The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 15, 1866, Image 1

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Per watavism In advance
?ix months •
1 insertion. • 2 do. 3 do.
3be square, (10 lines,)or lesB.s 75 $1 25 $1 50
Two squares 1 50 2 00 3 00
Throe equares, 2 25 3 00 4 50
3 months. 6 man the. 12 months.
.$4 00 $6 00 $lO 00
.600 900 15 00
.800 12.00 20 00
.10 00 15 00 25 00
.15 00 20 00 30 00
.20 00 35 00.... ...... 60 00
Ins square, or less,
I'vro squares,
Three squares,
Pour squares
Rolla column,
One column
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
Oa. year $5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
Astray, or other short Notices 1 50
Slat-Ten lines of nonpareil make a miter°. About
eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked witlt the number of inser
tions desired, will be motioned till forbid and charged ac
sording to these terms.
Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
are also increased.
A toilet :delight, Superior to any cologne, used to
bathe the face and person, to render the skin tkift and
fresh, to allay Inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
headache, &c. It is manufactured front the rich southern
Magnolia, and is obtaining a patronage quite unpreceden
ted. It is a favorite with actresses and opera singers. It
is sold by all dealers, at $l,OO in large bottles, end by De
rum Barnes & Co., New York, Wholesale Agents.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists.
S. T.---1860---X.
Isorsons of sedentary habits troubled with weakness,
lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis
tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation, &c., deserve
to safferiif they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION
BITTERS, which are now recommended by tho highest
oiedical authorities, mid are warranted to produce an Ter.
mediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable,
perfectly pure, and must supersede all other tonics where
a healthy, gentle stimulant is required.
They purify, strengthen and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote to change of water and diet.
. -
They strengthen the s.rtent and enliven the mind.
They prey!lt miearnaPcard ilq?rmittent fevers.
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They care Dyspepsia and Constipation.
They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache.
They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant,
and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are
composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, wintergreen,
maxifres, roots and herbs, all preserved In perfectly pure
Bt. Croix rum. For particulars, sue circulate and testi
monials around each bottle. _
Beware of impostor.. Examine every bottlo. See that
it has our private U. S. stamp unmutilated over the cork
with plantation scene, and our signature on a tine steel
plate side label. tel., See that our bottle Is not refilled
with spurious and deleterious stuff. harAny person
pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in
bulk, is an impostor. Auy person imitating this bottlo.
or selling any other material therein, whether celled
•-Plantation Bitters or not, Is a criminal under the U. 8.
Low, and will be so prosecuted by us. Tho demand for
Drake's Plantation Bitters, from ladles, clergymen, mer
chants' is incredible. The simple trial of a bottle Is
the evidence we present of their worth and superiority.
They are sold by all respectable druggiets.grecers, physi
cians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores.
P. H. DRAKE ik CO.
Serrofvga Spring make, sold by all Druggist..
Aare you a bust child or a lama horse t Use tho Mex.
ken Mustang Liniment.
For cuts, sprains, burns. swellings and caked breasts,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a certain cure.
For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints, stings and bites,
there is nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment.
For spavined horses, the poll evil, ringbono and sweetly,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment never falls.
For wind-galls, scratches, big-head and splint, the
Mexican 31ustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold.
Outs, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so common
and certain to occur In every family, that a bottle of this
Liniment is the best investment that can be made.
" It is mere certain than the doctor—it same Limo in
sending for the doctor—it Is cheaper than the doctor, and
should never he dispensed with,
"In lifting the kettle from the tire ' It tipped over and
scalded my hands terribly. • • • The Mustang Lini
ment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly,
nod left very little scar.
WAS. POSTER, 420 Broad street, Ithilavia.
tali of 11,40-roeit - , -- rr ---- wr,
considered worthless, (spavin,) but since the use of t h e
31ustang Liniment. I have mid him for $l5O. Your Lin
iment is doing wonders up here."
Ali genetic., is wrapped In steel plate engravings, stgri
cd, G. W Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private
U.S. stamp of Dooms Barnes .t Co., over the lop.
Lockclasrly, and be not deceived by counterfeits.
Bold by ell Druggists at 25, 50 cts, and $l,OO.
Seal is Spring Water, sold by all Druggists.
'His a most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps the hood cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald heads.
This is Just what liyou's Hathairon will do. It is prat
ty—it is cheap—durable. It is literally sold by the car
load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily incfea
ping. until there is hardly a country store that does not
heap it, or a family that does not use it.
E. THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y.
Saratoga Spring lraier, sold by all Druggists.
WM would not be beautiful? Who would not add to
their beauty? What gives that marble purity and di:s
tingss appearance we observe upon the stage and in the
city belle? It to no longer a secret. They use Pagan's
Magn alla Balm. Its continued use remover tan, freckles,
pimples, and roughness, from the taco and hands, and
leaves the complexion smooth,traneparent, blooming and
ravishing- Unlike many cosmetics, It contains no mate
rial injurious to the skin. Any Druggist will order it for
you, if not on hand, at 60 cents per bottle.
W. E. HAOAN, Troy, N. Y. Chemist.
Demaa Barnes & 00., Wholesale Agents,N. Y
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Uruggists
iiciMstrtertiinirnitable link Coloring to not a dye. All
Instantaneous dyes are composed of tuner caustic, and
more or less destroy the vitality and beauty of the heir.
.This is the original Hair Coloring, and bas been growing
in favor over twenty years. It restores gray hair to its
original color I y gradual absorption, in a most remarka
ble manner. It is also a beautiful hair dressing. Sold in
two sizes--450cents end sl—by all dealers.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by IlikDruggists.
Motes Bantam OP Pnnr. JAMAICA Orsocrt—for Indiges
tion, Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Headrche, Cholera Ifortma,
Flatulency, Sc., where a warming stimulant is required.
Its careful preparation and entire purity maks it a cheap
and reliable article for culinary purposes. Sold every
where, at 50 cents per bottle. Ask for "lirotee" Puro Ex
tract. Take no other.
Saratoga Spring Water, sold by nil Druggists
julyll, 1866-eowly
rgs.All the [thorn erttcloti for Cale by S. S. SMITH
Huntingdon, Penna.
110,1000 TS AND SHOES, of 'every vn
jjriety at CUNNINGHAM le OARMON,S,
rat sale at
gLlSHlTO an f c ri l i mein Iluntingilon iu trt
Ries, as I have a IT holesalo store in P'lsiraile i r l 3,ir
Dealer In Tlooke, Stationery and Slualcallnetrn
manta, linntingdon,
.. .Ci_conatautly on band at
at z f Etvis k co's Family Grocery. •
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
[For the Globe.]
I'm dreaming this cie, of ray 'ldeal Realm,'
Mid a fair and beautiful land—
Caressed by the waves of a golden sea,
Girt round by a silver strand ;
Radient pearls, and the sheen of stars
Spangle the empyrean dome;
And bright festoons of a earcanet
Encircle my fairy-like home.
Brilliant sapphires and red,
Flash from the spacious hall ;
And weird mosaical figures glow
On the many-colored wall:
And the gleam of diamond porticoes, .
Blaze like myriad stars,
Set in a gorgeous anadem
Of gold and crimson bars.
There are violet banks and mazy paths,
That twine through Elysian bowers;
And all is wreathed in clouds of perfume,
Breathed from ambrosial flowers ;
And all is calm and pure and good,
Within that Temple so bright;
No shadow ofsorrow—no pall of sin,
E'er sombres the glorious light.
Sometimes I am weary, so weary of earth
Its toils, temptations and cares;
Its raptures intense, and hours of remorse,
Its errors, phantasms and snares
Then I see the gleam of the tall minaret,
That peers o'er the great White Throne;
And my vision is dazzled by spirit-forms,
.Who softly whisper—" Come I"
And I haste to leave the sordid earth,
To join the unsullied fold;
To walk with the myriad sentinel
Blazing in pearls and gold.
There in my peerless "Alden Homo,"
I have loves that never wane;
And I dream the happy hours away,
Or worship my Ideal Fano.
But when I awake to reality,
And gone is my wild, sweet dream ;
I know my Realm of Purity
Is a vision of what "might hare been."
A Carolina Witness.
They have a curious specimon of
human nature in North Carolina.
Everybody remembers the celebrated
"Cousin Sally Dillard case" and here
is one recently reported, which is not
far behind it. The writer gives it un
der the head of "legal proceeding."
Action for work and labor done in
cutting a ditch on defendant'S land.—
Plea: payment and sot-off, in bacon
and cornmdal...,
---- rianltrtrs - Soft on the stand - L-Recol:
lects the ditching perfectly, but seems
to forgot all about the bacon.
"You say your daddy did all this
ditching 1 Do you know what he got
for it ?" inquired the attorney for the
"He got nothing for it, as I ever
heard of, that's what he never got,"
answered the witness.
Didn't your daddy got corn and ba
con from defendantin pay for ditching?
"Never hoard of his getting no corn
nor bacon."
"What did your daddy and family
live on last Summer ?"
"Vittles mostly."
"What sort of victuals ?
"Well, moat and bread, and some
"Where did he got that meat and
bread ?"
"Well, just from one and then from
the other ?"
"Didn't ho got some of it from do•
fendan t."
"Ho mought " •
"I know that he mought, but did he ?
that's the question."
"Well ho mought, and thou again,
you know ho mougtlan't."
With considerable excitement, and
in tones of thunder :
"Answer the question, and no more
of this trifling with your oath.—Did
your daddy, or did ho not, get corn
and bacon from the defendant. for
ditching ?"
"Well, now, ho mought ; it didn't
occurred-zaotly, you know."
lore his honor interferes, and with
a stern judicial frown, addresses the
witness thus :
"Witness, you must answer the
question, or the Court will be compel
led to deal with you. Can't you say
yes or no F"
"I reckon."
"Well, then, answer yes or no. Did
or did not your daddy get corn and
bacon from the defendant at tho time
referred to 7" inquired the Court.
Witness, now fully aroused, and
conscious of his danger-- .
"Well, Judge, I can't edzactly re
member, you know, seeilf as how it's
all dun been gone and eat up, but,"
planting himself firmly, as one deter
mined to out with it, "to the best reck
erleetshun, if my memory serves me
right, he mought, and then again ho
Tho plaintiff saved his bacon. Ver
dict accordingly.
-A little girl recently died in Bothlo•
hem from eating portions of her finger
nails which she had bitten off. A post
mortem examination of her body re
vealed the fact that the particles of
nails she had swallowed wore sticking
in the sides of her stomach, causing
ulceration and death. Dozens of peo
ple that we know of in this vicinity
are constantly biting their nails. They
may learn a lesson from the above.
Vir A. California Editor, participa
ting in a debate as to the best method
of building a certain bridge, objected
to a coffer dam making the pier. Ito
said he early formed a prejudice
ageiput the thing ; his uncle once had
a cow ehokod with a turnip, and for a
long time is was thought she would
coffer dam head off.
Letter from Judge B, R. Curtis,
Hon. Q. 11.. Browning, Mishington :
Dear Sir--1 thank you for sending me
a copy. of the call for the national con
vention, to be held in Philadelphia on
tho 14th day of August next.
In the present unhappy condition of
our national affairs it seems to me fit
and important that delegates. of the
people should come together from all
parts of our country to manifest, in en
authentic and convincing way, the ad
hesion of their constituents to the fun
damental principles of our government,
and to that policy and course of action
which necessarily result from them.
In my judgment tho propositions con
tained in the call of the convention aro
consistent with those principles and
that policy.
The nature of our government does
not permit the United States to destroy
a State, or acquire its territory by con
quest. Neither does it permit the peo
ple of a State to destroy the State, or
lawfully affect, in any way, any ono of
ite relations to the United States. One
is as consistent with our Constitution
as the other; while that Constitution
remains operative each is impossible.
But the government of the United
States may, and must, in the discharge
of constitutional duty, subdue by arms,
any number of its rebellious citizens
into quiet submission to its lawful au
thority. And if the officers of a State,
having the actual control of its govern
ment, have disobeyed the requirement
to swear to support the Constitution,
and have abused the power of the State
by making war on the United States,
this presents the case of an usurping
and unlawful government of a Stale,
which the United States may rightfully
destroy by force; for, undoubtedly, the
provision of the Constitution that "the
United States shall guarantee to every
State in this Union a republican form of
government" must mean a republican
form of government in harmony with
the Constitution, and which is so or
ganized as to be in this Union.
But neither the power and duty of
the government of the United States
to subdue by arms rebellious people in
the territorial limits of ono or more
States, nor its power and duty to de
stroy an usurping government de facto,
can possibly authorize tho United
States to destroy one of the States of
the Union, or, what must amount to
the same thing, to acquiro that abso
lute right over its people and its torri
tory which results from conquest in
ternatives; ono is that in subduing re
bellion the United States act rightfully
within the limits of powers conferred
by the Constitution ; the other is that
they make war on a part of their own
people because it is the will of those
who control the government for the
time being to do so, and for such ob
jects as they may choose to attain.
Tho last of these alternatives has not
been asserted by either department of
the government of tho United States
at any time, and I doubt if any con
siderable number of persons, can bo
found to sanction it.
But if the first alternative be adopt
ed, it follows that the Constitution
which authorized the war prescribed
the objects which alone can rightfully
be accomplished by it; and those ob
jects are, not the destruction of ono or
more States, but their preservation;
not the destruction of government in a
State, but the restoration of its govern
ment to a republican form in harmony
with the Constitution; not the acquisi
tion of the territory of a State, and of
that absolute control over the persons
and property of its people which a for
eign conqueror would possess, but their
submission to the Constitution and
laws of the United States. But it
seems to me a greet and fundamental
error to confound the case of the con
quest of a foreign territory and people
with the case of submission to a law
ful and established constitutional gov
ernment, enforced through the powers
conferred on that government for that
specific purpose.
It is quite true that such a civil con
test may have, and in our country has
bad, the proportions of an actual war,
and that humanity and public law
unite in dictating the application of
rules designed, to mitigate its evils and
regulate the condition upon which it
should be carried on.
But those rules of public law which
concern the rights and power of a con
queror of foreign territory, eeduced by
conquest to entire submission, have no
relation to the active prosecution of
war. Their operation begins when
war has ended in submission. They
are the laws of a state of peace, and
not of a state of war.
To suppose that the government of
the United States can, in a state of
peace, rightfully hold and exorcise ab
solute and unlimited power over a part
of its territory and people just so long
as it may choose to do so appears to
mo to bo unwarranted by any rules of
public law, abhorrent to right reason,
and inconsistent with the nature of
our government.
When war has ceased, when the au
thority of the Constitution and laws
of the United States has been restored
and established, the United States aro
in possession, not under a new title, as
conquerors, but Wider their old title,
as the lawful government of the coun
try; and that title has been vindicated,
not by the destruction of one or more
States, but by their preservation; and
this preservation can bo worked out
practically only by the restoration of
republican governments organized in
harmony with the Constitution.
The title of a conqueror is necessar
ily inconsistent with a republican gov,
ornmcnt, which can be formed only by
the people themselves, to express and
execute their WILL
And if the preservation of the States
within the Union was ono of the ob
jects of the war, and they can be pro
served only by having republican gov
ernments organized in harmony with
the Constitution,and such governments
can bo organized only by the people of
those States, then manifestly it is not
only the right, but the constitutional
duty, of the people of those States to
organize Buch governments• ' and the
government of the United States can
have no rightful authority to prohibit
their organization. But this right and
duty of the people of the several States
can only begin when war has ceased,
and the authority- of the Constitution
and laws of the United States has been
restored and established ; and, from
the nature of the case, the government
of the United States must determine
when that time has come.
It is a question of great interest,
certainly, but not, I think, of great
difficulty, how and by whom the gov
ernment of the United States should
determine when that time has come.
The question whether de facto gov
ernments and hostile populations have
boon completely subdued by arms, and
the lawful authority of the United
States restored and established, is a
military and executive question. It
does not require legislative action to
ascertain the necessary facts; and,from
the nature of the case, legislative action
cannot change or materially affect
them. As commander-in-chief of the
army and navy, and as the chief exe
cutive officer, whose constitutional
duty it is to see that the laws aro
faithfully executed, it is the official
duty of the President to know whoth- ,
or a rebellion has been suppressed,
and whether the authority of the Con
stitution and laws of the United States
has been completely restored and
firmly established.
The mere organization of a republi
can government, in harmony with the
Union, by the people of one of the ex
isting States of the United States, re
quires no enabling act of Congress, and
I can find no authority in the Consti
tution for any interference by Con
gress to prohibit or regulate the organ
ization of such government by the peo
ple of an existing State in the Union.
On the other hand, it is clearly neces
sary that the President should act, so
far, at least, as to remove out of the
way military restrictions on the pow
er of the people to assemble and do
those acts which are necessary to re
organize their government. This I
think, ho was bound to do as soon as
he became satisfied that the right time
'mu CULlttr.
After much reflection, and with no
such partiality for executive power as
would be likely to lead me astray, I
have formed the opinion that the
southern States aro now as rightfully,
and should ho as effectually, in the
Union as they were before, the madness
of their people attempted to carry them
out of it; and in this opinion I believe
a majority of the people of the_North
ern States agree.
The work the people aro awaiting to
have done this convention may greatly
help. If it will elevate itself above
sectional passions. ignore all party
schemes, despise the sordid and party
scramble for offices, a❑d fairly repre
sent the national instinct that the timo
now is when complete union of all the
States is a fact which it is a crime not
to accomplish, its action cann i pt fail to
be beneficial to our country.
The passions generated i❑ a groat
and divided people by long and bloody
civil war aro deep and formidable.
They aro not confined to ono section ;
the victors as well as the vanquished
are swayed by them. They connect
themselves with the purest and tender
est Sensibilities .'of our nature; with
our love of country; with our love of
those who have laid down their lives
in the contest; with the sufferings
which war, in multiplied farms, always
brings to the homes of men, and still
more to the homes of women, and
which civil war, most of all, brings to
the homes of all ; and these passions
are tho sharp and ready tools of party
spirit, of self interest, of PERVERSITY,
and, most of all, of that fierce infatua
tion which finds its best satisfaction in
hatred, and its only enjoyment in re
No statesman who is acquainted
with the nature of man and the neces
sities of civil government can contem
plate such passions without the deep
est concern, or fail to do what ho fitly
may to allay them. Hard enough the
work will prove to be, at the best. But
a scrupulous regard for tho rights of
all and a magnanimous clemency aro
twice blessed; and both elevate and
soften the powerful, and they reach
and subdue what laws and bayonets
cannot control.
I believe there is now a general con
viction among the people that this
great and difficult work is practicable.
That it will long remain so, if the pres
ent state of things continues, I have
not the hardihood to trust. I look to
this convention with hope that it will
do much to help onward this instinc
tive desire of the people of tho United
States for union and harmony and
peace; that it will assert, strongly and
clearly, those principles which aro the
foundations of our government; that
it will exhibit the connection between
their violation and the present dis
tracted condition of our country; that
it will rebuke the violence of party
spirit, and especially of that spirit of
hatred which is as inconsistent with
the true love of our country as it is
with the true love of our brethren;
and that it will do much to convince
the people of the United States that
they must act soon, and in the wisest
Nyny, or suffer evils which they and
their posterity will long deplore.
With great respect, I am your oho-
Ojeut sorvii,nt. :;• 4 CuaTts.
Gas is being made out of pine
wood, bones, animal and vegetable re
fuse, in Detroit, Michigan.
sElv-The high price of wheat in Eu
rope has caused French agriculturists
to direct their attention to its culture,
and the official estimates show that
this year 047,500 more acres of land
were sown with wheat in France than
was the case fifteen years ago:
The Internal Revenue Commis
sioner has published a letter relative
to the tax of 10 per contain on State
bank notes after the Ist day of August,
deciding that the old notes may be re
ceived only for return for redemption
to the bank of issue, and not transmit
ted for sale to make up balances, etc.
-r,a-The city of Memphis, Tenn., is
rapidly recovering from the effects of
the war. It is stated that over 0605,-
000 aro at present invested in putting
up first-class buildings, and that there
are over five hundred minor houses in
the course of construction. Business
of all kinds is said also to be improving.
Gen. Sheridan has been recently
pleased by the repartee of a Texas pa
per, which quoted. his jest that "if ho
owned Texas and Tophet, ho would
rent the former and live in the other
place," and curtly added,."d—n tho
man that wouldn't stand up for his
own country."
MrA French paper Says that in a
commune near Avrandhes an owl has
taken terrible vengeance for the loss
of her young, which had been killed
by a farmer's lad. For four days the
owl was on the watch for the destroyer
and on the fifth, upon the boy leaving
the farmhouse, the injured bird, which
had been perched upon a tree, pounced
down upon him, and with one stroke
of its claws tore out his left eye.
ItZ-The order relative to tho ap
pointment of discharged soldiers as
clerks and messengers in preference
to a civilians has been closely observed
in the departments of the government.
The positions heretofore Sited by near
ly two hundred clerks in the Depart
ment of the Interior are now occupied
by an equal number of discharged sol
dices, and the applications of any who
have not served in either the army or
navy will not recbive favorable notice.
. 126 - s_A literary: gentleman in Wash
ington, it is stated, has been seized by
the disease known as the "pen-palsy.'
This affection is attributed to the nse
of a species - of French ink which con
tains arsenic. The gentleman's hands
fink4 - ifFi2 - AdlY,olat
volving a total abstinence from litera
ry labor.
EZ-A. National Cemetery is now
preparing at Culpeper, Va., on the
farm of Mr.- Hill. It will embrace
about six acres, situated on a rising
ground a quarter of a mile from the
Court House, and visible from the Or
ange and Alexandria railroad for a
distance of four miles. The remains
of soldiers buried between the Rappa
hannock river and Gordonsville are to
be interred in this cemetery, including
those who fell in the battle of Cedar
Mountain. ,
tErA minor of San Mateo county,
California, recently put a bull dog on
the trail of a deer, which rushed to
wards the coast and finally into the
sea. The dog followed, and soon seiz
ed the deer by the throat: A huge
wave completely submerged both for
awhile, and then threw them ashore in
a half drowned condition.- The hunter
cut the deer's throat, and was then
forced to choke the dog before he would
relinquish his grip.
g i rl shrewd Chicago detective
named Baker recently wont to Mat
toon, Illinois, worked himself into the
society of a lot of thieves; passed him
self off as a burglar; was arrested by a
previous understanding, and locked up
with parties suspected of having rob
bed a large dry g oods house in Mat
toon. He succeeded in worming out
of them a full confession of the trans
action, and recovered 528,000 worth of
goods, besides convicting the robbers
at court.
.At the destructive conflagration
in Portland on the Fourth of July,
there was stored in the sugar house
ono thousand hogsheads of sugar,
which, by the destruction of the works
wore precipitated into tho cellar, cov
ering it to the depth of a number of
feet. That sugar has been burning
slowly ever since, and may now bo
seen blazing up all over the collar.—
It was impossible to save any of it;
mixed up as it was with the debris of
the destroyed building.
.13Q'In making application to tho
Second Auditor for the additional
bounty provided for certain heirs of
deceased soldiers, (widows, minor chil
dren, or parents,) the form of applica
tion will he .tho same as heretofore
usad as applying for arrears of pay
and bounty, with the exceplion that
the number of the previous settlements
should always ho given, and it should
be stated that the application is mado
to recover the additional bounty provi
ded by the 12th and 13th sections of
an act of Congress (chapter 178,) ap
proved July 28, 1860.
Tho "conscience fund" of tho
Treasury Department is being largely
increased by, contributions from small
Government plunderers. It is stated
that there is in this fund over 860,000,
all of which amount has been received
since the termination of the rebellion,
from conscience-stricken quartormas•
tors, commissaries, and shoddy con,
tractors. Lately $lO was received by
the Treasurer of the United States
from an anonymous correspondent,
who is under the impression that it
rightfully belongs to the Government.
The largest contribution derived from
this source was t... 1.500.
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
SALT FOR CATTLE.--A correspondent
of the American. Farmer says: Strange
as it may seem, it has been contended
by some agricultural presses that salt
is of no benefit to tho animal economy.
I havo seen a cow die from eating too
much 'salt after she bad Nen a long
time kept from it; this is at least pri•
ma facia) evidence that regular Salting
is necessary both for the needs of the
animal and to prevent such accidents.
The sea air being so impregnated with
salt that cattle in the islands and near
the coast will not eat it. But although
chloride of sodium is found in all plants
there is not enough of it to supply th'e
animal that feeds on them; hence we
often seo young cattle so hungry for
salt,. that they lick the concentrated
ashes of burned wood for the trace of
salt it contains. As salt is given off
from the animal system through the
pores of the skin and the excretory
organs, there can be no doubt but that
it contains the animal health.
The Royal Academy of
Paris have obtained abundant proofs
io show the great advantage of salt,
both as a manure for crops and to pro
mote the health and digestion of farm
stock. It is shown that salt contrib
utes to the nourishniont of their food,
and that no ill consequencea follow
when they have constant access, to it.
—We know a physician, in large prac
tice, who is frequently compelled to
drive hiis horses hard. He, formerly
drove the two together, and used thorn
singly, and- as far as possible on alter
nate days. They are now; though
working harder, invariably healthy
and strong. He attributes this to the
fact that if a hard drive strains any
of the muscles, they haVe time to re
gain their tone the next day. Were
the horses driven every day, a slight
sprain would produce a-little stiffness ;
the parts would rub against each other;
inflammation would set in, and tbo
horses be lamed—perhaps incurably eo.
Farm horses aro not so liable to injury
in this respect ; as those driven fast
over hard roads: But a day's rest oc•
casionally will help them materially.
At all events do not work • thorn on
Sundays; or, if any are driven far to
church, or for any pressing emergency
make it a rule to adhere to it scrupu
lously, to lot such horsoi rest Satur
days or Mondays.. Man and .boast
must rest ono day in seven or pay the
penalty. Bettor work harder' and rest
longor.—American . Agriculturist.
WATER FOR FOWL9.-It is too much
:itit - 4iffeeit'tMeiVEv4llVAirthirot
in their reach, though it may have been
there a week, nothing more is reqifired.
This is a mistake. Water for fowls
and chickens should be clean; the.ves
eel containing it should be well rinsed
out every morning; itis a good plan to
put a little gravel at the bottom, and
it should be changed twice a day. I
am aware many will be disposed to
think this unnecessary; but I will ask
any ono who has the opportunity to
try, whether, where' there is a stream
of water running through a yard-, they
can cause the poultry to forsake it by
placing water nearer to their haunts;
it will always be found thuy prefer go
ing to the stream to drinking out of
the pan or tub.
There is little doubt many of the
diseases of Poultry arise from the filthy
water they are often obliged to drink,
from ponds full of decayed vegetable
matter, and tainted by fall of leaves in
autumn and winter from overhanging
trees.—Correspondence Spirit.
CRYSTALIZING SORGO SUGAR.—.— lM mediately after the juice has been
pressed out of the ripe Sorge cane, boil'
as rapidly as possible, without heating
the juice or syrup to exceed 225° or
230° Fahrenheit, is very essential in
making sugar. To produce a greater
heat may scorch the crystalizablo por,
tion; and to evaporate with a slow heat
induces fermentation of certain parts.
The result of either extreme is syrup,
but no sugar. The juice is syrup in
the evaporating pan, when boiling,
should not exceed ono inch in depth.
A greater depth will retard quick eva
poration. Skim thoroughly and fre
quently. Evaporate the syrup to
about 45° by the sacchorometer, or
until it will stretch out to a long
thread when rubbed between the fin
ger and thumb. The syrup must im
mediately run off into coolers, and
keep in a warm room. It *ill crysta
lize in a few days, if all conditions are
right. .
RArsmo Srocx.—A correspondent
of tho Utica herald sends the follow
ing sensible hint in regard to raising
stock: "Every breeder of mules knows
that a good horse colt cannot be ex
pected from a ream that has borne
mules. The common theory of this is
that the blood of the mare hecornes
footed by that of the fcetus, giving mu=
lish characteristics to her subsequent
progeny. Apply this to the cow, is it
not likely that tho blood of the cow is
permanently tainted. hen she is made
to bear bad blooded calves ? • And can
farmers expect ever to raiso good stock
from cows to which, for the purpose of
making them milkers, they have been
in the habit of using any runt of a ball
they could pick up 2" •
WORK FOR WET DATR.—_l4OOlf. after
your implements and tools. y i o not
let them lie around, in out-nc7t e-way
places, to get rusty, but have "a place
for everything, and everything in its
place." These are the dayS to attend
to thorn, and when you are through,
and have loblced over your cattle and
El keep, take your paper in hand, and
sec) if you cannot get some now ideas
to work upon when the rain is over.
—Americana Farmer.
rE9,,Farmers, write qs aorgo 4ggis.
THE 0 - 1,103
T ""GLOBE JOB OFFICE", is moat coaMloie of any' in Cho country, and pos
sesses the meet ample facilities for promptly executing In
the best style, every variety of Job.Printinir r each
. . •
LABELS,• &C., ,td.
NO 7
a precept to me directed, dated at lithitingdorOluk
let day of April, A. D. 1866,vmder the hanfla" and seal
of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer. and Terminer, and general joil deity.
try of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, cowpox
sod of Iluntingdort j Blair and Cambila'counties; and . tint'
llons.,Berti. F. Patton and Anthony J. Beaver, hie unbolt'
ales, Judges of,tho county • of- Huntingdon, lusticeS ite•
signed, appointed to hear, try and determine all andovery
indictments made or :taken for or concerning all Crimes,
which by the laws of tho State are mode capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors
which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpo,*
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make
public proclaroation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court' of Oyor and Terminer, of Common Pleas 'and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at .the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 13th
day) of August next, and those who. will prosecute the
mid prisoners, bo then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that all Justices of the .Peace, Coroner
and Constables within said county, be then end there fa
their proper persons, at.lo o'clock a. no. of said day, :with
their records, inquisitions, examin ation, and remembran
ces, to do "those things which to their *lkea .respectively
Dated a liutAtlngdon, the Nth day of
.341 y. In.the Fear o f
our Lord one thousand ,olght hundred and Arlzeptax„
and the 90th year of American Independence:
JAS. F. BATHURST, asn'ff.
. .
L Auausi , Txtans,
Corn. of Poona. ox relationol vs gobs a. VIM
David N. Tussoy,
Jano Ann Speer ye. William Bennett,
Adolphus Patterson • ve /sane Ziminerman,
John Dougherty vs Wm. S. Entreirin, Gas;
Moses Robinson, for um ` - ve Win. Porter's adinero,
George Stork va Dell k Orbisop.
. -
John Trees va• Stage, '
?doses Mock • vs Q. bprgey aroon .
Joseph Kenip • ' •s Same
John M. Sim:woad vs Goo. W. Ovriln a, with:dot
H, Bucher Swoops ye John R, Flanigan' —
Barnes Meildni• for use va Jno. Hamilton, with - not,
D. 31. Jones & Co. • vd James Ciark's admre.
Rohet•C Gill
on Jolin
The county of Huntingdon •e A. S. Harricou et al
W. C. WAGON= Prothonotary
Jackson Beaver, farmer, Penn
Wesley Crotsley, farmer, Cass
Daniel Conrad, farmer, Franklin
Francis Campbell, farmer, Shirley
John R. Dean, farmer, Juniata
Jacob Eastep, laborer, Union
Jacob Goodman, mill-wright, Brady:
Joel Kauffman ' farmer, Brady ,
Robert King,tailor;luntingdon
Simon Locke, blacksmith, Dublin
John Love, J. P., Barree
Edward Moßugh, manager, Carbon
Perry Moore, farmer, Morris
Jacob Miller, - Sarre° •
Samuel Musser, farnaer, West
RIO: Potter, pump maker, Huntingdon.
Levi Putt, farmer, Hopewell '
John Stinson, farmer, Carbon -
Peter Shaffer of John, farmer, Morris
Jabob Taylor, farmer, Tod ,
Isaac Taylor ' farmer, Tod
Jonathan Walls, farmer, West -
David Whitsell, farmer, Oneida
Josiah Curfman, farmer, Cass ,
David Ashton, farmer, Springfield
William Brewster, M. D.,,Huntingdon
David Bowman, farmer, Shirley
Joseph Bears, farmer,. Cromwell,
Joseph Curfinan, farmer, Cass
Robert Cummins, farmer, Jackson
M. F. Campbell, farmer, Union
Oliver Etnier, farmer, Shirley
Levi Evans, J P., Coal mont
David Foster ' distiller, Brady
David Gates, farmer, Franklin
James Gifford, farmer, Toll •
Joshua Greenland, farmer,Huntingdon
Samuel Grove, farmer, Brady
Abraham Grubb, carpenter, Walker
William Hughes, farmer, Oneida
Hays Hamilton, manager,-Franklin
Andrew. Heffner, miller, Walker • '
William Ilampson, mechanic, Shirley
lloury Harris, farmer, Penn
John Ingram, farmer, Franklin
Samuel Kessinger f farmer, Penn
Lowis Kuode, farmer, Poiker
John M. Leach, millwright, Franklin.
Adam Lightner, farmer, West
Christian Miller, farmer, Cass.
Jona. McWilliams, farmer,. Franklin
John Morrow, farmer, Dublin
William Neff, laborer, Porter
Henry G. Neff, farmer, Porter
Samuel :Noff, farmer, Porter -
Jacob Noarhoof, farmer, Warriormark
David Peterson, farmer, Dublin
Henry Putt, farmer, Hope Well , -
John Porter, gentleman, Alexandria
Samuel Stoffey, farmer, Jackson
James Stewart, farmer,. Jackson
Michael Sprankle, farmer, Morris
David Shoup, mason, Hopewell
Goorge Stever, farmer, Cass
Wilson Watson, plasterer, Walker
Elijah Weston, farmer, Warriormark
John Warfel, farmer, Henderson
A. A. White, farmer, cirmidu
Leo Wilson, farmer, Barre
J. D. Doren, inn-keeper, Causal°
White was the emblem of light, reli
gious purity, innocence, faith, joy and
life. In the Judge it indicates integ,
rity; in the eck man ; hinnility; in wo,
man, chastity.
Red, the ruby, signifies fire, divine
love, the Holy Spirit, heart of the Ore
ative power, and royalty. White and,
red roses express love and wisdom, as
in the garland, with whiph the an
cients crowned. St. Cecilia-. In anoth,
er sense, red signifies blood, war, ha,
trod and punishment. Red 444 141apic
combined were thedelors of purgatory.
Blue, or the sapphire expressed hea,
von or the firmament, eruth ; constancy
and fidelity. •
Yellow, or gold, was the symbol of
the sun, of the goodness of God,'of
itation or marriage, faith or faithful : .
ness. In the picture of the Apostles,
St. Peter wears a yellow mantle over
a blue tunic. Yellow also signifies
constancy, jealousy, deceit; in thin
sense it was given to Judas, who in
generally habited in yellow.
Green, the emerald, is the color of
spring, particularly hope of immortal-.
ity, and of victory, as the oolor of lin
re! and palm.
Violet, the amethyst, signified love
and truth, or passion and suffering.—;
1- 41199 it is the color Oftorl worn, by % 11 9
Black expressed the earth„darknoss,
wiettednose,monrning, negation, death;
and it was appropriate to the Prince
of Darkness. In some old illuminated
manuscript, Jesus, in, the temptation ;
wore a Week robe. White and, black
together signify' purity of life, and
mourning or humiliation,