1111ARTON & YAGUIRE, RAILROAD 'STREET, HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, 6417LtAt a& The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, to Invited to the fact that we are now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than can be found elaewhere in thli part Of the State, at prices to Emit the times. Our stock comprises all articles In this lino of bashiess, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS ailed' lig. CARPENTERS, 13LACKSMITKS,CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS;AO., Ac., together with a lnrgo stock of _lron; Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, • Enamelled,' Finished - . and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal 011.Lamps . and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of 3Elixkiel CtLitle)x•y", Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural .and Farm Implements, Of the latest and mostimproved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON DASD AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of . Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, .Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. = arr-tikkr. - v*- - ="ivA leo 1 / 2 0 =-31-1 Can ha supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find In - our establishment a superior stock of • PLANES,' • SAWS, AUGERS,' HATCHETS, HAMMERS, . . . FILES, . , CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS,, &O MINING AND MINERS' GOODS, NAILS and SPIKES, of all variotios, BLASTING POWDER, POSE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. F.El,3..ximewis; Cate be accontModated with everything in tbeir line from a Grain Separator to a Whet-stone. 3E31.331c1(3x•fa 'Are especially invited to call and examine our Block of RUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, CooaprisingLho Campus Rosgell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, RundolFs First Premihm lIORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, -B , Ftbeg, - Hoes Flay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, i Breast Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, &0., ,t-c. . •Ameng - thfkepclaltiee of our Muse, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, . . The ezelualvOriglot to sell which is seated in us. Pond for . acironlar and got full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualitiea.i SCALES. 7 Sukdoi °WI alieci oqd deceriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, , Platform Scales, Grocers' and _Druggists' Scales Rolling JIM, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, _Miners and Trans.. portation, Hay, Cattle and • Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS ,CASH PRICES... - - The largest and best assortment of GLASS . , PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Svcr offered In this place ,A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF ' NAILS .AND BRADS, Ely tho keg': Very low! Beat. Norway nail, rod, bar an d hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions W.A.GONNBOX OARRIAGI SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low figures .I*l- A call is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dant that our goods and prices will not fall to plassa WHARTON Sr, 111AGUIRE. liuutlngdon, 7T, 1E,6,3 PROF. .H. NVENTYRE'S GREAT REMEDY, THE INDIAI COMPORD Internal and External Medicine, WILL CUBE: tiZ - Dinerlwea, Bloody Plua in one day, headache and Earache in three minutes. 4ar. Toothache In one minute. la thorn!gin is lira minutes, .4151- Sprains In twenty minutes, 44- Soro Throat in tan minutes, *3 — Cholie and Cramp in fire minutes, Rheumatism in one day, Pain In the Back or Side In ten minutes, *3... Bad Cough, or Colds in ono day, %VA_ Fever and Agne In one day. IM. Cures Deafneri, Asthma, Pilos, ' ..Bronchitis Affections, Dyspepsia, WE. Inflamriintion of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Ay). Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Henri • Keep It in your Families—Siohness comes when least expected, I propose to check, and effectually . dissipate more ache and palu, and to accomplish more perfect equilibrium of all the circulating fluids in the human system, than can be. effected by. any other, or all other methods of medical old in the eamo space of time. TIIIS POPULAR REMEDY is fast•coming Into use, for the fact that I cure, free of charge, all these con, plaints whenever . there Is an opportunity to do so. As Boon as It le applied it Mincer miraculously kills the pain. I do not ask you to buy before you aro certain of its Mil. chsney. If you have an echo or pain, it is warranted to do all it purports on the label. I do not .propose to cure Beery disease—only a class named by my directions. My liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, and is, therefore. appliable, to the cure or natural restorative of all organic derange meat arising frosts an improper circulation of the nerve vital fluids: • Prof. J. 11. McEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts di- rectly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other swellings in Incredible short time, without any po,sibit danger from its use miller any possible circumstances. This Is an internal and external medicine—coniposed of roots, herbs and barks, such as our forefathers used.— Thor. is a bountiful snpply on earth to cure all complaints If wo only know what they were. This bas been a great study with the Medical Faculty for many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to tho above complaints-,how to put them together, and what proportions to uso. J. 11. McENTYRE, Proprietor, Reading, I'a. For sale at Lewis' Book Store Huntingdon, Pa„ Sept. 6, 1565. VicENTYRE'S DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arising from one came, vie : Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia Catarrh in the Head; Weak and disor dered Stomach, such ns Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gid diness of the Head, Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailments, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in tho Bock or Side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Eruptions of the Budy, Gravel, Worms, &c, &c. Sold at 25 cents per box. McENTYRE'S T.ZVDIAN VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! Thininfallible medicine is warranted to expel worms in all cases and may be given to cullthon of all ages, as they are purely vegetable and, perfectly harmless. Can be bad at Lewis' Book atom, Iluntiugdort, Pa, DR. VENARD' S STAR MAGIC. LINIMENT. s].ooo REWARD will be paid for any medicino ihat extols this fur thu following disoattos: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Timis an Internal and External:Medicine, composed of Roots, Herbs and Barks such as our forefathers used.— There Is a bountiful supply on the earth to cure all cory plaints, if see only knew what they were. This tins been a:subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for great many years, to find out the kinds best adapted to tho above complaints—how to put thorn together, and what portions to use. This wondortul remedy needs no recommendation save the results which invariably follow its application. .trZ" This popular remedy is fast coming into use front the fact that it gives good satisfaction. Sy PHYSICIANS are invited to lest its efficacy in all casts of Rheumatism ' Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin, Muscles and Glands. It Ims been used in thousands of instances under the personal supervision of the Inventors, and has never disappointed their expectations. All we ask for it Is a trial—experi mental proof—not tho testimony of the men of straw, are the vouchers we desire to present to the public.. It would be well for many now lying in beds of torture, if them) facts could reach their sick chambers. It is morn important to them than to tho inventors that this should ho the case. "Truth is mighty rind must prevail." Aar-Keep it in your family, for sickness comes when you_lcast expect it. PRICE-ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL 11. SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Huntingdon, Pa, July 10, 1865. DR. VENARD'S STAR, MAGIC LINIMENT CURE. 9 RHEIDIATISM, NEURALGIA, • TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, • DIPTIIERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or • PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SPRAINS, and .DIARRII(EA SOLE AGENT, SAM UEL H. SHOEMAKER, HIINTLNGIDON, PA Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. G 5 Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 1865. PAPER ! PAPER ! PAPER II ! Tracing Paper, /nap - cession Papor, Drawing Papor, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, • Silk Paper for Flowora, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets., For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. N.EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA llnforms tho poblio that he has jest ,ei ft io opened at hi§ old stand in the Diamond, lluntiagden, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which ho will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine my Mock. Manufacturing and• Repairing done to order as usual. Ifuntingdon,Aprit 10,1500. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, The Whitest, the most durable and the most cconomtca Try it I Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, an24-Iy . No. 137 North Third et., Philada. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store SOUK, PICKLBS ready for the table by tho doz., 34 d°z " ° LI / Y - 18 d r o' 8 f" l7ml ' lf ' ; Orpcory. T RA.CING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPER While and Colored Card Papal, For solo at LEWIS' BOOK et STATIONERY &TORR. gm. - Fine Cigars and Tobacco for dale at Lewis' Book Stor© rjlllE BEST QUALITY OF FRESH 1. MACKEREL at CUNNINGILI3J ce CARMOIV'S. el UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A 1k.31 Imp awrtmrlit at, DROWN'S HARDWARE STORE BROUGHER'S PATENT EXCELSIOR BROOMIIEAD OR WRAPPER. PATENTED DECEMBER 26, 1866 Everybody his own Broom Maker This head Wrapper is Cl °tract.' of Tin Zinc, with slidit band and bolt in connectio with the cent bolt passing 1111 tho handle, hol ing it EOCUre. 'rho article which wo cc oar attention very mad strop weighing bt SEVEN OUNCES. The tannin community Lm long needed at article of thi character; ar the high price Brooms, toguth, with Most:ITU ity, durability, makes it more timed. tro - -Wo offer borough, township, and family rights for rale en reasonable terms, In the county of Iluntingdon. For further particulars, call and ger, the subscribers, Cr address 'TKOS. O. STRICKLER & SON, feb7,1866 Ifuntingdon, Pa. LUMBER. LUMBER. LUATI3ER. rpHE undersigned has just. received and is uoNr ready to supply tho public With ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, COMPRISING ALL THE DIFFERENT GRADES, FrOm millings up to the clear Bluff, From 9 months to 2 dears dry! Also, PLASTERING LATH, JOINT AND . LAP SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AND PLANK• WORKED FLOORING, WEATHER-WARDING, DOORS, WINDOWFRAMES, SASHES, &c at reasonable prices Now Is the time to buy, before the Spring rush, as Lumber is already advancing, and dry lumber Is a scarce article. • 011 AS. it. ANDLIISON. Ilnutingdon, Feb. 21,1806 • IVEICTMIC, 4a1130C)/q.M. sil I MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS AND SEIVINP MACHINES. B GREENE has just opened . las music Store, ono d, or west of W Rook Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS' and GARGLE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAItTIART, NEEDIIAM A CO.S' MELODEONS; G name, Violins, Fifes, Ftutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOORS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer, Golden Trio, Ac. , dm. SHEET MUSIC.-110is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing. can order, and have sent them by in ail: Also eltOVEll & RAKERS Celebrated SEWING Mit- CIIINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sewing Silk, and Cotton of nil kinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sowing - Itachinenully instructed in the use of them. AO— Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else where My prices urn the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, 11111 street, Huntingdon, 5(.27 Second floor of Brown's Hardunro building 'Mao aDicl 35"4::)01.1.31ac1x•y- STILL IN BLAST. • THE subscribers, thankful for the liberal share of patronage they have heretofore re ceived by strict attention to business, ifitt7 hops to merit and still receive the same, •••/:•••••• take this method to inform their friends and everybody else, that they aro prepared to make all kinds of IttON and BRASS CASTINUS made In a first class Foundry. - - We have always on hand all kinds of Plough and Stove Castings, also wash Kettles, cellar-window Orates, coal hobo castings for pavements, window weights of all sizes and weights, pips joints. sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam and water, grist, saw, sumac, and plaster mills of all descriptions. We are prepared to furnish Heaters and Iron Fences of thane t improved,stylo, oven doors and frames, door sills' and in fact everything made in this line. We have a very largo stock of patterns and can furnish castings at short notice, and cheaper than they Coo b 0 had in the comity. Having a good drill we are prepared to do drilling and fitting np of all kludS. Ali — Highest market price paid for old metal, brass, zinc, lead, Rr, J. M. CUNNINGUAM k EON. Office on Railroad streetone door wut or tho. Exchange lintel, hunt of Yo, &Tr.:7,65 NEW FIRM mezJecieramtznal .1. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER Having entered into partderehip, Inform tho public that they aro prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Each as MONUMENTS, 1111A‘DSTONES, also 13uilding Work, as at low prices as any shop in ths . rounty. Orders from a atriums° promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a fow doors east orthe Lu theran church - febti,lB66ly INVARBLE YARD. The undersigned X: would respectfully call the attention of the citizens Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of eautiful marble now on band. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and curved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building darblo, Door and Window - Sills, ko., will be famished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in tho conutry, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on the outer of Montgomery and AliflUn eo.. Huntingdon, Pa. WILLIAMS. llnntingdon,May 161855. SPECIAL NOTICE. • V o THE LADIES.—Do you really ink." to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Femille attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they hail for it time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the example of Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do net forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, echo will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath, ere, lipsbauds, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the some store. They can here. be suited in good articles of Roots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens. ware and a general assortment of Groderies, on as rest. satiable terms as at any 11000,3 in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, ISO. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. - sirs YT WALIC: 2 I 2 A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT DONNELL & KLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On. Hill Street, two doors west of Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS Huntingdon, Oct 4, '65-tf. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, E. 0. & G. W. COLDER. HAVING entered into co-partnership In the Alexandria Brewery, the public aro Informed it, that they will bo prepared at all times to fill ' - orders on the shortest notice. Alexnitin, IECS-tf. ' 0:11 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS IPR. A. B. LIGHT, Graduate of tho University of Pennsylvania, him' ng ocated at IVarriorinnark, offers his professional nor vices to tho people of the town and vicinity. Ile will re ceivo night calls at Chantherliu's 'Hotel. May 10 , 1560-3 m. DR. A. B: BRUMBATIGIL If Having permanently located at Huntingdon, oilers his profeseionni services to the community. Ocilla, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Loden. on Lill street. np10,1860 IPR. JOHN McCULLOOH, offers his professionnl - services to the citizens of lluntingdon icinity.. Wine ou 11111 street, One door cast of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 21,'55. WARAI SPRINGS, fashionable summer resort, firs miles north of Huntingdon. Extonsiva accommodations. W. 3. Qeissinger. Proprietor BOYER & GARNER, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., Marklesburg station. INTM. WILLIAMS, Y Plain and Ornamental Marble 31anufacturer". ANDREW- JOHNSTON, agent for the Niagara Insurance Company, Huntingdon. SITAERFER, dos,lor iu Boots, VA Shoe; Hui ter; Sze., Huntingdon. M'CALIAN & SON, proprietors of Juniata Stenilltearl Mill, Huntingdon. NV.III - . LEWIS & CO , Family Gro ceries, Provision and Feed Store, Hunt., Pa. WM. MARC.I.I. & BRO. . Dmtors in Dry Goo&, Queonwnre, Ilsrdware, Boots, Shoes, the. W..N.L' LONG, Dealer in Candied, guts, Family Groceries, &c., Hunting , lots, to. CUNNINGHAM. & CAR MON, Merchants, Cluntingilort; Pa. WI-lARTON k MAG UIRE; Whole gale and retail dealer, in foreign and domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Itailrold Street, Huntingdon. CHAS. H. ANDERSON, Dealer in an kinds of Lumber, ke., huntingdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, of Dealer In hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Uuut 'nation, Pa. • L ROMAN", I. Dealer in Beady Minh, Clothing, Tints and Cap, P. GWIN, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilarderaro, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Donis and Shoes, &c. Huntingdon: SE. lIENR.Y & CO., Wholesale and • Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and Provisions of all kinds, Huntingdon. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, in the Diamond, Huntingdon, Yn. JOIIN 11. WESTBROOK, Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and • Provisions of all kinds, Huntingdon, Pa. D ONNF4LL & KLINE, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Huntingdon, Pa .110111 AS G. , STRICKLER & SON, Manutheturersof Brougher's patent Broom Head or rapper, Iluntingdon. T M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, OP • Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturers. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready .IY_L . made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. • M. GREENE, Dealer in iqusie,inu sical Instruments, Sewing 31achtnes, Huntingdon. CI SHOEMAKER, Agent for the Ma gic Star Liniment, Huntingdon, Pa. BILL POSTER. The undersigned .offers his services to business men nod others desiring circulars distributed or bandbills posted. He can be seen nt the GLOBE taco. Huntingdon, Aug. 16, 1665. JOHN KOPLIN. T 1 ALLISON DULLER, n. *** && • DE VTIST, •-• Hos removed to tho Brick Row opposite the Court House April 11, 2.819. T • E. GREENE, DENTIST. tY (Mee removed to 'opposite the Eranklin Howie in the old bank building, Hill street, Huntingdon. April 10, 1060. - EXCHANGE HOTEL. • THE subscribers having leased this .1 Hotel, lately occupied by Mr.MeNulty, are prepared to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall be ou tdo on our part to make all echo stop with us reel at home. J. J. & J.. D. FEE, m0y2,1b66 Pfoprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, 3E-Muurutima t sciaomi, 3P.st. T TUVE purchased and entirely rou x orated the large stone and brick building opposite the Peunsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first class, and I am Rafe in saying that I call offer ac commodations not excelled In Central Pennsylvania. 48 - Fre!, to my patrons who have formerly known mu while in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel nod Jack eon Boma. JOSEPLI 3.IOItIMON. May 16, 1566-tf. IC. ALLEN LOVELL, • K;-ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In tho Mick row, opposite tho, Court House. may 3.1866 I=2 MATTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LICENSED CLAIM AGENTS, 111.INTINODON, PA. Soldiers Claims against the Government for Back Pay Bounty, Widows' and-invalids' rondoma attonded to with great care and promptness. my29.ly ACENy j FOR COLLECTING SOL C D.uuRS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. A LL who may have any claims a gainet the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and ['enemas, cab have their claims promptly collected by ap plying either in perm or by letter to W.H. WOODS, - AttoFney at Law, • • Huntingdon, Pa. • Aurmst•l2, 1808. • JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. 3311ONTN, JOHN SI. BAILEY The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT k BROIVI , T, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under which name they will hereafter conduct •thei practice an ATTORNEYS AT LA iv, HUNTINGDON ; PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against the Government, will ho promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1865-tf. A. W. BENEDICT. J. SEWELL STEWART. P. 11. LTTLE. THE firm of Benedict & Stewart has I. been changed to BENEDICT, STEWART & LYTLE, under which name they will hereafter practice AA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HIDITINCDON, PA . They will ohm giro careful attention to tho collectio of military and othor Claims against tho State or Gov ornment. 01lice formerly occupied by J. Sewell Stewart, adjoin ing the Court Homo. . fe1d3,1860 C THE CYTIIARA—The , yfil‘ Pr osby to rla n rsalmodist—Tho • . shown—TheJubilee—Hunton's and Bertini's enlarged and improved instructors—Wetland's New and Improved Method for the Ouitar—Leland's Accor dean, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructors—l3ellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur rower? Pirmo-Forte Yrimer—do. Thurough-Baso Primer— Howe's Drawing Room Dances—Tho Chorus Gloo Book-- Tara's Harp, for sato at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY ,4 MUSIC STORE.. fIROWN & 131,EACTIED INIUSLINS, Ticking, Linseys, aerial, bleached and brown can ton Flannels, miner's Plaid, Wool Flannels. &c.,&c., nt S. E. HENRY & CO'S. TILE BEST EASTERN CHEESE mbruo rit, CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. ARPET IN G OF ALL KINDS 4._/ c CUNNINOILLV O_llZ-VONS. 'EGARS.- -Bast quality of Segars Slllll7 at CUNNINIIII 3L C.A p j itabtiphitt Vrilertiztnitnts. $1,500 PER "".7—Wu want hgents everywhere to sell our lone , vaos2o Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted live years.. Above salary or large commissions paid. •'rhe ONLY machines sold in thelJnited States for less than $4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, insider of Wilson, Grover it Baker, Singer it Co., and Baclolder. All other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and impris onment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw Fs Clark, 13h1deford, Maine; or Chicago, 111. de3o-ly General Partucr .. n"e A cti Special Partner THOMAS M. KERR, WHOLESALE OIiOCER, NO. 143 . MARKET STREET, PHILADELPRIA. • Country produce cold on COIMUISOIOL. nprre-ly JAMES 11. ELDREDGE. GEO. P. ELDREDGE. - . ELDREDGE R BRO., • Publishers, -Stationers, Booksellers, No. 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, (Above Chestnut,) PHILADELPHIA. Particular attention paid to the country trade. . • Always on hand a large supply of Letter. Cap, Note Bill, and Wrapping Paper; Envelopes; School and Mis cellaneous Books; Pens, Ink, Slates, 3lncilage; Photo graph Albums, Paper Bags, &c., Sc., &c. Liberal terms to cash custotuers. aug.28;65-1i BILLIARDS - ! BILLIARDS!! - JOSEPH , L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully inform's the public that he has opened for their use his now and elegantly fitted up Billiard Boom. It contains . . NAM NEW TABLES OF SHARP'S MANIIPACTURE; superior to nny tow ht the city. This Billiard Room challenges comparison with any room in the:State, west of Philadelphia. TO ALL BOOK BUYERS, JAS. K. SIMON, 33 south Sixth street, Philadelphia, Is agent fur the following valuable books Appleton's New Amrricnn Cyclopedia-16 Vols. Istory of the Rebellion-1 largo Vol. • " Dictionary of Mechanics-2 vols. Rebellion Record. by Frank Mooro-9 Washington Irving's Waits. 22 Cooper's Novels. Dicken's Works. Merivale d• Gibbon's Rome. Macauley's Works. Urn's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures. Bancroft's United States-9 vols. .20., trze. I furnish all books published, for public and private Librarian, at wholesale prices. Send a list of any Books wonted, with a stamp, for prices, which will be sent by return mail: my 23 3m INVENTORS' OFFICES. - D 'EPI - NEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Philada Patents solicitOd Consultations' on Engineering, Draughting nod Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kinds made and skillfully nttended to. Special attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES.— Anthentio copies of all. Documents from Patent Office procured. N. B.—Save yourselves melons trouble nod traveling expenses, ns there is no actual need for i.orsonal inter view with tin All business with these Othces k can be transacted in writßsg. For further information direct as above with stamp enclosed, far Circular with references. Januaryli, 1.366-ly The Celebrated Wrought Iron AIR-TIGHT • GAS.'CONSIIMING HEATER, (With patent Dust Screen,) • Manufactured by J. .REYNOLOS'& SON, N. W. Corner 13th and Filbcrt street, Phila. The fires of Bartlett & Reynolds having this day, June 30, 18e0, dissolved, the undersigned will continue to man ufacture their justly celebrated Heater at the old eland. It Is the only ono perfectly adapted to the burning of Id Melon°. cont. .Q4l'Seud for illustrated pamphlet I ,Ty 10-2 m J. IttIYNOI. DS & SON. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS - C ',.. 111 1, 4 , .7 -' 3. 7-- „,.. _----- ii•T4-' IL Cottage Organ. c Are not only unoacelled, but they ore absolutely tine quailed by any other Reed instrument In the country:— Designed expressly for Churches and schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and draw ing room. For solo only by F.. Pt. DitIICE. No. 18 North SEVENTH street, Philadelphia. IXi1• Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and A co plots as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. sell—ly E. REMINGTON & SONS, w i gg- gifilA tg , MA_NLTFACTURRS OF REYOLVERS 'RIFLES MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United States service. A'so,• POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES lILTOLVINC RIFLER, Rifle and Shot Gnu Barrels; d'ini fluti Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the trade generally. In these days. of Housebreaking and robbery, every house, etoae, ban, and office, should have ono Of • IME=II:U Remingtons' Revolvers. Office on Bill street. Parties desiring to avail themselves of iho Into im provements in pistols,• and superior-workmanship and form, will find all combined in the now • REMINGTON REVOLVERS. • Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished on application. • E. REMINGTON at EONS, Ilion, N. Y. • Bionic & Illenots, Agents, ap-1-Gin • N 0.40 Courtiandt et. New York. ltre N k , s o e 41) r ' t 1 I I 4LI 0 11, Incorporated by the Legislature of the State cf Pernisylvania. Located on the N. TV. Corner of 7th aria (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Designed exclusively to impart a thorough and PRACTICAL BUSINESS • EDUCATION All classes of persons require such an education. Those possessing moans, need It in conducting ilicirown business Those without means need it in obtaining and creditably filling lucrative positions in the employ of others. The course of instruction and practice is arranged so as . to fully meet the diversified wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE, us comprehended or embraced under the three general di visions of industry: Agriculture, Manufacture and Com Each student is instructed individually In both theory and practice of Book Keeping, according to the most ap. proved and labor saving methods, Business Penmanship, Calculations, cod all the collateral branches of a complete course of business education; and upon passing asetisfac. tory examination is awarded, by authority of law, a diplo ma, under the corporate lb.al of the college. &dents ere received nt any time. And it is believed that a practical experience of over TWENTY TEAMS will be considered by tiro public nn ample guarantee of the prac tical charactet of the course and °Maloney of the instruc tion. . All furthor Information desired can bo obtained at the college, or by.addressing the principal for a circular by mail. - • - 4CS , A liberal discount Is allowed to wounded and hon orably dhcbarged soldiers. Tim college is open day and jevening. T 11. POLLOCK, Att'y•abLaw, jy12,1665 Principal. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Will do more and better work at a given cost, than any other I Try. It I Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, wholPsalo Drug, Point and CHUB Dealers, jan24 .ly N 0.137 North THIRD st., PHILADA. • DEST BLEACLIED MUSLIN j..,iara ) N on band at OUNNTATHAM & CA RMON'S. ESTABLISHED IN 1840, 1866. THE 1866. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon; Is now ready for inspection and sale, AT LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia . or Pittsburg. OUR 8-T:0 C K Consists of 'upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wail & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, Mil The Parlor, Silting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, • Kitchen, Office, • . Store, Shop, '&e., &o. Call at the "Globe" Building, and e;camine our stock and prices. IVICIEM tO 33 C) CoIEC. FOK SALE AT LETIIK BOOKSTORE. HOWE'S SON 1S OF IRELAND, containing about 175 of the Hem of Hibernia's Songs and Ballads, including 50 of s.ldortes Irish Melodies,Songs e the' affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical. Military; Political' Comic and Miscellaneous. Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or 51elodeon. Price $3.00 HOWE'S SONGS OP SCOTLAND, ',containing about 17b of the Gems of Caledonia's Songs and Ballads, inclu ding Songs of the affections, Sentimental, Patriotic, Historical, Military, Political, Comic and Miscellane ous Songs, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00. HOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OF THE OLDEN TIAIE, containing the Original Words and Music, of tho Songs and Ballads, sung by the Grand-moth ors of the present generation. Arranged for Four Voices. HOWE'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra. and Fancy Dances Nv th Calls and Figure* Waltzes, Polkas, Opera Melo. dies, Scotch and Irish airs, &c., &0., for the "Violin, • Flute, Cornit, thus Viol, &c. THE YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOK; a collection of Music for male Voices, consisting of Glees cud Part Songs, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthems, eh.t3, &c. • • KINGLET'S JUVENILE 'CHOIR s—A seleCtion or the Choicest Melodies from the German, French, Ital. lan, English and Askericou Composers. . TRUMPET OF.FREEDOM AND THE BUGLE CALLS;twO books suitable to tint times. THE BOSTON' GLEE BOOK, consisting of an extensive collection of Ulees, Madrigals, and Rounds, selected .from the works of the Most admired Composers, to 'gaiter many now pieces from thOUermnii. INSTRUCTION ROOKS FOR THE PIANO, Motodion Accordeon, Violin, Banjo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum Fifo and Flugeolet. Huntingdon; Jan. 24, 1805-tf. L ls . ll. s:c-lite:o .9:41! • pittANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! • a(STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXIIOUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, - SUBPOENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B'ES. COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, • NOTES, with ei . Waiver of the $3OO Law.' JUDGMENT NOTER,leith a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Jasticea of the Peace and Blinisters of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in ease of Assault and Battery, and Affray. • SCORER PAC:IAS, to recover amount of judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale nt the °Mee of the TIUNTINGDON . IRLOBIG• BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, owl on good Paper. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LAI?GE STOCK AND . , SI'LENDII) ASSORTMENT • Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TT. S. REVENUE. STAMPS • FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE HUNTINGDON, PENNA. SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS; CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e:, A handsome assortment, just received At LEWIS' Book Store. - S - PECTACLES A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS'.BOOK STORE. THE GREAT MEDICINE! M'Entyre's INDIAN COMPOUND. ANEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIyED. AT LEWIS' BOOK . STORE. PRICE 'PER BOTTLE, 50 OTS., and $l,OO table . OR, THE LADIES.. A superior articlo of Note Paper and Envelope! e taldo for confidential correspondence, for solo at :.,LEIVIS' BOOK 2 STATIONERY STORE. PAPEPAPER !! R Note; Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for'salc by, the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at ' LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERS' STORE. VERMICELLI, Barley, Rice, Heal' i ay, Beaus, &c., at Lewis 1i: t3o!s Fanillythocory. PLANK BOOKS, OF vatzors eras, for .t LEWIS' BOOK AND STATloNEßrsrofee Der For neat JOB PRINTING, call a the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE,' at Hun tingdon, Pa. T OV E'S Pure and Superior Rio Col fce in pre:tinges of one pound. for ealo at LE I tIS Orocrry.. ,=1 : yj 3 . , ~ i ,1 PENNSYLVANIA ILA IL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS S'UMMER' ARRANGEMENT. • WESTWARD. -- - • --- • • - • EASTWARD .. 1g , ty . ..t.; 1• • - • -:', . 1 A:s' . Il e f.. 4 I tk . I M r j gSTATIONS 4 ell :. . 15) .. t ? •,., . . pat.! P. n.! 9.014 A.N. I P.M.I 2.10.1 A.III 6'08.' 11 43 N.Hamilton, 6 101 630 5:85 616 12 53 Mt. Union,— 602 6 22 8 26 625 ..,.. 12 05 • Mapleton 464513 8 15 634 • 12 16 • 51111 Creek;.:. 4 46 503 8 OS 6 50 ,5 10 12 31 6 00 Huntingdon, 433 33 410 .7-60 7 08 .....<.. 12 51 .....Ireterebn4;,.. 4 • 18 860 7-80 716 I 1 01 !Barren, 410341 7 21 722 ' 113 623 BprneeCreoSl :4,02 880 :7,10 7 35 1 35 131rmIngtun, 345 315 665 7.40 5 67 1. 45 -6 46 Tyrone, - 335 805 648 759 200 ' Tipton - 325268 6 38 8 04 2 08 'Fostoria, 3 20 2 46 6 26 8 10 2 15 Bell'e..Mille,.. 815 289 619 8308 25 2 401 720 Altoona,. 300220 6 00 ma at P 35 P. 51., P.M. FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at S SO , and arrives nt Huntingdon at 4'54 a DAY EXPRESS . Eastward leaves Alloonaat 3 133 , endirrireaitt ftuntlogdon 948 a. it. Tim Alton 1.0 156 The A. M. The A. M., A. EXPRESS Eastward, 1130011 and attires at Iluntingdon at Thu PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS • Westward, leaves Huntingdon nt , 7 00 A. M., and arrives of Altoenatil • The FAST:-LINE Westward, leaves Enntingdatt it 735 P. M.. and arrives at Altoona-at 850 P. M. • The NEW YORK EXPRESS - Westward leaves:Granting,- don at 7 38 A. en., and arrives at,Altoots 8 pc) A. M. May 20.1360. ' • - H UNTINGDON Sc. BROAD TOP` . On and after Monday; JULY liftb, Me t Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: SOUTHWARD TRAINS. 'NORTftWARDTItiIi§.• CZ= EEI=IIMI MENEM SIDINGS Lizs 30 is 8 0011Inntingdon, 5 47 8 2018fcCoonelletawn,4, .6 55 8 32 1 Pleasant Grove, 6 09 - , 848 Morkleaberg, e 24 904 Coffee Hun, i .' 6 32 9 12 Hough&•Ready, 644 '.' 924 Cove, " ' 6.481 923 Fielleee Sutorolt sit 7 03 1 08 9 44 LE 7 131 m 0.54 Saxton, 7 311 10 14 lilddlesinig . . 7 421 10 22 Hopewell '7 54 10 38 Piper's Bun ' 9 10 . 10 58TateervIlle o BZi 11 09 Bloodk Hun, I AR 127 cull 12 MolintDallae,, -, 8 RUN BRAN La 7 5011 10 20 Paxton , I : 8 05 ! . 'lO 35 Coalmont 8 10, 10 40 Cxnaferd, An 8 - 20141110 60 Dudley,-' 1 . t. .. !Breed , Top Dlty,:. Ituntlngaila July 18;1835. DU* rrr''6`76%;, ftpAPINA .RML SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, • JUNI9II,IBBB. ' -• fIR EAT TRUNK- LINE.FRoM TILE VA North and North-Wed for , Ptitundruts, Yoalt, READING;POITSVIALE, TAitAQUA,''AentAtID, LsrattOtt, AtistiTOWN, HAVrotl,. EVERATA, Lim , toxouttit ) COMM DIA,Itc., Ac. - • Trains leave Harrisburg for New, York, shi follows f At 3 00, 8,10 and 0 05 A. 51, and 210 and 9,15 P. bLecorinect ing with similar trains on the Ponneylvanialtit,arriving at Now York 6,00 and 10 10A, N., & 4.10, 5,20.10 45 P. N. Sloeping cars accompany the 8 00 a m and 9 15 pPus.tralris without change. Leavo H4rrisburg for Reading,' Pottsville, Tniniqini, A§hlaud, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila dolphia at 8 10 A.M., and 210 did 410 P.. 51.; 'ettiiiping at Lebarirri and pi incipal. way stations; the 4 10 p. m. train snaking connections foi Philadelphia'sind Golnuibia Only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Ilayen and Auburn, viaSclfisyl kill and Susquebatilia R.N., leavAltarrisburg at 3 20,P N. Returning, leave Nzw-Yoiut at 7 & 9 A.M., 12 Noo,n 8 Philadelphia at 8,15 A. 31., and 330 P. - 31; Way Ai songer train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. 4. returning from Reading at 6304,3c:5t0ps at all statiOnePottertllo at , 8, 45 and 2 95 P.:314 Ashland .6 00 and 1430 a in, and 1,05 P 51; Tamaqua at 9.45 A 81.; and '1 and 3.55 P Leave Pottsvillo for arrielburg, via, Schuylkill : and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a ni.' " ' An Accommodation Pazoonser.Train loa!ea•Rnnut•.ta at 6.00 A. 31., and return, from Pituantunts at 5,00 P. 51. . . Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 645 am., 12 05 and 615 I'. M., for Ephrata, Litta, Lanbuiter, Col umbia, ha. On Sitianya, leave Now York •at 8 00- P. AL, Philadel phia, S a to BO 315 P. M., the 8 a m train running only to Reading, Pottsville S A. M., TatnamMl.3o A:31., liar .ri burg p 05 A.-AL, and itcadtng . l 33, 7 36 for. Mar risbnrg. 10,52 a to., for NOW York, and 4.25 p.m:for Phil- Comourknox, Mamma, SesSoN, SCHOOL, and Eketramort TICKETS at reduced rates tonna from, all point.. Baggage, checked through 80 pounds Baggage ailorred each Passenger. . . • • . , ' G. A. NICOLL9; Real Mug. Juno 25, .1865. • Gnerat . Superintend4nll . . . RH,'" Im_ mgrow SCHO . OL'BOOKS, FOR SAE AT LEWIS' BOOK; STATIONYILT A Ili Van OTQA2I, Pd OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2.1. 3d. 4th and bth Reader,. 3ITIUFFEY'S Speller, and Readers. . . SANDER'S-` 'do" • do de• • • ". •.. Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.), Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grams:Lois. ' ' • Fitch's Physical Geography., . , Warren's Misdeal Geography: • ' • Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally'eGeographies &. Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitibell's @Milne Hops. Webster's And Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons In Composition. Quackeebo'a Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brost& Arithmetic* Peterson's Familiar Memo. • Greenleal's and Stoddard's Keys tit Arithmettna, Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenlears.Key to Algebra. . ' -. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. - . . Parker's First ',damns in Natural Phliciaphy. Parker's Philosophy. - Willard's History of the United Statei. ' Child', " Goodrich's ‘' Payson, Houton and Scribner'e Penmanship, In eleven Potter A "Hammond's Penmanship In twelve numbers. - Academical, Oontrollers'and other Copy Bioko: - Davies' Elementary Geoffetry and Trlg4nomett7.- , Davies' Legendre's Geordetry. Greouleat's Geometry.• , •• • : ; Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. , ' Dook Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanaford & Payson- ' Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanaferd A Other books will be added and furnished to order. . A. full stock of School Stationer, always on hand. • . Huntingdon, Pa. . THE BEST STOCK'OF FIN ST ATIONR Y .L ADZE: AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECR/VED IN HII N CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOM, STATIONERY ANI!5111510 ArltS 50.000, •• „ BEST 04.0ry, WHITE, BUFF; • - OIUIQE, YELLOW _ • , - AND FANCY .:,ENVELOPS, /net eeoeired'and for hale at ' ." BOOK'. "STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS • •. • . SMALL P OR T R AITS Or • • • Aii Tuc DIBIRKIMSED mum SALE AT. LEWIS , BOOK -AND STATIONERY STORE, OIL - CLOTH WINDOW SHAPES, GILT GOLD' SHADES, - ' MUSLIN SHAMES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, .C(1.R1) AND TASSAIA ;r0 LL ABBORTbIENT t AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE?. B , USINESS k.EK, TAKE NOTICEt It you waut your card neatly printed. on curd% over : call at , LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER. F STEOB., 1 • , , . . ~ , - 1=311:=3:1 P. 5 /- 572 AX 900 40 d 38 11 24 808 B.oo' 7 40 1.1 7.10)1 .9.20 1 an aoo 1 . 3 62 0 30 0.16 0 04 It 600 9 06 duo AYIR: 323 =I