The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 10, 1866, Image 1

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Pee •unim'lll advanC6
Sir months
three. months—.
. .
. . . . .
I insertion. 2 do. 3 .do.
On 6 square, CIO Ilnes,)or lee'.s 76 $1 26 $1 60
Two squares 150 • 200 300
Three squares, ' 225 300 - 450
3 months. 6 montfts. 12 months.
Jot, square, or less $4 00 SG 00 $lO 00
Two squares, 6 00 9 00 15 00
Three squares, 8 00 12 00.........20 00
Four squares 10 00 15 00 26 00
Half a column, 15 00 20 00 30 00
One column 0 0 00 35 00.— ..... .60 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
One year, • $5OO
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, • $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
FAtray, or other short Notices... 1 50
kW-Ten lines of nonpareil make a sqnsre. About
eight words constlinte a lice, so that any person can ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with tho number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
"lording to thaw term!.
• Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
arc else increased.
A toilet :delight. Superior to any cologne, used to
bathe the face and person, to render the akin soft and
freah, to allay inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
headache, to It Is manufactured from the rich southern
Magnolia, and ht obtaining a patronage quite unpreceden
ted. It Is a favorite with actresses and opera singers. It
is sold by all dealers, at 51,00 in large bottles, and by De
nali Darnes4 Co., New York, Wholesale Agents.
Saratoga Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists.
S. T.---18430---X.
'Persons of Bedeotary habits troubled with weakness,
laseitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis
tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation, kc., deserve
to suffer if th-y will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
IIITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest
medkal authorities, and are warranted to produce an in.-
ftediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable,
Perfectly pure, and must supersede all other tunics where
a healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They purify, strengthen and invigorate,
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to change of water and diet.
TIMY strengthen the system and enliven the mind.
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They Cure Dyspepsia and Constipltiou.
• They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They melte the weak strong, the languid brilliant,
and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the co:ebrated Calisaya Bark, wintergreen,
sassafras,• roots andhechs, all preserved in perfectly pure
St. Croix rum. For particular., see circulars and testi
monials around each bottle.
&mare of impostors. Examine every bottle. See that
it Lae our private U. S. stamp unmutilated over the cork
with plantation scene, and our signature on a floe steel
piste side label. 'IL. See that our bottle le nut refillt d
with spurious and deleterious stuff. .4 - 4-Any person
pretending to sell Plantation Bittern by the gallon or in
bulk, Is an Impostor. Any permit imitating thief bottle,
or selling any other material therein, whether called
Plantation Bitters or not, is a criminal under the U. B.
Taw, and will ham prosecuted by ate. The demand for
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladies, clergymen, mer
chants, Ac., is incredible. The simple trial of a bottle is
the evidence we present of their worth and superiority.
They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi
cians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores.
Faratoga Spring Wafer, sold by all Druggists.
have you a hurt child or a Unto horse 7 Use the Mex.
kan Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burns. swellings and caked breasts,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment inn certain cure.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, stilfjolnts, stings and bites,
there is nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment.
For spavined horses, the poll erfl,ringbono and sweeny,
the Mexican Muetang Liniment never fails.
For wind-gulls, scratches, hig-hcad and splint, the
'Mexican Mustang Liniment la worth its weight its gold.
Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common
and certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this
liniment is the best investment that can bo made.
. . . . . .
It is more certain than the doctor—lt Imes time in
sending for the doctor—it is cheaper than the doctor, and
should never ho dispensed with.
"In lifting the kettle from the tire ' it tipped over and
scalded my hands terribly. * • * The Mustang Lint.
meet extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly,
and left very little scar.
CliA2. FOSTER, 420 Broad street, Philada.
Mr. 8. Viol., of Ilydo Park,_Yt., writes "My horse way
.considereil worthless, (inavin,) but tilneh GM use of the .
Mustang Liniment, I have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin-
Piton t is doing wonders up here."
All genuine is wrapped in steel pinto engravings, sign
ed, G. W Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private
0.8. stamp of Dennis Barnes Co., over the fop.
Look closely, and be net deceived by counterfeit:.
Fold by all Druggists at 25, 50 eta, and $l,OO.
Stralcga Spring Wafer, sold by all Droggists.
It Is a most delightful flair Dressing. •
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the bend.ceol and clean.
It makes tho hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents tho hair turtling gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald beads.
This isjust saint Lyon's Krithairon will do. It ispret
ty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the car
load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily increa
sing, until there is hardly a country store that does not
keep it, or a family that does not use it.
E. TiIOM.AB I.l7 4 .)N,Chentist, N. Y.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists.
Who would not be beautiful? Who would not add to
their beanty? What gives that marble purity and dis
tinbue appearance an observe ripen the stage and in the
city belle? It is no longer a secret. They use Ilagan's
Magnolia Balm. Ito continued use removes tan ' freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from the taco and hunds, and
leaves the complexion antooth,transparent, blooming and
ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it contains no mate
rial injurious to the skin. Any Druggist will order it for
you, tin.: on band, at 50 cents per bottle.
W.E: lIAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Chemist.
Damns Barnes & Co., Wholesale Agents,N, Y
&nava Spring Warr, sold by all Druggists.
rielmstreet's inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dye. All
Instantaneous dyes aro compcoed of lunar magic, and
More or less destroy the vitality and beauty of the hair.
This to the original Hair Coloring, and has boon growing
in favor eves twenty years. It restores gray hair to its
original color Ly gradual absorption, in a most remarka
ble manner. It is also a beautiful hair dressing. bold in
t..woArea-...6o,cents end sl—by all dealers.
C. lIEIMdTItEET, Chemise,
Saratoga Spring Marx, sold by alliDruggisLs.
Con, Nausea, Heartburn, Sick lloadrche, Cholera Mortls,
Flatulency, Sc., where a warming stimulant is required.
Its careful preparation and entire purity make ita cheap
and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every
where, nt 50 cents per bottle. Ask for "Lrint's" Pure Ex
tract. Take no other.
Slrainga Spring Water, sold by ail Druggists.
Julyl.l, ISM—cowly
All •
tho Whom articles for sale by S. S. SMITH,
Thanting,lon, Penna.
CHOICE Teas, Coffee, Sugars and
3folosses, for sale at Lewis & Co,' Family Grocery.
constantly on hand at
BOX.ES for Wagons of all sizes, for salo at tho hard.
ware store of JAS. A. BROWN.
By the box, pack, or less ripantlty, for gale at
DERF UMERY•auct Fancy Soap's for
sale at LE. IVIS tf: COS Family Grocery.
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
112',STII - A It D. EA ST WA R D
K V. ...1 I • 9 1
' I
?-1 .< H ..r; ,:m -.. Lt ',l g if. i. '1
r 1, 4 5......, ti . 1 ., STATIONB, 1 B. I M
'4 '...,,- 5.:
.g 3 -; g ; &' 1 ' ..;1 .4. 1
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P .m.! P. m.l I' . 11. j A. M. P. )1.1 P.M.' A. ft
6 081 ......111 43 I N. Ha m ilton, 4588 35
6 15 11 53 Mt. Union,... 4 49 8 25
625 —.112 05 51aploton, 4368 15
631 12 15 Mill Cr00k,... 4 25 805
650 5 16 . 12 31 5 56 Huntingdon, 506 4 10 7 50
7 06 112 51 'Petersburg,— 1 3 50 7 30
7 15 1 1 011 Marren, I 1 3 41 7 21
722 113 6 23rprtxceCreol,„ 330 7/0
7 35 1 35 Birmingham, 3 15 6 55
7 46 5 57 1 45 646 Tyrone, 4 24 305 046
7 59 2 00 'Tipt o n, 2.53 6 33
8 04 2 08 Fostoria, 2 46 6 26
8 16 2 15 Belle Stills,.. 2 39 6 19
8306 25 2 401 720 Altoona,. 365320 6 00
P. ICI P.M. P. 6. hr.
The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS kludward, leave.
Altoona at 9 35 P. IL, and arrives at Huntingdon at
10 56 I'. 51.
The FAST LINE Eastward leayea Altoona at 3 30
A. M., and arrive, at Iluntingdon at 4 5i A. St.
The DAY EXPRESS Eastward bear. Altoouaat 830
A. N., and arrive, at Huntingdon 9 40 A. M..
Huntingdon at 7 00 A. M., and arrives at Altoona at
S 20 A. DI.
The FAST LINE Westward, le.°. Huntingdon at
7 35 I M.. and arriree at Altoona at 8 50 P. M.
The NEW YORK EXPRESS Westward leaves Hunting
don at 7 38 A. ot.,and arrive.l at Altoona S 500. x.
July 30, 1500.
On and after Monday, JULY 16th,
Ti sins Will arrive and depart as follows
I Iluntingdon,
McCort nel
I Mennen t Grove,-
Coffee Run,
Rough & Ready,..
Fishnet! Summit..
Ls 5 30
5 47
5 55
8 00,
8 20,
S 48'
9 0
6 44 9 24'
6 141 9 2S
An 7 OatAa 941
LE 7 13 L.r. 9 04
7 31 10 11'
7 42 10 22
754 1039
lope e 11,...
Piper's Run,...
Bloody Run,...
Mount Dallas,
11 00
AU.II 11
8110UP'8 ItUN BEAN
LE 7 LOILR 10 20 1 9axton ,
8 051 10 35 Coahnont ,
8 10, 10 40 Crawford,
AR 8 201 AR 10 50 nudleY,
IBroad Top City,
Huntingdon July 10, 1966. OLIVE
rv-?. , .; , -Ax, i ,
~ :t
-. , •jr,.ri'' --- J-IP
JUNE 11, 1566
North and North•Weat for PHILADELPHIA, NEW
BIA, .tC.,
Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows I At
3 00, 8,10 and 9 85 A. SI, and 210 and 9,15 P. N., connect
ing with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania 11.11,arriving
at New York 0,00 and 10 10A, SI., & 4.10, 5,20.10 45 P. N.
Sleeping cars accompany Um 3 00 a m and° 15 p.m.trains
without change.
Loavo llarristatrg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua,
Mimrsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila
delphia at 8 10" A. IL, and 210 and 4 10 P. M.,
stopping at
Lehanrn and tit inelpal way stet ions; the 4 10 p. in. train
making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only.
For Pottsville, Schuylkill and Auturn, via Schuyl
kill and Snsquelianna 11.11, leave liarrisburg at 3 00 1' 31.
Returning, lucre NEW-YORK at 7 & 0 A. M., 12 Noon,
P.M.; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. M., and 330 P. M; Way Pas
senger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. returning
from Reading at 030 0. IL stops at all stations: Pottsville
at 8.45 A. M.. and 2 45 P. , 31.4 Ashland 6 00 and 11,70 a m,
and 1,05 1' 31; Tamaqua at 0.45 A M., and 1 and 8.55 P 51.
-Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, rho Schuylkill and
Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a m.
An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves IleAor4o tit
.00 A. M., and ram . . from PHILADELPHIA At 6,00 P. M.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 6 45 a ni.,
12 05 and 6 15 P. 51., for Ephrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Cob
umbla, de.
On Sundays, leave New York at 8 00 P. M., Phitndel•
phis, 8 a mend 315 P. M., tho 8 A m train running only
to Beading, Pottsville 8 A. M., Mannino 7.30 A. M., liar.
11 burg 005 A. M., and Reading 133, 7 30 A. m., fur Nor.
risburg. 10,550 to., for New York, mid 4.25 p.m. for Phil.
TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all
Baggage checked /broligli: 80 pounds Baggage allowed
each l'Aseenger. .
Reading, June 25, 1566. Genera/ Superintendent
oi, T e n u f , d , i•m at s that'hteolpaulcm in Lt e o pr rni izt :
A Fine Assortment of all kinds of
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.
All of which he will gull at fair prices. Quick sales and
small profits. ('all and examine my stock.
Manufacturing and Repairing dune to order on umunl.
Huntingdon,April 10, ISG6.
A LL who may have any claims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and
,moons, can have their claims promptly collected by ap
plying either in persua or by letter to
Attorney at Law,
UuntiNgdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863
On Bill Street, two doors west of
Lewis' Book Store.
Iluatingdon, Oct 4, '6s7tf.
The Whitest, the most dornlol4, and the most oconomica
Try it I Mama:lowed only by • .
Wholesale Drug, Paint tz Olasn Dealers,
No. 137 North Third st., Philada..
• Preferred by all practical Painterel Try it I and
you will hare no oth s. Manatactared only by
Whohniale Drug,Paint & Glass Dealers,
11 7 9. 137 Nth. Third st., Philada.
E. 0. & G. W. GOLDER.
HAVING entered into co-partnership to the
Alexandria Brewery, the public, ore informed •
that they will be prepared at all times to fill
orders on the shortest notice. , •S
Alexandria, Jun. 13.4865-0. ",
for auk at LEWIS & CO'S rauilly Orocary.
IMO, Passenger
An 6 10
5 47
fArt 9 00
S 22
8 24
8 08
4 46
L 4 34
AK4 21
4 01
3 66
3 40
us 7 30
AR 940
6 00
6 52
6 36
3 03
4.3 3 04
6 0
LC 6 60
Forget not the unhappy,
.Amid the bright and gay,
The world can give you nothing
It will not take away;
Make much then of the moments
You never can renew,
And forget not the unhappy,
For, oh 1 their friends are few I
Their friends aro few, and faintly
They whisper comfort now;
And offer scant assistance
With cold and cautious brow;
Each minute they are gazing
Upon their watch to go ;
Oh I forgot not the unhappy,
For kindness cometh slow
Forget not the unhappy,
. Though sorrow may annoy,
There's something then fur memory
HEREAFTER to enjoy 1
Oh! still from Fortune's garland
Soma flowers FOR OTIIERS strew;
And forget not the unhappy,
For, oh I their friends are few I
A FRIEND tells us the, following
which we consider a "good 'ail." Be•
ing in a mechanic's shop, the other day,
an urchin came in, his dress covered
with mud. His father instantly ob
serving his dirty plight, said to him :
"William, my son, how came you to
muddy your dress so ?"
The boy stopped a moment, then
looking his father, in the eye very so
berly, asked :
"Father, what am I made of?"
"Dust, the Bible says."
"Well, father, if I am dust, how can
I help being muddy when it rains on
"William, go down stairs and get
somo wood, start !"
A : GREAT many fools strut in a dig
nified way through life, and get credit
for wisdom they are far from possess
ing. In a recitation room of
school not a thousand miles from Chi
cago, ono of the, professors, to test the
a,student he was examining,
asiced , thiii question:
Itiln• what do you think should .
be done to a man who had committed
The student was puzzled ; ho rubbed
his head a moment, as if to brighten
his ideas, and then responded—
" Well, it is my opinion as a profes
sional man, that he ought to be made
to support the child !"
- Par . "l say, Mister, did you see_a dog
come by hero that looked as if ho
were a year, or a year and a half, or
two years old ?" said a Yaukoo to a
countryman at the roadside.
"Yes," said the countryman, think
ing himself quizzed, "he passed about
an hour, or an hour and a half, or two
hours ago; and is now a mild, or a mile
and a half, or two miles ahead; and ho
had a tail about an inch, or an inch and
a half, or two inches long"
"That'll do," said the Yankee; "you
aro into me a foot, or a foot and a half,
or two feet."
THE following purports to boa med
ical puff: "Dear Doctor—l shall be
ono hundred and seventy-five years
old next October. For over eighty
four years I have been an invalid, un
able to step, except when moved by a
lever. But a year ago I heard of the
Granieular Syrup. I bought a bottle,
smelt the cork, and found myself a
man. I can now run twelve miles and
a half an hour.
A LADY correspondent, in comment..
ing upon the short sacks worn by the
gentlemen, says, "Whenever I see
them my spirit of combativeness is im•
mediately moused. Surely 'tilting
hoops' have found a kindred fashion
among the noble sex." In justice to
our correspondent wo must acknowl
edge that gentlemen's sacks arc rather
short of modesty.
star "Sir," said 'a little blustering
man to a religious opponent, "to what
sect do you suppose I belong 7" "Well
I don't know," drawled his opponent,
"but to judge from your size, appears
:Ince and constant buzzing, I should
think you belong to the class generally
called in-sect."
VirA lady, very fond of her hus
band, notwithstanding his ugliness of
person, said to Rodgers, the poet—
" What do you tliink ! My husband
has laid out fifty guineas for a baboon
on purpose to please me ." "Tho dear
little man," replied Rodgers, "it's just
like him."
THAT was a very pretty conceit of a
romantic husband and father whose
name was Rose, who named his daugh
ter 'Wild," so that she grow up under
the appellation of "Wild Rose." But
the romance of the name was sadly
spoiled in a few years, when she mar
ried a man by the name of "Bull."
• rogt..A_ Glasgow antiquary recently
visited Cathcart Castle, and asked ono
of the villagers "if he knew anything
of an old story about the building,"
"Ay," said the rustic, "there was ano
ther auld storey, but it fell down long
Par Jonas inquriod why the whistle
of .a locomotive was a work of art. Af
ter a lapse of some seconds, which
passed in silence, ho said, "Because it
is a modern car-tune."
A beautiful young lady just enter
ing society asked her mother for a
watch. Her mother replied. "I think
you need a watcher more.".
"Didn't you suppose, sir, thatl kept
a Bible?". "No, I didn't think that
you kept God's word, I know that
you never kept your own."
A bad cat* has often triumphed
over a good one, because vigilant vil
lany is as overmatch for slunibcring,
What Young People Should Kno*,
The best inheritance which parents
can give to their children is the abili
ty to help and take care of themselves.
This is better than a hundred thousand
dollars a piece. In any trouble or dif
ficulty, they have two excellent ser
vants in the shape of two hands.—
Those who can do nothing, and have
to be waited upon, are helpless and ea
sily disheartened in the misfortunes of
life. Those who are active and hardy
meet troubles with a cheerful face, and
easily surmount them. Let young
people, therefore, learn to do" as many
things as possible. Every boy should
sooner or later,
1. To dress himself, black his own
boots, cut his brother's hair, wind a
watch, sow on a button, make a bed,
and keep his clothes in order.
2. To harness a horse, grease "a we.-
gon, and harness a team.
3. To carve, and wait on a table.
4. To milk the cows, shear the sheep,
and dress a veal or mutton.
5 To reckon money and keep ac
counts correctly, and according to
good hook-keeping rules.
6 To write a neat and appropriate,
briefly expressed business letter, in a
good ham., fold and superscribe it pro
perly, and write contracts.
7 . T0 plow, sow grain or grass, drive
a mowing machine, build a neat stack
and pitch hay.
8 To put up a package, build a fire,
mond broken tools. whitewash a wall,
and regulate a clock.
Every girl should know how,
1 To sew and knit.
2 To mend clothes neatly.
3 To make bode.
4 To dross her hair.
5 To wash the dishes and 'sweep the
•G To make good broad and perform
all plain cooking.
7 To keep her rooms, drawers, and
closets in order.
8 To work a sowing machine.
9 To make good butter and cheese.
10 To make a dress and children's
. 11 To keep accounts and reckon in
12 To' write,, fold and. suporseribo
letters properly.
13 To nurse the sick efficiently, and
not faint at the sight of a drop of blood.
To be ready to rondor efficient
aid and comfort to those in trouble,
and in an unostentatious way.
15 To receive and entertain visitors
in the absence or sickness of her moth-
A young lady who can do all those
things well, and who is always ready
to render aid to the afflicted, and miti
gate the perplexities of those around
her, will bring more comfort to others
and happiness to herself, and he more
esteemed than if she only know how to
dance, simper, sing, and play on the
piano.—lionte Monthly.
About Dogs,
Few persons are aware of the value
and variety of dogs, varying, as they
do, in weight from one hundred and
eighty pounds to less than one pound,
and in value from about five hundred
dollars to loss than nothing. A. de
scription of the different varieties may
not be uninteresting: The Siberian
bloodhound weighs about ono hundred
and sixty pounds, measures forty inches
in girth, and is. worth nearly five hun
dred dollars. Tho St. Bernard dog,
which is of a blueor light•red color, is
very large and valuable. The New
founland dog, when pure, is entirely
black, and its pups are worth from $lO
to 820. The shepherd dog, or Scotch
coolly, is wonderful for its patience,
fidelity and bravery. It is worth from
$5O to $lOO. The English mastiff, a
good watch dog, is worth from $l5 to
$25. Of terriers, the black and tau is
most admired. It varies in weight
from one pound to twenty•five pounds,
and increases in value as it decreases
in weight. A member of the bar in
this city has one which weighs loss .
than a pound, and is the smallest we
have ever seen. It could not be bought
for $l5O. Terriers arc often crossed
with the Italian greyhound, producing
a very delicate, but extremely useless
cog. The Scotch terrier is the hardiest
of dogs, is very courageous and is
worth from $lO to $3O. Tho Scotch
deerhound is the rarest and most val
uable of hunting dogs. They are very
rare and are owned principally by the
nobility of England. They are worth
$lOO each. The beagle is the smallest
of the hound kind, of superior scent
and endurance, and is the best sort of
rabbit hunter. English greyhounds,
the fleetest of dogs, aro worth from 825
to $lOO each. The Italian greyhound
is merely a parlor dog. The pure
breed is rare and valuable, a flue ono
being worth $l5O.
There is a great variety of pointers,
setters and spaniels. The Prince
Charles variety is the most valuable of
Spaniels. lie is supposed to have orig
inated in Japan,. where a similar breed
exists. lle has a round head, short
nose, long curly ears, largo full eyes,
black and tall color, and never weighs
over ten pounds. They have been sold
in England. at auction '
and have
brought as high as $2,000 each. The
coach dog is from Denmark, and is not
of inueb value. Smile Arctic sled dogs
and Esquimaux dogs were brought
here by Dr. Kano. One was kept fur
a long while at, the United - States Hos
pital, at West Philadelphia. They are
fox like in shape, remarkable fctr ac
tivity and vigilance, and have an mat
ter souse of hearing than any other
dog. Most of the dogs about our
streets are spurious, and are not even
half breeds.
DED — Why tihould a young lady resent
a squeeze from her sweetheart? Be
cause s4ch man ipulaqous are
How Muth Makes a Mau Rich
terro be rich," said Mr. Marcy, for
merly Secretary of State, requires only
a satisfactory condition of mind. One
man may bo rich with a hundred dol
lars, while another, in the possession
of millions, may think himself poor;
and, if the necessaries of life are en
joyed by each, it is evident that the
man who is best satisfied with his po
sition is the richest.
To illustrate this idea, Mr. Marcy
rotated the following anecdote: While
I was Governor of the State of Now
York, said ho, I was called upon ono
morning at my office, by a rough spo•
cimen of a backwoodsman, who stalk
ed in and commenced conversation by
inquiring 'if this was Mr. Marcy ?"
I replied that was my name.
"Bill Alitrey," said he.
I nodded assent.
"Used to live in Southport, didn't
I answered in the affirmative, and
began to feel a little curious to know
who my visitor was, and what he was
"That's what I told them," cried the
backwoodsmon, bringing his hand
down on his thigh with a tremendous
force. "I told em you was the same
Bill Marcy who used to Jive in South
port4l but they would not believe
it, and I promised the next time I
came to Albany to come and 800 you,
and find out for sartin. Why, you
know me, don', Bill ?" -
I didn't exactly like to ignore his
acquaintance altogether, but for the
life of me I could-not recollect having
seen him before ;-and so I replied that
ho had a familiar countenance, but
that I was not able to call him by
"My name is Jack Smith," answered
the baekswoodman, "and wo used to
go to school together, thirty years ago,
in the littlo red school house in .old
Southport. Well, times have changed
since then, and you have become a
groat man, and got rich, I suppose."
I shook my head and was going to
contradict that impression, when ho
broke in : • •. • .
"Oh! yes you, are i .l know you are
rich; no use denying it. You were
comptroller forfor a long time; and
the next time we heard of you, you
wore governor. Yon must. have had
a heap of money, and I am glad of it
—glad to see you getting along so
smart. You was always a smart lad
at school, and' I know that you would
come to something." •
I thanked him for , his good wishes
and opinion, but told him that political
life did not pay so well as he imagined:
"I suppose,' said I, "fortune has smiled
upon you since I left Southport ?" •
"Oh; yes," said he, "1 haiift got no
thing to complain of. I must say I
have got along right smart. .You see,
shortly after you left Southport, our
whole family. moved into Vermont,
and put right into the woods, and I
reckon our family cut down more
trees and cleared more land than any
other in the State."
"And so you have made a good
thing of it. How much do you con
sider yourself worth ?" I asked, feeling
a little curious to know what ho con
sidered a fortune, as he seemed to be
so well satisfied with his.
"Well," ho replied, "I don't exactly
know how much I am worth; but I
think (straightening himself up) if all
my debts were paid, I should be worth
three hundred dollars clear cash I" He
was rich, for he was satisfied.
The Extra Bounty,
The War Department lids issued a
series of regulations respecting the fi
ling of claims for the "extra bounty"
voted by Congress. All claims must
be filed before the first of April, 1867
and no claims filed after that time will
be settled until the former are paid.—
The original discharge of the soldier
must accompany the claim, and also,
the affidavit required by the fourteenth
section of the bounty act, and the fur
ther affidavit that he has not received,
nor is ho 'entitled to receive; from the
.United States, under any laws or reg.
ulations prior to the act, of July 28,
1866, more than $lOO bounty for any
and all military service rendered by
him during the late rebellion, over and
above the amount therein claimed.---
The forms now used in applying for
bounty, are to be used in applications
for the extra bounty. Registers of the
claims are to be kept by the Paymas
ter General and the Second Auditor,
and if approved the amount of bounty
paid to each will he noted, and if re
jected the cause, will be distinctly sta
ted. Soldiers enlisted for three years
or during the war, who were discharg
ed by reason of the termination of the
war; are entitled to the extra bounty.
Tho minority of soldiers' heirs claim
ing bounty must be proved to have
existed at the date of the passage of
the act of July 28, 1866. The follow.
ing classeS of soldiers are prohibited
from receiving extra bounty by the
provisions of the act; Dishonorably
discharged soldiers, although they may
have served the full period of their en
listment; those discharged during their
term of enlistment by way of favor or
punishment; those discharged On ac
count of disability contracted in the
service, but not occasioned by wounds
received in the line of duty, who shall
not have previously served two or
three years respectively at the time of
discharge;, those discharged on account
of disability existing tit the time of
their enlistment; the heirs of those who
haVe died since their discharge, of
wounds or disease not contracted in
the service and in the line of duty; the
surviving soldieis, as well as heirs of
deceased - soldiers, when such soldiers
have bartered, sold, assigned, loaned,
transferred, exchanged, or given away
their final discharge papers.
TERMS, $2,00 a. year in_ advance.
The following pretty little story is
narrated by Frederick Bretner, who
vouches for its truthfulness :
In the University of UpSala, in Swe
den, lived a young student, a noble
youth, with great love for studies; but
without means for pursuing them. lle
was poor, without connections. Still
he studied, lived in great Poverty, but
keeping a cheerful heart, and trying
to look at the future which looked so
grim to him. His good humor and fix
cellent qualities made him beloved by
his comrades. Ono day he waS stand
ing at the square with some of them,
prattling away an hour of leisure, when
the attention of the young men became
arrested by a young and elegant lady
who, by the side of an older ono, was
slowly walking over tho place. It was
the daughter of the Governor-of Upsa
la, living in the city, and the lady was
her- governess. She was generally
known for her goodness and gentle
ness of character, and looked at with
admiration by all the students. As the
young men stood gazing at her as she
passed, like a graceful vision, ono of
them suddenly exclaimed:
"Well, it would be worth something
to have a kiss from such a mouth."
The poor student, the hero of our
story, who looked on that pure, angel-:
le thee, exclaimed,:as if by inspiration:
"Woll, I think I could have it."
"Well !" cried his friends in a chorus,
"are you crazy ? Do you know her ?"
"Not at all," ho answered,
."but I
think she would kiss mo if I asked
"What! in this place—and before
all our eyes ?"
"Yes ?" .
"Freely ?"
"Yes, freely." ,
"Noll, if she would : give .you .a kiss
in that manner, I will give you a thou
sand!" exclaimed ono of the party.
And I, "and I," exclaimed three
or four others, for it :happened:that
several riell men were in the group,
and the hots-ran high on so improbable
an event: The challenge was made
and received in loss time than we take
to tell it. , .
Our hero (my authority tells not
whether he was plain or handsome. 1
have my Neill* reasons, for. believing
that he was rather plain, butsingula.r
ly good looking at the same time,) im
mediately walked up to the lady and:
"Mino fraulein, my fortune is now in
your hands."
She looked at him with aStonishment,
but arrested her stops. He proceeded
to state his name and condition, his as
pirations, and related. simply what had
just passed between him and his com
The young, lady listened attentively,.
and at his ceasing to spealc she said,
blushingly, butivith great sweetness:,
'•lf by so little a thing so much good
can be effected, it would bo foolish for
me to refuse your request,". and pub
licly in the open square she kissed
Next day the student ! was .sent for
by the (ioverner. 4o wanted to see
the man who dared to seek a kiss from
his daughter in that way, and whom
she consented to kiss.
Hu received him with a scrutinizing
, 0
bow, but after an hour's conversation
was so pleased with hini that ho invi
ted him to dine at his table during his
studies at Upsala.
Our young friend pursued his stud
ies in such a manner that it soon made
him regarded as the most promising
student in the University.
Three years were . now passed since
the that kiss, when the young man
was allowed to give a second kiss to
the daughter of the Governor as his
wife. . .
He became, later, one of the noted
seholors in Sweden, and was much re
spected for hiS character. His works
will endure while time lasts among
the works of science; and from this
happy union sprang a family well
known in Swedon at the present time,
whose wealth and high pOsition in so
ciety are regarded as trifles in compar
ison.with its goodness and love.
Courage in Every-Day Life.
Have the courage to discharge a debt
while you have .the money in your
Have the courage to do without that
which you do not need, however much
your eyes may covet it.
Have the courage to speak your
mind when it is necessary you should
do so, and to hold your tongue when
it is prudent you should do so.
Have the courage , to speak toa friend
in.a "seedy coat,' Oven though you are
in company with a rich one, and rich
ly attired.
Have the courage to make a will,
and a just ono. ,
Have the courage to tell a man why
you Will not lend him your money.
Have the courago to "cut" the most
agreeable acquaintance you have when
you ere convinced that he lacks princi :
pie: "A friend should boar with a
friend's infirmities," Mit not with his
Have the courage to show your• re
spect for honesty, in whatever guise it
appears; and your contempt, for
honest duplicity, by WhoinsoeVol. ex
Have the courago to wear your old
clothes until you pay for your new
Have the courage to obey your Ma
kor, at the risk of being ridiculed b)
Hare the courage to prefer comfort
and propriety to fashion in all things.
Hare' the courage to acknowledge
your ignorance, rather than to seek
credit for knowledge under hilse
THE Q-.1_1013
"GLIDI3E ' JOll . 'OFF'ICE" ie
moat complete of any in thu country, and nos
esee tuont aro plo fucilitieo for.prnmptly oxemting in
tin, best idyl°, every variety of Jot, Printing, Bitch
HAND DILLS - • - ••• • - • • •
NO, 15.
Windgall on Horses.
A lady writes to the. Observer ::,"I\re
have been watching tho paper for a
remedy for windgalls. We have a val
uable horge madelame by them. If
any one will give us any inferniation
with regard to :the: cause and their
treatment, through your valuable pa
per, they will greatly oblige us!!
W e can assign a plausible and true
cause of windgalls, yet the remedy is..
quite .another consideration, while a
preventive is still another thing:
Windgalls are, the undue enlarge
ments of small 'sticks on the limbs of
horses, about the hocks and - upper
pastern joints. They are the.natural
and certain results of hard driving and
straining the limbs by hauling,,or car
rying heavy loads:', Those hories that
have small and slender limbs, aro far
more liable to have -Wincigalls than
such as have large and strong legs.
When young horses are put to heavy
work, are driven beyond their strength,
or required to draw so heavy loads that
they strain themselveS, windgalls will
soon appear on: their logs. Horses
that have not been overworked nor
strained before.they are six years old,
seldom have windgalls.
There are various ways of treating
windgalls. Sometimes they aro incur
able; and the more they are tampered
with, the worse it is for the
In some instances, the cautery
is employed to remove windgalls: Yet
no ono but a skillful veterinarian of
extensive experience should attempt
to apple this remedy. The best and
most efficacious remedy that we have
ever met with, is to procure a' quarter
of a pound of arnica flowers, at the
drug store, put in a bottle, and fill the
bottle with whisky,and cork it tightly.
After it has steeped about one day,
let the windgalls be bathed thoroughly
with this liquid. Bathe and rub the
legs and WindgallS ' well for five Min
utes with water previous to applying
the arnica and ivhisky. If the horse.:
,young, gentle driving and a thor
ough application of this remedy will
almost always effect a MO after,a few
months. Windgalls on . the legs of old
horses will sometimes yield to the rem
edy. Yet in many instances the old
horse.will need to be rejuvenated be-
fore his windgalls be cured.'
CHARDS.—Whcn it is desirable to save
the fruit of pear or, apple trees without
being bruised, all .the Small stones,
sticks, pieces of brush and every such
thing that will injure the. fruit •should
be removed from the orchards early in .
September, so that it good coat of grass.
may cover the ground before the fruit
is gathered in. October. 'lf a soft,
thick covering of grass is :over the
ground the fruit that falls will not bo
bruised unless it should strike a limb
or fall on other fruit: If the ground
has been plowed, or .`rooted' over by
swine,let it bo leveled off with liar
rows and hoes, and if lumpy, pass a
heavy'roller over 'it. Then sow a lib
eral dressing of orchard grass seed, or
timothy seed. If it is not,desirable to
stock down an orchard, and a person
has an abundance of straw of any kind,
lot it be spread bn . the ground beneath
the fruit, so as to'Cover the entire sur
face, about two inches deep. Salt hay
is excellent for such a purpose. When
on a visit to. New Jersey a short time
since, we saw a large number, of fruit
trees, the boughs of which were bend
ing beneath the heavy burden of fruit;
Salt hay had been spread beneath the
trees so.that none of the fruit might
fall on the hard ground. If this
is not taken, the fruit which
falls to the ground will usually be bad
ly bruised.—Ncio York Times.
How TO KEEP G. ICony
dey Genblern, in his work entitled
"Poultry' Breeding in a; Commercial
Point of: View," gives> the following
directions for the preservation of eggs:
"Now; the,. most - effective, simple and,
economical plan for truly preserving
eggs, or rendering them fit for hatch.
ing purposes, is to use the patent stop,
pored glass jars, with vulcanized India,
rubber joints and proceed . thus: -,
,after daily bollectinn. the
e g gs, put the jar in hot water, - and
when thoroughly' warm sons to -rarity
the air, place the eggs in,the - jar, tho
pointed end uppermost, and pack th©
line with paper shavings or cocoa fi
bers to prevent their breaking; then
close the jar before taking it out of the
water, and it will be found that eggs,
preserved in this manner, will be fit
for hatching twelve months after, and.
that those intended for the breakfast
table will bo as fresh as on the day
when laid." The work from which,
this passage is extracted, details the
plan of breeding and management car,
ried out by the National Poultry Qom,.
puny, at Bromley.
Hom,ow I.IonN.—A, remedy says tho
Rural .7.lretv l'iirker,:for the cure of the
hollow horn, or horn ail in cattle, is to
dissolve a table spoonfnl of cOpPeras
warm water, ana - with' the.
creature's mess, if it is, not past eating;-
if it is, it should he poured dawn. This
dose will seldom need to be given
more than once, It has boon our rem
edy for many years, in alarge dairy.
/Pr'2l clement, which is. a good pro.,
tuition against weather, waver,_ and
fire, to a certain extant, is
mixing a gallon of water with two gat',
lons of brine; and then stir in two and
a halt : pounds of brown sugar and
throe pounds of common salt; put
on with brush like paint.
in — Charles . Arnold, of Col gni Co.,
New York ' says that before. ha was,
aware of it his fowlswero covered with
Taki . ng a swab, he applied, lit-
Icerosone oil und9r their wirig ; and
bas aAiced nono . of the yermoiti.
LABELS, &C., &C., &C