The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 15, 1866, Image 2
6-I,crbc. rrUNTINGDON, PA. NA/. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. Wednesday morning, Aug. 15,1866. FOR GOVERNOR, Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, OF-CUMBERLAND COUNTY - Tho'National Union Convention is now in session in Philadelphia. flow long it will continuo in session has not been determined upon, but - from the amount of business it is expected to transact, and the number of speeches to be made, wo cannot look for an ad journment Until tho close of the week. Delegates have boon chosen from all parts of 'the Union. Some of these during the war belonged to the party which opposed tho war, while all have joined in council to try to make right what - war has made wrong, and to unite in•averting the.threatoning dan gers of tho present evils. If the Con vention tends by its action to form a bond of perpetual union between the North and South r what truly Union men will not feel thankful.. That Con- Veiition hati met to prevent the dis memberment of the Uuion as threat ened by the Radicals- 7 that Convention has met to preserve tho Constitution and the Union,—its primary object being to reconcile the South with the North. Radical men denounce such a Convention. They do not desire any such reconciliation, and they stand distinct and apart from those who de sire to see this Union firmly united. Their object is revenge and they will not deal magnanimously with a con quered enemy. The Radicals, in a - word, wish to keep the Southern men enemies, while the Conservatives wish to make thorn friends. Should the Convention fail to accom plish such a desirable object, we can be no - worse off than we now are. Should it be found that partizans have gone there to work in the interests of their party, we have no fear but that the more • honest of the delegates will si lence them. Nothing should be listen ed to and nothing should be done, but what - will advance the interests and insure the blessings of peace and har mony to our whole country. Dien who will work forindividual interests have no business at the Natienal Conven tion. We _trust the Convention will not have adjourned without conferring a blessing on tho country—such a blesiting as the' country now stands in need nf. "r" • Dots THE :HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH shoot, inits: aturday issue, says : "While. the . necessity of electing Geary is appreciated, we want our loy al friends not to forget that the larger we make Geary's majority, the sterner will be the rebuke administered to Andrew Johnson. * * * * We accept this as an issue. We want it: clearly understood, while the loyal men of Pennsylvania aro laboring to;reWard a gallant soldier by electing him Governori•they aro also battling to...administer a rebuke to Andrew Johnson; and pasis such judgment on his faithleSsnessas will forever consign his name to disgrace." We don't for a moment supppso that the Telegraph speaks the sentiments of Gon. Goar3 - r. Still, tho fact that the Telegraph, the. State organ at Harris burg, haa made tho issno, may have the effeet to - cause 'Johnson's friends to ask for further information. As Johnson now stands, Gen. Geary,. or any of his true friends, would certainly not ho so foolish as to raise an issue such as the Telegraph proposes. No Johnson man could vote for Geary to-day on the is• sue proposed. None but radicals could support, him. Such support as the Telegraph gives Gen: Geary will de feat him. RIDGE' CURTIS' LETTER.-W 0 place on the first page of to-day's paper the letter of Judge Curtis in answer to the national committee on the subject of the convention now being held in Phil adelphia. It - will be remembered that Judge Curtis dissented from the decis ion of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case, and his opinion thereon has eVer since been used as a sort of Re publican•taxt book. This letter to Mr. Browning deserves a careful perusal. Hon: George .Ashcum, President of the Convention that met at Chicago, in 1860; and- put' 'Abraham Lincoln in nomination for President, is a delegate in' the Philadelphia ,Convention, with many others of the most distinguished members of the old Republican party. Certainly all the delegates are not .'Copperheads" and "traitors." News by the Atlantic Cable. LoMlon,A.ugust Oth.--There is groat exeitoraent here. this evening at a sup. posed- attempt to -bloW up the two housos of Parliament. Ton packages of gunpowder, -with a futio partially burned, worc:fonnd near the entrance of therLord Oluttnberlain's office in the lodge al:Jowls. :The members of Par liament have visions of another Guy ,Faisikds•gtiripowder plot. An armistice. of four . months has been 'agreod between Austria and Italy Parliament has adjourned. : at,' - 7-.The Journal & American says the Philadelphia. Convention will be own po§oci of thieves, murderers, ineendia tieS- and hig4waymen. Quite corn pliMentaty of many of the best men in the Union. Curiosities of Politics, The following article which .we clip from the editorial columns of the Pitts burgh chronicle, a Republican papor, Svc recommend for the perusal of Re publicans in this county. It speaks truths the very earnest friends of Gen Geary should liAon to : It certainly must strike a few peo. plc as a little curious that at the Re publican meetings held over the coun try, the issue seems to be made up be tweon the party and the President, rather than between the party and its rival, the :Democracy. Nearly every Republican speaker occupies his time in canvassing the merits or demerits of President Johnson. That functionary, wo believe, still considers himself con nected with the party. His appoint ments are made from its ranks, and notwithstanding 'rumors to the con trary, his consultations are chiefly held with gentlemen styling themselves Republicans: It is evident that ward and. Stanton regard him as in proper fellowship with the party: The Demoerats got nothing from him but Social recognition, and within a very Short time a leading politician of that persuasion froM Ohio, was denied a conference by the President, the deni al-being accompanied by the signifi cant ejaculation, "The Lord deliver the country from all such men." It is not then, at first glance, a mat ter of some wonderment that a Presi dent who declines to bo ruled out of the party, and who, so far as all sub stantial favors aro concerned, , * b ives' the cold shoulder to persons of otlier poli tical organizations should be an ob je so much animadversion from mar ers of the party to which he ac knowledges allegiance. It would re ally seem as if the coming elections are to determine, not whether the Repub licans or the Democrats shall control the policy of the country, but whether Andrew Johnson shall be endorsed or rebuked by the people. We are net sure that the Republi can Union party of this nation, is wise in making such an issue. We have never believed that the disagreement between the majority in Congress and the President .was an irreconcilable one. Upon many matters, they aro in thorough accord. And they do not differ more essentially upon the single question of representation, than the anti-Johnson men differ amongst them selves upon the question of negro suf frage. Mr. Greeley's plan of - adjust ment reiterated week after week, is "Universal Amnesty for Universal Suf frage." The majority in Congress do not accept this basis of settlement, but Mr. Greeley is not ruled out of the par ty nor is ho denounced on the. stump. Would it not be as well, to extend the same courtesy to the Chief Magistrate of the nation ? Is it not a reasonable presumption that the man who was so true, during the dark days of the rebellion, and who proved his devo. tion by so many sacrifices, is still loy :al iu feeling, and if mistaken in senti ment is at least instigated by no sinis ter motives or dangerous designs? To put the matter in a more . direct and practical shape, is it, as a mere feature of party tactics, a prudent course to make abuse of the man the party put . uriMl37 -4 1ntrfitt not be wiser to go before tho.peoplo on the merits of the posiion the party has through its rep resentatives in Congress taken, than to hazard serious alienations by in vectives against the President ? There is such a thing as loading a gun so heavily; that the recoil is near ly as fatal as the discharge, and the imputations cast upon the President by prothinent speakers are so very se rious that thopeople will be apt to re ject even those charges which have foundation. There are abundant ques tions relating to revenue, our foreign policy and the relation of the States to the general Government, as well as the obligations of government towards the class whom it has enfranchiSed, upon which the two great political or ganizations of the country differ, and upon which they can debate and try the ordeal, of the ballot. With such a legitimate field for controversy, we cannot see the judgment of making tho PreSident the main object of anta gonism, and much less do we deem the .prudonce of calling him an apostate and traitor in public meetings. The record of the Republican party during the war is its best credential when it goes before the people. It need not embarrass its strong position by internal quarrels. If, however, it will be insisted upon, that the great issue is the admission of the Southern States and that the President and Congress are at such utter variance on this sub ject that it must be brought into the canvass before the people, let the de bate be conducted with a little degree of propriety, and let us have an and to the very violent aspersions of charac ter that have signalized the opening of the campaign. Republicans can do better work than abusing each other. Such a course only furnishes ammuni tion for outside organizations. laa'Soldiers, disabled by wounds or disease, who have been honorably dis charged from the volunteer service of the United States, who desire a home in the United StateS:Military Asylum, arc requested to make application pro vious to September "Ist, with a state ment of the circumstances of their cn• listment, services, disability and dis charge to Major General Edward W. [Links, Governor :of United States Military Asylum,whoso office is tempo rarily at Boston, Mass. Any person having knowledge of meritorious disabled soldiers being'sup ported in an.ahnshouse or elsewhere, as a public pauper,is requested to give information of the fact to thegovern or of the aSyltim,in order that immediate steps may be taken for the removal and relief of such indigent disabled Soldiqrs. Papers throughout the country are requested to give gratuitous publicity to the above. Somothing wo diddt know—tha the Sr. of the Jouriza/‘Ameriect ha( any. other • judgmont lying around than the one we helped him to pay. It's not likely that we would invest ii doubtful paper. Northumberland County in Motion, Great Union Sohnson Meeting in Sun bury. A very largo and enthusiastic John son meeting was hold in Sunbury on the 7th inst. The largo and elegant now court house was packed to over flowing, with Lincoln-Johnson Repub licans. The meeting was organized by that firm, whig, and Re publican, S. B. Boyer, Esq. Dr. Robt. McCoy, of Northumberland—the firm and- unflinching friend of Abraham Lincoln, was made President of the meeting. Me mado a short address, after which, he introduced Maj. C. Shriner, of Union county, the Lincoln Elector of this district in 1861. Sir. Shriner made one of the most powerful speeches ever made in this county. lie spoke over two hours, amid great enthusiasm, and applause. At the close, tho following resolu tions were offered by Mr. Shriner, and unanimously adopted: WIIEREAS, President Lincoln did, on the Bth day of December, 1863, put forth a solemn proclamation, contain ing his plan of reconstruction in which ho said, that "whenever in any of the States in rebellion, a number of' per sons not lesS than one-tenth in number of the qualified voters by the election laws of said State, each having taken the oath of allegiance, shall form a State government Republican in form, &c. Snob shall be recognized as the true government of that State, and be defended and protected by the power of the United States." And whereas. Abraham Lincoln did further, after the rebellion was sub stantially at an end, and but three day sbefore his assassination,to-wi t: on the 11th of April, 1865, ro assert and re-argue said plan of reconstruction, at length, and with great ability and power. And whereas, The Union National Convention of Baltimore in 1864 did indorse said plan of reconstruction against the "protesr of Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, by a vote of 492 against 27 ; therefore, Resolved. First—That we consider the good faith-of the nation—and especially the good faith of our party, which support ed Mr. Lincolnas pledged to that plan of reconstruction which looks to the restoration of the Union, "with all the rights, dignity and equality of the several ;States, unimpaired." Second—That wo regard the plan of Thaddeus Stevens and others, to hold eleven States as conquered provinces, as at open war with the doctrines pro claimed by Congress on the 21st of July, 1861; at war with Mr. Lincoln's reconstruction plan of December Bth, 1863; and especially hostile and disre spectful to Mr. Lincoln's last great speech of April 11th, 1865. Third—That since the Southern States have laid down their arms, abolished slavery, adopted the constitutional amendment prohibiting it—done all Mr. Lincoln required them to do—the promises of Mr. Lincoln, to restore the Union and defend and protect the States in all their rights, dignity and equality should he held sacred, and carried out in good faith. Fourth—That to hold olevon States by force, as England holds Ireland,or as A. ,g 4141 , 119.1415,..J . d as Russia the promises we made to the world from the beginning to the end of the war—would require vast standing ar mies, result in a despotic government, and entail untold debt, misery and bondage on us and our children. Fall—That Andrew Johnson is stri ving to carry out the principles and redeem the pledges of Abraham Lin coln, to protect the people from the dangers and encroachments of a cen tralized despotism, and that his name will forever stand with those of Wash ington., Jackson and Lincoln. Sixth—That lion. Edgar Cowan, our talented and lion-hearted Senator, for standing by Andrew 'Johnson as Benton stood by Jackson, has won for himself immortal honor; and when the storm and whirlwind of fanaticism has gone by, all true patriots will hail the names of Johnson and Cowan as they now delight to honor-those of Jackson and Benton. Seventh—That we hereby concur in and ratify the election of Dr. Robt. .f_cCoy, of Northumberland, and F. M. llackenbury, of Snyder county, as the Union Republican delegates to the 14-th of August Convention, from the Fourteenth Congressional district. The New Beauty Law. The Official copy of the act of Con gress authorizing the payment of ad ditional bounty, published in General orders, No. 55, from the War Depart ment, removes all ambiguity from the second clause of the bill, and clearly defines the object. Section thirteen provides that every soldier who enlist ed after April 19, 1861, who served faithfully for two years, was honorably discharged, and who was not entitled to receive more than one hundred dol lars bounty from the United States, shall be paid the additional bounty of fifty dollars. The form of application to be made by the heirs of deceased soldiers to the 2d Auditor, to obtain the additional bounty, will be the same as that hitherto used in applications for arrears of pay and bounty, except that the number of tho previous settlement should be given. It should be stated that the object of the application is to recover the additional bounty providod by the 12th and. 13 th sections of the act of congress,chapterl7B,approvedJuly 23, 18Gii,and the claimantshould make oath as to identity, andthedischarge papers have not been disposed of in any man ner whatever by the soldier who re ceived them. It is not believed that payment of the additional bounty can begin for some months to come, as the funds for tho purpose have not yet been placed to the order of the Pay master General, and the rules and reg ulations to govern the payments fix ing the amount of evidence which will be necessary to establish .a claim ; providing a system upon which the disbursements will be made, are yet to be adopted by the Commission appointed by the War Department for that purpose. The Commission is now in session, and is composed of the fol lowing officers : Major General Can by, Brevet Major General Barnes, Sur geon and Brevet Major General Bueh onan, Colonel First United states In fantry. Five messages over the Cable from New lork cost in gold. Report of Generals Steadman and Ful lertom WAsurNoToN, August 10. In closing their report to the Presi dent, Generals Steadman and Fuller ton conclude as follows : "The system of contracts now ex isting in the South and enforced by the Freedmen's Bureau, is simply sla very in a now form. What is the dif ference to the negro whether he is sold for five dollars or five thousand dollars, for thirty years to thirty roasters or for thirty,years to one master. It is involuitriry servi tude in either case and a defeat of the emancipation proclamation of the la mented President Lincoln. If the freedman leaves work to seek employ ment at better wages ho is arrested as a vagrant by order of the . Freedmen's Bureau and put to labor on the roads with ball and chain, as is provided by an order recently issned by General Soot t, Assistant Commissioner for South Carolina. If, fatigued from over work, he desires to rest for a day; if ho leaves the plantation-to visit a lative or friend it is made a penal of fonco,.and a fine of fifty dollars is im posed, as will be seen by. circular No. 14 of General Kiddoo, Assistant Com missioner for Texas, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, marked E. If ho refuses to contract at all, ho is arrested by the Bureau Provost Marshall, and sold for a few dollars to the nearest planter, as in.. the case of Captain Morse, of New ()deans, already refer red to. The coercive policy adopted by tho Bureau, in this and other re spects, has boon made a justification for the discriminating legislation of some of the Southern States. The on ly remedy against a white man for a breach of conduct, is a suit for dama ges, and wo can - see no reason why the same remedy. ahould not bo ap plied in the case of the black man. The freedman has nothing to sell but his labor, and we are strongly of the opinion that he ought to be permitted to obtain for it the highest price it will bring. If he is a free man it is neither just nor lawful for any person to as sume control of him, and certainly not more just or lawful for an officer of the Freedmen's Bureau to do so than for a Southern planter. Very respectfully your obedient ser vant. JAS. B. STEADMAN, Major General of Volunteers. J. F. FULLERTON, Brigadier Gou.of Volunteers, Wash ington. Hundred Hours Awake and Walking. The Portsmouth (N. II.) Journal says that Mr. John Seaver, of that place, for a wager of 8500, last Thurs day, commenced walking ono hundred miles in as many consecutive hours. How ho was effected is thus related : On Wednesday afternoon. at the close of the first twenty-four hours, he became weary and felt a stronger dis position to sleep than ho afterwards experienced. This was driven off, but the effort produced a severe head ache, which continued through the re maining days. On Thursday he felt drowsy, but was so excited ho would ait down without napping. Every hour the circuiting the room forty-two ranging f'iom twenty to thirty.minutes. On that morning ho began to be dis couraged, and expressed a wish to abandon further effort. His advisor persuaded him, and ho renewed his ef forts, and, as ho expressed it, with a determined will to succeed. Friday, tho third day, ho was more wakeful, his nervous excitement hav ing increased—probably by the strong tea, which was his only.bovorage. His head was bandaged and bathed with rum and alum frequently. He stumbled froM weakness and weariness, but got up without help. Saturday, the fourth and last day, was one of weariness, aching limbs, aching head and prostra tion. Ho required to bO supported as ho went his hourly rounds. In the ninety-ninth hour he again fell in faint ness. The last hour at length arrived, and with his assistants ho 'completed his fort"-two circuits in thirty-three minutes. Ho,now. received fresh en ergy from the'idea that ho had accom plished his feat,' and, unaided, ho lit erally dragged his limbs once more around the hall, to show that he was awake, and amid the cheers of a largo audience, ho retired after nine o'clock. Ile did not reeovpr from the sink ness that ensued for several days. , L.- -, ;-The growth of Methodism in the INiew England States appears from the report of a• Comniittoo to the recent New England Methodist Episcopal Convention at Boston. There aro 101,000 members of this branch of the Christian Church in the eastern States; 110,000 Sunda•; scholars; 370,000 li brary books. The denomination hold about the same number as in 1860. There are 910 churches, and 430 par sonages. The total value of these, di vided, would give to each communi cant forty dollars. The denomination own 13 educational institutions, with 113 instructors and 3,008 pupils. In 1330 the relative proportion of lfeiho• disks to the population wits one in two hundred; in 1860 it was one in twenty nine. The increases of population in Boston. since 1850 has been 40 per cent that of Methodism 43 per cent; Bap' 12 per cent; Congregationalists 7 per cent. The population, of Boston and suburbs in that time has increased 58 per cent; Methodists, 67 per cent; Congregationalists, 39 per cent; Bap tists, 29 per cent. DEATII FROM A FALL OVER A MELON RIND. find the following in tho Norfolk Old Dominion of Friday : "Yesterday morning, at about 8 o'clock, Mrs. Elizabeth Young, a lady of GO years of age, while on the •side walk in front of the dry goods estab• lishment of Messrs. Sheldner, Wertho• finer k, Co., stepped on a muskmelon rind, which, slipping, caused her to fall. She was immediately lifted, and taken to the back room of the store mentioned, and a physician canon in. Dr. James D. Galt camo immediately but found the lady in a moribund con dition. It is suppOsed that fi h o fell on her head and side, and that concussion of the brain ensued, Convulsions fol lowed her fall to the pavement, and she died in a comatose condition." We publish the above as a solemn warning to persons in this place who are in the habit of throwing melon rinds and seeds upon the sidewalks It is exceedingly clangerotti and should he in: o a punishable offense. Who Get the Bounty The Act of Congress approved July 28, 1866, gives $lOO additional bounty to all soldiers who enlisted for three years and worn discharged by reason of expiration of term of service, or who were discharged for wounds received in battle and who have not received more than $lOO bounty for such ser vice. An additional bounty of $lOO is also allowed to the nearest relative of Soldiers who enlisted for a term of three years and who died or were kill ed in the service, to be paid inie fol lowing.order First to the widow; se cond to the children; third to the fath er, and fourth to the mother. Soldiers' widows can have their pen sions increased two dollars a month for each and every child they have, and when the widow has married or died, the children aro entitled to the increase To all who haye brought home the bodies of their friends who died or were killed in the service of the Uni ted States, there is a certain amount of compensation allowed for• the expenses incurred in bringing home the bodies of theirilfriends. The Act of Congress, approved Juno 0, 1366, gives additional pensions to the following class of persons: Soldiers who have lost both eyes or both hands, $25 per month; who lost both feet $2O per month; who have lost one hand or one foot, or totally disabled in tho same, $l5 per month. Persons who have Veen deprived of their pensions in consequence of being in the civil service of the United States Government can be restored to the pension roll. Fathers and mothers who were in whole or in part dependent upon their sons for support aro entitled to a pen. sion. Also brothers and sisters under sixteen years of ago. All discharged soldiers who did not receive transportation to their places of enlistment when discharged, are en titled to receivo it. And also all who wore held as prisoners of war and did not receive commutation of rations when released•or discharged, aro enti• tied to it. Officers who were in the service on the 3d of March, 1365, and were dis charged after the oth of April, 1865, can receive three months extra pay. All soldiers or soldiers' widows, of the war of 1812, who had served two months, or been wounded or disabled in such service, if in necessitous cir cumstances, aro entitled to an annuity of $4O. All Veteran Soldiers who b iravo their credit to any district in the State of Pennsylvania, who received no local bounty, are entitled to receive $3OO. All persons having any of the above mentioned claims, or any. other kind of claim against the United States or State Government, will pleaSe address W. EL Woods, authorized army and navy war claim agency, Huntingdori, Pa., giving full particulars, enclosing a stamp for return postage, and they receive a prompt reply. INCREDIBLE 111.EmmEss.—An incident of the Portland fire is told by the Press of that city, which says We hoar of a creature in this city, which walks on two legs and wears a coat i and resembles a man. In fact, and tra'tlics in a small—very Bsmall way. On the night of the fire his neighbors helped to save his property, while the whole opposite side of the street was burned down. His clerk, who lived directly opposite, labored indefatigably for his employer while his father's house and his own effects were going to ashes. Until four o'clock in the morning they kept the shop wet, and by unremitting efforts saved 'it and the house in the roar of it. After Working all night in an atmosphere of flame and cinders ; men aro sometimes thirsty. These men wore thirsty, and inquired of the creature whose house and shop they had saved it ho had any water ? "No." Any small beer ? "No. The clerk, who knew bettor, went down to the ice chest, pulled out sev eral bottles of Bindle's mild beverage, found in the pan a little water, tolera bly clean, which had drained from the ice, mingled with it sugar and sliced lemons, and dispensed those cooling drinks to the deserving crowd. Next day this extravagant youth, on return ing to his duties,found charged to hi m,on the books of the concern, four bottles of beer, one pound of sugar and four lemons. His place is now vacant. Enterprising young men who want a situation may apply at this office for further information. TIII3 Eurcvs or ORA RLESTON—Thus far, but little effort has been made to wards rebuilding the burnt district of Charleston, South Carolina ' chiefly be cause a majority of the old property owners are without means to under take it. An attempt, however, is to be made, by a concerted action of the citi zens, under the authority of tho city government. A proposition has been introduced into tho Charleston City Councils, by which, if adoptod, seven per eent..bonds will be • issued. by the city, and loaned to all property hold ers who wish to rebuild. The basis of the arrangement is a mortage of the ground and buildings upon it to the city. Ha lot is worth $lO,OOO and the owner wishes to build a store, upon it costing $15,000, bonds to the latter amount aro to be loaned to him, ho giving the city a mortage on his lot and tho buildings to be erected upon it as security. Ho olso binds himself to pay the interest on the bonds scmi ammally, nr advanco, and in order to get money to erect his buildings ; must soil his bonds whenever ho can. Some such method as this, by which the credit of the community is loaned to the individual, seems imperatively necessary to the rebuilding of the burnt district of Charleston. SPECIAL NOTICES. • . . . DIMERESS, ' 13LIND.NESS & 0A- ' TAltitfl, treated with the ntniost success; by J. Ie.AACS, M. D.; Oculist and Attrist,.(formerly of Leyden, llollaud,) No. sln PLNlistreet, PIIIIADA. Teitimouiale the most reliable sources in the city and country, con he seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany thoh. patienti, 113 tin has no moue's in his practice. AIITIFIOI Al, EVES inserted without pain.— .No charge for examination. mig2l 15136.1 y mir..( - xr - ECONOHY IS MONEY SAVED ! The ratbserlber is pernmnen tly located in Huntingdon, Is prepared to purclime, or repair in the iJk!st style. and expeditllm,le. broken A UMBII.ELL-1S .4./.17.0 PARASOL& ...""‘ All articles intrusted to hint will be returned to the residence of the owner al soon as repaired. Umbrellas and para.inti for repair Can bo loft at Lewis' Book more. may:2,l6oAl' . FEN'rI3IAN. _Read now advortisomonts NEW ADVERTISEMENTS t. MILTON :WEBS. . E. S. MOWSTIME SI'IJEIZ&%IoMtJILTRLE, ATTORNEYS AT ; LAW, lIUNTINPDON, Pd . . Orate 010 nano .3 formerly occupied by 2,1 r. „Speer. lluntiogdon, Aug. 15.1m* • BOTTLED - PORTER, EXCELSIOR MINERAL WATER ,C..; SARSAPARILLA, Always on band and dollcored to families on-short nu ll. when ordered. JACOB LEQNI{AIID. Huntingdon, Ang.14.31 p EACIIERS' EXAA .lINATIONS - Teachers who are applicants for examination are informed that I will meet thezdas follows :. • Morris township, Ali,gust 20, at Stiatiersville. Porter twp., and Alexandria bor., Aug. 21, nt Alexandria Pfanklin township, Aug. 22, at Franklinvillo. Warriorsmark • 1 " 23, at Birmingham. West • - " - " 24; at Spruce Creek britlgo. 'fume " " 25, at Manor hill. Jackson 27, at MoMns'y's Fart. Oneida • " " ' 29, at Centro Union S. H. Henderson," " 30, at Union school house. " Walker, " " 31, at Railroad station. ;• ' Penn " Sept. 3, at Markleshurg. Carbon twp., A Coahnont borough, Sept. 4, at Coaltuont . Hopewell township, Sept. b, at Coffee Run. Brady " • " 0, at 31111 Crrek. . ' Union " " 7, at Mapleton. Bbirloy " " 10, at Mount Union. - Shiricysharg 0 Shirley tap., Sopt. 11, at Shirloysburg.. Cromwell township, Sept. 12, at Orbisonia. Dahlia " " 13, at Shade Hap. Telt " . " 14, at Itollingertown. Springfield" " lb, at Meadow Gap. • - .' Clay " " 17, at Scottsville. Cass and Cassville, " 18, at Casevillo: Tod" , 1.,,, 10, at Newburg. Juniata . ' " J. '_ 21, at 801 l Crown school house The examinations will commence at 0 o'clock, A.M. 'Directors and traction, aro respectfully requested to attend them pubic examinations, as private examinations will be dispensed With as far as possible. D. F. TUSSEY, Alexandria, Aug. 14, 1300. Co. Supt. EXTRA BOUNTY SOLDIERS • WIDOWS! MOTHERS AND MINOR CHILDREN! • BOUNTY BILL JUST PASSED gives all soldiers who enlisted for three yoarr, mince April 19,1861, and second their full term of service, or wore discharged before the expiration of said ternl . of service on account of wound. received In the lino of duty, and received Ono Ilandred Dollars Bounty and no more; ore now entitled to an extra loon nty of ONE II UNDRED DOLL ASS. Widows, Fathers, Mothers and Minor Children of daceaind soldiers va° en• listed for throe yomrs, a, above, and died in thaw:orrice or from diaeaao or wounds contracted iu the Corsica and Dori of duty, are entitled to the abort:. extra ONE 11UNDRED DOLLARS. 4y` To be obtained upon application in person nr letter to the Nititary and IN'avcd -Agency. wo. 42. T Walnut street, Phi(ndctphi•e. - 4'3i" • JOSEPH E: DEYNT k CO. 76:41 EXTRA PENSION TO 'WIDOWS. • • EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS.' • WIDOWS ore now entitled to an INCREASED :PEN st ON of $2 per m onth for each child of the soldier under 16 yearn of rip. To bp obtained upon application in per son or by letter, to the MILITARY AND NAVAL . AGEN CY. No. 427 WALNUT ST., PIIILADELP.IIIA. • • auls.lm JOSEPIE E. DEVITT & 90... UN/TED STATES Authorized WAR CLAW AGENCY lITJN TINGDON, PA W. W *3 3, AUTHORIZED GOV.ERNM'T AGENT, And Atorneyfor Soldiers and their 'Friends. He will prosecute and ,collea, With MirkiHied tirMcess, Soldiers' Clairim' and Dues of nil. kinds. Also, any other. kind of Claim rigainat the OcTernmen t, before nay of the Departments. $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY ! I NEW BOUNTY LAW PASSED' • 1- Attention 'Discharged Soldiersl• Tho Act of Congress approved July 29, 1866, gives $lOO additional bounty Is oil soldiers who onlisted for three years and won, discharged by reason of expiration of service, or who Were discharged for wounds received In battle nod who have not received more than $lOO houtity for such service. An additional bounty of $l.OO is ass al, lowed to the nearest relotivo of soldiers who enlisted for a term of three years and who died or were killed in the servico, to be paid in the following order: First, to the widow; socoidll to the children - ; third, to the father,!and fourth, to the mother._ , - .. Soldiers' Widows. _* : • By applying to W.11:1171 , 1(IiTCra:1 M 11,141914 try don county, I'IL, you can /111., your russions increased two dollars a month for each and:every child yon have, and Ishen the WNW lute married or died, the children are entitled to 1110-increase. To all vie hero brought home the bodies of their friends who died or were killed in the service of the United .Slates, there Is a certain amount of compensation allowed you for the expenses incurrrd in bringing borne the in. diet( of your Iricnds, se-hi eh you cnn obtain by making np , . plicatiou to me. Invalid Soldiers, Attention The rtet of Congress, approved June 6, 1866, glvos addi . Hone' pensions to the following class of perrone: Soldiers who hero loan both eyes or both bonds, $25 per month; who hove lost both feet $2O per mouth; who leave loot ono hand or one foot, or totally disabled in the some, $l5 tier 111.01. Persons who have been doprived of their pensions in consequence of being in the civil. service of the Tinned States Government, can be restored to the pension roll by applying to me. Fathers nod m others - who were in whole or in part de pendent upon their eons for simport aro °untied to a pen sion. Also brothers null sisters tinder sixteen years of ago All discharged soldiers who did not rocoivo transporta tion to their. placos of enlistment when discharged, are entitled to receive it, and altto all who were hold as priso ners of war, and did not receive commutation of 'rations when released or discharged, ore entitled to it. Officers who wore in the service on the 3d of March, 1865, land were discharged after, the Oth of April, 1065, by applying to mo can ree.eiVe three Months extra pay. Soldiers of 1812 I All soldiers, or soldiers' widows, of tho woe of 1912, who unto served two months, or been wounded or disabled is such sorvice, If In necessitous circums'ances, aro oral. Hod to :•n sunnily of $4O. • • Local Bounty. All veteran soldiers who gavo their credit to districts in the State of Pennsylvania. and who received no local bounty, nro entitled to receive three hundred dollars. • All persons having any of die abovolnentioned or any other hind of claim against the United States or State Ooverntneuts, will please address me, giving full particulars, enclosing n stamp for contra postage, and they will receive a prompt reply. W. 11. WOODS, ...4tethorized Army and Navy lrantlaini nug13,186(1 MINTINGDON, PL. 4TTENTION !SOLDIERS! COME AND GET YOUR BOUNTY I have formed n co.partnership with Col. Fuller, Attor ney at Law, Washington. D. C., for the purpoio of procu ring SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, under, tho recant actor Con gress. Soldier,' widows or orphans aro also entitled to - receive this bounty. • , . • • • Send in your applications at once, as first appliod for will ho first paid. Give your full*nante, post omen ad dross, and length of ;time in service, and wo will at onto return yov the necessary blanks. Eueloso a stamp to pay return postage. All other claims, of whatever nature, against the H. S. Government, promptly attended, to. • • ' 8p...N0 charge until the monoy Is collected. • 0111 co with D. Blair, Esq., nenr the Broad Top Corner, Huntingdon. BLAIR FULLER. D. Xs Bum, Huntingdon. A. S. FULLER, Washington. ang3,1866 ANNOUNCEMENT. TO TILE QUAKER - CITY' BUSINESS COLLEG3I, • Tenth and ,Chestnut, Bro 'ma ,spring Gar An sts., , OPENING OF VIEFALL SESSIONS, SEFT.,W. . 'lllnrctzmiTS.—A illscothif 'of 25 pet' tent. al. lowed on nll Settola.ship pmehased during the mouth of August, reducing the terms to jao. Money may be remit ted by mail, and SebolarSlitpU'socured - by those wino pro pose to enter nut nny future time. ErPEßlnit A DrANTAGEs.—This institution ranks the first in the country; Is a regtilurly incorporated College, maitr rized by law to grant Diplomas 'and confer . Degrees .1 Merit. . . The Fall Fessions witl 'open with greatly Wormed Di: and young men de,ir ing to qualify ihemsolvoa for business lifo will - find hero advalitl,s to bo obtained'uo. • e where e!se. . . : • . • FAIRBANKS' BOOIiKEF:PINCI This wools, the most complete and extensive troalise on Bookkeeping. ever written,' 'containing, - 424 pades, hnd composed exclusively of Actual, Business-Selo, will be ready for publication in August. Price, $3; by subscrip tion, paid in inhere, 0, $2,50. Remit money, nud secure copy. Deseriptivo Circulars on application., , Improved encase of Instruction.—With the introdriction of this book, and with able and experienced instructors, the students of thin institution are guaranteed a practical accountant's course of the highest value, such as has ne ver before been placed within the reach of students of Conunercial Schools. T, E. MERCITANT, L. FAIRBANKS, A. M., P.ecretary. • • • • President angS-3t ALARGE VARIETY' of articles too unaterons to inentlon, for solo 'at LEWIS & CO'S Family liroceq. Call and see. • : , 1 , 111,0 W CEDAll ty WARE ~~. U B L l or Personal Propterty & Real Estate. Tito undersigned desirous of moving to, tho ..W.est, offer at public solo nt Lis: residence iu ltlcConnalstown,, 'Walker townehip, Huntingdon county,Penna.r • On Thursday, September 20th, 1866, • • the following deseri lied property, via: 4 heatbwork horses, all youn g , tho oldest not ovor air years old. .ono colt nearly three years old, 2 cows, onerik fresh at thla time, and 2 hogs: 1 twe-horise wagon nearly . now, 1 ono horse wagon, 1 sulky, 1 horse rake, and ono pair of bob sleds; 2" side saddles, ono min saddle and wa gon toddle, tour nets tog harness, fly nets, halters. and other harness; also the power of the threshing Machine I lied burnt in my bard, and a g reat many other varieties m - • • Also will be offered at noisome time and place, all my real estato, to wit TituYaril and good shop, two dwell ing housed acd a large stable. Alsd, 65 acres of land, more Or less, adjoining tho lanyard . property above 111 M . Sale to commence et 10 o'clock on ''said"day when reeeenable credit will be given by . mlO T OTS FOR SALE.—The subscribers liiivo some lots in tho town of Grantsville, or Mar klughurg station. which they will sell nt low price, from. $3O to $lOO. All who &afro a good healthy location to build would do well to call upon them soon at their store, and secure for themseivea lots nt low prices. 0 rantsville,Mylo; " -, BOYER h GARNER. Q._ TRAY CO W.—Stra:yed or stolen from the subscriber residing 'in the borough of Alexandria, on tho 2101 July, u red cow, white )440 on the fore shoulder and in the flnnk also, 'white lA+ , face. sharp horns, ,nbout - four years old lost spring. Her tail is cut off ober° tho long hair. • She was with calf. The finder will be liberally rowaracd. Alexandria, Aug, 6* WILLIA,i BURNS. WARM SPRINGS. THIS SUMMER RESORT IS NOW OPEN, FATHERS ! and in splendid order The Bathing Facilities were never so tine, the Bowling Alley is ono of the bes,. o Lo found. and a non'Riiliard Tablo Lae just boon put p. Nocifort has .bcon spored to socuM•tliO comfort of EMU Pleasure seekers are for ited to call. at tLo Springs—. only llv e miles from.iluutlngdon, over a good road The TABLE is rurniehod with the beet tlttiLO affords, end every attention is given to plenee tam. most fastidious Parties from the surroullding towns or coOlalli luvi ed to visit tho'springs Iracke run' doily, morning ma eroping, ex.ctuat.. Sunday, from linuting,lon to: do Biniusa. Juno 23; tf. READ AND BE POSTED ! . TO THE NEWLY 31ARRIED,. AND ALL IN WANT OP F ulll Net re &c. • . . rl l llll undersigned would respectfully _l_ announce that ho mennfactures and keeps constontAy on hand a laege and splondid assortment or - DINING AND BRi.AIPPAST TABLES, • lIIIP.SAUS, lINDSTEADS. .; . WASH AND. CANDLE STANDS, Windsor and mum neat choirs. cupboards, gilt and rose wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not montionod, at.pricea that cannot fail to Ho is also agent for tho. wall known Many .& Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. - • • • -• The public are invited to call and oxamino his stock beforo purchasing CltlowLuvo. • . Work and solos room on, Hill street, near Smith, ono d0e!1 .... 1 . ,25t of -2. 22 t,t0ck a ale, lIIGDINt3.' - Huntingdon,'Aug.l, VICO - - NEW CHEAP CASH STORE IN HUNTINGDON.' • ' NEW GOODS — F01? SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. MARCH & ERO. Respectfully inform the public generally that 014 Intro just received a lar g e and splendid stock of goods of their store in Huntingdon, consistin g in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS' GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS ; CAPS, :TINWARE; LAMES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNEis, BUTTONS, ! WOOD AN D .WILLOW: Ei QUEENSIVARE; HARDWARE, ,. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, - CRACKERS; NOTIONS, 4 - TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &e., And in fact everything that is nasally kept Inn first class store, all which w ere bou g ht low for cash and will bo sold at correspondin g ly low prices for cash, or country produce. and re q uest the public to g iro us a call before P urchasin g elsewhere, feelin g satisfied we can o ff er supe rior inducements to cash buyers. • ' Wo respectfully solicit the patrona g e of all, and the public aro cordially invited to °amigo° cur g oods. Everythin g taken in exchnn g e for goods except proml ses. WM. 3 . 1AR011 &BRO. Huntingdon, Apl. 24, 186(3. r : faiEO.RHAEFFER'• . . . Ilus j tat returned from tho east- with fl - 7 4111 ?: 11. . SPLENDID . STODIC OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which lie offers to the inspection of - his customers and the public generally. 110 will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase onto will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in tho neatest and most expedi tious manner. ' Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at hie shop on - 11111 street; a few doors west of the'Diamood. • ' my 2 • . ti A. RON= !—Agents wanted e.: 9,0 :for. 0s entirely new, articles, just out. Ad $ dr o ss 0. ,T. GABBY, City Building, Biddeford, lifaino ! • co .201565-1 y CASSIMERE S.—A choice lot of black and finny Cassimeres at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. THIMBLE SKEINS' AND PIPE Boxßs for wagons of t‘ll sires, for sta. At the bard ware stow o f . 11014,1806 J JA§. A. BROWN. CALL a o t o 2:? 9: P. G-WIN'S if you want riANNED'YEACIIES and To*4tiles ru Mixed Pickles, Tomato° Camp, Popper'eaucO, &c.; &o for solo at LoNvis I t Co's Family. qr,0909r. CIPIOICE Dried Peaches, Apples, 1,_,/ Cur!ants..Prnnes,it,aleg,,ted,o/I.atifylraoctory. 1 .- RESS BUTTONS &TRIMMINGS, 1 Jet tho latest styles, ltelt Ribbon and lluekles, lie story, GiOVCP, &c., at . S. 1•;, lIEIIRY & CO. NTEW GOODS CONSTANTLY 1174- ii calved at CUNNILLIAM.S: filliNCE Teas, Coffee, Sugars and k Name., for salo ryt TAIVIS 4: Co's Family (4rocory. CUNNINGHAM & C4RAION ARE l/ selling stt of groatly_Tedeeil prigg,B. 1 - 3. g-ff. 13 MER_.Y d by Soitp fo L Cale at ' ' ' EWIS C eo' S Family Grocery. -11 L'` S- - P t. C • § 4_ a . cpy-NlNllNN!!;•pAilmort'h' MEMO W. aiussualEß, Plopriotor,