The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 25, 1866, Image 4
wir - priAl 0 . w .fplinti ti1..8 1 711 111 ill. -11.1V=ILi: STREET, WHOLESALE RETAIL Foreign and Domestic HAD'AUBE The attention of MECMLNICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generaDy, is invited to the fact that we aro now - offering a SETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C., than tat be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to snit tho then. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of brtness, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MASERS, JOINERS, Ac., Au., together with a large stock of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroal and Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lan:erns, Oil and Powder Cal' daeicellent assortmont of Thk.e) +CI tztlainr, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS SORS, RAZORS, &C. DRITTANIA dr, SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest mid most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON ISLAND AND FOR SALE AT IrAYUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will Ant a, general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of , Carriage Triminings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelled Leather, Whips, Tongues, Soc- . kets, Shafts; &e. X31.2421..112E25320E1TUE1C51 Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS it find in our establishment a superior Mock of PANES, . AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CIIISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOOKS, DOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &O MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all iariotios, BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. 1P 1 ELX•132.0:33C/5 Can bo accommodated with everything in their line from A Crain Sepal:ANTßo n Whet•etono. MtlaiJiclo3rgai Afo especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising tho famous Brisson Reaper, Blower, and Dropper, combined, Bandon's First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Mods Scythes, Hoes, Ilay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Tjos, Curry Combs, . Cards, &c., Lc., Lc. Among tho specialties or our House, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, SClioo right to sell vhicli is tostot in us. Bond tot acircular and get fall particulars of same, and satisfy yourself edits superior qualities. SCALES. Peaks of all aims and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, • Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggigts' Scales, .Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port- able, :Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF xims AND BRADS, .1:!y the kOg. Very low I 1303 t Norway nail, rod, bar and hoop Iron. STEEL,' of all sizes and descriptions WAGONsBOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, Ijy the barrel or gullet!, at very low figures .aZ"'A call is reapectfally solicited, feeling confi dent that our gondo and prices will not Gail to please' WHARTON & 'MAGUIRE. nontlWoli, Fe:ruary 27, 1860. • I'R.2. . 11. J rTY..L Uiu r Lifial - gill - el" COilhitg Norllal red Nod alitl =1 • larearta,Dly ;lux is olic , Jay, and /Llama", three rodent., Jeep. Toot-hurl, in ore minute. Neuraizia in f. re minutes, e - prains in twenty minutes, .111" - Sort itriat in ten Minutes, . Ci Cholic and Cramp in ton minutes, Bleamatlim in one dsy, Pain in tin r.. 4 or Lids in ton minntc, 113 Lai Conglas or Colds in one day, ta. Fever and Ago. in one day. Cures Deafness, Asthma, Piles, • Bronchitis Affictions, Dysmisia,. • Inflammation of the Kidneys, Lry6pilss, ye,. Liner Complaint and Palpitation of Um Licari. Keep it in your Families--Siehness comes zchen least expected. I propose to check, and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to aeoempli,h more perfect emailibric,m of all the circulating fluids in the human system, than cm be effected by any other, or all other methods of medial aid in the same space of time. SILTS POPULAR REMEDY is fast coming into use, fsr the fact that I CUPS, free of charge, all theso com plaints whenerer there is an opportunity to do so. As seen as it is applied it almest miraculously kills the pain. I do not ask you to boy bcfnu you are certain Of its et`i• ciency. If yon Imre an acheor pain, it is warranted toe, all it purports en the label. I do not propo,u to core eray disease—only a eh,: named by my directions. 3ly liniment operates on chem ical and electric principles, nod Is, tb. - efor,... applialde, to the core or natural restorative of all organic derang.. ment arising from an iraprerer circulation of the nerve vital fluids. Prof. .1. 11. 3lcEntyre's INDIAN COMPOUND acts dl. rmtly on the absorbents, reducing glandular and other swellings in incredible shell time, oilhcut any pc,sible dang, from its use under any possible circumstances. This is an internal and external nudicine--composed of roots, herbs and barks, such as ear forefathers used.— There is a bountiful snpply unearth to cure all complalutz if we only know what they were. This has been a great study with the .Medical Faculty for nemy years, to find out the kinds best adapted to the above complaints—how to put them to;ether, and what proportions to me. .1. It. MeENTYItiI, Proprietor, Reading, Po. For sale at Lewis' Book Store Tluntingdon, Pa., &pt. G,136. MCENTYREr DANDELION PILLS, For all discuses wising from one cause, viz: Fever and Agree, Dyspepsia, Catarrh in the Dead, Weak and disar dered Stomach, such as Indigestion, sick Headache, dines, of the Head. Weakness of Sight, Windy A ilm,nts, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Pains, Pains in the Rack or side, Nervous Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Impurity of the Blood, Blotches or Enmtions of tho Body, Gravel, Worms, & - c, Ac. Sold at 25 cents per box. 111cEisTWYRE'S T.NDLIAr TrEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER ! Thisinfailible medicine is warranted to expel worm in all enaes and may La given to cnildren of all ogos, ai they are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Iza_ r _ Cant. had at Lewin' Ltmlr. store, Iluntingdon, Pa, DR. VENA_RD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT. $lOOO REWARD will be Paid for any medicine that excels this [or the following diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Spinal Affec tions, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pain; Pains in Side or Back, Toothache, Headache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all Diseases of the Muscles, Skin and Glands. Tins is an 'lnternal and ]:eternal Medicine, composed of Roots, herbs and Barks such as Our forefathers There is a bountiful supply on the earth to cure all cony plaints, if we only knew what they mere. This haq been a•subject for constant study with the Medical Faculty for agreat many years, to find out the kiwis best adapted to the abovo complaints—how to put theth together, and what.portions to use. This wouderlul remedy needs no recommendation save the results which invariably follow its application. 1, y— This popular remedy is fast coming into use front The fact that it gives goal satisfaction. la-Plf YSIdIANS are invited to test its efficacy in all oasts of Rheumatism, Affections of the Spinal Column, and all Diseases of the Skin,less Muscles and Glands. It le been used in thousands of instances under the personal supervision of the Inventors, and has never disappeinted their expectations. All wo, ask for it to is trial--experi mental proof—not the testimony of the men of straw, are the vouchers we desire to present to the public. It would be well for many now lying in beds of torture, if these facts could reach their sick chambers. It to more important to them than to the inventors that this should be the case. "Truth is mighty and must prevail.. ccerlieep it in your family, for sickness comes when you least expect it. PRICE--ONE DOLLAR. SAMUEL 11. SHOEMAKER, SOLE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Huntingdon, Pit., July 19,1665. DR. VENARD'S STAR MAGIC LINIMENT CURE:i RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, DIPTIIERIA, or SORE THROAT, CRAMPS, or PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SPRAINS, and DIA:1111MT SOLE AGENT, SAMUEL H. SHOEMAKER, lIIINTINGDON, PA • Price One Dollar. Price Fifty Cents. Agents Wanted to sell the above throughout the Country. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 18C5. PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER I!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Plower!, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Noto Paper, 'White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Look, Stationery and Music Store. N.EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA • op l enj.r.':l l B`°ol:l' b s i ta i nd t i‘na t tllT Plltsdt,,jto A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOATS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which ho will Bell at fair prices. Quick sales and Ma/profit, Cull and osamino my stork. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Iluntingdon,April 10, IS6O. SPECTACLES. 41 4 -ELITS, *-S • A fino and largo assortment always on hand AT LETVLS' BOOK STO7?E. THE GREAT MEDICINE 1 M'Eiityre's INDIAN COMPOUND. A NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK . STORK PRICE PER BOTTLE, 50 CPS., and 51,00 _ITOR THE LADIES. A soperlor artiola oT Noto Paper and Envelope anitablo for cenifiderdial correspondence, for sale at :LEWIS' BOOK STATIONERY STORE. - 10 APER 1 PAPER!! I L Nob, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Fl: tenp—n E 0011 for sale by tho ream, ball roam, WIN, LEWIS' NEW BOOK le STATIONERY STOW. VERMICELLI, Barley, Rico, Rom v vinnik:cl,,&i.,...vt Lewis it Co's Family Oriiivry. 1:1112'.:61!1:1:'. - .; LA Ti]:•: 'I _;:::!_:.:i_:: , _ il 8110011 11E21) Olt ill APPEY. 7:±lii TI'L 1'~... '"~.. 1;5,. ETrybociy his own Broom Maker. rb , 22 ..2 , - ,ru.:1,..7 • !T.:. cr 11LI-s-,I : .t :. .Il'._c,`_ 1-.,3 1 .1:::14..:..0..,:.,-.,1 ~ c ., 1 1 . i 1- ~, I =a , ap,z,,i.•. . i 1,,...."... .. , .. T ', .-.-.—...- . N a t - - X' , a— ? ~ 4 r sx ~, +, 1.• 1, la 1. , f - ;:i vu Ty E... 1 • I ;...t 1 g 44 ; •... --,•.• iiit ., l ~,,, c . ...... , .. sr T_ler ---- .. ;-:. ' 3 t ' f i'• . 3 , -• i c_..1..ity,..r. t _„.. 1 4 kl , s..c. long ac. ,- -.: 1 :a / . i, . 014 .... t .t . ', x 1 thi.3 re :u..; e r 4 ' l'r f ii i r , ILe I.l:tt pi , ecf V • . ..1...1,,,11 riti t \ 'with the -Napl:c. tty. daralnllty, and .ems - prart•c_ , f 211 A anTrat: , o. mai , " it tac re 5a1....1,:e then arly :net art :cle crcr Intro da,l ofltAltnrongh, and Emily rh.thtt Er ,nte rn ren..s.-rtabht ttrunt, in the nom:tint It nnt:nt: . .. .„ . • Fur further irarti,ular, =ll a:AN, ihu FulAcrib .. pre, cr widrc.—....3 '11.10F.-. C.. kill - ICH - IA:It dY lg./N. feb7,15.:,3 II un tic gdo n., Pa. Lurdiam. LUMBER. LTTAIBER. THE undersigned has just p recoived awl is now re - aiy Eur.ply Ilia pubic with ALL KINDS OP LUMBER, Cii3IPIIIEING ALL THE 1/11 r c.I.ENT G RAD E. 3, Front cullia - g, op to the clear duff, Front 9 months to 2 years dry! PLASTERING LATH, JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, BUILDING STUFF AND PLANE. WORKED FLOORENG,IVEATEIER-DOARDINO, DOORS, IVINDOWTRAIIES, SASHES, at reasonable prices. Now' is the time to hay. ber - .re the Spring rn=h, ai Lynnher is already advancing, and dry lulal,r is a reorec article. CHAS. 11. ANDERSON. I lantinqdon, Feb. _ ~ _~`-~. --~~ ~~a~~:a '-':-----r-r'' 4A--- --t---,, „,,.. • __ - I.r :, MU SIC A L INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. - n M. GREENE' has just opened his Music Store. one or ,rest of W LetViS' En,l: more, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY 4: SONS' and GAMBLE'S Piano 3lannfacturing.Company's PIANOS, MASON it lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM & COS' MELODEONS; Gnitais, Fifes, Pintos; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, Ac., etc. SHEET MUSIC—He is constantly receiving from Phu. adelphia all the latest innsic, which persons at a distance wishing.can order, and have Bent them by to ail. Also GROVER A BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINE —the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; rowing Silk :Ind Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. - . • - PAsons buying Seining 31achines fully instructed in the use of them. Ph1.1:103 and Organs 'Warranted for five year? .Thoso wishing to boy any of the abort:, articles tiro in vited to call and examine mhos beforo purchasing else whero 3ly prices are tho same as in New York :sod Philadelphia. • Circulars of Instruments nr Machines, sent promptly upon application witlt any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., se27 Second floor of Brown's Hardnoro building u 1 3 3-1..0. ColciL FgcoiLiaza.clx-57- STILL IN BLAST. THE subscribers, thankful for the liberal share of patron:iv they bare heretofore re ceired by Ktrict attention to lutsinerF, ' hope to merit a:.l still receive the t.asne, '~ ratio ibis mctl:,d to inform their friends crerybody . el,,e, that they are prepared trie T.:,4t0 make all kind; of IRON and BRAbS EtiVfl76S — nuolein a ft ret clear Foundry. We have always on hand all kinds of Plough and Stove Castings. also wash Kettles, cellar-window Orates, coal hole castings for pavements, window irci,ghts of all sizes and weights, pipe joints, sled and sleigh soles, wagon boxes, machine castings for steam and water, grist, saw, sumac amt plaster mills of all descriptions. We are prepared to farnidt Heaters :11111 Iron Posers of them° t improved style, oven doors and fetuses, door sills and in fact everything made in this tine. We have a very large stock ,s plt.:,,ni and can furnish castings at short notice, and cheaper than they cat, ho hail in the county. Having a goal drill we are prepared to do drilling and lilting up of all kinds. !NJ—Highest market price paid for old metal. brass, zinc, lead, &c. J. M. CUNNING lIA3I k SON. Mice un Itnilroad strect,one door weotof the Exchange VO nttiugdon, I'a. , the:ll,o ATARBLE YARD. The undersigned isa. would' 'respectfully call the attention ofthe citizens ~ 1 Bunting,lon and the adjoining counties to the stock of i.caut Ifni marble now on hand, lie is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired etze and form of Italian or fasten, Marble, highly finished, and carved with apprc priate.deviees, or plain, as may suit. Iblilaing Marble, Deer nod 'Window Sills, &c., will be fornishetl to orlon W. IV. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase eLewhero. Shop on the orner of Montgomery and 31i11141 s's.. Huntingdon Pa. Wlt. WILLI:OiS. ltunting•lon,May 161855. SPECIAL NOTICE. To TUE LADIES.—Do you really j_ intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now Es prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they bad for n time served to bide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the exampleOf Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, sotto win be happy at all timid to furnish yea truth such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge year fatb, era, Im3bands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero be suited in good articles of Boots. Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens. ware and a general assortment of 0 roccries, on as ren• seaside terms as nt any house In town. Store on South. oast corner of the Diamond, Hunt ingdom . Pa. may 31, 1565. FRANCIS D. WALLACE. 30E 1 "E"CYT3* A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS CALL AT DONNELL 84 Ki.aNn , s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On TM Street, two doors west of _Lewis' Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS. Iluntingdon, Oct 1, • ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. E. 0. 6, G. W. COLDER. 11,1 VINY/ rnb•rrd into roplrtnrriltip in no Alexandria Ilmwery, ilto nto informed tbal they will Lo prepared at nil time, to till .• orders on the shortest wake. Aloxandria, Ja!!. 13. 181h5-t1 I ()All! 4; SZ • I 2 -- :•L B 3,Ii;111, I ••••-•'.., - • 1 4 , mi d - (::17!F 1,1,11,10.1.1.....'t JiLne i 1 111 _l. 13: J11;t13113.,_U(31i, Li 1 - 1,1,- :••• -1,....,,."- 1.,-!..4 3 .1 1 .4nd:-,3.,,, .1.,7,-rs I/3e; : '''., ..ili nr - 7 Tic, I. iii, CJILISJUIIiti. ,'• rfl, , lLalt u:LIMi ie,:ly oxuid,-3 1/ Dr- Lu 1 ,... i .-71, ni.l tt • ,t-t... zpp),lv6-, 1 - IT' . JOHN 3IGCULLOCH, offrA-F, 3J15 r , vf311,1;”?.1' , ..1 tacx I.liU f.t?, AV- 31 SPRINGS, a fa;chio e. nabi EZl=f7 Lie 7.111! 11,,,1r5rvid...ti,., IV. J. 3•J••; ,;,!•..r - 11 k, OYER & GARNER, Deal eri in Dry j 1,4 NVA. WILLIAMS, sz.d 111:1A, .I.l..afrztorel. A . NDREW JOIINSTO.I, agent for tLe Niagara [mum,. /2,, f EO. SIIAEFFER, dealer in Boots, EL“,,Grifrre, Elunti=g I T'CAILIN & SON, proprietors of Jcviata re.rl.?.lill, Hunting Vi3l. LEWIS & CO , Family Gro ctri,,, Pp - A.1,10n aul Foc7 :it4x., Huta, Pa. AV3I. 31AR01 - 1 4 - , BRO. V in Dry, Quer-r6vratz., Ilsrdx,re, at, Z.I. LONG, Dealer in Candies, Nnl,, rEar.ily Crotpri,g,Lting&a. Pa. CUNNINGII/131 & CAR3IO..N, ?ArcLante, Iluntingdon, I's. AVAVE - AUTON & 31AG tiinE, whol e , H_ and ntn!l 4,3:,r4 fordgm and .1,17.)^,1ic Ilardware, Cutl,ry, Lc. , Eaill,vl street, iluatin;sdon. iIIAS. 11. ANDI . :IISO_N, Dealer in Vja L;ndi ef Lumber, Huniinglen,Pa, M TAES A. I;ROWN, Dea:er in Hardware, Cutlery, Plante, 011.1, ice, Haat ingdfm, Pa. IT • 1 12i 1, 1 i f l n N l4-My 31tvls Clothing. Hats and Caps, - T - 1, P. GIYIN, D.l,r in Dry 134.1, - ,Gracerie,,ilartisrare, Queen,- war , . lf,ts 1:41r45 and E1i0t..., etc. Jinni illgdorl: Q E. I'VEINT.P.I7 & CO., 'Wholesale and Detail Deniers in Dry Good, Hardware, Quo:lists:ire, and Provi-ioni of all kinds, Ilunting,lon. J3l. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and Slnn,,in 013 Diamond, Ilni , ting'l4 , n, Pa. TOIIN 11. IVESTBROOK, Dealer in tJ Boot 3, SIGN, Hosiery, Confectionery, 3luutival n. 7 YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and z_d e Prosi.iion, of all kin,l4, Iluntingdun, D ONNELL IL KLINE, PiIOTOG RA PH IRS, Huntingdon, Pa T.IIOIIAS G. STRICKLER, & SON, m.natcturerßor Brougher'6 patent Broom Head or 1% rapper, Huntingdon. M. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, tr Plain and Ornammt , tl Marble Marmr.ctarers, GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready ;Ai. made Clotting, Huntingdon, Pa. IM. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,niu . ideal Instrunrant4, Sewing Machil no e, Huntingdon. Q . SHOEMAKER, Agent for the Ma o.gie Etar Liniment, IluntinOon, Pa. DILL POSTER The undersigne.l offers Ms cervices to hnsinels men and others dezirlngeircalarsdistrlbitted or handbills posted. Ile tot be Feel, at the 01.002 office. Iluntingdon, Aug,. 10, 1563. JOHN KOPLIN. R ALLISON MILLER, DBYTIST, Iles removed to tho Brick Boor opposito tho Court Route April 13, 1S 9. eE. GREENE, Q • DENTIST. Mice removed to oppo3ito tho Fmk] in House in the old book building, Dili street, 11uotingdore. April 10, 18C0. EXCHANGE HOTEL. THE subscribers baring leased this 1 Hotel, lately o=o,l by Mr.MeNulty, aro prepared to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good style. Every effort shall he made on our part to make all who stop with us feel at Lowe. J. J. & J. I). PEE, may 2,18613 Proprietors. MORRISON HOUSE, matimiatiaaa-a.4=7.3:3., "xma-t., THAVE' purchased arid entirely ren i_ orated the large stone and brick building opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car pets, Furniture, Beds and Bedding are all entirely new and first clues , and I am safe in saying that I can otter ace commodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. - - 411-1. refer to my patrons who have formerly known ae ithile in charge of the Broad Toy City hotel and Jack -on Home. JOSEPH. LIIORBUION. May 16, ISGC-tf. K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT EAVN I : - HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In the brick row, opposite the Court Item°. tnny3.1,360 J. 17 JIATIEMt. WILLIMI a. SIPE. MATTERN & SIPE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AJ , D • • LICEIVSED CLAIM AGENTS, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Bill street. Soldiers Claims against the Government for Back Pay Bounty, Widows' and Invalids' Penaions attended to trial great earn and, promptness. my2o-ly ACEfJCY 9 FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. • ALL who may have any claims a gaiwit tho Government for Bounty, Back ray and Pensions, can lava their claims promptly collected by up-. plying oither in ',crew or by letter to W. 11. WOODS, Attorney- at Law, Iluntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. JOHN SCOTT, SASISCL T. DROWN, SOUS 31. DAILEY The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT. S: BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN .& BAILEY, under which namo they will hereafter conduct their practice as • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1117NTISUDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all clainis of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. M=SiE A. W. PENEDICT. T. SEWELL STEWART. P. SI. LYTLE. ' I I IIE firm of Benedict & Stewart has Leen changed to BENEDICT, STEWART & LYTLE, nutler w h ich name they trill hereafter practice its ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON; PA. They will elm glum careful attention to the collection of military and other Claims against lie State or Gov ernment.. °aim formerly occupied by .1. Sowell Stewart, adjoiu• tag the Court Ileum. feb6;1800 4 - Fa U s t_C , THE CYTHARA—The -7- , T l,.Prost, "toriam Psalmodist—The ShaWll 2 Tho.fuldlealluntn's and DortinPs enlarged and improved . Intl ructord—Weiland's Now and Improved Method for the Guitar—Leland's Actor kon, Violin and Pluto Instructora—Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructore-13ellak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur rowes' Piano-Porto Printer—do. Tlinrough-Base Primer— Ilowo'“ Drawing Room DMICeS — The Chorus Glee Book— Tara'', Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY h MUSIC STORE. BROWN & BLEACHED MUSIANS Tithing, Limeys, Checks, bleached and brown can ton FlanneN, miner's Plaid, Wool Flannels. &c. &c. a S. E.l.lliNitY COPS. rplIE BEST EASTERN CIIEESI Intini‘i itt. CUNNINGHAM & CARHOg'S. (IA. RP TING OF ALL KINDS at CUNXINWIA of CA It MO.N'S. Z EGA R.S.— Best quality- of Segars ut CUNNING II A M & CAIIMON'.i _ 1 11bilDpolibizt '4,lo;trlistnitnls. • C:4l•C3lLaa ILE.C.EIVZD OS" 1:•ZPOSIT, TLT 31 - I:rlG.rGf xJv ..101 0 1, - ;..stic.d. Bearing Interest In GOLD. 59- %-:;+, En= :1%, DISABLED lABX--ATTENT/OIL l k ik 7 - ANTED—One or tarn men, for • 1 15.,h ,I,3l‘ ,rln •:j.l /3 a-It - ow - Dix s rut," prt,f Arrivz .19net -1,3,1 final Yins.UT is, Llurk,t. YI tr) •}ns CZ111.2 nalde. Irit , .l f f;:11 infm.nativn, A. P. UZI. CHEZ. ; 11,z . 45,11;11,1 :r.1.:13. if,-1111,14-talte zvd 1:1 - 5111,1 11,1 r in sus v. - , 11, tp.1:7,4i111 1 9. 7 ) 1)0 P1 ) 11pL1! e vant A._,,8,1:110 arii rc 'l4Leni.twa. Thrw: nre kindt. Und,rsn3 r "J7Jtr.ra:t.l,l e Jrsr, Ahne initury Larne . /.4 J. ne 'Ana Psltl in tiol I:MLA Ft . .nts for tlno SO, 'shit:lJ are fsell lit , mtt .- .1 E J;;;‘, and , ALtt - lt th,rtp rutt.,llll,-, are hi/if-wag - "tat a:A the telittr Or ms, are artmt,fist4 cart impri. Clrcclars ny/n Elroy Clark, L'Alt.frn-1, nainr, or C3,1=3.,, 1.11. .1511E5 IL ELDREDGE. CEO. P. ELDREDGE. ELDREDGE & BRO., Publishers, Stationers, Bookseller:, Ho. 17 and 19 S9uth Sixth Street, (Abrire PHILADELPIIIA. rank:l3l:lr tinti , m 014 to the uniutry trzle. Always 411 J wl 3 IntZe ',apply of Leiter. exp, :Not* Bill. and Wrap,ing I' Y. rPhyp• ats4 Yens,4 Ink, Hatt w, Mutilae, Moto -1.1.;.1/ AllAnr.% Bay' Ice. - Litrral term, to .3.11;52V(4-/y BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, lIAIIIIISBURG, Respectfully informs the public that ho has opened for their use his new and elegantly fined op ifr,lll. It contains FOUR NMI' TABLE 3 OP MIfAIIP"3 DIANUPACTUISE, supsrior to any LOW In the city. 'lhit noon, challenges &nil/sultan with any Toon! iu the:that..., Wen orkbiladelphia. TO ALL BOOK BUYERS, 3A£, K. SIMON, a 3 tout}, Sixth street, Hillmlelylria, is ag,lit for the following r skiable books: Appleton's Now Anirrican Cit - clotddlia-10 Volo. libtory of the liebeilion-1 Large Vol. Dictionary of 31ricaanies--2 vols. Deltoilion ➢.ccord. by Fronk MVOC , --a Washington Irsing's 'Works, 22 Cooper's Novels. Dickered Works. iilerivale A Gibbon's Horne. Macauley's Works. tire es Dictionary of Arts and Sfannfartores. lisheroft's Un 1t,,! laatox—S rob!. As, tee. I furnish all hanks pehli•hed, for publie and (ghetto Librari" at wi,rb e ede price, Enrol a list of any Books wonted, with a stamp, for pliers, siblell will be sent by roturn nmil, ruyita INVENTORS' OFFICES. D'EPINEUIL & 'EVANS, civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Phi'ado. Patents Commit:Won't on Engineering, Drimglitini; and Skelelva, 31,01els'and 31aeltinery of all kinds DI:Vio and %Milli:11y attended to, Special att,,,,tl,n given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES,— Anthentic copiras email Docuracati ream l'atvnt Omen toreenred. - - N.B.—Save yourselves uselees trouble awl traveling expcnses, tlicre LA no actual UCLA for personal inter view with us. All 1 / 1 114i1r,`,5 with these Mal, can be transacted in writing. For further information direct as above with stamp cimbow.l, for Circular with ref.: mew, Januaryl7, its -ly The Celebrated Wrought Iron • AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, ({s9th patent Dust Screon,) 31anufactured by J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner 1317 n and Filbert alma, Phila. The firm of Bartlett & Reynolds havivg this day, Juno CS, 1860, dissolved, the undersigned will continue to man ufacture theirjustty celebrated Heater at the old stand. It is the only ono perfectly adapted to tho burning of bi ttunenous coal. I r:6 — Send for illustratedparaphlet I Jylo gin J.REYNOLDS in SON. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, i'3l ' Cottage Organ. 4 __ ' - &-„ jri kr , :::..- . 5 . '"--:--• 4 " .----"' Are not only unexcelled. but they are absolutely use quailed by any other Reed Instrument In the country,— Designed expressly fur Churches and schools, they aro found to ho equally well adapted to the parlor and draw fug room. For bolo only by E. M. BRUCE, No:18 North SECENTII street, Philadelphia. 41p• Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and aco pleb as sortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. sel7-ly E. REMIN GTON & SONS, . _ ' MANUFACTURERS OF REVOLVERS 'RIFLES J P MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United StEles service. A'so, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, • REPEATING PISTOLS, RIFLE CANES REVOLVING RIFLES, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrele, and 0,,n Materials sold by Gun Denims and the trade generally. In three dap; of Ifoueebreaklng and robbory,overy home, otoco, bank, and Wile; should have ono of Remingtons' Revolvers. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the Into Im provements in pistols, and superior workmanship and formi will find all combined in tho now REMINGTON REVOLVERS. Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms will be furnished on application. E. REMINGTON it SONS, Ilion ' N. Y. Moons Nionex.s, Agents, npttlit' N 0.40 Courtlandt et, New York. • on tozoitcl , • • qlocks g ti 410 P. II ESTABLISHED IN 1840. • Incorporated by the Legislature of the State cf Pennsylvania. Located on the.N. TV. Corner of ith . ana (701) Chestnut sts. (701) Designed exclusively to impart a thorough and PRACTICAL_ BUSINESS EDUCATION. All classes of parson; replica such nn education. Those possessing means, need it in conducting their Those without means need it in obtaining and creditably filling lucrative positions in the employ of others. The course of instruction and practice io arranged Bona to fully meet the diversified wants of every department of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TRADE , as comprehended or embraced tinder the three pitons' di visions of industry: A g riculture, Manufacture and Com mere, Each student is instructed Individually in both theory and practice of Book Keeping, according to the most op. - proved and labOr saving methods, Business Penmanship, Calculations; and all the collateral branches of a complete course of iniSiness education ; and upon passing a entisfae• tory examination Is (Warded, by authority of lose, a diplo ma under the corporate ivnl of the college. itudents ore received al-any limo. And It isbelievcd that a pti,eilcal experience of over viscose TEARS will be considered by the pu[b]ic an ample guarantee of the prac- tical character Of the course and efficiency of the Instruc tion. All further informotien desired con bo obtained nt the college, or by addressing- the principal far a circular by 47,--A liberal discount is allowed to wounded and hon• orably dbeliarvd soldiers. , The college is oppu day and 'occult:;. 'l` it. POI,LO'iK, Wy-at-Lnw, Principal. Ir/L , ltt ctxt, 4,41a13 l'iArtner THOMAS M. KERB, MIOLESALE ACTROCEIL no. 14? zertinznis2sumr, 1 1 11 1, 61 , 11,51.17.16. 47-ovuir,r. pr-x2w PATENTS Yi".901, - 1:=1 .1"9:a 1.5Tr'..:71t1°.;315M TIM 1-5127:1/ AL';D xtzrim A ynto=l inr v:4l thv ivr=tor is Atorsige nougla 1n00.:=7, sse ticri.r.6l,,,ta ...311 Ireone-,57g •=n,rl:7==st. ein=lcso Wornatra= cos 29- ETM-0, WAYS, 1.1,4 Prl.l 15"..1=1. itt41:4244 PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEADS Will dr, more and better work at a Oren cml,ll.visi 1t11.7011 , :r1 Try ill Idrar , rve'r - rbienlyty ZIFX;LER & SMITH, Ps.tzt arA Clam V-ASnz, ja-124-ly 1.f...1 NtAlle 3111ZD it,, lIITLATM PDEE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, The lebitrot. the 'need 4nrelle sail the rourbevenwelat Try it MsettlActer,3 ~*Sy ZIEGLER S3IITIT, Wbf.lexae Paint B rriam arr24-Sy Ile, VT N9rib Tlad et, 1888. TH E 1866. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Htuxtingdon, Is now ready for inspection and Bale, AT LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store, NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Ifla LOWER PRICES Than the same article can bo bought in Philadelphia or I?ittsbnrg. OUR STOCK Consifits of *yards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR Tho Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Rod Room, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, Call at, the "Globe" Bonding, and examine our stock and prices. 31/11.1CTSIMCI 3F3C3C31C.61, NOI4ISALE AT LEW'S' 1100 K firallE, flowing SONHH OP IllitbAND, containing about II of the Guinn of iliberuirda &tip and llaiLads, including 50 of Alvaro'. f HAI Alciodiel, Hoop; of tho offoctionx, fentimcntal, Patriotic, Illatorlcal, Military, Political' Comic and Allaccilaneous Homo, arraugal for the Pianoforte or Mclodeun. Price $B.OO 110VIT'S1305105 OF SCOTLAND, containing about 175 of the Genie of Coledoula'a &alga andifelLtds, inclu ding gonna of the affections, gentimontai, Patriotic, Military, PoWiwi, Comte, awl sfircellane• one Bonne, arranged for the Pianoforte or Melodeon. Price $3.00, lIOWE'S SONGS AND BALLADS OE THE OLDEN TIME, containing the Original Words and sfitslc, of tho Songs and Eallcold, sung by the Grand-moth era of the present geueratlop, Arrinigcal (r Your "Voices. 110WE'8 TRIOS: • Quadrilles Contra amt Fancy Dancer; with Calls and Figures:: Waltace, Polkea, Opera )felo• dies, scotch and high ales, Lc., kc., for Ole Violin, Flute, Cornet t Bans Viol, kc. TIIBTOITNG 'MEN'S SINGING BOOK; a collection of Music for mato Voices, consisting of Glees and fart Songs, Choir and congregational Tunes, Anthems, Chants, dc. ICINOTAY'S :JUVENILE Ire:lion of the Cho(coat ifelodiee from the German, French, Ital ian, Englltill and American Compolere, TRUMPET OF FREEDOM AND TILE BUGLE CALLS;two books suitable to the times. TUB BOSTON GLEE BOOK, consisting of an extewilvo collection of Glees, }ladrigals, and Bounds, selected from the works of the Most admired Composers, to gether many new pieces from the German. • / LisTßucrrtoN BOOKS VOR. Ti PIANO, 3felmleon Accordeon, Violin, Banjo, Guitar, Concertina, Drum leifo and Flageolet. Huntingdon, Jan. Z 4, 1205—tf. ..-, . . • 10L. '6 1. ,0 R 0y '" lt ' - P, `0 -- - ".: •-• -t e4 " '49 4 4..71-, , ,,,, a - .. i • BLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS I STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPcENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B'KS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGaIENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREE3IENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. nod for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. . WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST REOEIITED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IT. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. nUNTINGDON, PENNA. SATCHELS, . PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, . CARD CASES, • SEGAR CASES, &e,, &o.; A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. BLANK BOOKS, • OF VAILIOGS SIZES, for gale at LEWIS' BOOK ALVD STATIONERY STORE RED For, neat JOB PRINTING, call a, the "GLOBE Jon PRINTING OFFICE, " at Hun tingdon, Pa, lellOPY7)"..dr -2er.143.4. Ott- r pEniiSYLVANIA. BAIL Bold>, 27ZZ tir IZATrArI nr to,,zola ZUJCIEE A2II2I.IMOSENT. Tff4J. 1 2-7 - ,"*" 1.. "..") i , 0 - 1 %,- . vf, ; i 1 r. - 1 1 r : - :p -e, A ' v...1 -....- -, - - - A ' 7.1 r-j ?ALI 7.144 A.. 1164 014 l 818 4 x72 stti L 2i 72 £Fi _41c.01914... 49E - -42181 -..- 3 131ibr . 8 L9l L 10",32. 21i 8 Wilaugstrasak, 7 , 11.11 — l ,3a 831 7181 --I - 7 21 -.1 3 12+ 8 2 1 8yriapnevly 7 . 1 liroz-18,40432, 7-3 81 148 8 88, 1 22/54 .4. 1 -- L's 2 -- 2 11:m. 1 ,4.1.- 8 191 --I 2 18, iStlrs 13347. 8 21, 8 2 4'4 7-IE-J P.m,Y. X.l 714 111114114:1.31/7A. Exvzrz St:ohmic iron* as Zi• Y. SL, au3 strri,ft si 11.-- ,- Ardsst 1914 PAL 714 PAST LUZ 7.44war4 Iftv.4 112". ms *1 S73S SI, .Ivs stilloaaVent at 444 A. 3.1. Tl,l DAY EXPara 9-anwarl kasem .I.l9.ouslat s IL, awl ogi st r llzruliett492 9 441. Y. 714 IWILAVMPLUA EXYZI23 Weit.srd, .11mAinpl'gri 4 7 !!) A- X, xu3 arrfrbs at* AV.orgas si S Nffl7 Tiat: MET611"0.2 Wears:fa Iftare4l/Atrean ikla al7 Z. 3 a- 2f., sal snips; st ditom.43 Hty 20, - H u "TINGDON Is BROAD TOP JIAIMOAD, adki Ifontiy, JULY 1144 Disimioxt gasify. xad &lad so LAkows; WAUti MAINS. IrORTIIWAZIMAINEt OA szt4 -60V111. Ill=3 EMS ED BIDINab, Is 8 00010011np10n,.....-.-, 8 20rine114409,0,—, s az FkawaNtOrore,..„..., 8 48 113114.4bi55g,..."...,, 9 04 Carom Ett0,—„,„„.... 9 14994 k nearly,..,„, >,fe,- ; , 0 ...„„ rt . :::: g iya44,..n. Az 9 44 4.8 9L/ ,—,.......- 16 14 1a1141 , 21r0rg,..--- 10 22 110p0wet1,....„--...- 10 2-311 , 1 y 4's ntan,......,....... 10 ri v-A TzpAtille, ' 11 01 1:1y lina.--- . 14411 12 MocutroaThomr---.. is 5;39 5 47 • ei) Of• 24 e. 321 444 66042619 40 6 47 22 6 46 624 629 695 $l2 CO $O 742 4JO 7 7 81) 41 442 cs 4 24 14.5 9 2424 24 600 494 614 225 6 26 40 6v 365 664 3 61 4.6 6 6246 264 1149101. COI as 7 (t az 713 724 7 42 7W ME La 7 (faltz 10 20 1 Faxt0n,.................. 6 201 426 6 051 10 75 Cos l:mut t , ,6 i 402 6 10 1 10 46 Crawford, 6 01 , Z✓ 2 AZ 8 ?MARIO ✓) lhadlky, —,,,,...,—„,, 6 00 SS4 I 1 IBroavi Top e1ty,....1 Tfuntfogdon July 16, W.G. OLIVER 4•"--- REAPING RAIL ROAD, BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, JIM 11, WA fil REAT TRUNK LINE MX VIE North ezul NortlrWest for PHILIDZIaIfI If zw ost, BLOM, Pornaug, TAMAQUA, Mil Wm, Israthoi, AthesTowo, Bum, Z 111.17411, 1411 Z, LAMM; CMOS be. Trains Itare Ilusfsburg hr New York, 'se follows A 3 00, 3,10 334 900 A. H., AAA 210 *O4 945 P, onvenA fog with similar tralno on Ow Penntylvantalliarrlvlng at. Xew York 4,00 and 1010 A, X., h 9.10, OM, 46 IV, If, gletqa,g cars wow paay 042 09 a moot t 10 p. m.traltuo without (-Lange. Izaro llarriaburg for Rwrding, Pottarille, Tamaqua Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and nibs': Atipbbs at 819 A.ll, and 210 awl 4 1,0 P. 11., stopping et Lobartor and ptincipal way Atationw tbo 4 IQ p, tn. train making comp:Mona tor Philadripldi and Columbia only, For Bebuylkill (baron and Auburn, riot Btionyl kill and Oar/urban ma Bit, learn Iturlatrarg at 3 20 PM. Returning., !rare NM-Yong at 7 k 3 A. 18,12 Noon I p.m ; p 1,14,010, la Alt 6,15 A. IL, awl 330 P, $1; Way f l u , *eager train ketre, Philaidplna at 7?!/ A. M. returatnz from licwling at 030 r, htop.l at all 'dation.; P , Atarllkr at 8,95 A, IL. and 245 1 . ..11.; Ashland 609 and 21,7,0 a and 1,05 PSI; Tamaqua at 0,16 A )1, and 1 awl 6.55 P Lean, Pottsville o,r JiarrMoirg, via Brbuylktll and Eurnw.iramia Rally/al at 7,00 a ra, An Acanunnothalon Passenger Train Imre; Ez4VMS at MOO A. 31,, and returna MAXI PUILAVZLSIIII. at 0,00P.M. Columfda itallrowl Trains learalina4lnr‘ at 645 am, 12 05 and 15 P. 11, for Apbrata,l4tl2., Lawauder,Col umbia, At e. On Bundays, Vara New York at 890 P. 111., Phitgalel• pbia, 8,09 a m and 315 P. M., tile aln train running to heading, Pottorillo 8 00 A. 31,,Tarnapia 730 A. 14„ Har r/ burg 0 05 A. 11, and Renting I 33,7 30 a. ,n, fir' Har rirburg, 10,52 a m> bar New York, awl 4.25 ibm. for Phil- CoMNUTATItf, If mune, 130,1139%, 000001, and fluniustow TICIMS reduced rabw towel Own all porn tn. Baggage checked through r 80 wands Baggago allowed erab Passenger. . . 0. A. NICOLL% lan,g, June S 5, 1860. fCItL 4 4;14 1 Agik, 14/0 911. 44*.• SCIIOOL BOOKS, FOE SALE AT LEWIS' LOOK, STATIOMART A IJIMIU EITOOI,, iiILYTINCIDOZI, PA. OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 21.:d, 4th and Sib Elders. 31'0UFFEY'S Speller and itesde.m. SANDEE'S do d 9 de Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith'e. Sul lion'e and Grown'. Grammars. Fitch'e Physical Geography, rt Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Monteith ISIVI McNally'. Geographies & Atlases: Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline lam Webeter's and Worcester's Dictionaries. QnockenLoe' First Lesions Is Composition. .gnackenbo's Composition and historic. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's sod Brook!' Arithmetic+, Peterson's Familiar &Imo. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Kaye to A:Khanna. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. • Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. - Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's Strut Lessons In Natural Philosophy. Parker', Philosophy. Willard's history of the United State'. Child'. Si Of Geodrich's t. It It Payson, Dunton and Scribner's Ponmenskip, in *lava* number.. Potter & Hammond'. Penmanship In twelve nziabire. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Daviee' Elementary Geometry and Trlgcnontetty. Device' Legendres Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Rook Keeping by Single Entry, by Unnaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Doable Entry, by MEAL/it'd A Payson. Other books will be added and furnlshMl to order. • A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. liontlngdon, Pe. THE BEST STOCK OF FIN ST ATIONRY, /FOR L A.DIE AND GRNTLEM.7IIIr, EVER ICZCEITY D IN II UNTIRCIDO N . CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONEP.Y AND MUSIC STORE. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, • ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPS, Jut received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OH• ALL TUE 1515TEIGIE9EIED MIME AMD =Jam, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GPLH SHAM: MUSLIN SHADEIta, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAM CORD AND USW.% PULL ASSOATIIENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TIJSINESS MEN, TAKE . NOTICE 4 It on wont your card neatly printed on .etteelt twee, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERYBTEOR, 13ED.. Justices' and Constablos' Fog. Bills for sale at Lewis' Book Ptore, T ~ 4 - 4 If, 2:11-1 tar 1 . is ,, i k til SU , $ VT, .1.... 1121, 4u 4.1 E Su JIE 4 4. - 5 4E ti .1:6 4VA 4 1 sek 4 114 E ,14, 7 Vl' 4129j2414721 1 46a zao 719 .2 4g , Z 6 = 226 2 C. 45 2211 62E 2 2 ikr 621 2362 2b 2 92 1 1 2 2// 2VA 7.21..; JP, !JAL, P. IL rif3 ES3