The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 18, 1866, Image 1
TERMS OF ,THE GLOBE Persolemn in advance. a1x : ra0utim............••.. three months _ TERMS OF ADVERTISING -1 insertion. ' 2 do. 3 do. One square, (10 lines,)or tens.,. 75 ti. 25 il 50 Two squares 1 50 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 225 •3 00 450 • 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. ins square, or less—. ...... 000 , 50 00 030 00 Tao Ilillaßreb 0 00 9 00 16 00 Three sqoares 8 00 12 00 00 00 Your sonar& 10 00 16 00 "5 00 HMIs coininn, 16 00 0 0 00 .30 00 One column, 20 00 • 35 00.... ...... 00 00 Profeesional and BllBole3llCards not exceeding air lines One year 55 a Administrators' and Executors' Notices, s 2 60 Auditors' Notices, 2 00 Estray, or other abort Notices 1 50 AsirTcri lines of nonpareil make a square. About Melt words constitute a line, PO that any parson cau m alty coloniste a square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the tiombor of inser tions ilogred, will be continued till forbid and charged Re cording to three terms. One prices for the printing of Blanks, Ontadbille, etc. are qt. increased. AGUA DE MAGNOLIA A l,tuilet :delight. superior to any cologne, mod to Lathe the face and person, to render the skin soft and fresh, to allay. inflammation, to portunio clothing. for beintnetioAc. Ilia monlafectured flora the rift, southern Magnolia, 31.1 is obtaining a pat roam., quite unpreeedeu tint. It is a favorite with actresses and opera slows. It is sold by all dealers, at $l,OO in larze bottles, and by De- Was tillrnen S Co., New York, Wholesale Age nts. Sarabja Spring li'ater, sold by all thuggists S. T.---1860 --- X.. Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lock of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid fever, constipation, &c., deserve to sutleetif tlo , y will not try the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS, which are now reconintethied by the highest medical authorities, and are warranted to proihre an let mediate beneficial effect. They ore exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure. and must supersede all other tunics where a healthy, gentle stimulant is required. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy ajmetitc. They ore an antidote to change of water and diet. They strengthen Ills 8y2t,111 and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic nod intermittent fevers. They purify the breath awl oddity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Comdipation. They cure L ver Complaint end Nervous Headache. They make the week strong. the languid 'brilliant, and are exlinustoil nature's great restorer. They tire composed of the celebrated Calisitya Bark, wintergreen, niDatfras, roots and herbs, nil preserved in perfectly lure ht. Croix rum. bee particulars, ace circulars nod testi monials around each bottle. llei,are of impokors. Examine every bottle. See that jellies our private U S. stamp titimittilated over the cork with plantation scene, and our signature on a fine steei plate side label. 1 1 ; ,,. See that our Tuttle is not refilled with spurious and deleterious atoll. fed—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters by the gallon or in hulk, is an impostor. Any person imitating this bottle, or selling nny other moterlel - therein, whether called Plantation Bittern or not, Is it criminal under tho U.S. Law. and will be so prosecuted by ns. Tito demand for Droke's Plantation Bitters; front ladies, clergymen, men rhauts ' &c., is incredible. Tile simple. trial of a bottle is the evidenec we present of their worth and superiority. They ore sold by all respectable druggists . grocers, physi cians, hotels': saloons, steamboats and country stores. . • P. li. DRAKE 84 Saratoga .print' Water, sold by all Druggists. nave you a hurt child or a lame borne i Use the :Mex ican Mustang Liniment. For cuts, vraini, burns. swelling+ and caked breasts, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a certain cure. For rheumatism, neuralgia, stilfielnts. stings and Wes, there is . nothing like the Mexican Mustang Liniment. For spavined horses, the poll aril, ringbone and weeny, the Mexican Mustang Liniment never rails. For wind-galls, scratches, big head and splint, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is worth its weight in gold. Cute. bruises. sprintns not swellings.' are s,common and certain to occur in every fatuity, that a Wits of this iniment is the best investment tLnt eau ho tmele. It is more certain than the -doctor—it save. time in sending for the doctor—lt is cheaper than the doctor, and should never be dispensed with. "in lifting the kettle from the Ore, it tipped over and realded my hands terribly. 0 * s The Mustang Lint cient.exttanyvil the pain, caused the sore to heel rapidly, ad left very little scar. CHAS. FOSTER, 420 Broad street, Ph Hada. Mi. 8. Litch, of Hyde Park, Vt., writes: ••My horse was considered worthl , •se, (spavin,) but since the use of the 'Alustang Liniment. I. have sold him for $l5O. Your Lin itnent is doing wonders up hei . e." All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, sign id. G. W NVetbrook, Chemist, and oleo hos the private 1.7:5. stamp of Demos Barnes & Co., over the lop. . . . 7th chgdy, and be not decal:et/ by counterfeit:. Sold by alt Druggists at . 25, SO cts, and Eetratova Spring 'Wider, sold by all Druggists It is w most delightful llnir Dreoing. t eradicates scurf and dandruff. It kelps the head cool and clean. It maki•s the hair. rich; soft` and glossy. It prevents the hair turning gray : ou t falling. off. . It rte.tores Lair upon prsenaturely bald Lends. Tian is j te,t what I.:, 00'8 IDrtLnirun will do. It is pret ty—it le cheep—durable. It is literally Bold by the car load, and yet its almost incredible demand is daily incr., ring, until there is hardly a country store that does not keep it, or a family that does not use it. E. THOMAS LYON, Chemiet, N. Y. • &nava Spring Titer, sold by all Di uggi: to. Who would not he beautiful? Who would not add to their beauty?. What gives that marble purity and die. lin gut appearance we observe open the stage and in the city belle? It is no longer a secret. They use flagan's Magnolia Balm. - Its continued use removes tan freckles, pimples, and roughness, from the face and hands,; and leaves the complexion smooth, transparent, blooming and ravishing. Unlike many cosmetics, it. romaine 110 mate rial injurious to the skin.. Any Druggist ivill order it tor yen, if not on Mull, at 50 cents per bottle.' W. E.IIAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Chemist. Demas Barnes & Go., Wholesale Agents,N. Y Saratcpa Spring Illattr,.rold by all pruggists. .11eimatreet's inimitable Hair Coloring is not a dye. AU iustantaneoun dyes are composed of innar caustic, and more or less destroy the vitality and beauty of the hair. Tide is the original heir Coloring, and has been growing intavor orei twenty years. It restores gray hair to its original color t y gradual absorption, in a most remarka ble manlier. It is also a beautiful hair dressing. bold In ,two sizes—bOcents end sl—by nil dealers. C. 111:1310:ltlin, Chomis', ,Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. I.ron's Exritier or Pros J.w.rxicA Gm - ern—for Tudigei tlou, :Nausea, Heartburn, Eck Heltdrche, Cholera Morbas, Flatulency, he., where a warming stimulant is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make ita cheap rind reliable article for culinary purposes. Seld every vhere, at 60 cents per bottle. Ask for V.Yon'6” Pure Ex tract. Take no other. • Suratnga Spring Tfakr, sold by ail Druggists. julyll,bB6l3-eowly yyty,All the above articles fur sale by S. S. SMITH, Mu [Higdon, Penna. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE WEN STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW RIM BOYER & CARNER Weald rexpectrally iaturm the public that they have pat opened a NEWSTORE ATGRANTSVILI,E,(MarIIe.thurg tiation) • Consisting of Groceries of all kinds, Dry Goods. such al prints, funding, do (nines, &c.; Hardware, Queensware, and a large lot of Shoes at redaced pricer, Hats, Caps, Tinware, salt, fish, wooden and willow ware, drugs and stationery, which they are prepared to sell atpory low prices to those who will favor us with a call. EC= 42 (0 . 1 00 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. A BRIDAL SOLEMNITY You promisb, now you goot man dare, Vot stands upon the vloor, To hob dish voman for your vifo, And lub her ebermore ? To feed her veil mit sour-erout, Peens, puttermilk ant cheese, Ant in all dings to lent your aid, • Dat PIII promote her ease ? Yes, ant you, voman, standing dare, Do pledge your vord dish day,: Pat you viii take for your bushbant Dish man, and him obey DA you vitt bed and bard mid him— Vasil, iron, and merit his elothek; Laugh Ten be smiles, veep Ten he sighs; Don share his joys and roes ? Veil, den, I now, widin deco vane, lit joy and not mit grief, Pronounce you both to be von mint, Non name, von racto,.roh peefl I pooblish now deco sacret haute, Dose matrimonial ties, Before mine rife, God, Kate and Poll, And all dose gazin' eyes. Antes de sacrit scriptures say, Vot God unites togedder, • Let no man dare assunder put— Let no man dare to serer. And you, priteliroom, dare : here you stop ! I'll not let go your goiter • More you anshui me die Ling, Pat ish—vere ish mine tollar ? A Frightful Tragedy in Indiana, A Man Shoots a Woman Five Times, Beats and Tramples her under Foot, and then sets her Clothes on Fire. On Friday morning, about 9 o'clock, a young man, by the name of Peter Dittman, formerly a veteran soldier, went to the house of Mr. ‘Vin. Cash, in Edinburg, Ind:, and on making in quiry for a Miss Martha Bennett., was told that the woman was in the house, when Dittman entered and passed through the front room, Caine to where Miss Bennett was sitting. 'Jere a conversation commenced, which in substance, was about this :—Dittman requeited Miss Bennett to take a walk with him, when she begged to be ex cused, stating that she had some wash ing to do. Hero his demands became more peremptory, and Miss Bennett was seen to rise up and go toward Bit man (who, it seems from the testimo ny, bad threatened to kill her,) and implore hinr in the most earnest man ner not to do so, picturing to his mein ory how long she had loved him, and how she had sacrificed everything for him. At this moment, witnesses testified that he pushed her from him with his left band, and drawing a navy revolv er, at her breast. She caught his arm and pushed it downward, the bullet passing through her thigh. Get ting loose from her grasp, ho again aimed at her breast, when she threw up her hand, and received the shot in the forearm. Rendered powerless, the murderer, without heeding her plead ings, want on with his hellish work.— Aiming at her head, the ball took ef fect near the ear. The fourth struck directly above the left eye. Tho fifth passed through the right cheek.. Here be stopped firing, and commenced de liberately beating her with the revolv er and stamping her with his feet.— Not yet having glutted his vengeance on the lifeless body, he deliberately sot her clothes on fire-! It would ho proper to state hero that no person but Mrs. Cash and her little son were at. home at the time, and Mrs. Cash's health was so delicate that it was some time before she could give the alarm for help. However, some ladies in the neighborhood came to her assistance, and succeeded in putting out the flames, after her body had be come sadly burned, and her appear ance too horrible for description. The murderer, after having set fire to her clothes, passed out of a back door, and proceeded to a liquor saloon kept by a Mr. Mike Maffit, where he delivered up the revolver borrowed from Mr. Maffit, and asked for a glass of whiskey, on which he was seen to take from his pocket a small package, the contents of which were emptied into the glass and drank. An overdose of arsenic, however; of ten results only in violent vomiting. Such was thecase in this instance, and after a few hours• Pete Dittman was all right and fully realized the extent of the crime he had committed, He was arrested. by the City Marshal, P. 11. Hart, without any resistance or attempt to escape. A coroner's in quest was held over the body at 2 p. m., and a verdict in accordance with the herein mentioned facts returned.— The prisoner was then taken before Esquire Thompson and found guilty of murder in the first degree. He was taken to Franklin this evening and placed in jail to await the further ox' atnination of the court.—lndianapolis Herald. . A WAR RELIC.—The Boston Journal says : "In a farm house near the Ken nebec there hangs a frame and glass containing a piece of blue silk on which is a gilt star. Its history is this: A son of the family was one of the color guard of the 16th Maine regiment at the battle of Gettysburg. Finding that they were to be captured, and be ing unwilling that the flag should fall into the hands of the enemy, the guard tore it up and concealed the pieces.— The piece to which we have alluded was kept concealed by The young man during the time ho was in rebel pris ons, and when ho was released he sent it home to his father who. had it flam ed and glazed. The son was afterward mortally wOunded at Hatcher's Run, and the family keep the piece of flag as a memorial of him." I f • • " Tli HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1866. [Correspondence of the Globe.] From Harrisburg. STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, HARRISBURG, July 9,'66. J Y MR. EDITOR :—A few moments of leisure being at my disposal this-beau tifully pleasant morning, it occurred to me that they might not be entirly lost in having a little talk with the good people of Huntingdon county, through the columns of your widely circulated and ably conducted journal. For the last few days the "city of brotherly love," has been the stage up on which many different acts have been performed. At least four changes of characters were there modestly rep resented, from the morning of the glor ious fourth, until the following Friday or Saturday. The bravo patriotic sol dier, the noble disinterested fireman, the crafty, selfish politician, and the dishonest thieving pick-pocket, were all on band, participating in the festiv ities. Of course the grand feature of the week's bill was the military dis• play occasioned by the return to the state of the different riddled and tat tered flags borne by her numerous reg. iments, on so many bloody fields, dur ing the lato unholy rebellion. This was indeed a. display which caused the heart of every true lover of his coun try to swell with emotions of pride and satisfaction. As you have doubtless reviewed the Philadelphia papers, it is not necessary for me to refer, in detail, to the many interesting and thrilling incidents which transpired along the route of the grandest procession ever witnessed in the Quaker city. To the honest friends and admirers of our present most worthy chief magistrate, Gov. Curtin, however, permit me to say, that his appearance in an open barouche was hailed at every point with the wildest enthusiasm. That he occupies a place in the hearts of the honest man of Pennsylvania, second to no man who over lived within her borders, was amply demonstrated by the cheers and applause which rent the air in Philadelphia on Wednesday, the 4th of July. At every point the de voted soldier's friend was recognized. Each and every of the many thousands who were in the procession, or throno.• ed the pavements on either side, did not, perhaps know him personally, but all had learned to love him, and en• deavored to show it. Another very interesting feature of the day was the turn out of the soffliers' orphans, who are now the children of the Commonwealth, with Andrew G. - Curtin as their God Father. It has been often, said that Republics were ungrateful, but the appearance of these neatly clad little ones, as their young voices were poured forth in hozannas to the flag fbr which their fathers had shed their blood, indicated unmistaka bly that if such were true of Republics, it certainly was not of the good old Keystone State of our once happy and glorious Union. These lambs of the State, as /he Governor has so often said, belong to the people for whom their noble sires died, and to them has been bequeathed the privilege of pro tecting, fostering and educating them. This sacred duty there is no doubt will be most religiously performed, and to Governor Curtin is duo the credit of inaugurating the system by which so many children have been saved from leading a life of ignorancennd poverty. That his .life may long be spared, to occupy positions of honor and useful ness among those whom he has so de votedly served, should be the prayer of every friend of the widow and or phan throughout the length and breadth of the land. The prospects of the Union party, and its gallant standard bearer, Gen. Geary, from all the signs, scent excee dingly promising. The honest voters of Pennsylvania always did, and al ways will sympathise vial her gallant sons who have served their country on the field of battle. During my brief stay in Philadelphia, it was my good fortune to meet sever al old and prominent citizens of your ancient borough. • Among these I would mention A. W. Benedict, Esq., and Col. H. H. Gregg, both of whom have done the State distinguished ser vice—the former with the pen, the let ter with the sword. It is a subject of congratulation to their friends, to know that their services have been apprciated. The venerable looking printer, editor and lawyer, Benedict, has been frequently honored and re warded by his political admirers, while the military department of the country has most fully acknowledged the worth and patriotism of our more youthful friend. Immediately upon his return home from college, Colonel Gregg was elected Captain of a corn. - pany which was attached-to the 125th regiment., P. V., (nine months men.) At the expiration of 'this term of ser vice he received a commission as Cap• thin in the 13th Pennsylvania, in which organization ho remained until com pelled by failing health, superinduced by hardships and exposure, to resign. This resignation being accepted Col. Gregg received an honorable discharge as well as an invitation to a position on the Governor's staff, which he is yet filling with credit to himself and ad vantage to the State. That ho did his duty well in the field, is attended by the fact that the dashing, fighting General Phil Sheridan, twice recom mended him for brevet promotions--the first time when he was a Captain for a majority, and again for a Lieutenant Coloneley, To be thus endorsed by Sheridan, is an honor of which any soldier might be proud, as he never recommended undeserving men. Should these hastily thrown to gether ideas ho deemed worthy a place in your columns, you may hear from mo often, during the summer and fall, from various sections of the Common wealth, as I am something of a TRAVELER. -PERSEVERE.- (Prom tbo Pittsburg Commercial July 10.] • The Late Colonel S. W. Black. Recovery of his Remains near Gaines' Mill Battlefield WasuINGToN, D. C., July 7 Major TV. G. Moorhead.—Will Black and Captain Grider have found the Colonel's remains. J. K. floonnEA.d. Will Black arrived in the city yes terday afternoon with certain eviden ces of the recovery of the remains in his possession. It will be remembered that in the battle of Gaines Mills, on on the 27th of Juno, 1862, the Sixty second regiment was ordered to the front. After getting into position, Colonel Black gave the, command, "Forward, sixty-second PennSylviini aim," and eve the order had died upon his lips, he was struck in the foreheod by a ball from the gun of a rebel sharp shooter. He fell from his horse, and was immediately picked up, by his brother Will and others of the regi ment. They conveyed him through the lines of the Ninth Reserves and Thirty-Fifth Now York, to where Sur goon James Kerr was stationed. Here they left the body of the Colonel under some trees, they paving bean-ordered to rejoin the regiment, which had been again ordered forward. The regiment shared the fhte of the brigade, and was dispersed by the more numerous ene my.. The territory in which the la mented Colonel Black's remains were deposited fell into rebel hands, and search could not be made for them un til many months -Afterwards. It was Supposed by the members of the regi ment that the body had been interred by the rebels, but such proves not to have been the case. Captain William Crider and Will. Black, the only persons who remem bered the spot where the Colonel was placed when removed from the battle field, proceeded thither in the early part of last week. They went over the ground as they did on the 27th of Juno, and underneath the trees where the body had been placed they found the bleached bones of the brave and chivalric Black, still held together by the remnants of his uniform. The body had never received burial. The lap. gels of the. coat were perfect, as was also the front of the vest, on which re mained the stall' buttons. There was a peculiarity in the style of the coat, known to Will Black and others,which he immediately. recognized. But the most conelusive7 evidence'"' as-to the identity of the remains was found in the coat pocket.' This was the tatter ed remnants of a silk handkerchief, with red ground, and white barred border, the same the Colonel raised over the ramparts at Yorktown on its occupancy by our troops. Mrs. Black had purchased two . handkerchiefs of the same pattern, and gave them to the Colonel on the commencement of the campaign. One of these was found among his effects; and has since remained with the family. The other he had ou his person, and it was fa. initial: to many of the regiment, for he had used it frequently in instructing his men how to make a tourniquet in case of being wounded in any of the limbs. The finding of the remains in the spot where they wore left by his brother, and the identification of the handkerchief and the uniform. combine to assure the widow and relatives that their great anxiety has at length been relieved. . The . remains have not yet been brought to the city, but will be some time this week. The officers and men of the late Sixty second regiment will take immediate action relative there to, and it is suggested that our citizens should also take some steps towards paying a last tribute to the memory of a distinguished citizen and bravo soldier. A BARBAROUS MODE or EXECUTION. —A correspondent of the Bombay Ga zette, writing from Baroda on the 19th May, says : The salient incident of the week bas been the execution, for treason, of a subject of the Guicowar. The punish ment of dragging to death at the foot of an elephant was the one adopted. The matter has created a great sensa tion here, for the victim, though a Mussubnan, was a man of much Influ ence and standing. The crime is ailed ged to have been attempting the life of the Bhow Sahib—that is the comman der-in-chief of the Guicowar's forces. This offence is reckoned as treason. Some time ago a similar execution took place as punisherient for an at tempt on the life of Rao Sahib, the Prime minister. That was thought little of, for there was doubt about it; the culprit cut right through the Rao Sahib's oliormouspuggeree ' the thick ness of which alone saved him. On the present occasion the attempt seems to have been confined to theory, and the people declare that the Mussulman was tortured till he confessed his in tention, and then executed. He was dragged all through the city, and some say that a spark of life still remained in his battered body, and was crushed out by the elephant's foot. This is the regular mode of procedure, bat I do not know whether it was necessary in this instance or not, for I need scarcely say that I did not go to see it. The people's reports are frequently untrust worthy, of course, but as there is no smoke without a fire, there is probably a considerable foundation for their story, which is that the real offence was in forming an alliance with a lady who had formed ono of the Guicowar's collection, and was therefore sacred from the polluting touch of baser men. The,pair, refusing to separate, were sundered by force, the chief criminal executed, and his partner's nose cut off. There was, I hoar, an accomplice who was beheaded, ' 1 4 I i A Husband's Confession. I never undertook but once to set at naught the authority of my wife. You know her Way—cool; quiet, but deter mined as over grew. Just after we were married, and all was going on nice and cozy, she got me in the habit; of doing all the churning.. She never asked me to do it, you know, but then she—why it was done in just this way. She finished breakfast ono morning, slipping away from the table, she filled the churn with cream, and set it just where I couldn't help seeing what she wanted. So I took hold regularly enough and churned till the butter came. She didn't . but look ed so nice and sweet . about it that I felt well paid. Well,, when the' next churning day came along she did the same thing, and - I followed suit and fetched the butter. Again, and it was done just so, and I- was regularly in for it every time. 'Not a word was said, you know, of course. Well by and by, this became rather irksome. I wanted she should just ask me, but she never did, and I couldn't say any— thing about it, so on wo went. At last I made a resolve that I would' not churn another time unless 'she asked me. Churning day came, and when my breakfast—she always got nice breakfasts—when that was swallowed there stood. the churn. I got up, and standing a few minutes, just to give her a charm°, put on my hat and walked out doors. I stopped in the yard to give her a chance to call me, but not a word said she, - and so with a palpitating heart I moved on. I went down town; up town and all over town' and my foot was as restless as Noah's dove—l felt as if I had done a wrong, I didn't exactly khoW how—bUt there was an indescribable sensation of guilt resting upon me all the forenoon. It seemed as if dinner ,time would never come, and as for going home ono min ute before dinner, I would .as 80011 cut my ears off. So 'I went fretting and moping about until dinner time. ILome I went, feeling much as a criminal must when the j ury is having in their hands his destiny—life or death. I could not make up my mind how she would meet me, but some sort of a storm I expected. Will you belieVe it ? She never greeted mo with a sweeter smile, never had a better dinner for me than on that day ; but there was the, churn just where I left it ! Not a word was passed. I felt cut, and every meuth full of that dinner seemed as if it would choke me. She did not pay any re gard to it, however, but wont on as if nothing had happened. Before dithier was over I had again resolved, and shoving back my Chair I marched up to the churn and went at it the old way. Splash, drip, rattle—l kept •it up. As if in spite, the butter was never so lone in coming. I supposed the cream standing so long, had got warm, so I redoubled my efforts. Ob stinate matter—the afternoon wore away while I was churning. I paused at last from real exhaustion, when she spoke for the first time.:—"Come Tote; my dear, you have rattled that butter milk quite long enough, if it is only for fun you are doing it." I knew hew it was in a flash. She luid brought the butter in the forenoon, -and left' the churn standing with the butter-milk in for him to exercise with. I never set up - for household matters after this. LAUGHABLE INCIDENT.-A corres• pondcnt of the Cairo Times writing from Jackson, Tenn., under date of the 27th ult., records the following ludi crOus incident "A laughable incident occurred at the depot to-day. The train from Mo bile brought up several barrels of shell oysters. A number of country negroes stood by, and never having seen oys ters before, were somewhat astonished at the appearance of the bivalve. Whar he motif ?" exclaimed one of the most inquisitive. How 'urn eat, •eh ? golly ! I tinks em nuflin 'copt bone "Yah ! yah i" he continued,_laughing at his own wit ; "I spect some white man tiuk nigga a fool when he calls dat Ling istor." Just then ho discover ed an open oyster, and seizing it eyed it closely; Not satisfied with the examination, he placed it to his nose, but sooner was that organ inserted between the shells than they closed ; digger howled with pain, and called out : "Pull um off !" but the more the oyster was pulled the more it would not lot go, and as poor . Cuffeo danced and yelled, his frantic efforts to rid himself of his tincomfortable nasal or nament were both ludicrods and pain, ful. "Hid urn wid a stick," suggested a buxom wench, and in a moment the oyster was knocked right and left with a-hearty will, butUuffee's head went with it. "Punch ho tail !" cried a little nig, "and he sure let go I" But there was no tail to pinch, and poor Coffee seemed doomed to wear the oyster for over. At this moment an "intelligent .contraband" whipped out a knife, and with it soon severed theoysters. Unfree looked at the shells with amazement, and finding, the oyster toothless, threw it away, with the remark, "Urn got no teeth, hut he gum it powerful." "PA, said little Channing to his pa ternal ancestor, holding up a Sunday School picture book, "what's that ?" "That, my son" gravely replied the father, "is Jacob wrestling with the angel." "And which licked, ?" in nocently continued the young hopofid, Pater families looked at hint mildly but firmly, for a moment, and thou suggested that ho 14 hotter go and see if the chickens were not scratching up the garden. The oldest piece of furniture in the multiplication "table." It was con structed more than a thousand years ago, and is as good as new. 0 ; ~ w ; /\ TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. PORTLAND, ME., July 4-4 P. terrible fire is raging hero, having de stroyed Brown's sugar, house, and is, sweeping through tho city before a strong southerly wind. PORTLAND, 8 A. M. —The fire caught in the building above the sugar house, on Commercial street, and has swept northerly through that street into the wooden buildings between Center and Cross streets, consuming everything as it goes. J. B. Brown & Son's lost from 8600,000 to 8760,000; insured for 8309,000. Stapler & Son's machine shop and N. P. Richardson & Co's stove foundry are completely destroy. ed. One steam fire engine has, just come from Saco. PORTLAND ; ME., July s.—The fire has completely swept through the city, de stroying everything in its track so completely that the lines of the streets can hardly bo traced for a space of one and a half miles .long by a quarter of a mile wide.,.Many perhaps one hundrebuilding, and fifty, were blown up to check the flanies,but the inhabitants could scarcely do Moro than flee with their families to the upper part of the city, having such goods as they could carry. The custom house being fire proof escapeci,though greatly damaged. The court records are probably destroy ed. The splendid city and 'county building on Congress street, wnich Was nearly lire proof,. was considered:safe, and it was filled full of furniture by the neighboring residents, and then it was swept away with ell its contents. Half the city is destroyed, and that half in cludes nearly all,the business portion, except the heavy business houses in' Commerce street. All the banks and newspaper offices are burned, But three printing offices are'left.' All the jewelry establishments, wholesale dry goods stores, several churches, the tel egraph offices, nearly all the stationery stores and a number of business places aro destroyed. The fire is still raging below Cumberland street, 'Working back to the westward, the wind having changed. Captain Henry Juman has telegraphed fur 1,500 tents to accom moclata the houseless families. A correspondent of the Boston Jour nal writes from Portland: The camp is situated upon ono of the highest eminences surrounding the thickly settled part of the city, and from all its points, there can be plainly seen the towering chimtieys,the smoul dering ruins and other sad reminders of what were once happy homes and scenes of thrift and industry. The condition of,the poor unfortunates oc cupying the tented field is, one Aruly deplorable. Many of them are scantily clad, and not a few have barely suffi cient to secure them from expbsure to the burning suit. The tents which they occupy are, in a . fetv eases; furnished with a single bed 'snatched from the flames;- and there is occasionally stove and cooking utensil's and a limi ted supply of broken furniture, all of which• is highly' pried by tho occu pants in this great and painful emer gency. • • • ' _ In ono of the 'tents which your re porter visited was a sick 'child, which its frantic mother said the'doctors had, pronounced beyond recovery, and in' another was, en old Woman who had been driven alinoist ,insanityln . con sequence of the excitement and - grief in being deprived of a home which she - . had occupied in quiet and seclusion during the last twenty 'years. In an other tent Which was assigned to a family of four, there . has been an in crease to the number of five during the day, and all - the occupants are getting along finely. In several of the tents there are eases of sickness, but the.ills are generally those brought on by ex haustion and exeitement. and under thweare of the attentive physicians of the city they will soon recover. All' are well provided with.provisions, and supplies are constantly arriving in great abundance. Tho greatest need is cloth ing for the women and children. The only standing building visible for a space of a mile and a quarter ahead, and a breadth of half amile is the custom house and post office, and this is completely ruined. • There is, however, a small margin of cheap wooden dwellings spared on what is known as the "Back Cove." The jail was saved, although it was several times threatened with deStruc tion, and the liberation of confined in mates was seriously entertained. There is already a ; strife .among some of the business men as to who shall have the honor of first rebuilding and engaging in :business. The first part of the city likely to be rebuilt is Middle street. • HORRIBLE RETRIBUTION.--The Knox-; vac, Commercial says "We have just been shown a private letter from Floyd . county, Georgia, to one of our citizens, in which ono of the most dastardly crimes is made known we ever chronicled. Three 'ladies were returning home from a visit to a neighbor, when a negro came upon them in a secluded out-of-the-way place, and attempted to detain thorn all. Two of them succeeded in getting away from him; the other one he took into the woods, and.tied her, and kept her there two days without food, her friends finding her at the end of that time. The negro was caught, and the lady was asked what punishment she desired to have inflicted on this do mon. She replied she wanted his arms sut off and then wished him skinned alive. The sentence was executed. The negro lived about ten minutes af ter the operation. • "t a" The drouth has dried the "ma terfalls," so Prentice says. 'k • ) • - I g . - . 4 r r F ; :,. , - 1 15 ,- '.. r : ~' - , - A• --,0 % , : lir - • NO. 8. Great Piie in Portland. SECOND DISPATOU LATEST OE THE PRINTING OFFICE. H TE. "GLOBEJC/j3;OIPPI,OE mdst cOrimlato Comitry, nndpos sesses tho most arable facilities for promptly executing ti tho best Style, every variety of Job Prita , ing t ouch ‘, • . HAND BILLS - • - • 'PROGRAMMES; BLANKS, .•'• • • POSTERS, 13ILL . IVE4DS; CARDS, CIRGULARg, BALL TICKETS,: LABELS,. &C., &C., &a ALL AND EXAI:IIRE evionizzia or wesit, LEWIS' BOOK.,STATIONEhY k gIIIITO•ST011.11,' - TO, MARE Cows GIVE Ithr,.—A wri ter who says his cow gives all the milk that is wanted in a family. of eight per sons, and froth which 4as made two , hundred and sixty pounds of butter during the. year, gives the following as, his treatment. It is worth , a trial. If you desire to, get a large yield of rich milk, give your cow three tirneini . day, water slightly warm, slightly salt ed, in which bran.has been stirred; at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. Yon will find, if you have ne ver tried this 'daily practice, that'your cow will give 25 per cent. • more milk immediately under the effect of it, and Bho will become so, attached to the di et as to refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty, but this mess she will drink almost *any Aline and ask" for more. The amount of this drink necessary is, an ordinary water pail's full each time, morning, noon, and, night. Your animal will then o her best at discounting the_lacteal; Four , hundred pounds - of butter are often ob tained from good stoek,An.d instances are mentioned, in, the dairretatietics of England where the yield was even at a higher figure. ' ' CATEE OF YOULIG TURKEYB.—The first diet offered to turkey .chicks, should consist of eggs boiled hard, and finely mixed, or curd with bread crumbs and the green part of onions, parsely, &b., chopped very small and mixed , togetb-. er so as to form a, loose, crumby paste; , oatmeal with a little water may be given. They Will require* Water; but this should beTut into u`very'shallow' vessel, so as to insure against the dim- , ger of the chicks getting wet.: •Both the turkey hen and .her chicks should be housed fora few dapi; they may then, if the weather be fine, be allowed a few hours' liberty during the'clay; but should a shower threaten, they must be put immediately under shel ter. This system must be persevered in from three to four 'weeks. By this, time' they will have acquired consider able strength, and will know liOw to. take care of themselves. As they grow older • meal and, grain may:be , given more freely. They now begin to search for insects, and to - dust their growing plumage in the sand: At the age of, about two months. or perhaps a. little more, the males and females be gin to develop their distinctive charac teristics.—Anierkan Farmer. THE KITCHEN GARDEN.-A suitable patch devoted to garden, and well at tended, would produce more annually, than several times as much land to any other crop of the farm. Without the garden, the family mustLaubsist px•in cipally on bread, meat and potatoes ;, in the spring, the system requires food of a somewhat different character.— leAs stimulating, more cabling and Vegetables, fresh from soil; seem, to supply this need, and may can: they be procured so economically as from a well kept garden.' Vegetables and fruits as a diet Or most people, and especially for children, are recoml mended as_ conducive to health; , its would, therefore, seem as ifit:were tho, duty of every fanner, i to, raise sufficient vegetables and fruit to supply his own family atleast ono meal' a day through the , season, from the earliest vegetables in spring to the la test in autumn ; but 1.10)V often do-we.. find it otherwise !—Protrfe Far'mer, ~,, • ACTIVE .I.IIANURE.-IJEC or the' , most active manures and readily, Within the. reach of. tlfEf most farmers,, is a Lure of leaohedashes, plaster . and. night soil, mixed with' fine soil. Let' them be thoroughly worked over . a smooth spot, and allowed to •stand week • befbre using, working, it over every, other day, and you have a most valuable manure at a trifling cost of time. A. handful'cif tlihrfflixture a. hill is excellent to givo corn a .start— Potatoes and garden vegetables• gonb rally feel if, very quick-, Hen manures, is an excellent ingredient in such ma nures, but it should .be .well 'slaked with water before roixing with, other substances.- Maine Fanner. AIDING BEES. IN . ' TIIEIR. LABORS:•--IE you want your bees to. iv.ork in at& boxes early, give them a good'start by cementing a few, pieces of . elean white comb in each box. I have 'also fouint it of advantage to seCtire all 'the cor ners and cracks of the boxes 'with moot composed of one-fourth lb. of beeslvax and three-fourths lb. of rosin.. It may be melted and kept at the right . teMperature, by suspendmg •small tin dish over the, chimney of-a: kero sene lamp. When :.the boxes aro ce mented, and made, tight, it saves the bees much labor, and they are able, to get Up' tke requisite heat for comb= building several days sooner. IVhen inau once gots the "knack" of ce menting boxes he can do it quite rap" idly.—L. L. FAIRCHILD I in. Rural .4m. erica?:. tg—Tho great secret in butter-mak—. ing, it Booms, consists in . attonding to the following iioints Ist. Securing oloan, milk--obtained on , rich . pastures; free' from wneds.., r;, ; 2d. Sotting the milk in a moist, un tainted atmosphere, and. keeping, it at even temperature while the , cream is 3d. Proper management in:churning 4th. Washing out the, buttermilk. thoroughly and working so :is not to injuro the grain. sth. Thorough and even, incorpora- Lion of the salt, and packing in, galccu tube, tight, clean and Iva made, Cleanliness in ail the operations is . Of imperative necessity. Judgment and experience in manip ulating the cream and working the butter must of course be bal.—, Milan/. MAtv and beast intuit peat one day in seven or else pay the penalty. MI