Ely lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Sept. 19, 1866. LOCAL. & PERSONAL Wo Subscribers Those.:lMbscribers receiving a pa per marked with al before the name will understand that th.frtime for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their eubseription through the retail or otherwise I.ook out for Thunder Clam:les Sehriner, Esq., will address the people at the mass meeting in this place on Friday afternoon of next week. Adv. Dr. Speer, formerly of St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia, will prt.--4103 in the Episcopal Church of this place, 61:1 next Sabbath, morning and evening. • VirOar lady friends Misses Mollie and Jennie, will please accept the thanks of the "typos" of this office, for handsome boquet. Beautiful ! 139.. The Social Base Ball Club beat the Spartan last Saturday—the scorn tieing 24 to 35. Social stock The second nine of the Social beat the first nine of the Logan of Lewis town last Wednesday. Score 35 to 64. ißestgitest. Samuel Brooks, Esq., the nominoo of the Democratic party of this coun ty fur Associate Judge, Publishes in the hist . ..liontor r a card, declining said nominaticm.--thus leaving the contest for the position with Major Jas. Steel and David efarkson,..Esq. ' . ATtAriTIC CABLE.—The Atlantic Ca ble does not surprise the public so much as does the Self Rocking Cra dle, manufactured and for sale by J. 51 - . lie also keeps hand-swing and rocking cradles in connection with all other furniture. Collins made to Order. • • 2t. understand that a man liv l'rig in Jackson township who claims to gentleMai3, asserted that ho knows that we did receive money in Harris burg as pay for pursuing our present political course. The individual has certainly taken legkons from Robert :McDivitt, and ho knows he lies, and unleSslie gives us his author we shall expose his name. no Lies in the Face of the E.vitleatoe Every radical paper published in Philadelphia admitted the fact that the mgt.() Fred. Douglass was a delegate 1p the Radical Convention held in that 4:ity r itid yet wo find in the last Jour nal 417 American a denial of the fact. Hobert you-beat - the d•--•-L-1 'lying, but of course you expect to he pardoned for committing such offences on the plea that you are only half right in the upper story. Will they Answer ? Will Henry S. Wharton,Rash Fish er and others of the 'Journal -cC7 —4)ncri can fhetiOn; inform the Republican par ty of the county,who it ,was who last fall -Were in league : with Democrats to defeat Balici and Beaver , Perhaps as Mr. Fisher is now Chairman of the Republican County: Committee, it wettfd be perfectly proper for him to rise and explain ? What were the ar rangements, gentlemen. If you have forgotten, perhaps Messrs. Speer and Pctrihin can refresh your, memories. Out of the ten newspapers in this Representative District, seven sup port the Union nominees—Willis and Miller, and maintain the policy of the President to speedily restore the Union. They are the Juniata Republican, Ju niata Register, Juniata Democrat, Lew istown Democrat, Shirloysburg Herald, ilantingdon 3foniter, and Huntingdon Globe. The three which support the Radical noniineesßrown and Whar ton—:are the Lewistown Gazette, Juni ata Sentinel, and Huntingdon American. This shows which way the wind blows, and we can feel sure that -our. candi dates—Willis and Miller—will be elec ted by a triumphant majority. Terrible Accident at Johnet an-n On Friday morning last, when the Presidential train came to .Tohnstown a terrible -accident occurred. About •100 persons were congregated on a bridge, over the old canal, and just as .he,train arrived it gave way, precipi tating. the entire party, in a headlong ;mass; some thirty feet. There were thirteen killed and ninety or more .serionslyothd about 300 slightly injur ed. The President despatched Marsh al O'Beirne and others.of his party to the sceno,who assisted in removing the dead and wounded. The Presidentand Gen. Grant were exceedingly distress-. ed, and anxious to delay the train to tender their assistance, but the Con ductor stated that arragements made for meeting trains on the road preclu ded the possibility of carrying into ef fect the President's humane wish, and the train started off after a few min utes. President Johnson contributed $5OO in behalf of the most needy of the sufferers. • • Usolionamt's Expectoral \Vian CHERRY TONIC ; as a -prevention and curator Asti"lc CHOLERA. For dis eases of the Chest, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Rowels; and as a blood purifier it has no equal. Sold at the Continental, Girard, La Pierre, Wash ington, St. Lawrence and Aferchants, Philadelphia; Monongahela and St. Charles, :Pittsburg, and by the princi pal hotels and Druggists generally.— J. Rohrer, Sole Proprietor, Lancaster, : * Fallen Man, What is the obligation of a Union Leaguer ? Robert McDivitt, editor df the Jour. d; Amer., says we atone time presented ourself before the UDICtil League to solicit a guard of artnedlsol diers to protect our property. Admit ting the fact,—what is any obligation or oath Robert may take, worth. Would ho not as soon swear falsely. Poor• Rober t; what are your promises to your God worth ? If you pledge your honor as a man to keep secret the business of a secret order but to deceive those who admit you to their order, is it not likely that you would lie, cheat, and almost steal ?Poor Robert— down—down you go. Poor Robert. Stevens, Douglass & Co. have the right man in the.right place. ,rho President, Gen. Grant, Ad miral Farragut, Secretary Wells, and other distinguished gentlemen, passed through this place on their way to Washington, on Friday afternocin last There was a largo crowd assembled to see them. The President was called on for a speech, when ho merely re turned his thanks, and said we were engaged in a political contest, on which ho believed the perpetuity of the Gov ernment depends. It was for th© peo• ple to see that the Constitution and rights of the States aro preserved, and he believes all would be safe in the end. Our citizens were favorably impressed with the frank, open countenance of the President, and those who might have thought., from reading Radical papers, that ho looked like a "bloat," were badly deceived. All admit ho bore the countenance of an honest, humble, sincere and determined man. fm.The editor of the Ebensburg Alleghanian, A. A. Barker by name, the Radical representative in Congress from this district, got his "Yankee" up on an article we published recently in which we said Andrew Johnson had not the power to punish treason. The Honorable Congressman don't deny it. In one paragraph he says "it is the business of the Attorney General to indict, or cause to be indicted, and bring to trial, all offenders against the laws of the United States." This is just what we say, and all the President has to do with their punishment is to see that the law is executed, if they aro convicted. But in another para graph the editor says, in speaking of Jeff Davis, "he is in the power of An drew Johnson only, and Andrew John son only is guilty of not bringing him to trial." Now, Mr. Congressman, who is false? Who has to indict Jeff Davis —the Attorney General or the Presi dent of tho United States ? The se cret of it is, Attorney General Speed is a Radical ; and the editor of the Al leghanian must defend its own color. But again. If Congress, Mr, Con gressman, has not the power to punish treason, why does it keep the South ern people out of the Union ? It as sumes the power to punish the masses of tho Southern people—innocent as well as guilty—why don't it assume to punish Jeff Davis and the other lead ers of the rebellion ? The people look to the punishment of the leaders rath er than the masses of the rebels. We repeat it, Mr. Barker, you amongst the rest of the Congressmen, aro re sponsible for not making treason odious, in tho person of Jeff Davis. pa_Tl. S. Wharton refuses to say who he hates worse than he does the devil. Come, Harry, it won't do for you to attempt to smother your asser tions in that way. The Convention heard your remarks, and they beard you say you hated somebody worse than you did the - devil. Who was it you hated worse than the devil ? Was it Johnson men or ANDREW G. CURTIN ? Don't be afraid to face the music ! PHILO DELPHIA MARKETS. September. 18 Family Flout $1250 Extra Flour 4:0 00 Superfine Flour 47,50 Rye Flour 56,50 Corn Meal... e 1.25 Extra White Wheat, $3.00 Fair and Prima Red $2,52 Rye $1,15 Corn, prime Yellow 91 Oats 51 Earley 75 Clovorseed, 1104 lbs 50,50 Timothy $4.25 Flaxseed, $3 80 .. .... Wool. Ilidea HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED HEEKIOr BY S. E. HENRY & CO. THIOLVALS PRICES. Superfine Flour I; bl $1.'1,50 Extr.,lFlnur $.42,59 Family Flour - Corn Meal mt. Buckwheat Meal col cwt. M=U White Wheat ' $2,65 Corn 90 Oats 50 Barley 70 ltye 00 Cloverseed " 04 lbs ss,so®a 0,00 Timothy $4.00 Flaxseed $1,75 to 2,50 Rye Chop •0 cwt $1,90 Bran 70 cwt $1,15 Shorts r cwt $l,: 0 Mixed Chop $1,90 Plaster per ton $lO,OO Beeswax r lb "0 • Hope V ib 40 to 60 Rags 11 lb 4 Deans lill bus 52,00 Felthets r lb 05 to 05 Tallow 10 to 12 Dried Apples ta, lb - 12 to 13 . Dried Peaches r lb —.la to 25 Ilam ^5 to 30 Sides 25 Shoulder "0 Dried Beef ^0 Lard "0 . Rutter " 30 Eggs 9 0 Country Soap 10 hay's ton $12,00 Ilya Straw •-S-0 bundle 8 rototoes it, bus SO Apple Butter 19. gallon $1,25 Wool r lb 45 to 50 Largo Onions r hue • .F,1,50 Corn Brooms 'll dor $3.00 t0'4,30 Chickens . "0 to 25 Turkeys 75 to 1. 50 , Dried Cherries - 0 quart 10 is SPECIAL NOTICES. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CA TARRH. treated with the utmost success ' by .7. IsAACS,•3I . . Oclilist and Aurist. (formerly of Leyden, lIolland,) No. 619 I'INE street, Pll I LADA. Testimonials from tho most reliable sources in the city and country, can ho soon at his office. The medical faculty are inrite,d to accompany their patients, on ho has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.— charßo for examination. • • LIST OF PREMIUMS AND AWARDING COMMITTEES For the Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society, to be held at Hunting. don, September 20th, 27th, and 2Sth, 1860. CLASS 1-11ORSES-lIIIED STOCK $l2 00 7 00 4 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 400 3 00 2 00 7 00 3 00 00 COMMON Best draught stallion, $9 00 second best, 5 00 third best, 4 00 beat 3 year old, 6 00 second best, 4 00 third best, 2 00 best 2 year old, 4 00 second best, 3 001 third Lest, 2 00 best yearling, 3 00 second best, '2 00 third host, 1 00 best dirttught horse or 111.0, 4 00 second best, 3 00 third beat, 2 001 best riding horse, 6O Ol second best, 4 00 Best Stallion, Second boot, Third beat, Best 3 year old, Second best, Third best, Best 2 year old, Second hest, Third best,. Best yearling, Second Third best, Best gelding, second best, third boot, third best, 3 00 , best pair matches, 10 00 second best, 8 00 third beta, 6 00 beet family horse, 0 00 second best, 4 00 third best, 3 00 The Committee respectful] be allowed to enter any hors premium, or be allowed to c class, and that all stock of CI trance fee of One Dollar on olds and under. AWARDING COMMITTEE —Jul .Tutu Oeummill, Itafte If. Cumminv, Georgo W. CLA°3 2—N SHORT HORN. Best bull, second best, best second boot , best better, second best, best LAU, second best, $lO 00 5 Ofl 6 00 4 UU 4 00 a 00 800 100 ALDERNEY Best LIM, necond bent, best caw, second beet, best heifer, bete nd best, best .If, second beet, AWAIMINO COMMITTEE.-ni J. \Tinkling Yocum, James Robb, Juni.; env, (Dublin t CLASS $5 001 a so 2 00 nest tr, sceoud beat, KM= Legit Bow, second best, best litter of pigs, r.ecottil best, AN. RDINO Commnrcr..—ll kur, Andrew liefliner, Dar' Lane, Hobert Unshorn. CLASS 4 lost long wool bud:, $5 4)0 second best, 3 044 best nontinlown, 6 00 second best, 3 00 best merino, 6 00 second best, 3 00 AWARDING CO3II.IITTER.—V .Tolm LdWIS tCno Neal, lion. IL F. Patton. = $t no 200 Best flusher, eccond beet, AWARDING Como=PL—Andrew C. Neff, Martin nn• tier, leaae Long, David Coleatock, .Tohn Rhodes, Abram Simnel°lt, Christian Pcightal, CLASS O—AtIItICULI Best plow, ;5 00 second bet, 3 00 third best. 2 00 host subsoil plow, 3.00 second best, 300 bust double shovel plow,! 00 second boot, 1 00 best corn cultivator, 200 necontl bout, 1 00 best hill plow, 0 001 second Lost, 200, best windmill, 5 001 second best, 3 001 . . . . best grain drill, 6 00 second nest, 300 best corn planter, 300 aocoml boat, 9 00 best mow Brand reaper, 1.0 00 accond best, 5 00 AWARDING CoMMITTED.—Jo , Ball, Peter Tippery, D. 11. Samuel Moll t ty, Henry Gra CLASS 7—GRAIN, SRE Best bus. white wheat, $2 00 second best. 1 00 third best, 50 best bus. red wheat, 2 00 second best, 1 00 third best, 50 best bushel rye, 100 second best, 50 best bus. yellow corn, 1 00 second best, 50 best white corn, 1 00 second best, 50 best sweet cone, 1 00 second best, 50 hest pop corn, 50 second best, 25 best outs, . 100 second best, 50 best barley, 1 00 second best, . 50 AWARDING COMMITTER.-1 1 0h 11 'Revd, Sr., Thollllo 30111. Cummins, 3. E. Henry, leave Bowerm,Guorgo Swine, George AI. Creams,ll. Nom—Grain and mood to 1 CLASS B—AIECIIANICAL SIL Best two horse carringe,S2 00' best buggy, 1 00 best set einglo harness, 2 00 best set tarot harness, 200 best saddle and bridle, 1 00 best pair of boots, 1 00 best pair of shoes, 50 best side of solo leather, 100 best kip and calf skin, 100 best side harness and up per leather, 1 00 best lot cabinet-ware. 200 Lest end greatest varie ty of tin-ware, 1 00 AWARDING COI.I3IITTRR.-JO John Bogey, Maj. Jacob Cres John A Shultz, Job Plyntpt CLASS 0, NO Best end largest variety of apples, labeled,not Ices than 3 occult, $3 00 second best, 2 00 third best, 100 best ten varieties apples labeled, not loss than 3 of each, 200 second best, 1 00 third best, 50 best assorted basket or dish of apples, 100 seezud boat, 50 beet dozen fall apples, labeled, 1 00 second best, 50 tO ®7O AWARDING CORMISTED.— J. 11.Wintrode, Christ km 'tar nish' A. Ilaisliberger, Paul Ammerman, John ll.l,ight. Light ner, Daniel Knode, John Porter. CLASS 9, NO. Beet and largest variety of pears, tabled, and not Ices than 3 each, - $3OO second best, 2 00 third beet, 1 00 beet basket or dish of peers, 1 00 second best, 50 best doe. fall pears, la. beted, 1 00' second best, 50 best doe. whiter pears, labeled, 1 00 second best, 50 best and largest collec tion of grapes get.. in 01.11 air, labeled, 2 001 AWARPING COMMISTRE.—Geori Jelin Dougherty, Cleo. Jacket Hamilton, John It. Mote, Ab, CLASS 10, NO. 1- Deg and largest colic, tion of potatnes,ten of each, labeled, 2 00 second beet, 1 00 third best, 50 beat peck early potatoes, named and labeled, 100 second best, 50 third best, 25 beet peek Into potatoes, named and labeled, 100 second beet, 50 third best, 25 best spottetl Mercers, 100 second best, 50 tided best, 251 best white Mercers, 1 00 1 second beet, third beet, i 13,00 tam AWAI!DING COMMITTEE.—Da son, Dr. Wi. P. NlrNite, Jan well, Daniel Grove, Jr., John CLASS 10, NO. 2 !lost rota bap, 60. second beet, best sugar beet, 50 second best, 25 best peppers, . 50 second beet, 25 best tobacco, 50 second beat, 26 best parsnips, 50 beet carrots, 60 best onions, 50 second best, 25 best celery. 50 second best, 55 best cauliflonr, 50 second beet, 25 best pumplilns, 50 second best, . 23 best pie pm:JO:in, 50 second best. 25 best squasheo, 60 second best, 25 beat cubbngo, 1 00 second best, 50 AWARDING COMMITTEE—Ho vortlaora..rataci Iforper, War 11. P. ILufla t, Wm. Wray. CLMIS 11— rest and largest Variety pure bred fork, V 01) second best, 100 Lost pair or trio Shang- Best brood mare, $4 00 second beet, - 6 00 third best, 4 00 best 3 year old, 6 00 second best, 4 00 third best, 3 00 best 2 year old, 400 second beet, 3 00 third best, 2 00 beet colt 0 months old or under, 4 00 second best, 3 00 third best, 200 Lois. - I 90 second best, 50 Best pair or trio of Co. . chin China, 1,09 on d best, 5 - 0 4 best lirnidnapotras, 1 001 Fecund best, 00, Lest Dori:hgs, 1 01)] second best, no; Lest spangled Itandiurg,l 00 Fecund best, 50 best (bone, I OU • second best, Citi AWARDING COMMITTEt.-Al Gilbert Iturning,, Samna Br .shooon Wright, Esq., :11orrii ESSEE beat brood mare, 0 00 second Lost, 5 00 third beet, 3 00 best 3 ,year old, 5 00 second bent, 3 00 third best, 200 best 2 year old, 4 00 isecond beat, 3 00 third best, 2 00 best yearling, 300 second best, 2 00 third best, 1 00 beet colt 0 months old CLASS 12-11 R E Best homemade bread, $1 00 seonid best, 50 best roll bolter, 2 00 second best, 1 00 third best, 20 Open to competition for unmarried ladies. best bakers bread, 1 00 second best, 50 Lest pound cake, 1 00 tiecondltent, 50 best sj ouzo cake, 1 00 second bent, 50 best fruit cake, 1 00 second best, 50, bent jelly cake, 1 001 second best, 50 best Indy cake, 1 00 second bent, 5O best pie, 100 neculld best, 50 thirst beet, 25 best mist and, I Oti second beit, 50 or under, 3 00 second best, 2 00 third best, 1 00 best pnir 7 00 second boat, 5 00 third beat, 3 00 best trotting horse, 6 QD ccond boot, 4 00 third beat, 2 00 y recommend that no percon se or mare for inure than ono change from one to another Inca No. 1 ho charged an en. each head, excepting 2 year AWARDING COMMITTI:E.-B. :%Irs. John Cunningham, IVeiAling, Mho; Sue Neil; Mr. CLASS 13—CIIECSI:; Bed cheese, Si second Lest, • 50 best honey, 5 pounds or or more, 1 second host, 60 Lest ham cured by ex- In S. Miller, Dr. It. A. Miller, David dales, Janice 3lyton, . Slattern. 'AT STOCK. Illest bull, ,$.lO 00 second best, 5 00 I hest cow, 6 00 I second best, 4 00 !best heifer, 409 !second boat, 8 00 lbeet calf, 8 00 second best, 2 00 IMMMMEMI whole, second best, 1 best hard x ap, 1 second best, 50 boat tallow candles, 1 second bent, 50, best dried beef, 1 second best, 50 I Best work •Mell, 000 second best, 4 00 best bull, 5 00 eecond best, 3 00 best cow, 4 00 i l second best, 200 !best boiler, 200 bout calf, 1 00 ays Hamilton, 'rhos. Colder, Wilson, Wm, Dorris, Sr., 1,. township.) 3—HOGS. Avian DINO COMMITTEIL—Dr. Miu4 Eliza WLiltnki• Hugh Cunningham, Col. Jolt CLASS 14—PRESERVE' 11,41 preservoll4trawb,- rice , 20 second beet, 25 best pineapples, : . 50 second best, best gotta:cm, 50 second best, 25 best peaches, 5U second best, 25 best plums, 50 second best, 23 best peers, 50 becond best, 25 eet crabapples, 10 account best, 25 best cherries, 50 second best, 25 best tomatoes, 50 second best, Zis ! !seco n d chexter-whi te, $3 00 !second bcst, 2 00 Lest berlAdro, 3 00 second best, 200 ngh L. Coolslia Sltoemn- ItAlpert, (Jeorg,o 8011, JIMIUS EMI@ Lest long wool ewe, $5 00 second beat, 5 00 Nod seuthdown, 6 00 second best, 5 00 best merino, 5 00 second best, 3 00 best let COllllll. sheep, 5 00 "nt. Miller, Issue Otetikluk, o, Samuel Wigton, Samuel AWARDINU COMMITTEE.-Jui WO.son, Mrs. Alex. Oatss, N Miles, Mrs. Asbilry . lib,nrt, CLASS 15—1.q111 Alt, Iti /test *lomat ic sugar, second best, 50 best maple mulattos, I 50 , second best, best sorghum molasses, 1 second best, 50 third best, 25 best tomato butter, 1 second best, 50 best grape butter, second best, best apple butter, I JI second best, best pear butter, 1 second best, best quintal butter, 1 second best, t \ HUSKING thirl Lost, fourth Lest, 131111, DIPLE3IENTB. Lest straw and fodder cutter, $4 00 second best, 2 00 best band corn similar, 4 00 second best, 2 00 best clover huller, 8 00 second best, 4 00 best bay & grain mice, 500 second best, 3 00 beat elder mill, 400 best sorglium mill and evaporator, 8 00 • best 4 torso thre.sbing AWAIMISO Commtrre.E.—Win. Dorrtg, Jr., Mrs. Georg° Eby. Mrs. John Ituyett, Mrs. John Flennor, ;11189 Chirn Robb, Mrs. Jacob Wearee, Moo. Win. P. Orbi.on. CLASS 10, DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best woolen carpet not rest table cover, 100 less than ten yards, $2 00 second best, 50 second best, 1 00 best pair woolen stock. boat rag carpet not less I togs. 100 machine, 7 00 best 2 horse, 5 00 best harrow, 2 00 rola bvr.4, 1410- best wagon lifter, 2 00' second best, 1 00 'third best, 50 hn A. Whittaker, .1. Nelsen Grove, George P. IValrelichl, Ms. IDS, FLOUR. AND MEAL. bsst lauckwhont, 109 second best, 50 best cloverseed, I UU second beat, 60 best timothy seed, 1 00 second best, 50 best barrel white wheat deur, 2 00 second best, 1 00 beat barrel roil wheat flour, 200 i second beat, 1 00 best - Darrel rye flour, IGO best 50Ibs. corn meal, 1 00 best fadba. corn meal, I white, 100 I best 50Ibs. buckwheat II local, 100 (second best, than ten yards, 2 001seeonti best, ' 50 second best, 1 00 best pair Ncoolen socks, 1 00 best flannel not less 01:111 . RCCOIIa-bea, - 3 - 50 ten yards, 200 best pair of linen litiit second best, 100 stockings, 100 bent hdarth rug, 1 00 second best, 50 second best, 50 1,4 pair secreted stock best coverlet, 100 Inge. 100 second best, 55 second best, 50 best patchwork quilt, 100 best pair cotton stock._ _ _ second best, Lest counterpane, second bug, AWARDING Commrrrm—Mrs. Susan Smith, 3lrm. George W. Johnson, Juba Brewster, Mrs. Robert Moore, Miss Mary NOT, Sire. Hugh Jackson, 'Mrs. James Ward. CLASS 17—LINEN AND FANCY WORK . MANUFAC- best ti y arts home made linen, second best, 1 best six yards linen di aper, 2 second best. best six yards towelotb, 2 second bee , 1 best boom toads shir.s, 1 second best, best lb. of lined sewing [bread, 1 second beat, AWARDING CoMMlTTED.—ltenjainin Frost, Mrs. Caleb Wakefield, Miss Joe Shaver, MDR Maggio Lincoln. Mrs. Amanda. Allison, Mrs. Mary Chancy, Mrs. David Corbin. CLASS 15—BONNETS, 1111114011/11ItY, AC. best bonnet, $2 'best embroidery lady Ai coed best, 1 . ' skirt,,- - 1 best worked child ' s dreg.. sorolut to,st, LO muslin, S • beet enlbroidered pocket second beat. 1 handkerchief, 1 Lest worked chihni dress. second be4t; . 50 • worsted, 2 best embroidered slip. second best, 1 pert; silk, - 1 best embroidery on 111110- sucolla best, 1 LO I best embroidered slip. 50 pore, worsted, 50 best crochet shawl, 1 0. Fisher, Mrs. 11.1.. Drown . , nisi W. Proctor, Miss Annie Mrs. Elizabeth Hatfield, Mrs. be ulatt9nred by Committee. IMPLEMENTS AND IJTEN Lest and greatest varluty stouewaru tad earns- en•waro. 1 00 best wa,bing machine, 50 best churn, 1 00 best meat Tessa', 1 00 best specimen of marble work, • 200 best cook stare, 1 00 best pair horse shoes, 5 best corn brooni, 50 best rake, - 50 best shaking fork, 50 second best, 25 Slack, John Tandevandor, :swell, Washington Reynolds, on. second best, best crochet tidy, AM . /01 , 1NC COMMITTIM.-11. MIST Hilo Crough, Mrs. Doi Terry. Mrs. TllOlll,Ol Colder, Thomas Love, Miss L. Fee. CLASS 19—SIII :I,LWORK, &C. bestoccan ShOnflllll M . )55 best specimen of dry work, $2 pressed flowers, 1 second best, 1 second best, 60 beefs bead work, 1 bent specimen of wax second bent, LO fruit s, 2 best leather work, erne- NeeOULI best, 1 mental, 1 best hair flowers, . 2 second best, 50 second best, 1 best wax saso, 1 best seed flowers, . 2 second best, 50 second best, 1 best ruse wax flowers, 1 second best, 1 AwAnfaxo COMMITTES.—J. S . POD, Mrs. Neal, Miss Sank, E. Sties Ada Douglass, Mrs. Wakefield, of Brady. CLASS 20—FLORAI, DEPARTMENT. best floral design, $2 rest collection geraw Serollll beet, 1 urns, best table onso of cut - second best, flowers, 50 bent collection peones, 1 second beat, •25 second best best vase of growing bolt collect ion phloxes, 1 flowers, 50 second best, second best, _ - 25 beet collection asters, I best rase rtried flowers, al second beSt, second best, 15 best collection crysan— best round hand bonnet, 50 them, 1 second hand, 25 -second best, best flat hand bonnet, 50 best collection of roses, 1 second beat, 25 second-best, 5 best collection Dahlias, 2 best hanging basket wood best, 1 grossing plants, 1 best collect ton of fierbe. Intecomi best, GO nos, 1 best hanging basket cut se I best, 50 flowers. 1 , best collection, petunas, 1 second best, 50 second best, 50 best collection of pot I plants, 2 Isecond lawt, 1 . I—FRUITS. best doz. winter app:es, tabled, 1 00 I second best, 10 beA and greatest varie ty of peaches, riot less than S each labeled, 200 second best, 1 00 best assorted basket or dish of peaches, 1 00 second best, 50 best basket or dish of quince', 1 00 second best, 60 third best, 23 twat collection of litmus 6 of each tabled, 1 00 Inecond best, 50 I= second test, third beet, Mi==3 flatly(' graposdabelod,l 00 second, 50 third, 25 best basket or dish for- eign grapon, labeled, grown in open air, 1. on Fecund best, 50 best and largest variety grapes grown under gloss, labeled, .1111 secoDail Ilea, 1 00 best basket or dish of awe ' de., 1 00 second beet, 10 go C. Bucher, David Stewart. ;on [of Jackson twp.d David raham Grubb. —V E 0 ETA 01.05. AWAROING Comminne.—llenry Nett. Miss Pruden.. Jackson Miss Martha Wilson, Nliss Ellen handier, Mies m, Ja Meb ulloch, Mein It nth Cinn mins, Miss Geo. Spoor. CLASS 21-I . IISTINCI. •bst eolorril lint W• Mg, 21 best, 50 best India ink draining.l 2d best, 50 best painting in water colors, 1 20 best, , 1 , 0 best specimen of :amino 21 best, drawing, best lithograph in oil, 1 - 20 best, 50 2,1 beet, 50 bent oriental painting, bent potter pencil draw'gl Grecian or Italian, I 2,1 best, 50 20 bent, 50 AWARDING CONISIITTRR—R. Bruce Petrikon, Jeremiah Watson, Wm. Williams, Mine Diallldo Miller, Miss Kato Stewart, Mrs. Miro - N. Itloir , Jackaon Harmon. A premium of $8 will Ito aworded for dm best horsewm manship; second hest, third best, 51. Trial to corn incline at 1 o'clock, P. :Ir., sitt the Sith (second day.) A prinilitinn of a riding whip Win no awarded for tho best horsemaneh fp piaTormed by G AWARDING COSIMITTED—thin. A. P. Vilson, Henry Mc- Mani gal, G. Dorsey Green, D r . Mathew Miller, Alfred Porter. best peach blows, 1110 second best, 50 third best, 25 hest Vetoer Alberts, 1 00 !second best, 50 third best, 25 bast Mexican, 1 00 second best, 50 third best, • 25 best Cusco white, 1 00 . 1.00114 best, 50 I third best, "5 best Garnet Chtle, 1 00 second best, 50 third hest, lbest other variety, 1 00 second best, 50 best sweet potatoes, 100 second beet, 00 rid Clarkson, Jun It. Thorny. Entriken, Nicholas Cress flay ton. V EGETA 11t.r.. Best oil painting, frail or port roil, $1 .50 1 2.4 best, Lest oil paitirg on 1 21 beet, 50 I best landscape in oil. 1 2.1 best, 50 best landscape from nu -1 501 M 113112 112322=1 MEIEMISI All stock and articles for exhibiHon must ho on the ground during the lust day, unless otherwitet permitted by the officers of the I'4E' All articlez for exhibition forwarded_ by all road trill be transported to and from Ili station free of cop 'non to the exhibitors. Premiums will in no cage ho awarded where: the animal or article Is unworthy. AWARDING Cunuitniec ON DISM.IIO:”Ry INIENIV3IO.—Dr. Sidney E. Thomson, Kenzie L. Greene., John Zmdmyor, theory S. Greene, Perry Moore. John htoey. Mahlon Stry ker, John M. Clark, David zanier. - Huntingdon, Sept. it, MIZCZEM :becoud Vest, boat egg plaqt, =ME 1 00 an= a coed best, beer tumatoen 4 second beet, third best, best and greatest yells ty of tomatoes, - host muskmelons, cecoud best, beat beans, 50 SCCOIA boA, 25 best rens, 50 secOnd best. 25 beet fall or Whiter let• Met . et ' CO nivest, my L. 3ftenrtlay, John Sil u. Dowling, Thom. Hyskoll. BEM Last black Spanblt, 100 :second best, 00 best pie or trio of Po. lands; : • 1 00 second best, 5O best Jaye. foils, 1 00 second best, 50 b o o mixed breed, 1 00 second' best, 50 Vesti turkeys,' • 1 00 second . b.e.t. ~ 5O best Guinea fowls, 1 00 i second best, 50 best ducks, . 1 00 second be t. ' 00 best geese, 1 00 ,second best, 50 lox. Port. John Nlghtwhm, rook, J. Wareham Vattern, I 13 utsball. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. AD, CAKES, AT, beet homemade bread, $1 MeCOMI best, bost roll butter, 2 second best, 1 third best, 50 Open to competition for married ladies, beet pearl cake, xecoud best, Lost gold cako, BMX= MEE= .ocoll.l Lent, hest ginger cako, Ml= =WM tEME2 t jobibb. i, ,te md best, Ell=l 1121=11 DEES OM= Reduced M. Speer,' Miss Sue Girdling, Mnry.ltaks, Miss Comilla . Jolt llapvster. noNEy, WINE, &C. best grape wino liool.l mule, ;3 1 xecond best, 5) .of rut milt win', 1..011.1 twit, 50 best blackberry wino, 1 Isecond best, 60 bout strawberry wino, 1 second best, 60 best iio ther humonvole wine, second best, 10 best domestic cordial, 1 second best, 60 John McCulloch, Mrs. Doll° Miss lobby Fisher, Mrs. Huyett,l)avid Henderson JELLIES AND JAMS. :best apple jelly, 50 second best, 25 :best currant jelly, 50 second best, 25 best quince jelly, 50 second best,. 25 best raspberry jelly, 50 second best; 25 best blackberry jelly, 50 second best, 25 brat grape jolly, , 50 second best, 25 best elderberry jam, ho second best, 25 best raspberry jam, 50 second beat, 25 best olAsberry jam, 50 Iscrond lied, 25 best blackberry jam, 50 second best, 25 stn: Scott, Esq., Sties Ann It. Sire. Ellen Banks, Mrs. Dells , Mrs. Wet. 11. Zeigler. UTEEII AND PICKLES. I best mixed pickles, at HCCOIIIi beet, 50 best cucumber, 60 second best, 25 best pepper, GO second best, 25 best tomato, 60 second best, 25 best cantalopo, 50 second best, 25 best tomato catsup, 1 second best, SO best cider vinegar, 1 Isecond best, 50 uol ing;, 1 00 1 Bucond best, bnibest woolen glovna, j beet woolen mitt c., best worked cuildon null back.. second beat, 1 ,'host warted recepsion chir, 2 second hest, 1 Bost (Mullion corer, 2 isecond !test, 1 I best lamp stand unit, I sel'ond bed, best flower rose mat, 1 accond best, 3=3=11 Patton. of Worriornmork, Mnggio 3lossey, 3lrs. Cola; 1866 4 NETROPoz...,,, HARDIAAH STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA. ~e' ....L.L. \r•j)<-;-7--• , I . at 1 so.LitisA Di A rkl\, l''',t/, l kuntinidon, ty-,lrx, A. A a it I __. • obi. . xfig , n„,r, - • -... e. -7- $l. 60 JAS. A. BROWN 50 1 50 1 60 1 Ilas removed to the spletulhl storeroom In his new MAMMOTH I3RICK . BUILDING, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Where he ofl•rs at Windrosala and Iktail in Imams° etock and eadlesa variety of FOI?EIG2 AND ~7)03113871C HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass* AT REDUCED PRICES. TEN YEARS diligent attention to business In the Hardware trade in this place, has given mo nn expert., unto that enablos me to secure graft advantages for my customers in the selection of the bat standard brands and reliable quotitics of goods. Ilevingjust returned from Now York sod Phil:0005 ie. with a splendid stock, bought since the recent decline In gold, I nm now offering great inducements to buyers. Among my stock tnay be found WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. TOOLS AND MATERIALS Falb Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, . Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Founthwmen, And for all other kinds of Mechanics. F A MIERS Will find in my stock a great variety of Farming Duple ments of ttio best finality, such as Scythes, Ruke,, • Fork 4 Shordff, ,cprles, I foss, Garden Trowels, Gard. Hoes, Garden Hakes, Grass Hooks, Pruning .Shears, Plllll6lll St , MI, l'runing Knives. Sc., do Every farmer should see the famous HARPO:N HAY FOI( I It Is the wonder of the ago ; and one (riot convinces the most skeptical that it is the best hay Fork made.— I have the Nene, fur the sale of these forks for Hun ting- Ilou nod parts of Bedford and Fulton counties and can till orders for Forks, tallies and ropes at manufacturers g prices. IA•- . * CC V-:•,,i,,, ,\. \ . CD - .:,-:", • viir„ . , j , , . . .. Ce) „ 1 / 4 - , fl 4) .g "MC, Zi t-71 ° I T 1 Cor) yamE Eoz. ) L&J'.. ;.A-g C- 3 1-,1 1 114.1 k• •=, k to," is ' r I lutrealso the celebrated PALMER HORSE FORKS Which have given such good salisEtetion for the last 3 years, and which I an now Bolling at greatly reduced prices. FOR BUILDERS I have an endloss 11.41ortment of LOCKS, 1112\ra LS, LASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY. Our best tueeltanics nig that the DUNCANNON NAILS are the best brought to Ihin market. I have the agency for the tale of these nails and erilien , and DELVTJERS, BUI LDERS, and others fan Lo supplied promptly in quantities from our potind one htovlrca kegs, at manufacturers' prices. • HARRTSBURe STONNWARE, EARTHENWARE AND HOLLOWWARE I= 403bLetztr. WOODEN PUMPS ! The merit of these pumps is oho by the fact that the demand for them is rapidly increasing everywhere. 'Mere ie no iron in them to corrode :tml in lore the water. They aro light and convenient, so that, everw loan can pot in is own pump the whole only costing him about ono bail the price of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipe to Soil them, promptly shipped by railroad en receipt of or ders. Give depth from floor to bottom of well. Thankful for the patroutozo I have hitherto received I AIM] continuo tiny enileavorg to bait, accommodato and please all, an.l respectfully solicit II liberal blutro of public patronage.' JAMES A. BROWN Mn0ti16;666. May 16, 1866: ATTENTION ! SOLDIERS ! 1866_ I . tiara formed n co-partneri:hip with Col. Fuller. At for ney at Law, Washington, IL ‘ C o for tho purpow of procu ring SOLDIERS' BOUNTY; ler the recant act of Con gross. Soldiers' widows or orpleins are also entitled to receive his bounty. Send in your applirationi at once, 1153 first applied for rill bry first paid. Give your foil name, post race ad lresl, and length of time in service, stud we will at once settirn yov Om necessary blanits. Enclose a stamp to pay eturn peitage. All other tinting, of whatever nature, against the U. S. Government, promptly attended to. fr,A.tlo charge until the money I, collected. Unice with D. Muir, Esq., near the Dread Top Corner, Huntingdon. BLAIR & FULLER: X. lltAin. ]lent ingdon. A. S. StrI.LEII, augS,lB6o GREAT ENTHUSIASM ! lIIUII PRICES SURRENDER ! ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. .TORN 11. WESTBROOK /ittio Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that Ito hasju9t received from the city a Now and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, J-lATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet' Sacks, Trunks, &e., &c., &c., &c. all of which he is prepared to tell at reduced prices. A lot of choice CONFECTIONIMIES have also been re ceived. Don't forgot the old atom] in the Diamond. Old etude mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, apri 12, 1866. i t i -I.A.GARA. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NENV YORH, OFFICE, 12 WALL MEET. Cash Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $270,000. Total Assets, $1,270,000 This Company insures against all loss or damage by fire. inland navigation, transportation, Sc. The cost of Maur. ing in this °mummy is no more then the first cost would be in these entail Mutual Companies. With no Assessments! • Thin Company is made safe by the State laws of Now York, which is not nieces° with the Pennsylvania Iosn• ranee Companies. J.D. STEELE, President. P. NOTLIAM, Secretary HENRY KIP, Supt. of Agencies. ANDREW JOIINSTON, Agent, myldim - Huntingdon, Penna. Office formerly occupied by W. IL Woods, Esq., Ifilt s NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE.. LONG would respectfully W call the attention of the citizens of Hunting don and vicinity to the fact that he hos just opened a VA MILY GROCERY STOItEat tine old stand of Christopher Long, where be will keep constantly on band a full and well nsiorted stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, each an Covering's Syrup, N. Orleans and Porto Rico 310. lasses. Sugars, Coffees, Tens, Spices, Salt, Ram, Sides, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Flour, Fish, Cheese, Rico, Pickles and Provisions of all kinds. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, comprising, lit part, Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, Washboards Corn Brooms, Brushes, Rims, 31:Its, Flour 011 Cloths, Bags Trunks. &e. CANDIES and NUTS of all kinds, wholesale and retail. TOYS, TOBACCO, SWABS, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, So Ile respectfully invites a call and examination of Isis stock, satisfied that his goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other lu tho Ifuntingdon, Mardi 7, 1666, I I GEO. SHAEFFER . M.llasjust returned from the east with 0 410 SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the Inspection of Ids customers and Om public generally. 110 will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. . BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING dono In the neatest and most expedi tious manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a few doom west of the Diamond. my 2 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. Aro in every respect first class, and embrace a complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, nod Children, of thunewest styles, every imigth and sizes Of waist. Our - skirts, wherever known, are more universally pop- Mar than any Inhere before the public. They retain their shape hotter, arc lighter, more elastic, more durable, and really cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt in tho market. The springs and fastenings are warranted perfect. Every lady should try them! They are now being extensively sold by merchants, throughout the country, and at whole sale and retail, at manufactory and sales room IV° . 628 Arch St., below 7th, Philada Ask for Iropkin's "OWN MAKE"—buy no other I CAUTLON,—Nono gonuino unless stamped on each IC Pad—"llopkin's Hoop Skirt Ahunifitctory, No. 62S Arc St., Philadelphia" Also, constantly on hand full limo of Now York; mado Skirts, nt very low &ices. MS, NET CASII. ONE PRICE ONLY. scs-Int JUNIATA STEAM . PEARL MILL, II UNTINGDON, PA., IS Now IN COMPLETE RUNNING ORDER FOR Tag 3IANUFACTURE OF FLOUR. The natronago of tho town and country Is rieipectrillly solicited. GRAIN, of every description, Bought at this mill. McOAIIAN 8, SON. Itunlinplon, May 2, IMO 1000 BUSHELS WHEAT Wanted at Steam Pearl Mt nly2 31cOATIAN & SON. Cp.) J. M. WISE, Manufacturer 41:4. DeAleT in ,1 71 T.T 17 MA Respectfully invites the ettention of t h e Public to his stand on Hill id., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry stare, whore be manufactures nod keeps nil kinds of Furniture at reduced priced. Per sons wishing to purchase, will 410 well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .t)4' Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber Rasa FF,'IP AND LEARSE, end is proposed to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 0, 1866-tf SCR E IV S, BR IDS, LUMBER., LUMBER. LUMBER. THE undersigned has just received 1 and is now ready to sopply Gm public with • ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL THE DIFFERENT ORADEA . From millings up to the clear stuff, .00/H 9 months to 2 years dry! Also, PLASTERING LATH, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AND PLANE WORK ED FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, DOWIS, WINDOW - FliA3llls, S4SUE.S, &c at reasonable prices. Now to the time 10 buy, bolero the Spring rush, At. Lumber is already advancing, and dry lumber is a scarce article. •• • CHAS. 11. ANDERSON. Huntingdon, Feb. 27, 1316 Rel I N Ti'!'i, Logan headenTY, BEIMS BLAiR CO Pal Snu• reboot building, largo and well arranged. Thor nigh and necomplished tea9liela; pleaaant, roome; 5 001 hoarding. Complete course of 'Andy. Next term open - Noveinber sth. Send for a circular Nvith full information. tIEr. 0511 LAWSON. Principal, Anthdown I'. 0., Blair co., Pa. CIASSIMERES.—A choice lot o V . / black and fancy Cosirneres at CVNYING4A3I & CAII.3I.ON'S. DESS R BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of the latost styles, Belt Ribbort cud Buckles, Ito wry, Gloves, Edgiup, Frilliuge, &c., at B. li BBiti k CO. 'COME AND GET YOUR BOUNTY! lIOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE !" New Fall Styles I -IAR9'OI & MAGUIRa RAILROAD HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESAtE. & itt.lT'AlLr Foreign and Domestic' 11A.111)WAIIE, CUTLERY, AG, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS;• and buyers generally, to Invited to the fact that we are now offering n BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &L than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at= prices to suit tho times. Our stock comprises all Adkins' in this Eno of liminess, embracing's generalnesortraerie of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE end WAGON MAKERS' JOINERS, Ac,, b[o., together with a large stock of , Iron, Steel, llrails, Spikes, Railroad. aniV Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope;, Chains, Grindstones, Ciroular,'. Mill and Cross. Out Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hsi, low Ware, - Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Oans. Au excellent assortment of 3&713a (plat 1.453nr0 Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA 4 SILVER WiATFiP WARP,, Household, Horticultural and Farm !implements, Of the latest and most improved pegerns, CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOlt 32404 A T MANUFACTURERS' Rai ORS. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of materiel Os their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolt#, ITrashers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather,. Whips, Tongues, Soq kets, Shafts, &q EOM 3EST-I.A.C:I.Ir...O*MI7EXICSei ANVILS, BELLOWS, WOW, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND WEE BEWES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Ireii & Steel CARPENTERS Will find in our establishmont a superior stook of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, cg;, -C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS, NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, mom, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. 3D 1 61;r3:k1.415.70191 Can be accoinnuniated with.everything in their line fro a Grain Repar t rJO a Whet-Stal'. .14:3.exw Aro mecially lavited to call nn4 examine ifs Flock of. BUILDING HARDWARE, . and compare our prices with othetv,. Agricultural Implements, Cemprieing the Lame Ruston Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, coolbine4 t Bundeg4 Nipt. rivn,Vuol 101‘SH Rakos, 5,..y l It es, Hoes, Hay For Trace and Halter Chains, Brf net Cow The, Among tho spociattion of otw House, we tteett:e to csl; ottontinn to the colebrntal. OHIO PUMP, Tho occlusive right to sell which Is vested in ns. Sendfor acirmiar and got full particulars of same, and, satisfy . yourself ofitssuporior qnalttiest SQALES. Scales Oat' sizes and descriptions, includink Tea and Counter Soaks, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scale; Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port, able, Hopper, Miners and Trans._ poreq(jon, Ifay, Cat cou4 09,01,Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTUEFAI CASH PRICE@ The hug* 9,144 best get3oTt4nept, p.f GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY I firer offered fn this pit o. A GREAT VARIETT OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES, ALL SIZES OF HAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low 1 Best Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions IVAI4OI , O3OXES, PARR/AGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS NviRTI Lartl, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gaper!, at very low figures A call is respectfully !I:recited, feeling conli, dent that our goods and price's will not fall to please --filtt WHARTON Su MAKIRE, PC:zitary27,lB6l3: MEM Can be supplied with LOCKS, Carry Combo, PiTdsJ 80 1 &o.f&c..