6-lobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, July 25, 1866. LOCAL, & PERSONAL. To Subscribers Those subscribers receiving a pa per marked with a t before the name wilt understand that the Limo for which they subscObed is up. If they Avish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the omit or otherwise Delegate Elections. The voters of the Union Party are requested to meet .at the usual places, on Satirday, the 11th day .of Au gust next, at six o'clock in the evening, in the townships, and 7. o'clock in the boroughs, for. the purpose of electing •delegates to a county convention to be held at the Court House in Hunting don, on Tuesday, thel.4th day of August, ,at two o'cloCk, P. 11.,-to nominate a 'ticket and transact such other business as the interests of the party may re- A. 11. BAUMAN, quire. July 9, 1866. Chair2nan Co. Com I:=17=1 —The Adams' Express office at Per rysville was entered a few days singe and the safe robbed of $l5BO. Clymer Soldiers Campaign League is being formed in this county, The League meets here on Friday. ---Wo would like the man who says there are fewer flies this season than at any time formerly, to show us the statistics. Wo think it isn't so. —"A word to the wise is sufficient," :but when names follow words, as was -seen in the Globe last week, it is time for fools to take warning. • : —A-disturbance amongst the minors -on Broad Top for two weeks past, has been caused by a few dissatisfied indi. viduals. The disturbance arose to such a pitch that a police force had to ho established, and now all is quiet. —A burglar was found secreted in a closet at the toll house at the bridge in Mifflin, a few nights since. He made his escape through a back entrance, and wont to Lowistown, where ho was arrested. His name was Wheeler. —We were gratified with a visit from our young friend and quondam citizen, Mr. Chas. Campbell, son of T. P CaMpbell, Esq., now at Davenport, lowa. Charley looked remarkably well. Re is going into the blind man ufacturing business 'at Altoona, with Mr. W. I. Adams,: once a typo in this office. We wish both our young ac quaintances success, and hope they won't "go it blind?' —The Soldiers 'Orphans at the Cass villo school will be in this place on Wednesday. We suppose an exhibi tion will be given by the youths, when wo hope no ono will hesitate to turn out and bear them. Necessary ar rangements have been completed for entertaining the orphan children dur ing their stay. Mr. Cuss, the princi pal of the school, is deserving of cred it for his arduous efforts to please the youth committed to his charge. flectiat of George Enyruoitil,Esq wo were pained to hear of the.hor rible murder of Mr. George Raymond, in Woodbury, N.. J., on Wednesday night last. The circumstances of tho murder aro as follows: Mr. Raymond and his wife were sleeping in separate rooms, when about three o'clock Mrs. R. happened to hear . a noise in the adjoining room. Upon going . in she endeavored to awake him by calling, but failed. Sho then tried to raise his bead, but took bor. hand back covered with blood, which was oozing from a gash, produced by an axe. Mis head was cut in the most-shocking manner. Mr. Raymond - died shortly after she entered the room. The murder cau ses great excitement in that neighbor hood.: Mr. Rayinond was well known in this vicinity, and was recently. edi tor of the Hollidaysburg Whig, :whence Lo went as Minister to South America. It Ii Coming Van Amburgh & Co's Menagerie and Gardner, lemmings & Co's Circus, will exhibit in this place on the Ist of August, as will be seen by reading the displayed advertisement in to-day's paper. This combination is too well known to need any further commend. ation from us. - A menagerie is always looked for with anxiety, and as for a circus we -needn't tell anybody how well they take in this. section. Don't forgot the Ist of August, and be in time to see the grand procession and the elephant. THE editors of the Journal & Ameri can complain of us because wo have not had more to say of General Geary. Our colors aro flying—Geary for Gov ernor, and wo havo not advised our friends not to trust him because ho has boon nursed in the lap of Democracy, as the 'Journal & Anierican editors have done. Robert & Co., Gpary would be better pleased with you if you would ‘_‘dry up" entirely until after the elec tion. He knows how to appreciate such friendship as yours. Dry up ! liso_The Portland fire has demon strafed the importance of insurance See advertisement of the .2Etn4, whiel "still lives" and insure your propeit) at once with R. A. Miller & Qv., agents Jltintingdon. Now Spitore for Enterprise If there is ono thing, more than an other, that our citizens are deficient in, it' is the spirit of enterprise. We have admired the spirit of improvement Manifested by .some of our people, - as seen in the many now dwelling houSes, and in the taste and beauty displayed in rejuvenating old buildings; but there is ono more subject which, we think; it is our duty to lay before our readers, not only for the good of indk viduals, but also for the welfare of tho town. That is, enterprise in manutac• tures. No town in the State, of the same size, has such a small proportion of manufacturing establishments as Huntingdon. Indeed, we can mention no manufacturing establishment con ducted on a grand scale. Wo know not whether it is the desire of our peo ple to have anything of the nature here or not, but appearances would indicate that it is not. Tho mania hero is for stores (of which wo have a superfluity nod,) and no capitalist thinks of in vesting his money in anything that would : pay hotter, and be a greater benefit to the town. A man or coin pany of men can certainly derive more 'pecuniary benefit and a Wider reputa tion from a now pursuit than from anything old; and should a body of capitalists only turn their moans into the channel of manufactures it would not be long before their money invest ed would swell to gratifying propor tions. Efforts have boon mado, we believe to establish a glass factory and also a car manufactory here, but the pro jects fell through from some clause or other, the most prominent cause being, perhaps; that somo were afraid - it wouldn't pay. Thus it has been, that before the thing was tried it was pro nounced a failure, and thus it will ho, unless our capitalists arm themselves with indomitable perseverance and un tiring industry. Every project falls through unless the men at the head of it are determined to carry it through. We know men who, impressed with the desirableness of the locality, have comp here with the object of establish ing some kind of manufactures; but, after meeting with the discouraging remarks of some of our people and finding no rooms suitable, have gone to neighboring towns and thoro loca ted. The evil effects of this practice cannot be as readily -seen as they should be. It is a loss of capital, a loss of labor, and a loss to business, gener ally, in our midst. Wo should by all means encourage business of any na ture, and not drive it away to the ben efit of other communities. Our town stands in greater need of enterprising men than any other town in the State, and until the proper ways be adopted in which to encourage industry and manufactures, we can expect to remain in the slough of dullness for somo time to come. The proper way is to invito men of business, enterprise and capital into our midst, - and aid them in se curing the objects they desire. If they desire:to build, give them aid in secur ing a-location, and give thorn a start in business. By all means cease tell ingthem that they will find it will not pay, and that they bad better not attempt it. Such remarks greatly dis courage a man. In other towns a man of business is offered the most gener ous inducements to start, mon of other business vioing with each other in their efforts to secure his remain. So it should be hero. We only wait to soo ono manufactu ring business started hero, and paying as it will, in order Co see others follow in rapid succession. Let that one be started soon. [COMMUNICATED.) A Triumph for Broad Top Coal. PIiILADELPIIIA, July 21, 1860 W3l. LEWIS, ESQ.—Yesterday I wit nessed what may be emphatically call ed a triumph achieved by the aid of your Broad Top Coal. Invited by a party, owning ono of the richest silver mines in Colorado, known as the Baker Lode on Kelso kfountain, I witnessed an interesting process of smelting sil ver are by the North American Smel ting Company, located on Spring Gar den St., No. 1510-12. Four • hundred and seventy-five pounds of silver ore, were put into the furnace, heated by your Broad 'Top Coal, and in a com paratively short time, yielded one hun• dred and twenty eight pounds of mat, containing silver worth at least 5530,- 30, or at the rate of 2000 pounds of silver ore, 52237,00. The plan of re ducing the ore, ae practiced by this company, will produce a revolution in metallurgy. The cost of smelting is merely nominal. The process com monly in voguc,absorbs usually all the profits in reducing the ore. Yours truly, &c., I. D. RUPP. - te.r..Poor Robert the:Scribe" says we abuse him. We have not said a word exposing his personal character. To hispolitical character alone have we taken exceptions. Whatever his char acter outside of politics may be we leave. to the public—it is no part of our business to speak of it either privately or publicly. His political conduct is bad enough to damn him deep enough for all useful purposes. Robert is li ceused to lie about us as much .us )1c pleases—as for slandering' us, that is impossible, as his foul tongue is no slander. We have lived 'down all such blackcgtp as him, and he will blow away if net securely !plc:bored by his masters. Base Hall Matters VITo were highly pleased with a vis. it to Johnstown on Saturday last, and in witnessing a match game of base ball between the Juniata Club of Hollidays burg, and the Kickenoapawling of Johnstown. The latter was the same club which played the Social Club of this plape on the 2d. The Kicks, after playing with wonted pluck and energy, were beaten by the superior skill and activity of the Juniata "boys." The score stood at the conclusion of the Bth innings-27 to 38. They were obliged to finish with this inning on account of a heavy shower. Indeed, through out the game the rain continued to fall, making the ball very difficult to catch and pitch, and rendering . the ground between the bases very slip. pery. Under these circumstances there was not much chance for extra ordinary playing; but yet both clubs did remarkably well. We don't think however that Lho Kicks did as good playing at home as they did with the Socials, but the reason was, perhaps, that they dreaded too much the supe riority of the Juniata boys, who claim to be the champion club in this neck o' timber. Later in the same day tho Juniata played the Iron of Johnstown on the same grounds, but were obliged to quit for the same reason at the conclusion of the 2d inning, when the scoro stood -Iron 6, ;Juniata 17. This much of the game was played in a lively show er, and we think both clubs displayed extraordinary fortitude if they were unable to show extraordinary 8 clone°. On behalf of the delegation of the Social Club, wo desire to tender our warmest thanks to tho Johnstown boys for the cordial treatment tboy received. Such an entertainment we never witnessed and such hospitality we believe unprecedented. Tho Juni ata and Social boys can uevor forget the kindness of the Johnstowncrs, and if there is ono place justly entitled to the title of the "town of brotherly love" that place is Johnstown. Tho people there have also learned to appreciate our National Game. —The Enterprise of Pittsburg play ed the Kiekcneapawling at Johnstown on Monday last. The same club also played the Mountain Club of Altoona on Tuesday. --The Social will play the Juniata of Bedford on Thursday next, on the grounds of the latter. • —The Social will also play tho Juni ata of llollidaysburg, on Saturday the 4th of August, in this place. This game, we predict, will be tho tightest and most exciting of the season, and we ha've cause to think that the Juni ata will find a foeman worthy of their steel. Necessary accommodations aro being fitted up for spectators, and no person will begrudge ton cents for a good seat on that day. —A club has been organized at War riorsmark, this county, called the For est. We understand the boys are pro gressing finely, and are backed by a good share of bone and sinew. Look out, Social. —A club called the Mechanics has been organized at Patterson, Juniata county. Also, one at Ebensburg. Robort tho Scribe" is about as forgetful of what ho says politically, as ho is of what he says in his prayers, and his standing in the Union party is about the same as it is in the church ho disgraces. VEGETABLE & FRUIT MARKET At LEWIS & 00'S Family Grocery, Every Wednesday & Saturday mornings All kinds of Vegetables and Fruit, Eggs, Butter, Rc bought and taken on commission. limn:far:Om, July 23, 1520. The following wore the selling prices on Saturday' mor ning last: Cubbaies, 11 head 10@lbi Boots, 11 bunch 10 Cucumbers, de7 25 Squashes 3@lo ' , Now Potatoes, q 1 peck 50 Onions, 11 rope ^0 Deans, 11 peek 40 l e19,"t0 Dried poaches, 0 76...25@50 Dried Apples. " Dried Currants " 30 Itrusitts, ...............301 Oreen COlll,ll demo 301 A full nesortment of table Pent:lles, canned. .50 Pinaapple, " ...... 50 ,litrawborriet" 50 Lima Beaus " 50 Corn, 50 ii Nag.. 90 Tomatoes, " 40 Dried Beans, 4,:i iiiial4,looll o DlisNl l'eaa, " .... ....... Canned oysters, fresh ...... 50 44 spiced ..... 50 In Jars, oyters, " 00 I= PiIIL4DIfiLPIIIA DIAIMKETS. Fatally Flout ENtra F10ur......... Superfine Flour Ilyo Flour Corn Meal F:strnWhite Wheat. Fair and Prim Red Ilya Corn, primo Yellow Oats Barley Clorerseed, 1101.10 s. Timothy Flaxseed Wool Hideo HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY By 8. E. 19:NRy',L CO Superhno Flaw is hl Extra Flour Family Flour - corn Meal i 3 cwt Buckwheat Meal V. ow t Red Wheat. IFFIto Wheat Cora Oats - Barley Eye Clover:wed Is CO lbs Timothy • Flaxseed Rye Chop cwt Bran II ewt : , :horts , •o C. wt . 111 ixed Chop Plaster par 100 11,8 was 11 lb 110110 [1 lb Raga 11 lb Bradt but Fouthers re 4 lb Tallow Dried Apples ' t l lb Dried Pearlier. bI lb Ban) Sidon Shoulder Bried Itsl Lard Butter Eggs Oulu try Soap !lye Straw iS bundlo Pohl 1004 , 0 bus - Applo 1101 ler 11 gallon. W oul -- c1 Largo Onions ' t o bus Corn Brom. dof Chicken.; Tarhey4 Dried Choi...los 7,0 uu.ii fiALL at D. P. q WIN'S if you Wan noon owns. VALUAIILE REM to stop Cough ng s Journal . of .health says that slight irritation of the throat may be relieved by sipping a slippery elm tea, or by sucking a pieco of gum arable. These articles coat over the mucus remembrance and prevent; the irritation of the air. A few drops of paregoric bold in the month and al lowed to trickle down tho throat will allay coughing. The best cough Mod: ipines for children, ono which we have used for several years with entire sat tisfaction, is the following ; in .a vial equal parts_ of paregoric, castor oil and syrup of ipecac. Always shako well just before using. A few drops swallowed, but not washed down by water or other fluid, will almost al ways soothe a cough. Repeat the dose as often as tho cough returns. prom ono fourth to ono half a teaspoonful may bo given when a less quantity does not suffice. A largo dose after a full meal may produce a little nausea. Children who are subject to cough should oat but very little supper, and indeed all children should eat much less and similar food at night than at morning or noon. The abovo mixture may bo kept on hand ready prepared, as it does not deteriorate if kept cork. ed. It may interest those afraid of mineral medicines, though they par take freely of common salt, which is a mineral, to know that the ingrodi• edits are all vegetable. Our Correspondence FORT SCOTT, KaTIMB, July 12 DEAR :—No doubt many of your readers bavo more or less Wes tern fever. The following is submitted for their benefit. 1 in company with three others star ted from Salem, Dent county, Missou ri, threo weeks ago. Rave our own conveyance, and cam) out, and do all our own talking and looking necessary to guide us in the selection of homes in the west. Wo have come through Dent, Texas, Wright, Lawrence and Newton counties, in Missouri: All the I county towns, court houses, and four out of every five houses in tho country in each of these counties except Wright wore destroyed during tho war. The people with but low exceptions went either North or South. Each individ ual was called "Rob" or "Union" ac cording to tho direction ho traveled.— Both parties aro now returning : to their desolate homes, oxeept many robs who aro afraid to return. These• circum stances and the poverty attending them, compel thousands to sell, thus throwing an immense quantity of partly improved and very fortilo land into market at low rates. Many of these war-ruined men offer fortilo land with plenty of good water and timber, (Missouri timber romombor,) and hou ses that would do an eastern man till he could build better, at from $5 to 615 per acre. There certainly is a splen did opening in Missouri at this time for small capitalists who wish to get homes; but that opening is rapidly clo sing. More again. Yours with respect, JAMES G. CORBIN. 41: The War Department has or dered, ut the instance of' the President of the United States, that all persons who are undergoing sentence by milk tary courts, and have boon imprisoned six months, except those who aro un der sentence for the crime of murder, arson, or rape, and excepting those who are under sentence at the Tortu gas, be discharged from imprisonment, and the residue of their sentence re mitted. -Those who belong to the mil., itary service and their terms unexpir ed, will ho returned to their command, if it is still in service, and their release is conditioned upon their giving their full time and being of good behavior. , H. Woods, Esq , authorized War Claim Agent, will attend prompt ly to the collection of bounty apd other -claims upon the Government. Office in Huntingdon. Al..Rochford, 111., Monday tho 16th ide., of wounds received in falling from a railroad car, JACOB MARL, in the 26th year of hie age. It is a painful duty to record the death of those we love, especially when called away in early manhood, and when they are able and willing to do much in the cause of humanity. Such an ono was our deceased friend and brother. In early life ho became a member of the M. .11 Church, and for a number of years while living in our town, as all who knew him will cheer. fully testify, was a very consistent and earnest christian. Wo are glad to be able to say that the same Christian spirit evinced by him while hero, was manifested during his life in the West, and when the messenger came; in him it found one ready to go. Having od the life of the righteous he died-his. death and has gone to enjoy the rest prepared for tho people of God. 8.111. G. alliy, ...... • co 25 2.3 42,40@2,G0 35,75 ....*l,OO .. 00(070 SPECIAL. NOTICES. DEA ENESS, BUN D N ESS CA TARRH, try: ilea with tho utmost success, by d. Ir•AACS, M. I)., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of I,cyclen, liollanti,) No. 51U PIN I:st rent, 1111.1.A.DA. Testimonials from tho most reliitlitit sittirce.4 in the city awl country. rail 110 81,0 of hiSOMOO. Thu 0110110:11 hieUity are invited . to iteeimitittlry their letthlits, MI Ito has no secrets in his practice. A ItTIFICIA EYES itwertini without No charge for entillittilthill. mtl2l.[Sati-ly WiIOLE.IALE PRICE $ll,OO 412,00 03,00 41,70 ......... $2,60 • - PRIVATE SALE • oP • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. I trill Fell at private Nall', the Wowing Real Ditate: No. I. The PAIOI. on Ithich 1 now lire, tlilletl nicado," lying in )10crig Isnossltio. Ilnnlingduu coussly, Pa., hemmed by halo or 11. Itrislestbssugh, Hugh Feely, ssoll othere, vonlaistioi, wills the 11101111:ililltraet,ohout 362 ACRES, q'lsiss rats. is prime linos:nano l a mb clout ,Ij2 nrrca tslessrssl, soss.ll. cilia, otr,t, nushsts gosssl posst amt roil Ibises., and the balanee ninny Limbered syllli while, nil rod: oat:, nut chests - int. 1r basin good blouse and frame titvell• trig honer, bank 11311, ,tune 11011,`, will, a solver poriug or the vssoy best WIIIOI., league shed, corn crib, stusrollosr,srolturslB ssrapplc,, 110111.11 ra :11111 2 ,' 11.111 di:it:1110Y room :-;prosse Creel: No. 2. A Inset of 30 Acres of Lime,to. Inod, in rr.oa in to, ',shin. 1..1., of li. PloOlg, Union furnace, :obi the Lillie Juniata, 20 storey dolled and in 1.111:l11, ill 1.0,1,31. No. 3. A Oil tilt, l(fN11, in 3lorris town6hin, soul the whole sir S , st,sst• No. 2, containing 2. r ep, .1' R. T.• 1.1. trill Ihr tile rell,crilseo, aolsbgssos P.NVAIsIsACE. (TVS FO \ Jll‘l.—Tllo nttb?cri flora ream lot+ in lbw 1,111 ssf slsstillevilk. or )lar klemluspg w'lricll they mill.. II at low pi ies, irurrr ; : s 2O lussiltisl. w s,„ s,i r s• ss good Ise:0111y ',alio. to bond ussolsl du well lo cull nos,n rheor s-soun at their Moro, ns•cure for lulu at IoW prisres. lis/V1•41 ti tiAlCtililt. • '~ $4,00 (,‘" ~ to 3.00 .1.1,7 5 to 2 0.) • I •) ...... .1g an Mtn 00 , .1 1 to .10 to 12 to to _0 .1h to g - t EMI , I 0 :1 , 1 1.1..) . o it/ l 0 I.J.LAGA RA_ FIRM ANSURANCL, • COMPANY,.OF % V YOCK., OFFICE, 12 WALL STRUT, COI Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $270,000. Total Assets, $1,270,000 Th is Company insures against all,less or damage by tire. 'Eland navigation, transportation, Sc. Thu cost of incur. lug in this omnpany is no more than the first cost would ho in these small Mutual Companies. - With no Assessments! This Company Is made safe by t h e State laws of iVest , Tort:, which Is not the case with tho Pennsylvania Insu rance Companies. J.D. STEELE, President. P. NOTHAM, Secretary, HENRY KIP, Supt. of Azencica. ANDREW JOHNSTON, Agent, myl.om Huntingdon, Penna. Ofilco formerly occupied by W. 11. Woods, Esq., Hill ; at GEO. SHAEFFER 11"lisjust returned from the cost with tt ai °. SPLENDID STOOK Oa BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to tho Inspection of Its customers mud the public generally. Ile will ,ell his stock at tho most IZEAEONAI3LE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIIIIisiG done In the neatest and most expedl lions manner. Call upon Mr. Schaefer at Ids shop on Hill street, a few doors west or thin Diamond. try 2 pi XECUTOWS NOTICE.- bolters tekamentray on the estato of J. J. Fee, lato of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been granted to tlip undorslgmil, oil perimns Indebted are in neuted to make payment and thoiiio baying claims to resent them duly authenticated for twill...eat. 8.1111.. T.I3IIOWN, • - JOHN IL FEB, lisocutors. 'I I IIE undersigned Corporators named 1 In the act of Assembly, entitled an Act to incorporate the rettasylVanta Canal Company," approved the fleet day of HAT, trill open books and reccivo subscrip tions to tho capital stock of sold company at the placea end time. following: PHILADELPHIA, at Boom So. 23, Merchant's Ex change, at 10 o'clock, a. m on t h e 211th day of.funo, HARRISBURG, at tho Lochiel House, at tO o'clock, a.. mq on the loth day of .only, IStid. HUNTINGDON, at the Morticon House, nt 10 o'clock, a on the lnth day of July, 0000. L. T. Wattson, Alex. U. Lloyd, DavidßialTr.Roberta, T. T. Illerman, W. J. Howard, John Scott, - It. 11. 'Wigton, John N. Swoope, J. J. Patlerspn, may.50.2:11 'Elio best assortment of MT,2,2IDTIC SIC.IRTe 2 Just received tills day from Now Yerk and for side at the cheap eaeli . etoro of 10.1. 31A1teIt &ItO. DIED, June, 20, 18C0.-64 MO - czotics e). TO THE LADIES. A eplerylid aesoriment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS; FANCY TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS Jost received fhb day front Now York and for sale cheap at [may7 W3l. 151.111011 & BRO. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED 'At Lewis & Co's Family Grocery. Alai), ENIIIV Vgii.EVAl3ll,B2 Received freAlt from the Philadelphio market overy Wad oceday mid Euturday morning. Also, Conned Peaches, Tomatoes, Peso and Corn IMMI Spired Lohatcr, Oyskrs, Chow chow, WorceNturildro 6,1111:0, French Mustard, horse Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat- OliVo Oil, itc., , sod AU kinds of Syrups, uch ns strawberry, pineapple, blackberry, Sc CALL AND SEE JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, Pit., IS NOW IN comPLETE RUNNING ORDER I= The patron:lgo of the town null country Is respectfully EMS GRAIN, of every description, Bought itt this mill. Inutingtlon, May 18430 000 BUSHELS WHEAT ll'iinted at Steam Pearl Alia ani sisl rti,-Tiv 4 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 3Eit. 'II' 3EI Respectfully invites tho attention of tho Public to his stand on 11111 st., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Swartz.' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Foroitoro at reduced prices. Per sons widling to purchase, will do well to giro him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. /IV- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. The sabseriber rots ELEGANT HEARSE, and is prepared 10 n! tend Funerals St any place in town or country. - J. NI. WISE. Huntingdon, Say n, 1866-tf NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS! BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. WEN STORM; NEW GOOD,S, NEW FIRM. • .. BOYER & GARNER • respoelfolly Worm Ow l site that they bravojast opesol EIKSTOIiE T ORA (Marlacsblov station) Con.-S=ling or hott, of all hinds, Dry Goods. such an prtula,um,fiu,. &.; Hardware, gmensware, and olargo lot oi at rtnitiev,l prievs, hips, Caps. MO willow ware, drugs oil slaihmery, whi , h they i.el prepalTd to 1.11 alpory low priers to lho,e who will favyr us will, a call. • BOYER & GARNER. Wools , . ilk, May hi, 1:44 173 U IZE i,11;1 0 , FIT V Will TE LEAD, l'retsr. , l by all pr;:lical l'aitilerNl Try RI and }so will lime no.ah .r. Manufactured only by Z L (LER SMITH, - \Vholeoulit Drug,i l ttiut vi Claw Dealers . ...To. 137 .Nth. Third (4 . 4 04A A 1110 gvs . it.A For e , !!irelY ariii:les.j.t. out. Ad sire', O. 'f'. OA REV, City Diddetml, Maine. co . (HASSENI-Ett elioico lot ul awl litory l'assimerts at (.I. I NN INUIIAM OAEMON'S. 1866 4 BIETRoPo .$ -coo - I-lAD\VAR3 S'UR, HUNTINGDON, PA. JAS. A. BROWN Rns removal to the spiel:tit% storeroom In blo now MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., lIUNTINGDON, PENNA. Where ho offers at Wholesale and Ratan an Immense stock and endhted yarloty of• .FOREIGN AND DO,IIE,STIC H A ; 4 : E R CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass* John A. Lemon, Jamas Borns, Job,t ga foil, James Gardner, Wm. Dorris, Jr. AT REDUCED PRICES. - TEN YEARS diligent attention-to business In the Hardware trade in tidy place, has given two an cavort_ once that enables me to secure great advantages for my customers In the selection of the btsl standard brands and reliable qualities of goods. Havingjust returned from hew York and with a splendid stock, bough t since the recent decline In gold, - I ain now offering great Inducements to buyers. Among my stock may ho found WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, • Saddlers, Painters, Coaehmaker3, • Cabinet Makers, Machinists, • Foundrymen And for all other kinds of .Mechanics Will null in my Htock n great variety of Eumiog 1,04,10 men to of tho beet quality, Hoch on Scythes, Rakes, Forks, • Shovels, • Siyuleg, • Hoe-T, . • Candela Trotods, . • • CAriten Hoes, Carden Rakes, Grails IlOoles, Pruning Shears, •I'uning Saws, Pruning Knives, &0.., efo Every farmer should see the famous HAREM HAY FOE It• is the wonder of the ago; and one trial COIIYiIICUS tho most skeptical that it is the best tiny Pock made.— navel he agency for the solo of these forks for Hunting don and parts of Bedford and Fulton counties and can till orders for Forks, Dillies and ropes at inannfaaurers prices. ... _ • • ,,,, ,,,,,„ w. . 0 -1 - 1 " -:::' \ CC •-,:---,371., • • If \ La.. Fi -1( ‘ LILA .1 . j, 'NI \ - z' C 4 92 ~z ; -., • Et= 0, ~v, • ,:, _.- :' C 5 i; ' 4 v . ''' '. ',. =. 2' _p, It-' ' a= '4 .1 t:. ; :z l ‘ . ::,\,- - 44 4,- cz " ,% gt 7 ~i tf -,';'; c m 2, 1 v.,`7 . ; - .-\ '/ Gq E' A: ,S ,7, tili ",;,",,,: il d ,1 ija.2a . , 4' ,l ii ," C-71 ,g. t ',-; 6i 9 z:: -, ', ?' ),$)• , / S.• 4 .1:e. , s P. t 0, ' t ,- 1 , i - di ti LAJ ' .1. 9 t " ‘''' ! ' 4 i?' .°-R- N k% ; 11.1cOMIAN & SON I hare also the celebrated PALMER HORSE FORKS Which have give!! such good Hatisfaction for tho Net 3 ycar.d r and 'which I auk nokv coking at greatly reduced priced. I= - FOR BUILDERS I have an en,lona wort moot of LOCJUS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, &C. OUNCANNON NAIL AGENCY Our best ineehanlesaay that (ha pUNCANNON NAILS are tho beet brought to this market. I have the agency ru tho sale of those nails and spikes, and DEALERS, BUILDERS, and other i caP 1,0 suP0 0 41) 0001 .1 ,11 Yin quantities from one pound one hundred keg,s, at gatnafactvor pricer s . • HARRISBURG STONEWARE, EARTHEN WARE AND lIDLLOWW ARE WOODEN PUMPS ! The merit oflbceo pumps is :shown by tho fitrt that the dontarni for dean is rapidly increaling evexywhero. There is no iron in Mein to correille /rind injure flip water. They aro convenient, en that emery• 111311 can pot in his own lollop, the whole only Fouting hint abont one half the Niue of of lice wont, Pumps, and 'voodoo pip,• to unit then', pi uniptly chipped by wiliairid on receipt of Or dure, Girod, pih from !hoot. to !wilco; nil will. tip! ritrolia.:,.? I have hitherto received I shall cot.tiuti lay eiv.h.:ivens to suit, tic,...ininodate and plr,rao :dl, aud tetrectfti!ly pat rontigu. J:% ISu A. I,lto VN. /1111146,1 'II, 164 1860_ ..h. 2{ /I 1). F A It 'VI :E 1-IS BINGES, SORE !VS, BRADS, PAINTS, GLASS, all sold loo• for cash #3la.esa..l:). BM CLOTITING. H. ROMAN' EEITI 0L0P1IN( ;O.R SPRING AND SI7IvIATBIt, JUST REcianTro it,. AO - MA.l4'4 CllEdls czarilz.mq Pea , GonMrnon's Olotlithg of the tiasisintalali wid'ottidit ri the latat'workmanlthe manner, call at : . U. ROl1 I A-N-'.8,',. ' -- '- opposite tan Prunklin House in Market Slemon, Tinstlntr don, Pa. - - Iluntingdon opril 10,'60. NEW . : CLOTHING , G• . AT Low. - • M. CLITMAi....- 4As JUST OPENED A NINE ST001:I 01i NEW • SPRING , AND SUMMER' 0 . 00E4 Which he offers to all whO want to bge , • rIT I OTEEED, . . AT PRICE TO SUIT TILE TIMES: Illitiatock consists emeaSy.gende Clothing for • MEN AliS? I).9YB,atsq • %. • BOOTS AND SHOES, NATE AND . VAN, AC, Olik• Should gontioinon'tlealregorpai:ticalee kind, or car clothing not tonna In the et i cwk on howl, by loeving Mott measure they cnn bo acconetnodateatte short notice. • Colt at the wet coiner: of the •DIRI110111; eine. Lone*. *.panZEAL, GUTMAN, fluntingdon. HEAD QUARTERS - NEW GOODS, D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE FUI3LIO THAT ILE HAS JUST OPEI4ED .4 SPLENDID STOOK of NEW QOODSj THAT CAWT BE. BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, COMB AND SEE.: • • D. P. GWYN, .p.lO .60., . CHEAP GROCERY STORE,: ME".l3:l l TaliliXt.' HILL ST., lIIINTINGDON, P. A.. TIIE. undersigned offers for the in, enaction and ',orphan* of customers alarge and aa.. Aorted stock of oroCerloB, PrOVlSit7llBi Std. ne feels sails; god they can ho necomodated with anything In his lino. RN prices 'are low, and Din stuck fresh and goo . d. Llg 7 keeps the bent of SUGA.R, COFFED, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS; BOOTS AND SHOES, • HATS & CABS, SA:- Ar.so— HAMS, SITOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES,' OILS, VINEGAR:, OIIEESE, FLOUR RICA And NO TIONS of every !Auk A select stock of DRY GOODS, together wittt ppßetis, WARD and all other articles kept In a wellrosilatad. catablialtment for alto at reasonable prices.' .tiV. lila store is on lint 'street; nearly opponito 11w. Dank, awl in the room formerly occupied by.D. Orate. Call And rsaadnc. . yENTRIt t Illintingdon, ap. 10,1860 NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE. iv • colt' tho Latent on of The citizens of Hunting don and vicinity to the fact that ho has just oponed a VA' MILY GROCERY noltE at the old stand of Clirigtopher. tolitt• whom ho trill hoop Con.stautly on band a full and Well assorted stock of - • . • • FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES • such an Lovoring's S.yrup, N. Orleans and Porto Rico Mo. Stigard, Coifeeni teas, Spleen, Salt, -Hums, Sides, Shoulders, Dried Boor, Flour, Fish, Chew, Rico, Pickle,,,, nud Provisions of all kinds. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, comprising, In part, Rackets, Duck:eta, Tuba, WaslabOarda Corn Brooms, Brushes, Rugs, Mats, Floor Oil Cloths, Rap: Trunks, &c.' CANDIES and NUTS of all kinds, xybeleenle and retell. TOYS, 'TOBACCO, 8811A11.9, Coin 011, Cold 'Olll4llAm ,to He respeetrally invites a eell and examination of his stock, satisfied that hie goods 'and prices wilt coeiptre: favorably with those:orally other in the place. WM. LONCL Iluntingdon, March 7, 1666. •• GREAT ENTHUSIASM t iHaiI...PRICIES SURRENDER TEM BEST AND TEED CHEIAPEST, I JOHN H. WESTBROOK. ..S1 Respectfully informs tho citizens of Huntingdon awl j vicinity tint ho basijula received from the City n NIN and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATSA CAS & Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carp ft 4Sack3,, Trunks, &c., &c., nil of which ho fo prepnred tenet' ot rednced price°. A lot of choice CONFECTIONERUIS Dove aloe beensm, keived. Don't forget the Old stand In liko Manual, QlO etUq9.": more and Um public generally are Invited .11indingdou, owl 15, 1856. ; • • ' FOR TEM GREATEST 47.41R15TY. Handsome and Useful. Artinko i Call at. I..nwrB , Book Store,. Q • . . _ OUR PICKLES ready for the tablo, I.ry trio doz., Mir., or doz., foetid° at • Urns Si Co's Family Grocery. DREISS BUTTONS & TRIMMINGS, of tho latest styles, Belt Ribbon end Bucklos, llo sierY, Glover, Edgings, Prilllngs, &c., at ' &B. 111114 ICY a- co. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RE ..L ceiveAbot CUNNINGIIAM ttz 1 1 11(1°1:NG MUSLIN, nruenNa AtID DRAWINO rAPLO, IVlsite and Colored Cor4 .far , • For ento at _ , •"/"S' 730 eX d) Sr:l/WNW STOl?..a. FRESH FLOWER uul GARDEN SEEDS FOR SALE AT LEWIS.' I.3,OOK.STORA • re,„ll 4 'ino Cigars and Tab,s,ceo fur sale at liosViS' Beal; Store TUE I3EST SIIOIOI FISH for, sake Jt qt. • Lrilr./S CO'S Family 13roevtx. fl i:101011 Teas, (Urea, Sugars and roy may at Lewis & Co), Falnity, 9kooory• NvEhorras- - : • lolx, park, or Itooi tiontitify,for . lfaiC nt LBW'S' BOOK AND . ST ATIONEB Y STOII Et t A11.,(3.111VA 111 Yof articles too racalion, fur sato at I,N;trIS CA:,3 i'aituty tirocvs.y. Call µllwl6oo. n L ''SKIUNEi AND PIPE II( mt.:B 1•4 ;,11 eioo for solo ot tiro hard storo of .. 1,fe14,1501 JAN. A. BROWN. 131.38 T QUALITY OF FRESII CVN.N.LiT4IA u (17 GA NA(O - 1866.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers