The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 11, 1866, Image 2
Clje 61.tilye. HUNTINGDON, PA W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor. Wednesday morning t _July 11, 1866. FOR GOVERNOR, Maj. Gen. John WI Geary, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY'. "I am as good a Democrat now as Mr I was.---W. Lewis. "Of you aro, no person doubts it. And when you pretended to wear the cloak of Unionism: you did it only for.the purpose of aiding your party." —Journal & American. Of emus° we . did. Unionism was the battle-cry of all Dembcrats true to their principles. Our party was the ' party composed of the good and.true Men of all parties-the pion party— tho party that stood by the Govern malt re-nominated and re-elected President Lincoln and Governor Cur+ tin—and nominated and elected Andy Johnson. It was a glorious and har monious party until Radicalism and negroism wanted to baptise in the black sea of fanaticism every indepen dent man who dared to desert old par ty associations. Without the aid of the Union Demodratic voters neithbr Abraham Lincoln, Andy Johnson nor Andy Curtin, and many . others, could have been elected or re-elected, and if Radicalism succeeds in disor ganizing the Uuiou Party, the "Dem ocratic" organization of the present .day must triumph with its candidates at the nest election, not only in this State, but also in most every State in the Union. Ifthe Journal & American would be wise, and honestly opposed to the success "of the "Demoeratic or . ganization," it should use its influence to preserve harmony in the Union par . ty instead of hatehingand encouraging disorganization. We are a Democrat—a Union Dem ocrat—and a member of : the Union party. It is not necessary for us to be anything algal() be a, good Union man. If others of the.Uniou Party choose to be known as Union Republicans, we have no fault to find; so long as they show by their works that they are true friends of the Union Party or ganization. "The resolutions (of •the Soldiers' League) in regard to the Globe were not as complimentary as they might have been, but as the editor of that paper has heretofore been very aux-4 ions to have the whole proceedings of the League we hope he will now find it convenient to publish them in full." —Journal & American. • Slightly disappointed, Robert. The proceedings..were.,p_4lislla es to the VtiToc,-nut tipy - papbr. Yon thought 'ivowould net publish the resolutions, - written by ourself, adVising the read ing us out of the Union Party. What impudence, and what asses a few sol diers bare made of themselves to grat ify such men asßobert McDivitt. The soldiery of, the county would justly feel insulted if we should, hold them responsible for the silly conduct of the few men who are made the tools of mischievous and unprincipled politi cians. We have no objections to being "read out," but we have objeotions to being "read in" by such material— and until wo are "in" it is a hard mat ter to "read out." We hope Robert feels good over the success of his reso lution: We laid a copy of the proceedings of the League meeting before the State Committee, but we have not learned what action. was had on Robert's reso lution. President Johnson, we are informed, after lie heard that the Soldiers' League had refused him membership, declared that it was the first heavy show of a heavy opposition to his policy, and he was almost tempted to change it to suit the taste of the men who pull the wires of the League. "Tho Huntingdon Globe has always been a Democratic paper."—Harris burg Daily Telegraph,. "This is simply not so; it is not known as such, and would be repudia ted by the Democracy if such preten sions were advanced."—Harrisburg Patriot d: .A certain kind of Doctors zcfll differ, and they differ because they have no correct rule by which to regulate their practice. So with a certain kind of politicians—men who go with an or ganization right or wrong—they cannot see anything honest in a man who will not agree to sacrifice Democratic and loyal principles to gain place and pow er. If the old school Democratic or ganization had remained true to Dem ocratic principles it would be in power to-day, and if the Union party organ ization follow the dictation of such pa pers as the Telegraph it will soon bo in the minority, where the Democratic organization now is. We neither be long to the Telegraph's faction nor to the Patriot 41'? Union's party. Wo aro a party's man only when we believe it to be right, or more right than any other. We are no man's man unless we believe him right, or more right than those denouncing him. We are independent—not under the control of any man, faction or party. We shall continue to pursue a course we believe best 6alculated to promote the best in terests and happiness of the people.— The editors of the Telegraph and Pat riot & Union are right in not claiming us as belonging to them. We pick our company. Tut: lluntii,gdon Globe, during all the rebellion a - firm and useful Union paper is retracing its steps into the Democratic or Copperhead party. In stopping at the Andrew Johnson half way house, the Globe seems - Lo have lost its manners with its honesty.= John W. Forney. The first two lines endorses. us as alt right on , the vital issue.—Then comes an opinion which is only an opinion of one of the most desperate politicians in the United States. For ney has always been in earnest in whatever course he has pursued. fie is no half-way'man. He has used the Union party for four or five years, and now that he sees ho cannot useit any longer, ho has determined to crush it by forcing upon it false issues. We have admired Col. Forney's boldness in denunciation of "Copperheadism," but we cannot admire his denunciation of the . principles of the Union Party.. We contend that we stand fair and square upon the Union platform as erected by the Convention that put in nomination Abraham Lincoln and An drew Johnson—e platform upon which all Union men could stand, and did stand, and intend to stand, until it shall be destroyed by fanaticism. In what Way we have lost our manners with our honesty we are at a loss to know. Perhaps the great leader thinks coun try editors should have no opinions of their own,—but if they have, they should not express them if they should bo the opposite of his teachings. Wo have great respect for Col. Forney's ability, but wo must be permitted to decline a seat on the new platform ho has erected upon which ho is trying to force the Union party. Colonel, we can't take a ride in your new wagon. WE could not attend the meeting of the Union State Committee in Phila delphia on the afternoon of the Perhaps it was not important wo should be there as Robert McDivitt was in the city and presented in per sou to the Chairman of the Committee the resolutions of the Soldiers' League reading us out. Robert no doubt wants the position himself, but as we have not yet received a notice of re moval, we begin to think his resolu tions were treated with snout con tempt and himself ordered home to report to his "squad" of disorganizers that their labor has been lost—that they cannot have influence with ra tional men—men who love the Union party and its principles. A special meeting of the "squad" should im„eall ed that Robert may have an opportu mity to report progress. THE FnAO PRESENTATION.—Though every city in the Union celebrated the Fourth with a grannisplay, yet there was nothing so grand and imposing as t.,•A:r phia.. The crowd in attendance was immense, and though accommodations enough to seat &vo or six thousand had been prepared, yet a majority of the crowd bad to stand. At th" pres entation the Soldiers' Orphans were not the least conspicuous, and their presence excited many patriotic emo tions, as it was remembered that they were the sons of patriots slain. Major General Mends made the presentation address which was responded to by ! Gov. Curtin: ra„ - win. our friend Forney please inform us upon what rule of honest practice he has acted in maintaining in his employ in the Washington Chro nicle a large number of rebels as well as rebel sympathizers throughout the trying ordeal through which our coun try has passed. That his office at the national capital has been an asylum for that class of persons is a fact pat ent to every printer almost who has visited Washington. Lot men who preach loyalty and seek to control and direct the opinions as well as the ac tions of others, practice what they preach. THE radicals headed by Forney,take theposition that none beside themselves are entitled to be considered Unionists. They go.even so far as to denounce all who will not bend the knee to univor• sal nogro suffrage as "Copperheads" in principle and action. And yet they expect men thus denounced to help to keep them in power. Why even Rob ert the Sctibe had the impudence to expect "Copperheads" to keep him "on the county" for a few years more. tat_ Radicals persist in saying that President Johnson is in favor of allow ing rebels a seat in Congress. This is owing to a remark made by bins that none but unmistakably loyal men should be permitted to servo as members from the Southern States. If Radicals are determined to interpret "unmistakably loyal" into "rebel," then we would ask them who were the loyal men, and what are they themselves,. who, wo take it, were the professionally loyal mon of the North during the rebellion? "What did the soldiers of the Union army fight for ? It is 'easily answered." Harrisburg Telegraph. Forney, speaking for the Radicals, says "The war against slavery has not been fought in vain." Andy Johnson men say the war was not against slavery but against traitors, and for the preservation of the Union. TILE secret is out why Forney is op posed to the President now. The Pres ident had no confidence in his political honesty, and gavo him tho cold shoul der. See Forney's letter to the Presi dent. TIIE UNION PARTY.—When the war broke out wo deserted the old .Demo cratie organization and aided in the or ganization of the Union Party. When the Union Party organization; which stood by thogOvernment du ringthe war and gave aid and comfort to our bravo "boys in blue" becomes diNorganized, we will feel it our privilege to ,go whore: we please to rally around the faithful and honest Union principles. We cannot be influenced to favor un principled politicians and disorgani- ZOM. ge•The radicals cannot find enough to say against President Johnson. We had thought since he keeps quiet they would lot him alone. He is now charged with plotting the escape of Jeff. Davis. This is lira-Until:lg great ly on the supposed ignorance of their constituents. Every schoolboy knows that the President has power to allow every prisoner to go free without plot ting his escape. Such lies have their effect, however, some being ready to Who've them. `Unn unscrupulous denunoiation of. President Johnson and his friends, by the radical press, is making Johnson more friends all over the country than any efforts making by himself or friends to sustain their position. We know that Forney's Press and tho Journal& American have made friends for Johnson in every township in this county, and they are not a few, but numerous and influential. U. S. SENATOII.-IVho shall be elect ed U. S. Senator by the next Legisla ture, is a question of groat importance to every voter. The soldiers all ap pear to be for Andy Curtin, and a ve ry large majority of the people of the Union party are the same way inclin ed. The friend of the soldier, the wi doilr and the orphan; has the inside track. Coa. FORNEY, in his recent Lebanon speech defining his platform as a can didate for U. S. Senator, declared him self unqualifiedly for universal suffrage, withont regard to color —Chambers/ay/ Repository. Just so. Then it is the duty of every man opposed to "universal suffrage without regard to color," to defeat any man for the Legislature who, may be for Mr, Forney, for U. S. Senator. PRESTO CHANGE. - Forney in his Press of Tuesday last says that what the "traitor and Copperhead newspa pers" have heretofore said, slandering the character of President Johnson, was true, and what ho said defending President Johnson, ?bits false. Is it not just 'as likely that what Forney says now against the President is also false? e an ti-Joh n serungn_ivilt_ inncarautni'MTSFUO flora t why traitors have not been prosecuted, and if•it will ask Radical Judges of the United States Courts why traitors have not been tried, they will gain some infor mation. It is net the duty of the Pres ident to prosecute nor to convict . any man. THE editor of the Harrisburg Tele graph supported the President's poli cy until ho MB removed from the Poet Office to make room for a brave soldier. The President know the political hon esty of the editor of the Telegraph about as well as ho did Forney's. Neiber of them could deceive Andy Johnson. -.C,-&"It is thought that Congress will adjourn finally some time this month. Hot weather will put an end to their deliberations, but ifwe know ourselves, the members hhve had a hot time of it for the last six months. They will hate to adjourn very much, for fear "tyrant" Johnson will take advantage of them; but we can assure the people that we will then have peace. The election campaign commen ces to open in earnest. Party nomina tions are being made, and politicians are dancing , to a lively quickstep. The jig will be taken up with spirit•and we may expect a lively time generally within the next three months. [Special Dispatch to Pittsburgh Commurciald Forney's Letter to the President. Wnsaitioros, July 1, 1866. Recently it was asserted in the Washington correspondence of the Cin cinnati Commercial, that John W. Ver ney had, within six months, written a begging letter to the Presient, indor sing his policy, etc. Forney promptly denied this. The matter has excited some interest hero, and the President has finally consented to the publication of the following, which will appear in to-morrow's Republican. At the re quest of the President, the name of the gentleman alluded to in the letter is suppressed. It is not a bad guess, however, to say that it is Henry S. Stabbing, formerly member of Now York. This is only the first of a series which a strong pressure is being brought to bear on the President to permit to be published Naw YORK, January 1866.—MY DEMI Ma. PRESIDENT t I have been in this city for two days, and now write under an impulse whiCh I cannot re t3train, because I feel it to be for your own good and that of the country. I take it for granted you aro resolved not to bo unmindful of your own fame and that you will not allow your friends who heartily sustain your policy to feel that they aro without your aid and encouragement. Whether you aro a eandidate,for President or not, and if you are not, I shall be greatly sur prised, with the wonderful favor that bits crowned your restoration policy. You should not allow the great office to go to indifferent men, or these clear ly in the inter t st of your foes. I need not repeat to you that J. am now as ever, for twenty years, shown in my writing, and since your great act of` patriottsin in 1861), especially your open and avowed friend. Where lam to-day my two newspapers both daily show to the world. Bence, in what I now say, I speak no idle words, but menu all I say. The Collector's office at Now York city is a 'post that you should dispose of outsid&of all politici ans ; not that I mean to defy them, but to select—your own man, who should be free only to help you and servo the GloV'ernment—one they could neither attack nor use. Such a man is * * *of this city. He . was elected to Congress on * * *as a Democrat, but,like you,refused to follow the party into treason. He served a short time with great distinction, and resigned on account of ill health. Ho was a mem ber of the Committee of Ways and Means, and Won great applause. He is a very able man, educated to finance intensely, national, honest and inde pendent, and could furnish millions of security. He has an organizing mind, would make you a party or fight your battles single handed. Ho is .an An drew Johnson Democrat, in short I write in the knowledge that ho would accept, and that his appointMent would be received With joy by the whole community. Yours truly ; pignodd J. W. FOILNEY To the President, &e., &e. The "National Union Party," A Convention of National Union men, friends of President Johnson,was held in Philadelphia on the 3d inst. About seventy-five delegates from dif ferent parts of the State were present. A State Central Committee was ap pointed, and the following resolutions reported by a committee appointed for, the purpose, were unanimously ad opted : Whereas it is expedient and proper at this time that the friends of the national administration and supporters of the policy it hits adopted in relation to the restoration of the States to full and equal membership in the national Union, should declare their views and organize 'themselves for -mutual advice, support, and action ; therefore Resolved, That this convention reaf firm the-doctrines and principles enun ciated by the Baltimore convention, and that wo believe, as there declared, that the 'lvar was prosecuted for the purpose of preventing the dis Solution of .the Union. . Resolved, That inasmuch as the war prosecuted by the government was suc cessful, the States recently in rebellion are still in the Union, and are, there fore, under the Constitution entitled to representation in the Senate and House of ,Representatives, and that there can be no compromise or settle ment of the questions now agitating the country until such representation is accorded, provided always that none other than loyal men aro entitled to seats in either house. Resolved, That the political and so cial welfare of the national republic is based upon and bound up with the prosperity of our home labor _and_ -wen epon- - tne - p - rotottiOnifthe Indus trial interests of the country—agricul tural, mining, Manufacturing, and com mercial—against the antagonistic and unequal competition' of foreign coun tries, as one of the most important du- tics of the national legislature. Resolved, That the country owes a debt of gratitude to the soldiers and. sailors who composed the army and navy of the United States in the re cent war for the suppression of the re bellion against, the government, and that their widows and children are the wards of the people; and as such should over he provided for by the government. Resolved, That this convention pro ceed to the organization recommended by the appointment of a central exe cutive committee, to consist of thir teen members, which committee shall have authority meetings, select speakers,and generally to do 171 l things essential to the success of the adminis tration of Ilresipnt Johnsen. Resolved, - That auxiliary committees shall be appointod by the clubs here after named, in 'each congressional dis trict, to whom shall committed the supervision and care of the congress ional, legislative,and other elections to be held therein. Resolved, That "National Union Clubs" shall ho formed in each scool district of the State, or otherwise, as the congressional committee shall re , commend ; that all persons who will pledge fidelity to the Constitution and the Union and faithful support to the restoration policy of President John son, shall ho admitted as members of said clubs. Resolved, That the said clubs are ful ly authorized to select delegates to all conventions for the nomination of can. dictates who are presented for the sup port of the party. Resolved, That we heartily approve of holding a "National Union Conven tion" of the friends Of Andrew Johnson on the 14th day of August next, at Philadelphia, and in order that Penn sylvania may be fully represented therein, we do hereby nominate and appoint four citizens as delegates at large, and four other citizens as alter, Whereas this convention not being called to recommend any action in re lation ie State officers, therefore Resolved, That the clubs are rcques. Led to elect and send delegates equal in number to • their respective repre,. sentation in the General Assembly, to moot in Philadelphia on the 14th day of August next, then and there to take such action as may ho best calculated to carry into effect the determination of the friends of President Johnson, to use their votes and influence in such manner as may secure the immediate restoration of,all the States to their constitutional resolutions to the 0-en oral government. e W. F. Johnston, Allegheny. ) J. B. Flanigon, Philadelphia. B. L. Martin, Delaware. B. Rush Bradford, Beaver. Strouso, Juniata. Thos. C. McDowell, Dauphin. 5 0. P. Cornman, Philadelphia. }- D. K. Davidson, Fayette. Capt. J. G. Cumings, Delaware. ( st Major S. B. Darlington, Chester, J. W. Cowell, Bucks. Col. Swann, Erie. 3. B. A dimsom Afercer__ ADDRESS OF A. G, CURTIN, ID olivero d Oth of July, '66, at Philadelphia A largo multitude had assembled in Independence Square, to witness the ceremonies attendant to the presenta tion of battle flags to the Commonwealth Gen. Meade had the honor of making the presentation speech, which Was re sponded to by. Gov. Curtin, as follows : General, and Soldiers of Pennsylva nia : Soon after the commencement of the late - Rebellion, the Cincinnati So ciety of Pennsylvania presented to tho Governor of the State a sum of money which they asked to be used in the equipment of volunteers. The sum was too small to be of material service in that respect, and the subject having been presented to the Legislature, an act was paSsed directing the Governor ' to use the money, and whatever addi tional sums were neeeessary, to pro cure flags to be curried by Ponnsylva nipl regiments during the war, and I ' with a wise provision, that the flags I should be returned to the State at the close of their service, with proper in- scriptions, to be made archives of the Government. The ceremony of the return of these flags was delayed until all the regiments id service from Penn sylvania had been mustered out, and today, surrounded by your fellow citi zens and in the presence of high ofli cialS of the National Government, of Governors and officials of sister States, of distinguished soldiers of other States, and of the army and navy of the United States, and the representa tives of the Government of this Com monwealth, more than two hundred of these emblems of our country's nation ality—all of which have waved amid the rupture of strife-all of which have been carried by Pounsyvanians—are returned untarnished. In their azure fields the arms of Pennsylvania' have been emblazoned, and her motto, "Vir tue, Liberty aud Independence," has been written in letters of fire, with pens of steel, by the gallant men, be fore us, and their comrades, living and dead, upon every battle field of the war. ,The record is glorious, in mem ories of the past and in hopes of the future. If I consulted my own feelingS, would receive those flags in silence,for this occasion is its own most eloquent orator. My wordS cannot add to its sub limity. Human lips cannot express such lessons of patriotism, of sacrifice and heroism as these Sacred relices sublimly attest. The man is to be pitied, who claims to be a citizen of our America, especially of Pennsyl vania, who has witnessed . these cere monies without profound emotion alike of sorrow and exultation—sorrow for the dead who died for liberty,:exulta tion in recalling the blessin , s of Ged, the laws vindicated and enforced by the suppression and punishment of treason, until the last armed Rebel was bez:ten clown, and the redeemed Republic emerged from the smoke :of battle. It might he hotter to accept the mo mentous lessons taught by these re turned standards without a word. In what adequate language can we ad dress you, 'soldiers of the Republic, who live to take {art in this cererilo it7o-I)o—WOrdS to convey the holy sentiment of veneration and reverence for the heroic dead that wells up from every . heart in your presence. To the men who carried the steel, the musket and the sabre—to the pri vate soldier, to the unknown dead, the demigods' of the war, wo this day seek in vain to express all our gratitude. If there be men more distinguished than others, more entitled to our highest veneration, it is the private soldier of the Republic. If we follow him through all the sufferings and privations of the service, his long weary marches, his perils on the out post, his wounds and sickness, oven in the article of death, we trace him back Lothat sentiment of devotion to his country that led' him to separate from home and its ties, and to offer ever. his life - 4 sacrifice to the Government his fathers, gave him and his children. As the official representative of the ComMonwealth, I cannot take back the remnants of the colors she com mitted to your keeping, without at tempting to gather into my arms the full measure of her overflowing grati tude and lay it at your feet. I there tore present you with the thanks of your cherished mother, this ancient and goodly Commonwealth of Penn; sylvania, for the great glory you have given to her history. She fully real izes, and while public virtue remain's, she will never cease to realize that she could better afford to lose the sources of her natural wealth, her rich, fertile valleys, her great cities, her exhaust less minerals. than to lose from her archives a single one of these torn, fa tied, precious, consecrated flags of bat tle-and its history,.and of the brave men who suffered and fotwbt around them. A commonwealth may exist without cherishing her material wealth, but no Commonwealth: can worthily, or should exist, which does not cherish as the joy of its life, the heroic valor of its children. to the name of Pennsylvania I gave you these standards, fresh and whole, and asked you, in all triak, to main tain our loyalty, and defend thorn, and to day you bring them hack to me torn with Rebel shot, sad with the gloom of some reverses,bri , shL wlth the light of many triumphs, ' but beyond all, saved by your courage from dis honor, reddened, by the blood of your dead brothers, borne over the ridges of a hundred battles, and planted at last upon the summits of victory. Surely State never had nobler children, nor received at their hands more precious gifts, What heroism, excelling tho fables of romance,loading forlorn:hopes, charging into tho "deadly breach;" "riding into tho jaws of death till all the world wondered." What sufferings of pain and hunger, outrage and death; what ardent love of country ; what purest love of home; what tender messages to mother, wife, children and betrothed maiden ; what last prayers to God, do these old and tattered flags, suggest and unfold. The State will guard them rever ently and lovingly until, in the full ness of time, some genius . will arise to marshal their legions into the immor tal beauty of poetry, and then, at last, will ho found fit expression for the part Pennsylvania has acted in the bloody drama. It will then bo remem bered that our State was represented ===EM= at Fort Sumter; when traitors first fired upon the flag of the Union, and that the volunteers of our State first reached the ;National Capital, and' were at Appomattox Court House, where traitors fired their last volley; and in all the terrible intermediate. struggles in every rebellious State, in every important battle on land and water, where treason was to bo con fronted and rebellion to be conquered the soldiers and sailors of Pennsylva nia were to bo fotind confronting the ono and conquering the other, that her people never faltered in their fidelity to their distreSSed Government. It was - in duo historic fitness, there fore, that the Wicked struggle to de stroy the Union, should culminate up on our soil, its topmost wave he, dash ed against our Capital, and its decisive defeat ho suffered here, and according ly, from Gettysburg the Rebellion staggered backward to its grave. Alas, how many other'graves it fill ed before it filled its own. How many bravo and familiar faces we miss to day whO“.belped to bear these colors to the front, and on whose graves are growing the wild flowers of the South ern land. Our words can no longer roach them, nor our gratitude servo them ; but we thank Heaven that those thoy loved bettor than life, are with us; .that the widow of the war, and orphan children of the soldiers, are Within the reach of our cherishing care. We must nev er forget that every soldier .of Pennsyl vania, who died that the nation might live thereby, entitled his widow to be kept from want, and his fatherless children to find a father in the Com• mon wealth. May the flags which we fold op so tenderly, and with such proud recol lections, nevor be unfurled again, at least in such a war, and may all man kind, beholding the surpassing power of this free Government, abandon for. ever the thought of its destruction. Let us remember, too, that at-Gettys burg the blood of the people of eigh-' teen loyal States—rich, precious blood —mingling together, sank into the soil of Pennsylvania, and by that ied cov enant, are we ledged for all time to Union,. to liberty, to nationality, to . fraternity, to "peace on earth and good will towards men," of good will. Now that the war is over, wo give peace to those who gave us war. And in the universal freedom, purchased at Se large a cost of blood and treasure, we give true justice: to all men. Under the - benediction of even justice to all, and inviting them to obedience to the law; to industry and , virtue, we offer, them.the glories of the future, and the sacred blessings of freedom for thern and their children. We ask them to fbrget their malice and bate, - and- the counsels of the insane and wicked men who first led thorn to strike at the heart of their: country, and to, return to a participation in the rich rewards in store for this, the freest and most powerful nation on 'earth. , But fur you, and your comrades, re-. hellion would have become revolution, and the enemies of freedom and united' nationality would have achieved their infamous purposes. Under God we tri umphed. The right has been main tained. And to you, in the name ofall the peßale_of_thi 4 w;est_t_Carn_ulanutacdra - rten - &r thanks, warm, deep, heartfelt thanks ! May your lives be spared long to enjoy the Government you sa ved, to illustrate your country's gran deur' and to enjoy the priceless blessings which must follow from the results of courage, fidelity and patriotism. The State of Pennsylvania, durino all your services, has not been unmind ful of you. You were followed to the battle-fields by the benedictions and prayers of the good, and benevolent people carried to you the contributions of the patriotic and generous at home. Never, at any time during the war,did this constant benevolence shrink, and alWays good, Christian men and woi , men were found willing to endure pri vation and- suffering, to reach you on the field and in the hospital. So far as it, was possible the State always made ample provisions for, the removal of the bodies of the slain for Christian in termen t,amid their kindred and friend's: When it was practicable, the sick and wounded were' removed to enjoy the tender watching 'and care of - - their friends at home. And as the crown ing glory of this great Commonwealth, she has gathered together the helpless and destitute orphans of her dead sol diers, and adopted them as the chil dren of the Commonwealth. The Legislature of Pennsylvania, moved by justice and Christian chari t,y, for three years, have made munifi cent appropriations ofthe patiomon ey to place within the care of the State, the homeless little ones of your dead comrades. They aro to bo brought up as the honor and glory of the State, a monument that Pennsylvania raises to the memory of the slain, more endur ing than brass or marble, and in heir• mony With the Christian tertehings•of her poople. Tithe amtivelve hundred of these little children before you to ady,-the children of comrades left up- On the field of battle, bright jewels in the crown of glory which encircles this Cemmonwealth,the strongest evidence of the fidelity and patriotiSni of . her people. Let this work be so now en grafted upon the public policy of Mho State, that it shall endure until ' the last orphan of the Pennsylvania sol dier shall be trained; nurtured and ed ucated. This is a hallowed place—this is a hallowed day. Here, and now ; in "the name of Pennsylvania, I. accept these colors fitly, for we are assembled upon the birthday in the birth place of Amer lean .1i berty. .We are forced to contemplate the wondeons marsh of this people to em pire, colonization, the Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, the Cori stitution, the Rebellion, its overthrow, ancitho purification of our Government, and the change of our organic laws by the lesson of discord, and our hopes for the future, following each other in ical sequence, and the duty and re-; sponsibility of this labor of mankind, is devolved, by the grace of God and the hearts and arms of our soldiers; upon the loyal people atlas land. In the presence of these mute synt,. bols of living soldiers (pointing toohe flags), of yonder touching memorials of our dead soldiers (pointing to the children), in fealty to the blood Pour od out like. Water; in remembrance of the sorrows yet to be assuaged, and the burdens yet to be borne,the graves yet to be numbered, ;ma the horrors ye,t ! to be forgotten ; in loyalty to our 12=ZEM State, to our country, to our fellowmen everywhere and to God, let us rise to the height of our great privileges, and place the American Government upon the enduring basis of justice and liber _ty. This is the groat lesson of the war; and the very rock of political truth. "Whosoever falls upon it wilt be broken and upon whomgoever it . shall fall it will grind him to pewder." Then our Government Will represent the result of American civilization,and then these old flags will glow with the light Of there true meaning, and the valor of the soldiers of the Republic will receive its just reward in render ing a memorable service to mankind; for thep, in the words of oar illustrione martyr, we will take care "that the Government of the people, by the peo ple and for the - people, shall not perish from the earth.' And .now, having received . theso standards, 1;c1 who addresses you has performed the last official act connect ed with the military service of the war, and his relations to you, so long, so. intimate, and ao cordial ; are severed. In this, our last official ; interview, when the ties that bound us so. close .for these, eventful years, just passed, and the relations so- intimate,.so cor dial, are closing, he would be Insensl ble. to the commen fidelity, to the pleasant relations, to the forgiveness of error, to the ready and generous support, and the many, very many, evidences of kindness and affection he has received frorri you and your com rades, if he failed to you his personal obligation and thanks: . He recurs with gratification to the fact . that he did for. the soldier what be could, Re regrets that he could not have done more. But. he will cqrrr with him to'his 'grave; and leave_ as a. rich legacy to his children, the' con seiousness thatyon," at ;least, believed that he did what he could for his dis. tressed'coun try, and that after. the ex perienCe of five eventful years, the soldiers of Pennsylvania, deem• bim worthy of their confidence and respect. And here,"on this last occasion of the war, be returns his than kir to the great body of the people of PennsylVania, for their kindness and support, and to the thousands of benevolent women and men, who were always ready to .obey his, calls to , the succor and relief of their bravo and gallant brethren in the field. - I . have . done. _Farewell, brave men. , May, God bless yen! FORTY:FIVE clerks Were Ititely dis charged frohi the Pension office,Wash ington, to make room for.partially dis abled soldiers. Of course all those dis charged will be'violent anti-Johnson ANNOUNCE IENTS. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. ECM! I ece in the Iluntingdon Journal American, the DOlllO of DAVID Son DIIF, Mode lien of for the nine° of Associate Judge.: I nun pleased. to Sec it— no liCtOr mot, in the county could be named, nor any more Worthy. Ms long. experience 48 Justice of the .Peace, his honestkand Independence, fully qualifies him for that office, I have consulted with a. number of per sons do the subject, and find that ho will Scenic figoneral support,. if nominated by the Union Convention of this county. A SIIIISCIMPiIt. Juno 23, ISOG,tc.* WAT. LEWIS, 1:311:—It trill Ito admitted - OA the Ritter cud or the county to entitled to the nomination A 9.90- clatA Judge. In view of this fact I would recomneinl tho A4A-ACIIIGAVVITTY, Esq.,-'of Cloy townelO p to the attention of the ,roterti. non gentleman whol3 'worthy end well qualified to perform the dutiesof the petition,— ifitiec t to the Union nominating Conn ty - Cotrcon t inn.' July 8.1856.. UNION. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W0:a% 1 3C , 03M „ . A LL persons indebted to o having accounts with the firm of T. it D. Norris, in Um tan ning business, at McConnellstown, ara informed that the• bdoks ova now in the Minds of linden Norris for settle- MIS 11k',:onnell,town, July 10,41 • -The Celebrated IVrought Iron " AIR-TIGIIT • • GAS-CONSUMING HEATER . . (With patent Dust Screen,) Manufactured by . J. REYNOLDS & SON,' . • .N: Tr. Corner 13th and • Filbertstreet, .The' firm of Bartlett k Reynolds having thin day, June 20, 1566, dissolved, tho undersigned will continuelo'inan ufacture theirjustty culobraied Neater at the 'old stand. It ,ts the only ono perfectly adapted to the buining of bl tumenous teal. . LiiP•Send for Wustratedpixtriphletl . . hilbihn • • J. REVIIOLDS"& SON. • • •ILUNTING.DON COUNTY, 8.'6: " • . . Tito Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ThomaalHoov er. late of Huntingdon connte, • • GREETING : IThereas,,AlsitilE HOOVER, by her father and nc'xt friend Gcorgo Leas, did on the 15th November, 1865, pro fer her petition to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county of Huntingdon. praying that for.the cause therein sot forth she might bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you the Bald Tho mas Hoover, We do thtrefore commend yOu,said THOMAS HOOVER as before commanded, that Bettingasido all other Liminess and excuses whatsoever, You be .and appear in your own proper person before our Judges at - Huntingdon, at our countycourt of Common. Pleas, there to be hold for the said county on the second Monday of April .next, to an swer tho petition or libel of "tho said Annie Hoover, amd to show cause if any you hove, why the said Annie Hot, ver. your wife ' should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, agreeably to Glenda of the General Assembly of the,Commonwealth in smolt case made and provided, and hereof fail not. Witness the Honorable George Taylor, Esq.. President of our said court, at Huntingdon, the nineteenth doy of January, 1.0 p.. : ir.C.VAGONER, • .., - -• I • - • '-Prothonotary. QUER - 01"S SALES—By"virtue of sundry writiof Vendi tiord. Ex. to rue directed, I will expose tO .public sale oroutcry, at the Court House, in tho borough. of Ilitilngilon, ON MONDAY, 13rn DAY of AUGUST, A. D. 1266, at 2 o'clock, P. N., the following described property to wit A farm ; tract, or parcel ; of land situ ate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, Donna., bounded and described as fidloirs r On the north by lands' of Daniel Logan,. cost by Hoek Furnace, south by William Lairds and on the west by Hugh LCook, con taining one hundred acres, 'more or less, seventy-fire of which aro cleared, the balatico in timber with log house and log barn thereon erected. Soloed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property, of George D. Eyster. ' Also—All that certain lot of ground situatoin McConnellstown, in the county of Huntingdon, Fenno., bounded and described os follows: On the north and east by lot of IVileon D. Watson, on the Routh bypnb- Ile road and west by lot of Wilson D. Watson, containing 2614 perches and haying a house and other buildings thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to ho . sold as the property of Henry •` Also—About 50 acres of land, more or less, - situated in West township, bounded:and described as follows': Adjoining lands of lilies Lewis on the south, Hobert Moro on the west. John Alain On the east, with two log houses and log barn. Seized, taken in execution and to be troldas the property of A:Mary-Ewing and Rawl IL Ewing. • , • • ' • • ANo--All the right, title and inter est of defendant in and 'to the following described tract, piece or parcel of land situate in West township, contain. lug fifty acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of Mike Lewis on the sontli;gobert Moors on the west and John Mottle on the ewit, having thereon erected two log dwell ing houses and a log barn. - Seized, taken in execution, and to ho sold as the property of Samuel 11. Ewing. AlsoAll . tnat certain lot of ground situate' itibfcConnellatown in the County of Huntingdon ' Penna., bouhded and de - scribed as follows: On the north - and egst by lot p r Wilson 13. Watson, on the south: by public road and west Wilson 11. Watson, containing perches and havlrig a house and other outimilding , theta on. eelzeitt taken in execution and to be cold us the pro perty of Henry Smith, NOTICE TO PORCIIA9ER9.—BidderS at Sheriff's Sales will take notice that immediately upon the property Whig 10/eked down, fifty per cent. of all bids under, $lOO, and twenty-five per cent. of all bids over that ens, must be paid to the Sheriff, or the property will be set sap again and cold to other bidders who will comply with the above terms. Ircourt continuos two weeks deed acknowledged on Wednesday of second week, One week's court, property knocked down du Monday and deed acknowledged on the follou;Ing Saturday. JAS. F. lIATIIIIRST, . • Sunarr's Ovrzce, Nun tingdou, July 10, 18013. .IWar Per neat JOB - PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, " at Iltm tingdon, Pa, MZZM