The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 08, 1866, Image 2
Eljt 051oht. HUNTINGDON, PA. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editors Wednesday morning, Aug. 8, 1866. FOR GOVERNOR, Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, CUMBER LAND COUNTY. DaT"Congress was. in session seven mouths and the majority of the mem bers before they went home voted themselves an extra bounty of $2,000, and the soldiers $5O and . $l.OO instead of $3OO as was first proposed. The members were - quite liboral---toward themselves. - • 1195 r Ex. Governor Wm. P. .Tehnston has heal appointed by the Presidebt, Collector of the reit of Philadelphia. This the radicals will say is another "Copperhead" appointment. Several other appointments were made for Philadelphia, all Union men, but not of Thad. Stevens' kind. Tan Cabinet, with the new appoint ments, stamis'as follows: "Secretary of H. Seward. Secretary of War—E. M. Stanton. Secretary of the Navy—G. Welles. Secretary of the Interior---Orvillo H. Browning. - , Postmaster general—A. W. Randall. illtdrhey General—H. Stansberry. Tho" National Union Convention to be - held'in Philadelphia commencing on. Tuesday next, promises to be the largest 'ConVention ever held in the United Stato.i: It will boa curiosity it more--and may result in gond: e,very good Union man will rejoice. The only. men in this State'opposed to 'it are , such men as Stevens, Forney & Co., rind their abe• dient followers. , They see the hand writing en the 'wall. They see that the Union party existed during the war, will not be moulded to suit their. radical and revolutionary purposes. How THE KADICALS LOVE "TITE BOYS /1:1 BLun."=llow muoh honesty there is in the constant professions of affec tion fOr the soldiers of the Union. army, which make so much of the stock in trade of Radical journals and- orators, may be seMl'in the following-item from the New York Tribune: . . , There is 'yet some hope that the Senate will refuse to Lass the bill for the. equalization. of Mounties, as the House insists upon its disagreements; and the matter is referred to a commit tee. of conference. This bill is foolhar dy; it acids a vast expense to the na tion, and does little good to individu als. • -. DON'T. BE ALARMED.—SoIve of the Republicans and some of the radical "Democrats" seem to think that no good can comp . out of the 14th of Au gust Philadelphia Convention. Result as it may we cannot see what harm it can do. If. the Convention blows up in a row the people will be more satis fied than ever that they cannot look to political conventions for relief. If it should odnduet its business harmoni ously, and condescend to do something to bring.aboat a bettor feeling all over the Iroion, we cannot see why all good and true men should not rejoide at such a result." Za•The difficulty in the Union party of the country, was commenced during the war :by Thad. Stevens and others of his school of politicians. President L. - incoln'was denounced . by them, and they. even Went so fir as to attempt to defeat his re-nomination. Failing in this they continued their persecution of him until his death. As soon as An drew Jrohnson occupied the Presiden tial. 'chair, and befbre it was known that he would differ with Congress as to the pp/icy to be adopted by the Union party for the , restoration of the rebel States, Stevens- commenced to abuse him in his speeches made in the Holise. The truth is clear that Ste vens is not a more bitter enemy of President Johnson'. than he was of President Lincoln, but during the war ho could not rally his friends .'is readily. as he has sine() the close of the rebel lion. , Nothing short of negro suffrage and 'negro equality will satisfy Stevens & Go., arid this or revolution he will have if.perinitted to control the Union SEEI , The following have been .fixed as the rates for the Atlantic Telegraph from any station in America, to any in Great Eritain : For twenty words or loss, including nddress of sender and receiver, twenty .Pounds in, gold ; every. additional ;word .not exceeding five letters, .twerity, shillings sterling per word. From same ,to same in Eu rope, twenty one pounds,; every wadi• tional word twenty:, ono shillings. From same to same in Africa, Asia,. pr India, pot exceeding in all one hun dred lotters,,tweety five pounds; eve ry additional word, twenty five shil lings. The letters in all words after the first twenty, will be counted and divided by five. Each five or fraction. al remainder will be charged ts a word. Messages in cypher will be charged doable the foregoing rates.; . . Huntingdon has at lust got a money order post office. By this.system,mon, ay can be sent from one order office to another without danger of loss. The rates of commission aro : On orders not exceeding $2O, ten cents; over $2O and not exceeding $5O, twenty ff .- ye cents; no single order issued for more than fifty dollars ; persons do siring to remit larger sums must ob tain additional money orders.: r&the , National UnimMunCention commences next, Tuesday in Philadel- phia. It promises to be well attended. Another "Traitor," The .I.lTorth American, edited by Hen. Morton McMichael, Mayor of Philadel phia, is not all' the radicals would wish it to be. We give an extract or two from its editorial columns of last Thursday Our country has been so unaccus tomed to such burdens as this vast debt,that all who contemplate as we do with uneasiness the complicated and confused mass of taxes now inflicted , upon us as a Consequence of that debt, must be:rejoiced to find-this .policy : of reduction the settled determination of the government. No doubt hereaf ter each successive administration will be more or less judged of by the extent of its labors in this direction, and President Johnson has made a very good' beginning by what has been accomplished under his direction since his accession to the Presidency. • President Johnson has preferred the direct and .obvious plan of retrench ment and immediate reduction, for the purpose of affording present relief from the more onerous burdens'oftaXation. We give 'hint Credit for this policy rather:than any one else, bedause it was . a, corollary of his whole past po litical life. His speeches were always replete with advocacy °flow taxation; cheap government, and simpliCity of administrative' forms. Ills - prompt reorganization of - the conquered StateS on the return of peace, and disbandment of our vast armies and swarms of war offi cials, undoubtedly , saved the nation hundreds of millions of dollars ; and, as wo approved of ;his action then, we have since soon no reason • to change our views." Mr. McMichael then turns hia aten. lion to the radicals in Congross,saying they were bewildered amidst their own Schemes of public ,plunder; and adds: For this reason it is essential that 010 national government should seri ously address itself, as the administra tion of President Johnson has been do ing, to the.-work of discharging the debt; and. it is also, essential that Con. gross should do as little an possible to ward increasing our expenditures. What we desire is, that tho Presi dent should' be stregthened in his of to limit expenditures and, reduce the public debt: - Congressional extrav agance has long been proverbial, and One session seems no worse than an other in that respect.' But if, while. widely differing - from him in other re spects, the confidence of the people was' shown to be retained . by the Presi dent in . that portion.of 1)16 policy . which seeksretrenchment of expenses and reduction of debt, that sentiment could not fail to react upon Congress and arrest the schemes of plunder that run riot at every session. Nothing, it seems to us, can be more clear, more emphatic, and more reason able than this. TILE NEW ORLEANS RIOT.—We give in another coldmn a condensed account of the political riot in New Orleans, which we fear will be followed up with similar results in ether places, if radi cals persist in their attempt to force upon the people their "policy." We are not surprised that "free speech" is interfered with, when the whole white population of a State is insulted by the speaker. Wo have read in the Phila delphia Press the speech of Gov.'llahn, delivered .at the mass meeting of radi. cals and five thousand negroes in New Orleans on-the 30th ult. The meeting was hold for the purpose of. recom mending the re-assembling of the State Convention of '64. We give but a few lines of Mr. Hahn's speech and ask our readers how they would like to listen to such stuff. • . Gov. Hahn said : "No Man . .can justly claim to be a Union man unless ho favors universal suffrage." Addressing the negroes he "The question is whether veil will he allowed to hold office as White men do; I say you are entitled to the right. * :* -It is -to you that the loyal men of the South must look, and when you separate to-night make up your minds . from this day forward, you are as good as'any White man in the State. [Great cheering."] Can any man entertaining such sen timents be elected to office from tiny county in this State? Yet such senti ments are endorsed by the radical leaders in every State in the Union. Is it any wonder, that the once pow erful Union party is falling to pieces. The Atlantic Cable. IkIESSAOT: FROM TUE QUERN A.SPY BAY, July The superintendent of the New Foundland line arrived here at 9 o'clock this morning with the follow ing message from the. QueQn of Great Britain to the President of United States : 06136RNE, July 27th, 186 q.—To the Presidelit of the U. S. Washin'gton, D. The Queen congratulates.the Presi dent on the suecesstul coMpletion of an undertaking which she hopes may serve as - an additional bond of union between the United States and Eng land. THE PRESIDENT'S REPLY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, WAAIIINGtON,Iy 30, 11.20 A. M To _Mr Majesty; the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : The President of the United States acknowledges with profound gratifica tion the receipt of Her Majesty's dis-. patch, and , cordially reciprocates the hope that the cable which now unites the western and the eastern hemis pheres may serve to strengthen and perpetuate peace and unity between the Governments of England and the Republic of the :United States. (Signed) ANDREW JORNSON. A mass Union Convention will be held in Reading on Wedneseay, Aug. ust 22d. It will be a grand affair as all the adjoinin ! ;. counties will "pitch in." The Boys ln Blue Speak. The publication of the following handsome endorsement of our humblo self has been requested and we comply. To 'Valiant Lewis, Esq, Editor of the Globe : We feel that the soldiers of Hunt ingdon county owe you a debt of grat itude for your devotion to them and the cause of tho . oonntry through the late war. In tho darkest hours of the rebellion your ratriotislu never waver ed, and while we wore away from home, fighting treason in front of an armed foo; you stood faithful to us and the national cause with a courage that know no fear, Disregarding former Party ties and organizations, you gave your Means mid your paper to the support of the war and the bravo men who were per iling their : lives for the integrity of the Union.. • Knowing and feeling this, it is with deep regret:that We have read the cent proceedings of what is called the "Geary League" of this county. Wo aro sorry that a feW of our soldiers, who have escaped rebel bullets, are now in the hands of ti . clique of politi cians, who . know no motivo higher than their interost, and wheso patriot ism oxtends only to the "loaves and fishes." In the desperate effort of these worn out political tricksters to control conventions . and secure nomi• nations, they' are willing to abuse and traduce the. men who ,have remained mostfaitliful to the soldier during the war, and While professing groat lovo for "the boys in blue," they oppose ev ery effort to reward worthy soldiers with civil office. We cannot forget that the three crippled soldiers now holding positions of honor and profit in this county, were: aftnominated over the most determined opposition of the very clique that is now using the Gea ry League to slander you. - You stoodfor, the soldiers against the politician, and the geherons heart of the people went With • you. No thank you for what you have done for the soldier, and we trust that you will again , be ablo to rout the ,miserable faction that are atteMpting to use the - heroes of the war for their selfish and heartless purpose. We assure you-that the -work of the political tricksters in trying, to have the Geary League denounce you is an outrage upon the true soldiers.of Hun tingdon county, and will be, as it-de serves to be, overwhelmingly rebuked by them. A. J. BEAVER, J. MIA U G HUN, P. APLAUGHLIN, JOHN FLENNER, WILLIAM REED, A. N. CAMPBELL, J. 11. ISETT, B. IL GROVE, T. 11. GILL, LAWRENCE S. S WOOPE D. N. GARNER, AMOS ABBOTT, ALLISON ABBOTT, VAL. GI LBAUGH, BENJAMIN COBLE, JACOB H. H. SUMMERS, M. G. BEAVER, CHRISTIAN PO USE, SAMUEL 11. GROVE, JACOB AUMAN, WILLIAM MORGAN, HENRY SH ULTZ, ANTHONY SHULTZ, JOHN FO USE, SAMUEL S. 'MUSE, D. 11. FISHER, THOMAS HICKS, JOHN FULTON, GEORGE W. SHONTZ, ROBERT B. SMITH, - SAM.I4. MORNINGSTAR, OLIVER W. CL 0 PPE R, WA,SH. CUNNINGHAM, JACOB C. LYNN, G EO. B URK HOLDER, JOAN MEYERS': WM. EN YEA [VP, CHARLES RULER, HENRY CABBA - um", .LEONARD SMITH, cAspE FISHER, 'SAMUEL LO \VERY, .DANIEL MY E RS, WIT:MANLY ULTON, LEWIS .KEITH, DAVID RUSSELL, JOHN WIDENER, JACOB WIDENER, JOSEPH B. STANLEY, JONAS W. BOOKS. [CO . MMUNICATED.I ClummilisviLLE, July KUM Win. Lewis :—Dear fool that I would not be doing right if I would not applaud you for your patriotic course which you havo.dared. to brave, notwithstanding the so-called Soldiers' League reading you out of tho great Union party, of which they want to make us poor privates boliovo they aro the head and shoulder. lam sorry to hear that those soldiers who constituto the "boys in blue" of the_ancient bor ough should so far forgot who was the true soldiers' friend all through the late rebellion, or who has boon the true and tried friend of the soldier last fall in getting a whole soldiers ticket nominated and elected. I would beg those worthies to pause for ono mo ment, and I think that after taking a sober second thought they will have to acknowledge that William Lewis has been the soldiers fast friend and is yet. lam very sorry that the "boys in blue" have fallen into the hands of a few political hucksters, but I am also glad to toll you that they do not speak the sentiment of the groat majority of the "boys in blue" but merely those eleven controled by those broken down politicians, who want to use the sol diers as a cloak for their own bad de signs. Now, if the boys in blue, through the instigation of those poor, misera ble, would-be leaders of the great Uni on party, read all out of the party who do not, see fit to endorse the course of Thad Stevens fi Co., I fear that they will find out when too late that they have read oat of the party the greater number of soldtms of Huntingdon Co. For fear somebody may think I too ant a Copperhead I will have to define my position. I am a Johnson-Geary Union man. I always acted with and voted with the great Union Party, and would no more touch a Copper head ticket than a snake of the same name. Yours, VEPERAN. g' , Fxr News by the Cable announces that the .Austrians will pay ten mil lions of' dollars to the Prussians as the expenses of the war. The. New Orlens Riot. Thirty porous Killed and a large number Wounded, The public are familiar with the oh jects and Proceedings of the State con vention of Louisiana, which assembled in New Orleans on the 6th of April, 1864, ostensibly for the. purpose of re vising and amending the constitution of the State, and after remaining- in session two and - a half months, almost a new constitution was produced which was submitted to the people and adop ted by the popular voice. An attempt was, made during the present month by some of the radical members to revive the dead conven tion, as it is called, for the purpose of ratifying the amendment to the, Con stitution of the United States, and the President, Mr. R ii. Duren, was re quested to issue a proclaination reeon yoking the body. When the conven— tion was first called only a portion of the State was' within the Union lines, and therefore a great number of the parishes were unrepresented. Mr. Durell taking the ground that when the convention, on the 23c1 of June, 1864, adjourned, it ceased to have any legal existence and its members were out of office; refused to comply with the demands of the radicals. A meet ing .was then called, and a President protein. appointed, as before stated, who issued a proclamation reconvo- Mug the dead- convention. Governor Wells was solicited to issue Writs - ordering elections to till the vacancies in the restored parishes, which ho consented to do, but fixed the day of election on thu 3d of Sep tember next. There were twenty-one unrepresented pariShes in 1801, which were entitled to fifty-two representa tives. Tho radicals, however, were determined to assemble on Monday last ; but it is stated it vas their inten tion to adjourn until some day subse quent to the ono appointed for the holding of the elections. There were a number of the members of the convention of 1864 who coinci ded in the views taken by tho Presi,- dent, and refused to meet with the radicals: • Ono, Mr J. B. Bromley, thought that no good could be accom plished by reassembling, and ho ,is re ported to have Said that he wont to New Orleans with General Bittler to fight against the rebels, and that he, bad no idea how of joining in an in sane and revolutionary movement. Another, Judge Abell, of New Orleans, hot only refused to join the so-called conspirators, but in his judicial capaci ty charged the grand jury to the effect that the officer of State who endeavor od to change the Goverpmont through the action of the members of that con vention subjected hiniself to a prose cutioni for perjury. Ho branded its members as apolitical - apostates and military deserters ; the meanest and basest of mankind, venal, cowardly, and treacherous." The President'pro tem. (Mr. R. It Howell) of the reassembled convention it is stated, had been on a visit to Wash ington, and had received instructions from radical members of Congress. Immediately upon his return to New Orleans a call was issued for a meeting of tho citizens who wore in favor of universal suffrage, of the reconstruc tion policy Of Congress, and of amend ing the constitution of the State to give equal rights to all without dis- tinction of color. This meeting was held on Friday night last, and contrib uted to add to the excitement which was then prevailing. The causes which created the dis graceful riot on Monday last are thus briefly set forth. Bad and horrifying as it was, the radical journals of this city were not content with the facts as they came over the wires, but greatly exaggerated the statements., One of them announced that two hundred ne groes had been killed, and that the hall where the convention was held was literally flooded with the blood of Uni on men, while the simple fact was that only two of the members had been seriously WoUnded, One of whom has since died. Another paper stated that dead negroas were lying- about the streets; thabfew were arrested, as they, were being rapidly killed. Another Aaaount [From the Sew• Yolk Tim.] WASHINGTON, July-31.—=1. NeW Or loans correspondent furnishes, .imder date of July 30, the following detailed and connected account of the outbreak in that city. The convention met at. 12 o'clock, twenty-six .members being present, Judge R. K..Tiowell,.siuce misiug, in the chair. R. King Butler, MO missing, moved an adjournment, of an hoUri• during which time the sergeant-at-firths was directed to compel the ' attendance of absentees. The hall was densely crow ded with freedmen and . Whites, the former having armed themselves ex tensively since their Friday's demon, strations. Just before the adjourn ment a procession containing about a hundred freedmen, carrying a'United States flari and marching the streets '.kith martial mdSie, - arrived at the in stitute; having had'a slight disturbance on Canal street. At this juncture the merchants all over the city, fearing the coining riot, closed their Stores. When the proces sion entered the building a squad of po• lice followed and attempted to Make arrests. A scene of the wildest confu sion followed. Pistols wore fired, clubs and canes were mud, and brick bats how in every direction. The policemoii-Claim that they were merely attempting to arrest the Canal-street rioters above mentioned; but certain it is that they mounted the platform, where a small body of the members yet remained, and one of them presented a pistol upon their using offensive lan gauge. The.policomen wore finally driven out of the funding, leaving inside Gov. Hahn, Judge . llowell, Mr. De Costio, and other gentlemen, with Clark, at tached to the State government, be sides about fifty freedmen. Fortunate ly Gov. Wells had just left the build ing for the purpose of consulting with General Baird aboutcalling out troops, General Sheridan being out of town. Up to this time ohe police oilicer had been mortally wounded, one Severely, others were slightly hurt with clubs and pistol-shots. Police reinforcements soon appeared in Canal street, and the crowd of rioters accompanying the po lice approached the institute and com menced throwing atones through the windows and firing pistols at any one they cou!d see inside the building. At the same time a detachment of police tittacked a crowd of freedmen on Com -111017 street, and after sharp firing and Wounding several blacks, they drove them away. This gave the police and the mob which accompanied them full control Of Dryades'street. Several attempts were made by the police to enter the building, but they were repulsed: The ammunition of the men in the institute seemed to give out about this time, as they did not fire any more. They attempted to escape through the rear of the institute into Bayonne street; but were met and either arrested or shot down. Mr. Dostio, who had the reputation of being thOmost violont-liogro suffrage man in the South, and who certainly was the most violent speaker on Fri day last, was killed while attempting to get away.. I am told that a police man shot him in the hack, and that af ter 11(0'611 a crowd jumped on him and cut hiM horribly with knives. The . riot commenced at fifteen min utes after twelve o'clock, and ended at halt past three. At quarter before three the military, under Gen. Baird, appeared on Canal street, and finally took possession,of the whole city. NEw Oar.EANs.--.-Major General O. 0. Howard: The riot has been 14uppres od.. I have declared martial law in the city. About !bay persons have. been killed and a large number wounded, nearly all being friendly to the conven tion. A. BAHIA Bla:Vet Maj. Gen: Dispatch from General Sheridan In order_ that tho :following from Gun. Shoridan ho fully undef;stootl, it shoOld - bo 3 tat6il that ho •was absent frtno Noy OrloanS when tho disturb ances commenced in that city : NUN) , Orleans, 1.30 P. 11.1.,.Aufrnst 1, 1800.—To General.7Graiit,'Washz ington, C.:—You are doubtless aware of the serious riot which occur red irt , this place on the 30th. A polit ical body, styling itself the ConVention of 1804; met thermon the 30th, for the purpose of remodelliiv„ the, present Constitution of the Stara. The leaders were politiCal - agitators arid 'revolution ary men and the action of the Conven tion was liable to produce breaches 7 tif the public:peace. . 7 I had. made up my. mind to arrest the head men if the proceedings,of the Convention were care - Witted: to isturb the tranquility of the departmenti but I had no cause for action until they had committed the overt act. About forty whites and blacks were killed, and about one hundred and .a sty wounded. Everything is now quiet; but i deein it best to maintain military leulirema ey in the city, for a few days, until ,the affair is fully investigated. I. believe the Sentiment of the gene - ral coMmuni ty is greatly scandalized at this an- necessary cruelty, and that the police could have made any arrest they: saw fit without sacrificing lives. P. if. SHERIDAN. Major General Commanding NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A regular meeting of the Iluntingdon•county Ag ricultural Society will be' held in the Court House oil Tuesday evening of the coming court (14th lust.) A geu, eral attendance is requested. By- order of tlio Society, auS QTRAY COW.—Straved or stolen ifrom tho subscriber residing in tho borough of Alexandria, on tho She July, u red cos,, whiteAor• on tine fore shoulder and in the clank also, White foes. sharp horns, about four yearn old last spring. tier tail is cut off above the long heir. She was with calf. no finder will be liberally rewarded. . Alexandria, Aug. WILLIAM. BURNS. ATT.ENTION ! SOLDIERS ! COME AND GET YOUR BOUNTY! I have formed a co.partnership with OA. Fullet. Atter ney at Law, %Vas:tin:oon. D. C., for the ['tupelo of procu ring SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, motor the recent net of Con geese. Soldiers' widows or orphans nro also entitled to receive this bounty. Brad in your applications at one°, as first applied for will bo first paid.. Quo your full nanio, pelt offico ad dress, and lentil of ;time in service, and an will at once retitru yor the, necessary bionics. Endow) a stamp to pay return postage. _ All other eliding, of whatever nature, against the U. S. Grivernuldnt, promptly intended to. 1111.-Noeharge•until the money in collected. Unice with D. Blair, Eng., near the Broad Top Corner, 11 uUngdou . BLAIR & FU B. X BLAIR, Huntingdon. A. S. FCLetn, Washington• nug8,1866 DUBLI Or e SALE Personal Property R Real Estate. • The undersigned desirous of moving to the West, wilt offer at public sale at hip residence isCounellstown, Walker township, Huntingdon county, Pound., On. .Thursday; &I:ptember 20th, 1866, the following described propertY,•viv 4 head work horses, all young-, the oldest not over viz years old, one colt nearly three years old; 2 cove, .una to fresh at this time, and 2 hogs; 1 twodforso wagon nearly new, lone horse wagon, 1 aulky[l horse rake, and' one pair of bob sleds; 2 side saddles, ono man saddle nod wa• goo _eaddlo, fuer sets tog harness, fly. mete, lailters..and other haruesl; also the power of the threshing machine I bud bunk in - my barn, nod n groat totally other varieties. Also will be offered at the TALRO time nod-place, slimy real entitle, to wit : Timpani sod good shop, two dwell ing houses. and a largo 'stable, Also, 65 acres of fatal more or less, adjoining, the lanyard property aboVe Men. tinned. Sale to commons° nt 10 o'clock on said day when a reasonnblocscrlit will be gicen by . • - ongS 0. 11. LANG. ANNOUNCEMENT TO QUAKER CITY - BUSINFSS PIA and C.'wenal, and Brand and .},ring Garden Philaddphia. OPENING OF TILE FALL SESSIONS, SEPT;td. INDUCEMIINM—A discount of 25 per coot. al lowed on oil Feholanidnips initildnakned during Ibu wend of August, reducing the term- , to $lO. Motley nanny be, remit tent by moil, Mid Scinotareldim sechred lay Mono vine pro pose to enter tat arty future time. , . . gupsnten AnrAyrAure.—This Institution ranks the fleet in the country; is a reg.' tidy. iii&orponited Heed by law to• gntnt Diplomas and confer Degrees of The Fall Sessions 11,111 open with greatly increased fa cilities, and young men desiring tomunlity themselves for business lire will rind here advantages to ho obtained no. ivhero 0:41). FAIRBANKS' BOOKKEEPING This work, tho Inuit couiplcto and extensive treatio on Bookkeeping ever written, containing 424 pages, and m coposed exclusively of Actual Business Sets, will be ready for publication in August. Price, $3; by subscrip tion, paid in advau. c, $2,60. Remit money, nua secure a copy. Descriptive Circulars on application. Improved course of lostruction.—With troductiou or this book, and with able and experienced inStructors, the students of this institution are guaranteed a practical accountant's course of the highest value, suoli as loot ne ver before been placed within the resell of students of Commercial Schools. T. L. :11E1ICLIANT, SccreNry Me UNNIN Gil A M & ,CARAION . -ARE jaelliag,ta at greatly reduced prices. _a_I3ERPU IFFY and Fancy Soaps for sale nt . co , s Family Grocery. -011001, 'BOOKS, Ly Generally in use in the Schools of cto county, not ou Laud, will he fornii3hed to order, on application at LENTS' BOOK, AKLi 8r.,4 7104YEBY STORE, DAPLOIIMENT DEED PAPER-- ruled, for stile iit LER7S' BOOK STORE SPICES CUZLNINO HAM & CA 1010 D U It E nt BEAD AND BE POSTED ! TO THE .2.ITETVLY _MARRIED, New •Furnlture t f r EEE undersigned would respectfully 1. announce that he manufactures and keep; constantly on hand a Ircge and splendid assortment of DINING AND BR EA fCCASI"L`ABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASII AND CANDLE STANDS, Windsor anal cane neat chairs. cupboards, gilt and rose• wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prima that cannot fall to be satisfactory. _ .. . • ' - - ITO is also agent for well known Bailey • & Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. 'rho public are invited to call and examine his stook before purchasing elsewhere. Work anal oaloi room on,llill tared, near Smith, one dour west of Yentor's state.: _ . • • ' Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 13U6 TTKITED STATES INTERNAL ItEVENtiiii, 2,1 Division; rth Penna., comprising thu enmities of Duntiniplon nod ' The annual assessment for the above named Division, of all persant liable to 0 . 100 on Innate, Citaviagos, Watch es, Pianos, Cold er Silver Plato. an.l.Hilliard Tables; and also of all persons required to bake out Licenses, having been completed;' notice is hereby gb.en, that the times aforesaid hay become duo and payable; and re. caved at the following places had times, to "wit: .At Huntingdon, Huntingdon co„ July 25 and Augnst 1 and 2, at Oleo. - Spruce Creek, . :• Fridny.•Apgust'3tl.:aJ Beedsville, Mifflin county, Tuesday, - August ith, Lewistown, • :t' • ' Aug. 8 .t.O at Milli k.4nPs office, anal at my taco again, In Huntingdon ) ou August 10th. All persons who jail to pay their annual Ma-es, as afore• said, will be notified by emit, at a charg'e of fa - silty canto for each':notice,,then if the, tai bo nut paint • within . ten days from date of said notice a penally of ten per Celltlllll will be 'aided,' and a warrant inintatiattly be issuca co/- hiding km with henry cost. All persons who: in like. manner, shall fail to tale out their•Ltramsos, as required by law, will incur a penalty of three times the amount of said license's - , In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Law afore -said, iatta liertions dining htiAllicss 'without Liciintie atibikt themselvea to inimisontuelit for two years. United Plates Tremsniy notes, aid holes of fliwaifferent National Bonito, only, reciateil for taxes. No further pub lic notice will be given. • • JAS. C. CL . l.lticE, Hunt ingden, July Si), 15613-21 . Deputy collector. . PORTLAND FIRE TNA C:tilPk\Y, , . . ABSETS, JULY 1, I$QO.. Cash' on hand in bank anti with agents .$257,320 00 States Stock ' ' 812,217 . 25 Moat estate, uuluctimbms 90,380. 05 State 'stocks 497.000 00 14s4YOrk . 11iiik Stocks - 731,170 Martfor4 Bank utocks. .. ... ..,....,... ...... .. . .... 270,6 . 10 . 00 Miscellaneous hook stocks 120,000 00 . . . . Railroad' stocks, etc 273,007 60 Mortgage bonds, city, county cot It b,sos unndjusCed and not INCOME I:or laNt year (ant).. $2,933,899 94 Ora daily lam - . ct say WOO. • LOSSES AND Expirsses fur same tima...:52,541,291 30 TOTAL LOSSES ptChl In 47 years • 019,127 410 US Vie.: Fire, $17,243,000 . 09. 1n1and,51,684,409 07. Corer:intent :ant State TRX^4I $179,178 34 By Portland Fire, July 4th. R. 111'DIVITT, Secretary The total amount covered by Altna policies On properly destroyed or &longed is $200,004, on which salvage will be abqut 5 per cent. Our lutist toss will not vary much from $200,100, and Is befog promptly adjusted and paid. This sum is 5 per cent upon the assets, a figure but slight ly exceeding oar government and State taxes paid lost pent, or a Propoition equal tom V , OOO loss fur a company of $lOO,OOO assets. Tho detcssity for insurance and tho value o f wealthy, stroll corporations, is forcibly illustrated by this Inc.-- Several weals Insurance Companies have been - destroyed. Portland loss a population of 35,012;: woin :horolsomoly built, mostly fine brick or sauna stroctures—protected and screened with upwards of 3000 shade trees—bounded on three sides by water—indeed, almost rising from the ocean—and wi lh a good steam Pre —4ek it has $10,000,000' of property cansamed .Iu few horns—upon a holiday when its people aro least occupied —from the very insignificant cause of acontemptlhle lire cracker. . . Remember the trifling origin of Rres that sweep away in a feq hours the earnings of years.- Cone Her your beat Interests and give the il , :tan nears call if you wet! pro per Inaurancb security. Policies issued at fair terms. .11,11.111.LER. CO.i Ageitti, Jy2 .3t Iluntingdoti, Pa. UNITED STATES Authorized WAR NADI AGENCY AUTHORIZED GOVERNNT ti.GENT, And ,Illgritcyfoi: B?tcliers andlheii• Ho will prosecute and collect, with unrivalled success, Soldiers' Claim nod Dubs' droll kinds. elizeo; any other kind of Claim against the bovern men k, before any - of the Departments. The net of Congress, approved .lane 6, 1066, gives addi banal pensions to the following elites of tetrsons lot. To those wtio have Jost the sight of both eyes, or b.,th hands, or ore totally: disabled in tIM sturie so 05 to require cot stmt attendance, the sum ofs'2.s pa , month. _ .2d. To those who havo beet both feet, or are totally dis abletliti the same no no to- require. cowtant attendance, the sum of $2O per month. ' • • • - ad. To those who have lust one bander one foot,-or are so disabled as to render them unable to pbrform manual labor equivalent to the loss sin hand 01 foot, the SWII of - $1.5 per month. • - • 4th. Perseus who have been. t,priVed of their pensions under Act Of March a."l Cl, - in consequence of holing in the civil service of the United clates Government, nrerc stored. Ult. Invalid pendioner, who died after - the application 'for their pension hod been filed, and before the issuing of the pensluu.cortilicate, and who have left widoliel or mi nor children, such widows or minor children will be en, tilled. to receive arrears due at the death of the soldier. nth. Dependent Lahore and brotlter3 under sixteen years of age are entitled to pelminner. ' All soldiers, or soldiors' widows, of the .war of 1312, who have served two months, or Leon wounded or disabled in such service, if in necessitous eircumalances, two roli tled•to ~n annuity 'of $4.0. . • • , All who have brought home the bodies of friends,who died or were killed in the service of the United fi totes, aro entitled to receive transportation (r the All discharged soldiers who did not receiro transporta tion to their places of enlistiiMut when discharged, ore - entitled to receive it; and Men all who were held as priso ners f war, and did not receive,cominututlon of rations when released or discharged, - aro entitled to its • - Local Bounty. • • All retenta soldiers who gave their credit to districts la the State of Petinsylvania, and who received no local bounty, are entitled to receive three hundred dollars. Solders of the Veteran Reserve Corps who recalved certificates of merit are entitled to from twenty to ono hundred dollars additional pay; which Can be obtained by addressing tho nadersigned. All persons having any of file above.mentloned claims, or any ether hind of claim against the United States or State Cowman:Ms, Will please address me, giving full particulars, oneluaing n -stamp for return postage, mind -they will receive a prompt reply. W. It. WOODS, Antliorital Army and .Nary ll'ar-Cluixt Agent, jy23,lSeti ' ltuanao➢na, L. P-iIItBANKS, A. M. Premidout . . • s9i) A MONTH !—Agents wanted ‘,./ for six entirely nets' articles, just out: 1 Stl tiros 0. ,T. a ABBY, City Building, Biddeford, Alain, co .201865-1 y ('1 ASS IME Y B' S.—A choice lot of and fancy CaFainieres at CUNNINGHAM SD . CARMON'S. 9 - 111'1)1BL - 1] SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES fur.irartons of all sized, for sale at the lam,- ware stoic of' tre14,18661 OAS. A. BROWN. A LATKIE VARIETY of articles too numerous to mention, for Salo 01, LYINVIS Si CO'S S amity Grocery. Call and see. - ILLOIV nand CLIDAR \VABE V V fur rale at h 1 WIS A CO'S lawny Orourry. AND ALL Is - WANT OF JATAI r.s lIICOINS NOTICE ! GEMBEZE! TIM ~e9a14 2 7 ' 1%T/1.. MEM HARTFORD, CONN. $4,075,830 55 EMI We't $3,85%594'20 LIOSS IJN TIN (4 D , :PA W. H. WOODS, Invalid Soldiers, Attention I Soldiers of 1812 I . . AEGISTER'S . NOTlCE.—Notice is . . . . . bera w . g tielf, Wall Persons interested, that the M owing named persons Inane settled their accounts in tbo sister'sße Otlice , atiluntingdon, and that the said accounts tri presented for continuation acid alloirat[63 ht an Orphans' Court, to be Huntingdon; in and. for: the county of Huntingdon, pa' Monday, • tbo 13th day of August next, (1666 , ) to wit • • • I.•.'flto account of Cootge Hite,' Administratorof Melin da Clark, lete • of.Tod township,Accoesed.... -- -. . •.- :' • - The administration. necoptitor Elizabeth. Stone aid Jacob Stone; dministrators of Adam Stone, late of Hope. - well township, deceased. • • •• .-' . . 3 -Account otAbralann States, executor of Nonoy Lloyd, late of Waiter township, deceased. . 4 Account of Andrewßrumbaugh, admlnietrator -of Abraham Brumbaugh, late.of Hopewell, towtqlolp 5 Final administration account of J... Elliott Harper nett A. 8. garner. Executors .°Y.Wllliam Sharper, late of Dublin twp., dectd. - Account of Samuel Staley,. administrator of Samuel hite of JaCkson townsitut, deceased. , 7 Account of George W. Roller, administrator de benis non cum testament° onsets of; Jacob U. Ifuyett, late of Porter township, deceased., . 8 Partial account of; William biathlon,. administrator cum testament° annexe of. Jacob Booing', late of; 8 - pring. Rad towaship, deceased. ~.; . , 9 First and final account of Wllllam-Madden, Trustee o sell the real, estate of Richard Xadden, late of. Cluj ownship, deceased. • • . _ ... .. . . , , 10-The account of John boug,. Guardian of Adolinog 3lcEiurtry, daughter of Samuel SlcKinstry, deed, who IS HOW of age. 11 The account of John Elyer and - David Byer and Daild E. Myers, adaduistraters of• Samuel Myers, late of War rioremark townshlb, deceased. 12 Account of Eliza McConeaghy, nilminixtratrix of Andrew . McConeagliy, late of Cromwell township, deed. 13 The acanunt of . Charles IVe • Steel, nitniluistratoe of Elizabeth Steel. Into of Union township, deceased.. • . 14 Administration dlecoimt of .71111 a m, A. , 'Whittaker nod John A. Whittalreriadnifuldtrators of Thomas Whit taker, late of Porter tojrashlO, decenicdi ••• _ .•• 16 Adiulnistration account of John Poster, administra tor of Thomas Ewing, late of West township; deneaSed,- 16 Account Of. John: admintstratorof Richard Madden, into of 61;1 . 111.0101d township, (ICl:bused. 17 The final account of Dr. John McCulloch, guardian of Joseph W. Cunningham and Diary .M. Cunningham, s minor children of James A. Cunningham, deceased, the said Joseph W..Cunuiligham being now Won deceased, and the said Mary M. Cunningham having attained lair. ma jority. - 18 The partial necountsof,Dr..Joh n, McCulloch, guar, dtuti ofJohn M. Cunningham and - Sari : lh Cunninghtun, ntlnor childrnu ofJamoto;Cnontigham, &wailed. 10, The neeount of John W. Mattoqi, administrator of Itobeeen. Sink, who way, the widow.und aqminiitratris'of Solomon fink, lato of. Some totiughig; Oecetusod. 20.1:he account. of Anthony. aftninistrator 'of 3ncol, Shownll.6c, deceissocl., ,„ .21 Thonucenut of J. A. Nash. uttmlialattatorUtOliniio 24 Aocoupt oP.Oeo. 11.ossolring, Thistho ACM estatairdJulta Slates;lat e of Clay, township, &et:lsec'. . -- DACIIeL W..IVQI,3IpUVURP, Register's ()Mee 1. . I .per j!4T?rorin'sliCntlellreisetedhtebnrtetbjfolloivvvienng I t u o ve a u l tories of the goods and Chattels.set to widows, under the provis ions of tho net of 14th of April, 1851, have been filed in the office of tho Cloth of the Orphans' court of Molding. ilon county and honoieionteil 'Or` l`pkirob4lit by tits .Conit". Oa AfdlltEty Ith 'tidy, of 'August next, (18600: The Inventory ands appraisenoe»r, of its o goods'and Chattels which wore of Woo. Doian, • late efllopOucll deceased, set upon to his wldow•Sophia•De:in. • • 2. The Inventory and. opptioisensent of Alio. goods and chattels .which were of James Oillmn, Inla, il d f Union tint., . deceased, set apart to his widow . 31nrgaretHui un,,unoley tho act of Assembly of 1851. • , Tho Invoutory. nod ,approlsonoent of. the g,ood . p.,and chattels which were, or Ploirloos IV. hardy, lote..ofJacitioon tivp.,:deceneed, setapart to his wJdOW 2 olorllll 4. Tho inventory (ma appraisonnoient Of Or govili.onol chottels which. were of Robert I,ee late of Poison townidolp, olocthsed;'set 'onort too':Iolion,lorolt Moo anorlttieliOto Los noi sier children Of said deceased. • • U. Tho Inventory. and appritisoment of the goods and chattels, which wero of:Samuel M. Stewart late orditekson tw, ~ deceased, set apart to his widow Sala Stawart. 6. The 'lnventory and appritisement of the goods and chattels which woro of Alexander Coulter, deceased, set allow t so, his widew. Mary Juno Cool tor. • i. The InVkitOry.` and ripiitelienient of tho goods 'and chattolxj WWl' . cfcro.or .11alklop:'8PdttogNibto ot-Watri orsinark tp., !Icor:hied, cot apart to hrs. • 8. Ihvelitory and appidlsoinefit'ef -thei'goetts and chat tele, which werpor . Bcojanifu Figarf,hite of • norris detriseil, cot 'apart to his ivldaw Carulino Iflgart:' ' 3. The supPlemoUtal Inventory andappraiseinent of tho goods and chattels which wore of_ Abram itaiwiey, Into of Springfield township ,deceaseil, set apart to his widow IsllrnLetL Ramsey. lu Inventory nod oppreisontent of the goods nod clmt tuts, which were of J.. 1. Fee, late of the borough of Hunt , . itigdon, deeenscd,, set npirt to his widow Jolla Ann Teo. 11 Inventory and appraisetnent of the goodi and chat. 'tots which were or Philip ltdasiongli, .latCofPurter loop, deceased, sot apart to his. widow Mary Bonslough.•.• 12 .Inventory and nppraisernent of tho goods atid•chat tels which wore of •Julin 'Miller,- late of Shirley township, deceased, sat apart to his widow 3fary.3tiller..•• • • .$.21,238 35 • ]:Yluvetitoi•y and' apnraisemen rot' thu goods:and chat. [els which' wont of John Ana's°,4c, Into , orXest!tthluship deceased, bet apart to his WidOW. ' • ' • DANIEL VI(ONIEL.DtoRr, July 18, 1108 HUNTINGDON COUNTY, S. S The Commonwealth of Peunßylvania to Solomon P. Finch, Into of Huntingdon won ty, HIM EV NO : Whereas, Jemitun C. Finch. by her next friend Jahn 0. Rouse, did on the Stitof,latittary, 1866, prefer ll'Or putittwu to the Judges of the Court of Common L'heni of said county of Huntingdon, praying that for t'e orm, o. therein net forth she might he divorced from the Wed, of matrimony entered into with you the said Solomon Pinch, . We do therefore command you as.belore commanded, the' said SOLOMON F. FINCII, that setting :mid° all other business and eXCII9e3 witatsoover,• you,he awl. appear In your owe proper person before ottr.ludges at Ituntingdm at our outtutycourt of Comm A% there to be bold for the said county on 'the second Monday of .logust next to answer the petition or libel or,the said dominut C Finch and ~to show railer, if any you have, why tho meld Jeminut C. Fiootm, your wife, APPIlid out be divot cell from the bonds of matrimony enteral time with yon, agreeably to the ante of tiro General Assembly of this lu such once outdo and provided, owl honor fail not. ... Witness the Honorable Ocorge : TaylorAsquire, mint of our ba il court at Huntingdon, the' 28th day.,ut Apri1,1566. W. 0 WAGONER, yl.B. A..rothonotarY. HUNTINGDON COUNTY. S.'S • , . - . Thu Conniten wealth of Pea nsyl , CO Thumns.lloor er. late of Iluntingdon ono nt ' Ont.:MING :' Whorens; ANNIit 1100 V by her lather: rind next friend George Leas, did on the 15th November; 1305, pro for her petition to the Judges of the Conn of Common Pleas of raid county or Illintingilone,p,raying that .for the cam , tii6rpii: set tit she, unglit!he 'dlvt.rcea from ,tiro hotidu of too tribiony entered into. trine you: tho itajd:Tl/0- Y.. I I WO& tlier ,, rorrr ceininand .4oiLeald MOWS HOOTER es before conitualoied, that sottiognsideoil other business and - excneas whitheerrot; juitturtand rippealit . yelstr own peon:, pursuit before our Judges at linutiogdon, at oar county court,prContition - Pl6l,4liertritir - :ho held for tho said county on - illese&itid 'lli:lnlay of August next, tom:- ewer the, petition or litibrof the said Annie Hoover, and C161:40 ni”you.liairei the lrUird Aniiielfoo• vor. your wife, should not ho divorced from tiro bonds of nuitrimouy 'dntered'into•withYou;.agnioablp td tho [ldle of the Genentl•A,ieombly of trio imclicaso made and provided, and hereof foil not. ' • •-• Witness tire Honorable Gebrgo Taylor, Esq...Prceitiont of onr'elitid court, ut• Huntingdon,' tho' nineteenth day, of January, 1060. • :'tV. C. WAoOl , itilt, jyllAt - • -Prothmiotary. •• SALES .By virtue of kjeutolry wilts of Vcrulltionf Ex Gino! dlreetc4i, I wilt expope to. public sale or outcry, at the Court: HOTIS_C, is tho borough of tiugdon; ON .MONDAY , iallt DAY of AUGUST, a. D. JBtig, at 2 o'clock, P. 24., the following described property to pit: A farm, tract. or. parcel.of land situ. ate in Cromwell toWnshlp, Huntingdon county, Penna., bounded rind described as follorM: On the north by lands of Daniel Logan, east by Rook Hill Snip:lce, south by William Laird,: and un the went by Hugh L. Cook, eon, Mining one hundred acres, more or less, seventy-flea of which urn cleared, the balance in timber with leg house and to g barn thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of doorgo D. Rymer. Also—All that certain lot of ground aituatein MeCemnelletown;ih the conntroflJoutingdon, Penna. ',7boundedniiii described asjollowe the north and can ' t by lot of Wilsonll. Watson, on the south by pub lic road nod west by,lot..of Wilson E. Watson, containing 20 14 PorchesJind. haTing .tiateUio _And .other'bnildings thereon erected. Seized, :liken in execution, and to bo sold an thei property r of Henry. Stnitl.,. - Alsn-L--Ab - ont 50'il6reso.f.,:hind, more or less, situated to West township, boundell'aud described nn follows: Adjoining lands of Silks Lewis On tho south Robert Meore.on the xvest, John Malt on the east, will; two Jog limineh mia sed,dalion rt. execution and to bo sold as tho property of Asbury Ewing and Sarni It. Ewing. . • • '` . ... Also—All the riaht title and inter mit of defeblinnt In and •tei OM following deseribmrtrect, pieenor parcel of land situate in Wont township r eontains ing fifty acres, more or . less, lands Of Mike Le win on the Booth, Robert Moore on tho west and. John That on the east, having thereon tweeted twolcig dwelt. log houses ands log barn... Seized, taken innxecution, and to be aold as the property of Sinnuel 11. Ewing. - Also—All that certaimlot ofground MOConnellstown in the county . of Huntingdon, 'Penna., bounded bnd described an follows:: On the north and cast by lot o f Wilson 11. Watson, on, the south by Public road and West Wilson 11. Watson, containing '26, 1 4 perches and having a house and other outbuildings them; on. Sexed, taken in execution and to bdnoldxss - the prop perty of Henry Smith. Alga-L-I'lv° vaoant leitS of ground 'lll Coalmont,Nos.lo4, 105, 130, 140041, also SS; withldsnlc frown hones 60 feet by 24, two stories high. being on tbo corner of Shell and Evans street, with a stable and otter{ outbuildinga. Also, lot No. 30 stunning the above named lot, fronting. on Evaue street, velar" two story frame home, stablo and othir outbuildings. Aloe, :214 tierce of :land in Carbon. toirrathip, known as the Diggins tract, bounded by lande of Joseph Biggins and Huntingdon ABroasi Top, with a house anti barn, about 50 acres cleared, the bala nee in timber. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold acute property of Levi Brans aml Mary his wife and James Anderson and Jane bin wife Also—Tho following described lot in the borough of Coalmont, Carbon township, to wit: Ads joining— Wilson on the cash street on the west, Shell street on the north, No.—. with a frame, honso and frame stable, containing $0 fest front ,witlf 150,.back.—. Seized, taken in execution; and to be sold as the property of Timms 11. Fagan. NOTICE TO ICVECICABERs.—ThatIcre at Sheriffs Sales wilt take notice .that innuedietely noon tba property being knocked down, fifty Per cent. of:all bltilt muter 3 . 1.00, and twenty-five per rent. of all Lids over• that ,iont r tnont be paid to the Sheriff; or tho property will be got' up again and sold to other bidders who Wilt comply . Ivitbibe above It court continues two weeks deed neknowledged on Wedne.sday of second week. ; One week's genet, - property knocked dawn on Monday end deed acknowledged on the following eatntday. JAS. F. BAT/11.MST, SLIEIZIFF'S °FRCP., Iluntingdou; f.10,'28813. . • • Dg - c:kneptc:lmi LL persons indebted to or having accounts with tho firm of T. kr D. 'longs, fu tho tan. ring Iniqueta, at 'MrConnellstowu, aro tortirmal that the books` aro now In :am batids at tauten -North for rettle. ratan. T. 1). NORRIM, AlcConuell,town, July 10,It