The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 17, 1866, Image 1

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Per nrium in advance
Sir. months
/brae months
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Das square, (10 Ilnes,)or Du.s.s 75 4 1 25 $1 SO
Tyro squares 1 50 2 00 3 60
Three squares 2 25 3 00 4 00
3 months. 8 months. 12 mouths.
Jos square, or less $4 00 111 00 $lO 00
Faro squares, ' 6 00 9 00 15 00
three squares, 8 00 12 00 20 00
Your squares, 10 00 15 00 25 00
Malta column, 15 00 ' 20 00 ...... .....30 00
Du. column oct 00 35 00.... . . ... .60 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
$5 00
Administrators , and Executors' Notices $2 60
Auditors' Notices 2 OD
Estray, or °Nisi . short Notices 1 60
AltirTen lines of nonpareil make a square. About
eight word s constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily calculate aequare in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked srla. the number of inner.
lions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac•
cording to these terms.
Oor prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
Are also Increased.
Aorta Da 11 iosoLlA.—The prettiest thing, the "sweetest
Thing and the most of it for the least money, It over
comes' the odor of perspiration; softens and adds delicacy
to the skin ;is adelightfni perfomo; allays headache and
inflammation, and is a necessary compnlon in the sick
room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It
can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggbits.
.11. T.—Mk—X.—The amount of Plantation Bitters
'sold in one year is something startling. They would fill
Broadway ex feet high, train the Park to 4th street.—
Draken manufactory is one of the institutions of N. York.
It la said that Drake painted nll the rocks in the eastern
States With his cabalistic "S.T.-1680.—X," and then got
'the old granny legislators to pass a law "preventing die
figuring the face of nature," which gives him a monopoly
We do nut know bow this is, but we do know the Planta
tion Bitters sell as no other article ever did. They are
eed by all chase. of the commuoity, and are death on
Dyspepsia—certain. They are eery Invigorating:when
languid and weak, and a great appetizer.
Saratoga Spring TFider, sold by all Druggists
Ming the kettle from the Ere I sodded myself very
severely—one band almost to ft crisp. The torture was
unbearable. * The Sfoxican blast-ring Liniment
relieved the pate almost immediately. It !wale l rapidly,
and left very little scar.
Cute. form, 420 Brood st., riffled."
Ills is merely a sample of what the Mustang Liniment
will do. It Is Invaluable In ell came of wounds. emitting.,
sprains, cuts, bruise., vertu; ate, either upon man or
Ittewara of counterfeits. None le gonultt o unless wrnp
ped in floe steel plots engroringe. bearing the eignatturo
of G. W. Westbrook, Chemist, and the private stomp of
Prams Buono & Co., New Tork.
Sarafert :pring Water, oold by all Drogglets.
P.M. I A. 31.
P. M.
- - La 6 301tx 8 00111untingdon, lea 900 An 6 10
All who value a beautiful head of hair, nod its prem.- 647 8 20131cConnellstown 840 647
Ira ion from premature baldness and turning gray, will 655 8 32 1 Blesant Grove, 832 549
not fail louse Lyon'. celebrated Kathairon. It mattes the 6OD 8 4/33tarkiesbmg, .
3 24 5 29
hair rich, toll and glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes
:the hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve. 6 24
9 04,Coffea Run, BOS 512
zywhere. E. TIIOLIAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y. 631 12 1 1toogh& Ready, 800 hO5
6 44 24C0v0, 7 40 4 53
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists.
•6 431 23 Fisher's Summit I •7 45 449
__. _
AR 7 03, 441 11x735G0 4 34
Lc 7 131 m: Al 811''•thn, I ra
9 20 An 4 24
734 1 1411tidillcsburg I 600 404
• • 7 421 1 2211lopowell 652 300
7 641 1 33 1 1'iper's Run, 630 340
810 1 53 Taterville , 6ld 310
8 2.3 I OD Moody Rim, ti 04 303
• WHAT MD ii /—A young lady, returniag to her country AR S 271 kit 1 12 Mount Dallas 1 10 6 0011.0 304
borne after a sojourn of a lasi , months In MN' York, was ______—.
hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a rustic, SIIOI.IB'S BUN BRA Nell.
illithed fare, she bad a soft, ruby complexion, of almost La 7 z, ,,1,„ 10 20 i e ,,„,. n
marble smoothness; and instead or 22. she really ‘ appear. 1
0 80i1
ed but 17. She told them plainly abs used II agates Mag. 8 06 1 10 35 Conlinont, -
:soli& Balm, and would not be without it. Any lady can 6 10 1 , 10 40 Crawford
improve tier personal appearance very limb by using An 3 201 AR 10 00 .. -
this article. It ran be ordered of any Druggist for only
GO cents.
Saratoga Spring Wider, sold by all Druggists
rieintstreet's inimitable 'fair Coloring has hem] steadi
ly growlng in favor for over twenty years, It Acts upon
the absorbents at the root. of tho hair, nod changes it to
its original color by degrees. All instantaneous dyes
deaden end Injure the hair. lielmstreet's it not a dye,
lAA. Is certain in its results, promotes its growth, and is a
beautiful Heir Dressing. Price 50 cents and $l,OO. Sold
by all dinlere.
Saratoga Spring Willer, sold by allpruggists
Eros's EXTRACT or Puna .115tAICA Gisaert—for lediges
lion. Nausea, Ilearttrurn, Sick Headache, Cholera klorbus,
Le., where a warming. genial stimulant is required. Its
careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and
reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere
at SO cents per bottle.
Saratoga Fining Water, fold by ail Druggists,
the above articles I , or sale by S. 8. SMITH,
Huntingdon, Penna.
Internal and &Mal Medicine,
Arg- Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux in one day,
;Q.- Headache and Earache in three minutes.
*Z. Toothache in one minute.
..0 - Neuralgia in five minutes,
4111" Sprains in twenty minutes,
Oil Sore Throat in ten minutes,
fri , Cholic and Cramp in five minutes,
AW Rheumatism in ono day,
va.. Pain in the Back or Side in ton minutes!,
Os- lied Coughs or Co lde in one day,
vs. Fever and A gns in ens day.
vas. Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles,
Ye- Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia,
los., Inflammation of the Kidneys, Erysipelas,
,may Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Beast.
-Keep it in your Families—Sickners
-comes when least expected.
propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache
and pain. and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of
MI the circulating folds in the human system, then can
ba effected by any other, or all other methods of medical
all in the name SpaCe of time.
. -
THIS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into use, for
the foci that I cure. tree of charge. all these corn.
plaints whenever there is an opportunity to do to. Al
aeon as it it applied it &Intent miraculously kills the pain.
I do net salt you to buy before you are certain of its effi•
cleacy. If you have an ache or puha, it is warranted to do
all it purports on the label.
I do not propose to cure every disease—only a clam
named by my directioner. My liniment operates on chem
ical And electric principles, end Is ' therefore appliablu,
to tits curs or natural restorative of all organic derange
ment arising from an Improper circulation of the nerve
vital fl vide.
Prof. J. H. MeEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND nets di
rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other
swelling. in incrediblo ahem thus. without any rnsibte
dangerfrom iN we under any ',stable eircumstAnces.
This is an internal and external medicine—composed of
roots, herbs and barks. such as our forefathers used.—
Thera is a bountiful supply on earth to care all complaints
if ws Only know what they were.
This bee been a great study with the Medical rsenlly
for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the
above complaints—how to put them together. and what
Proportions to use. J. 11. McENTYRE,
Proprietor, Reading, r.
For sale at Lewis' Book Store.
Huntingdon, Pa, Sept. 6, 1565.
For all dimities 'arieiog from one cause: . Fever and
Ague:Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the tieud, Weak and disor
dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, Sick Ileadache, Gid
diness of.the Read, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments.
Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Point, Pains in the Back or
Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, impurity of
the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Body, Gravel,
Worm!, &e., Ac. Sold at 25 cents per box.
• Thisinfallibte medicine in warranted to expel worms in
all cues and may be given to cnildren of all ages, as they
are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless.
in.. Cats be had at Lewis' Book store, Efuntingdon, Pe,
BA a, g r FIXTURE,
, .f‘
• -•-;.•
J: •
, .
i i
r .
- )
. •
I 2 to
i 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
-- F
TM -7(
,4 rz 7 tr: ~.. I
to >•.,t;i
to ; p1,....rt
r I.',' E, :--. P 4 2 STATIONS. t =','' . 4
'.. 1
"A r.,?, - •,,, P ~_, .4 C m
PM.' P. M.l P.M.! A.ll* P. M. P.M.' A. re
6 081 111 431 1/arniltort, 4 50 8 35
8 15 111 5s ; ..... Mt. Union—. 4 49 8 25
112 05 Mapleton, 4308 15
834 12 15 ...... Mill Creek,— 4 25 805
6 501 5 16,12 31 5 56111untlngtIon, 5 013 i 4 10 7 50
7 06 112. 51.....1Petersbnrg,... 1 3 50 7 30
715 ' 1 1 011 111arree I 13 411 721
722 113 6 2.3l3prucellreoLl 13 30 10
735 135 Ilirmlngham, 315 55
7 46 557 1 45 646 Tyrone 424 309 46
7 - 29 200 Tipton, 253 33
8 04 2 013 Fostoria 2 40 28
810 2 15, Doll's Mills,— 229 18
830 625 2 401 720 Altoona,. 355 220 00
P. 11.1 P. 8. P. M.l A.M.
.na at 9 35 P. 31., and arrives at Huntingdon at
10 66
The PAST LINE Eastward • leaves Altoona at 3 30
A. 51, and arrives at Huntingdon at 4 58 A.M.
The DAY EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoonant 830
A. x., and arriVen nt Huntingdon 9 49 A. K.
llnntingdun at 7 00 A. 51., and arrives at Altoona at
8 20 A. H.
The PAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon at
7 35 P. 31.. and arrives at Altoona at 8 50 P. 51.
The NEW YORE EXPRESS Westward leaves Hunting.
don at 7 38 A. )4,11114 alliYo9 at Altoona 8 50 A. H.
July 30.180.
d after Monday, JULY 16th, 1116, Paseenger
ill arrive and depart as fellows
On an
Trams n
Lc 10 20 1 3axton 0 801 424
10 35 Coohnont, 6114 09
10 40 Crawford, 0 05 3 50
ka 10 50 Dudley, , 0 00 3 04
(Broad Top Cfty,.....f
gdon July 16, 1806. 01,111Elt AYRISS, Supt.
trll - 1 _ - -
JUNE 11,18 GO:
North and N'ortb-ITent for Pnti.AnnxinA. _Nzw.
BIN, Ac.. &c.
Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows I At
3 00. 8,10 and 9 05 A. M., and 210 and 9,15 P. 31., connect.
Inc with similar trains ou too Pennsylvaniall..ll,arri•ing
at New York 6,00 and 10 10A, M., & 4.10. 6.20.10 45 P. 31.
Sleeping cars accompany the 3 00 a marnl9 15 p. M. trains
without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Rending, Pottsville, Tamaqua,
Millersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila
delphia at 8 10 A. M., and 2 10 and 4 10 P. M., stopping at
Lobanrn and In ineipal way stations; thel 10 p. m. train
making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only.
For Pottsville, Sclinylkill Havel. and Aulwn, via BclOlYl
- and Susquehanna R.R., leave Harrisburg nt 3 20 P 31.
Returning. leave Nzw-Yuan at 7 St 9 A. 31., 12 Noon, 8
P. 21; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. It., and 330 P. 31; Way Pas
senger train leaves Philadelphia nt 7 30 A. N. returning
from Reading nt 630 0. in.. stops at all statious, Pottsville
at 8.45 A. 11.. and 2 45 P. 314 Ashland 6 00 nod 11.110 a In,
and 1,05 1' 31; Tamaqua at 0.45 A M., and 1 nod 855 P 31,
Leave Pottsville (or Harrisburg, via Echuylkill arid
Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a .•
An Accommodation Pa.asongor Train 'Wares ItzAniso at
6.00 A. N., act returns from PHILADELPHIA at 6,00 P. 3.1.
Colombia Railroad Trains limy° Reading at 615 a M.,
12 05 and 615 0'. 51., for I:phratat, Litz, Lanc.ter, Col-
On Sundays. leave Now York at 8 00 P. M., Ph!lintel.
phia, 8 a m anti 3 15 P. ii., rho H a na train mooing only
to Heading, Pottsville 8 A. N., Tammina 7.30 A. M., Bar
rl burg 0 05 A. M., and [tending 133, 7 30 a. ra., for liar
risburg. 10,52 a In, for New York, and 4.25 p.m. for Phil
TICKETS at redncod rates to and from all points.
Ilaggago checked through : 80 pounds Baggage allowed
eaclt Passenger. .
Reading. June 25, 1866. General Suptrintenthmt
rro THE LADIES.—Do you really
11 intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now
so prevalent, or dross lose elegantly, because the rebel
Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire?
Ono moment's cal:a reflection will surely eerie to change
your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense
to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because
they, had for a time served to hide the deformities of that
Prince of Rebels, the Neil. Can you err in following the
exampleof Angels? Thou having made up year minds
that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of
rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the eubscri
bers, who will to happy at ail times to furnish you with
such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath,
ere, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit
the same store. They can here be suited in good articles
of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens
ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as ma.
sociable terms as at any House in town. Store on South
east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa.
may 31, 1665. FRANCIS B. WALLACE,
50.000 ,
Just received and for sale at
01 ,
ALL Tat nwrixoasnzo orTIDERS AND eIVILLkNeI,
Handsome and Useful Articles,
eall at LEWIS' Book Stor e .
I was a coquette. Many a lover's
heart I had lacerated by refusing his
offer of marriage, after I had lured
him on to a declaration. My last vic
tim's name was James Frazer. fie
was a tall, awkward, homely, ungainly
man, but his heart was as steel. I re
spected him highly, and felt pained
when I witnessed his anguish at my
rejection of him. But the fact was, I
had myself fallen in love with Captain
Elliott, who had been unremitting in
his devotion to me.
Mr. Jas. Frazer warned me against
Elliot, but I charged him with jealousy
and took his warning as an insult.
A few days afterwards Elliot and I
were engaged, and my dream of ro
mantic love seemed to he in a fair way
of realization. I had a week of hap
piness. Many have not so much in a
lifetime. Many awake from the bright
short dream to find themselves in a
lifelong darkness, and bondage from
which there is no escape. Thank God
I was not so miserable as they !
My mother was a widow in good cir
cumstances, but had very bad health.
She was also of an easy, listless,
credulous nature—hating trouble, and
willing to take things just as they
happen to present themselves. She
therefore made no inquiries about Cap
tain Elliot—but fondly believed that
inasmuch as he was a Captain he must
necessarily be a man of honor also, -ea=
pocially as he had served in the Crim
ea and India and won medals. His
regiment was quartered in our neigh
borhood, and he had the reputation of
being one of the wealthiest, as he was
certainly the handsomest officer in it.
I remember well the day WO became
engaged. He was on duty, but had
managed to ride over to our house in
his uniform, and while we were walk
ing in the gardeit he made the tender
avowal. I referred him to 'mamma;'
he hastened to her—returning in a few
minutes, and led me into her presence
to receive - the assurance that the ma
ternal consent had been readily given.
My dear mother hated trouble, and tada.cly; .so
that she was well pleased to find a
husband presenting himself in a form
and manner apparently so eligible for
her beloved and only daughter.
Wel!, a week passed quite delight
fully as I have said; and at the expira
tion of this there might have been
seen an equestrian party winding
through our old Devonshire woods and
quiet country iNds.' Elliot and I led
the cavalcade. I rode my own beauti
ful brown Bess. Captain Elliot was
mounted on a handsome black horse
that had been sent from London.—
Following us was a bevy of merry
girls and their cavaliers; and among
them was tall, awkward and silent Jas.
Frazer. his pre-seri - Co had marred all
the pleasure of my ride, and I was glad
to be in advance of them all that I
might not see him.
And as we rode on through the
woods, and I listened, well pleased, to
the low but animated words of the
gallant Elliot, who wished himself a
knight and me a fair layde of the old
en time that he might go forth to do
battle and compel all men to recognize
the claims of his peerless love. Very
eloquent he spoke of the inspiration of
love, of the bravo deeds and perilous
exploits it had prompted, wishing
again and again that. be might pro
claim and maintain his love before the
world. It pleased me to listen to this
and to believe it sincere, though I
surely had no wish to put my lover to
such a test.
A shot suddenly rang through the
woods and a wounded bird, darting
past, fluttered and fell at the feet of
brown Bess. With a bound and a
spring that nearly unseated me, she
was off.
Struggling to retain my seat, I had
no power to check her, and even as
she now, the fear and madness of the
moment grew upon her. I could only
cling breathlessly to the mane and
bridle, and wonder helplessly where
this mad gallop was to end. Slio
swerved from a passing wagon, and
turned into a path that led to the riv
er. In the sudden movement the
reins bud been torn from my hands
and I could not regain them. I clung
to the mane and closed my eyes, that
I might not behold the fate that await
ed me. How sweet was life in those
precious moments that I thought my
last. How all its affections, its last
crowning love rose up before me. I
thought of the pang that would rend
Elliot's heart as he saw me lying, man
gled and dead; and the thought would
come if he were pursuing and trying
to save me; even, as he had said, at the
risk of life and limb;
I remembered no more. I felt a
sudden shock, fearful rushing through
the air, and kr.opw no mere until days
afterward, I woke to a faint, weak
semblance of life in my chamber' at
home. I never saw Captain Elliot
again. The last words I ever hoard
from his lips were those of a knightly
daring. The last action of his life in
connection with mine, was to follow
in the train of frightened youths who
rode after me, to contemplate the dis
aster from afar, and as soon as he saw
me lifted from the shallow bed of the
river, into which I had been throVrn
when my frightened horse stopped
suddenly on its banks, to ride hastily
off'. That evening ho sent to make in:
quiries and learning that I was severe
ly, but it Was hdpod not fatally, in
jured, he thenceforth - contented him
self with such tidings of ray condition
and improvement as could bo gained
from mere rumor. •
At last it was known that I would
never recover entirely from the effects
of my injury, and that very day Cap
tarn Elliott departed suddenly from
the neighborhood. Ho made no at
tempt to see me, nor sent me any fare
well. When I was once more abroad,
beginning, though with much unal
loyed bitterness, to learn the lesson of
patience and resignation that awaited
me, I received a letter from liim, in
which he merely said that be presum
ed my own judgment had taught me,
that in my altered circumstances, our
engagement must come to an end, but
to satisfy his own sense of honor
honor 0 he wrote to say while enter
taining the highest respect for me ho
desired a formal renunciation of my
claim. Writing on the bottom of this
letter, "Let it be as you wish," I re
turned it to him at once, and thus end
ed my brief dream of a romantic wed
I heard ere this of Elliot's cowardly,
unmanly conduct on that day, Mkt
now I first bethought the to inquire
who had rescued me from that immi
nent death. And I lebrned that Jas.
Frazer, his arm already broken by the
jerk with which brown Bess tore away
from him as he caught at her bridle,
had ridden after me, and been the
first to lift me from the water. Many
-tizzies Uttliy'bc , eizatio-4.iui-Hos-oont,--ovil
ing me; his had been the hand that
sent the rarc flowers that had decked
my room ; his were lips that breathed
words of comfort and hope to my poor
mother; his were the books that I
read during the days of convalescence;
and his, now, the arm that supported
me, ns slowly and painfully I paced
the garden walks.
I have been Ids wife for many a year.
I have forgotten that he is not hand
some—or rather be is beautiful to me,
because I see his grand and loving spi
rit shihing through his plain features
and animating his awkward figure. I
have long since laid aside, as utterly
untenable, my theory that beautiful
spirits dwell only in lovely bodies. It
may be it providential compensation
that, in denying physical perfection,
the soul is not drawrfed or marred by
petty vanity or love of the world's
tA'A soldier came borne from the
war with an arm so badly Wounded
that the sucgoon insisted that amputa
tion was the only thing that could be
thought of. But the soldier resisted,
and was nursed by the girl he loved,
whom he married. She gave to him,
or his wounded arm, all her thoughts
and care, and he recovered. In duo
time, however, she gave birth to a
child, and this child bad one developed
arm, but the other was a stump, simi
lar to the one which the poor wife's
mind was impressed with at the time
the surgeons were ,talking of cutting
off her husband's. Amputation could
not have produced a more beautiful
stump, and what is more, the scar of
the bullet hole so visible on the father's
arm, was as visible on the child's arm
at the base of the stump as if really in
flicted by a ball.
.11--Z - The way words are divided
when set to music sometimes produces
a rather ludicrous effect. A stranger
was once surprised on hearing a con•
gregation, mostly of women crying
''Oh for a man
Oh for a man
Oh for a lllall—sion in the skies."
While on another occasion a choir
sang to the beet of their ability :
"We'll catch tho flee!
We'll catch the flee!
We'll catch the flee—ling hours!
Ile"A Dutchman's definition of
square party politics: "Anypody wot
votes for somepody wot not gets elec
ted mit a gennyvino convention ish
not no Democrat, py cot."
Why is copper the most harmless of
metals ? Because it's always ia-a
cent (innocent.)
"Working for bare life," is defined to
he making clothes fora new baby.
Driving off therog.
On a late trip of the steamer Ex-.
press from Nashville, she was detain
ed several hours by fog. Captain
McComas, anxious to got along, did
not stop his boat, but kept her cau
tiously moving forward, having both
eyes wide open for an obstacle. Pass
ing the stern of the boat to make an
observation, ho was met by a passen
ger, who said to him—
" Captain, why don't your drive off
the fog ?"
"Just the thing I should like to have
you tell me how to do."
"Como down into the oabin,and I'll
tell you how an old German friend of
mine once did it."
In a few minutes afterwards they
were comfortably seated in the cabin
when the passenger commenced by
"I shall expect you to believe it, and
of course try my experiment."
"In the rich valley of the Mohawk,
there is a quiet little village called
Sparker's Basin. Not many years ago
and before there was such a thing as
a railroad in tho State of New York,
the veritable Mr. Sparker, the patri
arch and founder of Sparker's Basin,
was keeping a tavern a mile or so
from the village, upon the thoroughfare
known as Johnstown road. Sparker's
as it is generally called, was in early
times the great rendezvous for the
Si° ral-rircm, %1-hi n
Albany with their wheat, and of the
Jefferson and Lewis county drovers:
Now and then a Now York merchant
on his trip to the northern settlements
was to be seen before the great wood
fire in Sparker's tavern. This class of
travelers were held in much respect
by old Sparker, and the honest Dutch
farmers on the river. One of this class
accosted the old man on the porch ono
foggy morning
"Mr. Sparker, do you have much of
this sort of weather down here in the
valley ?"
"Oh, gees, put we ton't mind it, Mr.
Stewart, I has a vay of triving it off.
"Ish no matter at (Ash fug."
"How's that, Mr.
,Sparker, I should
like to knOWilic processs of - driving - Off
a fog."
"Well, 1 will tell you. I takes a tram
and goes out and foods to pigs, and if'
to fog don't go off putty soon, I takes
another dram, and den I goes out and
fedders to cattle, and if to fog aint gone .
py tis time I takes another dram, and
den I goes out 'and chops wood like
dupder, and if to fog tont go py Lis
time, I takes an oder tram, and so on
Mr. Stewart, rkeeps a (loin' tilt to fog
all goes away."
"Well, upon my word, Mr. Sparker,
this is a novel mode of getting clear of
a fog. How many drams did you over
take of a morning before you succee
ded in driving off the fog ?"
"Let me see, about two years ago, 1
tink I had to take about twenty drams
but 2t was a tam foggy morning."
gex_A Detriot paper is sponsor for
the following: "About a year ago one
of our business men visited New York
city, and while there ordered a half
dozen cartes de visite of himself, which
be distributed among his friends in
that place. A few days ago he was
surprised to find ono of these "counter
feit resemblances" in possession of the
family cook. An investigation into the
matter disclosed the fact that she bad
received from a fortune teller in New
York city, who advertised to forward
a correct likeness of any young lady's
future husband, all for the sum of fifty
cents, which amount the cook had re
mitted, according to the advertise
ment, and received her employer's
likeness in return.
Jr&"ln Bergium and Holland linen
is prepared beautifully, because the
washer women use refined borax, in•
stead of soda, as a washing powder•
One large handful of borax is used to
every ten gallons of boiling water,
and the saving in soap is Said to bo
one-half. For laces and cambrics an
extra quantity is used. Borax does
not injure the linen, and it softens the
hardest ivater. A teaspoonful of borax
added to any ordinary sized kettle of
hard water, in which it is allowed to
boil, will effectually soften the water.
LEZ- In the famine districts in India,
tho natives aro reduced to feed on
roots and mango stones, which they
grind into a kind of Hour. This miser
able sustenance is wholly insufficient
to keep a• largo number of them from
starving, and the fearful spectacle is
presented of numerous corpses lying
on the highways, They remain en
buried, and, probably as a consequence
cholera has broken out, and carrying
off-large numbers of persons. In their
utter distress mothers aro offering their
children for sale in order to buy broad.
Thtty that seek wisdom, will wiee
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
A Father-in-Law in Spite of Himself.
The London Correspondent of the
Now Orleans Delta writes the follow
ing to that paper :
' A good sell is related of a wealthy
banker here, who is very good-natured,
but inclined to be a trifle fast in his
views of life. Ile had a favorite clerk,
a young man of about and
remarkably handsome, modest and
highly intellectual. For those quali
ties ho was liked by every one, and the
banker did not escape the general feel
ing of good will. He was as poor as
his salary, and had no connections to
push him after fortunes, and so, like
most English clerks, he would rise to
ono hundred and twenty pounds a
year, go on for eight years at ten
pounds a year rise, and marry when
he gets two hundred pounds a year,
henceforth to vegetate and find that
the additional ton pounds a year rise
only kept pace with the additional
babes in the household.
The banker, on Sunday afternoon,
when no one was expected, would oc
casionally ask the young man to visit
his young family at his suburban villa;
as the conversation of the young man
was so correct and clover, it could not
but be of advantage to his children.
This was a mistake, evidently, but it
was a good natured error, and we can
only wish, all of us, that there were
more committed. I have not men
daughter of nineteen, but that may al
ways be understood in any English
family that has known wedded life
long enough. But there were, of course,
no attentions on the part of the young
man other than extremely dolivate,
reserved and proper. This will most
always be the case with English youth,
as Americans well know. Don't "bone
after this. The youth, in spite of two
or three, days' invitation to the bank
er's country seat, to breathe fresh air
and clear his lungs of London smoke,
was evidently very ill, and though he
declared himself well and robust, the
banker shook his head.
"1 cannot make out what is the
matter with my young clerk," said the
banker to a confrere who was in his
back office with him, after the youth
had just brought in some papers•
"Well, you arc green, I should say,
for a man of your time of life and ex-.
perionee," said banker number trio.
"Don't you see what's the matter ? he's
in love ?"
"In love ! bah. He is modesty and
propriety itself."
"I toll you it is a fact, and with : a
rich old fellow's daughter who would
no more think of having him for a son
in-law than you would, yourself?'
"Oh, the haughty old fool; my clerk
is as good as his daughter,apd be bang
ed to him. Thank you for the hint."
As soon as banker number two had
gone, tho_clerk_was called in.
"So sii•; you are iii — levo,and Piing
away for the object of your affection—
that's the secret, is it? Why did you
not tell me before, - sir ?"
The youth was silent.
"Well, my boy, I pity yon, but I
will give you a word of advice. lithe
daughter is fair, she is worth making
a risk for. Look here; there aro £5OO
and two month's of leave of absence.
Run away with the girl. Bah, don't
look so stupid. I did the same before
you, and it didn't hurt me."
The clerk fell on his marrow bones,
and was upon the point of making a
clean breast of it, when the old man
rose and left precipitately, to avoid a
scene. The young man considered and
acted, and the consequence was that
the next day week there was no young
daughter at the dinner table of the
banker at the country house. The
house was in consternation, and a
search made for her in all direetioni.
A note, however, was found on her
dressing table, conveying the custo
mary prayer of forgiveness, and one
enclosed from the young clerk stating
that believing the banker bad meant ,
to give him a hint in regard to
his daughter, and was notable to - give
his public consent owing to appearan
ces, he had acted on the suggestion,
and that ere his "father-in-law" bad
received the letter he would be his
son-in-law. This pill was a bitter one,
and the joke a terrible one against
him; so it was bushed up and has only
got to the ears of the purveyors of
scandal and to your correspondent,
who records it as a , trait of London
lier . " What aro you sitting that child
on that quarto dictionary for?" said
Mrs. D., as the pater arranged; his
boy at the breakfast table, "I am,"
l'OPlied be; "fixing the basis of a sound
English edueation." "Yes," Said she
"but you are the wrong
and."' •
Nothing ever CM) tißti I y ingratitude
1 1 1 .1-10 0-1_1023M
. , .
themoat corup/eto of azy In the country, and poi
ec3sea thu moot mph, focilltion far - 01311,013. oxecuting In
the tut etylO, ovary variety of Job Piloting, ouch
, . .
• BLA.NitS,
_LABELS, &Q„ &C., &O
NO, 16,
Manufacture of Matches.
In one match factory in Western ,
New York, 720,000 feet of pine wood' l
of the best quality, is annually cut up
into matches, and 400,000 feet of basi , _
wood for cases. 400 barrels of sulphur
and 9,000 pounds of phosphorous are
annually.used. 500 pounds of paper
per day are used to make the light
small boxes, for holding the matches,
and four . tons of paste-board per week
for the larger boxes. Sixty-six pounds
of flour per day are used for paste, and
the penny stamps of internal revenue
amount to the sum of 31,440 per day.
300 hands are employed at the works
which are run night and day. -
There are four machines in use for
cutting, dipping and delivering match
The two•inch pine plank is sawed
up the length of the match. These go
into the machine for cutting, when at
every stroke twelve matches are cut,
and, by the succeeding stroke, pshed
into slats, arranged on a double chain
250 feet long, which carries them to
the sulphur vat and from thence to the
phosphorus vat, and thus across the
chain and back, returning them at a
point just in front of the cutting ma
chine, and where they are delivered in
their natural order, and are gathered
up by the boy into trays and sent to
the packing room. Thus 1000 gross,
or 144,000 small boxes of matches are
king the small, thin paper boxes; and .
their covers, are quite• as wonderful
and ingeniously contrived as those,
that make the matches. A long ro
of paper; as wide as the box is long,
revolves on a wheel, one end being in
the machine. It first passes through
rollers, Where the printing is done; from
thence to the paste boxes, where the
sides and ends only are pasted; from
thence to the folding apparatus, where
the ends are nicely folded, and the
whole box is pasted together and drops
into a basket. A similar machine is itt.
work at the covers, and thus 144,000
boxes per day are manufactured.
ists around us to an extent and under
conditions which escape the notice of
cursory observers. When the dyer
buys of the dry salter, one hundred
pounds each of alum, carbonate of
soda, and doap,ho obtains in exchange
for his money no less than forty-five
pounds of water in the first lot, sixty
four in the second, and a valuable quan
tity, some times amounting to seventy
three and a half pounds, in the third.
Even the transparent air wa . breathe
contains, in ordinary, weather, about
five grains of water diffused through
each cubic foot of its bulk, and this rarified water no more wets the air
than the solidified water wets the limo
or opal in which it is absorbed. Of a
plaster of Paris statute weighing five
leund_s more than ono load ound is
solidified water. Even t 772: prec
opal is but a mass of flint and water,
combined in the proportion of nine
grains of the earthly ingredient to one
of the fluid. Of an acre of clay land
to a foot deep, weighing about one
thousand two hundred tons, at least
four hundred tons are water; and even
of the great mountain chains with
which the globe is ribbed, many mil.
lions of tons are water soldified into
The safest situation during a thunder
storm is the basement; for when a per
son is below the surface of the earth,tho
lightning must strike it before it can
reach him, and will, in all probability
be expended in it. Dr. Franklin ad
vised persons apprehensive of lightning
to sit in the middle of a room, not un
der a metal lustre, or any conductor,.
and to lay their feet upon another
chair. It will be safer, he said, to lay
two or three beds or mattresses in the
middle of the room, and folding them
double,to place chairs upon them. Per
sons in the field prefer open parts to
the vicinity of trees, etc. The distance.
of a thunder storm, and consequently
the danger, is easily estimated. As
light ,travols at the rate of 192,000
miles in a second, its effects may be
considered instantaneous within any
moderate distance; Sound, on the eon
trary, is transmitted only at the rate !
of 1,142 feet, or about 380 yards in a
second. By accurately observing,theret
fore, the time that intervenes between
the flash and , the noise of thunder
which follows it, a very near calcula-,
tion may be made of its distance, and
there is no bettor rneans of removing
' Partington wants to know
why the captain of 'a vessel can't keep
a: memorandum of the weight of hie
anchor inetead. -of weighing it every
time they go out of port.
.tle - "Thou rain-est in this bosom,"
as the chap said when a basin of Water
was thrown over him by the lady he
was. serenading..