The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 11, 1866, Image 1

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£lLrco mouths
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
• One !rimers (10 linesjor less.s 75 sl 2 _s $l6O
Two squares, • 160 200 300
Three equares, 2 25 3 00 4 50
3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
ins square, or less 0 4 00 • $6 00 CIO OD
rwo squares, 6 00 9 00 15 00
Ihreo squares, 0 00 12 00 0 0 00
Four squares 10 00 • 15 00 0 5 00
11010 a column, 15 00- 0 0 00..........30 00
One column 20 00 35 00.... 60 00
Professional and Business Eitrde not exceeding six lines ,
One year nb 00
A d ministrators' and Executors' Notices, , c° 60
Auditors' Notices, 2 00
Estray, or other chart Notices 1 50
i 5 -Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About
richt words constitute a line, so that any person coo ea
sily calculate a square in manuscript.
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
i,rding to these terms.
Onr prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
are also illerell,e.l.
militate of the 'University of Pennsylvania, bay
fog located at Warriorsmark, offers his professional Bet
vices to the people of the town nod vicinity. Ito will re
care night calla at Chiunberlln'a Hotel.
May 10, 1566-31 n.
Having, permanently located at Huntingdon, offers
liis protl...,,iona I services to the community.
Heine, the same as that lately occupied by Pr. Laden,
an Hill street. nplo,lStiii
Office in room lidely occupied by T. Simpson Af.
idtm, offers Lie scrvico to citizens of Huntingdon and
Ty. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his
professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity. Oftico on Hill street, one door cast or Iteed's
Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55.
WARR SPRINGS, a fashionable
summer resort, five miles north of llnntingdon.
Es tenth° accommodations. W. J. Geissinger. Proprietor
TOYER, & GARNER, Dealers in Dry
Coois, Groceries, de., Markleaborg station.
the Niagara Insurance company, Huntingdon.
(IEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots,
Shoes, °niters, &c., Huntingdon.
I.,ti proprietors ‘,,don of
ill B. BRUMBAUGH & CO., deal
VA • era in fancy and staple goods, Marklosburg
WM. LEWIS & CO, Family Gro
ceries, Provision and Feed Store, Runt., Pa.
3.lARtrii & BRO.
Dealers In Dry Goods, Queonswaro, llsrdwaro,
boots, Shoes, &c.
WM. LONG, Dealer in Candies,
Nuts, Family Groceries, Sc., Huntingdon, Pa.
Merchants, Huntingdon, Pa.
AITII ART 0N• & 111 A.G Ul R hole
y' sale and retail in foreign and domestic
Hardware, Cutlery, ,tc., Railroad street, Huntingdon.
kjeIHAS. 11. ANDERSON, Dealer in
all kiwis of Lumber, &e., Huntin g don, Pa.
Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Hunt
Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Eats and Caps,
A_./. Dealer In Dry Good ',Groceries, Hardwaro, Queens
ware. Hats nod Caps, Boots ;I.d Shoes, ho.
SE.HENRY & CO., Wholesale and
. Detail Dealers in Dry abods, iiroceries, Hardware,
Qncemmare, nio Provbion3 of all kinds, Huntington.
M. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and
Shoes,in the Diamond, Iluntingdou, Pa.
TOIIN 11. WESTBBOOK, Dealer in
Boot:, Sims, Hosiery, Confectionery, Huntingdon.
v ENTER,. Dealer in Groceries_ .aud.
Provitionl of all kinds, Huntingdon, ra.
Manufacturers of Brougher's patent Broom Head or
Wrapper, Huntingdon..
. Plain 31111 Ornamental Marllo Manufacturer.,.
IJ TM AN & CO., Dealers in ltCady
math, Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa.
1) M. GREENE, Dealer in Musieonu
o. sic:A Instruments, Sewing Machines, Huntingdon.
SIIOE3IAKEII, Agent for the Ma
•gic Star Liniment, Huntingdon, Pa.
R . ALLISON MILLER, E s ff - e-
Hag removed to the brick Row oppoeito tho Court Mauer.
April 13,1859.
Office removed to opposite the Franklin
Houle in the old bank building, Hill street, Huntingdon.
April 10, ltiGti.
THE subscribers having leased this
hotel, may occupied by Mr.McNulty, aro prepared
to accommodate strangers, travelers, and citizens in good
sty le. Every effort shall be made on our part to make all
who stop with us feel at home. J. J. lc. J. D. FEE,
may2,lS6G Proprietors.
"JiarAxxxtimig;cl.4o•23. 9 I.
11AYE purchased and entirely ren
ovate.] the large atone and brick building opposite
ties Peam-ylvania Railroad Depot, and hove now opened It
for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car
pets. Furniture, Beds and Redding are all entirely new
and fint class, and I am Hate in eayiug that I can offer ac
commodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania.
[k3-I refer to my patrons who have formerly known
to while in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel and :lack
Ploy 16, 186&-tf.
OFFICE—In the brick row, opposite the Court House.
may 3.1866
Mee on Hill street.
Soldiers Claims against the Government for Back ray
Bounty, Widows' and Invalids' Pensions attended to with
great care and promptness.
ALL who may have any ehtims a
gainst the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and
'commis, can have their claims promptly collected by ap
plying either in persie or by letter to
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863.
r ho name of this firm has been ehanff
ed from SCOTT 6; BROWN, to
under which name they will hereafter conduct their
practice as
PENSIONS, and all claims of soldivrsondlioldiers' heir
against the Government, will ho promptly prosecuted.
May 17, latiti-tf. .
A. ar.sttoc . r. J. SEWELL STEWIOT. P. 51. LYTLE.
rpm: firm of Benedict &.; Stewart has
Iwou changed to
under which muno they will hereafter practieu as
They lain aho giro careful attention to Mu collcctiou
c,f lailitary and othcr Chau. agaiti,t (Liu or tint•
0N.,11,1 ,olpiu
• !ha Court Howl,1,1,1•0i
I - 2 CO
1 00
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor • and Proprietor.
AMJA nn MAnNotTA.—The prettiest thing, the "sweetest
thing,' and the most of it fur the least money. It ever
collies the odor of perspiratiLlll; softens nod muds delicacy
to the skin; is a delightful perfume; allays headache and
inflanunation, and is a necessary companion in the sick
room, in the nursery, and upon the toilet sideboard. It
can be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle.
8...ay./Spring Wider, told by all Dr tiggists.
S. T.-1860.—X.—The amount of Plantation Bitters
sold in ono year is somethiag startling. They would fill
Broadway six feet high, from the Park to 4th street.—
brake's manufactory is one of the institutions of N. York.
t is said that Drake painted all the rocks in the eastern
States with his cabalistic "S.T.-1860.—N," and then got
the old granny legislators:to pass a law "preventing die
figuring the face of nature," which gives hint a monopoly
IVe do not know how this is, but wo do know the Planta
tion Bitters sell as no other article over did. They are
nsed by all ela.sses of the chhnnunity, and aro death on
Dyspepsia—certain. They are very invigorating:when
languid and weak, and a great appetizer.
Saratoga ..pring flitter, sold by all Druggists.
"In lifting the hettle from the fire I scalded myself very
severely—one hand almost to a crisp. Tho torture was
unbearable. * * * The Mexican Mustang Liniment
relieved the pain almost immediately. It healed rapidly,
and left very little sear.
Cuss. FOSTER, 420 Broad st., Hada."
This is merely a sampla of what the Mustang Liniment
will do. It is invaluable in all eases of wounds, swellings,
sprains, outs, bruises, sparing, Ito., either upon man or
Beware of counterfeits. Nona is genuine unless wrap.
pod in fine steel plate engravings, beating the signature
of U. W. Westbronk, Chemist, and the private stamp of
.1/Eviss BARNES S Co., New York.
Saratoga Spring Meer, sold by all Da!uggisbi.
All who value a beautiful head of hair, and its prover
va ion front tuentatare babbless and turning gray, will
not fail to uso hyou's celebrated IDffltniron. It makes the
hair rich,, soft and ghesnerallicates dandruff, and MIMI,
OM hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold eve
iywhero. L. TIIOIIAS LYON, Chemist, N.Y. '
Saratoga Spring 'Water, sold by all Druggists.
WITAT Dln IT ?—A young lady, returning to liar country
1101110 niter a sojourn of a few months iu New York, was
hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a rustic,
Bushed face, she had a soft, ruby complexion, of almost
marble smoothness; and instead of 22, she really appear•
ed but 17. She told them plainly she used Ifagan's Vag.
nolia Balm, and would net be without it. Any lady can
improve her personal appearance very mach by using
this article. it can be ordered of any Druggist far only
fill cents.
&trot gun Spring Wider, sold by all Druggists.
Heimslreet's inimitable.flair entering has been steadi
ly growing in no , nr fur over twenty years, It nets :upon
the tileombents at the roots of the hair, owl changes it to
its original e e loe by degrees. All instantaneous dyes
Ileitustreehiounit it ,tyr,
but is eertain in its re:silts, promotes its griMAJ,_,,,m
beautiful Hair pressing. Price SO eents and $l,OO. Sold
by all dealers.
Sareloga bin•ing 11Ider, sAI by all Dr
LYON'S ExPI:ACP OP Prop JAMAICA Hisser.—for Tutlige.,
lion. Nausea, Heartburn, Sick Headind to, Cholera 3lurbns,
&0., whore a warming, genial stitnulant Iv required. Its
careful preparation and teak , : purity make it a cheap rind
reliable article for culinary purposes. Sehl everywhere
at 50 cents per bottle.
Strataga Spring Meter, sold by nil Druggists.
the above articles for sale by S.:S. SMITH,
Huntingdon, Penna.
are prepared to do all kinds of Mantua Making, and all
Binds of plain sewing.
Both have had great experience in the sewing line, and
respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, and espe
cially that of the Ladies.
Tere room is on Railroad street in the rear of Fisheye'
Gentlemen's and oilier Shirts, Ladies' and Children's
Dresseii promptly toads to order.
Slay in, inns.
[AS. A. BROWN is Agent for the
sale of our Nails and Spikes, at Huntingdon, Pa. It
Is swell known that the Dmicannun Nails too far superior
in quality tunny others offered in.t he Huntingdon market
DEALERS, BUILDERS, and consumers generally swill
be supplied in quantities from on€ pound to ono hundred
kegs at:nmunfteturers' prices by sending their orders or
calling at Isis new mannunthliardwaru store, 'Hunting
don, Pa. [nplo] DUNCANNON IRON CO.
The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon,
Xand is prepared to purchase, or repair in the
best style, and expeditiomly, broken
All articles intrusted to blot will be returned to the
residence of the owner an soon as repaired. Umbrellas
and parasols for repair can he left at Lewis' Book store.
may2,l.s6Gtf WM. EENTIMAN.
Mixed Pickles, Tomatoo Catsup, Poppet... Luce, &c., to
for sole at Lewis & Co's Eunily•Grocery.
CHOICE Dried Peaches, Apples,
V./Currants, Prunes, Cabßins, &c., &C., for solo nt
LEWIS & CO'S Family Grocery.
_a_wholesalo and retail, at
ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and
jj cheapest assortment iu town, at .
D. P. ("WIN'S.
Vf largo assortment at
joaiwa s s on bond nt
CUNNING HAM & ill - ON' S.
_A SALT at CU:I'M NORA M c 6111 MON'S.
,ticonstantly an band at
BOOTS AND MODS, of 'every va
;17 , CLOTTIINEI from mo in Hun ti ngilon at
W11QLE5.6.141.; as diem, ns they con in tho
Wes, is I have a - wholesnlo iitoro Philadelphi 4
Wahl . in hooka, Stationery and Minion' Inatru
=Lento, linntingdon, In.
ruled, for tal,3 iL
Ltt g reatly minced prices.
A. (.Ivo, - .llly in 0, in tho S. - ..h0013 of the Coni.fy,rnd
LOA. furni•htd 1 , , order. 00 “pplicAin -, 0 at.
• .
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Our Correspondence
WILLIAMSBURG, Juno 29, 1806
DEAR GLOBE :—Having sojourned in
"ye ancient borough" some months—
sufliciontly long at least to form many
acquaintances,and very favorable opin
ions of your town and institutions—
we were extremely loth and reluctant
to retire from so many fine associations
to take up our abode in this historic
town of the Juniata, not that ,wo dis
like this placo, but that wo admire
the "old corporation" more.
Williamsburg is situated on the riv
er Juniata, at the north-oast terminus
of Morrison's Covo, and has associated
with it, many phases of history. It
is neatly laid out, with wide streets,
and contains many handsome residen
cos and public buildings. Among the
latter wo might name M. E., Presby
terian and Catholic Churches, which
for style and architectural appearance,
would do justice to some of our more
pretending towns. There aro in all,
as nearly as wo have discoVerod, ten
stores, two hotels, anthracite furnace,
and many other useful establishments,
which together with an Academy,
Good Templars and Odd Fellows lod
ges, makes it rather attractive than
otherwiso. The latter, •with the fine
churches, in comparison to the paucity
of hotels and drinking saloons, arguCs
much for the moral and intellectual
character of the citizens.
Though we cannot boast a Castilian
or Eureka, a cornet and string band,
Base Ball clubs, and many other anus.
sing institutions with which your town
is so happily blessed, yet alt in all, it
is rather an admiring place. The ma
jestic hills, the broad expanse . of the
great cove, the gentle murmuring of
the blue Juniata, whose fertile banks
are crowned with stately timber, peer
ing-but from among the green foliage
of which aro the renowned Indian or
Steeple Rocks towering far above the
church steeples, upon whose rugged
peaks no civilized foot, in all probabil
ity, has ever-stood. These all corn
bilmAr._,,hui.t. the dull_ monotony of
the town, and would make a magnifi
cent subject for the pencil of an artist.
Noff's spring, by which name it is
known, is another of nature's grand
designs. This spring issues from the
foot of a hill in the south-west part of
the town, on the property of Mr. John
K. Neff. This powerful, though not
valuable body of water discharges its
limpid waters into a large basin of,
about GO feet square, neatly and artis
tically gotten up, which wish the fine'
foliage and handsome buildings, with
which the surroundings arc adorned,
indicate the good taste of the proprie
tor. From this reservoir it is convey
ed, and employed in running a saw
mill, tannery, grist mill, foundry, and
furnace, when it empties into the Ju
niata, and serves for like power in its
onward coarse to the great deep. We
have often thought that to place this
spring in the hands of your townsman,
Col. E. C. Summers, he would not only
make a Castilian but a Paradise of re
pose and resort for weary nature, af
ter submitting to the scorching rays'of
a summer's sun.
More anon. W. J. H.
HAGERSTOWN, Mu., Juno 28th, '66
EDITOR "Gaonc."—Thinking that a
fow lines from ono who has been a
reader and admirer of your very pa
triotic shoot, would not be rejected, I
have concluded to &Ito to you and
give you the news as far as possible
from Hagerstown and Maryland. in
general. Hagerstown, the county seat
of Washington County, Maryland ; is a
thriving town of about 3,000 inhabi
tants, containing two printing presses,
a seminary and two academies, and a
great number of stores, &c., generally
found in large towns. The crops in
Maryland generally aro good—in fact
better than last year—though the grain
is not so tall nor so thickly sown as
last year, yet it is. much better filled
and consequently there is an increase.
The farmers have not yet commenced
harvesting but expect to commence
next week. The weather haS been
excellent for harvesting for the last
few days and we hope it shall continuo
so. Politics rage to a greater extent
in this State than in the old keystone,
and Johnson clubs aro being formed
everywhere throughout the State, and
Mass meetings are all the go. The
people of Maryland in general aro op
posed to negro suffrage, and think the
negro shOuld be colonized, for they are
overrun with them hero. The railroad
that is being laid from Hagerstown to
lltirpor's Ferry is progressing finely
and they think it will be finished about
the last of this year; when it will be
at once put in operation. It is what
has long been needed hero to connect
Pennsylvania directly with Virginia,
and the owners are confident of a great
amount of travelling over this road.
L have given you the news I will
close fur 'the prenent by subscribing
myself. YourB
Lotter from the West,
DEAR "Gr,orm."—Aftor a long si
lence, I thought I would drop you a
few lines from this garden-land, so that
you, as well as our old friends in the
east, may know that we still breathe
the delicious of aroma prairie vegetation
and flowers. We have had a very
back ward spring here, and consequent
ly the corn crops aro not so developed
in growth as generally. at this season
of the year. Still, if the weather
should continuo warm and as favera
able as it is at the present writing, we
will have very heavy crops. Our
wheat, barley, oats, and potatoes,prom
iso heavy yields; and with present
prices, will realize large profits to . the
farmer. Wheat sells now, from $1,75
down to $l,OO, according as it is unin
jured or otherwiso by the rains of last
harvest. This country, as it now is
'covered with its rich green carpet, is
truly, "a thing of beauty," and a joy
to tho eyes of all' who appreciate the
grand in nature. Tho Arsenal on the
Island lyingbetween our" Twin Cities,"
is still progressing finely, and will bo a
splendid national work, when finished.
As those know, who have seen it, Rock
Island lies in the "Father of Waters,"
between DavenpOrt and Rock island
cities, about three miles in length, and
from ono to ono mile in breadth, and
at all times above high water mark.
On the point or lower end of this
splendid spot of land, are the ruins of
old Fort Armstrong. tho site of the
transfer of Chieftaincy over the Sac
and Fox tribes of Indians from Black
Hawk to Keokuck. This occurred in
1833, when Davenport was a wilder
ness. Great groves of nativo timber
then covered the ground on both sides
of the river, where now two beautiful
and prosperous cities lift their spires
above the plain. And, here, on this
historical Island was murdered the ex
cellent old Col. Davenport, in his own
house by the fort, amid the quiet of
a Fourth of Jay-, in broad day light,
~ sidkf_i_bn _snifflers_ mut the_few set
tlers around him wore away on Rock
River celebrating the birthday of
We were gratified, a couple of weeks
since, with a visit from our old friends,
Mr. & Mrs. S. T. Brown of your goodly
borough, and last week we had the
pleasure of a call from Dr. Rowan
Clark of Blair County, and Mr. James
T. Scott of Cleveland, Ohio, both orig
inal citizens of your place. To day
-St. John's day—there is a great Ma
sonic festival, procession and picnic, at
Rock Island, and the day is Heavenly
indeed. Wo have had much rain for
the last month, and a great thunder
storm yesterday morning, in which an
Irishman, Patrick Connelly, was killed
by lightning in Rock Island. In re
gard to politics, this State is undoubt
edly radical. T. P. C.
The United States Senator.
The Special correspondent of the Now
York Tribune,writing from Harrisburg,
the other day, gives a very interesting
account of the different candidates for
the United States Senatorship, and
their respective strength. It will be
seen that he awards the votes of Lan
easter county to Mr. Cameron, and
against Gov. Curtjn. In this tho Lan
caster Inquirer thinks he is mistaken,
and says that Gov. Curtin to-day has
fully nine out of every ton Republican
votes in that county. But to the let
ter :
The correspondent says that there
is at present more than usual interest
centering in this usually quiet and
sleepy town, on account of the coming
election, which not only involves a
choice of a Governor, but also that of
a Senator to succeed Mr. Cowan. It
is generally felt that the next House
and Senate will be Republican. There
arc enough men holding over in the
Senate to make a Republican majority,
even if the doubtful Senatorial districts
goDemocratic. The friends of Mr.
Cameron and Mr. Curtin, who are the
Montague and Capulet of Republican
politics in Pennsylvania, are very ac:
tive; and, at the same time, very quiet.
There is among our prominent politi
cians a hesitation to take, ground on
.questions, because, with the
proverbial hesitation of :Pennsylvania
public men, they prefer to wait and see
how the sentiment of tlui people flows.
President Johnson and his "Policy"
have a very strong party, particularly
in those large Democratic counties,
which have, according to . popular tra
dition, voted for Andrew Jackson for
the last thirty years.
The candidates for Senator are Si
mon Cameron, formerly Secretary of
War ; the present Governor, Andrew
G. Curtin ; Thomas Williams and J.
K. Moorhead of Allegheny, now in
Congress; W. D. Kelley of Philadel
phia; Judge Wilmot, and John W.
Porney. Each of thqse c4ndititttes
sanguine of success; and, as they all
have a respectable following of friends,
it is amusing to examine their specula
tions. The leading candidate, Mr.
Cameron, who lives near this. town,
and has a singular personal influence
in the central part of_ Pennsylvania,
owning largo interests in railroad com
panies hero besides being a man of
vast fortune, has lived here for the
greater part of his life. The abuse
heaped upon Mr. Cameron in other
States has not alienated many of his
friends, and they work for him with a
spirit of enthusiasm that is quite mar
velous to those who do not understand
his peculiar relations to the people.
Gov. Curtin is eminently ono of the
most popular men in Pennsylvania,and
has done well during the six years of
his administration. Without any of
those peculiar elements of character,
which make Mr. Cameron, as it were,
the head of a tribe of Highlandmen,
and give him a following as largo and
as devoted as a Celt to his Chief, Gov..
Curtin has a pleasant way about him;
is an amiable, clever—what might bo
called a jolly man—and is untiring on
the stump. Ho is the choice of all
those who are opposed to Mr. Came
ron per so. His main strength lies in
Philadelphia, whore six years of Gov
ernorship .has enabled him to make
many friends by a judicious use of pat
ronage. Gov. Curtin has not taken
any decided action upon the questions
now agitating the country, but is sup
posed to be a Conservative Republi
can. There was a rumor recently that
he was going to Italy, and his friends
now say that the mission has been pla
ced at his disposal by President John
son, but, in the 'event of his success as
Senator, it is hardly possible that ho
will care to have a foreign mission.
Mr. Williams of Allegheny, who
made such a sensation in Congress by
his Reconstruction Speech,is the choice
of the Western Radicals,but his friends
scarcely hope to give him more than a
complimentary vote, and thus place
him on the list of succession to Mr.
_Kelley of Philadelphia, who has a wide
national reputation, and who, next to-
Thaddeus Stevens, is the representa
tive of our Pennsylvania Radicals in
Congress, will be supported . by some
of the northern districts very strongly.
lie may have one or two votes in Phil
adelphia, but I imagine the Cameron
and Curtin influence will entirely elini
inate that.
Mr. Grow, the former Speaker, has
the merit of coming from the northern
districts, which all go Republican, and
will of course exercise a predomina
ting influence in the 'Republioan -cau
ses: The friends of Mr. Grow think
that, in case of an "irrepressible con
flict" between Curtin and Cameron, he
will be taken up as a kind of compro
mise candidate.
This is also the hope of Col. Forney
and his friends. Col. Forney has the
advantage of having been - first in the
field, and is making strenuous exer
tions to secure the nomination. His
speech at Lebanon, the night before
last, was the beginning of his canvass,
and L am told that he is about to trav
el through tho State in the interest of
Geary and himself. Lancaster county
will go for Cameron, although Forney's
friends have had hopes that his native
town would give him its influence. In
Philadelphia, I imagine ho will reedy()
no votes, as be is not personally as
well known as either Cameron or Cur
tin, and has made as many enduring
enmities as either, by the strong sup
port he gavo I'residont Johnson dur
ing the first part of his administration,
and the equally strong condemnation
ho has heaped upon it since. Mr. Mc-
Michael, the preSent mayor of Phila
delphia, is tho choice of the Union
League of that city, one . of tho most
powerful political organizations in the
country, wielding a vast social influ
ence, and commanding immense
of money. lle is the candidate of Pro
tection, and, although straight upon
tho record, is inclined to Conservative
Another candidate is Winthrop W.
Ketcham, from Wyoming, of whom
less is known, but report speaks favor
ably. He has served several terms in
the Tiegislature, and has been the con
stant choice of his section for Senate.
lie began active life as a school teach
er in Philadelphia, and then settled as
a lawyer in Wyoming ()inlay, Nlrlacire
his influence as a politician is command-
The canvass is exciting very great
interest here just now, and I send you
this weed that you may hu informed
of - what is going on. As new devel
opments arise, I shall acquaint you
from time to time, for the quesllon of
the Senatorship of 1867 is the knotti
est probleM that has, yet 1.?eoll pro
pohnded even to Peunsylvaaia
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
Interesting Congernifig the Chinese.
In an article recently contributed
to the Fortnightly Review by Sir John
Bowring, appear some traits of Chi--
nese character. Sir John's travels and
residence in China made himintimate
ly acquainted with the habits and foib
les of this strange people, and his des
criptions aro given , in a very interest
ing and attractive narrative.
It is not uncommon in China, when
a criminal is sentenced to death for his
offenses, to obtain a substitute, who,
for a reasonable compensation, say
five or fix hundred dollars, will act as
the prisoner's proxy in undergoing the
death penalty. The authorities read
ily permit the substitution, because by
their laws, so justice is vindicated in
the person of somebody, it is a matter
of supreme indifference Whether he is
the offender or not.
On one occasion six Englishmen
were brutally murdered at a small viL
lago on the Pearl river. The English
Government insisted on the punish
ment of the mudorers, and six men
were publicly beheaded. It was, very
certain they had nothing to do with
the crime, and the Chinese know it,
but being unable to catch the true
murderers they thought _the English
would bo equally as well satisfied (as
they would have been under similar
circumstances)' with the lives of six
other men.
Some. Chinese troops once fired up
on the British settlement of Shanghai.
No injury was done, but the act was of
a character which might haft) led to
serious consequences. A complaint
was mado to the great mandarin. On
entering his tent the Englishman found
six Chinese soldiers It neelingby his side.
Close at hand was an executioner, and
the huge, heavy swords' were visible
which ho usually employed in his work
"It was quite right to complain," said
the mandarin ; "it was quite fit those
who had committed the outrage should
be visited witiethe punishment. In
quiries had been made and it was
quite likely the mon present wore guil-
_ .
neighborhood. Utter the
. wor - an
their heads shall fall at your feet ."
Both the mandarin and the terrified
soldiers were surprised (the latter
equally so) when the English asked
tho release of the men, because unwil
ling that the innocent should suffer vi
cariously for the guilty. The manda
rin dismissed the eoldiers, merely tell
ing them that they owed their lives to
the clemency of the "outside barbari-.
ans." .
When tho French embassy was go
ing up the Peihean outrage was com
mitted- on a Frenchman by a China
man, who Was arrested, and condemn
ed to death. A deputation waited on
the ambassador,bringing with them an
old,man whom they wished to, ho hang
tad instead of thc man who had commit
ted tho offense. They said it would
no difFerenco to the ambassador wheth.
the old man or the young was exocu
ted. Tho death of either would show
that pUnishment would follow injuries
of that character done to tho French.
They wero told that European usages
required that the criminal should suffer
for the crime. The next day they came
to offer "a better bargain" to the am
bassador, and brought two mon to of
fer in oxpiationnf the offense of ono.
They have manufacturers of false
noses in China, but none of false teeth.
A mandarin who was anxious to learn
something about the making of teeth,
produced .to Sir John Bowring a box
full of artificial noses, of various sizes
and colors, with which he supplied the
defects of his own. He said he used
one sort of nose before another after
his meals, and insisted that the Chi
nese ingenuity was greater than .that
of the English,
It used to be believed in China that
no pure metal was produced outside
of the Celestial Empire, and that coins
brought from afar, would in process
of time be converted, by natural moans
into base metal, or something worse.
ATerson was charged with stealing
his mastor's money; ho did not deny
having had the custody of the dollars,
but swore they had bopu eaten by
white ants. Keshen Chinos° sago):
was directed by the Emperor to give
his opinion as to tho quality of the
brought to China by foreigners, and
these are his words :
"The foreign money brought from
those outer nations is all boiled and
reduced by quicicsilver: If you wrap
it up and lay it asido for several years
without touching it, it will be turned
into moths and corroding insectS, and
the silver cups made from it by these
barbarians will change into feathers."
Probably Kosher, had read in our
ti mired scriptures that "moth and rust
du corrupt," and of dm criches" which
"make to themselves wings wad fly
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• . .
BABELS, &0., &L, &ff
NO. 2.
Faces on the Battle Field.
- [From Dlckpute Alt tho Yetir Round
After the battle of. Inkerman thy
faces of many of the dead still wore a
smile, while others had a threatening
expression. _ Some lay stretched .on
their backs,' as if friendly hands pre
pared their burial. Some were still
resting on one knee, their hands grasp.
ing their muskets. .In some instances•
the cartridge, remained between the
teeth, or the musket was held in one•
hand, and the other was uplifted LIB•
though to ward off a blow or appeal-•
ing to Heaven. The faces of all were:
pale as, though cut in marble. As the•
„wind swept across the battle, field it
waved the hair, and gave the bodies
such an appearance of life that a spec
tator could hardly help thinking they
were about to rise to continue the
Another surgeon, describing the ap•
pearanee of tho corpses on the field of
Magentic says that they furnish indu
bitable proof that man may cease to
exist without suffering the least pain.
Those struck on the head generally lay
with their faces on the, ground, their
limbs retaining the position they were
in at the intant they were struck, and
most of these still hold thoir rifles,
showing that when a ball entered the
brain it causes such a sudden contrac
tion of the muscle -.that f,there is not
time for the hand to loose its hold of
the weapon before death.
Another peculiarity observed in the
case of those who were wounded in
the brain was the suddenneis with.
which they died, even when suspected'
to be out of danger. Daring the bat
tle of Solferino, a rifleman was woun
ded in the head by a ball which passed
through the skull and buried itself, itt•
the brain. His wound was dressed,.
and he. was stretched on straw, •with•
his head resting, on his knapsack, like
his wounded comrades. Ho retained
the full use of his faculties, and'
chatted about his wound almost with
indifference, as he filled his pipe and+
lay smoking it. .Nevertheless, before
he liqd finished it, death came'• upon•
same attitude, with his pipe'heitween -
his teeth: He bad' never uttered a
cry, or given any sign that he was suf
fering pain. In cases where the ball
bad entered .the heart, nearly thesarne
appearances were presented as in the
cases of those who had been struck in.
the brain ; death was -what we term.
instantaneous, but it was not quite so
swift 'as in the former case; there was.
generally time for a movement in the
act of dying.
There was a Zouavo, - who had been
struck full in the breast ; he was lying
on his rifle, the bayonet was fixed,and
pointing in such a way as showed that
he was in the act of charging when
struck: His head was - uplifted, and
his countenance still born a threaten
ing appearance, as if ho had merely
stumbled _and fallen,and was in the act,
of rising again. Close •by him lay an
Austrian foot soldier,. with - - clasped
hands and uplifted eyes, who had died
in the act of praying. - Another foot
soldier had' fallen dead as ho was in
the act of fighting, his fists were clos
ed, one arm.was in tho act of warding.
•off a blow, and the other was drawn ,
back in the act of striking. On another
battle field several French soldiers lay
iu a lino, with their bayonots.pointing
in the direction of the foe they were
advancing against, when • a storm of
grape mowed them down.
amusing incident occurred at the de
pot in Manchester, N. II:, on Monday,
which has boon related - to us by an
eyewitness. A train had just arrived
with a detachment of New Hampshire
soldiers. A blooming maiden who was
present for the purpose of welcoming:
her long absent soldier lover, earight4
sight of him, and, with outstreehed,;
arms, started to embrace him. Yost at
that moment the crowd had become scs
great that the soldiers were pressed;
aside, and the lady; missing her oalcu7.
lations, caught qnothor bronzed h@ro•
in her arms, at the same time giving
him a rousing "smack." The soldier,
who had never retreated on the battle ,
field, started baelf. with - fright, exclaim-,
ing, as he did so, "Who io the d-- , 1
are you 7" The large prowd in attend
ance, while they sympathized with the
lady in her mistake, could not represa
a hearty laugh at her exponse.—Ver;
mitt Record. • '
JilEr Says the _iiropoini Times: Noth
ing eanshowmore• strongly the adapta,
bility of the Alinericaus for all pursuits
than the ease with which all the mon
of note in
_the late war .haye slidc3cl
from the military into commercial life,
and the same may be said of the great
body of the soldiers en mach side,
Women• think, lika historian%
that no age 14 so barbarous as the mitt
(Ito abed