Cljt (51obt. HUNTINGDON, PR Wednesday morning, 0ct..31, 1866. LOCAL 4Yc PE SONAL. To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with u f before the name wlll understand' that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise Brief Items —The hired defamer rejoices in his infamy. Succese by any means is al ways the rallying cry of a hypocrite. —A. man was arrested in Alexandria on Friday , last for breaking into a store. Mo.-was lodged in jail to await trial next month. —The Methodists in Alexandria will petition the court at its next sit. ting to grant them license to build a new church. , --To-morrow Wednesday, is Hal low-Eve... We can only advise our peo ple to beware of corn and cabbage used to a bad purpose. —An honest man is respected by honest men. Au unprincipled. politi cian is honored by his kind. A victo ry won by falsehood exposes the weak ness of man. —The market car of Weber 5; Son, 'of Lewistown, was smashes to pieces in the late wreck at Parkesburg •Captain Win. B. Weber was severely :bruised but not killed. —Our thanks we tender to the Hun lingdon Brass Band for tho serenade .on Saturday night last. Music getting Joetter every time. We are pleased to jearn that they will soon be able to got silver instruments. —The Johnstown Tribune says:— "Suit is about being instituted against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company f,r damages incurred by the falling of the platform at that place on the 14th of September." —Jefferson Mort, recently of Dublin township, this county, was arrested in Mifflin county on Friday, and lodged in this jail. There is said to be five different indictments against him for stealing, all of which were committed in Dublin township. —A correspondent of the Maine Farmer states that eider may be pre served sweet and clear by adding to one barrel of the cider a pound of mus tard seed, two pounds of raisins, and a quarter of a pound of stick cinnamon. —Mr. S. R. Notestino, of Allan town raised this seagon ; from less than two acres of ground, on his farm near town, three hundred bushels of potatoes.— They are the California Mercer, and are a very large and fine potato. —We learn that the Methodist camp meeting at Manor Hill still continues, with some zeal and interest. This meeting was commenced on the 24th of August, thus being in session over two months. The fire in that section was well kindled, surely, —Our brother-chip R. B. Brown, of the Clarion Democrat, was in town last week with his-new wife. We can ex tend the of fellowship to Robert 8., and hope he may enjoy many bles sings, and his banl, be filled with much quoin. He appears to be determined to stick to the rule that "it is not good for man to bp alone." —A man named Joshua Sarver met with a severe accident at the mouth of Aughwick Creek, this county, ono day last week. Whilst riding,a horse ho was caught in the limb of a tree and thrown froM the saddle. Un for tunately his foot caught in the stirrup and ho was thus dragged some forty rods before the horse could be stopped. —The Lewistown Gazette mentions that Mr. Isaac Aurand, of Ferguson Valley, raises twenty two varieties of apples. We have farmers in this county rho raise as high as ono hun lred varieties and over. The speci mens of some of these at the recent fair bore evidence that great care is taken 'in 'their 'culture. • Nothing, wo believe, is more profitable than apples in the fruit lino. —ln a match game of checkers be tween Mr. James F. Congdon, of Har risburg, and Mr. George W. Garrett son, of this place, played hero on Fri ~day last, Mr. G. was beaten one game out of ten. The, games stood as fol lows : 4 for Congdon, 3 for Garrettson, and 3 thaw. Mr.. G. was out of prac tice, or the rcsulttnight have been dif ferent. Mr. Congdon is teaching wri ting in this borough. Good Templars' Convention The Quarterly Convention of the I. 0. of G. T. of the West Juniata Dis trict will be held in this place on Tues day and Wednesday next,Nov. 6th and 7th. About twenty lodges will be rep resented iu this Convention, and from whaV.;wo learn there will be a full rep resentation. This is the sixth in which Pie Standing-Stone Lodge of this place has been represented. Rev. Thomas Barnhart is W. C. T., and Hugh Lind say W. S. A public meeting will be held on the evening of the second day, Wednos. gay; when Mr. B. H. Uniae, of Massa chusetts, a popular temperance lectu rer, will address the meeting. All are cordially invited. ter Our bettor half would teudel hank for a Welch. boquet. The r(ew Colored Church The colored people of this place have fitted up the somewhat dilapidated building on Moore street, in the upper end' of town, and are now holding their regular meetings in the seine. This now church will answer every purpose for the present, being fully able to con tain at least two hundred persons.— They have now a neat altar and com fortable pews, the latter of which, un like those in other churches, are wide enough to admit of free ingress and ogress, without the incident dangers to extended hoop-skirts. Rev. Daniel Matthews, their preacher, spoke on Sunday evening last on the text, "Ilene, merle, tekel, upharsin," inter preted by the original Daniel before King Belshazzar, and again interpret ed by this modern Daniel, with this addition that he interpreted the origi nal Daniel a little more than the text, which interpretation was very plain and easily understood by his audience, who exhibited their pleasure at differ ent times during the-sermon by vari ous ejaculations, and other demonstra tions. At the close the reverend gen tleman announced that quarterly meet ing had commenced, and, as ho went so fur to say, it was usual among black and white preachers to solicit money on such occasions, he would therefore ask for ten dollars. The following is the logic, in brief, that he used : Friends, I want ten dollars. Ah, but you say, Mr. Preacher, that is too much. I say no it ain't; for if you give a bull a dollar or a dollar, you wouldn't miss it, and the Lord will bless you. Then you what chew to bacco, can't you try and not chow so bard hereafter, and spend only fifty cents next week where you spent dollar last week. [While on this sub ject ho advised tobacco chewers not to chew "So hard" in church, but to chew hard and quick before they come. Ile said he was excusing tobacco-chewers in order to excuse himself, and he ad vised the trustees to get him a spit box as he could not help spitting in the . pulpit.] Now, continued he, you mon what are not temperance men try and not drink so much next week.— W hero you drink ono glass don't drink three. [We would rather he had advised them not to drink at all, rather than to have partially excused them.] He then asked the ladies to subscribe one dollar out of the ten they had saved for a new , bonnet telling them that the Lord would provide.— lie then told them at, "antidote" of a man who lost S 5 going from church which he fortunately picked ap. After giving it back he toll the man to put half of it in the contribution holt, which he did the same evening, and how the next day the man got $5 from a debtor which ho never expected. We did not learn how much money he got, but we think it wasn't far off the required sum. The meeting closed after a short interval of prayer, and after the preacher announced there would be Freaching; the next evening, We almost forgot to mention that the church is well whitewashed inside to make up partiagy for the poor ven tilation—the intention of which , is bet ter understood than explained. Well behaved white folks are not debarred from entering. Youthful Enterprise As an evidence of what can be done by children, when they undertake a thing, we mention the following inci dent : In the Methodist Sunday School ofthis place, which numbers about two hundred pupils, an enterprise was got ten up about a month ago by which the centenary fund of that donemina. tion was to be augmented. in order to induce the children to subscribe, a medal was offered to each child that would contribute a dollar. The chil dren, impelled perhaps by the reward, and by the desire to receive some grat ification in having swelled the fund, whatever it might be, immediately set to work and by their individual efforts displayed in different ways, sixty-six out of the two hundred children brought in their dollars. Even Ibis proportion ii too small, for many of the larger ones cared not for subscribing for a medal, thinking, perhaps, it was too childish. The proportion might be better if wo would say 66 out of 150. This inci dent only shows what children can do when they try; how much more ought older children to do when they under take anything! It gives older ones no room for saying they have co influ ence. EMECEEM Below is the score of a match game played on Saturday last between the Social and. Spartan Base Ball Clubs.— The weather was too cold for good playing : SPARTAN. 0. R. Aurchinell, 1 b 5 3 Jchoctun, p 6 3! 6 1 coop, 1 f 2 Africa, 3 b 0 5! Black. r f 5 1' Bartol, s s 2 6 S. Long. 2 b 3 5 ecnnil.gbam. c 2 6 J. Long, c 2 6 110CIAL. 0. R. 11.0, Fisher, e 4 8 Williams, p....... .... . 4 7 ISoaker. 1 b 4 9 IClino. 2 b 1 10 T. C. Fisher, 3 b 3 8 Smith. a. e 2 0 Gray, r. f 4 7 Hildebrand, C. f 2 8 Westbrook, 1. 1 3 7 EMI 6 Out on fly, 6 " foul, 14 " bows, 2 w strike, 12 Fly misses, INNINGS. 911 9 3 12 3 4 13 8-72 Spann°, 0 7 1 7 5 6 4 2-42 This was the third match game, beta - ono tiles° clubs.-- The following is tho scorn of ouch of tiro gamey: Social. Spartan. September 1,1800, 36 64 September 15, o • 85 21 October - 27, w 72 41 Oat on 111, lb fl.lll, " Fly naNgO,, 011, and 011 Stocks We hetir of quite a large number of oil men who are anxious to "realize." They are anxiously waiting for a new excitement to spring up. Oil I Oil'. Stocks ! Stocks! 4 better day is corning. Who cun see it? G.-...T . 0ur exchanges say there has been several cases of cholera in Wash iugtop, Philadelphia and other cities .—cause, eating bad oysters!.. Interesting to Farmers Regarding Internal Revenue Tax Decisions. The following is very important to farmers, the decisions have recently been given by the CommisSlime'. of In. ternul Revenue at Washington. Ist. Farmers will not be required to to make return of produce consumed in their own immediate families. 2d. The farmer's profits from sales of live stock are to be found from de ducting from the gross receipts for an imals sold, the purchase money paid for the same. If animals have been lost during the year by death or rob bery, the purchase money paid for such animals may be deducted from the gross income of the farm. 3d. No deductions can be made by the farmer for the value of services rendered by his minor children, wheth er be actually pays. for such services or not. If adult children work for him and receive compensation, for their labor, they are to be regarded as other hired laborers in determining his in come. 4th. Money paid for labor, except such as is used or employed in domes tic service, or iii the production of ar ticles consumed in the family of the producer, may be deducted. sth. No deduction can be allowed in any case for the cost of unproductive labor. If house servants are employ ed a portion of the time in productive labor, such as the making of butter and cheese for sale, a proportionate amount of the wages paid them may be deducted. Gth. Expenses for ditching and clear. ing now land aro plainly CXOCIISCI3 for permanent improvement, and not de ducted. The whole amount expended for fertilizers applied during the year to the farmer's land may be deducted, but no deduction is allowed for fertili zers produced on the farm. The cost of seed purchased for sowing and plant ing may be deducted. Bth. If a person sells timber standing, the profits are to be obtained by esti mating the value of the land after the removal of the timber, and from the sum thus obtained, deducting the esti mated value of land on the Ist day of January, 1862, or on the day of pur chase, if purchased since that date. 9th. Where repairs have been made by the tax-payer upon any building owned by hint during the preceding five years, nothing can be deducted for repairs made during the year for which his income is estimated. 10th. A farmer should make returns of his produce sold within the year, but a mere executory contract fin• a sale is not a sale; delivery, either active or constructive, is essen tial. The criterion by which to judge whether a sale is complete or not is to determine whether. the vendor still re tains in that character a right over the property ; it the property were lost or destroyed, upon which parties, in the absence of any other relation between them titan that of the vendor and vendee, would the loss fall. . A Fiendish Alit bye. Devil Incarnate The barn of Win. J. Closhorn of Tell township, this County, was utterly consumed with all its contents on the morning of the 23d inst.., by being set fire to by a desperado named Joseph Matthews. Matthews, who resides in Blacking Valley approached the premises of Mr. Goshorn .the morning aforesaid, making demands of Mr. Goshorn which ho refuses to concede ; whereupon Matthews entered the barn, and delib eratery set fire to the hay; al! the while holding Mr. Goshorn at bay from extinguishing the flames, with rifle and pistols with which he was armed, until the fire had full sway. He then made for Shade Mountain across the fields of Mr. Uoshorn, shooting and killing three of his horses to complete his fiendish deed. Matthews is still at large. One hundred dollars aro offer ed for his arrest. The barn was a now one yet unfinished. No insurance.— Shirlrysburg Herald. A Milt totioneekeoper• Potatoes are a very common article. Everybody uses them more or less. Those who buy and use in large quan tities, generally purchase them at about wholesale prices. Working people, however, almost uniformly buy them by the small measure at rates equiva lent to full fifty per cent. advance on the market figures for oven single bar rels. Now, a barrel of good potatoes can be had at about $2. This barrel will hold equal to three bushel baskets, making the cost of a bushel of potatoes about cents. if a family cannot purchase a barrel ; two or three can combine and do so, divide it fairly between them and LIM save the profit that would have been exacted by the hurter. Still Higher The grain and flour dealers contend that grain and flour will go up still higher. It is not the scarcity of wheat us much as it is the will of the farmers and speculators ',hat flour is forced up. It will come down as soon as farmers think it is high enough and speculators get weak in the knees. We advise a free nso of corn and buckwheat for a month or two. - - 27 7' 5 10 11 1 .11.. W. Benedict, Esq It is conceded by the Republicans from every part of the State, that our townsman, Mr. Benedict, will again be selected Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives at its next session. Mr. B. is a hard-working party utnn and makes a popular Clerk. It's some: thing to be "in" when flour is 815 and going up. tyr.w Store at Coffee limo We call attention to advertisement of Wm. S. Entrekin, who has opened a store at Coffee Rue and has on band a fine assortment of goods for the accom modation of the surrounding country. Give him a call. Wlr.The Social Club goes to ifolli darhurg and Johnstowrl this iyesk. MARRIED, On the 23d inst., by Rev. J. W. Love, Dr. W. H. Wir,sox; of Williamsburg, Blair Co., to Miss MArrrim IRVINE, of Shavers Creek, Huntingdon County. On Thursday the 250 inst., at the residence of the bride's father in Han tingdon, by the Rev. A. J. Barrow, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Doctor J. THOMPSON Waso,N, of Ty rone City, to Miss HENNIE CLEMENT. Still they go, and still ,they come. That is, our young friends set sail on the sea of matrimony and' before they go they send in their souvenirs to the printers. Thank you, happy ones. May the bride find the bridegroom as patient as she is clement, and . may the bride groom have few family ills to doctor, but wherever he prescribes We hope his reward will soon follow. PERLA DIM PRI A MARICE TS. Octobor. 31. Family Flom *13.75 Extra Flour*l2.o) ' Superfine Flour .. ................ ...$8.75 Bye Flour 47,75 Corn Mea15.1,25 1•:x1 en While Wheal, $3,-13 Fair cud Primo Ited *3,25 Rye 41,40 Corn, prime Yellow 1,25 Onto C'l Burley •,. $1;2.0. 01evermeed, 1164 Bs $2,00 Yunothy $3.25 Flux, 1 23.20 . Wool 63 lii 'cc 11 11U.T.NITINGD07.4 MARKETS. coluznana) NITEKLY BY S. .t CO IVIIVI.CSAI.V. PRICY:S. Superfine Flour 11 bl $19,50 F.itra. Floor 414.00 . Fausily Flour .14.50 Corn Meal 7,11,1 r C .'2,0) INCI(W110:11. Meal V, owl 4 4,25 lied IVltuat 43,00 Whito Wheat 4' 10 Corn • go • Oats 75 Barley '0 Bye 1 00 Buckwheat 1,00 Clover:wed V, 01 lbd z. 7,00 Timothy $l.OO Flaxived 92,75 nye Chop V cwt 42,00 Dian 5r cwt. 2.1,25 9horts V cwt sl,to Mixed clog , 92,00 Plaater per ton $lO,OO 13,eswax 11 lb_ . 1 lops V. lb . 40 10 60 Paigd V. lb 4 Lean'? bua 92,00 Feathers V lb 90 ratio.. 10 to 12 Dried Apples it lb $2,50 Dried Petteliel V lb ....10 to 25 Barn ,25 to 30 Sides ........................ .........-...: Shoulder Dried Beef Lord Butter 14gg4 Country Soap Hay v ton Bye zirraw V. banal., Potatoes V bus Apple 1110 ter V. gallon Wool V. lb - Largo Outman V bus Coral Broolll9 1 - 4 a. Citlek.l,l . Dirklty X licle.l Clierrie; . 0 quart. cb Logan Academy, BELL'S MILLS, BLAIR CO., PA New school building, large and well twrangnd. Thor ough and accomplished temthers; pleasant rooms; good boarding. Complete courie of study. Next term opens November nth. gond for a circular with full Information. 1100. OUR LAW6ON, Principal, Anti-town P. 0., Blair co., Pa. 111111.1‘9%f00D ACADEMY, IMEESI I=M33 Thu nest sr,sion or thiA institution will opon nn TC7Eg. I).\ l', ate 611, null Willlllllls tL turns uf 211 The Coill,e or instruction mbracps cr.•rything that ii-inelit•lod inn Illoroligh : praetkal, aunt nccompli+h ed vducation of both next,. The Pritteip tt atenru9 parunt3 and guardians tint t hie entire ability nail energies will ha. devoted to the mental and mural training of the youth placed under his care. TERMS. Hoarding, Tuition, and Room Ilent.per session of Peon ty weeks, 3. Music extra. No deduction will be made for abienco. accept in cane.] of prot For further particulard, address, W. A. HUNTER, oc9 Shade Gap, Huntingdon co., Pa. 41 " TENTION SOLDIERS! - COME AND GET YOUR BOUNTY! I have funned a copartuernhip with Cvl. Fuller, Atter nay at Law Washington. D. C., lOr the purpose of prom ring SOLI:1E1:S' BOUNTY, under the recant act of Con • gross. Soldiers' widows or orphans aro also entitled to receive this bounty. for willin your applientk. nt 0.0. as first appliedtor will be first paid. Givo your full name, post onion ad dress, and length of time in service, and we will nt once return yov the necessary blanks. Enclose a stamp to pay rettll4l postage. Ail other claims, of whatever nature, against the U. S. Governineht, pr,mtptly attended to. tk7.N.3 charge u the money Is collected. Onice with li. Blair, Esti., near the Broad Top Corner, Huntingdon. 81.A111 rubLEtt. )t. X. molt, Huntingdon. A.S. IttLl.r.e.,lValltlnAlon. EVERYBODY MUST -LIVE! CALL AT LEWIS & CO' S. FAMILY GROCERY Tho best of everything will bo constantly kept nn howl and Bold at the lowest prices possible. Quick sales and small profits. COFFEES, SUGARS AND TEAS. ALL THE CHOICE KINDS FOR SALE AL Lewis R Cu's Family Grocery. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! The beet Flour, by the barrel or 3urtllor y for eale at Lewis & CO 'S Family Grocery. FISH. FISH. Best :%IACKEItIir, and MIMING f;rr .sale robin at Lewis lc Coo Family Grocery. SWOI 9 X 4 :::PM 4 All kinds.olSioliaal for oalo at Lowin d: Co's rainily Gro cary, Huntingdon, len. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kluds of country pro,lueo tnken in exchnngn for fonds nt Lewis k do's Fnmily•OiWary. HAMS. HAMS. Plain and canvas sugar cored Ilotes—tbe best In lit r Itel—tyllolo or sliced, for sale nt Lewis & Co's Family Grocery. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS! Levering's Best a n d other syrups, New Orleans, Porto Rico and Sugar llouso got:Loss, fur sole st dasyls,l Co's Foul ly tt r ore ry. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY. Wonderful Scientific Discovery For the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases. , spectfully call tho attention Huntingdon county, and the Jaye taken instruction 01 tits deity, and sin now fully pre for the cure of germane a froc divasee, Nervous Diseanex; Fonalo .Weakno., The undersigned would of the afflicted females of afflolitipg counties, that I It rot rest application of filed, pared to operate succes , fully tud with the following name General Debility, 'Kidney Complaint, Myer pass and °raw], Broitcbial Affoctiou, Dislrpslit, . Diabetes, Spinnl Affection, Costi vononn, Folil Stomach, It Dismes of [lto Womb, . . Suppressed .Nlotses, gutter, or Big- Neck. Female patients can receive treatn.ont at my residents for any of tic shove diseases with the 0,:e0,,,.r u i di scos ,. ery of Electricity; which is without a 'patallel, and the very. desideratum for the afflicted. Please give its a trial. It is a mild operation, producing nO shock -be unpleasant sensation, and relieves witerwmedicire h as no effect at all. MARGARET LEWIr3p Newton Hamilton, Mifflin co., Pa. oclo 3,n ,t 14, KI.N DS OF C It ACKERS ilLconstantly on band at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. • ATERNACELLI, Barley-, Rice, horn ' ny, lSantis,3c. , at 'Awls k Ca'a Rnmily (grocery. 13 LANK B or ° ve ° R i xo C u S s la, for uala BOOK AWB STA;TONERY STO tr LATViT rAstitoNs DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent Du plex Elliptic, or Double Spring, S T. 1 1 1 . The wonderful Floxibility and great comfort and plww sure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will ho experienced partictdarly •In all crowded assemblies, operas. carriages, railroad cars. ch.urch pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dross. ns the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place its easily and conye• n'ontly as a shk or muslin dress, an invaluable onality In crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasu: e. comfort, and groat convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will neVar afterwards willingly di, pens° with theirs's°. For children, misses and young In dies they are saperim to all others. Tinny will tint bend or break HIM the Slagle spring, lint will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary shirts will have • been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with couble and Wilted thread. and the buttons rods are not only double springs, lint twice (Inc double) covered; preventing thens from wearing out when dragging down sleops, stairs, &e. • The Wiping Elliptic Is a great In varito with all ladies and is universally recolunien.loil Pry the. Position Maga sines as the standard skirt of the 11,1iionalile To enjoy tine f Boning inestimable advantages In crin oline, viz: superior quality. perfect manufacture, stylish simile and fin idt, flexibility. durability, comfort andlllll - enquire fin' .1. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or dou ble spring shirt, nud bo sure yon get the genuine article. CAUTION . —'To guard against impost Ulu be particular In notice that shirts onred as "thiplex.":llave the rot ink. sunup. viz: it. Bradley's - Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs' upon the walit hind—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop still admit a pin being named through the centre, Bons revealing the two Or double) qtringi braided tog,ther therein, which to the secr,t-rf their flexibility and strength, anti a cittnlnnatton not to be found inn any other sprint!. For sale in all stores where find class shirts are sold throughout tine United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners pith° patent. NV 1.:8T, BRA DI, EY A BA tilt V, 0c24-3ml 97 Chandtess and 7il A SI Reade Sts., N. Y JOHN BLIT; U. WOODS, P. m otto, W. P. m'r.iutinum JOHN BARE, & CO., .Bankers, 1-3Duaitlitag•clActaa, Pty,. Solicit accounts from Bank,. Hankers Sc Oho.. Inter est ikilowt4l on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold fur the usual cointni6siult. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all pal ua. Persons depositing 061 and Silver Aral receite the .1110 in return with Interest. MEM= A DITOR'S NOTICE. (listate of itele;cca Fink, dec'd) The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphan'a Court of Huntingdon County, to hear nod doter mine ex cent ioni to the account of John W. Mattern, Esq., Ad mitt ktrotor of Rebecca Fink. deceased, nod distribute the balance in the hands of said Adruhtistrator. will attend at 111.1 °Mee In the borough of Huntingdon on Thurialoy. the Nth of November INOU, nt 1 o'clock. I'. M., for the pur• peso of hearing sold exceptions and matting said dintri• union ; when and where nit persons indebted urn mines. ted to al tend nnit present their claims or be debarred from cooling in for a 'Marc of sow food. ' Oct. 17, '66.-3t. K. A. LovELL, Au'itor. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER . The undersigned having now entered into the ig • • Alexandria nrewery, the public are informed a that he still be prepared at all tint. to till orders on the shortest notice. :s• THOS. N. COLDER. Alexandria, Oct. ".S. IS6G-tf. lAIYATT, A OII..PURE ,I LIN-EUS ! Is now ready for sale with fall directions for cultirat • ing.andmunlacturing. An acre of good ground first after planting, will produce from 1000 to 1000 gal. Ions; second season Amble the girstaity eon ha math:— Only equaled by the I,st ofgrape wine. IV. 11. lIARPER. Me.klavy's Port, Ilona. on., Sopt. 19.0 t ...... $1.4 00 ....... `O .;5,00 .15 to 400 20 1, . —.75 to 1.00 TT' RALLELED SUCCESS ! hayo alieuuly Lone recciTed for upwards of 300, 00i) V°lomea of the AMERICAN CONFLICT! UORACII ORRELETS lIISTORY 01 , "1118 GREAT RI BELLION, AND 'IRE WEERIX ORDERS NOW AVERAOR 2.000 VOLUME6I AV. L. IL; RVIII", A glint, is 'nippy to annouttro that this truly national work is new completed, and that i.e will he in litudingduu county the second, third and fourth sotelts in October; 1966, to supply It to his autism there.— Ile will also 'take orders for and furnish the entire work to all who make early application. Mr. Oreeley's History of the Rebellion. Is overyssinoro recognized by fair minded men of all parties, not only cs the highect authority, but greatly surpassing all other wools, both in conception of plait and excellence of detail. abounding in clear mid graphic delineations of events, candid ,atul accurate statements of feels, and marked throughout by the most thorough and painstaking re search. It has been subjected to the !Host searching arit h-isms by the press of nil political portion and roligioint denominations, and in not Ices than Olin tt,ohisotltl notice, and reviews, by the most able journals, not only In this country, but also in Ronne, its - great superiority over all other works of line hind is most emphatically attested, even by the author's most determined poiitical opponents. 'aid work containh:n account of all the Irttt lee, raids. skirmishes, ,f e., while there were fifty important battled, on account of which does not appear In Ileadley's or Ab bott's, so.called hiStOri'll of the soar. "It would be difficult tofplace too high nn estimate on the service Mn'. (kooky has rendered oar country, by the preparation of this volume. I await the forthcoming of the volume with eager ex te•cte I ion.—W. KCI.I.Y, /LC. , •It bears the works of labor, studied candor and atoll racy.—Wit. 11. StIVAr.D. ..Its accuracy gives it a rabic beyond any other history of that eventful period. The great Industry and impar• tiality of Mr. Greeley will main.• this the hest of all Munro histories of the great rebellion —THADDEUS STEVE s 5, H. C. The Cincinnati Enquirer, rt Democratic paper says or Greeley's history—"lt contains a vat amount of inform ation and is altogetleT superior to any volume on the subject that has yet appeared." Front the (London) Westminster Review:—"lt is tem. peva° awl gives way to no vitunmatlon, although thor oughly in earnest, and if we nay admire the Industry which has enabled the editor of the leading newspspor In inaori4m to do this at Hoehn time, we may Mill more ad mire the spirit of fairness and directness which charac terize this very valuable work." Ad Irt., 06-3% WM. MENOKE & BROTHER, Bu 4 ARCII STREET, PIIILADELPIII.I, Wliolciale and Detail Dealers In BE II ZEPHYRS, EMIIIIOIDERIE6, FINE KNIT GOODS, personally seise tral in Europe. • DOMESTIC ZEPHYRS, derninutown IYOOLS, Cneltmere YARNS, Etc., txtteAt ostylea in Ladies Dresi nod Oloak 90-I=LIIVIEM3EIVGIr, Buttons, Drop Fringes, Laces, Shawl Borders, Etc. White embroidered Hands, etc. The good, being ail carefully selected our Wile ' 3 Department offers great inducements to the (ratio. up .13E 1 'WC) WALBrii A GOOD PIIOTOGRAPII LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL 4tc KLINE'S • PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On 11W Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book Store. • CALL AND SEE REODIENS3. nuntingtion, Oct 9,'03-If. TO THE LADIES. Thu Lest assortment of. I; DDT TIC SKIRTS, Jolt receivrd this day from Now. York and tot' sale at the cheap cash store of 11'.31, MARCH ft BRO. A splendid assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY TRIMMINGS ArTp BUTTONS Jost received this day from New York and for sale cheap at pnay7 WI. MARCH k 11110. YORE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD , Thu Whitemt, the most durable and the most economic:l Try• It! '3lanufaettired only by ZIEGLER Wholesale Drug, Paint it Glass Dealers, au2t-1y No. My North Third st., A DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. A . [ Estate of Francis Jachaten, decd Letters of administration upon the estate of Francis Jilelo.oll, tltreased, into of West township, having been granted to the mederslgned, :01 person 4 indebted to the estate Will make payment, ilia: them, haring claims will present them fur settlement. :HENRY WILSON, Oct.: , 1866-6 t. Adinietistralor. SPECIAL NOTICES. DE'AFINESS, BLANDNESS & CA— TAiIIiII, treated settle the utmost ateccess, by J. IoAACS, :SI. D., Oculist nod Aurist. (fiirmerly of Leyden, Ifolland,) No. felt PINE street, Pill ',A DA. Testimonials from the tnect reliable sources in the City and country, can be Here '111(1 medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patimits, 110 hirer 110 secrete In his practice. A lITI FiCI . A b EYES inserted without pain.— No clear,,o for examination: ' ' nale2llBo6-ly I)EST 131. 4 EACILEID S L 1 i . p.dwoys on hand nt UNN /ATI ILAN CAR HO X' S. LT A 11 NDs OF TOBACCO ilLwholestdeand retail ; nt CUNN Usili 11AM & CARMON'S. - Gold Pens SO Pent)ls, The best assortnled of the hand sourest and best styles, for sale at Lew4i'l-toolc Sto p. .. • UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIN AGENCY lILTNTINGDON, PA W. 11. WOODS, AUTHORIZED GOVERNM'T AGENT, =I lie will prosecute nod coded., with unrivalled eimeem, SoMiami Claims and Duce of all kinds. Also, nay other. kind of Claim against the o,vernment, before any of the . Departments, . iori4cor.i.cnou nrewes I $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY ! I NEW BOUNTY LAW PASSED ! Attention, Discharged Soldiers I Act of Congress approv.,l duly 2%1800. oleos sloo additional bounty to all soldiers who enlisted for three ye:ll . o'mM were discharged by reason of expiration of service, or who were discharged fur wounds xeceired In battle and wino hove not received more than stoo bounty fur sorb 0,00150. An additional bounty of $lOO 13 Mao at. lowed to the nearest relative of soldiers. who .enlisted for a term of three yearn and irlnn died or were killed tit the service, to be paid in the following order: first, to tho widow: second. to the children ; third, to the father, and fourth, to the mother. Ily applying to W. 11. NVoods, of Huntingdon, Hunting ; 11011 cuonty,'Pa., you can have yalr'porolons inelvas,al too dollar. a month for each mod every child you hava, and when the Widow has tuarriod or died, the children nre entitled to the Increase. To all who haw brought home the .bodies of their friend. who died or wore killed in tire It:inlee of tiro Milted Stales, there is it certain alumna of cumne»sat ion allowed you for the expen,s incurrrd in bringing home the be dins of your friends, you can obtain by malciog op plicatiou to the. Invalid Soldiers, Attention I The net of Congress, Improved Jone 6, 1866, gives nddi• Burnt pensions to the following doss of persons: 111iiIii,111 wine hare lost bands eyes or both bonds, $23 per month; wino hart; loot both feet $2O par month; Who have lost one hand or on•; foot, or totally disabled in the same, $l5 1101 . month. Persons who have been deprived of their pensions In consequence of being in tine civil service of the United States Government, can be restored to the pension roll by applying to Intl•. Fathers and mothers who were in evliole or in part de pendent upon their rtOni for rapport are entitled to a pen• stun. Also brothers nod sisters tinder sixteen years of ago All discharged soldiers who did not receive trnnoporta• lion to their places of enlistment when discharged • are entitled to receive it; and alsoall who were held as prise= ners of war, and did not receive commutation of rations when released or discharged, aro entitled to it. , Officers who were to the service on the 3d of Marcl;, 1865, and were discharged after the 9th of April, 1168, by applying I elm can recei we three months extra pay. MI Ho!pliers, or soldiers' widows. of the I.l' of JSI2, who Intro served two 111,111t111. or been wonnded me disabled in such service, if In neccesiiont are 01,11 tied to >n nonnity of ;tIO. I veteran soldiers who gave their credit to districts in :irate of VentiNylvania. and who received 00 local sty, are entitled to receive three hundred dollars. . 11 persons having any of the' above mentioned doling, If Other Lind of claim against the United States or c Governments, will please address me, giving full encheiing a stamp for return postage, and 1' will receive a prompt reply. W. it. WOODS, AntloyLel Arm; owl Nary Agent. an^ls ISO 11UNTINtint,N, PA. ANOTHER FRESII SUPPLY Choice 'GROCERIES JUST IZECEIVED, Aso, Canoed -Poollos, Tuniatoos, Peas and Corn Also, Spice.' Lobster. Oysters, Clem chow, Worcestershire sauce, French 3lastard, 11. amt Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat sup, Olive Oil, &c., and All kinds of IS ' yrups, such as stratviterry, piny:writs, bitits,kbeiry, kc fill GEO. SHAEFFER' M^/las jolt returned from Gm east with 0 4 " SPLENDID STOCK. 01 , BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Mich he offers to the inspection of hie ensiontors and the laddlc generally. Ito will sell his stock al the most IIEA.SOMA 13 LE PRICES, nud thoso who purawm once wilt Surety call 'again. BOOTS Sc SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and Rh:PAIRING dono In the neatest and most expedi tious maner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a few doors west of tho Diamond. my!! w. L. !I RVEY, Huntingdon, Pa NTIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE J.. 1 ' COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, OITICE, 12 W4LL STREET. 01511 Capital, $1,000,000. Sisrpina, $250,000. Total Assets, $1,270,00Q This Company insiires against alljoss p r damage by fire. inland navigation, transprirtntion, ice. The coo, of incur. ing in this amp:lily is 110 mien than the first cost would be in these small Mutual Companies. TT'ith no Assessments This Company is tocule site by the Stale laws of New York, which is not the coos with tho Pennsylvania Insu rance Companies. J.D. STEELE, President. P. NOTHAM, Secretary HENRY KIP, Supt. of Agelacim ANDREW JOHNSTON, Agent, myl.Gin Huntingdon, Penna. Office formerly occupied by W, H. Woods, Esq., Hill at 4 , 300;1 5i ., 4 s,triAl u •414 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer In. 3E% IkT "30 Respectfully invites tins attention of the Public to Lis stand on Hill st., Huntingdon, In the rear of George NV Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, Where be manutsctures and hoops all kinds of Furniture nt reduced •priens. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give bins a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins Made in any stylo desired, at short. notice. The subscriber hash i'VE ll' - AND ELEGANT iIk:ARSE, nod is proposed to at lend Funerals at any place In town or country. J. 31. WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 1866-tf PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given coil, than any other l 'try it 1 Mau Mactured only I,y ZIEGLER, So SMITH, IYheleside Drug, Paint and gloss Drillers, tani3l-ly No. 131 North 'THIRD st., PHILADA. ' - ALBUMS - ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO. t!IRA.P.U. ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE • • BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! If you want 3 - our card neatly printed on covet. /,ELVIS' BOOK AND STATIO4YW 81E0B. & a - For neat JOB PRINTING, cull at the "GLOBE JOB Pamilsa Gructl," at ITup tingthi, Pa tm„Jlistiees' and Constables' Fee Bills for little at Lewis' Book Store. k" , .,b•-; For plain, fancy and ornanion. tal printing, call at tllc "eclolna".(,)410o, Soldiers' Widows Soldiers of 1812 I Local,Bounty CAW, AND SEE Pito?. . 11. M'ENTYRE'3 . 4IIIIAT REMEDY, CONOUR htenal aed Exted Mille, R ILE, Crtilt Diarriita, Bloody Flax In one day, WS` Headache and Earache in three minutea, 4,-z- Toothache in one minute. la" Neuralgia Au five nannies, ilay- Sprains In twenty minutes, goro Throat In•te,, minutes, 443 - Cholla and Oviniip In five minuted, 470-.lllteuir;atiem in ono dny, DS- Pain In the Duck or Sitio in ton minutes, Bad coughs or Colds in one day, - fka_ Favor and Ague in one day. OS. Cures Dettfueis, Asthma, Piles, r„,,g_ Bronchitis ADictlona , Dyspepsia, _ • Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, go, Liver Complaint nail Palpitation of the Heart Keep it in jour Ramilies---ASVelsnes4 comes when least expeetect. I propose to check, and elT•etually' dissipate more echo and pain. cent to aecomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the circulating fluids in the human system, than Coln be effected by any other, or all other methodl of modleal, aid In the same apnea of time. THIS POPULAR REMEDY le fast coming Into use, fur the fret ti: tt T coca, -tree of charge, all these COM' plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do so. Al. soon as it is applied it altnest miracultubly hugs the pals, I do not ask you to buy bef..rc you ere certain of its oSi' clency. If you have an arbour pain, It is warranted Lodi, nil it purports on the label. I do not propose to core every disease--only a class named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem. ical and electric "principles, and is, therefore. appliabl e , to the cure or natural restorative of all organic derimge 7 meat arising from an improper circulation of the neet.4 vital dolls. Prof. J. if. McEntyro'd INDIAN COMPOUND acts dit rectly on tho absorbents, reducing. glandular end other swellings in incredible short time, without any xpsriby' clanger from its we under any passible circumstances.. This is nu internal and external medicine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, hitch no our forefiithera used 'Moro In a bountiful supply on mwth to curu all complaints if we only homy what thoy were. 'Xililt late been a great ettely with the Medical Faculty far many yenrJ,tp find omit the kiwis beet naaßted to. the above compinints—how to put thoin. together, aml what propoetiolla to use. J. 11. MckiNTYRE, ' Proprietor, Heading, Pa. l'or sale at. Lewle,' Book, §to;e Ilunting.lon, Pa., Sept. a, ISCS. MOENTX.EigS, DANDELION. PILLS, For all diseases arising from ono cause ' viz: Fever anti Ague. Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Head, Weak and disor dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Headache, aid diness of the Iliad, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailmeats, Illammatimt, nut Rheumatic Pains, Pains intim Bn^it OV , Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the BMW, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worms, &c., ST. Sold at 25 coats per baa. MoENTYR,Peq INDIAN VEGETABLE WORN DESTROYER ! Thisinfallible medicine Is warranted to expel worms in All cans and may be given to cnildren of all ages, as they are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Con be had at Lewis' Book store, Iluntlngdon, Pa, Luring e. LUMBER., LUMBER. . THE undersigned-has just received and is now ready to supply the public with ALL KINDS OP LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL THE DIFFERENT GRADES, From ceilings up to the clear stuff, tuna 9 mon* to - 2 wars-dry! ' Moo, PLASTERING LATH, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AN] PLANK. WORKED FLOORING, IVE ATLIEII-SOARDINO, Peons; WINDOWTRAMES, SASHES, ,1:0 at reasonable prices. Now is the linen to buy, before fho Spring nigh, ny Lumbar is already advancing, nail dry lumber Is a scarce, article. CHAS. It. ANDERSON. Huntingdon, Fob. Li, Bee JUNIATA STEAM - PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA., ...,IS xoly IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER. FOR THE MAN urAcTuRE ormiun. patronage or t in e town and Country is respectfully solicited. GRAIN, of every clescriptioq, vonht at this mill. McCAUAN & SON. Ifuntlngdou, May 2, 1801 . - - 1 0 00 WHE4T Witnta at Steam Pearl my 2 McCAHAN & SON. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 13 110KE OUT IN NEW 12L4.014, • NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW FIRM, BOYER & GARNER . Wotild respectfully inform the public that thej hats Just opened a NEirsrobuf. AT C RANTSrILLR, (Martlesburg station) Consisting of Groceries of all kinds, Dry Goods. such tm prints, nodins, de Woes, &c.; Hardware, Queonsware,- nod a large lut of Sham st reduced prices; liars, Caps, Tinware, salt, fish, woodeli and willow wore, drugs and stationery, which they arO prepared to sell aqvcry losy prices to those who will tutor us with a call. BOYER & GARNER. Grantsville, May 15, 1866. N EW BOOT AND SHOf4 STO.W W.M. AFRICA Informs the public that bo has just a dir se opened it has old stand in the Diamond : liunDatPlap, A Fine Assortment of all kinds or BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen arid Children. All of which ho will sell at fair prices. Quick saki and small 'gaps. Call and examine my stock.' Maillilitcturing and Repairing done to order ne naltni• Iluntingdon,April 10, ISOO. • AGENCY, Fort COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LL who may hare any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay an 4 'ensmne, can bareibeir claims peqmptly collepKl Laying either in parses oy by letter to • W. H. WOODS, .Attorney at baw, Huntingdon, P 4, August 12, 1863 DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY , , JAS. A. BROWN is Agent for the sole of our Nails and Spites, at IluntiniplOn, PA. Is well known that the Dunoan non Nntli moil& atitiorlPf ht quality toony otborsqlfarOd 1n Itio Iluptiqgdoq market DEA'LliftS,BlJllibbiltS,•apd cononmors troneraley bo supplied in qininfities front one, poriud to ono hundred kegs at nianufacturors' prices by sending their orders or calling at his now inanituoth Hardware btore, Minting. don, Pa. taplol DUNCANNON MON CO. IkAEC:OI%2M'W ! ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED I The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon Ximil is prepared to macho" or ropuir in ther. best style, nod expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AND PAK.ISOLS. All articles intrusted to hint will be ieturned to the residence of the owner m soon as repaired. Umbrellas and pirneols fok repair eau be left at Lewis' Book store.' meyd,lBo6tf 15'3.1. Fr:MAHAN. Deeps .A_ND t STATIONERY.- A goad assortment Of tniacellaneous and Schou Dooks—Foolscap, bettor, Commercial and Note Paper., Plain nod Saucy EnielOrrea—Bed, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sixes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket awl Desk Inkstands Rini ovary other article usually foupd in a Book and Statlonery Store, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY EADY RECKONER ril j • coiriplgto Pczlict Ready Rockniler, in &Hail iw id - conts to which ale added forma of Notes, Bills, Re "iph. paw., ' top•iltor with a tiotof tablet containing rot° of inlercot from one dollar to twelve and. by the tingle day, with a table of witgeih nod boarti by the n'6ok and day. Fdr into at ' . 4:41178' BOOS' P-14. 7 2.g. •