TERMS OF THE GLOBE 1=1!!E=11 11=31113 T.hreo months TERMS OF' ADVERTISING 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 .In. One square, (10 linesjor less.t 75... ..... 41 25 ill 10 Two slims., 1.50 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 3 mouths. 6 months. 12 months. Jno square, or less st 4 00 $6 00 010 00 faro squares, 6 00 9 00 15 00 three squares 800 - 12 00 00 00 Four squares, 10 00 15 00 0 5 00 Half a column, 15 00 20 00 "0 00 One column, .0 00 '35 00.... 60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Ooe year Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50 Auditors' Notices. 2. 00 Estray, or other short Notice's...•" 1 00 ..eip.Ten lines of nonpareil make. a square. About sight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea sily Calculate a square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac. cording to these terms. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Ilandhille, etc. are also increased. AMA ge MLONOLIA.—.The prettiest thing, the "sweetest thing, , mid the most 01'11 for the least money. It over comes the-odor of perspiration: softens and adds delicacy to the skin; is it delight ho perfume; allays h e ad ay b e end inflammation, and is a necessary companion m the sick room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It can be obtained everywhere at one dollar p or bottle. Saratoga Spring Stator, sold by all Druggists. S. T.-IS4o.—X.—The: amount of Plantation Bitters sold in one year is soniething startling. They woold till Broadway nix feet high, from the Park to 4th street.— Drake's manufactory is one of the institutions of N. York. It is said that Drake painted all the rocks in the eastern States with his cabalistic" S.T.—lStlo.—X,,', and thee got the old ' s.ranny legislators to pass DM "I , l,4Vetiting the figuring the thee of nature," which gives hint a monopoly We do not know how this is, hut we do know the Planta tion Bitters sell as no other article ever did. They are need by all classes of the: community, and are death on Dyspepsia—certain. They aro very invigorating when languid and weak, and a great appetizer. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. t'ln lifting the kettle from the :Ire I scalded myself very severely—one hand almost to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. • • ,* The Mexican Mustang Liniment relieved the pair. almost immediately. It heal° 1 rapidly, and left very little Kan • CHAS. FOSTER. 42t) Bread at.. Philatla." This is merely o sample of what the Mustang. Liniment will do. It is invaluable in all cases of A - 01111dg, awellimki, spraimi, cola, bruises, sparins, etc., either upon man or beast. • . • Bowaro of counterfeit. None Is genulee unless wren. ped iu Doe eteel 1,1:11e eugravinge, lienring the signature of O. W. Wemtbrook, Cheviot, bind the yrivale stomp of k Co., New York. Sarakas :pricy Water, mold by all Druggists. All who value a beautiful head of hair, and its preser- Te ion front premature baldness and turning gray, will not fail rouse Lyon's celebrated tiatimiron. It makes the hair rich,rsoft and glossy, eradicates dandruff, and causes the hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve rywhere.- - E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y. Sarainga Spring ?rater, sold by 01l Druggists.M Rule Pin h i—A young lady, returning to hor country home after a sojourn of a fetd mouths in New York, was hardly recognized by her friends. In lilacs of a rustic, Unshed face, rho had a soft, ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness; and instead of 22, she really appear. ed but 17. Site told them plainly she used Ilagan's Mag nolia Balm, and would not be without it. Any lady can improve her personal appearance very meek by using this articlo. It can be ordered of any Broggist for only to ccuta. amok Spring Wafer, soli by all Druggists lielmstreet's inimitable Hair Coloring bas been steadi ly growing in favor for over twenty years. It acts 1111(.11 the absorbents at the roots of the hair, and changes it to its original .islor by degrees. All instantaneous dyes deaden and injure the hair. Ifeimstrert's io not a dye, lint is certain in its results, promotes its growth, and is a beaut if id Hair Dressing. Price 50cents end $l,OO. by Alt dealer., Saratoga gyring Water, Bold by B.lllDruggisto LTONt EXTRACT or Puna J.\9 11C1 igeß- Hon. Nansea, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera Morbus, Ac., where a warming, genial iitimulaitt is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold everywhere at SO cents per bottle. .Foratga Spring Wafer, sold by ail Druggists. 1166.-eowly 1F5_.1.A1l the Above articles for rule by S. S. SMITH', Bun ingdou, Prim. DUNCLiNON NAIL AGENCY. TAS. A. BROWN is Agent for the ♦ tmle or one 'Nails and Spikes, at Huntingdon, Pa. It Is well known that the Dmicannon Rails ate far superior in gentile Lonny others offered in the Huntingdon market DEALERS, HUH:DIMS, and consumers generally will be supplied in quantities from on, pound to one hundred .kegs a:manufacturers' prices by sending their orders or calling at his new mammoth Hardware store, Hunting don, Pa. japlol DUNCANNON ILION CO. MANTUA MAKING. MILS. JOHN fIOFFM,A.N h TIEBECCA 311:0A11.01, are prjpared to do all kinds of Manton Making, and all kinds of plain 1 , 4!1Vi ng. Both have had great experience in the cowing line, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, and espe cially that of the Ladies. Their room is on Railroad street in tho rear of Fishers' store. • Gentlemen's and other Shirts, Dull& and Childreu'a Dresses promptly mule to order. Play 16,1806. • MACCD>INT3O - 7E . 1 ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! - The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, x , s and is prepared to putehase, error:lir in the best style, and expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AM) PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to hint will be returned to the residence of the owner as anon as repaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at Lewis' Book store. nuty2,l66Gtf - • - W3l. FENTIM AN. $(141 A MONTH 1-Agents wanted Jkl for xi,: entirely now nrticlos, jrut out. Ad dr,ss 0. ,T. GARET, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. cc .201.565-1 y COUNTRY DEALERS eau by CLOTIIINQ from mo in Huntingdon at I , HOLEI.J.E as cheap as they can in the. Mies, as X have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. . 11. ROMAN, WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical Inetru mints, Huntingdon, Pa. CA RP F., TING OF ALL Klli,pS et CUIVNLY CHAN . CAIIMON'S. ]3ROWN & BLEACHED MUSLINS, Ticking, Linseys, Checke, bleached and brown can- Lou Flannels, minces Plaid, Wool 'Flannels. ke. &0., at S. IL 8: CO'S. - p DOTS AND SHOES, of every va 3_,Priety at CUYSINGIIANA CARMUN'S. A LL KINDS OF TOBACCO ars L , holt:sale alai retail, at GUNN INGHAM & CARRION'S. IF YOU WANT the BEST SYRUP, go to CUNNINGHAM & CANNON'S. TBEST EASTERN CHEESE m 1.7 - teat CUNSINGISAM & CARRON'S. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RE hl (vire, at CUNNINGHAM 6, CARMON'e. fiI_LOICE Teas, Coffee, Sugars and k_J3lolasses, for sale at Lewis S Co's Fo uily Grocery. 4 LL KINDS OF CRACKERS 1 - isotantiv on hand at • CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. I)URE SPIC - ES nt - CUNNINOITAS 4: CARSON'S. fI.ROUND ALUM. AND SALINA ‘_ABAIT at CUNNINGHAM ,6 CA IiMON'S. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE notir.§:wir tvagool of aI I eizre, for tale at the hard ware stere. el. - 111:14,PARI] .• JAS. A. BROWN. V i NVELOPES- I Ity tho hex, pack. or loss quantity, for solo at LE IYIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. "DERE U.M.ERY and Fancy Soaps An a~~l at - LEIVJ a , ("vs r.nun s Groc,ry. ......,-;:,,,,,,,... ..;•.: - . • ;.„•••••••, 7 ,--....-,.-• • • - • --7.,- ' - ', -,-- 'l,4:' , / /• / ..' ~' /, , . tf .... ~...? - - -v,-;.-7!.' :.• ',- 'ts,•', - ..5,'":1 .' • •,:f.:'- 2 ""'" - _ , - 1, , . / of , 1 i z S / fi . k*.r.i....l.i!'rifc.i.K.,z • - , :.7:f.f.f•Z ei .' '2:I;,V/ /,--; • ,:* • ..e . 1 .- "lc / '- .., 1,4 1 ' • ~,1- .,- ..4,-...,, . ...: ,; 1,6 r, ~: ;,q., ; •. : ', 1 -., ; 3 ..,, ' ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,:- 1 ~... -, AI . I' \ ,q• ''':44-4-!43lt";'.',T42;j'''''''''''''''''' 'L'." ' ''- S.----: _ . A ' •• t-,,,.; : ---,-.•-•,,,5v4-_,-;,..-..-; _,..,-,,,,,,„..... •-•,-.118 , 1: -, •-' , .'•:.,-'•''' - , t ;_:_ -• ,:,p,,,,i;432,--1:::.„"--- t. .. - 1 , , „,-,, i _.r" \-.,,,, ~ 5.1 , ' " F -7'll - 1 ,- ;4 3 3,..4 '' # •,......, ~.r....0,...__,,,,,,17.±.-...-..",....,i,--)4,74,F.:',7511?-:,.*,„,--. ,17,..‘-'1,7,,', ..f. 31-..-, : -7, .. 91. ..4' :7-, ";'1' . , , T.." -4 ''e.; -.-. :.-'7 - 7, 1 4;...1.7 :, , , ~,,„ ' 4: "?3 tt 1 ' [I/ if j r - - q:Y`,.,t . ''-': r, , l ' . • if- 4 • , ----_,:t.,•:--,:i.--•-_--.;--,•-•:,:f.-4, ---....,,'•---•,".."... \:• i,7,-,,,•i!'•• ',,,,,,,t,,v••:..e".•,•.",,,,,,,./ezzleA ' - it' ''•:104 ?z;V- • ,,r 4 ,2. .;;' . 4 - -•'`..! ; ;•• r•fl. •N, . '-',...r. ...,, ~t. , • -ceiN./ - i ...,- - r">,'9 • k /,,, Rh) , ~.,, 1 -..*-- -• - - , - , , , -A-:,,•„ ~,,,...- ~,,, ...., r •:•;:—..-- ..c ••-• • ..,--, ~• ;t!;'. l . '' ' N.,e ; e ''-',.(.•• • , e-f' i' i'''''' ; '' -: s 4 ...,, ... • •,,t4,41,,,, *. l '• '..; ikA 41 , . '' '..i , '" (A. 11.4 r.t *'. A. . t ,. - ' ( .11 . - ----...„:„.....-.,-,,,,,, --,_....__..„_-,,.....,,.i.,,,.4-..; t,' , .,--- ,- 4 4 2,t, : ...... e0 g .... --„,.. L -4 (.2......,44, ki ••,. 42 CO . 1 00 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL, XXII, n ~J ~~ r~ i - ~ s! j:e~~~sxc.'f pENNSYLVANT.A. Mk . TIME OF LEANING GP SUALVFM ARRANG; lITSTIEARD. • BA ST Ilr4 It II 1 E r. =I • ~,,4 r,,,..'i1,..:-: _, :,.., ,=_, tl. STATIONS. I ~.., •-• ' I ./2 '. -.•'''' ~,. lill I ," c - :, J„.; r, I ~' ; F.; V ii ~,, 1 ~, e :,-, . . P.M.! P.M.! P. 11.1 A. M.! 1 P. 31.1 P. 31.1 A. 1i G t/S , 111 22 `4 11mollten, • 1 58 , 835 6 151 111 53 Mt. Union,— 4498 25 025 .....'l2 05 Mapleton. 4 33 8 15 6 111 112 15 Mill Creek,... 4258 05 0 501 0 1002 31 1 5 56 Huntingdon, 5 (16 410 7 50 7 061 112. 511 IPetersburg,... 3 50 7 20 7 15 1 011 ...... !Barrer I 3 4!! 7 21 7 . 7 2 . 41 113 13 231SpritroCreeit, 3307 10 1 25 'Birmingham, 3 15 6 55 7 40' 5 57 1 45 6 46'Tyrone, 424 305 644 559 2 00 Tipton, 253 6 33 04 2OS Fostoria 2 45 6 24 8 10 2 15 hell's Mills,.. 239 6 10 8306 25 2 401 720 Altoona,. 355220 0 00 P. M.! P.M. P. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. A. M TOo PHILA DELPH IA EXPRESS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 8 35 I'. 51., and arrives at Huntingdon at 10 55 P.M. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 3 30 A s . 11., and Arrives at Ilnntingdon at 4 54 A.M. The DAY EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 8 30 A. M., and arrives at Huntingdon A 48 A. M. The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 00 A. 31., and arrives at Altoona at 8 20 A. 31. FAST LINE Westward, leaves- Iluntii,gdon at SL nud anniVet , At Altoona nt 8 50 P. M. Thu 7 35 P. The NEW YORE EXPRESS Westward leaves hunting don nt 7 A. Ir., and arrives at Altoona S SO July 30, PM. iIpiNTINGDON & RAILROAD. On and after Monday, JULY 10th, Trains will arrive and depart ne follows SOME - WARD TRAINS. NORTIIII OZZIE 1225715 Eil SIDINGS. La 6 30 5 S 7 6 55 6 09 6 24 6 3P 0011Inntingdon, 8 20,McConnelletown, 8 321 Pleaman t Grove,.. 8 48131tirklesburg, 9 01 Coffee Run, 9 12 Rough 8 24 Cove, 9 25 Fisher's ;Suttuuit.. 9 441,, ,41,9xt00, 6 48 An 7 01 LB 7 R. 7 - 5 7 5 10 14111iddlesturg. 10 2.2111p,we11,. 10 3S , Pipeen Hun,. 10 55 Tatesvillo, 11 00 Bloody Run... Anil 12 Mount Pollan RE =II= re 7 80 1 u. 10 20 1 Snrton , 8 05! 10 35 Coaltont, 8 10, 10 40 Crawford, As 8 201 An 10 50 Dudley. f Broad Top City,..... Huntingdon July 16, 1860. OLIVE et ., ...7',.:4: „ V l'- , .=.. , ---, :-` ,. :4 ,-:;,,-- zrm:74l?--t.,-.:•-,.',.,-,',-.,-17,-_-,,,?4,,..., ,73 ; , : -•.::,.::;, P. ,,1 P , :' :-. k ,,5, ? , :t 7 ..1;. -- 3: 1 ; -,- :"'L- . •••*--.4 . .:1 tE;i: , ..-• - •:-.1..:3::::::::::',:,......2.:,..-... - -_-.:.,-...,',..,-:..-- 1 READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, .IUNf 11, IECO k - 1 AT TRU NK.LINE rhom:TITE, ji North nod Nortit-Wemt. for PHILADELPHIA, NEW- YoEIL EEADINO, POTTSVILLE, T.AIZAQUA, ASHLAND, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPURATA, LITIZ, LANCASTER, COLOM BIA, AC.. &C. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, 'as follows I At 3 00, 0.10 and 9 05 A. M., and 210 and 9,15 P. M., connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania ft.lt,arriving at. Now York 0,00 and 10 105, M., BXI.IO, 5,20.10 45 P. 51. Sleeping care accompany the 3 U 0 a in and 9 15 p.m.trains without cLiange. leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua; Millersville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentown and Phila. dclphia at 8 10 A. M., and 2 10 and 410 P. M. ' stopping nt Lobancn and principalway stations; his 4 10 p. m. train making connections far Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna MR., leave Harrisburg at 3 20 1' 51. Returning, leave NEw-Yaws at 7 A 9 A. 51., 12 Noon, 8 P.M.; Philadelphia at 8.18 A. M., and 3 30 P. 81; Way Pas senger tntill leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. N. returning from Reading nt 030 P. M.. stops at all stations: Pottsvillo at 8,45 A. vi.. trod 2 45 P.!51.; Ashland 6 00 and 11,30 n m, and 1,05 51; Tamaqua at 5:15 A M., sad 1 and 8.85 P 51. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, Tin Schuylkill and Smiquelianna Railroad at 7.00 a vi. An Accommodation PasstMger Train leaves ItearlNGl at 6.00 A. M.. and returns from Pun..thurnii at 5,00 P. 31. Columbia Itailroad Trains Icavo Heading nt 045 a m., 12 05 nod 015 P. 51., for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Col umbia, .10. On Sundays, leave New York nt k GO P. M., Pltilacicl phia, R a sn'and 315 I'. 31. thn Sa m train running only to heading, Pottsrillo S A. It., T:1111.103 7.33 A. Si., liar ri burg 0 53 A. 31., and Ite:tdink 1:3'3, 7 30 a. ID., for. Har risburg. 10,52 a ru., for Now York, and 4.25 p.m. for Phil adelphia. CoMMUTATION, 111.rkat. SEASON, SCIIOOI., and EXCLMUION Ticimrs at reduced rates to and from all potato. Baggage checked through:Nu:muds Baggage allowed each G. A. NIC,YLLS, Pe ~diva, Juno 25, ISM. Central Superinlencttnt N EW BOOT AND 81.1.011 STORE. WM. AFRICA. Informs the public that he hits Just , 4 opened at his old stand in tho Diamond,e4X7 Huntin g don, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which, he will sell at fair prices. Quick. sales and Man pregil, Call and examine my stock. Manufacturin g and Repairin g done to order as usual. Hun tin g tion,April 10, 106 G. ACENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. " A I LL who may bay() any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Back ray . ,and Penrons, can havo their claims promptly collected by ap plying either iu perme.r or by letter to W. 11. WOODS, Attornoy at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, IS6B. - SZ - CD)7I A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors west of • . Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Huntingdon : Oct 4, PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD , The Whitest. the most durable and the mosteconotnica Try it! Matinietillai only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Whole:tale Deng, Paint & Glass Dealers, au2-1-1 7 No. 137 North Third st., Naiad. 13URE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Preferred by all practical Paintrrs! Try it and yun will have uu oth,r. Hatutfaetured oily by ZIEGLER & Wholesale -Drugyaint iSZ, Glass Dealers, No. 137 117 h. Third st., Phitada. jan24-ly ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. E. 0. & G. W. COLDER. Ii AI'IV