WlAfl\J Er VALI E, RAILROAD BTREET, HUNTENCOOF4, PA., WHOLESALE, &la.:TAIL, DEALERS )N Foreign and Domestic HAHRVARE, BOTILETII, TAL The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is Invited to tho thet that wo nro now otreting a 13E17E11 ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can bn foun,l elsewhere in Mit part of the State, nt prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises all articles in this Mtn ot'husineas, embracing a goneral assortment of TOOLS and:MATERIALS 'need by CAT.PENTEIIB, 13LACILSMITIIS, O.4.ItRIAGIi and IV/WON MAKERS JODZERS, &e, together with a largo stock of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, .Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans An oxcollont ne.sortment of 30 1 3"m.p Coin prising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA .AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE TEN YEArts diligent attention to busiiuts, .in the Hardware trade in this place, has given me an experi_ core that ennbles ma to occurs grey mtvantn g es for my customers in rho selection of the best standard brands and reliable qualities of g oods. Havingjust returned from New York and Philadelphia with a splendid stock, bought since the recent decline in gold, Taut now offering g reat imlncements to buyers. AT .ALiLATUFACTURERS' PRICES. I Among my stock may be found Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOR SALE CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will thul a general assortment °flu:Aerial for their use consisting in part of Cquirtge Trimmings, flubs, Spokes, _Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soo-- Rets, Shafts, Lte. ...13 - 1-a-A-4CU- 7 11.221C.15T3EZ.5, Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, 1-lAMNIERS, HORSE AI , I,3•MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Sill aid in our establisluueut a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, . CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. 3Pctornraaex., Can be accommodated with everything in their line from a Grain Separator to a Whet-stone. 331.2.11cidar.5; Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Onnprisiug the famous Itunsell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Pendell's First Premium HORSE PITCIIFORK, Pekes, Scythes, hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Breast Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, ,Lc., &c., Sc Among tho specialties or our House, we desire to call attontion to the celebrr. ted OHIO PUMP, Tho exclusive:VA to sell which is rested in us., Send for scimitar and get full particulars of same, sad satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Stmlea &all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' &ales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place. A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK& PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND B.I?ADAS, By the keg. Very low Best Norway 11011, roil, bar an hoop Ire!, . STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, QARRIAGE SPRINGS, lIION AND BRASS WIRE Lard, - Lubricating and Coal Oil, 11 1 - the barrel or gallon, at very low figures. A call is respectfully toi , cited, tinting coon• dent that out goods and prlcei still not fail to please.` — a WHARTON & MAGUIRE. ilantiaLtlou, Ei.l7:kory 27, lstiti. 1066• 1866_ ivtETßop ati2v STO3E, HUNTINGDON, PA, ~~ ~~ 1 i .4:- JAS. A. BROWN Hos removed to tire splendid storeroom in Iris now MAMMOTH BRIM BUILDING, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Where ho offers nt Wholtssale awl lir:tail nu immense Mock anti endl,se variety of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC H R DVV A R CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass*, AT REDUCED PRICES. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinist's, FoUndrymen, And for all other kinds of Mechanics. FARMERS' Will Mel in my stock n greati variety or Farming Implc meat,: of the best quality, such na Rakes, Forks, Shovels, sides, WM Garden Trowas, Carda: hour, Garden Rakes, Pruning Skars, Pruning &nos, Pruning Knives. dc., Every farmer should see the fam6us 1-IA3POON RAY FOR_( It Is the wonder of the. age; and one trial convinces the most skeptical that It is the best 114 Fork mode.— "' have the a,r,ency for the solo of these forks for Bunting. don and parts of Bedford aud Fulton counties and can fill orders for Forks, putties and ropes at manufacturers prices. ---- .... = , k-_, C 2 i g i .i.' , f k . ,-• (;I 4 1; Lik /p t9k r. 4 _ , ' ft; (1 E.L.I • c= 5 5 , 4 4 E - CC ao-m.v rO-F P : u ■I E I t' 11.1.1 )10,.?; C. 3 a f. 3 6, 149.-114 "d r 54 ' 1.10 =1 Which have given such goodsatistaction for tho last 3 years, nod which I am now selling at greatly reduced prices. FOR BUILDERS I have an endless assortment of LOCKS, IMMES, SCREWS, PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. D(JNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. Our best mechanics say that tho DUNCANNON NAILS aro the best brought to this market. I have the agency for the bale of these nails and spikes, and DEALERS, BUILDERS, and others, can bo supplied promptly in quantities from one pound to one hundred kegs, at manufacturers' prices. HARRISBURG STONEWARE, EARTHENWARE AND HOLLOWWARE, all sold low for cash cOlta.ea ELI:0 WOODEN PUMPS ! The merit of these pumps is show❑ by the fact that the ilemaivl for them 1:3 rapidly increasing everywhere. There is no iron in them to corrode and Injure the water. They are light and convenient, BO that every man Can put hn bis otvn pump, the whole only costing bite about one half the price of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipe to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or. dors. Give depth from floor to bottom of well. Thankfal for the patronago I have hitherto received 1 shall coolliino my endeavors to suit, accommodate and please all, and re2pcetfully solicit a liberal share of public patron ago. J.IIIIES BROWN. u-tiu,t.., May IG, MTJ I v X~'? E . )7. - - 7: -: -.11 = T T::Z. , `... 7,-7-7 . , ...•: :::, ,i - r...: , : . - ... 77 .....-; 1 C . .,... r: -..-1 '.•::•,' - 4. , •: ,, ' A-1'-'-:"' . '::::; .- :,_. -- 3 \\ A ,- a : 11l Mini , f i ti 7" .. . _ ..., 0 - :((f A - Ft:7l. tr., ___ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING AIACIIINES. M. GREENE has just opened B. his Musk Store, one .I. or west of W Lewis' nook Store, where 1w L'ea'ps constantly on halal STEINWAY Si SONS' and ll .1 F.lll.E'i; Viono Manncomining Company's PIANOS, MAsON Ai HAMLIN'S CASTS ET !MOANS awl CARIf A ItT, NEEDHAM S CO.S' :11 ELODEONS; Ottltarii, Violins, Fifes, Flatus; Millar nod Violin Strings. ~ a ~ t ,~ MUSIC BOOKS-001444i Clatin,Colthax Shower, Golden Censer, Golden Trio, A' at./..v 411,P. I ' - 4 - " .‘ •. ..„.....,,. _ . II YET MUSI C.—l 18 dust ntlyrecriviog from Phil• adelphia alt tho latent music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and hare sent them by in a 11... Also GROPER & BAKER'S Celebrated . SEWING MA CGINES—tIio only inachiho that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perketly • sewing bilk and Cotton of itols and colors for Persons buying Sewing Machines fully Instructed In the use of them. Pi+mos nod Organs Warrant aft for five years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are is vited to call and examine 1111110 before purchasing elr,c whore My ',duo are tutu sa u te no is Now York and Philadelphia. Circulars of InAtruntents or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional isforstattos desired. It. M. OIINENE, nm street, Huntingdon, Pit., go)? Pecond.floor of Brown's Ha rdo aro building BROUGIIER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOM HEAD OR WRAPPER. 1=! Everybody his own Broom Maker This brad or iVrapper is con structed ~fTin or Zinc. with sliding Land nod bolts, in con noel inn with the centre bolt passing tiro' tho handle, hold ing it secure. The article to which we coil your attention is very simple,light and stroll g, wei r !, It but SEVEN OUNCES. Tho taming Community Into long needed an j article of this I character; 'and p ' 1 f the high price of • / Brooms, together with the simplic ity, durability, and pro makes it more saleable duce& otter borough, township, and busily rights for sole on re3Bolmbie ten., in the County of Mint ingtlon. For further particulars. call nod i.oe tha subscribers, or address THQS. STRICRIAiIt Rb 7,1866 Huntingdon, Pa. "QUICK SALES AND Anybody in want of ALBUMS AND ANNUALS. ANT CITDCZ VALITADLD AND INTERASIING DOOK, Fancy ~ad Schwl STATIONERY, mrsic.4.l. INSTRUMENTS, CIIURCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOONS, SHEET MUSIC for the 'lnn°, Ouinn •, 1002CE,T LOOKS, POIITMONNACED AND 1110 4 0 4, For Ladiosunil Gentlemon, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, A.LPHABBT BLOCKS, AC., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys and OM& AMUSING GAMES For Young Folk.. ITEDDINti ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, YISITINO CARDS, otiscarAt BOARDS, DOMINOES, AO, BONO BOOKS, Front 6 to 75 mite. BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, Drawing and litetting raper, ktrigai and Curd Beard< WIIITIC DONN .F.TISOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, SLUSAND BLACK. INaB, Arnold's llodison's and Garrison's WRITING FLUID. Wrapping Paper of Different : ,, Dros and Qua!Wee, &c. itc. kn. Ae. k< ac. my EIIOULD CALL AT LfIVTIS' CREW BOOK, STI7IONEAT mew MTOUR, In the "Globe" ttilAiug, Market Square, whore all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to innito their purchased. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALL Tug DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS AND CIVILIANS, AT LEWIS' BOOK ANT) STATIONERY STORE OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, BRADS, BA Y' FIXTURE, FULL AMOR VIENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE . THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, L ADZE A.ATD G ENTLEHEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. 50.000 9 BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPS, Just rocoived nod for onto at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store . ' .' •al:,; :- . 7 .'-' --' -. i . ---- , ,--.---7 , A 1 .. «'....=,- - '' 2 ''-'' ~.. . 1 ,i 1 ,... ''' . , '. • -. 41.!,6 : i ' ;'.-','•lV:n4 ,l ;! ,''.. . _,,14,P1F , \ s '• '''';; ,t '',•--,',- "..e. * t?''''''''lr. -...\ ~,,, . 4 ., .e.f.?„, ~,:. "'X..; - ',. \ 'l.. IP c r% .-I . I t . • •'' g PI ~ .4 c 'j ? ' ?0,'7 ' ',III!, ..:3 0 '',...'' I:, IP' ~,--4- ' ' . '' , .l‘ ~'"l' I,lg'''' SMALL PROFITS SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, FOR SALE GILT GOLD SHADS, MUSLIN SHADES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS CAN NOW BE lIAD . 11. 31'ENTV5 GREAT REMEDY, TILE• lITIA_I COMPORD Internal afl External 11Meta, 11 ILL CU'tl, 4 - 1 - Diarrhain, Bloody Flux in one day, • Headache and Earache in three minutes. • Toothache in ono minute, .4s. Neuralgia iti live 4Z' - Sprains intwenty ininuteA, • Fore Throat in len minlitc3, • Cholie and Cramp in fiSS 11111111le3. Nu' llLUumuti.ln ill o day, fa. Pain in the. Deck r Side in ten :ninnies, Da. Pad Cottglis or Colds in ono day, • Pryer and Agito.in one day. 1;19_ Cures Duarnein, Asthma, Piles, Affoclionc, Dyspepsia, tifi,..!illlainniatlua of thu Erysipelas, • Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart Keep it in your Rana comes when least expected. I propcgo to cheek, and effectually tlkdrate more ache and pain, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the cireolating fluid:, in the liftman ayatem• 111.1 L e effected by any other, or all other methods of medical aid in the canto cpneu of time. Tills IntPlll,A.lt fist coming into use, fir the fuel t h at I cure, free of charge. all those Coln. piniuls whenever there is an ~ pport unity to do no. An 1300111L9 it almost ni,nteul,,o4y kills Ow vain. I do not ask you to buy b.•f+re you are certain of its elr• ciency. If you have an arbour pain, it is tract Intel to du all it purport:, on the label. I do out propose to cure every disease—only a class named my directions. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, mid is, therefore. appliable, to the cure or natural rya tot alive of all organic dereng,e. ment Arising from no imprnper circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prof..T. IL MeEtityre's INDIAN COMPOUND nets di rectly on tiro absorbents ' reducing glandular rind oth er swellings in incredible short time, voitiont any po:sitd, danger /ma its use tinder any pr.ssible circumstances. This is an internal and external medirine—composed of roots, herbs and barks, such ai our forefathers ustal.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to curoall complaints if sour Only know what they were. '11)15 has been is great manly with tho Medical Faculty for many years, to lied out Om kinds best adapted to tho abovo complaints—how to put them together, and what proportions to use. .1. IL 3ic IiNTYIi 11 Proprietor, Reading, Pa For gale at Lewis' Book Store. ilnatitigilun, Pa., Sept. 6, 1565. MeENTYRE'S DANDELION POLLS , Fur all diseases arising from ono cause, viz: Fevor and Agno, Dysprpsia, Catarrh in the Ilead, Weak nod disor dered Stomach, rich as Inclige:ithm, Sick Headache, Did diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments. Itheumatim, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the flack or Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits. Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Fruptions of the Body, Gravel, Worms, Ac. ; dc. Sold at 23 cents per bas. McEIITYRE'S TEDLIN VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! Thisinfallihla medicine is warranted to expel wormi In all eases and may bo given to ciliblren of all ages, us they are purely vegetable and perfoctly harmlesa. g Cua h o had at L9Witi . CoO store. Huntingdon. Pa, DR. VENAP.D'S STAR MAGIC LtriI.MENT. $lOOO REWARD will be paid for any medicine that excels this for the fallowing diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Shin and Glands. Tins Is an Internal and External Medicine, composed of Thuds, Herbs nod Barks each as oar forefitherti med.— Tundo inn bountiful sopply en the earth to cure all Clint pleint6, if AVO only linew nc hat they were. This has been a: subject for conidant iittnly with the Medical Faculty for a great aunty years, to feud out the kinds best adapted to the above complaints—how to put them together, and what portions to use. . . This wonderful remedy needs no recommendation save the results which invariably follow its application. This popular remedy is fast coming into use frOm the Cwt that It gives good satiAtet ion. PHYSICIANS aro invited to test its efficacy 111 all Cat. or uheum.th., mr,ctioms of the spin.] Column, and all Diseases of the Skin. MAueles nod Glands. It has been used in thousanda of instances under the personal supervision of tire Inventors, nod has never disappointed their expectations. All we ask fur it is a trial—experi mental !woof—mot the testimony of the nice of straw, are the vouchers we desire to prt sent to the public. It. would ho well fee many now lying in buds of torture, if these Inds could reach their sick °Lambe.. It in more important to them than to the inventors that this should ho tile case. "Truth is mighty and must prevail." 4.75—K00p it in your tinnily, for sickness comes when you host expect it. PRIDE-OWE DOLLAR. SAMUELILSROEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, muNnw - Gpaiv, PA Huntingdon, Pa., July 111, 1E65. DR. VDTTARD' 5 STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTIIACHE, HEADACHE, DIPTHERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SPRALNS, and DIARRECEA SOLE AGENT, SAMUEL 11. SHOE MAKER, =I Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. An- Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. liuntilig.hnz, Oct. 26, IS(S. SPECIAL, NOTICE, TIIE you really 'llona to cease wearing the beautiful styles now se prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The tiugels had too much good sense to lay side their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of ItebelA, the Devil. Can you err in following the exampleof Angels' Thou having made tip your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel nets, do not forget to call ut the store of the subscri bers, who will be hoppy . at all limes to furnish plus with such articles of ,irvei ns you /gay desire. Urge - your fath, cue, husbands, brothers, neighbors into! children to visit the snnie store. They can here be suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Itals, Caine, Queens. ware and a general agaurtinent of firm:cries, on as res. sellable tarots no st any llous.• in town. Store at South east corner of the Diamond, Iluntlngdon, Pa. may 31, 1965. YllAr Cl 5 B. IYALLICB. ~,, - . 4 ).47'11143/CitrisN' is 1.,‘ 404tP i ji id ,"AjditY/11\ , V' atl,4ll.:AreAl‘ , Y° Ifil4fiTir:4' 5$ Ii: lil?liAlP4 I tkt. , lei , ) 4 1 b • , , 1 ;:i ',. 1 \ t,. .• y ' W 1 111 4 , 1, 0 , . 1 1 •. , :-. ' ' '5 '....: 1 2,'. :,±2.,.. IA 1 , ;.I'%r-,•,i,f.'? ~.., --y - 4 - ---- }.. , 4. 1. 0 -- ..,- ,-...--x , ... 1.. - .0::•:.,,, , ,,... , ,,- A , A NEW FIRM KAMM J. M. GREENE! & F. 0. BEAVER ,Having entered into partnership, inform the Public that they aro prepared to execute I‘ll oty les of Plain and ornamental Marble Work - Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Weal:, as at low price? no any shop fit the county. Orders tr a m a 4lielanee promptly attended to. Shoji on MIFFLIN street, a few doors mut of the Lm theran church feld4,lStally pee 11 D. The undersigned L' wou.l call the attention of the citizens 1 Aitß l I r j es E l t r f:: & 113 11 . ut Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful :narble now on hand. Ho is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, 'Tables and Stones of every desired size and forte of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with mut:, priato devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Duca and Window Sills, Sc., will be furnished to order.' IV. IV. pledges himself to farnilli :material and work. tuanship equal to any in the conntry, nt n fair prieo. Call and see, before you inir , hme elsewhere. Shop On the orner of Montgomery and )11111;n tt's.. it l'a. WM. WILIA4ma. 1tv.L41150,51,, , ,,May 1C,1555 PitorESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS .1)11. A. B: BIZUMBAUGII, Having:permanently located nt Hontingdon, offers his professional serviccs to the community. Octlle, tho same as that lately occupied by Dr. Loden. on Hill street. ap10,1820 --- DR. JOHN McCULLOCII, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon end vicinity. Hake on Hill Street, one door rust of Reed's Drug Store. • Aug. _8,'55. R . ALLISON MILLER, DE ITTIST, Fos removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House April 13, 1859. E GREENE, P.P • DENTIST. Office removed to opposito the Franklin Don, to the old bank building, drill street, Ifuntingdon. April 10, 1860. EXCHANGE HOTEL. THE subscribers having leased this 11 lintel, lately occupied by Mr.3lcSulty, ore prepared to lICCOIIIIIIOdate farrillgerg, travelers, and citizens in good 6tyle. Leery effort elotli be made on our part to make all Who 11101, with no feel at home. J. J.. 4 J. D. FEE, may 2,1866 Proprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, Metantati. - itaff,clora. 3P.a. IHAVE purchased and entirely ron• orated the large stone end brick building opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car. pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first class, and I nlll safe in saying tbat I can ollbr no commoclationA not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. 4.Z-1 refer to my patrons who have formerly known me while in charge of the Broad 'fop City Hotel and Jack son House, JuSEPII MORRISON. Mop 16, I.SCc—tf.. K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In. tl brick row, opposito the Court House. inay3.lSGG MILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention given to all legal business entrusted to bid care. Claims of muldiers and soldiers' heirs apimt the Government collected without delay. seITG6 P• AIOIIJII.TRIE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01lico on Hill street. HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to the prosecution of the claims of soldiers anti 'Milford' heirs, againot the Gov ernment. nu 22,1866 =MB SPEER & AIcIIURTRIE, ATTORNEYS AT LATV, • JITJN TIM DON, PA. Office the come 11.9 formerly occupied by Mr. Speer. Huntiugilon, Aug. 1..-110 J. W MATTEDN., WILLIAM A. 8100. MATTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND LICENSED CLAIM AGENTS, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill street. Poldiers Claims against the Government for Back Pay Bounty, Widows' and Pensions attended to with great care and promotues3. my29-ly JOAN SCOTT, 50011101, T. BROWN, 00001 11. 11011,00 The Me of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT Os DROWN, Co • SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, • under tchich name they will hereafter conduct their practice us ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUXTLVUDON,'PA. PEN 610:1,9, and all claims ursoldiors and soldiers' heirs against rho flovernment, will ho promptly prosecuted. "Slay 17, 156:,-tf. A. W. BENEDICT. J. SEWELL STEWART. P. Bt. !MIX. '['HE firm of Benedict & Stewart has I been changed to BENEDICT, STEWART & LYTLE, muter which 11:11110 they Nvill hereafter practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ilivntionus, PA They will also give careful attention to the collodion of military and other' Claims against the State or Cloy. eminent. lice - forincrly occupied by .1. Sowell Stewart, adjoin ng tho Court House. febtl,lBiio lIQOYER GARNER, Dealers in Dry _i_jlGoods, Groceries, kc., Marklesburg station. W3l• WILLIAMS, Plain am! Ornamental Marble Manufacturer ANDREW JOIINSTON, agent for the Niagara Insurance Company, Huntingdon. GEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, Shoce,Gultere, &c., Huntingdon. _AT 'CAHAN & SON,. proprietors of Juniata Steam Pearl Mill, Huntingdon. WW LEWIS &CO , Faroily Gro ceries, Provision and Food Store, Mot., Pa. IV - M. MARCH & BRO. v Dealers iu Dry Good+, Queenswaro, Ilsrdware, Boots, Shoes, &c. VNM. LONG, Dealer in Candies, T . mite, Family Groceries, Re., Huntingdon 1,.. CUNNINGHAM'S:, 'CARMON, Alevellantg, llottlinglun, WHARTON AIAG DIRE, Whole• sale end retail dealers in foreign nod domestic Hardware, Cutlery, &c., Itailroad street, Huntingdon. OH AS. H. ANDERSON, Dealer in VJall kinds a Lumber, .tc., Iluntiugdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, ty Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Palnto, Oils, Au., Haut ingdon, Pa. H ROMAN, • Dealer in Reedy Made Clothing, Man and Cap, I) P. OWIN, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queons ware. Halo awl Caps, Bows and Shots, Aro. linntingdon: E. HENRY (.% CO., Wholesale and 0,, Retail Dealers in Dry Goals, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, nod Provinions or all kinds, Huntingdon. IATM. AFRICA, Dealer in Boois and Shoes, hi 019 Diamond, Ihmtingdoa, Pa. TOHN IL WESTBROOK, Dealer in ty Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Con fectionery, Huntingdon. )(ENTER, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions of all kinds, Huntingdon, Pa. DONNELL & KLINE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Hantingdna, Pn THOMAS G. STIUCKLER & SON, Manufacturers of Brougher's patent Broom Read or 11 rapper, II untiagthul• T 111. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, .Plan Ettul Oniammtal 3larblo MatmfActut,rs. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready male Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. M. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,mu juosi,...alnstrninents, Sowing Machines, Huntingdon. 4 SHOEMAKER, Agent for the Ma kj., g iu Star Liniment, Iluntingdon, In. BILL POSTER. The undersigned offers his services to business men and others desiring circularodistributed or handbills posted. Ile can be seen at the CLODS alike. Huntingdon, Aug.l6, 1815. JOHN KOPLIN. pAPEPt, PAPER!! PAPER !I I Tracing Pnpor, - Dnpressinp Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tie'no Paper, :ilk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, {4l , itC4 Board, hit Cap Paper, litiolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' (tilt Edged Letter and Nato Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, Par sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. • TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING DAM While and Colored Card Paper, Fur sale at LEWIS' BOOK 4 STATIONERY STORE. Vl2iralrzplitit .b(i)rttisciiicnts. , . . i • rs IA 1 . 1 . - 1 $...i .. ei k.../ ki 'A I). el:jttlite YEAR.-We t. ' d sell e el:l3 l ra! Yen :VW Sewing %chinos. ' Threo now kinds.: Under and upper feed. Warranted lire yearS. Above salary or largo C01111111.4011A paid. The oats machines sold In the United States for lees than S4O, which aro:folly licimzed by HOW, Wiled, ct Wilson, Geer, tt' Baker, .Sieger 1.6 • CO., and Bac9vkler. All other cheap machines are infrinototcraS nod the seller or Ira, are liable to arrest,fiae and inVris content. Circulars free. Address, or call• upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine; or Chicago; ill. . de.3o-ly Thanks M. Kenn, 'Muds{ Cud, Qeneral Partner. Special Partner THOMAS M. KERR, WHOLESALE 'GROCER, NO. 143 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA: Conn t ry produce sold on commission, uptlly Q S. CAMPBELL & CO., ki• Mallilfactllrillo• CONFECTIONERS . And Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, &C., .N - o, 303 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. JIG-Also manullicturors of :all kinds of Molasses Candy and Cocoanut work. stlB'6o-1y 186 G. PHILADELPHIA 1866 WALL P • NE IV FALL STYLES.. HOWELL & BOU-RKE, MANUFACTURERS OF . . Paper Hangings ST, Window Shades, CORNER FOURTH k'MATINET ITS., PIIIIADA. N It—Always In store, n large stuck of LINEN AND OIL SIIADES. ses-3m BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH. L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that ho tins opened ter their one his new and elegantly fitted up Billiard UOOlll. It - FOUlt NEW TABLES OF SHARPS MANUFACTURE, superior to any now in the city. - This Ulllinrd Room challenges comparison with any room in the State, west of Philadelphia. INVENTORS' OFFICES.' D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Philada. I= Patents solicited Consultations on Engineering, Drangliting and ..31retclut, Models and Machinery clan kinds made flint skilifully attended to. Special attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES.— Authentic copies of all Documents from Patent Unice procured. N. 11.—SaVo yourselves useless trouble and traveling expenses, as there is no actual need for personal inter. view with us. All iellsirle,4 with - these Offices, can be transacted in writing,. For further Information direct as above with stamp enclosed, for with references. Januaryl7, 186ti—ly ,SPECIAL NOTICE. ~ r" „ r ~. ~` ~ f ~ + 4 little is fornieliol with one linnari at finality 111111111,r8 inrot ne. , drd for holy n. They t i eo the best in iotinctori.d. Every Ito tend anti proem , ' 011.10 i 01030 cagket. This littl Iskat it forwitrileil to any nd drew On receipt of no coo ail. Any ono wi,1111:;.; to bovonto ::;:cotploal nd for :00111 , 1. , 0101 cir.•iilar. Pi ice for sample, 00 con , want 100') !two,' he G, eat itoticlo Puzzle will be spat to 1111 A .. address receipt of 2 , )Cents. St cotitidus RiS um:floors. • I'llll.ll' nir,L, :259 ;Market etteet, Philada. EMI E. REMINGTON & SONS, 10 MANUFACTURERS OF 4; 4 :2 1 7; 1 T , : , REVOLVERS RIFLES MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United States service. A'so, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES REVOL6ISC•RIFLES, Rifle and Shot Gnu Darrell, and Gun Motoriols sal by Gun Dealeis and the trait, In thud° dap+ of floaFebreaking and robbery, every house, stoae, bunk, and elilee, uhouht bavu one of Remingtons' Revolvers. Parties desiring to avail themselVes of the Into im provements in pistols. and superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the new REMINGTON REVOLVERS Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished on implication. • 14. REMINGTON Ie SONS, Ilion, N. Y. Moons L- NICIRM, Agents, No. 40 Comtlandt st, New York. CZ: vitioNi tif titioic„, ESTABLISHED IN 1840 7.noorporated by, the ..Legislatuie of the Located on, the IV. JV. Corner of 7th aria (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Desigued exclo,ively to impittl n thorough owl PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION All classes of nerAang require such an education. Those possessing means, need it in , contincting thriratenbllPilleS3 Those without means need it in obtaining - and creditably filling lucrative positions in tint cotploy of others. The course of in,truction and praetice is arranged so as to fully meet the diversified wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, as comprehended or embraced under tho three genorill 4 11 visions of industry: Agriculture, Munnfactute owl Com more,' Each studont is instructed individually in both theory and practice of Book Beeping. according to the most iip• proved and labor saving MEOWS, RasaWES - Penmanship, Calculations, and all the collateral branches of a complete course of bu,ineeo education: nlnl upon ',A AU;; n uatioii,C• tory examination is awarded, by authority' of late, a diplo am, tinder tie corporate a at of tilt' college. . Student:4llre received at any time.. And it is believed that a practical experienco of over TWENTY YEARS will be considered by the public nut ample guarantee of tho prac tical cliamtet of the coursonnd efilciency of the imam non. An further information desired tan be obtained at the college, or by addressing .the Principal, for a circular by mail. triy-A tiboral discount tt allowed to wounded and hon orably di,eharged soldiers. The college is open dayand . j)I",ISGJ 628. HOOP SIRTS. HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE!" New Fall Styles I Arc in every respectlind class, and embrace no complete OFSONIIICIII. for Ladies. Misshs, and Children, of the newest styles, every : length and sizes of waist. - • - Our skirts, wherhver known, iLro louro universally, pop, tiler than any othereberomt he nubile.: They retain their Fluipe better, :t re lighter, morn idastie, more durable, and really cheaper, than any ether 110 Op Skirt in the market. The spri»gs and fastenings are warranted perfect. Every lady should try them!. They are now bring extensively sold by merchants,throughout the cenn I ry, and at whole sale aud At manufactory nod sales room :Aro. 628 .ziri,h St., below 7th, Pllffarla Ask for Hopkitt's "OWN 21.1.1l.k"—buylo other! CAUTION.—Novo 14,110.6 suiloss stamped oa each K Pad—"llopkin's Hoop Skirt 3hoiulkctoy, N 0.1128 Arc St., Pidlattstpida." • • • Also, constautly ou'hand fullle of No,V York made Skirts, at very low prices. NET GASII. ONE PRICE ONLY. 36.1n1 ""'" State ci Pennsylvania T 11. POLLOCK', A Wzr-at.Law, Principal 1866. T-HE 1866. LARGEST ;AND BEST STOCK OF ALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and salon LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT .STYLES LOWERS PRICES Than the same article can be bauglie in Philadelphia, or Pittshnrg. 0 R S:T K Consists, of upwards ; of One Hundred Different Styles Wall du Ceiling Paper & :Bordering! The Parlor, Sitting , Roont, Dining Room, Bed Room, *all, Kitchen,- Office, Store, Shop, &C., Call at the " and examine our stock, and:prices. 1 1 14E10".S.14t1 DEtt).O.3l2E . FOE SALE AT LE TM' BOOK STORE; ''• . HOWE'S SONGS OF IRElA7iD,:containlng about 175 of the Gems of Ilibernin'a Songs and HaHods, including ; 60 of 11loorn's Irish Melodies, Songs of tliccalrections, ' Sentimental, Patriotic, lllstoricak3lilitary,.Politleal..., Comic and' Miscellaneous Eitiws; wirratsgo3 Sir the ' Pianoforte or Melodeon., Price $3.00 1101VIVS,SONGS OF SCOTLAND, !containing Omit 175 • of the Gems of ellotionlit's Songi nud Ballads, inclu ding Songs of the affections, Sentimental,, Patriotic, Militaiy, - Comic and Miscellane ous Songs, arranged fur the Piustoforto or.Stalodeon. . . lIOWWS SONGS AND BALLADS . OF VIE OLDEN Toni, containing; the Original Wards and Mato,. of the Songs and Ballads, sung by the Granddneth era of the present generation. Arranged fur Four Voices. . , • • . , 1101VWS TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy Dancee with Calle and Flgnres:;,lValizap, rolkas, ()pent Melo-, dies, Scotch 'and Irish airs, 4c., &0., for the Violin, Flute, Cornet, Buse Viol, : • TM :YOUNG MEN'S. SINGING BOOK; a , collection or Music Sr male 'Yokes, - consisting of Olces and Plat Songs, Choir and congregational 'runes, Anthems; Chants, &c. KINOLFY'S JUVENTIX CHOIR :—A /ideation of the .. Choicest Melodies from the Carman, French, .IW= MO, English and-American TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TUE BUOLBOALLS;t:Nig bootto ouitablo to the timer. TUN BOSTON °LEK BOOK, consisting' of on extensive collection of Glees, Madrigaln, and Bounds, Selected from the works of- the Most admired Coinponers, to, griller many now pieces from the German. INSTRUCTION DOORS FOR •TIIN PIANO, Melodeon Aceordeon, Violin, Banjo, 'Guitar, , Concertina, Drum Fife and Flageolet. , . ^ - - DLANKS BLANKS I BLANKS I CUSTABLE'S SALES, 'ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, A'rPACIIMENTS, EXECUTIONS, ' SUMMONS, DEEDS. SUBPCENAS. MORTGAGES. SCHOOL ORDERS, . JUDGMENT NOTES.. LEASES FOR HOUSES, • NATURALIZATION WES, •113IMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE 1111.1.5, NOTES, with n waiver of the $3.10 Law. •- • : - JUDGMENT NOTES, with n waiver of the Poo Low. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. with Teachers.. - • MARRIAGE (num PIOAT U., for J indices of the Peace awl Minittero of the 0. - .statl.- • ' • • • • COMPLAINT, WAR RANT, nod COMMITMENT, In Moe of Assault and Battery, and Affray. - • • SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORURECEIPTS, for State, County; Scheel,. Borough and Township Taxes.. • •••- • Printed on superior paper. and for volt,. alp the. Ofeee of. the lIILINTYNGDON (4.1.01370.. BLANKS,'of every description, printed to order, ninny at short notice, and on Rood Paper. ; WINDOW .CURTAIN PAPERS, LARGE STOOK' AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SAL - AT _LEWIS' BOOK TORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. SATCLIELS, , PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES . • POCKE'f-BOQICS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, ' SEGAR CASES,•&c.,.&c., A. handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. SPECTACLES, m- A fine and largo assortment always on, hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE.!. ill'Entyre's INDIAN. COMPOUND, A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT LL' , 'TIT BOOK STORE, PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CTS., and $l,OO - - VOlt THE LADIES: A superior article, of Note Paper od .Envelopps, an toblo for confidential correspondence , - for' sale at LEW LS' BOOK di STA aIoNERy sTORE. 623. TAPER! PAPER!! • Nute, Post, Commercial, Foolscap mid Mite:lll,s good assortment for tale by the ream, halt' ream, quirO tr sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOON & OATICiNhWar STONE: ri°IICELIA, Barley,,Rice, nom,. nom:.,, he., at Lewis S; Co's Family grocery. • BLANK- BOOKS,- • - OP VAAIOUS. EOM, (op pole itt LE SPIS' Boox lay.p evATIONERY STOMP For mini JOB PRINTING, call - at the "Gtsme Jon PRINTING 01 , 1 , 10,14," at llua tingden, Pa - . • . . • T OVE'S Pure and Superior Rio Cd• _L./fee in paeleages acme poun.l, for sale at LE:II7S' ce CO'S Falukiy Grocery. FSI FOR lituitlogdon, Jtm. 24, 186544. 7 4 % --_ _-