The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 12, 1866, Image 3
Ely 61o1yt. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Sept. 12, 1866. LOCAL Sc, PERSONAL To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a -1 - before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. If they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise I.l!leSsrs. Henry & Co. have re ceived a large stock of new goods.— Call soon before the stock gets smaller. Ms.Wre are obliged, through want of room, to omit an obituary of Thomas Wilson, Esq., this week. Public Mooting A meeting of the friends of Andrew Johnson will be bold at Mount Union on Saturday afternoon nest. Speakers will be present to address the meeting. L'Z'Our young ft ielid Milton S. Lytle Las stuck out his shingle as Attorney at. Law. We commend him to the public as a prompt and efficient young man. See card. Tho Spartans played a club from Altoona on Saturday last which we learn was a selected nine. Conse quence was, the Spartan Club was beaten, score being 39 to 57. ien..Our thanks arc due Mr. Jacob Africa, the accommodating proprietor of the market car, fora large and lus cious watermelon. Our friend Jake goes on the principle that a generous business man never loses anything and neither he does. a'Wo aro under obligations to Mr. J. B. Shontz for the many favors be IMS done us during the last two wcek s. As ho groWs older ho will no doubt grow wiser. Wo certainly have no objections to his efforts to persecute us. X hey pay us liberally. ATLANTIC CABLE.—The Atlantic Ca ble does not surprise the public so much as dons the Self-Rocking era `die, manufactured and for sale by J. M. Wise. He also keeps hand-swing and rocking cradles in connection with all other' furniture. Coffins made to order. 2t. The County Fair The premium list is published in to day's Globe. The ground is being pre pared for an extensive exhibition, and we may expect a large crowd and an 'extensive display of every thing usu ally to be found at a County Fair. Wo urge every farmer to bring something for exhibition. A Good ~GOko." A gentleman called at our office sev eral days ago and said ho could not support the Globe any longer—paid us $l6 for eight years ho was arrears, we were delighted, and he had the pleasure of taking his name off our list of patrons. No doubt the next time he conies to town he will be sur prised to find the Globe still in exis tence. The Journal & American would like to impress its readers with the belief that its leaders—Thad Stevens & Co.,—are not in favor of negro suf frage as opposed to rebel suffrage. In its report of the speeches made at the Geary meeting in this place it leaves oat the expressions of Hon. Wayne McVeigh and Mr. lieatly, although ho (Robert) had taken thorn down in short band. Those who were present to hear and can remember will not de ny that the negro and negro suffrage was the sum and substance of the re .malks of the speakers generally. The Journal & American can not dodge the issue. Slightly Disappointed. - The Radical Republicans appear -ivonderfully surprised that we should refuse to obey their dictation. We are too old in politics and know too well the tricks of unprincipled politicians to have wool pulled over our eyes. We never denied our Democracy, and nev er agreed to be swallowc.d up by Thad Stevens, Fred Douglass & Co. The contest as carried on by the Radicals ris to secure to the blacks equal suffrage and all other political rights. The De mocratic and Conservative party con tend for a loyal representation from all the States in the - Union, and a Gov ernment under the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. DIED, In Reading, on Monday night the 3d inst., Lieut. WM. A. 11. Lewis, of the United Slates Army, aged 31 years. The deceased, a nephew of the edi tor of this paper, was known to many of our citizens. lb served his coun try in the field during the war as a Lieutenant and Adjutant, and was in several hard fought battles. He was also on General Conch's staff' for sev eral mouths, and was stationed at this place at the close of the war. Last , spring lie was appointed a Lieutenant in the regular army. About the last of June, he was ordered to his regi 7 Ment at Mobile, Ala., where, on the second day alter his arrival, he was Eent , to the hospital with Cho fever. On the 213th of August, ho was brought home to his young family almost a 4i-014on where ho lingered until the 3d. LIST OP PREMIUMS EEO AWARDING COMMITTEES For the Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Huntingdon County Agricultural . Society, to be held at Huntiug. don, September 26th, 27th, and 2Sth, 1860. S-BRED STOCK CLASS .I.—ITORS • liost Stallion 'SU. 00 I:,:st brood tuttro, t:IS 00 socond best, 0 00 third hest, 1 00 best 3 year old, 0 00 mccoml best, 4 00 third best, 2 00 hest 2 year old, 4 00 Sorood best, 3 00 third best, 2 00 bent colt 0 mouths al or Fecond I wit, hira best, Best 3 year old, Second best, Third Leif, Belt 7 year Second bo,t, Third best. Beet 3,arling, udcr I thitd brat, In I licit , Third Bust gelding c nib t Iti d bcHt, EVES COMMON Best draught $S 50• vtrtotta hest, 5 CO{ hest brood mare, 6 00 .sticond boot, 5 00 third beat, 3 00 htett 3 year old, 5 00 sneona bust, 3 00 third beet, 2 00 best 2 year old, 4 00 second best, 3 00 ,third best. ii 00 1 hest yearling, 3 00 • second best, 2 00 third best, 1 00 best colt 0 moutlut 01,1 third best, Lest 3 yrar setioyid bee, gird Iwut, 900 cat 2 year old, 4 00 second belt, third hest, best yearling, wood best, third best, best draught horse or mare, souor under, :l OD nd best, 200 third best, 1 00 best pair mules, 7 00 ,seond best, I 00 third best, 3 00 Lest trotting bor.', to 00 socontl bc,t, 4 00 third best, 2 00 Fecund best, third best, best riding borne, Fecund hest, third best, 3 00 . best pair matches., 10 00 second best, 8 00 third best, 8 00 best family horse, 6 00 second best, 4 00 third best, 3 00 rtrommanil that no person Or Mare for macro than ono hangs from 0110 to another lass No. 1 be charge,' an en each head, excepting 2 year The Commit tee respectful! be allowed to enOr Roy hors premium, or be allowed to c class, and that all stock of CI trance fee of One Dollar on olds and under. 111 S. Miller, Dr. B. A. Miller, David llates„lalurs Myton, . STOCK. AWARDIN , / COMMITTEE —JO .Tutu Gononill, Isaac IL Neff Samuel Cummins . , George W. ChAF.S 2—N E= $lO 0 . 1 L 6 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 B 00 2 Od Best bull Best bull, $lO 00 second best, 5 00 best cow, 0 00 second best, 4 00 blest heifer, .4 00 second best, 8 00 Imist calf, 3 OD second best, 000 cowl Iljnt, bo=t cow, cond beet, rat i eife, second best, Lcst calf, =MEI I Best work oxen, 6 00 second best, 4 00 libest bull, 0 00 0 second best, 000 P i best cow. 4 00 second best, 2 00 ,;best heifer, 2 00 Lest calf, 1 00 nys Hamilton, Thos. Coldor, Wilson, Wm. Dorris, Sr., L. township.) 3—HOGS. MM. bull, i mid best, best cow, sec. I best, Imst htifbr, sccon 1 Lest, best calf, ne ml best, Aulasa Comtnrrnr.-11 J. Wil liam :1 YOCUM, .1:1111e8 Bulb, clanked Cree, (Dublin MEI ',''g Brit ebestor-whi to, $3 00 secomt best, 2 00 best berlislitre, 3 00 second bast, 200 t boar, tlntl boot, lird Lret, L gow Fecond bolt, 2 00 Lest litter of pigl, 300 MIME ugh L. Conk, EIInI Nom., I Rupert, Georgo Bull ; J:k11103 AWARDINti ker, Andrew Ileffiner, Davit Lane, Robert Coshorn. MEE CLASS Bvst, 100 g wool Luck, $5 00 beat long wool own, .15 00 I socond best, 3 00 : best sontlolown, 6 00 second boot, 3 00 best merino, 5 00 second best, 300 ' best lot common sheep, 300 "ni. Miller, Inane Otenkirl<, 0, Samuel Wigton, Sound 3 00 & 00 3 00 5 OU 3 00 'Eecoull best, best sonthilown, second best, best merino, second best, Inutin Cem John Jackson, Lewis Knod Neal, lion. B. P. Patton. CLASS S—CORN HUSKING. Best husker, $3 001 third het, necond beet, S 001(ourth beet, ASTATience CIWINIMAI.—Audrow G. Neff. Marlin Fleu r, Iv:lac tong, David Colestock, John Ithodeft, Abram Shenofelt, Christian Peightal. 'URAL. I3rPLE3IENT. best straw and fodder cutter, $4 00 second beat, 2 00 bert hand corn shelter, 4 00 second best, • 2 00 best clover huller, 8 00 second best, 4 00 best hay &grain rake, 500 second best, 3 00 best cider mill, 4 00 best sorghum mill and evaporator, 0 00 beet 4 horse threshing MASS O—ACRICIII.T Bost plow, $5 00 second best, 3 00 third beat. 2 00 WA eubsoil plow, 0 00 woad best, 000 bast double shovel p10w,2 00 svcoed best, 1 00 best corn cultivator, 2 00 second best-, 1 001 beet hill pIOW, 5 00 second best, 2 00 best 'windmill, 5 00 second best, 3 00 machine, bo,t 2 limey, best barrow, Isecond best, 11,e,t wagon lifter, second best, !thirdt best, h n A. Whittaker, J. Netsan Drove, George P. Wakefield, Di, FLOM: AND MEAL. be=t grain drill, 6 col veondln,t, 6 001 beet corn planter, 3 00 Fecund heat, 2 00 best monerand reaper, 10 00 second best, 500' AR - AIMING CI 3131ISTSE.—Jo Dull, Pvtrr Tipprry, D. 11. SalonvlVitty, Henry Gra CLASS 7--GRAIN, Best boo...white wheat, $2 00 best buckwheat, second best. 1 00 second best, third beet, 50 boot clorerseed, hes! bus. red wheat, 2 00 second best, second beat, 100 beet timothy seed, third beat, 50 second best, best bushel rye, 100 best barrel white wheat second beat. 10 dour, 2. 00 best bus. yellow corn, 160 second best, 100 second best, 50 best barn,' rod wheat best white corn, 1 00 flour, 2 00 second beet, 50 second best, 1 00 best sweet corn, 100 hest barrel rye flour, IGU woo d beet, 50 boot 50Iba. corn meal, best pop corn, 50 yellow, 1 00 eacoinl beat, 25 best 501ba. corn meal, best oats, 1 001 white, 100 second bsst, 50 best 501hs. buckwboat best barley, 1 00 meal, 1 00 second best, 201 second best, fn AwnOnloo COIIMITTLE.—John Reed, Sr., Therms Fisher, John Cummins, S. E. Henry, Isaac Dowers, George Oscine, George 11. Cresswell. Noes.—Orain and reed to be measured by Committee. CLASS B—MECHANICAL IMPLEMENTS AND UTEN SILS. Best two horse carringe,S2 00' best and greatest variety best buggy, 100 stoneware and earth lost set mingle harness, 2 00 en-ware. 1 00 best let farm harness, 200 best wm.hing machine, 50 best saddle and bridle, 1 00 best churn, 100 beat pair of boots, 1 00 best meat vessel, 1 00 best pair of shoes, 50 best specimen of marble best side of sole leather, 100 work, 2 200 best kip and calfskin, 100 beat cook slur., 100 best side harness and up- best pair horse shoes, 60 per leather, 1 00 best corn broom. 50 best lot cabinet-ware, 2 00, bes t rake, 50 best and greatest verb, I best shaking fork, ty of tio-scare, 1 001.C.41 beet, 25 AWARDINa CO.IITTEE.—Job Slack, John Vantlevander, John Hngey, Maj. Jacob Cresswell, Washington Reynolds, John A Shultz, Job Plymplon. CLASS 9, NO. I—FRUITS. best doz. winter opp:es, labled, 1 00 second best, 00 best awl greatest Tonic ' ty of peaches, not less than 3 each labeled, 100 snot, cl best, 1 03 best assorted basket or (lists of peaches, 1 00 Dent and largest varinty of apples, labeled,not less than 3 of each, $3OO second best, 2 00 third best, 1 00 best ten sArictira appl , s labeled, not less than 3 of each, 200 second best, • 1 00 second best, 50 best basket or dish of quince•, 1 00 second best, 00 third best, 60 best assorted basket or dish of apples; 100 seeentl beet, 50 hied beet, u•et collection of plums 6of each lea, 100 .econil best, 50 best dc.zen fall applPs, 00 aecond best, 50 11.Wintrods, Chris:lan liar Aintnerinini, John 11. Light AITATOIS, COMMITTEE.-J. Wl ' A. 11 mhborger. Pout nor, Da:del bode, Julin hot CLASS t), Pest and larg,4 variety of pear., lab/e.l, on • • 2-1111)ITS second Lrst, 1 00 third liod, 50 Lest harlot cr dith of not less titan 3 each, $n 00 FCCOIId host, 2 00 third best, 1 00 best basket or dish of native grapes,hrbeled, 1 00 second, 50 third, leer basket or diAh fnr- pears. second hest, Lest doz. fall pears, la eign grapes, labeled, grown in open air, 100 second best, 10 hest and largest variety second Legit, tovst loz. hinter pare, El=C3=l Oars, labeled, 2 00 01.1 Lost. . 1 00 brat haslivt or dish of labeled, seenntl best, best, and largest rollee same, Ac., 1 00 l'iecond best, 50 go 0. botcher, David Stewart, 'Oll [of Jackson twv.,] David ,raltam 41robb. —V P:11 ET MILES. =DIE in open nir, libeled, 2 001 A{rAnoc>a C.lll3llrrr.E.—Geor John Dougherty, Ile, .Tachn Ilanditun,John R.N.+11., Ai. CLASS 10, NO. 1 Best and lac;-.,,t bet peach blosvm, 1 00 scent b• 9:, 50 third best, 25 best Prince Alberts, I 00 accord best, 50 thin! best, 25 best 51 , Nican, 1 00 second I,st, 50 itlard best, beat ell , Co Whit , ' 100 50 timt of potatoes,ten of each, labeled, :4 00 second best, 1 00 'lira best, It best peek early polataca, named and Wailed, 100 owl beat, 60 third best, beat pre!: Into potato,, named and labeled, 100 scent best, 50 third best spotted Meteors, 1 001 reennd best, 60 third beat. beat white Mercers, 1 00 second beat, 50' third beid, oeund best, third Lost, best itianiet Chits, 100 second 1,0(1, 50 third hest, 25 Lent other - variety, 1 00 second best, 50 t),st sweet potatoes, 100 reeond 14est, - 50 'id Clarkson, Jon IL. Thong, . 51, trikon, icholus Cres• (I ay ton. AIVAROMi COMMITTEE.-- Dal n, Dr. Wm. P. IleNito. ,T,t9 well, Daniel .Ir.. John CLASS IP, NO. II V F( ETA DIES. thico 10.5 t, '25 berg ntang wertzcl, ac•nnil boct, 26 boLL wiper 100100,) Best rufit l4s,rt, . ( t o Arco.' best. Lent stittAr beet, 60 cOn:l Lest, loofirf.pp,l, Ito sect - m.l I'6i, best tobtteets, rcolict best, I. e st t ;strut Lest. cArrobt, t.ttl best r ;10 beontl best, stt ...levy, 1.0 second Lca bt st e tt sc. tout be t:o seento th , t, heel egg plauf, MITE == ESTE =ME best pumpkins, second fleet, Lest pie pumpkin, second best, best squashee, second best, beat cabbage, second best, AWATIPINO COMMITTEI:—Ife. erthorn..laa,4 harper. Wu It. F. Haden, Wln. Wray. —CLASS.II— Beat and largest variety pure bred lUmle, 00 second best, 1 00 Lest pair or trio Shang. 00 second best, fu Best pair or trio of Chill Chi 00 nocond boat, fill brst ISralink:ll,or,, 100 second Lest, 50 second best. Lust DprltifigB, / 00 ' ill,t 6 uineafuttlt, ....lid bort, 501sec,m,1 best, bet.t. sitttugic.l ITittliburg,l 00,1,,,t tlueltg, second best, 50'50000.1 ho t. Lint Game, 1 001 best geese., second Lest, 50,,tecon;1 boot, fiilhurt Morning. Satimel itneun Wright, Esq.. Morri. LADIES' DE CLASS LI—BDE 1104 lionlenuallu brin,l, $1 00 OE ME! best roll butter, ,cond best, third beat, Open to competition fur unmarried ladies. best bakers broad, second best, IRA pound cake, second best, best cake, ascend bust, best fruit cake, Arrow] best, best jelly cake, second best, Lest lady cake, aocolid best, best !do, second bast, third beat, best cu tard, Hocond twit, 3u AW,M1.11:,1 31r3..ltilin Cunningham. Sir 311:4 Fno Nrir, 51r CLASS 13—CILBESE Best chooso, St second best, 56 best lioney,s pounds or or more, 1 second best, 66 best luon cored by ex hibitor a Il d coukud whole, • 2 I second best, 1 best hard a. a n 1 second best, 60 beat tallow =Oleg, 1 second best, 60 best dried beef, 1 second boost, 60 AWIRDENG IVltillak Hugh Cnnuirkgltam, Col. Jol CLASS 14—PRES I:11W Best preservolstrna•ber- second best, best pioeapplei, second best, best gninces, second best, best peaches, second best, beet plums, second best, best peers, second best, bent crahmpleA, second best, best cherries, second best, beet tomatoes, second best, AITAIMING Commirrac.—.7 'Wilson, Mrs. Alex. Oaks, Milos, Mrs. Asbury St,ssart CLASS 15—SUGAR, EL' rest domestic angst . , SI I second bast, 50 best mnplo 'molasses, 1 second best, 50 best sorghum molasses, 1 second bolt, 50 third best, 25 best tomato better, 1 second best, 50 , best grope butter, 1 second best, best apple butter, 1 second best, 51:1 best pear butter, 1 EOCOIId boat, 501 best gullies batter, 1 second best, 501 AWARDIXa COMMITTEE.—W Eby. Mrs. John Ilnyott, Robb, Mrs. Jacob Weanu•, M CLASS 16, DOM ESTI , Best woolen carpet not less than ten yards, $2 00 second best, 1 00 best rag carpet not lens best flannel not less than 700 - , a> 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 toll yards, 2 001 second bast, 100 , best hearth rug, 1 00, second best, 00' best coverlet, ' 100, second best, 60 best patchwork quilt, 1 09 second best, 00 best conuterpano, I 00 second b&st, ht) 1 00 al 1 00 00 1 00 00 AWARDING COOMITTIIII.—Mr W. lohn•on, Jolm IBIDIVAILG Itinry Null, Moo. INglt JarkE CLASS .17—LINEN AND beet 0 yards hoots made linen, • $3 second bust, 1 best six ynr,la linen di nner, secolul bbut,l be,,t, six yards toncloth;2 second bee , 1 best home tuna, Shirts, 1 second best, 00 best lb. of lined sowing thread. 1 second best, '5O AWARDIKG COMMITTIM—D4 Wakefield, Miss Joo Sharer, Amanda Allison, Mrs. Mary CLASS 18-110NNET: beet bonnet, . $2 second best, 1 best worked child's dress muslin, 2 second best, 1 best worked child's dress. • worsted, second best, 1 best embroidery ou mus lin, 1 second best, 17. best crochet tidy, 1 AWAPTING CoMMITTNE.—II. Mice Mlle Crotgh, Mrs. Don Terry, Mrs. Thomas Colder, I Thomas Love, Mies L. Fee. CI,SS 19—SIIELLWORK, LC. bestoccan shell and moss best specimen of dry work, $2 pressed flowers, 1 second best, 1 second best, bees bend work, 1 best spocituen of Tenn second beat, 60 fruits, 2 beet leather work, mon- second bast, 1 mental, 1 best hair flowers, 2 second beet, 50,second best, 1 bast wax Tame, 1 host seed flowers, 2 cocoon] boat, 50 second boot, 1 best ens° wax flowers, 2 second best, 1 AWARDING CORIIITTIIII.—J. son, Met. Neal, Mil" Sallie Miss Ada Douglass, Mrs. Wakefield, of Brady. CLASS 20-11.011 AL PEP.IItT3IENT Lest floral design, $2 (best collection genii, second best, 1 0111 R, best taldo saso of cut i second best, flowers, 50ibest collection wunte.4, 1 second best, 25, second host, best vase of growing best collection phloxes, 1 flowers,. 50 itecend bust, second best. 25 best collection asters. 1 best vase dried flowers, 20 second best, second best, 25 best collection crysan— best round band baguet, 50 them, 1 second bawl, 25.seeond best, 50 best tint band boquet, Grlibest collection of roses, 1 arcond bee, 25 second best. II best collection Pahlia.l, 2 ( beat banging basket second best, 1 grossing p:ants, 1 Lest collection of verb. , isecond 1).14, 50 tins. 1 best hanging basket cut hsecondbent, 50 flowers, i best collection rtunas, 1 second, 50 second boot, 10 best collection of pot I plant", 2 isecond bee, 1 AWAI7I , IN4 CommirrEr.—lT )Inrilin Wiko Jatin 31,Cillloch. Mki 1(1101C Bent oil painting, frnit or portrait, 24 bast, 501 Lest oil painl:g on glaFs 2.1 best, LO Lest Innibienpo in oil, 1 2.1 boot, 50 boolropc from nin• lore, 2d Lest, Loot lithograph in oil, 1 2.1 best, tool you or pencil dynAegl 2.1 best, list colored crayon draw -1 2il beet. best India ink thiawing,l 2l beet, bast painting in water colors, 2,1 best. best sperimer. of Marino Ifrawiog, 2,1 best, hest oriental painting, Grecian or Italian, 1 50 2,1 best, AWARialia CO3l,llll,Er.—M. Petrilcen, Jcrotnie Watson ' Win. Williams, Miss Natalie Miller, Miss Ba Stewart, Mrs. thrice X. Blair, Jackson Hannon. A premium of $ S trill be awarded for the brat horsew marinhip; second best. third best, sit. Trial to rol motes at 4 o'clock, P. M., on 11,0 17 th (second day.) A premium of a riding whip will he awarded for tl best loireeniambip pmforined by a gontleman. All'll[lolo.l C01111111T.1:—Gen. A. P. Wibioo, Item y Madigal, ft. porsey Creill, Dr. Mathew Miller, Ally Porter. .111 stock and Rdirb'S for exhibition most Pn es, ti iiiroutel during tho first day, tiniest otherwise permilt by the °ltem of the fair. Alt artist., for exhibition forwarded by rail nu.] w traaverleil to awl flan the station lice of eap.n , o the exhibitors. will in no 00,0 be ;Ivartleil ,sbvre tho anima t ultAv‘irt COMM, I :01:011 CIIF.'tIOXAI(L illotti,ol. Ico,it• 1,. 11rvon, .Ivlln 7,alms , r 11,11 y 0. Poly 3looro. Joh \lahl , m :Irk kor, ti rtuirr. lfuntinglou, Bert. 11. EOM Lest beans. GO .coml beet, 25 beet peas, GO ,ocond b.f. 25 best fall or {yin ter let- Uwe, st.cond b Ft, my 7.. McCarthy, John SD 0. Dowling, Thounis flysl,ll, POULTRY. ! best black Spaithill, 100 is.oviinil host, 50 host pair or trio of Po. 100110, 100 Fecond hest. 50 best Joss fowls, 1 00 ,cond best, best ntiYed breed, second last, bog. turkey., lox. Port. John Night wino, rook, 3. Wareham Mattern, s Gutshull. PAILTMI , .NI`. AD, CAKES, SC. 11 , ,nrwmado Lrasl, $l. METE roll butter, .second best, third host, Open to competition for married 11,A Marl Cake, beet, host gold cotta, second host, bou . silver cako, second best, best ginger cake, uud boot, btst sugar 5U 1 00 00 1 03 00 1 (10 sec Lest. best ji ntble second best, best biscuit, second best, A / 00 50 1 00 50 Lest u second Last Reduced 000-Int 31. Speer, 31iss Stio 01,11111.3. s. Mary Oaks, 3liss Cornilin lc John Brewster. ; HONEY, WINE, &;.`. best grape Wino 11.1:11 3 1 . second best, / best out rant wine, second beat, vl bust blackberry wine, 1 second best, 55 best strawberry wino, 1 second bust, 50 best a t 11 o r houalundo 1 stint), second beet, 50 boat domestic cordial, 1 second beat, 50 Jan McCulloch, Mrs. Bello or, Miss betty Fisher, 3lra in Myna, David Ifenderson ~ JELLIES AND JASIS. Loot applojelly, 50 second best, 25 best currant jelly, 50 second bast, 25 best quince jolly, 50 second best, 25 best raspberry jolly, 50 I second best, 25 best blackberry jolly, 50 second best, 25 , best grapejellYl 00 ) second beet, 25 ~ best elderberry Jam, 50 second beet, '25 best raspberry jam, SO second bent, 25 , best dewberry jam, 50 . second best, 25 . best blackberry jam, 50 second best, 25 Mt Scott, 'Esq., MiFiel Ann It Ire. Ellen Ilikskff, Mrs. tient, Mr.r. IL %Ogler. TIER AND PICRI,ES beet mixed pickles, tl second best, 50 best encumber, 50 second best, •lii beet pepper, 50 second beet, 25 best tomato, BO second beet, 55 Ibeet cantabile., SO I,econa best, 55 belt. tomato ratgup, 1 coconut best, BO best cider vinegar, 1 second best, 5,0 m. pnrrig, Jr., Mr'. Georgd ..John Flenner, Miss Clara rs. Win. P. Orbisun. I= belt table cover, second best, !best pair woolen stock 100 second best, 60 bast pair of linen knit stockings, 100 fecoed beet, LO best pair ,vorsted stock- logq, socond bent, bc4t pair cotton goel i 1 00 econ,l gs, [wit, 50 Iboat,voolon glovoß. 00 ibeAt woolen Joittong, 50 •1. Siltll Sinn, Mrs. Ii nor g r, Mr, Hobert 3loono, Silo inn, Mra..lnmve Ward. Y. ANCT WUItIC MANUFAC. back. 2 'SPCOII4 Lost , 1 best ATurked recepsion chair, second best, best ottoman coyor, 2 second Lost, I best 1,411111 standmat, 1 r'M HIMe,.. Lost, 10 beet flower 'MO coat, second best, 10 enjomin Frost. Mrs. Caleb Mi.. Maggio 'Lincoln, Mrs. Chaney, Mr, David Corbin. 3, E.MBItOIDE/IY, AC. ibent embroidery lady skirt, 1 second best, BO beet embroidered pocket Isandkv . cisier, 1 second best, 10 best embroidered slip. pore, silk, 1 second best, 1 b 0 host embroidered slip pers, worsted, 60 best crochet shawl, 1 G. Fisher, Mrs. H. L. brown, ski W. Proctor, Bliss Annie Bird. Elizabeth Hatfield, Mrs. lITn I N Palto;;, of WO rri,Slll:llii Maggie Massey, Mrs. Cale' eniy Neff. Mips Pru.l,nc n, Mi.i Fun (Ow/Aor, MI. 'utomin9, Minaho. Speer. MESE MEMO EZZi=t P111L.413/0.1.P1/1.1 3IAIMICT3. Sc . ptember. 11 Family Flom . • sur,, - ) lixtra Flour c 003 Bortorfluo Flour cS,i.5 Eye Floor ciii,is Corn Meal... V. 25 Ex Ira White Wheat, 03.00 Fair and Primo Pod .:2,'0 E yo 0,15 Corn, Kline reilulY 01. 0:110 il Earley Clovorsooll, 1 , ,,yi its '7.3:1 :itothy t0,r,0 Flaxs.otl !,;100 Wool COGitt Ilidea 1" FIIIIITING-13 ON MAJKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY E. E. HENRY S, co. NUOLESAL?. 1,1:101:3 Superfino Flour it Id .. . 1, 11.70 . I , :iitra Flour , 12.30 Family Flour .03.00 Corn Meal 7.1 cwt it 1.70 lawl,wheat Meal 7i. Mt , 5.0 HMI Wheat ,12,55 Naito Wheat ii 2.6 7, Corn ... Od Ditio 50 Barley . 0 Rye 00 Cloverseed 'll ill liiii i' 5 , 5 9e 0.90 Timothy 1:4,09 li laxsec.l =4,75 to 2,95 Rye Chop " c l col ..i.l sii Bran 'z? cwt 51.15 Shorts 'pew( 'I.:0 Mixed Chop 5.1.75 Planter per ton $10.90 11., .\ ',:i. lb Hopi lk ili 40 to 00 liaga 71 lb 4 11,114'0 In, .32,00 Feathert. V. lb 55 to 05 'billow 10 to 17 Dried Apples y?., p., 1" lo 20 Dried Peached'il lb —.Li to 25 Ilnni "5 to 30 Sided 01l Shoulder9o • Dried Beef Lard o 0 Dutteros Fggn 0 0 Country Soap 10 • Ilay 7. ton $12,00 ' lye tilraw 't.l Lund'," S Potatoes 11 low 81,39 Apple Butter 'il gallon 1.:1 ..,-. Wool 11 Ili 13 to 50 L' arg O o nions p box $l,OO Cur,, Broome 71 doe 43,00 to 4,50 Chickens .0 to 7$ Toil:opt 70 to 1,50 Dried Cherrivi 71 quart 10 READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NE TITL Y .11:1T lUED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture, (!ic. F ITE undersigned would respectfully timt ho numaketure4 2uol keep cotistaut ly n bawl mid splenail alsortntott of = = WASII AND CANDLII STANDS, Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt and rose• wood liumbling for mirror and picture frames, mid a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot tail to be sail .foclory. Ito is also agent fa• the well known Dailey a Decamp Mont spring Mal Bottom. . . • 'rho toddle nu, invited to call and oxantine his stock pun:11:1,411g el.olwilere. \York null sale, room on. 11111 street, near Smith, one nor west of Yenteen store. _ • funtingdon, Ang.l, ISUU TTENTION !SOLDIERS! 'COME AND GET YOUR BOUNTY I Imre formed a empartnerahip with Col. Fuller, At for ney el Law, Washington. D. C., for the purpose of prom ring SOLUIBIIS' BOUNTY, under the recent act of Con gress. Soldiers' widows or orphans aro also entitled to receive WI bounty. Fend in yonr applications at once. as first applied for vith be first paid. (live your full name, post CO 1111- Irellnd length Of time in service, and wo will at once .eturn pay the necessary bl/IIII,S. Enclose n stamp to pay. 'eturn postage. All other claims, of whatorer nature, against the U. Olittillll,llt, 111 . .111,0y 1tt1041,1,1 to. charge until the moiety iA collected. , . Mice with 1), Blair, Esq., near the Bread 'rep Corner, . luutingdon. BLAIR & FULLER. 1. X. BLAIR, litinting,tion. A. S. FuLLEr., Washington. n 1108,1066 Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED At Lewis Co's Family Grocery. Also, IL.' A 111 N 'SA 'LLE Received froli from the Philadelphia market every Wet n,sday and llatitrday morning. Also, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Peas and Corn EMI Spired Lel.ter, Oysters, Chow chow, Worcestershire uaoce, French Mustard, horse Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat mop, Olive Vil, ka, 8c , and All kinds of Syrups, Snell Etrawbvrry, pineariple, blaehborry, Rc CALL AND SEE JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA., EZEMI IN COM Ph ETE RUNNING ORDER FOC TEE MANUFACTURE OF FLOUR The Val roungo of tho town and country is respectfully MEE GRAIN, of every description, 13ought at this mill Ilunlingtlon, 3I:q• '2,186G GREAT ENTHUSIASM 1 HIGH PRUIES SUPREATDER ! ! THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. JOHN if: WESTBROOK Req.:tray informs tho citii.rus 01 uonting(lon .0! vi,inits (bah, Itasjivit received frail, the city n NEW mid Slack of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS:& CAPS, hosiery, Shoe Pindings, Carpet Sacks, ritel ; •s, d c. , d•c., cf.'e. all of which he prepare.l to rell at reduce!! prices. A lot of ch , ire CONFECT lONERICS have also been re reirta 1 , 4.11 . 1 f.o . get the old ~land in tin Diamond. Old cntsto nt.'t, Om infillte gt•nt•rally are Invited to call. 12, 181%1 NT IA GA IZA 1;' I RP, INSURANCI __. l l com VAN 1", OF NEW YORK., th - t - ,E, 12 IVALL Cash C.tlitzo, t,noopno. ~,, F . urrl us, $270,0ti0, =I floinpan inland navigation, Iran , p•a . lati• , n..~:•. in, ; in lid, eltthitour in no 111,10 v than the first cast 1001111 till in llt,e 0m:111 Mutual Comp:tido,. ivi t i t no ;Issc..:.9ocilts! Tlrb. my b. itubb.,:tio by lb,. ; , ,!b• 11,4 Nr‘v byi, ibecy, t 11111 =1 1 =I 911= 1866 4 0 NETROP o zi,, -, 4 - - - ARDWAH ST:RE, HUNTINGDON, PA. ...1.1.... Z\Y \ ir , i w,(:„...,,0)„. ,::,, :::, g - xitivo; 11 .:' e? ; 9 0,"...k.... Huntingdon, aI.A, i .re"-Y-:_. _hi . . z ..spi," - ^, - , ..... tb° kOl A Svc, ~ • JAS. A. I:ROWN Has removed to tho zplankthl stororoom lo his now MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, lIILL ST., lIUNTINGDON, PENNA. Where he offers nt Wholesalo and Itotail au Immense ttock. a,a. endl,s variety Bt. FOREIGJIT Ail - rD DOMESTIC HARDWARE 3 CUTLER Y, Paints, Oils, Glass* AT REDUCED PRICES. TEN YE-IRS dilizont attontion to business In the Irardwaro trade in this place, has given mo an experi_ once that onableg. flee to seenro Eros advantages for my Cuts touters iu the selection of the best standard brand, mut reliable rituallies of goods. 'laving just retnrned from Nov York aril Philadelphia with a splendid stock, bought since t h e recent decline in gold, I ant now offering groat inducements to buyers. Among my stock may bo found WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOl2 Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, If Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, _Machinists, Foundrymen And for all othcr kinds of Mechanics Wlll tint in my stock n groat vortnty of Farming Implo, tueutl of the best quality, ouch as wthrs, li 7 c , 10111?, G'arelen Ti•emJs, Curarn 1 foes, Garden Rakes, Grm,s Monks, susing Shears, Pruning Suss, l'runing Knives. Se., very farmer should see the famous 11,1 EN \Y -Y2IK It i., the wonder of tin; age; and noe tried convince in most skeptical that it is the best Hay Fork made.— have the a;oncy for the sale of these forks for limiting mi and parts of Bedford and Fulton counties and can 11l - del, for Fort., pullies and ropes at manuraeturer; 1 hare also the celebrated PALMER, HORSE FORKS Which hare given such goon sallsfactinn for tho Lira 3 years, and which I flat 110 W selling at greatly reduced FEE FOR 13UILDERS Itave nn ettalom as. art wont at LOCKS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. DUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY ItIcOAIIAN & SON Our best mechanics say that tho DUNCANNON NAILS ere tho be,t, brought to this market. I kayo tho agency re the thle of these nails awl spikes, and DEALERS, BUILDERS, and other can be supplied promptly in pun titles from one pound 0i1e.111111,11 , 1 kegs, :LL 111 . 1111Irnhlr , .. prices. HARRISBURG STONEWARE, EARTHENWARE AND HOLLOWWARE WOODEN PUMPS The merit "(thee° pumps sbown by tbo fact oat I de,,mo roe them ie ruriaiy blot - cuing . every whore. rril, is no irtni in then In tOIF,IIIe 01111 injure Ilse water. Th aru light aud collVeuhalt, on that dvory man ran pot 1.11111 1 : theeniding 111111 11114111 01111 lu 0r ollpumps. i'qulrv, nml Ic.z. , ll.l!pipe tmit them, by railroad Oilreceipt iltpt.ll from Moor to lolliqu of Iroll. I . l.:advfal for tho . patronaL , I ltavolurtn ureic I ;hall rul liunr we i.) coil. accalataadale a all, 00 , 1 req , c , ll 1111 Loll'll ll lo ,l 'o 1 111 , 11'D 01111 V :\ 0 1'11. \ )1. A. 111011 7 N Ala,‘ !lilt 186'6. FAR - A.IEIIS Slat hyiu~kv. If, II LW; ES, SCR /s B P .1 DS PAIN TS, G LASS, Dl= (0.131.0.wp 1866. 1866. CLOTHING, H. OAL E 133 CLOTHING SPRING AND SUMMER, =I IT. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and mink the best work - maul ike 'minter, call at IL ROMAN'S, oppoQilt , the Franklin House in Jrnrket Squnro, Hunting don, Pa. Huntingdon nprillo,'6o. NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. CLITIVIAN lIAS JUST OPENED A FINK STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Yhich be offers to all who want to be r3LOTHED, AT PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ilis Stock consist. 4 - Ready-made Clothing for NEE' A).:D BOYS. CO DOOT3 AND MODS, HATS. AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut I othing not found in the stock on 111111,1, by leaving thoh ea. ro they cm, ho accommodatod at short notice. Call at the cast corner of the Diamond, over Long', Grocery. . . MANUAL GUTMAN Hunt I ngdon np. 10, 'Co. HE AD QUARTERS FOP. NEW GOODS. D. P. CININ INFORMS THE PUBLIC ' THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. P. P. WWII% np. 10 'co., CHEAP GROCERY STORE. HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers a large and as sorted stock of Groceries. Provisions, Ac. Ho feels sails. fled they cat be accomodsted with anything in his lino. His prices are low, and his stuck fresh and good. Ile keeps the bent of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, . BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &e;— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO TIO NS of every kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QIIMENS. WARE ' and all other articles kept in a well regulated establ ishmen t for sale at reasonable prices. His store is on Hill street, .nearly' opposite the Bank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call end examine. 5. 1 - I,INTER. Huntingdon, ap. 10, BEd NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE.. Wca n the Pt 4 t l e lion of W o t l t a l ta li c l i t i l ;e e n S s P o e f C H t a f n t a t t l t i n Y g den and vicinity to the fact that he hat just opened at PA MILY fi ROER Rl' STORE at the old stand of Christopher Long, \Viler° INC will keep constantly on hand a full and Well assorted stock of FRESH FAMILY GROOERIES, Huth 115 Coverings Syrup, N. Orleans and Porto Rico Mo. lasses. Sugars. Coffees, Teas, Spices, Salt, limas, Sides, Shoulders, Dried Beef, Flour, Fish, Cheese, Rice, Pickles and Provisions of nll !duds. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, comprising, in part, Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, 'Washboard Corn Brooms, Brushes, Rugs, Mats, Floor Oil Cloths, Bog Trunks, fie. Be. CANDIES nod NUTS of all kinds, wholesalo and retail._ TOYS, TOBACCO, SEGARS,CoaI Oil, Coal Oil pimps, Aie Ito respectfully invites a call and cxaminatlins of his stock, sati+ficil that his goods and prices will oorapar favorably with those of any other in the place. 1173 L LONG, linnlingllon, March 7, ISGO . t ~4=' ~~~~;~": M_LS:EL373 ZOO "Ye". 21.11.13 1, J. M. GREENE & F• 0. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, Inform the public that they are prepared to execute nil styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also 'Building Work, as at low prices as any shop in the comity. Orders from a distance_ promptly_ attended to— WO on MI FEMN street, a few doors east of the Lu tlienm church feIMASNIy ATARBLE YARD. The undersigned L would respectfully call tho attention of the citizens Dmitingdon nod the adjoining counties to the stock of ! eaut Hal marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern 3farble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priato devices, or plain, as may snit. Building Marble, Door nod Window Sills, ke.,, will be furnished td order. W. W. pledges himself to ❑irnlsh material and work manship equal to any in tho country, nt a fair price. Call and see, holoro you pnrchaso elsewhere. Shop on th, orper of 3lontgoznay mid \ll 111 11 0.. Huntingdon, Pa WM. WILIAAMS. lion tingdon ,May 16 1155. SPECIAL NOTIQ. T o TM , : LADIES.—Do you really To to cease wearing the beantifol styles now so prevalent. nr dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fxsltionablo Female attire? One moment's calla reflection will surely nerve to change your rash resolve. The angels had too melt good sense. to oy aside thole porn chasm robes of white, because they had for 0 limo served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Relnde, the Devil. Can yen err in following the rertmpleof Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully- regardless of re m 4 ,„t,,, d o n ot forget to call nt The store of the • subseri bas, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with saoh articles of dyes; as you may desire. Urge your bath, rrs, bus Lands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit tho Immo store. They can hero suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hata, Caps, Queens- Ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on al rell- Wilablo (arras as at rosy Holm., in town. Stem on Send, east earner of Goo Diamond, I hantingdop, Pa. may 31, 15115. FRANCIS 13, WALLACE. -- D unE l ITIHH'PYWI LITE - 11/EA I t rr,rt, r ,d h s all l'ainlerNl 'Ery It ! ;AJ will 113, nonlli r. I'llanoloclurcd only by Z I hl(l LED & SMUUTI., - Wholesale DI ug.PainL & Glass Dealers X.. 1;',1 Nth. Third a., Ph dodd... M=I:1 WHIM &JANIE RAILROAD 41TRIJEr k , HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL: DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HIPAWARE, Tho attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is Invited to tho fact that we era now offering a I3ETTER ASSORTMENT Qf HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the tinier. Cur stock comprises all articles In this Eno of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, ELACESIIITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, kc„ &c, together with a large stock or Iron; Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad' and' Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Cirovslar, Mill and Cross,Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hel. low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment at M 1 1.13.c. CPstxtlewv, Comprising IcNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS— SORS, RAZORS, &V. BItITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARP, Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON RAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MANESS Will find n general assortment of mate:4o Sig ttSlig use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, llubs, Systes i Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts,, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent anclenamelledikeagier,, Whips, Tongues, *gog r frets, Shafts, ihk, 333LeA,C33M-ISMXneMLIP Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, view, SLEDGES, HAMA/MEW.. HORSE AND MULE BEIOEIS, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Reel CARPENTERS Will find In our qtubliskuieut a erwarfor stook of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, • HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &O MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIK]S, of all varioties BLASTING POWDER, MID, COAL PICKS AND BR-OVELS- .lEivia.322.9xnes Can be accommodated with overything to their Hoe from a Grain Separator to a Whet-staPe! 313 - uilclemns Aro ospectally furltod to call and examiner:Or stock 64 BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with Agricultural Implements, Comprising the &moue Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, ootebiee4 t ntgidoll'e Firat Proinium HORSEI PITOUNIUI, Rakes, Seythee, Howl, Boy Fork.s, Traco and Bolter dialer!, Breast Cbains, Cow Tles, pp:Ty Comb!, Cords, &0., &e., &e. Among the opociaitioo of our ileum we desire to col} attention to the celobretwl OHIO PUMP, The exclusivoright to sell which is vested inns. Send (or ncireular and got full portinulurs of awns, And staid; yourself onts superior qualitps, SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, Incindlng , Tca and Counter Scales, -Platform , SCak‘ 3 ) Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Bolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans.,. portation, Hay, Cattle and ONg Settles, FURN;Spj) AT ➢IABTpFACTURBRS' CASH PRICES: Tho largest and boot, assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Eyer offered lo this place! A GREAT VATtIP 4 TY OP COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS 4WD BRADS, 137 tlio kn. Tory tow t hest Norivay nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEM 14, of all sizes and descriptions, WAGON'TONES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND 13R4SS WIRE. Lan', Labricating and Coal 011, By the laWral or gallon, at very low figures A call is reTeotfully solicited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not 'fail tq 0 .0 —co, IVIIARTON & MAGUIR)S, luntingdon, .1: - ..:,:riptry 27, 16c..3,;