory—be
cause they planted themselves on the
Constitution and the laws of their
State, and have gone through this ex•
citing election without bloodshed and
riot. Too much praise cannot lat'giv
en them. 1 am prOud to recognize
that fact, and to give the citizens of
Baltimore credit for it. I am proud
to receive this ovation at the hands of
men who hilVO stood by the Constitu
Lion. This contest is won. \V bay()
achieved it glorious victory, the news
of which is going to the North, 10d.he
South, to the East, and to the West—
a victory that will prove to the' whnle
country that we have been opposed to
the invasion of our State by e:ictrenlists
ttud revolutionists. IVe have extracted
from the radicals themselves the ad-
mission that the Governor of the
State has stood by the law. Now,
gentlemen, you have done your duty,
and are now in the ascendancy. The
governmental control is in your hands,
and I am sure you will not abase the
power intrusted in you by the people.
The State will sustain you. The North,
South, East, and West will applaud
you, and you will cover yourselves
with laurels that can never fade. You
have not only been supported by those
who once accused you of trampling on
the laws of the State, but you have
been pronotinced loyal by the fiat that
has gone forth from their own office.
And now, gentlemen, standing by the
flag of our country, and by the Presi
dent, who struggling against those
who would involve the country in an
other civil war—[loud cheers for An
drew Johnsen]—looking on the past,
on the complication's that have distrac
ted and are convulsing the 'people of
this great country, we are ready to
indorse the principle of one of the
great statesmen of this country. We
will stand by that principle, and, if
necessary, fall by it :—"Union and
liberty, now and lbrever." (Tremen
dous cheering.
Al few, days ago, a party •of lady
friends of Mrs. Governor Curtin, pre,
Bunted her with a silver salver fruit
stand, valued at $5OO.
Col. Lynch and Father McMahon, a
Catholic Priest, two of the Fenian ar
my, have been tried by the Canadian
authorities, and sentenced to be hung.
Two women of Fayette, Indiana,.re
cently dressed up in male attire, and
brokti into a store, stealing $2OO worth
of merchandise. One of the women
had previously moved in the best cir
cles and borne an irreproachable chdy •
A young gentleman of the eity, de:
scribing affairs in the country, writes
that "the cows act very badly about
being milked; sometimes, when you
are almost thiough, they will kick the
milk all over you, and you have to go
to work and milk them right over."
he oldest woman in Americia is
Mrs. Forel), who lives in the moun
tains of East Tennessee, and is aged,
one hundred and twenty one years.—
She is blind, but being quite hearty,
walks wicitout assistance. Her mem
ory is unimpaired, and she can recount
many events of the Revolution with
great accuracy.
For the 16,000 school children in the
city of' Washington, the city owns but
one school house, and that has been
built within three years. For other
school rooms it hires halls,largo rooms,
carpenters' shops—any place where
benches and desks can be put. Unable
to find accominodation for 'all, it has
between 2.000 and 6,000 children Con
tinually waiting for their turn to be
admitted to the privileges ()fa common
school education.
The Pall .11a11 Gazette gives a table
of statistics, reported. by the society
for the rescue of young women from
lives of crime and shame, showing that
out of 583 cases of young girls relieved
by its ()Ricers, 365 had been seduced
Moro they were sixteen years of age,
nud' led Imfore timy ~ vere twelve years
FROM the statement of the Secre
tary of the Treasury it appears that
the month of October the na
tionaldeh,t Was decreased over twenty
two millions of dollars,.witb over one
hundred and thirty inillions of dollars
remaining in the treasury.
r9W'lt'i4 a noticeable feature of the
cholera at chidago that nearly all who
died . were in the.habit of using intosi•
eating liiinors: Where the habits of
thoperson attacked had been strictly
temperate, the disease yielded much
more readily to medical treatment:
TIIE Secretary of the , Treasury has
sold themarine hospital at Charleston,
S. C., to the Protestant Episcopal
Church South of thalreit, to ;be', used
as an orphans' 'hbine and 8(41'061' for
the education of freedmen's—children.
PRESIDENT ; Johnson has subscribed
one thciusiind dollais to the fund to en
able the society to inake the purchase.
Forney's Press
A correspondent of tWe LandOn Post.
says that from'certaiir- rumors which
arc at Fresept.current in : London he is
forced to conclude that the vice of
gambling is once more trying.to_make
its way, and that not 'in what. ?night
be called the . professional ' Civoles, .but
"initiated and Conducted 'by those
whose high'ijoeial poSition appears' to
suggest'to 'them no sharao for' tbeir
proceedings"• • •
Gov. Brownlow of TenneS • soo in a
late mes Sage, says ::—The exterthioh of
suffrage, with proper qualifications, to
all loyal citizens, without regard, to
color, egenis not only as in accord with
the prestailirig, sentiment of the loyal
people, but also as' the 'only . nioadA of
socuririg the Sotitherri States fi.oni l the
anarchy and misrule tbatiinpi•incihlod
rebels would introduce into' them.,
an persona Indebted to ths'uinleraln'ad : call Ira.
medlalely aud make a:salt:lncur, ste hedi about ,Cocloso
business. '
liuuringdort, Nor. 14,1861
Tha mulentignad will offer at ,oblio•salo at hi o; rent
lancu in 11.1.1NI6ItSON toWnship,'' • "
On Tuesday,. ,:e1.880,,
Four head of Work Heroes, including 2 with colt, lbre,
young milt& Co ws. hull, 8 yOarling cakes, d head of
spring calves, 8 hemi of sheep, 1 three horde Wagon,. with
lion, ladders, ,Be.] 'ipring wagon, 1 common sled;l log
sled, hill nide and mingle mat double anovolp lows, harrows,
a good iron cultivator, and unmet - Mai other agricultural
implements. A lso, Fodder and bay, and • a largo - Lot of
household and Kitchen Furniture.
Said to commence atllo o'clock, a. 'Torben term win b•
made kuown. nols PillUr K. 1.11:TILICIK.
Has n large, fiteek 01'1 , 1M! • , •
Suitable for _Holiday and Bridal Presents
720113350-2 m
if ll
- • .
.. •
. . .
Dr. Jenniitg's Great Work . •
The Tiorso mid Ott Liu Stock..
The best subscription heels in the snorkel, contaistir,
over 1200 pogre, will, Inure than 290111natrations, strong
Iy booed in leather.
It g.vos o complete deNcript ion of Verses, Cattle, Sheep
Swine and l'oultry, wills thtil Various diseases and reuse
dies. quod and reliable agents wanted in every neigh
borhood. Fur circulars, tenni, Sc., address ,-
n0.14m Cl. Chestnut Bt., l'ltilada.
Aro opening a very full list of the productlona of foreign
industry and art, of theirthvit selection in European kap
hats, Including a great varioty of articles of use and orna:
meat, in
Of every variety and price.
In great variety; and all rarisiated,' .
A largo and very chnico selection. -
An increased lino of Rich Articles for Bridal aim end
Table uso.
From the best English . and Americal Manufacturers,
comprising altogether a rollection attractive in'heanty,
complete n &dint, and moderato in pricy. - nol-le4m
Br. Leon's Electric Hair Ileagwer,
It la n pnxilive cure fur Ilp '
It restore e Gray lair telt,' original c010r.,- ; • '
It:is a Tonic, not a Dye, and acts anon the SAcietione,
It inaincalately arrests falling out of thu half: •
It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache, •
It radically curea , DandfilTand 'tuition. •
It heepathe scalp healthy.-clean and cool. -
It is an elegant and , exquisitely Fragrant flair Drorring
It restores, cut tivaier and beAlltifieS th'ettatir.
It makes harshn hair Ileaible and Inetroue. •
Dr. tenn's Electric !lair Renewer has enjoyed tshigh
local reputation - for many years. Its wonderful restora
tive and Invigorating 'proportlol aro well known to the
Medleal . Faculty of Philadelphia., - •
• Mug folly entisfied of the merits of Leon's Electric
Hair Renewer WO bars procured exclumire•ownershlp
and are detenniited that every: liov . qoh‘plil iu our,' laud
still 11 have opportunity to reap Its benefits.
A most dellolous and efficacious cure for the various II
to which Tutuila and Young Children are subject. -
Tuvaloable for Teethng ClUldrez:t!
It softelis the gums, abates inllammation,inrigerates
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and. is a on to
and speedy cure for Celle, Cramps . and IYitidy
A most excellent preparation tor children 01,0 rentleas
and fretful habit, nod Id all eases of Looseness; Griping,
Vomiting, or Other inward grief, It gives immediate raze.
Used for more than half a century in the private practice
of one of the an ost eminent physicians Of
In mew placing this article within tho reacts of all our
countrymen, We Wilahl remark that we know it to be 11
it, tn ody of oorhadid oxowilOtlCO Mill that it has proved
in thousandi of cases., as WO are resolved it shall in mils
non% at priceless b,ou.'
For sale by llrtiggisth everyirliere. . 2 2
'll • ,
hlakes Washing a Pastime and Non
day a FeStival.
Address all orders for'nuy of the above to.
,0 4-1) sOLE Pliornwroßs.
Lai Nth..Thircl St., Philadelphia
Ladies' Long Jet Chains,
.J.ot..:',E4l''Billg.;-,.1?.1 1 ,1000. , ....Gt5;
259 Market Sti:Pkiladelphiao:
pa„ All sent by mall
QTRA.Y CALF.—came to the real
ki done° of the enbeerilior in the borough of Hunting
don, on nimbly, September 28,1808, a red and
white spotted bull calf. The owner is request- VE4
ed to come forward, prove property, pay char
ges and Wirt bum away. no ho will be dlippsed of accord
in. CO ' no7's - 'JOHN ,HOWLAND.
Aro receiving an Miele of I.I7.IfDER, comprising fin the
different grades of
'• - : WEATHER BOARDIN G, IcMLh7O kb !try ta.
. --
. _
Which will ha sold ACtirlcos 011ie mlll withireighl
3F. cA. 21E1. 3CO"
A LOG HOUSE, 1 stories, a frame
13 blacksmith shop. and four acres o (ground, Its Jacks
son township, within two miles of AlcAlary's Port, will
be sold nt priest° lode. There is a good orchard of all
kinds of fruit, good well of water, mold° and other out
buildings on ,tho premises. , . .
Application to Ig thad4 to SAftAll TITOMPSOSI en the
promises. 0c51.43t's
. • . CHOICE STOCK .. OF . 100Da::'
If yon want to select your goods frown largo anti well
selected stock or .•'
Fall and Wintelf;ao".4ii,:',:':
• irczunt co.
CARPETS: Ingrain, R. g, Girthing
Viand Hemp &pole; floor and Table 011 Cloth, door
mats and llnga at 2.11. n!tNay & co.
COTTON . Chaifi
V cotton Lapn, wick Yarn, Tlo Yaip. - .4c., at - -.•
4u7. - B. ; E. lIBYRY, A CO
... . , .
t. ing Parlor Stoves, and nil kinds of Hollow ware, at
noT B. E. UIiNRT a CO.
UkTOOL B Coverlids,
vV. Army Blankets, ac., at S. E. HENRY .4 CO.
S lI.ENRYSi CO: ho,'N'e'tho`lar
. .
„ g e.t.tock of Ladies Shawls, goods, Boulogne", Bal.
moral and flop Skirls, Ladies Coats, Sacks and Circulars
;" .... "
, *—,(Successors to John liertzler,)
" T Ar
Vi I
I— ' l Q/ T-3—°l 'Sp -''
Gold Plated Oroidg &miry,
. .
American, English and Swiss'
CASED DY OURSELVEK and - eieiy dOseilihion of
Fancy Goods & Yankee Notions
Especially nitapted AND fur geimigerixiiid
_Miff %%ADM' -
'Circularaicid faltdOcaptivoTrice%Ltils
iverywheie.. Addiesa
/SALISBURY,. BRO. a 4. CO, -
mir vvr.:„.cir.ct•4:=)-3iii. ZS,
WX, kg i fittit
WOLiLD respectfully-inform , the
V V public in : . general, and his friends to 'Particular ' ,
that he has opened a store et , •; ••• -
On the Iluntingdon k Broid"rop
most general variety. aolacted.with Ihe,grgtees are, and.
to cult the taste if 'the most fiistidioxik.
, Tory best the market: afforded ; entire .
-Otte of spy 'rid
every quality desired. , " •• '
3. 'GROCERIEK'. In ibis'. depart,
scent he defies competslioti. ' It cohbistaerbeat BlWOotitte,
Jura, Imperial, Black and Green Tea., Sigar,Steveril gerik
Ales. ideunises„urary variety, Silt; Pithand Tobacco, mad
.every.artiele usually kept in our lardertdoreal t. • .
aooxi, ,s-noxe,,DILMORALS-QI3EZNSWARS,
ff- -, ft: -t• • f.
These goods aroall fresh front the marker; all new out
selected With the greatest ears .
The PUblia patronage Is respectiollysolkltsd. We war.
rant good measure: and honest, weight.. - •
Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at the
highest market prices. ; 8. RN/ . itkalfiN.
Cofice Run, 0c31,3m . - • . .
SOAPS. AND Q.A:N.t II - - 4ES.
- 'Mailing and.ToSlet Soape.--tho best'-kinds—tot eale . al
• LEIV/S d co'sP,iriar aßoczni _
The Lett for cab nt - _ 777
Can d_ Yrllit a dE1100atle:
Always on hnndot Levist p?'.rjr Family Grxerr.
. .
will find at Levi's k COs lianitly . Grocery, eyery
article usually kept in first ctriss Gra:cry storeF.
for lebet yoit wont.
MillC.Vl9llti Q sirup .prttele ra t tly
. for yea, for sale pi
the pound at Lewis Coe Faintly Grociry.
Of all Medi, for sale tvholesato nn pellil qt lend!
Co'e Family Grocery, "
at • CUYNINGAr-441-4 d411,1101M
of tlie IRtost sty lei, Belt Itilibutt'dud =Buckles, Ele.
• levy, (Morey sit
Dcaley In Books, Mugloal Intro,
mantel, If cutingdoni Pa. • -
frickin, LinEeys;Chetke, bkveolteQ aui brown CAU
tPiI Flonveo, oilner'e Plahl, Wool Flalinele, -, 04 1 q
}LIU:Ma .4.OY§.