TERMS WIRE GLOBE. Per nnuate in Adranc.e.... sta month/ Three months TERMS Or ADVEATISING 1 insortlen. 2 do. 3 do. Ono square, (10 lines,)or less.s 75 $1 25 $1 50 Two squares, 1 50 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 . , 3 month.. 6 months. 12 months. ins square,. Or less,— ...... $.l 00 56 00 $lO 00 Bwe equates, • ' 000 900 15 00 three squares, 800 12 00..... ..... 20 00 ' War ;mamma, 10 00 15 00 25 00 Half a column, ' 15 00 20 00 ...... ......30 00 'One column ' - 20 00 45 00.... 60 OD Profeeieional and Buelnees Cards not exceeding six lines, One year $5 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50 Auditors' Notices 2 00 - Astray, or other short Noticos 1 50 -Allslen Ain., of nonpareil make a square. About eicht words constitute A line, so that any person can ea silt' calculate •iquare in manuscript. ~.. Advertisements not marked with the nurnber.lof inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged au is ordlng to these terms. ' Our prices for the printing of Blanks, handbills, etc. Sr. also Increased. WM.I4. M I,9lSous..—The prettiest thing, the "sweetest thing 3' and the most of it for the least money. It over comae' the odor ofperspiration; soften. and oxide delicacy to the skin; le a delightful perfume; ollays headache and Inflammation, and Is a necessary companion iu the sick room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle. Saratoga Spring Wafer, cold by all Druggists. T.-1860.-3.—The amount of Plantation Bitters mold in one year is something startling. They would dll 'Broadway six feet high, from the Park to 4th street.— Drake's manufactory is one of the institutions of N. York. It is said that Drake painted all the rocks In the eastern States with his cabalistic "S.T.-1860.—X," and then got the old granny logislators'to pass a law "preventing dis figuring the face of nature," which gives him a monopoly We do not know bow this is, but we do know the Planla• tion Bitters sell as no other article user did. They are used by all elutes of the community, nod are death on Dyspepela--certaln. They ars very Invigorating when languid and weak, and a great appetizer. litrufoga Spring Wider, sold by all Druggists. "In lifting the kettle from the fire recaldetl myself very severely—one hand almost to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. a e a The Mexican Mustang Liniment relieved the pain almost immediately, it beide rapidly, and left very tittle ems.. - • Cana. nail", 420 Brood et., Philada." This to Merely a temple of what the Mustang Liniment will do. It is invaluable in all cases of wounds, swellings, sprains, outs, bruises, sparius, etc., either upon man or beast. Beware of counterfeits. None is gentile o unless wrap• pod in line steel plate engravings, bullring the signatoro of G. W: Westbrook, Chemist.' and the prirate stump of DZMLII BAINVI & Co" New York. Barttleget .fprinyr Wafer, sold by all Druggists. All who value a beautiful head of hair, and ite preser ve ion from premature loOduese and turning gray, will not fail to deo Lyon's celebrated Kathairon. It makes the Lair riels; soft and glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes the hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve rywhere. D. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y. Saratoga Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists. {coax Dmlxl—A young lady, returning to her country home after a sidourn of a few months In New York, was hardly recognized by hor friends. In place of a rustle, noshed face, oho had a soft, ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness; and instead of 22, she really appear. ed bat 17. She told them plaiuly she used liugan's Mag. nolla Balm, and would not be without it. Any lady con improve her personal appearanco very much by using thlsirtlele. 'lt ran be ordered of any Druggist for Only b 0 cents. Saralva Spring Water, gold by rat Itragglate noimetreera inimitablo Hair Coloring bas been steadi ly growing in favor for over twenty years, It acts upon the absorbents at the roots of the hair, end chenges it to Its original color by degrees. All instantaneous dyes "deaden and injure the halr. Ifelinstreet's it not a dye, but is certain in Its results, promotes its growth, and is a beautiful INlTDressing. Price 50 cents and $l,OO. -Sold by all &Islam. Sara Oget Spring R kr, NOMI, ailiprOggist9 Lion's EXTRACT or pons J/MATOA at case—for Indiges tion. Nausea, heartburn, Sick headache, Cholera Motbror, ie., where a warming, genial stimulant Is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable article for culinary purpose.. Sold everywhere At bO cents per bottle. Saratoga Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists. 1160-eowly- All • the above articles for sale by S. S. SMITH, 'Huntingdon, Penna. PROF. .IL WENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY., 119E11111111 1 0111: Intenal and Eitornal Medicine, =I Am- Diarrhme, Bloody Flux la one day, JAAp. Headache and Earache In three minuted - Toothache In one minute. 4?• Retirelila In flee minutes, . Sprains in twenty minutes, APT Sore Throat in ten minuted, de- Chollc and Cramp in dye minutes, Air. Rheumatism In one day, AM. Pain In the Back or Blde In ten minutes, VA. Bad Conslie or Colds lu one dell, *S. Fever,and Ague In 0120 day. 113 Cures Deafness, Asthma, Plies, 13. Bronchitis Agee; ions, Dyspepsia, fl.. Inflammation of tb• Kidneys, Erystpeled, wm_Leer Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart Keep it in your Families—Sickness comes when least expected. - .. .. I propose to check, and effectually diselpate more ache end pain, and to accomplish more yessfect equilibrium or all the circulating folds in the human eyeibm, that can be effected by suy other, or all ether methods of medical - aid In the name •pace of time. TIMM POPULAR REMEDY Is fast coming Into use; for the tact that /-cure, Iron of charge, all these com plaints whenever theta le on opportunity to do eo. As *eon as his applied it almost miraculously kills the pain. Ido not ask you to buy before you are certain of its efli• fleecy. If you have an echoer pain, It le warranted to do all it purports on the label. I do not propose to cure crery discase—only a ciess turned by my directions. lay liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, and is, therefore. appliable, S. the cure er natural restorative of all organic clorongo meat arising from an improper clrolglatiOn or the nerve vita/ fluids. •- - Prot J. IL Mcfintyre'a INDIAN COMPOUND acts di rectly on the obeorbrOte, reducing glandular and other ewellings in incredible short time, without any porsible danger from its use under any possible circumstances. This is an Internal .d external medicine—cemposed of roots, herbs and barks, such as our forefathers utitil.— .Ther• is a bona [lfni .apply on earth to care all complaints if we only know what they were. This has been a great study with the Medical - Faculty for many years, to find out the kinds beet adapted to the above coznplaints--hote to put them together, and what proportior.s nee. ' - J. 11. McENTYIt E, Proprietor, Deeding. pa. • For sale at Lewis' Book Store final.lngdoe, Pa., Sept. 0, 1863. • hfcENTYRITS DANDELION PILLS, For all diseaaes arising from one canoe, viz: Fever and Ague ' Dynpepsia, Catarrh to the Head, Weak end disor dered Stomach, each as Indigestion, Sick Headache, (lid. •dmess of the Head, Weakneee of Sight, Ifindy Ailments. Mitoumatism, and Rheumatic Paine, Pninn in the Hack or :S/de, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of Ate Blood, Blotches or Eruption. of the Body, Gravel, Worms, de., kc. Sold at 2.5 cents per boi. BIoMNI"ZWE'S FVDIAN VEGETABLR WORM DESTROYER ! Thisinfallib;ie medicine is warranted to expel worms in all cases and may be given to Cnildren of all ages, as they Cr. purely vegetable and:perfectly harmless. Yo Can be harat Lewis' Book store, 1 / 1 111tingdOn, Pa, RPErI 7 II. OF ALL KINDS at CUS r 2V - ING HA At 4k CA 11 MON'S. TIRESS BUTTQNS TRIMMINGS, IL/of the latest stylOa. ifejt Itibb4 and Buckles, plover, Ek/gllagr, Frillings, Ac.; at LIENItY k Co. -a - Till. LEWIS, fic..T Dealer is Books, Stationery and Musisal Infra yenta, Blatingdoo, DROWN S 4 BLEACHED MUSLINS ; Ticking, Linseys,.Checke, bleached end brown can tonTlavue.lef, miner's Phild, Wool Flannels, kc., &e., et $2 (0 1 00 J , ..: " .1 . ';'':' . : 1 i . .'i - ... ii° .- . ;i . i . - S : `.- .'. :. .: „ , WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXII, Ely Shllit. HUNTINGDON, PA. BHU HATE FALLEN. On her chain of life is rust, On her spirit's wing is duet ; She bath let the spoiler in— She bath mated with her sin-- She bath opened wide the door; Crime has passed the threshold o'er Wherefore has she gone astray? Stood Temptation in her way ? With its eyes so glittering bright— Clothed in angel robes of light. Oh I her story soon io told, Once a lamb within the fold, Stranger voices lured her thence, In her trusting innocence. Woe!; she had not strength to keep With the Shepherd of the sheep ; For the fleece so spotless white Then became the hue of night, And she stood, in her despair, Bleating for the Shepherd's care. Woe 1 that none might lead her back From the bloodhound on her track. Hunger prowled about her path With a wild hyena wrath. Scorn came leaping from its lair With a defiant growl and stare; And she grappled, all in vain, With the fangs of want and pain, Hope and mercy shut the gate On this heart so desolate. So she turned again to ein, What had she to lose or win? Resting on her life a stain Deeper than the brand of Cain. Heard she not a pitying tone, Weeping in her shame alone? Was thr e not a, human heart In her anguish bore a pert? None to hold a beacon light Up before her dorketed sight? No; tho altar was not there, For a canting priesthood's prayer. "She hath fallen ! Let her die"— Said the Levitt', passing by; So she turned again to sin, What had she to lose or win ? Sisters! there is work to do— Field of labor here for you, Ye who pour the wine and oil, Up, and rest not from your toil. Till the bruised and wounded heart, Aching 6Om the Tempter's dart, Sore and weary with its pain, !nail be bound and healed again— Till, no more defiled by sin, Like the pardoned Magdalen, Kneeling in repentance sweet, She may wash the Savior's feet With her tears—that while they roll, Blot the sin stain from her soul— Do ye ask for your reward ? "They aro blest who serve the Lord." CHINESE MERChANT% GRATITUDE.- A merchant resided many years, high ly respected, at Canton and Macao, when a sudden reverse of fortune re duced him from a state of affluence to the greatest necessity. A Chinese merchant, to whom he had formerly rendered service, grate fully offered him an immediate loan . of ten thousand dollars, which the gentleman accepted, and gave his bond for the amount ; this the Chinese im mediately threw into the fire, saying, "NI , hen you, my friend, first came to China, I was a poor man. You took me by the hand, and, assisting my honest endeavors, made me rich. Our eireumetairees are now reversed—l sec you poor, while I have affluence." The ystanders had snatched the bond from the flames ; the merchant, sensibly: affected by such generos ity, pressed his Chinese friend to take the security, which ho did and then effectually destroyed it. But the disciple of Confucius, obser ving the renewed distress this act oc casioned the merchant, said ho would accept the latter's watch, or any little valuable as a memorial of theirfriend• ship. The merchant immediately pre. sonted his watch, and the Chinese, in return, give him an old iron seal, say ing; "Take this seal, it is one I have long used, and possesses no intrinsic value; but as you are going to India,to look after your outstanding concerns, should misfortune further attend you draw upon me for any sum of money you may stand in need of, seal it with this signet, sign it with your own hand and I will pay the money." Did You Ever See A regiment that wasn't the bust in he service? A captured battery that hadn't fired its last round of ammunition before it was Laken ? A regiment, brigade or division that was not the very last to leave the field when a retreat was ordered? A regiment, brigade, or division, battery or company that didn't lose more iu each battle than any other reg iment, brigade, division, battery or company ? A brigade, division or corps that hadn't the best commander in the service ? A division that didn't save the army from annihilation? A line officer that didn't deserve to be, at least, n Brigadier General? A regular that didn't go farther on a charge, kill more of the enemy, and capture more flags than any other? Gu"j'"ls anybody waiting on you ?" said a polite dry goods clerk to a girl from the country. "Yes, sir," said the blushing damsel, "that, is my fellow outside ho won't come in." Way is a washerwoman the meet cruel person iu the world ? Because she daily wrings men's bo.some. to, &-storas :on ra Dgm [Under this head we give opinions of lead ing journals, that our readers may see more than one side of a question.] The South---Its Industry, Its Busi ness and Its Prospects. [From tim Now York Tinos.] Whatever be the misconceptions which prevail throughout the South concerning its political relations and interests, on the general question of material interest, there would seem to be ground for complete agreement. Financially and industrially bankrupt, its old labor.systetn suddenly overturn ed, its vision of independent prosperi ty collapsed, the people might be ex pected to realize the necessity of vig orous effort to escape from the ruin that surrounds them. Their journals, formerly foremost in partizan discus. sior., now proclaim the first duty of man to be the cultivation of the soil, the introduction of a greater diversity of crops ; and the organization of an in dustry to which they have hitherto been strangers. Especially is the need of imported help admitted. Northern capital is prayed for, that the recuper ative process may bo accelerated.— Northern men aro invited, that lands now valenless may be made marketable and productive. Northern enterprise is called upon to extend its ramifica tion southward that home wants may be supplied, and places now desolate may become scenes of thrifty labor.— Of all these points the more influential of our Southern cotemporarieg have for months past evinced a keen and withal a sensible appreciation. And wo have been inclined to accept the tone that has been cultivated as an assurance that the South thoroughly comprehended its wants, and would be prepared to turn to good account eve ry available means of help. 'Thus far, we fear, these expectations have not been fulfilled. In the easily managed matter of immigration, liter• ally nothing has boon done. At this moment the avenues of travel to the Western States aro choked with fami• lies in search of new homes. The hu man stream never ran that way in greater volume or with greater veloci ty than now. Minnesota reports more new-corners than in any other season. From lowa we hear of crowds of set tlerS in all the more sparselyreopled counties. Missouri and Kansas are re ceiving daily largo accessions to their population. The land sales in Wiscon sin tell of a similar state of things there. Indeed, everywhere through out the West the tide of settlement flows with a steadiness that knows no ebb. Doubtless a very largo propor tion is furnished by the population of older States. Immigration, however, supplies its full quota; not only swell ing the immediate amount of settle ment, but multiplying the sources of future growth. And all this time what is the South doing or acquiring? What State in that section can truthfully tell of a well-considered plan for drawing im• migrants thither ? Which of the num ber can report accessions of foreigners or of new comers of any class ? So far as we know, not one. Speculative companies exist in this City, and else where in the North, having for their object the introduction of immigrants with a view to profit through the aide of land; and now and then we read of twenty or thirty strangers who have gone South, to farm, under the auspi ces of ono or another of these organi-' zations. Apart from these movements, nothing is being done. Certainly noth ing by the authorities or the people of the States most deeply interested in the subject. Of this there is ample testimony. The New Orleans Picayuire the other day commented upon the fact that five hundred German immi grants who had arrived there, and whose continuance in that State might have been easily secured, had passed up the river to St. Louis without an effort being made to retain them. The labor system of the State is confessed ly disorganized. White labor is ur gently required. Yet Louisiana uoith• or attempts to draw thither emigrants nor uses its opportunities to influence the choice of emigrants who touch there in the ordinary way. And as it is with Louisiana so it is with Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, the Carolinas and Virginia. Not one vigorous effort has been made by any of them to ac quire a share of that stream of immi gration which is with almost incredi ble rapidily filling and enriching the more remote and, in many respects, less attractive States of the West. The comparatively small accessions which the South has received since the war, have been nearly altogether de rived from our own population. Our traders and farmers have contributed a per tentage that might ho vastly in creased were the conditions favorable. Our merchants have crammed South ern stores on credit. Many of our traders have gone to Southern cities with largo stocks, and tho go-ahead spirit of Northern enterprise. Adven turous operators have entered exten sively into lumbering, milling, and a a dozen other businesses, profitable in themselves and beneficial to the local ities in which they are carried on.— Small bodies of agriculturists have gone into Virginia, especially into the counties adjacent to Washington, and their dexterous industry has already shown how much might be done in the line of improvement. Had these per sons been "able to report' favorably of their reception, of their intercourse with the Southern people, and of the prospect in respect of comfort and prosperity, they would havo been quickly followed by tens of thousands, who now look to the West for fields of future labor. But the reports have not been favcfitble. They have on the HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1866. -PERSEVERE.- contrary, been calculated to dishearten and disgust. We have striven to cul tivate a different opinion. We haVe cherished a hope that the unfavorable representations which from time to time found their way into print rela ted to exceptional cases, and would be counteracted when the whole truth came to light. But the evidence is un fortunately conclusive the other - way. There is no longer reason to doubt that, as a rule, the Northerners who have gone South to trade, to grow cotton, or to farm, have encountered a reception the reverse of friendly.— There aro localitiesi - Of course, where courtesy and kindness have been dis played. Generally speaking, however, there has not been kindness, or courte sy, or fair play, or even adequate pro tection to life and property. Northern men are compelled to abandon planta tions to escape assassination, to quit farms they have purchased, and to throw up businesses to get rid of an noyance and avoid threatened injury. The prevailing Southern opinion is ad verse to them. They are treated as intruders—often as enemies. If they sell goods they aro unable to collect payment for them, not merely because of poverty, but because of the ruling disposition to cheat and despoil the ac cursed Yankee. Upon this latter point, a discussion which is in progress in Georgia news papers, in common with those of other States, is unpleasantly suggestive.— Devices to stay the summary collection of debts albeit unjust, may not be wholly incompatible with ultimate honesty. But when suggestions are promulgated and sanctioned looking to the repudiation 'of debts incurred anterior to the war, and the creation of obstacles in the path of Northern creditors who have generously granted business accommodation since the war, the case assumes a different and much more diserenitable aspect. For the sake of the South, and alto, gethor irrespective of political consid erations, this state of things is to be deplored. It indicates so complete a lack of common prudence and common sense as to be almost incomprehensible to those who look at the subject from a national point of view. The South is terribly in need of cap ital and labor. With resources excel ling those of any other region of the ' globe it is poor even unto beggary.— The family estates of distinguished Virginians are advertised for sale,with but a small chance of realizing the val ue which their- division into small farms would produce. Tho rich cotton lands of Mississippi sell at less than one-third the price they commanded before the rebellion. In Alabama im proved real estate is disposed of with difficulty at rates that can hardly be called nominal. And yet nothing is done by the Southern people to extri cate themselves from their distressed condition. They require large addi tions to their numbers, and they take the best possible method to render these additions impossible. They want money and enterprise, and they pur sue a course which will assuredly repel both. To this extent, then, the gloom which overhangs their prospects is at tributable entirely to themselves. Negro Labor in the South. Wo aro informed by an observer who has had extensive opportunities for surveyffig the condition and pros perity of negro labor in the Southern States, that it would be a very liberal estimate to say that the blacks per formed one-half as much labor as they fbrmerly did when in slavery. Their former habits (enforced habits, it is true,) of steady and continuous work, have, to a largo extent, given place to indolence, and employers find it diffi cult to rely upon them in those plant ing operations where formerly their industry was so effective. In some places the condition of things is ex ceedingly bad, and planters fool utter ly discouraged. The question:of com pensating the blacks has been one of the hardest of settlement. Owing to the want of money last spring, a groat proportion•of the planters agreed to give the negroes a share in the crop; but this mode is found to have led to endless confusion and trouble, beside producing discontent on all hands; and the plan will he generally abolished hereafter, and thatof weekly or month ly wages in actual money substituted. There are many grave and threaten ing difficulties connected with this ne gro qnestion in the South, and those who think they can all be solved by simply giving the black population the privilege of voting, will yet find them selves greatly mistaken.—N. Y. Times. A LITTtE TOO COMMON .A plain spoken Western preacher delivered the following from his desk: "I would announce to the congregation that, probably by mistake, there was left at this meeting-house this morning a small cotton umbrella, much damaged by time and tear, and of exceeding pale-blue color, in the place whereof. was taken a very largo black silk um brella, and of great beauty. Blunders of this sok, brethren ant sisters, aro getting a little too common." Ltkt-A friend says he's either head over heels in love' or else he'd got the colic—he can't tell which, as he is not certain which ho tasted last, kisses or watermelons. AeU' A correspondent says : "There aro many things about Spiritualism which I eagerly embrace—chief among which are mediums. Loyalty-- calling the President a traitor, and holding office umict;. hitt adniffiiBtration. Tho bone of contention—Sambat4 shin. • • 111 V J''''' ,. 2.' • ' s. - g,„ .' Beautiful Women, "How much handsomer the women East are than they used to be," said an unsophisticated friend the other day, fresh from the wilds of the great Western country, where the latest fashions had not yet penetrated. "I don't know how it is„bnt . I bad an Impression, that in NeW York city especially, the men, as a rule, wore finer looking than the women ; but it does not strike rue so now. On the contrary, all women seem to be beau tiful; it is the men who are gaunt and wretched looking, by comparison." Very true. Do'you know the rea son why ? I will tell ,you. It is the fashion now for women to be handsome, and for men to have the dyspepsia. You see the result—the women are handsome, the mon all have the dye. pepsia. Why should not women be hand some, and of what use aro natural gifts. When you can buy masses of beautiful hair at so much per pound, a complex ion to match at a dollar a paekage,and a form superior in nearly every re spect to the original article, at any dressmaker's ? "You don't mean to say that all that hair iB bought ?" I don't mean to say anything about it. I only ask you to look at all the hairdressers' windows, and judge for yourself whether every women can possibly own the mountain of hair which she piles on the back of hor head. "It is immense, to be sure ; but I toll you it's 'stunning;' it would make a man feel proud to own a piece of prop erty like that." It is not necessary to record my in dignat reply. I. simply desire to give an illustration of the prevalent opinion among mon, that women were never so handsome as they are now. Unquestionably, women nover.look ed better than they do now; there is a wonderful harmony between their splendid hair, their rich complexions, falso•or truo, and the beauty of color and stylish elegance of the present mode of dress. It is to be hoped they.will continue it long enough to have all the best points reproduced in the next genera tion. Oddly enough, the fair hair which has been the lashion for several years past, to such an extent as to induce many ladies to dye or bleach their hair, is now to be seen in profusion upon three fourths of the ttvo - and three year old babies, and very lovely it is. Everything has its use, and perhaps this passion, which seemed so absurd, will bring us nearer to the true north ern and celestial type of beauty. To return to dress; lot any ono con trast the coquettish costumes of to-day with the short, straight skirts and poke bonnets of thirty or forty years ago,and the contrast will be imrneasur- ably in our favor. Young girls especially have a great advantage over their grandmothers and great grandmothers in their youth. The pretty toquet, the basquine, the trailed or looped up dress, constitues the prettiest and most becoming of all toilettes to young girls, provided al. ways they are neat and pay duo at tention to cleanliness ' and brightness of their hair, and the fit and finish of their gloves and botinos. Another charming fancy has taken possession of out belles this Season, re placing the white hat in their affec tions. This is the white Angola cloth cloak. It is indeed delicious—wool, soft, fleecy, long and curly, the trim ming consisting only of epanletts, made of white wool fringe, and largo spar or pearl buttons. Even white ca mel have not sufficient delicacy to suit the freshness of these snowy gar ments. White bonnets aro not adapted to these cloaks, they present too much the appearance of a bridal ; but the white toquet, with a band or blue vel vet, and short Oft of curled white os trich feathers, suits it exactly, afford ing the relief of color, without any sac rifice of harinony, and interposing the mass of curls, or bands of shining gold or brown, between the white of the cloak and the rim of the hat. It must be confessed, however, that white cloaks are an expensive luxury. They soil soon, and they require an exquisite toilette to correspond with Ahem. It is not necessary, however, to - wear them on all occasions ; and they aro not more costly than white furs and other things which are thought necessary to a lady's complete ward robe. A PRAYELL—Ono of the most estima ble of men some years ago died and left a wife and several children. Among the latter was a boy of eight or ten years, who was the, very personifica tion of mischief. His mother finding she could not control him, put him in charge of a reverend gentleman of the neighborhood, who made it a rule, whenever the boy committed a fault which required correction, to give him a taste of the rod, and then make him got on his knees and ask God to for give the sin committed and bless his corrector. The boy proved to be too much for the reverend to manage. lie was then placed in charge of a very excellent lady, Who was distingiiished for a long and pointed nose. Shortly after she took him iu charge she was obliged to give hini a flogging. AS soon as it was through 'she was 8111 - - pri 4ed to see 'lila drop on his knees, and perhaps more surprised to hear him pray to be forgiven for What ho had 'doim-and "bless Mrs. 4., - and lengthen out her days as long as lid. nose, only not quite so Sharp Gas' The winning post to the race of life is a slab of White or grey stone, Standing out front that turf where Otero i 6 110 more jockeying. Eiall TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. Chemistry of the Atmosphere. A divine arranger must have spread out the thin, filmy curtain of the sky, ' like that thin film of water, the..blue soap bubble, which, like the atmos phere, reflects and decomposes the light reflected on its surface. As with light,so also the atmosphere is the con ductor of sound. Professor Cooke says : "Every ono who has dropped a stone into the water of a still lake.has no ticed the system Of waves - which,' with its ever-increasing circles, spreads in every direction from the stone; but all may not know that when .two stones are struck together in the air a similar system of racial waves spread, in ever widening spheres, through the, atrnos phere, and that it is the waves break ing on the' tyrn`anum of our ears, like the waves of water on a:sand-beach, which produce the sensation which wo call'sound. Two stones thus struck together give rise to waves of unequal size, following ono another at irregu. lar intervals; and such waves produce an unpleasant bensatiOrt on our- midi= tort' nerves which we call noise. But if, instead of striking . together two stones, we set in vibration the string of a piano -forte or the reed of an orga nic pipe,_ we excite a system of waves, all of equal 'sizO,.and succeeding.-one another with regularity, and these breaking on the car produce by their regular beats what we call a musical note. If the waves follow ono anoth er with such rapidity that one hundred and twenty-eight break on the tympa num every second, the note has a fixed pitch called in music C natural. If the waves come faster than this, the pitch id lower. What you are all familiar with as the pitch of a musical note de pends then, on the rapidity with which tho waves of sound strike the ear, and may evidently be measured by the number of waves breaking on the tym panum in a second." Science demonstrates that the differ ence between colors is of precisely the same kind its the difference' between tones. • Red, yellow, green, blue, vio let, ke , aro names wo give to sensa tions caused by waves - of other break, ing at intervals on the retina, and col or corresponds to pitch, and at every stop as the whole scale of colors spreads out before us the analogy of light to sound becomes still more evi• dent. And thus wonderful are the forces the atmosphere holds and the varieties of arrangement it displays, it modifies and diffuses heat, while it holds and dispenses the mysterious and astonishing agencies of electricity, just as the electrical machine is con stantly rubbing together glass and silk; just as we rub a stick of Sealing wax or a glass tube with a warm silk hand kerchief, so the air is always rubbing over the face of the earth with greater or less rapidity. Nature seems to be a groat electrical machine. 'As man -guards his roof from the destructive action of lightning—dashing to the earth, crashing, rending and burning on its way—by erecting the lighting rod, whose bristling points quietly drain the clouds, or, failing to do this, receive the charge and bear it harmless to the earth, so God has made a harm loss conductor in every pointed loaf, every blade of grass. It is said that a common blade of grass, pointed with nature's exquisite workmanship, is' three times as effectual as the finest cambric needle, and a . single sprig is far more efficient than the motalic points of the best constructed rod.— What, then, must be the agency of a single forest in disarming the forces of the storms of their terrors—while the same Almighty hand has made rain drops and snow-flakes to be conductors, bridges for the lightning iu the clouds, alike, it seems, proclaiming the mercy and majesty of the Almighty hand Eclectic Review. How TIM DAYS OP TIM WEF.g. GOT THEIR NAMES.—The days of the week each sacred to a certain deity ; Sun day and Monday to the sup and moon respectively ; Tuesday has its name from Tuesca, whom the Saxons 'sup posed to be supreme ruler ; Wednes day, named after Woden, tho god of war. Ilero,is an explanation of one of Falstaff's questions concerning "hon or." "Who bath it ?" "lie that died on a Wednesday"—that is, killed in battlo,in the sorvieo of Wodon. Thurs day is from Thor, the god of thunder; Friday from Frigra, the deity suppos ed to preside over trade ' • and Satur day from Sactor, the god of liberty. From which last I suppose has descen ded the custom of observing that day as a holiday, and which I am thankful to say, is pretty duly kept by all who can afford the needful relaxation, with ono remarkable execution, namely, those who follow the useful craft of shoemaking. It is well knorm that they favor Monday as their day of ree rcation,which ctot nn is said to have its origin in the time of Oliver Cromwell Thu story is that one of his , encrals, named Munday, committed suicide. The Protector offered . tt reward for the most suitable epitaph commemorating the death of his friend. The:success ful cimipetitov was a Worthy son of Crispin, wlm carried off the palm by the following epigram t God bless the Lord Protector And cursed the worldly poll ; Tuesday shall begin the week, Since Monday's hanged himself. zezrAn Irish girl at play on Sunday, was accosted by the priest, "Good morning, daughter of the devil." She meekly repliqd "Good morning father." ll!.2. lady, npeaking of the gather ing of lawyers to dedicate a now court house, said she. supposed they had gone "to view the ground whore they must shortly lie." NO. 20. "Cause.—The disease is generally. attributed to the want of water, or tp bad water, such as the drainings dung-hills, sinks, etc., which fop* will, drink when they can get no othpr: "Syrnptoms.—The occurrence df a dry, horny scale - upon the tongue is, generally rewarded 'as a characteristic, of•this disease, which,.however, is by. some confounded with gapes. We are quite assured that the dry, scaly tongue is only a sympton caused by some oth4 er disease, which forces the fowl (which habitually breatli6ii through - the nos trils) to respire through the month; in thiS- case the current of 'stir :dries' the tongue, which becomes hard at the point, and assumesja very horny Oar: actor. Thus, in any inflaminatory fection of the windpipe, hi gapes, ca tarrh, or roup, when tho nostrils are closed by the discharge, the pip, as it, is termed, makes its appearance. It should bo regarded,. however, as a symptom only, and not as the disetisq itself. The beak becomes yeild,leat the base, the plumage becomes ruffed,' the bird mopes and pines, the appetite; gradually declines to extinction, and at last it dies, completely worn out ny fever and starvation. • "Treatment.—The treatment varies with the cause. In all cases the mouth should be frequently moistened ; and if the scale of hardened membrane is loose, it should bo removed. The abS . surd plan of nipping off the end of the tongue in chickens is still praetiescl iq some parts of the country; it is almost noedless'to say s that itis alike tlsoless and barbarous. . • THE o 2 oi3_lll PRINTING OFFICIL (‘ GLOBEJO..II OFFIC.V'f is 3t complete of,any to 6exwinery, mid , pee- meet ample facilities for promptly executing lu. 'l 3 oinry variety of. Job Pantile& each. - . • - 46 BILL HEADS,. BALL TICICETS, CARDS, PROGRAMMES ; BLANKS, LABELS &C &C CALL AND =mum epzonarts OP max, • LEWIS' BOOM. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE; Effeots of Good Feed-on Mulch (lows. Our cows give fully one third more butter this year than last,due solely to, good feeding and warm quarters in the winter; They were cows I. bought With the farm. They looked well, but oroved to be poor milkers. They had been suffered to go dry about the lst of November, under the impression that milking them • in the winter would seriously injure them. the common summer. And I have no doubt that there is considerable truth in this idea,: provided the' cows in,the 'winter have nothing but cornstalks and straw and are,not stabled. But if they are fed liberally; they may be milked, not only. without injure, but with positive ad vantage. It favors the habit of secret-, ing milk. Till within six weeks or. two months of calving, a good cow, with plenty of rich food, can give four or five be of milk per day,and will still be able to secure milk enough for the calf. She will eat • and assitrillife more food, and will get the habit of secreting more milk. I believe there is no better way of restoringthe milk ing qualities of cows that bavr degen, crated from poor management. I give, my cows three quarts 'each of core meal a day, and an abundant supply. of C0111E441110 and straw. Instead of• letting them go dry, in November, I kept them stabled in cold weather, and they gave more milk, or rather more butter; after we commenced to' feed grain in November::. and December, than they did in August and Septern-. her. I milked some of them till with. in sir weeks of. calving. This is per haps too much—ten weeks would be better. The Cows, after we stopped milking, fleshed up rapidly, and many were the predictions that the cents meal would spoil them for milk, But it did not. They give more milk than ever before, and it certainly, is very much richer. The prospects now erg that for the year commencing the I.st of last November till the let of next November, they will give as much again butter as they ever gave 'in a year before. So much for good feeding iu winter. We weigh every pound of butter made,and feel confident that this opinion will prove correct. I have not yet fed meal this summer, but shall do so at the, moment there is any indica-' tions of a falling off in butter. In tacit I should feed meal now if I had 1 buildings conveniently arranged fa purpose. I have not the slightest doubt that it would pay to give each cow two quarts of corn and pea meal a day. If twenty busbels of corn year will double, or even add to, the amount of butter and cheese made by a cow, it is easy to figure; whether It is profitable or rioS. Idg not say they will not eat as much imps and fodder as if they were not fed meal. The more food they will eat the bettter, provide it is turned into butter and cheese.—liarris' Walks and Talks." Remedy for Pip in Poulfry. In answer to an inquiry from a Wife,: cousin correspondent, for a cure of this disease, wo copy the following Mein Mr. liertnet's "Poul terees Companiom", "This may be regarded. as a tokec, of derangement of the mucous mem brance of the allimentary oanal gen erally, and net as a local disease. "A curo may bQ elected diet; that is, in the .case of dommon fowls; by an allowance of fresh vege table food, as onions or parsley ,cltop 7 pod and mixed with potatoes and little Indian or oatmeal, granting at the seine time a plentiful supply of pure water. Give, alai); a - teaspoonful of castor oil or thereabouts, according to the age or strength of the fowl.'DO not scrape the tongue, nor use rough modes of cleatin g it; but apply a little borax, dissolved in pure water, and tincture of myrrh, by moans tiVa 'earn el hair brush, two or three times a 1 4Y', "The following hasbowt racoiumend: cd GiVe three times a trap, fo 1,0 or three days;' a piece of tho size of it pea . ; if garlic canna' be ob tained, onum'shallot, or chive will an swer; and if neither of these be'co,no- nient, two grains of black pepper, to he given' in fresh butter, maybe sub-: stitatod." ' • . charitf.for POSTERS,